r DAILY EDITION. CITIZEN JOB OFFIOfc. NO. 13 PATTON AVENUE. BILL HEADS, LETTER HEADS, POSTERS, BLANKS, Ace And fob Work ot all kittds dont ru't- , promptness ami at low frtcr. heviiie 7aman, Stone & Cameron, :! !ttS AND PROPRIETORS. iAIT-Y, 1 Year. $e.OO 0 Moa, S.OO 1 Year 1.50 O tvlos., .76 AVVHtTISISG HATES LOW, VOL III NO 214. ASHEVILLE N. C WEDNESDAY MORNING DECEMBER 21 1887 PRICE 5 CENTS Citizen, I 1Z -.;! .V U.I. E SOIIET1FN. A.: A.: A Kilt Slum. 3. Wakefleld Cort land, 32 1 J-?'., Depu'y ot tho Inspector General or North Carolina. oyrent Oik v.:lru, '"'. '..J. A. Porier Eminent Comma'iilt" ; .!iila:i lone. Secretary. Meets first Wed uc .!sy ni-rht iu each month. Aihtvi". J 'cr, H. A. SI. li. C. Fa'g High Priest; !'. f! uiiinershldK, Secretary. Meets h vii(t We'liieidav iii;;lit in each mouth. if. llfrv-u .!.'. No. Uf A. F. Jc A. Jf.- 1. IJUir A"oriiiifiil Master; Blunton eciotary. M-t tlie tlrst Friday night iu each mouth. Sunnnanoi Lnlie, K. ol II., No. 616. E. .evy, Dictator ; Jordan Stone, Secretary, eel!, t1" Una ami third Monday nights in each ';'.! l-neh Hrnsd Ciuncil, No. 7m, K. A.S. Li pia ky, Hcul ; .Ionian Stone, Secretary. Meets iu -.e hall of the Kuightaof Honor on the second h lourtr Moiuln" niehts in each month. .cl I Coitland, W. M.: I. A. Conaut, Sec. Meets TnnAniA UU ,1,1,1 TnllN'lllir llllTllt fit Ctt'h at S o'clock, ami 1st ami 4th Thursday L for insttiicrioti. TV Aret!le t'uhlic hilirari), over Mr. Ko;: iiuw,. r.i.r! iT,tpl arid iiell Jar I -1-5 .U!Ut.l.l .1.- Urtl.f i:, V-VU w ,ir- !; from H a. u !: 1 j. ni nd from 4:110 to Absolutely Pure. 1'hls powder never varies. A marvel of purity. irengtn ami wnoiesonieness. woie economical (ban the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of low test, short A'eiaht alum or phosphate powders. Sold onlu i arts. Royal Baking Powder Co. 106 Wall St., New Jforlr.. lanisMtiwrJin tlUMPOUND OXYGEN "fUCICin EigU Block, 62 .Wain St. ASHEVILLE, N. C en inhaled, in connection ..nt)0u .eA Hlsam apor, cures (oiiBiimp i0Sr5i?iiiCfti, Bronchitis, N't.o..l Catarrh, Sore Throat, Loss of Voice, diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, Bladder, and all diseases depending on ipure or lmpovensneu uioon. il rnrea hhcumatisui when everything else dy thst wi'l permnnrntly ure Chronic aai utirrn. li ycu suiter irom this loathsome and dangerous disease come to urotfee and Investigate ou rtrcatment. It wlb ure you, no matter how long you have suffered. (Ho charge for consultation. There is no statement in tho above which is nots'.tictly true you may rely upon every word. We can prove all and more. 11 W9 believe your case incurable, we will raclcly tell you so. We do not wibh to treat jou ilwe cannot help you. We also treat all diseases of the Kectum, or .owe. Bowels, suih as Hemorrhoids (IMics), Fis sure, i- istula, Prolapsus, etc The treatment is ilwai successful, and nearly always painless. Wa cure without the use of the kn.le, and iu a lev jays. No losa of time Irom busintss or pleas re. Office or the "World") New York, Mi y 15, l(v-7. J SI a the fall ot If I was in such poor health at I was obliged to cancel all of my lecture engagements for the winter, and to give up writ sg for a time I went to Abbeville and placed myself under the care of Drs Hargau and Oatchell. Continuing their treatment i improved in health and strength, oaimno !iu poinds of flesh; and feel better than I have for years. I regard tketr oxygen treatment as being of great-value; they, theinselres, are gentlemen of Bkill, and worthy of the confidence ol the public. Bill Nye. HOME TREATMENT, K manufacture the Compound Oxygen, and hip it to all parts of the country, even to the Faclrl Coart. We send apparatus and chemicals lxst two months for 12. This is as valuable uthe oflice treatment. The wonderlul curative res.ilts obtained with hlstreatment is astonishing even to us. V lilt uinh to learn more ofthir treahncnt,and our IXCO.M in the cureof Chrimic liieiife, write or call far "irated book explaining treatment free. DRS. HARGAN & GATCHELL, a aln Street, Ashcville, N. C Ju-cS-dawtl GREAT BARGAINS ! QUITE a number of Shoes to be sold at a re duction ot from 25 to 50 els on the pair. JJ.50 Shoes for $.0o. 1.00 Shoes for Si. 75. 2 50 Boots for J'.OO. A large lot of gents' and Indies' t-lippers at cost. Bridles at 20 pr cent, under usual prices. Trunks and Club Bags and many other goods at usual low pric- s Come and see for yourself, and save money. I will not he undersold. J. M. ALEXANDER, de 2 diwtApia North llib.ic Square. Manufacturing Sites. 20 acres in a block, fronting l,4fn fett on the river. A switch can easily be laid across the whole tract, thus making it very desirable ior manuiacturing purposes 6everal fine resident sites can go with the above, l an ana see ior yourselves. I. F. SMITH. Cor J. A. Conant, City. West Aeheville. BSC CHEAP LOTS AM) BLOCKS. 100 bui'dlnz lots, J100 to S2f)0 each, all fronting an grauea Bireets. Appiy on ine premises. ALSO Several blocks of lots ran be had at real bar tins. I. F. SMITH. nov 27 u.-moa West Asheville. "17 ALUABLE FARM OX HOMINY FOR SALE. will sell the farm where I now reside on orainy. containing 85 acres, half of it the finest Douora lanaa. uooa dwelling ana outnouscson ids piace Apply lo vt . li. joists, oct 11 Hominv. N. C For Rtnt- Ms Houses- I 1 rooms unfumisM, w in. stal Ic, $20 per month. 110 " furnished, $50 " 18 " ' with staKe and laige grounds, S60 " 110 " it g75 u t 18 " " " "&CS50 " Ajplyto LYMAN AND CHILD, Bcal Estate Brokers. dec 3 dtf H ANDSOME PROPER -OR SALE. An elegant lot, with fine grove of oaks and Chestnuts, beautifully situated and commanding fine views. About seven eights of an acre in the lot, Aavaniageousouerea. Appiv to B83-dtf MATT ATKINSON & SONS. OOD PRIVATE BOARD. Parties deslrlnjr good private board ci accommodated satisfactorily by applying to k MRS. T, W. NhEL, 'tuties desiring good private board can be 232 Haywood street, near Battery Park. OT 10 dtf A V royal Ptaat a J - . jmj Urs.HAEGAN & GATCHELL r. DAILY EDITION THE ttAtf.Y CITIZEN Will be published evprv Morning (ex cept Monday) at the following rates itnrtly caxh : One Year, f6 00 Six Months 3 00 Three "... . 1 50 One " .60 One Week 15 Our Carriers will deliver the paper er ery Morning in every part of the city to our subscribers, and parties -wanting it will please call at the Citizen Office. Srd ;mi:r Job of nil kinds to the Citizen Ofwr, if pou want it done neatly, ".lirnphj and vnti dispatch. Ip'itbI B!iJ Di!ptnre of PassenRfr Train". Si isBUhV ArriveR Xiik p n.- leaves lor Mor ristou n at 5:lf p. m Tkn vesskb Arrives at 12 48 o. in., and leaves st tJ:S p tu. A. rives at S:00 y. m., and leaves for Spartiiiibure 't 9:10 p. ui. SrAi-.TANBiTJi Arrives at !a. lervc-s nr V.e.rrisl iwn fc.JS;fhJ;k,'nid,yS; p. in. Wavkesvii.i.k Leaves Asbeville at S:00 a. m., and arrives at 4:50 p. m Pi rk German Bitters. This splendid tonic, a sure, steady and faithful lemedy for all nervous debility, for sale at Jones' Pioneer Bar strictly for medical purposes. r"The Citizen, with latest Associa ted Press Dispatches will be found regularly at all hotels and news-etands in the citv. When the supply may be exhausted at those places, call at the oflice. Weather Indication. North Carolina Rain followed by decidedly colder fair weather, brisk to light westerly winds with cold wave. Hon. II. G. Ewart.of Hendersonviil, spent several days in the citv this week. Mr. A. Cannon, of Henderson county, was in tl e city yesterday, getting ready for Christinas. Mr. Tiiiletus Luther, of Hominy, and Miss Ida Brijrnian, formerly of Hickory, were married on the 11th inst, Mr. John Maloney and wife, of Morion, are in the city on their way to I lender sonviile, where they will locate. Mr. J. P, Sawyer spent Tuesday in Hendersoaville, and say6 that town is rapidly and substantially improving Mr. Thos. Stokes is getting his new stock of hardware handsomely arranged in the middle store room of the new Hendry block. The special excursion rates on the W. If. C. R. R. for the holidays, one lirst clais fare for tha round trip, will go into effect to-morrow, 22nd, for Christ tuas, good till .Ian. 1 . The Thespian C'inb plays one t f its best pieces "TevaJ a" Tt ursday eve ning, Dec. 29. Tin s::rv. and tecum your seat3 in time. Tlir ind eed go to the r lower Mission. . It rained just enoiiijh lesir-rdav to ren ovate the mud, and th.n beared oil beautifully. The rain this winter hav been very light, and no enow to ."peak of except that ol October oil. Judging from the number of go'd watches and diamond rings Mr. Lang has sold within the last few days, we incline to the opinion that some one will get a handsome Christinas present Dr. II. 15. Weaver, who has been prac ticing medicine in this cily for some time, has moved his family her; f.om Weaverville. They occupy a dwelling of Mr. H. A. Gudger, 27 Sprues street. A Well-skilled Hor.si;. Dr. Watson's horse, hitched up in a buggy, but left carelessly unfastened at the gate, ran ofl yesterday morning and went careering down the street as far as the d?pot, where he was slipped, with no nana done to horse or buirav. Go to Sawyer's And buy a nice Xmas present. He has lace curtains, carpet sweepers, table cloths, linen napkins, handbags, pocket nanclkerchielu, gents ana bovr clothing, fireworks, Xmas tre ornaments, full line of carpets, rugs, and thousands of other thincs that he is Belling low down for cash. Special reduction made i i the next few dava. An Accident Two Tramps Killed. Yesterday as a train loaded with lum ber was coming up the mountain from Round Knob two cars became detached and went down the grade at a rapid rate. Two negro tramps had secreted them selves in the lumber on thece cars, and when latter went flyin: down the moun tain they began to scatter the lumber on first oni siue then another, finally thiowinc tho nejiroes off, who were caught under the falling lumber, one being killed an.! ti e othr so badly injurtd a to nia'.e his death a cc-rtaiBty. Tramps jught to know by this time that the Inter-State law cannot prevent acci dents to trains upon which they try to steal rides, and there is always danger in such ventures. The cars did not leave the track, so we are informed. Tobacco Sales Monday and yesterday at all the warehouses were very heavy, and the prices ranged high, good tobacco selling very hih. Our farmers ne certainly reaping good returns now. Ready for the Frsii This week. We Lope to be able to wait on all promptly and well. Each departmeut is in good working order rnd we have plenty of new goods, come in since the opening. Dont wait till the last of this week if it can be avoided, as judging by the past there will be a great crowd then. See other notices in this paper concerning Law's, 57 and 50 South Main street. YOT CAN GET Fine old rye, pure wines and brandies for the holidays at Nesv York prices at the "Bonanza." Fine Havana cigars by tha box at fac tory prices, at the "Bonanza," 43 S. Main street. dt25 Large and ' ied stock of Woolen and Merino Und Vear for Ladies, Misses and Gentleme, at Whitlock's, A LARGE AM . CRT ATTRACTIVE LOT OF GOODS SriTABLt ..i)R USEFUL CHRISTMAS Gifts. 1. Redwood & Co. The largest sala of good tobacco of the season will take place to-day at the Farmers' Warehouse, so we are authorized to state. Thirty-fix thousand pound, of tobacco were foM at the Farmers' Warehouse yesterday: and the high est prices of the season were reachixl. Mr. I. N. Ebbs, of Madison, one of the most prominent and useful men of that county, paid us a most acceptable visit yesterday. He re ports a considerable excitement on the sulnect ot minerals in his sec tion the South side of the French Broad growiii": out ot the disr.ov cry ol extensive veiis ol rich iron ores. Knh;jits of Honor. .- The followiiu; fri.r.-t. flfere e. jecied ior tn? ensuing year : 1 Dictator, R. A. Ling; Vice Dicta tor, V. II. Cook; Assistant Dictator, D. 1. Mulardj Reporter, I . A. Uuin mings; Financial Reporter, E. I. Holmes; lreosurer, li. (J. l'ag Chaplain, J. II. Woody; Guide. C, V . De ault; (jtuardian J. YY . Gra ham; Sentinel, W. B. Clayton; Trus tees, D C. Waddell, I). T. Millard, T. V. Pation. Death of a Prominent Republi can Statesman. Rev. W. H. High, colored, for tome years a baker of this city, died yesterdav. after a ehort illness. He 7.is, vre bslicve, a member of the State Constitutional Convention of 1S68, the body of sweet scented noto riety, which ruined the State for years to follow. And High was about as reputable as any ol his colleagues, and this is no complN merit to him, and was a fair speci men of those chosen by the Repub licans to frame an organic law for a great people to live under. We hope he is at rest. Arm Cut Off. We learn that a painful accident occurred in the transfer yard at Hot Springs on Saturday last. A freight train was backing dor-n one track, while another was moving up on another. A lad about 12 years old was watching the up coming train, and didnot see the other until lie was struck and knocked into a cattl is guard. He thrcrv up one aim across the rail, and it was so crush ed that amputation was necessary. The lad was a poor boy, the son of a destitute mother iho had sent him out on a begginj errand. On Sunday a collection for hie benefit was made among the train men, and SIS realized. Doj't Forget the Susbtantials. Mes.-rs. Penniman & Co., dealers in hardware, house furnishing oris, cooking and other stoves, sportsmen's outfits, &c, wish the people to remember that eating tloci hot constitute all the objects of li!': that preparations even for eat ing have t bs made, as well as oth er t:o!b for t's, aud lieucs invite atten tion to their very large and varied stock of goods. A good cooking stove would be a splendid Christmas pre.-eut for the home !olk, a hand so'.ue gun for the young man of the house, and many things too tedious to mention. Call and see, and you will lie pleased. Pyrotechnics and the Small Bot. A city ordinance prohibits, under a heavy penalty, the firing of crack ers, eky-rocketf, etc., on the streets ofthecit'. As the Mayor has no authority to suspend thi s ordiuance, the police will of course have to ar rest any one guilty. There are many ressons why such a law should be enforced. The danger of fiie, and frightening horses by such things i.-i very great. But we must confess we sympathise with the boys. It has not been so many years since we were a boy of boya and loyed such things and we like to see others enjoy what boys of other days were permitted toVnjoy. But then we did not live ina crowded cit', and had room enough for our fun without endangering anybody or anything. Boys of this 3-ear of grace will have to get off of public streets, and into lots awav from possibilities ofddiigeror doing harm toSenjuy their fire works. We hope they will be allowed as much lati tude as circumstance will permit, and may have a really good iim. Especial Attention Is invited to the large array of popular remedies to be found at Ie'l""'n's lhir macy, near ll:e poet otlicc. is a Mile with tl;:s house to keep any thin that is wanted in the drug line, provided it has any merits. We advise our frit nds in the country that when in want of any medicines to try IVIham's Drug Store. They lill physicians' prescriptions at low prices. The quality of their goods is un excelled. They handle a full line ol Sundries such as drug stores usually cairv. Theirs is a complete assortment. ee'23(':tf YOT CAN" GET Fine old rye, pure wine- and brandies for the holidays at New York prices at the "Bonanza." dt25 Home Physicians Recommend the Whiskies and Wines at the White Man's Bar, for medicinal purposes, down stairs, rioi'th Main street. dtljan Farmer's Cremorne Cabinet Whiskey for sale only at the White Man's Bar, down stairs. South Main street, dtljan IFor the Asheville Citizen. YANCEY TO VOTE FIFTY THOUS AND DOLLARS TO THE ATLANTA, ASHEVILLE & BALTI MORE ROAD OTHER INTER ESTING ITEMS. Burnsvillk, Dec. 17th, 1887. Messrs. JLditors Citizen: In obedience to an order made by the County Cora missioners? at their last meeting the Magistrates and CorrHnissiuners conven ed in joint session here to day and made an order submitting to the peop'e a pro position to subscribe fifty thousand dol lars to the capital stock of the Atlanta, Asheville and Baltimore Rail Road, and fixed Tuesday the 31st day of January next as the day whan the people should say by their votes whether r not thev will ratify the subscription, The prevail ing opinion is, that it will Le ratified by a Urge majoiity. We have atl read the President's mes sage and lam glad t-iay it ijivrs very gener 1 satisfaction, "I: nulv regret ex- preawt it. -r"V""'Sid not recommend r-ie re,-eal of the toC ... lt 0,r tnnly is a neee- 6ity t6 lha pr-HiUceis ,u this section, as it is their only sure mnnv crop, and we sincerely hope that Con gress will relieve us froi.i this onerous and most odious tax. Tho mica interests of the oountv are beginning to look up. This has formerly been a source of great revenue to the peopl-. May it speedily return. The Unaca Lumber Companv from the Mate ot .Michigan 1 believe, have com menced moving timber to Cane River with the view of floating it to Knoxville, lenn. If the experiment proves success ful a large extent of country extending irom tne mouta ot uane Kiver ui.-h up towards its source, win soon be stripped of its finest trees as other com anies be side the Unaka have bought largely of a: 1 . l . ! i mi - . Luuuer in me same territory, mis enter prise will e:ve employment to quite " number of our laboring men, and will consume Ia part of tbe large surplus of gram and lorage bold by tbe farmers. lbere are other lumber interests in the county, but in the main they have to find a market by way of Tennessee and Virginia roads, from Tohnson Citv. Tenn. We pay on cherry and walnut thirty-one cents per hundred pounds to noston: on tbe VV. c Kail Koid on the same article we have to Day forty five cents per hundred pounds to the same point from Alexander. If the terms were at all equal we would go to the W. X. C. Rail Koad, but there is so much difference in rates that we are compelled to seek the oth "r line. T ie fruit crop was not a trood one the past year, but what there was of it has proved quite a source of revenue. Two of Dur enterprising citizens W. H. Gard ner and Charles Lissenbee have just re turned from Greenville, Tenn,, to which place they took each a wagon load of ancey'e fine apples for which they got one dollar end titty cents per bushel, thus paying them well for their trip. The only rniBfortme which attended them was, that Charier lost his dosr. More anon. Yaxcby. The Mexican WJar The Bc.hcombe Company. We noticed edit-, ally yesterday the formation of the North Carolina regiment for services in the Mexican war. There wc-ro two companies or parts of com pames Irom Wes'crn JNorth arohna. Company 1). wss raised partlv in Yancev. and went to Smithville, under command of Captain Tilman Blalock, witU num bers not eullicient to be mustered in as a full company. There it was consolidated with a company from Oranee county-. under comma.id of Capt. John Cameron, also incomplete. C?pt. Blalock was elec ted Captain of the united companies. and Shepherd K. Nash and Stephen rtichols l-i ret and second Lieutenants. Comnanv K.. ikewise. was formed lv the union of men from Bu combe and ! Cherok- e, with representatives of other western counties. It was organized at Murpliy in March 1547, with Kamuel 1. Tipton as Captain and Jeptha Israel and John Goodson as First and Second Lieu tenants. Mr. Jeptha Israel, the First Lieuten ant, now a resident of Asheville, has lurmthed us an outline sketch of the oper.itions of th . company. We cannot conveniently fill it out at the present time, but propose to do eo in the future. We piesent the following list of the survivors of Co. K , with their present residences : 1st Lieut, i. M. Israel, Asheville: 2nd Lieut. Jas W. Tatham, Cherokee, N. C; l.'.cut . tu M rainier, California; Lieut. Wm R West, Asheville: S F Williams. Buncombe co.; A Teague, Madison co.; John Andrews, liunconibe co : John Cansler, Cherokee co.; Wm U Clark, iv-adison co.: J; M Uorn, Texas; G V Gwinn, Ark nsas; A L Pain, Madison co.; John Peek, Georgia; lohn Piles. Cherokee; P M G Rhea, do; A Rogers, do; C F Rogers, Georgia; J R Stradley, Tennessee; J J Summey, Hiekorv, N C; J A Teague, Texas; J W Teague, Hay wood co; J M West, Nebraska; E v Wor- ley, Kentucky; Jas West, Texas. Whn all so-called remedies fail. Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy deverfails. d&wlw Questions of the ITay. Do you want a handsome present, go to Keller's. Do you want a useful present, go to Keller's. Do you want a durable present, go to Keller's. Do you want a cheap present. go to Keller's. Do you want a fine presi ut, go to Keller's. You will get the full value of your money there, whether you soend Sets, or $50. No. 12 Patton Avenue dt25 W. C. Keller Carries the largest and best se.ected stock of China, Crockery, Glassware and Lamps, and guarantees lowoH prices, at No. 12 Patton Avenue. dlw Goon Tuings for the Season. sTiSSi For a full line of choice fancy grocer ies, of every variety, fruits and vegeta bles, fresh nuts, fancy and plain candy, leading brands of cigars, smoking and chewing tobacco, the fir est flour upon the market, haymill fed, grain, wood en, willow and tin ware, at reasonable prices. Call at L. Munday's. dec 14 dlmo 31 Patton Avenue. The "Gran Grozo," a Spanish made 10 cent cigar sold at 5c each at the Bonanza. Cooking Brandies, at tbe White Man's Bar, down stairs, South Main St. dtljan Fine Havana cigars by the box at fac tory prices at the "Bonanza," 53 S. Main street. dt2 Tha prizes that W. C. Keller gives is low prices. NOMINATIONS. GREAT NXOW STORM IDT the: west. 9To CoJl to be Found aud Great Suffering. FUNERAL OBSEQUIES OF THE L4TE GOVERNOR OF MAINE. The Colored Iioton League Oppose (the Couflrmation of Judge I-Houir. Nominations. I By Ultcraph to tha AihsTill Citizea.i Washington, Dec. 20, Among the nominations sent to the Senate to-day by the Prtsident were the following: James R Jordan, to be U.S. Marshal for the Western Dis trict )f Virginia; Wm. M. Nixon, for the Eastern District of Tennessee. :o.- The Colored League Oppose Him. By telegraph to the At h.Tilla Citizen.) Boston, Dec. 20. The Botton branch of the national league of colored men at a meeting held last evening adopted a resolution op; os ing the confirmatio of Secretary Lamar as a Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. Conffrtss. I By tI:raph to U Ashavilla CitiEtn. Washington, Dec. 20. Senate : Numerous petitions were presented, one in favor of the Blair Educational bill, aiu also a petition of citizens of Pensylvania, protesting against the admission of Utah as a State. Allison from the committee on Fi nance reported a bill to regulate the importation ot foreign merchandise and to secure unilormity in the classification thereof and for other purposes. "Under Valuation Bill," he said, it was an original bill which affected materially the laws in reference to imports, and asked, in view of its importance, that 10,000 extra copies be printed iu pamphlet form. The bill was placed on the calander and motion to print was referred to the commit tee on printing. Aliisdn, irom the committee oh appropriations, reported back the House joint resolution to psy em ployees of Congress their salaries for the month of Dec, Passed; also a concurrent resolution for a holi day recess. He i sked its immedi ate consideration. Plumb objected, the resolution was placed on the calandar. Mr. Dawes from the Committee on Pensions reportea a bill to place the name ot Mrs. Logan, widow of Gen. Joh.i A. Logan, on the pen sion roll at the rate of 2,000, and asked for its immediate considera tion. Mr. Berry objected and the bill was placed on the calendar. Mr. Dawes also reported a bill to increase the pension of Mrs. Blair, widow of Gen. Frank P. Blair, andi it was also placed on the calendar. Mr. Hampton from the committee on military affairs reported .i bili to transfer to the trustee of Porter academy certain property ued for army purposes in Charleston, S. C. Calendar. Mr. Edmunds asked that the pos tal telegraph bill introduced by him be taken from the table and re ferred to the post office committee. He had intended, he said, to have submitted same brief observations on tho bill but trusting to the zeal and fidelity which the postoffice committee had hitherto shown in favor of some such measure he thought he could safely send it without any preliminary cbserya tions, trusting that it would be very speedily leported when it could be discussed. The bill was so referred, as well as a bill on the same sub ject introduced by Mr. Cullum. The resolution offered uy Mr. Call yes terday to print in the Congressional Record the memorial of Hie consti tutional convention of Utah wa8 called up by that gentleman who asked that it be now adopted. Mr. Edmunds preferred that the resolution be referred to the com mittee on territories which now had jurisdiction of the subject. Mr. Call argued that it was due to a commuuity of 200,000 people to have its views fairly presented. He understood that less than three per cent, of the people were guilty of practices an assumption on which the objection of the Senator from Vermont was based. He would now read the memorial to in sure its publication in the Record, and to show that there was nothing objectable in it. (Read memorial). Mr. Call added that the Senator from Vermont knew that there was nathing in the memorial disrespect ful to Congress and that there was no reason in right or Justice why the Senate should refuse to hear the petition of 200,000 American citi zens. Mr. Edmunds thanked the Sena tor from Florida for his gratifying allusions to him, they were worthy of him (Call), and he trusted that he (Edmunds) could bear them. He certainly had not questioner1 the sincerity of the Senator from Flori da, for he (Call had stood behind this polvgamist hierarchy every time that it had any interest to ad vance, or any wholesome legislation to resist. He had done so wih a great deal of ability and considera ble zeal. He could give the Senator the praise of being absoiutel r s n cere in standing by that body of persons through thick and through thin, come good, come ill, and he expected thjt the Senator would continue to do so, and it in the pro cess of time Utah should become a State and the United States Consti tution should be changed so that one person might ha Senator from two States, he hid no doubt that the Senator from Florida would be the t5rt Senator whom the Mormon hierarchy would select. After considerable discussion Mr, Call withdrew his resolution, as he had attained his object in reading th Utah'ioeuiorial himself. Mr. Blair then moved to take 'up his educational bill and the motion was agreed to, yeas 27, nays 15. Without further action the Senate proceeded to executive business. House. Brumm of Pennsyly nia, offered a pieamble and resolu tion reciting that it is currently re ported that coal operators in the Le high region a:e importing or about to import tw-j thousand Belgian miners under contract to taise tne place ot miners now on a strike in that seetio ; that the striking miners have used evert endavor to have a settlement o! differences bt arbitration, and that the operators have positively refused to enter itito arbitration, and re questing the President to notify offi cials of the Treasury Department of these facts, and urge them t- use special efforts to prevent the landing ol the Belgian miners, an J to see tnt the law against the importation of labor under coo tract is strictly enforced. -Referred to the commit tee on labor. Propositions to in crease the membership of the com mittee on Rules to seven, and t' providefor a committee on theAmeri can is thmus were respectively in troduced by Messrs. Townsend and Baker of Illinois and referred to the committee on Rules. Mills ot Texas moved an adjourn ment stating that he did so in order to enable the committee on Rules to meet and decide upon a report which would probably be submitted to-morrow. The motiou was agreed to, and the House at 12:15 tuU journed. Funeral of Gov. Bod we II. I By telegraph to tfct Asheville Citiisn.l Augfsta. Me. Dec. 20. Business was entirely suspended this morn ing. FUgs are a 1 at ha lf mast and thousands of viiiuus are iu town to attend the funeral of the late Gov. Bodwell. Half hour guns from the United States Arsenal have been fired all the morning. At nine o'clock doors of the thecapitol were opened to numbers of people wait ing to take the last look at the Gov ernor' lice. Many distinguished people from all over New England were among the throng. (ireat Snow Storm and Bii..ard on the Plains. By tcl;,-ripj to th Ahsvil'a Cit a;a. Chicago, Dec. 10. A Wichita, Kansas, special sajs: Snow com menced falling here yesterday morn ing, and has come down steadily eyer since. L i1e ;n the day a bliz zard set in from the North, and has hourly increased in violence. Ad-vic-s are to the effect thai 'he bliz zard is general over the WVst and that it has caught the country with out any adequate supply of coal. It is known that the railroa i compa nies have from some cause failed to supply the demand on the plaiDS. There is great fear that much suf fering and distress will result from this sudden change of weather, as it is certain that the entire districts are almost entirely without fuel. Dr Pierce's ''Pleasant Purgative Pel lets," cieanse and purify tli blood and relieve the digestive organs. d&wlw China." Go to-day to DeVauit & Bros.' store (McLoud Building) and look over that fine lino of China, Crockery and Glass waie on exhibition before the auction sale to morrow. dlt Xmas Puck contains .? colored litho graphs, 12x18, 500 puzzle, innumerable smaller pictures. I he reading is both suitable and humorous. Jud-.: 2 12xlS lithog-aphs and supplement; Wjct Rosa Bonheur's "Horse Fair," Reading equal ly as good as Puck. Both of them are the handsomest Xmas publications evei gotten out. Subscriptions received for all publications. Article sent direct to subscriber when eo w ished. Some beau tiful box paper at remarkably low prices. New novelsjust received. Weil selected stock of staple stationery, etc., at moder ate prices. Daily New ork papers al ways on sale at Carson's Stationery and News Store, N. Main street. Wraps from cheapest nice Jacket to real p al Plush, la.ge stock, at WHITLOCKtl. Pnrfl Irish anrl Rntnli WhiolziQa frvt. the Holidays at the White Man's Bar, down stairs. South Main atrcet. dtljan A LARGE AXD ViSY at rn act I v r lot ntr GOODS SUITABLE FOR USEFUL CHRISTMAS Gifts.. H. Redwood & Co. Meerschaum Pi pes, Cigar and Cigarette Holderi at importer's cost, Fine line Wood and Brier Pipes, Cigar and Cigar ette Cases, at Levy's, 50 Eagle Block- deodtjanl The lovers of pure corn whiskey can tlnd no better than at Bob Jones'. Tne lest wines and liquors can also be found there. OTHER TELEGRAPHIC NEWS ON FOURTH PAGE. Dr. J. A. Watson Has been appointed physician in chaige of the Asheville Home In dustrial School, in South Aeheville. The appointment is a just tribute to the professional attainments and personal worth of Dr. Watson, and we take great pleasure in making note of tne same It is highly prob able that in addition a surgeon will be appointed. French Broad Council Royal Ar can cm. The f"o ti 14 officers h ive been eltcttd 'or !, . i suing yeai ; Recent, J G. Lindsi-y; Vice-Re-ge-it. II. A. L nig; Oui r. W. A. B.yo; Secretary, C. L. Lmdsey; Collector, E. I. Holmes; Tr.-haurer, T. W. ration; Chaplain W H.Cook; Guide, E. Levy; Warden, G W. Can non; Sentry J. R. Stames. Wonderful Cures. VV. D. Hoyt Si oo.. Wholesale and Re tail Druggists of Rome, Ga., eayi: We have been selling Dr. King's New Dis covery, Klectnc Bitters and Bucklen's Arnica Salve for two years. Have never handled remedies tha sell as well, or give such universal satisfaction. There hav been some wonderful cures effected by these medijines inthiscity. Several cases ;.f pronounced Consumption have been entirely cured bv use ot a few bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery, taKen in connection with Electric Bitters. We guarantee them always. Sold by II. H. Lvons You can" get Old and npw onm wlit.lrav K, tl.A or keg at wholesale prices at the "Bon" a,li!a- dt25 Cut-Rates ox Cigars B' the box. for the IIoli.lni-Q rnl ot the White Man's Jar, down stairs, South -uain street. dtljan At Law's Crockerv ami (r!a& fmn fl,A ..A-.. cIlPAnHKf- l:iml tn f f, nnml Tk. I Ti , ....... v unto,. IBTUCBl stock and lowest prices. Come and "sea jumacii, opposite tne post omce. d3t The ' G cent cigai sold at 5c each at the Bonanza. LaP'0 Stock of Wliitf. an.l K.-.lf TTr derwer for Ladies and Misses just in, at Whitlock's. The White Man's flir ia still ot ti. same place, down stairn mi Knnth v.in street dtlian Curtain Poles v.-irh hnu fivfA m plete for 50 cents at Whitlock's. The onlv thins? von Ciin wr. fr at l, White Man's Bar ia s tcnrulan t-rtrtl,n;..l. and a good ci ar for a nickel. sept S dtt NEW ADVERTISEMENTS 1!U.VA'' To day. Wednesday, npc. T ini h hibition at De Vault 4 Broi.' sure, McLoud build ing, i good assortment of China, crockery and glassware. Call and examine (ladies especially) belorethe srle to-morrow, Dec. 21. Bare chance for ctetp Christmas presents. ulk J. J. hill, Auctioneer. HELP THE POOR ! elit of the lower Mission ".VJSIVflJef," By the Thctpian Club. "eS?Il, .JJ?.," By the Juvenile tlub. decildct. joa sale X 1 i.r)lT Mnt-; i.t -.. .. and shuts, and double barusa, breas sfrADi Can be soon at Swlceood's shop. I .IOR KENT. er of North Main aud Chestnut streela. Apply """" age, nuu i .-room votiaff. com i'ltiry ruuoil, or JOHN HAKT. H ORjE KEEPING. -.... -,. ... . , . .t-. uiic gutra fciaDiing ana good ore in consideration lor a servioable horae to be tuning iur wimer oj aim. dec 20 d4t old Depot. Urick. fkrfcnrr And i- - cor q w house Arply to JOvES A 8HCFORD, uec-.au w ttorneyg. COOK. LABARBE Fruits & Confectionery. At No. 20 North Main St. Will lm f. 11 1 1 1 .1 a ml.nM 1 . r . . . candies and good things for the holidays. . uimuiiiia utrure in variety, aiaiagaana domes tic graces, Florida and Sicilian orange, raisins hir,: 1 'n i-n i .1 .1 . 1 .. . .... r. . i . . . and American, also, fresh and delicious, of our own mamnifaeture. Also, tobacco, cigaraof choice brands, and ev erything in the smoking line. Come aud see. The ha.f has not been told. Cook if ItttBarbe, dec2(id2 Buck Hotel Bni ding. SATISFACTION." I've just returned from Weldon's And my head is in a whirl. For he has er ough of the ;Beautiful" To satisfy the world. The "Gem" is like a "casket" Filled with jewels rich and rare. Sufficient to the banishment Ol troubleand of care. Theie are ''Fruit" and -Pound" and "Wine" cases. And kinds that I do not knov, All handsomely ornamented Aud as white as driven Enow. And the "Gem" Is lik a "poet's dream" Just bunting Into -ong ; And Weldon has his hands full A-waiting fa the throng. A choice line of confections Too varied to explain. From the daintiest ot "Bon bona" To a "Candy Walking Cans, t" Ami fire-vor :s in prolu i a In variety large and small. And a cannon cracker whose report Is lite a cannon's squall." " LUCRETIA." JRIVATE BOARD. A lew boarders can be accommodated at 163 Haywood street. Sick Rooks and new txxt and furnllnrc. For information eall on U ARUAN GATCHELL, Cor. Church St. and Patton Ave . teelSdlw Asheville. N.'c. 4 r r