STw - - - f A. INSURANCE Mutual Reserve Fund Life Association. -$1,000,000.- Death Losses Fata i0 feats. Purely Vulval. JTo Stockholdtrs to Absorb Profits. Absolute Security. The only company that places tli. trust fund belonging to its members with the (-rent Central Truti Company" of New Yoik, whose as ets mount to $30,000,000. Strict economy in every respect Fixed annual dues for expense of lua-.uige-ment. Insurance at net cost. Easy payment for insureis. First-Class Lives Only ACCEPTED. " The Mutual Se-trre Fund Life Attnfiulii-n" offrt Five Hundred LkMar wnutl Jur t'e vnme nt any honest death claim vlurh it Im nut paid in till; t heact to be detmnii ed bv any tiro Uatk pri idciil in Xew York lily. Save your money and iiuure itti W. W. WENT, Agent, Office in McI.oi.i3 Building jan 18 d6mos LIFE INSUKANGE. tot T HK'-LEY Ml'Tl'AL LIKE Ai-SfW-.'ATION OK VlilUIMA leejes policies for from 411.OOO to $3,oo, A NO coinbio.ei the gtcaranUe eatuie ol "OLD LINK" Companies at the eon ol ordinary co-operative insur KLie in Secret O'ders. FIRF fNSURANCt. Insure fl'its,. against loss by Fire in City vd County on all kinds of Proper. , Ileal IVrsoun . Sin ' 13 well (is long term. ",ol;c i?sued at lair n'te? A. 1 Companies, Borne and Foreign. THOS. XI. BRASH, AffDS, Office North Side Court Square, uir 20-tf FIRE INSURANCE 91 INSURANCE INSURANCF PULLIAM 60. At Bank of Asneville. BEST COMPANIES. FIRST TO AY LOSSES IN TIIE WIL MINGTON FIRE H h 16-dlv "or is years at 37 Court T'.zcr, now nt 322 Market Street, Bet. Third and Fourth. A TglrtT edaealed and legally qualtiicl pbvaici&a and tho Wm irunmatiiii i 1 in -.-. Cur, all forma of PRIVATE, ! CHRONIC and SEXUAL PIS EASES Spermatorrhea and Impolency, Mtberetnlt oJlf-teu in youth, wxual ex-fei in :- , tirrrnn,Ttbcrcauw, and TtxliKiiig nimoer il.. foi- i lowiag (ITkU: NerTomness, Seminal K tuitions, (cift.t ;is toos by drtami). DirDDei of hiK"t, Dcfet:-. i' tuery, thr aicalleaj, PituplOB Fare, Avtruon tooeivtv of T- ttn:i f. Confailon af Ideur l of Sexual Power, ic, rei.d. rn.5 ; marriage tripropc' or unhappy, are tbomuchh- nt p ri:.a ently cored. SYPHIL IS P-lliW ' curtl1 -Ttl1" I'd from the tu-m; GonOrrllCR, OLEET Btrietur, Orcbiti" Hernia, (.or Hi-Le., Fil-a aod other private dlseasea quit kly cured. It Uaetf-avldeot tbatapliy le1au who pay perlttl nttentba to a acrtalo ciaii of dlMuei, aurt treating tbi.L'nnd aut. . tally, acquire! ffreatikllL Phyiclfinfl knoin?tLls lu'-t of: a recommend persons U rav care. When it 1- itifotnem nt f) Tivlt the elty for trcatmeat. medicines cna be Mbl rivniw and safely by mail or express anrslierc. Cure Guaranteed in all Cases wndertaken Coau Hatiout personally or hr letter rtre ui nx. Caargca reasonable and correspoDdcoce, tmcily coiiL'-eL.uL L PRIVATE COtTNSIXOR Of 100 pafas, aent to any address, aecurtly esle-i, i.t !Vit S cents. Fhould be read Lr all. Addre u.i r'l -i be boara from b A. U. to 9 P. si. Eu&iaj, 2 to 4 ' FebP.UiWiy MOUNTAIN HOTEL OR SALE IN THE LAND OF TI .SKY. Th Fninit M". tlHihell Xlotel, BUCK MOUNTAIN STA flOX. OS the Westerm North Carolina i:ail F.oa.l, Flfen Jlllen Kt of Aslievilio. This splendid hotel property, sitnate 1 in he ooataina of Western No'th Camlina just west of the great Swannanoa Tunnel where it otters th9 f:rat d Frencti Hroait Plateau, un-ier the shad ow of the Blai'k Mo mtnin. the Iiuln-st east ol the Bockv Mountains, is now oite-ed fir s:i!e. The Hotel Building is entirely new, having own erected I u lx6. and has been successfully opened to visitors fir to seasons. It is a lurt-ft three-story frame buildb'g, m mard roof, erected aceording'to the latc-t style of archite- ture: con tain ilxty-siz bedrooms, now f urnished, with an u.flnlBQd apartment in the upper torv 32 by 72 feet, suitable for bedrooms; diniug-r ora SO bv 5" fMi l. ice double milor i.n 2nd floor: large reeep tiou room and ollict on first flixir; lull room :i2 by i W feet: buliaro nau rz oy u ieei: l Kiienei's 1 by 30 and 20 by 40 feet repecttvclv conncct i.g; large laundry There aie twenty rooms which can be used en suite. The front of the building is 116 feet, depth 110 feet, with a wing 32 t y 72 feet Over eight hun dred feet of broad piazzas for exercise and promenades. The hotil st. dson abeantiful elevation with mapdncient views of ihc surrounding mountains- la on tne norm .me i ' in. wnum uunni. nd within one hundred t nt thx railroad and two hundred feet of ti e Ution It is supplied with an abundance of the parest mountain wat-i for all purposes. There are included with this prop rty some fiiteen acres or valuable bind: ai d if purchaser desires cn buy five hundred acres of sp.i ndi -fruit and pasture lands much of it already well set In fine fruits and grass immediately adjoir ing Tola raiuaVe property will be sold, on the premises, at f.ublic cu cry, on Tkvradny 15lta ly ol JI nrcb, 1SSS. This hotel is well f urnislied and all the fnrrd ture can be pnrcbsscd at the same time if desired, a most reasonable terms. - Tsnns of Sale : Or.e-half cash, remai der in one and two years with interest ateight per cent per annum. Bale without reserve and tide per feet (Ore ot trie creditors ho ding a lien for six thousand do'lars will allow hisdoot t stand a nuaher of years in case the Interest Is paid semi annually. The notes for the deferred ,,avments will be discounted two (2) per cent, if paid with in ten days after sale. - For farther particulars or description of the eropertv apply to J M Stepp on the premises, Slack, Mountain, 17. C, or to v, in. pciAieu, ftblJti Aaheyiile, N. C. TEWELKRS. 1S55. KsfabliN'scd. 1855. C- COWi N". B.H COSBY 17 l'afton Avt-mie. 37 DEALER IS Watches. Clocks. Jewelry, Silver and plate 1 ware Optwal (JooiK ;!il Pens,,te.. &. Lrs;e a"d vs ied as-mtmeut ot Ladle.' and Gentlemen's Cold Watches at low prices. Largest assortment of Wedding Kings in the citv. All rcpsirlnir in watches, clocks, nd jewelry neatly and promptly dune at reasonable figure?. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. The present proprietor shall neglect n effo-t to merit a tontinualiou of the patronage so large ly bestowed duunj; many years unon his predecessor, men 6 dtf BURT DENISON, EALEKIN Watches, - Clocks, Solid and Plated Silver ware, Etc. Optical Goods, Spectacles. Kye-Olasscs, Opera Glasses, F Glasses, Tuti-sci'i ts. Heading Glasses, Compasses, Ac. A'l c;ood.-: marked in plain figures, ct FA Frices. All Gecds Warranted. Repairing and Kufraving. SV is S'ulfon .trf nue. UNDERTAKERS. J V. BROWS & CO., TTndertaker.s (Over VanUilder A Brown's ASnEVILLE.N. C. Respectful!; announce to the citizens of AsLe ville and si.rroundiii); country that thev ha ? opened a first-class K'lKler.Hkinir KnI liHhiiieiit. where will be k?pt a full line ot. COFFISS, CASKETS, ill. I A I ROBES, A? dir.AP COWS ( t ALL KiSDS. Fnilalming ssjccirl All calls attended n ichf rtr fsv rrv i;-v;r JliSSE R. HTxVllNES, UNDERTAKER, ASHEVILLE, K. C. METAI.I-Ir.VN!) WAI Nt TCOFKIKS AM) CASKETS of i. r st . 1;' and iipiiity, cmstantiv on iiami K;-iy ieqiii.-itf t,f t!ie btisiness iurii sl;'. d. iU'.i all c.tlls ilny or cijiht are proinptiy an-wereil. Hi :ir' s tin when desired. jibing u Specialty. IJruiiis will lit- taken charge of )remot- iy whi'ii de.-iivd Kohis "fall sizes and qualitiis, l.oth I'cr I.;i.hcs and Gentlemen always on hand. f it;..., v,. in v m: ... i i !V N Mniri ft JESSE R. STARNES. r i in ' - o f2a t3 - mm 7 I Q i lr4 CO Si 5 -t CT? M i- 3 'I'HREE. 3 i'l' TIIK B'-'l: MAILL.UD-S, WHITMAN'S. AND ".OYSrKIi'eS A T WE WANT Poplar logs enoimh to make 5, 000,000 feet of lumber, put on the bank or the r rencl Broad river, hotwpnn ih mid ihr firt rlnv nt ,000 e 1 .uni 1000. j. nccus alio we tooK a contract for 1,000,000 feet in the upper pail of Transyl vania county, and last week com pleted arrangements for the whole territory from Asheviile to the head of the river, through Bun combe, Henderson and Transylva nia counties. "U'e aie ready to contract with all parties wanting to deliver logs ol the iver bank wherevei there ca bt ; much as 25,000 feet in a piact Loss to be measured and paid 1 rr once month. ZACIIARY AND 7 A CHARY ApheVtLiLe, N. C. i . The Cearlotte Chronice says: An unknown negro man was kill ed by an Air Line freight train, at Gastonia. last Friday night. He was stealing a ride, so it is believed, and fell between the cars. The wheels of one of the cars ran over his body and cut it entirely in two, the head and shouldeis fulling to one side of the track. The body was buried at Gastonia yesterday afternoon. The name ot the unfortunate man is un knowr. The train that left Charlotte for Wilmington, on the Carolina Cens tral road, last Friday night, was in charge of conductor Harry P. John ston, and carried a large list of pas sengers. Among the list were,two cow boys, the same two, by the way, who, a few evenings since, en tered theliuford House dining room in their shirt sleeves, and they had neither tickets nor 'monev. One was a Mexican and the other W;.s a citizen of the great State of Texas. After the train passed Mathews the conductor demanded- their tickets, whereupon they showed fight. The Mexican, a large and stoutly built fellow, struck at the conductor, and was surprised to find himself knock ed down. The conductor was too much for the bullies, aud dumped them into the ditch near Indian Trail. The passengers sustained the conductor and were ready to assist him. but found it mineccessary. The 'b'lioys" came back ro Charlotte IJuckleii's Arnica ssiitt- The best Salvo in the world fcrcuta, bruises sores, ulcerf, rl.eiini, fever sores,:; tetter, i chapped haude. chilblains, coius. aisd all sksn I eruptions, aud positively cure; piles, or no psy eouired. It U gu.sratUccd to five terfeot! atisfaetion, or money refunded. Pricr.25 etc ; erbox. icrna.eov H. H. Uoin. cihw ! mm ' Wall Paper. We wish to call the mention !" tl,e i citizens of Asheviile to our stock of Wall j (J,JUU ,K"A,,t BUAUU I'ap.iT. We have new htylcs ( f japer 1 Parties desiring rood private board can be and decorations couiiti;; in every l'e w ' accommodaced ratUfactoriiy b applylngto dava. CV.u.e arid price uir papers. We ! flllvwoVMl street, also nave three practical pnp.'r hangers ! nov 10 dtf near Battery Park. and decorators cmplovcil aluavs on I hand. All work guaranteed. Many -v IXVESTMEST FOR rASNKRS! thanks for past favors. : All stock in our Tannery together with Engine, dtf ElTZ PATRICK Bros. I nide Mill Bark Mill, Pumps and other fixtures. j lor sale on liheral terms. r . .. : Wiil l?ase bnidlugs fitua'ed within corporate j limits and v eil suited lor Cannery a'ld other - i manufacturing purposes. Enquire of oct25deo Wroi FOE Sale IN J TO 20 COUP LOTS. ZACIIARY feb 12 dtf ZACHAKY. CONSUMPTION CURE TT T . Tl Ti An Just Been Discovered Ai Search of 1800 Years. nas dusi isecn jjiscoverea ju gt a ; It in a sure euro for Consumption. Coughs, Colds, Asthma, L'roiKhitH. slumbering iu ti.e Chest. All, Threat and Kidney com plaints. nuveral caes of meningitis were cured iu Asheviile with this wonderful Uiediciue. It ha bet n trU-'d in many cases with treat satis faction. Ono doso will cure a bid case of croup in ten miuuti 8. I very good for pneu monia. For sale, wholesale or retail, "at the Labora tory iu Ashevill.'. Liberal disruuu: to drng gi t.-i, uieri hunts or others derirmj; to handle this medicine. Call on or address the proprietors at their Lahorato .v iu the new Grand Central Hotel building, i'att on Avenue DltS. GOODWIN & McCAXLESS, Proprietors. Tins meuieino is highly commended by Messrs. S. i. t hedistcr A Sou, Tropr etora of the Grand Central IL tti, one of ti.e most popular iu the Stat. We give a few of many testimonials and ref areuces : Asiievii i k. N. C, May 11th, l-7. I find great pleuMii e i n !-! iiitx that 1 nave tuki n ir. Ot u i w.nV r.iii.-iimp'i.iii Cure Mr lung trouble, an-i found grea: re:iei frmu tl:e firt ilus-e. . V"t.rv teseeljuliv-, ji. :i Howard. Ti: i., isLi i7i:i!y!!ia- I nave bjeii tiding Lr. Gun.: , in's t u;i-i::i:p;ioii t'cr.' im wo wee is. a'.ni I ciin mi y ii iih pl-aure tliar I feeling one lion ir d cr t eT. better, and I think one or two m .re Niiths nil! cure me entirely oi't int dre td iul liiscase. 1 have been alToned some t ikhteeu luont s and have civen ail iliecoii.h mt;,lieiiies a th iiouU iri il and f uii'l no reliot in any oi Ibem bui ir 'jooawiii s. mis rcu. 11 C. A. DAVIS. i NO'-TII CAROLINA BlNCOMi-.F. C'ointy: This cay oers msby appeared before me C. A. lia-.'is un-i r.iaile at davit ti witness I he'cniiiu set my hand and iirti my oiheial stal at olhee iu A.-hevii e. Tni j V.-b. 17IU. Itifi. W. T. KKYN 'LOS, O. ri '. For further references we refer to Mrs A. ti l.allurce, Henry Reynolds, J. K. lloliing?r. Asheviile. . C : .Mis. i.eo. -liaeler.CiLt inniiti, O.: Mrs. M. ('. McDonald, ot Chicago. "ASHKVit.i.E V i ., K b. 2-'l!i, ltf-S. Da. OoPWiS. ftir- 1 have been taikuir your meeic ne for consumption, aud It is the only medicine that has do ic m a y gooi, and I taken three or lour b it ls and think one or two more wiL cure me entirely. i ours tru y .ANNE SAMS. Ashevii l.E, N C March lit. 1S7 Das 'Ioodwin ,v Mi.'Canliss- I eau recom mend yo ir iccdicine to i be purdic as being good. lours, S D HALL. AsiiEvII.l.E. N C, F'e'j K.Mh, 1SS Dus CooiiWin ,t M C' have had a in my and t.y taking one bot tie ot your (juusumptiou i tire l ara emirei' re lieveu ol it, ana csn recommena it to ie trie nn- est medi ine I ever saw. Rtspccts. 11 PlTT Asurvir.i e, N C, Feb .:ith. 1S.-S Das OouDWix it Mc:'ANi.lis: My wife has bfn v'iy id withi I sni.p'.ion seveia! years, ami 1 had given upulliv-po of her gettini; well I commenced icing jour medicine: and I :n ctieerluily say after using tevvral buttlevslie nearly eiuir. jy wen oi i:i .1 oicsoini uisetise . c i:i say it is a sum' cure lor consumption. Yours respectful . I S M BRANCH. I Ashe- ili.k, N" C, Mai eh 3d, 18 l)r.s OoonwiN 6i McCanless : -1 h d a very bad lung trouble for forl-one years, and hd tourofjtiebctt doctors to treat me, and one bot tle ot your edicine has done me more good than ad the medicine I e.-erus-d. 1 don't think there is anv medicine uuder tha sun as good tor lung troubles. Respectfully, WILLIAM FLACK. Ashevii i.k, N C, Feb 29th, 18S3 Consumptives must not despair for the Pinery American Consumption f'ure is a sine cure. I nave used it with great cfTeet. I 11 Alibi t UAL.IO. OUT ..VB .in street, (Above Eagle Hotel) Asheviile, Jf C. o The oest stock always on hand. Work always r iarauteed to give satisfaction. I am especially prepared to make boots and noes so as to prevent Iiampness ad -kjuiakino. ftcsuly-itlade untom Work ot all Oiorta on Hand. Gentlemen and Ladies' Repairing a Spe cialty. Fine Custom Work always on hand, any style mil satisfaction guaranteed, as to stock and work. Shoemskers' Findings always on haudand or sale, 'he best in the market, at low orices . Gents' custom-made, low-quMtered dress shoes made of best material, now c.Tered for t and H.sO usual price 18. Call early. '' - - r- ,v' ' ' --?. SPECIAL NOTICES. WA JfTEI A responsible party to represent the Ball Blectrio Liht Co., in fe City ol A tsheville and icinity. Best of references requir ed. Address BALLELKOTRICL'GHT OO., m ch 6 dl w IS Cortland St., New QlH City yyrANTED, A good whits rb-l. to nurse. Apply at Western Union Telegraph office. J an 31 dtf THE OLBE INTELLIGENCE BUREAU. Over Stokes, roita Cour' Fquare, Ashevillc, N, C. Reliable information upon any subj iCt furnished. Charges low. A. B. SAMP, JR. SAMS' EMPLOYMENT REGISTER is now open for those teeking employment of any kind. all or write. Places secured without de'ay. Office over Stokes, North ourt House --'qnare, Asheville, N. C. SEEI OATS FOR BALE. While seed oats tor sale. Now is the time to sow. Send ti samole, or call early, as this ver superior quality is in limited snpply, Bl'RT . WfcBSTER, deodwlm No ne dt-pot, Ashevill . N. C. A FINE LINEN MARKiCR with indelible ink, pads. !tc , type any style 40 cents. Auto graph of signature t2 00 with wood cut. Any Kind of rubber stamps, metal signs. Ac. A If. SAMS, JR. Over Stokes, North C. II. Square. Asheyllle, N. C. JOWLING ALLEY T RENT, Under the Pioneer Bar, an t If gant alley can te ren ed until June the 1st. For terms and par ticulars aopty on the premises. leb 17 dtl d RKWARD will be paid ror inform J ation that will lead to the where abouts ot W. a. Johnson formerly a tobacco buyer of this place His mother ii supposed to reside near Greensbcrough, N. O. o-.chSdl'v JOHN HAST. jOR SALE. J'. H. Buel tiers for sale at a low price four larse and excellent Wardrobes. They may be seen a' Mr. Neville's, in the Eagle Building, where Mr. Buel is now staying, feb 15 dtf H ANDSOME PROPER i rOR SALE. 1 An elp?ant lot, with npe grove of oaks and i chestnuts.beftutifullv situat d ami commanding fine views. About seven eights of an acre in the lot. Advantae;usoU'ered. Aiiply to anSt-dtf SATT ATKINSON & SONS. . . ALUABLE FARM ON HOMINY FOR SALE wl, seU the farm where T now rc9ille Hominy, containing Si aorca half of it the finest bottomlands. Oood dwelling and outhouses on ! ire place Appiyto h.u.joses. ' octll Hominv. N. C. men 2Ud;wim kakoen, kaki? ii-co. WANTED- ! i tn 2nn kmpty ! not cUsrrel iuside. 75 ce'.i s dlivce5 to KALT1MOKE UNITED di. C0MI'A:- Y'ci wiiicliousc. S.diject to iuspeciou and r.ot to hold leas than 17 mill ms. inch 1 dlw jEMOVAl.: HavjiiB removed Uiy shop 'o North Main street. ' No 2' one riior north of Lindsi y s tin shop, I am now fudy prepared to do ail manner ol work in lcpainiur i.uus, I'istols, Locks, irunks and i alsc- iive nie a call. Look out for the big gun and look. . W. LIADSEY. 1 Oct I dtt j . ...... i -- 1,4 ijts" cvA k Ai-c- 1 ili'S'.re i s il my cr jrery nusir.o-;. ror the Himmnt .f t;i iI tI i it veiled it is one or t'je best in t!is city. I ais de-ire to sell a sood residence on IJuiK-y sir'rt. one of the niObt caveniently Lock tod in i ho riiy, m w hoiisj, with eleven riMtn-s a good t:ttde; can be :i:;ido bv early app:"i';-!ioii. Aj'pl. to Kb 1 dtf G. L. McU XALD Notice to Tux-Payers! mHE TAX LUT FOR I SSI I1AS KEEN placed j X in my hands forcolleetion. All persons are notified tocoine un at once ana Si-'ttle. Thev arc now due and must he paid I N. A. REYNOLDS, Oflice in Court nonse. City Tax Collector, him JIS;OI.l"TION, The firm cf Reynolds. Faird - f"o. is dissolved j this day by utiial eonsen, r Reynolds h.iving sold ids interest to Mr I. V Smith and I. C. , Bairtl. All itebts due tht late firm must be paid I to Mr. F. S. 11. Reynolds, at once ; F.S. II HE WOLDS, i I. C. 15AIRI). JTE V FIRM. Messrs. I. C. laiid and D. V. Smith havuiff t'tirir.ed apartucrship under the name and style of Sml:h ai.d Il-iiril, successors t- Reynolds, Iiainl A o., thank the public for pas patronage ami liiipe to rre ive a lull share in tile future. For tin next :0 days we ill sell the entire stock nfgr.odsnoiv on hand at cot. and give harcai s. People wanting the b!rt ta::iily grocer es should end a once. ueti 2 dtf SMITH ,t DAIUIJ. K.V. JONES, R. V. PORTXER JONES So. 19 N. .Haiti St., ASaEVILLE.'.S. C, ilanufacturers of and Depl rs in HARNESS, Saddles, Bridles. &c, ind dealers in COLLARS, : Horse-3rushcs, Whips Currycombs, Spurs, ite. Fine English Saddles i a specialtv. Fly Nets, new lot ol Bristle Goods I just arrived Lap robes, axle grease, lubiicaiing j oil. A complete assortment ot everything usu I ally found iu a Mt-Cte EstaMisiMt 1 1 i i dealing in our line ol trade. i i f),lr ,r res shall be as low as tne lowest, heru ! nr tenhere. (iiveusacall. j tvp. m KiBmnn, J0r ES PORTNER, : ,.., v ,Ry! rnrtRniinrn Jt""" TWO DOOES BELOW Asheviile Bank! Bearden, Rankin & Co. ! CLOVER, TIMOTHY, BLUE GRASS HERDS GRASS, ORCHARD, SEED OATS. IN LARGE QUANTITIES B. L IITZPATKICK. T. W. F1TZPATKICK FITZPATRICK BROS, Practical Painters, 26 N. Main st, ASHEVILLE, N. C, DEALERS IN Iran Papers, Decorations, Paints, Oils, Varnishes. Ready Mixed Paints a Specality. ' Estimates Furnishe l on Application. All orders bv mail promptly attended to. " nov 18 dtf TAILORS. J. C. BROWN, SfEltCIIAHT TAII.OK, " 43 PaHon Avenne, next to Grand Central Hotel. The nobbiest and most stylish patterns in th. city FIT AND WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED. men 3 dtf D. R. McKINNON & CO., Beg to announce that they have opened their Tailoring Establishment with a fine selection of (roods nt prices to suit all, classes and by Strict Attention tf: business will do their utmost to please a., who should favor them with Their Patronage. We also beg to intimate that we do Ladies' Tailoring in all the latest fashions, note t he address, NO. 33 PA I'TON AVENUE, over Brown, Gudger & Co.'s store, aa 12 dtf THE OLD ESTABLISHED Merchant Tailor OF ASHEVILLE. If voti want a suit of clothes, guaran teed to fit, made of thi; best imported or domestic koodfe new and fresh, not old 6tock call on tne. Jly stock of Enclish goods imported directly for me. as well as my French and domestic goods, are not surpassed in the United States. Call and examine my stock. I guarantee my work in all respecis. My fashions are the very latest. j. ir. iscjunnt, feh2.'dtf 42 North Main St. Uicluuoud and Danviik' WESTER- NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION. General Passenger 2ep't, I ' Asheviile. N. C. Sept. w, lbi7. 1 ! Passenper scbei ' lc, taking eliectSepl. in. l.v-,7. East (7ath meridian) time nied when tint oth erwise spe--ir ! Head WKST- Down 4 30 p m Leve New York 6 57 " Philadelphia 9 42 " lialtiuuire 11 00 " Wasuiiiiion 2 30am Le Kichniond Head In. KAST. Arrive S a)p m 12 p m ; ions a m i " 10 Air (i is i m 1 00 a m Kaleitfll 6 3o a m Arr t 10 p in 0-.:: ft ( 1 4J IS is 2 15 12 5r. 10 5".;a m 7 45 GJ 1 1 23 am Arr Salishnry Hi SO p m r tstaiesviiJe, Hickory Connelly Siirin Uoraiuon Marion ' Hound Km ib AnticTille Hot. Springs tMorrisiown tKuosville 1 L-o 1 2 34 3 18 5 0,S i 7 U5 S 45 n m jlOOO I pnucr .ttions. yCei tral (!th mcr.d.; time. Pull an Parlo. Car between Salislmiv end Knoxville. -.Jiillnifln Sleenint? Cars on all nieht trninv. i s2 t t .. VI l wr tl u I ...... . n i, ,i. i n. W. A WINlSUr.N. A. I I' A ONWARD! IS THE WORD! I Tne PROGRESSIVE FARMER enters its thiko : voi.vme at the following rat-s : 1 sd.sicii'ier. 1 yeir S 1.2i ! ft subscribers 1 year "iiit ' 10 subscribers, 1 "ear i One copy, year j'ac t t the one sending a club ! often. L'Sht pn??s, 40 columns, weekly. Sun! cash (charges pre; aid i to . . " 1 yJ';' L. I.. d&wtf Ralsiuii, N. C. $5,000 WOBPH OF WounVetl and Vtnnouttteti If. J Carol in ft Tttrs to be Solf? in Xi.vtttOaui,. To make room for a heavy stock of Fall and Winter Furs, I will sell, low, during the next sixty days, my Mock of Mounted and L'nniounti'i Western North Carolina Furs si:ch as tk'.tr. Wolf, Catamount, Hed Fox, (irey Fox, Deer, Coon, Four hundred tanned s-boep and lamb skins. Otter, Heaver, all of these are oleio-ritlv niunntud. or unmounted. i I have two live Ted foxes, ready for a i chase. I also have alive, one elegant American tijier. I All kinds of fancy f ir work made for ' ladies, and also tine taxiderney. M. EL.T.ICK, L'i N. Main st. jl867. 1887. 1 Hampton i -and-: Featherston 1 The Oldest and Most Relia ble Liquor Store in N. C. We carry the largest assortment of goods of any house in the State. We handle nothing but the best goods. Our Whiskies nu iraiulie pronounced b) piiysici tn to be puit and nn adultei mec. None but pure Liquors are medicinal purposes fit Our Stock is Complete in Every Particular. Old Corn Whiskey from one to four ysars old. Old'Rve oi the highest standard ds. All kinds of Wines, Beets Ale Porter, &c &c. Cigars and Tobacco in ereat quantities and finest on the maiket We are very thankful to our pa' trons for their past favors, and we wish to say in conclusion that our prices and goods are right down to he hard times. Be convinced oy caliine ori us. West Side Public Square, Asheviile N,C. jan8d3m JAMES P. SAWYER. . Store X. 13, 2iseiosi Aienue. BUY GOODS, GEO CB HIES, - Ladies' and Child! e' Shoes, Notions, Si If Xo. 17, IaUon Avenue. MSN'S GOODS AND C&KFIDT8 ONLY. FVill Assortment Oi Glen's ' Boys' Clothing, Shoes, Hats Us' FfflisMiitfii j a!si tl. I.nm si atorl lii.'-ni. rb TSNQS OIL 0L0THS AND cvei exhibited in C'nli and xatiiine tnv trocds. .lames V. Sawyer. As!c i lie, K;mi'v !, SS. feb !) d&w FINE GROCERIES I POTTED MEATS, PATES OF G ME. CANNED F.SH, in 4 CANNED FRUITS, FIIENCII PEAS, Extra Fine, r It tZSC'iS MUSH ROOM R, Di.VII LO CHAKS, S!I:IMI', C and IV PICKEES, o Q I PIN MONEY" PICKLES, j ELLIES PRESERVES ' CANTON GIXCER, SB O CilJOSSK AND iII.ACKWKLL S JAMS, DI.1VKS. HO M CIlFliMj, FINEST S.LAI) OIL, 3 to o S o INS r A NT A Nl. or l uoco I.TE, I5ROMA, COCOA, NEW OI!.' EANS MOLASSES, PUKI-: K.v I R ACTED HONEY, FINEST KEY WEST & IMPORTED CIGARS TABI.k SLTrLlICS OK EVERY" DLSCK1PTKJX, a o ft 1 No. 5', SOUTH MAIN ST. Telephone No. 38. W. O. MULLER & CO., No. 7 Scu(h Main Street, Asheviile, Af. C. DEALERS IN All kinds of Vhinkies, Brandies, Wines Ale, Portes, Citrars, Tobacco, &c.; fine Kentucky Rye and Bourbon Whiskies a specialty. distillers' agents fob Pu Vorth Carolina Corn Whiskey and Apple Brandy. Pure Jarley Malt Whiskey for medical purposes always in stock. Sole agents and authorized bottlers ot "Anheuser-Busch Brewing Association celebrated hi. Louis Lage Beer for Western North Carolina. The lollowinsr Brewings constantly on hand, in kegs and in bottles: Anheuser Busch, Standard, Imperial Pale Lager and original Uudweisfir. Goods delivered to anv par of the citv free. Prompt attention paid to an or ders by maiu Telephone can jno. dw. Billiard Hall on 2d floor. The White Down Staiifs, CORNER MAIN AND EAUL S'iliKL'iK UNDER W HITLOCK'S y 1 O i; i Headquarters for fine LIQUORS. I keep none hi: charge accordingly. Mv WMskks ami Wines ARE ABSOLUTELY PUItK AJfD U3f AIITT Kit ATKI?, and are recommended by the best judges for mediciiiiil is-f Also Fine Billiard and Pool Parlor. Goods shipped to all points. No charge for boxing. Lock Box & Asheviile, N. G. The only strictly White Man's Bar in the State. ja6-dawly CHOICE HOTEL PROPERTY On Patton Avenue for Sale. All hail Creation far and near Of the hotel lot you now shall hear. Let pealing drums and cannons roar, Proclaim the news from shore to shore. The lot immediately west of the Buncombe Warehouse contains two acres, 2C4 feet cach.on Bailey and Grove streets, fronting 363 feet on Patton Av enue, just opposite the Battery Park Hotel Frame Building, Metal Roof, 1C rooms. Now occupied by Mrs. J. C. Smith. This is the best properly in Asheviile for another Pirst-Class Zotel Combining both for business aud pleasure, public yet retired, mguificieut scenery, second only to Battery Park. Situated about midway between the foot hills of Beaumont and the Frencn Broad river and Depot, and in the near future will be the centre of business and population of the Moun tain City. I offer this property .IS .f U HOL.E, until the loth of May next, and if not sold by that time, I propose then to cut it into business and building lots. Titles perfect. For further information, prices and terms, address feh 15 dtf S. M. THOMAS, Laurinburg, N. C. Our Buyer has gone to New York TO BUY THE Largest, Handsomest, Most Complete STOCK or Dry Goods, Notions and Clothing, Yet oflered in Asheviile, and from 0XTRA a INDUCEMENT -IX ALL Last vesu- we sold This year, by strict adherence to Gash System, by keepinp: more jroods and better Cash. ZDoTXT-m. ! we hope to double that amount. Thanking you for past liberal patronage, we are. Very respectfully, BREVARD & mmm janlOd&wRmos. Bakery, Gonfectionery and R estaurant. ClKESJ&Uaked antl Ornamented for the Holiday Trade. OYSTERS! OYSTERS! The Finest in Town and at tlic L0HST I1UC1S Give us a call. Respectfully, W. B. Anderson & Co., SOUTH MAIN STREET. DOUBLEDAY & SCOTT, 21 A S6KOBTa l'CBLIC SQUARE, AshevilSe, ST. C, Sash, Blindsj Doors, Mouldings, Rooting Paper, Window Conls and Weights, : AT LOWEST PRICES. Estimates promptly furnished, and sppcial sizes procured at Bnon aotaofc TheyalEO keep an wtttoal varntv rvi'dirp and Fercing Lumber Lftth and SK.'nelee. Kindlinr Wood always on 'and xab 1-dwlj, Bar wan s the i'l Ki ST, ant; this date until they arrive will give LINES OF- the goods, and sollinjr cheap for I x I - : -V V - - -

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