v Of DAILY EDITION. '' rokS AXIi raorKIKTO&rf. CITIZEN JOB OFFICE, NO. 13 PATTON AVENUE. BILL HEADS, LETTER HEADS, POSTERS, BLANKS, Ae A nj fob Work of all kinds done -with promptness and at law friers. shevll DAILY, 1 Year, ii .Moii., 1 You r COO 1.C.O 'imAv;0 7.u, " VOL III.-NO i86.. ASHEVILLE- N. C THURSDAY IftORNING. NOVEMBER 17 1887 PRICE 5 CENTS A n A.: A.: '' laud, :u 1 , I lor Nona ' ir i: jti.c i ttorain.t- I- : : Pric-,1: a- -cr vi ; "1. ill .ii sioath. . I.;, i. : cvy, i; vi ieol t':!-- 11 r". n: ti.tr-i A-- mice. Bin in ky. lies?!:': J.inUa Sic.! la. no h.ilNe ok- KuiirhHni'l' ua lou.tt' it;g:i;sin c.;i .1 '.. As!icci:.'e ' ', .1. K & A. -V. ". . J V.-. .itfl 1 CoiiiuiKt, 'X. M : I. V tMiiti.it. ?.i ir. Vasinio 11. el tiiii.l I'limshn- uiKiit i:i e wontu at V'-:'fc. an I Is. u.:l lei niaiit 1 jt i:i : : The .4-t.V-.- : 1 - "V, r :or' Kt. f, u ;r..i!c " ' ,1-' -; -. i,! 1 l-ur K- -;-ik .r ;h : ; . t 0mVifTi?,, far 'hi TA N Absolutely This powder never vaults. ri itrengtn und wholeiwH'it iit' S. '. than the iidianrv kinds, uail competition with the niuiti n.It- m :.. 1 Inv u-t. At'tul ilium or pii(i:.)r.nte powi'v,-.-. OH. KdTAL 13AK1NH l'Ott UKli t' '. Sew i'ork. it:. GOMPOONO 0) i. S SKCVILLE. fJ. G 'Jompound Oxtkch inliaivl, n ( ::..: rita medieaivi'. i'nlsam V.ij,,r, e.ir s ion, Asthniu, l;iuiu-liitis. Vi,.-..l ' . i::;, riiroat. Los cf Yoic.-. Idsens-js n: ilie I ' Kidneys, Bl-vlder, :ul nil !i-a.-vs Cw l CJpnre or impovcri-ilii-1 Mm 1. It cues IUienmulim y.hvu ivi-tj! fills. It is the only remedy t!,n'. v.,1 . : ure Chronic Nasal r.:t 11 1 !.. !:' 1: . this .oathBome and dalit.v.-.as ; ourolliee mid iiivcs:iLr:ii.' ':i 1 .i ., . . : cure you, no mutter liow loi;L;y.,ii lnv Nocliare lor eoiisultatHai. There is no statement in the nLevc Dots'.' icily true you may rely tip a every vTe t:aa prove all and lat'.e. vi!-y ii-i 1 e t 11 we believe your cue ii'.c; v. ill r.irirly tell you so. We do um .- , t-J tre..t iiwe cannot neip you. We a lo treat all dised' - s of t!;e liec-tuiu. or xjw ' Bowels. Mil h as lit m..: - !,i !s ('iie-.-, 1-"::-,ore r istula, Prolapsus, etc 'ihe 1 rr !r.i'i.t i ilwa successful, and ne:ir!y al'.'...:.s i..::ii'.e.s-. Weeore without tne UM 1. f t::e Iin.Ie, 'id in a lew a js. Ko losa of tin. v Iroia l-ii.-nu.is. r j.!eas V9i OFncs 'y tu:: " Y.'o- I ;kw Yor.:;, y 10, 1 .. i :'.-h ii.it- Rlnthefalleili-'.il v. m in n.i 'i at I was oliliu-e l to c-ai;eel a!! ngagements for the inter. -:i i t Bgforatitue. I went t' Ash.-vi;: sayiieli under the rare 01 li s ti ,rg .; : Continuinir their trc n' a-.ent I health and siren-ili. caini.nj -0 i ad feel better than I have fur yu: : I refrard their esyjfen treatia ' great value; they, theanel'es n:u kill, and worthy oi'tUu ouiiatui-c r . .i- 1. r.,-.. 1 in - vi iie.-h: i-::r; of f i.'tl.e : i.i.Uc. Bill Inyk. HOME TREATMENT, We Manufacture the Conirotind O.w.r.. : nd hip it to all parts of the country, 1.1.1 to the Paclii . Coa-a. We send apparatus a-.-.d .; ais 3iM two months for Si-.'. This is a.s v;Ui;.;li'e Ifcthe otlice .reatment. 1 lie- wonderlul curative res. .Its t i l i;:ed v. i,h o-V.reatment is astoiiishincr even to u.-. U ion vM to learn more aj thh Innt.niut.anil our tXM in thr aire of Chronic Uitot" -', 11 rile nr cult bri-'urated book eijilaiiiinrj treatment jnc. DH3. HA KG AS t GA'iCi.: T , l Wain Street, , Ashtvil.'e, :.. (' Ja-.-i3-dawtf "THE JEWELLER South Main- St., Asiii-.vii.lk. aa 24-Cm CITY MA It J-Z ET. I have jatt put in a J'etv ItefrigerniGi nd am well prcp?.:rd to keep meats in jrotd ondition. Will Keep tbu best of MEBF, MUTTON, IA':IR. tllOKED SA USAGE, BOLOGXA fAUGE, FRESH FISH and OYSTi JiS, Im season. Give me a share of your patrm-sre. Orders promptly attended to a-id n od - rt-livcr-a4 T. 1. Ml 51 Nth, J: o,Patton Arenne, an ler Powcllifc Snider's jnly '-dSm mmm O f t 'ir fc Wit DAILY EDITION. TKW 5:--mj.y CITIZEN Y." il be yrahU '..ed every Morning (ex .1 i-ndav) '.it tho following rate ): V". $6 00 .,'.,'.3 3 00 a,: " . . . ' . . 1 50 " .50 O .. V. ce:. 15 On- Carrier.-; will deliver the paper even- Mori.ifig in every part of the city to rihera, and parties wanting it e;.'l at the Citizen omce. .' Work of nil kinds to Ike if you wont it done neatly, it It tiispntch. 'i'rJ-' ?tR . .,-r.rr.v - Ar'lv, s os ;. n.- leaves tor Mor . -l t .",;ir :,. ill .. i 1.:, ..rrivi-.int :2 Is . n-.., and leaves nt . r.s. ." ,r!vs (cOO ji. pi.,en-! luavea tor ' '. . '. ':.' I'. 111. i.T-.NBi':.'-, -Arrives a! Da. a..; leaves lor v i . ... .,. m. '.- t-ht ce'ommodation .1. il.v ..L .iu a. m., uurt arrives atKOO yt.viixe Lenvcs Asteville at S:O0 a. m., rrlV'.'S nt 1:50 p. m Wf.iiJitT I tilieation. X ;tli "arnlina Fair weather, light (o fit r'i s'-iithveBiOrly winds, Blight rise in tr-in ( r :lu-' , Vinr.i.'.a Fair weather, light to fresh HOiiiifweMerly wiml?, sliiftint; to westerly c-u:,'cr for Fri-Jay morning. J i ii' Citizen, with latest Associa- Uil I'rf-s 1 ii spat eh es will be found re".'; nt all hotels and news-stands i;s ilio 1 i v. When the. supply may he i-x!. rt tlu.Fe placeo, call at the ! nlliee. '. lie J ' j ! ir-t Slate Convention mrt in .:: yester.!ay. -it .''ti; i-rior Court begins its fall ; 1 :,i ." .i;,:,il-v i-.ext. We believe it con- :. ;; eivil thicket only. ''"i- ) e :i 1 farther information re 'i: . t :. i, mcUtijn if Senator Vance, a rcssMii to believe that he is lux- v Civ.zi:s iiloue taking the A . ! "r: t diap:itehcs is read by i , .-. . :i f i.;r r.ml live thousand people ii..i! i-. . 1 rtisers slioald note tl: is. M.. . r Morrisoa and family now r e ; , J: ir -Kjra.nl new residence cn lVai.--':: .venue. Northwest Ashoville. Ii it i'u - oi the ii'i'.st complete and ele-!:-.a..-..5 in the Slat;. A i. . . ".iav c ii.iiinvaication of Aehevilie t. i. F. v; M. wiil be held to-'i:.-:.; .' Work in tlie M -. M. ie- .reii eoraial invited. ii!i:i;W. M. Jiv i, r.-ell ::d favorably Lnown k( t ar;ei;t a!:d an all-a'.iye , h.i taken a position on the i: :p.L'or.i!ie Warehouse, on mi hi dive movement and .c v, ill find full and riuqi! : Windsor ilot-l, OS ali pase:i;Pi3 i '.; :;c?.t:-.. : r. 1 :rtt 'AX the train i: r.-.i.i fit.---iiijr on Ma n street, :t !!: (Htfonce of the ill'.'! i.i ;: ".! advice from one v. l .-i'.ii t-u the Slh iust., on uil'.e Si ..it thorn Boad. This fact ' uly lii"; up t'ie liearts of our iVieci:.3. as that road, according c :. ; tationt'i, will, at that place, . i:.'ii with the Marietta and C -i.l 1 ;a.l. -1-! ;i'ap!iic dispatches, f'it-t.is-h ;J all the reputable -.f : ';c Cr.itcd tfiates, Canada t- .bs ribe at once for the i:-,ti:o only paper in the ;f i ! Norih Carolina taking -.ted Vr -i dispatches. :''.t-ip:i 1 weather to Eowrain, m ,i! for next veal's crops, t . Uo s:re:ts and .sidewalks of the . - e aa ii'lit.s placed at points on . c! li'.t reached by the electric , .(i t subscribe for and advertise I'Aii.vr.iid Weekly Citizen. fii'nuT A'lhsviile and West-r-l:trt v. ill j'.:.t ht-ip us a little, by ' hi Janr.iry next the Ci.iZEX ra-l by a: l.-.nt ten taous.-.nd peo !y. i 1' ip us increasLi the circula .1 !-::'.s!it forward nevvapaper, on S'iW v. crkhii; for Wuotern Caro- :i th -hi 1 i.jii (.; 1 s.al - j iina. ,'c i. 0 L c c1'' Kit r.'.-di estimate the value of i--'e!a:::ic feature of the Citizen. v.-iil tr.b? t!;C d.uiyJdiBpatches as.long vi c.Ti. ih-y d.i c;sl in money, it is , a fa t v. we hope our friends sppvr-fiate. ijut we do not intend i-L.iiib'c. We ;:et what all the other papers r eeive Irom the r.aine association. We call attention l-j tl e advertisements 15 it ife'tA. 'i hey iepre--i:it the best Ivy ''.I'.y- men of t!ii.-i r.n-.l other commu- iji.; I !.e CiiiiiN r.'linits nothing to i.. iti-i. :i -,-f a qix-B'iunab e character, t: - l.r.ii-.,- it. It will be in the interest f ev ty i.-.-.dcr t- read carefully all the a.'viiii ii i-l-; in tti-3 Ciiizex. It will pa to tio so. Yo;l: has bft-n br-pun, es we learn f;r:.i lb K: t-svi'lc Juvtuul of tfce lfith 0:1 tin- "hf-lo in tho groaml" out of which it is ; ::; ect.--d b .-th lijrht and heat are to c ,i v ilii' '.'i.oil ol the petpleof Knox viiii TI.i 1 is e'-od hops of getting ' i i that li.iliiral gas which has t'.i--i I'litr-inn; r.ith its conTPnience fi.d 1 101. ci.y, a r.d Knuxville has gone u: n in i-:-rch vviiii a pur pose to fighton tiitii line ii it ta!:r- s'l winter. It i3 de i";i;ii;:;' l titr.t no stop shall be made f-bort fd'o .Oil!) f-ii. Hut if there be gas, it v. ill b- reached before then. And if it i rc --i ; it is not too far for us to share in the iii-as-ne by means of a pipe line. i--' - i AN i) Or ndiun we lir.ve i.ks f.ZD !iii.i'i:s at Law's, 57 i Main St. a :-t jiaie hhape in White Granite : r ware j ufct out is the t rettiest had yet, at-d at even lowerprices i:i-r "fhaiiic. New patterns in ti.an Glass ,i.i ii colored and crystal) at bot tom j ri; h. Great bar-rair.B in Hanging and Stand Lamps, also special lot Table Knives, imperfect. We carry the largest and be:-! rsV-rtmriit in Western North CaivSh-a p.nd offer our patrons the lull bvw-D c: lut-: reduction in prices. Jh rbii . in Youman' Dunlap'$, and Hill, r is thuna several colors. oMrorftf U. REDWOOD X- CO. Send your job work to the Citizen Job Office. The pretty girls of the Templeton Opera Company had their pictures taken at Brown's ealferr yesterday. Being "as pretty as a picture,',' of course Brown made a bea jati)l pic,- ture of the young ladies. y - ' uraniie ior winuuw unu uuuij. -i -i- j i sills, for curbings and for other pur poses is coming largely in to use here. It is a gray, nearly white, stone, of fine grain and great com pactness. We learn it comes from Henderson county where the forma tion is a very extensive one and very accessible. inere is good granitt; in Buncombe, and not far from Asneville, bnt nowhere in the mountains is it presented in such quantity and under such favorable, conditions as in our ireig county. Good Luck for a Good Max. Gol. T. B. Long has placed upon our table a fine specimen of gold quartz, found on his plantation, six miles east of Asheville. He invites any and all persons to come and look at his mine but would prefer gentlemen who have lots of cash if they want any interest in this mine. Marriages. At Louisville, Ky., cn the 15th, Mr. W. B. Anderson, of Asheville, and Miss A. Karl, of Louisville. The groom and bride reached this city vesterday, and have the best wishes of all. At Greenville, S. C, on the 16th, Mr. Sol Edel, of Asheville, and Miss Rosa, the accomplished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Mark, of Green ville, S.G Mr. and Mrs. Edel will visit rela tives of the groom in Richmond be. fore returning to this city. All of the friends of the groom in this city wish the groom and his bride a long life of unalloyed bliss. Two Ice Factories; It is certainly intended thatAshe vill shall keep cool. Some time sence Mr. CDllins, who bought large intereetes in this citj", included among his purchases a site for an ice factory, and forthwith ordered the necessary machinery for a com plete factory, to turn our a large number of tons of pure ice per day. This plant is now enroute, and will be up and at work at an early date. Mr. Collins sa3's he will have as complete an establishment as the Sou!h can boast, and will not only supply Asheville but orders from any point on the Western Carolina system of roads. In addition to this we learn that another company of capitalists will establish an ex tensive ice-plant for a similar pur pose, and with large factilities. Some of our most successful busi ness men are at the head of this new concern, and "know . no such word as fail." Between these two com panies wo oupht to hear no more scarcity of ice in Asheville orWestern Carolina. And they come on the stage just in time fo"r the next year's campaign. A New Enterprise. The following gentlemen we learn ni'-t yesterday and incorporated the Asheville Ice Company, viz, J. P. Sawyer, J. G. Martin, '.V. O. M tiller, T. W. Patton, YV. C. Car michatl, and C. R. Holmes. A charter has been filed with the clerk ol the Court of this county. The capital of the company has been fixed at $25,000. Books of subscrip tion have been ordered to be opened at Dr. Carmichael's, Main street. A majority of the stock has been al ready subscribed and we learn a temporary organization effected. The officers elected are J. P. Saw yer, President; J. G.Martin, Vice President ; E. I. Holmes. Secretary and Treasurer. Arrangements nave been made with a Mr. Moore, of Maryland, a. yeteran in the business of manuiac turing Ice, for the immediate erec tion of a machine ol the latest and! most improved patent having a ca pacity of ten tons of "hard trans- parant pure Ice" every 24 hours. Mr. Moore is expected here during the present week, and work will be commenced at once and pushed to a rapid conclusion. We congratu late the citizens of Asheville and vicinity on this additional enterprise and on the certanity of having a good sufficiency of pure Ice at an earl' date and at .figures within reach of all. Found, On Monday night, a Gold Medal. The owner can get same by calling at the Cit izen Job Office and proving property. Especial Attention Is invited to the large array of popular remedies to be lound at i'elham rhar macy. near the po6t .office. It is a rale with this house to keep any thing that is wanted in the drug line, provided it has any merits. We adyise our friends in the country that when in want of any medicines to try Jfelharo's Drug Store They fill physicians' prescriptions at low prices. 1 he quality of their goods is un excelled. They handle a full line of Sundries such as drug stores usually carry. Theirs is a complete assortment. ee-'3 ait Overcoats in great variety, well made and trustworthy. 8 ieodtf H RED WO OD & C O. I For th J Asheville Citizkn. GOOD NEWS FEOM MADISOIC, INCLUDING A WEDDING. . Spring .Cbksic, N. G, Nov. 14, 1887 Editors yCiiizen : Thai farmers of ihu section are busily engaged, gathering raeir porn' crop which is abundant, bet tsrfiiari for several years. We have lj: i . . ti10 ABr,Mi,n market. on the Asheville market this winter. Some excitement over mineral prospects among us anil some talk of a rail road through our township from Hot Springs. The timber of our section would be money to us, if we had a rail road. Mr. J. F. Askew, a prominent, and a well to do young man, was on the 10th inst., married to Mis Citty Woody, the worthy daughter Mr. S. B. Woody of Spring Creek towjjjip, Jasper Ebba, Esq., officiating. We-tender both of them our congratularis and with them long and prosperous life. With many s lor t tie prizes', i am, empleton CornpsJ ir character for exce ey leave a most pleasant im prcggion in Asheville, and may always reiy on good nouses should tiey visit tms city again. The Large Increase In the ci.culation of the Daily and Wzkkly Citizen the past few days is certainly most encouraging and gratify ing to us The Citizen alone furnishes the daily aisociated press dispatches, besides other general and local news. It is rtally the orean ef the people of this section, so far as giTing information of this section is concerned. The Citizen is read by more people in this city and eection than U any other paper. It is the paper that is read by the people that advertisers should consider. We ask advertisers to think of this. All we ask is that the people of Asheville and Western Carolina shall give to the Citi zin such promft-payirg patronage as will enable it to become the best news paper of the State. Not Geese Bct O'tossum. Messrs. John Lange, Haliybnrton and Deake, the Duck hunters, learning that some wild geese were making themselves homely a few miles up the river, donned their hunting-suits early yesterday morning, and ere the rays of approach ing day could be seen on the eastern horizon left the city, determined to fetch in, some of the feathery tribe which had evidently wandered from their regular rendezvous. They reached the river bank, and followed its meanderings for several miles, and hunted with all their might until eld Sol had scaled Beaumont several hours, without seeing a sroose, or anything like 'one, save the three who were in the party. Finally believing that they had been imposed upon they quietly folded their ammunition and "other things and silently started on rheir return trip homeward. Fortune faor the brave, however. They had not gotten far, having taken a by-path through the woods, before reaching a small persimmon tree, and to t .eir ereat joy, upon looking up, they spied a huge o possum nestled among the branches. A little work soon made him, her, she or it a captivat The marsupial was brought to the city, weighed, and found to null the beam at 22 pounds. This was not what these gentlemen went for, but find ing a stringer they took him in. He is trie largest or the season. A Magnificent Scbcrban'Residence. Mr. Fred A. Brown, of New York city, son of a member of the firm of Brown Bros., prominent bankers of that city, who recently bought the beautiful Strawberry Hill farm near Asheville, is having built an elegant residence on his property, Mr. J. A. Waguer, J contractor. His building is to be of native granite, of elaborate design and finish, and will be one of the most elegant residences iu or near the city. We welcome all new resi dents, and congratulate Mr. Brown upon his good judgment in the selec tion of so beautiful .a site for a home. Hon. Kope Elias reached the city yes terday, to attend the Federal Court. Mr. A. Mtlntosb, photographer of Hicko:y, is in the city. We are indebted to Mr. Southwick for a recent copy of the Chicago Pictorial Went and of the Chicago Jnter-Ocean.both devoted to the Anarchists. The first brings us unpleasantly close to te in cidents of last Friday's tragedy; contain ing illustrations as vivid almost as reality. . In - fact, beginning with the have a pictorial stor course oi even fiejW descrip conspiracy from 1? Fresh fish, clams, shrimDSand oysters received every day at Turner & Bron son's saioon, well packed in ice. Hotels and boarding houses can make special rates for obtaining the same, and private families furnished on order. tf Stationery, Magazines, Novbls, News A fine selection of paper, plain and ruled in quire and tablet form with envelopes to match, pencil tablets lc. up to 25c, slates, pens, pencils, inks, mem orandum and ott er bianK Dooks. iiox paper 10c. up to $1.25 Large lot of Seaside and othet Llbaries pipular new novels received as soon as out. Books not in stock ordered without extra charge. Daily and Sunday New York papers. Subscriptions received for all publications. Century, Harper's, Atlantic, Scribner, Lippincott, American, and Frank Leslie's Magazines always on sale. Views of Asheville and Western North Carolina. Agent for Rubber Stamps, linen and box marking stencils. Special prices given on stationery to parties purchasing for school purposes and on $1.00, or more worth ot station ery at one time, at Carson's Stationery and News Store, N. Main St. large stock of Woolen Dress Goods and Black Silks just in, at Whitlook's. A fresh lot of Malaga grapes and Pa manca oranges just in at Cook & La- barbe's, Ne. 20, North Maik st. Buy your groceries from S. W.- Me- Crary and have them delivered free. Havr e A -BAM SUSPENDS. THE YELLOW FEVER AT A STANDSTILL. GREAT LOSS OF LIFE IN A CHINESE FIRE. A Brewery Burned in Buf falo With Heavy .os. AN 1LI FATISO.VrEASlKK-A SKdOXDTIME FI555-:. Fl.v Bowuwar! -"sr's Rem- t-cepted. The Sparks Go Out. (By telegrsph to the Ashsrille C'itizfuf) Washington, Nov. 16. The Pres ident has accepted the resignation of Commissioner Sparks to take ef fect to day. :o: A Fatal Fire. lly tleeraph to th Asheville Cittze i. Canton, China, Nov 16. The steamer Wah-Yeung has been de stroyed by fire. About four bun dred passengers are supposed to have been lost. -to.- - The Pop; Disapproves. (By telef rsph t ths Aihsrille Citizsn.j London, Nov. 16. The limes says it is reported in Rome that the Pope has entirely disapproved of the lawlessness and political fanati cism of the people in Ireland, and has sent instructions to the clergy with reference to their future atti tude regarding the relations between landlords and tenants. The Yellow Fever. IBj talegraph to th Ainerills Citizen. Washington, Nov. 1C Surgeon General Hamilton has recieved a telegram from Dr. Porter at Tampa, Fla., saying that there was one new case of yellow lever and no deaths at Tampa "yesterday.. He also in quired if he could offer government aid in case the fever should break out in any rt or neighboring coun ties of a Canada Bank. ter Ule to ihf Ashaville Citizsc.) Toronto, Nov. 1G. The Cer.iral r3an& oi Gat.ada suspended pay ment to-day. The following notice is posted on the doors ot" ihe bank : "In consequence of t lie present money stringency the Central Bank has not been able to realize on its assets promptly enough to meet the immediate demands upon it. It has therefore, for the present, sus pended payment." The capital of the bank was 1,000,000, with $500,000 paid up. It is impossible to gire any idea of the bank's posi tion at present, but it is expected that depositors will suffer no loss. to: Brewsry Fire iu Buffalo. By talegrsph to ths AshoTiil Ci!isn ) Buffalo, Nov. 1C At 2:30 this morning a fire brol-eo'it in ti:.? ex tensive malt houses of the Seljei Brewing Co , Washingu.u street, oc cupying the block between lJurton alley and Virginia street, and tin; portion of the Brewery plant, includ ing ice houses and elevator, were entirely destroyed. The tire i.- sup posed to have originated trom an overheated kiln. The lo.-s cn the building is estimated at B 100,000 The elevator or storehouse had a capacity of 85,000 bushels, and it is supposed to have been full. The total loss is at least SloO.OUO; aguro gate insurance $100,000. :o: A Naval Officer Goes Wroujr. to tie AshsTill Citizsa. Nov. 16. A Naval as been ordered to ork Navy yard to- th trial of Lieutenant Emory H. Taunt on charges of ab sence from duty and station with out leave, disobedience of orders and scandalous conduct, preferred by the Secretary of the Navy. Lieu tenant Taunt is well known in Washington and his many friends can account lor his actions only upon ground of mental derange ment. They say that hardships suffered by him an the Greely re lief expedition, and latr in the Congo exploration's have under minded his constitution and un settled his reason. Fire on Board a Steamer. I By Telecraph to ths Asharillt Citizsa, Boston, Nov. 16. A fire was dis covered early this morning in the afterhold of the steamer Venetian, loading at this port for Liverpool to fail to-aay. The fire Yfas among the bales of cotton, which were quickly hauled out of the bold and the fire gotten under control with out apparent damage to the vessel. Hr sailing will be postponed. The Venetian is the same ship that ar rived here Nov. 10th with fire in the forward hold, liie cargo was then thrown into the sea, and the fire extinguished "vita steam. Tl, tn t, . l-l.l to lilr.l.r I A UC 111 IliU UV1U ID tS prove ir.ore disastrous than at first tow siw A nntj4wfor supposed. The fire is confined to the loTer hold and the general car go is being removed, while that por tion of the vessel where the fire starieJ is being flooded with water. The loss will be heavy but cannot be ascertained at present. While the firemen were fighting fire Jin the hold the smoke became so dense and heat so great that a large num ber of firemen were overcome and restored wnn aiincuitv. As many as zov ot them had to be carried to open air where all were resusicated, and it it is not believed latol results will ensue, although a number were incapacitated for further work. A Pap'iiiijr-Honse Blown Vp. ; My ;e!ejrJph to Iba AshtTllle Citizsn.l IlArc'iciv Mich , Nov. 16 A acki house -f the Hancock Chpniic-.l works was blown tin this morning and six men killed. Oilier Souls Jfado Happy. I Br telegraph to the Aihsville Citizen.) Washington, Nov. 16. Acting Secretary ol Treasury appointed guagers and storekeepers to-day as follows: Richard L. Harris, 5th District of North C'aro.ina ; Jno. T. Cannady, 6th District of Virginia; W. G. lion?- r, 5th District of North Carolina. The W. C. T- 1'. in Session. rt-T l:?;rsp(. to .L AsIisyiK CitizeH. Nashvii.u-:, Nov. 16. The Na tion a 1 W. V. T. V met in Watkins Hail ;,t 10 o'clock with representa tives from almost every State and Territory. Foi tho lir.'t time the Indian Territory has sent its repre sentative, Mrs. i.i hi Meriiflrc-ther. presitbv.t, of Tennessee, presided.. Upon lii-"1 platf irm .vera seated Mrs. Judge Thonipsos;, of lliilsboro. O , mother ot the crusade in 18S3, Pundit t Ihtmtibai. vice, president of the worlds W. C. T. U. for India and )fiii ij of National Union. The lia.ll is dr;ratf:d with beautiful ban ners and Uovcrs. Mrs. Hannah Whitehall Smith, lately returned from England, opened the conven tion wi h an able reading on love, before:t!ie crowning event ot the con vent ton. Miss WilLrds annual address. Tho i-titii.) front of the platform was lire .1 with representatives of the pivss, among whom were Miss Ciitiu-rinb Cole, of the New Orleans d Mrs. M. Crane, ot the Nrw York ! !i urtit. i crieei quiet pre- vaued whim .Miss lilard delivered her annual address, which was fre tiucii ly interrupted by applause. In loving kindness and in sympa thy, in breadth of vision and depth of le.-oive, her message to the white n!i::,r. women cannot be excelled. At !:n- e-jneiusion of the address M:v. Z '.ila V;-.!"nee led in prayer iiiiii tlo-i: ioliowt'd the introduction of distingcifched visitors of Nash- villc:, and Dr. Turner, of Ala. The Dftik and Bloody Still Heard From. iK j.'i a;.li to the Ashevilis Citizen.) i.:-. i s-.ton, Isov. 16. Lew Baldwin of Xvcha! wis shot snd kiiled here to-day by i'homas Green, correspondent of the Cincinnati Commercial Ga:ette. Green l:a-.i written c letter t" his paper charg ing I i-vt t : ii with unlawful acts in con n j.-liiiii with the election in Jessamine count;. . 'laid in incensed by this, at tacseii l-ivi-it on me street in front of iie: r, Hotel, and ii red a pistol at( inn vithout etioct. ir: Uiihti;.: Baldwin Green returned the almost instantly. A iids of each are here t.-.i indulged in, eo iru')!e Li iv b? esuec'.eii. Th I'irshlsiit i- 1 I'oinniissioner Sparks. t:c; ;:i t i '.ti Asbt.ru: -ll'.xc. ioy, i. ('.. Nov. 1 r-'parksthif morning r; :-'i!cu!. ii Setter ac Citizen. I Co mm is eired from ?pting his :-.loii to t. li i-.- cif.'ct to-!ay. The vesidrJav and while lae bs d.ited dcclinin.; throiiir i courtesy to the Presi dent, to she it to the press, tho Com- misHionr-r eaul tnat ic was extremely ind i:i tone and expressed the Presi dent':) full appreciation of his ee: vices to the oountrv as l omtiiiesionerot tlie Gen eral Laud Oflice. Arsiclant Commission er Stock.-daer will hi actim?) -om-ni:-sion er until Mr. Sparks' succcfs-ir is appointed :o: Doiug Honors to .1 Distinguished Statesman and Soldier. Ej tiltffi-aps to til Asuerillt Citizsa Lexington, Ky., Nov. 16. The unveil ing or l.'ie monument o: jonn i,. lirec-Ken-ridrio brought many people to the city to-day. Representatives of both Federal and i.tjinedsrate armies took part in the demonstrations. Kxercjses begun at 11 o'clock with pra cr by Key. Dr. J. J. Bullock, foi-uierlr Chaplain of the U. S. Senate, l-enatcr Ja. B. Beck gave a his torv of the memorial association. Edward V. Valentine delivered the statue to the association and - 1. Breckec ridge for the az8::ciation delivered it to the State. Gov. Kacknsr received il on behalf of the State C-1. V, C. P. b-reckenridge d-iive-Vil the adiree. instead of Hon. J. S. C. Biack.burn who wa to have spoken of the l'fe and services of Gen. Brecken ridge. Above all other earthly ills, I bate tho big, old-f.-sbioned rills; B slow degrees they downward wend, And olten patiEe, or upward tend; With such discomfort are they fraught. Their nood effects amount to naught. Xow, Dr. Pierce prepares a pill That jus-t exactly (ills the bill A Pellet, raiher, that is all A Pleasant Purgative, and small; Just try them as cu feel their need. You'll find that I speak truth, indeed, dtewl w Curtain Poles with brass fixtures only oOcentj, at Whit-lock's. Delicious California pears at Cook & Labar'oce, -No- 20, rortL Mam st. Handsome ftylcs in Carpets, Rugs, Art Squares, UU Cloths, Jcc. r&deodtf H. REDWOOD & CO. The House Still Democratic. (By telegraph ;to the Asheville Citizen.) Washington, Nov. 16. An offi cial list of members of the next House of Representatives shows that the House will consist of 168 Democrats, 153 Repubiicaas nd 4 Independents. Independents are Anderson, of Iowa; Nichol, of North Carolina; Hopkins, of Vireinia: and Smith of Wisconsin. The Virginia Methodists. By talscraph to ths AihevUls CitUea.) Danville, Nov. 16 The 105th session of the Methodist Conference began here to-day. Bshop Key, of Georgia, presiding. Dr. Paul Whitehead was elected secretary and Revg. P. A. Peterson and S. S. Lambeth assistants, and standing committees were then apiininted When a motion was made t ap point a committee on temperance the Bishop said ; "No, sir, jre do, not appoint committees on temper ance ; we hare passed temperance down in my country, and now call it prohibition." The committee on prohibition was appointed. Memoe rial services were set for Monday morning in honor ol the eleven preachers who have died since the last Conference. It is somewhat re markable that there are eleven new applicants fur admission to the Con ference this year. To-nieht Rey. H. C. Heatham preached the open ing sermon, after which communion was aaministered to the members of the Conference. After tfce Railroads. I Rj tslsiripk to th Ashsrlils Cltlzsn. Washington, Nov. 16. The In ter-State Commission to-day gave hearing upon complaint of Lopez Dubars Sons &. Co., of Biloxi Miss. aga nst Louisville & Nashville Rail road Com pan v, charging discrimi nating rates from Cincinnati as compared with those to New Or leans. Mr. E. L. Baxter appeared as attorney for the Railroad and John Miqual Genoral freight agent of the Railroad, was examined as witness. Complainant was not present in person or by counsel. Comrjlainants covered general prin ciples which govern making of freight rates. It was explained that Biloxi lying between New Orleans and Aioble both, of which get low rates by reason of water competi tion also gets the benefit of this competition but not so fully as the two points named, rates to Biloxi being made by adding rates from Cincinnati to Mobile or New Or leans, to local rates thence to Bil oxi. The annual report of T. E. Nash, General Superintendent of railway mail service shows that at close of statistical year ' mail service had been authorized upon 130,959 miles of railroad, postal clerks being em ployed distributing mail on 11,660, 970, and the service on remaining 14,350 miles being performed by closed pouches. At the same date there were in operation 41 inland steamboat routes, aggregating 586, 470. on which postal clerks were employed to handle mails while in transit. There were employed on railroad routes 4,403, and steamboat routes 57, railway postal clerks being tolal of 4,460 mm. While in per, furmance of duty, postal clerks on railroads traveled (in crews) 10,706- b4,0, and those employed on steamboats 1S6,873,770. During the year railways postal clerks dis-t-ibuted 5,834,970,875 pieces of or dinary mail matter, and protected recorded, receipted for and dis patched 15,752,569 registerd pack ages and cases, and 9,506,138 rough registered pouches and inner regis tered sacks. Death of a Noted Divine. IBj tlf raph to th Asherilla Citlsn.J Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 16. Rev. Jas W. Saul. D. D.. Vice-President of Universal Peace Union, died at Epis copal Hospital this moraine, aged S9 years. He was native r-f this State, but settled down in early life in New Or leans following mechanical pursuits there for years. He filled number of public municipal places in New Orleans and was tendered but declined Federal offices of Superintendent of Mint and Assistant. . The "old reliable" Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. d&wlw N EW ADVERTIslEMTNTft. JOST, A pair of horse boon, between Carmichael's drug store and the Fair Grounds. Suitable reward paid for return of same to Carmichael's uov 16 d.2t RANTED. A y anng man with SS00 or SI ,001) c ipital wishes an interest in some safe business. Addras"K" nov 12 d3t Asheville, X. C. OPERA HALL. One Performance Only Friday Eyening, Not. 18. First appearance in Asheville of MARIE PRESCOTT and K, D. MoLEAN Supported by A GOOD COMPANY, In the Grand Romantic Drama "IXGOMAaV'- Partbenia, - Marie Preecott. Ingomar, - R. D. McLean General admission 60 eta. Reeerved . seats $1 .00. Sale of seats begins on Mon day, Nov. 14th, at J. P. Sawyer's, eot JpOB SALE. ' Three thoroughbred Mares' oT flne tyte and anion, eleiant sadd'e horsf rgfien'3tla Brace's Stud Book, two broken to harness. JNO. A. WILLIAMF, JB., July 15 CmztN office.