REAL ESTATE DEALERS. J. E. RAY. U.T. JIIL1.ABD. Ray & Millard, BEAL ESTATE AGENTS, AsbeTiIIe. X. C. jan 1 ill in Bargains in Lots PROSPECT PARK! SURVEY COMPLETED This magnificent property is now laid ofi in lots of all sizes, situations and priees the finest property in the WEST JJV. Splendid views of the river and the western mountains. lTiees range from two hnndred dollars up to six thousand. Some fine lots at $500, $000, $7oo $8oo and Some larger and mo de sirable still at $l,ooo to $3,ooo. A few very choice lots on the crown of tue mil, bouth side iiinlwooa street and Kast side Park Avenue. These lots can not be duplicated, and whoever secures one will have an investment that is good lor an rime. Projected English Colony in Roane County. The projected English colony of thirty or forty families, who desired to settle at or near Kingston, is like ly to fail on account ot inability to obtain land at a reasonable price. But the prospect of obtaining the necessary amount of land fifteen hundred acres south of the river, six or eight miles from town, is good, and that section will most likely se cure the colony. Kingston East Tennesseean. A Realistic Description. Gen. Phil aheridan has given to the world a good many of what Bret Harte has termed the sabre cuts of speech, and his icmark that "there is a good deal of shooting around in the woods" before the opening of the battle in the presidential cam paign, describes the situation with a vigorous realism that leaves nothing to be desired. Providence Journal. T1EMOVAL! Having removed my shop to North Main street. No. 25J, one door north of Lindser 's tin Bhop, I am now fully prepared to do all manner of work in repairing Guns, Pistols, Locks, Trunks and Valises. Give me a call. Look out for the big gun and look. A. W. L1NDSEY. oct 1 dtf n OOD PRIVATE BOARD. vr Pa accommodated ratisfactority by applying to Parties desiring good private board can be MRS. T.W.N f.EL, nov 10 dtf ;23il Haywood street, near Battery Park. ESTABLISH EO IN 1865. The Rich inon (1 Locomotive AND TIacliine Works, RICHMOND, - - VIRGINIA. Successors to THE TANNER Jl DELANEY ENGINE CO. ight Locomotives, Engines. Boilers, Saw Mills and Heavy Machines. Send for Catalogue and Estimates. nov 3 diw taptfs SPECIAL. Eight beautiful lots on a gentle slope iVerlookinj? French Broad Valley will be sold for the next few days at' a har- f;ain. A reasonable cash payment, and ong time on the balance il wanted. Call early and see the p!at;now is the time to okv in West Asheville. WALTER B. OWY3T, Heal Estate Agent. je30-dtf Nichols & Gudger, Real Estate Agents, No. 10 HfcLoud Bnilding, Offer for sale at reasonable prices and on ca terms: One 8 Room House and Lot on Tl ill street. " Charlotte et. The Most Agreeable As well as the most effective method of dispelling Headaches, Colds, and Feyera, or Cleansing the System, is by taking a few doses of the pleasant California liquid fruit remedy, Syrup of Figs for sale bv U. II. Lvons. "RACKETINGS." bought a " 5 Twos One3 " S Two One 10 " C " 8 " 9 " 1. Spruce on N. Main East William WoodOn i Orange College Chestnut Also houses for RENT on Charlotte, Sp uce. William and Woodfin streets. We also offer at a bargain nice unimproved lots o.i Vance, Bailey. College, West, North Main, East, and w oodflw streets and Merrimon Avenue A tine Park overlooking French Broad River. Capable ot subdivision into unite a number of beautiful building lots Splendid drives, dc. A beautiful place of SO acres on Beiverdam road, two miles out of tow n Very cheap for cash. Several very fine grass and tobaco farms in Madison and Buncombe counties. Very access able to the rail read. Also a lot of Madison and Buncombe county, semi annual 6 per cent, interest Learn;; bonds a saic and splendid Investment " dec IS dbmos Watson & Farinhclt Real Estate Agents, Read carefully ! Think well ! Now act wisely and buy you a home in Ashe ville from Watson & Fakixiioi.t. 100 Splendid Lots For sale ! Situated in every part of the eity Make your own selection at once, ana you will never rcjrrct it ! Stranger ! Go to Watson & Fakixiioi.t and they will show you bargains in business property, residence property, improved and unimproved property. Investors ! If you wish to invest in property, Watson & Fariniiolt will show you property in which there will be no risk in buying. For it will certainly advance in pnee. To Renters! One splendid store house for rent. Residences and other houses for rent. Special attention given to renting and Collecting rents, &c. Watson and Farinholt. ASHEVILLE, N. C. We think an apology is due our pa trons and the publishers of this paper for the long time our last "ad." has been permitted to run. Absence from the city during the two weeks just past must be our excuse. Our ab sence, however, has not lessened the number of bargains to be had at the "Racket Store," as we find upon our return quite a lot of new and desira ble things, chief among those for la dies being a beautiful line of Alexan- j der Kid Gloves in all the best shades, - a-1 rn . :.. nr. .1 . Ai ... ' ai per pan. ncuo not. luintv they can be matched for $1.50 in Asheville. Also another lot of those elegant woven corsets at 8Gc, guaran teed to equal anything in town fo: l.f0; only see them before you buy. Get the boys a new plush cap, and one f our new Toboggans for the little iris. There is much cold weather ahead of us yet. Wc have still an other lot of rubber goods in gossam ers, shoes, Arctics, mens' coats, boots and hats. We arc selling a line of pa-: per-bound novels, all the standards, at 12c. per volume, the regular 25c. book. The first hundred are nearly gone, but more are coming. We are offering some marvelous bargains in blankets that we do not want to carry over. They were cheap at first the are cheaper now. We want to put the money they represent into spring goods, and if you expect to buy a blanket in the next twelve months now is the time to do it. We have a job in "Dickeys," if you know what a Dickey is: One turn-down collar, one standing collar, one pair of cuffs, and a sham shirt-bosom, all for 10c. Either collar is worth the money nice goods, and for less than you can have the goods laundered. Come and see them. Our Headquarters bought a big lot and sent us these ; we cannot replace them. They are worth twice the price where they were made, but they go to show what cash can do in the Auction Room. A new lot of tin chamber setts, umbrella stands, coal scuttles and household-using things at "Racket prices," guaranteed to be lower than anywhere else in town. Plated knives and forks at half the prices these goods are usually sold for. Our stock h;is been replenished) we have a store full of goods, and wc guarantee that no single article can be matched in Asheville for the same money. Come and see. Very respectfully, tfcc, GEO. T. JONES & CO. N. Y. office, 406 Broadway. Wall Paper. We wish to call the uttention of the citizens of Abbeville to our stock of Wall Paper. We have new styles of paper and decorations coming in every few days. Come and price our papers. We also have three practical paper hanger and decorators employed - always on hand. All work guaranteed. Many thanks for past favors, dtf Fitzpatrick Bros. W. H. LEA, Having bought out the Spot Cash Store good will and all, and big stock ot Dry Goods, dress goods, notions, hats, boots, shoes, domestics, Tennessee wool, jeans, &e., will sell cheap and good goods, I have a big lot ot home made plaids. Also, the C. E. Graham & Co. home made Shoes of all kinds kept on hand. I have a boy's wool hat for 35c ; a good man's stiff hat for $1.24J ; a good broad-brim fur hat at $1 ; a black beaver hat at $1.25 ; a man's full stock boot $1,743. A big stock of underwear, over shirts, &c. W. H. LEA, Successor to Howell &Lca, NO. 17 NORTH MAIN ST R. L. FITZPATKICK. T. W. FITZPATRICK FITZPATRICK BROS. Practical Painters, 2G N. Main St., ASHEVILLE, - - - N. C, DEALERS IX Wall Papers. Decorations, Paints, Oils, Varnishes. Ready-Mixed Paints a Specality. Estimates Furnishe l on Application. All orders bv mail promptly attended to. ' nov 18 dtf BOSTIC, BLANTON & CO. $5,000 WORTH OF ?Ioi nterl and, Unmounted, IF. J Carolina Furs to be Sold in Sixty Days. To make room for a heavy stock of Fall and Winter Furs, I will sell, low, during the next sixty days, my stock of Mounted and UnrnountH Western North Carolina Furs, such as Dear, Wolf, Latamonnt, Keu r ox, (irey r ox. Deer, Coon, Four hundred tanned sheep and lamb skins. Otter, Beaver, all of these are elegantly mounted, or unmounted. I have two live red foxes, ready for a chase. I also have alive, one elegant American tiger. All kinds of fancy fur work made for ladies, and also fine taxiderney. M. ELLICK, 24 N. Main st. Extraordinary BARGAINS IN Vacant ots IN ASHEVILLE. F OK SALE. O. H. Buel oilers lor sale at a low price four large and excellent Wardrobes. They may be seen at Mr. Neville's, in the Eagle Building, where Mr. Buel is now staying, feb 15 dtf piOB RENT, Furnished Fiont Room ard large office room in No. SO Eagle Block. Apply to FRANK LOUGIIRMI, feb 17 dtf 43 Sown Main at. B OWLIKG ALLEY TO RENT, Under the Pioneer Bar, an elegant alley Ran be rented until June the 1st. For terms and par ticulars apply on the premises. iebl7dtl s TATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. Optics of the Clerk, BuruuoR Court NOTICE OF INCORPORATION. Notice Is neeby (rien of the incorporation of The Asheville Ice Company; that the names ol neoiporaiors arejaa. r.cmv uim w o. Mul'er. T. w. ration, . v. tha tnooiDorators are Jaa. P.P Carmlnnaei. ana sucn uuii te with tbem; that the principal place, of busl tmss shall te Asheville. N. C, and Its vicinity, and ttsreaeral purpose and business is to manufac ture and sell ice; purchase, store, and seUcoal and other fuel: that the duration of the corpora tion lis'x-y years; the capital stock Is i twenty ,S lboosao5 dollars, with privilege to increase, divided in one thousand share ol toe par value of twenty-five dollars each. . jiovMdtf 1 C-8-r' f OMMISSIONER'S EOF LOTS ! By virtue cf the decree of the Superior Court of Bnncomlie county, in the casx of J. R Baird et al Tl Thorn's J Lee et al dated 22nd December, A D. 187. the undersigned Commissioner will sell at. public sale at the Court House door in Asheville, on Monday, the 5th day of March, 1888, the following described Real Estate, to wit: Three lots on the west side of Bailey street, fronting on said street, each of which is 170 feet deep, two of them are 84 feet front each, and the other 86,vj lett tront, the same being a part of the vacant plat of ground north of the Red House belonging to Miss Lewis Also three lots im mediately on the west side and adjoining the above lots fronting on Grove street as it is extend ed. Said Iota being each 83 feet front on the east side ot Grove street and each 130 feel In depth Also three other lots fronting on the west side of Grove st'eet and immediately opposite the last above three being each 82 feet front by 215 to 280 in depth. A Iso three other lots fronting the east ern side of French Broad street, lr. mediately opposite the residence of Mrs. Pleasant, two of aid lots being each 75X leet front and the other 77 feet trout and each ot them being 160 feet in depth. Said lots are sold for partition, and title good. Terms of sale Twenty-five per cent, cash on day of sale, balance In equal installments on a credit ot .welve and eighteen months: deferred piyirents to bear interest tiom day of sale at six per cent. Notes and apDroved sec rity required ol purchasers. Plats and full description of said lands can be had by applying to the undersigned uommissioner, or to 1. a wood. Attorney. feb 14 dtrts NATT ATKINSON, rommlsslnaer. BOOT .fV0 SHOE JtlAKER, Alain Street, (Above Eagle Hotel) ytsheville, Jf. C. o The uest stock always on hand. Work always guaranteed u givu s&ilMUtcti'jn. I am especially prepared to make boots and hoes so as to prevent iasipmb8s jd sqcbajums. KeHtl)Made ustom Work ot all (Sorts on Hand. Gentlemen and Ladies' Repairing a Spe cialty. Fine Custom Work always on hand, any style and satisfaction guaranteed, as to stock, and work. SuoemsfcerV Findings alwayson hand and tor sale, t he best in the market, at low prices Gents' custom-made, low-quartered dress shoes made of best material, now effered for t4 and $4.50 usual price 86. Call early. i - OK 3 c o 3 C P Q. o " a as o H Pi CO O a o -J CD CD CD "a o H CO a I CO K m hi A "1 55 I o 00 PI z z m H H 5 p CO O Z 3 THEEE. 3 OF THE BEST; MAILLARD'S, WHITMAN'S, AND ROYSTER'S COXFI.CTIOXAItinS, AT J. M. HESTOFS. W4SIEJ ! Oil rOSUBE SliSPS. I will buy the old postage stamps used on letters from 1845 to 1865. Parties hav ing old letters between these dates should look them up. I want old U. S. and Confederate stamps, used and unused; also .Local stamp, bena tor my deecnp tlve list, giving prices, it is FREE. C H. Mekeei., St. Louis, Mo. dAwnrmlv CO., W. O. MULLER & No. 7 South Main Street, Asheville, DEALERS IN All kinds 6f Whiskies, Brandies, Wines Ale, Portes, Cigars, Tobacoo, Ac; fine Kentucky Rye and Bourbon Whiskies a specialty. DISTILLERS' AGENTS FOB Pl North Carolina Corn Whiskey and Apple Brandy, run Parley Alalt Whiskey for medical purposes always in stock. Sole agents and authorized bottlers ot "Auhenser-Busch Bracing Association' celebrated isl. Louis Lagei Beer for Western A'orth Carolina. The following Brewings constantly on baud, in kegs and in bottles.- Anheuser Busch, Standard, Imperial Pale Lager an J original Budweiser. Goods delivered to any part of the city free. Prompt attention paid to all or ders by mail. Telephone call No. 39. Billiard Hall on Sd floor. dtf D. R. McKINNON & COl, Beg to announce that thev have opened their Tailoring Establishment with a fine selection ol goods at prices to suit all, classes and by Strict Attention to business will do their utmost to please all who should favor them with Their Patronage. We also beg to intimate that we do Ladies' Tailoring: in all the latest fashions, note the address, NO. 33 PA ITON AVENUE, over Brown, Gudger A Co.'s store, ian 12 dtf FINE GROCERIES I 0i (ft H O H o S o ' POTTED MEATS," PATES OF GAME. CANNED FISH, CANNED FRUITS, FRENCH PEAS, Extra Fine, F-jjEXCH MUSHROOMS, DEVII-ED CRABS, SHRIMP, C. and B. PICKLES, PIN MONEY PICKLES, JELLIES & PRESERVES CANTON GINGER, GROSSE AND BLACKWELL's JAMS, OLIVES,, FINEST SALAD OIL, INSTANTANEOUS CHOCO LATE, BROMA, COCOA, NEW ORLEANS MOLASSES, PURE EXTRACTED HONEY, FINEST KEY WEST & IMPORTED CIGARS TABLE SUPPLIES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, u R (ft O ft M 0 a o 1 (ft -AT- Offered for a Short Time, i:Y Bostic, Blantoi? Go., Real Estate Dealers, o, 8 JTorth Public Square, 9shevii,z,e9 v. c. The property below described is all beautifully and conveniently situated. LINCOLN AND SHELBY PARKS are in the southern part of the city between the Court House and the depot and mid way between Battery Park and Garrett's new hotel, and are rapidly building up. MILITARY PARK is in the North western part of the city, on C hestnut street and Pearson Avenue, about midway be tween the Court House and French Broad river, on the street leading to Pearson's bridge and Richmond Hill. All have beau tiful views of mountains, valleys and city. Lincoln Park. NO. 1 6 Cor. iS 19 cor. STRKKT. l'hifer and Bailey SIZE. Got 1 to l'hifer and Blanton 23 Ulanton 24 25 26 " 27 Bartlett 2S " 29 Adams 3, 30 3S " 40 42 " 46 -47 coi. Dep. & Ad ms 45 cor. Dep. and Blanton 43 Blanton 41 39 35 " 33 ' 49 cor. Depot & Blanton 50 53 55 57 59 61 cor. Bartlett iv. Blanton 63 6$ Blanton 67 " -52 Depot No. 53 SOUTH MAIN ST. Telephone No. 38. to S1 54 56 58 60 " 64 Bailey 66 " 68 72 74 box; 123x164 120x164 75x112 75XI S 75x120 75123 75x126 75x130 150x130 60x105 75x 75 75XI5 75x120 75x120 75x120 75x120 44X 93 65x150 65X 150 65x150 65x150 65x150 65x150 65x150 70x150 69x150 69x150 69X 150 69x150 125x105 71x140 65x150 65x1 50 65x150 69x150 69X 1 50 69x1 50 69x150 69x150 TRICE. s 750 700 700 700 750 700 700 1 000 IOOO 1 000 IOOO 1500 1500 750 750 750 700 700 700 IOOO 400 600 700 700 700 750 750 800 650 650 700 700 750 750 IOOO S00 750 750 75 750 S00 700 650 600 750 700 700 700 700 650 The White Man's Bar Down Stairs, CONNER MAIS AND EACiLt STREETS U N D E R W HIT LOCK 'S s 'J o iL K PUOPEIETOH. Headquarters for fine LIQUORS. I keep none but the PUREST, ai c charge accordingly. Mv WMsMes and Wmes ARE ABSOLUTELY PII11K AI O'ADUTFJUTKll. and are recommended by the beet judge for medicinal use. Also Fine Billiard and Pool Parlor. Goods shir: Ded to all nninta TCn !.: t r. - Asheville N. C. The only strictly White Man's Bar in the State.! i"" "-at ' CHOICE HOTEL PROPERTY On Patton Avenue for Sale. AH hail Creation far and near Of the hotel lot you now shall hear. Let pealing drums and cannons roar, Proclaim the news from shore to shore. The lot immediatelv west of thr r.mirmvh v.,,.Qi.,D :..,. . .-r r i 1 t J.,. ""i.uuuai;wuiiiius iwu acres, teet each on Hmlv nnn ( livwn errant..- f..-t:., e . ' enue, just opposite the Buttery Park Hotel Frame Building, Metal Roof 16 rooms. ISow occupied by Mrs. J. C. Smith. This is the i:est property in AshevillP for nnntliar 1 J Zirst-Clo-ss Hotel Coinbininsr both for business ;nirl iilnnr i,i,i; ,..:..i . sceuer3; second only to Battery Park. Situated about midway between the foot hills of Leaumout and the Freiu n Broad river and Depot, and in the near future will be the ckvtim- .f Inuiim o,i ,,.i: tain City. T ofter this property .is ii tiot i:. until the 15th of .May next, and if nut sold by that time. I propose then to cut it into business and building lots. Titles perfect. ror iiinner intormation. prices and terms, address feb ,ltf s- THOMAS, Laurinburg, N. C. a mi mmim FOR 1888 1 Shelby Park. 3 Bailee 75x150 5 " 75"5 6 " 75"i5o 7 " 75XI5 9 " 75"i5o 10 " 75XI5 26 cor. Silver & Blanton 75x150 25 Blanton 75x150 21 " 75x150 20 " 75x150 19 ' 7515 35 ' 75x110 36 " 75x110 37 " 75x110 40 Bailey 95x300 700 600 600 600 500 400 650 600 400 500 700 600 500 400 1500 Military Park. 14 Pearson Avenue 13 " j It S cor " " 9 " " 10 " it cor" " 12 Chestnut 30 31 " 33 " 300x300 3500 IOOX200 IOOO 135x200 IOOO 135x200 1250 135x200 1250 135x200 1250 135x3 12 50 150x150 IOOO ISOX200 IOOO IOOX200 IOOO IOOX200 IOOO located vacant lots for cottages, pi ice from $100 to $300 also some very nice cottages and residen ces for sale or rent. Call and examine our plats and see property. BOSTIC, BLANTON CO. BREVARD & BLANTON'S From Old Time fo New Cash Prices ! WE ARE NOW OFFERING 24 suits best Blue Beaver, old ju ice, $1(1.50 ; new cash price, $12.00 2f " Union Cassimcres,' " 12. ;"50; " " 9.50 10' " Scotch Cheviot, " lfi.fiO: " 12.50 15 " Wash Satinets, 7.")0 ; " 4.50 CO pairs pants, old pri. o, (5.00 & 7.00 ; new price, 4.50 & 5!oO ,;o " " " 4.00 & 5.00; 2.50 & 3.00 100 " best jeans pants, " 1.50 & 1.75: " 1.25 33 Per Cent. Reduction on Overcoats ! 3 pairs all wool Blankets, reduction 25 nor cent. ; 2J. T.n,i;o' Cloaks, reduction 50 per cent. ; heavy Domestics, at (5J cts. per yard. Bleached Domestic greatly reduced." Hoods and Children's Knit Goods at half price. Unheard-of Reduction in Ladies' Dress Goods, Skirts, &c. Our Stock of Boots and Shoes is complete, and will be sold unusually low. Hats aro a specialty with us. See our styles and prices. We sell bacon, flour. ,ice. suo-ar. coffee, tobacco, &c. Having determined for this year to sell (or nothing but we can givo you the above unusual discounts. Our rule is Cash when Goods leave the House. Our friends will please remember this and not ask us to do what we have determined we will not do. Everyone must admit that the cash sj-stem is best for buyer and seller. Truly thanking you for past liberal patronage and hoping to merit a double portion this year, wc are, i Very respectfully, janl9d&wGmos. LANTON Bakery, Confectionery Restaurant. CJtKES Baked and Ornament edl'Jor thelliioliday Trade. OYSTERS ! OYSTERS ! a The Finest in Town and at tlie HIM ST PRICES : Give us a call.Q Respectfully, W. B. Anderson & Co.. SOUTH MAIN STREET.