- vt ' .. "T T" T" 1 73 2 ASHEVfLLE CITIZEN. K. M.FTJRMAN, JORDAN STONE, Editors. 1. U. CAM&KON ST- 6.eo rEU JsntT-CTM. '"XT" TUESDAY MORNING. AUG. 9 1887. Dr. Battle, first assistant in the State Chemical Department under Dr. Dabney, is suggested as a suita hie successor to that gentleman as duel oi the department. Wc sec ond the nomination. We favor this because he is said by competent judgfs to be qualified for the place Besides his qualifications Mr. Bat tle is urged as a Noith Carolinian We are not for a North Carolinian for a position because he is a Kurtl Carolinian, but being thoroughly qualified for a position to be filled. the fact that a person is a North Carolinian enhances our preference for him. We are for certain fitness and qualification rather than per sonality or location of birth. Dr Battle is said to bs eminently qual ified for the succession. He is also a North Carolinian. The one should not be necessary to the other, but the two combined 'unquestionably should enhance his claims for elec tion. Let him be elected. P. S. We see that Dr. Battle has been appointed to fill the position until November. COL. "BILL" SAUNDERS. We roost heartily endorse the following from the Statesville Land mark relative to Hon. W . L. Saun ders : The Scotland Neck Democrat, in bringing out Col. W. L. Saunders for Governor next year, gives de served recognition to the ability and worth of one oj the most re markable men in the State. His heart is as big as his body and in tellectually he is hard to meas ure. It is Very doubtful if we find an abler man. He exercises a lar ger influence upon the public policy of North Carolina and of the Dum ocratio party than any other one man. He was the father of the cons stitutional convention of 1S75, and all of its important acts bear his impress. No line of party policy is ever agreed on until he has been consulted and approves "Sage counsel in cumber, red hand in the foray," he is matchless in his ca pacity to plan, to organize. What a campaign he would set ou foot and what a Governor he would make ? But how about his appearing be fore the people? for you should know that he is physically "help less. Gout holds him a prisoner in a rolling chair. Living in that chair, and sleeping in his clothes half the time in winter, his great big bo&y. racked nearly all the time win pafblj he still manages to do irr credible work and to make the best Secretary of State we ever had. But it is the unwritten law of North Carolina that the candidates lor Governor must stump the State, and how are we to get over that? The rolling chair cannot roll from Currituck to Cheiokee, and itsjoccu pant could not address the people if it could. He is not a talking man, but oh ! Jupiter ! just give him a pen. , If the people of North Carolina want to lake up a Brain and elect it Governor a Brain which is sound in all its functions, which thinks deeply about everything and reaches accurate and just conclus ions about them all; if they want to do this without seeing the body con nected with it, without hearing the tongue which drips wit and wisdom in the council chamber and in the assemblage of friends, then it is Col. Saunders they are looking for. Of such fibrft is he that if he were Gov ernor, even in these piping times when there seems to be little for : Governor to do, he would give th Stale an administration which would be memorable in history. A HORRIBLE CRIME. A Father, Mother, six Children and an Aunt Murdered. Macoon,- Ga., Aug. 6. Capt mcnara r. wooiioik, nvinjr it. miles from Macon on what is known as the Columbus Road with his wife six children and a visiting aunt of Mrs. Woolfolk were most brutally murdered this morning. Reporter visited the scene of the crime and found a large crowd of country peo pie assembled -around the house which is ordinary four roomhou, like like alljcountry houses, with a wide hallway between the rooms. In the rear room was found the bodies of the Captain and Mis. Woolfolk, Kichard, aged 20, 1'earl, a crown daughter, Charlie, aged 8, and the baby, aged 10 months. In the room opposite were the bodies of the aunt (Mrs. WestJ and two little girls, Kosebuu and Annie, islood and brains were scattered everywhere and in the passageway was a large pool of blood, and here also was found an axe with a short handle A coroner s jury was empanelled and several witnesses examined, none of whom knew anything ex cept the appearance of Ihos. G. Woolfolk, son of f he Captain by his first wife, at the house of a coK ored neighbor,at an early hour this morning; saying a murder had been committed. Also, of parties who nrst entered the house, after the alarm was given, stating further that he went to his father's house several days ago to work for him. He slept in the first room on one bed.histwo stepdaughters occupying the other. He was awakened about day break by the groans of his 'fath-4 er in next room; also sounds ot licks. lie, fearing the family- would be murdered, jumped out ot a window and ran to the house ot Green Lock clt, got him and aroused neighbors and asked them to, bring help. Thinking his time might he next he kept away for half an hcur, then re turned to find no help had arrived, went in and found the jamily had been murderd and all dead. This was about the substance of his state mer.t. The jury brought in a vei diet of murder against 1. (j. Wool folk. Before the verdict, was an nounccd the Sheriff succeeded in quietly removing him to the jail here. Fortunately the prisoner was removed before the danger of lynch ing became so great. The prisoner is coo! and talks ot the crime very indifferently. The mature commis sion of the deed - is a supposed de sire to obtain possession ot the fatli er's property. Kraoe Yv- on are feeling uepresseii, your appe tite lsnoor. von are bothered with Head ai'he, you are fidetty, nervous, and pen arallv out of sorts, and want to brace up. Brace up, but not with stimulants, spring medicines', or bitters, which have for their basis vcrv cheap, bad whisky, and which stimulate you for an hour, and then leave you in worse condition than before. What you want is an alterative that will purify'your blood, start healthy action of Liver and Kidneys, restore your vitality, and give renewed health and strength. Such a" medicine you will find in Electric Bitters, and only 50 cenls a bottle at II. II. Lyons' drugstore. F 70R SALE. A fine Emerson Piano nearly new. On'y been used a few months. Apply 10 (iKO. W. T1LS0K, jnne 33 Olf SS2 West Haywood st. V One House uud Lot atA'S Black Monntnin station. gfji Terms reasoimb'e. Apply to W. . ""jvj Okifkis, Ak-eiit, ut Marshall, N. iv. nrtKn to A. li. Sams, ut I'itizes ollicu. -i dtaul2 OFFICK ROOMS KOlt itliXT, Apply at july 13 iltr :;o. main s- JOR sal.-;. Three boasts ami lot, near jKmbScday" two houses, 4 rooms each, one house 8 rooms. Farm, HI miles Iroin Asheville, 1(J aerea, nev lr.nned liouse flinl other hmldin ga, 'Ood vater. limber te. Price SWO. J. N. SNliLSO. July 12 cllf OA KD. Persons WKiitin e.ioil hoard and eood rooms can be accommodated at th'j Kanie i otel build- liipr one diHir nurlli of the Express oflicc. JulySJdiw ' r JOTIC'E. I have opened a TiiMrinl Parlor under II Hcdwond &, -o.'h, Kos, il and 11 , Patton Avenue. ulySdlm ROBT L. t LOl'RNOV. Barber DOX'T FOKCJKT THAT "Sem Bakery" No. Co South Main Street, 13 IS&ADClUAttTEJtS For Pure Fresh Candies of Ills Ot, Mpnvjacture, us well a An unlimited assortment of ch C.ikes, large and small, plain or ornamental, in the high est style of the art. i 'ur Snowllake Bread, Rolls, Buns and Biscuit, Made from "Minnesota Flour," Has no Superior in the Soxdh. Remember the place, and let no one deceive. . Positively guarantees satisfaction, or Forfeits the price of his goods. Try him and be convinced. 5'caeli Cider, The finest beverage extant! Only .) cents per glass ! I Fine old Cigars, rich with the fla vor of age. Freh Oranges,Lem- ons, Bananas, etc., etc. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE. Tfao only 83 SFA1UT.ESS Siio in the world Y-lMORf fiiTf rii.rfoft flt. ftttfl v:irr:int'fl- Cmii-et I!nt(r.i and Laoe, all stv'lt'S toe. As y"jf'x? tylUb and dnntble as I nose coslinpr or 5i-o -4.rw siioi; excels i he 5-i Miuis adver- tts i by utucr bnus. PtftrnMd B bottom of Mh Shorn.' Hovs Ail Wfar the W. I DOUGLAS K2 SHOK If vo'tirdfalir does not kt'cniliciu. send your name on postal to V. L. IJOVGI.AS, Brockton. Mass junSdaw Turner's EAST SIDE S. MAIN SRREET. ltlla iirst-ClaS3 Kesort is now open, uay ana night. Meals served at ai! hours, and of the best the markets, home and forciun, can supply. The cooking is by experienced and skiltul cooks, m the best provided and best arranged kitchen in the State; ana to tins public attention lsspecirl.y invited. There are public and piivate dining rooms, at which meats are served a la carte to transient visitors, and -to regular taoie Doaroers. Also an elegant Ladies' Dining Room, strictly private to ladies, or ladies and their escorts. A ladies maid is in wait ing. Suppers served to order for private parties; al30 Suppers cooked to order for family or wedding parties, Lunches for pio-mc or excursion parties put un at snort notice. Meals sent out for a small extra charge. Ice Cream and other delicacies served at the Jtables, on the balconies, or is the summer houses. Ice cream sent ou to city customers or families. Table boarders taken by the week or month. An invitation is extended to visitors to the city to call and spend the day. All conveniences an accommodations provided. A lady cashier presides over the counts. f. - nf. .-a ... ..via Call and see us. TUKNER & HROWNSON. ma 2iN13m A Twilight Reflection-. Night kisst-' the young rose, and it bent, softl to sleep. Stars and pure dew dro t hung upon its bos' ora and watch--d its sweet slumbers. Morning cam-i with its dancing breezes and tlwy whisjered to the young rose and it awoke joyous and smiling. Lightly it swung to and fro in all the . loveliness of health and youthful innocence. Then came the bright sun god, sweeping from the east, and smote the young rose with its scorch ng rays and it faint ed. Deserted and almost heart broken, it dropped to the dust in its loveliness and- despair. Now the gentle breeze, which had been gam boling over the sea, pushing on the home-bound, sweeping over run and dale, by the neat cottage and still brqpk, turning the old mill, fan ning the brow of disease and. frisk" ing with the curls ofinnocent child hood came tapping along on he errand of mercy artV. love; and when she fondly bathed its head in cool refreshing Khowers the young row revived and linked and smiled in gratitude to the kind breeze, but ehf burripfl finirlflv nvvav sinprin,J - 1 j j n ; through the trees. Thus charity like the breeze; gathers fragrance from the drooping flovyers it re freshes and unconsciously reaps a rewaidin the performance of its of fers ot kindnesr. Wilson Mirror. An 11 Kaw. It is an old saving tliat 'there is a tide in the affairs of men which taken at its flood leads oft to fortune," whicji means thaf there are times when if we avail ourselves of them, we may undertake the accomplishment of any desired ob ject with greater certainty of success uian it commenced at any otner time. Alwavs have Dr. Lvtle's Elixir forDiar rhaa in the house, so that it may be ail- rninistered at the right tnae. CURED OF SICK HEADACHE. W. I. Edwards, Palmyra. O., writes: "I have been a erreat sufferer from t'ostiveness and Kick Headache, auU Have tried macy itiecsieincs, out Is the only one thRt g-ave me relief. I find tha one pill ucs better than three of anv olliur kind, and does not neakeu or tripe." HvKantly Miliar coated. Dosa small. I'rice, S3 cents. SOIil EVERYWHERE. Office, 44 Murray Street, New York , ,OR RENT OR SALE. A house of 4 rosrrs. julv SO dtf J. N. fSMSOS. JJLEASAN'T PRIVATE BOARD. Parties desiring goid private board, pleasant rooms, reasonable rates, apply to 21 tire ve street, or address P. O.-BOX '-'77. ai 8 dtf E. T. Owen & So Carriage) Painters and Trim mors, Ami Sign and Ornamental Firsi-C'lass Job of Carriage Painting? or Trimming. Give us a trial, and be convinced that we do what we promise. Fancy Sign Ornamental Paint ing aud Frescoing a Spe cialty. Shop No. 2 Willow street. m 23-2m J. W. CORTLAND, ize.-Ij estate ,ij:.it S. E. Cor. Public Square, Main Has for sale IMPROVED ANI UNIMPROVED PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF ASAEVILLE AND SURROUNDING COUNTRY. A GREAT BARGAIN. No. 14 Clayton St., Asheville. N, C A 5 ROOM HOUSE, i ACRE OF LAND, GRAPE VINES FUUIT TREES. The house was built by Mr. Arm strong (the builder) for his own use, The above is offered at a low price jor cask. J. W. Cortland, Real Estate Broker. A FARM of 47J acres, Jwell set in clover and grass, between the Burnsville and Warm Springs roads, adjoining the lands of Gen'l K. I. ,Vance, only 3 miles from Ashevill VALUABLE IIltOl'ERTY. J. V. Cortland, Real Estate Broker, K acres, with 2 houses, spring, fruit trees, on College st., Jieaumount road and Poplar st J. W. Cortland, Real Estate Broker. FOR SALE ! 1,000 BARRELS Portland & Union CEMENT . Calcined Plaster, BALLARD BROTHERS' in:ivl5d3m DENTAL CARDS. B H DOUGLA18, D. V. .. Deutal Rooms over Grant fc Eoaeberrv's Drag Btort,, residence in same kuilding AfheviHe, ti. G teb'z-vr&sw i DENTAL SURGERY. DR. J. TJ. QUEEN has removed his office to the front rooms oyer A. D Cooper Court Square aud offers his professional services to the public. Ait proiessionai wore acme witn sxiu, iuu neatness. - luno 10-dAwtf D R. A. B. WARE, , . ' Dental Surgeon. Office In Kinder building, second floor. A work will receive prompt and careful attention, jy 14 dlv Qft. R. H. REEVES, D. D. S., - Omci in, the Connally Building, over Itedwood's store, Patton Avenue, ASPEVIiLg, ... - - - N. Persons having artiBcial work done, after rylng it two or three weeks. If not satisfied, can etarn it ana ite mouev win ne reinnaeu. jj i B OARD. Two trentleinen or creKtleman and wife can ee eomroriaum room aim soou ooara oy appiyinf P. O. BOX Sio. l.oai;loH central. mh'2C dt: C3Z IF YOU WANT A STRAW 1 1 AT at reduced price go to J. O. Howell's. IF YOU WANT a good vtair of NIIOF.M at a very low rice eo to J. O. Howell's IF YOU WANT TOWELS, TABLE LI NESS. NAPKIN'S, &C 0 to J. O. Howell's and price them and you will save money. IF YOU WANT 9 and 1C-1 Sheetings- Bleached and Unbleached Domestics go to J. O. Howell's. IF YOU WANT Shirts, Culls, Hosiery, Ve., go to J. O. Howell's you will Bnd them at reduce!) priees together with everj line all $own. J "0. HOWELL, Cheap Cash Store. E.V.JONES, 11, P. PORTNER JONES & PORTNER, No. 19 IJ. Main St., ASHEVILLE, N. C, Manufacturers of and Oel rs ia HARNESS, Saddles, Bridles. &c, And dealers in COLLARS, Horse-Brashes, Whlp.-CBrrycombg, Spun, Jftv Fine English Saddles a specialty. Fir Nets, new lot of Bristie Goods jnst arrived.. Lap robes, axle grease, lubrieallDg on. a complete assortment ot everyming usu ally fo'.4id in a dealine In onr line ol u-ade. - Our prices shail be as low as tne lowest, here ore tewnere. uive us a can, - JON ES Sc PORTNEK, Janldtf No 19 N. Main St, CANADA COWAN J (Establi8hodinl855.) .vM Watclnker, t&igst Jewelc. ANODSALXRIH - mu, Clocks, Jewdery, Spectacle, &s. Patton Avenne, Asheville, N. C. Troy W. Fairchild'a Gld Pen. Good ock always on hand.,,v . boarding house, ':, " by mbs. g. l. Mcdonald. Ivocated on Ballev street. A short walk rom Public Square. - Rooms -anre. cool, comfortable and well ventila ted. No better to be fonnd In AsheviUe. The table fare the best the market affoids. june 30 dtt w ANTED TO RENT. A small house, or a ptrt of one, In or near own. Address H. MUfJf. JnlySOdlw Asheville, N. O. HOTELS ROUND KNOB HOTEL Trains stop for dinner Sunday 29th. W. D. S PRAGUE, ma 26 dtf Proprietor. Blackwell's Springs, BDNCOMBK COUNTY. N." C-, Both White Sulphur and Chalybeate Waters. ' 12 miles from AsheviUe. '4 miles from Alexander Depot on W. N. C. K. K. For further Information come and see, or address THOS. s MOKKIS. Froorieter, june 10 dtf P. O. B'.ackwell's Spring, N. C. Arden Park Hotel AND COTTAGES. 10 MILES FKOM ASHEViLLK, Coolest spot in Nortli Carolina- Scenery delight ful. Kooms commodious. Tabic A I. Terms reasonable. juoe 23 dim . . KEMBLE i CO., Props. Ileiidersonrille, IV. t' OFFERS eomTort to summer tourists and latnilies seeklni; rofuire from summer heats. Tnofe in search or rest or licaltn, will find the AltWXOTOX A delightful and appropriate resort. Good rooms, good table, delightiuriy shailcd yard, and good, cool.water. or parucuivrs appiy 10 Dr. T. A. ALLEN, ie 25-dlm HendersonVille. N. C. D. C. CUNNINGHAM, Proi-kiktor, FRANKLIN - JV. C o ' Table supplied with the best the market anords. First-Clase Livery and Sale Stables in connection with house. Maily Hack belwcon WcbHter aoil Franklin. Vottd Sampit Room tor llrummtra. THUMB f J J tj 4 U t, H. septll-dly ' Alexander Hotel, Tea Miles HcrtL. of Asheville, Is now open for the accommodation of summer boarders. The location is one of the most desira ble in all Western North Carolina. The rooms are large and airy and well furnished. Good hv ery. Four daily passenger trains. Terms rea sonable. ,t. i. Tomsrsoisr, MANAGER. Alexander, N. C. iuni5dlm TURNPIKE HOTEL: TIIF. MOST 'HARMING SUMMER UKSORr IN W KSTKUX NORTH CAUOUNA. ThLs delii;htrul pluee, dear to the memory of ineiraveieroiinepiiM.ua- nenvei aiiuuionat attraction by the eoiistnmtion of the railroad, which passes immediately by its hospitable doora The Turnpike Hotel is fitleen miles west of Asheville, numediiitt ly on the Murphy branch of the Western North Carolina road. It is embos omed amou2 thi mountains, aud iaon the banks of a bold 1 mountain stream, and h:is all tlie charms of scenery, of climate, and diversity of resources appropriate to its location A large new building, with rooms handsomely furnished aud a table proverbial for its abund ance fnd its excellence arc anions the attrac tions. Vor terms aud particulars apply to .Mrs J.O. S.MAT11SRS, junsd:m Turnpike, N. C. French Broad Hotel A. L Halliburton, x Prop. Tnis Hctel is lcwa!il witiiKi onAtiniidrcd feet of the Western North Carolina Kailroad Depot, aud nex'. to the olliees ol the Superintendent and the General Freight Agent of the W. N.C.E. It. Good Fare, Comfortable Rooms, -on- REASONABLE TERMS. FIRST-CLASS BAR is attached, where will be fonud at nil times the best brands of TAquors, Wines, Brandies, Cigars, Tobacco. Telephone connection with TJp-town. mens dtf "Reeves House," Wayrtesville. 1ST. O. BliWK, UNT1REL Y NE WTWENTi Rooms, Single and in Suite. MODERN DESIGN AH TO VENTILATION, TO AC., L1UUT, Open fire places. New Furniture, of Haywood hard woods. Open Verandas overlooking the sparkling hieliluucl Creek, atd out nson the grandeur of the lialsain and surrounding moun tains on all tides. A Ntver-Failing Well ol Pure Free Slone Water nearly lec tola. Location Main street, three minutes from either the Post Oflice, Express or Depot, fifteen minutes ot Haywood While Sulphur Springs, No fire "escapes" except from stair ways, and from balconies. Escapes not needed. Only one insurance agent in town. But four houses burned in the town in seventy-five years, and two of those, the jau and uoi. Love's residence, were nurnea by Kirk and nib troops dtt ring the war. . , .. 'o electric hells oleik 'and servants can hear and are ready to obey the bolt est whisper from a guest. TROPICAL FRUITS AND FISH in season. Other fara the best we can get in "the markets here and abroad. OFEN ALL THE YEAR ROUND. Rates reasonable confer ith us. Yours truly, A. J. liKKV KS, ap 24 d3m Ma iauager. Cesar's Head Hotel, Mouth Carolina, Will be opened for the season of 1887, on the First oi June. The comfort of guests will be carefully consulted. -Scenery grand beyond conception, : Temperature averages from 00 to 70. Atmosphere bracing and exhilarating. Climbs unparalleled. Nature's own Sanitarium. Freestone and mineral waters Abundant. Daily mails. Livery stable Resident physician . - Varied amusements. : Hacks to order from IIeiider.v):iv:l!i, N. O. Time (ij hours) over g-vx) ra.iila Terms 'i pev dav "510 per vn-k SiK'ciiil rates for families by the month. F. A. MILES, MA)., ma 2" di f - Proprietor. , The White COKNEU MAIN AND EGLI? sriltiHIN UNDER WHIT LOCK '8 T O li h rHOFRIETOR. Headquarters for tine LIQUORS. I keen non- but the PUREST, and chargre accordingly. Mv ARE ABSOLUTELY PlUti; AND VNADVIiTERATKD, and are recommended by the best judges for medicinal use. Also Fine Billiard and Pool Parlor. Goods shipped to all points. No charge for boxing. Lock Box Ij Asheville, N. C. The only Btrictly White Man's Bar iu the State. jaGdawly INSURANCE. LIFE ' IUSURANGE. - -tot mH K k X.EY MUTOAL LIFE ASSOCIATION JL OF VIRGINIA Issues policies for from ftlCOOO to $3,000, AND corn hi lie? the guarantee eature ol "OLD LINE" Companies at the casi l -r-linary co-operative insur er. :c in Secret Orders riRF INSURANCE lnsur.f-e against loss by Fire in fity 'v il County on all kinds of l'riii-t"i, ICeiil sum IVi-hoiiji . )A is well as Unuj term. 'A: issued ;it lair rat - A. 1 Companies, Rome and Foreign. fltiiH. ItliAMJ, A ft n I, Ofi; -e North f?ide Court Square my 20- f WARD J. ASTOH, 4rAi TATE ANO INSURANCE- .CENT, Asl- vin. 'orth Carolira- Sulphur Springs Hotel. Five Jfliles I est of Ashe ville, on tile If estem Branch of the If es lm JV. C. II. II. Thii new and elegant house is open for the reception of visitors, It is new, built of brick, four stories in height, rooms light and airy and superb ly furnished. It is surrounded with broad varandas, atlording promenades of more tlian six hundred feet. The whole house, as well as verandas and grouuds, are illuminated with gas. Water, free stone and mineral, is brought to the house from the springs, abundant for drinking uses, toilet and the bath. The Springs are proverbial for their curat1 ve properties. The flow of water from the four stone-cased lountains is exceedingly copious The Sulph ir Springs have been noted fo' three quarters of a century. Before the original hotel building was burned, they were a shrine to which the health pilgrims annually crowded from all parts of Western North Carolina, South Caro lina, Georgia ami Tennesse, with ever strengthening faith. Their curative powers received constant and marked il lustration. There is no more delightful resort on the continent. The hotel, in all its ap pointments is complete. The table is superior, a large garden supplies an abun dance of fresh fruits and vegetables, and a dairy of full blooded Jersey cows pro vide exhaustion milk and butter. A good band furnishes music for the dance or for recreation, a well provided livery stable is on the premises ; and added to this there is the charm of tne most beautiful scenery in the world. Rates per day $3 ; per week $15 to oj s,-,.. ; ratpR to families. i i . ii.oiilurs it. ply to E. G. CARRIER, Prop'r, or ANDREW A. LEE, Mgr. - PoitofHce, Asheville, N. ( junjSdSm SQUARE DEAL We are droppj from oar ttock" both CLOTHING and HATS. and to clear our tables rapidly, offer them at prime cost. These goods are fresh, desirable aud at figures that must sell them. Call and examine. BE ARDEN. RANKIN A O. iulylrtdtl W. T. REYNOLDS, N. A. REYNOLDS. New Livery Stables ! Walnut Street, between the Farmers' and the Banner Warehouses. REYNOLDS "bBOTHEBS, Have just moved into their new and commodious brick stables in the above location, and ask a share of public pat ronagi. Th"v are fully equipped with good horses, ooil vehicles and careful drivers. Orders promptly attended to. junSdtf piANO INSTRUCTION. MISJ L. CAMPBELL ia no nrenued to receive a United Rumher of pupils on the piano at ber residence. No. 2U, Hajwood (treet. ma 21 aim RUTLAND PARK not Spring, De'.ialitful rooms, nope'lor table. nlrr situation. imperii ilcwx, well anailed grouuds, one of the most cugiuie ncaiin aui pleasure resoru in ike mountains within two minutes walk of the drpou tor terroH apply 10 w. 1. mchswinuak. july 7 d 3ui Hot Springs, M. O. Man's Bar PaanLd. It- The Clerk, the Customer and the Shoe. Please the eye, but give the foot a chance. Try on the shoe, and when it "JESS" fits, buy, and two soles are made happy and comfortable. The largest and Finest Stock aud ftcnit Facilities Tor ktnying Nhoes, at HERRING fc U KAVFIt'S SHOE STORE. FINE GROCERIES II (ft POTTED MEATS, PATES OF GME, CANNED FISH, CANNED FRUITS, FRENCH PEASt Etra Fine, , FRENCH MUSHROOMS, DKVII-ED CRABS, SHRIMP, C. and B. PICKLES, PIN MONEY PICKLES, JELLIES a PRESERVES CANTON GINGER, GROSSE AND RLACKWELI.'s JAMS, OLIVES, EDAM CHEESE, FINEST SALAD OIL, INSTANTANEOUS CHOCO LATE, BROMA, COCOA, NEW ORLEANS MOLASSES, PURE EXTRACTED HONEY, FINEST KEY WEST & IMPORTED CIGARS TABLE SUPPLIES OP EVERY DESCRIPTION, H Pi O & W H O HI o & o n o d a o H H 4. N0.53SOUTII MAIN ST. Telephone No 38. NEW Furniture Store W. A. Blair & Co., 37 Patton Avenue, ( Graham Building,") Are opening np a large and splendid assortment of - ; , , New Furniture, of all styles, and coonplete'and oleint ia workmanship, BED ROOM and PARLOR SUITS, LOUNGES, (single and double.) BEDSTEADS, CHAIRS, AC, AG, and everything that can be found in a First-Class Furniture Store. mh 26 dl2mul Rare Bargain I Farm For Sale. tot A farm or 180 acres, lying on the Hickory Knt Gap road, six miles from Asherllle, known as the Morgan Redmond place. Said farm has 8& acres bottom land cleared, the balance rolling land, part cleared, part in woods. On th premises U a good dwelling; outhouses, tentant bouses, 0., a good orckard of apples aud peaches, c. A saw and grist mill is within ten minutes walk of the house Terms $10 per acre. One-third eash. Balance a anil 19 namitha ! fl Tirtl Tilt IliliHftMl For particulars apply to M. L. REED, july 6 dim or J. M. Brooksklre N oncE. Anr renou wishing to examine or Inspect r nr of the contra Ms made in connection with the Water Works ol the cily, can do so by calling on the Cily Clerk at bis oluce in ifae City Ball. liy oruer oi toe itoani oi atii rmen. auR 2 dlw F. at. allLLKK. Cty Clerk. -