TELEGRAPHIC. ANOTHER STRIKE ENDED MORE ABOUT THE EARTH QUAKE SHOCKS. ISonlanger and Ferry Fail to Fight. THE CHARLOTTE OBSER VER SUSPENDED. THE LANGSTON MURDER TRI ALBAD FOR THE PRIS ONER. The Charlotte Observer Suspended. (By telcetaph to the Ashevillc Citizen.) Charlotte, August 2. Charles R. Jones, Proprietor of the Daily Observer, to-day made an assign ment for the benefit of his credit- tors. He places his liabilities at $'J,500. The Observer lias suspend ed, and the offico will be sold by 11. A. Deal, assignee. -:o:- Earthqnake Shocks. (By telecraph to the Asheville.Citizsn. EVANSVILLS, IND., Au?USt 2. At 12:30 this mornin a slight earth quake was felt here, three tremors following each other. St. Louis, Angust 2. A slight earthquake shock was felt here at 12:30 this morning. It woke up the occupants of the houses, but no damage is repo sed- The move- ment was from south to north, and the Tibration lasted from five to eight seconds. Cairo, 111., August 2. A severe shake from earthquake at 12:30 this morning lasted thirty seconds. It stopped many clocks and fright ened people. No damage is re ported. The Langston Murder Trial, By telegriph to the Asheville Citizen.! Petersburg, August 2. In Lang- ston-Ruffin murder case the court has been engaged all the morning in hearing the evidence for prosecu tion which was very unfavorable to the prisoner establishing posi tively the shooting apparently with out provocation. Witness who saw the shooting testified that Langston charged Ruffin with stealing his pipe. Kulrln; Langston called him a liar, and immediately shot him down. Defence will en deavor to show that an operation performed upon Ruffin caused his death, but physicians wno testified scouted such view. :o:- The End of a Strike. IBv teleeraDh to the tsheville Citizen. PlTTSBL RG, Tenn., AUgUSt 2.. Black Diamond Steel WOrkS Ol l ark Bros, & Co., for recognition if tVin I knichts of labor, has fftilp.fl. and I .. . ,;il 1. v1,n ., ,i i , work will be resumed tomorrow. Large numders Of the Strikers have . . . returned to work unconditionally, and the places of ringleaders who will not be taken back have been filled by new men. The'strike lasts ed three weeks, and affected about -t rnn n. ; i 1,500 men. There IS no Change here in trip aitnatinn of trip fitrikp nf flip in ine Sltuaiion Ol tne SiriKe Ol Uie association against TWO Job IvUle . f (V, cl- TrAri TOrtr-lra ,nrl men at tne ooiar iron worns, ana rointer and Companies mill ore still idle and both sides are firm. The Bonlang-er-Ferry Duel. IBy telegraph to the Asheville Citizen Paris, August 2. General Bou- lorifror'a ennnnAa -niiblisViorl a ronnrf - ai " . , f . , vi. WJ-iUfc luey Bay u;ius(jiieu ui tue I neury creasman, m. ju. Morrison anu tne uon cnnWnrp hptwpen tbpm nTUl fVm aldson heirs, being the saMe land conveyed by seconds of M. Ferry in substance as follows: Boulanger desired repara- tion ntifl nrnnerlv nronortion to thp lion, one propeny proportion 10 tne cravity of Ferry's offence. . On this account he proposed that the com- batatltS exebang Shots Ulltil One wa 4V, r, r,f rllcfon.n 4 tj mi, tu vnuAvv va uioiau leit tO tlie Seconds 01 r erry. Inese Conditions not Deing accepted, , - tTlrmlTno-pr'a Hppnnrla no-rpprl tn ho to a fallen bleckoak; thence 6. 87 deg. E. twenty xouia.igers seconus agreea to De sixpole8toaHtake and pointerg on tho wet CUIlteilb W1LIX all eAUtlalJire Ul cllUtS i i ori :u between principals at AO paces With- til flnw if stl vi n m .1 .j . J "U'4auu- Biueriiig mio piL-puesai 10 euiuouy Via PT-trpmc limit, nf Opnprnl limn, ine extreme umil Ol general ISOU". langer 8 formal instruction, hi3 BCC" .fl. j. .i j i onus uiuuo.ieei-u.uorizeu lomaKe n.nv fnrthpr nrnnosition FWrv h I combe, State of lorth Carolina, on the southside any iun,u.r uiupu.iuuu. rt,rry ofSwannttoa river, bounded as follows: Begin Seconds WOUld OnlV eXCeDt a duel nine on a water birch on the south bank of said at twenty-five paces with a single exchange of shots, the fire to be opened at the word of command. I Thereupon, as the offended party , . , -. , , . . , - Etas ngnt tO dictate Conditions Ot a rlnpl witbnnt hpino-nblio-Pfl in aiih. auei WlinOUI Demg ODllgea lO SUD- mit to terms dictated by hlS adver eary's seconds, lioulanger's seconds withdrew from the ailair. Market Reports. IBy telegraph to the Aehtville Citizen. St. Louis, August 2. Flour active ; wheat No. 2 red cash C9 ; whiskey eieauy ivo; provisions steaoy. Chicago. August 1. Cash quotations for to-day were as follows: wheat No 2 red71j; lard, 6.62J; whiskey 1.10. . .... . incinhati, Aneusi wneatnrni JNO & reu i; uuru acuve 2 mixeu ; oaw nrmJNO z mixed nij : lard firmer S,'B"" KTK ,-..,u"",,'?ory J , i"C-oti.-,i,j.i,. .:.. , nr. 2 ' Fee's corner; thenceN 70 degE eighteen roles u 67i; whiskey active 1.05. Savannah, Aug 2 Turpentine firm. jMf; rosin steady uoai.OO. Wilmington, August 2. Tarpenline firm 28: rosin quiet, gosd strained 821; tar; craae turpentine firm, hard i.iu; ye;iow dip and virgin 1.70. Backlen'f Arnica Salve The bent Salve in the world for cuts, bruises, ores, nlcera. rheum, fever Bores, tetter, chapped hands, ohiiblains, corns, ana all skin eruptions, and positively enree piles, or no pay eqni rod. It U guaranteed to give perfect atisfaction, or money refunded. Frice25 cts er box. For sale or H. H. Lyons. daw The Entrance to the Charleston Harbor. IRy Telegraph to the Asheville Citizen. Washington. D. C, Aug. 2. Col. A Gi' more, United States Engineer, in his annual report, says of the work of im proving tne entrance to inaneston it. C.) Harbor that the appropriations have been inadequate for the successful prosecution of the operations, having in view the completion ot the project with in the present century. During the per iods when the work is suspended for want of funds, deterioration is certain. and rapid, and fully 40 per cent, of the amount 01 last appropriation, nas been expended in the work which would have been unnecessary if the funds which are required tofocure the gradual but continu ousdey elopnicn Is and co jsolidation of the structures had been more liberally and rcaularlv provided, lie recommends an approbation for next year, lie asks for $'30,01)0 lor next years expenditure in the Savannah Harbor, and earnestly recommends that this entire sum which is uecesfin ' for the completion of the present prefect be made available in one appropriation. If this be done he says an annual expenditure of 20,000 will be sufficient to maintain the works of the projected improvements of the Savannah River between Augusta ana bavannah. He recommends various other appropria tions for South Carolina livers. Jnst What Tbcr All Say Hon. D. D. Ilavnie. of Salem, Ills., says ho uses Dr, Bosanko's cough and Lung Syrup in his family with the most satisfactory results, in all cases of coughs, colds and croup, and rccoromeuus it m paruuuiar iw uiu umu uuus. Sample bottle free tt H. H. Lyons, dawlw. In last week's issue we merely mentioned the death of this gentle man. Gov. Robin on, but as a public man, who had raised himself by his own exertions hign in tne es teem ot his tellowmen bv botn nis public and private acts, he deserves something more; and from Fayette- ville especially is he deserving of gratitude. or the Cape rear and Yadkin Valley road when in trouble received his support. As President of the Senate in 1S76, he gave the casting vote in their favor and thus enabled them to go forward. It was a position that required erreat moral courage, for it was taken in direct opposition to many of his friends. But he did it. . L. R. in Fayeltevillc 'Observer. Sloriu Signals. As the coming rV a great storm is her1 aided by the Uisphly of cautionary sign als, so ii the approiich of that dread and fatal disease, Consifcnption of the Lungs, usually announced 11 advance by pimp les, blotches! eruptions, ulcers, glandular swellings, and ViuirrtSiuuUiard manifesta tions of the intern..' bljpod poison, which. if not promptly expeifiil from the system. attf cka the deli' ite tissues of the lungs, causing them to ulcerati and break down; Dr. Pierce's "Golden Medical Discovery" is the great remedv for fchic, as for r1! diseases having their origin in bad blood. It improves the appetite and digestion increases nutrition and bui'.ds up the wasted system. u&wlw OH AS. . McCANDLISS. CJC Surveyor ami Civil Engineer, ASHKV11.1.E, jr. c. Office with A. J. Lyman, Real Estate Broker. ALSO AGENT FOB HAZI.KHURST fc HUCKEL. Architects, fdesien ers of Battery Park Hote!) Philadelphia, Penna olodam NOTICE ! Lon, his wie, and Hamilton C. I-one ol : uuncomue hi me mare oi jNorcn made and executed to J. G. Mart 11, the under- signed, a Deed of Trust to secure to the Bank of sfinri Dollars (?t"..noo due and to be tiaid on the tmirtn d;iyot reornary, a u 100, wnicn ueea 01 T.., WMir(,porii..a m tue omce of the Rpirir of Deeds of Limcombe couiity on the iSth day of Frilirnorv lXstl nr Q o Clock a. m. in Knot Mnrt. giies No 7, on page 42f, and the sum of Six Thou- 1 s ina Dollars principal aim x wriy-une iraiiars in terest, makine together the sum of Six Thousand and Forty-One Poflars principal and iuteres:, is due 011 the said Deed of Trust on the fifteenth day of July, Inst, tue day 01 ine nrst publication ol "this notice; and whereas default has been made in the payment of the money secured by said Deed ol Trust, I will by virtue of the pswer ccfnferrcd upon me by said Deed of Trust offer forsaIcat public auction for cash on Saturday.tue nth day of September, at l2o-clock m., the prop- erty conveyed by the said Deed of Trust. The snl of the real ostote i!erein described win be in front of the Curt House in Asheville, N. C. and t je sale of tlie personal property hereinafter de scribed will be at the residence of the said Thoi. B. Lone in Buncombe county, both sales to be made at the time and in the manner above de scribed. The following is a description of the property conveyed by said deed of trust : First Tract Situate in the county of Bun combe. State of North Carolina, lvine on the Swannanoa river, being the land on which the said Thos. B. Long row lives, formerly owned by I registered in the Register's office of Buncombe lows:ieiinniniratastake'nlhe north bank of 'he swannanoa river, runn iit?N. 3des. k, pass . lte oak marked B j,ree i six poics 10 a siaKe on ine nuge; tnen ccb.ou sg. y , eitrniy-iwo doics to a snamsn oat, liasn scor- stake J.K. llempliiirs corner: thence N.SdeR. E. lift? poles to a black oak, .Hemphill's and i Longr s own corner, inenco in nempniu s ana i'onS s me s. - one nunarea ana iony. i tuui i uii.3 ty lai&v aiivi puiincia luiuicny a sonrwood; thenti N. 3 deg. E. twenty-four poles uhiih ui mc aHimunmw nver ; mcuw: uuwu eaiu river S 10 der? E one hundred and forty poles; thence S So deg K twenty-elght poles; thence 8 13 dPET W Sixteen Doles tO ttlft riVW. ft t. the loWPf edge of the forJ leading over to trresideiiceof Asuury uira; mercc k acg w sixteen poles to a huge rock; thence N 73 deg W sixty-four poles; thence S 56 deg W one hundred and eight poles to the begiimaig coutaiuiug one hundred and flity-nineand one-half pres of land. Second Tract Lfir.Mn the county of Bun river ear culli- kuiuuuii ine ranroa-a, anu runs 8 1 deg Ethiity-tliree poles to a peach tree-thence S 4 degE fifty-four poles to a stake in Kimball's line; inence wun saia line west seventeen ana a half poles to a whiteoak. Kimball's comer thence S 20 deg E fourteen poles to a stake in Gash's line, iuc-.c niuiMiuuim nt'.u.uuuurtuiu twenty poles to a birch and sycamore on the bank of the river; thence np said river as it meanders, to the beginning, containing ninety- ne acres more or less, as conveyed to Thos. B. Long by line; inence wun saia line west onenunartu ana James Coivin and by Thos. B. Long to Hamilton v. uug. Third Tract Situate in the county of Bun combe, State of North Carolina, lying on the Su gar Fork of Nort h Fork of Swannanoa river, ad- loining the lands o FrancU Stevens, J If McFee, Z B Vance and olhcrs and bounded a follows Beginning on a large chestnut on the south bank of Sugar Fork creek (Francis Stevens' cornerl and runs with his line S 22 deg W fifty-four pole io a biukc; inence in o ueg w lorry-six poles to a stake; thence North six poles to a poplar stump: thence West seventy-two poles to a crooked ?-I?ck?k- zBy,an30'",N E eorner on the south une w ol 1XX1 stake in Vance's line on the top of a ridge; thence down and wi'h the toDof the ridce as fnllnwa- N 63 deg 30 mir E thirty-nine poles, thence N I uereea ii. iweive po:es ; tnence ai eefcrees ear E eifrhuten rnles tn a large poplar on tho bank of the creek; thence down and with the meanders ot the creek to the beginning, containing one hundred and five and a nan acres more or less. Also th? fnllmvlnir iloc-rlKd rtrannal nmiuirit- to-wit: One T year old black stallion named "Prince"; one a year old bay stallion called "Jim': one gray male "Bob:" one black mula khHrA Jack;" one four-year old thoroughbred Jersey bull called "Matt Kansom;" one Ayreshlre spot- u.a cow caiiea -unerry;" one Ayreshlre and Jer sey roan heifer, and one Jersey and Rrennitr vol. low heifer; also all the household and kitchen furniture of said Thos. B. Lnnir and MArcnrat w Long, his wife, and Hamilton O. Long, consisting of beds, chairs, tables, bedsteads, bureaus, etc., ana eacn ana every article of the same, and all tanning utensils, consistimr-or harmwK. wacnnn. buggies, harness, ploughs, etc, and each and ev ery arucie 01 me same. Terms caii, J. G. MARTIN, Trustee. Asheville, IT. C, July la, lss7. jy 15-wtd Old as to Time, But Very Good Elias Alexander, of Rutherford county, grandfather of Colonel Frank Coxe, was an old revolution ary Whig, who fought at King's Mountain, and died years afterward, with twenty-ceven British and Tory buckshot in his body. Old Maj. Green,, of the same county, was a Tory, and was also in the battle of King s Mountain, on the lory side. Alter the war Oreen was several times elected to the State Senate, from Rutherford county, and seemed invincible. In 1823 Alexan der determined to have Green beat en and brought out his sop as a candidate against him. Green be came apprehensive of defeat and concluded ihat something" must be done. IIo fell upon the idea ot joining the lsaptist church, and in carrying out the project was immers ed in the Broad river. Alexander, somewhat discouraged at this turn, but nothing daunted, went to witness the ceremony. Leaning ud against an old tree on the ba,nk of the river within speak ing distance of the scene, he silently and doubtingly watched the process of regeneration. Jverybody expect ed some kind of a declaration from him before the crowd dispersed. lust as Green was raised out of the water, wet as a rat, and gasping tor breath, Alexander, who was very tall and towered above the bystan ders, slowly raised his hand and pointed at him, at the same time saying in a loud and measured tone "There elands old Major Green, Now neat and clean, Thouch formerly a Torv, The damndest rascal, that ever was seen Aou) on his way to glory." ihis lurnished a campaign song and worked an overwhelming de feat of Green at the polls. Greens boro North Stale. What True Merit Will Do. The unprecedented sale of Eoschcet Gi:nnan Syrvn within a few years, has astonished the world. It is without dor-lit the safest and best remedy ever discovered for the speedy and effectual cure of Coughs, Colds and the severest L.ung troubles. It acts on an entirely diuerent principle irom the usual pre scriptions given by Physicians, as it does not dry up a Uough and leaie the disease still in the system, but on the contrary removes the cause of the trouble, jeals the parts affect jd end leaves tkein in a purely healthy cond tion. A bottle keut in the house for use when the diseases make tbeir appearance, will save doctor's bills and a long spell rf serious illness. A trial win ccnvine you of these facts It is positively sold by all druggists and general dealers in the land. Price, 75 cents, large bottles. d&weowly Almost a Miracle. We were very much surprised yester day to see 'Squire Davis oat upon the street again looking as thrugh be had taken a new lease of life. Considering that the 'Squire has been for years a con firmed invalid with what v.-as supposed to be consumption, his recovery seemed but little short of a miracle. When questioned as to the cause of his restored health, he said, "Sy mphyx, sir, Symphyx did it; a few bottles have stopped my cough, restored my lung3 to health, and ma!le me a well man. There is no cough medicine equal to it." The Oldest Xiirsc in Georgia. Mrs. S. E. Kenn iiv, one of the oldest and best known n :rses in Georgia, states that in all her experience with bowel troubles and cluidrc-n teething, Jr. Log gers' Huckleberry Cordial is t!;e best remedy. -o- , After this w eek Turner will daily re ceive clams, crabs, turtles, terrapins, all seaside delicacies; also celery. Elegant dinners spread imi iialt-past 1 to 6 p, m. for 50 cents, including a glass of good wine; also oinners at cents, including halt-pint supenoi wine. tf tspllarnpton and Featherston's read ing room has been tastefully arranged for the convenience of guests, and late papers from every section of the country are to be found daily on the tables. dtf Wilson's Graham and Crystal wafers in one and two pound boxes, at Moore & liobard s. tf Beautiful and artistic designs in French China, dinner and tea-setts, at- W. C Keller & Co.'s, No. 12 Patton Avenue, tf The attention of physicians is called to the facilities afforded by Turner for prompt and proper preparation of dishes for the invalid. Sent to any part of the city, bpecial utensils lo lood provided, Orders tilled on shortest notice. tf Picture frames fine and cheap at Lind- 6ey's Studio, Main st, opposite postoffice, Four office rooms for rent. Inquire a 50 S Main st. tf Tim flnr-R-. hrfnkfkr. ftiwl minnpr to ht found on any table served promptly, at Turner s, lor 00 cents each meal. tt FOR Sick Headache Biliousness. Constipation, The sore Dyspepsia people feel, However light may be their meal. Should ne'er be suffered to repose And breed a train of graver woes. When verfect health they may secure Through TARRANT'S SELTZER safe ana sure. July xv ueoa&w ornos Vanderbilt University Offers in its departments of Science, Literature and Arts, Law, Theology, Engineering, Pharmacy, Dentistry, and Medicine the highest educaUonal advantages at a moaeraie cost. Aaaress WIL9 WILLIAMS, Secretary, Nashville, Tenn, juiy 13 aeoa&w w JOK KENT OE SALE. A house of 4 rooxs. iuly 30 dtf J. N. HNELSON. SUGGESTION TO FINE TOBACCO CHEWERS I have in stock a full line of W.S. Gravelys "Extra Skew "IHDUH CBIEI-" AND "rms 1 K1CB" ALSO Fine Fie Tobacco and Lucv Hunt, fa lead ing brand of fine 9 inchplug.) These goods are an made or the best Henry oounty jueato. 1 - ,1 . 3 I T TT Tl. son & Co., Danville, Va., and are guaranteed to De nnest on the market. Fr4nk Loughran, . Main St., Srd door above Bk rf Ashe B OARD. Persons' wanting eood board aid good rooms can oe accommoudica at u: vugie notei buna- in;, one door north of the Exprtss nllice. July :dlw - - . - . If bilious, or suffering frotri Impurity of blood, or weak lungs, and fear of con' sumption (scrofulous disease of the lungs), take Dr. Pierce M "Golden Medical Discovery, and it will cure you. ts? ruggiets. aacwiw Excitement In Texas. Great excitement has been caused in the vicinity of Paris, Tex., by the re markable recovery of Mr. J. E. Corley, who was so helpless he could not turn in bed, or raise his head; everybody said he was dying of Consumption. A trial bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery was sent him. Finding relief, he bought a large bottle and a box of Dr. King's New Life Pills; by the time he had taken two boxes of Pills and two bottles of the Dis covery, he was well and bad gained in uesh thirty-six pounds. 1 rial bottles of this Great Discovery for Consumption free at II. H. Lyons'. barge Dottles ft. So Separate Records are kept n this country, and but few in others, of deaths, fires and other accidents by light ning; yet from the few public andprivale records we can get, we can make some approximate estimates. In Austria the public hre records lor eight years; 1871 to 1878, show that 4 J percent of the to tal number of fires that occurred from all sources were caused by lightning. The loss by fire in this country is f 120,000, 000 annually, and it is reasonable to sup pose that as large a per ct. ot the whole number of fires in this country is caused by lightning as originated from the same cause in Austria, and it is also reasona ble to suppose that tne loss of each hre, occasioned by lightning, will, on the av erage, be as much as the average loss of each fire originating from other causes. On this basis of estimating, which must be approximately correct, the citizens of this nation must expect to lose, during the next ten years, at least $50,000,000 wortn 01 property laom this cause alone, and to the loss by fire must be added the loss that occurs in a great number of cases when fire does not result from the lightning stroke. There are hundreds of such cases when great damage is done. The loss in such cases is probably half as great, if it docs not exceed that, as the loss by fire. This added makes an enormous aggregate of $1 6,500,000 that the inhabitants of this nation must ex pect to lose during the next decade from this source aloue. In making this estimate we have add ed nothing for the average annual in crease in loss by lire, and for the an nual increase in population during the next decade. If a reasonable per cent, be added on this score the amount would approximate S0,000,000. Is not the prop erty consideration alone sumcient to en gage the serious attention of the thought ful, saying nothing about the loss of life and personal injury that will result du ring that time. Such I063 can not be msnsured by dollars and cents. The only measure we have for them is the tears, tlift riprnetnal anmiiBh of soul, urtrl th Purief of those whose' loved ones are no more, and the unnecessary regrets of those who had it in their power to pi vide that protection that would ihaye saved some irom so sad a fate, but neg lected to do so. The great philosopher, Liehtenberg, ot (iottingen, said in tne year 1794; "Peo pie are struck and their dwellings are destroyed by lightning because they will have it so. it does not matter to us whether parsimony, carelessness, igno- rrnce, or anything else is the canse of this." Von Otto Buchner, of Weimar, Germany, asserts "that this dictum may be equally applied to the present genera tion." C. GORHAM, DEALER IN ALL KISD.OP Modern Imnroved liie-Htninsr uonauciors n , r" jfolnts Dispersers WEATHER VANES AND EVERY VARIETY OF (TRIMMIkGS. Work erected at short notice on .the most improved circuit system. Office No. 8 N. Court House Square, L. BUIGUT, AGENT FOB tOl'GH and DRESSED LUMBER, SHINGLES LATHS, AND ALL KIND3 OF itlllLDING MATERIAL Also an assortment of Doors, Sash, Sash, Blinds and Morganton Brick. All Orders Promptly tilled. FICK AND YARD NEAR T11E 'DEPOT ASHEVILLE N. C ai d3n F OR SALE. Three houses and lots, near Donbledny" tw nouses, 4 rooms eacn. one nouse rooms. arm, 10 miles from Asheville. 100 acres. ne framed house and other buildin gB, good water, timber-- ace. Thrice aouu. j, r. bin Julyl2dtl One Price Store. Measures taken for A, Raymond & Co., New York Tailors, and a fit guaranteed! Samples now ready for inspection. Shirts and Drawers, Scarfs, Gloves, Collars and Cuffs, Handkerchiefs.v Um brellas, Bag?, &c. Handsome Spring Suits, in Sacks and Four Button Walking Coats; also several grades of Frock Coat Suits. Youths' and Boys' Clothing in great variety. , Our line of .Dress Goods, Silks, Velvets Satins, Dress Ginghams, Satines, Per cales, Prints, &c, will be found very at tractive. Ziegler Bros.', Merriam A Tyler's, Morgan Bros.' and Stokley's Shoes fo ladies, misses and childrem. Banister's and Ziegler's fine shoes for men. Packard & Grover's celebrated "WW and "$2.99" shoes for men, and the cor responding grade for boys. Best, possible value in Ca-pels, Art bquares, ' Kdga, Uil-ciotns, upnoistery Goods, rowels, Napkins, Coverlets, Jjin- en uamasu, &c. Derby Hats, Soft Hats, andJStraw nats a run line. Fine Slippers, Oxford Ties, Langtry lies, and, Wigwam Shoes. Parasols, Fans, Kid Gloves, Collars and Cutis, Handkerchiefs, Corsets, Ribbons bears, Ties, Hosiery, Underwear, &c H Redwood ls Co., Nos. 7 & 9 Pattonfilv many-uti -slxeTrille Coql od. Zee Finest qualities of Hard and Soft afore placing orders for winter supply. MANUFACTURED ICE. The only Ice safe for drinking purposes or family use, owing to its absolute purity. IT WILL LAST ONE-THIRD LONGER THAN NATURAL ICE. Orders by mail will receive prompt attention. Branch office at Powell & Snidcr's Store. Yard, Old Depot, "West Asheville. INSURANCE. LIFE INSURANCE. tot rriHK"' LKY MTJTCAL LIFE ASSOCIATION JL U V1KU1M1A Issues policies for from t.OOO to $3,000, -'-AND coinbirtes the guarantee eature of "OLD LINE" Companies at the uist oi ordinary co-pperativo insur er. h? in Secret Orders. FIRF INSURANCE InsuraQoe against los3 by Fire in City and County on all kinds of 5ropf a aj, Real and Persona . Sfii ' as well as Icr.g term. Polio1 w issued at fair rates A. 1 Companies, B.ome and Foreign. THOS. W. Bit AMI, Agent, Office North Side Court Square, my 20-tf f SWARD J, ASTON, BCAl -STATE AND INSURANCE "CEHT, Ashj'ville, North CaroUr-a- Sulphur Springs Hotel, Five Jfliles l est of Jsse- ville, on the tf est em Branch of the If ex tern J C. R. It. Tliix new and elegant house is onen for the reception of visitors, Tt ia nnw linilf. nf lriflr four Kr.ories in height, rooms light and airy and superb- i f 1 1 iy iurnisueu. it is 6urrounued witu uroau,j affording promenades of niore thah six hundred feet. .... 1 1 and grouuds, are illuminated with gas. Water, free stone and mineral, is brought to the house from the springs, aouiiuam lor urinKiiig ust-L, louei anu tne Dam. The Springs are proverbial for their curative properties. The ilow of water lrom the four stone-cased fountains is exceedingly copious The Sulph-ir Springs have been noted for three quarters of a century. Before the original hotel building was burned, they were a shrine to which the health pilgrims annually crowded from all parts of Western North Carolina, South Caro lina, Georgia and Tennesse, with ever strengthening faith. Their curative fiowers received constant and marked il lustration. There is no more delightful resort on the continent. The hotel, in all its ap pointments is complete. The table is superior, a large garden supplies an abun dance of fresh fruits and vegetables, and a dairy of full blooded Jersey cows pro vide exhanstless milk and butter. A good band furnishes music for the dance or for recreation, a well provided livery stable is on the premises ; and added to this there is the charm of the most beautiful scenery in the world, Kates per day $3 ; per week 15 to $21. Special rates to families. For particulars apply to E. G. CARRIER, I'rop'r, or ANDREW 8. LEE, Mgr. Pottoflice, Asheville, N. C. jun25d3m F OR SALE. Thw .l,v,ii(rltliro fni-fnj nf finn wtvln ilnil action, elegant sadd'e horsej restored in Brace's Stud Book, two broken tn harness. JNO. A. WILLI llf, JR., July 15 OTrzEN ollioe. F OR SALE, "The liHGrle Drue Store ill Hreva.d. The only- drug store in the county. Will sell cheap for cash. For particulars apply to C. E. FARMKR, mal5 d&wtf Brevard, S. C. MK3. E. CHAPMAN, DRESSMAKER, I'lain white work -dons on rensoiiuble te nis. Apply at . VI MOUNTAIN ST. julr2Sdlw JTOR RENT. The Waller House' on Beaucateher Mount-in, containing 8 rooms, bathroom and kitchen, large grounds, outbuildings and vineyard. Reasonable rates tor tne winter. Apply to july 24 dtf ly: Il'MAN Si CHILDS. Livery at Alexander. Good Watertown Wagons, Buggies and pood saddle horses to be had for BlacJrwell's Springs, Weaverville and other points on application. W. II. IIUNTEK, June 30 dim Alexander's, N, C. YyANTED TO RENT. A small house, or a pert of one, in or near own. Address H. HUES. P. O. Box S3, july 80 dlw AsheviLe, N. C. Catawba College, NEWTON, N- C. Next Session will begin AUGUST 1st. Full Academic, Business and Collegiate Courses. Fine Buildings, Libraries, Apparatus, te. Board and Tuition to suit the times. Worthy persons of limited means assisted. Pure water and health unsurpassed. Apply at once. Catalogue gi vine; particulars FREB. J. A. FOIL, july 26 d&wlni " Principal. BARGAIN. A fine little place two miles west of Asheville, containing exactly ten icres of good land, one half of which Is bottom land. Plenty of good pure water. Spring near the house splendid rock spring house. Fish pond well stocked with Carp. A very quiet convenient and in all respects desirable home. Enquire ot A. M. BALLEW, July27d3t N. 1!) Patton Avenue. JOB LOT OF SHOES in broken number at less than cost of manufacture at " BEABDEN, KAN KIN & CO. july 23 dtf . . . Coal, at prices that defy competition. Do not fail to o-et our prices jy 3tf DOUBLEDAY & SCOTT, 24 A 2G WORTH PUBLIC SQUARE, Asheville, X. C . Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldings, Roofing Paper, Window Cords and Weights, AT LOWEST PRICES. - Estimates promptly furnished, and special sizes procured at short notice They also keep an unusual variety of Building and Fencing Lumber Lath and Shingles. Kindling Wood always on hand. mh l-dwlv ASSURANCE THAT ASSURES ! The Equitable Life Has Assets of $75,000,000 ; Issued in 1880 $111,000,000 ; The plainest and safest policy. Incontestable after two years. Loset-s payable on presentation of prools without delav. ULYSSES" DOUBLEDAY, Agent. Dit. WM. D. HILLIARD, Medical Examiner. mh 1-dGni Where you caj et the best Wliisikey, Wine ami IlramSj both foreign ni lomeatit illy Brands are the Old liemuchif fSonoHfCaMaf Gibson's XXXX, alt ii Years old. My CORN WHISKIES are absolutely pure, made of the soundeti corn, on the Bald Mourtain, Rutherford county, N. ('. T handle nothing but North-Carolina APPLE and PEACH BRANDY. My WINES are pure Grape juice, unadulterated. You will find BERGEN and ENGEL BEER always on .tnaght, cold and fresh. Bottled Beer delivered to every part of the city fi e ' charge. We make a specialty in CIGARS and TOBACCO, and handle th leading brands. Call and see if I Lave misrepresented my goods. You will find my Saloon three doors below the 1st National Bank, No. 9, where yon will find the Curious Concoctor of Cocktails, SIIEI' DKAVJflR, and the pe nial II. C. JONES to wait onyou. -rr-yjlornjahon given strangers fo Jl Police to Ladies. 0 ir. E.iJrnsEirt No. C Patton Avenue, Can repair your Parasols and put them in first class order, live him a call. jii21d3m FOR SALS ! 1,000 BARRELS Portland & Union CEMENT -AND- Calcined Plaster, BALLARF BROTHERS' mayl5d3m HARNESS. SADDLERY AND REPAIRING SHOP D. V. Smith & Co., No. 18, North' Main Street. HAS on hand a full line of double and single Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Whips, and everything usually kept in a first class Harness Shop. Those in want of the above goods will SAVE MONET By examining their goods and price3 be fore buying. Kepairing done at BOTTOM PRICES. ja 10-dawfjn NEW Furniture Store W. A. Blair & Co., 37 Patton Avenue, (Graham Building, J Are opening up a large and splendid assortment of New Furniture, of all styles, and completejand elegant in workmanship, BED ROOM and PARLOR SUITS, LOUNGES, (single and double.) BEDSTEADS, CHAIRS, &C, &C, and everything that can be found in a First-Class Furniture Store. mh 20 dl2mo pLEASANT PRIVATE BOARD. - Parties deslrine irood private board, pleasant rooms, reasonable rates, apply to SI Urcve street, or address - - tr. u. jsua zi i. ap 8 dtf J. C. BROWN & GO, MERCHANT TAILORS, No. 25. Patton Avenue, next Grand Central Hotel. ENGLISH-MADE GARMENTS 'A Specialty. rtf Co:r;pa,:n.3r- Assurance Society A Surplus 01 , 00,000; Outstanding Assuranc S411,000,()0t, with pleasure. BOB JONKH. A SQUARE DEAL. e are (iropiijyj; irom our stock liol li CEGTHING and HATS, and to elearoTrK tables rapidly, oiler them at prime cost. These coods are ftvtjli. desirable and at figures that must them. Call and examine. IJEARDEN. ' ANKIN A CO. julylfi dtt W. T. REYNOLDS. N. A. REYNOLDS. New Livery Stables ! Walnut Street, between the Farmers' and the banner Warehouses. HEYl-0LDSEH0TIiEFuS, Have just moved into their new and commodious brick stables in the above location, and ask a share of public pat ronage. Thev are fully equipped with good horses, 'jood vehicles and careful drivers. Orders promptly attended to. junSdtf . FINE GROCERIES I 0 K (A is o IA 0 a o H H Ul fOTTED MEATS, PATES OF GME, CANNED FISH, CANNED FRUITS, FRENCH PEAS, Extra Fine, FRENCH MUSIIHOOM8, DEVII-KD CRABS, SHRIMP, C. ami H. PICKLES, PIN MONEY 'PICKLES, TELLIES a PRESERVES CANTON GINGER, GROSSE AND BLACKVVKI-I.'S JAMS, OLIVES, EDAM CHEESE, FINEST SALAD OIL, INSTANTANEOUS CHOCO LATE. 13ROMA, COCOA, NEW ORLEANS MOLASSES, PURE EXTRACTED HONEY, FINEST KEY WEST & IMPORTED CIGARS TABLE SUPPLIES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, ' O D o H O AT jJJZE'r3 No. 53 SOUTH MAIN ST. Telephone No. 38. Rare Bargain ! Farm For Hale. A larm of 180 acres, lying on the Hickory Knt (Jap road, six miles from Asheville, known as the Morgan Redmond place. Haid (arm has w acres bottom land cleared, the balance rolling laiia, pan vieareu, part ill wuuas. itn Vin ..mmlooa la mIaH iloralllna a.. .1. v.. . ..... ..n-u .a unwiiug.vuillUinif tentant houses, etc., a good orchard of appl and peaches, tc. A saw and grist mill la wkhi ten minutes wan oi ine nouse. Terms f 10 per acre. One-third cash. Balani 6 and 12 months, ai 8 per cent Interest. For particulars apply to M. L. REED, July 26 dim or J. St. Brooksuire. JOTIGJE. y- . 1 I have opened a Tonoarial Parlor nadnr RiHlwood Su Co.'s, Nos, 9 and 11 .Patton Avsnnc.-i t..1.n.l,M 1.U', T .liMTnv.Mi n i . jiiij pului nuui u. r uyji' xviivj i . earlier E 1

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