A Creaking Hinge Is dry and turns haul, until oil is applied, Alter which it moves easily. When the joints, or hinges, of the body ore stiffened nd inflamed by Bheumatiam, they can not be moved without causing the most excruciating pains. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, by its action on tho blood, relieves this condition, and restores the joints to good working order. - s Ayer's Sarsaparilla has effected; N Jur iy many most remarkable cures, in g tea which baffled the efforts of the "tiost experienced physicians. Were it necessary, I could give the names of many individuals who nave been cured by taking this medicine. In my case it has worked wonders, relieving me of Rheumatism, after being troubled with it for years. In this, and all other diseases arising from impure blood, there is no remedy- with which I am acquainted, that affords such relief as Ayer's Sacsaparilla. K. H " Lawrence, M. D., Baltimore, Md. Ayer's Sarsaparilla cored me of Gout and Rheumatism, when nothing else would. It has eradicated everytrace of disease from my system. R. H. Short, Manager Hotel Belmont, Lowell, Mass. I was, during many months, a sufferer from chronic Rheumatism. The disease afflicted me grievously, in spite of all the remedies I could find, until I commenced using Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I took sev eral bottles of this preparation, and was speedily restored to health. J. Fream, Independence, Va. tt Ayer's Sarsaparilla, trad bv Dr. J. O. Ayer 8c Co., Lowell, mmb. by all Drnggiila. . Price tl ; six bottle, S5. Sol HEAL ESTATE DEALERS. Bargains in ts -PROSPECT PARK sunv: v ccapr.KTKi) This magnificent property is now laid oft in lots of all sizes, situations and prices tin; finest property in the WEST ZVVIJ. Splendid views of the river and the western mountains. Prices range from two hnnthvd dollars up to six thousand. Some fine 1its at $.jio, $G0O, S7oo''i?Xoo and $1,000. Some larger and mo de sirable still at ,l,ooo to $:,ooo. A few very choice lots on the crown of the hill. South side (iirdwood street and East siile Park Avenue. These lots can not be duplicated, and whoever secures one will have an investment that is good all time. SPECIAL. Eipht beautiful lots on a gentle slope overlooking French Broad Valley will be sold for the next few days at a bar gain. A reasonable cash payment, and longtime on the balance if wanted. Call early inil see the platjnow is the time to ouv in Wi-st Asheville. WALTER 15. (JWYS, Ileal Eslate Agent.. J. M. CAMPBELL, REAL, ESTATE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, IN ROTH COUNTRY AND CITY ! 80 viienntlotson Patton Aveniie.Church, Johnston and Campbell strode I Itnvi the most desirable and best lo-rait-d vacant lols that are lor sale in the eity i am "Iferinii for business purpo ses a-s-iMii!ly desirable those vacant lots on both sides of Patron Avenue from C. E. Graham's store to Slasle's Hotel; , those at the intersection of Patton Ave nue and Depot sts ; that triangle on Pat ton A venue at the intersection of '.lay wood street; vacant lots f-n ooth sides of Depot St., and very desirable ones on Main st Terms easy :o suit purchasers. For Resident I offer some of the most valuable unimproved lots . r - T l on aierrimon s venue, r reucn jjg Jiroad Ave., unariotte, cnest- sa nut. Hillside, Academy, Hill, Havwood, Phillip and Bailey streets. In fact, I have for sale beautiful lots on ev ery jrine:ipl street and avenue in the city, a1 well as Residences, both large and xiiiall. I have several Truck Farms near the city limits. I can sell houses, lots and farms on the installment plan terms one-fourth cash and the balance on long time, which is very desirable tor parties who wish a home on easy terms. I buy and sell options whicli enables parties wttli small means to handle large quantities of real estate with advantage to themselves. 1 1 Parties who wish to buy or look at real estate will be driven in any part of the city in a comfortable carriage, free of char.ro. Any person seeking investments, oi wishing to buy, rent or sell property will do well to con sult ine. Office, second floor. No. 5, South Main street. Special bargains for th. next few days. Option which exjnre soon : TOR SAL'S OR RENT. 2, 3, 4 and 6 room honse. to bo finished soon, for rent or sa'c on easy terms 10 lot near Old Depot tor sale cheap if bought at onca. Lu lots on Bailey street a bargain. 4 acres beautiful erj7e on Merrimou Ave. The Uiddleton Place" large house with all necesHaiv out-buildings and nineteen acres ol beautiful grove -desirable tor summer. House and 4 acres, betutiful grove in Waynes- nbaoii ..Special bargain in house ot ecveu rooms on T st. Alo one on Woodlin st. 6 aces on Town Mountain. 40 leet higher than HazzaraYs Honse. Other bargains too numerous to mention. Call and see me. TO SPECULATORS. 1 have ISO acres just outsMecity limits Invest ors and hnme-si'ckers will find it to their advan tage to see tbi, property at once. Views grand. Invest and it will mai-o you money while you sleep. Price, $26,000 crnli, or subdivided and sold I n lota on easy terms. 1 he present price only good for a few days, a room house, French Broad Ave. View unsur passed. 10 room house on Haywood street. 7 " ' Bridge street Special naraain in II lots on Jepo; street 14 acres beautiful grove rightatSulphurSpr'nug. It a. mar city, cheap; terms to ult purchasers. 4 asres in full view of city, mile out, 5500. Lot of property for Pale which the owners do ot vi Ub advertised, JOHN M. CAMPBELL, Ileal Estate Dealer and Agent. GRANITE YARD ii KJ DERSONVILLE, - ,. 0. A. P. CORN & Co., Prop's. Thi raulte lound near Hendersonville is recog nixed for lu beauty and durability. Thi undersigned is prepared to furnish or short entice, all work m granite, for Window tills, Door sills, Steps, Ac, tc. Indeed ever t lii needed for Buildings. TERMS REASONABLE. "all.a or address A. P OR.V A CO.. er 11 dtf liendemnuville, N. f DIOCESE OF OKTII CAROLINA. Binltop I.jan' Appointments. Aug. 26 Friday, Haw I ireek. " 28 Sunday, Aohevdlo. Sept 2 Friday, k t Tan.'s. Henderson county. " 4 sunaay, aivar unuren, " 6 Tuesday, Hondersonville, " " 8 Bowman'aBluff, " " - " 9. Friday Brevard. " U, Sunday Cathier's Valley. 14, Wednesday St. John's, Macon " " 15, Thursday P. M. Franklin, " " " 1H, Sunday Ctillowhee, Jackson " 20, Tuesday Webster. " 22, Thursday Waynesville. " 25, Sunday Morgtnton. ' 26, Monday P. M. Hickory. ' 28, Wednesday Lenoir. " 30, Friday Boone, Watauga " Oct 2, Sunday St, John's, ' " 5, Wednesday WilkesLoro.- " 6, Thursday Gwyn's Chapel. 9, Sunday Statesville. " 12, Wednesday Ilutherfordton. " 13, Thursday P. M. Shelby. " 14, Friday P. M. Church of our Saviour near Lincolnton. . " 1C, Sunday Iancchitou. Holy Communion at all morning services. olloctiouR for Diocesan Missions. Bncklen's Arnica Salve The best Salve in the world for cuts, bruises sores, ulcers, rheum,'' fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cure? piles, or no pay equired. .It is guaranteed to five perfect atisfaction, or money refunded. Price25 ets er box. For sale oy H. H. Lvo-n. daw JJ ANDSOME PUOPERTY FOR SALE. An elesanl lot, with fine grove of oaks and chestnuts, beautifully situated and commanding fine views. About seven-eights of an acre in the iot. Auvantageousonerea. Appiy to au 23-dtf NATT ATK.LMSON & SONS. JOR SALE, . - The Eagle Drug Store in Breva.d. The only drug store in the county. Will sell cheap for cash. For particulars apply to C. E. FARMER, mal5 d&wtf Brevard, N. C. LONGMAN & MARTINEZ PKKl'ARED PAINT. The 11th year of the largest consump tion ever secured bv any known brand paint. Every gallon of it has been sold under our guarantee. Jts reputation of bem : the highest grade of paint that can be produced," has been justly earned bv its merit and the satisfactory results of its use. For sale by BEAR DEN, RANKIN & CO. aint 21 dtf MINERALS! C. M. MoLOUD, President. N. PLUM ADORE, Manager. TRANSMONTANf' Keal Estate AND Trust 'ompanvi Ilooiu -lii Eagle Bio fit, ASHEVILLE. N. C. liealerain mines, mining properties, and all kinds of real estate Correspondence im ited from all parties having mineral claims for development. Assays of Gold and Silver Ore, (2.00. Analyses of other ores at lowest rates. All assaying done promptly at the company s laooraiory in Asnvine. July 1 d&w6m ALLEN'S Aromatic - Elixir Is the only medicine ever placed on the market that will cure Colic, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Flux, Cholera Morbus, Indi gestion, yammer Complaints of Child ren, &e., without debilitating the system or leaving the bowels constipated and the liver torpid. The reason is that it contains no Opium or Narcotic Drugs, but is entirely a harmless compound. It is a scientific preparation, carefully prepared by an experienced Pharmacist, and for the past two years has been thoroughly tested by honest and compe tent physicians and intelligent families with the most satisfactory results. It can be given in connection with any other medicine with entire confidence and most gratifying results to both physiciau and patient. We have never known a fail ure to cure or benefit, or heard one word of dissatisfaction expressed in any case where tho directions have been carefully followed. It relieves the pain, allays the irritability and leaves the bowels in the natural condition. Full directions on each bottle. " Testimonials : Dr. Sain'l L. Love, Ex Auditor State of N. C, says 1 have prescribed Allen's Aromatij Elixir in my practice with great success, and can conti nently recommend it to the public. Dr C B Roberts says Have given Allen's Aro matic Elixir a personal test, lean heartily rec ommend it as a sate, pleasant and efficient rent ed; in the diseases for which it is recommends J. Dr H L McFadven says I have prescribed Al len's Aromatic Elixir lor patients suffering with Diarrhoea, Dys'.ntery, &c, with besa results. I have never had any disagreeable svmptoms fol lowing its administration. Hon. S M Fiager, Supt. Public Instruction for State N C, Raleigh. N C, savs The bottle 1 used proved beneficial to me. It it was on sale here I would try it farther. J A Ferguson. T P. Chairman of the Board of education tor Haywood co, JN c, says I had bet n suffering very mod with Dysintery, I took Allen's Aromatic Elixir and in a short time was able to attend to business, and was entirely cured without ill etlects following its use. J G Berry, of New York, says I have been South for mv health. At Asheville. NCI was suffering very much with Diarrhoea; three doses ot Allen s Aromatic nuxir completely cured me. Albert S Bryson. Merchant and Mica Dealer, weDster. H J, says L nau oeen sunerlng wltn DyscDtery for several days. Had used several remedies without relief. Two doses of Allen's Aromatic Elixir permanently cured me. RD Gilmer, Attorney at Law and Chairman of tne jvemocratie irx-uommiitee. Haywood co. says I have used Allen's Aromatic Elixir myself and have given it to my infant 18 months old. In both cases it effected a permanent enre. I cheer fully recommend it for the ai-ments it is repre sented to cure. D Williams, Supt. of Scottish Land and Lumber Co. says Your Aromatic Elixir is verv satisfac tory. Will order a quantity as soon as I get lo- caiea zor use in oar logging camp. W L Norwood, Attorney st Law, jays Have Kiven Allen's Aromatic Rlixir to my little son. 5 years old. wbo had been suffering with Diarrhoea for weeks. A two ounce vial entirely cured mm. ' Wm S Thomas, President of the N C Talc, and Marble co, jarratts, w c, says l nave bad occa sion to use Allen's Aromatic Elixir myself and I.IIV. nitron it tf m. hanHi o, 1 1 minao alu T ".' K " - w .... ........ . ...v. iuiuwo, mwj A have known it used by families living adjacent to ray mines. All have used it with invariable success. It is my opinion that it is the best med icine extant for the diseases it is recommended for 3 V Swift, Veterinary Surgeon, cays Have ta ken Allen's Aromatic Elixir :i. yself. and have Kiven it to my child, an iuftut. one year old. with most satisfactory results. I can cheerfully bear testimony to its merits for the diseases it is repre- beiiLeu to cure. Hon. J C L Gndger, ex-Judge of the Superior Court of N C, says I am acquainted with the Proprietors of Allen's Aromatic Elixir. They are worthy, honest business men. The men who have endorsed tbeir medicines are of thehighest type of gentlemen, intelligent, honest and truth- Dr. F T Dunklin, of Lakeland, Fla.. says Allen's Arromatic Elixir, my wife used, give her peifect relief. She snd myself are under mauy obligations to you. Use tills certificate if you think it will be of any benefit to suffering ,hu inanity. We could give many others, but we consider the above sufficient, as every one that has ever used Allen's Aromat ic Elixih will not be without it. ldSold by all Druggists and Dealers in Medicines, at 25c. per bo'.tle. Manufactured only by Tie&.D, S. alien Csmpa.717, limited. Bept Maw 1 111 . Waynesville, N. C. Cure for Plies. , Piles are frequently preceded by a sense of oigUt in the back, loins and lower part of the abdomen, e&nsinar the natient to suppose he has some affection of the kidneys or negh boriug organs. At times, symptoms of indi gestion are present, flatulency, uneasiness of the stomach, eto. A moisture like perspira tion.producing a very .disagreeable itching, after getting warm, is a common attendant; Blind Bleeding and Itching Piles yield at nos to the application of Dr. Bosanko s Pile Bem edy, which acts directly upon the parts affected, absorbing the tumors, allaying the intense itching, and effecting a permanent ouro. Price 50 cts. Address the Dr. Bosanko Medicine CO., Piqua, O. Bold by H H Lyons. dawly -. After this week Turner will daily re ceive clams, crabs, turtles, terrapins, all seaside delicacies; also celery. Elegant dinners spread from half-past 1 to 3 p. m. for 50 cents, including a glass of good wine; also dinners at 75 cents, including half-pint superioi wine. tf PROFESSIONAL SARDS. CHA. A. MOoRE. P. A. CTjMMIKG OORE & CUMMINGS, Attorneys and Conwellori at Law, ASHEVILLE, N. C. Practice In the United States Circuit and Dis rict Courts at Asheville, Statesvule, Charlotte and Greensboro; lu the Supreme Court at RJeigh and in the Courts of the Twelveth Judicial DU trict of the State of North Carolina. Special attenlion given to collections ot claim, aug7-l t w&aw WALTER W. VANDIYER. . ASHEVILLE. - - - NO. CA Practices in the courts of W astern North Caro lina. Collection of claims, ia any part of the state, a specialty. juizrau j a. watson. m. d. . oJficb hous- 9 to 10 A. M. NO. 30 PATTON AVENUE, 2 to 3 P. 11. Asheville, N. C. se 10-d tf W. W. jdseJ. GEOKGK A. SHOFOUD JONES & SHUFOR.D, Altorueys hi J.mw, ASHEVILLE. - - - - N. C Practice In the Superior Courts o Western North Carolina, the Supreme Court of the State, and the Federal Courts at Asheville. OUice in Johnston Building, where one member of the Arm can always be found. nov 11 dlvear H ENRY HARDWICKE Attorney nt I.nw, Asneviiie, x. Will practice in all the courts or the State Collections of clalirs a specialty. Ollice with Sheriff in Court House. iauJ dtl IJIHOS. A. JONES, Attorney at Lav ASHEVILLE, N. C, oct ia-ly s w Office with Dav' dson Ma T H. COBB, Attorney and Counsellor nt I.nw, Office in Burnett building, North side Public Square, AS HFVILLE, N. C. Practices in all Courts, State and Federal. Jan22dly J OSEPH S. ADAMS, Attorney nud Counsellor at Law, Office in Law Building, adjoining First National Bank, ASHEVILLE, N. C. Practices in all courts. State and Federal, sept 7 1 year D RS. McGILL & BATTLE, Wardlaw McGill. M. D.. Practice limited to Eye, Ear, 1 roht and Lungs. Sax. Westray Battli. M. D..'U. 8. N., e hysiclauana suigeon. Offices over De Vault's Drug Store. 3Offico hours 10 a. m. to 12 m., and 2 to 4 p m. se t-u TAMES A. BURROUGHS, Physician and Surgeon, ASHEVILLE, X. C, " ' Office over Powell & Snidt.s. Kay- Residence corner of Main and Woodfin streets. de 16-ly (T :VS. D. McCANDLISS. . Surveyor and Civil Engineer, ANnETiiiLE, sr. c; Office with A. J. Lyman, Real Estate Broker. ALSO AGENT FOB HAZLEHURST & HUCKEL, Architects, (design ere of Battery Park Hotel) Philadelphia. Feuaa oi3d3m R OGER J. PAGE, Attorney at Law, ASHEVILLE, N. C. Practices in all the Courts, State and Federal jan 14 dtf A TENiVENT, Architect and Civil Ettgineer. Designs, Specifications, and Estimates oi the style ot buildine furnished upon application, A wora supenntenasu wucti uesueu. au huikvu trusted to me as Civil Eugineei a ill receive prompt attention. - Thorough drainage of lands a specialty. Post Office address, Ashevillo o bst, N. C. Residence Swanuanoa Bridge may 16-6mos C CANADA CO WAS J (Established in 1855.) Watcbnker, Jeweler, AND DXALXR IB hoiji,' Clock, Jeteelery, SpecUicles. tf-o. Patton Avenue, Asheville, S. C. Leroy W. Fairchild'B Gold Pen. . Good ockalwavson hand Tnnc. Davidsos Jas G. Marti IIAVIDSON MARTIN, torueys A Counsellor Kt-livO ASHSVILU, .1. U, WU .ivksSIc in the Sth and th Judicial Distnc.! add w. the Supreme Court of North Carolina, ana in the Federal Oourtsof 8 Western district ol Noith Carolina. Kefer to the Bank of AatierUIe. sepl9-swAwm FIRE 3 INSURANCE J INSURANCE LNSUR ANCF PULLIAM 60.. At Bank of Asneviiie. BEST COMPANIES. FIRST TO PAY LOSSES IN THE WIL MINGTON FIRE. mb16-dlv . C11.1UJLOT TE Female Institute. NO Institute for youug ladies in the South has advantages superior to those offered here in every department kllegiate, Art and Music. Only experienced and accomplished teacners engaged. The building is lighted with gas. warmed wltn me best wrougnt-lron lurnaces, has hot and cold water baths, and flrst-clats ap pointments as a Boarding School in every respect no school in the South has superior. For Board and Tuition per session f 100. Deduction for two or more from same family or neighborhood. Pupils charged only from date of entrance For Catalogue, w.te rail particulars, address Rav. , wm. a K. ATKINSON, 1 dtl wla uaariotte. . , Notice to Tax-Payers ! THE TAX LIST FOR 1881 HAS BEEN placed in my hands for collection. All persons are notified to come up at once and settle. They are now due and must be paid. N. A. REYNOLDS, OfhOL in Court Ilouto. . City Tax Collector."? 7d6m CURIOSiTIES. Knrth Carolina Minerals, Genu In- dian'RelicB.andNatiw-Jareod Danes, at 26 Sonth Main Bt. - m 11. A l,inifDil nuuciiuwi, july 1 d3ntf . It. ;T:0wett& Son Carriage' Painters' and .Trimmers, And Sign and. Ornamental Painters. All work guaranteed to give satisfac tion. The only shop in Asheville that can give you a; ' First-Class Job of Carriage Painting or Trimming. Give ns a trial, and befconvinced that we do what we promise. ) Fancy Sign Ornamental Paint ing and Frescoing a Spe cialty. Shop No. 2 Willow street le 23-2m E. V. JONES, R. P. PORTNER JONES & PORTNER, Jo.19 H.iUTlH-St4 ASHEVILLE, N. C, Manufacturers of and Deal rs ia HARNESS, Saddles, Bridles. &c, noil dealers in COLLARS, Horse-Brushes, Whip?, Currycombs, Spurs, tc. Fine English Saddles a specialty. Fly Nets, new lot o! Brist e Goodj just arrived. Lap robes, axle grease, lubiicallnie oil. A complete assortment ot everything usu ally found in a First-Glass EslaMistoM dealing in our line ol trade. Our (trices shall be as low as tne lowest, here or e fownere. Give us a call, JONES tvKRTNER, junldtf No, 19 N. Main 8t West End PljanBacy, 268 PATTON AVENUE, Telephone No. 9." A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT, Of DRUGS, CHEMIC4L8. Toilet Articles JVote In Stoefc. c Piescrlptions accurately compounded by exper ienced druggists at all hours !" CHOICE CIGAR$, TOBACCO, CATVDlks, ALSO DELICIOUS COLD Ac, SODA WATER ON DRAUGHT. Mr H. 6. Chandler is with me and would be pleased to see his friends. J. H. WOODCOCK. ROGERS' AGENCY, wVo. 7 Patton Jive. Room 1. Real Estate, " Fire iftisuraiice, ife Insurance. The Mutual Life Ins'e Co., OF NEW YORK, fs3s Over 114,000,000. LARGEST, STRONGEST AND BEST COMPA NY IN THE WOULD'. ABSOLUTE SECURI TY AT LOWEST BATES, WE GUA RANTEE VERY BEST RESULT8 EVER ATTAINED. Lion Fire Insurance Com'y, Of JLottflou, England. AND OTHER FIRST-CUSS FIRE COMPANIES. Approved ltisks taken at Low cat Rates consistent with Periect Security. Real Eslate, improved or unimproved. City Property, Houses and Lots, larms. &c, bought and told on commission, on fa- vorable terms. Prompt and careful attention guaranteed to all property handled by this Agency A share oi patronage is respectfully so licited.. . -B. Palmer Roger, Afft,, No 7 Patton Avenue, Room 1. au 25-3m $5,000 WORTH OF Jtlounted -and Unmounted If. .V. Carolina Fur to be Sold in Sixty Uay. To make room for heavy stock of Fall urirl Winter Fnrs. I will Sell, low. during the next sixty days, my stock of Mounted and unmounten west North Carolina Fnrs. such as Bear, Wolf, Catamount, Red Fox, Grey For, Deer, Coon, Four hundred tanned sheep and lamb skins. Otter, Beaver, all of these are elegantly monntea. or nnmuunwu. I have two live red foxes, ready lor a chase. I also have alive, one. elegant A merican ti rer. i All kinds of fancv fur work made for ladies, and also fine taxiderney. i m. cjiimjo., 24 N. Mainst Select Boarding and Day SCHOOL, FOR -YOUNG Lf&IE8 AND LITTLE GIRLS, Hy'sboro, JS. C. The Misses Nai& and Miss Koixoox will reaunia tlin piercises of their school on 2nd of Rentowbcr. 1887. Circulars ent on appli tii. " i'lly 21 f2m Jiolico to Ladies. tot r No. 6 Patton AvemK, Can repair jour Parasols and put them in first class order.- .ive him a call. juS4dSm R.H. ADAMS. J.T. AfAMS. AdamsxSon. FURXITPRE BEPAIRINQ. The above firm, at tbeir shop at the corner of South Main and Church streets. No. 179, offer their services to the citizens of Asheville and the iirroundinsr country, to do In first rate 4tyle, All work in tbeir line, such as f vulture repair ing, upholstering, bottoming chairs, Ac , fee. Also they are prepared to do undertaker's work, furnishing Metallic Coffins, or of walnut and other woe da, from the most elaborate tot he pi inest. Patronage respectfully solicited. Juno 16 d 3m H-ARNESS, SADDLERY AND REPAIRING SHOP D. V. Smith & Co., No. 18, Novth Main Street. HAS on hand a full line of donbleand single Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Whips, and eveiy thing usually kept in a first-class Harne? Simo. Those in want of theabovegoQds will ...... - (SAVE MOSEY By examining their t'ooda and fore buying. Repairing done at BOTTOM jalO dawSoi pi ices be PRK.ES. HOT -WANTED I Small thin cattle and poor sheep. But we pay the highest market price for Large. Fat Cattle, and PINfc.SH KEP. Stock men will do well to give us a call before selling such stock as will suit the demand of our trade Customers can always rely upon the very best the market affords. P. O. BOX NO. 327, TELEPHONE CALL NO. 19, No. 12 North Public Square, Zachary & Zacharyi ah.. HOOT JUVM9 Main Street, (Above Kagle Hotel) . jlshevillf , JT. C. o The nest stock always on hand. Work always guaranteed to give satisfaction. l am especially prepare! w lutc .w. hoes so as to prevent dajifnkssw ad iudsaxtno. Keady-Made ustom work ot all Sorts on uana. Qmtlemen mid Ladief Repairing a Spe cialty. Vine Custom Work always on hand, any tyle and satisfaction guaranteed, as to stock and work. ShoemskerV Findings always on baud and lor aale. I be best In the market, at low prices fonts' iMiotnm-made. low-auMtered dress shoes made of best material, now tlfered for H and $4.50 usual price 50. Call early. Sulphur Springs Hotel, Five Jtllles If est of Jsfte- ville, on the If estern Branch of the 11 es trn J C. R. R. Thu new and elegant house is open for the reception of visitors, It is new. built of brick, four stories in height, rooms light and airy and superb ly furnished. It is surrounded with broad varauuas, affording promenades of more than six hundred feet. , i The whole house, as well as verandas and grouuds, are illuminated with gas. Water, free stone and mineral, is brought to the house fr..m the springs, abundant for drinking uses, toilet and the bath. The Snrinas are proverbial for their eurat ve properties. The How of water trom the lour stone-cased fountains is exceedingly copious The Suloh-ir Springs have been noted fo- three quarters of a century. Before the original hotel bu'lding was burned, thev were a shrine to which thu health pilgrims annually crowded from all parts of western .norm Carolina, ouuiu ,aru lina, Georgia and Tennesse, witn eyer strengthening faith. Their curative powers received constant and marKeo it lustration. There is no more delightful resort on the continent. The hotel, in all its ap pointments is complete. The table is superior, a large garden supplies an abun dance ot iresn iruits and vegeiaoies, anc a dairy of full blooded Jersey cows pro vide exnausuess iniiK ana Duuer. Agooa band furnishes music for the dance or for recreation, a well provided livery stable is on the premises : and added to this there is the charm of the most beautiful scenerv in the world. Kates per day $2 ; per week $10 to $15, for the balance or the season. Spe cial rates to families. - For particulars apply to E. G. CARRIER, Prop'r, or ANDREW 8. LEE, Mgr. Pototnce, Asheville, .U jnn2d3m HAZLEGREEN Sash fc Blind Faotprv ' Hm nwnntlf nnrchaaed a lam unoimt Ot Oak Ath ClietnaL Cborry and Walnat Lamber. v CAN FURNISH WORK mura&ctnrad afthoioiub'T dried a'Hterut . tit propose to fbrnisli work at the loi fliunf , ud I HO J. L. S. CLAYTON WINE AND LIQUOR STORE MAIN ST., 3rd DOOR ABOVE THE SANK OT ISHlfviLLE. The largest and most complete assortment ol Imported and Domestic Wines, Liquors and Brandies TO BE FOUND IS WESTERN NORTH CA.ROLIN4 Fine bid Corn and Rye Whiskey. PEACH & APPLE BRANDIES Cooking Wines and Brandies -A. Specialty. HOT SPRINGS, NO. CA. ill Bf ss 1 ,: 1 MOUNTAIN FIRST CLASS IN address EVERY llESI'ECT. C3 czi CD STRICTLYA RSTOLASS HOTEL Eligibly situated. Commanding magnificent mountain views, and yet convenien to business. A home for ladies and families. janl2.d&wly RAWL3 BROS., Proprs. DOUBLEDAY & SCOTT, 24 & 26 NORTH PUBLTC SQUARE, Asheville, US. Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldings,. Roofing Paper, Window Cords and Weights, AT LOWEST PRICES. Estimates promptly furnished, and Tiiyalso keep an unusual variety Lath aud Shingles. Kindling Wood : j. of. 1 i t. - 5, vr. . Haywood White r-i -imTr --n",--,i-'-T in rrr''" " - . ,i WAYNEBVILLK JN . (On W. N. C. R. R , 30 miles west of Asheville.) This magnificent mountain resort is ajrain open to the public. Terms, $2 00 lo f 2 50 i-er day ; f l'1 00 to $15 00 per week; liglitfnl place for families in tne mountains, rine orcnesirai x-iecwriu uoiib: iiumr Dairy ! From loth June to 15th July a deduction of. 25 per cent, from above rates will be made. - . Where you -et the lomestii both foreign Jtly Brands are the Old Gibson's XXXX, My CORN WHISKIES are absolutely purp,J made corn, on the Bald Mountain, Rutherford county, N. C. T handle nothing but North;CaroIma . . APPLE and PEACH BRANDY. My WINES are pore Grape juice, unadulterated. You will find BEUGEN and ENGEL BEER always on Iraaght, Cftlj. and fresh. Bottled Beer deliveml to every part of the city fm V charge. We mak.-,a specialty in CIGARS and TOBACCO, and .handl tht leading brands. , v ' "'"'n'" j '; Call and see i.l Lave misrepi tentfd my goods. You will find m Saloon three dtwrs helow the 1st National Bank, No. 9, where you W! find tho Curious Concostor ot tvoktails, SHEP DEAVER, and the g uial H. C JONES to r ait on you. i Aov miormatiiHi ivm Granger with pleasure. ' - ' ,. - BOB LOUBHBUu9 5-1 PARK HOTEL. For terms and descriptive pamphlet B. P. CIIATFIELD, Piop r. CO CD special sizes procured at short notice of Building and Fencing Lumber always on i hand. mhl-ddwly V. -a fin - ja.r Sulphur . Spr &K) 00 to 00 per montn. ine most ae- Address. CD- m Stringfield, Smathers & Gurnet . best Wbisfceyv Wine and. Brana Kentucky . JUononjuhal t alio Years olil.Z of thu sonndt

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