HI4 jt- 0.. V Pimples, Boils, And Carbuncles result from a debilitated, impoverished, or impure condition of the blood. Ayer's Sarsaparilla prevents and cures these eruptions and painful tumors, by removing their cause; tho only effect ual way of treating them. Ayer's Sarsaparilla has prevented the usual course of Boils, which have pained and distressed me every season for sev eral years. G. Scales, Flainville, Mich. I was badly troubled with Pimples on the face; also with a discoloration of the skin, which showed itself in ugly dark patches. No" external treatment did more than temporary good. Ayer's Sar saparilla effected A Perfect Cure, and I have not been troubled since. T. W. Boddy, Kivcr St., -Lowell, Mass. I was troublod with Boils, and my health was much impaired. I began lining Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and, in due time, the eruptions all disappeared, and my health was completely restored. John R. Elkins, Editor (Stanley Observer, Albemarle, N. C. I was troubled, for a long time, with a humor which appeared on my face in ugly Pimples ami Blotches. Ayer's Sar saparilla cured me. I consider it the best blood pari tier in the world. Charles H. Smith, North Craftsbury, Vt. Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is sold by all druggists. Ask for Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and do not bo persuaded to take any other. tt Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer St Co., Lowell, Moss. Price SI ; alz bottles, SS. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. J. Y. COltTLAND, IClUiT, ESTATE .tfiMUYT S. E. Cor. Pullic Square, Main St., Has for sale IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVED PROPERTY IX THE CITY OF ASAEVILLE AND SURROUNDING COUNTRY. SPECIAL r.AUGAIX. A iinv farm of OOo acres in lii'iiil(r.in i-ounly, X. ('., AIMII!.l:I.Y aiaitki to HuTKl. I'i im'osks and as a Sl'MMKl! RKSOIJT. Distant 1G miles fram Aslieville and four from lli'iulersonvillp. This desirable tract lies on both sides of the Oik-la-wa-ha (or Mtulilv creek,) and is crossed lv the A. & S. H. H. Station and Tost Of. lice "Hill (!irt," within ten minutes of cot tape near the site of Hie mansion late ly destroyed by fire. Tho lawn embraces iliirty acres, beautifully laid out and in excellent order. Magnificent views from tilt; hiph hills that partially form the western boundary all within easy walk ing distance. f'isliinjr, shooting and lioalinp to be had on the tract, which also contains farm buildings in fair con dition, 8 tenant houses, tobacco barns, stone dairy anil stone; ice house. Sever al stone (marries for building purposes, with stone and brick enough from the burnt building ly around to erect a house of moderate size. Of the 1)00 acres 300 acres are cleared, loO acres of which are well set in grass. Fine fruit trees in abundance. The whole will be sold at a bargain if application be made soon. J. W. CORTLAND, Real Estate Agent. REAL ESTATE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, IN ROTH COUNTRY AND CITY ! 80 vaenntlolson Pattou Aveniie.CImrcli, Johnston nnd Campbell streets. I hav the most desirable and best lo cated vacant lots that are lor sale in the city, i amolleiing for business purpo Be as especially desirable those vacant IoIh on both Kiiles of 1'atton Avenue from C. E. fiiabam's store to Slavic's Hotel; tlioMf at the intersection of Fatten Ave nue and Depot sts ; that triangle on 1'at ton A venue at the intersection of Hay wood street; vacant lots nn both sides of Depot St., and very desirable ones' on Main st Terms easy to Buii purchasers. For Kesidents I offer some of the most valuable unimproved lots ap-srij on ftierrinion t venue, rrencn Broad A ve., Charlotte, Chest nut. Hillside. Academy, Hill, Ilavwood, Phillip and Bailey streets. In fact, I have for sale beautiful lots on ev ery princ:ppl street and avenue in the city, as well as Residences, both 'large anil small. , I iiave several Truck Farum near the city limits. I can sell houses, lots and farms on the installment plan terms one-fourth cash and the balance on long time, which is very desirable tor parties who wish a home on easy term?. I buy and sell options which enables Darties with small means to handle large quantities of real estate with advantage to themselves. Mr. John K. Hayes, of Columbia, S. C, is with me. and will eive special at tention to the renting of houses and the collection of accounts and bills or nil kidds. All bills and accountc placed in his hands will br colluded, and s 'fac tion guaranteed. Parties whc winii'to buy or look at real estate will be driven ji "1111 v part of the city in a com for' able i-.rrl.ii'H. free of charge. Any person poking investments, or wishing to bny, Vent or sell property will do well to con i't me. Ofhce, second lloor, No. o, 011th Main street Special bargains for the next few days f4wn which expire soon : ' ' ' " FOR BALE OR RENT. 1 I acres beautiful gr07c on Merrlmon Ave. i 1 eight-room bouse on Hsy wood street. , (ix-rom " " CLatlotte Btrcct. I ix room 00 (Hill st 1 ;TheMdleton Place" large house with aU pe?sTv oot-bulldlngs and nineteen acres ol Millml grove -desirible tor snmmir. u loU near Catholic Hill, on installment plan, N nit little money wauled. ipecial bargain io house of tcven rooms or. iteyrt. AUooneon Woodlin rt ' , acre on TownMouita.n, 4l)leet bigicr than izzard's House. fnn acres a nimproved hind in the very lieait i IhecHy.W mile of -Courthouse. Other bar ! 111s tuo n imerous to mention. Call and see inc. i JOHN M. OAMI'BKLb, Ileal Estate Dealer and Agent. J e 8-d3m U - Grocery 11 Went -Haywood Mreel. tvlniiopene.1 family grocery an.l i-rovlnioiv !e ill the ore recently occnpleil l.y -. . nn, I gnan seep ou uami m-.- n. roccries and Country Produce ery kind, wliirh I phall take plramire Instil- to Ihe uurmo. iiive mc ;" atuueif. cl paid J , 0p2Mlm 9w naywx""''- Si i-KKioi: Coi'irrs Fail Tkum 1887. The following are the arraogeunents for the Tall Terms of the 10th, llth and 12th Districts: - i IOtH (MOKOANTOS) DISTRICT- JUDGE BOY KIN. ' Henderson July IS, 3 weeks. :T Burke August 8, 2 weeks. Ashe Augus-t 22, 1 week. Watauga August 29, 1 week. Caldwell September A, 1 Week. Mitchell September 12, 2 weeks. Yancev September 211, 2 weeks. McDowell October 10, -J weeks. . llTn (charlotte) iisTisicTT-.ii'not5 MAC- BAB. Catawba July 18, 2 weeks. T : Alexander August 1,1 week. ? Cleveland August 8, 2 weeks. -.. Mecklenburgt August 28, 3 weeks. UnionSeptember 29, 1 week. Lincoln October 3, 1 week. " Gaston Octobur lo, 2 weeks. Cleveland October 21, 1 week. . Rutherford October 31, 2 weeks. Polk November 1 j, 1 week. 12th (asiieville) distukt .irixiic - MONTI. OMKRY. ".-;", Madipon August 1, 2 weeks. '-' 1 Buncombe--August 15, 2 weeks. Transylvania Septembers, 1 week. Haywood September 12, 2 weeks. Jackson September 20, 1 week. Macon October 3, 1 week . Clay October 10, 1 week. ( 'herokee October 17, 2 weeks. Graham October 31, 1 week. Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Kenew er never fails in restoring gray hair to its youthful eolor, lustre, ami vitality. Dr. A. A. Hayes, Stale Assuyer oi Mas sachuHettH, endorses it, and ail who give it a fair trial unite iu giatefnl testimony to its many virtues. t22 UiieUleii? Arnica. Salve Tho best Salvo iu tie world fcr cuts, bruises, ires, ulccra, rhenm. fever sores, tetter, chapped hiuiils, chHblains, corns, and aU skin eruptions, end positively caret piles, or no pay equircd. it is guarauicea to give perieci atisf action, or money refunded. Price25 cts or box. I'or sale D7 II. H. Lvons. daw A Discovery A short time ago was gotten out in our own little progressive town of Ashev'lle a Consumption Cure that seems, as far as it has been tested, to surpussany thing oi it" kind hitherto discovered. The medicine is a specific for curing the lungs by purifying and healing. The inventor is eurtownsnran Dr. Goodwin, who has held bis secret for quite a while, but has lately applied for a patent, and is now prepared t bring his medicines beiore the public. Quite a number of parties in sheville have tested the medicine, and all are loud in their praises of its unsur passed excellences. In no single in stance has it failed in itselTect, and those who have used it invariably commend it as the best lung medicine they have ever been able to procure. The reader will remember that lit? is not referred to par ties away ofl at a diutauce. but to parties residinir'here at Asheville, to whom he can without uuhcmty reter. Amongst others, reference can be made to the fol lowing weil-kiiown parties: J. li. Key nobis. W. O. Davis, J. Hoi inger, Th. Ducket, J. M. Maoers. Rev. Th. Fred. Price, Mis. Amos Labarbe, Mrs. M. C. MoDoiii.Ul, Miss M. Howaid. The medicine is for sale at Mr. J. H. Woodcook's drug store, West Knd Pat- ton Avenue, at the following prices : S oy. buttle $1 25, 4 oz. bottle at 75 cts. A lirst trial bottle of 4 ok. will be given for 25 cts. je l!)-SiitTu,Fr,Sa, tf NOTICE ! 711ERE.VS Thos. B. Long and Marsaret W. lnir. his wi'e. and Hamilton C. IxDne of t le county of Buncombe in the State of North Carolina, 'on the fourth day ot February, tests made anil executed 10 J. tt. Mart n, tne under- iKiivd, a Deed or trust to secure to tne Bank of Asheville the payment of the sum of Six Thou sand Dollars Jii.iwo) due and to be paid ou the fourth dayof tVhnn.ry, A 1) 1SS7, which Deed of Trut was roi'orileil iu the olliee of the lieei-iter flJucds id" Buncombe county on the iSth duv of February. IhSi'i. at ; o'clock a. in. In Jiook of Jlort- gusjus No 7, 01: page t'il, anil the iumofSixlhoa- siiia uouiirs principal' ann l ony-one Dollars in u rest,, making together ihe sum of Six Thousand :111a 1 oily-One Uoilurs piuicipal and lnteres . is due ou the said Deed of Trust 011 the fifteenth lay of Julv. ISiw, the day Oi tee first publication of this notice: and whereas default has been made in the pnymcntof the money secured by said Deed ot Trust, I wiU by virtue of the lower ciiferrt d upon me by said Jieeil of Trust offer lor saIc at public auction- for cash ou Saturday ,tbe 17th day ef September, at LJo'clock m., tile prop erty conveyed by the said Deed of Trust.- The sale ot me real estate Herein uesenoeil will be in Iront el the Court House 111 Asheville. N. C. and the fale of the personal property hereinafter do se ibeil will be at the lesidence of the said Tho.;. o. Long in Buncombe counts-, botii sales to be made at the time and iu the manner above do scrioed. The fo'lowimr is a descrintion of tho nronertv conveyed by said deed of trust: irsi 1 rait situate in the c&unty ol Bun combe, state of Nortu Carolina, King on tho Sannanoa river, being ti e land on which the did Thos. U. Loon now lives, formerly owned by Hery Crensman. Vi:1 ;j. Morrison and the Don a'dsot heirs, being the sums land conveyed bv John . ltenderson to Margaret V, Long by deetl usisif tu a, ine negmers omee 01 iitiucomoe county In Boot pajre , and bounded ai fol lows: beginning at a suke oa lhy north bank of the Swaunanoa m.r, running N. 3deg. E., pass ing a white oak marked B at three poles, twenty, six poles to a stake on the ridge; thence N. " d :g W. eighty-two poles to a Spanish oak. Gash's cor ner; tnencc N 87 detr, v, twenty-ave poll s to a stake J. II. liosipldll's corner: thence N.Jtdeg. E. fifty poles to a black oak, Hemphill's and Long's own corner; thenco with Hemphill's and Long's'line N. 70 deg. E. one hundred and forty, four poles to a stake and pointers lormerly a sonrwood; thence N. 3 deg. K. twenty-four poles to a fallen black oak; thence S. 87 deg. E. twenty six poles to a stake and pointers o the west bank of tho Swannanoa river ; thence down said river S 10 deg E one .hundred and forty poles; thence S 2" deg E twenty-eight poles; thcuce 3 1:1 deg W sixteen poles to the river, at the lower eiige ot tne torn leaning over to the residence of a laree rock: iheYicJ N 7: do W if i t v.i ,??. 3 thence S 55 deg W one hundred and eight "soles 1 to tho begum.ng containing one hundred and I dity-uineaud one-lialtacre& of land. becond Tract Lying in the county of Bun combe, State of North Carolina, on the southfide of Swannanoa river, bounded is follow: Begin' ning on a water birch on th3 so'itH bank of said river near cattle guard ontba railroad, anil runs 8 1 iIck E thirty-three poles toa peach tree-thence S 4degE iilty-four poles t a stake in Kimball's line: theuce with aid line wen seventeen aud a half iolep to n wliitvoak, Kimball's corner- thence S id dig K fourteen polej to u stake in Gash's line: thence u iUl said line West one hundrtd and twenty poles to a bitch and sycamore on the bank of the river; thence np snid river as it meanders, io ir.c ucRinuiny, couutruic liui'jty- ne acres more or less, as conveved to Thos. 11. Ion bv James Colviu and by Thos. B. Lous V Hamilton C.Long. ... . . . ." - - ...- Thiru Tract Situate in tho-county of Bun combe. Slate of North- Garoliuu. lying on the Su- Bar rork oi rsortn f ork oi hwaunauoa river, ad-a iniiiinff tho lttnx Til KranrlH Mri'vpns. J Ttf VpVn '1 .a v ance aim o ners and r.ounueo as loiiows: lipginiiiiie on u larce cuesiiiui on me soutn DanrnBTit?irTtTti- S i . V I a I anu runs wii.ii i;:s nue q a ucs iv nity-iour poiea to a staKc: inence n vj ueg tv loriy-suc pines to a stake; thence North six pole to a poplar -stump; thence West feventv-two poles to a crooked black onk. 7. IS Van :e's N corner on the south side of Brushy Mountain ; theuce with Vance's line W e-i! one hundred and forty two poles to a slake in Vance's line on the tap of a ridge; thence down and wi'h the top of the riiifte as follows : N 63 deg 86 mir- S toirty-nme poles, lnence N SVd'crcc K twelve poles ; tficpci 1A 'eree K dKhteen poles to: a small hickory J M Mc Fce's cornei; thence N 70 de E eigh ean poles 'o a Ure poplar on the. hank of ine creek; thence down and i Ii tUe ineamlcRi ot the creek to the bt ginning, containing one hundred nnd fire audi a h;lf acres more iir less. - Also the following deseriticd personal property, to w it : One T ; car old black stallion named l'rince"; one a year old bay stallion called "Jim"; one gray mule ".Sob;" -ono black inula called 'Jack;" one four yenr tHd- tf oronghbred' Jerfcer bull cal'eil "Midlr kiuiso!ov", u Ayrevblra spot ti d cow called "Cherrj ne' Ay resliire-arrH Jer sey roan heifer, and one Jersey and brenne - yel low heifer; also all ihe luj .sehoM nnd kitchen Itirtiiture of raid Thn. 'I. Ijmg and Marjrarot VV. l,iii-p,his wire, aid Hamilton i?. Loiifr, consisting ol in-n, fimirs, Illlns'1'r.Iena Tiiireaus. etc . nnd each and every drtirli? of the 'Same, and all farm ng utensils, cous!juiii ei iiarrows. wagons, IniEi.'ies, harness, plough-, c-te, aud each and er u v aiticle of thesauie. Terms eish, . .. J. i. MART1V, 'rrusU. AslifVill.', N. C , July lR l.HV. jylVwtil Cuii f 11 lev. Piles are fraauentlv nreceded bv a sense of weight in the back, loms , and lower part of tho abdomen, cauBiug' the patient to suppose he has some affection of the kidneys of negh- boriug organs." At times, symptom of 'indi gestion axe present, flatulency, uneasiness 01 the stomach, etc. A moisture like perapira- tion.produamg ,a . very disagreeable ltciung, lifter eetthi? warm, is a . common attendant. Blind Bleeding aiid Itehiiig Piles yield at once to the application of Dr. Bosanko s Pile Bem ody, which acts directly upon the parts affected, absorbing the tnmore,'' allaying the intense itekinir. and effoctiusr a normanent cure.' Price 56 cU. Address tho Ir. Bosanko Medicine oo., Piipia, U. .bold by H H Itfona. .dawlr Suffermc women should remcmbwrtbat the Mission Hospital, offers all Uie advantages for treatment aud dure of diseases peculiar to their box. that can be 1 ound in Hortuera cities. Address, Mission Hospital. -AshovUle, . O, v- . . feb 23-ly V R. U. ones, at tho Pioneer N67 23 South Main street,', opened the season for Mixed Drinks m the. loth of April, ant! will continue to Hor"e lliein throujli the season. Milk. Punches, Big Yellow, Whiskev I'uiichea. Sanirarees, and other mixed drinks called for, delivered free cf : f charge, anywhere within the fire.limits J mf the citv. I . PROFESSIONAL SARDS. CHAti. A. MOoRK. r. A. riJMMING- OOEE & CUMMIXGS," ! Attorneys and Connscllors at l.aw, ASHEVILLE, N. $. Practice Iu the United States Circuit and DIB rict Courts at Asheville. Statesville, Charlotte and (ireensboro; iu the Supreme Court al Ra-lulgb and in the Courts of the Twelveth Judicial l)i trict of the State of North Carolina. imperial iltltrnium kivuu Lo wlUHHionn at CUUl&r augT-lvwAw ,. . J3 r. Altai vtiTox, n. ., . i. s.. llaviee nerinaiicntlr located in sheville. respectfully teuders his profussioual sarvices in the practice of Dentistry, to the citizensof Ashe ville and the public. Special attention given to the care of children's teeth , and to the treatment of diseased gums, and all diseases pertaining tt) the dental structure. Patrons given as reference. Oflicc rooms over b. iluuibiy's stora-on 1101th side of Patton Avenue. ; t i : i : july 11 diwlm w. II. BAiRL), M 1) , (Formerly of Mississippi,) Offers his professional services to Asheville aud vicinity. Oilice at residence 7i lluywooti street. Calls will be promptly traiiBtnittf tl from Carini chael's Urus store. - jyS-Ulm lr. 1L. IS. IVKAVElt, . Oilice over (irant & Koseterry's Drug Store, may 1 d3m HENRY HARDWICKE v :-. Attoriifiy nt S.hw, Asheville, N. :. Will practice in all the courts of the stale. Collections of claims a specialty. Othue with Sheriff in Court House. iaht-dl'l rjriHos. A. JONEH, -I .1U or m; j' lit Iaim ASIIKV1LLE, K. C, oct 22-ly s w Omcc wilh iwv'ilsou Ma . . . - t' Ijt- JOCEH J. PACK. ' ' ' ' 1 Attorney at Ins', ASHEVILLE, : ' N. C. 1'racLiccs iu ail the Courts, Stale and l-'eilcraj jau 14 dtf .- J. A. WATSON, SI. D. OFFICE AT HIS KKSIDENCK Corner of Crove street aud fatlou Avenue. -, , . Odice hours: s to 11 A. M.. 1 to 3 f. M : i. Calls left at Carmichael's or 1'e Ilium's Dniy Store will becouveyed, aud respoudud to, by tel ephone. iunel2-dtf rji n. cobb, Attorney nnd .Counsellor at Ljiir." Oilice in. Burnett building. North i.-fliie fablic Square, AS HUVILLE, N. C. Practices in all Courts, State aud federal. jan22dly I OSEPH S. ADAMS, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, OlHce in Law Bnildhig, . adjoiniug First National Bank, .j ASHEVILLE, N. C. 1 -: . Pi actices in all courts. State and Federal, sept 7 1 year D as. McGILL oi BATTLE. WAHDLAW MctiliJ., Mri.r Practice limited to Kye, Kaivl robt and Lungk Sam. Wkstray BattWI. J(.'D..U. 8. N., 1 f byslcianand Siugeon. OtijRver DoVauH'stirngSiore. . f S,Oinoe lioiirs IU a.'-in. ro 11 mi, and 1 to 1 p m. ' ' ' " seSH-tr" Jklil KS .A. I5URROUGMS. i Pbysicisiti and Si.rgiu, ASUIbVILLE, N. a, Oflioe over Powell & Snitk..g. , .' t& Residence corner of Main anil Wooden streets. : ' i . ' del6-ly . . . ..; I. McCANDLISS. Surveyor and VAvil Eiiglneer, AHIIEVILLV., jr. C ' 1 ' ' Oilice with A. J. Lyman, Real' Estate H okrr. '. also AGENT FOE .' I j HAZJ.KHTJRST & IIUCKEL'. Architects, (design em ol Battery l'ark Hotel) ThlisdcltUia. -PeDaa olftdjm .- , Tw. ": Davidson u:-JON A MARTIN. I .IS i. M4KT1 i tnrnrys k 'oitnsellwra-ni-lJiT j . ;, ASHEVJLLS. N. C j W'.i p. .,.,;ii.k ,n the 9th and tfi Juuclal Distrio'. sad n Hie Sjpreme Court of North Carolina, vno Iu the Federal Cjrts of U'e Western District ol No. !k Carolina. Kefer to the Bank of AahOTlUeJ " ; sepl-swwCia N. SNELHON, . r"J ! ttornt-y stt Law, n" ' Estate Agent. f ASHENILLE, N. C. : JOftica over VanGilder & Brown's. - Ltftios honaes and collecting rents in Aah ville.a jpeeiallyi . n . . j i i ; ! i ; i i i ciJi;b"i3 d.iwOmos i ' A TENNENT, i .ArchUect and Civil Etigineer. ' DeiigTJS, feiJCCifieatiotiE, anil Estimates 01 the style oi-builuing iurnihtitl upon appjication. Ai work superintended whioi-deaired. AU work en trusted to me as Civil Kntjineer will receive tvromut attention.- Thorouirh druinere-Of r&ndi a specialty. Tost i Office address. Aahevilla..i i . -. resiaence swaunanoa anaeo. may lG-moa i J i ii 1 1 .- 'A W. W. JONES. GSOEGK A. KHCfUKl) JONES. & SHUFORD, . i AVlwriiey UK Linf,'j Practice in the Superior Courts o Western norm Carolina, tne supreme Court or the State, and the Federal Court at Athevillo. . . . Office in Johnston Building, where one member of the firm ean always be found, npv 11 dlvear r; - .y-rf ' n XtjX"r$r JOQ BAEKEUS-i-'-1" 1 ;' J '"! CALCIK-Eli CEMESf, ' ' , ; '. ' PORTLAND CBMENT, C3 ' ' ItOSENDALE CEMENT, at ri- Hi U nn BRAROKy, KAiCKiN- 'It CO'sl? mar 15 dtf J " tv mciiirmiier ii. ?-) t'.i: uf. , Jeweler, -' ' AUI OBiXKK IN . m.j doet hftweleryj Upecicicles, ' fr&' yroy W. Faienifd8'(iAd Pn. Good oek always on iiaiui. u.atf jitii "3 ri 31:! l.oil!niSrjSt' aR.IS.T'iM:I;I,.;L ! ija-Vyth- in .. 1 1 j ' 1 s il I" r .''.' -t IhaVeJiistoperiedaSTEAMGRtST MlLL otr Willow Street, back J. H. Woody' shops, an will be prepared t furnish the geueral tradp aud tte Livery business with Meal and feed, at . . , ' ; IEST, -MARKET .PRICES; Custom Work solicIteiV. Parties need '.iot send else here foT what can : lie obtained 'at home. Ciiotls uclitfered tree loanniwit othecityi iive nvea UimU. Salbicllii,guar.iiieu , prrfaiy Proprietor. it 9 t 1 . li tir't . !l!(.i- .PMiMt 1 y . jlSfc .1 :' ROOT JiJVl Ett MHiii HtrVet, (Above Kagle Hotel!, ., -O- '8 r i J The 'oest'stock always Ca hand: Work always guaranteed to isive aatisfacU'nt.' . lam uui.oiilj--rrr " to mike tll ii4 hoes so as to prevent pampnkss .hi .tiiciaiHo. ReRdy-DIade utui H'oi k of .. all So r 1st on iIIm1. : :' Qenilftnen and Ladies' Repairing a fy : ' ' cialty.l Fine Custom Work always onhand, an 4 tyle and satisfaction guaranteed, as to stock aud CnnAmolrAVu' VI fill i H IN 11 1 IVSVU Ofl H I . ll H llll lor sain, the best in the market: Ugw tiriues Gents' custom-made, lowqu rteicd dress shoe made of best material, now tiered for (4 and W.Ni usual price SC. Call early. RUBBER. STAMPS, . Linen Markers, Stamp inks, Stencils, Self-inking Stamps for Postoffices, Railroads, Banks, Hotels and insurance offices. Rubber . Alphabets and figures, Ad vertising cards, door numbers. Saals for all purposes. Indelible Ink for marking Clothing with Rubber Stamps etc. Large illustrated Catalogue by mail 25c Name in rubber with in delible ink for 40c. Address, MODKL RCBIJER STAMP AGENCY, i P. O., Boy 21, Asheville, N. C. Citizen oilice. JtSSE R. STARNES, Successor to X. Brand & Co.,) UNDERTAKER, ASHEVILLE, N. a : ' At I'tallic and Walnut Coffins constantl f on hand. Every requisite of th e businfe furnished. All calls day or night prompt-! lv answered. Bearee? t irniBhed when ifesireil. Qflicei; NumbeuJTorth JIiu ; Street. Euibalming a specialty. Bod-1 es will be taken charge of imTediately ( if desired. ,; mil 8 tf - ; , i ' ' i NOT WANTED I ' i in ' - m- f iVri'"r;TrJ-r-''ft " Small thin cattle and poor sheep, li'it ; -' ,' ' , '. we pay the highest, market price ',rji ' ' ; Large, Fat Cattle, and j Valuable city Property Stock men will do well to tri vc us a call I ie fore selling such stock as will suit the Ideniand of our trade. ,- ... ; i (jC'iifeti miens -an always rely upon the vfXY liest the market afiords. IV O. BOX NO. " 327, TELEPII ONE "''' " ''CALL NOl !';''' " No. 12 North Public Square, Zachary J&' ; Zacharyi fainter, aso Paper Hanger. " ei:inir Decorating a Speci?ltv. With W. V. JUSTICE, uly L dim Asheville, N. C. ;N. ADAMS. J. T. AIAMS. t N. Adams x Son. jUltlVrrPRjE REPAIRING. -fte above firm, at their shop at the eorner of South Main and Church streets. No. 179, oner ii(-lrervlivji to the citizens of Asheville and the surrounding country, to do in fir t rate ityle. .. ,A11 work in their line, such asfiniitarerepair- juCw upholstering, bottoming chairs, At , &e. 1. .Kov ru i.rmul rt! li ,1a lindertiLkerB WJrk. furnishing ietalUc kllii ., "."'."i u n'd other wocds. f'""" tuost Llaoorate to", he incat. Patronage respectfully solicited. - inuelCd3m ;-i MINERALS l C. !M. MuLOUD, n. plumadore. Tt A MC mNTA KK l to anil 'SAND-',?i! ni 'i!fU' r Booiu'SjEaglcBlorlcV ' AfeH E V1LLE. Nv Ci$ V 3 i licaleraib mines, miniax prr-iicrtiM, alt tlixlanf rRiiiMliiU: ..if...t ii.vi-! , .lorrekpODdence tut ilea iroro u pajw w i" raioerai claims lor aevuioiAwt;ui.. fi n y.- -' Assavs of tiold and Silm Ore, 7.i . An bal) of other ofirtat.tahmst Bates. " ; m RK.tvin. Tiiinfl nrotnmiv ;u. -nit? itihu pauy s lalratori m AUtiikt jsiii totio bv. "i Ul f t usVWWu - as recently purchased a large aiuuout ol pak AaUn.aerry aadJUTi LnlfWf f manh factored of tndroiarl ifactnred ofthoroiujblr dried nxieimrt-.W urann-w tofiirnisli.workai tue ioi vu.dw un . t. .nn imimlMl iraaiis. I , ' i, aCHOB. Ik CUA f ' J 8. CLAYON, MikSluess Una leb 4-s w tf i i i "' J'ortU ChYiSip'a TCtrnerafs',' ' 5etnk, Inr aiari Relfcu, and fJatiyi' Wood Cares,' at 2Q Smith MaTn st. '' 1 ''TO. L.T NuSEx, Minrailst. , !jlili lit 1 dSmf'"" '". .'. ' '. , ' t" rl.'.i jlj ,' ' ' , . - Pasture I Pasture! : I-'' : - " arlug securely fenced 'in the WeH ; trinwii f . , .-, 1 ' - . " ... .- : i Ik Mountain, Pastures, t'wmljtake a limited number of CATTLE!, 1 - c- - : ' ; , - ' bi' ... ' ... i .,. for the season beginning about. ISsy Ut, 1S7. PASTCRE WELL WATERED. -i- j' For f . 11 particulars, address ' ' ! FRANK D. POLK. ALSO WANTED - SO Calves leb 6 d6mos U buyLi , aiiI W.irltiiirs. FOR SALE! Bostic, Blanton & 60., . Are how bflerinj; itWge. amount of! Real Estate, in every, part, of Asheville atiiiini; which will-be found some-of tin in st lxMiiiiful building sites, luilli on the principal rijrefts, nnil in ' .tin' suburbs, , ulso some of the best pniperly. improved and unimproved, 111 tlu- business quarter of the city, stores, &c Ourj list includes, houses in evry part of i the city with prices ranging i'roii 8800 to S10.000. . " . ' ; ' . We still liave soiik; of those beau tiful' lots in Lincoln and Shelby Parks; prices-' from 8100 to 2,000. Those '.barc being fast closed out, nui now is your cnahve to secure a fine lot sit reasonable rate. We also have for saje, some of the finest farming lands it Buncombe county-, . .and most desirable hotel sites-outsiderof Asheville, and lands in ;dvery part of the county. Pall at No. 13 Patton Avenue and ; examine plats And property. ! We.cajinot be excelled, in uality, I prjceSi br. terms. . -. W ''advise all partien to buy at I miee'EhftUi delay. What we are j offering now cannot be duplicated, ! a month hence, for the same money. ! . BOSTI l '.BLANTON & CO.. " No. 13 Patton Avenue, over Citizen Iiuilding. r -' n WfilHeKdHy Angnut ltlh nt 11 A. M. 1 ; : AN.O l),.Vrf l'OLLOWINt;, ,V- I will expose to public .sale dn the rremiss my lirojHirty in the City of Asheville. X. C , situa ted lietweeii Battery Park Hotel, Slagie's iiotwi, and Court Square, lying on lioth sides of Patton Avenue, Ilay wood, Church, a'ul Pulliam streets. This propertT is aUnit the Ueograinical Center and will so.n bcthc- ' ," ... . , , Business Center -. . .t. of the City of Asheville. It consists of a number of spleu.lid business fronts aud a few desirable icsiiieiire tot. Oia graois snowing the locations and dimensions of the respective lots may U( teil at the otliee ol Shui'ortl aiid Jones - terms of sale one-third tash. remainder n- tes s:cured bv Deed of Trust ou the property, ne and tvo years time interest at S per i-eut per an num fiom datepayaDle'smniially. Or all eash with discount of 3 per cent on thu deferred payments at option of the p irehaser. Purcbascra tailiag to comply ilh terms withs iu tin days after aal to lorieit trade.-' ' ' WW. JIItSTON.;j Jll'n IG dills . - "( Jrand Republic JDis.aiim" Th Psse "f !iga rros'areWarranted BbsUutely sjpf- urua3ifiedly4Tf JZaratia JL'ou Filler wiihoht admixVurn r au lUter.itipn, AVi Gyar- -iif fquat'i quality and tin6i' kinmerH can be producttl for lefjs than1 fifty per cent. ;advanct The efcri)t)myrt?.t1iese is entirely ftu" tliv iJla kEup w-woj:kmariBkLp 'l.-l : AJL-'O- s". -.-o i 1 i:-H H vI.'.llliiA'f . .'ii.m4 u -j-siij.-'U iii ! J tall .II'. s i? ,:-'-i-il i I I Tf ymr1iwn.sBarti V ai- 'i t rntaml nerj to the t-ailr. f-ciu mnisfr anH-nit-rt.rrt're!' One House main ttisl Tumi VuMmvaa e. A Ibs'FM. Aiwnt. at Marshal Mo A. B. Saws, at Citi.kn dtanl'2 . r . i . ... Mil ll.M... IS.1 . . flag, II m mt Si- r ,c . - , trades. ' harges amaWe. UtuJ5iM.iS f lrfffjf ,rfNl 1 OtiPEPSIJN X"- f ktfll01rf INVITO t ill all, N. c. orctyts3 31 nrlioe. '' ' f I j T ' "" ".r'-i'.jWiH J MAIN ST:,! 3frT'-'DOOR 'ABOVE : i r wii i '- -. .i ,, '--:;, :. . j. ThaHrgest5 atid rrxwt in: j :?-uii Liqiiprs and Brandies i - i t'(, WESiEBN NORTH CA.HOLIS? A iis.' h s(i t: . ' iti. ine; PEACH & APPLE BRANDIES j I ,Q))kii iii:; ln(Nj anil ; Brandit-s . w' 1 : h. M!Mmk&M in - '':'i ' r F llTt 'TL WA . IiU I ., Klulbl v Bituutcil. Coiiuniiiiiliiiii iua2uilii:cnt iiiOtintain vit'Wn, and yet cmiv. i.ien to lutei nee. A lioiiic for laiii'-s an I families . . , . , janl2 tlX-n' jy , ' . . riLd. Where 3'ou eaj et the Wli both fareiti 'n V tliij Krautla ftrc thv Old . aibsou's JfA.rJT, My. COKN SVHLSK1ES are absolutely pure, made of the Hounde .. com, on the Bald Meuvtuin, Rutherford county, N.' C. ' . ,' ,"'.,',' T hand le'nothirig but NorthJCaroIina ;.:.'i,t '.. ' j -, i :v: APPLE and PEACH BRANDY. f t' .' I - - r '', . v"J- 5 ; My WINKS nre nre irape juice, Voir vv-ri 'find IERO lCJ-I and . KNOKIi UKVAl always on jM.aiyrht, colt anrtTreHh: ' LUiUiod Beer dtilivevod Wfc.ioa.ke a specialty in CIGAEfci :tnd TOBACCO, and handle tin leading, brands. . , , - r ' . $ ,. y . .x ' . i (.u; Cull and gee if T l.aye mii-repre-iited j. my goods. . You will find my Saloon three doors hi low '.lie J.-t National Bank, No. if, where you will find the Curious Ooacotor of Cocktails, SHliP ))EAVEE, and the ge -iiiai II- C. JONES to wait em'you.' u ;.. , . , . . . .... ... , iAnv mtormation piven strangers with ;pleasure.; ,;. i " i" . ...ii , :; . : : ,v BOB JONES. . ! DOUBLEDAY & SCOTT, i ... . .. 2ft A ijC XORTi.: TIBLK; .'Es-tihiatea pronititly iurpislitd.-and I'tiaval-io ke-p atrmiuiHial Variety Lhtltiind ShinHtV.5'' KFid!ir;! W'ood ' '"" ' I - - - 1 - is 1 i Saslir lUiiuls, Doors, Mouldings, Roofing ;':,Pagerr Windpw- C6i;cls?nnd .Weights i ! ASSURANCE THAT ASSURES ! j .. jvi- 'j r ;' . ' - - ' .-:'; v" -I' 'i.' i ; -O ' '""ZZ , - : T i 1 to : f J il ii 1 1 f 1.; i i f 5 r f If is Assets. ..', 5''',J0i'-v-'.!vin';:- -. X- Tin- piiiinest. and Bafe.-t policy ifif Ar'r.on pret-t-ntiitioii n ;r ii s. :-i "-: ' m'JDk. W.M. !. HIKbii ;ij i -"'.;'-1 ii'itii jii RUCTION: , I .m' '.- 3i H ' 0 '' -! !';.J ;H. . i Hi " .. " o:' . -i . J ft. nil itHiit'-i'to'lilif"' tti -consiglitrtetiAB, i jlouaeliuhl Goods, Merchau X.. . A lsu- ,k llm fcnip ol Lus l-V.l Jt ,$V03 leUil fulJUXiX5:.rf..; fU it i-un . it 0o.siLiiiuirtiUpC AVnMttU.or4lellWWrtye.tr8ieilS i'';iHt'.proirip.4tewtlanij.v-. ia U Ju ..ts-uo tS'i .t-i -j an- Iju-hi uari ..aiikaI ttn:fiMDU rtlic.jtin ;yourratrojiat,ri eH' rwsr$ respecttuiiy, i- 5 JOiii .vpiriave I 'Ill maum ' 4 . .' ft i n rnil r. v ?ta f 1-t.V --r.-;tt'?Vaal 4f J I ' ' ' m. 1 a. V. . . 1. 1 C..11. In eu.itjwl n .f U . CM, irliB ASCHiRtt WATER CO.. Proo'rs). THE 2AKK : 6oiiitete uMirti ut xcif ! '"t'f J : Itli ."'jpp.lV In' 1 ' old --(lorn 'arjil divti Whiskey: ? ' '' '"!"' .'I) JU'ta'- hi t.i.i OLA SS HOq'l I . RAWLS BROS., Propra. Cori.sid.er t isiilfej', IVine and Brand) Kentucky Jtlononabala all (i Y cars old. .: "' "" ' ' " nii.lfluHehiteil. to'every part of Uie ciUyfre; . , charge. H ..i . . . I . i ' '- - -1 -. ' " - SQUAKE, AshevllSe n. 'c": fepecial -sizes procured at short notict j, ot Building and Fencing Lumber.,.,;. always, on and. mh l-lw!v..;..!, I ' " T- . I. I N. 'l - ; - J - '"r' -71 V s s urn n 05 v5I3ty r x Hitttandirrg Asstiranc ! $411M10,OOfV: "!-;.: '. J ; j-.. 'Jtt-J li ill- "SS!"""-'. , '--' Iii.'-Viiitestab'le after twb "years. Losees il. ' wiiliinit, 'delay'....'. , "' ' " ;r , , , 1 U'.S15S. DOUBLEIJAY.; Agents r-'vaininer. ; i i s mh l-56m --i ' ' '- - - ' - " il.. fi Vli.s-'J!', s;a? ' sJ - , .711. -t;: -a) lit? oGUMMlSlpN;; MERCHANTS is I I. if ! si' ;-.m; tin u .-- n -' --- iw;ac auction room evwy ingnt -j j r.-MJJRRAV-'ife LANCEj'uchciieerB,4'!r' A Aj.nipVnie,N:e.'5 it til' fiMaOj , J ji.i-5 i i BBfflr!!S..'oi! amniiuuHl a,aiaBT pnpiis rroia isMnsaiaiK'iw . T. -Twiotitrf lthstromtconiBienrtUo .KoifliJ loxaif meeraiduct 1 TrJTT i" ;. tWu.IIand.TTM-WrlUaj!V s-wnuaffvatvvvsiirTii. aceiallf Uutba RHtr at an Uma. For term. rrfl t oatal(u,iAiulv ll)' -TV"9T, X,.OtU SO Of addrssa W. a, A Mia J nsi-u "ti.wi .-u.cv-" kt- tlutliin. &oiot6tslsj"iiiu-l? 1 1 skaiT" No Vi lt-ohi J.iUt ' UM NW. JONKH, aly. X H.i-w-,i: fltiltt alia r iaii u t - V ; t i ..: