AILY EDITION.- O l mm t m XIHTUR NI rKOPRlKTORS. Th As - mevi ' ' . 1 Year. 9.00 - ' O Moa., 3.00 fGUKU 1. 1 ear ..u-.r - " O Moa., .70 ADVSllTISIXG RATES LOW. 'A.: A.:S.: Kile 'Mamra. J. Wakefield Cort land, aid dtfr., Deputy ot the Inspector General for North Carolina. ifv iiw..ioVrjf, No. 5. J. A. Por:er Kmlnent Commander; Jordan Stone. Secretary. Meetnrst Wednesday nijjht lu each inonth. ' AihrvUie Vhtw, K. A. M.U. 0. Fagg High fnest; S. Ha-jiuiershlag, Secretary, Meet o wnnd Wednesday night In each mouth. Ml. fl-rinm Lt No. IIS. A. F. A A. X. A.J. Bl- ir- Worshipful Master; Blanton " -tcntrj. ll-'eu the tirst Friday night iu eaoh loath. &wainuxi isKigt, A", o; if.. No. 646. E. Levy. Dictator : Jordan Stone. Secretary. ..leelK the 'irsit and third Monday nights in each ""prinlrh BriKtd Council, No. 701, B. A. S. Ll plnsky. Recent : Jordan Stone, Secretary. Meets o the hall of the Knights of Honor on the second ud fourth Monday nights in each month. Afheville fodne A. F.&A.M.V. D.J Wake field Cortland, W. M-; J. A. Conant, 8ec. Meet in Masonic Hall third ThursdaT nierit In each month at 8 o'clock, anil 1st and 4th Thuraday night for instruction. The Atheville Public Library, over Mr. Kep ler's Store, opposite Eagle Hotel, and next door to The Bank of Asheville. ia open to vis itor from IS a. m. to 1 p. m. and from 4:30 to ISO p.m. Absolutely Pure. This powder never vanes. A marvel of purity, tan tho nrHirtdrv IrinriH nnH nnnnnt hA silii In ruiivin anil uinitiiHiirniiiiw. miiim axi uiriiTi ir'Hi kmrwtiliAn with thp ninltitnila nf Inw tpot ahnrt an. KOYAL BAKIMU fOWDEB CO., IW wall St.. New York. ianl9-d&wl2m COMPOUND OXYGEN. MMJMTCHELL V?lCMHn F.agU Block, OS .Hate 81. ASHEVILLE, N. C- Componnd Oxvgen inhaled, in connection with medicated Balsam Vapor, cures Consump tion, Asthma, Bronchitis, Nasal Catarrh, Sore Throat. Loss of Voice, Diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, Bladder, and all diseases depending on ropure or impoverished blood. It cures Rheumatism when everything else falls. It is the only remedy that will permanently cure Chronic Nasal Cat-urh. If ycu suffer from this loathsome and dangerous disease come to oar office and investigate our treatment. It will cure you, no matter how long you have suffered. No charge for consultation. There is no statement in the above which is not strictly true you may rely upon every word. We can prove all and more. If we believe your case incurable, we will . frankly tell you so. We do not wish to treat you If we cannot help you. We also treat all diseases of the Kectum, or Lower Bowels, snch as Hemorrhoids (Plies), Fis sure, Fistula, Prolapsus, etc. The treatment is always successful, and nearly always painless. We cure without tiie one of the kn.lo, and u a few days. No loss of time trorn busimss or pleas ure. Abhevii.i.e, X. C, May 7, 1887. It is with real pleasure that I express toj'.the public mv sense of obligation to. Drs. Harga- & Gatchell for relief given me from a most annoy ing, and at times paii ful, case of Piles. - I bad been a suBerr r Irom this complaint for several years, and dt 'ing that time it bad been a constant source of annoyance. In March last I began a course of treatment under D a. Hargan A'jatehell which resu'ted iu a speedy enre. Since my discharge from theii office I hare suffered no pain or inconvenience whatever. 1 take pleasure in saying further that in my Intercourse with Drs. Hargan dc Gatchell I found tbem true gentlemen in every respect and well worthy of the .confidence of the people in general and the alUictcd in particular. W. U. AK1-.KM. HOME TREATMENT, We manufacture the Componnd Oxygen, and ship it to all parts of the country, even to the Pacific Coast. We sen d apparatus and chemicals o last two months for 113. This ia as valuable as the office treatment. The wonderful curative results obtained with thla treatment is astonishing even to us. If you with to learn more of tltu treatment, and our tuccett in the enre of Chronic Diteanet, write or call for Ulustratrtl boot explaining treatment jree. DRS. HARGAN fc GATCHELL, 62 Vain Street, Asheville, N. C. June3-dawU 'puis TRAVELING PUBLIC SATS . NATHAN, Thou Art the M an. For bnylng and selling Excursion and cut rat Itcze at exoeeaingiy sow ntea vo mi pomis. Ticket Scalner. Office, Eagle Hotel Barber Shop. mara oom L. BRIGHT, AGENT FOR GM DRESSED LUMBER. IINGLKS LATHS, AND ALL KINDS OF ING MATERIAL. Promptly Filled. . TARD bear thk depot. SyiLLE, N. C. -I L (If . a i I ' y ISM, J VOL III. NO 68. DAILY EDITION; THE DA1XY CITIZEN Will be published every Morning (ex cept Monday) at the following rates itrtetly catn : One Year, . . . 00 Six Months, - . . 3 00 Three " . . . . 1 50 One " . . y. . . 50 One Week, . . . ... 15 Our Carriers will deliver the paper ev ery Morning in every part of the city to our subscribers, and parties wanting it will please call at tne uitizen umce. Hemd your Job Work of all kind to the Citizen Office, if you want it done neatly, cheaply and toill Jitpatch. Arrival nd nepatrtarc of PsMaesisrer Tratlsta. Bausbdrv Arrives S:28 p..m.- leaves for Mor- rlstown at s:4 p. m Tkhnksske-Arrives at 1 p.m., and leaves at 1:10 p m. Arrives at 9:39 p. in., and leaves lor Spartanburg at :a p. m. Bpabtahburo Arrives at 7 a. at.; leaves lor Morristown at 7:10 a. m. freight accommodation leaves Ashevllle at 7:30 a. m., and arrives at 9:40 a. m. - . .-. ;v r and Vrr!vr tuftSC '"' "' Weather Indications. For North Carolina Fair weather, southeasterly winds, nearly stationary temperature. For Tennessee Southerly winds, fair weather, slight changes in temperature, For Virginia Southwesterly winds, slight change in temperature. Go to Weldon's for the largest and best ' Urick J oar' in the city. tf JfcSThe Citizen, with latest Associa ted Press Dispatches will be found regularly at all hotels and news-stands in the city. When the supply may be exhausted at those places, call at the office. We are pleased to learn that Dr. Allen of Waynesville is convalescent, and his friends hope will soon be himself again. Hon. J. L. Robinson, though very weak, shows evident signs of improve ment, which is most pleasing to all his friends. Died, on Menday morning, in Mills River township, Transylvania county, of typhoid fever, Mrs. Malinda Gird wood, wife of W. K. Girdwood, Esq. She leave a husband and two small children. Wayne8"ille's new bank will be in operation in a few days, the safes and vaults, therefor bavins been shipped. This will be a very important addition to our neighboring .own and section. A new bank building will be erected soon. Robert L. Porter, Esq., a prominent merchant of Franklin, and daughter; Geo. II. Sruathers, Esq., of the Waynes ville wmte bulpnur bpnntrs: V. tl. Boyd, of Susong, Boyd & Co., of the Augusta, t-ireenville and Knoxville Kail Road, are in the city.. The Augusta Evening New of the 28th says that Mra.T. P. Branch, accompanied by Miss Mary Branch aud the- children of the family, left on yesterday for Ashe Tille. Dr. A. II. Baket returned this mormon from Henderionville, K. C, where he carried his family last week for the summer. The Waynesville White Sulphur Springs has opened under most encourag ing auspices. The lawn and the drives are beautiful, the hotel as neat as a new pin, and admirably Kept, the water, of course is splendid ana healthful, and a most pleasant crowd is rapidly gatherinc. all of which render this famous place a most delightful place of sojourn; Mr. W. C Jordan, of Mills River, was in to see us yesterday. He reports the crops in his section as better than for years. He also informed us that the dump-car used at the Boilston uold mines, for hauling the ore from the mines, slipped away from the conductor Monday and went down the incline faster than greased lightning. As the car cannot b lound. it is- supposed it passed into nothingness, or is still travelling. If heard of any where east of the mountains information thereof will be gratefully acknowledged. Wkaverviile. . Dr. W W. Wing dropped in on us yes- Urday morning. He is on the . ' wing" figuratively, a good deal; for be is one of the moving spirits of that pretty hamlet, Weaverville, and be do not hold to the adage that "good wiue needs no bush." He had eomethmggood, a pretty. seauest- red littte village, off from the main thor oughfares of travel, no newspaper to blow for it, and no soliciting agent to sound its praises. The Doctor therefore constituted himself newspaper, soliciting agent, puffer general, special corresoi. dent, all in one, and has the pleasure now of having his reward in sight. weaverville is made known, and visitors are nocking to it. It is really a charm ing place, nine miles from Asbeville, North, reached by a beautiful summer road, situated on a level platecu, but in view of high mountains all around. nine or ten miles from the giant Craeev. close to the picturesque Reems' Creek, with endless variation of beautiful drives and picturesque rambles; the village itself pretti'v built, with broad shaded, and pleasantly rural looking street, an intel ligent and courteous population; and what is the uiore immediate concern to the visitor, a very good hotel kept in bounteous and hospitable style by an old friend of ours, W. E. Weaver. We can very, cordially commend Weaverville to those who are in search of comfort independent of the surplus ages of style. - At Law's New Goo do. Just home from New York and a fair sample of all the Spring importations, and American mace novelties and fine goods, are being opened as fast as pos sibie. we nope our mends win come and take away these goods real quickly, We will sell them very cheaply as we have not room to show all the goods now. AH. are' welcome to onr store whether to buy tr look. Call often at Law s,S. Main st Scenery of Asbeville and Western N. C, at Lmdsey s btudio, Mam st, opposite postomce. - . tr . Four office rooms for rent Inqu're at oo b. Main st. tf Kentucky Spring Seat JlcQlellan- Somerset, aud hue khplish Miafter, Saddles, at Jones & Portksh's, tf 19 N. MHu st. ASHEVILLE N.C THE MURDER CASE! STARTLING AND HORRIBLE DE VELOPMENTS DELIBERATE . KILLING WHERE ACCIDENT AVAS PLEAD A FATHER KILLING A MOTHER IN THE PRESENCE OF " HER CHILDREN! V We briefly mentioned yebterday the killing of Maggie King by her husband To:n King, colored. The calamity was then charitably as cribed to culpable carelesness. The slayer admitted the killing ; but his version of accident was taken for the while, because his , well feigned grief forbid the idea of design. His were crocodile tears, and the subset quent patient and thorough exami ration of a cororjfe-!3?"!! nnveUed a brutal . tragedy, enacted - inhe presence of little children the off .spring of the hapless pair. ' A Coroner's jury was summoned, and proceeded to the scene of the murder, about two miles South from the court house. The exami nation began about 3 o'clock -Wed nesday afternoon, and was continued through in the until about 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon when the verdict published below was rendred. We give the following abstract of the testimony : Jane Bailey, sworn and testafies: Lives within 100 yards of King's house; went over to King's house to borrow meat; when 1 got in yard heard quarrelling; did not go in, wen't back home, didn't hear the gun go off, heard quarrelling about meal, knew of no fuss previous, but had known of jealousy by wife against King, bnt they seemed to get along amicably. Maria Clayton, sworn and says: heard gun, stepped outside of the door; heard King holler: she ran to King's house; ''gun had gone off and killed Maggie. Whenphe got to house found Maggie on the floor dead, infant 2 years old on the bed covered with blood. Tom told her he laid gun on the bed; it went off, witness is sister to deceased. Tom was always foolishly fondjabout his wife, sister Wa cross at timen to Tom; had advised her to be paitient; he might leave her; never knew tnem to tight: had quarrels; had known Tom's wife ti ask him to load gun; had known of jealousy but had heard Tom had given cause for it. Tne oldest child, 5 vtars old, says she went to Albert Rowleys, 100 yards off, to get meal. Left mother and father quarrelling. As she reached Kowley s heard the gun. Another child, a girl 3 or 4 vears old, in the house at the time, said "Papa took the gun down from the head of the bed, pointed it at mama and shat Albert Rowley, col., sworn and testified : was in his house, heard re port of the gun, ran out the back way; looked toward King's, and all round for at least two minutes; was satis fid no one was iu sight, while in the act of turning to go back in bouse King ran out ot his house, ex claiming, ''Oh Albert! Albert! ccme! my gun has gone off' and! killed Maggie." Was first one to-be 1 seen. When he got to house, Tom was crying aud wringing his hands. Witness entered the house,, ran to the deceased, lying on the floor. Called'to her to know what was the matter. All he noticed was a move ment of the muscles of the shoulder. She was dead. Then he came to the city to notify the authorities. . Tom wanted to come, but did not. At same time witness instructed that the body be not removed from its position. Witneps knew of no jeal ousy, womea togetner witn King. Miles Carter sworn and testified Wns second to get there the gun was on the bed, the muzzle towards the deceased. - Had known them 3 years. Had passed Tom's 20 min utes before the shooting. Had heard Tom's wife was jealous. . Jury Observationa. lhe house lies North and South, one room, door on each side. North-east and south east corners were beds; stove to right of centre of house, chair on which the deceased was sitting at time of death almost behind stove, between the bed and the gun;jthe feet of de ceased near the door, bead near the south door. After investigation they turned tne corpse over; a large icmte was found; it seemed to drop from the wound; a large pool of blood was on the floor; the knife had been in sorted six inches in the flesh; the point was covered with blood, dried, marking the depth of incision; the chin, throat and vocal organs were blown away, and incision showed that the load or knife had gone down the ti i oat. rhe jury adjourned until 9 a, m. yesterday morning, and -then . re turned to the snot, . accompanied by Dr, A. Watson to assist in the post mortem examination. The jury at 5;30 p. m. formed the following verdict: Stats of North Carolina,) Buncombe county, f Be it remembered, tha: on this the 29th day of June, 1887,1, LA. Harris, Coro ner of the county of Buncombe, attended by a jury of good and lawful men, vii : Theodore Hobgood, foreman. Henry Reyno.ds, R. A. Hunter, T. K. Davis, R. FRIDAY MORNINGr H. McKeeand J. Nowell. by me sum moned for that purpose according : to law, after being by me duly sworn and impaneled, at the dead body in the county aforesaid, did hold an inquest over the dead body of Maggie King, eil , and after examination into the facts and circumstances of the death of the de ceased from a view of the corpse and all the testimony to be procured, the said jury find as follows, that is to say : That the deceased, Maggie King, col., came to her death by gun shot trad by wounds inflicted by a butcher knife in the hands of Thomas King. (Signed) Theodore Hobgood, Henry Reynolds, R. II. McKee, J. Nowell, T. K. Davis, R. A. Hunter. Inauest had and signed and sealed in the presence of I. A. Harm, Coroner of Buncombe county. June 30, 1887. And the prisoner was committed to jail to await . the action of the Grand Jury at the next term of the Buncombe Superior Court. , The weather continita delightful. neither hot nor cold, and at present meets all requirements. riie berry crop in this section is singularly small this year.; and the truitcrop generally is small; even tne aopie crop will be a small one. Messrs. Ray & Shivers have tendered ed the use of their vehicles to the mem bers of the Amateur Athletic Club and the band, who will give a street proces sien at 5 o'clock this afternoon. Don't fail t attend their exhibition at the Banner Warehouse to-night and enjoy the fun. Mr. J. C. S. Timberlake, former ly lessee of the Haywood White Sul pher springs, reached here on Wed nesday evening from Atlanta,. He is one of the passengers injured by the accident on the A. and S. road last fall near Fletchers, and is stfll a sufferer, having received a severe concussion of the spine. He moves with pain and difficulty, hut lcoks well. Ho will be in the mountains some weeks. Died ; In this city on Wednesday night Eileen Louisa, infant daughter of L. A. and L. B. Bailey, of Greensboro. The remains were taken yesterday to Greensboro for interment. Passenger Rates for the Fourth of -July. On the National Anniver ary round trip tickets will be put on sale at all the stations on the Wfes tern North Carolina Division of the R. fe D. road for one regular fare. tickets on July 2d, dd and 4tb good to return, krul including July 7th. More Room. The complaints of sufficient ac commodation at the Asheville pas senger depot are now partially re moved by the transfer of the officers rooms to the brick building south of the depot, and the transformation of these -apartments into rooms for passengers. Ladies and invalids will fully appreciate this separation from the general crowd, and the provision of distinct accommoda tion. " Haywood White Sulphur. There have been sixty six arriva's at this place since the season open ed on the 18th. including, visitcis from dis'ant parts of the Union. The current has set in and the house will soon be filled under the knowl edge that ' it is well kept. A large crowd is expected in July, and eii-j gagements are made running up into September. Too much can not be said of the charms ot theHav wood White Rulphur Springs. Closing on the Fourth. The bird of liberty will be let loost. A large number of merchants have signed an agreement to dose their doors on Monday, we win publish lhe names or the signers to-morrow. Habeas Corpus. . ' Yesterday Pink Aiken, olored, one of the. parties indicted at the present term of the Superior Court t r participation m the murder or foreman, colored, a few weeks since, and now under con finement in jaP pending legal proceed ings in the case, sued out a writ of habeas corpus. The writ is returnable before Judge Merrimon at a day not yet fixed 'Do Men Gather Figs ok -Thistles.' No more can they be exp- ctcd to re ceive good returns in agriculture when old and poor seeds have been sown To do the one would be quite as difficult as the other. Landreth'e new crop Tnrnip Seeds have just been received at-Helliam'a Pharmacy, and they are going off rapidly to be sure. No old turnip seds in oni stock, kept over from last season, but pur i i - , i m : tl' . j - ; . anil rcuituiB xuriiif oojub jubv icwjuwi. Selling very low ' rELHAM a fHARAMACV, d3m 48 South Main st. Avoid by all means the use of calomel for bilious complaints. Ayer s t-atliartic Pills compounded entirely of vegetable ingredients, have been tested for forty vears. and are acknowledged to be the best rempdy ever devised for torpidity of the liver, costivenees, and an derange ments of the digestive apparatus. tl - , .- .. : ';. LadibV Leapino-Horh Side A fine lot just arrived at - Jones & Portner's, tf -. 19 North Main st Picture frames fine and cheap at Lind- sey's Stndio, Main at, opposite postoffice. rsrFTamrton and Featherston's read' in? room has been tastefully arranged for tie convenience of guests, and late papers from every section of the country are to be found daily on the tables dtf as; f THl . f 4 LETTER. Tf'ue Bills Against Murderers. By telegraph to the Ashevllle Citizen- .Jackson, Miss., June 30. The Grand Jury in their report yester day -brought in true bills against Jones S. Hamilton and L. W. Eu bank s for the murder of R. D. Gam brell, on May 5th, at Jackson, Miss. lhe case ot Aiorecnt, who was placed unber bonds in the same connection, is now under considera tion. Very possibly if the case is trid this term, a change of venue will be obtained. Another Strike Threatened. ; (By telegraph to tht Asheville Citizen.) ' Pitts btrg, Pa., June 30. A strike is threatened at the Fortenayrc Rail road shops in Alleghany City which i likely to throw out of employ ment between 400 and 500 men. Tee trouble is caused by a new style ot box car in which there is almost twice as much labor on as in the ordinary cars. The men iefuse to work on them unless their wages are advanced.' Yesterday sixteen car penters . quit work. Sympathy xor strikers is very strong in the other departments ;. and unless there is a settlement a general stike is proba ble. :o: Another Morey Trick The Jeff Davis Forged Letter Who is the Au thor. " l By telegraph to the Akheville Citizen Chicago, June 30. A Timet spe cial from Danville, 111., says : Re- aniios trtjBjteid Jeff. Davis let ter to the Danville fair Association, regarding himselfand the rebel flags, Secretary Howes says '5 The Associ ation did not authorize Phocian Howard this year, but only last year, to write Mr. Davis to speak at thsfair. They never saw the origi nal i the alleced reply. Howard showed him a copy only, and took it w;iy. Howard says the Davis letter is entirely written in Davis' baud writing, "Davis, lieauvoir. Mis., June 20," and post-marked New Orleane, no post office being at Beau voirbut onl yjthe Mobile and Ohio Railroad station. He says he sent tin; original to Rokker & Co., Springfield, to have a fac simile made. :o: The Bomb Throwers' Explanation. (By telegraph to the Asheviile Citizen.) Chicago, June. 8Q. The News says: tu toipn ocunauoer, trie al leged thruwer ot the lomt at the Hayniarket Rink, has addressed a letter to lhe Arbeuer Zeittno, which i- chii ued by them to be authentic, The letter is dated Christiana. Nor- wht, rxid rends a- follow: 'it it supfHised that the m..n who tinew iheboiub on May 4th, 1886, was Rudolph Schniiubet. The, truth is (Rudolph bchnaubet) utten ded the meeting on Haymarkit and witnessed its proceedings. I went home before the mteting wut over and had not the least idea that the fact of my Iein2 there would prove so fatal to myself. But man thinks, and the blackguardism of the police has its oWn way. The lay following Haymarket events 1 werit to work,- not apprehend ng anything wrong. My employer brought me news mat tne editors oi the .4rieter Zcilwng diad been ar retted . and the paper stopped.' Beina one of the trustees of the so cialistic publishing society, I felt obliged to see what was to be dons and went to the Arbeiter Zeiiwng of fice. ' A band of detectives- like vandals were al work at ths com posing roo ;i destroying type and forms. Tiny also touna material fur the. preparation of bombs, name iy, type and htereotypd plates. My brother in-!aw. M. Schwabe, was also arrested, despiU the fact that he whs nbatnt from the meeting at Hay market, t thought that he wanted to' nt let fr. e on bail; but I soon discovered that I was mistaken. The hextday I again went to work; but soon two hlackgu rds invited me to go to the chief, who after questioning me at length let me j.o. jiut i nevertheless, i unniiMii ii ad visable to g-t iut of the way for a white- I stayed xround Chicago nnti'dl vas informed that I was. te much sought -tuid very de.jir:ib'e person. They .-ccued me nf hav- ififf tarowLi the : bomb became h acuiw thrower .of tne.. borao c ma notify found by the search 1uun.d for wrmt of brains aud wit. "T Coercion Coming. I By Telegraph to the Asheville Citizen- London. June 30. In :hfI;Iou e .f Commons to-night W. H. Smith moved that i the report on the crimes bill be not reached by Mi ml ay, then he would demand clotnre. Parnellites opposed the motion which, however, was carried by a vote of 220 to 120 The Speaker then called upn Parnell ites to mora amendinen'S standing opposite their names on notice paper. Parnellites who were watching the pr-i-ceedings from the members' side of gallery, made no reply. Amentlments introduced by Balfour, Chief Secretary for Ireland, were agreed to without debate, and the bill was le ported. Balfour announced that the third reading of the bid would be moved Tues day next. Market Reports. By telegraph to the Aehtville Citizen. Chicago, June 30. Cah quotations for to-day were as follows : flour quiet; No 2 spring wheat ; No 2 corn 3G; No. 2 oats, 25?a7-; mess pork 20 ; lard, 6.50. Cincinnati, June 39. Flour dull ; wheat lower No. 2 red 75; corn easy No 2 mixed 29; oats -steady, No 2 mixed 29J; whiskey steady 1.05. St. Lot'is, June 30. Flour steady; wheat No 2 red cash 73; corn lower, 33a; oats nothing done, cash 27?: whis key steady 1.10. , Louisville, June 30. Grain, quiet; wheat No 2 red 75; Corn No 2 mixed 40; provisions firm. The Dispatch says: A Boston lady who is teaching school at the South, and whom the Boston Herald de scribes as "a highly-cultured lady of r.tre refinement and a member of oneofthe 'Abolitionist families of Massachusetts," writes privately to a friend in her native city as fol lows: "One cannot know the South by any rapid tour through it; one must live in its houses and hear what the people think and feel, and under stand whv thev think and feel as they do. The South is happier than the North; people here are less rest less;; less goaded by competition and envy, and there is a purer demo cracy, fewer social lines founded upon merely external advantages. The spirit of brotherly love is more-i obvious hero, and much is reaZ love between themselves. I tlo not even exempt the colored man, for I be lieve he get as much sympathy hene as he dots at the North." Perhaps the closing sentence of this extract many enlighten Mr. Hal-tead as to the reason why the poor, pers-ecuted negro does not migrate to the North. Sick and bilious headache, and all derangements of rt'iinach and bowels, cured by Dr Pierce's 'Pellets" -pr an ti- btlious granules zo cents a viai. jmo cheap boxes to allow waste of virtues. By druggists. d&wlw Ju.vr KrcKiVED. A new lot of pen and pencil tablets, block receipts, statements, memoradum books, line linen paper and envelopes. fct remarkably low prices. New. style iM-ncil and pen holders. Ink that writes jet black from the start, ledgers and day books in irreat variety, lhe principle daily papers and illustrated magazines always on t-alu Subscription taken for the week, month or year Books aud papers not in -stock will be ordeied promptly,- and without extra charge. New novels received each week, at Car soil's Siationary and News Store, North Main St. - Crockery, Glassware, China. Headquarters for goods in this line, at N. 12 Patton Avenn. Messrs W. C. Kellir & Co. carry standard goods in Crorkeiy that never crack, color, or change in the least, by the use of hot water, ( all at No. 12 Patton Avenue. ' dtf Haywood White Sulphur Springs. . W. M Lanier. Soliciting Agent for the above named resort, would be pleased to orres,ond or talk in person with parties desirinc any infortratian regard ing this famous place. Mr. Lanier can Im found at the Grand Central Hotel at all times afler train hours. Consult him before locating elsewhere. dim : If you want ' nice- bread call for " The rtrick Loaf" to 1h found only at t Moore A Ron a rds'. Saddle Blankets of all d scription, just in at Jones. & Poetneb's. tf ' 19 N. Main st Ice cream and strawberries, ' at Turner's. , The eelebiated Farmer Girl Cook Stove, Stonewall Range, Iron-clad Range, and I the Monitor wrought iron Kange at W. j, ! Keller & Cc's, 12 i Patton Avenue, tf I Wh itlock cells the following celebrated makes of corsets: Madame Foy's, War ' nert. Thompson's, Glove fitting 800 bone French, and the very best 60c and 75o corsets in tne city. . ing a ttmeT irtir'iirro-r sensations, - temperature. Asheville is the Mecca for those who wish to escape th great heat of the summers both North and South. During 8 years the mercury but twice no iihuve 88 degrees. The maximum temperature as far North as St. Paul, Minnesota, U 12 to 15 degrees greater than that of 'Buncombe." Another important feature is this there is here as in the mountains generally a great diflerence between the heat of sun and sha'de. In the North it is often nearly as warm in the olio do aa if ;a ; tho shine, but here the moment one steps in .1 -l.-l .m - . ... wits Miauow oi a iree ne reels a great variation in temperature. HEALTHFULNKS8. This climate is extremely healthful; there is almost no scrofula, owing to the dry, invigorating air, cool summer nights, and pure water. Malaria is absolutely unknown in these mountains; there is not a lake or a swamp in the entire region. There are absolute ly no mosquitoes in this region. As to pulmonary diseases, probably there is no other resort in the United States which deservedly enjoys so envi able a reputation in the cure of diseases of this character. Any one desiring further information may obtain it by addressing Drs. Hargan and Gatchell, Homoeopathic Physicians. Asheville, N. C. Unman Calves. An exchange savs: "Nine-tonM.a nf the unhappy marriages result from human calves being allowed to run at large in society pastures." Nine-tenths Ci f the ehrnnin nr linreArin : . n.. ,nc. A - Kv,,uuirciUCOUl day originte in impure blood, liver com plaint or biliousness, resulting in scrofula, consumption (which is but scrofula of the mugs;, Kires, uciere. sKin diseases and kindred affections. Dr. Pierce's ''Golden Medical DiHCOV-fVv' nnroa nil iLasu tt druggists. X d&wlw j Stoves, Tinware, Ranges. Our manufacturing dennrrinonr iannn? complete We have all the latest im proved machinery, work the best grade of materirt' nnrl will rlnnliafa . K:nn - - , ..... u , . i tVy 11 J LS4DO, bought North, East, or West, We make rooting and guttering work specialty, and lruarantee RnLiMfur-tinn Pn, r.nm.. attention, good work, and lowest figures, call at W. C. Keller & Co.'s, 12 Patton Avenue. Gauze Undershirts from .15c. up at Whitl.Hik's. 1 " F.itir office rooms for rent. Inauirn nr. 50 S Main st. tf NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CURIOSITIES. North Carolina Minemla , lina Gems and Indian Relics, and Native Wood Canes, at 29 South Main st. July 1 H. A. LINDSAY. GEO. M. DARVIS, Painter, akd Paper Hanger. Ceiling Decorating a Specialty. With W. V. JUSTICE, july 1 dim Asheville, N. C. MINERALS! C. M. MoLOUD, Presinent. N. PLUM ADORE. Manager. TRA NSMONTANE Real .Estate A.VJiN Trust 'ompany, Room 43 Ragle Clock, iAHEV'ILLE.N.C. Dealer in mining pmoertltaete C rreDO (1 nee in it d frt m all nartlA havlno- miuerel claitnft for development. Aayi. of Uui ' and Silver Ore, S2.0Q. Analyses ofoth r ore. at lowest rated. All assaying done promptly at tte company I laboratory n Asheville. jul. ldji6m DO YOU WANT TO BUY A HOUSE? Ifso, CM at No. 10 layton Street, and be shown one ot the snuggert little homes In Ashe ville. M f be cold im ediarlv. aa owner ia about to leave the State. Apply on premises or to - GEO. W. HUNT, je Mlw At Hunt d: Randolph's. JMI ORTANT NOTICE. I h. reby notify the public that I will pay no bills except such as are contracted by myself in person or by order. June SO out MBS. 8. E BUCHANAN. JjlOR SALE. A fine Emerson Piano nearly new. On;y been ased a few ninths. Apply to UKO. W. TILSON. June 30 dtf ( S5 West Haywood at. 1 S5 We -( IOARMNG H S - ' IY Mas. O.L. MCDONALD. I o- aud on Bailey street. A short walk train. u'jlio -qua re. Rooms .arge, cool, comfortable and well ventlls. tad. No better to he fonnd in Ashevllle. The tab'e rare i be best the market affoids. jUKoSOdtt - - - . - - ivry at Alexander. (i -l ' i rtoan ttag.m, BajTRlci and food X- d II- br iu be had for Blactrwell's Hprings, We ter ii 'c a d other points on application. . - W. H. HUNTER, juneDOdliu Alexander's, N, C, L

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