. r i LATE NEWS BRIEFS. Tha population cf Savannab, Ga., is 52,000, an increase of 4,000 in the past two yearn So far thU'peason the cotton re ceipts at Wilmington have been 167.49G, an increase of 36,191 over the same period last season. Judge Norton, of South Carolina, has decided that county railroad bonds are unconstitutional. Nearly all the railroads in that State have been built by them. A tjH-cial ays '.h: bark Melchior Viduiitb, roni Hull, England, bound lor S.tvannali, CJa., is ashore oft Tort Uovii". The crew was tak cn otV bv th- Savannah pilot boat, Mary O'De!!. The bits' fumayi" operators of ?lahning Valley have decided on the i eduction of ten per cent, in wages to take effect March 25th. The operators claim that the reduce tion in the price of pi iron has made the step necessary. The internal revenue reduction bill has been completed by the dem ocratic members of the committee on ways and means. It was laid before the full committee yesterday. Mr. Randall's tarifl bill is nearing completion and will be made public in a day or two. A great number of Mormons have established themselves in Arizona, where they have appropriated the most fertile districts. Vhil the ambitious Americans have been seeking for mineral wealth the wily "saints" have quietly encamped upon the choice agricultural re gions. The Crown Prime's condition in terests the world as much as the similar case of Gen. Grant did the Unit-d St iU-s. In both cases the bulli'iins were equally unreliable, each one contradicting its prede csir. The outcome will be the same; the Crown Prince will die of his malady. T.n sinrts of Chemical Bank of New York stock were sold on Fri day un St-.xk Exchange at $3,600 per share without the bi-monthly dividend ol 25 per cent. This is the highest that this stock has yet sold for, and it has long been known us commanding the highest pre mium of any bank in the worla. The joint Democratic congre.--sional executive campaign commit tee Monday oiganized by the unan imous ekrtion of Senator Kenna, of West Virginia, as chairman; Hop. Phil. Thompson, Jr.. nf Kentucky, as secretary, and J. L. Norris, ol the District i' ('olumi)ia, us treasurer. The feeiing displayed was one ot confidence. Fred Douglass, the most promi nent colored man in the country, is visiting Charleston, where he was well received. He hinisi-lf is p'eased with the progress of his race, and is greatly gratified p.t the growth of the kindly feelings between the whites and the colored people. Chandler and Sherman had better make haste to recall him, or he will spike all their guns. Representative Springer, in be half of the majority of tho commit tee on territories, has prepared a report which he will present to the House recommending the passage of what is known as the "omnibus' bill to enable the people of Dakota, Montana, Washington and New Mexico to form State governments and to ue admitted into the Union on equality with other States. A panic occurred in the Cotton Exchange, New York, Monday, price3 falling 51 points below Satur day's quotations. 441,000 bales were sold, the largest day's transac tions on record. The suspensions announced during the day were those of Wm . V. King, No. . 2S Pearl street, J. H. Garrison, No. 8 Old Slip, and Geo. T. Dixon, Nos. 2 and 4 Stone street. John II. In man, the largest dealer in cotton in the country, was on the floor all day. He refused to be interviewed on the panic. "The Citizen (Joes Every where," Sjvs the Southern Tobacco Journal of Danville. Va. Two or three weeks ajo the Journal had inserted in the Asheville Citizen an advertise ment of that publication, and this is what the editor says has been the result : "It is a fact that the Journal' t ad-vert:-.enient in the Asheville Citi zen hasbiottght in subscribers from Florida to Michigan." The Citizen now goes regularly to every State in the Union and every Territory save two, also to England, France, Switzerland, and Hvnzil. A Good Preacher. The following from the Knox ville Tribune refers to a ministei who has very many warm fjiends and admirers in this city: Rev Dr. Keith, cf :he Broad St., M. E. Church, South, has been preaching a series of sermons o( unusual power to crowded houses day and night on each Sabbath. He preaciied several sermons recently on the "national and spiritual world are one,'' which proved of great in terest. He is having a warm re vival spirit in the church all the time and scarcely a service passes without several joining the church or seeking the prayers and help of the christians of the congregation. Dr. Keith is an exceedingly plain, pointed preacher but is really elo quent, and every subject is enliv ened with a warmth and glow of elegant diction that is thrilling to un - audience. He is preaching to. save men. His sermon has a clear ring, and he expects con ver tion every sermon. He invites men to Christ after every discourse. His elocution is fine passing from the grand orotund to the deep guttural and touching tremor voice with great effect. Broad Street Church is in excellent hands and it is being sifted as never before. Syrup of Figs Is Natnie's own true laxative. It is tho most eauily taken, and the moet effective leniedy known to Cle&nse th SyateP1 when Bilious or OoBtive; to dinpel Headaches, Colds, and Fevers; to Cure ilabitnal Constipation, Ii diges tion, Tiles, etc. Manufactured only by the California Fig Byrap Company, San FlVKifKO, iv', For sale by H. H. Lyons. IFor the AxhetV.le Citizen. OUR BOSTON LETTER. Dcsros, Mass.. March 3d, ISSS.S Now that we have seen with ouro'vn eyes, the snow drops nestlinf bi a warm nook in the garden of the Id Aunneman place, on Boston neck, -tad the Aitirtisrr saya the Crocuses art in blossom on the sminv si'le of l.'omni n wealth Avenue. You wiil not tlnr.k ' s Bostcniaus arc utterly without hope, i t Bend the following from the Jouriri' : "The number of deaths in Uoston during January was the lariat ever recorded for the corresponding month. This wan due to the extremely low temperature The mean temperature of the ni'-nlh was 20 degrees, the lowest any January since observations have been t iken. The effect on respiratory diseases was very striking Chairman Oursiin ol the Board f Health says, the laboring elates were the chief sufferers. The total number of deat hs was 10-K?" Mrs. Oliver Wendell Holmes, who for some time has been in delicate health, died a few days ago. The funeral ser vices were field at King's Chape., con ducted by Rev. Air. Foote tha pastor, i The chant : "Thy will be done" a.'d the j hymn "Nearer my God to Thee" were j sung by the cho:r. As the casket was borue up the aisle the dead march in Saul was performed on the organ A great profusion of flowers adorned the pulpit and chancel, and a wreath of laurel and amaranths was hung near the family pew. After the solemn service the body was taken to Mt. Auburn for interment. Mrs. Holmes was one of the piiet Bos ton ladies giv n to genial hospitality and unostentatious benevolence the lriend and companion of her gifted husband. We did not know her personally, but recall some pleasant little incidents when we saw her with the "Autocrat," evidently happy and sympatheticin each other s society. One summer day we were waiting with a young friend at ii railway station Hear which Dr. Holmes-, lias a country house. We were amusing ourselves in ascer taining our weight on the scales near the station, just as Dr. and Mrs. Holmes came up to take the train. Observing how we had employed our leisure, he first weigh ed himself, and then with much laugh ing and coaxing induced his wife to let hiui weigh her also. Courtesy demanded we should not listen to the result, but it seemed to a ford him great amusement Some years since we were ikling in a Cambridge horse :ir Dr and Mrs. Holrx.es were sitting on the opposite side. It was very inuMy ar d in tii suburbs of Cambridge. The dirtv children were playing in tho puddle?. One little fellow, with an immense old v. hits ha on his head, and a very small b dy iirjw ing less toward tin1 (Vet. very likr u niushroni, was cre.;r..iiig and gestien lat:ng fiercely. Dr. Holmes caaght s-"-':it of . !k boy anil laughed immoderately, then aHed his wife's attention to the M-ene. We remember llif i-.ti;:i snii'i; with which she re-pon ied h.tnnv iu what made him ha; pv. Tii gone out at th "'ld An !L:h: bus ; v t; The wed-Un Ml-s Tra Mr. I-red. Ah-tt Tia't Wakefield a the Sth inst. The marri 1 a at the Congrega i-n a'. -A.il: Mr. Williams ii: tl audience. The bride wa-i ;-. it'ivd i: w'ih i lie sat i n , and i.niiie en tiaine trimmed v the brida! veil i blossom.?. .. t !l! The young couple were look on. The maid of Inn Marion W. Cate, the bride's John Alcott Tratt, brother cf groom was 'ha best man, and to -trr. Mr.- the biide a hew of gay young bridesmaids at. : bride. After the ceremony a rc-epti family friends was held at the r. of the bride's parents. Tlie y.:n;i 4 have left 11 stm : -i:ort t their return thev v.-it! receive I' le every Wednesdav in April l'l L.;Ub Square, toe Ji nne . and Miss Loui.-e M Pratt. Lent is v.i'ii s Trinitv at S in A. ilroufron Alcott, Alcott. aunt Mr. s fervid moi lii: . 1 1 3-1 V.. an- hrld at and 4 in ttie lie lay. At afternoon; also c St. Paul's every Dr. Courtney, been elected ti Scotia. IJoston :.1V at I ' iU!. i lector nl St. Taui'a l--aj the bishoprv Ni'va will sutler a .- ii mis fr-ts on the departure of this great anil good man. Krin Kii'i.kv Si'keamni; Oct. Weldon, the "Hem" I lished a branch of his ness at the store of Mr. the Old Depot, for the ,ti;er, n:-s i stali-lln-.iri- h:!ig bu:-i- I i-" H. I In.it. at 1 vi-n nee of .i; I a i n .1. ' to be d'.f : his customers, where mr.v full assortment of his i'.r- a 1. (' &iu, ot eijual excellence wiiii i. found at his t'ptown Bakerv. "satisfaction:' I've jnst rctnn.crl .r. in Wei. Inn" Ami my heart is in a For he h i-t onirii -.ftlie tt'airi::r' Tosntislj- ttiswt r: l. The "Geiii" is like a ' i ;!.!-'. r' Kil'.c:l it!i jj-ve! r i -H niV; i..;c Sullii-ient to tlii? t. uiii-haii'iK Of troah'caii 1 i uiv. Theie are "Kiutt" m l 'Toiuai" and rakes. Wipe' And k L-ls that 1 !. not kuo v. All hunil meiy oi'iiiLipenteil An.! us white S'iti'-t-ii snow. Anil the '(Jem'1 is iik a --poet's (beaiu" Jusi biirstmp Into dub: And We'ilon has his hamU A-waiting -u the tlironi;. A choice line ot confections Too varieil toe' hii;i. From the ilnimiest ol -Hon -bons" To a ('asdy Walkisii Ca:ie : " AnJ flrewortp in prcdi'i ti In variety larj ami xinail. And a caiuion era:'ker w iio-; reno: t U likea 'ennnon's H"'i til." "M'CRKTIA ' Delightful Excursion I ASHEVILLE ' TO HOT SPRINGS. Koa lp Tickets ON . $4.50! Inclnl ida'.s bosrd nt tha y untain Park HOTEL. 1 1 liaths in Marble Tools and Porcelain Talis aie the linest and mot luxuno'.'.s in America- The Hotel is New and First-Class In Every Particular. The Place is a Charming Spot, Nestled among, and sheltered by fine-clad Mountains, where there is no I'og, no dust, no malaria. Pure and abundant water, mi l absolutely perfect drainage. J A. TEJUfijiT, JSrchitcct and Contractor. Plans, specifications and estimates f urn If heel. Allw-rls'in my line contracted for, and no charge" for drawings on ci ntracts awarded me. Hoferences when ilebi eii. Odioe No. 1. Hendry Block, north of Court Hoiira. AKherillo. fed"dI2m Prominent Virginia Republicans are of opinion that Mr, Blaine will receive the Republican nomination for President. Many Foraker clubs have sprung up in Ohio since Mr. Blaine's dech nation, and they are said to mean Blaine first, with Coverner Fotaker as the second choice for President. United States Minister Curry em ploys his leisure time at Madrid in writing a work on the different con stitutions by which Spain has been governed since the establishment of the Parliamentary regime. A man at Orlando, Fla., employs two l;imv sandhill cranes instead of watch dog. Thev are more ser vie able in warning him against tramps or burglars. They utter a shrill note at the approach of any stranger. The cross eyed man has found his prov ince at last. It is love-m(f king on the sly. An Indiana farmer, whose daughter ran away with a cross-eyed farm hand, declared that he never could tell when his hirtd man was looking at his daughter, and therefore he didn't suspect him. Wonderful Statistic. When it is coneideied that the per centage of deaths from consumption is 91 per t housand against 63 per 1,000 of any other malady, how important to guard against a slight cold. Tavlor's Cherokee Remedy of Swet. Uiim and Mullein is thegre.u medicine for coughs, colds and cjnsiiniiition. U CKET STORE ITEMS. We invite the attention of the peo ple to the fact that we continue to re ceive new goods. Barred Muslins, Law ns, a new lot of Ilamburgs, Tor chons, Corsets, Kid Gloves and a job in ladies' Dongola Kid Shoes at $2.44 a pair, which we defy the trade to match for the price. Children's and Misses' School Shoes ingreat variety, at prices which always sell them. A full line of all the standard novela at 12c. per volume, 25c. elsewhere. A new lot of Mats, Rugs and Hassocks, while our stock of household using things is kept complete, with additions made daily in all the labor saving and convenient utensils we can find. Cnt'-.vr Pkn ii.s! well, you would think so if you could see the lot we have in store. Gac dozen or one fiou huh'! dozen, just as many as you want, at 0 CTS. PER DOZEN. Our price is less than nine-tenths of the merchants in Asheville paid for the same pencils at wholesale. We arc fortunate in being connected with a house that has ample capital to hunt up and buy everything that the peo ple want, icherccer it can be bought be lot" market value- A lot of Men's Eur Hats, tine goods, just in, are an example of our facilities for getting goods under the market, only one or two f a style, we are selling them at '.'Sc. ti 81.58 each, and we oould not buy them in the regular way under !?21 per dozen. AVe ask doubters to call and examine them. They were sent to us as a job. We did not know they had them, but knowing that we can place bargains, they sent them to us. Our Headquarters never get hold of a particularly good thing with out sending us a part of it. Our store has lost none of its prestige as the Bargain Store of Asheville, and we contemplate putting in such a spring and summer stock as will show our appreciation of past favors. We can show enquirers beyond the shadow of a doubt that we (through our connec tion with No. -1GG P.roadway, N. Y.) possess facilities for getting goods uiiequaled by any other store in Asheville, and we guarantee that ice ran, and trill, undersell any house in town upon all lines except domestic goods bought in this State, which one man with money canSbuy as cheaply as another. Come and see our goods, and learn our prices ; by this means satisfy yourselves. Don't buy of us unless price and quality suit. We have placed a larger order for our Woven Corset, .which has been so highly praised, and which at 8Cc. is the best value we have ever seen in a corset. AVc shall continue to make a leader of it until we find something we regard as better. We beg the ladies not to buy a high-priced corset until they have compared it with this corset. Very respectfulhy, fec, GEO. T. JONES & CO. N. Y. office, 4G6 Broadway. J' M' THRASH &-S0N, WEST ASHEVILLE, N. C, Now have a, full line of goods j especially suited to the wants' of the ; public f:nd we offer' SPECIAL BARGAINS. We keep superior quality ol CLOTHING. DRY GOODS, HAT?, SHOES, NOTIONS, HEAVY A X 1 FAMILY GROCERIES. : ' We pay the highest market prices ' ! for ' GRAIN, HAY, POTATOES, BUTTER. CHICKENS, EGGS tC i Wt: inuite the public to call and j : ee our Spring Stock. Goods delivered in the city." Telephone No. 10. J. M. THRASH & SON, inch 6 Old Depot. . STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. County ot Buncombe Office of the Clerk, Superior Court NOTICE OF INCORPORATION., Notice is be'eby Riven of the incorporation of The Asheville Ice Company; that the names of the incoiporatora are Jaa, P.Sawyer, J.Q. Martin, C. R. Holmes. W. O. Mul'er, T. W. Patton, W. C. Carmichael. and such others as they may associ ate with tnem; that the principal place of bnai ness shall be Asheville, N. C, and Its vicinity, and its general purpose and b'jsinesa ti to manufac ture and sell ice; purchase, store, spd :sell coat and other fuel; tbat the duration of the corpora tion is six y years; the capital stock is twesty five thousand dollars, with privilege to increase, dl ided in one thousand shares ol.thepar value of twenty-five dollars each, nov s dtf WJ . ; Ot JB. An 8-inch snow fell st WinxViu,, W; Va., Monday. ' ' The first party to launch its tick et upon Presidential waters is the Industrial Reform Party. This party met in Washington on the 22d ulto.. and nominated A. E. Red stone, of California, for President, and J. A. Colrin, of Kansas, for Vice-President. The platform is short but encouraging. It is as fol lows: "Whereas, it is possible to secure many needed reforms unaer a cor rect financial and industrial sys tem; therefore, "Resolved, by the Industrial par ty in National Convention assem bled at the city of Washington, D C , on the 22d day of F bruary. 18S8: y "First, That the Government shall provide full legal tender money sufficient in. volume to meet tl e requirements of the people. "Second, That the secretary of the treasury shall immediately" re deem all public interest bearing bonds. Had the party been stronger the platform would have been longer. "Consumption Cure" would be a truthful name to give to Dr. Pierce's "Golden Medical Discovery," the moit efficacious medicine yet dis covered for arresting the early develop ment of pulmonary disease. But "con jmption cure" would not sufficiently indicate the scope of its influence and usefulness. In all the many diseases which spring from a derangement of the I nver ana dioou me uiscovery ' is a sate I and sure specific. Of all druggists. d&wiw Large and varied stock of Woolen and Merino Underwear for l.adiea, Misses nd Gentlemen, at Whitlock's. Turcoman Curtains, something very pretty and cheap, at Whitlock's. Curtain Poles with brass fixtures onl 50 cent. at Whitlock's. J. W. Cortland, and isO. i.v it sir. it Oilers for sale IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVED PKUrERlIES IN THE CITY OF ASHEVILLE, N. C. AND SURROUNDING COUNTRY In the growing N. "V. Section" Lots are offered varying in size from a third to four acres, and in price from $300 to $10,000. Purchasers Paying 1-3 Cash and improving their property with in one year will be given Satisfact ory Terms on the remainder. J. W. Cohti.and. Asheville Ice and Coal Company, Pure Ice Made From Distilled Water. Superior : Hard : and : Soft : Coal Orders Promptly Filled. Telephone Tlo. SS. Office and Yard, at Old Depot, ! From By AND ALL, KIIMBS OF WINES FOR MEDICAL PURPOSES. Ales,. Porters, and the celebrated Schlitz' Milwaukee Lager Beer. I keep the finest place ana tle finest goods and don't charge you no more than any one else. Coma and give me a trial. I sell my goods on;con dition that if not satisfactory will refund money. There is also an elegant Bowling Alley, attached, 70. ft. long. On the 4th inst there was a grand J review of the Russian Guards by! the Czar, the weather- being colder I than ever known during such dis- i play. Avalunclies this winter hi. ve been; frequent in Switzerland and North ern Italy. Several viUag-- have; been buried by them with .i.eh! loss of life. . One of the largest holders ofj Richmond Terminal sectivities in New York city said on Friday: " ! Up to 3 o' clock on Wednesday afternoon 1 thought the hvy by which Richmond Terminal was to ' obtain control of Georria eoutral : positively off, with no prospect of ' any agreement within the next six ' months. The differences of opinion : in regard to prices, tc, are too ! great to allow of any arrangement j being concluded at present." How often m liie :ia!.t of the househoM : clouded by s';l;iis of inelincholy or irri tability on tliB part of the la.-lii--.. Vet they are not to 1 "D'a-ni-il. for t!ip-are the resuUof ailm-'iits .ecufiar t ti.at p?s, which men know not of. IJ 'it tlio eiuw? mav be rei!iovt"ii and joy rotr.ril Ki- i!s. j use of Dr. I'ii-rvo's "I-'av-jrita Prscr'p-, tion, wlrnli, as a tonic and nervine or : debilitated women, is certain, Pa e and ! pleasant. It is beyond all compaie thn ! great healer of women. dAwlw ! WANTED! oia mm stamps. I wif linv the old po.atatrc stain j-s i;m .1 on letters from lS-loto ist" IVrtits -,av . ins old letters between these datesst-i.::d look them up. I want old V. S. and Confederate Mam;..--, used and u nixed; al?o Locai stamps. Send for my descrip tive list, civinc prices, it in FREE. C. II. Mkkeli., St. Louis. M. d&wnrivilv ! VrKKS OK "SAUK KUACT " j You will Unil i fitipeiinr article of Shrt-.l- d Cabhaae at JaMKS KKANKS-, on North Main strec', ami J. W. Crern & Sou', West Ashi'ville. ; Try it, you will waiitmore. jan ls.l-jm i I am th'iroiisliK prei areit to do all mnnaer ot : BlncksmithnK KejiairhiR of Carriaj,'es Uusjiivs and Wapms, to work at the lowest prices, ami M give sa isiai-tion. H rse sliiK ins a spcialtv. Give nic a trial. H. M. 110W!ti". se y .tl-Jci Rear of VaniJil.ler t-llroivn's FrenchBroadHotslMO. 3 A. S. Halliburton, x Prop, Tbis Koiel is located within o.ie tiumlrci t' . i of the Westi-rn NorMi Carolina Railroad I :e !:.'. and nes to the cttiees ol the Superintendent iTid the i;enur-ai Freight Agentil t!.e W. N'.C'.T'.. lj. Good IPave. Comfortable -ox- REASONABLE TERMS. FIRST CLASS BAR is attached, wiiere wiil l.e f mnd :it aii times :: Lost hraii.'s il 'i ', Wf barco. Tel.-p'.ne c-o:;iiL-rtlon with t'p-!:wii. in. -ill Ever seen in any Store in Western North Carolina. 1-7 TiElftf62 'i four - years up to Four-Hundred Pounders. Home-Made Boots and Shoes Always on Hand. M. LEVY, 19 South Main st. ill LLJ r The NERVOUS The DEB1LITAV The AGED. 'ED y'0 NO. 43 SOUTH MAIN STREET, 3d Door above Bank of Asheville. Large Stock of FINE IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS Frank Lough. tin's celebrated Wines, Liquors and Brandies can only be found at the "BONANZA." Boxing smd Shipping a Specialty. Hats, Caps, Trunks and Valises. Everybody wears Levy's 8.00 IIome-Mado Shoes. M. LEVY, 19 Soutli Main street. .Scientific Heating and Ventilating Engineers, Plumbers. Gas and Steam Eitters,Tinners Kooiing, G ntt(!i ing and General -lobbing. V r ' i ' t'-n- l:iitlctt".s Improved Warm Air Furnace ; also for Merchant Co. 's Star Ventilator. We are Prepared to Furnish all Kinds of Gas? Fixtures. All of our workmen are first-class, having had from 10 to 12 years experience "in their trades, and wt guarantee satisfaction. Plans, specifications and estimates furnished on application. Persons having work to do in our line would do well to see us lie fore contracting. XO. 11 SOUTH MAIN STREET, ASHEVILLE, N. C. BOOTS AND SHOE North lyiain Street,sl27, Asheville, N. C, A NERVE TOtm. X-elery ami Coca. Viw prominent v.. Krvdicm, ere- tlui best and afc.: Nerve Tonics. It strengthens ain, M'neU itjo nervous system, curins I t i vons Weakness, Hysteria, fclccj- f-N'JLTERAWE. It dri'-c out th? iioisonous humors oi lie l,li..l purifying and enriching ii. :.nl ha overcoming those disease r'.'sr.itin; from impure or impovcr Iicl Wood. A LAX Any E. Aetinfrmtldlybiit surely on thebowci it cures hubltuul constipation, ami proinok sn regular habit. Itstrenth-t-r.3 tin- stomach, and aids digestion. A HlURETiO. In iu.w.jipoviiioii thn best And mwt m livi'iliurriie-.'.l thcMatcria Medics .iioioiuLiiiii-il:. ;i-.iti!icallywithoth.:r ci!bi-iiyr ri-im- -ts f.:r diseases ol th-. fci'in.'v.- H i i.: Ix- relied on to giv liuYk icii. t' .i ; :.-c-dy cure. 1 1 lrp-f. tj'.:.i:. r.i:l:- have been receive'! fr. fu-rr nr-i li: v i:?-d Ibis remedy wit'. rn:-t;r'-ii U :-tv:-J forcirculara, giT:.!rf it-.' ...r.icf.r.. ?.-:c 1 co. I- Drngglst. WELLS, UICHAROSON & CO., Prop's liURl.iNGTON. VT. MAKE MO MISTAKE : . MAIM eTFiElET. F71 o n SdDIL- Asheviile Coal Market. CORRECTED BY THE Asheville Ice & Coal Co., H. T. OOtUKB ft CO., ntOTR'6. . Per too, Delii'd. 5 00 4 75 9 SS 10 00 Black l.ian-.ond Lump, for Orate, " ' Nut, for Stove, Hard, Chestnut, " Ptove, " Ekk. 10 00 5-ton lots, 25 cts. per ton leca than the above qutitationn At yard, 50 cia. perton leas. '-'RTirorjSBi ;i-;tT-scSE .los I i ri in 08. - -'-v-r'K&LcwestPrioe. .' ui--i.t.-d. 10C p. IUurt'a I ' fflM7 Mixed Drinks a Specialty. IBHD1BBU A 99 :..-i:. jmmmmm .-'Jit- ' j JHHJ - - - X

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