ASHEVILLE CITIZEN. B.1f.FtJRMAN, JORDAN STONE, I. D. CAMERON, -Editors. FBIDAY MORNING. SEPT. 30, 1887- The New York city Democrats went to their State convention on he best of terms with each other and peacefully harmonious. Hence it is said to have been the tamest and most uninteresting convention which has met for years. But they did their work well, and when New York city is harmonious, it means victory. Another bride in the White House. Mr. Charles M. Hendley, private secretary to Col. Lamont, is to be married to Miss Bessie Butler Johnson, of New York, on the 4th of October. We congratulate Ct-nrlie. Nw whenever Dan Lamont moves about we hope the press dispatches will no , tail to tell us now i;iiarlie is getting on. It is very important to he country to know these things. A New York paper says : "A rnov.ement is on foot looking to the erection of a new crematory in New York city wherein bodies are to be incinerated by electricity The scheme is regarded as a feasi ble one, and it is believed wilt do much toward removing the proju dice existing against the ere in ati o n by the elaborate methods practiced in Pennsylvania, Long Island and elsewhere. Ihe electrical cremato ry is the invention of a Sicilian. The heat is generated by a dynamo of a patera similar to that used in the incandescent electric light svs- tem, and succeeds in "evaporating, as it were, the bodies till nothing remains. We have no doubt this will suit the ayerage New Yorker better than the other-system, because all up prehensions of "Jamily jars" are re moved. Our cotemporary the Charleston Newa and Courier sees brightening prospects for the early completion of the Carolina, Cumberland Gap and Chicago Railroad. It is true the cloud is no bigger than a man's head, yet it is there, with every in dication of growing. This is the road which is nearly graded between Aiken and Pickens, S. C, and in tended to cross the mountain at Estatoe Gap, thence down the valley of the French Broad by Brevard to Asheville. It is the road for which the business men of Asheville re cently iiubscribed to have surveyed from Brevard to Askevillo, and which was done by Capt. Kirk. The people of Charleston are now sub scribing to have the road graded from Aiken to Edgefield, where it will form a junction with the South Carolina Railway from Charleston to Augusta. They are in hopes if this connection can be made that the road can be completed aDd equipped from Edgefield to Pick ens in a comparatively short time And if our South Carolina friends will hurry up this portion of the en- terprise.we are confident Mr. Bowen, the President, and Capt. Kirk, the engineer, will be working away for the North Carolina line and Ashe ville ere the Spring time comes, gen tle Annie. This will be a fifth rail-, road which is anxious and is work ing to focalize at Asheyile. Since writing the above we clip the following from the Morristown, (Tenn.,) Gazette: A business letter to this office from Col. J, 0. Cothran, Secretary of the Charleston, Cumberland Gap and Chicago Railroad Company, dated Abbeville, S. C, September 21, has this item of general interest to our i i j ii . rentiers : contractor is here from New York looking over the line with a view of taking twenty-five miles, from Aiken to Edge field, and we are about to close with him. If this is done, the prospect is gooa ior me line to be pushed A LIAR. An exchange stives the following "The man who fought, bled and died for the tattoed statesman from Maine in the latle war has turned up at Nashville in the person ol an old negro by the name of Jacob Poor. He carries a bullet in his bhoulder which rightfully belongs xo me numea Knigbt, and which he can no doubt get if he will call on Jacob and pay" up $890 of the $900 which Jacob says was the amount promised, and of which he received Olllv ten dnllara 'in homl " Now we believe this old negro is a liar, so far as not having received the amount promised by Mr. Blaine. There are many things about Mr. Blaine we do not admire, but, to say that while he remained at home and got rich out of army contracts he would fail to pay his 'substi tute" who put his shoulder to the bullets for him we cannot believe. It isjof record that Mr, Blaine pre ferred army contracts at home and getting rich thereat, to facing the mturio and the enmy on the field. This no one can deny. But to say he refused to pay his poor negro substitute who took bis. place in front while he, B, fleeced him and comrades in the rear, we cannot be lieve. That negro is a liar, evidently. WHAT ONE REPUBLICAN SAYS OF ANOTHER. Hon. R. It. Butler is the republi can representative of the first Ten nessee district in Congress. The Knoxville Journal is the able repub lican organ of East Tennessee. Here are some recent complaints from the Jturnal to Mr. Butler : ,lR. R. Butler is n representative in Congress. On a great moral question, like that of prohibition. Ins constituents are entitled to his best-judgment At the outset he t ild them the amendment, (prohi bition amendment now pending in Tennessee,) was right and that he should vote for it. He afterwards, for a money consideration, agreed to oppose it, and have his constituents oppose it. Instead of giving the benefit of his judgment and advising them as to the right, he basely at tempted to sell them out to gratif i his own stupidity. Instead otdea ing honestly with them, he treated them as if they were his chattels to be disposed of at whatsoever price he mijiht agree upon with their would be purchasers. "Bribery is sin, and the man who accepts a bribe is a wicked sinner. K. R. Butler thinks the wages of sin is five thousand dollare, but in the near hereafter, when he wants to re main in political life, he will find that "thf wages of sin is death." His constituents have passed judg ment upon him and are already sa3'ing : ' Depart ye worker ot mi quit;:, we know you not." Mind and body alike Bufl'er from slug gish action of the blood, the result of dyspepsia or biliousness. Ay era Pills will stir up the liver, excite the stomach and bowels to &r tivity, open the pons of the system, ana insure health ol body which is indispensable to mental vigor. tl B OARD. Two gentlemen or ecntleuian and wife tan ce comfortable room and good board by applying P. O. BOX Sin. Location central. mh26 dtf E MPLOYMENT WANTED. A middle asred man wants position as manager of a large farm; has bad Ions experience in agriculture, trucE mnr.ini;. raising staple crops, iruiifl, siuc i, uairy pruauciti ana pouurv. Address W. B.. BOX 422. fe 23 dim Asllevllle, N. C J. C. BROWN & CO- MERCHANT TAILORS, Xo. 25 Patton Avenue, next Grand Oentral Hotel. ENGLISH-MADE GARMENTS A Specialty. LOOK OUT I All Hucksters, Peddlers, Wagoners and all others doing business in Asheville without first having obtained the License required by the City Ordinances are notified that they a ted. license at once they will be unn Pi COME jiu or pay costs. N. A. REYNOLDS. sel6diw City Tax Collector. 'H0WTO1AKEMOHEY BY DEALING IN STOCKS, GRAIN, PROVISIONS, OIL, ETC EXPLANATORY PAMPHLET MAILED JFREE. LAURIE & CO., BANKERS & BROKERS, 856 Broadway (and branches). NEW YORK. JESSE R. STARNES, Successor to X. Brand Jfc Co., UNDERTAKER, ASHEVILLE, N. C. M otallic and Walnut Coffins constant! on hand. Every requisite of the biwineiis furnished. All calls day ornight prompt ly answered. Hearses nrnished wlmn 1 1 T I . -T . . uetsireu. umce: jMumDer 4U INorlli Main Street. Embalming a specialty. Bod es will be taken charge of immediately ii ueoireu. run 8 tf HYQEIA i 11 omlerfal Discovery. Tobacco an Aid to Health. A New Tobacco, manu factured by Thoe. C. Wil liams & Co., Richmond, . Va., under a formula pre- . pared by Prof. Mallett, of the University of Virginia .tnHMmlmrlml, Jnti-ltytptptlr, J O00d JVrr rims mnd Jm KxetlUml llitte. TRY IT, NO HUMBUG. For particulars of ite virtues, : call for ceruncaic at A. I. Cooper's and A.C. Iavis Where the Tobacco can he had. au 2o-dlm James P. Sawyer If ill, on Oct, 1st, 1887, Open a large stock of Jtlens, Boy& and Chil dren's Clothing, 0 Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, II.1T JtJYD SIluES, In the buildinz now occunied W CrA. Williamson as a Furniture store The first floor will be devoterl' sively to ' CUOTiIMJmO. Thefcecnnd floor will be used for Tar JOR SALE. . '- The finest pair o. thorough bred Kentucky maros, the fastest aid handsomest pony for children and the bet t broke pair of steers. Appir to M. H. LYONS, 86 22 dtf Asheville, N. C. DMINISTBATOH'S SALE. n September 80th. 187. 1 wi'l sell at renidnnra of the late Canada Cowan, on Haywood street, iu the city ol AshTille, all the personal effects belonging to said estate. Said property consists of household nu'i kitchen furuiture. farming utensils, horses, males, wagons, buggies, &c. Grand chance tt make a valuable purchase for little money. Public generally invited. Doiit forget tnc time ana place, nits sept. IT. I 8S7. WM. XI. WU113UM, se 18 dtd Ailm'r. of C. Cowan, dee'd It J&af f KSJfllTSiWJYG. I am thorough It prepared to do ail manner nf Blacksmithing Repairing of Carriages Buggies and Wagons, to work at the lowest nnces. anil to give satisfaction. II wsc shoeing a specialty. uive mea tnai. a. m. uuvvakd. sc 9 dlvon Rear of VanGilder Sc Brown's. cool trsArasA i FALL AND Embracing some exceedingly handsome styles, in the latest cuts, in CHEVIOTS, SACKS, FROCK AND FOUR BUTTON CUTAWAYS, PRINCE ALBERTS and FOUR-BUTTON FROCKS IN FINE DIAGONALS. Also a fine line lor Boys in Cheviots and Cassimeres. Our line of HATS cannot fail to please in stiff, fur and felt. Next comes our line of , ' . FURNISHING GOODS, which have been bought for cash with all other goods at exceedingly low figures, and we feel confident that in style, price and quality we can please. Earl fe Wilson's Collars and Curls always in stock. Our Fashion Plates for the Fall and Winter trade, with a beautiful line of samples for custom-made suits, is now ready for an examine tion and selection. - We guarantee a saving of money and a perfect fit. Very Respectfully, W. S. HECHT, Manager. "g BR-A.E'M'-A.3ST. septll-lm BALT. CLOTHING HOUSE, 10 Patton Avenue. Scientific Heating and Ventilating Engineers, Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters, Tinners Roofing, Guttering and General Jobbing. Agents for Bartlett's Improved Warm Air Furnace ; also-for Merchant & Co.'s Star Ventilator. We are Prepared io Furnish all Kinds of Gas Fixtures. All of our workmen are first-class, having had from 10 to 12 years experience in their trades, and we guarantee satisfaction. Flans, specifications and estimates furnished on application. Persons having work to do in our line would do well to sec us before contracting. XO. 8 SOUTH WATER STREET, ASHEVILLE, N. C. JOR RALE. I will sell inv larpa SORREL CARRIAGE : HORSK. fcTi'ii years oM. or will exchange him. paying the diiierence hi ei'.ch, (or lw" mnnllcr horses if well broken to work to a carriage My horse ran he seen at my stshles, corner of Wooil tin and Spruce streets, se 18 dlw C1IAS. A. MOORE. BARBER SHOP IN THE GR AN I CENTRAL ! llavlnir moved my Barber Shop to the C.raiid Central Hotel, Patton Avenue, I am now prepar ed to accommodate my patrons and the publi generally with the beat service inmy line. Give me a tr:al. angvidiin JOHNSON HUMPHREY OK 3g 3 Pi O ti CD w cr tr PS CO p p p- GQ W M I 03 m o CO m z z m H H 8 CO O C S 53" El. K "3 O H m d ! CD a i f f H f O b W H 3 V a c n o 0 I I o V o Wm. M. Dickon, WHOl Commission Merchant AGENT FOR SALE OF BaconF'jii:, Lar d Grain, Salt, Tobaccos, &c. Handles all kinds of Heavy Groceries, at Manufacturers'. Prices. Also dealer in Country Produce Consignments solicited and hall have personal attention. Warehouse and Salesroom No. 13 North Main St ASHEVILLE, N. C. marl3wl2m JOB LOT OF SHOES in broken number at leas than cr.ttt of manufacture at BEARDEN. KANKIN A CO.. july 23 dtf OS 8ALE. Th'ta Ihoronshbred Marcs nf finei tvle and antlon, eleeant aadde h.irre rexictered in Brace's Btnd Book, two lroken to harness. v SJ-INO. A. V.ILlilMf, JR., Jn'yl5 . CiTrzES otUce.O COL - ..IfcTZD - ICE I Finest qualities of Hard and Soft Coal, at prices that defy competi tion. Do not fail to get our prices before placing orders tor winter supply. MANUFACTURED ICE. The only Ice safe for drinking purposes or family use, owing to te absolute purity. IT WILL LAST ONE-THIRD LONGER THAN NATURAL ICE. Orders by mail will receive prompt attention. Branch office at Powell & Snider's Store. Yard, Old Depot, West Asheville. jy3'tf Asheville Coal and Ice Company. -AND WITH IT OUR MAGNIFICENT STOCK OF- fin J! rn If j Auctioneer and Oliice at Miore ol" X. ALSO AGENT FOR THE SALE OF ADMIRAL SEMMES' VALUA BLE HISTORY "SERVICE AFLOAT. ' rsell-dlin THE Asheville MosicHouse NO. 3 5 NORTH MAIN STREET. Sells, Exchanges, Repairs and Tunes AX I) Tlie Ilenfcld (Berlin) Pianos, im ported specialljr for my trade. Tlie Chiekermg, tlie old standard. Tlie Mason & Hamlin, that needs luti in but every two years. The Mathushek and Arion Pianos. The best Organ in the world tho Mason & Hamlin and next the cele brated Wilcox & White. Sold on monthly or quarterly install ments. One Price to all. Correspondence buys as cheap as per sonal purcnase. Catalogues and price lists free on ap plication. sept2"-m ASHEVILLE MILITARY ACADEMY. THE SESSION OF IS8.S Of THIS INSTITU TION WILL OPEN ON Wednesday, Sept. 7th, nt 10 a. M. Foi catalogue aDd other information address se 3 dtt VENABLE & MASON. TANNER & DELANEY EN GINE COMPANY, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. Business established 1865. Tnemost complete Machine Shops intbeSomh. i:iiineM, Boilers, Sniv-millH and HlHCbincry. MAght and Tramway Locomolivea. JPolt Jtoad Locontoticna Syerialtj. 43Corregpondence solicits. Send tor catalogs aprl3-dwly w ANTED. A your it man of steady habits, coed character and addieas, desires a situation es Cieik, either In store or office. References given. Address "IS.:" P. O. Drawer W., Asheville, N. C. se IT dtf Tii3 oVily S3 SEAMXJES3 Sltnu 111 tho world. flnftftt fnlT. twrfpct WfcrmteU. Congress, Buti SHa Lisuc, u styles io. stylish ul durable I those tistlne s or t( W. rpO(IOT,AS C2.I -i riu l tlaed by,' other Onus. .!.-- I m. trtmofiul She.' r 5, llic ;I.A -vine on MS. wTli DOUGLAS .$3 .SHOE. Xsdgssf WW lf . 1 InnSdaw msmm i yHnWINTER -J Heal Esh- rent. lnvis, Court square. REIj estate tlil (I J&f.f.V nitit&'ER S. E. Cor. Public Scjuare, Main !., Has for salt IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVED PlvUPKUTt IN TIIK CITY OF ASAEVILLE AND SURROUNDING COUNTRY. Buildiiig Lots on various roads m the growing North-Western section of Asheville. On the av enue opening into Riverside Park, and the New Drive lead ing to the Frexcii Broai River, also on the Richmond Hill road. J. W. Cortland, Real Estate Broker. "INTHECIKCUIT COURT OP THE UNITED JL M ATCH UC AAlEKIl'A fOR THE WEsTliRN iusiMicr kukixi i:akox,INA. Eastern Band ol Cherokee Indians, Against Wm. H. Thomns, Wm. Johnston, J. E. Cirpcnter, Vi HIS NOTICE TO DEFENDANT J. E. Carpenter. Yon will tnke notice that a rule granted by this Court upon you in the above entitled canse to show cause if any you have why a writ of in junction should not issue to restrain you or your agents or employees from disposing of or in nny wise i.nterferring with certain Black Walnut logs cut by you or your agents or employees upon the lands of the said Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians in North Carolina is returnable before this Conrt at a Te m thereof to be held at Ashe ville on the First Monday in November next,-at which time a motion will be made in the said proceeding lor the injunction aforesaid, and ulso for the appointment of a receiver to take possession and sell the said property. J. E. REED, Clerk. seSO tifw per C. B. M ot re, Itf uli IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA FOR THE WESTERN DISTRICT OF NORTH CAROLINA. Eastern Rand of Cherokee Indians, AKainst Wm. H. Thomas. Wm. Johnston, J. E. Carpenter, et als. NOTICE TO DEFENDANTS, T. H. McPherson, J, C. Feabody and T. E. Gilbert. You will take notice that a rule eranted bv this Conrt upon you in "be above entitled esnse to show cause if anv you have why a writ ot in junction should not issue to restrain you or your agents or employees ana eacn oi you iroxn work in'', operating, mining and collecting gold or other mlnei als from the bed of the Ocouolufta river within the boundaries of the land of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians of North Car olina, plaintiffs, is returnable before this Court at a Term thereof, to be held at Asheville on the First Monday in November next at which time a motion will be made In the said proceeding for the injunction aforesaid. J. JS. ltEjtu, Clerk. se20d6w per C. B. Moore, Deputy. iOR BENT. 9 Room House. South Main. 5 minntes walk from Co.irt House, tiood watr, witn geed roik cellar. None but small fnmily need aprdy. iSldtf Apply to A. FHECK. The White (JOHN Eli MA IK AMi Ail,V V N 1) E R W IIIT'L OC K'S , T-A-S. 2E3C. r HI III W -.-,.-- O-l F30PEI2ETOE. Hcaflijuartcrsi tor fine LIQUORS. ch:;rp. accord ink lv. M ARE ABSOLUTELY PITim ABT inVAmJITKKATKl. -and are recommended by the best judges for medicinal . Also Fine Billiard and Pool Parlor. Goods shipped to all points. No charge for boxing. Lock Box Ij Ashevillo, N. C. The only strictly White Man's Bar in the State. jaG-drfwly INSURANCE. m -to: fgVt K '4'.LEY M1ITPA L FK .sVH;lAllO JL OF V1R1I IA IsMee policies for froiji AND coiflliuf! fui.'.-ravUc eal-ure ol "OLD LINE" Companies v.t the oai ij ordinary co-operative insur- r. -p. in becret (.iraers. msuRANCn. Taisarrfif-e against loss by Fire in City Courty on .ill kinds of Pr!iTty, Real ami Persona ' f.t nell as Uyag term.. oT; i issued at fair rates ; A. 1 Companies, Bon?o and Foreign. riliifi. W. tiSlASXf, Arii15 Offi- North Side Court Square ::-T '.'0-1 1 P.CIU3D FAEK HUM, lint Siriiir.s, N. v. X';:1I1 II Ul lUIHll. blipUlllir MLUIC.UIiy Sl'.UKLlOIl, superb views, xrM shaded ground," one of the most eligible licaltn and plessaie rts.irts iu the mountains within two minutes walk otttiedepot. rur terms appiy to . -i. jit..-u.ftVjtK. july 7 d 3m Hot Springs, K. C LinemMarkers, Stamp inks, Stencils, Self-inking Stamps for Postofliees, Railroads, Banks, Hotels and insurance offices Rubber Alphabets anil figures, Ad vertising cards, door numbers. Soals for all purposes. Indelible Ink for marking Clothing with Rubber Stamps etc. Large illustrated Catalogue bv mail 25c. Name in rubber with in delible ink for 40c. Address, Mo dei, Rui!i!i-:it Stamp Aokxcv, P. O., Uos 21, Asheville, N. C Citizen o !i'e. IV O MULLER & CO., i'o. 1 outnA Main ilreet, Asheville, N. C. DEALERS IN All 1.1 iids of Whiskies, Brandies, Wines Ale, Fortes, Cigars, Tobacco, &c.; firx.3 Kentucky Kye- and Bourbon Whiskies a specialty. DI8TILLBRS' AGENTS FOB Pure North Carolina Corn Whiskey and Apple Brandy. Fare Barley Malt Whiskey for medical purposes always in stock. Sole agents and authorized bottlers ot "Anheuser-Busch Brewing Association' celebrated &l. Louis Lage' Beer for Western North Carolina. The following Brewings constantly on hand, in kegs and in bottles . Anheuser Busch, Standard, Imperial Pale Lazer and original Uudweiser. Goods delivered to any part of the city free. Prompt attention paid to all or ders by mail. Telephone call No. 39. Billiard Hall on 2d floor. jelO-dtf -.'.' W. T. REYNOLDS, N. A. REYNOLDS. New Livery Stables ! Walnut Street, between the Farmers' and the Banner Warehouac-s. , SBWOLDSBBOTBEES. Have just moved into their m w and commodious brick stables in th above location, and nsk a share of public pat ronage. In areinliv i-qnippeti with goodiiorsee, ! velii-jlest an-j careful drivers. Orders proun-'lv ntit'n'd U: jun8dtf Man s Bar btccs xra mo. I k FINE GROCERIES I ft POTTED MEATS, PATES OF GME, CANNED FISH, CANNED FRUITS, FRENCH PEAS, Ext Fine, FRENCH MUSHROOMS, OKVII-ED CRABS, SHRIMP, C. ant! li. PICKLES, PIN MONEY PICKLES, JELLIES & PRESERVES CANTON GINGER, GUOSSE AND BLACKWELL's JAMS, OLIVES, EDAM CHF Kbit, FINEST SALAD OIL, INSTANTANEOUS CHOCO LATE, BROMA, COCOA, NEW ORLEANS MOLASSES, PURE EXTRACTED HONEY, FINEST KEY WEST & IMPORTED CIGARS TABLE SUPPLIES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, If (3 o ft a a o s i ft ft in 3 U AT- No. 5.3 SOUTH "MAIN ST. Telephone No 3S. ) UKliAX iSAK'iAlK. ' .'hat splendid farm of Capt. W. t- Oorpenlng, rf BT1IW Ull gwannanoa river, -can BO acres, : to a tnt,Vji( mice, and If arnll-'Vition be mt tt immediately. XTJSIi'Soma- flXarea more of fni tlaioerl:lD iTSHW at the same lo;v liguroi if desired. Apnly to NArr ATKINSON 6 BON3, Real Esute Dealers. Other flue places near the city at Ten reason able rates. ma 5 dtf l86 1887. Hampton AND Feat hers ton. The Oldest and Most Relia ble Liquor Store in N. C. We cany iho i.e-it assortment of 1 !,;! of any ho sc in the Stati-. We hari'lle 11 Imi thi' very' best sro' nls. Our Whiskies 1:1 1 liraiulii's are ronouncc I t.j p iysici;ni! i'e J urt 'in-. None but pure Uqnor ait it t fo medicini! purpose Our Stocr is Complete in Every Particular. Oui Corn Whiskey from out four ye.irs oh'. t OJil Rye of the highesstanitaril b'iiiu'.s. AH kinds nf Wines, Beeis,. AlrR, Porter, &c &c. Cigars and Tobacco in great 'quantities and finet-tjjoti the market-. We are very thankful tojour pa trons for their past favors,g?and we wish to say in conclusion that our'" prices and gooda are right down to he hard times. Be convinced by calling on ns, West Side Public Square, Asheviile. N, C. janSdm BUY YOUR FRUIT Jars and Jelly Gl a i of BEARDEN, RANK'S & C ) aug2l dtf Wiae pels, Matting, IlngB aaj?''"'' ""aha. -afcBUBTDEHNIsV.fT.- JatY 18 Patton Av- ; ...I