CITIZEN JOB OFFICE, NO. 13 PATTON AVENUE. BILL HEADS C LETTER HEADS, 1 Year, &3. ruoui.tK), BLANKS, dee 7 W- of all limit do withf from finest and at low prict. e Mob., S.OO 1 Year X.OO e IVtos., ,T A t) VEtTISING RATES LOW, VOL III -NO i3o. ASHEVILLE N.C TOESDA MORNING. SEPTEMBER ZiSS. PRICE 5 CENTS DAILY EDITON. ; , -a- . i . ..Vl!i:Vf fJ.K SOCIETIES. a.-. 4.'. S. liiU 'Jf.uwiM. J. Wakefield Cort 'aii'J, S2J dei?., Uetu;y ot tlie Inspector General for North Car-jlm. o'! ..: hi u.ry, No. 5. J. A. Porter Kminent Via nnn'icr; I fV lnu stone, Secretary. Meets tint !.-.: Ch-ipler. li. A. M.M. C. Faint Hieh P.Uxl; Ki!dni6!shla?, HcjretAry. lleeta . h.::.1 we IiicsUhv niht in each month. ... I . liV.-.vm , .'". Io. Ill, A. J", .t A. AC v i. Bliir Worshipful Master; . Blanton OO'olJtry. M'.-U tlit tlrst Friday night In each mo in. .' icij Mgr. K. ol 11.. No. 046. E. o ' 'li-itinr : Stone, Secretary. eji-J fltst ami thiM Monday nights in each m i: .i. .'Ci lit'-vl (Vuiel, Ko. 701, H. A.S. U pin y, lUts' i.t ; Jotdan Stone, Secretary. Meets In Imll of the Kuhthts of Honor on the second :h3 'on. ill Momlny niuuls In each month. AihrviUc 1ylnr. A. F.& A. ST., U. . J. Wftke el I (rtlmiil, W. M ; J. A. Conaut, Sec. SLeeta .i: i.'8 Jiuc Hall third Thursday nisht in each nnnth at H o'clock, anil 1st and 4th Thursday ii;ht for intruction. 77i Ashfoille Publie Library, over Mr. Kep . V Store, oiposite Eagle Hotel, and next J ior (o Tlio Bank of Asheville, is open to vis Sirn from 19 a. m. to 1 p. m. and from 4:30 to SUW p in. Absolutely Pure. I'll Is powfler never varies. A marvel of puritv, lrctiglh ami wholcaomeucsa. Mote economical hui; the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in Hunietitinn with the multitude of low test, short e' j lit ahim or phosphate powders. Sold only in nn Royal BaKiKo 1'owdeb Co.. 106 Wall St., m:w ifork. tanl-d&wl2m COMPOUND OXYGEN Urs. HABGAN & GATGHELL : 'OhUCK In Eaglr Block, 6S .IM S. ASHEVILLE, N. C- Ooni pound Oxvgen inhaled, in connection wltn medicated Ba'sam Vapor, cures Consump tion, Asthma, Bronchitis, 'asal Catarrh, Bore Throat, Loss of Voice, Diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, Bladder, and all diseases depending on mpnre or impoverished blood. It cures Rheumatism when everything else rails. U is the only remedy that will permanently sure Chronic Nafal Catirrh. Ifycu suffer from Hut . atbsomc and dangerous disease come to ui olfice and investigate ou itreatment. It will cute yon, no matter how long you have suffered. No charge for consultation. There is no statement in the above which is .mil ti ictly true you may rely upon every word. -Kb can prove all and more. 1: vs believe your case incurable, we will !: tell you so. We do not wish to treat you . w 5 cannot help you. Wc a Iko treat all diseases of the Rectum, or owi. Rowels, such ss Hemorrhoids (Plies), Fis cre. istula, l'rolar sns, etc. The treatment is ilway- successful, and nearly always painless. We cure without the nee of the knile, and in a le Nolotsof time Irom busimss or pleas ire. Offickofthb "Wobld,"! Kk Yobk, ISty 15, lt7. I In the fall ot 1. I was In sucu poor health I hat I was obliged to cancel all of my lecture engagements for the winter, and to give up writ ng for a time I went to A sheville and placed myself under the care of Drs Hargan and Gatchel 1. Continuing their treatment I improved In health and strength, oainino 20 pounds of ilesh; and feci better than I have for rears. - I icgard their oxygen treatment as being of great value; they, themselves, are gentlemen of hi:i, ana wortny oi uie commence ot tne pumic, . . Bill . HOME TREATMENT, Wo manufacture the Compound Oxygen, and ih; I', to all parts of the country, even to the Pacif . Coat. We sen d apparatus and chemicals iv ,omonthBforl. This is as valuable f the (Alice treatment. wonderful curative results obtained with itatrcatment is astonishing even to us. 1i.ou vrixh to learn mire of I hit treatment, and our HCCith in Vie rureof Clirnnic Direanet, write or coil f vnraiea oook expuunmg treatment jree. DRS. HARGAlf & GATCHZLL, M Main Street, Afheville, . C. JnrsS-dawtf ; H. L. LANG, "THE JEWELLER, South Main St., Asiievuxe. aM-Om CITY MAEKET. I navejuitputtna JYeu) Refrigerator and am wen prepared to keep meats in good onditioo. Will keep the beat of BEEF, , MUTTON, LAMB, SMOKED &A USAGE, BOLOGNA SAUSAGE, FRESH FLSII ond OYSTERS, In season. Give me a share of your patronage. Orders promptly attended to and aroods deliver ed, i . J. BUJUltur.K, . - ai'o. ( Pat ton A venae, nnderEPowell & Solder's jury24Bm V TROYAursttiilli J DAILY EDITION. THE DAIiLY citizen Will be published every Morning (ex. neptMon lay) at the following rate strictly cat : One Yeet. : . . . . W 00 Six Monti-b, . . i . 3 00 Three " 1 50 One .- . . . fO One Week, . . .... 15 Our Carriers will deliver the paper ev ery Morning in every part of the city to our subscribers, ana parties Tanuugn will please call at the Citizen Office. Send your Job Work of all kindt to the Citizen Office, if you want it done neatly, cheaply and will dispatch. Arrival and Departure of Pascnft-er Tralaa. Salisbury Arrives 5:08 p. m.' leavea for Mor riatown at 6:18 p. m. Tbnxksskb - Arrives at 12.40 p. m., and leaves at 12:50 p m. A.rlves at 9:89 p. m., and leavea lor Spartanburg at 9:49 p. m. Spartanburg Arrives at 7 a. m leaves lor Morriatown at 7:10 a. m. freight accommodation leaves AahevilWj3Q a. rav and arrives at 9:40 tt.'mr- t ' Waynesvillb Leavea Asheville at 8:00 a, m., and arrives at 4:50 p.m. Weather Indications. 1 1 For North Carolina Slightly warmer fair weather hchtto fresh winds, becom ing southwest. For Tennessee-r Warmer .generally fair weather, light to fresh southwesterly winds, followed to-night by cooler local rains. For Virginia Warmer, fair weather, light to fresh outherly winds, varying to westerly. jfeayThe Citizen, with latest Associa ted Press Dispatches will be found regularly at all hotels and news-stands in the citv. When the uupply may be exhausted at those places, call at the office. Weather yesterday warm and dry. The city was remarkably quiet yester day, and nothiiig in the way of news stirring. Haywood Superior Court in ses" sion this week. Mr. Furman is in attendance on behalf of the Citizen. The gentlemen interested in organizing a Driving Park, are requested to meet this evening at 5 o'clock at the office of Capt. W. E. Breese, 1st National Bank. Dunn is the name of anew North Carolina town. It was "done" be fore we knew it wap begun, and the first intimat'on of its ex;stence is the appearance of the 'Dunn Signboard' published to point the way to the place. We hope Dunn will soon be independent oia guide to it, but hope the "S'ghboard" will long hang out. Mr. II. L. Lang has received a full stock of the "Diamond" spectacles to which we invite attention on his behalf with the endorsement of our own exper ience which is a pleasant one, though happily we are not greatly dependent upon artificial aid to eyesight. We do use glasses occasionally, and unhesitat inglj' say that the "Diamond" is more pleadant and eliectivc than any we have ever used. Messrs. Scott, Inman, Huidekoper and one other prominent railroad magnate, whose name- we did not obtain, were here on Saturday, prospecting into matters that greatly concern their own interests as in volved in this section, and which will incidentally, if their ideas take shape, favorab'y influence those of this city and country. A Harnett county paper says : 'Lightning has struck this Sum mer 140 trees on a quarter of an acre of ground in East Brower town ship near Zion church." This looks might'ly like lightning striking twice in the same place which it is proverbially said not to do. That quarter of an acre was a target for Joye's thunderbolts, a pa gan might have thought. Every man is entitled to his own name, more particularly when he has earned a good one, and we therefore hasten to restore to Mr. Burt Dennison that which belongs to him instead of that of Mr. Burt Emerson which was appended to his local notices in our last issue. Emer on is a very good name, and in its pro per connection a most distinguished one. But in its pro er place Dennison is a better one, and the owner of it is not ready for an exchange so long as it is as sociated with that very beautiful jewelry store to which we called attention, and do so again with the r-roper name restored. i IFor the Asheville Citizrm. HAYWOOD WHITE SULtHUK SPRINGS. Mem. Editori : The season is now coming to a close, there is about seventy five guests, but as the season advances all of them will return to their homes renewed in health. The owners of this valuable properity, Messrs. Stringfield & Welch, are going to make a great many ItDDTOVSmsntfl in milliner M n nnila n vttirvi- ber of cottages and by next" season this ueiignuui piace win be in better order iur .no i-uinion oi people inac nock here to enjoy this mountain climate and pure air. Major Stringfieid is largely interest ed in the advancement of Haywood county, being among the largest land holders in the county. -- B. To Fuhni8h a Table With the daintiest of norcelaim and th richest of crystal, is the aim nf Avrv clever housewife. Those who-vrA ht posted say mat nowhere can th aba rlnnn so leadily as at Law's, opposite new post uuirc, iiuw uuijr i me variety large bet everv aiuuie w in goon uBSte. Visit the new, low price jewelry store VI XUBT JJEMMISON, selldtf 18 Patton Avenue. Kn 1 ,.inV 1 . , . -v-- . "- uuuira enou or any ainu or wild animala nn sfhiliitim, i i u White Man's Bar tn altmnf oani;n. ...uv. MV.&UMUU VI dra w trade, as I keep none but the purest wuibkjcb auu cuarge tor tne same, and iajji uiuiiu in uiie price in ail. aept 8 dtf SHAIX BUNCOMBE HAVE A XEW SYSTEM OF RAIJ WAYS? Steps Taken to Haye a Mass Meeting t the Citizens of Buncombe in Aslie ' Tllle! ASHEVILLE TAKES THE IH1TIA- Tour, Aim calls if 1the COURTS'! - At a meeting of a large number of the business community of Ashe ville, hold in the Library rooms yesterday afternoon, Mr. C. E. Gra ham was called to the chair and the representatives of the press request" ed to act as Secretaries. ' '"CapC-lTatt" "A'tkinson explained the objects of the meeting to con sider the propriety ol calling a mass meeting of the citizens, of Bun combe with the view of petitioning the County Comnns-ioners to call au election to vote a subscription, under proper guard, to the Carolina, Knoxville & Western road, the Car olina Central and the Atlanta, Ashe ville & Baltimore road the said appropriation or stock to be paid when the several roads shall reach Asheville ; which would embrace the completion of the Carolina Central road to Asheville, the building of the Carolina, Knoxville & Western road via A sheville, and the building of a road to Cranberry or some point on the Tennessee line. He urged the great importance of some some steps being taken at once, or the great opportunity which Bun combe now has will probably be lost forever. Mr. J. D. Camerou submitted the following preamble and resolutions (the whole being adopted after a change of the resolutions and .much discussion, the resolutions being adopted as published) : Whereas, It is apparent to all observation that within the past six years the population, the business ac tivity, the wealth, and the resources of the county have largely increased and Whereas, This increase is direct ly and indubitably attributable to the effect of railroads already operating in the territory of the county, and . . Whereas, It is just to infer that, if so much of good has accrued from a system partial and limited in its operations, much greatir benefit will follow the multiplication of railroad lines and facilities, and Whereas, It appears that at least two large and powerful corporations are moving to make connections with distant parts which with due aid and encouragement from the people of this county will make Buncombe county the pathway through which they will reach their destination; and Whereas, It is of vital interest to the people of Buncombe county that it should be traversed by those addi tional lines necessary to secure to it all avenues of access and egress, and se cure to it that legitimate competition so much desired and so necessary; and Whereas, Unless prompt and de cisive steps are taken to secure the nec essary action of the people of Bun combe county, expressed through their legal authorities, thereby giving to the companies aforesaid valid in ducements to the construction of their lines into and through our terri tories, and Whereas, The Carolina Central rail road company, now eager to ex tend its lines, will not do so in this direction or to this point unless here they can make connection with the Carolina, Knoxville and Western road or some other road making Knoxville the terminus, causing thereby, by fail ure to take Asheville in its line of di rection, the loss not only of the bene fits to be derived by our connection with the interests of the Carolina Cen tral, but of other roads, inflicting irreparable injury upon Asheville, its present and its future interests ; and Whereas, The Atlanta, Asheville & Baltimore road having been duly au thorized by charters granted by the several States through which it is to pass is of equal dignity and importance with other roads and companies named m these preambles, and as such equally demanding the interest and aid of the people of the county of Buncombe ; therefore be it Resolved, That a mass meeting of citizens of Buncombe county be called to meet at the court house in the city of Asheville on tho 24th of September, at 12 noon, to adopt suitable resolutions petitioning the Uounty Commissioners to submit to the voters of the county whether they will authorize the issue of 100,000 of 6 per cent bonds as a subscription to the capital stock of each of the roads mentioned in this preamble, and the delivery ol said bonds to each road to be con ditioned and made only upon its completion. . Jtesolved, That the Chairman of this meeting appoint a committee of ten to take such steps as may se cure a full attendance at such mass meetings. ' : . - - Quite a number of our citizens made remarks .during the meeting, heartily endorsing the proposed movement ; and remarks were also made by Mr. Justice, oi ltutheriorci, and Dr. Whittington, or rancey, au expressive ; of pleasure at the plans proposed, to secure tne completion Lof these soadsv- - r The Presideiit apDO'nted the fol lowing committee m . accordance with the resolutions the same to meet this afternoon at 4 o'clock at the First National 1 Bank : Messrs. C. E. Graham, J. E. Rankin, T. W. Patton, J. E. Reed, H. S Harkios, Natt Atkinson, G. F. Scott, S. R. Chedister, P. A. Cummings and R. L. Fitzpatrick. The same 'committee was author ized to add to members to the said committee from each township in the county.' . :. And the Chairman was author ized to appoint committee of ten to get tip a b."V-tie for the occa sirn luf the taaSaTS&tihg and td se cure speakers. ' : - Gouge's Ksob.' Like many other interesting points in" Buncombe, has not a very attractive name. But it is an old one and there to stick, so we accept it as the designation of that commanding height which we sue to the North of -Asheville, fve miles distant, the last ontpost of that long line of mountains which straggle off at right angles with the Blue Ridge and termin ating abruptly at the valley of the French Broad. Its summit is about 3000 feet above the level of the sea, which estimate by comparing it with a prominence about the same distance to the South of Ashe ville terminating in the same way. The height of Busbee mountain is known; Gouge's Knob is a little Ices in height. The top of the latter is cleared, and has been in cultivation about thirty years. Towards the west edge of the cleared ground, one large dead tree and a group of living ones stand out con spicuous landmarks far and wide. The view from the summit is a magnificent and comprehensive one. It has un obstructed sweep all around the horizon; and in a clear day the full range of the Black mountains, Craggy and Gray Beard, the Roan, seventy miles away, the Great Bald in Yancey, the dividing chains between us and Tennessee, Spring Creek mountain, Crabtrea Bald, the jagged peaks of the New Found Moun tains, the distant heads ol the lolly Bal sam, Cold mountain, Pisgah, and the in finite number of peaks off to the South west and wouth, in the-latter direction the Blue Ridge closing up the line of view, and -then to the Southeast, Bear Wallow, Little Pisgab and the other prominences of Henderson county. At the foot are spread the valley of the .trench Broad, a sea of green, in which appear as sparkling diamonds in the verdant emerald zone, little patches of the river as. they are disclosed in the windings of tbestream; and clinging to its base the lovely vailey of the Beaver Dam creek, with its farms and farm houses and churches and fields and meadows all framed in with. their own special moun tain bordering. Not so far off to the South as to be in distinct l;es Asheville scattered in village-liKe freedom, yrith its hills and its groves and its open places hardly the picture of the busy place it is. No place fo near Asheville is ' more commandint;, or more eligible for the uses to which it might be put for a wealthy gentleman's residence or for a hotel. It is made accc ssible by a good road long in use to the very foot of the mountain; and Mr. W. T. Reynolds, to whom the property belongs, has recently finished a well graded carriage road to the top; a fact which tourists have already found out, and turned to daily use. W e have not told the hair, and abstain purposely from saying more, that others may go and sec for themselves and finish our story. We can say that no-one will return disappointed. Rev. W. II. Lewr?, who for more than two years past has been Rector of St. James' Parjsh,in Vv'ilmington, hastendered his resignation, to take effect November ist and it has been accepted by the Verstry. Mr. Lew is is now at oandv Hill. JN. i . The address to the Virgina Re publicans, publised in the Coueier- ouraal thts morning, is under-. stood to have ' been yyriten by ex CongrCssman John S. Wise, a pert young person who once joined his Republican associates in Congress in singing "John Brown's Body," regardless of the fact that the same men had for years vilified his hoa ored father, Hon. Henry A. Wise, under whose administration as Governor of Virginia John Brown had becu hanged. We take pleasure in recommending Hall's Hair Renetrer to our readers. It restores gray hair to its youthful color. prevents baldness, makes the hair soft and glossy, does not stain the skin, and is altogether .the best known remedy for all hair and scalp diseases. tlG ' Lots of handsome Goods now arriving at sel3 d'Jeod H. RED WOOD & CO. The lowest prices on Crockery. Glass ware, China and Lam s will bo found at W.O. Keller o:Co.'s, No. 12 Patton Av enue. -. , sept8d2w The Fat Boy dont draw as large a crowd as the large stock of beautiful new Carpets at Williamson x (ja's se 11 diw Those lots on South Main street which are to be sold at auction on the 15th. are the only lots on the market so near the business portion of the town. ; Parties wishing a good investment should by all means attend the sale. There is no doubt that houses, built to rent, in such a cen tral locality, will always be in demand by substantial business men, and will pay the owner a men rate-ot interest on his investment. There is, we understand, exactly one acre, divided into five lots, two nonung on Mam and three fronting on Valley. Town Branch runs through the lower lots. , . se li cat S.'WJ MM Viirv Will fnminh Mnrriafnwn lour, Meal, Bran and Shorts to mer- at mill naa - i Ida T? .inw a . t wholesale. - ' ' dtf ; Oysters terven in any utyle at Turner & Bronson a alter the 8th met. tf Oranges, Lemons and Bananas, tt - tf : ; McCrauv's. TELEGMPHIC. MR. O'BRIEN ARRESTED ! His Spirits Unbroken and His Hopes Undimmed. INVESTIGATION INTO THE MTTCHELLSTOWN APFAIR The Polise Eesponsible Brutal Officials Disgi'ace the Govern ment of Great Britain- Mr. Gladstone, Like Him- f self Al ways, Oenounceir tne Wrong. PROPOSED IMPEACHMENT OF THE BULGARIAN MINISTRY. Disastrous dale on tlie Grand Banks Fatality to the Fishermen. Mr. Gladstone to Denounee the Mitch ellstown Police. I By Telegraph to the Asheville Citlzen.l London, Sept. 12. Mr. Gladstone arrived m London to-day lrom Hawarden. He will speak in the House of Commonsjtosnight in de nunciation of the shooting of citi zens by the police of Mitchellstown t nday. Bulgarian Ministers to be Impeached By teiegraph to the ABhevlllelCitlzen. Sofa, Sept. 12. It is stated that when the bobranie meets the govern ment will propose the impeachment of ministers Karavelon-Nikifaronf, Zankoff and others suspected of complicity in the overthrow of Prince Alexander. Fourteen Men Lost on the Grand Banks. By telegraph to the AnbeviUo Citizenl Gloucester, Mass., Sept. 12. J. he schoonsr Arethusa, of bheK burn, N. S., arrived to-day from the Grand Banks. She reports that on August 26th. during a hurricane 14 men belonging to the schooner Maria, ot Publico. N. S., were lost. The gale is described as unpreced ented. Great damage has been done to fishermen on the Banks. O'Brien ;Arrested and Taken to Mitch cbtown. (By telczrapb to the Aaheille Citizen.) Dublin, Sept. 12. Mr. Win. O'Brien, who was arrested at King town yesterday, was conveyed to Mitchelstown this morning in the custody of officers He was accom panied by Mr. Timothy Harring ton and his counsel. Mr. O'Brien emphatically denies that he board d the steamer at Kingtbwn to avoid arrest, his object being simply to see Mr. Labouchere who wa3 about to leave for LondoD. Mr. O'Brien was enthusiastically feeeixed by a large crowd on hin ar rival at Limerick. In his address, Mr. O'Brien 6aid he never went on a journey which promised better for Ihe cause of Ireland than the one which he was making The govern ment might close his lips, but there was the spirit left in Ireland to-day that all the bayonets at their com mand could not silence. Investigation into the Mitchellstown Affair. IBy telegraph to the Ashtville Citizen. London, Sept. 12. Capt. Plunket, in obedience to orders from Chief Secretary Balfour, visited Mitchells town, and, assisted by dutcctives and by Magistrates Eaton and Se grove, had an informal inquiry, in spected the barracks and visited the wounded. Less than twenty of the police were actually injured, and only one seriously. Mr. Brunner says be saw a dozen . constable at tack one man with their batons; the man felled three of them with a blackthorn stick-. He also saw a policeman pieice a horse with bis bayonet, while another constable thrust his bayonet into the rider. An Independent eye witness relates that when the first blow was struck, it was impossible to control the Tipperary men who attacked the police like tunes with sticks, but before the police . reached ihe bar racks, their anger htd cooled. The people made no attempt to reach the barracks. Six panes of glass in the barracks were broken from the inside. The walls bear the evidence of a fusilade of stones. The lower half of the door was broken and there are many bullet marks on the walls opposite. Mr. Labauchere. in a long letter describing the affair at Mitchellstown says: When he en tered the barr&cra he found that the police had dragged two men inside and were beating them with billets as they lay tace downward. Dillon had the greatest difficulty in pre venting the chief constable from rushing out of the barracks with his men and shooting right and left. All were in a state of the greatest excitement There were hot few people around the barracks. The police were perfect sober. It is re markable that the car man till or! had the previous day refused his venicie to tne ponce. Mr. Labau chere says that never in his life did he come across so offensive a speci men of official with brute force at his back as head constable Rrown- rigg. Two men more unfit for deli cate duties could not be found on the globe than Seagroye, a weak creature who loses ha head, nnri Brownrigg, a bully, in whose eyes all venturing to look askant at him ouerht to be shot. Th pv urn tp sponsible for the deaths that have t occurred. -:o:- TELEGEAPHIC BRIEFS. Fifteen thousand . Staffordshire nail makers are on a strike. Reports from the Louisiana cotN ton fields are much more encourag ing. .. Four thousand miners are on a strike for an advance of wages at Shamokin, Pa. Gladstone's entry into the House of Commons yesterday was greeted with loud cheers. The Supreme Court ot Illinois, in session, yesterday made no mention of the Anarchist cases. O'Brien has been remanded to jail, to which he was escorted by twohundred policemen and a strong military force. Three large Boston furniture warehouses have conceded the eight hour demand of painters and polish ers, but others refuse to comply, and their men to the number of quit work. John Most, the Anarchist, made application for citizenship at the New York Cou' t of Common Pleas yesterday. He said he would sup' port the laws if he thought them good; otherwise he would resist them. His application was rejected The New York stock market yes' terday opened dull and drooping, and the influences were nearly all of an unfavorable character. The Richmond and West Point was the principal objective point late in the day, being affected by falling esti mates in tne cotton crop. The "Favorite Prescription" of Dr, Pierce cures "female weakness" and kindred affections. By druggists, d&wlw Divine Tobacco Which from East to West cheers the Tar's labois and the Turkman's rest" so wrote Bryon. in one of his hyperbolic strains. A great admirer ol the "mellow ncn and ripe" weed, the more especially wnen it taites the shape ot a cigar. We reckoned well. The good cigar was the inspiration to the ode. Were he to live in this day, and puff a few of Pelham's choice smokers, he would write another and grander poem. Lverybody enjoys the original Fan cigar, the A. A. & A. I. cigar, the Carol inas, the- Perfectos, the Grand Republics, the Honey Bee, the Pelican Fiora and the other brands that Pelham, the druggist handles, at 48 S. Main st. aug 26 tf Just received, some new soods consist ine of very handsome box paper, prices from 10c up to $1.00, new style Inkstand and Ink combined 10c. lot of memoran dum, and time books, new brands of writine paper, paint boxes, slate, slate and lead pencils, visiting and playing cards and many other attractive articles; E. if. foe's Fell in L.ove with his Wife, and the Hornet's Nest, 25c each; Duchess' last book: all of Uoegard s novelu. A lot of humorous books oy Nye, Peck and other celebrated writers. Daily papers and magazines al wavs on sale. Subscriptions received fur week, month or year, at l;arson s statirnery and News Store, N. Main st. The curative properties of Allen's Aromatic Elixir has been thoroughly established and the sales of the company is daily increasing. The report that there was fever in Asheville kept a great many people away from here, but the attractivu stock of Carpets and Furniture at Williamson & Co.'s will draw more to Asheville this fall than that report kept away in the summer. se 11 dlw Repairing well and promptly done, at Bpbt Dennison's, se 11 dtf IS Patton Avenue. Larga lot of Bran, Shorts and Oats just received, sept 8 dtf at McCrary'b. Tennessee Flour and Meal at tf McCraby'. Watches of all styles, at Burt Dennibon's, se 11 dtf 18 Patton Avenue. Oysters served in every shape at Tur ner & Branson's afier the 8th insL The lovers of this deliciotn articl3 will re member this fact. ' tf Silver ware, elegant patterns, best material, at Bitot Dcnnison's, selldtf ' 18 Patton Avenue. It makes no difference whose horse beat at the races, Williamson & Co.'s stock of Carpets and Rugs beat any thing ever seen in Asheville. se 11 dlw For fruits and vegetables, go to tf McCraby'. Engraving on gold and silver ware, &c., done at ijeknison's, -se 1 1 dtf 18 Patton Avenue. Picture frames fine and cheap at Lind- sey's Studio, Main st, opposite postoffice Misa Mary Sawyer will begin her school on Monday, September the liltb Miss Cram, niueic teacher. dlw Buy your groceries from S. W. Mc- Urary and nave mem aenvereara. The lovers of pure corn whiskey can find no better than at Bob Jones'. Tue best wines and liquors can also be found there. ' u Orders left at the ofDce office of Turner & Brownson for fish of any Kind will re ceivo prompt attention. tf TELEGRAPHIC NEWS CONTINUED ON FOURTH PAGE. The Changes m the Freight 0f fice in this City. The Citizen has alreadv refers to the removal of Col. Turk to Rnl. eigh, and to his successor Mr. Win- burn. A coiresDondent to Statesville Landmark thus refers to Mr. Winburu and to his chief clerk Mr. Willianu: Mr. Turk Will hf anono k his chief clerk. W. A . - -- - . . ... wui u, n iiu is noted for his mnnv hinVi nn.iw: and no doubt- the great success of Mr. Turk was owing partially to the valiant services nf hia affinioni Mr. Winburn will be one of the youngest men in that position in the United States. comes to real business he is not bo youtntul as his face bespeaks. He has selected Mr. W. D. Williams as his 'chief clerk andSvebonsider it a wise selection, as all who know Mr. Williams consider him one who can be strictly relied upon and full of business. It is useless to speak of his manv hieh toned traits nf r-hur-. acter, as there are few who have not had business or social acquaintance with him in the local office nt. tho station. Those who do not know him doubtless are acquainted with some of the branches of his eminent lamuy ot JNorth Carolina and Ten nessee. Mr. Williams has btn nnrtinllv connected with the Wenta TJnrtli Carolina Railroad for the past three 1 ... years, dui nas only been located in Asheville for a few mnntlm TTa came to this road with a most envi able character and his leaving caus ed many regrets on the part of his hosts of friends on the East Tennes see, Virginia & Georgia Railroad. His ability and (VlnflA mnlirnt.iAn to business have brought him un der the observation of the officials and he has continued to go up as their acquaintance became estab lished. Five Hundred Dollars is the cum Dr. Pierce offers for the detec tion of any calomel, or oth er mineral poison or injurious drug, in his justly celebrated 'PlAsuwnt Pnnniiifo Polioi They are about the size of a mustard seeu, luereiore easily lasen, While their operation is unattended by any griping pain. Biliousness, sick-headache, bad taste in the month, and iannriim. vil1 at once before these "little giants." Of your druggist d&wlw Chew Gravely. Henrv Hnnnlv n,l other fine brands of Tobacco, at ' tr , . McCbaky's. That beautiful filigree jewelry atLaw'a' will fix the eye of anyone who glanct at it. It is the work of skillful Swiss fingers, birds, flowers, reptiles, etc. pre- -sented in elegant lace tracery that ban ishes the idea of heavy metals. The jew elry is for brooches, bracelets, etc. 3t The only thing you can get free at the . White Man's Bar in a. iwHun InnlkninU and a good cigar for a nickel. ' sept 9 au Optical goods, opera glasses, field glasses, &c, at Burt Denni son's, 18 Patton Avenue. se 11 dtf NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. w ANTED, A flraf f1a urn PaaV at Mi. Vi.mI. tt u of Pine and Baird streets. Only those who can come well recommeded need aonlv se 13 dst WM. iv. BLATCHFORD pjlOR SALE. Two MllCh Cows for sale, tha hnvsr choice out of four. one wlto a young calf. w ANTED, Immediately, bv eentlcm.n aniVtvlr hoard anil bright sunny room with More heat. Partial uunru lor neaiieman. ruvate tamlly preferred. Address giving partiunla , e 13 ait JUHN PAUL, r. O. BOX 172. DEJTTISTR T". jyR.U. F. ARBIHGTON, SURGEON DENTIST. office booms: Over L. Munday'a store, Patton Avenne. se 13 d 12m One Price Store. Meastues taken for A, Raymond ic Co., New York Tailors, and a fit guaranteed. Samples, now ready for inspection. Shirts and Drawers. Scarfs. Gloves. Collars and Cuffs, Handkerchiefs, Um brellas, Bags, &c - Handsome Spring Suits, in Sacks and Four Button Walking Coats; also several grades of Frock Coat Suits. Youths' and Boys' Clothing fingreat variety. Our line of Dress Goods, Silks, Velvets Satins, Dress - Ginghams, Satines, Per cales, Prints, Ac, will be fonnd very at tractive. Ziegler Bros.', Merriam A' Tyler's, Morgan Bros.' and Stok ley's Shoe fo ladies, misses and chitdrea. . Banister's and Ziegler fine shses for men. Packard & Graver's celebrated "f 2JBWt and "T2 90" shoes for men, and the cor responding grade for boys. Best possible value in Carpets, Art Squares, Rags, Oil-cloths, Upholstery Goods, Towels, Napkins, Coverlets, Lin en Damask, Ac. - - Derby Hats, Soft Hats, andJStraw Hats a full line. ' Fine Slippers, Oxford Ties, .LangUy Ties, and Wigwam Shoes. Parasol. Fan-, Kid Gloves, Collars and Cuffs, Handkerchiefs. Corsets, Ribbons Scarfs, Ties, llos'u ry, Underwear, Ac H Rsdwocd & Co., Nos, 7 A 9 Patton JAts. mara7-dtf .,

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