Ashevill CIT1ZEH JOB OFFICE, NO. 13 PATTON AVENUE. BILL HEADS, LETTER HEADS, POSTERS, BLANKS, &e And fob Work of all kinds don tvifkf promptness and at low frico. Furmaa, St on a & Cameron, r.;!TU8S AND PROPRIETORS. zen OA.IT.Y, 1 Year, 0 Jttoa., 1 Year O M09., ge.oo 3.00 1.50 .76 V KKKI.Y VOL III.-NO 250. ASHEVILLE N. C, SATURDAY MORNING, JANUARY 28, 1888. PRICE 5 CENTS AVVEHTISISO RATES LOW. DAILY EDITION. I he Citi ' ROYAL riSo-.SJi iSll Absolutely Pure, t his powder never vanes A mi-rvel of puritv ttrength and whoU'Somcucss. Moie economical than the ordinary kinds and cannot be sold in jompetition with the multiiutltt of low test, short o'jht alum or phosphate powe'ers. fold on'.ii in ana. Royal Basins Powder Co. 106 Wall St., ew ior. lanin-aiwiVJin Thos. C. Stokes, AT THK SEW STORE, No. 14 U. Court Square, Hendry It lock. Examine bis stock cf and Buildcra' Hardware, House Furnishing Goods. A fall line of Agate Ware, robber bose, etc. tubs, buckets, Plasterers' Tools, Hocks, float aid darbies. Brick and mortar bods, fine and coarse sieves. Agent for the Excelsior Erick Enameling Co. Janld&wly '.(IMPOUND OXYGEN . Mm? i .?ft Urs. HARGAN & GATCHELL VHCB In I'.mgltiBlotli, 62 B' 7. ASHEVILLE, N. C Oonipound Oxven Inhaled, in connection wita medicated Balsam Vupor, curfs onsump tlon, Asthma, Bronchitis. Catsrrti, Sort' Tbroat. Loss of Voice, diseases oithe Liver anl Kidneys, llnrtder, and all diseases depending on mpnre or Impoverished blood. It -cures Kneumatism when everything els' fails. It is the only remedy that will pcrmnnentlv Jure Chronic Nasal Cutirrli. Ifycu suffer Iron" his :oathsome bud dangerous disease come U ournmceand lnvestinate oui treatment. It wil euro you, no matter how long you have suffered No charge for consultation. There Is no statement In the above -which it net s'.i ictly true you may rely upon every word We can prove all and more. 11 we believe your case Incurable, we will 'twtk'.r tell you so. We do not wish to treat you 1lw eannot help ou. We also treat all diseases of the Keetum, or j3Wt Bowels, such as Hemorrhoids (Piles), Fis re. istula. Prolapsus, etc The treatment i Aiwa A successful, and nearly always painless Wa-coie without tnenseef the kn.te, and iu (witj. No loss of time trom busiutss or pleas ara. Offickopthb "World," I Kkw York, Hi y 15, 1&--7 In the fall of 1886 I was In such poor health that I was obliged to cancel all ot my lecture engagements for the winter, and to Rive up writ C for a time 1 went to Ashcville and placed ysell under the care of Drs Hargan and Gati hell Continuing their treatment I improved ii health and strength, oainino 'jo povnds of f.ush and feel better than I have for years. I refrard the!r oxygen treatment as being ot (Teat value; they, themselves, are gentlemen o kill, and worthy of the confidence ot the pnhlic Bill Nye. HOME TREATMENT, We manufacture the Compound Ozvgen, n' Dip it to all parts of the country, t v'en to th Facln Coast. We send apparatus and chemical: 3 last two months for J14. This is as valuabli act he office treatment. Toe wonderlul curative res.ilts obtained with lstroatment is astonishing even to us. it i ju rith to learn more of thit treatment, and our Jaeeew in the cure of Chronic DifeoKn, vrite or cat farti'uMraied book explaining treatment free. DRS. ii Main Street, Juxoi-dawtl HARGAN 4 GATCHELL, Asheville, X.C. RockfordVatches JUnunequalUd tnEZACTINO SEJt TICE. TTsed by tne Chief 21 p inecnaiucian or tne IT. H. Coast. Knrvey : br the Admiral rwreav , commanding in the tJ. . Aavai UDerv atory, for Astro . 4FJ: ' rvr' 7 'vby Locomotive 4 ,sQC25 Iductora and Kail f .r. J way men. They are AV " inii' i i ii r ir n I t ti as Tor ail uses in vi u n n tl,me and durability are re nuisites. Bold in principal ciMes tind towns by the COM pj(J4V4 exclusive Agents Orill-lJ 1 T who clve a Full Warranty II, L. LiiKG, Agent, MAIN STEEET, YSHEVILLE. - C. Alto a fall line t all the Standard Grad of American Watches at lowdtt price. ja27dlm .1 i - :i8 TilF BEST DAILY EDITION T23fi liAIT.Y CITIZEN Will ho published pvirv Morning (ex re);! Monday) at (he fo'lowicjr rates itriet.'y eat'i : On Yciif, W 00 Months. . . . 3 00 Three " . . 1 50 One " . . .50 One Week, 15 Our Carriers will deliver the paper ev ery Mornin? in every part of the city to our anhsn-riiiera, and parties wanting it will please call At the Citizen Office. .v-srf year Job Work of All tivdt to the Vlliten OJfi-v, if yo:i want it natty, henyiltj nnd viif. ,'isp:;tch. of lfn(r Trilm i-v - Arr!?: s I1 n ai.- leaves tor Mor- n a in Trn.-:.s!5e AinvfiM 12 ISO. m., and leaves at !?: . m A.riv at ;!:lfl n. r.i . snrt C,ves '::.r E'll'iiir -t :'! ti. v.. . ' pa.vakb! i:o- Airives e. 9 a. .; ieave lor Vn'ri- inivri ; a da. n. I'reitlit accommodation leaves A -hi yi'ie at wo a. in., and arrive at 9:00 n. m. Wa vsrviu.E Leaves AsSeville at 8:00 a. ni., and arrives at 4:50 p. in cv Alverticinents. Carbolic Smoko Call. Lady's Watch Found This office. Pi ns German Bitters. TI ppV mild tonic, a sure, steady and faitl..ul lcmcdv for all nervous debility, for sale at Jones Pioneer strictly for uiedi-al purposes. Tiie w eather was fine pgain yesterday. Look out for the eclipse of the moon this evening. Mr. Griffin Stancill, of the Clyde Ren- is'.rr, called to see us yesterday. Th North S'lat" says the Leaksville Re porter, a new paper, expired with its sec ond issue. Maj. W. W. Fletuuiingand the lion, f ' I'owd, both recently of Chariot, have f inned a law partnership in Washington Citv. Mr. Charlea Baird, of the firm of Rey nolds & Taird, is removing his family to the Diiilding lately occupied by Turner as a testauiant. Weather prophets predict that this ?ct ion 's on the eve of the coldest spell of this ivir ter. Yeterdav the cold wave fla? was out at Battery Park. We shall see what we st.all see. Gen. T. L. Ilosser, formerly of the Con federate armv, is confetiltini; engineer of the Three Cs road. He is now on a pros pectini; tot:r through the mountains to Johnson Citv, Jenn., in the interest of hisco-tipanv. We are pad to learn from the Salis bury Herald thct the Hcv. Mr. Beall, of lenoir, badly linn in a railroad accident rear Hickory some weeks bince, and subsequent ly r-portcd tiead, is slowly bat Fuiirly luiprorine- Mr. J. C Kerr, of Salisbury, is an unfor tur.ale man. He has broken the same lep in the same place three times within the 1-ist lour years. His last mishap befel him the other day, when he slipped and fell on the pavement. The Durham Re- orto'savs : Mr. J. K. Jordan, of Greensboro was with the to tmcco buyers to-day. He has chi-rjie of the .North Csrohnadivision ofthe Louis ville Spirit, Cure Tobafce Company, and buys thotiaand8 of pounds of leaf tobacco. 'ie has two agents on the Durham map kit, vz: Me-srs. W. 11. Israel and Hub ert Spetcer, anJ yesterday, alone, ihe hills of Mr. Israel at the warehouses amounted to nearly $3,000. Presbyterian Ciubcii. The coniciui.ion of the Lord's Supper commenced for to-morrow will be post poned until to-ni'irrcw week, on account f tl ie fpecial services now in procf S3, Divine worship in the eveninir wi l begin at 7:4") instead of 7:30 as hitherto. The Nashville axd Chaki-ectok Rail Road. The following, from the Knoxville ftihune will be good news to our Graham, " ain and Macon friends, as weTl to all Western Carolina. The Ti ibune 6avs : The Nashville and Charleston Rail- way company has been moving quietly out with expedition. The cotupau was n:anizel to build a railroad from Nash ville to Charleston. The road s.rikes onth-ea.-t from Nashviil: acros th umberland plateau. thet:.-e across the Valley ot East Tennessee to the waters of the Little Tennessee, th-nce with said river tor some distance, finally passing iut oi the Mate at liabnn Gap and hence to tide water at Charleston. We can announce most positiveiv that the road will be built. The comnauv which is backing it is one oTthe most powerful ever organized in this cjuntry. It has both English and American capital lehind it. Amonpits American backers is Mr. R. G. 1) r, of Don's Commercial geary. The con? pan y does not ask a 'ollar of assistance from anv source. No city, no county is asked to assist it. r-ome months wnce four or five corps of ntit eers were put in the field to survev a route for the road. The work has bean done quietly but thoroughly and the urvey has been made from Nashville to he coast country. The original survey as not made bv way of Knoxville The ompany has now de!ermined to come oy way of our city. Just what route will .ie followed is m t yet definitely known, liut it is an absolute certainty that the road will come to Knoxville. The riginal surev rossea the East Tenn essee at, or near, Sweetwater The company has done no talking but has been work iiitr- Mere than $100,000 has been expended in snrveys and other oreparato-y wo k. The road, as stated, wili foilow t'.f! l.iltle Tennessee river (Otne tlihtance. A corps of engineers will locate this part of the road in a few Jays. A start will be made from a t oint on, ewhere nfnr Nile's Ferry, nar the Southern boundary i f illount county, and about forty five ir.ilfs located. This vork wiil be d-n.c duni g the next month. It wili very soon after b let to ontr.ti-t. This carries the read nearly to Rabun Gap. Comi'lfte Lists ash Shapes. We have now in Dinner and Tea Set Ware, two complele lines (the newest sKiuare and oval shapes) in White Granite r Ironstone ware, and ihe ameinsemi i hma or Poicelain, in all four stvles to elect f rom. We will keep up these lines during this yar. You can buy a set or nart of a set at any time. We offer special inducements in prices and intro jute our new patterns. Lowest prices laiwr.ys at Law s, t7 and em a. Alain sr. The Citizen- Is criticised by "Anti-Octopus" for announcing the advent of an other enterprise in this city. We mentioned yesterday, and were pleased to bo mention, th determi nation of the standard Oil Compa ny to establish a tank station in this city. We already have one tank station here, established by the public spirit and pluck of our townsman Mr. S. R. Kepler but our well known opposition to all monopolies impelled us to rejoice at the fact that we would soon have competition. We have no more sympathy with a little octopus than a Jargn one, or vtca versa oui we do welcome all nterprinei to Ashe vii:i-. -.crt the more ol Hie same port tiie better. Ye, the Citizen congratulate the public upon htw- ins two tank Htations, representing uinerent companies, m this cuy The public will have to pay for what it irets from either, and, so lone; as we have two instead of one concern to deal with, the public will get their oil cheaper than they would if but one held the fort. Jackson Minerals. Mr. ScLreiber, of Webster, called to see ua yesterday afternoon, bri g ins; wun mm some nne specimens ot minerals from mines in which he has an interest. Among these are ores of nickel, genthite and girnier' ite, both very rich. The former is from the Willis and Schreiber mine on the south side of the Tuckasee gee river, and found apparently in exhaustless quantities. He has also fine specimens of kaolin or porcelian china clay, decomposed feldsnar. and remarkable fine specimens of feldspar in its natural condition, the combition ot which, with other ma terial forms the porcelain of the arts Mr. Schreiber is here with a party of French gentlemen whose objects are explained in another article. These gentlemen came to this coun try through the special instrumen tality of Mr. Schreiber; and it was by his counsel that Asheville has been selected as the location of the porcelain works Report of the Board ok Managers of the Mission Hospital. A yery neat pamphlet with th above title, issued from the Citizen Jsb Office, is before us. Its contents fully ad we said a few days since about the work, usefulness, and neot-Ssjity ofthe in stitution. The report is the second an nual one for the year ending December 31st, 1S87. It sets forth the names ofthe contributors with the amounU given in money, and makes c'ateful acknowledg ments for donations in kind and for valu able services rendered. In regard to these we are confirmed in the justness of our conclusions as to the nec6ity of th"? creation of more perman ent resources, and especially as to the obligation of permanent municipal aid A glance at the list of contributions shows at once the preeariounessofiuch resources. Tt at which is ready and fertile to-day, may the next day dry up and perish. Piejudice or antagonism may arise, and public interest lo-e its enthusiasm. The itemized statement will demonstrate the instability of extraneous reliance. Pay patients contributed $543.85. Thi re source may be permanent. Citizens of Ahevillo gave $454.15. Strangers $315. County appropriations $420. Church collections $89 94; and there were receiv ed from the proceeds of entertainments given for the benefit of the hospital $S3U 65. The whole institution is thus kept afloat by the unremitting labor of the Board of Managers, by untiring. appea's to the citizens of Ashevill for aid, by the generosity of visiting strangers, a"d by the enthusiasm of those whose artistic accompliahmen b justify them in exercis ing such in behalf of chanty and humanity. The whole foundation is thns seen to be unstable, laid upon vaiiahln condi tions. It must be laid deeper, broader and more solidly. lbs whole receipts from the sources above named for the year 1887, including a balance on hand at the beginning of the year were $2,895.33, and th expendi tures $2 782 94, leaving a balance on band of $U2 39. The report of the Physician in charge, Dr. S. W. Battle is valuable and interest ing as showing the character of cases which arise in a resident population of 8.000, and a floating population many times greater, all of whom equally par ticipate in the benefits of the hospital. There were 22 classes of disease and in juries treated, some of them rare, some very complicated. ifty-one patients were admitted during the year; 37 Were discharged cured. 5 discharged improved, 6 died and 7 remained under treatment. Dr. Battle says: "The total number of sick days was 2.278. This is mentioned, as it carries wi b it some idea of the amount of sub sistence furnished by the hospital," and he adds, for the truth of which we can vouch, that "the hospital ha enjoyed the cheerful support and interest of the profession of the city, voluntary service, without fee or reward." We renew our suggestion to the muni cipal authorities. A ltoiisiuza Mine of health is to be found in Pr. R. V. Pierce's "Favorite Prescription," to the merits of which, as a remedy for female weakness and kindred aflectians, thousands testify. ddcwlw There is no use pricing glass of all kinds and sizes, for every one knows, and those that do not, can be convinced that the best and cheapest place to buy is at W. B. Williamson & Co's. dtf Fine Northern and native apples at Cook & LaBabbc's. The Carbolic Smok Ball is the great est medical discovery of the age. jan21dtf Large stock of fine Underwear in white, Scarlet Camel's Hair Cashmere and various kinds just in, at WsTrfLocaV BRIEFS. The Readiug strike seema no nearer an end. Henry Groebel & Co., of New Or leans, have failed. Several republican nominees for State offices refuse to aceept. Milwaukee brewers have deter mined to stand by their Union, t Orders of atrest for six Irish mem bers of Parliament have been issued. A gale prevailed throughout Eng land oa Thurtday, doing some dam age. Canada retnrns the c mpliment. An absconding baik onshier has come to this country. A lvnatiiitf explotu'i oc.urred near Youngtown, O , Thureday-VI and wounding several A celebrated stallion, Happy Me dium, died the other day at Lexing ton, Ky. He was valued at $40,000, Jol n Wilson, a wealthy bachelor of Montgomery, Ala., died Thurs day, and lelt $75,000 to charitable institutions :n that city. . The coming orange crop of South- ernCahforniais expected to be much greater tnan last year. One esti mate is 2.'2U0 to 2.500 carloads. against 1,600 carloads the past sea son. P. H. Mell, chancellor of the Uni veisity of Georgia, and for many years president of the Southern Baptist Association, died at his home in Athens, Ga., Thu-sday after a long illness. Enough new steel has been re ceived lrom the Atlantic and North Carolina railway to complete the track-laying to uoldsboro. J3y March 1st, it is now asserted, it will be put down. The venerable Dr. McCosh will retire onthe 1st February next from the Presidency of Princeton Univer sity, lie is a grand man one ot the greatast ot the American clergy. He is of foreign birth, but he has been a blessing to the United States. At Beaufort, S. C, on the 25th, Miss Julia Leverett, daughter of the late Rev. C. E Leverett. a most es timable lady, assistant teacher in the Beaufort white public schoos, died bere this morning suddenly tnd unexpecte liy altr a very short indisposition. A Binghamton telegram of the 25 th by A l;irg fir is .rat;iii) at Susequehanna, Pa, twenty-h: miles south ot here. Assistance has been sent from tnis citv. The fire broke out about 3 A. M. and spread rapidly. Two hotels, five residences and a business block had been destroyed up to 6 A. M. An iron built steamer, with a speed of seven miles against the current, and with a capacity of oOO bales of cotton has been but on the Congaree river, and on the 24th, with a large party of gentle nen on board made a trip lrom Columbia to the railroad bridge. This was the first trip of the kind in forty years. Pike county, Ky., authorities have called on the Governor for troops to suppress the Hotfield gang. The troops were refused, but the people were given permission to i m themselves. The sheriff of Pike countv his invaded West Vir ginia to capture the outlaws out a W est Virginia sheain is out with a posse to drive them back to Ken tucky. Fifteen prominent citizens of B linbriJge, Ohio, including the city marshal, a hotel proprietor and a Piesbyterian preacher have been arrested f.vr stealing coal from cars. The detectives say that half of the citizens of the town are implicated in the steal. The peculations amount to many hundred dollars, and the extent of them may be imagined when it is known that although coal is uni versally used in Bainbridge, not a single car load has been billed to a resident of that place this winter. A Lady's Watch Found. A party in Columbia, S. G.,writes us asking if any one lost, last Sum mer, a !ady s gold watch. Parties interested can learn particulars by calling at this office. 850O Not Called For. It seems strange that it is necessary to persuade men that you can cure their diseases by ofieriag a premium to the man who fails to receive benefit. And yet Dr. Sage undoubtedly cured thousands of cases of obstinate catarrh with his '"Catarrh Remedy," who would never have applied to him, if it had not been for his offer of the above sum for an incurable case. Who is the next bidder for cure or cash ? d&wlw Wanted. Two lady agents of good address. Work light nd profitable. Apply at Carbo'x Smoke Ball office, new Grand Central Hotel. ian21dtf Irge stock of Woolen Dress Goods and Black Silks just in, at Whitloci'b. Price repairing and know what kind of work they do. at dtf W. B. Williamson & Co's. Turcoman Curtains, something very pretty and cheap, at Whitlock's- For the remainder of the season we shall sacrifice our Ladies', Misses' and children's Cloaks, also Men's and Boys' Overcoats and a few lots of clothing. - First choice means an important advantage. H. Redwood a Co. odhf I CONGRESS. TIIK II I, A lit BILL, BOBS .UP SKIIKXELY. SENATOR RANSOM'S LIT TLE SPEECH DOES ITS UC WORK WELL. A Ulizzsrd Strikes Stew York and New England, With Terrific Fnry. OTHBS STEW4 rBOH ALL Mnrs or TH I WOI ID. Regulating the Telegraph. Washington, January 26. A bill was introduced in the senate to-day by Mr. Spooner, ot Wisconsin, to regulate commerce carried on by telegraph; It places the business of telegraphing, so far as regards traf fie between two or more states, un der control ot the interstate com mission, winch is given extensive and clearly defined powers to con trol tariffs, redress grievances, etc. Tarrifi Blizzard in Nw York and New England. New York. January 26. Reports from eastern and northern New York show that the storm is almost as severe in these sections as it is in New England. It began last night and by morning over a foot of snow had fallen. A high wind then set in and the snow is piling up in great drifts. A dispatch from Albany says that all railroads centering there are in bad condition and the trains are many hours late, ihe high wind is making matters worse each hour. An Associated Press correspon dent at Midd eton reported the lim ited express from St. Louis on the Erie road fast in a snow drift one mile west of that city. The track at that place crosses low, flat mead ows and the high wind has drifted the snow until it is higher than the cars. The limited had been in th drift over two hours when the dis patch was sent and as the drifts are growing larger the, prospects for it gettinff out soon are !oor. Three other trains are stalled at the same place. Port Jarvis, N. Y., January 26. Snow began falling at 6 p. m. yes terday, and continued till this morning, eight inches being added to the mass already on the ground. Early this morning the wind began blowing furiously from the west, making huge drifts. Travel on the Erie Road is almost suspended. No trains from New York have reached here, though some have got within a few miles of the village. An ex press train from the west, which passed through here at 10 o'clock this morning, is stalled in a snow bank. With the aid of two engines it made but six miles all day. More than a dozen engines on the moun tain side, near this place, are mak ing efforts to get through, ai led by all the men possible to be secured. All the freight trains have been abandoned. The drifts on the rail road in many places are'ten feet deep. It is the worst block since 1857. Whitehall, N. Y., January 2G. A terrible snow storm is raging along the west shore of Lake Cham plain. It is the worst storm that has visited this section for years. Two feet of snow has already tVilleu. It is drifting badly and trains are many hours late. Concord, N. H ., January 26 A freight train is off the track on ithe Northern railroad at East Aadover. This, in addition lo the storm, will effectually blockade the road. No trains have reached here since last night over the White Mountain di vision of the Boston and Lowell railroad and none have been .eent out The snow still continues and the wind has increased in forces . Leading, Pa, January 26-t-The worst snow storm that has . visited this section for several years pre vailed here to day. It was only about a foot deep on the level, but it drifted to such an extent ai.d was accompanied by such violent wiud that some ot the country roads are simply impassible. The. trains on the Reading railroad and branches were all late from thirty minutes to two hours, and on the Reading and Columbia railroad train which was due here at 2:30 this afternoon is not expected in to night, as it is lying between two snow drifts- at Marietta Junction. At some places along the road th snow has drifted ten and fifteen feet deep. A similar state of affairs exist throughout the coal regions and in consequence not a single collierv was in opera tion this afternoon, and not a ton of coal has been shipped since yes terday. Twoofthr Bird Coleman furnaces at Cornwall, Lebanon county, and one at Chestnut Hill, North Columbia, blew out to-day because of of the scarcity of coal. Boston, Jan. 26. Reports this morning from various poiuts in Maine.,' New Hampshire and Ver mont state that the heaviest snow storm for years prevailed all night, and in most places is still fnowing. The snow fell from fifteen to eigh teen inches and travel is gieatly irn peded. A dispatch from Bellows Falls. Vt.. eays: A solid blockade of snow exists in all directions to day. There was previously about two feet of snow on the ground nd last night a heavy fall $f eighteen inches added to the previous amount. It is still snowing and a high wind is piling it in all direc tions. No trains have arrived or left on any of the roads. The same conditions are reported within a radius of twenty-five miles Bradford, Me., reports the roads everywhere blockaded, and up to eleven o'clock to day t.o train has passed there over either dir-ction of the Boston nd Maine. The streets about the city are al:no?t impis-a-ble and none of the schools are in session. ... All Trains Jfortk and East of Boston Delayed. Boston. January 26. Ail irains from the north and east arc from four to eight hours late and on tnan roans an tne treient trams have been abandoned. At Old Orchard a s.iow plow with three engines at tached is last in a snow bank and almost hidden from view. The snow is light and drifts badly. The wind is high and about two feet ol snow has already fallen and still iv signs ot a let up. It is the worst storm that has visited New England in thirty-five years :o.- Congress. Washington, Jan. 23. Senate : Mr. Allison from the committee on appropriations, reported back the house bill to carry into tfl'ect the provisions of the act of the 2nd ol March, 1S87, in regard to experi mental stations at agricultural col leges. Placed oa the calendar. On motion of Mr. Quay the Sen ate took from the calendar and passed the bill increasing the pen sion for total deafness to thirty dol larsa month (from thirteen dollars), and allowing proportionate rating for partial deafness. He st ited thai the entire increased expenses to the treasury under the bill, would not exceed one hundred thousand dol lars a year. The calendar was then taken up and the bills thereon taken up in their regular order, those objected to being laid aside without action. A number of bills of local inter est were passed by the Senate, then took up the bill giving a pension of. two thousand dolar3 yearly to the widow of Gen. John A. Logan ; alter a long debate Mr. Berry called for the yeas and nays on passage of the bill, and it passed, yeas 55. navs 7. Negative votes were given by Messrs. Berry, Coke, Colquitt, Har ris, Rbugan, Saulsbury, and Vance, On motion ot Mr. V esit, a like bill incteasing to $2,000 a vt-ar the pen sion ot the widow of Gen. Frank P Blair, was passed bv a vote of 54 to 6. CSauisburv not voting.") The Senate then took up In. Blair educational bill, and l:air re sumed his speech. Hol'se : Ihe committee n for eign affairs was discharged at it own request lioin lusher consider atiou of the Lill incorporating iht Maritime Canal Company of Nicar agua, and the same was referred to the committee on comim-rcc. In consideration of unfinished business the Wilkii s banking bill was postponed on account of t,.e absence ot Mr. Wilkins, who is un well. On motion of Mr Wise, of Vir ginia, a tu- was passed regjlating the practice in cases removed from abtate to a t tdt iai court. It pro vides that the plaintiff shall not be required to give security fcr cost3 of a suit if he be a citizen of the State in which the suit was brought. Mr. Be'moiit, from the committee on foreigh affairs, reported a joint resolution accepting the invitation of the French republic to take part in the international exhibition to be held in Paris in 1S89, and appro printing $200,000 to enable the United States to participate :o: Sanator Hansom's Little Speech Tells. Washington, January 26. Sen ator Ransom was this morning au thorized by the commerce commit tee to report favorably a bill provid ing tor the construction ot a five hundred thousand dollar light hotiie offCape Hattera. Renews Her Youth. Mr. Phoebe Cheslev, Peterson, Clav county, Iowa, tells the following remark able story, the truth ol which is vouch ed for by the residents ofthe town: "I am 73 years old, have been troubled with kidney compUint and lameness for many 5 ears; could not dress myself without help. Now I am free from all pain and soreness, and am able to do all my own housework. 1 owe my thanks to Elec tric Bitters for having renewed my youth, and removed completely all dis ease and pain." . Try a bottle, only 50c. at H. A. Lyons' drug'store. Fine Catawba and Malaga grapes at Cook & LaBaebe's. Curtain Poles with brass fixtures coui plete for 50 cents, at Whitlock's. All who are afflicted with Head, Throat and Lung troubles will do well to avail themselves of a -Fwe Treatment of the Carbolic Smoke Ball. jan 21 dtf Price Doors. Sash and Blinds and if yon do you will buv at dtf W. B. Williamson & Co's, Price Marble Top Tables at M W. B. William k Co's Wo thank our friends of the News-Ob-ttrivr, the Charlotte Chronicle, the Grt'eiisb-n-o Xorlh State, the Statesville Landmark, the Mat ion Bugle, and seme other papc.s which hive taken the just vie w ofthe sickness which recently vis ile I Asheville, and set their faces against the atU-uipt to injure t:s by wanton ex aggeration. This is the true Catholic t-'pirit which looks upon the-interest and good nj!D of evcryjpart ofthe State as the eomm n concern 01 the whole. We com l.en.t this spirt some nearer home, A nd . e are glad to add, in justification of their kindly remarks that the sickn"rt re.'e red to ' as entirely ceased, there having bren no new case for more than a week, mid uo eases under treatment. If there areas- the patients are so far convalescent as to attract no public in Liir.oxi Hay Oysters. Mr. Hu'mn r of tho City Restau rs'. t tr; it; ti;f Citizen ooiys yes terdav !ftrnoon to Borne ofthe fines', it not the finest, oysters we have ever seen hero. They are from afar off from Biloxi Bay, on the chores of the Gulf; but they reach here as fresh as if iust out of the water, and as large and plump as if fattened for a feast. The best part f it ie, that Mr. Sumner will keep them in supply, hazing made ar rnn reim :)!!, to receive them regu larly. T!i:it il.u t'si of Combination. True d.'U' icr of flavor with true efficacy O actio 1 ha ; lx c:i at hiiucd in the famous Oali f- ruia H'iniJ fruit i iui-dy, Syrup of Figs. It pleasant, taste uud beneficial effects have rendered it iia iiieusoly popular. It cleanse thn hvcitoni, curea Uo.-ti venous, etc. l or nale by 11. 11. Lvons. janl3d.t-lm Price Folding Beds at dtf V. 1). Williamson & Co's. For the b:'t fruits co to Cooc & LaBarbe'. N E . V A D VE PvTISEMENTS. TMMn FAMOUS Carbolic Smoke Ball i'OR TIIE Head, Throat and Liuiirs. THE greatest MsAical Disco vo .-7 of the Ago. OAT VfiMiCured in from three to;six months warranted. a- 1 11 .n Cured i:i nearly every case; always ' inirkly ri'm-vei. i;iiiiN:lini-' Cure 1 in every case; warranted. cvTvRIUIAL PEAFNESS Cured in from ihreeto six months. EYES 'iranuli e-i Lids, Weakness of the i.tie N'itt-, etc.. cured within two months, wnen ca'iel from catarrh. Nhl .t ALOIA anil HfeADACHE Stopped after lli" third Hjnlirimtm. D1SKVSES OK CHILDREN Whooping Cough iire-t: Croup relieved iu live minutes, and cured .v. thin two Ur.vs TilKOATTROUSLKS-Qiiinsy qnickly relter d mid thoroughly cured, as are ! flamed Tonsils ' l id C et rated Sore Throat. C )l,1)s in t"e Head cured by a few applica tions; freli Colds on he Chest, in twelve hours. TESTIMONA L S . CAT IKtiii UitED. Cincinnati, Ohio, Dec. 30, 1885. Carhnlin Sniol.r-( onir any, Cincinnati, Ohio t'emea : Altor sml'-M ii for eight years wita untarrl). an.i n.ier try, he mam othe- remedies without any ;i--c-!-s v. h (ever. I was induced to try our Cai'uhi' saim?-. After 10 weeks I am .ile:ied t -a- I o-,ini ihete tment successful tnd entirely -.itl-i n:t i.y i:i its results, having complete;)- car. d my catarrh, removed all the unnleaMiui rinein; ol the ears, and has entirely rests.-ed my impaired hearing. Respectfully, C 1'. VVYLEY, 59 E. Third St. CONSUMPTION, j Cincinnati, Ohio. Dec 81, 1SS3, Tbet arbolic '-"moke Ball Company Gentlemen: I take nr. at pleasure in recommending your Smoke lill lo all who are ailing with Ulceration or Weak Luns'. 1 have been using the Smoke Hall about four mouths; had a very bad case of Lleerntion of ihe Lung9 lor four years, and tin n iw siy. with pleasure. 1 am entirely cared, k H have gar.icn twenty ponnns. i nave Deen exaj uied tiy my laiuu. pnysician ana and pronounce! it all a trlalft sound. Hoping yon will give remain, vours respectiauy, W M. NO WAK. No. t Marj-Bt; IiUONCHlTIS CUBED. - ' Cincinnati, Ohio, Jan. 87, 1SST. This is to cortity that I have been a sufferer t-om Bronchitis lor six weeks, during which tiinflhave tnea aunon every remedy leeom mended. Ainon; these 1 have used the Carbolic Smoke liall end ai l mere than pleased to state " Ciat it h s eutiiely cured me My cough, the soreness in my chest and tne difficulty of breath ing are all gone. 1 heart ly reeommeud it for all head, throat and lung troubk-s fliiT a. jsEars, -Columbia Ave , Walnut Hi US. COIGHED FOR THREE Yi'JS. ' . Hamilton, Ohio, Jan. 5th, 1887, I have a litMe girl six vsars of are who has couglied tor three years, worse oi counw, when the con raeted eoM 1 have used cough syrups. conh Uro.s ant a most everything, eise recom oiclMed, but without iiiect. I began the nse of tne Carbolic Smoke Kail but a fewweeksagoand I am greatly piea-ed lo say. that it has entirely cured the child. For further particulars write ut. Don't forget tbat ONE WEiK'3 FREE TREAT MF.ST is e tt'ered to all who will call at the office i This is done that you may ascertain the merits ot the remedv before p rehasing Price Carbolte Smoke Bal, One Dollar (Sl.oa) One ball will lase f ioni Lo S weeks. Price complete treatment S2.U0; s.-.i. by mail to any address. Ladies re ceivedaia'! boms. OihVe hoursSa- m. to 8 p.m. CA KSoLIC SMOKrt BALL .OMPANY; No. 0 Patton Avenue. New Grand Central Building. jaa 23 d?,t . - .'. AshBTille Ilary Mfliy,' CORNER OF " " - ? Academy street aud Beard est Afeiia, x FupiU admitted at any time for regular .Or lnegular-:oure. For term, Ac., apply to I Jan tl dtf S. F. VBVABtS. (bARBCLlC SMOKEJ

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