n "It Saved My Life" Is a common expression, ften heard from those who havo nulizud, ly per sonal use, the curative powers ol Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I cannot say enough in praise of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, be lieving as I do that, but for its use, I should long since havo died from lung troubles. E. Bragdon, Palestine, Tex. About six months ago I had a severe Ileniorrhago of tlio Lun.cs, brought on by a distressing Cough, -which deprived mo of sleep and rest. I bad used vari ous cough balsams and expectorants, without obtaining relief. A friend ad vised me to try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I did so, and am happy to say that it helped mo at once. Uy continued uso this medicine cured my cough, and, I am satisfied, saved my life. Mrs. . Coburn, 18 Second st., Lowell, Mass. I havo used Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for over a year, and sincerely believe I should have been in my grave, had it not been fortius medicine. It has cured me of a dangerous ailed ion tf tho lungs, for which I had almost despaired of over rinding a remedy. T. A. McMullcn, Windsor, Province of Ontario. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral saved my life. Two years ago I took a voy severe Cold which settled on my l::ngs. 1 consulted physicians, and took tho remedies tliry prescribed, but failed to obtain n-Iief until I began using Ayer's Cherry Pec toral. Two bottles of this medicine completely restored mv health. Lizzie M. AllenWest Lancaster. Ohio. tt Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, REAL ESTATE DEALER-. Bargains in lots PROSPECT :PARKiS SUltVEY COMPLETED ! This majrniiicciit ". j-.cvl v is now laid oil in lots of all sizes, situation and prices the finest piviicrty in tho lire AT E.VIP. Splendid views of the river and the western mountains. Prices :-:;n:re from two lumdred dollar up to six thou-anil. Some line lots at s."(oo. t;nn. .7no' soo i and s-'l.ooo. Some larger am! mo de-; siralde still at sl.ooolo s."..oeo. A few very choice lots on t!w crown of . the hill. South side ( iir.lwood street ai'd East side l'ark Aveimi'. Tlio lots can not be dlliliei:tei. ami whoever secures one will have an investment that is pied ; for all time. j SPECIAL. Eiht le;v.tt;;".il lot-s on a sjenth :do, e , irerlookitii: l-Y. neh ilivad Valley will : be Bold for the next few days at a bar pain. A reasorahle ra'-li payment, and Ions time on the balance il w u ted. Call ; early and see the plutatow i 're time to ; Dtiv in West Ashel-ii e. ' JflVAIrr.R o CitVY.Y, IScal Install- .&(.iit. je.0-dtf : J. 31. CAMPBELL, REAL ESTATE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, INj HOT II COUNTRY AND CITY ! : 80 vacnntlotson Pat ton Avenr.e.Ciureh, ! jutinston ami Lampi.iiMi streets. 1 have the mo.-.t iVirab'e and '.-est lo cated vacant lots that ate lor said in the city . am olleiinj! lor business purpo Bes usesiuM'iaily dcnirable t'auvj vacant lots on both tides olT'at'on Avenue from C. E. Graham'-; store v Slavic's Hotel; ; those at the intersection of Patton Ave- j mie atK1. 1'epot sis.; that trianude on 1'at- j ton A venue at the intasaetion of Hay-' wood street; vacant lot.'? oa both sides of! Depot fit., and very t'e-inble ones on Main tt. Terms easy '.o'tidt purchasers, j Kor Ilesidc-nt s 1 oiler, some of the; most valuable unimproved lots J?;t t. : on Merrimon Avenue, French ffiiS Broad Ave., Charlotte, Chest- es("H I nut, Hillside, Acadeniv, Hill, 4iai- i Haywood, l'iiillip and l'.ailey strvets. In fact, 1 have for sale heautih.l lots on ev- ! ery princ:p?l street and avenue in the i citj.aswell as Residences, both lare j and small. 1 have sev.eral Truck i'arms j near the city limits. I can sell houses, lots and farms on the installment plan I terms one-fomth cash a;ul the balance on longtime, wliu-h is very desirt'de lor parties) woo wish a horrc o:i e.isv t I hu and till ripl'ions wuicli eiialiii'.s panics Willi sniaii means to liamlle large quantities of real estate with advantage :o themselves. Parties who wish to buy or look at real estate will be driven in any part of the citv in a comfortable carriage, free of ch.i'ge. Any j.eison! sr.L't in i t, tiict mnn ,,',.l.t.. . l.,i,r rent or seb property w'ol d.j well to con su't uie. Ollice, second lloor, No. 5, South Main street. Spial bargains for th. next few days. Options which exjiire soon : ro::,s.i:.3 on rent. 2, ",4 and G room 1 ouse. t hi finished soon, lor rent or si'e en e:e.y.iei ms. 10 lots near Old frepot for sale cheap if bought at oiica. 10 lots on E.iliey street a lnrg&ln. 4 aores beautiful Rro.-e on Merrimon Ave. The Midoleton fluee" large house wi hal! necessary oiit-buiUlini; nuil nine. ecu acres of beautiful grove iiesirible for summT. House and 4 acres, bet ulilul grove in Wavnes ville cheap. special bargain in house ol fuvcu rooa:s on Jailey st. Abu one on Woodlin n. 6 acres on TownMountuIu. 40 feet hiclior fhn-i Hazzard's nouse. O'her bar fnins too numerous to mention. Call and sec mc. TO SPECULATORS. I have 120 acres just outsMeciiy limits Invest ors and home-Beckers will find it to their a iv.n tage to oee thi -jirojierty at once. ies gi.e d. invest and it will make J'ou monev vir.e': ii sleep. Price, J25.00-J cash, or sub.liviik'l nni in d nloisonensy terms. 'J ho present p.icuou.y good tor a lew days. K room house, Krene'.i llroad Ave. View u!.mr rasscc. 10 rm)Ui house on I';m v.vw1 Mr et. 7 " - l:.-i-lue Mteet ISpei ml carpxin in i .o.son Dcj. i. et. 24 acies beauMI'ul g:n-e re.'h: a: er rr'ns. 4 a. ntnr cny, cheiq't teiius e . ;.!, . ,i-e's. 4 a;res in I'm , view .(' it;. , ml. t.rt, c". ' Lots ol .r peny lor sale rthieii the ov.i.ti'i 1o mot vih advertised. JOHN M. UAJIl'iiKLL, Ileal Estate Ueaier and Agent, je 8-dUrrj 6KANITE YARD HET'DERSONVILLE, - - X. C. A. P; CORN So Co., Prop's. Thi sranite lomrl near Hendersonviiio U recognized for its beauty and durability. Tho undersigned is prepared to furnish or ihort notice, ail work in granite, for Window sills, loor !'!. ittips. Ac, ic., indeed everj Hot needed lor Buddings. TEEMS REASONABLE. "Hun oraddrow A. P. CORN & CO., Hendersonville, N. C, it dtr kiih f.sk of xmui cauoi.ixa. Kisliop I.j m-.n's Appointments. Aug. 20 Friday, flaw Creek. " 28 Sunday, Ashrville. Fopt 5 Friday, HL Paul's, Henderson comity. " 4 Sunday, Cnlvar,- Church, " " i Tneriday, Hem' rsonvillc. " " ' H liowman's Bluil', " " ' !). Fi Hay -Brevard. " 11, fcundnv Cathicr's Vallov. " 11. Wed .exdav St. John's, "Macon " " 15, Tunn-dayP. JI. Franklin, " " ' 11, Snndav t'ullowhce, Jackson ' 20, Tuesday Webster. " 21, 'J'hnriiday Wayiicisville. " 2."i, Snnilav Jtoigsnton. " L'C. Monday P. M. Hickory. ' 2i, Wednesday Lenoir. " Si). Friday Uoone, Watauga " Ooi. 2. Sunday St. John's, ' " ' 0, Wednesday WilkesLoro. " G, Thursday Gwyn's Chapel. " il. Sunday Statesvlllo. " 12. M'ediiesdav llutkerfordton. " 13, Thiirtday 1. M. Shelby. ' 14, Friday 1. M. C hurch of our Saviour near Linculuton. " 10. Sunday Line lnton. ITo'v c onimniu'on at all morning services. OLeeiions for Diocesan Missions. E;u K1eii"s Arnica Salve The best Salvo in the world f cr cnta, bruises Kor.s, ulcers, rhenni, fever sores, tetter, chapped handt', chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively curet piles, or no pay ri;;;,d. It is guaranteed to give perfect a: ;.-r... ! io'i, or money refunded. Price25 cts ei 1 For sale dv II. U. Lvoas. daw H ANDSUME I'ltOI'ERTY FOF. SALE. An chir.inl lot. with fine crove of oaks and ht-tmits, lv:mti:ii!ly tituaU'd and coinniamling V.:u: vk 'ws. About veii-eights of an acre in lue :. AlvatiUJt'on'!T.'ied. Apply to au tf.'-ilif NAT! ATKINSON & SONS. JOR SALE, i !ie Eag'e Prug Store in Brevaid. The only fl; si. ire in the county. Will sell cheap for -ii. 1 or particulars apply to C. E. FARMER, : -!.u-T Brevard, N. C. - LONGMAN MARTINEZ - 'RKl'A RED PAINT. The 11th year of the largest consump tion ever secured bv any known brand paint. Every callon of it Las been sold under our guarantee. Tts reputation of bemu the highest grade of paint that can he produced, has been justly earned bv it merit and the satisfactory results of lis use. For sale by BEARDEX, RANKIN & CO. auc 21 dtf MINERALS! C. M. McLOlTV President. N. rLUM ADORE, Manager. TRA XS3IOX TA Nt 1 IE3sta,te AND Trust ' 'oinpnnv. Itooui J i:.-le isiock, AsIIKVII.ee, n.c. j'i'i'ersi:i m;.ue, miniiig i:(perties, anct a'l I .n-N (t' I r:l : t -!:U ? i -e--..leU-iiec iin ited from all parties having : e;;;iins ! r -ve ioj-ree! : '.. - i t (i.il'l an.l si'.vn U:e. J.'.M. .r.n!yscs ) - h r rT :it lowe-l r:Ue. A!' !i-:! iiiL- iloiie rro:ni!ly lit tho coinpany s :i;' r.-.;.)'y m Ashtvilie. jill . 1 (i.VWi'lll ALLEN'S' Aromatic - Elixir Is t lie only medicine ever placed on the market that will cure Colic, Diarrhoea, Dy.-eiitery. l'lux, Cholera Morbus, Indi pestion, Summer Complaints of Child ren, cce.. without debilitating the system or leaving the bowels constipated and the liver torpid. The reason is that it contains no Opium or Narcotic Drugs, but is entirely a harmless compound. It is a scientific preparation, carefully prepared by an experienced Pharmacist, and for the past two years lias been thoroughly tested by honest and compe tent physicians and intelligent families with the most satisfactory results. It can be jrivi n in connection with any other medicine with entire confidence and most rratifyinjr results to both physician and patient. We have never known a fail ure to cure or benefit, or heard one word of di-'salisfaction expressed in any case where the directions have been carefully followed. It relieves the pain, allays the irritability and leaves the bowels in the natural condition. Full directions on each bottle. -Testimonials :- ):. Siiu'l L. Love, Ex Auditor State of N. 0., s.r. I have prescribed Allen's AromatiJ Elixir iu"i';v "Taeticfi! with great success, and can conli duu.y iLcoaimeuU it to the public. lr C 1! i:o!erts says Have given Allen's Aro uu;ie Kdxira personal test, lean heartily rec onjii'.f'iid it as a sate, pleasant and etticient rem edy in tue diseases for which itiarecommeiide.'. r II I. McFadyen says I have prescribed Al len's Aroma' le Elixir lor patients sufl'ering with l'iiuiii'i a. Iys:ntery, &e., with besa results. I 'nave never had any disagreeable symptoms fol low :ti; its a laiiuistration. Ilon.SM Finder, Supt. Public Instruction for State S C. Kalei :h. X t:, sivs 'I he battle 1 used proved bcneiieial lo me. If it was on sale here I won'ii iry it fan Her. .1 A Fei gu'ou. J P. Chairman of the Board of Ed '.eaiion lor Haywood to, N C. says I had been sulleringVery mucti with Dysintery, I took Aclen s Aromatic Elixir and in a short time was abletoaitend lobusiness, and was entirely cured w ithout ill etleets following its use. J CI Berry, of New York, says I have been Pou'h Tor my health. At Asheville, N C, I was snibMiii'-j very much with Diarrhwa; three doses o. Aden's Aromatic Elixir comnletcly cared me. Albert 3 Bryson, Merchant and Mica Dealer, Webster, N C, says I had been suffering with Dysentery f r several days. Had used several remedies without relief. Two doses of Allen's Aromatic Elixir permanently cured me. K D Gdmer, Attorney at Law and Chairman of the emocratie Ix-Commiitee, Haywood co. says I have used Allen's Aromatic Elixir myself cud have given it to my infant 18 months old. In both cases H tU'eete l a permanent cure. I cheer fully recommend it for the ai.meuts i t is repre seuied to cure. D Williams, Snpt.of Scottish Land and Lumber Co. t ays Your Aiomatie Elixir is verf satisfac tory. Will order a onamity as soon as I get lo cated for use in our logging camp. W L Norwood, Attorney Et Law, says Have e vcti Allen's Aromatic Elixir to my little son, 5 ?.: old. ,'o had been su ffi -ing with Diarrhcea lo:' ve.ks. A two ounce vial entirely cured Lim. S Thnmai, rresi Jent of the X C Tale, and M.i oleco, !:i r.nts, N C. says I have had oeca s o Moii-e Alley's Aiomatie Elixir myself end i ave tiven it lo my hahds r.i the mines, also 1 have Known it c-ed by families living adjacent to !-. y :i.l:;es. have U'ed it with invariable su it ism opinion : lint it is the best mod- lei e extatit lor liie diseases it is recommended J p?wtfi, Vcteriuaty s- irscon, saya Have ta ken A i -a s Aromat:e I. sir a: yself. and have Lve'i n to ir.ycli: d. in ii- int. one vearold. with n;i -i -a i-i. ie-u''. 1 t an ciieerfully bear H:-l aiotiy to its me; i.s ior the diseases It is repre it'ii o i lo cure. Hon. J (.' L tludjrer. ex -Judge of ihe Superior If' iiT't i.. .V i',mi--1 am ae'iiiaiuted witn the !':: le.o: s o Ae i's :omatiu Elixir. They are wo..hy. hon..-t 1ii:i.-s men. The men who I ave en 'or-vd tueir medie-'nes are of ihehighcst I t -'t ol gciiileiii jii, intelligent, honest and trulii f.il. I !.-. P T DMiilct'n, of Lakeland, Fla . says j Ai;'- n's A' 'oniaiie El:xir. my wile used, gave'ber pe ire: leiie'. vhe and mvvell'a'e under many j o -i v ill. ns 10 yoa. I'se tii s eertiiieale if vou I tiimii it ,:. beef any benefit ta suli'eriug hu luaoiiy. We roulil give many others, but we cors'mer tlie above sufficient, as every one that has ever used Allen's Aromat ic Ei.ixik will not be without it. IW Sold by all Druggists and Dealers in Medicines, at 25c. per bo'.tle. Manufactured only by I:c 5, S. S. Allen Company, limited, sept4dawlm Waynesville,'N. C. Care Tor Pilra. Kles are frequontly preceded by a sense of weight in the back, loins and lower part of the abdomen, causinc the patient to snpposo he hag some affection of the kidneys or negh- Donug organs. At times, symptoms 01 indi gestion are present, flatulency, uneasiness of tho stomach, etc. A moisture liko perspira tion, produciug a very disagreeable nenmg, after getting warm, is a common attendant. Blind Bleeding and Itching Tiles yield at once to the application of Dr. liosanko'a l'ile Rcm edy.whicli acts directly upon the parts affected, absorbing the tumors, allaying the intense itching, and effecting a pormanent cure. Price 50 eta. Address tho Dr. Dosanko Medicine CO., l'iqua O. Bold by H H Lyons. dawly After this week Turner will daily re ceive clams, crabs, turtles, terrapins, all seaside delicacies; also celery. Elegant dinners spread from half-past 1 to 3 p. m. for 50 cents, including a glass of pood wine; also dinners at 75 cents, including half-pint superioi wine. tf PROFESSIONAL CARDS. CHAS. A. MOURE. P. A. CUMMIXG jyOORE & CUMMINGS, Attorneys and Counsellors at Ialw, ASHEVILLE, N. C. Practice in the United States Circuit and Dia rict Courts at Asheville, Statesville, Charlottt and Greensboro; ui the Supreme Court at Rk. eigb and in the Courts of the Twelveth Judicial Du trict of the State of North Carolina. Special attention given to collections ot claimr aug7-l y w & a w WJALTEli W. VANDIVER. ASHEVILLE, - - - NO. TA. Practices in the courts of Western North Caro lina. Collection of claims, in any part of the Slate, a specialty. juliJdtf J A. WATSON, M. D. OFFICE HOUSS- 9 to 10 A. M. NO. 20 PATTOX AVENUE, 2 to 3 P. M. Asheville, N. C. se 10-dtf W. V. JONES. GEORGE A. SHUFORD JONES & SHUFORD, Attorneys at Law, ASHEVILLE, - - - -N.C. Practice In the Superior Courts o Wcern North Carolina, the Supreme Court of the State, and the Federal Courts at Asheville. Otliee in Johnston Building, where one member of the firm ean always be found. nov 11 dlvear HENRY HARDWICKE Attorney lt Law, Asheville, N. C. Will practice in all the courts of the State. Collect ions of claims a specialty. Otliee w ith Sherin in Court House. ian4-dlt T 1HOS. A. JONES, Attorney ut Lsm ASHEVILLE, N. C, Oct ;? ly s w Ofiice with Dav'dsou fi Ma rj1 II. COBB, .IttonipynDd 'ouivscllor al Law, Otliee in Burnett building, North side Public Square, ASHEVILLE, X. C. Practices in all Courts, State and Federal, jau 2.!dly OSEPH S. ADAMS, Attorney iiimI Coiiiisrilor at Law. OUice fifLaw Building, adjoining First National Bank, ASHEVILLE, N. ( Pi-acticcs in all courts, State and Federal, i-.'nt 7 1 year D R3. McGILL & BATTLE, Wardlaw McGii.l, M. D.. Practice limited to Eye, Ear.l roht and Lungs. Sam. Westray Battle. M.D.U. S. N., I'hybieian and Suigcan. Oflices over Default's Drug Store. Ho,OiUce hours 10 a. m. to 12 m., and 2 to 4 p m. se 21-tf jTmes a. bukrocgiis, ' Physieiau i5il Burgeon, ASHEVILLE, K C, Ofiice over Powell & Snidi. a. g Kesidence comer of Main and WoodSn streets, de li-ly C HAS. 1. McCANDLISS. Surveyor anil iril Engineer, asiifvii.i.e. nr. tt OfSce with A. J. Lyman, Real Estate Broker. also agent koe HAZLEIIURST & HUCKEL, Architects, (design ers of Battery Park Hotel) Philadelphia Peuua ol5d3m R OGER J. PAGE, Attorney at I.nw, ASHEVILLE, N. C. Practices in all the Courts, State and Federal jan 14 dtf J ATENNENT, Architect and Civil Engineer. Designs. Specifications, and Estimates oi the style of building furnished upon appjieation, A work superintended when desired. AU worker trusted to me as uivn tngineer win receivt uromut attention. ThoroiiKh drainage oi" lands a specialty. Post Office address, Ashcviils oi oest, . u. Kesioence swanuanoa unage rcav 16-bmoa c AN ADA COWAN (Established in 1855.) Watebmker, Jeweler, AND DEALER IN muuj, Clocks, Jewelery, Spectacles, d-c Patton Avenne, Asheville, N.C. Leroy W. Fairchild s Gold Pen. Good ock alwavs on hi"L IHEj. t Ijavidscs, Jas G. MabtjB DAVIDSON A MARTIN, Att iruryt) k ounsellors-nt. t,ft w! AflHEVILLB, N. C, WIB iira;ttce m the 8th and 9th Judicial District! and in t'.ie Supreme Court of North Carolina, ana in the federal uourisoi tne western yiatrictoj Noith Carolina. Kef er to the Bank of AsaeTllle. sepl9-swAw6m FIRE INSURANCS INSURANCE S3 fe3 i i &4 INSURANCF PULLIAM 60. At Bank of Asneville BEST COMPANIES. FIRST TO PAY LOSSES IN THE WIL MINGTON FIRE ,nh 16-dlv CHARLOTTE Female Institute. NO Institute for young ladies in the South has advantages superior to those oflered here i:i every department Collegiate, Art and Music. Only experienced and accomplished toacners engaged. The building is lighted with gas. warmed with the best wrought-iron lurnaces, has hot and cold water baths, aud first-class ap pointments as a Boardiug School in every reapect no school in the South has superior. For Board and Tuition per session S100. deduction for two or more from same family or neighborhood. Pupils charged only from date of entrance. For Catalogue, w.te full particulars, address Rbv. WM. R. ATKINSON, e3-dtl wla Charlotte. V. Notice to Tax-Payers ! THE TAX LIST FOR 188T HAS BEEN placed in my hands for collection. All persons aie notified to come up at once and settle. They are now due and must be paid N. A. REYNOLDS, Oftice in Court nonso. City Tax Collector. I6m CURIOSITIES. North Carolina Minerals, Gemb, In dian Relics, and Native Wood Cares, at 2G South Main et. II. A. LINDSEY, MineralisL july 1 d3ni R. T. Owen & Son, Carriage Painters and Trimmer, And Sign and Ornamental Painters. All work guaranteed to give satisfac tion. The only shop in Asheville that can give you a First-Class Job of Carriage Fainting or Trimming. Give us a trial, and be convinced that we do what we promise. Fancy Sign Ornamental Paint iiiK and Frescoing a Spe cialty. Shop No. 2 Willow street le 23-2m JONES & PORTNER, No. 19 N. Main St., ASHEVILLE, N. C, Manufacturers of and Peelers La HARNESS, Saddles, Bridles, &c., iind dealers in COLLARS, IIorse-Brushes, Whip?, Currycombs, Spurs, te. Fine English Saddles a specialty, Fly Nets, new lot oi Bristie Goods just arrived. Lap robes, axle grease, lubricating oil. A complete assortment of everything usu ally found in a irst t dealing in our line ol trade. Our i.-.r:ees &liail be as low as tne lowest, here or e sevrliere. Olve us a call, JOXSS t- I'ORTXEK, junld:f So, 19 N. Main St. West End Pharmacy, 2G3 PATTON AVENUE, Telephone No. 9. A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF DRUGS, Toilet 4rliclis -Voir J Stock. Pieserii'tior.s aecuraiely cmponnde.! by exper ienced druggists at ail bour TOBACCO, CAXDIKS, ALSO DELICIOUS COLD SODA WATER ON DRAUGHT. Mr. II. G. Chandler is with ne and wouid be pleased to see bis friends. J. H. WOODCOCK. ROGERS' AGENCY, Wolfe Building, S. Fub. Square Real Kstate, Fire Insurance, Xifc Insurance. The Mutual Life Ins'e Co., OF NEW YORK, .lssfs Over $111,000,000. I.AKHEST, STKOXliEST AND BEST COMPA NY IX THE AVOIiLI) AliSOLUTE SECUUI TY AT LOWEST KATES, AVE C.UA KAXTEE VEItY l'.EST KF.Sl'LTS EV.lt ATTAINED. Lion Fire Insurance Com'y. Of Jjondon, England. AND OTHER FIRST-CLASS FIBE COMPANIES. Approved liiska taken at Low eat Rates consistent with Perlect Secnrily. Real Estate, improved or unimproved, City 1'roperty, Houses and Lots, Farms, ttc., bought and sold on commission, on fa vorable terms. Prompt and careful attention guaranteed lo all property handled by this Agency A share of patronage is respectfully so licited. Ii. Palmer Rogere, Agt Wolfe Building. South Public Square. au 2o-3m $5,000 woitrii of mfloiQited and Unmounted If. J Carolina, Furs to he Sold in Sixty Days,. To make room for a heavy stock of Fall and Winter Furs, I will sell, low, during the next sixty days, my stock of Mounted and Unmounted Western North Carolina Furs, such as Bear, Wolf, Catamount, Red Fox, Grey Fox, Deer, Coon, Four hundred tanned sheep and lamb skins, Otter, Beaver, all ol these are elegsntlr mounted, or unmounted. I have two "live red foxes, ready for a chase. I also have alive, one elegant American tiger. All kinds of fancy fur work made for Hdie3, and also fine taxiderney. M. EL LICK, ' 24 N. Main st. J. C. BROWN & CC MERCHANT TAILORS, No. 35 Patton Avenue, next Grand Central Hotel. english-mai5e GARMENTS I A Specialty' HURT UEXIKOX, Xo, IS I:st(on Avenue. HEADQUARTERS FOR WATCHES, . JEWELRY, SILVERWARE, and optical goods. Repairing promptly done and warranted ENGRAVING A SPECIALTY, oct 1 dly JgMPLOYMENT WANTED. A mirldll nffpfl m-in nrnittB ncifimi as mnnnirAr oi a large farm; has had Ions experience in agriculture, truck farming, raisiujr staple crops, otue ., uuiry pruucei ana pomirv. Address V. H., il UX 422, ce ui 11 Asneville, iN. v. R. N. ADAMS. J. T. AJAMS. R.xN. Adams xSoij. FUKXITUKE REPAIRING. The above firm, at their hhnn nt thn lnrner nf South Main and Church streets, No. 179, offer their services to the citizens of Asheville and the surrounding country, to do in first rate .style, aii worn in ineir line, sucn as toimture repair ing, upholstering, bottoming chairs, &c ,&c. Also they are prepared to do undertaker's work, furnishing Metallic Co'ffins, or of walnut ana other wocds, from the most elaborate toi he pi Inest. Patronage respectrully solicited. June 16 d 3 m HARNESS, SADDLERY AND REPAIRING SHOP D. V. Smith & Co., No. IS, Norlh Main Street. HAS on hand a full line of double and pintle Harness, Saddles, I'.ridU'S. V.'iiij.s, and t'vei thiu .i.su:'.ily kejt in a first class Ilarnei-s .-iiui Thni-:c- in want of the above piods will K.i.VK .t3oi:v By examining their s-'o-i -5 ami j-rices be fore huvin. Repa'irintr done at IJO i f M TRICKS. jalo daw;!m; Owing' to increased facilities for disposing of "front (juarier meat" we ean wow furnish a few more families with tirst-clas loin cuts. As the number of customers who u.se these cuts must he regulated according' to the demand for other grades of meat, those 'who may wish to contract for their supplies should call early, as we must fol low the miller's rule "First come first served." "We handle nothing but first-class cattle, sheep and hogs. Kespect fully," ZACHAHY AND ZACIIAliY. HOOT Main Street, (Above Eagle Hotel) SshevilIe, .V. C o The oest stock alwavscn hand. Work always guaranteed to give satisfaction. 1 am especially preparea to ib ikc ikiois anu hoes so as to prevent PAMi'NEsfik diiiUEAKiNO. Ready-SIadc iisto Work, ol all Sorts ou Ilaiiil. Gentlemen and Ladies' Repairing a Spe cialty. Fine Custom Work always onhand, any tyle and satisfaction guaranteed, i s to stock aud work. Shoemskers' Findings al-.viys oh hand and lor sale, the best in the market, at low uriees Gents' custom-made, loWKjurterei dress shoes made of best material, now offered for Si and (1.50 usual urice Sfi. Call carlv. JESSE R. STARNES, Successor to X. Brand & Co., UNDERTAKER, .ASHEVILLE, N. C. Alr.tallic and Walnut Coffins constantly onhand. Every requisite of the business turnisnea. au cans uay oriufruLiiruunii, ly answered. IJearseF I trniahed when dedired. Office." Xumbc 40 North Main Street. Embalming a specialty. Ixod es will be taken eliarge ol lni mediately if desired. mh 8 If J-OTICE. Applicants for Teachers' Ti-itions in Asheville Graded Schools, both white and colored, are notified that Prof. P. P.Claxton.Superintenleiit. will hold examinations in Asheville on October 2Utb, at 9:S0 A. M., in the ollice of the couuly Superintendent of ScIkmIs. oct 9 d2w W. F. RANDOLPH, Secretary. ClOE SALE OR RENT. We offer for sale or rent that fine farm of Capt. P. F. Patton within twomile3 of the city on the Swannanoa River. This is likely one of the very best farms in Western North Carolina, and contains in all over Eive Hundred Acres of land, two hundred and any acres cleared, and about eighty ecres of first class bottom land. It will be offered as a whole to rent, but if sold will hn anhdivided (if desiredi to snit purchasers I and on liberal terms of payment. Apply to or I address NATT ATKINnON & SONS, se 30 dtw2r Real Estut I) ealei b. WINE AND LiQUOR STORE MAIN ST., 3rd DOOR ABOVE THE SAUK Y WUKVILLF The largest and most cornplett nssortmont ol Imported and Domestic Wines, Liquors and Brandies TO EE WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA Fine old Corn and Rye Whiskey. PEACH & APPLE BRANDIES Cooking Wines and Brandies -A- Specialty. C3 f f-f :-if f STRICTLY Eliyib'.v situated. Conimaiiding uianificent mountain views, and yet convenien to business. A home for ladies and families. iani2d&wiv RAWLS BROS., Proprs. HOT SPRINGS, NO. CA. MOUNTAIN PARK HOTEL. FUIST CLASS IX EVERY ltESI'ECT. For terms and descriptive pamphlet iddicss 15. 1". CIIATEIELD, 1'iop'r. Auctioneer and OHIco at Store of A. ALSO AGENT FOR THE SALE OF ADMIRAL NEMMES' VALUA BLE HISTORY -SERVICE AFLOAT."' se 1 1-dltn PENNIMAN & CO. .1 S HE J'l MEE, J C. JOBBERS AND DEALERS IN AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS OLD HICKORY WAGONS, BUGGIES, ANCHOR BRAND FERTILIZERS, LI.VK AND PLASTER, CORN SIIELLERS, f .ED CUTTERS, &c. AGEXTS I Of? Old S3ickort; it 'ft got? s9 2a gland's Tobaem Seed, . rhor SSi'niid Fcrtitizar, 'iin.'itrrmtiit's Era it Evap orator .IScC'trtiiic&'ti Harvesting Tlarhiues. AND DEBUZliS IS SEEDS, INCLUDING CLOVER, TIMOTHY, AND OTHEK GRASS SEEDS. SOiTice at I:nnini;in & Co.'s, crner Nortli Main Street and Court house Square: and at Old Depot Bruize DOUBLEDAY & SCOTT, 24 & gOXOBTfil PSJBIt! SQIJAKE, Asheville, TV. 4., Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldings, Rooting Paper, Window Cords and Weights, AT LOWEST PRICES. - Estimate! proaiptly furnished, and special sizes piocured at short nonce Thevalso keep an ur.usua! variety of Building and Fonia? LuniVer Lath a'td Shinsjles. Kir. d! iv.f. WokI always on aud. ush 1-d.twly 1 Meet Hill M FOU BOYS. This school ti:! he opened at Xo. "! S. Main si., ia 1'ajslf: Hotel Block. 5tr Hillt, 1SS7. For information hs o tornn, address V. P1XCKXKY MASX, Aslieville. ST. oct 15 dtf ,K.c. J-OTICE. AU persons are hereby forbidien to harbor, maintain or hire my wile Matilda Forney or any o: my children who are with her. All persons harboring, aiding, maintaining or hiring them will be prosecuted according to law. oct 6 dtf GEOttO 15 FORNEY. yANTED. a vmini? mnrt of stpaiv habits, trood ctiarni'ter and address, desires a situation es Clcik, either in store or ofiice. References given. Addn-wj M.;" P. O. Drawer V., Asheville, N. O. se IT (i f FOUND IN CD RST CLA SS fclOTKI, 05 s I L L - Real Est&fta - $ont, V. Davis, Court Square building, neur French Mtoad Tron ja 30 ty JUST DECEIVED EXTRA FINE CAPE COL CRANBERRIES AT J. M. HESTOFS, Hotel iJ'oi-.k.

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