aim If. EmperorYUIiam of Germa ny i)bes ' tjie Handsome ' Thing. American Heroism Re ward- O i-i I MORE NORTHERN AND ENG LISH MONEY COMING A '0 SOUTH.' ' c MILWAUKEE KNIGHTS OF LA BOR LEAVE THE ORDER TO CLING TO THEIR CUPS. 4, $5-- t f X f J Hia Special Privileges Cut Off. (By telegraph to the Aihcvillc Citizen.) Cincinnati, OhiojJuly 19. -U. S. Judge has ordered E. L Harper, tbe banker, to the Dayton (Ohio) jail, and be was transferred this p. m. This is supposed to. be "done- to prevent the gtanting of toe many special privileges. Another South Carolinian Made ..... Happy:1 ' Bj telegraph to-the JUtaeTllle Citizen. I Washington, July 19. Mr. Lip scomb who was Assistant Secretary of the State of South Carolina when Mr. Thompson, now Assistant Sec retary of the Treasury, was Gover nor, will le appointed Chief Clerk of Patents. ""Salary $2,500. -;o: " " - ' . ' More Deaths From Ileal in Cincinnati. By Telegraph to the AUeille Cltizen.l Cincinnati. ' July 19. Although the hot spell was broken last night and the thermometer only reached 94 to-day there were 13 deaths from sunstroke reported today. Most of these were persons who were pros trated yesterday. t , :o: Money For a New Southern Railroad. I By Telegraph to the Asheville Citizen- Niw Yobk. July . 19. A syndi cate composed of New York and London Bankers has aggreed to furnish money necessary for tbe construction of the Chatanooga Rome and Columbus Rail Road, and President Williamson who has ben in this city conducting the ne gotiatione will leave ior Rome, Ga., to-nigut, and will begin work on this Hue at once. Must Protect Home Industry. (By telegraph to the Aiherille Citizen.) Milwaukee. July 19. The Gam brinus Assembly of Knights of La- Dor is getting ready to secede irom the order on account of the temper- anca views held by Grand Master Workman Powderly. Local heads of older have done nvervthine in their power to stay this action, hut Wit. limit yuoH ' N YlanrkKvnnnd- Icum. bly is the most numerous and the wealthiest organization of the order in Milwaukee, and has from 1000 to 150U members. Employees in . breweries are practically unanimous that they can not remain with tbe order under: , circumstances. ; At a meeting a committee was appointed to confer with brewers and ascertain . whether the contract for year made in May would be 'affected if they don't leave the order.! There is little doubt that desired assurance ' will be given and when ills the assem bly wiu yacate.and from an hide pendent organization. Terrible Mortality among , Children. , By telfcfrtpk to the Asheville Cltlzen'l rrrrsBUBO, fA,, July 19. The nor. tality among children in PitUburg and Alleghany (hiring the past six weeks is something- appalling. In June 569 child ren unuer nve years or age died, and since the 1st inrtant there have been 568 deaths, making a total of 1137 in six weeks. Of this number nearly seventy five per cent were children under two years of age. Emperor William's Graceful Act. (By telegraph to the AihevUle Citizen.) -WASHiNGToy, D. C July 19. The Secretary of State has received through tbe German Minister at Washington from tbe Emperor of Germany a check - for $1000, and two handsome Gold watch es emblished with likeness and moaor- i am of the Emperor with the request that the ' money - be divided equally aoiJUg the families of five members of tun idle saving bnw.H vain necx alius btation, vi- wno lost tneir Uvea In attempting to rescue the crew of the German ship Elisabeth on the 8th of Jan nary last, and that the watches-b pres ented to frank Ford and Joseph E. K therid ire, only " sarrivorB of the Life Saving Crew. Tbe money and the watches were turned over to Gen'! Sopt. Kimball for distribution. A glass, factory will begin mak ing glass in . Atlanta, Ga , on Aug ust 15. AJ-ouwviUe batcnet factory covering a aquare of a25 feet Ion gets its steam power out of six tons of slack, costins; 4.04 per day. Augusta Chronicle (Dem.): The press ot the country is with Presi- deut Cleveland in his declination to attend the Grand Army cncamrx . ment at St Louis, and it voices the sentiment of the best element of Jhe Union. - - iv.r Aliatea'a'Jtllraclev'' . We were very neh sarprised yestei day to see 'Squire- pa vis oat upon the street again looking aa th(4igh he bad .taken a new lease of life. . Considering Chat the 'Squire has been for years a con firmed, invalid with what was supposed to be mption his recovery seemed bat r"- short of a miracle. .When qoest.u"d as to t';e cause of his restored health, be said, TSympnyx, sir, Sympbyx did It; a lew bottles have atopped my couch, restored my lungs to health, and made me a well man. There ia no cough medicine equal t it." " ' - l(arket Reports. . (By tOeRraph to the Aihtvill CttUeh. 1 Atlasta. July 19.Cotton, mif ' Jing Charleston. July 19. Turpentine stead 8i; rosin steady, tood strained 90k Louisviu,, ; July. 19. Grain-' quiet; wheat No 2 ml 70; corn No 2 mixed 39; oats No 2 29 j; provisions firm. . , ; ' St. Louis, July 19 Flour uteady ; wheat No. 2 red cash 72 J; corn cash 34; oats firm cash 25; whiskey steady 1.05; provisions firm. ' i . f , ,. ,,f-t Chicago,1 Jaly 19. Cw-h qnotattons for to-day. were as follows : -floor quirt; No S spring wheat 970, corn 38 ; lard, .67i; whithey 1.10.- i ' - Cincinnati, fuly 19. Flour weak ; wheat firm, No. 2 red 73 ; corn strong No 2 mixed 43; oats weaker No 2 mixed 30; pork quiet 16; lard firm 0.40. ' - LivtHooL, July 19. Sales of to-day included . 8500 -ales ; American July 5 39 04; seller July Auic. 538 64; buyer Auk. Sept. 5 35-64 ; buyer Nov. Dec 514 64; seller Jan. Feb. 5 14 4: buyer fu tures steady. There is great activity in the iron works on the Pacific Coat. The stern-post for the cruiser Charleston just cast is the largest casting ever made there, and when completed will weigh 10,000 pounds. Philadelpia Times: The punish ment of Sharp is ot little conse quence, the pumice execration ot all men who, like sharp, selfishly corrupt the public service is ot the very gretest consequence to the safety of free institutions: Honor are - easy. An Atlanta negro boot black on Thursday hit a white corn doctor under the chin in a little fracas, and in falling the doc tor's head came in contact with a stone. He will die. The bootblack. who is about iS years ot age, has departed. . ' Governor Lee has been invited to deliver the annual address at the fair of the Orleans (N. Y.) County Agricultural Association, in Sep tember next. He is assured by the officials of the Fair Association that ten thousand people would gather to hear him, and that nothing would be left undone to add to his pleas ure should he accept the invitation. The British commission appointed last year to inquire into Pasteur's treatment of hydrophobia has re ported to Parliament that the Doc tor's system of inoculation possesses very important prophylactic value. The commission finds that the em inent French investigator has not oniy discovered a reliable antidote for the poison of a mad dog, added very largely to the knowledge of the pathology of hydrophobia and supplied a sure means of determin ing whether . an animal which has died under suspicion of rabies was really affected with thit diease or not, but his discovery further shows that it may become possible to ar rest by inoculation, even after infec tion, other diseases besides hydro phobia. A gentleman recently returned from Florida gives a graphic de scription of the way an alligator takes his daily meals. An alligator's throat, he says, is an animated sew er.. Everthing that lodges in his mouth goes down. He is a lazy dog, and instead of hunting for something to eat, ' he . lies with his mouth open, apparently dead, like the 'possum. Soon a bug crawls into it,.then a fly, then several gnats and a colony of mosquitoes. The alligator doesn't close his mouth yet; he is waiting for a whole drove of things; he does his eating by the wholesale. A little later a lizard will cool himself under the shade of the upper jaw. Then, a few frogs will hop up to catch the mosquitoes. Then more mosquitoes and gnats will light on the trogs. Finally a whole village of insects and reptiles settle down for an afternoon picnic. Then all at once there is an earth quake. The big jaw falls, the alli gator blinks one eye, gulps down tne entire menagerie, and again op ens his big front door for more visi tors. Farming by thi State. A Raleigh correspondent of the VVil mintgon Messenger says: ".North of the city of Kaleigh is a great, farm formerly owned by Mr. M. A. Bledsoe, but in recent yeaia wilderness mainly. The Penitenti ary has leased it tor a term of years, and a large force of convicts has ef fected a change so greata? to attract tne attention of ail travelers bv rail who pass through the farm. Con victs who cannot work orr railways are utilized at this farm ; at the Cooke farm, a mile south of the Bledsoe farm, and at the great farm known as 4,Oaks," eight miles east of Ral eigh. Many women are also em ployed. There are good crops this season, of . Cotton, corn, wheat and tobacco, and many vegetables are grown for use at -the prison. Very good stockades and. farm houses have been built. The farms are of a high class and the management ap pears to be good. The health of the convicts is this season above the average. - A Bargain la Corner mt ia what most man desire, bat to keep from filling a grave ia s cemetery Jet ere uau juur uaya are- nuoioereu, atwaVB keev a Snpply of Dr. Pierce's "Golden Medical Discovery" by yon, When the lint symptoms of conaa caption appear lose no time in putting yourself nader the treatment of this invaluable medicine. a cures ureen nouung em will. . fossea ing, as it does, ten times the virtue tf the best -cod liver oil. it U not only the cheapest but far tha pieasanteat to take. It purifies and enriches the blood. Strengthens the system cures blotchee, pimpiea. eruptions aati ouer bamora, By aniggista. , . .d&wlw Jrea jFir MHturance Urency. I represent some of the best Fire In surance Companies in tbe country and am prepared to write on ail approved risks, in the city or country, on the low est terms. Call and see me before plac ing your -j nurance. At be ClT t jnnlSdtf, Jo i Ai VTII-UAMS. Show of dragnet and Grain, in the Sheaf at Asheville? W. ?., ' August 4th, 1887f , I In order (o encourage the growing of Grasses and 'Grains in Western North Carolina, and to show i the many visitors that are at Asheville at that time what our section is capable of in this respect, we will offer the following premiums for such arti-, cles to be exhibited. in the Cnrthonse 1n this CTty, under 4heiBupervisiowhf'om wittee to be selected for this purpose, on the 4th day of August next. ., 1'hia offer, s onen to all sections of Western North Car- 1IT. ( ci:k.,., . L . i I If Best bundle of Wheat, eat, white,)1 ' -voe 2nd do do do ,. Best" do do (red) 00 2nd Vdo.f;- do !u-i-do.:i ".4ffi5 Best do Oats, (white,) 300 2nd '" do' '.'d(9''-- do 1 Jo Best do do (red or black,) 3 00 and do do do . 1 50 Best do t Kye, ' ' ' ' 3 00 2nd do do 1 50 Best ' do Millet, 1 -' 3 00 2nd do , do I 50 Bear " '' Timothy " ' s $ 00 and do do 1 50 Best do Clover. 3 00 jnd do do i 50 Best do Red Top or Herd, 3 00 2nd do do do 1 50 Best do Orchard Grass," " 3 bo 2nd do do do 1 50 Best do Blue Grass, '.. 300 2nd do do" 1 50 Best do Feather Grass, - 3 00 2nd .do do ii 1 S BI LES TO BE OBSERVKniK. Every bundle must be at least six inches in diameter when drv, must be neatly tied up and arranged, must be well preserved and readv for exhibition bv' J 2 o clock on the day mentioned... (brasses should be cut betore the seeds are ripe, and great care taken that the bundles are not specked by Hies or injured by rats or other VefiKHrr." For further information address Natt Atkinson & SoiJs', Real Estate Dealers. Asheville, N. C, P. O. Box 40 Telephone Call 49.. , . ' ' i i-'l-. He-Union of N. Carolinians. It is stated that the executive com mittee of the'1 State Agricultural Society has ' passed the (lowing resolution : , "Resolved, That a. committte of three be appointed to devise means and make arrangements tor a grand re-union of former citizens of North Carolina now residents of other Statep, at the State Fair in October next." We hope the suggestion will be carried out. and that all natives of the State, dwelling elsewhere' may be brought together again:' If the gath 'ring does take place, , some verv big men may be seen at Kal occubioii. Charlotte eigh on the Democrat. Startling- Bat Trie.' 1 1 Wills Point, Tkx., Dec. 1, 1885, After suffering for more than three Years with disease of, tbe throat and ungs, I got so low last spring 1 was en tirely unable to do anything, and iuv cough was so bad I scarcely slept any at night. My lirugs"jt, Mr. "H. r. GoooV night, sent tne a trial bottle of. DRj BO SANKO'S COUGH AND LUNGYB If. 1 touud relief, rnd alter using, biz 1 1.00 bottler, 1 was entirely cured. J. M. WEL1WN. Sold by II. 11. Lyons. ' dAwlw Haywood White SutrncR Speings. W. M Iinier. Soliciting Agent for the above named resort, would be pleased to torresiiond or talk in perdon with parties dosirine any infortratian regard lng this famous place. Mr. I.anier 'can be found at tbe Grand Central Hotel at all times after train hours. Consult him before locating elsewhere, dim After this week Turner will daily re ceive clams, crabs, turtles, terrapins, all seaside delicacies; also celery. Elegant dinners spread from half-past 1 to 3 p. m. for 00 cents, including a glass 01 good wine; also dinners at 75 -cents, including naii-p:nt superior wmej j t u y u Mj The attention of physician is called to tbe facilities afforded by Turner for prompt and proper preparation of dishes for tbe invalid, bent to any part of the city. Special utensils foi food provided Uruers tilled on shortest notice. : tf N OTICK. , I am prepared to build houses at abort notice and upon the moat reasonable terms. 8a tigac tion guaranteed in all cases ALEX. SHAFT. mhS8dl2mos, . O "Asheville.- N, C. F OK SALE. Three thoronzhbred Mares of fine style and action, elegant sadd'e horse registered ; in Bruce's Stud Book, two broken to harness. , JNO. A. WJLHAMF, JR., . July 15 CiTrzEK oflice.- jpoa BALK. , . -.. 1 : Three houses and lots, near "Doableday" two houses, 4 rooms each, one house 3 rooms. Farm. 10 miles from Asheville, 100 acres, ne framed house and other buildings, good water, timber Sec. Price 1800. . .: J. N. 8NEL8QN. . Julyl2dtif ; - t EUINARY. Livery at Allexander. Good Watertown Vfagons. Buggies and cood saddle Horses to be Bad for Blacrwell s Springs. weareTvu is ana otiter poinn on application. f .... . ' w H. HUNTER, June 30 dim Alexander's, N. C. H1S3 L. CAMPBELL U now prepared to receive a limited number of pupils ou the piano a ser resiuerce, on. zii, uajwoou street. ma2td3m SQUARE DEAL. We are droppjr; from' Our stock both CLOTHING and HATS. ' and to clear our tables rapidly, offer them at orime cost. " ; v -1 : 1 J :'' ' These goods are fresh, desirable aiid at figures tbat must sell them. , Call and examine.. . ;.v-i;--t-..-H '- REARPKN. VAUKIV t O. niyitotf aiii at JJLEA8ANT PRIVATE BOARD. .3.1 :l. Parties desiring good private board, pies ss at rooms. miable rates, apply to tin yejiraet. ot aoart- s - , , .. r.u.UOAVti. xEMALE IT . 1 ap 8 dtf What True Merit, Will Do. Tbe unprecedented "sale of Boschee' German Svrua within Jew veare, baa astonished tbe orld.' lit is without dobtthe"uafe8r'and Mtt rotuedy ever discovered for tbe Bpeedy and effectual cure of Coughs, Colds and tbe severest Lnag troubles ; It acta on an. 'entirely different principle from the usual pre. seiiotionS tiiven hv Phvsiitians as it does wot dry n a('ptigb anlleaie tike disease miu in ine svHteni, iui on tne contrary removes .the. eawse of the trouble,. .ieals the parts affected nd ' leaves them in a barely healthy cond Uoii. A bottle kept in the house for use when the diseases make ti eir appearance, will save doctor's bills and a JojiapelJ , f ,erionB illness. A trial will en vine you Oftthese facts. It is'potsitively told by all druggists and general dealers in the land. Pric, 75 nits, lartre bottles." d&weowly An ApeCAL. The ladies of Asheville interested in the Miesiou Hospital are goinu to give a Uazaar for its benefit about tbe middle of July. They ask earnestly for assist ance from every one, bat as the friends and well-wishers of the Hospital thro' the country are not accessible to direct and personal appeals, they wish thro' the papers to call on theui for contribution, believing that a response will be liberal and generous. Butter, egge, chickens, fruit, peacock feathers or fowls, gourds and flowers will be especially Acceptable and may be left at Powell and Snider's store, Corner Pattou Avenue and Square during tbe second week in July, those gentlemen bavins kindly promised that all donations shall safely reach tbe ladies.,. .Tha. "the country" will be handsomely represented on that occasion is tbe hope and belief of tbe ladies. ma 24 tf How can yo -afford to pay biir prices when you can get better goods for less money at McMulleas, No. 14 Wortn Mam street, than can be bad any where else.,:; . dlw KST'Hanipton and Fealherston's read ing room has been tastefully arrauged for the convenience of guests, and late papers from every section or the coun try, are to be found dailv on the tables. dtf Wilson's Graham and -Crystar wafers in one and two pound boxes, at Moore & Itobard's. - -" s - " tr w ANTED. a imad cook (male t referred! to eo to Jarrett's Depot. Apply ior one uay omv ui vanuuuerauu urown. juae 9 - B. F. HEVt ETT. f t ' - IF YOU WANT A STRAW II AT at reduced price go to J. Q. Howell's. IF YOU WANT a eooApair orSHOFN at a very low price go to J. O. Howell's, IF YOU WANT towels, table likens, napkins, &c go to J. O. Howell's and pi ice tbem and ? s. i ; you will save money J T 1 h IF YOU WANT 9 anil 10-4 beetingM ,0-4 ili Bleached and Unbleached Domestics go to J. O. Howell's IF YOU WANT Shirts, C11 ft". Hosiery, &e., ... , go to J, O. Howell's and you will find thorn at reduced prices together with every line all down.. 3. Cash Store. . t" . -jr. 301 jit:. I "3 SUGGESTION TO'1 FINE T OBAICO CHEffERS ! I have in stock a full line of f.S.raY6lysExtra6hew Kne Fig Tobacco and t,ncy Ilnnt, (a lead ing brand of fine 9 inch plug.) 1 heae goods are all made ot the bent Henry OonntT Lea tit er ood ljaf, kad manufacinred by J. H. John, son A Oovj DaarQle, Vs., and are guaranteed to penneasou tne manes. ', ; ; v ;. , , ; Maia BU 3rd door abara Bank of AabeTU JAW Thf mnite 'tddndf 'near- HendeMonrlUa, j U Th nndenivned ia usnrti tov furalsh short antkw. all work fir cfanite: tar Window sills. Door sills. Steps. e Ac Indeed ererj Sins aeedd lor Buildings. " ' ,'rrl1 '!:;'..'' Call or address . ..r A. P. CORN A CO., v.e(Udtf ..u HsnderaonTilia, M. fc i "Work, Work, Work I " How many women there are working to-dav in various branches of industry to say nothing of the thousands of j atient housewives whose livecare an uncea-ing round: ot toil who are martyrs to those complaints" to which tbe weaker sex is liablev Their tasks are rendered doubly hard and irksome and their lives short ened, yet bard necessity ronipels them to keep onj, x a such Ur. Fierce a "r av- orite Prescription oners a sure means of relief. For all female weaknesses it is a certain cure. All druggists d&wlw For Imperfect Digestion, Pisordered v Stomacli. It Travelers round Ibis world of cm o. Withou . delay themselves prepare, Against thri ills that may arise i rom tuootea mam ana lenmriy i iacc A sure defence is at their call. For TARRANT'S HKLTZEB conquers all. juiy is ueoattw ooios Vanderbilt University , Offers in its departments of Science, Literatnrc aud Arts, Law, Theology, Engineering, Pharmacy, Dentistry, and Medicine the highest educational advantages at a moderate cost. Address WILS W'LLIAJVIS, Secretary, july 13 dcod&w 4w Nashville, Tenn. s EALKD PROPOSALS DEPIRED For erecting at Asheville the Convent and School Building of the Sisters of Our Lady of Merer, according to plans ana specifications furnished bv Pallisser 4 Pallisaer. of New York. The right reserved of rejecting any or all of the proposals, nans ana sneciiicaions can tie seen at tbe Rectory of St! Lawrence's Catholic Church of this city. Bids will be received up to July urn. ana are to oe sent to fro J. M Tlernan, P. O. Box 326, Asheville. N. C. S1STXKS Of OUB LADY OF MERCY June -29 dtd - - "piOR8ALE, Tne aagie Arug btore in nrevaiu i ne only drag store in the county Will sell cheap fur cash. For particulars apply to C. K. FARMKP., ma!5 di&wtf itrevard, N. C. OFFICE ROOMS FOR RENT, Arplyat NO. 30 S. MAIN ST.- july 13 dtf Buy A Fountain ! What ran add as much to the beauty nf your grounds? Ca!l and examine nates ana New York prices. J. G. ASTON. ap 19 dtf , TOR SALE, A cozy COTTAGE, of seven 1 1 i 1 rooms. grounds improved : fruit, etc. Ill Terms eav. . je'e-u s.s. Mi'3u. 1 KJR A FEW DAYS ONLY. We oiler for sale a good substantial Horse, six years of age. Apply early to ISKAKUIiN, KAJN.K.1M & july lOdtf University of North Carolina. CHAPEL UILL. N.C. The session is divided into two terms : the lirst beginuing tbe last Thursday in August and end ing at Christmas, the second beginning carlv in January and euJing first Thursday in June. Tui tion 3U tor eacn term, f or room rent unn ser vice. 43 per term. Those unable to pay tuition are allowed to give their notes, secured if possi ble. Tuition in the Normal Course free. Post .Graduate instruction also free. The faculty is now suihciently strong to give instruction In a wide range of studies. For terms in the Law Bcliool apply in Hon. John Manning, LL. I. For catalogues apply to W. T. Patterson, Bursur, Chapel Hill, N. C. For special information apply to jun26dsu,thwlm K BMP P BATTLE, LL. D Roanoke College. IN THE VIRGINIA MOUNTAINS. Several Courses lor degrees. Special attention to English, French and German spoken. In struction thorough and practical. Library lfi, 000 volumes. Good literary societies. Kest mor al and religious influences. Expenses for nine months SH9. SITG or $304 in eluding tuition, board, etc ) Students trorn many states, Ind. Ter. and Mexico. North Car olina well represented. Thibtv-Fitfii skssioN Beuins Sept. 14th. For catalogue, (with view of grounds, baild lugs and mountains) address , JULIUS D. DKEH Kit, President; !je28-daw1m Salem. Virginia. FINE GROCERIES I Pi O CSS o O M o B o POTTED MEATS, PATES OF G ME, CANNED FISH, CANNED FRUITS, f FRENCH PEAS, Extra Fine, t FRENCH MUS1IHOOM8, DEVILED CRABS, SHRIMP, C. and B. PICKLES, PIN MONEY PICKLES, JELLIES PRESERVES CANTON GINGER, 4 8 o ,GROSSE AND BLACKWELL S JAMS, OLIVES, EDAM CHEESE, FINEST - SALAD OIL, INSTANTANEOUS . .CHOCO LATE. 4 H a o H HROMA, COCOA, NEW ORLEANS MOLASSES, PUIIE EXTRACTED HONEY, FINEST KEY WEST & "IMPORTED CIGARS TABLE SUPPLIES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, " -AT- ; No. 53 SOOTH MAIN ST. , Telephone No. 3S. . W. T. REYNOLDS, " ' - N. A. KEYNOLDS. New Livery Stables ! Walnut Street, between the Farmers' and the Banner Warehouses. : SET2T0LDS lillOTEEES, Have just moved into their new and commodious brick stables in the above location, and ask a share of public . pat ronage. Thev are fully equipped with good horse, vood vehicles and careful 4rirergr - - ' Ordeis promptly attended to., jun8dtf ' . "r r ; J. C. BROWN & CO., i MERCHANT TAIXORS, i it -.; 'if. H ...... ' so. 35 PattMii Aveune, , ! next (irajvi ierUr'U Hotel. F.GLlSH-MADE . O ARMENT8 ' ' A NperlAlty. ,. K mt ' ' . - ' ' ' '- 1 - , . tea, jis;C Haywood WAYNESVILLE.N.C. (On W. N. C. R, It., 30 miles west of Asheville.) This magnificent mountain resort is aprain open to the public. 'Teruw, 00 u 2 50 per day; $1" 00 to $15 00 per week; $30 00 to $50 00 per month, The most de lightful place for families in the mountains. Fine orchestra! Klectrii- Urll! Home Dflirv ! . , From loth June to July a deduction of '25 per cent. IY Address, made. INSURANCE. LIFE INSURANCE. toj mtil- Vl I.KV MUTUAL LIKE ASSOCIATION 1 OF V1IW1NIA Jss'-ks jiolicios for from UtAHH) to !s:t.OOO. AND coinbije the guarantee eature ot 'OUD UNE'' Companies at the cow ol ordinary co-operntive insur er, "a in Seeet Orders. F'lRF INSURANCt. LnsuraAoe against loss by Fire in City County on all kinds of lrpi-r.y, Real and Persona . SVi - ' well ax long term. Pol: ? s issued at lair rates if A. 1 Companies, Home and Foreign. I-HO. . 11U AMI, Acciil, (.)fli, Nortli Hide Court Square, my 2(M: fWAR0 i. ASTON, TAI -STATE AND INSURANCE CENT, Aslirvi'.ie. 'orlh Carolirj Bargains in Lots PROSPECT PARK ! SURVEY COMPLETED ! This niagnifiecnt property is now laid off in lots of all sizes, situations and prices the finest proper! 3 in the WIS ST EJV19. Splendid views of the river and tlie western mountains. Prices range from two hnndred dollars up to six thousand. Some fine lots at $500, $G0O, $7oo, $800 and Some larger and more de sirable still at $1,000 to S3,ooo. A few verv choice lots on the crown of the hill. South side Girdwood street and East side Park Avenue. These lots can not be duplicated, and whoever secures one will have an investment that is good for all time. SPECIAL. Eight beautiful lots on a gentle slope overlooking French Broad Valley will be sold for the i.ext few days at a bar gain. A reasonable cash payment, and long time on the il wanted. Call early and see the platjuow in tbe time to bnv in Vest Asheville. WALTER B. GWYSy Real Estate Agent. je30-dtf Pipoii River Nurseries. I am prepared to furnish 50,000 Fruit Trees For the fall season, consisting of nipple, Peach ' Plum Cherry , . .;,! .. Grape t'iiies, All varieties well adapted tc. .Western North Carolina. For prices and particulars as to varieties address J. A. MAY, Prop'r, - ap 28 diwm Pigeon River, N. C FOR SALE! 1,000 BARRELS Portland & Union CEMENT ' AND Calcined Plaster, BALL AR DBROTH ERS' mayl5d3ni : ' , ' TANNER & DELANEY EN 7 GINE COMPANY, .' RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. ' " 1 Business established 1865. Tbe most c, ,111 plot HarhlneKbopi In the Bonth. Kiifllirx. Kiler,Saw-uilll!t ua Jlntlllnrr.v. i.ifhl mm Trantmmtr M.mommUctj M?U mm lMmtmoim HmcrlmUn. 49-Corrospondence solleitid. Scmlfor ontilogt aprl.'MAwlT . 1 White Sulphur Springs in alx'ive rat'.'H w ill Stringfield, Smathers & Gilmer. I867. Hampton FeatlMston. The Oldest and Most Relia ble Liquor Store in N. C. We carry the largest assortment of tnioiis of ;iny house in the State. Wc handle nothing but best roods. the very Our Whiskies inn .randies are lonoti!U-eil 'li 1 . 1 yii iinv to be piir.t ...! 1111 adnltei None iml pure Liquor are Iii li me cmal purposes Our Stock is Complete in Every Particular. OKI Corn Vbiskcy oiic four years old. Old Ryp-nf the liiiu- i f,land:'i,l brand . All kinds "of WiiH'? Porter, iV. H.-ci-.. Aie. A-'es Cigars and Tobacco in ;jrrat quJiiitifics "nii'lj.liiut on the market. We arc very thankful in our pa trons for their past favors, and wc wish to say in conclusion that our prices arid goods are right down lo he hard times. 13c convinced calling on us, West Side Public Square, Asheville, N, C. janSdm jg-OTICE. I hare oiwneil a Tonhorlnl Parlor under H ; Redwood .t I'u.'s, 'os. !i an. I 1 1. I'atiou Avnnne. July !) dim KOBT I.. I' I. i:KNOV. llnrlx-r. Sulphur Springs Hotel, Five 13 ilex JI T ol ishe riltc, on thf Western SBranch of the If cs trn JY. C. IS. It. Thu new and elegant house is open , for the reception of visitors, : It i new. huilt ol" brick, four sloiU-n in ' '; height, rooms light ind airy ami snpfrl)" . ' ly furnished. . . ' It is surrounded with broad varandas, '.' affording promenades of more' than six hundred feet. ' , v: 7 , ..... , The whole house', as well as veranda and jrronuds, are illuminated with gas. . Wa'.er, free stone and mineral,. j brought to the house from the spring, abundant Rr uruikinir .uses, toilet and I the bath, : TheSniinus are proverbial for tlieirf curat:ve properties. The How ofwati'r from the four stone-cased fountains i . ex eeed'ngly copious . , ' " The Sulph ir Springs have been il'okd fo' tnree quarters of a century. Itufoie the ori-final hotel btiilJiiiff . was burned, ' they were a shrine to whieh the healthy ( iluriuis annually crowded from all rtS i.f Western North Carolina, South Caro-"' liua, Geoiyia and Tennesse, with ever , strengthening faith. Their eurstive powers received constant and marked iUfc lustration. ' ' . There is no more delightful resort oni, the continent. The hotel, in all its ap-f? pointmeuts is complete-. 'ih Jable superior, a large garden supplies itnabun- f dance of fresh fruits and-vegetables, and a dairy nf full blooded 'Jersey cows iro- vide exiiaustless milk and butter. Acood I band iiirnishea muaic forbe:feinceorfn-1 recieaJ'in, awed provided livery stable ! is on the premises ; and "added In ihifl t there is the charm of thsmoRt laiitiful' scenery in tne worui. , f Kates per nay per, vveKi.i $21. Special rates to families. For DarticulareftBplv tot' ) E. (7. CARRIER. Prop'r, or ANDREW s; LEf5, Mgr. - Po, tolUiie, Asheville, N. C.'.i jtiil35d3m :f ' --E2$3I3SS;

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