DAILY EDITION. TttRaaa, S-';o..o & Cameron, ?. ..;- I'ROPRIETOBS. A.IJ V. 1 Year, SS.OO s .Mos., 3.00 t Year 1.50 O Ivlos., .7G ,1 u i 7 iix ; ha tes l o w. ; I t.tr. MM'lBVIfcK. A.: A.: .Noiih 'J romiaf.:"-'.'-!! woino.-;-.: Pri'st: '. tl .I-i'lV,-! ir . . . 1. ccrotm;. VOtltll. vi-, vie?!- :i El in.!:. 'f ;s J. Wakefield Cort '.v: t!w i:;:;eitir General ';, S - J. A. iVf.O.r KlttillMlt 1 ' ....-ere'.-ry. Mtuus first i .-.' .v.M'ili;. . .:. !. U. Fag Huh :r A.-; .vUry. Meets iV i;t U'ti mo'ith. .... II-,. .!. i'. .t A. M.- :i!h'. M.'.'tor; IUanton r,-L !M.isr i:igLit iu each . t;. ti it.. .. (ait. E. .1r.li:i toue; Secretary, f.ilr i M-inday. night iu each :.:, No. TO!, JJ. a. 3. Li .!!'.". stent-, r'ccratary. Meet ni.lits ot iio:i r on the accttud ittus in eiii!'. month. . .t .1. .f. ' ). J Wafce ! : .1. A. t'i:i:::i!. Sec. Meets ::1 Yhur iu nicht in eacli I - i i:h Thursday l.-J iii -i. uvei- Mr. Kc'V'- . :: -.i.u u it, and iict ,' .1 i: 1 :t to vif- ! . I ... t.:. .-.a. f- .ti iCO pia Uy, l-- la. jo h 1 1 ..'..:.' ,i ! ('O.It! lijili f .. i Absolutely Pure. l.'iis nowJer never vanes. A marvel of purity, ttviii'th and vholesomencss. Moie eronomieal :hn the ordinary kinds and cannot be sold in .'omr e-tion witb the multitude of low test, short 'rrtt i!um or phosphate powders. Sold only in ItoTiL BKa fowDKB Co. 106 Wall 'St., l'ork. ianl!)-d&wl2m COMPOUND OXYGEN Ilrs. 1IAEGAN & GATGHELL J H E in l.ae le Hlol.;Vi .r.',.n . ASHEVILLE, N. C- (Vimpouna Ox?gen inhaled, in ronnection wita medieuted Hnlsam Vapor, or.rts tonsnmp tion, Asthma, llninchitis, Vn.,Ml Catarrh, t-ore 1 kroat. J.i'.s 'f Voice, liseases ol the Liver ana Xidnevs. lit nKKr. iind a!l ilieasei dci-cni'.ins on fcipnrc or i:i:.Vfr:.hi.il bioil. H cires J.l.tumjitibm ivhen tverytliing else la! i i' i tl.e only remedy that niil permanently :iuo Chronic Nif-al Cat-irrh. Ifyr.u tinier from ll-ii- . tr .lisome and dHnj;crnn disease come to ::..'c and investigate on r treat men!, it wih .r.tf y. i, l.'.i mutter how long you have suffered. S'lciKiie fur ci'iu'.ilt.'itioii. '1 lirc i" r.ti !.:;i:c::5Ciit in tho above which is nl icily true yon may rely up'Hievery word. c : ve ail and more. i. rt-j bt-Hove your case incurable, we will i.i tell yon so. We do not ivish to treat jou e Ciianot help jou. e .i ;o treat nil diseases of the Keetum, or ,.vs Howels, t' lh as Hemorrhoids (Piles), Fis r.ra i-tnln. Prolapsus, etc. The treatment is ?lr i k.u crsliil, and nearly always painless. A . e v. i'.l.o::t tne use of the kn.ie, and in a :c .t 5j ys. No lost t..f time from busiuiis or pleas OrraEOF the "World,") Xk Yokk, May 15, 17. f T J n tha ta!l ct lss I w as in such poor health tliat 1 wa obliced to cancel all ot my lecture engagements i'or the winter, and to give up writ gtora'iine I went to Aslicville and placed nysCll under th : care of lirs Harlan anil Gatchell. Cuutiiiuint; tneir maimeut 1 improved in healili and strcimtii. oainino 20 i'oinus of Uesk; and feel belter il.;iu I have lor veais. I ie?rd tke'r oxygen treatment asheingof great value; lin y, themselfe. are pentlejien of Haul, anl wormy oi lue cjjuaciicu o tne imiuuu. Bill JiYE. HOME TREATMENT, tVc manufacture the Compound Oxygen, and ihip it to ill 1'iirts cf the country, even to the Pact' : Cca -t. V e send apparatus aud chemicals 0 l.i a two months icr 61-i. This is as valuable lithe ofhee .reatmcnt. J'ii wonderful curative res. ilts obtained with a s-r -aiini tit is astonishinc even to us. JJ i. ?K viU to Irarn more of tint treatment, and our lucct in the rurr" L'hnmic liiffaffn, write or call PKS. HARGAX GATCHELL, tl lH!n street, Asheville, N. C. Ju'J0 3-datt GREAT BARGAINS ! Q CITE a number of shoes to b? sold at a re diutinn ot Irom -i to 50 Cis on the pair. ;9.50 Shoes lor $.0.i. 2.U0 Shoes lor S1.T5. ..r)0 Hoots for S-'.iJO. Alaree lot of aenls' and Indies' Slippers at cost. Eridles at 20 pr cent, under usual prices. Trunks and Club Bags and many other goods at usual low prices. Come and sec f-r yourself, and svc money. I will not be undersold. J. M. ALEXANDER, de 2 d&wtApls Korth l ubiic Square. Manufacturing Sites. 20 acres in a 1 lock, frciitmtf l,;ru feet on the rlvpr. A switch can easily be laid across the whole tract, thus makine it very desirable lor manulacturing purposes. Several fine resident sites can go with the above. all and sec lor yourselves. I. F. SMIT.'. or J. A. Conatit, City. West Asheville l'HEAI LOTS A-I BLOCKS. 100 bui'dinc l'.s, 5.00 to SifO each, ail fronting n graded ttrccts. Apply on ice premises, ALSO Several Mocks of lots can bo had at real bar ains. I- F- SZSITTPT. nov 27it mos We:t A.hcville. N OTIC'K, All bills due John liar; &i Co. that is not paid hf fore Dec. U-lli will be turned over to Moore & Cummings for collection. 'iUeymus tie paid at once, 'i tns I'ee. 1st, ibe decSdiw JOHN HART, yr AH'ABl.E FARM OS HOMINY FOR SALE. 1 will sell fr-e farm where I now reside on Hominv, ctaining 85 acres, half of it the finest bottomland-. Good dwelling and outhouses on tee ph'.cc. Appmo . 11. ju.ms. oct 11 Hominy, N. C, For -Rent 5 Hoases- I 7 roomiunfurni'd withstal le, SJ0 per mouth. 110 " furnished, 00 " 18 " " with ftable ond laifje grounds, $00 " 1 !0 " 175 " 18 " c,$jO " Aiulyto LYMAN AND CHILD, Real Estate Broken. dec 3 dtf JjOR SALE, One, Blac" Mare rai'f d for aaddle use. and an excellent carriage animal. Lad bas driven her for last 18 months. Also a Doctor's two wheeler and goo harness. A first rate outfit. det3dlw Apply at A. D. COOPER'S. llie VOL III NO 204. DAILY EDITION" THE UASliY CITIZEI Will be published cvrv Morning (ex cept Monday) at th. following rates trictlv cash: One Year W 00 Sis Months, 3 00 Tiiroa "... 1 50 One " .50 One Week, 15 Our Carriers will deliver the paper ev- nw Mnmini, in prprv njirt of the citv to v.. J ...-- . j - - our subscribers, and parties wanting it will please call at tne citizen umce. Vidw.-r Job Work of nil Hndt t the OU'zm Office, if you want it done neatly, iliraply nnd vitli dispatch. rfiTn! K.HC5 Repnrtare of JPmnncgrr Trrtl tt. siT.is3rr.Y-Arrives 5:U p. ci.- leaves tor Mor rislowu nt .S:18 p. rfl Tesv-. fk ArriTfint 12 i9 p. m., and leave at liij )i in. A.rives at 9:00 p. m .and lesvea lor SpartHiibtirp it 9:10 p. w. Si-Ai:TNBfRi Arrives at a. leaves lor rorrist'iwn at 9:'0 a. m. Vre'fht accoramodat'.nn leaves Asucvillc at 8:10 a. m., and arrives at 9:00 p. m. W'AYBsnr.i.E Leaves Abville at :00 a. m., and arrives at 4:50 p. m. Pure German Bitters. This splendid tonic, a sure, steady and faithful leroedv for all nervous debility, for sale at Jones' Pioneer Bar strictly for medical purposes. SeyThe Citizen, with latest Associa ted Press Dispatches will be found regularly at all hotels and news-stands in the citv. When the supply may be exhausted at those places, call at the office. Weather Indication. "North Carolina Threatening weather, with rain, lichtto fresh variable winds generally easterly. "Is this cat yours? Messrs. Lvman and Child offer some valuable residences for rent. See the advertisement, For Rent, and For Sale, by Mr. 1). S. Watson. Also the advertisement of Mr. J. J. Hill on the same topics. Messrs. Bostic, Blanton & Co., have within the past few dayH sold oyer $7000 worth of real estate i Lincoln Park for use and not for speculation. We rejret to learn of the serious ill ness of Dr. Neilson. He has been con fined to his bed for some days. We sincerely trust the venerable Doctor may speedily recover. Our mercantile friends complain that yesterday was rather a dull business day. The day was a dull and cloudy one with just enough rain during the nicht before to bave laid the dust. There's the bobtail horse and the bobtail flush, Apd the bobtail car pay your fare ! But the verv wort case in the b. t. lot Is the girl with the bobtail hair. The old bachelor editor af Wehstcr'i Weekly has actually begun writinsr about 'sweet t;irl craduates," the miserable sin ner. lake our advice, Jehu, -ma cotue up this wav. Time is fleeting, John, act! this muftled drum bueinea goes on apace. Virginia ttato and Executive Com mittee of the Democratic party are about to present to their Secretary Hon. W. W. Scott, as a token of their appreciation of his services a double-barrel breech load ing gun. Jsow Mr. Scott will go "after then," and not on a still hunt either Republican leaders and newspa pers are endeavoring to smile over the Lues saje of President C leveland demanding tax reduction, but from the sickly ap pearance of the smile it really looks as if they have had to swallow something that is indigestible to them as a party. Mr. Jj'.mew Cortland with his family have removed from their residence on Chestnut 8' reet to the Swannamoa hotel where they will remain until they eo to Baltimore where they usually spend the winter. Their late residence will be occupied by Mr. Hitrgins and Mr Bar- nett with tueir families. Patti Rosa. Don't forget, Patti Koea will be here Monday night. Reserved seats are sell ing very fast, and there will scarcely be standing room. The Richmond TAsfatch savs : "By her acting, singing and dancing she has certainly established herself a a favorite. Her singing is pleasing, her dancing graceful and finished, and she potsessess tine dramatic power, snowing she can be pathetic as well as amusing." Morgan Is putting his best foot foremost for the holidays, and presents a very pretty pair of pedal supports. His stock of books, standard and ornamental, and children's toys is full, elegant andifascin&ting; and after, satisfying intellectual demands, he introduces you into a work! of novelties. and also into the region;of the useful and practical. Among these last are Ther mometers iu all styles. Writing Desks in oak, plush, and celluloid, Work boxes. and toilet setts in plush, novelties in Inkstands, Albums in leather, and plush. toilet setts and bhaving setts in fine plush; and among the Books, the Poets in plusn with copper ornaments and embossed calf and bamboo very hand some. J. N. Morgan & Co. give you a wide range of choice. Go and investigate and invest. We add in connection with the busi ness of this flourtshinr. house, that when the new Barnard building is ready for occupation, it will occupy the tine rooms next to the corner, a fine location, and giving one of the best business rooms In the citv. From Now to Christmas There is likely to be a rush at Law'6 for presents. Here you will find goods ot a 1 grades and prices, solid silver in jewelry and other goods: china and por celain, white and decorated. Japanese depaitment, one of the largest in the South. Stand and hanging lamps from the cheapest to the richest. Dolls, vases, brass goods etc., no end of them. Bar gain department (down stairs). All goods from 5 cents to $1 marked in plain figures, uwi, opposite post office. We do not give away any thing or offer a prize for the largest purchases of goads from us, but will sell you more and better goods for less money than you can get elsewhere, as we are placed in a position to sell goods at the lowest possible prices cat at uowah's jewelry store. A 11 Hi Asheville ASHEVILLE N. Supt. McBee has just returned from a business trip to Washington City. He took in the lights. Dr. Schenck, of tho W. N. C. R. R., reached the city yesterday, en route to his post on JSantabala, Messrs. J. M. Gudgfr and J. S. Ad ams, of the Asheville bar and G. S Ferguson and Geo. II. Smathers, of the Waynesville bar, reached the city yesterday from Kaleigb, having been there in attendance upon tho Supreme Court. We regret to know that Willie McKee, for several years a clerk in the Asheville pastofflce, has severed his connection with the office. Se far e : unr kno-loui . i and n'ostrvs tion ;'. hf ht btfii l'f-Markable for hi courtesy, hi activity- and hi 3 intrliiger.ee. We think our -it-izens will agree with us: andwe wish him Miccees in av;V vocation to which he mar be called upon to fill. In speaking ot the annual meet ing of the Scottish Patriotic Society it should hare been stated, of which we were not informed at the lime, that Messrs. Brown, Arthur and McKinnon, whose names are pub lished in conection with the call, did not speak in their individual capacity, but as a committee duly aDnointed bv a lame meetins of Scotch residents held in this city to consider the celebration. We mention this to relieve the gentlemen above named from the lmnutation of actinc: without au thority. Married, At the First Methodist church of this city yesterday evening at 6:30 p. m. Rev. Dr. Bays officiating, Mr. A. L. Bright of Glen Alpine, Burke county, and Mrs. M. M. Brown, of Asheville. Death of Mrs. Atkinson, Widow of Bisncr Atkinson. The Wilmington Metsenger says : "The widow of the late Bishop Atkinson is dead. Yesterday after noon a telegram was received an nouncing her serious illness at the residence ot her son. Dr. Robert At kinson, in Baltimore. A later dis patch brought the tidins of her death. Turntables. Application for patents for im provements in these essentials of railroads are numerous. They are particularly directed to the locks, the security and stability to the track when in place, and to the fa cility in disengaging such lock when the table is to be turned. Mr. A. H. Lindsey, of thi city, has shown us Ihe model cf an in vention of his, for which he will ap ply for a patent, which effectually disposes of most difficulties. The most striking is the application of the power that disengages the lock. rhis is done irom above, easily and conveniently. We simp.y refer to the matter, giving no details Yancey Heard From Wants a Rail-oad from Asheville, One of Yancey's most prominent and energetic citizens writes us that the people of that county are great ly interested in the proposed rail road from Asheville to Cranberry via BurnsYillo, and are moving in the matter of holding an election at an early elate to vote upon a subscription of $50,000 to such en terprise. This is the right way to go about the matter. 1 ancey coun tp is one of the very beat spots of earth on this continent, and her people are energetic and progressive. and all she and they want to put all fully abreast of the most prosper ous is a railroad, and they are will ing to do their part to get one. Let our friends in that county unite now and prepare tor the earliest oppor tunity which may be presented them. To v-de a subscription now, properly guarded as it will, or should be, would involve no ex pense to the people uotil they should get a road, bat it might fa cilitate arrangements for the getting to have this much of the prepara tion made therefor. We live in strong hopes of seeing that road from Asheville to liurnsviile and Cranberry built, and trust it may not tie very long off. Tna Alpine House. As several persons ic the western part ot the btate have been tnrcnlEttng reports to the effect that there are no hotel accommodations in Hendersonville, W. L. Culpepper of the Alpine House desires to assure all travelers to that town, that his house is first class in every particular, and that they can obtain as good fare as can be gotten anywhere in the State, dlt Especial Attention Is invited to the large array of popular remedies to be fonnd at Pelham's Phar macy, near the post office. It is a rule with this house to keep any thing that is wanted in the drug line, provided it has any merits. We adyise our friends in the country that when in want of any medicines to try Pelham's Drug Store. They fill physicians' prescriptions at low prices. The quality of their goods is unexcelled- They handle a full line of Sundries such as drug stores usually carrv. Theirs is a complete assortment. se'23dtf Xmas Goode. See the big line of Holiday Goode at Morgan's Bookstore. dlw C FRIDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 9 1887 ASHEVILLE 'TOBACCO MASKET. Breaks the past few days We been good, and prices high. 1'he lowing reports were given in for yesterd.T : Farmer's Warehouse. Sales total 18,226 lbs. for $2,503 03. R B Fleming, 6 lots, 13 50, 21, 31, 24, 20 50, 12; T Rice & Waldrof, 7 lots, '3 50. 20 fc'O, 20 50.31,13,23,70; J D Duckett, 7 lots, 15, 1250, 24, 24, 24. 14 75, 20; Lindv Rob erts, 4 lots, 12, 23 50, 14 2514; F J Bald ing, 5 lots, 14 75, 22 50, 32, 42, 20 50; W F Rice, 5 lots, 17 50, 28...50, 59, 14 50; E G Scott, 4 lois, 56. 23 50, 19, 22 50; J N Ram sev & R, 5 lots, 19 50, 12 ?5, 20. 19, 33, G W" Wild ct- S, 10 lots, 15. 17. 54. 23, 32, 26, 22 60, 20, 23 50, 24; Joe Huff, 0 lots, 10 75, 19, 12 75, 34, 23 50, 46; Allen Fox, C lots, 30, 3S, 12 50, 27, 0. 15; J N Rameev, 8ix lots, I3 75, 13 50, 27, 11 25. 21, 31;' Hall Chandler t H. 4 lots, 17 50, 20, SO. 40; Gro Rice .v G, 7 lots. 15, 19 50, 20. 5. 2S, ", 42; P. 1 ow, 3 !o!t. 30, 47; E O Clark. 1 lots, 18 50. 24 50. 31. 46; Tipton & W A li.5 lots, 21. 21, 0, 28. .7; 11 Stanley & R. 4 lots, 1 1 75. 19 50, 22sn' 4" buncombb- WAPEnOUSiJ. Sales total 8,6tS lbs., an avwia-a of S14.75. I H Rogern, 0 lots, 7, 14, Hi. 19. 21 50, 24' 50; J R Price & Co,5 lots, 12, 15. 20 50,24.25; N M Mclntos-:-. 3 lots. 7. 12 50, 20; M U Reeves, 4 lots, 18, 20, 20, 24; J H Price, 5 lots, 12 75. 1 3, 14, 16 50, 2I, Swanger & Mauer. 3 lots,. 6 50. S 75, 12; Patrick & Hipps, 5 1 ts, 5 90, 12 75, 14, 18, 24; L D Hipps, 5 lots. 13 25. 13 75, 16, 23, 16 50; A II Casida, 8 lots, 18. 19, 23, 27, 29, 30, 33. 50; M M Treadawav, 5 lot-., 11, 14, 14, 21, 29; W F Hays, 4 lots, 8, 14, 22, 22 50; J C Brown & Randolph, 4 lots, 12 75, 14.19, 22; F J Hughs, 5 lots, 13, 14, 19. 29, 39; W G Ruhs, 4 lots, 9 75, 14. 15 50, 15 50; B N Roberts. 3 lots, 14 25, 14 50, 22 50; F W & Preston Clemmons, 4 lots, 10 25. 19, 13 50, 18 50, 25; C P Jones, 6 lots, 13 50, 13 50, 18 50, 23 50, 25. 26; Jones A Franks, 4 lots, 13 25. 1 75, 24, 24; R W Jones, 2 lots. 14 25, 32; .1 W & M M Jones, 7 lots, 14 75, 2-. 23, 24., 26, 29, 37; Morrow A Jones, 4 lots, 13 25, 13 75, 23, 24 50; G B Lee. 7 lots, 8, 9 50, 9 25, 17 50,29, 44,49; G II Wilson, 1 lot, 20; Stokley & Lee, 8 lots, 10 75, U 50, 12, 14, 19 75, 24, 14 50, 28; T E Swaniam. 11 lots, 9, 13, 1 3 50, 1(i 50, 2l 50, 22 50, 24 50, 20 50, 28, 32, 35; J W Corzin, 6 lots, 11 75, 17 50, 18. 27. 2S, 42; E G Corzin, 5 lots, 12 7,, 23 50, 30, 46; W G Reeves, 6 lots, 9. 12. 14. 16, 22, 26; E E Crook, 5 lots. 7, 8.17,22, 2o; I G Buekner, 3 lots, 7 25, 14 25, 24; R W Warren, 6 lots, 12 50, 20, 22 50, 23, 27, i'.l; J M Morrow, o lots, 10, 12 2d, 19, 25, 28; Satnes Elli.-gton, 2 lets, 11 and 23 50. SoMfcTHIXO NOT UNDERSTOOD. Two fire alarms during the past ten days demonstrate two important facts we haTe a reliable, anjabundant and an effective water supply; and a fire organ ization zealous, prompt and energetic; anu me names ot conflagration very soon abate before their well directed streams. But it is also demonstrated that the operations at a fire are grievously inter fered with by unauthorized, oMrusive orders, given by men, in some cases actually by boys. The efficiency of management at a fire depends upon a discipline as rigid, as mercilesi as that which attends a battle. It is a battle in fact with the most destructive element which assails the property and the com forts of man. Ite assaults can only be siicces.f'.illy met by systematic attack or defence. In battle the private soldier does not presume to give orders. He im plicitly submits himself to his command ing officer; none the less should this 6iib mission be Yielded on a fire. The au thorized force do their duties manfully aud loyally. It ia the outside volunteer force that assume-i the responsibi'ilias of leadership, and as usual, confuse, mis lead and possibly bung about irrevocable mischief. From the very nature of a fire company it must be invested with plenary- pewers. It mast go straight to its work without interference from outiidsc. It must be the absolute jude of wijat is proper te be done; and it has the right to "knock down and drag out." It may save itself this trouble; and call on the police to do that work for them But tke riyht and the duty are clear and impera tive. The authority is vested by law in the Chief of the Fire Department. His power is absolute; all orders "on the field" come from him, and mu.t be im plicitly obeyed without appeal. We wish this fact to be known and recogniz ed that there is a known, lawful absolute had of the Fire Department, and that, at a fire, his power is autocratic, necessarily so, and brooks no interference. Outsid ers, geuerally impelled by perfectly good and laudable intention, must also under stand tlir.t "too many cooks spoil the broth;' and while their zeal and services are desirable and welcomed, they must be subordinated to the paramount au thority. IXi-ijnine and obedience to orders is what gain a battle; by the same agency is a fire mastered and extinguished With this view of the subject and con formity to it, with the nieanj at hand for fighting the flamer a fire will easily ha kept in bounds. Eminent Critics on Patti Ros. "She is a clever little lad v and deserves her success." iV. Y. World. ' Patti Rosa is a performer who resem bles Lotta in many ways." AT. I. Herald. "St.e is undoubtedly a vety charming little lady, possessed of much talent, sprightliness and good looks." N. Y. Mirror. "Patti Rosa is a full fledged artist who knows how to act ir, Y Dramatic News. Stop that cough, by the use of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral the bes' sjietufic ever known for all diseases of the throat and lungs. It will soothe the rough feeling in your throat, give the vocal organs flexibility and vitality, and enable you to breathe and speak clearly. " t2 "Graxd Openisg Week," At W. C. Kelier's, 12 Pattots Avenue, commencing Monday Dec. 12th, and continuing throughout the entire week. Our latest'shipinents of Holiday Goods have just arrived, making the hnest dis play ever seen in this country. Don't miss it; commences Dec. 12th, at W. C. Keller s, 12 Patton Avenue, dec 8 d4t ScBscKipncN Agency. Renew your subscriptions and com mence new ones now. Most magazines and papers begin their new volume with the January numbers, bave all risk and expense by going to Caison's Stationery and News Store, where you can subscribe for any American or l nglisli publica tion at the regular price. Lists oi all publications given free to select from. Nothing makes a nicer Xmas present than a year's subscription to a good magazine or paper. You will also find a well selected stuck of Stationery. The latest novels, and catalogues of same. Books ordered with out extra charge. Remember the place, Carson's Station ery and .News Store, Mam it. TBAIN COLLISION. TWO TRAMPS AND PROB ABLY SOME PASSEN GERS KILLED. SOBLET. DEMANDS GEN BOULANGER AS HIS MINISTER OF WAR. JSOVEWEJiTS . OF KTSI t 'X 5ii Hi f;5 A lUTKIi IVK 55 It I A. T13IJB TO REFLEtT. TbeXniional Republican Con vention Considers the Time and Place tor the Next Convention. Denied a Nsw Trial. (By U:erapj to tat AshavillcCiliz.n.l New York, Dec. 8. Herr Most was this morning denied a new trial aud was sentenced to one year's im prisonment without a fine. Congressional. (By Ult.raph to the Ashtrilla C'ltiz;i:) Washington, Dec. '.S, Senate. After the reading of the Journal, ami the presentation of a few de partment cemmunications the f en ate on motion of Farwell, adjourned till Monday next. House. The House adjourned at 12:20 until Monday after introduc tion of a few resolutions relating to amendment of rules. Boulauger to be in Goblet's Cabintt. I Sy tl:raph to th Ah STille Citizen. Paris, Dec. S. It is stated that M. Goblet, who has undertaken the task of forming a Ministry, intends to demand that Gen. Bouhtnger shall b- Mi. ister of War. M. Paul De R ulfde has resigned the Presi dency of the Patriotic League he cause of a disagreement with the ex ecutive committee in relation to his action daring the Presidential crisis. - Collision Tramps Killed. I By tale.rtph to t Asbarlllo Citizj- I Council Bluffs. Dec, S. The out-oing Kansas City, St. Joseph and Council Bluffs passenger train was run into late last night by a freight train at Percival, and accord ing to reports of the officials two tramps on the freight train were killed. The pasptrger train had stopped on account ;if a hot box A fhiman was sent imck, but the fog was so dense th'- t .e freight engirt j eer could not see hi signal. The track was blockaded seyer-sl hojrs. Oilier reports state tkat the freight! engine nent almost through the sleeper and jne passenger was killed and about twenty injured. No names have yet been obtained. Russia's Movements not Regarded War-like. I By T:fraph to lb Ah;l"t C'itlnR.l Pestii, Dec. 8. In ihe best in formed circles the situation arising from the reinforcement of Russian troops in Poland is not regarded as portend any immediate danger. Nothing mora will be tlone yet be yond the sending of a warning to Russia that Austria is watchful and will not leave unanswered any fur ther military measures that Russia may take. Austria will not precip itate counter measures because she does not desire to leave Russia with out a loopnole or to give her retreat the appearance of beiug due to Aus trial, menace. It .3 expected that Austria will grant to Russita brief delay for furnishing a necessiry ex planation of thfi moving of her troops, meanwhile Austrian prepar ations will qiiieily continue. Tho Press regards matter in a perfectly calm spirit. Meeting of the Republican National CominiltiL-;. By Ultcrapt to lh Alhavills Cit.zen. Washinbton, Dec. 8. The Re- puoiican .National i.ommiueo was called to order at 11 o'clock this morning in room 150, Arlington Hotel, by B, F. Jores, of Pennsylva nia, Ub chairman, Samuel Fessen den, of Connecticut, acting as secre tary. In a brief speech chairman Jones stated the objoct of the meet ing, as follows : "Gentlemen of the committee: As stated in the call, this meeting is for the purpose of selecting the time and place for holding the next Re publican National Convention ; idso to consider such other matters as may properly be brought before it. As everything connected, however remotely, with the government of this great country is important our action to-day may hove far-reaching results We should therefore care fully consider such subjects as may be Drought before us that we may decide wisely. We may congratu late ourselves on th improved pros pects ot the Republican party since the National Committee met in this city four vears ago for the same purpose that we are now aisembled At that lime the majority against PRICE 5 CENTS the Republican party in the North, at, least preceding the Presidential State elections, counted up into the hundreds of thousands. The great states of New York, Pennsylvania and Utuo had Uemocratu. Govern ors New York's elected bv nearly 200,000, a plurality which "was re duced for the same candidate in the Presidential election to less than 1.100. Though by accident the Democratic party have the Presi dency and success, the signs are auspicious for the election of a Re publican President in 1888. The momentum acquired by twenty-five years of pravalence of Republican principle-! has not yet lost its force ; anu in material imprests ot the country ava s'i! suit of R puuiif lation. Reccn- prosperous as a re in industric.il legi-iitcr:mC'-. however. indicate a determination to md this pro-txiriiy by ad fere. . legislation foreeel upon the country bv an j-.d ministration hostile to Amrri..n industry; and a!o indie-, i the ne cessity of a return to pov.v. of the Republican pjtrt. in the. national government, so that American in dustry, wool-growing and sugar raising equally with iron-making and textile production may haye continued prosperity, and the em ployees in thesa industries constant employment ami continued good wages sucii ;ss Amt-r.-csn workmen thoiilJ receive' The roll was then called and tvs ., - .. 1 -1. r . . owiic iniu 1 erriiorv, with one or two exceptions, was represented by delegates or proxy. The delegate c!?otr-d from th-State of Kentucky. is J. b. Moore. He having removed from that State, Mr. Brov.ii'ow of Tennesseo moved thai lion G. .M. Thomas, he admitted as committee man, to represent Kentucky, lie stateil that the Republicnu members 01 Congress from that Stat-, had met and selected Mr. Thomas as a member of the c.i-nmittee. A (p.ies t on arose as to the right of the com mttee to admit gent'.?men to mem bership except upon certification of the State eommittee; and a further point was made'nat no resignation has been received from Mr. Moore At the suggestion of Mr. Clarkson ot Iowa, Mr. Brownlow modified his motion so as t urovide that Mr. Thomas be admitted as temporary representative of Kentucky at the present melting, and, as modified. the motion vas agreed to. A com mittee ot three members of the Re publican National league appeared, anil through it chairman, J. Hale .Sypber, renewed the nomination tendered by the league to h com miltee to hold its meeting at the league headquarters, and the invi t.ition was unanimously and coreli- aly accepted.The committee then a 1 journed to reassemble at the league chib hou-e. Closing of Another Bank. i J telerap!i to the AiUaviVi. CMiiea. Chicago, Dec. 8. A special from StewartviU. Mo., Ma'e-! that the Stewarivillr Hank of Hue's & Mc Closkey was chwed yesterday. It is at present i:n :. ).;'::? to learn the extent - f the Hubilitie., but the assets so far as known are practically nothing. Chiciffj for t!:a Republican Conven tion. (By le!?j!iih to th- Ai.e;iie CitUe i.) Washington. Ike. 8. The Re HiblkMii Nation! t'ommitlee have selected Ciiieago as the place, and June 19, 1S88. as th date of the Re publican national Convention. Only two h..lluts were taken. Chicago cams- within two cf a majority on the first ballot. Tne second ballot decided it. The Virginia Legislature on th Inter nal Revenue. jBy te'.erra to the Ashavllia '.itizea Richmond, Dec. S. In the House of Delegates to day a joint resolu tion wr.9 auopted by a vote ol "JO to 1 directing lrginia s Senators and her Reprei.n'.ativcs in Congress to use their best efforts to secure a re pea! at an early day of tiie entire internal re.vrnue system of taxation; and failing in that, to secure, if pos sible, a repeal of so much of the sys tem as imposes a tax 011 tobacco in any of its forms, and upon spirits distilled from fruits. A resolution w:i adop ed tendering the use cf the hall ot the House of Delegate? to morrow to Hons. Sir John Ham bleion, Hailing Stuart, and Wiiliam Randolph t.'iemor, membeis ot the British Parliament, for the presenta tion ot their views on the subject of international arbitration. -:o: 'fr'ooi Rush in, Where Angels Fear tit Trciitl." So impetuous youth is often given to folly and indiscretions; .-nd, as a result, nervous, mental and organic debility fol low, memory is impaired, self-confidence is lacking; at night bad dreams occur, premature old age seems setting in, ruin is in the track. In confidence, vou can. and should write to rr. R. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y., the author of a tretise for the benefit of that class of patients, and describe your symptoms and s"fer ir.es. He can cure v'ou at home, and will send you full particulars by mail. UW1W To be Given Away, A Genuine French China Gold-band Tea Sei 44 pieces to be given away the day after Chiistmas; every purchaser of -.ou 01 gootis gets a chance. ' Lang's" Jewelry Store, South Main street. The lovers of pure corn whiskey can tlnd no better than at Bob J ones', Tiie best wines and liquors can also be found taere. tr CITIZRN JOB umt't, NO. PATTON AVENUE. RfLT HEADS, LETTER HEADS, . POSTERS, BLANKS, do A nd fob Work of all kinds done -with promptness and at low prices. OTHER TELEGRAPHIC NEWS ON FOURTH PAGEV An Oid Document. The Raleigh correspondent of the Pe tersburg Index-Appeal says: "Your correspondent was to-day shown a copy of a survey made of the line between the States of Tennessee and North Carolina. It was made in 1799. by Robert Henry and John Stroth er, the commissioners. It appears in a record of a case in the Siinrsm Court The State records do not contain this survey, which was from th, Virginia line to Paint Rock. All the field net. apd memoranda were filed with the sur vey. It is all verv intereatincr. and no doubt Co! Saunders will secure it for the State recorbc The original is in the po!g(sion of Hon John Evans Brown, 1 tor 1 r.rsst innrch. N'ew Zealand. was discovered a year ao The c 'v has just bren made by special per- U lli.M j not seme mistake ab.'it Robt, Itsnry havini; run Ihis line hfrTMJ? Can Mr. Robert Justice answer? lu, Ciri- ZFN. " Is there no balm in Gilead? Is there no physician there?" Thanks to Dr Pierce, there is a ba'tn in his "Golden Medical Discovery" a "balm for every wound" to health, frsm colds, coughs, consumption, bronchitis, and all chronic, blood, lung and liver affections. Of druggists. diwlw Skizk the Opportunity. If you know the value of an opportun'ty f o telect Holiday Goods from an unbrok en i-ti i k, and re think you do, come early and vi' iv our unparalleled display. We have njuic-e line'ofnovelties in Solid silver Fuch as Match Safes, Pungents, Glove t 'oloanes, Yini jrettes, and a fine line of olid silver in cases; also a nice line of imported Glassware, Mother of Pearl, eeei many other styles at prices that can not fail to sell. Our stock of silver pla'eJ ware i? the largest and best selec ted that lias ever been in Asheville, novelt its iu clocks, such as Plush, Leath er. Brass, Silver and other styles. Our rases are fi!!t J with a choice line of jewalry, novelties in silver jewelry. Every com eption which has taken shape in these goods is included in our stock. Every thing is fresh from the cases and free from the soil of many handlings. Let us advise you to come and make your selections forthwith. All purchases engraved free of charge. Every $2 worth of goods purchased en titles you to one chance at the fine French china tea set to be given away the day after Christmas. Respectfully, H. L. Lang, Jeweler, d2c South Main St. WidI Mitt jns for Ladies, Gentlemen, Misses, Boys and Children Whitlock's. Te greater part of our Stylish Suits (made to order carefully) is now in stock and readv tor inspection. Our I ute of 1 oullii Boys 'and Criildrent Clothing mid Misses' Wraps is unusual! u full and attractive. oSdeodtf IT. REDWOOD Jc CO. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. roK rent. i' Rooms in two houses with nice families on Bridge street; also on Clayton street. 2 neat new cottages on Charlotte street. Apply to J. J. HltX, de-c 9 dti No. 8 Court Square. Effervescent, Economical, Efficacious. Beware of Indigestion's pain And Constipatitm's cruel reign; For often in their wake proceed The sable pall and mourner 'r weed; Then check thete troubles ere an hoai. In TAKlt lM' fiSEI.TZEB lies the power, dec 1 deodiw 6mos For Sale and Rent BY D. S. WATSON. For Rent 1 cottasre. 4 rooms, situa ted in North Asheville ; $7.50 per month. For Rent 1 cottage, 6 rooms, also good barn and stables; $12.50 per month. For Sale Some of the best building lots at the old and new Depots. For Sale One of the finest residence lots. 3 minutes' walk from the Court House. Beautiful suburban property for sale. overlooking city and mountains. Every one desiring to purchase property in Asheville would do well to call ana see what 1 have for sale. b. S. Watson, REAL ESTATE AGENT. Southeast C. II. Square. de9d6m R EMOVAL! 11 OS V CUIU 1 U1J BUUf Ml A I'll if Wv No. one coor north of Lindsey 1 tin shop. I am now fully prepared to do all manner of work iu repairinii Guns, Pistols, Loots, 'franks and Valises. Give 015 a rail. Look out for the big gun audio.. A. W. LINDSKY, oet 1 drf U-flnn r.ennna.1 -Knn AVArfh M mtw -

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