s THE BOAT RACE. I- The first of the three races be tween the Yankee Volunteer and the Scotch Thistle for the America's Cup took - place Tuesday. The cir cutastances were not very favorable, though good runs .were made by both yachts. 1 he Yankee beat her competitor 12 minutes andy45 sec ends. If we analyze the reports, there is great latitude for anxiety as to the final re&ult. The Volunteer enjoyed more or less good breeze throughout the run and at one time was two miles ahead of the llmtle, while the latter was becalmed for some time and more than once had her sails lazily flapping in the yery slight breeze. Yet with all this she pressed the Volunteer very closely to the line. What might hav6 happened had site been as well favored as the Volunteer throughout, cannot be told; and it leaves a very interesting spec - ulation as to what may occur at the next race, which occurs to.-day, we believe. They are both very fine vessels, without a doubt. I For the asheville Cmzas. Tbe Railroad Proposition an Interesting Presentation of tbe Case. Editor Citizen : I have read with plea sure your correspondent's views on the Railroad question, and venture to add a few figures, which will especially interest the citizens of Buncombe who live out- aide of Aaheville Township. It has been suggested that good men will not favor this proposition because the chief advan tage will fall to the share of Asheville. 1 do not believe that many will be influ enced by such selfish reasons but still I will answer the argument in a plain way. Let us suppose that the amount of taxes for all purposes required of this county has been the same for several years past and this is not far from the actual case. This year the tax collected State and county, off of property, will ex- ceed fifty thousand dollars and for sake of argument we may safely take that as the average for several years past. In 1879 the assessment was Asheville Township, . $1,202,001 12 other Townships, 1 ,429,438 And therefore in that year Asheville Township paid tax, 22,8: 12 other " " 27,136 Making in all $50,080 Now observe the effect produced by one railroad. This year the assessment is AshevilleTownship, $4,500,000 12 other " 2,800,000 Therefote the same tax will be divided as follows Aaheville Township will pay $;W,750 12 other " " 19,250 Making again $50;000 In other words, the ellcct of one rail' road "monopoly" has been to reduce the projwrtion of the tax paid by the twelve Townships from $27,162 in 1S79 to $19,260 -in 1SS7. We well know that the assessments are lelow actual values. So let us see what would hav been the result if the country assessors had consented to add 33$ per cent, to their values, and thereby have made them nearer the "tenia. money value" required by our State constitution, instead of the Asheville as season wrongly reducing theirs, to corre spond with the country Townships? In that event the case would stand thus much nearer Die true condition of things The assessment of Asheville Town'ip would be 15,500,000 12 other : " 3.W0.000 And therefore Asheville Town'ip would pav $32,500 Vz-tfhfX u 17,500 Making again ' $50,000 And although I liv i in Asheville, 1 say this is much nearer as nfcuoulu be. Now suppose this railroad proposition prevails, ana mat in two years noni now we hav" four other railroaaa, witn depot in every township, and that we then issue $400,000 of Bonds, and have to pay $24,000 interest in addition to our present tax, making in all $74,000 to be paid then. "Oh." says niv good country friend " the benefit of this adaitional tax will be twice as much in Asheville as in the 12 other townships." I answer, "I think this will be the case." So we agree on this, let us say, the etiect is to multiply Asheville a assess uient by four, and that of the 12 other townships only by two, making th figures thus A KCRsment of Asheville township, $20,000,000 12 other " 7,000,000 and tbe tax will be Ashe-- ville township, $58,500 12othr " 15,000 No iydearcountry friends, look back over Kese figures, and you will see that n 1379 out of $50,000 you paid $27,162 " 1887 1" " " 19,250 71887 f oughUopayonlv 17,500 . " 1889 l 74.000 will pay 15.500 Now have you any objection to the improvement of Asheville at tnat rate or even faster, if ve can do so, when the effect is to reduce the amount of tax vou will have to pay, even while your pro- pertv is doubled in vaiue ? I do not think you will have but one answer to make, and on election day, the twelve townships will join in giving solid vote lor the Rail Koad What True Merit Will Co. The unprecedented sale of Boschee' German Syrup within a few years, has astonished the world. It is without donbt the safest and best remedy ever discovered for the speedy and effectual cure of Coughs, Colds and the severest Lung troubles. It acts on an entirely different trinciDle from the nsnnl nre- scriptions given by Physicians, as it does not dry up a Cough and leaie the disease still in tbe system, but on tbe contrary removes the cause of the trouble, Jeals toe parts anected and leaves them in purely healthy cond tion. A bottle kept in the house for use when the diseases make tl eir appearance, will save doctor's bills and a long spell of serious illness. A trial will cenvine you of these facts. It is positively sold by all druggists and general dealers in the land. Price, 75 cents, large potties. dsweowly The only thing you can get free at the ana a gooa cigar lor a mcaei sept 8 dtr Picture frames fine and eheap'at Lind tey's Studio, Main at, opposite postoffice Engraving on gold and silver ware, &c, done at Dennison's, selldtf 18 Patton Avenue. Buy your groceries from S. W. Mo Crary andiave them delivered free. u Ivor me AghertUa CitiiSF- CLEAN THE SIDEWALKS AnS, ' PRESERVE THEM. Messrs Editors : Please permit me to call to the attention of our city Fathers the importance ot hav ing the sidewalks washed on-, nt east once n week. It is a glaring fact to all that our' new and expen si ve brick sidewalks are in places invisible, made to by the mud which has been permitted to ac cumulate during the recent rains. As a matter of economy, as well as comfort, the authorities ought to nave the sidewalks washed on once or twice a week. ' - Tax Payer. Father White Coming to Ashe ville. The Raleigh NewsObserver says : Rev. Father J. Ii. White, who has so long been pastor of the Catha olic Church of the bacred Heart in this city, has been transferred by Bishop Northrop to Asheville, for which place he will leave about October Sth. Rev. Father Riley of FayetteviHe has been appointed to the charge in this city. The President to be in Ashe ville. vVe will thank Supt. McBee for early notice of the day upon which the President and - Mrs. Cleveland will reach Asheville, so fall notice can be given through the- Citizen to all Western Carolina. Ave are sure a good welcome will be given him and his excellent wife. ine citizen leeis a special in terest in having the President in elude Asheville in his trip. I m me dially following his election of Gov enor ot New York by the unprece dented majority of 190,000 over Mr. r olger, the citizen announced mm as its first choice for the democrat ic nomination for the Presidency. It was led to this by his splendid recoi'das the business-like Mayor of Buffalo, as well as his triumphant election to the Governorship, Throughout all his career, as Gov- enor and President' the Citizen-1 has been proud of him as an officer, a statesman, an American, a true representative Democrat. We will feel a special pride in having him visit our section and see its won drous beauties and attractions. And our people of all parties will be pleased to show him the respect due the Chiet Magistrate ot our com mon country. A prize in the Iottery of life which is usually unappreciated until it is lost, perhaps never to return, is health. What a priceless boon it is, and how we ought to cherish it, that life may not be a worthless blank to us. Many of the diseases that flesh is heir to, and which make life burdensome, such as consump tion (scrofula of the lungs), and other scrofulous and blood diseases are complet ely cured by Dr. B. V. Pierce's "Golden Medical Discovery" after all other remed ios have failed. Dr. Pierce's treatise on consumption mailed for 10 cents in f tamps. Address. World's Dispensary Medical Association, CG3 Main street, Buffalo, New York. d&wlw Renews Her Youth. Mrs. Phojbe Chesley, Peterson, Clay county, Iowa, tells tbe following remark able story, the truth of which is vouch ed for by the residents of the town : am 73 years old, have been troubled with kidney complaint and lameness for many years; could not dress myself without help. Mow 1 am free from all pain ana soreness, and am able to do all my own housework. I owe my thanks to Elec tric Bitters for having renewed my youth, and removed completely all dis ease and pain." Try a bottle, only 50c at H. A. Lyons' drug store. Wanted. Employ ment as accountant, permanent or temporary. Have bad piactica' expe rience in book-keeping by single and double entry. Accounts written up and put in proper shape from blotter or rough memoranda. Address P. O. Box 274, Asheville, N. C. Goods at Cost Until Nov. 15th, we will Bell ricture Frame, Fancy Goods, Notions, Novelties at cost. This is no clap trap to sell goods, but a solid fact, as we desire to change our business and hence offer these goods at cost. We have a line of miscellaneous baoks that will be sold at cost also. Come and see if we have not got somethlng'you;need and secure it at a bargain. J. N. Morgan & Co., se 16 d2w Eagle Block. The lovers of pure corn whiskey can find no better than at Bob Jones'. The lst wines and liquors can also be fonnd there. - tf lbums at cost at Morgan's. The lowest prices on Crockery. Glass ware, China and Laui s will be found at W. C. Keller & Co.'s, No. 12 Patton Av enue, sept 8 d2w Meckel Pears, Delaware Grapes, Ban anas, Oranges, Lemons and Cocoannts at Levy's, 50 Eagle Block. 86 15 eod3t Visit the new, low price jewelry store of IScrt Dknnison, se 11 dtf 18 Patton Avenue. New Line Tablets at Mobgn's. Call at Morgan's and examine their line ot Blair's handsome Tablets. All prices. t7th. A fresh lot of old Bald Mountain Sweet Mash Corn Whiskey just received at the Pioneer Saloon for medical use. tf Bisque goods at cost at Morgan's. . Oysters served in every shape at Tur ner & Branson's afier the 8th inst The lovers of this delicions article - will re member this fact. tf No Free Lunches served or any kind of wild animals on exhibition at the White Man's Bar to attract attention or draw trade, as I keep none but the purest whiskies and charge for the same, and my motto is "one price to alL" sept 8 dtf Fresh fish, clams, shrimps and oysters received every day at Turner & Bran son's saioon, welt packed in ice. Hotels and boarding houses can make special rates for obtaining the same, and private families furnished on order.- tf Watches of all styles, at Bubt Demnibon's, se 11 dtf ' 18 Patton Avenue, Market Reports. " v -. (By teletaph to the . ibdvUU Citizen.. iratORE, Sept 28. Flour steady : wheat, vuuthern, steady, red 78a81: amber 80a82, western, higher, dull, No. 2 winter, red, spot, 79aj ; corn, southern, firm, white 58aG4 ; yellow 52a54; western Louisville. Sept. 28. Grain ouiet : wheat No 2 red 73 i; corn No '2 mixed 45: oats No 2 mixed, 27 ; provisions quiet. Nw York. . Sept. 28. Cotton quiet sales 18 bales, uplands 9i, Orleans net receipts to-day 33.761 bales southern flour, qui-1 ; Wheat strong-. Cincinnati. Sent 28. Wheat. No 2 red. 76 J ; corn easier, No 2' mixed, 45; oats, dull, No ? mixed 27 ; pork, quiet, 15; whiskey farm l.0o. Chicago. Pept. 28. Cai-h quotations for to-day were as follows : wneat No 2 spring 70 ; No, 2 com 42 ; No 2 oats, Zowhisbey 1.10- . Atlanta. Sept. 26. Cotton middling, receipts, .8000 bales. Now Has Faith. I had been troubled all winter with cold and pain in the chest and got no relief from remedies recommended by Druggists and Physicians. At the same time I was advertising Dr. Boeanks's Cough and Lung Svrup. I had little faith but thought to try it as a last resort, How I believe even more t':an they tell me of its curative qualities. From the news, Llizabetntowrj, Kv.l bold by 11 N. Lvona. ftp 13 cUwlw" Dr. Gonn'g Liver Pills. RemovesCoastipation, prevent Ma'ariai cures Dyspepsia, and gives new life to the system. Only one for a dose. Free samples at H. H. Lyons' drug store. ap Id d&wlw Notice to thk Public. i We wish to inform our natrons and the public in general that vifs receive Oysters and Fish froiu the most reliable shippers. Our fish come direct from Charleston in one. night, thus eivisgt-our customers an article canglit tbe day bPiore, and at even lower prices than fish caught on the North Carolina coast. Among the fish shipped us, we have a constant supply of Ked bnappere, bea Bass, bieepsbead, Drum W Lutings, Black fish and Mullst. Our oysters are of the most select, and guaranteed to us as being the best that IUC IllUIKei. HUUIU3. We handle no cheap quality of ovsters, all of ours being opened bv hand, and selected for their size. We advise the public not to eat the cheaper grade of oysters, as it is positively dangerous at this time of the year. We wish it under stood that every oyster and fish leaving our house is fully guaranteed by us. We have daily toi our bill ot tare all kinds of fresh iirfh, oysters in every style, celery, fresh and crisp, direct from Kalaiuazor. Michigan. We can also furnish all the delicacies of the season if we are given short notice. We will also deliver oys'ers and fish cooked in any style to any house inside of the city limits, without extra charge. L URNsR tSftOWSSON. For Adults, For Children, For Both Sexes. When on the sultry summer's dy The sun seems scarce a mile away; Wheu comes Sick Headache to oppress And OTftrv moment hrin?s distress. Then TARKAN'PS RKLTZER proves a friend That Druggists all can recoinmena. se id ueoaaiw omos V7'AI'DABI-E CIrY PROPERTY FOR SALE. The Vance property on Sprurc and College street for rale Termk riaronah'.e. Apply to July SI dtf GUDGEK CARTER, Attorney. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. PATENTS WmiMnsrlon, It. V. Kmd for Circular. DE A FN ESSne" ful CUKE at yonr own home, by Its causes and a new and success- v onr own home, by one wno w.ts deaf 28 years. Treated by most of the noted specialists without benefit. Cured himself in S months, and since then hundreds of others. Full particulars sent on application. T. 8. PAGE, No. 41 West Slst St., N. York city. Try tbe Largest and Best Equipped rai.yTJiusn KoUm tj b , msii.ti r in the United States. D. J. REILLY & COMPANY, 824 and S26 Pearl Street. New York. Prices low. Satisfaction guaranteed. Best of references. Eavayoo Oongh. BraneMUl, AMhma. Indigestion I Use BARKER'S OJNOERTONIOJvrttliout delay- It Jl cured many ox tue worst casea and Lstriebest remedy for ail affections of the throat and lunps, and diseases arising- from impure blood and exhaustion. The feeble and sick, struggling- against disease, and slowly drifting to tbe graye, will 1st many cases recover their nealth by the timely use of Parker's OingerTonic, butdelay is dan. grerous. Take it in time. It is invaluable for all pains and disorders of stomach and bowels. CQo. at liruggists.. MARVELOUS DISCOVERY. Wholly wmWs Jrtlftci ml Syttm. Jug Boole lemrntd tn on rtoMnff. Recommended by Hark Twaiw, Kichabd Pboctor, the Scientist, Hons. W. W. Astob, Ju dah P. Benjamin, Dr. Minor, eta Class of 1P0 Columbia Law students; two classes of 290 each at Yale; 400 at University of Penh , Phila., and '00 atWellesley College, etc., and engaged at Chau tanqna Untversi'v. Frostwctue Post Free from PHOP. LOISETTE, 37 Fifth Ave., New York. PIANOS El CRANO (t O I 1 58? -I ! ffiitenrTc tntM PIANOS and ORGAN to be closed out IUUU by Oct. I. Bargains for alL Easiest terms ever given. Pinno !o to y lO vumlhiy. Organs 83 to go mojuAi-. ra- Itemed until paid for. Special Slimmer Offer! Wo Installments 1 WPOT tJASH PRICES. tar-Bay in Jane. July. August or September, and pay November 1. no miereu. mo nwaumms. money savea or a Bum mer purchase. Write for cirool&ra, and be oonvinced, LUDDEN & DATES, SOUTHERN MUSIC HOUSE, SAVANNAH. OL NO MORE Eye-Glasses, Weak Eyes MITIIELIi'S EYFr-SAIsVE. A crtain, sale and effective remedy for Producing Long-Sightednee?, and sight of the oid.- restoring the Cures Tear Drops, Granulation, Tumors, Red Eyes, Stye Hatted Eye Lashes and producing r ick relief and permanent cure. Also, equally efficacious when used la other maladies, such as Ulcers. Fever Sons. Tumors. 8alt Rheum. Burns. Piles, or wherever .inflam mation exists, MITCHELL' 3 HALVB may be DORY used to my milage YjTIATED BLOOD. ScrofuloHSj-Inherited and Contagious Humors Cured by Cutieurav THROUGH the medium of one of your boots received thmnirh Mr Frank T. lVrav. Diut. glut. Apcl' o. Pa., I became acquainte t-jrith your vunwjm kkmkdies, ins laKeinis importunity 10 testify to von that thatr niut hAKitermAnentlvp.nr. ed me of one of the worst cases of blood polson- lag, m connection with erysipelas, that I have ever seen, and thts after ha-ping been pronounced Incurable by some of the be3t physicians tn onr county. I take great pleasure in forwarding to you this tenimonial, unsolicited as it Is by yon, In order that others suffering from similar maladies may be encouraged to give your CuncUBA Remediks a trial. - , P.S.WHITIuNOER.Leecb.burg-.Pa. Reference: FbankT. Wbat, Druggist, ApoUo. Pa. SCROt'VLOUS ULCERS. James E.Richardson, Custom House, New Or lean, on ontti, saj-3:'"ln I8:o Scrofu Ions Ulcers broke ou. on my body" until I was a mass of cor ruption. Everything known to the medical facalty was tried in Vain. I became a mere wreck. At times could not Uft my handtr to my head could not tarn-in bed; was in constant pain, and loked upon life as a cunlo. ho reliof or cure in ten yea's. In 1880 1 leard of the Cuticcba Kemb Disa, used them, anl it as perfectly cured." Sworn to beiore . 8. Com. J. D. Cbawpobd. OSE OF TUB WOBST CASES. We have been selling yonr Cuticora Remedies for years, at d have the first complaint yet to re ceive irom a purchaser One of the worst cases of Scrofula I ever saw wis cured by the use of five bottles of Cuticora Kbsolvest, Cuticora, and Cutigx'ra Soap. I he Soap takes the "cake" here as a lnetictnal soap. . TAYLOR & TAYLOR. Druggists, Frankfort. Kan. SCROFULOUS, INHERITED, And Contagious Humors, with Loss ot Hair, and Eruptions of tlie Hi-'g. are positively cured by CrTiCPRA .and fti'BA Soap externally, and CTOiCTTTi-iS,KxoLria)-'.rtteTnalij-, when ill other medicines fail, bend for pamphlet. ci'TicrjRA Rehediks are sold evervwhere. Price: 'CDTICl'BA. the Great bkin Cure. 50 cts : Cuticura Soap, an Exquisite Beantifier. 25 cts.; CoTicuRA Resolvent, the Sew Blood Purifier, BfUPLES, Blackhead, Skin K emlshes, and Baby in numo.'B, use vutacuba boap. HOW MY BACK AC II M i dey Pains andWcak- ness, Sore"' - twuss, strains and Pain.rell ' r- ""b uiinnte by the Cntie A " :"in 1'lnHter, lnhUiloK tocti Worth Knowing. Mr. W. II. Morgan, merchant, Lake City, Fla., was taken with a severe cold, attended with a distressing cough and rnnnins: into consumption in its first stages. He tried many so-called popular cough remedies an 1 steadily crew worse. Was reduced in flesh, had difficulty in breathing and was unable to sleep, li nally tried Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption a:d found immediate relief, and after usirti; about a half dozen bottles found hire feel f well and has had no re turn of the disease. No other remedy crtusliow so grand a record of cures, as Br. King's Jfew Discovery for Consump tion guaranteed to do lust wnat is clarm ed for it. Tiial bottle free at II. II. L Lyons' drug store. "Doctor, why do bo ma.ny people look pale, and weary, ana Billow, ana leel languid? "Because their liver uoes not act.""-. Take .the old reliable Dr. Hart's Liver Fills and you'll feel like beine made anew. Your appetite wHl improve, your sleep will be (Sounder, your indigestion will be cnred.'your complexion will clear lip; in fact, a transformation of tlie whole system will take place, and you will feel that life is worth living. All for the sum of 25 cents per box. One Lived, the Other Died, A woman fcAraerly onr slave is now our cook, Abont-pighteen months ago she became sickly and had a oouRh'and was confined to bed, and it was thought that she had consumption. The treatment by physicians failed to give relief In December. 1884, a node or the size of a goose egg formed just above the pit of the Htomach, which when lanced discharged matter for 8 or 9 months. Ono of these also formed under her arm, and three on her back, which dis charged matter for a considerable time. For six months of this tune she was confined to the house, aud most of the time in bed. The stomach often refused food, by rejecting what she had eaten. She nsed a" great deal of medicine, but failed to oe ctued. I bought one bottle of sW B. 15. B. (made in Atlanta, Oa.) and gave it to her and she commenced to improve. I then bought and gave her three bottles more, and she coiisjnued to improve and in two months' time her cough had ceased, her constitution strengthened, sppetite and digestion good, all discharges ceased, nodes or knots disappeared and she went to work apparently healthy and fattened up greatly. This woman had a married sister of near same age who was affected in precisely the game way aud about tho same time. She had node or knot on pit of stomach, back, etc. She did not take any B.,B. B. and the node on her stomsch ate throufii to the cavity. She continued on the decline and wasted awav, and finally died. There were two terriblo e ises of blood poi son, one used B. B. B. and was speedily cur edthe other did not use it and died. It is most assuredly a most wonderful blood purifier. I Yefer to merchants of this town. Yours truly, . . W. T. Robinson. Tishabo?, Ala., May 1, 1836. A SHERIFF RELEASED. For a period of sixteen years I have been afflicted with catarrh of the hoad which baffled the use of all medicines used. Seeing, tho advertisem ent of B. B. B., I purchased and used pis or seven bottles, and although nsed irregularly have received great relief, and re commend it as a good blood purifier. Signed) J. K. Hcxcohbe, Jr. - Sheriff of Haralson county, Ga. All who desire f nil information about the cause and cure of Blood Poisons, Scrofula and Scrofulous Swellings, Ulcers, Sores, Rheuma tism, Kidney Complaints, Catarrh, etc, can secure by mail, free, a copy of onr S3 page Illustrated Book of Wonders, filled with the most wonderful and startling proof ever be fore known. Address, , BLOOD BALM CO., tocti Atlanta, Ga. . A. Lettkh of Commendation. The follow ing letter complimentary to the G. D. S. Allen ft Uo.'s Aromatic Elix ir speaks for itself : - Mabsuall. N. C. Aug. 15th, '87. The G. D. S. Allen Co., Waynesville, N. C. : Sirs : It . is with pleasure that I certify to the curative properties of your Aromat ic Elixir. ,I,havo used it personally in a severe case of obstinate diarrehaea, and I simply tell tho truth when I ey "it acted like a charm." During the present sum mer the flux was very prevalent and very fntnl in Burke county ; unrt for the benefit of my neighbors down there, I ordered some by Express from Messrs. Lawson & Lance of Marshall. Ou my way home I met a neighbor much cxclteil, on his way to find some remedy for his little child who had been suffering from flux for two weeks and was very low. I gave him a bottle. Upon meeting him two days aftr wards ho told me the chilJ was entirely recovered. It consider it as a great bless ing to the human family and hopo you mav scatter it far and wicre. Kes-jectfiAly, daw " A. J McAlfins. rpo RENT, A Seven Room House, fa, 'Grove treet, well sitnaterl with many conveniences. -se dii T Apply at f UROyE STREET.' k LA KG & LINE Riding and Baggy tVti;iaol I.nshpS at BEARDEN, 5. NKINACD. aug 21 dtf . Pleasant pri v ai . - - ' ' nvlwAtA hnSHl. TllMCdiif . u ,,,, ,i, mtpR. aDTjln to M Grave street. 0raddre r.O.BOXZn. , ap 8 dtf OR BALE. The finest pair of thorough bred Kentucky marcs, the fastest and handsomest pony for children and the best broke pair of steers. - AppiTtO H. U. LYONS, e22dtf . Asheville, N. C. DMINISTRATOR'3 SALE. ' L ;;" on September 80th, 1SS7, 1 will sell at residence of the late Canada Cowan, on Haywood street, in the city ol Asheville, all the personal effects belonging to said estate. Said property consists of household and kitchen furniture, farming utensils, horses, mulea, wagons, buggies, &c. Grand chance to make a valuable purchase for little money. Public generally invited. Dont iorget me time anu place, mis cpt. 17, 1887. wm. it. Will ISO IN, se 18 dtd Adm'r. of C. Cowan, dee'd UL,1 IiSStllTIII.VG. T am thnpnnolill npnr.nml n An all ma. r - . ' ; " " v "in 1 1 lie l ui Blacksmithing Repairing of Carriages. Buggies and Wagons, to work at the loweet prices, and to give satisfaction. Horse shoeing a specialty. oivemea trial. H.M.HOWARD, se 9 dlifin Rear of VanGilder 4 Brown's. FALL and F COOL Embracing some exceedingly handsome styles, in the latest cuts, in CHEVIOTS, SACKS, FROCK AND FOUR BUTTON CUTAWAYS, PRINCE ALBERTS and FOUR-BUTTON FROCKS IN FINE DIAGONALS . Also a fine line lor Boys in Cheviots and Cassimeres. Our line xt HATS cannot fail to please in stiff, fur and felt Next conies our line of FURNISHING GOOPS, which have been bought for cash with all other goods at exceedingly low figures, - and we feel confident that' in style, price and quality we can please. Earl & Wilson's Collars and Cuffs always in stock. Our Fashion Plates for the Fall and Winter trade, with a beautiful line of samples for custom-made suits, is now ready for an examinn tion and selection. We guarantee a saving of money and a perfect fit. Very Respectfully, W. S. HECHT, Manager. " g. BRAP'MAN. . septl4-lm BALT. CLOTHING HOUSE, 10 Patton Avenue. mnDM & moDW&m Scientific Heating and Ventilating Engineers, Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters, Tinners Roofing, Guttering and General Jobbing. Agents for Bartlett's Improved Warm Air Furnace ; also for Merchant & Co.'s Star Ventilator. We are Prepared to Furnish all Kinds of Gas Fixture's. All of our workmen are first-class, having had from 10 to 12 years experience in their trdes, and we guarantee satisfaction. Plans, specifications and estimates furnished on application. Persons having work to do in our line would do well to see us before contracting. NO. 8 SOUTH WATER STREET, ASHEVILLE, N. C. F OR SALE. I will sell mv larse &ORRKL :ARRlAf?K HORSE, seven years old, or will exchange him, paying the difference in each, lor two smaller norses II well nroken to work to a carnage. My horse can be seen at my sublra, corner o Wooii fin and Spruce streets, nelSdlw CUAS. A. MOORE. BAEBER SHOP IS THE GIJ AN i? CENTRAL! lluvini rr.ovol my Burner Shop to the Ci rand C -nlral Hotel, Falton Avenne, I am now prepar ed to Hcern:modat3 my p..trom and the puhll generally with the best service ininy line. Give me a trial. augid2m JOHNSON HUMPHREY a? I , r -I OK Bg m 3 K b m 9- i I 2 J p H p f O z o r: tJ IS cr 171 O tr g, o c -I c 5" a Q. ? a W w w CA H an CD a a. a P Ul o I 03 o B o WHOt E j- Commission . Merchant AGENT FOR SALE OF BaconFiour, Lar d Grain, Salt, Tobaccos, &c. Handl all kinds of Heavy Groceries,! at Manufacturers' Prices. Also dealer in . Country Produce Consignments solicited and . hall have personal attention. Warehouse and Salesroom No. i2 " North Main St ASHEVILLE, N. C. mar!3wl2m . A JOB LOT OF SHOES in, broken nomber at less than cost of manufacture at - BEARDEN, RASKIN & CO. july V3 dtf ' OB SALE. re thoronehbrefl Mares of fine i tyle and notion, elegant eadd'e horses registered in Brace's Stud Moi, wo DroKen 10 naruess. 7 IJNO. A. WILLI A Mf. JH.. ' July 15 CrTKEM OfECCQ CO-L - j&.'ZTID - ICE I V ' ' . v-v ; Finest qualities of Hard and Soft CoaJ, at prices that defy competi tion. Do not foil to get our prices before placing orders for winter supply. MANUFACTURED ICE. w The only Ice safe for drinking purposes or family use, owing tsf absolute purity. IT WILL LAST ONE-THIRD LONGER THAN NATURAL ICE. Orders by mail will receive prompt attention. Branch office at Powell & Snider's Store. Yard, Old Depot, We.st Asheville. jy3tf . Asheville Coal and Ice Company. - -AND WITH IT OUR MAGNIFICENT STOCK OF- ynr rui si rn J J Auctioneer and Real Estate .... ent, Oitice at Store of A. Iavis, Court Square. ALSO AGENT FOR THE- SALE OF ADMIRAL SEMMES' VALUA BLE HISTORY "SERVICE AFLOAT." 8o 1 1-dlm THE- AslievilleMu sic House NO. 35 NORTH MAIN STREET. Sells, Kxclmngos, Repairs and Tunes - AXI Tlie Ilenfelil (Berlin) Pianos, im ported specially for my trade. Tlie Chiekerin, the old standard. The Mason & Hamlin, that needs tun in": but every two years. The Mathushek and Arion Pianos. The best Organ in the world tho Mason & Hamlin and next the cele brated Wilcox & White. Sold on monthly or quarterly install ments. One Price to all. Correspondence buys as cheap as per sonal purchase. Catalornrs and price lists freo on ap plication. sept27-d3m - ASHEVILLE MILITARY ACADEMY. THE SESSION OP 1SS7-S OK THIS INSTITU TION WILL OPEN ON Wednesday, Sept. 7li, nt 10 a. If. Foi catalogue and other information address se 3 dtl VKN ABLE 6t MASON. TANNER & DELANEY EN GINE COMPANY, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. Business established 1865. Tlie most complete NnrtstneKbops in the Sonth. Knlnes, Boilers, Saw-iulll8 and Machinery . , Light nnd Trmmicmy Locomolittt. rolt Bond Locomotittta fpecintly. S-Corrsrondfcnce solicited. Send for catalogi aprl3-dwlv w ANTED. A voune man of steadr habits, cood character mil address, desires a situation as Clerk, either in s'ore or office. Keferencc-s given. Address ' M.;" P. O. Drawer W., Asheville, N. C. eeUdtf . L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE Tho only S3 SEAMLESS Shoe in tne worm, Finest Calf, perfect tit nm lted. Congress, Bui and Laue, all styles toe. Gtvltsil anil durable as those costing $-i or $6. W. K,. UOf'GI.AS J2.D i-xiels the 8. Si.... . tiled by utber :-vr firms. ' rtw-t oa htMrf Mk SkM. .. : 1 SHOE. : ki-i nUicm. . meoD tf"LAS,ltt-l AM koT . Ifyo- POStL. " . I'ir.Sdaw 1 s .-1 WINTER H I L Li - J. W. COHTLAND, ami S. E. Cor. Public Stjuare, Main .1., lias for salt IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVED PlvOPERTt IN THE CITY OF AS AE VILLE AND SURROUNDING COUNTRY. Building Lots on various roads in the growing North-Western section of Asheville. On the av enue opening into Riveeside Pahk, and the New Drive lead ing to the Fkexcii Bkoah Kivek, also on the Richmond Hill hoad. J. V. Cortland, Real Estate Broker. IN THE CIKCUIT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA FOR THE WESTKKN DISTRICT OF NORTU CAROLINA. Eastern Band ot Cherokee Indians, . . . Against Wm. H. Thomas, Wm. Johnston, S. E. Carpenter, etals NOTICE TO DEFENDANT J. E. Carpenter. Yon will take notice that a rule granted by this Court upon you in the abofe entitled canso to show cau.-e if anv vou have why a writ of In junction snomcl not issue to restrain you or you agenrs or empiuyeea irom uisponiiiu; 01 or 111 j wise iniericrring witn certain uiarr waiuv. logs cut by you or your agents or employees iM(on the lands of the said Eastern Band of jCherokee Indians in North Carolina is returnqfTM oefore this Court at a Te m thereoi to be hafa at Ashe ville on tbe First Monday in NovesHber next, at which time a motion will be mae in the said proceeding lor tbe injunction aforesaid, and also for the appointment of a receiver to take possession aud sell the said property. J. E. REED, Clerk. se20 O'w per C. B. Hoc re, LepulX IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA FOR THE WESTERN DISTRICT OF NORTH CAROLINA. Eastern Bsnd of Cherokee Indians, Against --. Wm. II. Thomaj, Wm. Johnston, J. E. Carpenter,, etals. NOTICE TO DEFENDANTS, T. H. McPherson, J. C. Peabody and T. E. Gilbert, You will take notice that a rule granted by thts Coort upon you in he above entitled eause to show cause if any yon have why a writ ot in junction shonid not issue to restrain you or yonr agents or employees and each of you from work ing, operating', mining and collecting pold or other mineials from the bed of the Ocono'.ufta -river within the boundaries of the land of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians of North Car olina, plaintiffs, is returnable before this Court at a Term thereof, to be held at Asheville on the First Monday In November next at which time a motion will be made in the said proceeding for the injunction aforesaid. J. E. BRED, Clerk. seiOdCw - perc. B.Moore, Deputy. ,OR RENT. S Itnom llunse. South Main, 6 minateB walk from Court House. Good watT, with good rock collar. None but small family need apnly. aeSStltf ' Apply to A. FRE.:K. 4