ASHEVILLE CITIZEN. K. M. FTJBMAN. JORDAN STON Editor. J. 1). CAMERON WED'SDAY MORNING, NOV. 2, 1887. The St. Louis Globe-Democrat, re publican which continueelo wear the bloody chirt, say6 : There is no law to prevent the "people of Georgia from giving en thusiastic welcome to Jeff Davis." Nor can vliere beany objection thereto in the heart of any honest man. North or South. In person ally respecting Mr. Davis, the peo ple of the South but respect them eelvs, for they were with him in all their heart, and mind and strength in all for which the enemies for true loyalty to principal and honest gov eminent would condemn him. The very motive which impels a proper respect for Mr. Davis is the motive which impels the true loyalty of the people to their integrity ol their present government, the Union of heart?, of the Union of hands, 'our Union and our government. The interests of the American,. people declare there shall and can be but one Union f States, one govern ment of which all the States must be equal parts, ana the same prin ciple which actuates in respect for Mr. Davis actuates the honest south ern to be loyal to the government which his interests require shall be m: i i a'..eJ and defended- No one but a fool would expect the honor able Southern to forget the putt, or turn his back upon his own history, made sacred by his sufferings in his fidelity to his convictionp, and no one buta cowardly knave would aek it. The future of this country will yet show that the followers of Jeffer son Davis from 1861-65 and their desendants in whom will be en instilled the same degree of loyalty to principle and even to constitu tional government will have to de fend and maintain the integrity of the Union against its enemies who will be bent upon its destruction, and their enemies will be found in another section of the country. THE PHILADELPHIA LEDGER Mr. G. V. Childs' excellent paper has Ixen enlarged unci improved. Mr. Child deserves everything good which can be said of him, and all the success that can fall to his lot. An honest man, a true citizen, his heart abounds with good impulses and his hands are busy scattering good deeds where they do the most good. His charities know no end. The Ledger is but a reflex of his own honest, clean, sympathetic na ture. His prosperity U but an illus tration of the existence of that gen eral sympathy which ennobles man kind. We congratulate him and his patrons likewise. TdB CHATTANOOGA & MUR PHY ROAD. Some 'ime since we referred to the project having for its aim the connection of Chattanooga, Tenn., with Augusta, Ga., via Mu'phy. N. C, the subject acquiring inter.-st from thu fact iliat the lints of sur vey had already been ruu tiom Chattanooga up the Hiwat-e river to and above Murphy with encour aging, in fact astonishing, faciiiti s of grade. Our luterest was intensified by the prospect laid open to the prac ileal extension oi me Western North Carolina Hoa J, should it ever be completed to Murphy-. When completed to that point, the work f tlie W. N C. is practically brought to an end, with the tantalizing po eition oi Deing brought witinu eight of the promised land, yet not reaching it. For while the local and incidental benefits will be im tnense, its destiny as a railroad will never be filled urileES it form part of a great trunk line, brought into ac live participation in the numense and still developing traffic of the South und southwest. This will b effected by the construction of the HiwaEBee road which may be workid as practical extension of the W. N. C. thr ugh harmonious co operation of the systems, which it will be the interests of both t; re cure and maintain. But hhould t his 'o opera1 ion mi $. obtained, ttir exis'S a Sir-! g reututii wlit- the :iUt!.oritie. of tti. W. N.-f. sIh.lI i In- jtciive in push Uji tor ward their work. We have aaid (hat the destiny of that road would not be filled urtil it became a pail of a great trunk line passing beyond Murphy and on to Chatta nooga, at which point it would Strike a number of divergent ines to the "South, southwest and WesA, among which it could make its choice. But if aim be no fartherthan Murphy, there is reward for its en terprise and stimulus for its com petitive energies. Cherokee pre sents a field of undeveloped wealth so vast as to stimulate the quickest ambition to reach it, open it, and share it As a North Carolinian, it is not pleasant to see the apathetic abandonment of the field to others with the certain results of aliena tion of Cherokee county in interest, in sympathy, in social and business relations, in State pride and politi cal association, and the transfer of all that should bind it to the com mon weal of North Carolina to other States or communities. The Hiwassee road has good pros pect of construction. We welcome that prospect with hearty good will that Cherokee county may receive its long postponed development. But the brighter that prospect is, the greater the incentive is the more rapid execution of the work on the W. N. C Road. By this route the distance from Chattanooga to Asheville, via Mor ristown, is 240 miles via Murphy it is 210 miles. Prof. Henry'E. Col ton, a native of North Carolina, is the originator of the idea of the road-. He i miner alogist as well as engineer, and his reports on the mineral wealth of the section to be trayersed by the road in this State and in Tennessee are interesting, an'd largely marvellous, though undoubtedly true. We make the following extract from one of his reports : ' Iron ore is by no mf ans the only mineral; the continuation of the Ducktown copper lead, crosses the line of the road and several pits have already been opened. Then there are several veins of manga nese, and the quantity of marble is very great and the quality unsur passed in the world. Some of the white marble from Valley river was once taken to New York city and proved so perfect and beautiful that it was with difficulty that marble dealers could be persuaded that it was present in the United States. One marble dealer in a large South ern city says that he can sell 100, 000 cubic feet of this white marble every year, and in the same region is a very beautiful dark marble, wbicn the same dealer said sur passed in beauty and quality any thing he had ever seen. Then there is talc, a mineral of great beauty, the use of which is increasing. At the same time there are the more precious metals and minerals, lead, gold, silver, chrome, asbestos, corun dum, mica, nickel and possibly tin. The truth is, Prof, Colton says, that the mineral wealth of that region is not half known and there is ample room there yet for the explorer and inqestor. Just What Tliev All Say Hon. D. D. Haynie, of Salem, Ills., says he uses Dr, Boeanko's cough and Lung Syrup in his family with the mout satisfactory results, in all eases of coughs, colds and croup, and recommends it in particular for the little ones. Sample bottle free at H. U. Lvons. d&wlw. One Lived, the Other Died. A woman formerly our slave is now our cook. About eighteen months ago she became sickly and had a cough and was confined to bed, and it was thought that she had consumption. The treatment by physicians failed to give relief 111 December. 1884, a node orthe size of a goose egg formed just above the pit of the stomach, which when lanced discharged matter for 8 or 9 months. One of these also formed under her arm, and three on her back, which dis charged matter for a considerable time. For six mouths of this time she was confined to the house, and most of the time in bed. The stomach often refused food, by rejecting what she had eaten. She used a great deal of medicine, but railed to do ciued. I bought one bottle of our Ii. B. B. ("made in Atlanta. C'a.) and gave it to her and she commenced to improve. I then bought and gave her three bottles more, and she continued to improve and in two months' time her cough had ceased, her constitution strengthened, appetite and digestion good, all discharges ceased, nodes or knots disappeared and she went to work apparently healthy and fattened up greatly. This woman had a married sister of near same age who was affected in precisely the same way and about the same time. She bad node or knot on pit of stomach, back, etc. She did not take anv B. B. B. and the node on her stomnch ate through to the cavity. She continued on the decline and wasted awav, and finally died. There were two terrible cises of blood poi son, one used B. B. B. and was speedily cur edthe other did not use it and died. It is most assuredly a most wonderful blood purifier. I refer to merchants of this town. Yours Irnlv, W. T. Eobinsox. Tishabce, Ala., May 1, 1886. A SHERIFF ItELEASFD. For a period of sixteen vears I have betr afflicted ith catarrh of the head which baffled the ae of all medicines used. Seeing the advertisement of B. B. B., I purchased :md used i-ix or seven bottlo. and Bltiioueh used irregularly have received great relief, uud re- comnieua lc as a good blood puriuer. isignea; j. h.. hglcoxiie, Jr. Sheriff of Haralson county, Ga. All who desire full information about the cause and cure of Blood Poisons. Scrofula and Scrofulous Swellings, Ulcers, Bores, Bheuma- iwm, Kidnev Uonialaints. Catarrh, etc.. can secure by mail, free, a copy of our 82 page Illustrated Book st Wonders, filled with the most wonderful and startling proof ever be- tore Known. Address, BLOOD BALM CO., toctl Atlanta. Ga F iOU BENT. 5 Room Houhp. South Main, ft minute walk from Court House. Good vat"r, with goad seKdtt Apply to A. l'RECK. . iuuur. uuc uui emu iarauv neea DDiv W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE. The only S3 SEAMLESS J onoe in ine woria, wiia-i out iacKB or n&iis. finest (Jail, perfect i and warranted. Congress, mum ana styles toe. 1 and durable costing $5 or $6, all wear the i I. DOUGLAS, 93 bboe. (TUB nd nfM taBMiaabrttmtfiMfc BhM.1 v. Kj uuuujuab sjx.ou Dnuc u nn ex celled for heavy wear. At not sold by your dealer write W. I. IOUGTaS. Brockton, Mau. TANNER & DELANEY EN- GINE COMPANY, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. Business established iKfiS The Machine Shops in the Sooth. Engines, Boilers, Saw-mills and Machinery. Ah Am4 tMwliias Upteiully, WCorrsgpon ence solicited. Send for catalogue 13-d4wlv I GENTLEMEN MT J - fol Superior Couhts Fam. Term 1887. The following are the arrangements for the Fall Terms of the 10th, 11th and 12th Districts: 10th (morganton) district- jvjdoe boy kin. Henderson July 18, 3 weeks. Burke August 8, 2 weeks. Ashe August 22, 1 week. Watauga August 29, 1 week. Caldwell September 5, 1 week. Mitchell September 12, 2 weeks. Yancev September 26, 2 weeks. McDowell October 10, 2 weeks. llTH (CHARLOTTE) DISTRICT JDDGK MAC RAE. Catawba July IS, 2 weeks. Alexander August 1,1 week. Cleveland Augi?nt8, 2 weeks. Mecklenburgt August 28, 3 weeks. Union September 29, 1 week. Lincoln October 3, 1 week. Gaston October 10, 2 weeks. Cleveland October 24, 1 week. Rutherford October 31, 2 weeks. Polk November 13, 1 week. 12th (ashkvillk) district JUDGE MON'TGOMKRY. Haywood September 12, 2 weeks. Jackson September 26, 1 week. Macon October 3, 1 weak. Clay October 10, 1 week. Cherokee October 17, 2 weeVs. Graham October 31. 1 week. Swain November 7, 2 weeks. Madison November 21 , 2 weeks. Buncombe December t;, 2 weeks. Personal. Mr. N. H. Froblichstein, of Mobile, Ala., writes: I take preat pleasure in recommending Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, having used it for a severe attack of Bronchitis and Catarrh. It gave me instant relief and entirety cured me and I have not been afflicted since. I also beg to state that I had tried other remedies with no good Have also used Eleetric Bitters and Dr. King's New Life Piils. both of which I can recommend. Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, Coughs and Colds, is sold on a positive guarantee. Trial bottles free at H. H. Lyons' Drug Store. HOI TO MAKE MOM BY DEALING IN STOCKS, GRAIN, PROVISION, OIL, ETC. EXPLANATORY PAMPHLET MAI LET JFREE. LAURIE & CO., BANKERS & BROKERS, 656 Broadway (and branches, NEW YORK. Notice to Tax-Payers! rjHE TAX LIST FOR 1HS1 HAS BEEN placed A iivmy hands for collection. All persons are notified to come up at once and settle. They are now due and must be paid N. A. REYNOLDS, OfliC'. in Court Iouse. City T:ix Collector. !6ni LADIES', MEN'S, and CHILDREN SHOES, MASUFACTUKED BY BAY STATE SHOE & LEATHER CO. None better for eervi;e. BEAUDEN, RANKIN & CO., oct 9 dtf 55 fir.M. J : j WHEN YOU COME TO SEE TIIE P DO NOT FAIL TO SEK SAWY ER'S LARGE STOCK OF CLOTHING. Mr. Sawyer ii now in Xe-v "ork b'lyina: DRESS GOODS CARPETS, CLOTIlINu, BOOTS&SHOES, LADIES' FIXE WRAPPERS AND WALKING JACKETS. BLANKETS, and SHEETINGS. no NOT FOROET THE 1'I.ACE. NO. 15 PATfMX AVENUE. NEW Furniture Store W. A. Blair & Co., 37 Paiion Avenue, (Graham Building,') Are opening i:p a .i?iic and assortWfHt of splendid New Furniture, of all styles, and complete and cif gint in workmanship BED ROOM and PARLOR SUITS, LOUNGES, (single and doable.) BEDSTEADS, CHAIRS. AC, A.C, and everything that can bo found in a First-Class Furniture store. n!h26dl2m. FOUR MORE RAILR0A ? S WE WILL HAVE Four Jflire Itailroads To Asheville that the people may Ikij- the best Shoes? Boots, Harness, SaiJIfs, Bridles, Collars, Lap Robes, Horse Covers, Whips or almost any thing in my line, at the lowest prices. I will not be undersold. My stock is complete. Come and see for yourselves. J. M. ALEXANDER, oct is a&wtmo9 xwortn utiic square. N OTICE The rceular snnual merlins of the Stockholders of the Western North Carolina Kail Road Corn- any will be held m Asheville, N. 0 on the "ourth Wednesday in Novemoer. 1887. it beine the 23rd of the month. G. P. ERW IN, Ashevide, y. C. Oct. is, 18S7. octSOdtdm DENTAL CARDS. JQR. II. F. ARRISOTON, SURGEON DENTIST. office rooms: Over L. Sunday's store, Patton Avenue, se 13 ll2m H. DOUGLASS, D. D. 8., Dental Rooms over Grant Roseberry's Drue Btort, residence in same building Asheville, N. C feb2-w&sw DENTAL SURGERY. DR. J. G. QUEEN has removed his office to the front rooms over A. D Cooper Court 8quare and offers his professional services to the public. All professional work done with skill and neatness, iune rO-ddwtf SH. R. H. REEVES, D. D. S., Office in the Connally Building, over Redwood's store, Patton Avenue, ASHEVILLE, - - - - v. p. Persons bavin; artificial, work done, after rvuur it two or three weeks. If not satissefl. can return It and tbe money will be refunded, ly 1 B. WARE, Dental Snrgeon. Office In Sluder building, second floor. A work will receive prompt and careful attention, jy 14 dlv Over 9,00G,Wi0 worn ;T:;ring the past sis years. ThU marvelous success Is due- - lt. To the -superiority c f Coralino over ell other materials, ils a Etiilenor for Corsets. 2nd. To tLo sujrior quality, shape and workEianohip of our Corsots, combined With their lov,' prices. Avoid cheap Imitations made o various ldnJs of corX Nona nro genuine unless "DR. WAnfiSK'3 CORAUNE" is printed oninsldo of steel cover. FCR SALE BY ALL LEADING MERCHANTS. WAEHK?. BROTHERS, 3S9 EijZ: flaw York City. Howell & Lea, SUCCLVEORS TO J. o. HOW :LL, AT TIIE Spot NO 17 NOIlTii r-UIN ST., Are receiving a splendid line of Dress Goods in stock and colors ; Tripnihigs, Gents' Tndenvear in all grades and colors, a special bargain in Gents' and Ladies' Red Underwear, a splendid line Plush and Silks in almost ev ery shade ; Hats from 85 cents up to a good Stetson,; some goods bought very low, and will be sold same way. Towels, Table Linen, Napkins and Colored Table Covers in mrny qualities and colors. If you want cheap goods, we have them. A big lot of Tennes see all-wool Jeans at prices that will catch you. We keep Graham's home-made Shoes for Ladies and Gentlemen. Also some Coffee of good quality at 4 J lbs. for $1, The best lines of Flannels, Water-proof, etc., in this town. If 3"ou want gocds and good goods at low prices, call on HOWELL & LEA. HowCi-p Proffit and Waits Rob- lson are with us. THE VILILl CHANGED HAKDS-: MRS. R. V. HOLLAND has taken chnre of the " VILLA. " com 3r ol Haywood and Pullian: ' streets, as a BOARDING HOUSE, and is now prepared to accommodate boarders. Oct 19 dtf . ) HOTELS. ROUND KNOB HOTEL Trains stop for dinner Sunday 29th. W. D. SPRAGUE, Proprietor. ma 26 dtf WIMAII HOUSE. Comer of Pine and Baird streets. At beginning of Scnset Drive, Asheville, N, C, WIiJL be ready for guests on and after 1st of sanitary arrangements and ail modern improve- .1 1 T i ( J anil .1 v. .7 . ... will be conducted as a first-class house, with due ... .tic wiuiuii auu .'ii-irj t:i u; t; oi guests In summer and winter Terms moderate. Will. n. JUA.UfciOKL, aug 19 dtf Proprietor. FRANKX3K HOUSE, D. C. CUNNINGHAM, Pkopriktok, FRANKLIN - - AT. 6. Table supplied with the best the market affords. First-Class Livery and Saie Stables in connection with house. Dally Hack between Webster ami Franklin. flood Bamplt Room for Jtrummtrt. TUlt.nS If Jd 6 O. VJ It I, A'. sept 11-dly "Reeves House," "Wayrtesville. 1ST. O BRICK, ENTIRELY NEW TWENT1 Rooms, Single and in Suite. Location Main 6treet, three minutes from either the Post Office, Express or Depot, fifteen minutes of Haywood White Suljhtir Springs. Ol'EN ALL THE YEAR ROUND. Rates reasonable confer with us. Yours truly, A' J. REEVES, ualdif Manager. FrencL Broad Hotel A. E. Halliburton, Prop. This Hotel is located within one hundred feet of the Western North Carolina Railroad Depot, and nex to the offices ot the Superintendent and the General Freight Agent cf the W. N. C. R. R. Good Faro, Comfortable Ilooms. ON REASONABLE TERMS. FIRST CLASS BAR is attached, wnere will be found at ail times th best brands of Liquors, If "cs, iSrtmelics, Ci Tebeicco. Telephone connection with Up-town. nichS dtf Big Bargains! OFFEREE IJV M.OTS! For a short time we will offer speciol prices on lots in Military Tark. Some of the rineft Building Lots in Asheville, commanding a beautiful view, and well shaded with oaks. Will give prices of a few of them : Lot No. 14, on Pearson Avenue, nice shade, contains 3 acres, street all around it, $5,000 Lot 7, Pearson Av'c, covered with oak, 1,000 Lot S, 100x200, do., cor. lot, do. do., 1.JU0 Lot 9 do do do do Ixt 10 do do do do Lot 11, 91x350 do do do Lot 12, 175xl4S do 3-corner lot, do LCOL3T PARK. l,2li0 1 ,000 1,200 8C0 Lot 2S, 120x164, Bartlett s-;., nice noil, oak, 1,500 l.Ot 2'J, liuXltil, Lot 27, Mx240, Blanton St., ' Lot fi.J, 69x150. Ul'n A- Bar't 21s, do Lot SO, 80x150. do & Poplar sts Lot 16, 60x150, liailey fc Poplar sis, Lot 6, 50x100, do and iJailey st Lot 7, 50x100, do do SHIiLBY PARK. Lot 3, 75x150, Eailey street, Lot 4, do do Lot 12, do do Lot 19, do Blauton street. 1,5(!0 t00 7(0 CIO 600 250 600 500 560 550 For rent, a nice G-rooin house in North Asheville, price 15 per month. we nave otner nice citv and f uimry property for saie, and all on the most reasonable terms. Call a:il sc- us. BOSTIC, BLANTON & O , Kial Estate. iJiukeis, 13 "attsin - valine INSURANCE. LIFE INSURAHCE. tot TBV VA'XEY MUTUAL LIFE ASSOCIATION OF VIRGINIA Lss'iea policies for from riy.,000 to 3,COO, AND combine' the guarantee eature oi "OLD LINE" Companies at the eosi ol vinary co-operative insur vrfie in Secret Orders. rm INSURANOt. Uisuraaf-J3 against loss by Fire in fS.ty .-A County on all kinds of ProppTtl , Itenl and Persona . Sh-t ' -oa well as long term. Poli'-4 issued at fair rates A. 1 Companies, Home and Foreign. THIOS. W. BRASB, Agent, Office North Side Court Square, my 20-tf The White COlSNEil MAIN AKD miC. I'srST- U N D E It W HITLOOK'is ,- T O T! I PSOPS-IETOE. Hoadquavtw;, for fino LIQUORS. I keep rent.- i,ut U.e PUREST, and charge accordingly. 1 v SIB M1 liTVo ARE ABSOLUTELY and are recommended by the best judc-c:-- for medicinal ut. Also Fine Billiard and Pool Parlor. Goods shipped to all points. No charge for boxing. Lock Box Asheville, N. G. The only strictly White Man's Bar in the State. ja6--dn.wly C3 CD ! -' --"V VS. STRICTLY t.-.nnblv situated. Commanding macnifiocnt mountain viewb, and yet convenien to business. A home for ladies und families. FINE m POTTED MEATS, PATES OF G ME, CANNED FISH, CANNED FRUITS, F BENCH PEAS, Extra Fine, PliEN'CH M L'SilP.OOMS, DKVII-nD CP.AHS, SI11UMP, C. and B. PICKLES, PIN MONEY PICKLES, JELLIES a-PRESERVES CANTON GINGER, GROSSK and v.lackwell's JAMS, OLIVE-:. EDAM CUFKbtC, FINEST SALAD OIL, 1 N ST A N T A N E O V S et O CO LATE, P.ROMA, COCOA, XEW OI5LEANS Mdl.ASPES, PURE EXTIIACTEU IIONEV, FINEST KEY WEST & IMPORTED CIGARS TABLE SUPPLIES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION', 4 2! m hi 4m No. 03 SOUTH MAIN ST. Telephone No. 3S. .-bt"7?s-'s2 "In1 lk?szw VV. O. MULLER & CO., No. 7 South Main, Street, 'Asheville," JV. C. DEALERS IS All kinds of Whiskies, Brandies, Wines Ale, Portes, Cigars, Tobacco, &c; fine Kentucky Eye and Bourbon Whiskies a specialty. DISTILLERS' AOENT3 FOB Pure North Carolina Corn Whiskey and Appie Brandy. Pure Barley .Ialt Whiskey for medical purposes always in stock. Sole agents and authorized bottlers ot "Anheuser-Busch Brewing Association' celebrated i-l Louis Laget Beer for Western North Carolina. The following Brewings constantly on hand, in kegs and in bottles: Anheuser Busch, Standard, Imperial Pale I.aer and original Budweispr. Goods delivered to any par of the city free. Prompt attention paid to all or ders by mail. Telephone call No. 39. Billiard Hall on 2d floor. ie 10-dtf pSOR SALE. One Lot and House ot 4 r.:oms. Trice $700. 8200 down, balan-'e in yearly installments of J100 with interest at 8 per cent. One Lot and House of 4 rooms. Price S'Oft. S200 down, balance in yearly installments of S2C0 with interest at 8 percent. One ' arm of 100 acres, good framed house, (rood water, and ou.butldings. ss acres cleared, 5 well timbered, 10 miles S. W. ol Asheville. FrtceVS00 8300 down, balance in yearly install ments of S200 with interest at 8 Der sent. Appty lo J. H. BNELSON. oct 20 d&wt If Asheyille, N. C. Man's Bar I. CD 5 CO CD 5. ET CLA SR HOTEL mountain vieub, and yetconvenie RAWLS OROS., Proprs. 1867. 1887. Hampton -AND Featherston. The Oldest and Most Relia ble Liquor Store in N. C. We c.irry the largestassortment of goods of any horse in the State. We handle nothing hut the verv best roods. -Of - rr'-i rr&kiC-" AJianTiCS al" ;ronouncectb) p.iysicians to I)e'purtja.dun fadulteia:a. Noneiuit pure Liquors are fit fo medicinal purposes. Our Stock is Complete in Every Particular. Old Ccrn Whiskey from one to four years'old. Old live ;V.t tht- highest standitr.j brat. ds. All , kinds' of Wines. BseiR. Alep, I'ortor, i?cc &c. ' Cigars and Tobacco $ iii'great'quantiries;"aiulfinest on the m.u kct. Wc are very thankful toour pa trons for their ;::;st f;:vors, and we wish to say in conclusi 11 that our prices and guods are right down to he hard times. Be convinced by calling on us, West Side Public Square, Asheville, N, C. ian8d-5m JUST RECEIVED EXTRA FINE CAPE COD CRANBERRIES AT M, HESTOFS, Eagle Hotel Block. PORTT AND & BOSENDALE CEM ENTS, C A LCI NED PLASTERS, Plastering: Hair Lime, Locks. Nails, GlafB BEARDEN, RANKIN & CO., oct 9 dtf 55 South Main St.

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