THE FLQW28 eOLUCflUN CITIZEN JOB OFFICE NO. 13 PATTON AVENUF. BILL HEADS, " LETTER HEADS, POSTERS, . BLANKS, Ac And fob Work of all kinds done -with fromftness and at low f rices. VOL III. NO 190 ASHEYILLI NOVEMBER 22 1887 PRICE CENTS ADVERTISING RATL'S LOW, " DAILY EDITION. W A H V EDITORS AND FROl'EIETORS. jj3 M H H j "xvH. i H (L HL Q JMo3., 3.00 " v tiiivLV l veor , 1 I .-. .; '- ! . . -J kcGelJ Clort :or Cjer.en. . .1 - -J. , i.'ior.t i flint 0. T'S I- 1 1. V --::::,.".:.! vi": .'. in each aojlt. ir.i, avn 1,-tnr, . -vr, DuUtir ;' .. : : 1 '...':. r..u,rv. Heel the rir.-t cml iUirt :.:.. i: ::i;li in caca min.o. f-rtcA Kr.l.z : ,'i:!?.'i7, j,"o. .i 3. LI- flm Icy, kegont: JoMsn Stone-, ,:c.-c!t ;y. Meets luill of the lvnilitH or Honor o.i tl:o ma.! he fou.1t M.inJiw 'lijliu i:; c-.c.'i month. AahevMe !.:,:'. A. J .'z A. , V. 11-1 Wake .1 1 Coitland, W. M.; (. A. Conaut, See. fleets ir. i'asTiic iu:i tlilnl Th-.j 1 iv niehl in ear-i nonth at 1 o'clock, au-l Is' ami i'h rKr.rj.ta7 i?ht f ir'!; ion. TA i'.:Vt!.V PVij ., ar,t, ft .r Mr. Mo: el' h'-.i.-o. '.i):)-.:tc Hi-.v, K..:, V i p. ' ; .-r t- ?:c 8anh of Wtvi'l.-. i o.a tc vi, -J ! f.-: -i i-. a. u i .) 1 r- sa. jud fibril to ' id Absolutely Pisre, I'bU powder never varies. A mcrvol of puritv. trcueth ami wholeaomeiiess. Moie evonomicnl wan tiie ordinary kinds and can not be suid in jorar.etition with the multituJo of low tct, licr: xe'ahl uum or phopplinte powiters. fulrl on!" in an-. Royal Eaking Powueb Co. lOtj Wall St.. Sew ifork. icni:-c,twl2m GOMPOUMD OXYGEN ASHEVILLE, N. G Compound OXTgren inhaled, in cenneetion wlta medicated Balsiim Viip.'ir, cur;s ( onsunip tton, Afthma, Bronchitis. N't-l Cutarrli, ore TBroat. Loss of Voice, lMseases ol the Liver and Kidneys, Bladder, and ail diseases dti.emUr.g on mpare or impoverished blood. It cuea Rheumatism wiien tvcrylhing c'.te fails. It Is the only remedy that will pcnn:i'.ir:il1y cure Chronic Nasal CaHrrli. Ifycu sutt. r fr.ici this i oatusome and dangerous disease c inie to our off ce and investigate ou rtrejtnunr. H v.ih cure you, no matter how long you havj suitercd. No charge for consultation. There is no statement in the abovo which is not m ictly true you may rely upon every word. Wecaa prove all and more. 11 we believe your care inrurah'.e, we will fnckr tell you so. We do nut wiah to treat you iiwe cannot help you. We a leo treat all diseases of the Rectum, or iOWt'. Bowels, such as Hemorrhoids (l"t!cs), Fis are f istula, Prolapsns, etc The treatment is ilwa , i successful, and nearly always painless. W cure without the n?e of the, and iu a feiri.-,. Wolosaof time trom husimss or pleas- OFFICK OP TITK "V.,") New York, Mi y 15. 1&.-7 ( Sin the fall cliff! was in such poor health at I was obliged to cancel nil ot my lecture engagements for the winter, and to give up writ g for a time I went to Afheville and placed Myself ander the care of trs Harg.iuar.i! Oatchell. Continuing their treatment I l nprovei in health and strength, cainisu 20 iv,i Wks of llesh; and feci better than I have for ye .i?. I regard tkeir oxygen treatment asooingof great value; they, thei.iselTrfS, are gentlemen of kill, and worthy of the confidence ut the public. Bill Nye. HOME TREATMENT, Wo manufacture the Compound Oxygen, and hip it to all parts of the ccuntry, even to the Paclf. Coast. We send apparatus and tliemii aU Olast two months for $12. This is as valuable asthe office .reatment. Tot wonderful curative results obtained with B'V.roatment is astonishing even to us. H iou with to learn more othie treatment, and ovr laooeM in the ctire of Chronic Diseases, write or call tirillutrated book explaining treatment rec. DRS. HARQAN & GATCHITI.L, JJ Main Street, Asheville, N. C Jr.eS-dawtf : H. 1 LANG, "THE JEWELLER,' Soutii Main St., Asiievillk Zl-Om CITY MARKET. I dare just put In a Jl'etv Refrigerator and am well prepared to keep meats in pord condition, win seep tne oesi 01 BEEF, MUTTON, LAMB, 6 MOKED SA USa GE, BOLOGNA SAUSAGE, FRESH FLSH orA OYSTERS, I a season. Give me a share of your pstronsgo. Order promptly attended to andeodsdeiiver- T. J. SUMNER. A: Pattoa Avenue, ander Powell & Snldefs 4.-. A.: .. !.iu i, ;i.'t .'.!?., !v: .V.-i::i i'.u i;i: ; ' IMul'.i I : 1 . . .! -r.. tfud'i- - .:":!lt I .I.'V Plies? ; . M MOtVI-1 W I'I j: I 1. ;;.-, .'. - M ssj fr'.' t.M& ,-r3f f.r Urs. H ARGAN & GATGHELL jiyuoni DAILY EDITION. win be pi: -l.i: s-ipi'f Mm-iiinir (ex oart SiontU?) .at tne to 1 .' 1 tol , m nr rate ilrteiig rt"sh 0:2- Tear, . . . . WOO -hi M-.ntha 3 00 Thr-c- " . . . 1 60 O il a " . 50 One- 15 Our ("r.-rir v.-i'I Joliver tba paper ct ery Morr.iiio: i:i c-very part of the city to o;;r sr.hsoril.'ers, end parties wantiug it will plpaao call at the C'itizkm Office. S'.td ijoiir Job Work of nil kinds to Ik: 'V-v.'! OiJicc, if von n-ani il done needy. end iritl dinpatcii- Jftiivcs luS- '.-I-. s .;t V2 a. ta. osd loaves at r t r.-.i.O p. i: , r.'J Ittarv iar 'ar-.m-i iir 1 ft 1 r a. NKt p.r; Arrive? i'I 8n. !es for at ft'il :. m. irc'lit nc?minnd.ition .n v.; A-'.i: v:.!!o f.i s.'..; a. r.i., r.'ul arrives "t!':00 Leaves Asevilic 1:50 p. m at S:00 a.m. p.'!'l n: rives a! We:ifhirr I t?calioiis. Virginia, Xorth Carolina, South Caro tid Fair weather, warmer, iicbt to fresh variab! wines, pener;i!!j iretn south lo went. Tonnr-ssre Fair H'.'ht t.- fror-li winili weather, wanner, genera' Iv routherlv. I'i'rc German l!rrri:n. This epl-ndsd tonic, a sure, ettftdy and faithful icniojy for all uervons dsbilitv, forra'.c at Jones' Pioneer !!5ar- -strictly r medical purposes. SiWTot'- Cmznx. w?Ut I ite&t ABocia '.i il Vrtj - IMtpatohcs v. i'.l be found so Tiilar'y at all holt-Is and iwws-gtanda inti.jii v. Wheit the .iupplv raav be xi-v.:- ;.t those places, call at "the S;e riniic" hi incorporation of the Aeltevil'e Ice Company. lr. S. W. 1'r.l'le war; telcgrstphed for and left yesterday, to to to Colorado Springs ar.d accompany a patient to Ashevillc. Messrs. W. H. Lohbittand L. A. Ciip mau hoirg uppointed, filed their bonds, qr.-HHed and r rr V. S. LVrutv Marbi duly coniniiisior.ed Mr. J. u . i aimer, wr.o jl!c uuiiconibe, his native ci.tinty. beforo the war, and now in business in Riehmoiui, Ye.., iz in toe city with a vi-.-r,- f local iti". Mt. ilernioi: Lod20 Xo. 118 F. & A. M meets te-cisjht at 7:00 for th purpose of confeninfj the Firet Ofgrre. Visitins brethren cordial! j' invited to r.ttsnd. Miss -.fay Reag::n one of Wcavcrsville's sweetest vcung la dies is visiting her sifter, ilrs. C. A. ies is visiting her sifter, -Urs. C A. .icholr, en Woodfin street. What has Income of the Bell Telephone :sirumrr.'3 v.hioh were to have been N In put up in Ashevillt; ? If the managers wish 'i friop jio'ito prcfanity they should hurry up. It wrs cold Sunday and Sunday night the thei usc-suelor Rutins; fcelow twenty. It wj:s brl; howevrr. . brt and healthful, cierc:( was an: cut-door real; .j . value. Our counfyrriaii Joehaa Curt 13 brought to cur (.(lie a 1 a;; of (ho finest Irifh poteloe v. e have ever seen, as a !:ir.nks pivinz 1 f'.rrir:. i !e enjoyed the pleasure of the fiv we that 01 thank The Aheviile public have before tceu the Jessfc.t Tho'.na.i Dramatic Company, and greatly enjoyed their performances. Thcv will spiear again Friday and Satuidav lii'-ht. and will 1:0 doubt have full l.oiifc--. We aro ;5oased lo hear that several country friends Live determined to reuinvibtii- Ihc unfortunate at the Mission !io:--ital i n Thursday by bringing in soaie nice vretables. meaf, flour, fruit, &c. The 'cd housewife may sondeome esE, too. This is rigiit our pecpie never lat a needy tiling suffer in their midst if they do k now it. Mr. K. M. RoLerson, who is in the eui p'oofli:j L'nite.i :!ctcs Firh Ccrumie sion, is in tl.o c'ty w:,J. nuntler of Cdif.nri:: trou: f:...i: tin Y7v the -ille, Va., liafehcry, which will be deposited in the fc'ie:: : s f '.i.-lern Xrtli Carolina- lleliavest.ii the Murphy division tlrs raornius with 1230 trout for etreams in Haywood Jacks :n. Swain and other eotmti' 5 jn (hit direction. ' To diseontir.u an advertisement," ono ef the larg" sy.ys John Wr.rur.i:i:-.kc eft advert:?;.- i;i t! he world, is like tskin;; down ycnre.;;!i. If you want to do business you must let tha people Know, branding aaverusBtvtcnt, whn charped frequently :;re chespfr than reading notices. Th-y loo'-: mora sub sfaati::l and Lui-inciS-iiUe, Jr.d insire confidence. I wotild as ecn think of doing business withoii eloi Us ss withont ait ertisi It CAT. E-TA'i'K. T115 following fi-oii the Kichmond referring la Itichmuinl, weil and accurately states the titnalion in Asbc ville : " The real estate boom in Richmond may have bren checked, but prices are veiy firm, and holders of building lots in the suburbs caanct he houcht below la's prices t.iid lurt summer. There is hardly a fojt of ground in or near Rich mon.l that vfiii not sell atari advance tw years from now. Some of the more desirable lots wll bring three times much is tbs market price of to-day." Xr.'-" and .Shapes at Law's, 57 ami 50 S. Main St. 0:.r lie v.- e.-uan; in White Granite :nl Inner ware just out is thejietliest we have had yet, and at even lower prices tl'tm ether Fhnpes. Kew patterns in Ula-s 1 r.otu colored imd crystal) at bot torn .r;evp. Great bargains in Hanging and bland Lamj s, alo special lot Table Knives, imperfect. We carry the largest and test assortment in Western North Carolina and offer onr patrons the lull benefit ot lati reduction in prices. Solid silver novelties f ucb as glove pur. gents, bon bon boxes, gltve hooks, card cpsps. niitcb safe , viniagrettes, Ac, &c, at Lang jewelry store. Curtain Poles wiih brass fixtures only oueenti", at whitlock's. The New Watkr-yvorks Have proven Gati3factor3 fo far as tested, and the3' have been weli tested so far as pumpincr water to the stand-pipe is concerm d. To day it is intended to turn it inU the mains and put the entire fore to work. If this proves all right, the authorities believe, Ashevill will Irrtainly be well Buppliei with good water and an abundance of it. Tns Ashevii.le Extension. Yve learn from the Wilmington Messenger that a meeting of the di rectors of the Seabosrd system was in session at ivp.U-iii l nurfday. Their proceeding hnve r.ui thus far baeu cublic, hut it i ru;r.rcJ tliR'i '' extension tjf- lh'cV.t.Iia LVutii.l road from Kutlierl r- to Ashrviiic wj-s utider di-siMis.-ion. I' d John "vi. Robinson, of il.-.kimore, president, of the system, was in tendance. at' Closing on Thursday. The mere!:? f vr.vious p'acos in the State "nave ;ilr?.ady yignifie.l not only their purpose, but willing ness to oloee door.-: u rnri;s'lay. Thanksgiving day. Of course we presume Ashcvillo merciianis will do the L'anie, :tn! il-.-vote J ; io religious worship, ami thaiikiying and charity We hona all will au thorize the Citizen to make an au thoritative announcement to this effect in to-morrow'n isu so it can go through the weekly to cur count ry friends. The Jessica Thomas Company iVili appear r.t Open 11;:!! next Friday and Saturday nights. In speakin;; of the perfoimance of this Company in Raleigh lt "rt'eek the l'cu$ Observer says : "There was a very fail audience at Aletronolitan ilall i::t tnght to ereet Miss Jessica Thoiviiss and Joe Phjr.ioc. They are as popular here !!S members ot the theatrical i..vofes sion can he. Last night in Daugh ter otthe Regiment" Jessica Thomas as heard to sing a few notes of one of her popular songs just as she was coming upon the alago and the au dience broke into tremendous av.d envhusi;-.stic appiausy heforosho ap peared. It was the same with Joe Fhysioc. A bar of his "Cuckoo" song was enough to secure a round of applause belore he was ??rn. The piay was presented m thiir usual happy, bright aud iuircst:ng Plyie. admirably supported b.v their new am: excellent compr.ny. Theie was no monotonj', no lags, in fact noth ing to mar an cvtumg of gt minis Ciijoymtiit. The company will pre sent' the "Little Devii'' to-night." To Sunday School Tkaciieks. The new siuging-book, "Children's Diadem," is ta'.ing its place among the good things for the Sunday school, and contains one hundred and twenty songs, nearly all of them new. A few of the old indispensable ones are, of course, retained. The names of the authors, A. J. Abbey and M. J. Mun- ger, arc well known to Sabbath school workers, anil this new book is their last, and probably their best, effort. VY e deplore the death of Mr. Abbey, who was a successful teacher of chil dren's classes, and had his heart in the work. Mr. Munger has success fully done his part of the work, also. l or further acquaintance with the book it will be well to send for a spec imen copy, which will be mail d post paid to any address for 30 cents by Oliver Ditson ifc Co., Boston, who will make liberal dis-ounts to schools. Send for descriptive Book Catalogues which will be miailed free. . Every Day Has added largely to tho circulation of the Daily Citizen, and the Weekly Citizew crows es well. We ouirat to have twenty-five hundred daily circula tion by the 1st of Jnuarv. Let our friends continue to do as tbsy havo done and are doinj-, and we v.-ii! soon reach that point. Graded School Tbacheks. The following wsre chosvn tcaehe s for the vthite graded rrhool. to be opened i:i January : Mrs. T. W. Branch, Mrs. Belle, Miss Ella .:rowii, Miss Emma Quicrley, Mits Mary Kimberiy, Miss Sue Yeat- cun, .Miss 1I1I, . Prof. V. i Ciaz-ton was elected Superintendent some time ago lherie ladies all stood atid pessed an examination and were awarded these positions upon this. Professors Lipscomb and Sa:z." were chosen for the colored graded sehoci. Especial Attrstion Is invited to the Iaio array -f popular remedies to he found at Pelh3ns'fl i'liar niacy, near ihc post oflice. It is 11 rule with this house to keep any thim. tbat. is wanted in the drug line, provided it has any merits. ve advise our frp r.ds in the country that when in want of any med cines to try i'elham s Drug Store. They till physicians' prescriptions at low prices. The quality of their goods isun escelled. They handle a full line of Sundries such as drug stares usually carrv. Theirs is a complete assortment. se'23 dtf -e TlIABESGIVINn Tcukeys. A-splendid lot of fine, fit. Thanksgiv ing turkeys just received atj. M. Thrneh's Old Depot, Asbeville. Send orders, or call early. They are a choice lot, none bettor will be in the market th;3 scr.sou. 2t. A beautiful linecf silverware just re ceived at Lang's jewelry store. I srya stock of Woolen Dress Goods and Black Silks just in, at Whitlock's. Porcelain and Chivaware Factory. From the News Observer we learn: 'Mr. T. C. Harris, of the State Mu seum, has received letters from a cap italist, making inqui ies us to the de posits and quality of kaolin which is extensive'y found in this State. Kao lin is disintegrated feldspar, and is generally known a3 china clay, being the material from which china-ware is manufactured. It appears to be the purpose of the party from whom the letters were received to establish a china-ware factory in this State pro vided deposits of kaolin sufficient to supply a large demand can be found. There is not now a china-ware factory in the United States and the industry would be one of enormous tirofit in any part of this country. Th'N quality .-or k.oojj:i js -ioun-1 ie the western counties and it is said it 1 exists in 1 ,rge quantities. There is an old historic statement that the first thing ever exported from the colonies was kaolin taken from the vicinity of Macon county. It was packed in boxes and Indians carried it on their backs from the mountains to the coast from where it was shipped to the east, and was used in making the finest porce'ain and chinaware. In answer to the letters samples of seven different kinds of kaolin were for warded to the writer and all known facts in con-ieetion with tha mineral in this State furnished. The best quality found iu America is probably found in North Carolina." In Macon Jackson, and other west ern counties, and we learn also near Ashevillc, arc inexhaustible deposits of the finest kaolin in the world. Some of the Jackson kaolin has been s -ut to Xew Jersey works, and there t ronounced superb. Mrs. Jarvis, wife of Minister Jarvis, has a tea-set made of North Carolina kaojin which could not be told from the finest Sevres chiua. We do not remember from whence the clay was obtained, but it certainly worked up elegantly. We have seen small sample-plates made of the Jackson clay, which were very fine and elegant. Ve believe a frctory for the making of porcelain and china-ware established in this sec tion would not only do well, but would certainly secure all the kaolin wanted. A Reminder. Will the citizens and strangers remem ber the Hospital on Thanksgiving Day ? There is great need of money and provi sions. Donations can be left at the juions. Donations can be left j Hospital cr will be sent over by tne grocera- '' Z. Will Close riit Tiiasksgivisg. any of The Ashevil!e Tobacco Association v.ili aojoara sales rn Thursday next 24th inst , it beiuj: Thanksaiving. All parties interested will pleats cote this. C C MoCaety, President. E. I. Holme.-;. .Secretary. Akkasged. Mr. Jesse t;o!eKive.i the plestant in forir.ation thit tiie recent difEculty over the delivery of the mails at New Found postoffiee, this county, has been adjusted, and now the mails are delivered at his house three times weekly, within a short distance of the old oflice, with Mrs. Jesse Cole as postmistress. We hope everything will work smoothly there after. Pat Your. Tscts. Money i3 certainly becoming more plen'ifu'.. in this section and the Son tb generally. Staple products, such as eft ton a-ad tobacco, ere fetching higher prices than for soma vears past. Provi dence has certainly b'essed the people with an abundance of food crops, enter prise is certainly increasing in theFoutk as no"erbefore,allpointini; to prospcritv tuo nappmess. 1 tie uents ot tne people, ( friii uru lC avn 1 vn ." v T1 1-. Tc? f more 11: nsy, in tho hands of the people, than at anr time for twelve or fifteen years. Ail that is needed to start cvery lliing into ! sy, prosperous activity is for people who owe to pay promptJy.and not hold on to the money now oomin;; i.:to their hands as if Ihe last they would ever see. Ten dollars freely circulated could pay on hun dred dollars of debt in an hour. If the ten or twelve thousand dol lars due the Citizei office, mostly in small amounts, were promptly paid in, it could and would do several times that amount of good by being promptly dis tributed, besides enabling our business to be conducted upon a more profitable and satisfactory basis to the public. Such payments make business more stable, and actually stimulates business and en terprise by keeeing money in circulation. The good crops and good prices should stimulate prompt payments A owes "B. one hundred dollars, B owes C, C owes D, and eo on through the alphabet, mak idg in ail twenty-six hundred dollars of indebtedness, not including the "&c," which would cover the multitude. And yet ono hundred dollars only, if prompt ly kept moving, would cancel the entire debt iu a few minutes. Pay up, friends, as fast as you can, and start everything on a lively and happy basis. It can be done, if all only will to do it. Let an earnest effort be made to try it. The "old reliable" Dr. Sage's Catarrh wemedy. d&wlw Stationery, Magazines, Novxls, News A fine selection of paper, plain and villi .1 in rv.iirfi and tablet form with envelopes to match, pencil tablets lc. up to 20c. siates, pens, pencils. ms. mem orandum and ott er bianx dooks. box paper 10c. up t-t$1.25 LaTge lot of Seaside and other iADaries popular new novels received as soon as out. Books not in stock ordered without extra charge. Uaily and Sunday New York papers. Subscriptions received for all publications. Century, Harper's, Atlantic, Seribner, Lippincott, American, and Frank Leslie's Masazines always on sale. Views of Asheville and Western North Carolina. Agent for Rubber Stamps, linen and box marking stencils. Special prices given on stationery to parlies purchasing for school purposes and on fci.uu, or more worm 01 station ery at one time, at Careen's Stationery and News Store, N. Main st. COLLISION AT SEA. CAIRO, ILL., DESTROYED RY FIRE. FROST VS. YELLOW FE VERFLORIDA HAPPY. HEAVY LOSS OF ASISIAXS -BAMUM'S CIRCUS DE STROYED BY FiliR llorribie stale of ffjsiwh'sa;irti Stop to it. The London Money Market. (By tsltrrap'a to ihc Ashevillc Citizen.) London, Nov. 21. Nov. 21. Con suls 1.03 5 16 for money, 10P 7-1 G for account. :o .- Tin llow Not Over in Louisiana. . (Ry tsraph to the Ashcville Citizen. 1 Chicago, Nov. 21. A New Orleans special says: "The labor trour.ks at Thibaiieaux are not over. For sev eral deys past white and black hands working peacefull v under one she.d have been tired upon by negro strikers. Several wounded, one 6incc ciicd. Outlook very dark. The town i3 full of idle negroes and each day they became more audat-ious. A mass meeting of the c tizens of La Faurche parish was held at Thibadeaux veaterday. About 300 of mot prominent residents were present, und Lieutenant Governor Knablock presided. He stated that the object of meeting was for citi zens to take counsel together con cerning the tta;e of lawlessness in thi3 section. The would-be assas sins, he s?id, were prowling about at night shooting into sugar houses. On one occasion jiorsemen on the public, highway had been shot at, and several psrxcns have already been wounded. Such lawless acts should be put down at rli hazzurds. The meeting adopted a series of res olutions and offered a reward lor the detection of perpetrator- of law less acts. A Circus Destroyed by Firo Heavy Loss of Animals. By talasrapa tojrne Aalicvlil Ci'....ti;. Bridgeport, Conn., Nov. 21. A fire which broke o;U last night in the winter quarters ct" Barnum & Bailey V circus destroyed the large main building in which were stored all the principal nuh'jais used in the great show, nearly all of whom wore, destroyed, including four elephant. ' five lions, seven leopards, six pan thers, iour kangaroos, six horses, .and i'. large number of smaller beasts. Among elephants bnrueci were Alice, Sampson and the esicred white elephant. One large elephant escaped and this morning was found drowned in the Sound near the light house where it had gone in its fright. Aside from this the only animal that escaped bej'ond the grounds was a largo lion which wandered into Christopher Rich-. ard'iJ barnyard, where it attacked a cow and calf, making an early breakfast of the latter. Mrs. Rich ard's undertook to drive the brvt away not knowing or rr:iiizin:; his nature unfil warned hv a neighbor. when nhe made a hasty retreat. The .animal was shot on utter oy o:ss . , , . V t 1 an elephant trainer, by hi heroic efforts saved 18 elepnauts. Mr. Bai ley said this morning thut $100,000 would probably cover the loss. In surance on building and property burned about SoO,000. :o: Another Horrible Collision in English Waters. By tlxrai to tin Aihaville Oitizea London, Nov. 21. Two bodies, victims of the sinking of the steam er W. A. Scholton by colliding with the jjteamer Rosa Mary, have floated ashore at Deal. Tnere is no doubt that Captain Toat went down with his vessel. Mr. Robinson one of the passengers saved slated b a re po:"ter that the TF. A-l t'cholion had jusr. weighed anchor, when tha col lision, occured. There were oight hundred life belta on board anil most of the passengers were suplied with tnarxi but they proved useless in a majority of cases as people wero ingulfed with the ship. The steam er's decks burst when she was foun dering. The sunken vessel lies in twenty fathoms1 of water. Survi vors will sail for New York Wedncs i day. 1 XT Ol TjltL.. J. , M . -frnm ,h. wrecked steamer W. A. bcnolton. On of the survivors is named Rol ne. There is another surviver in the hospital whose name is not knewn. Uhiet HiDgineer laixiaven was landed at. Seaford yeaterday morning. No more ladies have been recovered here. It is the uni versal feeling that the fault of the collision rests with the steamer Rosa Mary. Chief Mate Wells ot that versel states she left Hartlepool on Friday in command of Capt. Webster iuid with a crew of sixteen men. On the night of the collibion there was a shifting log ; sometimes it was dense while at . intervals it was clear. At about 8:30 o'clock, j lie tays, the collision occured. We i hsd bren at anchor since S o'clock. Mysell and Captain were on the bridge. The sea was of the calmest. Our lights were burning bright and fog bell sounding constantly. I first saw colliding steamer off of ( ur starboard how. was Fho-.vinj; white and green lights in dicating that sho was shaping her course to starboard side. We could not phift our po?ition being anch ored ,sid tide being ebb. Tha steamer soon jjointed her helm and attempted to cross o".r bows. The tide, however, not being rightly judged settled the vessel on our bows cutting her to water's edgf. I can't say whether it was th V A Scholton that r i iiiucd with us. Whatever v"! it was she procepd t4 on her c st'.-r-e u:-i s-.v.n dioap pea red in the darkness.' We re leained ht anchor during the night and were piloted to Dover at 7 o'clock iu the morning There we dock eel. M. Clenisuceau IJiady to Form a Cab inet. I By lelfcranaVi the Atlieville'Citizen. Paris, Nov. 21. M. Clemenceau had an interview with President Grevy this morning, and informed him that w.i - iv.idy to form Cab-it!. fit said, in.ivever, ti at he was bound to indicate lo the Presi dent thst there were other elements besides the ministerial question to complicate the situation. M. Clem enceau and other prominent politi- cian will havo another conference to-i:iii!'t with M. Grew. I'nrCicr Ir-Jisi tU raby Fire. r :e:rgisp:i to i!:e Athtville Citlze 5. 1 Sir. Louts, Nov. 21. Later ad vices indicate tl at the fire at Gran by was not so disastrous as wss sup posed. Fifteen business houses were- destroyed, and a large number of re-iuenec--. A fair share of the stocks in the tp-r.-s was saved hv moving, and .vhiie the !iss vi! I 1 heavy, it will not be so great as was iinticipii.ed. 1 1.iiot-less fimilies were p' ken v.t iv those whose house? w not huii I.. and are being pro vided for. One old man in feeble health .litid frti n excitement. Lively Tiines at Jellico Tennessee. i- ii'..j:rip:i tn$ Adasvii.9 Citizen. ! i iscixxati, O Xov. 21. A special cays that a despr-rat conflict took p!C3 yesterday at Jsllio. Tenn. Marshal Wooivine in the afternoon nndertook to arrest some miners for disorderly con duct. The men resisted and one ol them named Miller was killed when the oth er.! fled. At three o'clock Miller's friends attacked the Mar-hat, and killed three and wounded two of his possee. Great excitement prevails. -:o:- Au IIS ois Town iu Danger of Destruc tion. Lf le:sraph to the AhTili Citizen. ('aik , Id.. Nov. 21. Fire broke out at itr.inl City and burned two hotels and iivc-ry stables this morning. It threatens to destroy the town The iii t Mound City is now under co 1 ! 1 r. 1 . Thi-tv-ii ve buildings including tw. Ivoc'kk, were destroyed. Residences of Mav n MoCracken, Senator Hoean, two prin rtU', two iiveiy stabler, Patriot cuiec, inive drr co u stores, and two saloons were among those burned. Th I0.-3 will be over $oi).0f;0. insurance ahnut $40,000. Great many fauiiliss were rendered homeless. A negro man was arrested charged with ineeiidiarUai. Above all other earthly ills. I hats the big, cid-f -shioned pills; 1';, slow degrees they downward wend And 1 -.ft en pii'.is- or upward tend; vVith Mich discomfort are t!n-y fraught. 'i':ieii' r-.")d clii'-'is amount to naught. 7.'.w, !; Pk-ic.- prepares a pill That just exactiv fills the hill A IVlift, rathc'-.'that is all A P! .1 net .iLt P.ii-aU v.'. and sui-dl; rv them ,i; 1:0 feel their need. You'll ii i!-.vlw cd t'f.t I .'--peak truth, indied. Too citizens of Ashevii'e are to be con gratmated cu the prospect 01 having plenty of ice, and cheap, the coming season. It was ;enerally known before I published the fai t that I had purchased an ico plaut which would he in operation in the early b;.nti In toe lace of this, an opposing organization has been effec ted and fcubscriptien for its stock is being solicited. Tho pu pose is evident, for Ashevii'2 cannot support two ice plants. I am much obli-jed for this ma-dfestion of good n ill and for the encouragement it bs sp'-aks by such proceedings to any one who may seek to eslablisii new manufacturing enterprises here, but wish to ststo that the Asheville Ice and Ccal Company has come to ttiy and to serve the publie oh the most liberal terms. II. T. Collins, of the Asheville Ice sad Coal Co. r.ov 22 dtf A fresh lot of Malaga jjrapes and Pa manca oranges j"Bt in at Coot: & La harbe's, So. 2d, J.cith Maik st. Buy your groceries from S. W. Mc Crarv nnd have tl:e"ni delivered free. If Turcoman Curtains, something very pretty and cheap, al; Whitlock's. Large stock of fine Underwear iu white, Scarlet Camel's Hair Cashmere and various kinds just in, at WniTi.ocKs.' For correct slvli and good value, call on oSdcodtf ' II. 11EDWOOD & CO. La-jre and well selected stock of Ladies' and MisseV Wor (.'ashoiern and Merino Ho&e jtiat in, at Whitlock's. Large stock of White and Scarlet Un derwear for Ladies and Misses just in, at Whitlock'8. You want to 6ee that $2.00 Goat But ton Shoe ot J. O. Howell's. Larpre stock of Rubber Goods for La dies, Misses and men just in, at Whitlock's. Stem cut JaraaicaOrang-as, fine Lemons and Cjcoanuts, at Cook ct- LaBarbx's. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS CONTINUED ON FOURTH PAGE. Sweet Charity. W e are pleased to learn that our several churches will take up collec tions at the Thanksgiving services for ch rity, some for the Mission Hospital and others or one other at least a announced last Sunday the Church st., M. E. Church South, for the Oxford Orphan Asylum. It is sincerely hoped that both objects may be most kindly and lilserally remembered by cur people. Both need assistance now both are emi nently worthy the kindliest and most libera! consideration of our people. Remember the poor, is, a Divine injunction, and those who have prospered must rrrr ruber. It was not by their own work-, but by the direct dispensation and assis tance of the Ixrd of all. The f ord not only loveth a cheerful giver, but he loves for them to eive cheerfully mny equal to their ability. Rem ember Thursday and the poor. Rheumatism, and similar diseases, caused by alow state of the system, are cured by using Ayer's Saraaparilla. t25 Get Kepy For Christmas. If you wish to make a Christmas pres ent that vour friendb will appreciate, go to I'.rown's Studio and have him make you a half life siza photograph direct from ihe Camera which will be superior to a Crayon Drawing for there is so danger of the features and expression being imperf -ct. Come at onie and give him time to finish them before the buey holiday season begins, and while there examine his large and handsome stock of Frames and Mouldings, Studio No. 7 Patton Avenue. d.3t Catawba Grapes just received, at Cook & LaB abbe's. Delicious California pears at Cook & Labarbes, No. 20, North Main st. Handsome styles in Carpels, Rugs, Art Squares, Oil Cloths, tc. oSdeodtf II. REDWOOD & CO. T ie greater part of our Stylish Suits made to oriUrcareftdly) is 71010 in stock and ready for inspection. Oar lineoj Youths', Boys' and Children's Clothing and Misses' Wraps is unusually full and attractive. oSJeodtf II. REDWOOD ds CO. Curtain Poles with brass fixtures com plete for 50 cents, at Whitlock's. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. JESSICA AND JOE OPERA HOUSE, TWO JS'MflMTS 9JVXI. NOVEMBER - 25taa-26tl.. The Bright Southern Star! The charm ing SDiibrette, Miss Jessica Thomas, Supported by the clever Comedian, JOE PHYSIOC And a carefully selected company o New York Artists, in the following stan dard comedies, replete with original and entirely new music, songs, duets, cho ruses and quartettes. FRIDAY NIGHT The beautiful Com-edy-Drama, in two acts, THE DAUGHTER of the REGIMENT. To be followed by the laughable farce, in one act, A LOAN OF A LOVER. SATURDAY NIGHT The charming romanth; Drama, in three acts, THE LITTLE DEVIL, ia which Miss Jessica will introduce en tirely new songs and music. Jii.nissiojr, - 25 - so itn Ladies and children Matinee Saturday at 2:30 P. M. Prices, general admission 25c., children 15c. Reserved sea's on sale at J. P. Sawyer's. N OTICE. There will be a meeting ot the Hook & Ladder Company at the Mayor's office to-night. Member are requested to be present, dlt FRED A. HULL, Fc reman. TATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, conntyot Boacompe. Orncx of the Clerk, Supirior Coust. NOTICE OF INCORPORATION. Notice ia hereby (riven of the incorporation of The Asheville Ice Company: that the names of th- incoi porators are Jaa. F.Savyer, 3.Q. Martin, C. R. Holmes. W. O. Mul'er, T. W. Patton, W. C. C'armle.hael, and such other as they may associ ate with them; that the principal place of busi ness shall be Asheville. N. C, and Its vicinity, and its general purpose and b .siuesa ia to manufac ture and sell ice; purchase, store, and sell coal and other fuel; that the duration of the corpora tion is sis-y years; the capital stock Is twenty Gve thousand dollars, with privilege to increase, divided in one thousand shares ol the par value of twenty-five dollars each. nov 2 dtf W. T. REYNOLDS, 0. 8. C. N OTICE. Bv virtue of a nower of sale contained in a mortgage execnted by the Asheville Lumber Company ti the undersigned bank dated Not. 6, 1SS5, The Bank of Asheville wiU sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash at the Court House door in Asheville, Buncombe county, on January 3, 18S8, the foUowing articles of pro perty, to-wit : "One twenty five horse-power engine, one boiler and saw mill to correspond, one cross-cut saw and one set of saw-mill tools, three large saws, one bay horse, one gray horse, two two horse log wargons, one two-horse lumber wag gon, one mill building, one stable and one rough dwelling-house for saw-mill bands;" all of which articles were at the yard of said Asheville Lum ber Company near the town of Columbus In the county of Polk and State of North Carolina at the said date of the executior of said mortgage and the . only property of that kind then at that place. This Nov. 21st. 1387. THE BANK OF ASHEVILLE. nov22dtdw4w O EXCHANGE, A beautiful Music Box costing orixtaallv S12S. for a top buggy in good erder. nov 30 dlw V. SOUBLEDAT. F OR RENT, Dwellinr house on Hill street. T-o. 161. with 6 rooms and 2 basement rooms. Bate Sit, per month in advance. AIbo room In Eagle Bonding No. 6, below Martin's barber shop. Apply to B, B. Johnston, nov 29 dlOd Or O. W. COLE. F OR RENT. Mrs. Walker's honse No. 1S8. Chestnut street. nov 18 d6t By NATT ATKINSON SONS. 3

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