Y" "fPC 3C" 1 "w .. INCREASE IN THE CIRUULA-i TION. An official circular just issued by the Treasury I)ej)artmeut makes the surprising showing that fom July 1, 1S8G, m October 1, 1S87, :r period sf iifteen months, there was an in nuse in the circulation of one hun dred and three and a half millions. It has been ihe popular belief that there had been a contraction of the currency during this period, but the contrary is shown, by the annexed table, to be the case: Comparative statement sbov in the changes In circulation duriiiK the i-eriud from July , 18So, to October 1, ls7 : la Circulation, Julvl, lsM. Oct. 1, 1ST. Hold coin .sivs.7'.o.4-j.s .i!)l,iwi..suu Standard silver do'. tars ;2,4ru.72) fO,614,.v.'4 Sulwiderarv silver 16.16G,i)f. S9 -114.7' 0 (iolJ ccrtit'icntes 76,011,;".") :i7,'.i-.l,-:i Silver certificates M,1 16.22.) lM.Sbi.NlG United States notes lfc!A8U,700 O;'J,O,.i.S04 National l'auk notes S04,473.'.'50 i'GD,t'55,j"l To als .". : Sl,il'.'..sC5,t;:'4 Sl,:vi3,5,0ti'" Changes from July 1, lSiS, to October 1, 1S7 : Derm,:. Jticrca"'. Gold coin $;jt,SW,4(U Standard silver dollar. S.144.W4 Subsidiarv silver 4, :!", 4 0 Gold ceititicatos 21,010 ;ft)s Silver ccftilicates Cu.s.ooi I'nited States notes 5,vl8,101 National battle notes 31,520,0::; Totals Net increase... 3),CM fi:'S,140,7.9 giM.;,r.io,u::.f It will be seen that in one item that of national bank note3 i as :hrea decrease during the Iifteen month. just ended, this decrease being thirt3r-l ur and a half mil lions; but, as the New York Herald, from which we clip the above table, points out. this decrease "has been nearly balanced by an increase in oohtcoiu alone." From tiiis showinjt, siys the Stittusvilie Landmark, '"it appears that the country will have t set-:k elsewhere than in the liscd policy of the government for an explaiut ti-n ol the monetary .stiiiiirer.ey. It is certainly true that the surplus in tie treasury contributes to it, but in the face of tliete figures it cannot longer be claimed that the surplus is wholly responsible; lor, wniie the stringency has seemed to increase with every month for the past fif teen, we find that in that period the currency has been expanded by the enormous sum of one hundred and three and a half millions a sum sufficient under ordinary conditions to have loosened the wheels of com merce atid brought prosperity to the whole country. Then where is the money? Mr. Chaunoey M. Depew, an acknowledged authority in matters of finance, says it ha? gone into real estate speculation, into new and unnecessary railroads and other unproductive enterprises. That seems a plausible explanation; it may be the correct one. Jt may he acccepted as such, at all events, until wiser men can find a belter one." Another important point is sug gested by the above table, the large increase of silver certificates. Now if the government would abolish the present compulsory purchasing of silver, and permit all bullion to be deposited with the Treasurer and issue therefor certificates ln'.-td on the market value of the bullion when delivered, and to be redeemed in bullion when presented lor le- di mp ion at its market value at the . . , , . iiitif h redemption, an t:.e i u.iioii of iht- country could ana would tiiUi 1h utilized, the onus of di- tri bati'iii wi-Utd devolve on the t; .v m i ol tne t) ulio:": in- .'.eail of t!ie ;oyeriiiiien!, an VoUlU furnish ihe jeop!.- a more conveiileil ; wo:ild be Co. ) e. liol --.i-unt v-'iiieli llii:) u'-d or Owlicr C'll Tei,c lit Jicl-lliv. ii.e ili-t ; each cei tilie.Me wouhi repn.-tnt ii fact) value ; bullion in joU! m :r- kvt pi ic; at iu iti.d a!! tiin.-. it; would lutikf silvel ft l title::!-. : ' H .nil liii- gold :! tiiie:;!;: at U:. . would lie goi"l 1 j O l ill :. ( ot;.; - j ; Accordi.' lo the rdiovt; table tiit-s i- a. fraciion over $24, per capita for every nan, woman ard child io tiin country. This i? ,t i -.i'ire in cie tse over what it was under re publican administration, the policy of tliat party being to ctinlraet the currency thus tnawing money iearnr and to that extent enriching the rich and oppressing the pour. It is not yet largo e.iough to answer the ready demands of the peopleianjl the issue of tilver certificates base as above suegested would tend to add to the ciiculalion, at the same time maintain a sound basis of the cur rency. When there we;e aboct'STO per capita a few ears back i; e country llourislted the people were prosperous. Ol cour.-e cr, .ylis j.iine j.s they lot-. f fioce, r.ut tin fo'aileet 'd the ricli and the speculators more than I lie people at lare. Lut to protect in I Miricii th cnpitiiiist.-', leg irdlcss of the go ;d 1 the greiit body of the t eop.le, the !e;ubliea:is i-g:n itrf r.tpi-i contraction, ::i;d. While shreWtl .--;i(;cul,ll01S ulvl f.tpi- t n 1 i -tri may have been prott c'f il Miiuewiiat even aguinst theu own l'o'dy, the great body of the peoplu have been made to iiisd still stiller. Let Congress this winter change the silver policy, and issue certificates based on bullion. iyer's Sfireaparilla, the first blood medicine to .roie h real Eticeess, siili jioiuuiuj iiue as nr.b in ptiouc esiima - tion, both at horns and a! .road, as uho wn by its miraculous eur inoreased sales. and iinn.ecscly j ti TELEUILU'IIIC 13IUEFS. The strike of the book and job printers of New York is virtually ended, aoout half of the strikers having resumed work. They gave up their principal contention which was that all offices be made Union offices. The New Yotk stock market was moderately active yesterday, but while displaying some strength in forcooon was weak in the latter pail of the clay, and lowest prices were made at or near the close. The sales aggregated 310,000 shares. An international scull race occur-i red yesterday on Lake Maranacook, Maine, between Teemer for America, and Gaadincr for Canada. Teemer won an easy race. His competitor did Ids beet, but could not equal the wiry American. We never heard of this race before or of the men, hut we hurrah for our side, no'K.-tne-less. Eds. Citizen. . .. Market lteports. By telegraph to the Ashevllle Citizen IJai.timoki-:, Oct 2S. Flour dull steady; corn, southern, quiet, new white, 45aS; western, anil, steady. Chicago, (-t. 28. Cash quotations for to-day were as follows : wheat No 2 spring 721 ;.o 2com 41ss; Xo 2 oats 25JaJ; whiskey 1.10. Cincinnati, Oct. 28. Wheat, No 2 red, 70; eorn easier. No 2 .mixed, 411; oats, quiet, No 2 mixed 48J ; pork, dull, 13 ; whiskey, firm 1.05. St. Louis, (Jet, 2S. Flour quiet and firm; wheat quiet and .firm, No. 2 red cash 76, Oct . 72, corn dull cash 45, Oct. 40' v,ats Vasy 2S.V, Nov. 24 whir. key steady. l-U provisions dull; easy. ASHEVILLE TOBACCO MARKET. I'lie brc.iks yesterday were good, and prices -veil stistainvd, p.s wiil be seen by the nii'.owiii" rfjirrl from the K.xuMiir.n' w AitEiioi sf.. l.!n:n:V'rd A IiUys, ! lots 11. 13,23, 2 3!. 4!; A M SneiOD. 4 lots 18',, 21, 2i, 30; ! W 1! Leadfoidolols. 12',, 1!)'., 20, 23, o, ! J V i:a;u-v -1 hts, 17-1, 22, 25, 43; J YV ! Cloniz .j lots. 11 , 21. o:i. :;;. o:i; Saiith -V Meliride, ti lots 15, IS. 27, 00, o), 51; A B l Khinchart 4 lots ttil, 2:3!, 20, 30. j The game l.iws are vciy rigidly enforced at the West Ifamnnis) caught eliciting :tt poker he is shot i across tne .table. Hoston Com. Advertiser. A Philadelphia man was so re joiced when he oecome a father that hetin fin led a large American flag to the breeze. Infantry colors, we suppose. lsxchai'jje. A Michigan belle, who was iiltcd ! bv her lover, hai brought suit against j him for Siaoo. Tro thousand of j this is for her lacerated heart-strings :he it-maindcr to reimburse herlor her troiissers. Tin-: Stii.i. Small Yoicii. Sun day-school teacher (speaking of the conscience): "After you have done something which you ought not to d. v. hat i? it. Hobby, that makes ytii feel so .tnconfcitablo and i:n happ ?" Hobby: ''Pa.'' Col'NTV CaXV.1S.SOX IvAII.ROAI) QcL.-TIOy The people of liuneombe c niniy will be addressed by speakers in Javi of the proposed ilroad Sub.SertIOn at the ! fjl'ov, i:;' time? and placed, to-wit BamardsviUe, Saturday, Oct. 2'Jth 1- lat t reek, (baptist church) Musday VVeaverviile. Ttii'sJav No Fair View, Wedr.es.htv list Jst. I -:!' '!.' '.Hi !'- S ( Thursday :;,., I 4tli re Miipinairs) l ii;iav linv. Satunlav ' I'ppn ( b'aptift church, Monday j 7th Sth j i.Oie m er. I iv.suav San. eh.:reh; Wfdnes.ky " VI il 1 It'll IMlh 1-lth Satiird Mountain. .V.-.r.tlav Ti:c-'da- prop;,- :.nd .rii. tii.-. : li ..'juc-tcd to 'sin of the . .'. .1 for . r.. ( it All AM, o.ri Committee. 3 2tS Y 1 u:t!,. ..Kii5 El:t-a' wltSl Kt.t3.-.s Sizlat'i-itig st reel Uy Ktieut'H ICriiiilicK. if! hli ah of t!ia ct'Ti.-t :.A Heibd:ks : i '.t': -.-.Liii yt;.ii.- , it wuiil. 1 liav'c ! mo 'Jj' ,"f;i,t.; (i'.iiijirs) i:ii! an inime:ii,C' a.jiiiil. sti:1; r:;:-. My tiiscas .vPsori;MSi todi-ii-.t iu'cl o:i my Ilea i iti a sjt n.-t larger than a (.-.I. it : prca j raj-.iiliy all over my l.-o.ly ami f..i::;.i. riny i.niN. Xlie fccaks woulil drop oil ot i.e.- w.i lUi: tiii.e. iiv. 1 my sitlleiiiiir va.-.etnllcs. tstl wiiliom rcilci'. one th-us:t'id'iiullani woulil !:o: it nil t iu'j t.. !iat t-ll:b (iirt'df ovit uaii). I at.i a r-'r Imt feel rieh tule r- iievfil of t a.!! rouiftil ilif -t .- torf, M'ul was lej.mjy, inniie r t..w--v'.'! . .i!ia.-!. t,-tB. 1 liHik wia '. -up:-: ii a " cr oi:f yt-ar anil a liit'. but fur,-. J v, on! to t ,v. or three lsci.."-s but iKn-urt.. 1 f::iji'....i .raise ii.v t:t rn cka KEMEi.ir to.i tiiiirli. 1 li-.-y have matte mv .sl;in ascitarntitl lr: tV'.iti: M-.tit s as a baby's. Ait 1 use-.l o them i tva? tiiuc b.xiLN ol t tiTK t'liA. and tliree bottles of I tin rt:.v liK.-ui.vKKT. and two cakes tffiri ci !:aSo.vi. If yoti had been hero and ?a:d yoti would haxe cuieil ine for SiiOo.uo yon wotibl nave had tho money 1 loojtcd like'the iiiffjic in ytur l-oek. of lorlasis (picture lum.ber ttvo!' How to Cure Skin Diseases") but now 1 t.m as any i;Tson ever was. Throuah force of habit I rub n;y haails over luy legs and ara a to ficratch once in a while, but o ao purpose. 1 am all well i. scratched twei.ty-eii'ht years, and it got to be a iiiid oi accoi.:! r.u'.ere to me. i t ha air von a thous and liuies. Anything mora that you want to know v rite me, or any one that reads this may write to me and I will answer it. nK.s:;i DOwxixG. WATiiUBrEV, Vt , Jot; with, 1S.N7. l niasis; Kci:ia. Tcltc", l:it.KWor;n, I.!ch?u, I'nir'.tiiK, Sell lica.i, Milk fritat,. lianilrull", Har-b.-rs', (lioce.'s, and Wa1 hrrw omens' Itch, and every s;.L-cie ot Itching, liuiiiin-, fc'c-.ley. ri:n p! llnmi,r tf t:ie Skin and Scalp ami Wood with loss of hair, are puKirivtly cured by Ct'Ti- IRA. I he great ,.-ki;i Cure, and t"tT:eeitASOAi- an t-Xfjiiiite f-km lit'aiilliicr extei indT. v.iiea .;.- sieiaus Mid all oilier remedies fail. Sold eveiy wiicrc. I'rice, Cvtici ra, tOc; Soap. ij; iEsoi.ve.'.t, 5l: l'n paredby the Futteb Iirco AND ( Hli!!CAI. ISostOll HOSS. 's.-end tot ' Hoi to Cure skin IKscaiies" C4 l-a'.-s, yj ilius'.ratiotis 10J testimonials. Fjyi'Llis, lilaekhead, chaiped and oily skii tpreveti.ed !y e'eni ii:a .v.eiucathh Soap m imm utile die Cuticiira tin Planter re.icves ioieionatic, r Sciatin, Stf i.Un, Sbarp, ii.i mtvous i nn ?, Mnuris aii'i weakness, lhe nTs.t and only pain killing l'laster, iot ts. 1 1 EM XilT vie; Kit- lur Cioekery, Gla.'s.vare, China, I.-tni;s -le.vefi, Tin wares and l!an:es, at W.C Kyler X- Co.'k, No. 12 Vatton Av enue, Ajheviile, N. C. I argost stock and lowest prices ! Dailv receiving new foods direct from Faelories and eeliing both wholes?le and retail. EB- Sole J Agents for the Celebrated "Farmer Girl" it oek Move, tiie leatter ol them ail. tall ! and see our bargain 5e. and 10c. counters. W. C. Keller & Co, No. 12 Patton Avenue, Asheville, N. C. It Should bo Civncrally Known that the multitude of diseases of a scroful ous n ature generall y p roceed from a torpid condition of the liver. The blood becomes impure because the liver docs not act proprly and work off the poison from the system, and the certain results are blotches, pimples, eruptions, swellings, tumors, ulcers, and kindred affections, or settling upon the luriss and poisoning their delicate tissues, until ulceration, breaking down, and consumption is established. Dr. Pierce's "Golden Med ical Discovery" will, by acting upon the liver and purifying the blood, cure all these diseases. d&wlw LOCtG T77m2sTrr. WALNUT, POPLAR & ASH. Flooring1, Ceiling, Weather-Boarding AND ALL KINDS OF LUMBER .FOR SALE. RIDGE LUMBER CO-, ASHEVILLE JUNCTION, N. C. Uest P. O. Mrs. Clara E. Tyler, of Philadel phia, recently died from the effects of ;i ii injury received while Jon her way to call upon Gov. Lee, of Vii ginia. She was extremely anxious to contribute to the statue of Gen. Robert E. Lee. In her dying mo- ments her eyelids raised and she softly murmured, "I must pass to see Gov. Lee,"' and again repeated, must i;a:,s to see Gov. Lee." V.'t'.en a colli or other cause cheeks the operation of tl:e seeretive organs, their natural healthy action should be restor ed by the use of Ayei's Pills, and inflam matory material thereby removed from the system. Much serious fiekness and siitli'iinsr might b.' jirevented by thus promptly ci.-rreetin! those slight derange ments that, otherwise, oten develop into settled disease. t4 j Xt. w I5a F:iiJli. j I had bafcn tr-.u'uled All winter with r,.';.,f frr,m T--mn!..o r.w-mnv,OT,rUvl V.v Druis's and I'hytieians. At the same lime I was advertising Dr. Bosanks's Cough and Lung Syrup. I had little faith but thought to try it as a last resort. How I believe even more than they tell me of its ctir.tive qualities. From the news, EHzabetbtown, Ky. Sold by II. - I-yons. 'p 13 dwlw L&rpo st nek ol Woolen Dress Goods aud Ulark Sii".:s juaL in. at Whulock's. The G;v.::d U:,'r.b!ie Cigars, to be found at the I'ioneer Saloon, is made of the iinest lor.;; Havana tiller and Suma tra wrapper, and Fold under a bona tide guarantee, cannot be surpassed in this market.. tf The Invrs of pure corn whiskey can find no better than at Bob Jones', The bf.t wines a i l liquors can also be found there. tf Lare stock of fir.e white, Scarlet Camel's Underwear in Hair Cashmi'ie and various kimi IJUSt in, at Wuitlock's. Fresh fish, c!a:ns, shrimps and oysters received every d ay at Turner Sc Bron son'i; saioon, tvel! paeked in ice. Hotels and boarding houses can make special rales for obtaining? the same, and private families furnished n order. tf I.arire stuck of Rubber Goods fur La dies, Misses and nu n just in, at Wuitlock's. "RiT'On and after d.Ue the Pioneer Kar, '2 S. Main t, will mako no bills selling itr.ctly ior cash, except by special agree ment. By this means I can handle bet ter troods. ti R. R. JostF. I.arL'e and varied stuck i f W.joleu and Merino Unde-wear lor Ladies, Misses and Gentlemen. at Hhitlock s. Handsome Myks in Carpel, Rugs, Art Squares, Oil Cloths, eC-c. oiil,oulf II. REDWOOD & CO. i& Indigestion, flsicklieadaciie, r' Constipation, 82$? Inactive Liver The merchant planning bus'.ne s schemes;' The preacher struggling through his theme.-; The statesman in assembly halls; The broker w ild w i.li "puts and cU," To c,..'. Hi" Jtlnvl snd brace the mind. Will "'A lilt V NT'S LL'!'Z1C safest find oct 23 deod&w Cmos L, DOUGLAS I GENTLEMEN The only S3 SEAMLESS! 111 iU UI 1(1, hivu- out tiirks or nails. Finest Calf, perfect fit,. a. hi wiirramuu. tDUrvstS y linttnn nft T, nil tV Btyics toe. as siynsav mn'i uurauie as iitose costing $o or $6. Koysi an wear ine , L. DOUiiLASj msAII tuisHd fla bottom of aaeh Bbo.l "W. t. IOUtiLA9 .60 SHOE Is unex celled for heavy wear. If not sold by your dealer write W.L.. DOUGLAS, Brockton. Mas. ansj'i piOR SALE, The Enie Tlrng Sloie iu Brevaid. The only drug s tc.re in the county. Will pelt cheap fo: cash. For particulars apply to C. K. FAB11EK, ma!5 'diwtf Krevard, N. C. i rroji sale. Kentucky Horse fastest and best saddle horse In Asheville. Come and Bee the horse. Informa tion oUained b calling at office of the Asheville Coal Company", foot Haywood St., or rail road erosetifc .. oct!3d3t ALU ABLE FARM ON HOMINY FOE SALE. ltHI tViti farm wham T now roAlrta nn HomiiTf , MmUinlBf 85 acres, half of it the finest Mnb-Widg. Good dwelling: and outhouses on tbiSya? ApplytO W.H. JONES. oct Irl ' Hominy, N. C. F OK t ALE. Threc'lhorouehbred Mares of fine tyle and action, .tlegant sadd'e horses registered in Brace's 6tua Book, two broken to harness. JNO. A. WILLI AMP, Jr., July IBS CiTrzKM office. ILaipg'esil; tock s Ever seen in any Store in Western North Carolina. IB t w s.. From four-years up to Four-Hundred Pounders. Home-Made ( Shoes Always on Hand. "V. TV JT 111 Lb oct 20 dim Tl'onderful Cures. W. D. Hoyt & Co., 'Vholesalo and Re tail Druggists of Rome, Ga., savs : We have Leen selling Dr. King's New Dis covery, Electric Bitters aBd Bucklen's Arnica Salve for two years. Have never handled remedies tht sell as well, or give such universal satisfaction. There have been some wonderful cures effected by these medicines in this city. Several cased- of pronounced Consumption have been entirely cured by use ol a few bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery, taken in connection with Electric Bitters, We guarantee them always. Sold by II. II. Lvons. "Doctor, why do eo many people look pale, and weary, and sallow, and feel languid?" "Because their liver dots ot act."' Take lhe old reliable Dr. Hart's Liver Pills and you'll feel like being made anew. Your appetite will improve, your sleep will be sounder, your indices! ii n will be etired.'your complexion will clear up; in fact, a transformation of the whole system will take place, and you will feel that life is worth living. All for the sum of 25 cents per boy. One Lived, the Other Died. A woniau formerly our slave is now onr cook. About eighteen months ago Bhe became sickly and had a cough and was confined to bed, and it was thought that she had consumption. The treatment by physicians failed to give relief In December. 1884, a node or the size of a goose egg formed just above the pit of the stomach, wliich when lanced discharged matter for 8 or 9 months. One of these also formed under her 6i-ni, and three on her back, which dis charged matter for a considerable time. For six months of this tuno Bhe was conQned to the house, -and most of tho time in bed. The stomach often refused food, by rejecting what she had eaten. She used a great deal of medicine, but failed to oe ciued. I bought one bottle of our 11. B. B. (made in Atlanta, Oa.) and gave it to her and she commenced to improve. I then bought aud gave her three bottles more, and she continued to improve and iu two months' time her cough bad ceased, her constitution strengthened, appetite and digestion good, all discharges ceased, nodes or kuots disappeared and she went to work apparently healthy and fattened up greatly. This woman had a married sister of near same ago who was affected iu precisely the same way aud about the same tune. She had node or knot on pit of stomach, back, etc. She did not take any B. B. B. and the node on her stomach ate through to the cavity. She continued on the decline "and wasted away, and finally died. There were two terrible cases of blood poi sou, one used B. B. B. aud was speedily cur edthe other did not use it and died. It is most assuredly a most wonderful blood purifier. I vcfer to merchants of this town. Yours truly, W. T. Eobisson. Tishahee, Ala., Hay 1, 18S6. A SHERIFF liEI.EASED. For a period of sixteen years I have beec aulicted with catarrh of the head which baffled the use of all medicines usod. Seeing the advertisement of B. B. Bn I purchased and used six or seven bottles, and although used irregularly faave received great relief, aud re commend it as a good blood purifier. Signed) J. K. Hclcosibe, Jr. Sheriff of Haralson county, Ga. All who desire full information about the cause aud cure of Blood Poisons, Scrofula and Scrofulous Swellings, Ulcers, Sores, Bheuma tism, Kidney Complaints, Catarrh, etc., can secure by mail, frier a cdpy of our 32 page IlluntmtfOd - Doolj' cf Vondera, filled with the most wonderful and.".tarthng proof ever be fore known. Address, BLOOD BALM CO., toctl Atlanta, Oat P! nnd Whtafccy Har- ltictiredat home with , I out pain. Book of par. a tlcuiars Bent ' a. tais. ', B. M.WOOLLEY, M.1J. AUuuio, a.i Office &i Whitehall 6. U THE; VILLA CIIANrtED HAND'S-: MRS. K. V, HTJLIjAND hag taken charge of tne VILLA, corn IT oi unywura ami r Luiiaiu Btreets. as a BOA RUING HOUSE, and is now prepared to accommodate boarders. oct iv an LADIES', MEN'S, an CHILDREN' SHOES. MANIT fACTUBKD BY BAY- i7FATJS.SpOE & LEATHER CO. Nntw hottAr for (service. BEARDEN. RANKIN & CO., oct9dtf i 55 Son lb Mil tt WANTED. Agents In every town ana vlllag) to sell our Ac w Christians Books, (5, selling firm 50 cts .to 13.50. One woman with a family writes that fine avar&sed S7.00 a day last ir from flentemlar until Christmas. One new acent made $1'25 ii 6lx weeks. One sold 55 toe first wees In a villi ge of onlv SCO. Try it in your school district II mi more, i ou cau m&iteirom $'25 to J-W. 1 D. E LUTHER, (KaTfhitcliitll at., Atlanta. Ga. oc 6-Tn&S3wASr . m fillip out (EcHmttg' IFimirialgMm! i Hats, Caps, Trunks and Valises. Everybody wears Levy's $3.00 Home-Matle Shoes. M. LEVY, 19 South Main street, BOOTS AND SHOES y New A truth worth knowing if you are going to buy a SUIT for Winter, or an OYEliCOAT, We are the only manufacturers of Clothing in western Carolina, Which enables us to save purchasers at leass 25 per cent. Our Stock is complete in Men's, Youths' and Boy's Clothing, Also a full and select line in FURNISHING GOODS and HATS,! and a ''"beautiful line of Sain pies for Custom-made Work always on hand. A perfect lit guaranteed, and the suit ready in six day from tho time the order is given. Earl & Wilson's Collars and CuilW always in stock. Can savo money by coining to see us. W. S. IIECHT, Manager. S. iBR JLb'MLA-IN". septU-Sm BALT. CLOTHING HOUSE, 10 Pattou Avenue. mnD Scientific Heating and Ventilating Engineers, Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters, Tinners Roofing, Guttering and General Jobbing. Agents for Bartlett's Improved Warm Air Furnace ; also for Merchant & Co.'s Star Ventilator. We are Prepared to Furnish all Kinds of Gas Fixtures. All of our workmen are first-class, having had from 10 to 12 years experience in their trades, and we guarantee satisfaction. Plans, specifications and estimates furnished on application. Persons having worK to uo m our lino would do R EMOVAL! llavine removed mv shon to North Main street. No. one door north of Lindner's tin shop, I am now fully prepared to do all manner ol work In repairing; Cluns, Pistols, Locks, Trunks aud Valises. Give me a call. Look out fur the hi.' gun and lock. A. W. LINDSEY. oct l att 0T3 O s G CD w CO H P 2 a. c s a o a m l K C3 s ti H Pi M m H H h3 I c O W r I tr o 0) O F OR SALE. The finest pair ef thoroueh bred Kentucky marcs, the fastest and handsomest pony for children ana tae oeet Drose pair ot steers. Apply to H. H. LYONS, se 23 dtf Asheville, N. C. pOR BENT. I will rent to satisfactory parties upon reason able terms either or both ol the following places in the city of Asheville; my new residence on Merrimon Avenue, containing twenty rooms, well furnished, having all necessary out-houses, wifiin a convenitnt distance of the public square, situated In beautiful grounds, supp.led wit a excellent water and a cood gaiden aud most admirably adapted Tor boarders. My house t corner of Patton and French Broad Avenues called "Collins House," contain ing nine rooms, having good water and all necessary outbuildings. Also near public square and attractive to boarders. Oct 7 dtl M. J. FAGG. W. 0. WOLFE, " DEALER IN Monuments AND Tombstones. The largest assortment In the State. Prices lower than ever. I guarantee satisfaction. I Invite persons at a distance to come and examine my Btoca or write me, slating luiiy wnat . is wanted. I also deal in all kinds of Cements, and Piaster!. Iron Fences. Vases. Columns, and Fronts for stoma and all taingg pertaining to that business. Ware Room and Office in tke Welte Building, 8. f. Qpurt Squ are, A shevilla, N. C. oct 18 a&wSnos of (DflottDninu iVtain st. m. well to sec us before contracting. NO. 8 SOUTH WATER THE AslievilleMusieHo use K0. 35 NORTH MAIN STRE T. SdlH, Exchanges, Ketiairs - -AXS) ' Times The IlenfuUl (Berlin) Pianos, im ported specially for my trade. ine Jliiekennr, tne old slaiKluril. The Mason it Hamlin, that needs tun- inr but every two years. lhe -MathusIicN: and Anon Pianos. The best Orsau in the world the Mason & Hamlin and next the cele brated Wilcox & White. Sold on monthly or quarterly install ments. One Price to all. Correspondence bin s as cheap as per sonal purchase. Catalogues and price lists free on ap plication. J. FALK. sopt27-33ni .- Hies, 4ifta 'a XJ "El TRAD E ,8mar.k GEORGE A. GLARK, SOLE AGENT. The BEST and POPCXiAB Sewing Thread of Modern Times. BEWABE OF HITTATIOS, A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT FOR SALE BY BREVAHD &, BLANTONi ASHEVILLE, N. C. cct ic:d3m. MM &, z PI I i -? I 2 (! IMMm y Boots and STREET, ASHEVILLE, N. C. J W. CORTLAND, ami ,.W ISUOKJER S. E. Cor. I'tdillo Sijh 'are, Main ti.,' Has for salt IMPROVED AND UN I M PROVED PKOPERT 1 IX THE CITY OF ASAEVILLE AND SURROUNDING COUNTRY. Iiuildinir Lots on various roads in the jyrowinjr Xorth-Western section of Asheville. On the tT enue opening into Riverside Pakk, unci the Xeav Drive lead ing to the Fkexcii Broad River, also on the Richmond Hill eoad. J. YV. Cortland, Real Estate Broker. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA FOR THE WESTERN DISTRICT OI" NORTH CAROLINA. Eastern Hand ol Cherokee Indians, AKUinst - r- Win. H. Thomas, Vm. Jobis'ioii, J. E. Carpenter, et als NOTICK TO DEFENDANT J. E. Carpenter. Yon will lake notice that a rule (minted bjrthis Court upon yun iu the tboce entitled cause to show caue if any you have why a writ of in junction should not issue to restrain you or youi agents or employees from disjKisintr of or in any wise inferferriiig with certain Black Walnut logs cut by yon or your agents or employees upon the lands of the s:id Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians in North Carolina is returnable before this Couit at a Term thereot to be held at Ashe rille on the First Monday in November next, at which time a motion will be made in the said proceeding lor the injunction aforesaid, aud also lor the appointment of a receiver to tako possession and soil the tald property. .1. K. KEEIJ Clerk ,se20 i'6w ver C. U. iiooie, LepnlX IN THE CIRCUIT COUiiT OF THE UNITED 1 STATES OF AMERICA FOH THE WEiTERN DISTRICT OF NORTH CAROLINA. Eastern .Hand of Cherokee Indians, Against Wm. II. TU )raa, Via. Jolmsto J. E. Carpenter, et als. NOTICE TO DEFENDANTS, T. U. JicPherson, J. C. Peabody and T. E Gilbert You will tr.ke notice that a rule Kranted by this Court upon you in he above entitled csuse to show cause if any you have why a writ ot in junction should not issue to restrain you or your ageutsor employees and each ol yon from work ijitr. operating, mining and collecting gold or other minei als from the bed ot the Ocono'.uft river within the boundaries of the land of the Fasten) Hand of Cherokee Indians of North Car olina plaintitls, is returnable before this Conr at a Term thereof, to be held at Asheville on thr First Monday iu November next at which time motion will be made in the said proceeding the injunction aforesaid. J. E. KEED, C erk eeSO d6w l V- C. B Moore, Deputy

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