. 7 V A Creaking Hinge Is dry and turns hard, until oil is applied, after which it moves easily. When the joints, or hinges, ol the body are stiffened and inflamed by Rheumatism, they can not be moved without causing the most excruciating pains. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, by its action on the blood, relieves this condition, and restores the joints to good working order. Ayer's Sarsaparilla has effected, in our city, many most remarkable cures, in cases which baffled the efforts of the most experienced physicians. Were it necessary, I could give the names of many individuals who have been cured by taking this medicine. In my case it has worked wonders, relieving me of Rheumatism, after being troubled with it for years. In this, and all other diseases arising from impure blood, there is no remedy with which I am acquainted, that affords such relief as Ayer's Sarsaparilla. B. H Lawrence, M. ., Baltimore, Md. Ayer's Sarsaparilla cured me of Gout , and Rheumatism, when nothing else would. It has eradicated every trace of 'disease from my system. B. II. Short, Manager Hotel Belmont, Lowell, Hass. I was, during many months, a sufferer from chronio Rheumatism. The disease . afflicted me grievously, in spite of all the remedies I could find, nntil I commenced using Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I took sev eral bottles of this preparation, and was speedily restored to health. J. Fream, ' Independence, Va. tt Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Prepared ky Dr. J. O. Aw ft Co., Lowell, Mas. Bold by all Druggist. . trice $1; tlx bottles, J. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. Bargains in Lots H PROSPECT ;PARK ! SUKVKV Cai'LETED ! This magnificent properly is now laid oQ in lots of all sizes, situations and prices the finest property in the Splendid views of the river and the western mountains, lh-ices range from two hnndi-cd dollars up to six thousand. Some fine lots at $500, 000, $7oo' 8oo and $l,ooo. Some larger and mo de sirable still at .?l,ooo to $3,000. A few very choice lots on the crown of the hill. South side Girdwood street and East side Park Avenue. These lots can not be duplicated, and whoever secures one will have an investment that is good for all time. r SPECIAL. Eight beautiful lots on a gentle elope overlooking French Broad Valley will ita sold for the next few days at a bar- gain. A reasonable cash payment, and long time on the balance il wanted. Call early and see the jlat;now is the time to ouv in West Asheville. WALTER II. GWYS, Ileal Kstate Agent. je30-dtf J. 31. CAMPBELL, REAL ESTATE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, IN BOTH COUNTRY AND CITY! Sft vacnntlotson Patton Avenue.Churcb, ) Johnston and Campbell streets. 1 have 'he most desirable and best lo atrd vacant lots that are lor sale in the (fcity. i urn offering for business purpo ses as '.SM!o:a! I y desirable those vacant lots on both sides of Patton Avenue from C E. Graham's .store to Slave's Hotel; those at tho intersection of Patton Ave nue and Depot sts.; that triangle on Pat ton A venue at the intersection of Hay- i wood street; vacant lots en both sides of , Depot ft., and very desirable ones on Wain Bt. Terms easy 10 suit purchasers. '. For Residents I offer some of the most valuable unimproved lots ifcjjHi nr XT ot-t-: nil .11 , r-i 1 1 1 1 Vrontli ' . et valuable unimproved lots J?S7!jjL ' Men-imon Avenue, French fsfgliiH' jkd Ave., Charlotte, Chest- saafL'B ' Hillside, Academy, Hill, "BhirAm Brojjkd nnt,' Haywood, Phillip and Bailey streets. In fact, I have for sale beautiful lots on ev ery princ'ppl street and avenue in the ci';y, as well as Residences, both large Mid small. I have several Truck Farms near the eity limits. I can sell bouses, lots and farms on the installment plan ' terms one-fourth cash and tho balance - on long time, which is very desirable lor parties who wish a home on easy terms. I buy and tell options which "enables parties with small means to handle large quantities of real estate with advantage to themselves. Parties who wish to buy or look at real estate will be driven in any part of the city in a comfortable carriaze, free of chaise. Any person Keeking investments, 01 wishing to bny, rent or seli property will do well to eon Bu't uie. Office, second floor, No. 5, fcotith Main street. Spejial bargains for thj next few days. fkmianx which exvire toon ; I FOR HALS OR RENT. " 8, 8,4 and 6 room house, to be finished soon, lor rem or as-e on easy terms 1 10 lot near Old Depot lor sale cheap if bought mi um;. 10 lots on Bailey street a bargain. ..14 acres beantiful g-roye on Merrlmon Ave. I -The Middleton Place" large bonne with all iteceMuv out-buildings and nineteen acres of beautiful grove desirable tor summer. I iloune and 4 acres, boi utiful grove In Waynes ville cheap. i Special bargain In houe ot seven rooms on Bailey at. - Alo ene on Woodfin st. 6 acres on Town Mountain, 40 leet higher than Other barjatas too nameroue to mention. Call and see me. TO SPECULATORS. I have 120 acres Inst outsldecitv limits Invest ors and hnme-seekera will find it to then- ailvau- I age to see thi r property at once. Views grand, lores and It will make you money while yon sleep. Price, $28,000 cisb, or subdivided and sold :i n iota on easy terms, ine present price only ', good Air a few days. t room house, French Broad Ave. View nntur i passed. ' 10 room house on Haywood street. 7 ' Brldee stivf-t ' Special Dargain In lots on Depot street. a 4 aores beautiful grove rlghtatSnlpbtirSprines. V4 a. Dear city, cheap; terms to suit purchasers . 4 acre In full view of city, mile out, 500. Lots of property for sale which the owners do not wlnh advertised. JOHN M. CAMPBELL, Heal Estate Dealer and Agent. je8-d3m GRANITE YARB HEPDER SONVILLE, - N.CL A. P. CORN&.Co., Prop's. Th rr.mlte found near Cendersonvtlle U reeosnlsed fir Its bounty and durability. Tho undersigned is prepared to furnish or short notice, all work In granite, for Window sills, lxxir sills. Steps, c, 4c, Indeed evert biof needed for Buildings. ' " TEEM8 REASONABLE. ' Cell m or address A. P CORN & CO., - aeslUdtf - HendersonvlUe, N. C. DIOCESE OP OBTH CAROLINA. Blnbop I.jirnin'ii Appointments.: Aug. 2ft Friday, Haw Creek. : ,V " 28 Sunday. Ashevlle. Sept 2 Friday, tit. Paui'4. Henderson county. " 4 Sunday, calvary nuron, " , " (Tuesday, Hendersonvillo, u " - " 8 Bowman' Bluff, " " " 9. Friday Brevard. ' 11, Sunday Cathier's Valley. " 14, Wednesday St. John's; Macon " " 15, Thursday P. M. Franklin, " " " IS, Sunday Cullowhee, Jackson ' ' 20, Tuesday Webster. " 22, Thursday Waynesville. " 25, Sunday Morginton. " 26, Monday P. M. Hickory. 28, Wednesday I-enoir. " 30, Friday Boone, Watauga " Oct 2, Sunday St. John's, ' " " 5, Wednesday WilkesLoro. ' " 6, Thursday Gwyn's Chapel. . " 8, Bnnday Statesville. " 12, Wednesday Butherfordton. " 13, Thursday P. M. Shelby. " 14, Friday r. M. Church of our Saviour near Lincolnton. " 1C, Sunday Lincolnton. Holy Communion at 11 morning services. Collections for Diocesan Missions. Bucklen'g Arnica Salve The best Salve in the world for outs, bruises sores, ulcers, rheum, lover sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and ail skin eruptions, and positively curee piles, or no pay equired. It is guaranteed to five perfect atisfaction, or money refunded. Price25 ets er box. For sale ov H. H. Lvoni. daw JJANDSOME PROPERTY FOB SALE. An elegant lot, with fine prove of oaks and chestnuts, beautifully situated and commanding fine views. About seven-eights of an acre in the lot. Advantageous offered. Apply to an23-Utf N ATT ATKINSON 4 SONS. Jf!OR8ALE, The Eag'.e Drug Store In Brevaid. The only drugstore in the county. Will sell cheap for cash. For particulars apply to C. E. FARMER, malS d&wtf Brevard, N. C. ' LONGMAN & MARTINEZ PREPARED PAINT. The 11th year of the largest consump tion ever secured by any known brand paint. Every gallon of it has been sold under our imarautee. Its reputation of ueins; the highest prade of paint that can be produced. ha3 been justly earned bv its merit and the satisfactory results of its use. For sale bv BEARDEN, RANKIN & CO. auu 21 dtf MINERALS! C. M. MoLOUD, President. PLUM A.DORE, Manager. TRANSMONTANI AND Trust 'ompanvi Room 43 Eagle Block, ASHEVILLE, N.C. Dealers in mines, mining DroDerties. and all kinds of real estate Correspondence im ited from aH parties haying mineral claims for development. Assays of Gold and Silver Ore. S2.00. Analyses of other ores at lowest rates. All assaying done promptly at the company s laboratory in Asheville. July 1 d&w6m ALLEN'S Aromatic - Elixir Is the only medicine ever placed on the market that will cure Colic, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Flux, Cholera Morbus, Indi gestion, Summer Complaints of Child ren, Arc., without uebilitatins the system or leaving the bowels constipated and the liver torpid. The reason is that it contains no Opium or Narcotic Drugs, but is entirely a harmless compound. It is a scientific preparation, carefully prepared by an experienced Pharmacist, and for the past two years has been thoroughly tested by honest and compe tent physicians and intelligent families with the most satisfactory results. It can be riven-in' connection with any other medicine with entire confidence and most gratifying results to both physician and patient. We have never known a fail ure to cure or benefit, or heard one word of dissatisfaction expressed in any ease where the directions have been carefully followed. It relieves the pain, allays the irritability and leaves the bowels in the natural condition. Fnll directions on each bottle. Testimonials : Br. Ham'l L. Ixjve, Ex Auditor State of N. O, sayn I have prescribed Allen's Aromatij Elixir in my practice with great succcw, and can confi dently recommend it to the public. Dr C B Roberts says Have given Allen's Aro matic Elixir a personal tost. I can heartily rec ommend It as a sale, pleasant and efficient rem edy in the diseases for which it isrecommende J. Dr H L McFatlven says I have prescribed Al len's Aromatic Elixir for patients suffering with Diarrhcea, Dysintery, &c, with besa results. I have never liad any disagreeable symptoms fol lowing its administration. Hon. S M Fisger, Snpt. Public Instruction for State N C, Raleigh. N C, says The bcttlel used proved beneQcuil to me. If it was on sale here I would try It farther. J A Ferguson. I P. Chairman of the Board of Education for Haywood co, N C, says I had been suffering very much with Dysintery, I took Allen's Aromatic Elixir and in a short time was able to attend to business, and was entirely cured without ill effects following Its use. . J G Berry, of New York, says I have been South for my health. At Asheville, N C, I was suffering very much with Diarrhoea; three doses of Allen's Aromatic Elixir completely cured me. Albert S Bryson. Merchant and Mica Dealer, Webster, N C, says I had been suffering with reer-wu Aromatic Elixir permanently cured me. R D Gilmer, Attorney at Law and Chairman of the emocratic irx-Commiitee, Haywood oo says I have used Allen's Aromatio Elixir myself and have given it to my infant 18 months old. In Dom cases it enectea a permanent enre. I cheer folly recommend it for the al.ments it is repie seuted to cure. D Williams, 8upt.ot Scottish Land and Lumber Co. says Your Aromatic Elixir is very satisfac tory. Will order a quantity as soon as I get lo cated for use in our logging camp. W L Norwood, Attorney at Law, says Have given Allen's Aromatio Elixir to my little son, 5 years old. who had been suffering with Diarrhoea for weeks. A two ounce vial entirely cured him. - Wm 8 Thomas, President of the N C Talc and Marble Co, Jarratts, N C, says I have had occa sion to use Allen's Aromatic Elixir myself and baTe given it to my hands at the mines, also I have known it used by families living adjacent to my mines. All have used it with invariable success, it is my opinion that it is the best med icine extant for the diseases i( is recommended for. J P Swift, Veterinary Surgeon, says Have ta ken Allen's Aromatio Elixir icy self, and have given it to my child, an infant, one year old, with most satisfactory results. I can cheerfully bear tettimony to its merits lor the diseases it is repre sented to cure. , lion. J C L tiodger, ex-Judge of the Superior Court of N C, says I am acquainted with the Proprietors of Allen's Aromatio Elixir. They are worthy, honest business men. The men who Lave endorsed their medicines are of the highest type of gentlemen, intelligent, honest and trath- Dr. F T Dunklin, of Lakeland, Fla., says Allen's Arromatic Elixir, mv wife ned. perfect reliet. She and myself are under many nklllmtlrn. n ...... , ' tLt. .' n . . . , V 1 vo miio ceruucaie II you unlit it win dcoi any oeneni to sunenng hu We could give many others, but we consider the above sufficient, as every one that has ever used Allen's Aromat ic Kj.i.xie will not be without it. - t3?6old by all Druggists and Dealers in Medicines, at 25c. (er bo'.tlo. Manufactured only br The X). S. Allss Cosipany, limited. ' sepWdaft lm Waynesville, N. C Cart) tor PUe.'-"' Pilot are frequently preceded by a sense of weight in the back, loins and lower part of the abdomen. cansinK the patient to suppose he has some affection of the kidneys or negh- vuruig orgaua. A, imutM, symptoms Ul uitu- gostion are present, flatulency, uneasiness of the stomach, etc. ' A moisture like perspira- uon,proaueing a very disagreeable uoning, after eettine warm, is a ooinmon attendant. Blind Bleed in and ltchine Piles vield at enoe to the application of Dr. Bosanko's Pile Rem edy, wnion acta directly npon the parts affected, absorbing the tumors, allaying the intense itching, and effecting a permanent oure. Prioe bu cts. Adores me ur. .uosanko alediciiie oo Piqua. O. . Bold by H H Lyons. dawly After this weelc'Turner will daily re ceive clams, crabs, turtles, terrapins, all seaside delicacies; also celery. Elegant dinners spread trom nait-past l to 3 p. m. for 50 cents, including a glass of good wine; also dinners at 75 cents, including hair-pint supenoi wine. u PROFESSIONAL CARDS. CHAS. A. MOuKE. P. A. CUMMINUri OORE fe CUMMINGS, AUorneyt and ComueUar at laio. ASHEVILLE, N. C. Practice In the United States Circuit and CIS rict Courts at Asheville, Statesvflle, Charlotte and ureensboro; in me on preme uourt at Kfc. eign and In the Courts of the Twelveth Judicial DU trlct of the State of North Carolina. Upeciai attaitum given to collections ot claim UgMTWSIV ALTER W. VANDIVER. ASHEVILLE. - - - NO. CA, Practices in the courts of Western North Caro lina. Collection of claims, in auy part of the state, a specialty. juustatr T A. WATSON, M. D. OFFICE HOUS- 9 to 10 A. M. KO. 90 PATTON AVESUK, 2 to 8 P. M. Aislieville, N. selO-dtf ' W. W. J0SES. GEOK'JK A. SHUKOtD -JONES & SHUFORD, Attorneys at Law, ASHEVILLE, - - - - X. C. Practice in the Superior Courts o Western North Carolina, the Supreme Court of me State and the Federal Courts at Asheville. Office in JohuBton Building, where one member oi tne nrm can always be louna. nov 11 dlvear HENRY HARDWICKE Attorney at l., Asheville. N. C. Will nractiee in all the courts of the State. Collections of claiiri a specialty. Office vith Sheriff in Court House. laul dll rjinos. A, JONES, Attorney ut Law ASHEVILLE, N. C, oct 22-ly s w Office with Davdson Ma rp H. COBB, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Office in Burnett building, North side Public Square, ASHEVILLE, N. C. Practices in all Courts, State and Federal. jan22dly J OSEPH1 S. ADAMS, Attorney and Counsellor at K,aw( Office In Law Building, adioining First National Bank, ASHEVILLE, N. C. Practices in all courts, State and Federal, sept 7 1 year D R3. McGILL & BATTLE, ti- . . . it - r Practice limited to Eye, Ear, 1 roht and Longa. Sax. WESTBAT BaTTU. M.D.U. 8. N., rnysicianana Btugeon. Offices over De Vault's Drug Store. CA-Offico hours 10 a. m. to 12 m., and 2 to 4 p m. se M-ti JAMES A. BURROUGHS, Physician and Surgeon, ASHEVILLE, X. C, Office over Powell & Snidt.s. lgy Residence corner of Main a ad Woodfin streets, de 16-ly QHAS. D. McCANDLISS. Surveyor and Civil Engineer, ABBEVILLE. S. C': Office with A. J. Lyman, Real Estate Broker. AIM AOKNT rOB HAZLEHTJR8T & HUCEEL. Architects, (design era of Battery lark Hotel) Philadelphia, Peuaa oiaasm JOGER J. PAGE, Attorney at lav, ASHEVILLE, N. C. Practices in all the Courts, State aud Federal jau 14 dtf J. A TEA'NENT, ArehiUct and Civil Eitgineer. Desitrna. 8neclfications. and Estimates oi the style ol building furnished upon application. A work superintended w hen desired. A U work en trusted to me as Civil Engineer will receive prompt attention. Thorough drainage of lands a specialty. Post Office address, Ashevillo oi Best, N. C. Residence Swaonanoa Bridge , may ie-bmos CANADA COWAH (Established in 1855.) MIT nl. lr a -'-rr-" Jeweler. AND DBALXK IB H,rws, Clocks, Jewelery, Spectacle, Src Patton Avenue, Asheville, N. C. lroy W. Fairchild's Gold Pen. Good ock always on hand. . Thko. KDAvrosow. J as O. Ma an D1 AVIDSON A MARTIN. A itonieya g uonnnir ai-uw ASuaviL.ua, it. u. Will uraotlce m the 8th and th Judicial DistncA and in the Supreme Court of North Carolina, ano in tne r eoerai uoarcsoi fci'e westera uistrMKui Noith Carolina. . Refer to the Bank or Aaaevllle,. sepls-swAwm - - FIRE INSURANCE INSURANCE : ft INSURANCF PULLIAM GO., At Bank of Asncville BEST COMPANIES. FIRST TO PAY LOSSES ,IN THE WIL MINGTON FIRE -mh 16-dlv CII&ICJLOTTJE Female Institute. NO Institute for young ladies in the 8outh has advantages superior to these offered here in every department Collegiate, Art and Music. Only experienced and accomplished teacbers engaged. The building is lighted with gas, warmed with the best wrought-iron furnaces, has hot and oold water baths, and first-class ap pointments as a Boardinz Hobnnl in nm nxmmt no school in the South has superior. r or Board and Tuition per session $100. Deduction for two er more from same family or neighborhood. Pupils charged only from date of entrance . . - . . Kor Catalogue, w.to full particulars, address : Rv. WV. R. ATKINSON, Idtl 1t . , CharloU. N. Notice to Tax-Payers ! THE TAX LIST 'FOR 1887 HAS BEEN placed In my haads for collection. All persons are notified ti come np at onee and settle. They are now due and must be paid ' : : ' L - N. A. KKYN0LDS, "in; iu Lunn iionse. city Tax-Collector, i s.-7dGm .' .. .. . ' CURIOSITIES. i North Carolina Minerals,' Gemfc. In dian Relies, and Native Wood Cares, at 26 bouth Main st. ,. H. A. LINDJsEY, Mineralist. - jnly 1 d3m - II. T. Owen & Soil Carriage Painters and Trimmers, And Sign and Ornamental Painters. All work guaranteed to give satisfac tion. The only shop in Asheville that can give you a . , First-Class Job of Carriage Painting or Trimming. Give us a trial, and be.convinceiHhat. we do what we promise. ". Fancy Sign Ornamental Paint ing and Frescoing a Spe cialty. Shop No. 2 Willow street. ie23-2m K V. JONES, R. P. PORTNER JONES & PORTNER, No. 19 X. Main SI..; ASHEVILLE, N. C..' -: " Mannfacturers of and Dot lj' HARNESS, Saddles, Bridles &c, j.nd dealers in COLLARS, Horse-Brushes, Whips Currycombs, Spurs. tc. Fine English Ssddlss a specialty. Fly Nets, new lot ol Urist .e Goods juft arrived. Lap robes, axle grease, lub: icaiiuz oil. A complete assortment ol everything; usu ally found in a Firsl-te EsliiisliiHi dealing In our line ot trade. Our prices shall be as low as tne lowest, here or eownere. Give us a call. JONES & PORTNER, Jnn4dtf No, 19 N. Main St. West End 'Pharmacy,. 2G8 PATTON AVENUE, Telephone No. 9. A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT Of DRUGS, CIIEMIC4LS, Toilet Articles JtTotc In Stock. Piescrlptions accurately compounded by exper ienced druggists at all hours choice: cigars, TOBACCO, CAuroira., Ac, ALSO DELICIOUS COLD SODA ' WATER ON DRAUGHT. Mr. H. 6. Chandler Is with me and would be pleased to see his friends. J. H. WOODCOCK. ROGERS' AGENCY, JYo. 7 Patton Jive. Room 1. Real Estate, Fire Insurance, Xife Insurance. The Mutual Life Ins'e Co., OP NEW YORK. &88t Over $114,000,000. LA EG EST, STRONGEST AND BEST COMPA NY IN THE WORLD ABSOLUTE SECURI TY AT LOWEST RATES, AVE GUA RANTEE VERY BEST RESULTS EVER ATTAINED. Lion Fire Insurance Com'y, Cf JLondon, England. AND OTHER FIRST-CL4SS FIRE COMPANIES. Approved Risks taken at Low est Bates consistent with Perfect Security. Real Estate, improved . or unimproved. City iroperty. Houses and JLots, Farms. &c, bought and sold on commission, on fa- -vorable terms. Prompt and careful attention guaranteed to all properly handled by this Agency A share of patronage is respectfully so licited. B. Palmer Boger, Agt - No 7 Patton Avenue, Room 1. au25-3m $5,000 WORTH OF Jtlotmted and Unmounted II". JV. Carolina Furs to be Sold in Sixty Days. To make room for a heavy stock of Fall and Winter Furs. I will sell, low, during the next sixty days, my stock of Mounted and Unmounted western North Carolina Furs, such as Bear. Wolf, Catamount, Red Fox, Grey Fox, Deer, oon, f our hundred- tanned sneep ana lamb skins. Otter. Beaver, all of these are elegantly monnted. or unmounted. I have two live red foxes, ready for a chase.. I also have alive, one -elegant American tiger. All kinds of fancy fur work made for ladies, and also fine taxiderney. m. JiL.L.iuiv, . 24 N. Main st. Select Boarding and Day SCHOOL, FOR yOUNU LADIES AND LITTLE - GIRLS. HillsborcVN. C. r ' ' FOUNDED 1859 The Misses Nash and Mjb Kollook will resume the exercises of Weir school on 2nd of September.' 1887A Circulars ent on appUcHion. julj 21 r)2tn2 , Kotice to Ladies. , - No. 6 Patton Avenue, Can repair your Parasols and put them In first class order, jive him a call. juWd3m K. fi. ADAMS. J. T. APAMS. R.xN. AdanjsxSoi?. FPRXlfuRE REPAIRING. The above firm, at their shop at the corner of ouuiu main ana unurcn streets, do. 17tf, oner their services to the citizens of Asheville snd the surrounding country, to do in fir-t rate style, All work in Iheir line, such as funiture repair ing, upholstering, bottoming chairs, Se , &c. Also they are prepared to do undertaker's work, furnishing Metallic Coffins, or of walnut and other wocds, from the most elaborate tot he pi ineat. Patronage respectfully eolirited. junol6d3m. HARNESS, SADDLERY . AND REPAIRING SHOP D. V. Smith & Co., No. 18. North Main' Street. - HAS on hand a full line of donbleand single Harness, Saddlep, I'.ridles, Whips, and eveiytliir.K '.;snaHy snpt in a first class Harnpss h.in. Thorn in nunt of the aove poods w ill Bv exillliininj-1 .eit-min -.i fore buying Kepairmi; -ii.jic-a! i.:o n.!.:l jalO daw 3.U HOT WA11TED t Small thin ruttk- and poor rhoep. l;-r we pay the highest niarki.-t p.-ii-i1 iVn Large, Fat Cattle, and FINIS Stock men wiil do well t j give us acl' before sellint! such Block as will buit the demand of our trade- Customers can always rely upon the very best the market affords. P. O. BOX NO. 327, TELEPHONE CALL NO. 19, No. 12 North Public Square, Zachary & Zachary. ifaiu Street, (AbOTe Eagle Hotel) Asheville, JT. C. o guaranteed to give satisfaction. Rill eapeuituiy prvimrtiu ui-i j wu.d nuu hoes so as to prevent dampness .id squkabuno. Beady-Made ustotn Work ot all forts on nana. Gentlemen and l-adics' Repairing a Spe cialty. Fine itistnm Work alw&vs onhand. an n trie and satisfaction guaranteed, as to stork and work, bhoemster? Findings always on hand and lor sale, t be best m tne market, at low nnces rents' eustom-made. lonr-auartered dress shoes made of best material, now offered for 8 and 84.60 usual price SS. Call carlv. Sulphur Springs Hotel, Five Jfliles If est of Jlshe- ville, on the If estern Branch of the H ex tern J C. It. Ml. Thu new and elegant house is open for the reception of visitors, It is new, built of brick, four stories in height, rooms light und airy and superb ly furnished. It is surrounded with brodd varandas, affording promenades of more than six hundred feet. . The whole house, as well as verandas and grounds, are illuminated with gas. Water, free stone and mineral, ia brought to the house fmm the springs, abundant for drinking uses, toilet and the bath. The Springs are proverbial for their curat;ve properties. The flow of water from the Jour stone-cased lountains is exceedingly iilwg,y ' -. The Sulphir Springs have been noted fo" three quarters of a century. Before the original hotel birlding waa burned, they were a shrine to which the health pilgrims annually crowded front all parts of Western North Carolina, South Caro lina, Georgia and Tennesse. with ever strengthening- faith. Their curative powers received constant and marked il lustration. There is no more delightful resort on the continent. The hotel, in all its ap pointments is complete. The table is superior, a large garden supplies an abun dance of fresh fruits and vegetables, and a dairy of full blooded Jersey cows pro vide exbaustless milk and butter. Agood band furnishes music for the dance or fur recreation, a well provided livery stable is on the premises ; and added to this there is the charm of tne most beautiful scenery in the world. rH.M . - An.. CO. .n(r CIA A $15, for the balance of the season. Spe-! cial rates to families. : For particulars apply to ... . E. G. CARRIER, Prop-, or ANDREW 8. LEE, Mgr. . Pof tothce, Asheville, a. C. jun3 id3m - r - ; HAZLE(llEEN . Sash & Blind Factory Eu recently purchased a lare amount ot Oak A all Cheetnut, Cherry and Walnut Lumber, ani1 CAN FURNISH WORK ' maniii!utnred of thoronrhir lrl-.'.l D'Ht. rial. propose to rorniaa wore at i.-ncm avorei, mr. equal lo an; impor ea itu-j- u-. - S. CLAYTON Buslanse :ntf. ifTSX b 4-1 W WINE AND MAIN ST., 3rd DOOR ABOVE THE 3ANK JV ASHEVIU. The largftHt ani most c impiete assortr i-jnt of Imported and Domestic Wines, Liquors and Brandies TO BE FOTJND IN WESTERN NORTH C A Fine old Corn and Rye Whiskey. PEACH & APPLE BRANDIES Cooking Wines and Brandies jSl. Specialty. HOT SPRINGS, NO. OA. OB a cj r fjlr " S.5 O OS C Jif: - - MOUNTAIN PARK HOTEL. FIRST CLASS IN EVERY RESPECT. For terms and descriptive pamphlet address B. P. CIIATFIELD, Prop'r. Haywood White (On W. N. C. R. R., 30 Tins mninilieent mountain resort is again open to tho public. Terms, $2 00 lo 12 50 per day; $1 00 to 1510 per week; 30 00to50 00 per month.- The nioHt dt- lightlul place lor faunhes in the moflntains. tine onrhestra! Electric bells ! IIon.e Dairj-! From 15th June to loth July a deduction of 25 per cent, from above rates will be made. Address, Stringfieia, Smathers & Gilmer. CO CD Ti!j' CO . CD. Br STRICTLY A RST OL A tdLOT KT Eligibly situated. Commandinir m i;;airu:. nt i ):;!a:;i v'n V :-, and yet convenli'ii to business. A home for ladin.s and fa:nUks. ian!2d&wiy RAWLS SiOS., Proprs. University of Tennessee. STATE AGRICU LTTRAL AND MJECi A NICAL COLLEGE, I'ully Organized .as Thorough industrial Instil iiuion. New MfCliHitloal DepKrtitiritt. ISeuutiiul, wellMooke! Frm. Conri! in Aiiculture, Mechanics, Eniiiti' eriur, General Science, Applied ( hem istry, Classics, &c. The nii!itr,-y ditcipliui; is faithful, but reasonable. .. Kitnati -u biautifol and very healthful. - ' ' ; Iiifitii;ary and Tree medical attention for the sick. Tuition 40. Board $10 r month. Total expenses, Ur nine i ontl:f, about $175. Eightieth - or will bt'iii Sepieu.bi-r J, 1887. - Chari.es W. Dabsey, Jh., Ph D., late State Chemist and Director of tne Ex periment Sfation of North Carolina, lias been elected President of ihe I'uiverKitv and Director of the Experirxei't Station, md has acceptvd t he Fame. For full particulars, addrci6 au 25 dcodawlm . . TilE PRI-IUEST, Kr.oxviile, Teun. DOUBLEDAY & SCOTT, 24 & 26 JSOSITI1 1TBLK' MQKJAIXE, Aslwvinc. 1 . .. Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldings, Hoofing Paper, Window Cords and, .Weights, - AT LOWES'l PRICES. . ' ' . Estimates prorupUy lurnisheel, and special aizts procured ut ehort notice They also keep an unustiil Varutv of Boildiuir nd "-IVnri'ng, Lumber Lath and Shingle. KiDdJinf: V. o.ri m Sways on indr rrb ly , ?.-H 3 k-.-.fc - I r l5a'-t .53 M K-t lu It Jl W -k ft ,fS': " Biff ' ABmTtoralt I)lMjeorfhe IJTer, urab OrchcrdUatcrsssscrSO ORCHARD WATER CO., Proon.JoJI H SPa- L1IQUOR STORE v. c- S 5 T. Sulphur Springs miles west of Asheville.) DYSPEPSIA sick HEADacHP C0NI7IPAT10N, CO CD f .J: it