C1TIZE3 JOB OFFICE, NO. 33 J'ATTOX AVESUF. :4urmaa, Stoao 5 Cameron, j itizen, BILiI.i HliAliS, LETTER HEADS,. POSTERS, BLANKS, &o And jnh v.wiki f ail kinds done with r.cufnjss ai;I r.t th lo-.vfr.t piice. J SUBiSCRlPTION : i AH V, 1 Vciir, jt9.00 ' J Mot., 3.00 iKBKLV 1 Vear J. GO " .J Mas., .7S .4 r ;;. tis rx-n i r . - w. VOL III.-NO283. ashevillp: n. c. Wednesday morning, march 7 1888. PRICE 5 CENTS DAILY J)iTr3. f ROYAL S5S';S 1 g Absolutely Pure, lhU powder nevc-r varies. A r-n-rvi'i of puritv Irength and wholcRetiK'nv:s. More economical Uun the ordinary kinds n:id (miiivh Ik sold iu jompetitiun with the ni'i'O mlc ; 'o iv-t. short e;rftit alum or phospiia'e jwec.-s. (V' on.' in (.. Royal Bak:su I'on ;iK!i i ... 1: .: :1 si , fork. i:iii::-it.v12m CUMPOUND OXYGEN 1 1 Fo'-: i: - :. lfc-S.r?i? Drs.HAEGM & GATGHELL Hi'tH tivglt Vf.W;..tig : .. ASHEVILLE N. C Compound Oxvpen lu'iuii-d, i:. -.,r.n'i-'inn wita medicated Bflls-ini V.;;or. r:r- s : oas:;:r.T tlon, Asthma, I'rotuliitK ...1 'i! irrli. Sore Tliroai. Less ( f Voice, Pi-ens; n:0r r mei Kidneys. Holder, nil all d:--ii-i--il.-prn 'linsr uu tnpare or imi-overishv"! ,d. H cure? 1 iu'iuuitism v!.t'ii t u v'.';!:c t:-se toils. Amievili E, X. ('.. .'!i;ir;. IssS. In Justice t all simi!::riv iiP.i:i ! d vwilionr elves as well as to Prs. iPir.-in ;.:( lull, I TOlnntarliy make tTie lnl owinir M,:t. meia : My wife oaf Fullered tor swi iui veins with severe lung tronb e, mr.iiiu'n - i rrmv wor e until last Novemhcr when she wns u;i;t!i!c to n up. nut a part of each d-iy. No appetite. ninlit s '.nics. severe ei.ii rh n-v: less Of fleHl Ihelit'st plosicinns i-r::ti.-y, Ver mont, atrised an mini di.ne !.":::! 'south. Werea'tied AsIilvUI- N.iviaili r ;ili and e uu meneed taking treutrucnt or i.a ; .w and Gatchell, inbu ins t'crupoi'r.d i.Mr n an I I'a -Hn Vapor. W 1' wilelias ini'.r e;t ra; !1'y Irom the first Her aip. ;ie is : , s-i w li, ooughs but. little, rai-es :.s. ci; t sv. ce:?-ed; Do pain auywliere. takei 1 wn ::'l i l;:i'iis the niountatua v. it'n li t e I'.i'ieti.-; :! .i ;ained 9a. In welu t. f t. . 1 eer-'ii i.o her : 'tub treatment willalleeta i-t r.nai.e:-! i- A" t;T myitclf I am del clitf.l tost.:: i:rr 1 improved rapt ly from the first treatmeia I : neany well. I bare suflrcd for yea;s !;':.nt beyond endurance with the worst torn; oi i',;e. I bad abandoned nil hope of relief The T)r. creutment ha.s been 'e!t e and a n: paiuiess Mill has etlee'i d a eure for me. Yours respectlully, A. .1. Smith. Mr. and Mr- 8 mith arc living in town and can Verify and add to tbi above. HOME TREATMENT, We momifa'v'fjttr tho Compu24 Ov : l' h. md ftlip it to all pt-.Tis tt t.lo t'c-unTr;. , i.; to the Pftclli C'oat. We.'-en! ai iarutii aii.i t iHrni als two muntlis f(;r This is a valuHijie Irtht! oilice .n-atmeist. J'iie woatltTlul rural ivc rs.Hri olttuincil with fcln'reRtintiit is astuiiii-l.in even to u-. y ,Ott with to ft urn vutrr f this fi t i!),in-t, r.n 7 our e'XiBi In the curcnf Cnrnic Jtismsts, i ri'c or call 'it' unrated htuk txUuiun! trtt'.tm htvre. PUS. HAKGAS e OAlCH;:i L, . U Aiain Street, A! cvillc, N. 0 lui'03-dawti CAR-LOAD BACON RECIIVKI) AND l OTi PAI.K BY A. D. COOPER, AG F.ST FOR Prices regularly by telegraph. TMSMMIS teh 25 dlw.fcwlw Manufactured Scs. For the infoi'niation of tl.e ntt'.l ie atui t: eor rect erronons ideas on the njbi--rt tf aitilieinl lee Mr. H T. C'oilins. of tf e Asii. Vile lc- and Coal Company, has given tb ; folo in fun in in regard to the nianufaeture ot fee: :ar m in ner of mkint; iee is to distil the v.?it-'r lv .'ai 4cning steam, tbr.s making it ni so:ii!ely pr'1. Thttn it i rasscd ver rhanwl to i nil Kt- ly deodorize it an 1 arrest any reiiiaiinnu' tiai es of Impure matter, after which cans ti'.led v. nil it a' e placed in brine chilled b?iow the fret ; ini? p.int, and there it remains uulil it is In., -n r.s eh ar :vi Crystal and almost as solid aft'im. i ie." is alone fit for human use It las s one-tliir: l..i,yr than natural lee and has all tnerrcii;rin:il vtruiss af the hlgh-prlcrd tab;e wit;r of )'::irerce. Imd tO rBOYIDB THAT TUC IjOAItu o:' ALI.ill'.JlKN of THE CITY Or ASHEVILLK SIAV M:i:.)VIATE A MAKOrBIXTT TlIi'l'SASlJ ! l.I..M:S filt Till. TJIB AJiD BENEFIT OF SAID CITY, As SET t'OKTH 15 BA1U OBPISASCE. gt it ordaintd by tlu- llxii -l f A . of the CUvof Anhemi'f; Jhat for the pnrpo.-e of o' t(ii:i::j; liio ooi aMit of a majotity ot the fputlitie 1 and rein ored votera of tha ci y, tliat tbo Uoar 1 of Al dermen of aiit city may b. rro v the snin of BatyThoarand 1) 'llarn. to I c applied to the eonatrrictirn of a BVHtein of Ke.vi r.i nuil otlur Deceesarv permanent irnprov.TK. uts an election hall be bold en Tufvdav, 3rd dy of April, A. P. 1888, at nsnal voting pla e, a:id under the role and regulations governing sncb electi ns in aaid city; and if toe consent of t'-io required majority ha!l be obtained at nti h el'-ctlon. then the Board of Aldermen maylTow said aom of money upon 'he bonds oi h id city, to be made and issued in their discretion, i the denomination of Fifty, 0:e lliuiilred and Fi e Hundred Dollars, wtth ;nttrest coupons at tfebed, The aaid bonds shall become duo and paya ble thirty years from tbeir date, and bear in terest, from tbeir date, at the rate of nix per entum per annum, payable stmi-anunaliy. ac cording to the coupons att chid, on the first days of January aud July, iu each and every year) and tb y sb-Ll bo signed Ly the Mayor and countersigned by tbo Treasiirei, and be under the seal of said city . The said bonds shall in no caso be di osod . of, sold, assigned or transferred for a lerS pnoe than par. The eonpoDS of said bonds shell be at sll times, when due, receivable iu payment of taxes due the city. By order of the Board of Aldtra.cn this the ith diT of February. 1888. All persona desiring to register and vote at t election oraerea dv tue loregoiuu orui- i will call on Mr. V. W. Haione, at the I of the Superior Court Clei h, in tbe Court rV TTV If flat THE 1AII,Y CITIZEN Will be ptiblisiictl pverv Mnrnine (ex cept Monday ) at the following rates strictly cash : One Year, 16 00 Six Months. . . . . 3 00 Three "... I 50 One " .51 One Week, 15 Our Camera will deliver the Dauer ev ery Morning in every part of the c.ity to our subscribers, and" parties wanting it will please call at the Citizen Umce. .Srwif to.:r Job Wort of" nil kind to thr Citizen Otfice, if you want it done neatly, cheaply ami ii i'j, .iirpntch. arrival nl !)partnr of Pscirr Trninsi. SAi.isiirr.Y-Avrlve3 5 0s p. ni.- leaves lorMor rist.vn at a:l.f; n. tn Tknnksskk Arrives i.t 12 J.'! d. m., and loaves at 1 ?:"" p 1:1 A. rives at VAX p. ra., end leaves lor npariiiuMiri; .1 v.l'j n. m. SPAKTAM'.i !:.; Arrives at 7 a. ..: leaTes lor Jiornstow n a' a. in. ireight accommodation leaves Ashiville at K 10 a. in., and arrives at 9:00 p. m. Waysesvii.i.e Leaves Asbcville at W m., and arrives a: li:. p. m o 4l ver ilnemenlo. A 25an:ain apply at City Restaurant, tir.nul ("onlral Hotel, S.'n. Chedieter & Son. Pl'EE (il UvlA.N i'lTTLRS. TliiH p'--p.did tonic, a Blue, steady and faithful icmolv for all nervous debility, forF-a'.e at Jones Pioneer Par strietly for jiiclirBl purposes. G;:rdi! "sass" wis plentiful on the Market yesterday. Caj.'t- McLovid lias gone to Balti more on :i busincj-3 trip. Mr. J A. Reagan, of Wcaverville was in 'lie city yesterday. Maj. J anits G. Marlin has reached 'ev York city and will doubtless rojcli lionie in a few days. V r. Geo. t'f.rrels yet-ttrday opened up liis grocers' bti-iness, in the l),!Sviiie:u under Coo:ct's stere, 'I'oliarci break yesterday were somowh.it l-irger than usual 'he Farmer.-;' especially, hnving a heavy sale. II. J. DeadiicL-, of Knoxviile ; S. S. ShfUoii. f Va ; i:nd K. Hoojier. of Philadelphia, were at the Grand Central last nijln. Mr. I. E. Pat ton of llrevard was in til .- ci'.y ia?t niht. as were also M.v--r?. V. P. Welch, of Wavnes ville. and J. D. Elliott, of Ootmelly Spring. Mr. . Whitlock will leave for the North Thursday. Tho.e wishinsto plr.ee or h rs lor custom work for immediate deliver' will p!ea-e call on h;m before his departure. Col. J.i: . D. Glen, of the third reL'iriK i.t, N. C S. (J , haa appointed Mr. W. 15. Williamson, of tliis citr, uo.iiri a:-d commitarT on his etaflf, rice ('apt. C. A. Mostly, resigned. yon;pofthe finest" oranges ever brought to this city are those now for .':;le ;it Smith it Bainl"?, on Pat ton Avenue. We know what we are talking about for we have tried the in. We aie reliably informed that new material has been ordered and that the publication oTthe Daily Adctnice will lie resumed at an eprly date. Its politics, as vfual. will be "independent." J. M. Green cc Son, at the Old Depot, have jut received one hun dred pounds nice fresh butter, a thing eveiyborfy wants and every hodv is searching after. Now you know vherj it is to be had. The oflie.e iio occupied by the Me s;rs. Whitson. in the court house will he connected by a door with Iltgister .Patterson's office, and theviults in both rooms will he n.-ed by the latter gentleman. Detective Deuver returned from Ilevider.-unvil'e yesterday whither he had bt-en to work up a horse stealing ease. He played "horse doctor" for all he was worth, but the cvse fell through for lack ot evi dence. We were mistaken' yesterday in announcing that Mrs. E.J Aston had r turned to the city. We learn from Judge Aston that she is still in Jacksonville, Fla , and is suffer ing very much from a severe attack of sciatica There is considerable talk about the reorganization of the Asheville cornet band. There are six of the old members present, including M.s-r,. V A. Hull and P. B, Fur inaii, lei iit i, !l the organisation I'i-i ti( n'eeti il the band wid go to . ifinpi". i-l Mill i il tli'tpnte in the X' reise;- t,( th - Sw.te Gu.rd en- i ; inpti)t lit. The Knoxviile Journal says four eorp of engineers :n jived at John soiivi.le last week and at once went out on the line of the proposed Three C's road in the direction of the North Carolina border. It is expected that fifteen corps of en gineers will soon be on the proposed line, and contractors stand ready to complete the work within a stipula ted time. So that our friends across the mountains may be of good cheer. Marion may come to be what its friends once hoped it would be, and what it was as long as it was at the head of the road ; for it possesses many solid advantages. Bkduciso Stock at Law's. We offer extra low prices all this month; we are losing out entirely some lines of Crockery and Glaus, and off- r small, or odd lots at half prices to close them out. Our large line of best silver plated ware; is all greatly reduced in price. Specially low figures all this week, at Law's, . opposite Pent Office. Reynolds, Baird & Co. need what vou owe them. dlt W. A. Bla:r t- Co. will sell furniture at a big dibcount for the next ten days. dtf Turkeys were selling on the mar ket yesterday at $1.25 each. Mayor Geo. H. Smathers-, of Waynesville, was in the city jf s terday! L X. White Esq., of Lima, Ohio, was registered at the Grand Cetural yesterday. A first-class dramatic company has secured dates at Opera Hail tor next week, eo we are informed by Mr. Brown, the manager. We know of a party in this city who is repared to loan any amount of money in sum-of from $100 to $-r00 upon real estate security. Messrs. Daniel and Robinson, two young gentlemen trom Wilming ton, are in the city, intending to engage in the brokerage business. ' Register Patterson issued thirty marriage lieensei during the month of February. Of this number twety-five were for whites, nd five for colored people. Mr. Hosea Lindsey, of this city, has applied for a patent upon an improvement to his patent car ven tilator. The improvement is said to greatly simplify the working of his ventilator. On next Tuesday arid Wednesday nif hts the Boston Stars will occupy the boards at Opera Hall in grand concert. Every member of the troupe is a "star" and the entertain ment will be one of the most en joyable of the season. Spears' woodland, in North Ashe ville, is being cleared up at.d will be laid off in lots. The location of the lots is most beautilul, and sev eral offers have already been made to the owner by real estate dealers in the city for their purchase. Mr. Woolsey, a Northern gentle man who has been living in Ashe viile for some time sine has begun the erection of a magnificent dwell ing in North Doubleday, upon the propertv lie recently purchased from Capt. Atkinson. The cost of the residence wi:l exceed eo,000. Mr. Max Marcus, formerly with the Baltimore Clothing House, of this city, has rented the store room in the new Chedester build ing, formerly occupied lay S. W. McCrary, and will open up a full line of clothing and gents furnish ing goods, on or about the 20ih inst. The sales of tobacco'in the Asho yille market for the month of Feb ruary shows a very satisfactory in crease over any preceding month. It is probable,' however, owing to the shortness of the crop, that the receipts of the "season will not ex ceed, if they reach, those of last so.;son. Messrs. Randolph & Kerr, book and job pi inters, of this city, yester day receivtd a very handsome pow er Campbell printing press", of the latest and most improved style. Thev inform us that this is the fir-t iK,wcr press ever brought west of the P.lue Kidge. The date of the issue of their paper has not yet been definitely determined upon. Let the tanners follow the lesson taught by lost years experience: pay close attention to the provision crops, plant a reasonable acreage of tobacco, cultivate and eure it weil and have nothing but good tobacco to put on the market. Planters are slow in realizing how much bad to bacco gluts every market in the world. The prices for such is not only "small, but badly influence the value of the better grades. See the new advertisement o( Mr H. L. Lang, jeweler, etc. We have frequently spoken ot the elegance and full equipment of this estab lishment, and it is only necesary to say that its reputation for rich stock and fine workmanship is kept up in the highest plane. Mr Lang is himself a master of his craft. He is new assisted by Mr. E. S. Dinkle, It! te of Lynchburg., a most skiilful workman in every branch of his business, and Mr. W. W. Goldsmith, who is well ki.own here as long a mo-t competent workman w.th the late Mr. Canada Cowan. L'tng is fully equipped. The Knoxviile Jotna,l of the Gth nays; Mr. A. B. Fortune, contractor on the Carolina, Knoxviile and Western railr"ad, has a large force of hands ;.t work on the French Broad River, seven miles above the city, quarrying stone for the piers ot the bridge to be built across the Tennessee river. Mr. Fortune has the contract for building the piers and will push the work for all there is iu it. A bill has been introduced in Congress allowing the railroad company to bridge the Tennessee at this point. As soon as the bill passes work will be commenced on the piers. The bridge will be lo cated at Baker's shoals, just a mile above the wharf. ! ' Vomna and Her Diseases, is the title of a large illustrated treatise, by Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.. sent to any address lor ten cents in stamps. It teaches successful self-treatment, d&wlw For Rent. For 3, 6 or 12 months one' of the neat est and most attractive cottage homes in the city, 7 rooms, handsomely furnit-k?d throughout, stoves in every room, well of pure water under shelter! stable, car riage, coal and wood houses all complete, in one square of Battery Park, good neighborhood. Apply at the Citizen office. Large stock of Woolen, Dress Goods and Black Slks just in. at WaTfTlOOK'e. Mr. H. B. Carter's child is some what better. Not a single arrest was made by the police yesterday. The Limestone trespass case has been postponed until Friday. The eastern tnnil was thirty five minutes behind lime last night. Florida visitors are now coming to the mountains in large numbers. Ex-Sheriff C. W.Tweed, of Mar shall, was on our streets yesterday.- Mr. I Nichols, of Marshall, was resistered at the Grand Central yes terday: Inquiries regarding Asheville teal estate is inc i rising. .- ie.il estate dealers inform us. Several adoiiriisirators i.nd guar-' diar.s filed their re?orts in the clerk's otrice yesterday. We call attention to the special fs offered in to-day's Citizen' by Messrs. Jimith & BTiird. ' During the past ten days Messrs. Natt Atkinson it Hots have sold S13;28!J worth of real estate in this city. By order of the Mayor, all the window glass broken out of the station house, were yesterday re placed. Gardeners are now busy in break ing of their grounds. Preparation is not only necessary, but wi.se. But let them not be in too great haste to p!,n-. Mr. H. T. Collins has rented the Chun ;n-use on French Broad avt-uue, and vi'.i shortly remove therein, lie ir. n--w having il re painted and otherwise. improved. Among the Congressional aspi rants iu this d'sd -ict, on the Ddm cratio ticket, there are Col. Frank Coxe, of Polk; M. H. Ju-tice, of Rutherford; Garland S. Ferguson, of Ilaywt od; and R 11. Vance and T. D. Johnston, of Hiii t'.r mbe. The Daily Si x Made its appearatic yesterday morning. It is handsomely printed, and well-filh-d with latest Rews, local, general and telegraphic. It gives notice that it will h?- strictly democratic. We welcome the Sun in the field of labor in which we are engaged, to work for the well being of our city, section, State and country. The Wkekly News-Observep. Ot Raleigh is offered from now until the Is- of next January for one dollar. The Neict-Obsercef is an ab! stra i ii t-for ward , demOcrati; family pap- r, dignified am eour teous. am! we would be glad to know it reached ev( ry family in the State. Published at the capitol of the State it seems to -,s indispensa ble to North Carolinians. Our peo pp cannot read too much, specially of North Carolina affairs. Don't Be Deceived. The Danville Z-ovtheri; Tobacco Jou aal well says: 'v-iom of our contemporaries seem to think that there is no dan ger if our farmers will grow big crupA of good tobacco. The gentle men should remember that su h a thing rarely happens and tiiat the planting ot a big crop almost i -sures poor tobacco from the fact that it will not get proper attention. Don't advise the pLnlers to do what is t.-e-.lnst their interests. The man who plants enough for a good bread crop can't plant much, tobac co. Only a few acres are sufficient." Exi'ress Office Matters. Mr. Ed. Weddin, the clever man ager of the Southern Express office in this city, yesterday gave us some figures regarding the business trans acted in his office and showing the increase inreceipts for the same length of time over last 3ear. For the month of February 1887, the receipts were $10,479.00 ; disbursements $159. 80, while for February, 1888, the receipts amounted to 14 178.00, and the disbar ements amounted to 212.10. Rev. J. E. Carter's Atpoixtmexts. "We are requested to announce that Rev. Joseph E. Carter, Western Edi tor of the Raleigh Biblical Recorder will preach at Clyde, Haywood coun ty, at 11 a. mi. Saturday 10th inst; at Hot Springs next day, Sunday, morning and night; at Belhel in Buncombe county on Saturday 17th inst at 11 a. m;at Tur ey Creek Baptist Church next day, Sunday ; at Flat Creek church Saturday 24th at 11a. rn. at Morgan Hill next day, Sunday 11a. m. and at Antioch on Big Ivy the same afternoon at half past 4 o'clock. The brethren are re quested to lake notice hereof. A True fcttuement, Dr. Hart's Family Medicines are ac knowledged, where known, to be the moist reliable and trustworthy remedies in the market. His Antibilious Discov ery, for bilious complaints, indigestion, &c , can not be surpassed, and who does not know of cures performed by the use of Hart's Great Relief? The Winslow Worm Candy and Vermifuge, Dr. Hart's Pills, and, in fact, all of the celebrated Doctor's remedies, ard equally valuable. Country-made lard, very Dice, at Smith & Baird's. It Large stock of Rubber Goods for La dies, Misses and men just in, at Whitlock's. Trunks and valises, at cost, at Smith & Baird's. It Choice Confectionery at Wilkie's 26 South Main st. " dtf You will lose money if you buy your Spring suit before pricing burs, i dtf Bhbvabd A Binton. Married. Last night at the M. E. Church, by Rev. c. O. Jones, at 7:30 o'clock, Mr. J. M. Rowan was united in marriage to Miss Idi Knight. The attendants were L. F, Rhine hardt and Miss Ressi Cannon ; St. Clair Knight i.nd Miss Maud Mc Cullum. After the ceremony the newly married coupU-. together with it 1 irge number of friends re paired to the re-ideive of Mr. Geo. W. Cannon, on Patton Avenue, where an elegant supper was spread. Mr. Rowan is onr of the most effi cient members of the police force of this city, and has many friends who wish him much happiness and p;o j perity. A Fugitive Captl'kkd. v Yesterday U. S. deputy marshal J- H. Hampton, of this city, re- !f eived a capias froir -Green8boro' fof ll 'i Pa rfte 'Crawford, wi from marsh:'.! Settle he arrest of one io was arrerttd in Alexander county last year tor retailing, and who had forfeited hi-, bond and was a fugitive from jus tice. 'Mr. Hampton at once began a search tor Crawford, whom he believed to be in this city, and the result, was that he r rested yes terday morning and lodged in jail. Crawford is a negro, and has been in similar trouble before." He wili be t'iken to Statesvills and trifd at the April term of the Federal Court j at that Place. The Conventions. It may be of iotertst to s )ir."i of the Citizen's re i(h-rs to know the time and place of holding toe differ ent political conventions for 18S8. To that end we save the following : National Democratic Convention S; Louis. J ur.c o. National Republican Convention Chicago, Juno 11) State 1 )cmo;rati: Convention Raiei-h. Mav ;10. State Republican Convention R:i!ei-h, May 23. j Republican (.'ungressiona';"1 Con- i vent em Asheville, Ma y 10. The Democratic Congressional Convtrlion has not t t ta-en called. RKPflSUOAX Co.NORISIiNAL Co.NVEN j TION. j Whereas, Neither of the two j committees appointed at the two j Republican meetings held in the j city of Asheville Oct. Hi, 1SSG, per- ft cted their organization, thr-rvfore j the undersigned, the chairmen of! said meetings, respectively, do lo re ! by unite in a joint call tor a re pub lican Congressional Convention to meet io thecitv ot' Asheville, on the 10th day of" May. 1SS8. at 1 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of electing two deleg--tes and t-.vo alternates to toe National Convention, which meets in Chicago, on the 19th day of June, 1SSS, ami to -l--et a Congressional committee for the (Jtli C -liiirc ssior.al I). strict- The chairmen of the .sev eral counties in said district are earnestly ruiuested to call their i county conventions at once and proceed to thoroughly orjar-ize j their respective counties for the ap proaching campaign. Each county must elect delegates to the Consressional convention which will meft on May 10, and also the Republican State conven tion which meets in Raleigh, May 23. 1888. Each county wili he eolith d to twice the number of delegates in each couventioit, 1vsp3e.live.lv, tn il has representatives in the !egisl;; lature All pers ins. without regard to past partv reutions, who are willing to co-operat ) with the Republica-i party in the upport of its piinei tiles and its candidates tor National, Stale and county oilie.-s, are cordi- i nil V invited to participate in the towns' ip meetiiigs and as-ist in the party organization. In vkw of the great i m porta nee of the campaign be ore us, w.- most earnestly ur e unity and harmony of action, so that wc may be able to achieve the great victory woicii we be ieve awaits us in both the State and Xatiou. ' E. M. Anderson, C. T- C. Dkakk, Chairmen. Asheviilo, N, C, Mr. o, '88. Board of Trade Meeting. A meeting of tin Board of Trade is called to meet 011 Thursday night the 8th inst, at 8 o'clock p. m. to receive the report of the committee on ad vertising, aud for such other business as may come up. A full attendance is earnestly requested. C. E. Graham, President. E. I. Homes, Secretary. The Most Agreeable As well as the most effective method of dispelling Headaches, Colds, and Fevers, or Cleansing the Sy item, Is by taking a few doses of the pleasant California liquid fruit remedy. Syrup of Figs. For sale by II. II. Lvons. A 53.00 fur hat for $2.00, at Smith and Baird's. It Don't buy your Spring suit before see ing our line. dtf Brevarij & Blantox. Fresh Fruits of all kinds at Wilkie's' 26 South Main st. dtf Save raonev bv pricing Clothing at dtf Brbvard & Blojtos. Why do Brevard Si Blanton sell such nice Clothing cheaper than anvbociy else? Because they buy and sell for cash. dtf Large' stock of f.mi Underwear in white, Scarlet Camel's Hair Cashmere and various kinds just in, at WniTLcr Every body says that Brevard & Blan ton's big stock of clothing is the cheao est and best in Western North Carolina. dtf Brevard & Blantos. The Grand Republic Cigars, to be found at the Pioneer Saloon, is made ot the finest long Havana filler and Suma tra wrapper, and sold under a bona fide guarantee, cannot be surpassed in this market. t LATEST NEWS. j Heaven Blsa the (rirls. Pittsburg, Pa , March ; A I Greensburg, Pa., special says : "Ef- ; inrfs fire hei r cr i-narli hr thf vmmcr - . 1, ' J s democratic Indies nt this riare fnr the organization of a Frances Cleve land club for tbe purpose of taking active" part in the coming Presi denti.il election. The club will be composed of some of the leading ladies of this place and will be uni formed tastily, each wearing white sil badges with pictures ot Mrs. Cleveland engraved on them. They will he furnished with torrbev mnilp especially lor the occasion, and will turn out at every political procession and will be drilled in the manual of arms and marching maneuvers by skilled drill-masters. Similar or ganizations are to be started throughout the country, and may spread over the State." . l user Fritz' Case Hopeless. Rerun, March f . Dr. Waldme has forwarded a longer and proba bly final report of the Crown Prince's case to the Emperor. It confirms the semi-official reports made Saturday last. To-night's papers confirm the statement made last Saturday that the main reason firPrir.ee- William's visit to San Hemo is to urge the Crown Prince to return to Berlin. It is announced that Prince William took an auto graph letter from the Emperor ex pressing the wish that the Crown Prince would return to Berlin as soon as p :ssihle. It is expected that he wili meet the Emperor's de sire and return at the end of March, Great preparations have been com menced at the place for the recep tion of the Crown Prince's family. Two eotiiK-ellors au- to be attached to Prince William's suite, whose duties will be to report to them on State .-.flairs. Prof Gheist has been n lined as one of the counsellors. An eminent general will be also be appointed to be in special atten dance upon the Prince and advise him on military matters. A minis t'rhti order, mpowering Prince .William to pign reval degrees and ordln inci s should occasion arise, d tt,-s from the 1st of December The Crown Prince has consented to ids anaiigtment. Congress. Washington. March 5. Sen ate .---Among the petitions and memoi'i ils presented and referred were the following : For the abo lition "1 .tit licenses ami taxes on ciminv.-rc.ial travellers, from the V. C. T. I ''. it-oca! of the internal revenue Saxes on alcoholic liquors and for tl.c prohibitory amendment to the constitution. Among the hills, reported from c. -mil!-: tees ..ml placed on the ca' atoU-i we-t- the following : T. leostlate the commerce carried v-r. !-y telegraph (with adverse le-pv-rr- on bills introduced by Senators Cn;'o.:i e : i Edmunds) ''"he n potted hill simply regulates existing telegraph companies and is against t'te establishment of pos t.il telegraph by the government. The unfinished business (pension biii 1 va laid aside and the urgent deficit-: takvn 1 111 10 v bv the y appVopriation bill was !'; consideration. A great r.ieo itnetits t com mended Miaie committee on appro priations v. ere agreed to, nearly as many striking items from the biii as adding to it, but the majority cf them involving small amounts. Without reaching a conclusion tlu-senate proceeded to the consid eration of executive business. liopsE: A bill was introduced by Mr. While of Indiana appoint ing a committee of five to investi gate, a iil arbitrate the strike on the Chicago, Buriington and Quincv Railroad. Referred. Tin- following were also intro.i dticcd : Iv Mr. Breckinridge, of Ken te.cky : Declaring "trusts" unlawful. 15r Mr. Thomas, of Wisconsin: To define t'Usts, and to prohibit tin-ts fur carrying on interstate commerce. My Mr. Breckinridge, of Arkan sas: To anticipate the payment ot the interest on the bonded debt, and to provide for a special deposit of the public money. The house then took up the Mc Duftie Davidson Alabama contested election case and discussed 'it until adjournment. Do We ionr'rvr ilhiir T--("i? Some s.iy wo do; oiheis again act if 1 hey thought s . However, this may be, it is a truth ihat many people contribute to their early decline ty mark-id imp ud enees. One of these is clearly shown to day by hundreds who disregard the laws ol "health and expose themselves to the vigors of winter without due regard to its consequences. What are these, you ask? The death roll will tell you. The answer is Pneumonia, Bronchitis, Croup, Whoop ing Cough, Colds and Asthma, and the severer pulmonary troubles usually can be traced to these ex closures. This should be avoided, and can be somewhat, by.the timely use of Pelhara's Tectoral Syrup, at 2) certs a bottle. This Syrup is en dorsed by everybody throughout New berry and surrounding counties, and in Nortn Carolina. 25 cents for Pelhams' Pectoral Syrup. d&wt! Kleeant sweet potatoes, at $1.00 per bushel, at Smith & Baird's It ; At Smith and i.imuB. (. It Curtain Poles v. ill '?ass fixture com. plete for 50 cents at W hitlock's. Brevard & Blanton's mammoth stock of Spring Clothing has arrived. Come and see it. dtf To make room for our large Spring stock we will sell goods exceedingly cheap for the next ten davs. dtf W. A. Blair & Co. 8On and after date the Pioneer Bar, 3 S. Main st. will make no bills selliug tr.'ctly for cash, except by special agree ment. By th is means I can handle bet ter goods. R, R. Joirta. Mayob's Court. There were four cases before his Honor yesterday morning:, as follows : Two cases, affray, de fendants fined $4.25 each; 1 caso d. and d., defendant fined $2.25 ; one case c. c. av.; defendant lined $12,25. 2020 Arrivals in Two Months. Such is the record of the Grand Central Hotel of this city, which attests not only the growing' pop ularity of the house, but the ian- idlv increasing attractions of Asheville for travelers. The Grand Central is one of the grow ing institutions of the South, and Mr. Chedester is one of the pro gressive, go-a-head business men of this city. Industrial Reform Canvasser. Mr. B. Colvin, of St. Charles, Saginaw eo., Mich., addressed a good crowd Monday juight in the court Ik "e iu behalf ot the new party which, started out its candi dates the other day in "Washing ton, Mr. C. is a pleasant talker, and gave both the Democratic and the Republican parties some hard licks, but was specially se vere on Blaine and Sherman, as the special authors of the existing oppressions of the agricultural and laboring masses. Ho goes from Asheville to Brevard, Waynesville and other points. The County Commissioners. The Board of County Commis sioners met in the court house, Monday, March 5th. Present, Messrs. J. E. Rankin, chairman; J. A. Reagan, J. C. Curtis and J. F. Wells. A number of claims were audi ted and tax exemptions allowed ; also a number of pauper allow ances -were made. It was ordered by the Board that the order laying out the road from Calvin Shepard's to tho new stock road be revoked, and tho road discontinued. Ordered, that a jury be sum moned to lay out a road from J. T. Pickens' place over tho lino of the present road or pathway to the lands of Taylor Reman. Ordered, that a jury be sum moned to lay out a road from Al exander's bridge by the most practicable route to or near James Parker's house. - Ordered, that notice of a pe tition for a public road from C. W. DeVault's gate to tho Haw Creek road, near Ross' Creek bridge", be given. The returns of the stock-law elections in portions of Swanna 110a, Black Mountain ami Fair view townships, as held on the 7th day of February, 188S, in accord ance with the order made by the Board on the 2nd day of January, 1S88, under the requirements of the Code, were duly canvassed, with the following result : Swannanoa and Black Moun tain townships For stock-law, 83 ; against, 82. Fairview township For stock law, CO ; against, 19. It was ordered that a levy of five cents upon the 0110 huudivd dollars' worth of real testate be levied in the stock-law territory, for re-establishing and repairing the county fences. Ordered, that the report of the jury laying out the road from the township gato to tho French Broad river be approved. Ordered, than an order for a jury be made for a road from tho torks of the roatl near Riceville to W. R. Thorpe's blacksmith shop. There being no further business before the Board, an adjourn ment was had until the first Mon day in April. Another Bank rt r Asheville. It is rumored that a party of northers capitalists will, in a few we ks, arrive in the city, for the purpose of estabhehing a bank, vf e also understand that the fixture, etc.. have already been purchas ed, and that the command of capital is unlimited. Commencement Exercises At Soapstone College, an institution presided overby 'Squire Dan. A. Reagan, on Reems Creek, this county, will take place on Friday evening on the 23rd inst Personal. Mr. N. II. Frohlichstein, of Mobile. Ala., writes: I take great pleasure in recommending Dr. King's Xew Discovery for Consumption, having used it for a severe attack of Bronchitis and Catarrh. It gave me instant relief and entirely cured me and I have not been afflicted since. I also beg to state that I had tried other remedies with no good result. Have also used Electric Bitters and Dr. King's New Life Pills, both of which I can recommend. Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, Coughs and Colds, is sold on a positive guarantee. Trial bottles free at II. H. Lyons' Drug Store. About the middle, or last of this week Carson's Stationery and News Store will be moved to the store now occupied bv J. N. Morgan, the second store north of the Post Office. This store has been known as a book store for the last 10 or 12 years. It is the most desirable store in the city. We understand that he intends to increase his stock in quantity and quality, and will make a specialty or fine ruled and plain, rough and smooth finish writing papers and tablets, daily papers, magazines and novels. lie will carry no bound books, but will have a full supply of staple, school, stationery, and seasonable toys. In fact he intends to conduct a nrst-ciass stationery ana News Store, and we wish him success. , For the remainder of the season we shall sacrifice our Ladies', Misses' and children's Cloaks, also Men's and Boys' Overcoats and a few lots of clothing. First choice means' an important advantage. H. Redwood & Co. Natt Atkinson and Sons. As has. been .iunouncrd these gen tlemen have purchased the elegant stock of hardware recently opentd ' by Mr. Thos C. Mokes. North Court Square, have taken charge of the same, and offer to the ublie one of the best assorted stocks of hardware and house furnishiiu goods ever braught to Asheville, at a little above whole-sale cost prices. They have not bought the goods to keep, but to close out at once, and therefore offer valuable bargains. See advertise ment in to-morrow's issue. A Mii.iTAirv Comi'any fok Asii::mi.i.e. Wc learn from Gea. Jones last night, thai there v. as considerable movement u foot in this city toward the organisation of a military com pany, He seemed quite confident that such an organization would be perfected in a few weeks. The Ashe ville Light Infantry, long since dis bn tvlcr1 w" - f 'A.p y;nt 'drilled amliiK . t 1 it.: '."nt ..v.-vnanies in the State Guard, and there is plenty of the old military now left in the city to form a company which will be none the less etlieieiit and accepta able to the X. C. S. ( : . Sri I.I. MoKB Wonokrfui.. We will j'ivu 0:1 t'.ii-.l oil' on e.'i 0 ds in onr l!:;.- .,- the n -n' ..o days. i ods iir- ill! iiiai !: ,:i v. a,- down now, Ira', we -viP'iioit iv-i v -t IS t'le.n for two-tliir ij'oi' their pricea : js'.Miti 1,-a r-et;s v::l ne so eo. 15 if.) Dinner -;.t::; will be rHO.C 0. (io cents iobh.-ts will be 40 rents-. 45 fetitj ti' ble s v. iii lit; :',0 cents. j:;oo Lino.;; ;:i i-j.w. 151!.) li'iiviei- S :ts will be s:..!lo. .'!o eea :- rial os " i". be 30 cents ( tn-.;-. .tn-'. S.-aiev-rs will be 2t:cts. Oue-ttiiru ;'.' evei-yiMr..-: for 30 dav only, :it vV. ('. Ki-.i.i.eu's, dtf 12 I'.'.tton Avenue. W I I ITLOOK'S "uh l'3-.;!i$iis r;e::t?5:s!eMt- lii urtir-r to su.iply onr nui.ntrous patrons with a iegii (!:-- i'Clotiiin for Men, Boys and ehildivn, i have opened i new place two . r.rs :eie,.v ''Whitlock's Cornet'' where I am prepared to oiler a ei;i-V.V urn- of the tiK-st stylish, Oesl lilt :'-. :m t .'.". full rlolhimj that have v; - i ; n put o-i this market. The pru.es -.ill ! e reasonable and uuifiirm ! I will devote my personal attention to thi3 branch, and can -afely assert that there aro V- mi u t' vr. State who are b-tter oquiapod v.i'.ii ex ierkaiee ami facilities to famish the bo.-t el:'.:-.s of Clothing at lowest po--;l !- -Te.cs than 1 an:. 1 can save yve; ' . Iu of order ing ft "iii abroad. I imaranteo satisfac tion in all classes sind .' 1,'Mer than you ear; pet anywhere else. CfSTOM nK-'AKTMr.NT. I will iu-i'kc el-thirst to order of the hint ;;-.r.V of luttx rt"- sir.d Domestic goods only. I can .- t'eiy iij!r,:so yon :;s good littin,.', an 1 siy'.i.sli ;-:ar:-iea; as the best merchant, tailor ;: 'i.e !.-.'esL ettiss can produce at less th.v. city t" -i--.-s foi tame class; of work. One trbs! will e ;nvi'ice the best critic of custom eh-; bin-;! 'iat i. exaggerate no; bins. I!e--;ii-et fully, A. V.'niTi.oc!.', Agent. lioSIeu CJ:?i?:4TFijrsoO Iii;iIf s It is as reasonable to expect tigs from thisth"; as to '.,!- for good results when poor seeds ;:iv pi.oio'd. If yon plant an icorn yon cannot g.-.thor apricots, and if you sow poor :i"d old seeds you can not have latge and solid cabbage heads, nor round sue.! rege.lar toaiatoef, nor perfect and jaiey eanteloupos. The moral of th'.s is, lie sure you get gooc' -etd.t to avoid disappointment. Lan drail's seeds :!- regarded tho best all over tin: Tinted htate.-, ard yon can get the best nop at lVlhani's Pteg Istore. diwtf l-'il'.e su -ar i -n-e l ha:u. at 15 cents i pouii'i, at .Siiiith A; I'.iird's. Curtain I'oles with brass fixtures com plete fur 50 cents, a! Wiiulock's. If you ward b;.ig;tii.s in fariiitiue, call n v. A. Blair it Co.. for the nest ten lay. dtf Large stock of Woile and Scarlet Un derwear for Ladies aud ' .-:es just in, at Yh!Tlock'sj. Fre.-h Crea:.i Chee. e at Wilkie's. 20 South Main st. dtf NEW ADVrOKi Irt-O! h.NTr llAItGAI". GeOvl iTsiuess Tor sale, pnyirR - fr'ini i-i to 'i u day. Sm.t.l c-ai iial re.iuirt tl. Apply at tl:c C ty KestiiarHtit. iWnl lrns il-.s ler Svl.illj. ltil-n 6 tltw B UCUTKi: THAN EVER! I'flii: ST A K ()!' I'.UN O.MBE 1 Tin: stai: of hiIuombe Grand Centra! Hotel. 9S7 ARRIVALS .IANF A1!Y AD FMIhUARV 1887. 2020 Al'.KlVALS JAK'P.V AND FiKCUlIlT 1S8S. THE MOST POPULAR S2(0 HOUSE IN TilE STATF. K!,0t-0 ariivals daiing the past year more than every oilier hotel in thq city. WE BID FAIR TO REGISTER 25,000 THIS Y EAR. FI RST CLASS IN EYERV RESPECT. Only hotel in the eent.e of the city. Civi; i s a cai i.. s. R. CHEDISTER & SON. N2V (iOOHS ARRIVING daily Cheaper than ever b .-fore. Don't listen to our enemies, but c.-tl! and see our goods and prices before you buv. "Old CnED" is now at the ludai to wi it on you. mch 7 (1121110? pAINTING AN:) lUAWINO. Mn. P. F.f lexton giTf s lcssons'.n piinUiiirirnd drawing t No. 'JJ "rarden street, studio or-en inthi afternoon for the convenience of school children. Terms made known jn application. lm COBBER OP AenUotiiy stree. anil Keaiden Aveaa rupim arlmitted at any Urn for rigular lrrecuiar -iursO. For termi, ic, apply to; lan91dtt e. VESABI. -f-.-T,i"".: - T 11- rX-7 7 ; -------Sv,,

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