V snKsouE310,, iaMiWiiiHlllililWrirtiW Furaaa, Stoao & Cameron, Kll :. iUOP-RIETORS. - All-V, , ' 1 Voar. $9.00 ' '- Mos , 3.00 KKKLY 1 Year 1.50 AUVEh'TlSlXG HATES LOW. t.wto.vil.I.K MOriKTIK-. .1.-. . I.-, .s ".Wticu.'t. J. Wuketiulil Cort- mnl. "il ilvic , I'ruuty t tlie In;'i'trr. Oeneral for Nim-Ui car-jiitm. till rllt . ( r. I-Irl ..!. 5. J. A. Pilfer KtlljllBIlf Coin-H !:.' : sio;if..Sc"reuiry. Meets first Wmi u-.'tiy iitirl.t i.i each month. .t. lt- iUU OuMiter. .. If. H. C. Kafir Hiirb Prie-f. s. Hni:"'..):;.ir:, s.,er-t . Meet ho irvl Wi: r.K's'tiiy nii-Mit in rn'-h ui M.th. t iirT:l--h I "-'. ii.s. j". iV A. M. i. Blur -A uiti)ii M;'-hler: r.lanton ecT"lHry. M--c.tx 5rt auhi iti trai.-h mo.it a. - Sunwt' tlrjct Sl. ., -u. W6. -- K. uerr. f. -.:.o.r . Jrit:i Stone, secretary, tejti t'i.: i' -i ..;;! i'.xir ilomiur iiisht ia each Til i: ,irj IIkwk i,iini-:l, No. "Ot, JB. S. Ll iin ty, Kci;.-nt : .inrl:in Stone, Hecrctari'. Meets 111 tmil of tlui Kuiitw of Honor oti thu ffou(l Hi '"ii.ili ioninv nitits 111 eiirii moiun. ,;,niilr hrlr A. F.ttA.M, !.. J WHke--l I Qiriluini, W. M.; I. A. Connnt, See. Sleet : .'.'rs nir Hull third Tliurs InV niirlit in each mill at " n'uioi-'c. nu.l lt, mill Ith Thursday li;hl tor ititiiii'tioii. . , - The As'vciUr ftblie l.thrnri, over Mr. Kep- t:iV .Tor", oniioHtte k.tirio Hot-nl, and next i . to TUo HniU of Ashevillo. ia open to vis- j'.rs rrom lt n. ra. to 1 p. ra. ana rronj :30to S:30 ? . m. l( ROYAL. rSWJIJ y Absolutely Pure. Til is powiler never vanea. A marvel of pnritr, treriRtli an;l wtiok-wmeness. More economical hai; the ordinary kinds, and cannot bo sold in oonipi'tition w ith the mnltituilc of lowtest, short o:;i hi ulnin or phosphate powi'ers. .SoW oli in rtnv Koyal Bakiku Powder Co.. 1O6 Wall St., Scw l'ork. ianliiiSiwl2m CUMPOUND OXYGEN Drs. HARGAN & GATCHELL r ; Off ICE In mg-lf JtIor.;(-2 Main St. ASHEVILLE.N.Cs Oonipound Oxven inhRled, in connection wita medicated BaUam Vapor, cures Consump tion, Astlima, Kronrlntis. Katnl CaLarrli, 8orc Throat. Loss of Voice, Diseases oi the Live r and Kidneys, Bladder, and all diseases depending on mpnra or imipoverished hlood. It cures Kiieniiuitism when oervtliing else fails. It is the only remedy that will permanently eure Chronic. Nasal Catarrh. Ifycu suffer from this ioutiisome and dangerous disease come to ouroilice and investigate on i treatment. H will euro you, uo matter how lonn you have suffered. No charge for eonsullation. There is no statement in the ahrive tvhich is not sli ictly true yon may rely upon every word. We can prove all and more. 11 we believe your case incurable, we will raclr'. .'tell you so. Wc do not wish to treat you ilwa cannot help you. We a Io treat aU'discacs of the Kcctnm, or jower ilowels, such as Hemorrhoids (Piles), Fis nre. F istula, Prolapsus, etc. The treatment is always successful, and nearly alwavs painless. Wecure Without the use of the kn.ie, and in a fe -3ays. No loss of tune !rom business or picas nre. Offh e of thk " Wobi.d," t Nkw York, Mi y 15, 17.. ( In the fall of lfcN I waa in such poor health that I was obliged to cancel all of my lecture engagements for the winter, and to give up writ ng lor a time 1 went to Ashevillo and placed myself under the care of lrs Hargan and Gatchell. 'on tinning their treatment I improved in health and strength, oaininh 20 pounds of ilesh; and feel better tluin I luivc for years. I legard their oxygen treatment as being of great value; they, themselves, are gentlemen of skill, and worthy of the conldeuce otthe public. Bill Nvk. HOME TREATMENT, We manufacture the Compound Oxygen, and ship It to all parts of the country, even to the Paclti i Coast. We send apparatus and chemicals lat two months for S12. This ia as valuable v-the rtlice treatment. J he wondcrfnl curative results obtained with t itstreatmcnt is astonishing even to us. i ion with to learn more of this treatment, and our Iwxlm, in the rtirenf Otronic Dineaxci, icrile or call r-.w v vraica oook espiaminy treatment jree. DRS. HARQAK & GATCHrLL, it Jain Street, Asheville, If. C, in: j3-dawtf H. L. LANG, "THE JEWELLER, South Main St., Ashkviixe. an 24-0m v OITY MARKET. I have just put in a JVeuf Refrigerator and am well prepared to keep meats in good condition. Will keep the best of BKEV, MVTTOX, LAMB, ftVOKED SAUSaGE, - ' , . : BOLOGNA SAUSAGE, f ItlXII FJSJI and OYSTRUS, In season . Rive me a thare of your patronage. Orders promptly attended to and goods dellver- d. T. J. RI'MNEIt, Jn. Pullon Avenue, ninier, Powell A f-niiler'a july M.iMm- ' 13 1 tie VOL III.-NO122. DAILY EDITION. THE 1.4II.Y CITIZEN -Will be published every Morning (ex oej i Monday) at tho following rate strictly cash; One Year, f6 00 Six Months 3 00 Three " . . . . 1 60 One " ; .. 50 One Week 15 Our Carriers will deliver the paper ev ery Morning in every part of the city to our subscribers, and parties wanting it will please call at the Omziv Office. Srnil your Job Work of all kinds lo the Oilmen Office, if you want it done neatly, cheaply and with Jispalch. Arrival and Oeparture of I;iwonifer Train n. RALWBUE.Y Arrives :88 p. m.- leaves forMor- nstown at 5:48 p. m. Tf.nnkssee Arrives at 1 p. ra., and leaves at 5:10 p m. Airtves at 8 p. m., and leaves lor spartaaourg at p. ro. Spartanburo Arrives at 7 a. "i .; leaves for Morriatown af 7:1U a. m. ire if -K-omuiodation lev exAKkeville at-TaxJ . in., ff.iH arrives at 9:40 a. m. Waynesvii.t.e Leaves Asheville at 7:!5 a. m., and arrives at 4:50 p. m. Weather Indications. For North Carolina Fair weather, seenrally warmer, light to fresh variable winds, generally southeast. For Tennessee Fair weather except stationary temperature in western por tion, slightly warmer, light to fresh va riable winds. For Virginia Cooler, threatening weatiifr, light local rains, lurht to Iresti to brisk westerly winds, varying north ealy. S:3yT!'e Citizk.v. with latest Associa ted IV'S Dispatches will be lound regularly at all hotels and news-stands in the citv. w hen the aupply may he exhausted at thoee places, call at the oflice. The lovers of music will remember Mr. Jos. H. Penck who delighted bis. hearers last summer. He will givea performance to night at Battery Parle Hotel What an improvement a small change can make sometimes. This is notiibly ko in the removal of the porch of the old Unck Hotel building, and the consequ ent widening of the street and improve went of the siue-waik. btreet commis sioner Murray ia doing an excellent piece of work at this point whiih when finish ed, will add greatly, in all respects, to tho property and the locality. Mr. Jos. II. Denck at the solicitation of fiientls in Asheviilc will give a piano recital to night in the parlor of Rattery I'ark I lotel at 8:i0 o'clock . A very select programme will be rendered. I'iano trsed is the Newfeld Piano of Berlin, 0" Falk, general agent for the South. Admission 75 cents. Rouxu ok Appointments. The Rev. J. F. Austin of Weaverville requests us to give notice that he will hein hi tat round of ar-pointments at Mount Pleasant on Heaver Oam, Sun day, Sept. 4th at 1 ' o'clock a. m. "Xevek Bekork Has such fT stock of Men's and Boys' clothingand furnishings, boots and shoes, been seen west.ofthe Blue Bidge as will be found in Lew's store in about ten davs," Mr. Lew himself assures us. lie is in New York and says his stock will not only be large, but elegant and cheap. TfRNKK THE TEMITER. Turner announces the daily arrival at bis popular Cafe of line fresh fish and c'au-B, wh ch will be served by him, or to families in quantities to suit. Turner will be in reason, bat, be tempts a poor fellow -terribly by his seasonable announcements. Chukcii Street. We are pleased to know our city auth orities are considering favorably the widening ot church street. I his is one of the pressing wants of the city just now, a matter of great importance to a very large portion of our citizens and visitors. W e hope it will be done at an early ''ate. Jl'Dt.E MOSTOOMEKV. We publish with pleasure the article in another column in reference to the above gentleman and his work during the term of court just concluded. With one accord we hear J udge M. praised for his manner ana method oi work, we are sure he has earned the plaudits he receives. . The Board of Aldermen Held a regular meeting last night, all members being present. Permission was given Hon. Thos. D. Johnston to make a certain entrance, according to plans and specifications subn.itted to meet certain changes he contemplates in one of his buildings in this cur. A plan for the widening of Church svreet was considered. After the transaction of other routine work theBjard adjourned. Walton's Skedlikq a new and beau tiful GBAPE. Our crjntyman Mr. A. F. Walton brought to the Citizen office several bunches of a new Beedling grape which he has developed after much patient eflort Hi certainly has cause to be proud of the result. . The bunches are quite large and well shouldered, while the grape is large, of the richest purple, and a most delicate flavor. Thes ma tured very finely, aud give evidence of proving a very popular and valuable addi tion to the grape family. Mr. Walton will have two or three hundred srood cuttings oi this seedling for sale this Pail, we have no doubt but that he will readily disnose of them, as crane culture is receiving increasing attention among our people. To Furnish a Table With the daintiest of porcelain and the richest of crystal,- is the aim of every clever housewife. Those who are best posted say that nowhere can this be dene so icadily as at Law's, opposite new post office; not only is the variety large but every article is in good taste. Wasted. Employment as accountant, permanent or ttmporary .Have had practica". expe rience in book-keeping by single and double-entry. Accounts' written up and put in proper shape from b'ottrr orrouah memoranda Add tens P. O. Box 274, Afdieville, N. . Asfieviile Uitizen. ASHEVILLE ,N. C SATURDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 3 1887. PRICE 5 CENTS The new Zachary meat market nears completion, and in a few days will be ready for the receipt of cus tom Uncle Pleas Israel says the cockle burrs are yet green, and until they get ripe there will be no frost to hurt anything. This is an old be lief. Let us wait on the cockle burrs. Within a few days, besides sup plying their large custom demands the Zachary brothers have shipped three car loads of cattle to the Rich mond market. Cattle are now get t;ng in fine condition for oeef. Chief of Eolice Waddell makes another good showing of the work of his , department for the month of August. The "cops"' and the authorities are vigilant and earnest in the discharge of their respective duties iff the execution of" the laws. The old Buck Tayern, stripped of the long familiar piazza, torn away for the widened sidewalks has a most forlorn appearance. It looks like a dilapidated street . loafer with seedy clothes and battered hat from which the visor has been torn away. A little paint and patching may make it look respectable and ehsure the respect due to old age. Oh why should the spirit of mor tal be proud ? Well, the Asheville mortal is proud because so many piles of building material arg to be seen on every street being used rap idly in the construction of elegant houses for business or residence uses ; because the weather is charm ing and street and sidewalk paving goes on apace ; because we are to j have a fine Graded School ; because the moonlight nights ore favorable to outdoor promenades; because our population increases daily and fre quently several times? double daily ; because our hotels and boarding houses are comfortably full of visi tors ; because our market is abund autly supplied with the fruits of the earth ; because the Asheville Female College will soon be finished, and will be the handsomest building of its kind in the State ; because real estate still is on the rise, and in de mand by people for new enterprises ; because we are soon to have a grand 7o-foot-wide avenue; because we have more churches and more church going people than any city of its size in the State. For all these and - many ruore blessings our people are tiiaitKfu and correspondingly happy, and prosperous. Dangkkous We would call attention of our bicyclists to the fact that their steeds are alarming to horses, and to re quest they be careful and watchful when on the streets and vehicle are approaching. One of them came near causing a serious accident yes-i terday by frightening a hor?e at tached to a vehicle loaded with la dies and children. A word of cau tion, we are sure will be sufficient. SoMKTiiixa Nkw. A six foot alligator, alive and splashing, adores the basin that sur-. rounds the fountain of Edel in the new Starnes building en North' Main street. His alligatorship seems as much at home in his strange quarters as if he were in his native lagoon. Edel occupies the fine three story brick building just finished by Jesse Starnes, the iront of which is as ele gant as any in the city ; and the sa loon ia ntted up in a style not sur passed by any other. The proprie tor is now moving in. Thk Asheville Military Acade my. The Fali term of this very ex.ee -lent institution begins Wednesday next, 7th inst. The aim of the Prin cipals to establish in Ashevillo a school for boys of a high grade has been accomplished, and oir city can boast of a schooi second to uone in the South. Its merits not only attract a goodhome patronage, but people anroad are fast coming to appreci ate its advantages not only of man agement, but its surroundings as to climate &c. The next session prom ises to excel its predecessors in liberal patronage. May its success equal its merits. Divine Tobacco Which from East to West cheers the Tar's labois and the Turkman's rest" so wrote Bryon. in one of his hyperbolic strains. A -great admirer oi the tflpnow rich and ripe" weed, the more especially when it takes the shape of a cigar. We reckoned well. The good cigar was tho inspiration to the ode. Were he to live in this day, and pull a tew oi relham s choice smokers, he would write another and grander poem,. .Everybody enjoys the original Fan cigar, the A. A. & A. I. uijiar, the Carolina, the Perfectos, the Grand Republics, the .Honey Bee, the relicax tiora and the other brands that Pelham, the :druggist handles,, at 4S.S Main st. - . aug 26 tf Always Lowest Frices On Crockery, Glass and Cutlery at Law s, Main st. - se id-it The lovers of pure corn whiskey can find no better than at Bob Jones', Tne best wines and liquors can also lie found there. tl IFor tne Asheville Citizen. , A. WORKING JUDGE. Messrt. Editors: I know by actual observations that Judffe ; Montgomery bas done more than "three times the amount of business that id usually done at a term of Buncombe Superior Court. If he were to continue tq hold our court for a very few terms th?re wou!d be no crowded docket of trashy cases, and litigants would come ic court" with the full assurance of either trving or paving costs. . -' " - G. M.'J. The Graded ScnooL. - f- Wo publish a communication urgu the School Committee t establish 'the school contemplated by Li,c recent vote of 'Asheville as early as practicable at once. If our correspondent is correct in sayingthere are fourthou:and children in Asheville waiting to attend this school when opened, wo csn well Appreciate the anxious embarrassment orjJhe Commit tee concerninsJheclfitU5u,ov suitable schoolliouse before they can have time to build one. Whether there are four thousand or not, there are cerlainly a large number who need and ought to have educf tioual facilities at the earliest moment. Tho',-tent" suggestion is non sense, however, and could not have been made seriously. It will require a good size'building to accommodate the schol ars who ought attend, and who we think will altend this school ; but where is the house? The city does not own one, and if it had the lot already selected such a house as is nece-snry, or money be spent on to build it,coul l"not bo t-rec ted in a day or a month. Several prop erties have been offered, with buildings suitable for residence purposes, bnt nut for school purposes to accommodate sev eral hundred much less four thousand pupils. Prices asked for these of course include the value piaced upon the building?, which are comparatively use less. In other words, iu buying them the committee would pay thousands of dollars for what thev do not want, and have all the thousands still to spend to have erected- suitable buildings, of sufficient comfort and con veniences. The. perfple of Asheville, as shown by their vote, are anxious for the establishment of a good school as soon as possible, but they uo net want money wasted in hasty and in tu'lci ius action. Were uncomfortable houses and there are none of any sort idle in Asheville selected by the committee to hasten the opening of school the first to complain would be those who now complain of what they think the tardiness of the committee. The committee must first ascertain bow- much money it wilt have, all told; how many children there are to be accommodated, which will decie'e the size and capacity of the house, and the nmrber of teachers required. If after ascertaining these necessary facts, a house can be rented which could be at all used, we have no doubt the committee w ill act promptly and gladly. Another point about renting a house. Could one be had it would have to be largely altered. Is there an owner of a house in Asheville suitable as to size, who would rent stch bu-idity; toTporf'-'-us'l havo it altered as would be requiicu ? What titsa would he or they have for such a hous after the school shoal. 1 supply itself by having its own btiilding? Would not rent enough be charged ti cover the cost and price of the building? Such nutters as thene confront the - committee and. if it bas rleeided upon bnildinat encs, it is because of these matte -s, thus limit vl means, aud the economy and p3rmane icv to result from t-uch action. We hope the committee will hasten matters, but we do not wish them to t;o headlong into any movement which, though it may have the anneai-ance of- accomplishing the desired purpose, 1 would rea'ly prove detrimental, and expensive. Give us good schools, but be sure you stare right, and when 6tarted tl e result will be permanent and satis factory. This is our advice to the com-mittei-, and toonrc tizns who are vitally intereUe 1 in this nidt'er, those who will patronize the school when establ-shed. HoiiuiBLK Accident About 11 o'clock last night Mr. Th. mas Higgins, an employee of Ballard Bros., walked off the roof oi a building, and fell some 40 feet. He was he.rd calling for help, aDd taken to Grant s Pharmacy and examined tv Drs. Burroughs and Watson, who found his left leg broken in two plact s, his right leg broken, all very badly, one ej'e knocked out, and various other bruises He was sent to. the Hospital. , The Anarchists to Hang. A tel egram from Chicago of September 1st says the Supreme Court will at firm tiie death sentence of th seven anarchists condemned to be hung for their participation in the Chica go riots in which sixty or more ot the police ' were . killed and wounded wlnl attempting to man tain public order. It is said there will be no dissenting opiniop, the justices being all of one mind. I his is a notabie triumph ot law oyer notably dangerous elements. If veil have catarrh, use the surest remedy Dr. Safe's. - d&wlw Crockery, Glassware, China, Wholu- s a lb and Retail, At the City. China Emporium, No. 12 Pattou Arenne, larg-st tnd most com tilelo assortment in the State. We are addin t largely to our immense stock, and aro i.uw prepared to save you freight on every thing in the line of Crockery and Glassware. Jest received a full line of library and stand lamps, and new designs in French and German China. - Give us a call and save money. See our bargain o auu iwib counter.- . We also call vour attention to our c. tove and ! inware Department, in which line we are manufac turers. Keep eonttantiy on band a full and comjJete assortment of Tinware. Stoves, Rangers and Heaters; sole a'eents for the celebrated Farmer Girl Cook, the leaderof all stoves. Give us a call before. yoM hoy your heating stoves, we will save yon money. Special attention paid to Roofing and Guttering, satisfaction guaranteed. . .- For standard goods'and lowest" prices, call on the- - ' " T W . C. K ellek & Co., . 12 Patton Avenue, TELEGEiPHIC. DAMAGE FKOM STORMS! ARIZONA IIAS AS EARTH QUAKE. The Bulgarian Cabinet Com pleted. MORE CHICAGO 1SADERS CUT OFF. COLOROW AND COLORADO'S CONFERENCE. ANOTHER CYCLONE ON THE WARPATH. THE CUNARD STEAMER "SA MARIA" DAMAGED AT SEA. A YANKEE VESSEL CAUGHT FISHING IX CANADIAN WA TERS AND TAKEN IT. Another Cyclone Sighted. I By telegrtjili to the Asheville Citizen'l Washington, Sept. 2. The Sig nal oflice reports a cyclonic distur bance central between Cuba and Southern Florida. Its probable movement cannot at present be in dicated. A Steamer Disabled. By telegniph to the Asheville Citizen. London, Sept. 2 Trie Cunard line steamer Samaria which left Liverpool August 31st for Boston with 1,iXX) passengers has been sighted returning to Queenstown. Her machinery was disabled. Caught Stealing our Xeitflihor's Fish. By lelcsmph iothe'Ashtvite Citizen.l Ottawa, Sept. 2. Advices from St. John, N. B.. state thnt the pro tection cruiser Intrepid yeslerday caught American schooner fishing within the three mile limit off Cam pobello, N. LV., - and-took her -into port. :o: Earthquake in Arizona. By telegraph to the A -heviile C'iti.en. 1 Chicago, Sept. 2. A special from tu-so:i, Arizona, under date oi September 1st, s-ij's: Tin's morning ati-' oVc-ek, a heavj' earthquake shock was felt here lasting sevt n seconds. Oscillations were northwest to southeast. - t-torm in Great Britain. (By telerapti to the Asheville Citizen). London, Sept. 2. A heavy gale is prevailing in Great Britain. Many minor'shipping casualties have been reported and numerous telegraph wires are down. There has also been a heavy fall of rain jr.id the rivar-s in Devonshire have over flowed their banks. :o: The New Bulgarian Ministry. I By telegraph to the Asheville Citizen.l Sofia. Sept 2. M. Stambuloufl ha- definitely unnoticed the for mation of his cabinet as follows : M. , Stambulouff prime minister and minister of interior, M. Stmnsky minister of foreign affairs; M. Natcheivcs, minister of finance; M. Montcuroff, minister of war; M. Ziokoff, minestt-r of instruction; M, Stoiloff, minister of ju tice. :o: Another Board of Trade Cut Off. By telegraph to the Vsheville Citizen.l Chicago, Sept. 2. The Western Union Telegraph Company in con formity with the demands of offi cials ot the regulai Board of Trade h.is t. -At withdrawn its wires from the floors of the open Board of Trade, thereby cutting oil tnat concern from alL telegraph communication with the regular Board. In spite of this the open Board disclaims any intention of quitting business. - :p: Colorow Invited to a Conference. (By telecraph to the Agheille Citizen.) DrxvEtt. Sent. 2. A teleeram from Meeker of August 31 says: Govenor Adams, Gen. Crook, con gressman Symes have been eDgtiged all dav disscussiug tne L ie question t but nave not arrived su any cm rdiiMon :ib to a settlement of the question. Nothing more will he done until the return oione uovenor s cou rier, Joe Colaraud, who has been sent to the reservation to ask . Colo; row to be present at a conterence. Ir. Lyttle' Elixir for Diarrhoea. There is a growing feeling among all classes of -people, not even, excepting physicians, that the real cure for diarr hoea and bowel troubles was found when the combination under the name of Dr. Lvttlo's Elixir' was uade; - W know of no remedy for thece I roubles more cer tain in its efl'ectH than this. No one need to suffer from d arrhooa, who will take trouble to try Lyttle's Elixir. Orangcx, T.enioiiH and Bananas, at tf - - McCkauy's. TELEGRAPHIC BRIEFS. The Printers' Union of Norfolk fixed rates at 35 cents on the morning paper, and notwithstanding, the proprietors aunere to rneir position, ana are dis charged. The Virginian is now in the hands of the protettive Union Association. Josiah Terrell was hung at the Columbus, Ohio, Penitentiary yes terday for the murder and robbery of an old miser named I'he;ps last January. Terrell protested innos cence, and met his fate with unusu al courage. "Only a Woman's Heart," Which is said to be ''the purest, strongest and best American play ever writteD," will be presented at the Opera House, this city, Friday evening,, September 9th. " The prin cipal character. Miss FTelen.Blvt.he is "spbkentaf asf an nctrck-jf ViOQ Jr ful powertthiih'nreaied a spirit ac tion wfierever she ha appeared. Our' people will no dou'ot appreciate the opportunity to enjoy something very good. Of the rlay the New York limes says : Not a une to offend the most refined taste and yet comedy enough to produce 4he most intense laugh! er : :i most inter esting play." -o. I Hakmoniks. All goes charmingly with the happy parties t whom we had oc casion to speak in yesterday morn ing's issue. It was our pleasant fortune to be present with a ft w others i t 'noon yesterday g in Prof. Falk's music room to hear a trial of two Berlin piano just im ported, Prof. Dahlberg presiding at one, Miss Burmeister at the other. The instruments are good, of great tenderness of tone and melody of sound, and in perfect order. The two pianists were in full sympathy of skill as well as of heart; and as their two hearts beat as one, so did the two instruments accord in per fect response in note and expression as it but one touch controlled them and one soul inspired them. There were but few present; but they were appreciator, and proba bly were never more thoroughly pleased. The execution of both ar tists was that of those to whom mu sic was part of existence; the touch light and delicate, but capable ot the boldest expression, and thought and feeling were uttered as elo quently as by words with the added witchery ot music to spiritualize it. Prof. Dahlberg played entirely by ear or irom memory; yet in long complicated j-ieces of eight and ten pages the ear could not detect an error or a false note or a discord. It was technically perfect and artis tically complete; and Miss Bur mehter, with the pages before her, played with a lightness ana confi dence as if the whole were a part of herself. It was a pleasant occasion, truly. A. Fink Wagon and Carriage Re pository. Yet-terday we visited the new ware rooms of C. S. Pennim ui it Co. on . rulliam stree ami met with surprises all around. Tl-e! building had "bten erected ur.de. our very eye, yet we had nevt-i be fore been inside of it; aud when we did enter it, we were amazed at the long vista that stretched away to the length of 165 feet, with a width of 40. The whole space was occu pied, on one side with an ar.ay of Studebaker and Old Hickory wag ons, set up ready f v use; di.v;i the other side, a id at the ends, .iti ar ray of top and other buggh -s car riages, phaetons and other pleasure vehicles. 1 hf c eiuice ofmauyot those was striking, and the com forts and convenience connected with them all added greatly to j rac tical value. The finest of all, paint ing, varnishing, trimming, lining &c was in perfect tast.i and in ad mirable finish. What impressed us also, was the very tnoderate pri ces asked for these vehicles, so low that he would be an unreasonable man who would ask the abatement of a dollar. - All these are on the first fl nr. On the one above, reached by stir case or elevator, is the stock as it conies from the'manufacturer, ar ranged iu S'.-ls rrtidy for the selec tion of the purchaser. his includes all the Classes of vehicles in ditmand They all come from firdt class es tablishments, and the work is guar anteed. This repository is the larget-t by far in Western North Caruliua, and is hardly surpassed in the St;-.te. It does 'high honor to--the proprie tors, and is creditable in the high est degree to Asheville. Cure rirNiek lle.tdncbe. For proof that Dr. (Sunn's Liver Pills cure Sick Headats-io, ask. year druggist for a free trial package. Only one for a iIomj Regular size boxes, 25 cents. Sol 1 by II. H. Lyon d&wlw A F. w Special Bargains -"At Law's, now-a Lot of Extra tine, Sickel Plated Donble-E Iged, Reversible Sh.-ara. 50c. worth 1.'5. lot line blntetl IVa Simona fold htvleVat Si.?.") stt wcrth $200, 24 seta only Cuihi'oi I Handle JVUlvea llgliwv nnivi itn:i tm t n Li .Kff; at ifl.rta set. . 44 sets Befit Triple Hate Dessert Kni ves at $ I .5 o-et. In e'djct ti I i Sept. 10 at LawV.5'1 South Main Ht. 8 1 d(!t CITIZEN JOB OFflCE, NO. 13 PATTON AVENUE. , BILL HEADS, LETTER HEADS, POSTERS, BLANKS, Ve And Job Work of all hiudt done -with fromptness and at lew prices. iTELEGBAPHIf; XEWS CONTIVCFD OX FOURTH PAGE. dun City Police. Chief of Police Waddell submitted the following report to the Board of Alder man last night : Asheville, X. C , Aug. 31, 1887. Hon. IT S. Uarkins, Mayor, and Board of Aldermen, Gentlemen: I herewith hand you my report ol the earnings of this Depart ment for this mo.n h. His Honor the Mayor has had before mm 9'i cases, as follows: Drunk, :3 Drunk and down, 10 " (ightinir, 4 disorderly, 10 Cursing on the street, 15 Fighting,- 4 Pistols, 5 Adultery, 8 Fast driving, 1 Horse racing on street, - l Kesisting officer, 1 .Gambling, . ... 8 -"From fines, VlCt.- 00 ' . " scales, - 41 64 Total, ?44l CI "" .. I lind the police very prompt in sup pressing d sordcr, and 1 think they do tht ir duty well. Rssjipctfully submitted. F N. Waddeli,, Chief Poli te. The Wilmington Star says: Ad vices from up the river state that the flood in thy Cape Fear is subsiding. All the ,ow lands below Fayetteviile were coveted, and it is estimated about two-thirds of the crops were destroyed. The freshet has been a disastrous one to the farmers, but the water kicked about four feet of attaining the height it reached in the freshet of 1SS6. Receipts of cotton yesterday no bales; same date last year 3 bales. The pilot boats William & Witchard and Wild cat, have not been heard from since the recent storm. Great uneasiness is manifested at South port on ac count of their long absence. The supposition, however, is, that they may be at Charleston, and parties interested telegraphed yesterday to ascertain if the boats were harbored there, btit no replies had been re ceived up to last night. C. A. Percy, a young mechanic at Niagara Falls, constructed a life saving craft of his own. It is ij feet long and 4.V feet wide, with large air chambers at either end. lie made a successful trip through tho Niagara rapids and whirlpool on Sunday af ternoon. A dipa ten to the World says: "The voyage occupied about four minutes and was a rough one. The boat behaved well, and though fre quently out of sight and full of wa ler it quickly righted. Several times it turned around, but it never rolled over. The boat passed directly across the whirlpool and as it reach ed the Canadian shore Percy came out and took the oars and pulled up to the front of Colt's elevator, reaching fhe bank at 3.55 o'clock. Percy was nauseated, but was not injured. lie was well pleased vvith his craft and expects to introduce it to the Life-Saving Service." "I Lovelier Better tlian Life." Well, then, why don't you do some thing to brinr hack the rows to her cheeks and the light to her eyes? Don't you see .--he is guttering from nervou debility, th! result of female weakness? A bottle of Dr. Pierce's "Favorite Prescription" will brighten those pde cheeks and send new life through that wasting form. If vou love hf-r, tike hi ed. d&wlw Free Trade. The reduction of internal revenue and the tak:n- off of revenue stamps from Propr'etary Medi -ines, no doubt has largely benefitted t'10 consumers, as well as relieving tiie burden of home manu facturera. Especially is this the case with Green's August Flower and Boschee's German Syrup, as the reduction of thirty tix cents per dozen, has been adiled to inert arte t ie size of the bottles c jntain ing ihe.-e remedies, thereby giving one fifth mora medicine in the 75 cent size. This AuguM Flower for Dvspcpsia and Li ver complaint, and the German Syrup for Co"gh and Lung troables. have per haps, ih.i largest sale, of auv madicines in tho world. The advantage of inrased size of the bottles will be greatly apprec iated by the s'uk and afllicted, in evrty town ami village in civibzed countries, rfarnp'e iviftles for . 10 i-ents remain the same siz . d.&weoiylv All Visitors - Will lind much to' interest' them at LawV, 51) Wain' St.. novelties and cur iosities of all sorts and a ehoi ;o selection of, fine goods. Presents for those at homp. se 1 14t CSOn anil after d ite the Pioneer Bar, 23 i. Main St. will make no bills selling a-r't tly for c ish, except by special agree ment. By this means I can handle ta t ter g Kids. tf KvK.JONBK. All kmdsof Groceries at tf McChakv's. All grades of Tobaccos at tf 'o('u k v's. Four oliici! rooun f -r rtsnt. Inqnire at 50 S Main st. . -;' : tf Big bargains in Fl ur at tf McCuaby's. NEW A 1 ) V G 1 1 1 b- EMENTS. rr ACIIARY & ZACHARY will, nHut WertnesJ y rifcNt, rrmto into tlie newcomer building now beiiig iMimpleted, lT Ur. Kow.b, aufl will be better hnn over prepar ed 10 furnish thwtr friend and ctiEf imers with choice uxeaU of every kind. He 8 (ISl ISIIDVILIiB 'rtIB8Kd4I04 0Plt47.lt Of THF3 1SST1TC TiOM WILL OPEN ON ;Viln. U.T, SpU 7th, att 10 ;.. M. Fit. t-atiliiiti mitt o ner information addraw. .-:!.ltt VKMAHLK . MAS-K.

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