r ' : : r bJLb mm w B-ai " ' ' r v AILY EDITION. CITIZEN JOB OkkWh, NO. 13 PATTON AVENUE, BILL HEADS LETTER HEADS, POSTERS, BLANKS. Ae find f oh Warhol all kinds dan with hevi .. :-.i:s PROPRIETORS. 'AI'-Y, ' 'vlfKUY .iOi'EHTl- 1 Year, ,Mo9., 1 Year (i Moa, $s.oo 3.00 1.50 .78 VOL III .-NO 203. ASHEVILLE N. C THURSDAY friORNING, DECEMBER 8 1887 PRICE 5 CENTS promptness unit at A?t frier. A 11 1 he lie citizen. - V ft k J. Wakefield Oort ! t ia.i !-si'wtor General . J'or.er I-'raincnt Meets first !.--. O.-Fass "i-'h ScrctHry. Meets !.i v;a liioiitJi. . .1. 1". it .1. -5f.- Wanton I1'!'. So. 6-W. E. ie, oeeritary. nighf, in each -. 1 ..i i:iin So. Tel.' Ii. A.S. Li ;n Stone, Secretary. Me-its it. hts of Utmor on the second :sh'f in ei'.i'h mouth. .t . if, tr. D.J Wake : I. A. i:i:.nt, Sec. Meets I 1'luirs. Inv nieht in each . I If. tt'i'i lai Tiiursdav r 2jr. Kep f.u.l nost 10 1 to V13- : 1 f - 4:30 to Absokstely Pure. ! his poTdr never varus. A rrmrvel of puritr, i.L-iiiu ann wiioieaomene-w. Mote economical ban the oidinary kinds, and runnut be sold in onir etition witb the mnltiiude ol low test, short sa'irht alnrn or phosphate powders. Foldonlv in en-. KoitLliAi.iN'.ii'oWiiKaCo. 106 Wall St., tliUPOUND OXYGEN Urs. HAEGM & GATCHBLL ' 3 tCli In Micglt nioel;,H-i tTTit St. ASKEVILLE, N. C Uiinipcmiil OXTReu inhaled, 1:1 connection witn Tne'iicat'jd lialsam V;tpor,- currs I onsump tlon, A ;hin, i:nuic Litis, i,.-l Catarrh, iore TUroat. l.5 cf Yuii-f, Ijiscnses ottlie I.iver ana Xulnc y. 1:. i-M' r, -:id nil (iiabes depending on r-'.pure oi i:::;:i;vt'rine'l blood. It cvres ivhi u.uati.ia when cverjt!:ing else fails. U i ti.e .inly rr:neiy that will r.ermanrntly jure clironic Nasal Cut irt'i. If yen suUl-r from tai." . .tfltn.-ome and dai!scr;i:s disease come to -)iir ''i.r? ii'i.l invcst:-'iite oil i treatment. It wil, ,!iic on. no iidut-r V.ow long you ha7e suffered. Socluire i'or e iiiiltatio:i. iiiM'u is Lo fcH:ej:eut in tho aliove which is oot s ii-iiy tin? y u ir.nvjei upoti every word. Yc. :! p'C-ve u!l mid more. ii v; bcl. t- your rase incurable, we will :r i i. . tell you ,:n. Yc do not wish to treat you iie c' iniiM -S you. r a 1st) irr:i. a'.i din-.isis of the Rectum, or . w Hot ols. s .th as i't-iiiorrlioi.is (Piles), Fis- ur !-ti:la, i'riilapsns, e:e '1 f.e trta'ment is ucco.-. 'ul, and nearly always painless. .1 e wiiLi.':! tiiouseof tne kn.le, and In a ys. No i .: -.i;f time irorn busintss or pleaa o.v Okfick of the " World," I Siw Yokk, Jit y 15, 1SS7 J In U:r in'd o! l.Sfc I was in Mich poor health mat i urn obliged to cancel ull ol my lecture entailments for the winter, and to give up writ ngfora'-ue 1 went to Aslicville and placed myself ii'.:ler the care of Urs tlargauand Gate-hell. lonlinuin tlieir trea ininl I improved in health and sireiiiitn. liAiMMi JO l-oi Niis of liesM; and leel letier LUau 1 have for years. I learu liC'.r tixygi-ti ireataieiil as being of great vu'.ue; lliry, tlijniselres, are (ientlenieu of skill, ai.d worthy ol t'.ie ;juhji uce ni the public. Bill Nye. HOME TREATMENT, vS'e mar.u'ai i'.ire the Compound Oxygen, and hp it tu all parts of the coun'rv, even to the Catii. ; Con t. We send arpaiatu - and chemicals lia . two months lor SI This is as valuable kt:u ortice .reatiiieiit. J' d wuudorlui curative results obtained with .lisiralment is astonishing even to us. Li l in irsi u Irani murf of tin treatment, and our ;wt in tne emriif L'lirnnic l)ieai, write or call rr: . -it tii-a.y'l O'mjU expuiiiiiwj treatmrntjree. DK!. KARGA A- G.YTCHITLL," z vein S-ircrt, Asheville, N. C. ji .a-dawtt GREAT BARGAINS ! Qt'lTE a number of hors to be sold at a re diK iion ol ir jin i'" to 50 cts in: the pair. ;s..ro Shoes l..r $2.00. .00 hw8 for t! 75. 8.50 Bouts for 82.00. 'r,' A large lot uf tenis' unil Indies' t-lippers at cost. Bridles at '20 pr cent, under usual prices. Trunks and Club liai.s uud many other yootls at usual low pric s Come and see for yor.isjlf, and sve moncj. I will not be undersold. j. m. Alexander, de i diwtApl'J North l ubiie Square. Manufacturing Sites. 20 acres in a block, fronting ,4f-0 feet on the "liver. A switch can easily be laid across the whole tract, linn making it very desirable lor manufacturing purposes Several line resident sites can fc'O with the above, t all and see lor j ourselves. I. V. SMITi-r. or J. A. Conant, Ci!y. YVest Asheville. 'IirP I.O'i'S A! BLOCKS. 100 bui'ding bj!s, S.M to Si'O each, all fronting n graded streets. Aipiy on the premises, 0 Sevcial blocks ains. I. F nov 27 ii- mus of loti can be had at rell bar 1TT1TJ. West Asheville. JOTICK, All bills dif? .loim Hart & Co. that is not paid before Ijcc. Ktli, wiil be turned over to Sloore A Uummintts fur collection. 'Iheymus'. be paid at once, i i:is iec. ist, im decSdiw JOHN HART. -yr ALVAU1.E FARM OM HOMINY FOR SALE. 1 will sell fie far.n where I now reside on Hominy, c;M.;,iiuiug oj a?res, half of it the finest bottomland. Gi.od dwelling and outhouses on tee place. Appij lo w . 11. JOZIES. Owl 11 Hominy, C, For lient 5 Hoases I 7 rooms tir.fiirnis'd. wiih ttal le, S:0 per month. 1 10 " 1UI1I sncu, 18 " ' - vilh stable and la: ge grounds, SCO " 110 ' S75 " 18 " " " . " Ac,$50 " plv to LYMAN AND CHILD, leal Estate Broken. dec 3 dtf F OR SALE, One Blaec Marc cai'.d for ddle use. and an excellent carriage siuuial. Lad - has driven her lor last 18 m rfuns. Aiso a Ooctore two woeeler ami gooa harness- A nrst rate outfit. SXdec3dlw Apply at A. D. COOPER'S. .1.-. rr'S V-'' -ystri L '.I,.nT DAILY EDITION" THE DAIIiT CITIZEW Will be publisiied everv Morning (ex cept Monday) r.l the following ratus vrtclly cash : Ono Year, . . ix Months, Three "... One " One Week, .... 6 00 3 00 1 SO 50 15 Onr Carriers will deliver the paper ev ery Morning in every part of the city to our subscribers, and parties wanting it will please call at the Citizen Office. t-tndyour Job Work of all kindtt the Citizen Office, if you want it done neatly, cheaply and viti dispatch. .trriT! 11 nil IVparlnrt of Iacsrei Train. SAUsBrRY -Arrlves 6:1S p. m.- leaves lor Mor r;ti.wn at 5: IS in "rvvKiisKL ArriTts at 12 4S p.m.. and lestvesat H?S i m. AirivM at 9:00 p. w.. end leave! lor Spartaribure -it 9:10 p. m. SPARTAKBUR.; Arrives at 9. leaT'a lor MorriMown at S:0 a. m. P rirt accommodation leaves Asherille at 8:10 a. m , and arrives l.t 9:00 p. m. ' Wayesvilli Leaves Arteyllle at 8:00 a. m., and arrives at 4:50 p. m Pure Gkhmas '. iter' mplendid tonic 4 T steady ana aithful lemedv for all liSCT), dbihty, for sale at Jones' Pioneer Bar strictly for medical purposes. lr-The Citizkn. with latest Associa ted Press DiBpatches will be found rofrularly at f.!1 hotels and news-stands in the citv. When the nupply may be exhausted at lho places, call at the office. Weather Indications. North Carolina Cooler, rain, light to fresh winds, excepi on coast, fresh to brisk easterly winds. A fatal disease called black diphtheria is about to depopulate Clay and adjoin ine counties in Arkansas. Fifty deaths hav occurred in one week, and tuc dis ease is rapidly spreading. The Salisbury Watchman says : "A bird dosr was sold here last week for 375 cash. This is the dogpedest transaction that ever occurred in this community." Wonder if that purchaser could spare money to pay the subscription to his newspaper? At a meeting of the directors of the Richmond & West Point Terminal Com pany, Mr. Sully was re-elected President, and Mr. John Innsn President of the M'Jaond Sc Danville R. R. Co. It is drirrmineil to keep the administration f the two roads separate. Ingram, sentenced some months ago to eight months imprisonment in Swain county jail for the slaying of Welch, made hii escape recently. He was with in a short period of the expiration of his term. lie was treated, we are informed witb creat leniency, and his escape was not difficult. Mrs. K. V. Ali. anukr. Who w as burned -luf. last week, has moved to No. 44 Grova street, where she wil; continue to take boarders. An Old Lasd-mark Gone. The old house on Patton Avenue, opposite the Grand Central Block, is be- inj; torn down by Mr. Graham, the owner of the property. So far as we know it was cne of the old settlers" of the place; but it has lived its day and must give wav to building more in keeping with the progress and requirements of Ashe- ville. Ketfrned. Mr. A. B. Sams, once connected with this office, and who left here some months ag3 with the expectation of going to Ireland to investigate an interesting family history has returned. On reachi ng isew lork, upor consultation with his lawyer, it was dsemsd unnecessary for him to go; and after spending soma ime in that city, and vuitine Canada. Nova Scotia, and Mhor distant points, he has returned to his old home. He will probably go to Washington City from here. Fihe Two Houses Evened. Yesterday evening about dark the fire- alarm was sounded, and it was discoY-er- ed that the stable on the Wei. Johnston lot, corner of Patton Aver, :o and Church Ktreets, w as under full blaz . Being very combustible it burned 'apidly. The stable was used iu iart by Mr. Wiikie, the occupant of the propeitv. for a cow- stall, the other portion being used bv George Greenlee for his two horses. Ths fire burned so rapidly that the two horses were bnrned up. By the lime the fire department reached the place the build ing was too far gone to be saved. No one can account for the manner in which the fare was started. The bov who put up the horses an hour before the fire was discovered says he had no firo whatever with him. We are certaiiuv sorry for the poor animals and their owner. A Bear Hunt with a Solemn Finale. The French Broad hunters do not often go after bear "without bringing back trophies of their skill. Luck sometimes fails, as it did recently with some of the boys who bad been reading up some of our accounts of bear hunts in different parts of the State, when a dozen or more were bagged in a week s hunt. They were resolved to beat the record, and with great Catherine up of noted does. and full supplies of provision and camp equipage, stmc t off for the wilder ness ol the tSiack Mountains, lney had a week cf it. Dav after dav they scram- blec' through laurel thickets, and climb ed and crossed many a rusged ridge. Nig'it after night they came bacx dis appointed and dispirited. Nary bear did they get the trail of; and at the end of the week, picked np for home, bring ing back with them as their only trophy a solitary screech owl which one of the party shot in exasperation at the demoniac laughter ot the nizht bird which grated on the hunters' ears as it in derision of their want cf success as baer hunters. From Now to Christmas There is likely to be a rush at Law's for presents. Here you will find goods of a 1 grades and prices, solid silver in jewelry and other goods; china and por celain, white and decorated. Japanese department, one of the largest in the South. Stand and hanging lamps from the cheapest to the richest. Dolls, vases, brass goods etc., no end of them. Bar gain department (down si airs). All goods from 5 cents te $1 marked in plain figures. Law's, opposite postoffice. I Solicitor Moody is sufftring very much with a bruised hand. Maj. A. M. Erwin, of McDowell, is in attendance upon the court. Judge Montgomery is dispatching the business ot the court with his usual flueney. Dr. E. M. Scruggs, the efficient railroad agent at Whittier, was in the city yesterday. Mr. J. B. Fieeman, of Henderson county, gave us a pleasant call yes terday. He is the happiest man we have seen, and we found out it was all on account of twin boy in the family. He reports the people of liis section in good conditio!!, crops were good, and tho wioi-r brr?iu ofjirain much larger tbaa uiai. Mr. Ellick, the furrier, fur dealer and taxidermist ot Ashoville, has done an astonishing business the past three years. During that time 4he,Bs purebred in Wtstern Caro lina 2,500 sheep and lamb skins, 1,000 beef, calf and yearling. 2,500 musk rats, 400 minks, 50 wild cat? 25 house cats, 900 o'possums, 5C0 rabbits, 150 bear?, 200 red and gray foxeB, 500 coons, 6 wolves, oO deer ekins. 20 otters. 25 skunks. Total number in three years 8326. Mr, Ellick says thfs number ought to be obtained in Western Carolina in one year. The turs have to be handled very carfully to command a good price. Mr. Ellick has just received direct from Alaska some new seal skins for him to wcik up. Four teen cost in Alaska or California S500. He has a complete menage rie of stuffed animals which make quite a curious attraction Married. On Sunday, 4thinst., at the home of the bride's lather, Levi Plem moiis, Esq, in Leicester township this countv, Mr. Frank Brown and Miss Louisa Plemmons, all ot Bun combe. The Scotch Patriotic Society. Has not forgotten what is due be memory of old Scotia. Yesterday, Mr. I. C Brown, Mr. Geo. S. Arthur, Mr. McKinnon met it Mr. Brown s rooms to make arrangements to hold the next annual meeting of the Society. It will be held at 7 o'clock on the evening of January 2nd 1S88, in the hall in the 3rd story ot the Reynolds Building, Patton Avenue. All Scotchmen throughout Western North Caroli na ar"e "iJTA.-sV.y invited to be pre ent. Those purposing to attend will duly notify the Secretary, Mr. George S. Arthur, Pest office Box 105, Asheville. Diposit Your Money in Banks. Our telegraphic dispatches a day or two since mentioned that an eld farmer in a county in Maise who kept his money at home was as saulted the other night and robbed of $32,000. Had this old gentleman put his money in the nearest h:ink or banks both it and himself would have been safe, and it would haye done hie community a benefit by its use. A lajge number of such rob beries occur throughout tho country, and it is not best for a man to keep his money in hishi,use where it can be subjected lo the depredations of thieves or the dangers ot fire. There are a large number of thousands of dollars in the hands of farmers of Budcombe, Madison and other sur rounding counties. It would be far safer for this money to be deposited in the banks far safe kseping. The man who deposits can draw it out at his pleasure, in such sumj as he might wish, by giving a check on the bank in which it is deposited. The banks of Asheville are unusu ally well managed and perfectly re liable, and the depositor could al ways find big money when hecalled or sent for it. ThiB will be sale for the depositor, aud be of great bene fit to the banks by keeping the money in circulation. We call the attention of our country friends to the importance of this matter. We would greatly regret to publish that one or more of our farmer friends that suffered the misfortune of be., ing robbed of the results of their labor. And all who keep money in their homes are liable lo such accident.- Especial Attention Is invited to the large array of popular remedies to be found at Pelham's Phar macy, near the poBt office. It is a rule witb this house to keep any thing that is wanted in the drug line, provided it has any merits. We adyise our friends in the country that when in want of any medicines to try Pelham's Drug Store. They fill physicians' prescriptions at low pricee. The quality of their goods is un excelled. They handle a full line of Sundries such as drug stores usually carrv. Theirs is a complete assortment. se"23dtf Xmas Goods. See the big line of Holiday Goods at Morgan's Bookstore. dlw Go to Brown's for Crayon Pictures. Builders contractors and everybody else should remember to price doors, sath and blinds at W. B. Williamson & Co's before buying elsewhere. tS Go to Brown's for PbotograpliH. 3t Lots of handsome Goods now arriving at te 13 dtfeod H. RED WOOD & CO. Whittier. We had a visit yesterday from Dr. Scruggs, at present agent at the station at tho town of tho above name, founded by the late Dr. Whittier with the expecta tion of building up a model town and settlement. Dr. Whittier died when his plans were ouly partly' developed; and with the loss of its head, the enterprize was threatened with paralysis. But though some plans have been abandon ed by the heirs and representatives of the lounder of Whittier, the town goes o'n to liv? and prosper. ; Tobacco culture was largely undertaken on the property. The soil suits it well, and the industry prospers. Dr. Seruggs'tells us up to the present he has shipped this season 29,640 pounds of tobacco, besides many car loads of lumber, and ais of granite. Of this latter article there are two quarries near tiio to-n. of line qua-iiy. much of which has !en s-nt ti Waynes ville for flaggiiig and curbing; ani it is now being rent to Ashc'ili'' fir door nii'.s lintels, &: The Exodi's to California. For twelve nnntl-.s or more California torrns I ave been advertising most liber ally the attraction of tQat s-'iea in the East sud aliddjk .St-:'J.i?!iiJI'V?is started a tide of emisration to that State which has reached enwrmons proportions, it became so great that the railroads began giving special attention to this class of travol. IhiLjall these roads es'imatsd they would transport GO ,000 people across the continent, and placed agencies at several central points to arrange for them. To show how verv great the cur rent has become, the agent at Boston, for the -New Lngland States, has alraady sold tickets to persons leaving that saction alone, to the amount of 7oKX). This of course leaves out of the calculation all tickets sold at snd from New York to Omaha. It is now estimated that at least 200,000 people will go to California this winter. All cairy more or leas money. Outside of capital carried for investment the amount thus carried to that State must reach from $75 000.000 to $100,000,000. And all through thorough and energetic advertising. The South is richer in natural and valuable resources and attractions All that in necessary to divert a large portion of this travel and population to our section is to thorough ly, persistently, and energetically adver tise these resources, by printed matter and traveling agejits. Suppose we could induce 20,000 good people to come to Western Carolina, bringing even $500 each; this would amount to $ 10,000,000 caxh besides untold millions in industry. Let our people wake up. and let all unite and work. Let us get some of the mil lions in the North now idle, and some of the thousands of good citizens who wisl to better their condition. LahVs. Ono has a vivid conception of the ap proach of the Holidays by the picture presented by Lang's jewelry store. You annot pa without being eompelled to take a look ; and the attention once fix ed is held by a kind of fascination. Tne windows hold the gaze so fast, that one forg'fs there is an inside to the house. Those windows of French glass are show cafu in t!ijmssivep. which are filled with treasure? of art and the brilliant sparkle of gems and jewelry.. Ou the one eiJe are the beautifil articles out of tho 'Mother of Pearl'' ware, ' art" glassware of ardstic design, rich or delicate color, and exquisite material, solid silver nov elties, cae goods in silver, watches set with diamonds and other gen's, hand some clocks and beautiful bronze an ti )iies Eat we get away from the door, for we have seen through those clear windows that there is something inside, and we enter to find ourselves in a bijou of a treasure house, all gold and glitter, we might sav, silver and sheen, for the most prominent object that meets the eye is the row of upright glass cases filled with the choicest patterns of plated ware, or namental and household articles for presents or for use. Opposite them are ( tne 1 orizontai cases uuea witn a cnoice array of gold and silver watchea. some of the former set withd:amonds;a brilliant display of plain and jeweled rings, brooches, ornaments, breastpins, etc, etc., to the bewilderment of the eye and judgment ; silverware for all uses, clocks ail infantum, exquisite glass and china ware, vasss of rich, rare and delicate col oring, gold-headed umbrellas, canes, etc., and in l u-t thre is eo m'ich rich, elegant and beautilul in Lane's, that we are afraid we have too much anticipated the Christmas ti've by calling attention to them no,w ; for everyone would like to make an appropriate present then, and Lang may too rapidly rsuuee his stock before then. Fatal Accident at the Depot. A colored man, named Joe Woods, in the employ of the Rail road, was badly and fatally crushed Tuesday night while cupling cars, death ensuing immediately. The railroad authorities has his remains neatly encased, and hurried yester day. Woods was from Iredell. Stop that cough, by the nse of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral the besf specific ever known for all diseases of the throat and lungs. It will soothe the rough feeliDg in your throat, give the vocil organs flexibility and vitality, and enable you to breatiio and speak clearly, Vi 'Grand Openinc; Week," At W. C. Kel.er's, 12 Patton Avenue, commencing Monday J-ec. iztb, and continuing throughout toe entire week. Our la'estjshiprrients of Holiday Goods have just arrived, making the finest dis play ever seen in this country. Don't puss it; commences JJec. JL'tu, at w. c. Keller's, 12 Patton Avenue, dec 8 d4t SunscRirriiN Agkxcy. Itcnew your subscriptions and com mence new ones cow. Most kuagazines and papers begin their new volume with the January numbers. Have all risk and expense by going to Caison's Stationery and News Store, wir-.ere you can subscribe for any American or Lngl'sb publica tion at the regular price. Lists of all publications given free to select from. Nothing makes a nicer Xmas present than a year's subscription to a good magazine or paper. You wiil also find a well selected stuck of Stitionery. The latest novels, and catalogues of same. Books ordered with out extra charge. Remember the place, Carson's Station ery and News Store, N. Main st. Wool Mittens for Ladies, Gentlemen, Misses, Boys and Children Whitlock'e. CONGRESS. THE SENATE DOES A LIT TLE WORK NOTHING DONE IN THE HOUSE- AN IIUSHMA, CHARGED WITH POLITICAL Mlit DER, ACQUITTED. To Keep a. aviui-, iussioiaifs. i efiresenunu: a capital ot ovf-r HHust Keep a Seet tlae Paeifao. iu Fire at Norfolk. Cj telegraph to th ArhtTille Citizen. 1 Norfolk, Dec. 7. A fire thic morning destroyed tho Palais Royal iNotion Store on Main .street, owned bv Louis Lowenthal. The loss is estimated at 840,000, insurancs $22, 000. -:o: - Acqnital in au Irish Harder Case T.j ttltgrapa to the Ashevlile Citizen. Dublin, Dec. 7. The jury has brought in a verdict of acquittal in the cae of O'Leary, one of the men cnargeu witn complicity in the murder oi" cor.6table Whel.'.am at Lisd oon varna, county Claire. What Russia Must Do. IBy telerranh to the Atherille Citizen Moscow. Dec. 7- The Gazette say s the future policy of France will de cide whether Germany will be com pelled to watch one or both of her frontiers. Ths paper declares that Russia must always have a sronz neet in the Pacific ocean. -:o:- Cabinet Oflice Didined. I By lelecrtph to Ike Askeville Citizen 1 Paris, Sept. 7th. President Sadi Carnot requested M. Fallieres to form a cabinet, but Fallieres de ciined on the ground of ill health and the lack of sufficient authority. raliierea tnends believe that he will eventually be induced to accept the task. If he persist!? in hi.-t re fusal it is believed that th Presi dent wiil iiuiiiiuon Goblet. Congressional. I By IVetrap'. to the Ahyil'.e Citizen.) Washington, D?e. 7. Senate : A letter from (he SrcreUry ot the Interior was laid before the Senate stating that an .ippropriation of 77,495 dollars is 1 quired to com plete the publica un of the final re port of j the census of 18S0, four of the 22 volumes being still imprinted. Laid on the table, after the pre sentations of various other commu nicaiions from the hands of depart ment., and court of claims, Mr. Cul loin icmsrVed that thij rule was when bills are introduced before the committees are appointed, to have such bills laid on the table and that, created unnecessary work. He, therefore, moved that the Senate ad journ. But he withdrew the motion tempraraly to permit Mr. Plumb to offer a resolution calling on the Commissioner of Agriculture for in formation as to whether any per son in tne employment 1 that ue parttnent who was making experi ments as to the manufacture of sugar from sorghum had obtained or applied for a patent or patents connected with such manufacture, and growing out of such expeii merit? The resolutions were ad- doptod- Mr. Furwell asked his col league to withdraw the motion so as to allow him to introduce a bill to perpetuate the National Bank system. Cullom declined, stating that he made the motion because he understooi it to be the custom of Senate not to receive hi!! until after the appointment of committees. Mr. Harris thought there was great wis dom in the position taken by the Senator (Cullom) If the door were thrown open, he would insist that there ehould bo no restrictions on the right. He hoped the motion would prevail. Farwell, thsrson, withdrew his request and the mo tion was agreed to. Tne Senate at 12:20 adjourned. Maetiug- of the Virginia Legislature. (By telecraph to the Aehetil'e Cit'z.n!) Richmond, Dec. 7. The General Assembly of Virginia met to-day at noon. Both Houses organized by the election of officers in each body as selected by tho Democratic cau cus. A joint committee waited on Gov. Lee, and informed him that the Legislature was ready to receive any communication he mignt wish to make. The Governor thereupon sent to both Houes a message in writing which was read. The mes sage contains many important items and recommendations relative to stale matters. In regard to the public debt the Governer says: "In view of the recent decision by the U. S. Supreme Court declaring the act of May 12. 1887, constitutional and valid, and reversing the decis ion of the U. S. Circuit judge Bond in regard to the eleventh article of the Federal Constitution, he recom mends the passageof a resolution sus pending legal proceedings against those who have tendered coupons iu payment of taxes, as he was as sured by attorney that such action would decidedly bent fit all par ties concerned. He thought when the bond holders considered this decision, they will be willing to ac cept such otter as the otate can make, based upon the surplus rev nues to be applied to the payment oi intereet on (lie principal ot wba the State considers her iust debt. Wool Growers Take the Alarm ly tlrap;i to tk Ahevi!I;citiztn. V ashington, Dec. 7. A c.mfer enceo! the wool ".rowers and dealers caiKHt by the President of the Na I 1 A . .- . . iuiiin .AMsosiauon oi trio wool "row ers now in session here, adopted to day tin rollowing: 'The wool deal ers and wool growers of the - nited fcolM 1,000,00;). :ml it constituency of l.OOO'OO wool growers am w. ueauers aspenioieit in conierence m the city ot Ws.-I.iugton on the 7th day of Decern be. 1887. haviner read the fir&t annual message of the l resKieiii, to the r.otli (Joiigress, ee- ciire that tho tiMitiments of the message aro n direct attack upon their industry, one of the 'most im portant of the country, and in posi tive violation ot the r.t onal Dem ocratic platform of 1884. as inter preted by party lenders and accepted by the rank and flic of the party. That the tirsurnent made by the President for ti e removal of our protection against iore'gn competi tion is an old nit', repeatedly made by the enemies of our maiMr: ; progress, and is rffeclually answered in nearly tvery school'district of our land; and so thorouurhlv dis proved by the logic ot t'autH and (lemongtrtHion of experience and history as to need no answer f'rom Y 1 ,1 . us. u e aconowieoire that our '.small holdings, our scattered and unorganized condition makes u.-; the easy prey ot thetree traier, but we naa a riiiiit to expect something different from jhief tilt Executive ot the Nati n at once the moBt happy, prosperous and contented or ;;ny of the world. made so by the policy of protectian and development, which ne now seeks to destroy. e had a right to expect our President would favor the wool growers of the lT. S. and confess our deep disappointments that instead, be favored the interests of our foreign competitors. Justly alarmed at his position. vu make an appeal from his recommenda tions u all people to seven and three-fourtns millions cf our follow citizens engaged in agriculture to tho millions engaged in manut'ac luring; 10 me army oi wage wnose wages are maintained by the pro tective system; to the tradesmen and merchants whose prosperity depends u; on ours, confident that their judcrmeii' and decision will be batd upon justice aud p..'riotism and therefore Jor '.lie maii.ternnce ofthe American policy o! protec tion to which the couiilrj' is indebt ed foi its unexampled development and prosperity. To demonstrate the injustice ofthe President'sjpolicy and fallacy of the remedy he propos es for the reduction of surplus, we point to the fact that it the whole mount ol th revenue derived iVoin wool was abolished it would reduce the surplus onlv about rive i.'illio:i or less; that 10 cents per c.ipita of tht- proportion on Iv is pai l bv toivignerd v.'hiie the old war t.ixc-s he recommended retained vield over one hundred anil iii:itecn million?", and is a di- rei-t t:tx per captia yl two dollars eaoh, an i is what makes up tne !;U bulk ofthe surplus oi one liindriti and fotly millions, and which louers tin; most dangerous monopoly. We won';:! fur, her add the !"' owhi;; ft..' istie.x in rr-g:ird to the woo! iuduriry. The annual rev enue directed iro;n imporiK o: wool under tariff of '07 was "less than Sl,- 700,000 under the reduced tariff of 1883. Reyeuud last yrar was over S5,000,000 The number of shep m the country ni 1883 was 0O.O-0.-26G, in 1S87, 44,75t),314,. dt-creas-s of nearly six million--', and a diminu tion or the annual wo 1 product ol oyer 00 million 'pound.-', tnus snow ing that re lucing the tariff by the act of 1883 has increased the reve nue from imported wools and di minished uumber of sheep in the United States about 12 t erceu', and the annual product in the same proportion. The President's policy would bring about the destruction of this industry, and the same pol icy of reduction or abolition of the tariff would end Jin disaster to all other industrial productive enter prises of the countiy. "Fools ISuali in, Where Angels Feav to Tread.' So impetuous yo::th is o.lcn given to folly and indiscretions; nd, as a result, nervous, mental and i.rganio debility fol low, memory is impaired, se'f-confidence i3 lacking; at night had drtarris occur, premature old age seems setting in, ruin is in the track. In confidence, you can, and should write to T"r. R. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y., the author of a trettise for the benefit of that d iss cf palients, and describe yonr symptoms and suffer ings. He can cure "oti at home, and will send you full particular by mail. avwiw To be Given Away, A Genuine French China Gold band Tea Set 44 pieces to be given awav tho day atter L-nustmas; every purchaser of H.uu 01 gooufl gets a chance. l.ANu s" Jewelry Store, South Main street. Call and see ; ur Transuarences. Brown's ''f.Ew South" Gallery. ot The lovers of pure corn whiskey can and nobetUrthan at Bob Jones'," The best wines and liquors can also be found there. tf Goblet Called on to Form a Cabinet. By telegraph to the Atheville Citizen.) Paris, Dec. 7th. President Car not has summoned Goblet, and re quested hi.u to form a minisUy. Emptying the Bucket Shops. By telegraph to theAiheville Citizen. Philadelphia. Pa , Dc. 7 Five "Bucket Shop" stock exchanges were raided bv the noli in.A- and their owners arrested, and held to bail in $800 under the gambling act. Fourteen places were to be raided, but nine of them annarpntW got wind of what was in store for them and closed up. Athens, Trim., Alive all Over. Sy teleertpu t,j the A.heville'Oit'ae j.i Chattanooga, Dec. r. Con. tracts were avvartled to-duv bv Mi- Athens Mininir and MannfartMrir, Companv for the prrrtmn ,.e ..iJ works at Athens. Tenn . n kl U for the building of a c.ooo soindh- cotton mill, a $40,000 hotel, a inn . 000 furniture factory, and otr in dustries. Work has already begun. Five hundred hands are now at work building a railroad from Ath ens to the Telhco iron ore fields. rial of tins Alleged Wholesale Georgia Murderer. (Sy telerrapS to .hf Aheille Citizea.) Macon, Ca . Dec. 7. Tnm w.miixib who is charged with the rr rrlr nf ki father and eight other members of his family, is now on trial here. Over one iiiiidred witnesses have ueen sabpeened, nd four have testified. The crime was nutted last Ausust. and creator! a great. se salion because nine peisons were killed, and all with one axe. The wilnesses are those with whom Wolfolk conversed before the crime, and those who found the bodies next morning. All the evidence is circumstantial, and no damaging testimony his been elicited so for. The prisoner is represented by John ( . Rutherford, of Macon, and Frank Walker, of Atlanta. The trial is one of great interest, and attended by mrje crowds. Masonic. The regular convocation of Asheville Chapter No. 25. R. A. M., will be held to night at Masonic Hall, at 7:30 sharp. By order of High Priest. S. Hammershlag, Sec. Hose Company Election of Officers At the annual morting ofthe Asheville ' Hose Company, held last night at its of fice, the follo wing officers were elected : ine following were ap ointed, as fol lows : Fir.t Nozzl-man, J. R. Rich and William Jesnneret; 2nd do, J. W. Spesra and C. A. Smith; 3rd do, Jesse Patton aud II. M. Howard. Applications for admiaiion to he rom paiiv were made by three eligible men. The company is in ex -llpiit rnnrlitinn. aud enthusiastic in thf aervL-u Thia was indicated bv the full itiMdouM .1 the meeting of last nirht. onlv l h.ino- absent, and they from unavoidable causes. " Is there no balm in Gilead ? Is there no physician there?" Thanks to Dr. fierce, there is a balm in ins '(jiolden Medical Discovery" a "balm for every wound" to health, from Colds. COilghB. COnsumidion. bronchitis and all chronic, blood, lunr and livr affections. Ot" druggists. d&wlw T.e greater part of our Stylish Suits made to order carefully) is now in stock and ready 0r tnipeetion. Our linen! Youtlts'. Bovs' and Children' Clrthinn and Aliases' Wrans tkHiMunn full and attractive. oSdeodtf II. REDWOOD & CO. ."i:W ADVERTISEMENTS. gGi:si.S FJH l-ENT. 1 lion e, 7 rooms, on Charlotte street. 1 " s " Spruce 1 " S ' Hil - " 4 .' each, Willow " 1 ' 1 " Woodfln Apply to NICHOLS & Gt'BGKR, dec S d it No. i0 McLond Building;. F OR KENT. A delightful 5 room Cottairc. on French Krmtri Avenue. Apply to A F. CHUNN. at 1.3vy'a. No. 19 S. Mala at. dec T d3t n ISSOLKTION. The riartnarahin bfn-,nfnr exist ine between J. A. Turner and C. W. Brown son is dissolved by mutual consent. The busi ness oi ine nrm win in luture be conducted by firm will be pat ' " c,., u, nuvu mi uiua uue iiy ine lair iu, am to wnom all bl.t , ani to whom all bi.Is due it wiu ue paia. dec7-d2t J. A. Ttrr.KER, 0. W. Bbownson. OPERA HALL, ONE NIGHT ONLY. Jfloiiday, December lth. ENGAGEMENT OF AMERICA'S Prt ttiesi. Cutest anh XIost 1'ersatile Soubrette on the Stage- THE INIMITABLE PATTI ROSA The Delight ofthe Children, The Pet of the Ladies, The Admiration of the Men, IN FBFI MARSDEX'S SUCCESSFUL COMEDY ZIP" fee 1 (by authorization of Lotta.) X w and Elaborate Scenery. New and Original : SONGS, DANCES, BANJO SOLOS, Etc Reserved seats now on Bale at Sawyer's rRICEftl.OO. General Adinisoien 7a cents. dec 7 dtd EMOVAL! II. C. Fagg, Captain; Hamp McDowell, 1st Assistant Foreman; F. SUkeleather, 2nd Assistant do; J. L. Murray, Plugman; W. A. Boyes, Assistant do; S. Lipinsky, Secretary and Treasurer. ..u. ... .... . . u. j .uv.f ' ,'uitu ..in .WW., No. ', one ("tor north of Llndsej a tin shop, I am now fully prepared to do all manner ot work iu repairing Guns, Pistole, Locks, Trunks sad VallseV Give me a call. Look out for the blc gun audio.. A. W. LIND8BY. oclldtf 4 t . 1 1 it- ,' , ( rmiLfl l ir. cKmt tn. Ulnh U.I. i - Vr . 1 1 V. rwv-

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