HU'.MJ'I'-ITI TELfiGEAPHIC. DEATH OF A (J 001) MAN ! C( KMl'LANLMi KA1LROADS COMK TO TKlfMS. rri'liai'iiiix u Taii It' Bill Taxos to be Uciluccd. FAILURE OV Till: RICII MOXD PAl'Eli CO. f CLAIMS FOR DAMAGE PILING UPTHE CIIATSWOUTH ACCIDENT IN AN OTHER FORM. A r.usincss Failure. IBy Telegraph to the Asheville Oitizcn.l Providence, R. I., Sept. 2. The paper of the Richmond Paper Com panv has gone to ties' '$")C0.(XK.)y protest. Li;iluli- I Death of Bishop Harris (By telegraph to tlie Asheville Citizen.) New York, Sept. 2. Bishop Har ris of the Methodint Episcopal Chureh died 5ve minutes past 5 o'clock this afternoon. Filiujr Claims for Damages. I By Telegraph to the Asheville Citizen.r ' Peoria, Sept. 2. Services have been secured on the loleuo reona and Western Railroad by the sheriff f this county in cases thus far hied by claimants for deaths and injuries resulting from the Chatswurth wreck to the amount of 6140,000. Another Itailroail FiliN an Aifswer. !By telegraph to tne'Ashcviile Citizen. I Washington, Sept. 2. The Sea board and Roanoke Railroad Co., tor itself and its associated corpora tion, the Seaboard Air Line, has filed with the Inter-State Commerce Commission a response to the com plaint of the. New York Phila delphia and Norfolk Railroad. Re- Koondenfs deny that they nave practiced discrimination or refused anv reasonable lacuimes ior me in terrhanpe of truffle. Respondents charge in return a variety of short oominp pnst and present against cimDlainant. Respondents in con clusion subinit that the petition of complainants should be dismissed on the ground that "an arrangmcnt for the conduct ol through business has already been projected and agreed to." by the authorized agents of complainant and respon dent corporations. Another Blir Kll Roitd l-nl Tlie It. auil O. SoIl at I.aat. IBy telegraph to the Aslierillc Citi:'un.T New York, Sept. 2. Ever since Mi. Garrett wrote his letter to Mr. Sitr;ery, edito.- of the Jlecord, of Philadelphia breaking ofTthe Ives' negotiations he has been working to save hi3 Baltimore and Oh'io ltoad. Negotiations were continu ed by liiui with J. S. Morgan on his arrival in London and an arrangement was announced that is only equalled by that of the West Shore settlement with the New York Central and formipp of the Reading syndicate to reorganize that company. Boih of these deals were carried through by JJrexel, Morgan it Co. Edward Lauterback gave lejial opinion to-day upon the question wheth er the steilina loan made by the Balti more and Ohio Kail Road covered ihe telegraph system of the company. He decided that the telegraph lines were tree from all liens and on receiving this opinion the agreement in the nature of preliminary contract was executed. The parties to contract are the Baltimore & Ohio Krilroad Company and syndi cate composed of J. C. Morgan & Com pany, Barring I?ros. & Co., Brown, Ship ley and Co., of London, Drexel, Morgan A Co., Kidder, Peabody & Co., and Brown, Brothers & Co., of this city, and. Drexel & Co., of l':iiladelphir. The most important poir.t in the contract provides that the management of the company shall be placed in competent hands 6atisfactoiy to ths syn dicate. A. J. Ccr .att, Vic3 President of the Pennsylvania Bailroad is thought to be booked as Garrett's successor., bat isfactory contracts are also to be made with the Pennsylvania and Reading railroads on ail business North of Phila delphia, and with all the other trunk lines entering N.ew York by which all conflict of interests will be removed and insure permanent working of the Balti more and Ohio in harmony with the trunk lines. In addition to these con tracts the line in process of construction from Philadelphia to New Yok will be suspended and the work on Staten Island stopped. In consideration of these contracts being sigred and with control in their hands the syndicate ftgievs to relieve the railroad from its present embanascment by providing $10,000,000 with which to take up the floating debt. It is understood that the enterprise will be practically managed by the Pennsylvania Railroad. :o: Market Reports. Bv telegraph to the Asheville Citizen. St. Locis, September 2. Flour dull : 1 wheat No. 2 red cash 691a7; oats lower, cash, 24 1; pork, new 15; hams steadv, 12al5. Chicago, Pept. 2. Cash quotations for to-day were as follows : wheat No 2 spring 67Ja?B; No 2 coin .41; No 2 oats 24; whiskey 1.10. Lovibvili.e, Sept. 2. Grain dull M wheat No 2 red 72; corn No 2 mixed 4o; provisions qoiet; sugar cured hams 12al3J; lard, choice leaf, 8. Cincinnati, Sept 2. Wheat, No 2 red, 71j; corn stronger, No 2 mixed, 44!a45 ; . oats dull, No 1 mixed 27aJ; pork dull 14J; lard strong, 0.40; whiBkey, -Rood de mand 1.05. Ahanta, Sept. 2. Receipts, 83 bales. New Orleans, Sept 2. Rice active, firm and higher; Louisiana, ordinary to prime, 4la5';; otber articles unchanged.' Niw York, Sent. 2. Southern flour unchanged, quiet; wheat, spot lots, ja higher, fairly active ; corn, epo' lots, steady, No. 2 Sept 4U,7Ka50; oats cash, firm, western 31a33; hops, steady, quiet; coffee, spot, fair, Rio firm 20J. Ice cream tent in any quantity order d to any part of the ity , by Turner. tf The I"e-iS Floods. IBy telegraph to We Asheville Citiieo. Chicago, Sept. 2. A Times spe cial from Waco, Tex., says I Every bridge in Hill county was washed awaj' by the rains, and the damage to crops and farms will not fall short of 100,000. In Bosque county and along the line of the Santafe railway the damage is also very heavy. Of the little towns here, Iredell, Whit ney, Hico and Aquilla have sunered most. The railroad companies have suffered severely. It is believed the Central and Missouri Pacific roads are the heaviest loosers. The Mis souri Pacific has a force of nearly 100 men at work on the line near Grand View. A train on the road was detained bcrween Itasca and Grand View Iroui Monday night till yesterday evening. It was out on the pr;i;rie nine miles from any house. Manv ot the passengers suffered for hick of food. None of the roads arc running their full schedule ye . The Stock Market. IBy telegraph to the Asheville CUIzenl New York, Sept. 2 Tl e Stock Market was somewhat feverish to. daj' in consequence of the effort of the beaTS chiefly in the forenoon to check the advance. The bulls late in the day gave several stocks sharp twist. The market recovered w'Ah a decidedly firm tone. The Baltimote and Ohio deal also in duced laree proportion of buying Considerable pressure was brought ncainst Western union, Missouri Pacific ami New England, in the early dealings, and the latter stock was sluggish all day long. Others, however with Manhattan, Read ng and Richmond and West Point were si-itially strong to the close Advices .''ora Philadelphia of the intention of trustees to pay back in terest on consolidation improve ments and that they had modified the plan of re-organization of Sus quehanna canal which would insure deposits of stock aided the advance in Heading ver materially. 1 here was heavy realization but fresh buy ing robbed it of its effect. Total business oo7,000 shares. Preimiinjrto Reduce the Tariff Taxes. Py Tilegraph to the Asheville CitizeD, Washington, Sept. 2. The Eve nin; Star of this afternoon puplishes the following : There will he a r. easim brought forward for tariff reduction as soon as congress con venes which will likely have the en dorsement of the administration.Tne President, and Speaker Carlisle have been considering the matter since congress adjourned and it is not improbable that the present visit of Mr. Carlisle to the President at Oak View will result in the culmination of their plan. It is possible that the Speaker's visit to Washington at this time was expressly for the purpose ot consulting with the President upon this subject. It is expected at the Treasury Department that Secretary Fairchild who is now on his yaca tion will soon return to Washington. It is probabla that he comes to meet the President and Mr. Carlisle. The result of the Allentown con vention is quite satisfactory to the tariff reformers. They propose to take advantage of the situation and present a plan for the reduction of the revenues. The plan being pre- paied will conform strictlv with the tariff' resolution there adopted as it is construed by the President. It abolishes tobacco tnx but leaves the whiskey tax where it is and will make a large reduction in the cus- toms revenue?. The Internal Revenue feature is admitted ps a compromise, and will be treated, only in connection with very positive reduction of customs. There t:11 be no acknowledgment of protection. It is likely that the reduction of customs will be more sweeping turn Randall estimates. Congressman Scott of Pennsylva nia was in Washington shortly be fore the Allentown convention and talked the matter over with the President and secretar' Fairchild. The administration is fully commit ted to strong altitude on tariff; while there has been no general confer ence ot a large number of men in one place there have been impor tant consultations between individu al leaders and the president. Mills, of Texas, who is to be chair man of the Ways and Means com mittee in the next House, is in the city and has had a conference with Mr. Carlisle. The Bureau of Statistics has been called upon lor figures on customs duties to show where the most ef fective reductions can be made and how the revenues wou.d be effected thereby. :o: : How Pale Tou Are! is frequently the exclamation of one lady to another. The tact is not a pleas ant one to have mention, but still theaet nay be a kindly one, for it sets the one addressed to thinking, apprises her of the fact that she is not in good health, and leads her to seek a reason therefor. Pallor is almost always attendant upon the first stages of consumption. The system is enfeebled, and the blood is im poverished. Dr. Pierce's "Golden Med ical Discovery" will act as a tonic upon the system, will enrich the impoverished blood, and restore roses to the cheek, dtt-wlw Su perior Tooth Brushes. We have just received and have added to our large stock ot Tooth Brushes, a fine lot of a new pattern of brush, the invention of Dr. Arrington of our city, whose experience and reputation as a Dentibt is a sufficient guarantee Tor the merit and superiority of the brush. No brush like it has ever before been offered in this market. . It is truly a common sense brush and one that every body, old and young should use for comfort and the health and preservation of the teeth and gums Wii. E. PgLHAU, Pharmacist, auglOdlm , 48 South Main st . The finest breakfast and supper to b found on any table served promptly, at Turner's, for 50 cents each meal. . . If Arrest ot a Korib Carolina Mdlatto ,'orlt Her Sub- . .shevllle Citizen. Woman in If eft' ' eqnent By telegraph to tl! New York, Sept. 2. The police department receive! a telegram from North Carolina on the 1st inst. ask nig- that Rose Roobtt alias McT2l very, a mulatto, be arrested upon her arrival here. The charge against her was embezzlement. She was found on board the steamer Gulf Stream, and together with her daughter was brought to police headquarters. Instead of sending her down stairs she was handed over to Matron Webb,, who is in charge of lost children, and a police man was placed outside ot the door of her room. She soon investigated her prison and found that the closet in her room had two doors, one of which opened the way to freedom. She used it and walked down the stairs leading to the street, with head erect. The officer at the main en trance, thinking she had called foi the missingr child, .t&ketl her if she had found her lit It; one. She an swered in the negative, and passed out into the street. She was not missed until this morning, when there was quite -a commotion at the Central office, which has always been believed to be safe from the schemes or wiles of lavvbreakers. The daughter of the escaped pris oner wait left behind. Explanations all round are vn order to-day. :o: For the Asheville Citizen. THE GRADED SCHOOL. To the Committee of (he Graded School of Asheville : I see our city j apera are so quiet oa the subject of opening the school that I fsar the committee will feel warranted in allowing the people to accept your report, i. e. to defer the 6ehool unti. a conven ient season Now, gentlemen, just per mit me to say that the little children of your city have been neglected too Jon-r already; and th people will rise en masse in expres.iue tinr oiiid-iiinatiMi of your course, .-houlrt yn-i ,'ad to provide for the si hoi'l. Just thitik of it ! llow long since this town 1. ad the benefit of a school in the reach i.f tin; poi r boy, ar.d veu the small sills ha e been neglected bcause tl.eir u rim is t;e not able t pay the hifiii rate chari d here for tuili n. I dent thtti1- 1 il'i 'he Mihie.i an injustice to fmy that tiieie has been uo eclioi.l within the ii aeh ot the por man much 1SS0, nearly seven years; with the t-xcep tion of a feiv months taught bv Mr Whitson in the basement ot the North-' ern Methodist t'hnrch, and then at such time and place thet many had as well; have stayed at home, wliiln many of those legally entitled did p. it know even that there was a houl z n:i on at ail. ,1 have no rccoHec'ioti oi'seeinu any ii"tie,e from the newspaie,rn or other ise. Now just think of who put you in ollice and enquire if vu ar making such provision for their rule oees as you would expect ot tin-in plaeinir them in your stead, etc. The seven hun.lrid and twenty-two electors that ratified the legislative enact ments have about rour thousand poor children that cannot be educated without the aid of a combination of some kind and the Ulum of the Legislature provided everything save what these electors have done and I question j our right to thwart their only hope by sayi lg that you can neither find a house or teacher to iake charg of a graded school in our city. The question of a h.mse is ro legitimate excuse. If no house, can be had then raise a tent;it is better to have these boys gathered from the field of mischief under the shade of our old oak trees than have the situation continued seven years; and many of thost! bovs have been cheated out of the little which this noble old Tar Jjtate have provided. It will not do to have the best, brightest; yea,grea'est, hope that ever entered the hosom of the poor men o Asheville to be thwarted by you who have been chosen as the guardians of their children to the extent of a liberal education. Now, gentlemen, take courage and go forth again in search of a house. Only just think of il how long since these little ones hid the privilege f good instruction and think how long it may be if put off before they can enjoy this privilege. In the name of these four thousand children I beseech you to make some provision for the opening of the school even though you divide up in small squads until yon can erect a house to protect them from the weather and be you well assured that many mothers, fathers, sisters and brothers will praise you and call your name blesSed. A Poor Man. As an article for the toilet, Ayeis Hair igor stands unrivalled. It cleanses the scalp and preserves it from scurf and dandruff, cures itching and humors, restores faded or gray hair to its original dark color, and promotes its gtowth. to Personal. Mr. N. II. Frohliehstein. of Mobile, Ala., writes: I take great pleasure in recommending Dr. King's New Pipcovery for Consumption, having used it for a severe attack of Bronchitis andJatarrh. It gave me instant relief and entirely cured me and I have not been afflicted since, i also beg to state that 1 bad tried other remedies with no good result. Have also used Electric Bitters and Dr. King's New Life Pills, both of which I can roeeroriiaftJ. Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, Coughs and Colds, is sold on a positive guarantee. Trial bottles free at H. H. Lyons' Drm Store. Just received, some rew goods consist ing of very bandsorut box pa r, prices from 10c up to $1.00, new style Inkstand and Ink combined 10c, lot of memoran dum, and time books, new brands of writing paper, paint boxes, slate, slate and lead pencils, visiting and playing cards and many other attractive articles; E. P. Poe'a Fell in Love with his Wife, and the Hornet's Nest, 25c each; Duchess' last book ; all of Hoggard's novelu. A lot of humorous books Dy Nye, Peck and other celebrated writers. - - Daily papers and magazines always on sale. Subscriptions received for week, month or year, at Carson's Stationery and News Store, N Main st. . Stovks, Tinware, Ranges. - Our manufacturing-department snow complete. We have all the latest improved- machinery, work the best grade of material, and duplicate any bills boueht Nortlv. liast or W' We make roofing and guttering work a specialty, and guarantee satiafatTtion. For prompt attention, good work, and lowest figures, call at W. C. Kelier A Co.'s, 12 Patton Avenue. - ; French Confectionery, . Bananns, Oranges, Grapes, Imporied and IJomestic Segars at Levy's, 50 Eagle Block. . d:!tHd STATE NEWS. The Shelby Aurvra says: Mr. Edwin Carrico, a - miner in Nez Perces county, Idaho territory, has written to our townsman, B. B. Babington' for a small prospect Quartz Mil!, stamp 160 pounds each and mortar 640 pounds, to work veins in Idaho. lie learned that Mr. B, made these mills thiough the U. S. report on wining. Tiie Lenoir Topic sajs: A laugha ble incident occurred in the jiiil the other day. A 16 year old boy, 'the only prisoner was pulling at the huge padlock that fastened the door ot the cage in which he was confined unlocked and he could have walked out, but called Ed Abcmethy from across the street to fasten the door. Moral: A new jail and a better constructed one- needed, that will hold prisoners. The Shelby Iew Era says: Major J. W. Wilson, of Morganton, chief engineer of the Southern and VeE tern Air Line Railroad Company, arrived in Shelby on Monday after noon, with a set of instruments for a surveying corps and prepared to begin the survey for his company lie engaged Mr. T." Warren Clower, of Shelby, to take charge of the corps, under his direction, and to begin work at once. Mr Wra.C. Corbctt, of Shelby, wa3 also ap pointed to a place on the corps. While crossing the ferrv at the Iron Bridge over First Broad River last Thursd.iv." Mr. Tas. Blanton had a narrow escape from drowning; While he was helping to put a wag on on the flat, the rope holding the to the bank broke, causing the wagon to turn over on Mr Blanton and carrying it into the water. Mr. Blanton managed to crawl from un der the waon and escaped without injury, except :i ducking. (lantity in medicii.e i.-i no indication ot value, .iver s Sprsaparuia is concen trated and powerful; n-q-iires a smaller d.:e, and is more efi'ecti ve, dose for dose, than anv 1 ther Sarf-aiarilla. It is the heist of all bhud med:eines. t9 BABY HUMORS all Skin and Scalp diseases Specially Cured by C.uticara. Our little soa will he four years cf age on the 2tith inst. In May, 1865, he was attacked with a very puioful breaking out of the Bkin. We called iu a pnyeioioa who treated mm for about four weeks. 2"he child received little or no good from the treatment, as the breaking out, supposed by tnc pmician to De in an ag gravated form, became larger iu blotches, and rooro and more distreasm''. We were lrequent ly obliged to get up in the night aud rub him witu soda m water, strong imaments, Ac. i i- nally, we called other physicians, until no less than six had attempted to cure him, all aliko failiug, and the child steadily getting worse aud worse, ur.til aoont the 2Uth of laet July, when wo began to give him Guticcrv IIesoL vest internally, aud the cvt:cuba, and ccti clra Soap externally; an t by the last of Au gust he was so nearly well tuat we gave him only one dose of the Kesolvent sbout every second day fur tu days longer, aud he has never been troubled since with tlie horriblo malady. In a'il we used less than cue-half of a bottle of ctticuba Kesolvest, a little If ss than ono box of cuticuba, and only one cake of cuticuba Soap. H. K. BltYAN, Caynga, Livingston co.. III. Subscribed and sworn to before me this fourth day of January, 1887. !. N. COE, J. P. scitni'iiiArX's in MOJts, Last spring I was very sick, being covered with some kind of scrofula. The doctors ceuld uot help me. I was advised to try the cuticu ba Uesolvext. I did so, and in day I grew better and better, until I am as well as ever. I thank you for it very much, and would liko to have it told to the public. ED. HOFFMANN, North AtUeboro, Mass. Cuticuba, the great skin cure, aud cuTicunA Soap prepared from it, externally, aud cuticu ba Kesoltest the new bluod pnriior, inter nally, are a positive cure for every form of skin and blood disease from pimple's to scrof ula. Sold everywhere. Price : cuticura, 50c.: cuticura Soap, 25 cents ; cuttcura Jiesolveut; $1.00. Prepared by Potter Disco asd Chem ical co., Boston. Send for 'How .to ni-e Skin li iserxex.' TIMPLES, Blackheads, Skin Blemishes, and Baby Humors, use Cuticura Soap. In Ono Minute. Rheumatic, Neuralgia, Sciatic, Sud den, Sharp and Nervous Pains and Weaknesses relieved iu one minute. by the Cuticura Anti-Pain Plaster. At .drntrgists, 25 cts. Pott r Drug and Chemical co., Boston. au 10-dWaSat&Wly Sugars. Cofleea, Spices, liacon. Lard, Canr.f d Goods' &e., all at bottom prices, tf S. W. McCrary. Picture frames fine and cheap at Lind se,y's Studio, Main st, opposite postoffice Groceries delivered free, at tf . McCbaky'. Fine Cigars, Candies, Toilet Soaps, and fine Perfumeries; at tf McCrary't. GREAT BARGAIN. That splendid farm of Capt. W. T. Corpeuinpr'8, 4 miles up Swanuanoa river, eon ainiuK M seres, Is to be sold at once, and if application be made immediately. A goctl bargaii.cau be bad. :-'0ucres more of fi'l timbered land can be added at the same low figure? if desired. Apoly to NATT ATKINSON" A PONS, Real Estate Dealers. Other flue plaees aear the city at rer) reason able rates. na 5 dtf ; Judson- College OPENS ITS FALL TERM. - September 19th, It ofi'eM superior advantages. Atten tion is calicd especially to : (I) The heantv and healthfulness of location. " - (2) The thoroughness of instruction for females. (3) The preparation of young men for business. - (4 1 The reasonableness of charges. -For catalogue and lull information, address Rev.J. U. BOO.E, se 2 dlw&w4w , President Notice to Contractors. M Invite Sealed Proposals for the Construction of Stone Dwelling House it Richmond Hill. STONE TO BE QUARRIED within half mile of .te I rill consider bids in two forms : 1 Ffr o Anmnlniu tiirn.lfl-.V ioh 2. For he truvottry fts separate bid.' and fir a'l other woiw 11 one 100. . ' PUdb and specifications may be aeen at my office iu the McUmd b lildine. rmiK to be fi'nished by Sept. 1st. 1S3!). J-i sti fled bouds required, r ij Heu thereof one-third of contiact nrica reume 1 till work v!U bs arv eepted. Kids will be opened in my oHioe in the presence of pat ties into ested at 12 o'ciooK m. ca Sept. 15th. 1867. Right letervcd t teject auy and a'l bids.. ... . an BtOHMOXD ?KAIfcON; '--'- --;Mn(DM- M WtibWCFIE, Scientific Heating and Steam Fitters, Tinners Roofing,. Guttering and General Jobbing. Agents for Bartlett's Improved Warm Air Furnace ; also for Merchant & Co.'s Star Ventilator. We are Prepared to Furnish all Kinds of Gas Fixtures. All of our workmen are first-class,' having had from 10 to 12 3-ears experience in their trades, and we minwntnK snf isfnpfJrm Tlnns snrpifirfitJnii nnil ostimntfls fiimishorl work to do in our line would do piOR SALE. TU'ee thoroughbred Mares of fine style end action, elegant sadd'e horsus registered m Brace's Stud Book, two broken to harness. JSiU. A. Vt .IL.W. Ml , JR., July 15 CiTrzES office. The Ililctebruid Real Estate at Auction. PURSUANT to an order and decree of the Su perior Court of Buncombe county, under the direction ot the Commissioner, (O. F. ilaEman,) I will seli for cash, befoie the ourthouse door, at noo i on Monday, Sept. 6th. 17. the Hilde. brapd property on the corner of Hildehraad and Mountain streets, in the city of Asheville. au 28-S.WaS J. J. HILL, Aucfr. vv. C. GORHAM, DEAI.KR IN ALL KIND OF . modern.. Improved Liglitnu Conductors. Points-. Dispersers WKATIIElt VASES AND EVERY VARIETY OF 'tKIM.MI"G3. Work erected at short notice on the most improved circuit system. Office No. 8 N. Court House Square. yTANTED. To rent .1 pleasant furnished room. Address 6. care CITIZEN o nce. se 1 dtf JJLEASANT PRIVATE BOAU.O. Parties desiring ko-.1 privaie Ixmn!, plaunt rooms, reasonable raten, nvp'v to 'il GiC ve street, or address ' P. O. BOX -J77. ap S dtf A PROCLAMATION BY TIIE GOVERNOR. $200 REWARD. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. ) Execi'tive Department. WHEREAS, official information hs been received at this department that George Caba niss. white, late of the county of liuncomoe, stands charged with the murder of Jesse Gaines, August, at Asheville; and whereas, it appears Umt the said oeorge Cabaeiss has lied the State, or si conceals himself that the ordinary pront-ss ot law cannot b served upon liini. Now. therefore. I. AI.KHEDM. .SCALES, Gover nor ot the Sfato ot North Carolina, by virtue of authority in me vested by :w. do isue '.his my proclamation, oil'erini; a reward of Two Hundred Dollars for the apprehension a'ld delif cry ol'th-s sail George Oubmiiss to the Sherilfot Buneo'.oo-j county, at iho Court House in Asheviil", and I do enjoin all officers of the Hint; and all good citizens to itssiit iu bringing said criminal to justice. Done ut onr City o Raleigh, the 23ih day of August in the year of our lxirtl one thot!.-:iml e'ght hundred and eighty-seven, and in the one hundred and twelfth ytur of Amtiiean Indepen dence. A. M. SCALES. By the Go enior: C. 1I.ARX FIELD, l'r v te Seen tary. DESCRIPMOX. Guoree Cahaniss wciehs 165 pounds, 5 teet S inches high, fair complexion, guiootn face, short dark hair, aud high eheck bones, wears No ti or 9 shoes. se t dlwifcv. it IF YOU WANT To see tlie nicest ami purest line of Confectioneries in tlie city, call in at IIESTOX'S, next door to the Past-Office, and you will he convinced that you have found the place to hny. Just received to day a fresh stock of Whitman's Fine Candies, AT J. M. HESTOFS, Ktele Hotel Block. w No. O. MULLER & 7 South Main Street, Asheville, JV. C. DEALERS IN All kinds of Whiskies, Brandies, Wines Ale, Portes, Cigarg, Tobacco, &c; fine Kentucky Eye and Bourbon Whiskies a specialty. DISTILLERS' AGEXT3 FOR y Pure North Carolina Corn WhiBkey and - Apple Brandy. Ture Barley Malt Whiskey for medical purposes always in stock. Sole agents and authorized bottlers ot "Anheuser-Busch Brewing Association? celebrated til. Louis Laga Beer for Western North Carolina. The following Brewings constantly on hand, in kegs and in bottles: Anheuser Busch, Stndard, Imperial Pare Lager and original Budweiser. , -. Goods delivered to any part of the city free. Prompt attention paid to all or ders by mail. Telephone call No. 39. Billiard Hall on 2d floor. JelC-dtf : - CO., Ventilating Engineers, well to see us before contractinaj. NO. 8 SOUTH WATER STREET, ASHEVILLE, N. C. TALI ULAH The Niagara of the South ! On Piedmont Air Line. FEET ABOVE THE LEVEL OF THE SEA. 2,500 JLHTT COTTAGES. OPEN TO NOVEMBER- FIRSTL Scenery, climate and accommodations unsurpassed. Per&ons leav ing Asheville in the morning on Wednesdays and Saturdays, viallen dcrsonville, arrive at Tallulah Falls on the evening of the same day. Cards' Orchestra and Brass Band furnish music. Special rates for September and October. F, II. & F. B. SCOFIKLD, Proprietors. Also Proprietors Planters Hotel, Augusta, Ga. Hillmax House, llilhnan, Ga. BATTERY PARK HOTEL. Commencing with September which will place the rates of 1st, Tlie Battery Parlt Hotel rn.w rtio to M-oi'ii noFjiiRs pkh mmjmw BELOW IS TIIE SCALE OF PRICES. Monthly Kate for Month of Four Weeks: Room occupied by two persons, ly one person, WEEKLY Room occupied by two persons, " " by one person DAILY Room occupied by two persons, " " by one person, For 'Circulars, etc., address au 2t)-lm University STATE AG IlICULTTRAL AND MECHANICAL COLLEGE, A'ully Organised as a Thorough Industrial Insti tution. Xw Mi-chsiiiic. Ieiarlment. Beantilal, well Stocked Farm. Con: in Agriculture, Mechanics, Engineering, General Science, Applied Cliem-, istry, ClhHsics, &c. The military discipline is faithful, but reasonable. Situati n b autil'i'l ixnd verv healthful. Inlim.ary and tree medical attention for the sick. Tuition $40. Board $10 per uionth. Total expense, for nine months, about $17 ). Eightieth year will begin September 1, 1SS7. , , (jHAW.r.s W. IJahsey, .1b., Fh. I , late State Chemist and Director of the Ex periment Station of North Carolina, has been elected I'resident of the University and Director of t'je Experiment Station, rnd lias accepted the same. E2FFor full particulars, address au 2) deodawlm TIIE PRESIDENT, Knoxville, Tenn. ASSURANCE THAT ASSURES! o The Equitable Life Assurance Society Has Assets of 675,000,000 ; Issued in 1886 $111,000,000 ; The plainest and safest'policy. Incontestable after two years. Iiospes uavable on presentation of proois without delay. V ' V ULYSSES DOUBLEDAY, Agei.l. Dr. VM. D. HILLIARD, Medical Examiner. mh 1-dGm Stor I Wli"-" v"M ci) ?et '.he both foreign nj iomestk Jfly Brands are the Old Kentucky Jtlonongahala. Gibson's XXTX, all 6 Years oldZ My 60iy .WHISKIES are absolutely., pure, mle of the uoundes "." finrn, ou the Bald Mountain, Rutherford county, N. C. I handle nothing but NorthCarolina APPLE and PEACH BRANDY. "... - My WINES are pure Grape juice, unadulterated. -You will find BERGEN and ENGEL BEER always on liaaght, colt? and fresh. Bottled Beer delivered to every part of the city fre ' charge. We make a specialty in CIGARS' and TOBACCO, and handle tl f leading brands. " Call and see if I Lave misrepresented my goods. You will find mj Saloon three doors below the 1st National Bank, No. 9, where yon -y' find the Curious Concoctor of Cocktails, SHEP 1) HAVER, and the g uial H. C. JONES to wait on" you. Any intormation given strangers with pleasure. jo 11 1 . BOB JONES. W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE. The only 3 SEAMI.E88 sitoe in ue worm. Finest Calf, perfect at, mnd warmtcd. Congress. Buiton and Lace, all tvle toe A stvlish and durmWo at those nustlnir SS or JW. M2.BO SHOE excel the J Hlious uuvc tisea Dy oilier linu. 9r S" ntn. mt m MlH.IMUmil.. n. .11 tho W. T DOUGLAS S3 SHOE. t .1..1.. H..u .nt k.n them, a ml voar name au tTW, L. IX1LULAS. fcrocktaa. SUM. i jnnSdaw " ' -, i CENT LtHZHr rT73 Plumbers, Gas and nil nrvnlir-ntimv Torsifvns linvinor FALLS, GA. ! si Monthly Kate will be given $00 lo $75 e.ich. 75 to 90 - HATE: S7.50 lo $21 eaolu 21 to 28 RATE: $3.50 each. 4.00 C. IL SOUTIIWICK. of Tennessee. o- A Surplus oi Outstanding Assuranc ,00,000; $411,000,000 best Wliislsey, Wine and Brandy GRAPES! Visitors to the rtty, and othrrs will And a pleasant drire to my vineyard near the Swauna na riviir one mile above the bndire. Admission to the vinevtid nltem cents and with the privilege of eating ill the grapes you wlh. . . , : E. P. DAVIS. tog to dlw - BAEBER SHOP . JS TIIE ' OBAN l. CENTRAL 4 Havlnsr moved my Bather Shop to the Grand j O ntral Hotel, Paiton Avenue, I am now prei'nr I ed to accommodate my p. trona and the publi generally wun tne Denp rvice in my line. iive me a trial. aug 2dJu , --, JOIIKHON IIUIIPUKET