ASHEVILLE CITIZEN. R. K. FTJRMAN, JORDAN 8TONE, 1. D. CAMERON, -Editors. TUESDAY MORNING, OCT. 4, 1887. It is a cheering eirn to the whole country, and also' to the Dem ocratic party, to see the stand ta ken by the latter in recent North- em Conventions of the party on the ubject of the tariff. The demand for it3 reduction is unanimous, if not always equally emphatic. But Pennsylvania equally with New York and Massachusetts heeds the universal popular voice which cries for relief from the troubles) and the burdens directly attributable to the absorption of money by the National treasury, reducing at the same time the volume of currency indispensa ble to the transaction of business between man and man, and between section and section; and at the same time, by the imposition of taxes upon necessary articles olcousump tion increasing their cost ana also the difficulty of obtaining them. The gathering up of money for the National coffers goes on re morselessly at the rate of a million dollars a day for every day in the year. There it goes to stay, coming out only to pay penson claims, and the necessary expenditures of the government. To the South lit tie comes back; it all goes away in internal revenue taxes and in pur chases to Northern merchants and manufacturers. For this last, the South will have, and deserve, little sympathy it it io not take steps to make itself independent, or at least equalize the power for the exchange of yalues. For the first, there is no remedy save in the modification of the tariff. The Democratic party, with the exception of those inculated with the virus of the Pennsylvania pro tectionists, determine to reform the tariff and admend the internal rev enue iaws. lhe KepuDncans on the other hand to their purpose to wring ever cent possible irom the people through a high protective tariff and by the maintenance of the internal revenue system, but they propose to appease the people by distributing back among them some of the money they have filched. They would distribute some mil lions annually through the Blaine bill, they would make munificent appropriations to harbor and river improvements, they would erect everywhere costly public buildings; they would inaugurate a general system ol extravagance and its at tends nt corruption through, which contractors, jobbers and gov ernment favorites would become rich and the people become poorer than ever. All such use of the pub lie money is personal, partial and local. The wise, sensible, just policy is that of National economy, and the leaving of the money in the hands of the people, instead of wring ing it from their possession to enrich and corrupt the few and leave the multitude to starve and suffer. WHAT CAN BE DONE. The following extract from a Spar tanburg telegram to the News and Courier puts in strong contrast the value of theory and practice. The altitude of the Blue Ridge passes, and their abrupt rise from the corns parative plain, stood for many years an ansuperable obstacle to the dar ing of the engineer. He might run hislines.and carry his tracks up the Bteepeet ascents, but when they were laid down how was he to sur mount them ? For, for many years a grade of 100 feet to the mile was believed to be obstructive as a per pendicular wall. Old travelers will recal the stationary engine at Aiken, S. C, used to draw all trains, pas senger and freight, up a grade of not less than 85 feet to the mile; and also the one at Schenectady, N. Y, at probably about the same grade But the way was pointed out, the first step gained, and mechaniea skill directed to the construction of engines so powerful and well ad justed as to bring the steepest grades and the lightest practically to the same level; and a modern locomo tive with its enormous weight of tram climbs a grade such as referred to with an ease that suggests no hin drance. The grade up to the Swannanoa tunnel averages about 104 feet to the mile in an ascent of nine miles. The heavy engines with long trains sur mount it without difficulty; and the descent is made with absolute safety. The grade on the Saluda mountain on the Asheville and Spartanburg road is 280 feet to the mile; and this is the one referred to in the .the telegram quoted. A sub stantial road bed, heavy iron, and powerful engines make the run up nd down so much a thing of ease and certainty that the way to the immense future traffic between the West and the sea coast is regarded as practicable and as certain as any route below the mountains. The traffic already created by the Western North Carolina road refutes the adverse predictions ot inability to manage it. It increases every day, and that route is now the thorough iare for a coal trade with Tennessee, destined to become still greater, employing long trains and heavy engines. The problem is already solved The Asheville and Snartanburs road, with its one heavy grade, will also become, in defiance of that grade, another great and enlarging channel. The telegram relerred to says : For the past ten years it has been persistently asserted by very wise people that the Asheville and Spar tanburg road would never be availa ble for heavy freights on account cf the steep grade this side of Saluda. Notwithstanding these ill-natured prophecies, the receipts of the road show an increase ot 16 per cent last month oyer the same month ot last year. Although the grade is impracticable, it is a usual thing to see long trains of cars loaded with granite from Winnsboro going up this road. Hundreds of tons are to be shipped over this route to Cin cinnati. Then every day heavy trains loaded with coal, cattle, corn, cabbage, potatoes, apples, and other mountain and western produce come down the road, part of it going down the Augusta road, and the rest towards Columbia and Charles ton. This promises, at no distant day, to be one of the best paving roads in the feouth. Free Trade. The reduction of internal revenue and the takins off of revenue statup3 from Proprietary Medicines, no doubt has largely benelitted the consumers, as well as relieyintr the burden of home manu facturers. Especially is this the case with Green's Augut" Flower and Boschec'i Herman Syrup, &s tlie reduction of thirty six cents per dozen, has been added to increase the size of the bottles contain ine these remedies, thereby (riving one fifth more medicine in the 75 cent size. The Auquxt Flower for Dyspepsia and Liyer complaint, and the German Syrup tor uongn and Lung troubles, have per haps, the largest sale of any medicines in the world. The advantage of incased size ol the bottles will be greatly apprec iated by the sick and afflicted, in every town-ana village in civilized countries. Sample bottles for 10 cents remain the same size. doxweowly Is an invaluable remedy fo SICK HEADACHE, T0RPIL UVER, DYSPEPSIA, PILES, MALARIA, C0STIVENESS, AND ALL BILIOUS DISEASES. Sold Everywhere. JESSE R. STARNES, Successor to X. Brand & Co., UNDERTAKER, ASHEVILLE, N. C. JVl stallic and Walnut Coffins constantl on hand. Every requisite of the business furnished. All calls day ormghtprompt- iy answerea. nearsee i.irmsneu when desired. Office.- Number 40 North Main btreet. Embalming a specialty. Bod es will be taken charge of immediately ii aesirea. nib s tf "IflSS MARY MILLER mer school for small children, at the residence of JJ lias opi cape r. N. Waddell.on Chestnut street. Hours rrom a till 12. Terms 91.50 per month of i weeks. luiy 10 an A LARGE LINE OF " : xi Riding and Buggy vv nips ana nasties at BEARDEN, RANKIN & CO. ang 21 dtf 3 LEAS ANT PRIVATE BOARD. Parties desiring good private board, pleasant iwiiiH. reasouauio rates, apply to at urc ve street ur nuuresB tr. U. 150A. 277, apSdtf JMPORTANT. On the 1st of September l will have for rent a front basement room on North Main street. Also a large room on 2nd floor suitable tor a public unwmcu-. wm ue uesiraoie ior Dusi ntss, also the second floor. Enquire at Balti more Clothing Mouse, No. 10 Patton Avenue, aug 14 dlawtf J. C. BROWN & CO- MERCHANT TAILORS, No. 25 Patton Avenue, next Grand Central Hotel. ENGLISH-MADE GARMENTS A Specialty. James P. Sawyer Will, on Oct. 1st, 1887, Open a large stock of JtJeWs, Hoys', and Chil dren's Clothing, Gentlemen's Furnishing Gooum, MMTS JVVn SHOES, In the building now occupied by Col. Williamson as a Furniture store. ' The first floor will be devoted exidn. sively to CLOTUIJYG. The second floor will be used for Car pets, Matting, Rngs and Oil Clothe . . A correspon lent wants us to tell him "which is the proper attitude for a fisherman, standing or sitting." Neither, innocent one; lying is the only position in which he feels en tirely at home. "Little boy," said a country min istc who was on his Way to church, "what do you suppose your father would say it he should find you here fishing on the sabbath day?" "He'd ask me wot luck I was havin','' replied the bo3 "Say, Watson,'' said Bagley, "you knowjenks; what sort of a fellow is he? Heh as owed me a bill for over a year; is h- honest? 'Yes," said Watson slowly, "Jenks is honest; theie's no doubt about that, but it takes him a long time to find it out. Several weeks ago, in comment ing upon the H.iwthorne-Benet cor troversy, the Aiken Recorder said "While we believe the cause of prohibition to he logically and mor ally right, and nave worked hard tor it in our luimlilc way, we are forced to the conviction that prohi bition struggles have done little else than embitter communities and in jure the great work or temperance reform as a purely moral wort, vve have been reluctantly driven to this conviction by actual observation, as the official head of the Sons of Temperance of South Carplina Wherever the prohibition warfare has waxed hottest, there the JJiviS' ion of the Sons of Temperance was almost sure to sicken and die. Aon Has Faith. I had been troubled all winter with cold and pain in the chest and got no relief irom remedies recommenced by Druggists and Physicians. At the same time I was advertising Dr. li'jeanks's Cough and Lung Syrup. 1 had little faith but thought to try it as a last resort, How I believe even more t'.an they tell me of its curative qualities. From the news, Idizabethtown, Ky.J hold by H. N. Lyons. ap 13 dwlw 1 OARD. Two eentlemen or Eentleman and wife tan ee comfortable room anil good board by applying P. O. BOX 311. Location central. mL2B dtf KURT DEXXISOX, No, 18 PaUon Avenue. HEADQUARTERS FOR WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVERWARE, and optical goods. Repairing promptly done and warranted. ENGRAVING A SPECIALTY, oct 1 dly The $2 00 Goat Button Fhoe at J. Howell's beats them all. O, From Tuesday. Sept. lilt Ii, TO OCT. 1st, 1887, I will sell some bargains in DRESS GOODS, WHITE GOODS, HOSIERY, MEN'S FURNISHING GOOOS, dc. &c. Hats, Roots, Shoes, And everything else in my store. A lot of new FLANNELS and DRESS GOODS just in, but will sell everything at a bar gain, as I want room for a Big Stock of Goods That I am going to buy this Fall. When I say BARGAINS, that is what is meant. I will give a few of the bargains as a simple : Best Calicoes atCc, Century Calicoes at 9c, One yard wide Domestic GJc. A good Corset at 22Jc, A good 50c Corset for 40r;, Ginghams 7i to 10c, Fruit of Loom Domestic 9c, A nice Bed Spread 60c, Good all-wool Jeans 25c. .. . .. A splendid line of Ladies' Shoes just in. Bargains in Silks, Plushes, Velvets, and Trimmings. A few pieces of Summei Silks at 25c. A good Kid Glove at 5Cc. J. 0. HOWELL, Spot Cash Ft ore, NO. 17 NORTH MAIN ST. The 82 00 Goat Button Shoe at J. O. Howell's beats all, liOOR OUT! All ITncVsters. Peddlen. Wagoners and nil others doing business in Abbeville without first having obtained the License reqnlred by the City vmiumiucB mm uouneu mat aniens uiey outain license at once they will be be prosecuted. COMB Iu or pay costs. clCdiw H. A. KEYNOLD8, - City Tax Collector. W . O. TusrsJe. LaGrancre Ca.. writiniJ aDout uarby's Prophylatic iluid, says: "It is a priceless jewel as a disinfectant and deodorizer. My wife states -for the benefit of young mothers that it is a val uable adjunct to the nursery," It is equal ly so to parents traveling wlih children. Not only is the Fluid invaluable as a de oderizer, but a few drops added to the water in bathing will remove all erup tions from the skin, chafing etc, and ereatly refresh and soothe. Up to a few weeks ago I considered myself the champion Dyspeptic of Am erica. During the years that I have been afflicted I have tried almost every thing claimed to be a specific for Dys pepsia in the hope of finding something that, would afford permanent relief. I had about made up my mind to abandon all mediciues when I noticed an endorse ment of Simmons lAver Itegula tor by a prominent Georgian, a jurist whom I knew, and concluded to try its effects iti n.Asase. I have used but two bottles, and am satisfied that I have struck the right thing at last. It felt its beneficial effects almost immediately. Unlike all other preparations of a similar kind, no special instructions are required as to wlat or.e shail or shall not eat. ( IjHT'tight to command it to iSih ivfepepsia. all trou'-i... J. X. IIoi.mks, Vineland, N. J. COKSTIPATIOJf ro eenre n Reg-alar llnblt of Itoriy without changing; the IMet or Din organising the System, take Simmons Liver Regulator ONLY GENUINE MANUFACTURED BY J. II. ZE1LIN & CO., Philadelphia. DENTAL CARDS IVs SIJRGKOX DENTIST. ' OFFICE kooms : Over L. Munday's s-tore, I'atton Avenue, se 13 d 12m B. H. DOUGLASS, D. D. E.. Dental Rooms over Grant .t Enshnrrv' stort. residence in same building Ashevil'e, Drag , N. C DENTAL SURGERY. "V R. J. G. QT'EEN has removed his office to the M t irom rooms over A. 1) Cooper ("run Sonar" and offers his professions services to the public. All professional work done with skill and neatness, iune W-diwtf OR. R. H. REEVES. D.D.S., Office in the Connally Building, over HcdwooiVs store, Patton Aver.uc. ASHE VtLljF,, s Persons navlnt? artlUcial work done, after rying it two or three weeks, if not satisile-l, can i .hum u ttuu t.i tuuuey win lie reiunueu. )y X D R. A. B. WARE, Dental Surgeon. ORice In Slujer building, s.-er,nl floor. A wortc will reeta'fftrproijipt and careful attention, jy U dlv IF YOU WANT To see the nicest ami purest line of Confectioneries iii the city, call in at IIESTOX'S, next door to the Post-Oflice, and you will be convinced that you have found the place to bny. Just received to day a fresh stock of Whitman's Fine Candies, AT J. M. H1ST0FS, Kagle IloUi Block. NEW Furniture Store' W, A. Blair & Co., 37 Patton Avenue, (.Graham Building Are opening up a large and splendid assortment of New Furniture, of all styles, and complete.and eleg uit in workmanship. BED ROOM and PARLOR SUITS, LOUNGES, (.single and double.) BEDSTEADS, CHAIRS, AC, &C, and everytliing that can be found in a First-Class Furniture ztorc. mh23dl2na HYGEIA If on d erf at Discovery. Tobacco an Aid to Health. A New Tobacco, manu factured by Thos. C. Wil liams & Co , Richmond, Va., under a formula pre pared by Prof. Mallett, of the University of Virginia J Uoui JYItr rine and Jim Excellent Chew. TRY IT. NO HUMBUG. For particulars of its virtues, call for certificate at A. 1. Cooper's and A. C. Davis', Where the Tobacco can be had. aa 2o-dlm . IXJLU HOTELS. ROUND KNOB HOTEL Trains stop for dinner Sunday 29th. W. D. S PRAGUE, ma 2G dtf Proprietor. Arden Park Hotel AND COTTAGES. 10 MILES FEOU ASHEVILLE, Coolest spot in North Carolina Scenery delight ful. Kooms commodious. Table A I. Terms reasonable. June 23 dsm E. G. KEMBI.E & CO., Props. WIN YAH IIOUSK Corner of Vhie and Baird streets. At beginning of Sunset Trive, Asheville, N, C, Wlt-L be ready for guests oa and after 1st of Seiitiinber. New buildinp, with complete sanitary arrnngeme&ts unil modern improve ments and comforts. New furniture attractive grounds. This house will be conducted a a (irsi class house, with due regard to the com run a-j'i convenience of guests in summer and : inter Terms moderate. Wit. W. ULATCHFORD, ang 19 dtf Proprietor. O. C. CUNNINGHAM, Proprietor, FIIAA'KLIX - - A". C. Table supplied with the best the market atlords. first-Class Livery and Sale Stables in connection with house, "ally iSa-k. Iictwoen Uobsier anil Franklin. V.tod Unmplt Hmnnt Tor Jtrummtr,. sept 11-dly "Eeeves House," "VVayixesvillei 1. O BRICK, ENTIRELY XEWTWEXTi Rooms, Single and in Suite. Location Main street, throe minutes from either the Tost Office, Express or Depot, fifteen minutes of Haywood V.'lu'a .Sulphur Springs. OPEN ALL THE YEAR 110 UK D. Rates reasonable confer with us. Yours trul v,V A- J. It K EVES, u-ildif Sla eager. TURNPIKE HOTEL THE MOST CHARMIXG SUMMER RESORT IX WESTKRX NORTH CAROLINA. This delightful place, dear to tlie mennry of the traveler oi tlie p:it. nil- dirivcd additional attraction by the cotiMruciion of tlie railroad, which passes i'nmcdiateiy by i;s h.isuitable doors. The Turnpike Hotel is fifteen miles wot of Asheville, iinmc.'UUelv on tlie Mmphv b.-unch of the Western North Carolina road. It is embos omed among the mountain:-;, an.! ion the banks ofabold mountain stream, and lias all the charms of scenery, of climate, and diversity of resources appropriate t. its locution A larj.'e new !uildiu!.'. with rooms l-andsmnely fumijhed and a table proverbial for its abend ance nd its excellence are ...r,!.:i tim attrac tions, b'or terms and particulars npp'v to Jtfrs. J.c. SMAT11E1:.-. junsd3m Turnpike, X. C. French Broad Hotel A. G. Halliburton, x Prop. This Hotel is located within one hundred feet of the Western Xortli Carolina Railroad Depot, and nex. to the offices ot the Superintendent and the General Freight Agent of the V. N. C. K. K. Good. Fare, Comfortable Rooms. -on- REASONABLE TERMS. FIRST-CLASS BAR is attached, where will be found at all times th best brands of Eiquors, Jl'iucs, ISrttsidics, Cigars, Tebaceo. Telephone connection with TJn-town. mc-h:: dtf Big Bargains! OFFERED IAm JLOTS! For a short time we will offer speciol prices onjets in Military I'ark. Some of the finel't Building Lots in Asheville, commanding a beautiful view, and well shaded with oaks. Will give prices of a few of them : Lot No. 14. on Pearson Avenue, nice bhadc, contains 8 acres, street all around it, $5,000 Lot 7, Pearson Av'c, covered with oak, 1,000 Lot 8, 100x200, do., cor. lot, do. do., 1.200 Lot 9 do do do do 1,200 Lot 10 do do c'.o do 1 .000 Lot 11, 90x350 do do do 1,200 Lot 12, 175x148 do 3-corner lot, do SCO L-tSCOtX PARK. Lot 28, 120x164, Bartlett St., nice noil, oik, Lot 29, lJSxlGl, " - " " Lot 27, 80x240, Blaoton St., " Lot 63, 69x160, Bl'n & Bar t S'.s, do Lot 20, 80x150, do & Poplar sta Lot 16, 60x150, Bailey & Poplar sts. 1,500 1,500 800 700 6(10 600 250 250 Lot 6, 50x100, do and Bailey st Lot i, euxiuu, uo ao SIIBI.BY PARK. Ixt 3, 75x150, Bailey street, Lot 4, do do Lot 12, do do Lot 19, do Blauton streo- 600 500 S50 550 For rent, a nice 6-rooui lionse in North A&hevil!e, price $15 per moutb. We have other nice city and country property for sale, and ail on the most reasonable terms. Call and see us. BOSTIC, BLANTON & CO., Real Estate Brokeir, 13 atton Avenue. JJOAKDINi. Having a few comfortable rooms, in a rood nor- tion of the city, I would bo pleased to a. commod ate a few boarders. MBS. J. M. GTJEGER, aug B Of 211 Haj wood street, The White CGKNEft MAIK AND EGLK .Si'JfcKEi'S UKDER W HIT LOCK'S ST . l PSOrSIETOS. Hi.ii'Jij'.uirtdrs for tim- friarufi no 12 ARE ABSOLUTELY SiTKK AND VSA 5UITKS: ATKI, :-re recommended by the best judges for medicinal use. Also Fine Billiard and Pool Parlor. and Goods shipped to all points. No Asheville N. (J. The only strictly iau,dawly IKSUItANCE. LiFF iNSURANSE. to; raiuK a:.-:.zy jjctctalufe association t OK ViltfilXIA Issues policies for rrom combine- the ywira-.-Uee eature ot "OLD LINE " Companies at the vsi oj ordinary co-operative insur Mrfle in Secret Orders. FIBF INSURANCE Insure tv.-e against loss by Fire in City d County on all kinds of Proppny, Real and Persona . Shi as well as long term. Pohr.'-s issued at fair rates ' A. 1 Companies, and Foreiffn. :!: E;iS AS il, ASeii(, rtr. sido Court Square. RUTLAND PARK RETREAT Hot StiriiiK'N. 3T. V. superb 1 lews, weli sliaihd frrounds," one of the Llelieiltnii rooms,'.rior r:lhli.ntr-jitnflinn most eiigioie nc.-iitti an'l pleAsure resorts In l!n mountains within two minutes wa'.kof the depot. ror terius uppiy 10 y. 1. HI Ji&SHrstiliK. july 7 d 3in Hot Springs, S. C RUBBER- STAMPS, LinenjMarkers Stamp inks, Stencils, Self-inking Stamps for PostofHces, Railroads Banks, Hotels and insurance offices Rubber Alphabets and figures, Ad vertising cards, door numbers. Seals for all purposes. Indelible Ink for marking Clothing with Rubber Stamps etc. Large illustrated Catalogue by mail 2."c. Name in rubber within- aeiiuic ink lor 4Uc. Address, Model Rcbbeii Stamp Agency, P. O., Box 21, Asheville, N. C, citizen ollice. W O. MULLER & CO.. Ao. V South Alain Street, Asheville, TV. C. DEALERS IS All Kinds of Whiskies, Brandies, Wines Ale, Portes, Cigars, Tobacco, &c; fine Kentucky Rye and Bourbon Whiskies a specialty. distillers' agents for Pure North Carolina Corn Whiskey and Apple Brandy. Pure Barley Malt Whiskey for medical purposes always in stock. Sole agents and authorized bottlers ot "Anheuser-Busch Brewing Association' celebrated St. Louis Lagev Beer for Western North Carolina. The following Brewings constantly on hand, in kegs and in bottles.1 Anheuser Busch, Standard, Imperial Pale Laer and original isudweiser. Goods delivered to any part of the city lree. I'rompt attention paid to all or ders by mail. Telephone call No. 39. Billiard Hall ou 2d floor. je 10 -dtf W. T. REYNOLDS, N. A. REYNOLDS. New Livery Stables ! Walnut Street, between the Farmers' and the Banner Warehouse?. EEYiTOLDSBEQTHEES, Have just moved into their new and commodious brickstables in the above location, and ask a share of public pat ronage. Thev are fully eouinued with good hone?, iood vehicles and earjfol drivers. Orders promptly attended to. iun8dtf Mans.Bar 1 keej. i or!in;ry. .;- i Mv wt PVY'.i T, ani charge for boxing. Lock Box I White Man's Bar in the State. ' FINE GROCERIES I POTTED MEATS, PATES OF G ME, CANNED FISH, CANNED FRUITS, FRENCH PEAS, Extra Fine, FRENCH MUSHROOMS, DEVILED CRABS, SHRIMP, C. and B. PICKLES, PIN MONEY PICKLES, JELLIES .v PRESERVES CANTON GINGER, GROSSE AND Iil.ACKWKLI.'s JAMS, OLIVES, EOAMCHFKSlC, FINEST SALAD OIL, INSTANTANEOUS CHOCO LATE, BROMA, COCOA, NEW ORLEANS MOLASSES, PURE EXTRACTED HONEY, FINEST KEY WEST & IMPORTED CIGARS TABLE SUPPLIES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. o (A H K d o K o fli 3. o H o No. 03 SOUTH MAIN ST. Telephone No 33. GREAT BARGAIN. That splendid frm of'apt. W. T. Comem'tie'". 4 miles up 8wiin!:oa rtVer. containing uu acre, is to be fold at once, and if af plication be made immediately. A good bargain can be bad. 30 acres more of f'nl tiaibered land can be added at tho same low figure if desired. Apply to NATT ATKINSON & 8ONS, Real Estate Dealers. Other flue places near the city at very reason able rates. ma 5 dtf 1867. 1882: Hampton AND I Featherston. The Oldest and Most Relia ble Liquor Store in N. C. We carry the largest assortment of roods of any ho se in the State. We handle nothing hut the verv best goods. Our Whiskies brandies au pronounced by pnysicians to be pure andjun adulteratecr. None but pure Liquors are lit fo medicinal purposes. Our Stock is Complete in Every Particular. Old Corn Whiskey fromone to four yearsld. Old Rye of the highest'fstandsnl brand?.g All kinds of Wines, Beeis. Ales. , p Porter, &c &c. Cigars and Tobacco" n great quantities and finest; cn the market. We are very thankful toPour na trons for their past favors.fand we wish to say in conclusion that our -prices and goods are right down to he hard times. Be convinced by calling on us, West Side Public Square, Asheville, N,C. ianSdtm B UY YOUR FRUIT .Tflra and .TaIIv f-lnam of BEARDEN. RATCKTTJ m Wines aug2ldtfCJC