TELEGMPHIC. LORD BEKESFORD HOPE DEAD. Collision at Sea Anil Loss of Nearly a Whola Crew. Fatal Collision on flic :. A A. Air lilne Itoat!. Ah Asheville I.ntly Hilled An Engineer Killed ant Three Astaeville Citizens Won nleI. OTHER IXTKRESTIXU TI'.I.KKKAMN. Particulars of the Railroad Accident. l!y telegraph to the Asheville Citizen Charleston, S. C, Oct. 20. A freight train from Spartauburg and a passenger train from Atlanta, col lided at Greer's, 12 miles east of Greenville tins morning. Both en gineers were killed, and the total killed is variously estimated at from three to ten. Tiie Morgan Rifles of Spartanburg wero on the passenger tTain returning from Atlanta. No other particulars received. Atlanta, Oct. 12. The accident 1 1 Greers, S. C. to day was caused by the ireight train running off schedule time. Mrs. McDowell of Asheville, N. C , and engineer B. T. Wall aie among the killed. Ten are said to be seriously wounded. LATER. Charleston, Oct. 20. The col lision occurred three milts west of GrterV, and was caused by tin freight train not sideMrackirg at Greer's to let the passenger train pass. The passenger train passed Greenville lour hours late. Both engines were wrecked; also the pos tal, baggage and express car of the passenger, and the fiist three of the freight. Engineer Harris and conductor Beyille of the freight train have disappeared. A negro saw them running through t!)3 woods. The killed are Mrs. Ham p McDowell of Asheville, and Robert Ward the passenger train engineer. The injured were J. B. Erwin of Asheville, leg broken and other foot badly mashed, Ed Harnett, fireman of passenger train, arm amputated and bndly scalded, expected to die; J. L. Webster of Columbus, Ga., trainman, right arm amputated, and otherwise seriously injured, James Kinj'an, Greenville, S. M. Dykeman and W. R. Wilson, At lanta, painfully bruised; Misses Mary and Nannie and Willie Er win, of Asheyille, bruised, and Phillip Black, negro brakeman of the freight train, concussion of the brain, very serious. :o.- More of the Yellow Fever. By telegraph to the Asheville Citizen.. Washifgton, D. C, Oct, 20 Dr. King Wylly, president of the State Health Protection Association tele-, graphs C. H. Jones, editor of the Times-Union as follows : The May or of Tampa wired me that they are in need of money in Tampa. Will you please through the Associated Press and your columns ask differ ent counties and communities to send such amounts as they can to either the cashier of the First National Bank of Tampa to be used as may be deemed expedient for the relief ol the suffering, caring for the Bick, and taking care of the large number of persons thrown out of employment. The suffering falls especially on the laboring class. hite and black are now out ol work who must be provided for." Signed King Wylly, Protective Association, President Florida Health Association. Burning tf a Wilmington Steamer. (By telegraph to the Asheville Citizen.) Wilmington, Oct. 20. The steamer Regulator, an iron vessel of about G50 tons, belonging to the Clyde line, and running between New York and this city, was burned at her wharf here about 1 a. in. to day. Her cargo consisted of 930 bales of cotton, navel stores, and lumber, valued at 650,000, was en tirely destroyed. The vessel alo is a total loss. Both vessel and cargo were insured. ;o: Aii M. P. Dead. (3y telegraph to the Asheville Citizen. London, Oct. 20. Right Hon. Alexander James Beresford Hope, the liberal conservative Member of Parliament for Cambridge Univer sity, is dead. Collision at Sea. By telograph to the Ashe ville Citizen. J.23 London, Oct. 20. The steamer Uppa collided with, and sunk, the German bark Planteur of Beachy Head Tuesday. Eleven persons wera drowned and the Captain of the bark has since died. Only two of the crew ol the baik survived. ;Yellow Fever at Taiiina. By Telegraph to the Asheville Citizen, Washington, D. C, Oct. 20. Surgeon General Hamilton to-day received a tcleuratu from Deputy Collector Spencer at Tampa, Fla., baying that there have been two deaths and lour new cases since last report. :o: Have you a cough ? Sleepless nights need no longer trouble yon. The use of Ayer8 Cherry Pectoial, before retiring, will soothe the cough to quiet, allay the inflammation, and allow the needed re pose. It will, moreover, speedily heal the pulmonary organs, and eive you healthy t21 You want to see that $2 00 Geat But ton Shoe at J. O. Howell'p. . One very interesting feature of the programme to-day will be about two dozen ladieB on horseback who will be in the procession directly next to the President and Mrs. Cleveland. Mr. J. II. Herring is marshal of this corps. Not. ok. All mounted men from neighboring counties aro invited to take part in the horeebaek escort to day, and will report me unuersigm-u at the f air urounds at eight o'clock, or to Col. W. R. Young. Johnstone Jones, Chief Marshal. The delegation of the Knights of Labor in to-days reception haye tendered General Johnstonw Jones and his staff of marshals a review. It has been accepted and will take place at the Public Square, on the return of the procession from the de pot. All mounted organizations are invited to join us in honoring the grand marshal and his aids. W. F. Randolph, Marshal. Another Serious Accident. We learn from friends who came in from Heudersonville last evening that news had reached that place yesierday that Mr. W M. Davies had been run over in Atlanta by a railroad train and killed. We could not verify the rumor, and sincerely hope it is not so. "On Thursday night," says the editor of a Mississippi newspaper, "whilj' we were writing an editorial on the financial condition ol the country, some fiend in human shape threw a brick through our window and struck us on our head. Ve fell to our floor and lost oursenses. IIow long we remained in our condition of unconsciousness we know not. The first thing we remember was being taken up by Major Gibner, our good friend. We were taken to a drug stove, where our wound was drei-sed. Our wife and chil dren moii came. :md we weie taken to our home. We are naturally in dignant over this cowardly attack upon us, and we offer a year's sub scription to our paper to the man who discovers who it was that hit us " And how hopeless and how inad equatejs the man of loose principle and of carnal life! He can do noth ing for us; he shrinks away; he shrivels up. Amid soirows, and by beds ot sickness :;nd of death, he is profoundly useless.; heisutterh out of place. Goodness alone lasts mure delightful and more interesting the longer we abide in its company. The bad, as Plato nobly said, may go off at the start of life's race with more promise and hope than the good; but then they come in sound ly outrun oeforc the close. Canon Holland. The western editor boomed the boom, In facl, he boomed it with a banc But oh, die boom it backward twuny; And he fell cold ! the boom he rur-g Turned out the boom-e-raiig ! Tid Bits An exchange says Gettysburg is becoming a summer resort. So it was in 1S63, but it was much warm er then. New Orleans Picayune. Market Keports. By telegraph to the Athevllle Citizen Baltimore, Oct 20. Flour quiet, dull ; wheat, southern, quiet, firm, red S0a2: amber S2a4, western, easier, dull, No. 2 winter red, spot, 7SJ ; corn, southern, firm, white o2a"0 ; yellow 52J ; western firmer dull. Cincinnati, Oct. 20. Wheat, No 2 red, 73; corn easier. No 2 mixed, 43 J; oats, quiet, No 1 mixed 28J ; pork, quiet, 14; whiskey, firm 1.05. St. Lot is, Oct, 20 Flour quiet and firm; wheat quiet and firm. No. 2 red cash 7j'i, Oct. 70!, corn dull cash 39)a 41, Out. 40; oats easy 24?. Oct 23; whis key steady, 10"'; provisions dull; easy. Youiit: men or middle-aged ones, Kiiflcr ing from nervous debility nd kindred wtal-iitt-st s liould Fend 10 cents 111 stamps for illustrated book S'lutre.-tint: sure means of eur-. Address World's Dispensary Medial ssocialioii, Gtil Main street, Buffalo, N" Y. d&wlw JCo I"re Lunches served or any kind of will animals on exhibition at the White Man's Bar to attract attention or draw trade, as I keep none but the purest whiskie3 and charge for the same, and mv motto is "one price to all." sept 8 dtf BSTOn and after date the Pioneer Bar, 23 S. Main st. will make no bills selling strictly for cash, except by special agree ment. By this means I can handle bit ter goods. tf R. R. Jon us. Pierce's "Pleatant Purgative Pellets" are perfect preventives of contipation. Inclosed in "lass bottlrs, always fresh. Bv all drti2"itts. ditwl w Oysters served in every shape at Tur ner & Bronsou's afier the Sth inst. The lovers of this delicious article will re uember tivis fact. tf The "Mather Glove,'- the newest and best glove on the market. Call and see them, at W iiitlock s. dOt The lowefat prices on Crockery. Glass ware, China and Laui s will be found at W, C. Keller iS: Co.'s, Mo. 12 l'atton Av enue, sept s ow The lovers of pure corn whiskey can find no better than at Bob Jones', Tne best wines and liquors can also be found there. tf X !art;e stock of Black Motirijiiu: Veils, of fim-st quality, Xuns Veiling Wcol aud Wool and bilk, dot at Wiiitxock's Handsome ttuk'S in Uarpete, liunx. Art Sfjutm s, Oil Cloths, dir. oSUeodtf 11. KKVVUU oV CO. Derby Hit! in Yohhhm's, Duiap's, and ililltr's ehapts several folors. oSdeodlf il. REDWOOD & CO. T-te greater vnrt of o tr Stulith Suils made to ortler carefuiUi) is now in tlock and readv for inspection. Our ItneoJ loutlis', Boys1 and Children' t Clothing and Misses' Wraps is unusually l uu ana auiacitve. oSdeodtf II. REDWOOD & CO. Call and see new Dress Goods and Trimmings, at Wuitlock's. dOt ilOR SALE. Ih'te thoroughbred JIures of flue tvle and action, elegant Sadu e horse rektered. in nruue s muj ihih, ivo croKen to harness. i'NO. A. WILLI Mf, Jr., july lo t.'iTrZEN office. ""SKYLAJND." There will be another public sale of lots on Thursday the 20th, and Saturday the 22nd, of October at this attractive new town. There will be conveyances to leave 1 he Court Square at 9 o'clock each of the above days, to give free passage to and from the place. Ladies wishing to go will please leave word day before at A. C. Davis' store, s.i as we can send after them. t t TTTT t . O. MILLER. J. J. HILL, Auctioneer. From LOG-s WAITED. WALNUT, POPLAR & ASH. Flooring-, Ceiling', Werther-Boarding AND ALL LUK RIDG!'i ASHEVILLE JUNCTION, N. C. Ke.-t 1 (). Toadyism appears to have reach ed its uttermo limit in England, It is cabled Irom London that, "owing to repeated appeals for chips fiom fees felled by Mr. Gladstone at Ilawaideii, a printed c.rcrlir has been issued, fixing a unifnm cha re ot eighteen pence for a .viinll block, the pei hMent ati .icks of the three shillings per cubic Icot, ex-! e l pi e. In iS-SS the Graphic will elusive ot carnage. Hrcakiiiga H inflow. If a tree were lo break si window, what might the window say ? Tremendous (trcmend-us). Taylor's Cherokee ltcmcdy of Sweet Gum and .Mullein has a tre mendous sale, for it niciuls all forms of coughs, colds and lung troubles. The shortage of Kenned)-, the Secretary of the Jasper Loan Asse ciation of Savannah, is finally ascei. tained to be $2 2,ood. He will not be prosecuted, and says he will pay up. The Wealth of a Home Is dependent ly.on the happiness there in. If sickness is there, what a shadow falls Par-en's, von should never neglect a blight eouyh or cold, but give in time lay lor s Lin rokeo Keniedv tf Sweet Gum and Mullein. 'You must be very polite to suc ceed in this business," sai'1 a barber to his young apprentice. ''Always wear a pleasant smile and try to flat ter everybody." "I'll tlo my best, sir," replied the apprentice; "but how am I to fl itter a h.ikl headed man?" "Easv enough," replied the barber, "lust a-.'.; him if ho doe-n't want his hair !' 4'nre fir Kick SIouSalae. For pro f that l-r. (.iuiin's Liver Pills cure Siek ilcadac.c, a-;k vour drtiiiuist for a free trial package. Only one for a dose. Regular eize boxes, 2o cents. Sold by II. H. Lyons. d.Vwlw " Doctor, why do so many jieople look pale, and weary, and sallow, and feel languid?" "I!ecaiise their l.ver dots tot act." Take the old reliable Dr. Hart's Liver Pills and you'll feel like being made anew. our appetite will improve, your 6leep will be sounder, your indices! ii 11 will be cured, your complexion will clear up; in fact, a transformation of the whole system will take place, and you will feel that life is worth liviii'. Ail for the fctini of 25 cent3 per box. How's Your Liver ? Is l., Orientai salutation, known-;; that trood health caiiiii.i -xi:;t uithnut a healthy Liver. When the Liver i. torpid the Bowels are slavish ami constipa ted, the food lies in the stomach undigested, poison ing the blood ; frequent headache ensues ; a feeling of lassitude, despondency and nervousness indicate, bow the who'e system is dc-' ranged. Simmons Liver Regulator has been tl- means of restoring moie people to health and happi ness by giving them a healthy Liver than any agency known on earth. It - acts with extraordinary power and efficacy. Asa general family remedy for lysr psi.i. Torpid Liver, ('oiisilnliu: tic. I hardly ever use anything else, and have neve- beep disap pointed in the t-llect produced ; it seems to i.c al most a period cure ior an diseases 01 stomucn ach and bowals. W. . McELROY, Macon, Ga. no24 eodw2m. OTICE. Notice is hereby (men to all 1 ersoiis holdinir any claim or demand against the esutc of U. E. Brooks to piescnt the tiuuc to me or Moore & Cummlngs, uiy attorneys, at Axlieville, N. v., for payment on, or before October Tth, 18s. D. V. THRASH, oct 7 w6jr Adm'r. of D. E. Brooks. TOP URSULINES hive pnrchsstd the IBB Hampton IMuf-ein t olmiihiii. Smith Carolina, where tliey will o; en tiielr liislltnlf forYounir JLntlies, wall freparatnrv .Scht.'il, Sept. lsCjlst!, giving fiit-claii3lvaiit: Res Fer circular address the Mo! Iter superior. M 26 WlW TTlie ILaiD'g'estf tock BOOTS AND SHOES Ever seen in any Store in Western North Carolina. IBy' amid Men's ve&'cc&s&ts. four - years up to Pour-Hundred Pounders. Home-EJade Boots and Shoes Always on Hand. M. LEVY, 19 South Ivlain-st. KINDS OF LUMBER CO-, oct 20 j The New Yoik Caohic i bough: by ;t syndicate ot as been .Vi ':!. IV ; kcpuU'c lii 1 k-retoforeit has ; an At'nvnistr.ition newspaper ecu 'out ; its guns will j Democracy. low !.e turned against In li-ir late presidential ; coolest- Mr ;::l; su Ik-re. i !:oi;i en eavor to make the pictoiial con test less one suicii. You cannot afford to "ut'eio! expi rimi ;ai!iu' wiit-n your tlauer. Luiis-viinti'iti .1 . t ee:r s, i;t first, on'v a eoi i. Io it,,r ;-en!it anv dealer to liiipo.- r,po!i v..:-, with M;-ie Ciieap in nation of t KinstV New !)is- Cveiy for CVnsiimp!i.n, ( 'oiij.-iiH and I L.oUls, Ir. t ui! stin- you jre-t the lieimine. Because lie e.m iimke i.ii re pioiit in- may TO Villi li- ti-. u i?ii. itnif tiiLif ':u or just the eam... imi'i bedeeeivch hut insist upon ,t;ii: !r. Kiel's Nev nis - e. ieiy n iiieu is 'u-..r:iiueeu to trive reiu i in all l'hroai, lnnr and Client allectiom. lrial hollies free at II II. Lyons' drnj store. Large. b-iUh.s 1. The dislitruiii: eruptions on the face, the i-unki-n eye. the pallid complexion, indicate ihat here i something wrong going on within. Kxpt I the lurking foe to health. .y r's Sarsaparilla was devis ed for that purpose; and does it. t21 The only thing you can get free at the White Man's L.r ia a wooden toothpick, and a good cijar for a nickel. sejit S dtf S. Y. McCrary will iiirnish Flour, ?deal. IJran and Siioits to !::er chani:; at miii j riees. Also li. . r m.s af Whole.' .-lie. dtf A veliiotis "How shall vi i:--t he (un; cvn to cu .' Well, if ti e !i )!-e cars are not umniny, v t::ii:': :: ;ioiv p!.;eh n or do cait with t wii hm -c-il: iven tandem, could do it. Lift. It Aborts -"scmI lls Public to hear of th-i n Mgnation of Dr. Pierce as at'ongti-sfinaii to devote himself solely to his htlfis as a phynician. It was be cause his true constituents were the sick and aillic'nd everywhere. They will find D . Pierce's "Golden Medical Dis covery" a beneficent use of his scientific knowledge in their behalf. Consump tion, bronchitis, cough, heart disease, fever and ague, intermit tent fever, dropsy, neuralgia, goitre or thick neck, and all diseases of the blood, are cured by this world-renowned medicine. Its properties arc wonderful, s action maeical. Bv druggists. dtiwlw - Say, why is everything Either at sixes or at sevens ?" Probablv, my dear nervot.s sister, be cause you are suffering from some of the diseases peculiar to your se. You have a "tli egging down feeling, the Lack a;he, hu a-.-e debilitated, you haye pains td various kinds. Take Dr. K. V. Pieice's "Favorito Prescription" and be cur. d. Price reduced to one iioliar. By druggists. d&wlw Stoves, Haxges asu HeaTkhs. A car loa.l just received, and at f rices lower than ever before offered at W. V. Kiii.i.Eit's, No. 12 Patton Avenue. Picture trainee at cost at Mono an 's. Ladies' Wraps, a large stoc ; of Jackets and Visites, something nice in Seal Pinsh. dOt Call at WnntooK'sj Biliousness, Sickheadachc, Constipation, Dyspepsia. It cools the Mood; it gives J.-tg!i'.; It shurpensup the appetite. It aid the JJecr do its part, And stimulates the feeble heart. 1 11 liitimtt ptjonies endured, By TAKKAXT'SSEI.TZIOKcan ic cured, oct 2 deod&w times I) ISSOLUTION. The eonartuersliip heretofore exipting between W. S. Ray and S il. Shivers ii the firm iame of Eay it Sliivers is this day by mutual agreement tlissolTed, S. M. Shivers retiring. W. S. liny will se. tie all claimi for and anjiust the lirm and coi.tinue the Uvfyi:tin'.-ss. W. S. RAY, oct 15 dhv 1. s. M. SHIVERS. (Senate5 IFtsaiiiiMBBgB Bcif Hats, Caps, Trunks and Valises. Everybody vcars Levy's 3.00 Homc-Mado Shoes. M. LEVY, 19 South Main street. A truth worth knowing- it' you are going to buy a SUIT for Winter, or an OVERCOAT, Wo are the only manufacturers of Clothing in western Carolina, Which enables us to save purchasers at leass 2.r per cent. Our Stock is complete in Men's, Youths' and Boys' Clothing. Also a full and select line in IT'JeXISlIIXG (iOODS and HATS, and a beautiful lino of Sam pies for Cu.-toin-made Work always on hand. A perfect til iruaranteed, and the suit readv in siv d.-ivs from the time the order is Kari & Wilson's 0I! given. :irs ami W. S. IIKCIIT, Manager. sepUl-Sm I Scientific Heating and Stoam Fittors, Tinners 1 ' ' Agents for liartkifs Improved Warm Air Furnace ; also for Merchant & Co.'s Star Ventilator. We arc Prepared to Furnish all Kinds of Gas Fixtures. , 11 1 1 .... I "l ,,ul V0.1 kI1.KU :ut "r-ci, iiaving Usui Horn 1U to VJ. ycar.s experience in their trades, and wc j f?l,:ll':int oe sat ishu tinn. Plans, spccihYstt ions and estimates furnished on application. Persons liavhi" I WOl'K TO (to 111 our line Jl EMOYAI.! ll:ivi!iir ivmovel ir.v slton to Xortlt M:'.'ii stret t. Xi. i'l'.J. one Coor nurtii (.!' I.tml'v 's tin .:iip, 1 am now fully prepared to do all manner (if work in repairing duns, PNioIs, li-n ks. Trunks nnd Valises. Give me u call. I.nok out for the bis,' gun anil lojk. A. W. l.lNOSEY. oct 1 dtf b m z p W r-H M H en 70 i 1 O g H xrs cr? f73 X F OR SALE. The finest pair o! thorough bred Kentucky mams, the fastest and handsomest pony lor children and the best broke pair of steers. Apply to H. H. LYON'S, sc 2i dtf Asheville, X. C. GEORGE A. CLARK, SOLE AGENT. Tho BEST nnd 3IOST POPn.AH Sewing- Thread of Modern Times. BEWABE OF EMTATIOXS. A COMPLETE ASSOIITMFNr FOR SALE BY BREVARD 80 BLAHTON ASHEVILLE, N. C. oet If! dllili. "USB V m a r s of GJlotMnn CuliV always in stock. Can savo 11101103- by coming to sec us. 15 ALT. CLOTHING HOUSE, 10 Patton Avenue. ntilating Kngineers, Plumbers, Gas and e -Hooling, Guttering ...... - Plans, specifications and estimates furnished on application, e would do well to see us before contracting. NO. 8 SOUTH WATER thi:- Aslievilk'MusicHouse NO. 35 NORTH MAIN STRE T. Sell Kxehtmges, Kejiair.- and Tunes The Ilenfeld (Ilerlin) Pianos, im ported sieeially for my trade. The Chiekerinjr, the old standard. The Mason & ilamlin, that needs tun injr Imt every two years. The Mathushek and Arion Pianos. The best Orran in the world the Mason it Hamlin and next the cele brated Wilcox evs White. Sold on monthly or quarterly install ments. One Price to all. Correspondence buys as cheap as per sonal purchase. Catalogues anil price lists freo on ap plication. I'. FALK. sopl27-dPiiu ASSIEVILLE MILITARY ACADEMY. TUE SESSION OP 1SS7-S OK THIS INSTITU TION WILL OPEN OX Wednesday, Sept. Till, nl 10 a. M. Foi catalogue ami other information address si 3 dtt .YENAULE & MASON. nOKTLAMi & UOSF.N DALE CEM- 1 IN NTS. CM.i INE1J I I.ASTEKS, I'Ul: rinj i lair I.inte, Locks, Nails, Gla'-s BEAUDEX, KAN KIN & CO., oct ! dtf 'to South Main st. N oncE. T.ikeu tin. tin 1:1 mv nremi es. a Red and Spot ted Cow, which owner can get by paying the expenses in kueptt.g o.v and advertisement. W. B, TROY, oct 1:1 d::t Patton ATtnae. LADIES', MEN'S, and CHILDREN' SHOES, MANUFACTURED BY BAY STATE SHOE & LEATHER CO. None better for service. BEARDEN, RANKIN aC), octtldtf 55 Sou ih I:i; 1 SS CML&MM TUt.VG. I am tlirmtKlilT prepared to do all manner of rUnclrsiinth'.iiK Repairing of Carriages Buggies and Wiiguns, to work at the lowest prices, and to give satisfaction. H rse shoeing a speeialtv. B Jive me a trial. H. M. HOWARD, sc U dlim Rear of Ynutlilder t Brown'sl El aW ! It and General Jobbing. STREET, ASHEVILLE, N. C. J. W. COIITLAXD, and z,uw nno it 1: it S. K. Cor. l-nf lio t:uare, Slain bt., Has for salt IMPKOVhJ rM.Ml'KOVKnQl'KOi'KKTi IN TIIE CITY OK ASAEVILLK AND SURROUNDING COUNTRY. IJuildino; Lots on various ror.d in the jrrowin-r Xoitli-Westcrn section of Aslioville. On the av enue opening into Rivekside Pai:k, and the Xew Duive lead ing to the Fuexcii Bno.M) Rivek, also on the Richmond Hill koad. J. W. Cortland, Real Estate Broker. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA FOR THE WESTERN DISTRICT OF NORTH CAROLINA. Eastern Band ol Cherokee Indians, Against Win. H. Thomns, Wm. Johnston, J. E. Carpenter, et als NOTICE TO DEFENDANT J. F. Carpenter. You will take notice that a rule grunted by thia Court upon you in the above entitled cause to fhow cause if any von have why a writ of in junction should not is-Jne lo restrain you or jour agents or employees from disposing of or in any wise inteiTerring with certain Black Walnut logs cut by you or your agents or employees upon the lands of the said Eastern Bund of Cherokee Indians in North ( iirnkua is returnable Defore this Court tit a Tt in thereof to be held at Ashe viUe on the First Monday in November next, at which time a mt tion will be made in the said proceeding lor the iiijutietion aforesaid, and also tor the appointment of a receiver to tako possession and sell the said property. J. E. KEED Clerk. se20 16w per C. B. llocrc, 1 tpuli IN TIIE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE UNIT "D STATES OF AMERICA FOR THE WESTERN DISTRICT OF NORTH CAROLINA. Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians, Against Wm. 11. Thomas Wm. Johnston, J. E. Carpenter, et als. NOTICE TO DEFENDANTS, T. U. MePhersou, J, C. Peabody and T. E. Gilbert You will take notice that a rule granted by this C.jui t up;m you in 'Le above entitled cause to show causn if any you have why a writ ot in j'lnction should not issue to restrain yon or yonr agents or employees and each of you from work ing, nperatiiifr, mining and collecting pold or other minet a!s from the bed ot tho Oconolufta river within the boundaries of the land ofth I astern Band of Cherokee Indians of North Car. olina plaintllls, is returnable before this Cour" at a Term thereof, to be held at Asheville on th c Hrst Monday ia November next at which time a motion w ill be made in the said proceeding fo. the injunction aforesaid. J. E. REED, Clerk, tetfj dtw (irl'.K Koore, Deputy

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