DAILY EDiTiON. Faraaa, Stoac ft. Cameron, EDITORS AND ntOFKIKTOUS. SL'HSCKIITION UM V, 1 Vcur.V ?'3.00 CITIZEN JOB OFIL NO. 13 PATTON AVBNUK. Asheville BILL HEADS, LETTER HEADS POSTERS, BLANKS, Ac And job woik i f all kinds done with neatness and at the lowest prices. S.OO 1.50 TB v KI-SKl.Y 1 Venr NTos.. VOL III.-NO 277. ASHEVILLE N. C. WEDNESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 29, 1888 PRICE 5 CENTS Citizen, .jj r f ROYAL 1 M KSSi tTW'.Wl ft IT Absolutely Pur? Itii.-i pnw.i.-r . -vur vnris i ; or pr.nH trwugUi mi l w'HiU'Mnc.iO-s. !- 4'. iiii:n ii1 Uui; ihe nl;n::rv kni! !H. ' a '.Si s.M ir; mi.eiiti"n wiili (lit- m'liti u r ! tot , short e'.bt dlMiuor i-'ii.t.-pliiiif p-.wi r-. .S' oii.' if 11 KoY A i, H 4 K iNi t'i )'.V I?.K 1 1. ... UhI! SI, i'irii. ijiul.t-fvwrJni Thos. C. Stokes, No. 14 IT. Court Square, limelry i.tr.. WonlJ call the at'ention of 1 mill, ami car penters to the fol owm line of iitnv ouds ju-t received and iiirroducL;l to tlie traile for 111 tirat time. Frame Pulleys, no r-civus or mor tising reiui'rt-d; draw knives, lcuulie-cio e oo the blade, no ditigrr of s;ioi in;; i f n; edge or cutting yourself Snir.'il i t:d u i'ltie fc.cw drivers. Thr,c and f mr f . ! J ru'.m to carry in the vent pock', t. Full line of BUILDING JIAKDVi'AKE -AMD-House Furnishing' Goods. Plasterers tools. i.ll kiuus: n.il iiui tin ware, tubs, IiU.'1;!h. rui'Lir m-.s for awe: brooms, 1 t.h-Lcs i f all l,i:,il .. luiiHirs, dint, scrub, mmcp-ii;.'. hIh asul AGENT FOR The ExeeMor Brick C Ku m-Ud I nicks; Morse Williams ,V Co . iTutcliw.iy elevat is; W. i. Honi.. wc.itlu r va:n - :ti"l 1..1K iii:t:e:il 1SUH. oWPQmU CXVGtK Ht't. in I-.nglr ninth, tt-i .Kniti .. ASHEVILLE- N. C Coiur"iii! Oxip n Inhuled, in connection wita rueli'te i ai-aiii '.: '.-r. enr-s ensnine tlon, AsthinH, I'-ron. Iiiris. .-..l 'i:rrrrli. Sore THrttt I.osei' 'oie, Imm'um-h out .-l iver anil Xlaneva. Hi-xMi r, lei n!' m - l : i :."'ii:ir on mpnre or iini'overisliefl l-looii. Xt cures hheuinatism when t ver ttiiiip elsr ails Aphkvii i.e. N". c. .Tantiar;. l"-s. Injustice to all n'milariy nUliett d witlionr elves aa well as to It-. ltai i!i ,t (;: -hell, I volmitari.y make tlie fol nv. itig Mutemeiit : My wife tin- sutlereil tor ft vtnu air: with severe lunp tronlile. eontiimin : to t-w wor-e until last November when be c- lamlile to sd up. but a part of each day. Noappetite, niht sweats, severe roiHli am; 1' . of tlesh 1 lie best physicians o I-onl'iiey, Ver mont. advise'l an limn Oiate iM j ait re Voutti We reached A9heville Novemli. r lltli and enm meneed taktne treatment of Ims HarKan and Gatchell, lnlia ing t'otniniiii(l (yi!en an I Itu am Vapor. My wife l:a impruvi -i mpiil y limn the first Her aipeiite is co al, sli eps well, coughs but little, raises It so. nijjlit sweats ceased, no paiu any where, take long wa:s ami t-limlis the njountaiiis with little fatigue ai;l t as uained H i. in weic t. We feel eeriam aiaclier moii h's treatment w ill alleet a lermaui'iii erne. Aa for myself I am del pitted to state loit 1 improved rapi ly from the lirst treatment and am nearly well. I have snlVircd for .'IS years r.:ir.nst bevoinl endurance with the wot-t mini oi cit s. I had abamloiieil till h.ipe of ,-ciiel The lrs. treKtment has tieen peine ami .i in "I painless till has elleeitd a cine lor me. Yours lespcc'tluliy, A. .1. Smith. Mr. and Mr'. mith are living in town and can W verify and add to tin alove. HOME TREATMENT, We inainifaetiire the Coiaponn i Oxygen, and hlp it to all parts nf tlie rouiitry, ivin to the PaclH ; Coa t. Ue send appatiitn's ami ( hemii ls )lan two months lor SI, this i as vnUiatue sti;e ottiee -reattnent JUe wo-idertui curative res. ;it pl.i.,i:,d with aw r.atnieiit is astonishing e '-n to nv il iai with In hum ninrr nt tlii? I roil ii" nt.nui n'tr $Kfl in tlu run uf Clmwir Jj;..i, ii. w.'t in i:n!l ' v-nruit'i lunik cjcii'.ii'.iiiiii , tttiniiitj'iie. 1 1th HAkiiAN X- (iAT( Hi LI . Asheville, N ; 'am Street, i- -8-dawtt CAR-LOAD BACON KKJf I Villi AND KOR S LU iiY A- D. COOPER, A(i EXT FOR Prices regularly by telegraph. TERMS V.ltiS2. lck2Tidlwtwlw RockfordWatches Arvunequalled lit EXACTING SEIt VICE. lTel by tne Chief n jtjyi MechiinieliLii of the LKV5--bT the Admiral AomDinnainfTiD the U. . Naval Observ- f 1 t ki"-h' 'Mjya. ntory, for Aatro i . "-1101111031 work and it j i.titiiniuL I v a MCineersi v on Iductom anil Kail r way men. 'l liey are r i r n u ii i ' cl aa mm ah nafm In which close Itlme and durability are re I .,i.it..a Koltl In nrlnelnal I cities nnd towns by the CUM eaw4 exclusive Afircnts WlliJwlr.) who giTO a l ull Warranty II, L. LANG, Agent, MAIN STREET, ASHEVILLE, N. C. Alio a full line of all the Standard uradea oi American watches at i"Wdblt , price ja27dlm ssTff&ir5S? THE IsAII.Y CITIZEN r -i Will be publisn-d verv Vornitfg (ex cept Monday) at the following, fete strictly cash : One Year ft' 00 Six Months, Three "... One " One Week, ... 0:ir Carriers will deliver th . ii 00 ) SO . 50 0 1 PPr eV' ery Morning in every art of tb'j fity to our subscribers, ami parties wanting ti will please call at the Citizkn Office. Sfuil yr.nr Juh Woik of nil kinJf In, -Ike CU:.:en Office, if you iravt il ilmw otr.ily, ArriTHl iiiul !'rt nrp or (nfiisrr Trrtini. .' ti.ishvt.v- Arrives S:isp ic.- leaves lor Mor ritown at n:18 it. v. I knnk.v ek .Vrrivi s nt 2 43 o m., and leaves nt 1 ':'." 1 m A.rivs at t: il p. m,, ami leaves lor Sj'Hrtnnliiirf; t ):i'J p. m. m aktanbi bi; Airives at 7 a. leaves lor MorrislowM at T:0 n Tn.'h re'pht 8ccomn;niia!t'n ii lives AsticvilH' at 8:10 a. in., and arrives at H:00 l. m. WAYNKfVlM.K Leaves As'-eville at R:ft a m.. anil arrives ar t:M p. m J ;.-.' . vi'rti.einrn1N. i."w Prices J. H. Law. llog Lost .1. O. ilovscl!. It..- Taken l'p "all at tl.U nfl'iee. An Ordinance Citv of As'ievil!i. Manufactured Ice II. T Collins. N:irsrri( s-Jno Saul. Washington, W C. I'-nririins in Furniture W. A. Vllair & Co. i'l i:ic CtkRUAS UniTRS This tiph ntild tonic, a sure, steady and ''rtith'nl icn.edv fur all uervo-is debility, forw.leut .Tones Pioneer Dar strictly lor medical pnrnoFes. A briLrlit. beautiful day was yt terday . I he heii-iowtr Hi cMin should lie reninvtd. junro dpt. M. K. Carter I fit to attend Mairhal! court. ycst'.rd.iv Kub't Claywell, J-'-stj., of Morgan tou was in the city esterday. Seveial c;;;i(s were tried in Ksquiie SuiiiiiH y's couit yesicrduy. 'I'he lr. nt 1' CuriiiichiU'iV drup: store is heiuir tn ated to is coat td p lint. .1. Kuane, f Lo: uin, Knglaud, was registered at t ho Swannanoa last evening. Yc.-u niav 1 1 1 r i i i i i ir . at 7 o'clock, the lht-i sintiri tt r rei,.enti Im d'.:-tree.- ;ii eve zero. Lock" Vruii:, K.-'cj , litur. tii to his hotne nt USack M-ilii taiK. on ycff rday "s nomi train. I. II. Carpenter and C. M LVUi. of Tennessee, were registered at the Cirand Central last evening. We h am that the Asheville Mtth ai.Ust wii! shortly he issued we. kfy instead of niontiilv, t. at prerent. Dr. J. K. llardwicke, of Marshall, and Mr. T. II. Davidson, of Hoiniuj", were at the flraud Central yesterday. J in! of Si.ipp is coiditid at his h' tne in Chariot le vri'ii crvsi -ia-. Hecou'd not lii'ld W ake coll r-. this iteA-. An ; uclion sale of town jot?, by l5o-tic, Wanton it Co.. will take place in tVont of the Colli' house at 12 in , 1o-d:i y For a w((k or ten days past the mail i'lom Wf av(-rvi!!( to Asheviile lias hi'( ii trtnn one to two hours late in reaching th s city. lobac.o sales at all (he waif-I house. were light yesterday. The llannersidd soin ! th" h'-st yellow leat at $t'iO per i.ur.dred. Mr. W. T. Finch, asent, exhibited a very unique and useful uut'-hine called the "Texas Daisy Washer," on the public square yesterday. The .Spring term o! funcoinl e Superior court wili convene on March 12th. and will continue three weeks Judge iMcItae ;n the bench. W. S. Dor-man, Jr., of Richmond, Va., (). A. SSterufcl St. Louis, Mo.. and W. IJ. Meorish, of New York, were the arrirals at the Swannanoa last night. The public road from Asheville to Lurnsville, in Yancey county, has been greatly improved a force of hands having been kept at work on it for several weeks past. Hon. John dray By nun, .1 promi nent lawyer of Morganton, is iu the city, on business connected with the estate of the late J. M. Jones, of which he is the administrator. Do no', neghct to see the Amateur MinstreU at Jiaftery Park Saturday night. The entertainment will be tiiven fur the benefit of th" Mission Hospital an institution deservin;r of the heartiest support of every cit izen. Over one hundnd and fifty yas meters I ave been set in the city since the establishment of the gas works in Asheville, and the compa ny is receiving orders faster than they can fill them. WONOERFLLLY Low PlttCES. All this week at Law's, opposite Post Oflke. especially in Stone China and Glassware. Here is a sample of the bar gain for this week only. Parisian Por celain Breakfast Plates at 51 00 per doz. vworth fil.h'fj;. Fit.e Plain Flint Goblet at 4lc. Set. A large lot of odd pieces perfect in every way will be closed out at three fourth nrice A lot of plates slightly damaged at 2oc. Set. Spreading Out. Weldon, tl e 'Gem" B.tKer, has estab lished a branch of his llourithin busi ness at the store of Mr. E. II. Hunt, at the Old Depot, frr the convenience of his customers, where may be found a full assortment of his Bread, Cakes, Pies, &c., 01 equal excellence with those to be found at his Uptown Bakery. dtf Iree stock of Woolen Dress Goods and Black Silks just in. at Whitlock's. Large stock of fn3 Underwear in white, Scarlet Camei's Hair Cashmere and vari ins kinds just in. at Whitlocks.' Edel will receive a pair of mon keys to-day. The deceased alliga tor will be stuffed and placed in a conspicuous place in Edel's muse um. Asheville should by all means hav" a military organization. Tt is almost a necessity to any well regu lated city, and it is a burning shame t'tat the city is so sadly deficient in this respect. A party convicted ot carrying concealed deadly weapons wag bound over to the next term of the Inferior Cou rt in the sum of $100 by Mayor Harkins yesterday after noon. The delendant gave the bond. Adjutant-General Johnstone Jones has received an invitation to par ticipate in the Texas State Drill, to be held at Austin, Texas, on the i'Oth ot Mat, next. Gov. Scales and his entire stali. will be official ly invited to be present. In our reh rent e to the Asheville Tobacco Works iu Tuesday's Citi zen we mentioned Mr. F. A. Hull as the proprietor. We should have stated the ownership of these popu lar works to be Messrs. F. A. Hull, Charles Hull and .N.J. Rodier. CfTTINf, SfK APE. Messrs. Jack Sauit and Bob Mur dock got into a difficulty near the old depot yesterday morning, which resulted in the serious cutting of M unlock by Sams, the wound being in the fleshy part of the left thigh, extending some inches down the leg. While painful, we trust it will not prove seriuus. fcams iett tne city. Si'djjev Death of as old Citizbx OF liUXCoMRE. Mr. Steven Jones, an old resident of this county, died suddenly Voa day niht at the residence oi Mr. Taylor Burnett in this city. He had not. been well for some time. Monday night, as w sat down to "Upper he complained of feeling very badly and was pursuaded to go and lie down. He did so, and in a few moments expired It is thought heart disease was his ailment. He was about 72 years of age, and was largely connected in this county. For a number of years he was dep uty tax collector ot the county, and made a popular officer. Imimistant PiBLie Meeting. One. bright day during the warm weather of last week a large public meeting was held by the Sphinxes Carol i if, better known as the to bacco worm moth. The meeting was in an old tobacco barn on Hill R-o's place in Madison count'. The barn was tilled to overflowing. tons not 1. 'ruinate in ontaining scats on the floor hung on to the ra'.it is overhead. A enerable old moth from Swain county was called to the chair and Buncombe -,vas granted the secreta ryship; the old fellow made a feel ing speech in taking the chair, ad vised harmony in the proceedings and co-operation in everything undertaken ; he trusted one and all woul.4 give trie matters under dis cussion grave and earnest thought. There was an eflort. said he, by the new settlers, the 1'hdojcera to over ride and crush the Sphinxes, thereby bringing themselves and their fruit bearing vines more prominently before the people ;such action while it was to be condemned could not injure the Sphinxe : they would but the more flout ish and multiply. The effort was a selfish one however. He would like to have the views of gentlemen on the new tobacco crop A hoary obi moth lrom Virginia opened the discussion. He said there was never a better outlook for Sphinxes ; he had learned that tobacco seed had bi-en ami was still selling by the bushels to the planters, that every a'.re of hind suited to tobacco culti vation was being prepared for the cr- p, and even here the smoke from hundreds of tobacco beds was as cending skywards. A tremendous crop will be set if seasons come, and this will be the year for the tobacco worm to grow .liv.' multiply. (Ap plause.) He recommended the meeting to report i May every plant-T who had oyer cropped him self, and that a list of them be maoe and a copy given t.i each female niostiy to show the im'st favorable place it) d'-posil her egos for safety and asuro mean- of living to ma turity. Another intelligent speaker from Tcnnts.-ee .-aid that an enormous crop was bring prepared for and it gave promise to his lace ; lie recom mended also that oyer cropped plantations would be their best chance, and that the infant worms be instructed that the curl near the stalk was the nest hiding place; be thought this year the tobacco worm could go into winter quaiters in vast numbers. Applause Appropri ate resolutions were passed, thanks were voted Mr. Red for use of his bam, proper committees appointed and the meeting adjourned to meet again in the middle of June. The Most Agreeable As well as the most ef'eetive method of dispelling Headaches, Colds, and Fesrers, or Cleansing the System, Is by taking a few doses of the pleasant California liquid fruit remedy. Syrup of F'igs For sale by H. II. Lyons. To make room for our large Spring stock we will sell goods exceedingly cheap for the next ten aava. dtf W. A." Blair & Co. Large stock of Rubber Goods for La dies, Misses and men just in, at Whitlock's. Large and varied stock of Woolen and Merino Underwear for Ladies, Misses nd Gentlemen, at Whitlock's. II A II It I X HALL. The Chief nnd the Pnn-Jf Prteraers to Try and Ilia Honor Sorely Texed. His Honor came down yesterday morning about an hour earlier than usual, and when the Chief asked him what was the matter, he told him "it was tnow matter at all," and the Chief rolled up his eyes, gasped, fell out of the chair, and kicked all the law out ot Battle's Revisal which lay on the floor, close to the Warner's afe, in which the hush money of the wayfaring man is kept closely concealed. Ha rallied, how ever. suff:cient to remark, that he had been field-marshal ot the Ashe ville contingent under the reign of Edward I. during his first 'and sec ond reign, but he had never cut into bis police resignation and official fortitude with a lienient hand and ice-cold pun. He said, he had lived in Russia, where a man had to put on a sheet-iron overcoat in order to pick up the Morning Dynamite from his tront door step; he had sojourned in India, where the burning rajs of the mid-day sun singed the cork screw hair of the nigger babe; where cobra di capellos were in universal use as well-ropes, and where the full-grown, through briefly attired native goujed the cocoanut shells from between his ivory teeth with a Wade & Butcher carving knife; he had tarried in Louisiana, where the Louisiana State Lottery bankrupted the country at large, and where they have two returning boards and a pair ot tjovernors every season. but he had fared better (except rail- fare), in all those uncivilized and anti-prohibition communities, than in his own, his native land, where everybody had a first mortgage on j his neighbor s real estate, and where Phil Sheridan was born in every town. He also remarked, kind o'pathetic like, that it was hard for Herschel 1. in the first vcar of his reign to paralyze bis right hand bower with thejoke(r). His Honor told him it was time to "come oft"," and requested that he would form the line. The Chief started to obey the instructions of the King : but lo, during the night while the soldiers had ilept the captives had fled, and still remained fled. And then the King was wroth, and he said things that would remove fresh paint. He was so vexed that he called unto him certain ot the centurions who had Morpheusized, and said unto them : "I will lay you on the shelf indefinitely," which being transla ted meant that he had '"fired" them for one day, and had confiscated, their shekels also. And when the centurions heard the Kingsav these things ,they temoved their Williams' (which the rabble vulgarly call 'billies") and departed hence mut tering and raising Cain. And the. captives remained fled ! Then his Honor called unto him the Chief, arid they went into the inner chamber, while the mob hus tled throughthe front door. And the captives had fled ! Important. Parents and gardians should re member that no new pupds will be received into the city schools alter the close of the second school month March 9. All children wishing to enter these schools should make ap plications before that date. "My Son Oliver" the Coming Max. The Raleigh correspondent of the Richmond Dispatch says : It is learned to day from the .best authority that Oliver H. Dockery is to be the Republican candidate for Governor. He has been, in fact, agreed on as the most suitable man, and the announcement will be made this week that jf he will accept the nomination he will be chosen as his party's staiidardbearer. Of course there is no doubt of his acceptance of the nomination, and this will practically put him in the field. The Mountain Park Hotel Has passed under tho manage ment of Mr. Walter H. Tohnson. The New York Hotel Register thus speaks of him : "Mr. Walter H. Johnson, iong identified with Washington, Sar atoga, and New York hotels, has been engaged as manager of the Mountain Park Hotel, Hot Springs, N. C, and left the city for that fa mous resort Friday. This city loses and North Carolina gains one of the most thorough and practical hotel men in the profession." We welcome Mr. Johnson to North Carolina, and feel sure he will maintain the high reputation already achieved by our famous and attractive neighboring watering place. A True Statement. Dr. Hart's Family Medicines are ac knowledged, where known, to be the most reliable and trustworthy remedies in the market. His Antibilious Discov ery, for bilious coaiplaiats, indigestion, 4c, can not be surpassed, and who does not know of cures performed by the use of Hart's Great Relief? The Winslow Worm Candy and Vermifuge, Dr. Hart's Pills, and, in fact, all of the celebrated Doctor's remedies, ard equally valuable. Ahout 18 Sets Of best Triple Plate Tea Knives left, will be closed out at $1 .50 per set Look out for special bargains in Decorated Chamber Sets next Saturday and Mon day at Law's. d3t For Rent. For 3, 6 or 12 months one of the neat est and most attractive cottage homes in the city, 7 rooms, handsomely furnished throughout, stoves in every room, well of pure water under shelter, stable, car riage, coal and wood bouses all complete, in one square of Battery Park, good neighborhood. Apply at the Citizen oSse. I Abheville's Industrial Enter prises. The Citizen continues to-day its review of the various industrial en terprises of Asheville. It will be continued from day to day until every interest is fully and fairly presented. The Citizen desires to make a complete report of what Asheville is, and what it ought to be, hoping thereby to help Ashe ville, and show its claims for con sideration. We will thank all citi tns for any aid they can give us in this direction. THB ASHEVILLE CtUAR FACTORY. Many of our peo; le are not aware oftbe fact that one of tne best equipped and most successful cigar factories in the South is located in tjeir city. Such, however, is the twitb as further description will jrrow. Early in April, '87, Messrs. N. T. Sherman and E. B. Stevens, of Oneida, N. Y , arrived i;i Asheville for the purpose of establishing this industry, believing that money could Pe made in such an enter prise, as well as materially aid in the development of Asheville as a manufacturing centre. In this they were not mistaken, for from the start their success has been phenom enal. In September of the same year Mr. Stevens withdrew from the firm leaving Mr. Sherman in full control of the factory. A few questions from the reporter drew forth the following facts from Mr. Sherman yesterday morning: During the ten months the factory has been in operation he has sold over 140,000 cigars : the capacity of the lactory is 1,000 cigars per day. (this means the manufacture from the raw weed until the time the cigar is put in the box and stamped) the tobacco used is Havana, Suma tra, and choice leaf bought in Penn sylvania, Connecticut, Wisconsin and Oiiio; ail cigars manufactured are hand made, and sold u id(-r a guarantee that if the goods are not as represented they will be taken back and the money refunded (something no other factories guar antee); these cigars are sold by dealers all over the country the principal trade being in North and South Carolina. Tenp.esse, District of Columbia, Florida, New York and Pennsylvania. Mr. Sherman's most popular brands are "Sherman's Warrantee," a very fragrant five cent smoker, and '"La Carolina," a solid, a 1 Ha vana, for ten cents, that has no su perior. Besides these leading brands he manufactures tiht oth ers, and fills orders for special grades tfrJJhrlen,iah(!. The manufacture will be doubled during the present year This is one of the manufact uring institutions t lat has cn ue to stay, and deserves all the success it is achieving ' The factory is located in the Eagle building, up slairs, on Main street. THE GRAHAM SHOE KAlTOUY. Located on Patton avenue, on the third floor in the Graham building, is the Graham Shoe Factory, which was established in this city in 1S85 by C. E. and R. L. Graham. This enterprise was successfully run by this firm until January 1st, of the present ver, when the old firm ad mitted Mr. J. Y. Jordan to a third intere-t in the business mii the firm name was changed to the Gra ham Shoe Co., with Mr. R L Gra ham as manager of the business, and Mr. Jordan as traveling sales man. This factory gives employment to thirty hands, who turn out two hundred pairs of slices per day. Most ol these employes are people who have lived in Asheville all their lives, and the Graham Co.. bdieve in giving employment to home peo ple lirst. The company manufactures men, women and children's shoes of me dium grade, but make fine goods upon order. Their trade embraces the States of North and South Caro lina, Georgi i, Tennessee, and Vir ginia, and they find a ready sale for all the goods they can manufac ture. 1 During the coming summer ma chinery will be purchased, and most of the work will be done by steam. Tha capacity of the lactory will be greatly enlarged, and the work turned out will be of a better grade than ever. Their business has already increased about 25 percent, and a still further advancement is confidently anticipated by the com pany. to We Ola; onr Graves with our Teeth? Some say we do; others again act as if they thought so. However, this may be, it is a truth that many people contribute to their early decline by marked imp.ud ences. One of these is clearly shown to day by hundreds who disregard the laws ci health and expose themselves to the vigors of winter without due regard to its consequences. What are these, you ask? The death roll will tell you. The answer is Pneumonia, Bronchitis, Croup, Whoop ing Cough, Colds and Asthma, and the severer pulmonary troubles usually can be traced to these exposures. Thisshould be avoided, and can be somewhat, by the timely uee of Pell.atn's Pectoral Syrup, at 25 cents a bottle. This Syrup is en dorsed by everybody throughout New berry and surrounding counties, and in North Carolina. 25 cents for Pelhams' Pectoral Syrup. d&wtt W. A. Blair Co. will sell furniture at a big discount for the next ten dayr. dtf Large Btock of White and Scarlet Un derwear for Ladies and Misses just in, at Whitlock's. For the remainder of the season we shall sacrifice our Ladies', Misses' and children's Cloaks, also Men's and Boys' Overcoats and a few lots of clothing. First choice means an important ad van age. H. Redwood & Co. . odtt If you want bargains in furniture, call on W. A. Blair & Co., for the next ten days. t dtf LATEST SEWS. An Immense Strike Begins. Chicago, Feb. 27. At -1 o'clock Tuesday morning all the engineers on the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy system of railroads struck. Tt e strike promises to be the most remarkable ever known, for the strongest single labor organization in existence has been pitted against the largest railroad corporation in the west, and one of the greatest in mileage and wealth in the wo-ld. Should the strike continue long h is probable that, in addition to the 14 000 men directly involved, the great majority of the 1,400 employ es of the company will be thrown out of employment. The 25,000 members of the Engineers' Broth erhood throughout the countty art called upon to contribute oft'ieir savings, and the industri s of ihe vast section of country tributary to the road subjected to partial p iral ysis. The far reaching effects of the strike can be inferred from ihe fact that the road has six thousand miles or main and leased iines L'rid ironing the States of Illinois, Inw.i. Missouri and Nebraska From Chi cago it reaches to Denver over 1.00!) mill s away, and Chavenne. Wyo- ming, equauy as iar ; Minneapolis to the North and St. Louis to the South, are within its reach; the ter ritory of an empire. General Manager Stone of the Burlington road says that every engineer on the main line of the road, except the ons at Galesburg went out. A few suburban trains were run I13' the aid of engineers drawn from the shjps mechanics. yard foremen, itc. The strikers did not bring their engines through to the end of their runs, but left them at the nearest point when 4 o'clock c ami?, thus all oti.r passengers from the Missouri river were dumptdat Galesourg, and tin.se which we take from the Illinois Central at Forest were left at Aurora. From the latter point we were able to bring them in without much delay, but at G.-.!esburg the passen gers were obliged to wait until 10 o'clock before we could start them in. The Superintendent's llice and the lotmy leading to it are crowded with men applying for positions vacated. They are put lii rough an examination by the superintendent of motive power and if they are found competent are taken to tha yards at once. Ba'ore. 11 o'clock this morning about fifty of the ap plicants h;.d been accepted. The suspension of work is complete at Ea.-t St. Louis. The authorities of the Knights of Labor . -ay the order, as such, will reuiain n -utral in this full!; but if individud Kt.ishts wish to ta -e work th :-iv is nutuing to prohi'ii', 1 them. i ougress. Wamuxutox. Feb. 27. Senate. Anion,; the memorials and peti tions prt snted ami re'trred wire tlie following: To repeat th" limit ations to l ie act gr.itit 114 at reai pension.-: for the passage of the - ot inr diem ratid service pension bill; against (tie repeal of the nh-omar-galine till ; n place salt oil th ; 'ree lis", ! tie i.'h e-iLO bo rd of trade protesting iig.-iihst any legislation .is!o that would deprive citi.-ns of the United States of the facilities offer ed by the Canadian railroads for transportation of American pro ducts free of duty under the bonded transportation act; fir cheap and efficient teh graph servitu open to all without discrimination; for the repeal of the internal revenue tax on lilcoho'io liquors; for removal of tlie d uty on hook?; to put tin p'ate on the free lis'; to increase compen sation of life-saving crews. On motion of Mr Edmunds tne Sen;t;', at 12:50, resumed the con eideration of the bill to incorporate the Maratine Canal Company, of Nicaragua. Mr. Vest offered a resolution de claring that nothing in this act should b h'ld or construd to in volve, in any mariner the United States in any pecuniary obligation, except as to payment of tolls Ue jVcted 2122. After several other restrictive amendments were voted down thu bill was reported back from the committee, and the amendments agreed upon in committee were concurred in. Mr. Vest again offer ed his amendment that the United States government should have no pecuniary obligation in connection with the work; and it was ag tin re jected, yes, 22; nays 2G. The bill was then passed, yeas o5, nays 15, as follows: Yeas Aldricb, Allison, Blair, Brown, Chace, Chandler, Colquitt, Cullum, Daniel, Davis, Dolph, Ed munds, Evarts, Farrell, Frye, Gor man, Gray. Hall, Hearst, Hoar, Iu galls, Mauderson, Mitchell, Morgan, Paddock, Payne, Piatt, Plumb, Pugb, Sabin, Sauisbury, Sawyer, Sherman, Spooner, Stewart, Teller, Turpie and Wilson of Iowa 3S. Nays Bate, Berry, Blackburn, Coke, Faulkner, George, Gibson, Hampton, Kenna. Pasco, Regan, lliddleberger, Vest, Walthall. Wii son of Md. 15 Consideration of the dependent pension bill was then resumed. Mr. Berry moved an amendment adding another sentence to the sec ond section, which was finally adopted, alter having been several times amended on motion of differ ent Senators. As finally agreed to it reads "and who are without other adequate means of self-support." In suggesting one of the modifications of Mr. Berry's amendment, Mr. Blair said that the Committee on Pensions had tried to do in the bill aa nearly as possible what the G. A. R. desired, so aa to get around, or under, or outside of the Presidential veto. It was undoubtedly a service pension bill; lut the amendment of fered by the Senator from Arkansas, would bring the bill directly within purview of the President's veto at the last Congress. Mr. Piiinil) moved to strikeout the word "tot.diy" before the word "in capacitated" and gave notice that if his motion prevailed he would have to amend further by providing that the pension should be from 84 to $12 a .month, according t:; the degree of incapacity. Mr. Berry argued that the strik ing out of the word "totaily" would make the bill simply a service pen sion bill, and would practically open the doors to all who had served in the Union army, and who were not now on the pension rolls. After a long discussion Mr. Plumb's motion was agreed to and the word "totally was stricken out. Ir the 'v.ro" of th debate it was developed that under the bill as it stands there can be no grading oi pensions according to decree of dis ability, but al! alike it beneficiaries will receive Si 2 per month Mr. Plumb also movt d to insert the following. "All pensions grant ed to widows under this or any oth er general law shall take effect from t'ne date of the d"ath of the hus- bands of such widows respectively, nut not dating back ot the passagt of this act." Agreed to without di vision. Mr. Call moved an amendment to make the bill apply to those who served inthe Floridavabut accept ed the modification of it moved by Mr. Morgan by making it apply to those who served in the war with Mexico and "for thirty days in war with Indian tribes." Without disposing of this amend ment the bill was laid aside, and Mr. Blair proposed an amendment in order to have it printed, provid ing for a service pension at the rate ot S10 a month. Executive session, j Adjourned. HorsE : Under call of States a large number of bills and resolu tions were introduced and referred, among them several bills increasing the amount of pensions granted un der the existing 'aw for various de grees of disability. Also one by Mr. Brower, of North Carolina, granting amnesty for all offenses against the internal revenue laws committed prior to February 22, 1SSS. By Mr. Gaines, of Virginia, for improve ment of the public building at Pet ersburg, Ya By Mr. Crain, of Tex as, a joint res3lution proposing amendments to the constitution ex tending the President's term of of fice until April 30th, and changing the time for the meeting of Congress to December 21st. Horrible Explosion iu California. Yai.i.e Jo, Cai.., Feb. 27. Aa the ferry steamer Julia, plying between South Valley Jo and Valley Jo sta tion, was about to start from South Valley Jo at 6 o'clock this morning she blew up. She had about seventy passengers ou board. A ni jority of the passeagers were below the deck, as it was cold and foggy. Those ou deck were all blown overboard. Some were killed by being dashed against the wharf and others were drowned. The vessel took lire almost immedi ately, burned to the waters' edge and the hulk sank. Large vats of petroleum stored on the wharf caught lire and the flames spread rapidly. The fire companies were unable to accomplish anything owing to the tide being out, and fif teen minutes after the explosion six hundred feet of the wharf, freight depot and the telegraph office were burning. When the tide came ia they managed to get a supply of wa ter and at noou had the lire under control. It is believed that between thirty aud forty lives were lost. Up to a late hour this afternoon twelve bodies have been recovered, two of which were burned beyond resogni tion. At least fifteen who are known to have been on the steamer are still missing. The steamer burned petro leum for fuel. It will probably never be known how tha explosion occurred, impres sion prevails that it was the petro leum tank on the steamer that acci dentantly took fire and exploded. This same steamer, in 1886, blew out her boiler head, killing eleven persons. Don't Experiment. You cannot afford to waste time in experimenting when your lungs are in danger. Constmintion alwavs seerrs, at fin-r. only a col l. Do not permit any dealer to i 111 pose upon vou with some cheap imitation of l-'r King's New Dis covery tor Consumption, Coughs and ' 'olds, bat be sure you get the genuine. Because he can make more profit he may tell you '.c has something just as good, or just the same. Don't lie deceived, but insist upon getting Dr. King's New Dis covery which is guaranteed to give relief in all t hroat, Lung anil Client anections. Trial bottles free at II. II . Lyons' druj store. Large bottles SI. Xew Books. Hero 01 tin! Pen, Step in the Dark, O'llara's Mission, Little Sunshine, Baton for a Heart. Willi Margaret, Little Jewe . My First Cr'me. Bride of the Nyle, Mag daline Fcrat. Sana's Daughter, Pat Bou ille. Marvel, World Almanac. "Lare number of Detective Stories by celebra ted American and French author Large supply of Xorvln at ha f price. Mail orders for readina matter promntl v filled. Latest Magazines and Fashion papers on sale. Northern and Southern daily papers Subscriptions received for all publications Carefully selec'ed s'ock of Paper, Envelopes, Tablets, Inks, c, fec., at moderate prices, also Blank Books. Agent for Rubber Stamps and Stencils. Carson's Stationery and News Store, North Main Btreet. Curtain Poles with brass fixtures onl 50cenU, at Whitlock's. The Grand Republic Cigars, to be found at the Pioneer Saloon, is made ot the finest long Havana taller and Suma tra wrapper, and sold under a bona fide guarantee, cannot be surpassed in this marEet. Married. At the residence of the bride' father, A. T. Sunimey,E q , on Hay wood street, yesterday morning at 11 o'clock, Mr. C. A. Campbell and Miss Lottie K. Summey. all of this city. Rev. W. S Piumer Bryan of ficiating. The happy couple left on the evening train fornn extensive inur. The contracting parlies i.iv very popular in Asheville, and certainly have the. congratulations of their friends. Enough to Keei Him Blsy. Judge McRae has written a letter to Clerk Reynolds, of the Superior Court, directing that the calendar prepared by the members of the local bar, be not printed and put in circu lation until further ordered. Before, however, this letter was received, the calendar Jn-1 W11 -minted. The Judge is -tearful mat the ciJeudar does not contain a sufficient nnmber of cases to keep the court employed all of the three weeks' term. The Clem informs us that all the cases on the docket which stand for trial have been placed ou the calendar, and his Honor will have a sufficiency of work to keep him engaged, and it is to be hoped that no confusion will arise by reason of the preparation and printing of the calendar. Weak lujgs, spitting of blood, con sumption and kindred affections, cured without physician. Address for treatise, with 10 cents in stamps, World's Dispen sary Medical Association, t63 Main Street, Buffalo. X. Y. feb29d&wlw. Do Men (-father FigsofThiMtlea? It is as reasonable to expect figs from thistles as to look for good results when poor seeds are planted. If you plant an acorn you cannot gather apricots, and if you sow poor and old seeds you can not have large and solid cabbage heads, nor round and regular tomatoes, nor perfect and juicy canteloupee. The moral of this is, Re &ure you get good seeds to avoid ilimnnnintmnnr I on. dreth's seeds are regarded the best all over the United States, and you can get me oesi, crop nt I'euianrs JJrug More, d&wtf Curtain Poles with brass fixtures com plete for 50 cents, at Whitlock's. B"On and after date the Pioneer Bar, 3 S. Maiii8t. will make no bills 6elliug tr.'ctly for cash, except by special agree ment. By this means I can handle bet ter goods. Ii. R.' Jones. The lovers of pure corn whiskey can find no better than at Bob Jones'. The best wines and liquors can also be found there. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. JOST DOS. iirown and White Spotted Teter, with Leather Collar on. J. O. Howell win j,y a reward lor his return. fci, 29 diulw " T AKEN UP. A Black Xewfoiinrllmiil Tlntr n-Ttl, K.in n.. and brass plate engraved with R. B. stover 10, , S. I St. ' Owner cn learn of -a hereabouts by calline at this office and pay lor 1 Us notice, dt Manufactured Ice. For tlie information of the public and to cor" rect erroneous iduas on the subject of artificial ice Mr. II. T. Collins, of thf'i.hAiiiio 1... Coal Company, has gireu the following fractf in regard to the mannl'acture of ice: "Our man ner of making ice is to distil the water by con dur.sinff fcteain, thus making it absolutely pure Then It ia passed over charcoal to completely deodorize it and arrest any remaining traces o'f impure matter, after which cans filled with it are placed in brine chilled below the freezing point and there it remains until it is frozn as clear ax crystal and almost as solid aa glass. This ice is alone fit for human use It lasts one-third longer than natural ice and has all tno in,li, ii,ul , in,, of the high-priesd table waters of commerce. 11LI1 John Saul's Washington Nurseries- CAlAI.UliL Ji UK AND BEAUTIFUL PLANTS FOR IS lNTOW ready-: MAILED kree. Lovers of fine Dlants will find a larro p,.ll.., H,,i. of beautiful aud rare plants as well as all novel- nc tji uivrii. mis nun collection is we1 1 grown aud olfered at very low prices. ORCHIDS. A very large collection of rare Or ehids, viz: phalti nopis, .Kridea Cjpripediuros, Cattleyas, Pendrohtums, Luliae. Sc.ccolabiuins, Odontoglossunis, Jtc. 11 OSES Au immense stock ol' all the New 1 retich and Englisii Varieties. Pot. grown at cheap rates, Xew Kase Catalogue Free. C CLEMATIS Of this very beautiful plant a most extensive linp collpotinti iu ..ran... The plants are fine. Catalogues of Orchids. Roses. Seprf vr-i. Trees, d-c., mailed freetoappl rants. muv m pi . r. .. AX ORDLACE TO FRO VIDE THAT THE BOASD OF ALDERMEN OF THE CTTT. OF ASHEVILLE MAI NEGOTIATE A LOAN OF SIXTY THOUSAND DOLLARS FCB THE USE AND BENEFIT OF SAID CITY, AS SET FORTH IN SAID ORDINANCE. Be it ordained by the Bowl of Abler men of the City of Asheeille : That for the purpose of obtaining the con tent of a majonty 01 the qualified and regis tered voters of the city, that the Board of Al dermen of said city may borrow the gum of Sixty Thousand Dollars, to be applied to the construction of a system of Sewers and other necessary permanent improvements an election shall be held on Tuesday, 3rd day of April, A. D. 1888, at usual voting place, and under the rules aud regulations governing Buch elections in said city ; and if the consent of the required majority shall be obtained at such election, then the Board of Aldermen may borrow said sum of money upon the bonds of said citv, to be made and issued in their discretion, in the denomination of Fifty, Ono Hundred and Fi e Hundred Dollars, wtth interest coupons at tached. The said bonds shall become due and paya ble thirty yean from their date, and bear in terest, from their date, at the rate of six per centum per annum, payable semi-annually, ac cording to the cuupous attached, ou the first days of January and July, in each and every year; and they shall be signed by the Mayor and countersigned by the Treasurer, and "ue under the seal of said city. The said l onds shell in no case be disposed of, sold, assigned or transferred for a let price than par. The coupons of said bonds shall he at all times, when due, receivable in payment of taxes due the city. By order of the Board of Aldermen this the 24th day of February, 1888. a. 8. HARKINS, Mayor. All persons desiring to register and vote at the election ordered bv the foregoing ordi nance will caU on Mr. C, W. Maione, at tho office of the Superior Court Clerk, in the Court Boose. F. M. FILLER, City Clerk. leb'Wdlm MGYiUe Military Academy .corner or; Academy trc. mud Beard A vena Pupils admitted at any tim fur regular o irregular bourse. For terms, &c. apply to jauidtf H. F. VltNAaiiJt ) i c

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