Av,iKVIi.l,K CITIZEN. -, v : . i : -, M a V ui:i-..N MONK, I. i. VMKKON, WKD'SIMY MORNING. FEB. 22, 1SS8. VVIen such men a? Blaine and Sheridan refu-e to he aacriiiced for the'good i)f tho p:irty"whnt can such men us Sherman ind Foraker and l heir to'lowers, hope for. Cleveland cannot he beaten arm the wise wen of the party see it and Roknuwl- I -edge it. t Prof. Henr' pays; '"Endeavor to I:.ve a tnilch eotv a lare variety ot foods. She is prod'.iciiiy; in the lo i.r 30 pounds ot milk she gives daily au amount of human t". ! in shape of hotli rtitsfiir and casein equal ?o h t --r sttoin two p .minis a day u ll-sh " (it'll. .Shelidan is wise in S 1 ii d::y and sent-ration. He says : "I have never had the Piesidfii- ri.i1 ee in my hor.net. 1 d';n?t in-i lr-nd 1.1 iiavf it. for there if nuthinu' ; tiit w-uii I indlU'ti nie to it-av- th: ', j, -,it'.--ioii i: 'v'.ioh ui'iirly toriy ve.irs id 1 11 v lift has in-t-n spen". ti fiiw-r uifii a tivil caretr So alij lilk iihtiti! my I ciiit; ;' e.-mdidate in ty as well end. Il' the Uepuhli-; ftiin rtinveiition sht-ui'l iiominatt- me 1 would no? accept. " Tr insaolioiiH of the Aineriean in-: niitute oi E!-etrieal En'inei-i for;'.' I'Vhruary lias hfen sent us. It con- t.dns. hesides other inforniat ion al-lliil-le to those interested in elee- '. tricity audits uses, a very lengthy and exiiaustive paper by Mr. "-,K;'v thurStenart on the revision of t'nei ' j patent la vs, ami discussion on the i game. Much inlormation of v.iicis to; .-: be had in reidintr the mor.;lilv ! transactions of this Institiue. cotn posed 'is it is of men of science, both theoretical ami practical. U. V. Pope, Secretary, 1(5 Dey Street, New York City. Prof. F. A. Gully of the Missis-j sippi Agricultural College has been ! experiment!:! in fe?-linr st oek. . The Breedcra Ga:.ettc says : "We wish every southern reader I would study Prof. Gully's ligures ', carefullv. ' " This ix ! p?rinieut is worth mole to the South to Mississippi alone than ' her agricultural C lU 'e has ir.jiii ! its foundation cost her." Tiie result of the trial proves that ; raw cotton seed well b-ji'cd, fed with j ensilage and hay, not only Ui ; but put on nioie tat and tbu cat'...? 1 , keep on I htir feed h -;ter, and :n a 11 .re sati -factory condition in eei ty !-respi-t!'. GE N ERA L SHE P. 1 DA X. The Atlanta Constitution sa vs that 'undoubtedl ' oheridan , i was horn ! somewhtre, and as his niotin r one place and he another, it -ceiiis he was born in both places ; if so ho ; he can easily be elected For if: there is anything the Atneri. an p?o- ! pie admire it is a genuine freak.': A Republican friend su:i;.re.-is that his mother's evidence is not suiniis- e Bible, she being an interested party.; But wherever born, or whether horn or made, he must have that poi'ui- j cal and personal regeneration wiiich jJ t is required ot a chief ma i;is:raW; hy j the majority of the people. On:-; contemporary might he benefitted! by a little regeneration on its own ! part FARMING. Farming is a business, and it is not as some suppose so simple th-.it any one can pick up in a short lime. It is one ot complexity and per plexity, its conditions endiess, go much in fact that the most patient and painstaking investigators can not completely comprehend. The belt and most successful farmers but imperfectly understand oils and the other forces thpy are i I,- i-i . . ... ! brought in daily contact with veiy ; lew can manage the manure pile for all it is worth; in each field and in every depariment there is a lack of knowledge to bring about the best results. It i as important to study this htiRiiipss as anv other, arul it wtl pay him best who !gives close and j r J . ... I conBiani aiieniion 10 its condition?, i It is not generally known that there exists on the proposed line ot the Durham, Oxford and Blue Wing railroad one of the richest Veins of copper ore in this coun try. C. R. Savage, of Pennsylvania, has recently purchased what i known as the "Old Royster mines'' situated in Northern Granville, near Blue Wing He bus made an assay cf the ore which ran 4S per cent copper. This is unusually rieii as the best ore known only runs 50 pt-r cent. Mr. Savage, who repr irnts large capitalists, has i'e.nue.i stuck company with a. oh .ital oi $500,000. for the purpose of workiny the mines. A steam hoister and re duction works are to l e t lefted ii 1 once, and the plant wid he in lull blast by the lime the railroad is in running order lCsiiKlitl! will Uet- Hurt. An 'in.,vnt cu iiriecl on the it-;.' ..! il n -day whidi m iy inc.iii !i. .1 :! im! which, timi c like jy. niiM'i - a verv yreat !i a' . Mr. Iwliiiston. North Carolina. a-.Ut.-d ur.aniiiM-.;-. consent for the in trod uo lionol'-i i-ill tor the erection of a pu'o.'C Imit'iiijjj in his district. Air. KaiuJ ill ol-.K't'tcd most strenuously. Ariinu ius and p leading with him availcil iioi!iin'4 In the midst o! Mr. li'hn-ion"- exola'M'i'-n-. Mr. R.tmi.-i : I iiiiei i opted: -U tin. bill. lie veil. which l.W -es- I I : 1 i-pi-i-tl Mi . KiLn-toii. 'As., li'i-i: i withdraw mv objei- !ii.)-,t," sai 1 Mr. Kar.dall. q uiet ly, and i ihe hill p.isst-.l. Tiiete was no m staumg Mr. itar. dall's t-ident intention t ) display his open hostility to President Cleveland Whatever may have been his plans atid aciiuu- tin- p.ir he has j never, '.' n'll k-ui . done anything t stinall v hostile as ! s'J ('i tliict! H.IO r J I in-: c :-!; ! in i lie 1 -11 - aoe of i he hill. i t,s soon a - . a ini so; eca list" ! knew Pirsideiit I'iOV 1 VMtied I'. !i iis.'t 1 iVt'hi land I.at! ,7. til i;.- sp'lu ii f( eicu;-e- 1 "' ' I i s, '. . iiis. ami l-'t: i'erji, a. en:, :-' by tak.injr a -iint C;.!ifrn:.i liotiid h,- i.-,!i.s ; ' " ; III. -..s.-v, A !.!: .NI V lli:-A, j s mat shapes, at : ' : - a ' : y ; j .111 !.I a iitt'ti'i. I Wlli ti :-. !.,ir, - e: ' ah t-'i.i, ' ainU- s: I a-s.t i - pet -1 -ten! :'. o--i i x . ; - t. h . t- a : c w siai l"v.n!i-..i.x Seiia'.H IV t v t-il. ; Hiillois. ii.i-l an iiu-i.-.i.- : s7,,;, 1, ,:a. it : ,K.iM iiti! re:., liijiix e.M- -nice !lc V::si "' nui:.-i:-' ;ii Ciii.'o :v) -S . m -.;:!"i.; ! v 1 t is i.-li.-ni . ! t-ltt; 1 aphic el.."C-j trie :.i 'I.-::.- .1 : e ' o he j 5gfcg iii.-ue: '::n ,-r - :'.-ii-u! v. . 11. I tiis & s :-;-(-.- itii.i ensti;-c s.i-c-ly. the Hg iii. ; : to 11. ! :t';e sa . tell as 1:10 i:.;i:-l c:'if:iv - methotl oi a's.) a J ul I a.-s:ai t-; , - .-.v an.) nn-.wtre.P!,'c,"-lm-lase.s attil Hotels j -rtst- to exaniiiie! t'5.e 1 ,.r:e. in 1 1 i ;i .; 'A'- ean lit you up I I-.-. -e line. ami w ill j -its on iarje hills, j :i' ail "omls in our i : We are in-K'1'j ! line, and itar. atet- lowest jiricen, at V. . C. Kki.li:!;V, Ni.. 12 Put tun Avenue. V. lil.OW st to.. iidei'ta-kois. av a': !:es--e.-i :;:!!: -.a vii!- and si.ni.;:!.-! ei'i-IK-'i a tir.'. i':;:s. !ilaii:-2tl. v. :... re - t Oi rV.v.s. . .. ; V x i- uaiiy i. ..a 3"i:c;-b-!iilvll?'j .: i, j. i j:j : 1 I-! MOUNTAIN HOTEL i !: sal: LA Mi OK IN Till! SKY. 'I'lse Riii:ititis ?Z". i:e5jeli k!oti). PUCK Mol'S ! .MV sTA I I"N. on Uu- Westl-n.l Norta Cll'ila:,-. Km: :-:,i!t.-:. t'illeen .Iii Irs J'aM o! .l!a-iila-. Tltis. spU-ialid linU'i r.roj-erty, sitiiMtt- l in in- I miiiuitiiiiis nt '. usffi n irth Cartilina jus: i of :Iie -;ri-af S .vaiiiaiatia '.-'liaiR-l wht-io it t-l.tt rs ..nin- inm-k Mn-niuaa.o-.o lauia-s-n,st of the Kot -ky aii-i,mni-:. is iki'.v 'i!.-:itl ; ir s ia-. T!a." Hovl l'i:i!tl!t:p i- s'l.tin-)- new, l;.;vi:: j Ijtii-ii t-rt-ett d in 1 --1 iii-al iais l.t-.'ii si:ri-t'.si'ii:iy opeia il tt visit' is 1 .-r ! o s.--im,ii3. Hi- a lar-;e tliiee-se-rv lriiini.-tiia i' -r.ia iia-aiii roit:, t ree:ei! B,--..I-.iin!.-'t.. u... im-t Myii- ..fat.-h-ieitHr.-: .,:,: ; tnitts sixtv-six i.--(!o-ini, aim- lta-nisai-ti. wnii : n rtiifiaisu- d up i:::iu.-i:t in t.h--- nt-pi-r st'-rv a-2 hy tj ieet, suii.iljlti 1 ir li.-iirjtiais; diniit-r tun :'tt ny ,v.t ft-t l:--e (iiii-i.ic jtiiltir.-n 2iui lloor: lare i-n-i-i tion rotan r.iri ullii' tin lirst iii -or: lu.il r. ana :.i S'l teet: Mlddi'-I Htil ft! !iv ai tee:: two k't-li-M-V 15 by Wi imd M t y 4-1 i.-.-t iv a -i-'lvel linn: lar-'c ijiiudry 'l'h-:t- ua- "w. wliioh eiiii la- us l- l - n i.''. I t- 1.1S I Tilt-li-tra t.t f!a-l.iiif'iii ic is lii 1,-. t. tVi:!i A'L-t. witli a n ii. :: i y lV-t-: (-. v i ! 1 1 iii-.i:- drttl IV-(-' t-i' lr.i;l'i I i it.:- t-,..( i;. pr.ma-n il'l-S 'I h:- nttl . ! . .-: . - I i ' (.'..- -t ei with ;it;d!v;i mairt.ilii-ionf :-.vs.'f the --.:r aai.lititr is mi tin- mirth M'li.- nt' i in .'.-r.liiii na- teetD. m- r -.ni -k-.h. mi. t n-.t lini-.-ji-cd i.nt.a t t- station. It is -tiaaii 'i it.n an ui.i.-iHii-aa ti t ne imroE'L iii-i'.taiiiiii v. :l.1 imrl tis-s. Jlu-re- arc ea-aal- l v illi tins l-.r.ip. r:y liitecn aricii o. vrttuai it- Imn!: ai-ti il" .-llrtv. dcs.res e-'ii l;-.iy livt- hiiiiilreii ai-res oi'spii-adi i frott toe! itasta:.- iauds much t-.l'it ala-atiy well sl-i in line I'lia'ts ;:-l gr.isa iiiiiia-di-itelv ail.jai inr 'lies- vaiaali't- i'rapt,-r;v will U; sold, on the j-n-niisi-rt. at i iiiil.'.- -tua-ry, on Jliutsiliiv I.'ii Ii l.i, ttf .Uiiri-Is. IHS-i. This Itom! is v.fll furiii. lHitl aii.-l all tit..-fanii-t lire can hi- min-liii.-ci! at the same tirae ii dusin.-i, on mos1. iv-i .ir.alil" terias. T?i ins o' sah-; oi.e-hah' eash. ri-iii ii alcr in one at:-l t v. t m-h s with interest atcilit inir cein per lainnm. Salt.- vvi'h.aiT reserve ami tnle pt-r-lire (t Mil-ot :!it-eri-danis litt'dintt a lien lor si j thousand do he- w ;il a l-.w liis tk-nt t i sa;nd a an r ln-rof yeai s in i-n.-c the Inttiest is p.-u-l sc-aii-aii'uiai'y. '! ia-n .'as I'.tr tin- deferred ,avnnnts w ill i.e nisiMtaiit d f.vo t.'i i-it t ent, if paal wiih tli fen day- .iller sala. For Im-rher ; letn ulai s or des: ri;ai.m of the ,irtipi i'ly n.p!y : .1 M. Sn.-pp mi tae preraises, 1Vh k Mtuintiiin. N'. or to : m. r.m n I'-di i: df'.s A.-lievi.li-, N. ('. 0 it SALE. It. II. llntl tiers tn- si',- .-.t a low priee four larye a:i'l exei llent Wanirola-s. I le-y mav be seen a" Mr. Nc-v Lie's, in the Ka-,'ic- Bi:i!din;r, where Mi . Buel i now staving. f-i. ialMf ! VITIATED 8L000. i i'oJrS'iJ Ncrolulo-.ss. iniic ml:isrions Hum utM'iir;; Through the lin-ili'ini ol ie- u!'(inr Look ie-' ceived through .Mr. Frank T. wYav, IiniKyi-t, ! Apollo, l'a . I became at U inteii .v-i i your Culi-; cura K. medies, and like this opp irtunny to! testify to you i a: tliei u.e has pe' uiani-nily po.souinir, in unite -lion with e ys'pclas, that I i.ave ever seen, and this fu-r having been pro- J uoum-ed incurable iiy Mime 01 tae best (li vsi i ins 1 111 Itu- coun y. 1 l iKt: great pleasure 111 l.-r a ant- j 111K to you t!;is testi tenia!, u-isoiiciicd as i is bv j yon, iii Tiler t 'i.it o:t; is suth-u-ii- fr.im simitar iiihI dies may It.- e-.:t .1 . la .oil to sive y -ltr Cuii-! t-itra Kcinedi s a '.rial. j 1 S Will I LIXUF.R. ice libum. i n. Kei',-rt'in- : Frank I bay, lhiigtrist. Apill'i. 1'.:. , Ma-ti-t!--.itH I'lf-f'i'H. .Linus K ilii-hari'. t 'n.- atin Il.-ne, N. w 01- l-.;ans. oh im h sa : In l.s.ti Sei.iiiil.iu. I t-.-r. i la-oke out oil niv It.i iv nntii I nut a ma s ..r for- ! . runtion. Kverj-.liiit': knoivn to the in tli. -tl 1 fu'-ultv was trail in vain I lei aiiie a mere hT-K,uwVmM,,-'.to"S1das, heatl. i-oulil 110 in-.: in lii'il.wasini -. slant fi... and aioivfii up 111 lilt- as a. tans . Nr rclieror t-ui in leu ve.ir In Ism I liearil 111 til - ('utie.iri Hemcdies used tbi-m, ami was jierlest'y ttireil. ' Sivorn to befo: e I" s. C.iui. J 1). Cbawfubh. "e or Ilie Worst lse. We have been sjlling your Cuti lira Remedies for yens, and havethe tirst complaint ye: to re ceive fr -m a pu'eha-er. One o the worst case of Si-rof ila I ever s was cmed by thcitenf 'i- t; ttk-s t-t Cu! li-i'r 1. KtSo vtait, uticura . anil Cutii-iirn s'-oati. 1 nt- S 'an tak sthi -111 e ' h'.-rt a a lllt'dH i -a! soar. TAVi.-i:! .V: TAYI.OU. IH-t'SKisls, rrauktiilt. Uan. j ricriiln 1 lalii-i-l !! 1 ,,, 'o-tnirior.s !:a:i; r, wi!!i l. i-iii II iir. ant! ! Kruiiti'iils ol ll'i- Mn, :-.re pcsllivt-ly i-uri-d ')'. '('innufa ami ' :.-iri S k:i exti-.'i!.ii:y .int' : ( 'ill iear .1 itisili, iM.-:-ii.-.-'y. v.i,..-ri ::'-l nTie. nu - at - ua - siaii. ? Mi. i-vt-i wn'-i i t i 1', . .1 i" ia. in-.. - J.'a - : llt-Mil'-'eii! -' IT ; a-.--', ly the otiki iMIf: Asiil'HKMI. Ai r.. .-1'in. M.-,-s -.-.:.l it-r -tii- "ti nr.- skin ins. nsi-.. pases. 60 iiliisL-ai-'H!-- :t'i i to 1 ii-stiiiionii s. I '.a.-k-lii ; n tul I iy is, ciiai i-1 1 iei'UA 1 ; i'le - u.:i rniRiE pains And .-tin- 4'ii l-. r. a I nsl.i"i::.v iev.il I j- j A ! i - !fcit i 13 - Ai.'.ia -e t.i i'ani, I::- tluiniua!! m au-1 W -jtj.n-f'-jp insr:i:it-i:u- i::s aid n-.'-tili! iS&iii in- itlasi -r 1- tit-:. Wt -.ikiif-s. a Ilt-w. ' k- piiii-kiH- ; The wife of t-'.-i "ivtii hirth, in soi. their seven! and Mis. Keu:i.: little sen . (jeu At seven-v,'t-t-j;s ul.! at' W Co i:a - ' t- a ; iavj a lif-'.v ST.- I " '. alcL'-tai s , ake i-.n i !he ov-asle-J i es Wei e r-. ' '.- e: i v;iient j son jl!s' rccoverm Two c.-i;"t ,-s-. M . ;, ti,! 1,.,,.,.. ,1 ill li weei ; , r .,l s. 4il (, . ,., ri.. s avc,t (tj., ftvei e;.-..; -,n-d i.a.a;!-. i-ai:bi:..u-. e-.'-ai-iaias, iiati iinsiiiveis eure. orts. U'ttt-i . , au-j aii siaii ties, or r.u pay tie .erf eel I'rii-i-'.'f. '- e.iuired. it is -uaruatuni to atistaet:o:i. e-r niont-v jen.udeii. I er 1 Ko.- - j Wotii Mili I M isse -, iSovs H. r.vo as l-i l.a-ii e.iiil ( i.iiiii-i- :-'. tii-iitieint-Wliitlock's :,! iReal Estate Dealer! ' Loan Broker. : Loans Securely Placed Oil f i JlUi if L-dlLk.liL UJliu IjujU, 1 Makes Buying- Editing- and Selling Property and Negotiating j Loans a Specialty- j rel-s-K.r till!-,.. u i-:y- t l.ny, rent t r .-ell tin; il- j ir l-.ast i i .-: v t;o wt-it t-i e !.-1 Ml me. Ol l it -2i. Ki..; Xt "). TdAix St. !W ANTED! I All Kinds Propsrt37, "both ; Cit3 and Country. j liv ;-.! uv plen-e e-Ii a:, fa'! ili-i'i-i I: and Lhcs. y.-.i n !::s V i '. i t- u:u ::n 1 ltr it : vi what ih y i-.it tt) i.ii'.- na;.- will itii tluiiii ia.d fer '.!..!::i I have f us ami .t in ID 17 J NT. 3 i c. I'he white cotiitie- m a Sl'iuiitiiiu. The imu-t- i-. alile. The lht.tWrUi-a tatl: ble, serv.ia'a-' roums an I i !r;'.- i- a, i n't i own edia- iy ei-t.s'orl-j e.ty; ta ed sta itii !n.-::f.e. One hundred an 1 seventy feet ( f iioiu j- i'i'L. While it is live laiaiireil leit hiylar than Main Htr. tt. it is from two ;o ;h deret s v are. it in wieter and tve:.ty di . re-eooier ia ttr.i.ii-ar. There is neitLei f i-v dew, hat iiiui'e txyeit cs'i i c- l icr.tle.U la tLe sifiEra fool ti Riiiu any oil.;-!- l;,,,,.;. n t!..- Soiiiii The v!e-.vr-, ri'il !' ad lam s the ni.-st exten . it;:es. 1 1-. a-i sive ae.d thii !.!. Jt st. Ly i i;i e:- day t:r niqLt. that eaii lo s-. a rr-t-.n .hit ri :-: Itnee ia '-'.iie-ica. Tae house tv.il be retiiitl fr.n.i lad ov tinfunrl-lad. N.-i.c Lu' then:- v. lie e:a n .-; rc- ciatc the it'.-ant;es el' Nature, er tie.-'-healthiest lecitit n hi IL-..- baud (if 11 need a!'ly. tae s'l:y Ken- ":;iio. Oootl paying buiiiness tor tjS.tiO'l, or will iu voii e. TeiiiiHea.-h. Oood reasoan for selliat:, Only purtitH who tneati ImsineH-i need applr. .T M. ("AM PB El h. JOK.-.AI.K. Mrs. Janit.s II. Kuinhouyh otTeJs h. r home at Hot Springs. C .lorsale Prieeseven thous ind doilais, halt liow n, remai ruler one and twe years sSper et-i.t. interest. ianifdlm IOVKKS OP"SAl'Il KKAI.'T." mil will iiml a snpeiior article of shreded Caltltaite at J.MKS KHAN'KS', on North Main street, and J. W.Green & Son's, West Asheville. Try it, yon will want more. ian 18 d'ita .iIL Jlutiiid Reserve Fniid Life Association. -ii 1,000,000. lffllll S,G SSeS Paid 11 W'tflt S, .JY 1'urcly .llulual. Slacholtltrs lo lhsorb BroMs. Absolute Security. ! ! "lily i-iiihj liny that vlai-js tli,! tr.ls-t "H" itoshib to its .nembors with the great l entral "isi t'oiapauy ' of Mew. ork. whose ns-cts , .... .. wjv Sitict ceonomy in every respect Fixed annua', .lues for expense of manage ment. Insurance at ne t cost. Easy payment for insurers. First-Class Lives Only ACCEPTED. ", Mlilunl 7.V..I iT- fund Lift Awclnlh.n" ll,utilr, ii Volhirn truant or tl.r nnmr oi' ntrjl ti''ll'.l tlitltll i-U'ilH trftirh ti ll'tf ;i'llfl III Jul: In in- iii ttr nii li" tin" t" 'i lank vn iilcitU i i Si it- Yuri; Citii. Save y.iiir mouey and insure w it a IV v . west, a gets oiii' eiu McLou.l P.uiioiiii: jaa IS dGmos ?. Mrit-Ai. life a--)! a tios J x;.')-icie-5 ior from - an: iixwraiiiee eat are ol Companies co-operative sf-cret Orders. ;t the ; ir.sur- it.-ur: .i-.fi inst loss by Fire in vtv r ad C':uV.- -;n :;11 kiiula of ' j-ijv':t , 4"i3 iiml Irso5ia . Si-'" u '.""il ;i If-ng term. 'ii. i. issued at fair rates r A. 1 Coriijianies, ; 1 ami Foreign. OlBw North Side Court Sijttare. .a, 20-tf One Price Store. A lar,:? am! verv attraetive hue ot Men's ami "..ie; suits and Overcaats, jirieed troods tos-itiie- raiiKin'j Iro. 1 1 hiii;.' verv It. isu;--.--. tloil.l .s C..-., 'jiai'antv.'ii i i;-t t jliootir. : ! en n.tnia .iii l-fl.. Kills iii ( ai ;it s , A I !rn 1 .111 - M'.r. iaoii :-! V.:: I-- slin-'s tor ' r;-o . ei 's -. elebiaict! ?2.5n" an-1 resi li' Shi-'S !'or men, atai the nr iie.ix era-.K- lir i-.nys . ier i at v;; ii'i . a!s ; Hats, ami C.-. ' i iao a;i'l V. vrs. Coilar r-.-. 'i h Kih ids. and !";ia-- lerii-i v. I'niierwear. H jsii-rv -.1 I'llli's, I; !!! iiejs i.r1, (.'orsets, litittoiis, :sani: S-naliwares s ami Diav. Ca'o,.rs atel Cuiiti, ll.is, KihiSer tioocis -.-ai-is. ( i loves, l':-,: runks, Hajts, uii. We are oilei iiiir special vain mi Wraps of all erades for hniies. misses a:ui children. isoijitv'ief. i'iiats, (ot'olitniis, t olton ate! Wi'ol Flannel:;, t assimeres (embrae- , inu line liiialities). ICentucky Jeans, i Is.ei':5'-y s. -se". Nos. 7 & ') Patton Avenue. . oel'.liUf ! IIIARLES A. MCORK. A'iornty and Coiaisriltjr at I :, i ASHEVILLE, N. C. Practices in the United States Circuit and Die j triet Courts at Asheville, Statcsville, Charlotte j and GreeuiOioro; in the Surtremc Court at Kt. eic;b i and in the Court of the twelvth Judicial IMs i triet of the state oi North Carolina. i Special atteitiop 'tivet! to collection ot claims . W"od FOE Sale ! IN 1 TO -it rOIlD LOTS. ZA( iJAUV .V ZACIIAKV. h V2iUf " ;-. . i.l.- -lo. . f t T"- oiUcc u.i vVluwiiaU fit. c.et-.'.V.co..v.Wj v JJ ANDSO.VE PKOPER r Oil SALE. An eltaian! lot. with line grove of oaks and chestnuts, lieaiuiiiillvsiuiat-'d anil commanding line view s. A Ijout seven eights of au ai re in the lot. Aiivantager.usom-red. Apply lo au'.'.-illf NAT1' ATKl.NSO., ,v SONS Manufacturing Sites. 2tl aci'ts in a lilock, fronting 1,400 feet on the river. A s.itt li can easily he laid across the whole tract, tl.ns making it very desirable lor manufacturing parrcss Several fine resident sites can go with the aliove. ( all and set for yourselves. I. K. SM1T.'. fir J. A Conant, City. West AsheviPe. 'HEAE 1.0TM A' BI.Ot'KS. 1(10 Itui'ding lilts, ?10 i to S'litii each, all fronting on graded streets. Apply on the premises ALSO Sevetf.1 blocks of lots can be had at real bar 3 1 ins. I-F.SMJTH. ii v -Till n n tte.t. Ashevill". DENTAL CARDS. D It. II. I AI5itlXi'IOX. SI'lUJKON DKNIST. oi i-ick i:o.iMs: vi-r 1.. Mundav's si. ire, I'mi.tn Avi imp. se UiilL'm B H. DOUGLASS, l n. S. Dental Rooms over Graut .t- Roseberry's Drug store, residence in sane building Ashevil'e. S. C feb2-wisw DR. R. H. REEVES, D.D.S.. OmoE in the Connally Biuldiug, over liedwood'H ittme, Tatton Aveime. iSHEVILIiE. W. C. I ferm having artlUca! wo.S done, after liMmritncin, ib....t ifnni.,n.fi..i return It and t? nioner will lie refunded, ly 1 Fons years at 37 Court Place, now at 322 Market Street,' 'LorilsYillcKy lict. lhird and rouril A roiilnriT' eilucatd and lecallv qualifier! i-bTsioian and UiO mostsmiceasfiil, as his practice ill jTovr. Cures all forms of PRIVATE, CHRONIC r-iid SEXUAL DIS EASES. Spernictorriioa and Impoteiicy, as the rfu'.t of s'eif-abuo in youth, social ci--t's in r.ia HirT rears, or 'thoi" c.iasfH, aul proiiKiu f.ir.ccf thctul lowiuL' I'ffcct-: Nvi l oiiiucsH, fc. initial K.iais-ii.ns. 1 i.i-!.! tnr.i i ins liv (iruatiis). Diinms of hiplit, Defc:tic .'iVtnt ry. 1'hy i 1 l) ay, I'liiipl'-i oti b'a-e, Atrsion t- Sn. ii-ty E-Vn ali ', :i)uru-inn of Idea:, l.m of cMial Power, io.. r i:d r:t. m:irriK.' impropr-r or iinh.tpnr, are thoroughly and p-ri: i-c-ntly cur.-il. SYPHIIi IS I 0""' ''' ""l nui ca tir.; iv eri ib tcj fr(,m thu sstt-i;i; Gonorrhea, GLEET, ytneture, (iicbitii, Herii;a., iiai'-e,; Pil i ami t iin r private qui. kly curei. It i se!r-ev: leiit tint aphy sieihii who pnys spe-Ma! nt'etiti'-a to a certain clas -r tliseaei. ami tre.ttin thousands a:i:i ally, acquires preat skill. Physicians km-v. in thi fact oftva rf 'o:i.nici:.l i .tsous C my euro. When it is inc ac-i en-L isit th-.' city for treaimout. mttliciii.-s cnu Lc st-UL privai-ly aui .ifely y ninil or express nnywhoro. Cures Guaranteed in all Cases undertaken. t oiiv.il'.a:."!; pen.,.a.ily or lv i-tr free anliriT!- !. Ch:irE-c3 ra.-iiuablv; atit corrcs-poinl. n ; -i:f,y c.i;ll-i';"..iil. PRI7ATE COUNSELOR Of ?0I pniren, ."nt tn a:iv aiMros, f-- jr-lv ..-i.l. 1, f.-r tv-.-T r-no. Sii-iuM I.-- r.-r, 1 1..- a:l. A.Mr..-, a. UQic Hours from - A. At. tj . P. il. SliLda j, 2 lo i ' I'ob9iliwly :JESSIi IL STAHNES, UNDERTAKER, i.SHKViI,I..E. N. : ! I '.T.i i . ! I ' ' AX!) V ' A ! N i ' i C ".I'I "IN AMi C iSKKTs of ever-stv'e ami u'l.ihiw e.n-sia::! - han-1. Kvety ri-ipii.-.itt- oi' ihe ims. ii-.. fiirnisiieil, att-1 all e:."s .!-:v or i;i;;! !;.: prompt y nwei-fI. Hearses i'tn iiisiK-ii n hen ! 'h-M. I-jfi!5i::"i!tiirS"4 !?; t-j.'i!:v. Ho. lit s wi ' i -).- t-.ikr-ii t-'eai-i"-iii l 'Oiyi;!' !v when desii-.-d. Kohea .f s.e.l an i j ; l it 1 i t .es. h--in ''.! i.i-he- i:.e ? : V-a.ea aiwavs on f-ait-i. OllieeNo M N'. Main nt. Tip; ..h-T'ee, N Main M JESSE R. STARKEg. BURT DEXISON, 1 i'i'..Li-1; ix Watches, - Clocks, Solid and Plated Silver wars, Etc. Optical Goods, Spectacles, Eye-filasses, Opera (llassea, F I ilasdes. 'I'elesc-jpe.s, lleailin lihiSBt's. Compasses, Ae. All goods marked in plum ngm'cs. .it FA Trices. All Qoziz VTa,ne,z :2d. 1U; j -airing untl Kn iM viiig. SATISFACTION." I'vi; just returned frnm WoMon's Ai:d my head is in a wliirl, For he h:is tr oul'Ii of the Beair.irii!" To satisfy the world. The "Gem" is like a. r a&ket" Filled with jewels rih and raie. Sutlieieiit to the oani-hmem Or troub'e an i j care. There are "Fruit" uv ' f'cund" and "Wine's And J that I do :i't ki:o.v. All ha' ctOTiHiy ornaip.eiited Ana as white as driven mow. And the "(.'cm" is lik-' a "poet's dreum" JnsMiir-tir.K into ong ; ,nd Weirion has li is hands full i-aitiny; -n the throntr. A i-hoiee line ot eonrtTtions Too viiii nd to t-xt lain. From the daintiest oi lian-bonn' Ton "Candy Walking Cane !" And fire.vor :s in prcfui u In variety larjj? and aiiiali, And a camion-cracker whose ie;ori N like a camiou' sou if.' "I.UCliKTIA." rTt tist Received ! by Titi-: iv. i 5iK3.j,i:i :.. No. 12 Pat i on Avsni.k, The ehoiet st. lot of Japanese Citrous, ever broitaht to this country, consistinir of all the la'.est styles ural patterns of Vases, Tea Pots. Jars, BowIh, liislies. Pitchers, Setts, etc , etc. 'e especially invite the attention of the Ladies to our Pot pourri, or Tea l!o:-e of Japan, the finest and hen! ticrfmiiery of which any know lenjre exists; also to our assortment of Jar- lor 'ireservinji rose-leaves. Make vciir homes beautiful and attractive by ! selecting vtmr ornamental coods frorc i our latest impoitationr,. j We are headquarters for all goods in ! our line, and guarnitee lowest prices. V, e have tne largest and best selected s'oek of both useful and. ornauit-ntal eoods in our line, and will take pleasure in sliovring von through our assortment. Yours for Barsrains. THE 'v. c. KELLER CO , No. 12 Patton Avenue ir 1 FARMERS' WAREHOUSE. For l:Ii 3 Safe f USAP XOBAGCa ASHEVILLE, N. C. SMITH & ROLLINS. Proprietors. Good Accoininodations for Farmers and their Stock. Highest Mar ket Prices obtained at this House. Salesrooms ana lights the largest and best in town. FIGURES DON'T LIE! There was sold on the Asheville market last year 4,317,3915 pounds of Tobacco for $450,(193.31 , an average of $1090 per hundred. The Fanners' Warehouse sold -FOIi- j X WKtrAf:!: OF i i Showing our avciane to beat the i of the Tobacco sold in Asheville. cnstoniei s. Come and see us. We have with us this season Messrs. J. A. Nichols, J. A. Camp boll, S. II. Lyles and J.L. Ferguson, all and each of whom would be pleased to serrc their friends. daw4ia i i -"7-''loc"v -A t y FAn-rn... . ' ' RO.B0X28.4-. jan-f-.llv DOUBLEDAY & SCOTT. Sasli. Blind:?, Doors, Mouldings, Rooting l':ineiv Window Cords and Weights, AT LOWEST PRICES. Intimates promptly iurnished, and special sizes procured ut snort uotic "1'jjey a I.e ki-e-ji an wiusiL'il variety of Building and Fencing Lumber Liitb an.i Sr. V.';. s. Kindlier Wood always on 'and mhi-dAwly W. A. BLAIR & CO,, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Furniture IPeiilers. CHAMBER SUITS A SPECIALTY, 37 Patton Avenue, - Asheville. N. C. We Keep THE BEST ! lioordinfi Houses and Hotels Hurnished in Part or Entire. WARDROBES, SIDEBOARDS, DEP END SINGLE LOUNGES, Safes, Bedsteads, in fact eveiythinjr required to furnish any pari ot a lioiiso, at prices to suit the purses ot buyers. The best line of BED SPRINGS in the city. Parlor suits a specialty. Nice line of Ladies' Rocket's for Christmas. Call and see our splen did stock of Parlor and Window Curtains. Respectfully, W. A. Blair & Co. We have the best Upholsterer and Cabinet Workman in the State, and r prepaivd to have the be-t work in this line done at short notice, and low Also Coffins, Caskets & Burial Cases. novlDd&wly (iOOO BUSINESS FOR SALE. "1 desire to sMl my grocery business. For the amount of capital invested it is one ot the best ill the city. I als desire to sell a szoml rcbidence on Bailey street, one of the most conveniently located in the eitv, in v. house, with eleven rooms. A (rood trade can be made bv early application. Applv to lebldtl G 1.. McloNALD. 9 LBS. town and selling nearly one-half And we are still here to serve oui 0 - -rotn. ( O I . XM JUUIUIUUS ANU PERSISTENT . ouuLx-bsiui. jicioro placing any i Aewspapcr Advertising consult LORD & THOMAS, 4l(t1t) BuMph BtrMt, CHICAGO (ii- i

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