y 1 - y - IHt fLU-d V-" - " ' -' -s ' -------"r - i(a ".v ""sm iiii" fi " "imTi i i "i i" " "iT r'Jii''Ttf?i wtAyiTHwiffri " niTii fijiii i it ri r 'i i t bsi iMsssMMMhsssssaaMssssssssssaasaa 'r CITIZEJ. JOB OFFICE, NO. 13 PATT02T AVENTJFi 'lie Fur uiRn( Slene dc Cameron, Editors and Proprietor. r- BILL HEADS, LETTER HEADS?, POSTERS, . BLANKS, do And job work of all kinds dcae with neatness and at the lowest (vices. aUBSCRIPTION : Da)ly, One Year;;" J' X t.V . f cio: ?': SLvMonths, . vvf "3.00 WEEKLY, One Year, . . 1.50 Six Months, . .75 Advertising Rates Low. VOL III. NO 313. A.SHEVILLE, N. C, TUESDAY MORNING, APRIL io, 1888 PRICE 5 CENTS Abcslute Pure. trength aurt wluilesroieness. Mote economical than theordiuai r kinds, and cannot be sold in jorapetfttou with the multitude of low teat, short e!ht alum or phosphate powders. Hold only in mts. Koyal Bauino Powder Co. i06 Wall St., Sew fork. iaDl3-dwl2m fhia powder never vai ie. A marvel of mirltv MMPOUND OXYGEN If v " s to --a' Urs.HARGAN & GATGHELL tUCKin Ha fit It lor.; 62 .Rata M. ASHEVILLE, N. C Compound Oxvgen inhaled, in connection wita medicated Balsam Vupor, cures ousump tlon, Afthma, Bronchitis, Nno-1 Catarrh, Sore inroai. Lussni voice, uiscsscs oi tne Liver and Kidnets, Bidder, mid all diseases depeudiiig on mpnre or impoverished blood. It enres hncuraatism when tverytliinz else Asiiemli.e, X. C, Jannarj 1SS8. " In Justice to all similarly afllicted with our selves as well as to Krs. llargan Ik. Gatchell, I voluntari y make the followinir statement : My wife lin? sutferud for several ycats with severe lung tronhle, coutinuini; to erow worse until last November when she was unable to sit up. bat a part of each day. No appetite, niKht sweats, severe conch and loss of tlech The bent physicians of Poultney, Ver mont, advised an immrdiatc depart rc South. We reached Asheville November 17th, and com menced taking treatment of lrs. Hsrgan and Gatchell, inhaling Compound Oxygen and Bal- Sam Vapor. My wfehas imnroveu rapidly lrom "Tine Orst.- Ilo. aff T "SSSspa weil,'' coughs bot little, raises less, night sweats ceased; no pain anywhere, takes lung walks and climbs the mountains with little fatigue and has gained 8 B. in weiKht. We feel certain another month's treatment w illaflecta permanent cure. As for myself I am delighted to state that I improved rapidly from the first treatment and am nearly well. -I have suffered for CS years almost beyo d endurance ith the worst form ot I'iles. I had abandoned all hope of relief. The Drs. treatment ! has been gent e and almost painless tlill has efiecud a cure for me. Yours respectfully, A. J. Shits. Mr. and Mrs. Smith are living in town and can verify and add to the above. HOME TREATMENT, We r..anufaeture the Compound Oxygen, and ship it to all parts of the country, even to the Pacift ; Coa-1. We send apparatus and chemicals ia ,i two months for Sli. This is as valuable 1st he office .reatment. I'Ut womlerlnl curative resalts obtained with h s' r julment is astonishing even to us. fU i9 vL-li lo learn more of this treatment, and our Itictlt. in thf mrcof Chronic Ifuieaites, write or call 'i' tratcd book explaining treatment free. DRS. HAP9N GATCHrLL, ,i Vain Street, Asheville, N. C. JuLOS-dawti One Price Store. A iarge and very attractive line ol Men's, lioys' and Children's uits rang inif from low priced goods to something very Cne. Measures taken fur A. Raymond & Co., New York Tailors, and a lit guaranteed. Pamples row ready for inspection, All-Wool Drees Goods of the popular rubrics in yreat vasiety, also Satines.Per-cuIl-s, Press Giughamo, Lawns, Prints.&c. Dress Silks in the mw Weaves, Rha damcs, Satins, Velvets and Plushes. Carpets, A.-t Squares, Smyrna Rugs, Oil-Cloths, Mattings, Curtain Goods in jjreat variety, Damasks, Towels, Napkins Coverlets, Blankets, &c. Zirgler Broa', Merriam & Tyler's, Morgan rsros.' and Stokley's Shoes for ladits, luies s and children. Hauister's and Ziegler's Fine Shoes for men. Packard & Grover's celebrated "$2.50" and 'i' 9" Shcea for men, and a simi lar grade for boys. Derby Hats, Pilk Hats, Soft Hats, and Steamer Hats. WoolandGauzj Underwear, Hosiery, Kid Fabric Gloves, Collars and Cuffs, kucbings, Soarfp, Ties, Ribbons Corsets, Buttons, Braids, aud Fancy Goods and Kmallwares generally. Parasols, Umbrellas, Fans, Chopping Bags, Club Satchels, Trunks, &c. Mens Furnishing Goods. . Cassimeres, Coatings, Tweeds, Ken tucky Jeans, Douiesticr, &c. H.. Redwood & Co., Nos. 7 9 Patton Avenue. mar23dtf . For Kent. For 3, 6 or 12 months one of the neat est and most attractive cottage homes in the city, 7 rooms, handsomely furnished throughout, stoves in every room, well of pure water under shelter, stable, car riage, coal and wood houses all complete, in one square of Battery Park, good neighborhood. Apply at the Citizen office. ; . We are receiving daily our new goods. Come and look 1 No tronble to show thenv Brevard & Blaston. ' Curtains and Curtain Goods a large r v totk end Ho. 1 value. - HeSun&Tues THE liAIXY CITIZ12X Will be published evrv Morning (ex cept Monday) at the following rates ttnctly cah : - , One Year, . .... . f 6 00 Six Months, . . - ". .. 3 00 Three " . . . ' : . 1 60 One . . ' - 50 One Week. . . . -. . 15 i Our Camera will deliver the paper ev ery Morning in every pan oi tne cuy to our subscribers, and parties wanting it will please call at the Citizen Office. LARGER DAILY AND WEEKLY CIR CULATION IN WESTERN NORTH CARO LINA AND EAST TENNESSEE THAN ANY OTHER PAPER. CONSTANTLY INCREAS ING. '- Send your Job Work of all hind to the Cm-m Office, if you want it done neatly, J -ijitX Jitpatch. A.... .. auu Departure of Passenger Trains. Salisbury Arrives S:U8 p. ns.' leave tor MoT rlstowa at 6:18 p. m , Tekxb8si Arrives at 1.25 .m . and leaves at nlm. A -rives at 9:41 p i.i "id leaves lor dfaatanburo Arrives at a. or..; leaves lor Morristown at 8:10 a. m. I relght accommodation leaves Asheville at 8:10 a. m and arrives at 9:00 p. m. Waynesyille Leaves Asheville at 8:00 a m., and arrives at 4:50 o. m Xew Advei'tiseinents. For Rent R. B. Johnston. Banking Henry Clews & Co. To the Ladies W. H. Littleton. Mr. W. H, Gardner, of Yancey, is in the city. Six arrests were made by the po lice yistcrday. E. McD. Hastings, of Greenville, fc. V., is in the city. Mr. If. Wiiliam?, of Morganton, spent j-rpterday in the city.. Tl.e cotiferenc- of the M. E. Church closed Sutuhiy night. Only two cases ttied in the May or's court yesterday morning. W. T-. Conley and wife, ol Phila delphia, are ?t the Swahnanoa. Th;tnks to Hon. Thos. D. John ston for important public docu ments. Republicans in the eighth dis- trict will run R. Z. Liuney, Esq., for Congress. Mr. F. A Sondley has gone to Raleigh to attend the fession of the Snpreme Court. Ir. Richmond Pearson, who is now in Raleigh, will arrive in this city Thursday evening. Owing to the present low prices of tobacco many farmers intend plant ing less of the weed this year. Reports from all seetions are to the effect that there will be a very fair fruit crop unless killed hereafter. The South Carolina State Guard will hold their encampment at 5. 7 Mr. C. W. Malone has hep ' ap pointed to succeed Steven Jones, dead in the cre of Minerva Whitai ker vs, Benj.'Pinner et. alp. Dr. H. N. Wells, Miss Daisy Wells and Miss Hester Smathers came down from Clyde to witness the Till performance last night. Mrs. Polly Rhodes, whose mind has been deranged for some time past, wilfboL. taken to the insane asylum at Morganton by Sheriff Worley to-day. Mr. J. II. Osborne who has had charge of Mr. T. S. Morrison's busi ness at Marshall, prior tr his recent selling out his goods in that place is now with Mr. Morrison in West Asheville. They do say that our friend Judge Baykin can mate better time in reach ing his courts from any part of the State more promptly than he can from well from the eastern Pied mont country. Judge Walter Clark has declined the use of his name for the Gover norship We will use his patriotic letter hereafter. He sets an exam ple that some others might follow to the good of the party, Mr. W. ll. Beach has just received a carload of improved agricultural machinery which has been added to his large stock of goods in West Asheville. We are glad to see that our people are taking such interest in the use of improved implements on their farms. A jury composed of good Wake county farmers evidently do not take much stock in a man who pays sevx enty-five cents per bushel for cotton seed and sells them for five dollars per pound. They have just acquitted the editor of the Waderboro' Intelli geneer of a charge of libel for de nouncing a Raleigh man who was proven guilty of this sort of prac tice. And the jury did just right. Protect the press in its efforts to pfotect the people against fraud and robbery. New Goortaas Law's. We are now ready for the Spring trade in all lines of Crockery and Glass, and are able to offer closer prices than ever before. Hotels and boarding bouses should get our prices before placing orders, in spoons, forks and Knives we are headquarters at wholesale and retail. J. H. Law, ' 57 &-59 S. Main street Ginghams, Percales. Satines, Prints, Lawns, &c. H. Redwood & Co. IteSuB&Tues The opportunity offered on Tuesday, the 10th, for the purchase of building lots on Haywood, Buttrick and Hill streets, and to be sold by J. J. Hill, is not one to be neglected, bee to it, and be there. . d2t Pure flavoring extracts in bottles or bulk, whole and ground Spices, Cream of Tartar and . English Bi Carb Soda, for domestic uses, at Camichakl's. Smith & Angell's Celebrated FastBlack Hosiery. a. Redwood dc Co. lteSnn&Tues Dr. C. D. Smith, of Franklin, is in the city. Damp and disagreeable weather yesterday. Mr. A. B. Hunter, ot Mills River, N. C, is in the city. Cpt. M. E. Carter, is attending Haywood Superior Court. Mr. Thomas H. Cobb is off on a trip to Lincolnton and Shelby. J. R. Allison, Esq., of Johnson City, Tenn., is at the Grand Central. Col. John D. Camtron, of the Citizen, is attending Haywood Court. Mr. Jno. F. Murrill, of the Hick ory Presa-Car.olmian, wa. in , the city yesterday. " "' " ' ' There will be an auction Bale of some valuable city property to-dar by Mr. J: ; Hill.-. . t. TheTiH Family arat efrGi - Central, as is also J. R, Taylor, Birmingham, Ala. The new shait for the waterworks pump has been made and the pump is at work as usual. J. C. Davidson, guardi in, yester day made his annual repcrt to the superior court clerk. Mi. Duncan E. Mclyer, of Moore county, is looming up as a candi date for State Auditor. Services at the Firtt and Second Baptist churches were largely at .tended Sunday morning. Tobacco sales at the Farmer's and Banner warehouses yesterday. Very little tobacco on the floors. D. L. Wilcox, Vernon City, Iowa, and D. W. Cardwell, of Abingdon, Va., are at the Grand Central. Admission for children to the Till Family concert only 25c Reserved seat tickets for sale at Sawyer's. A new flag sidewalk will be put do min front of A. D. Cooper's store on north court square to-day. Mr. T. E. Cunningham and wife, of L:ma, Ohio, are in the city. They are at the Swannanoa, and will re main here several weeks. Officer Rowan arrested three par ties implicated in a fracas at the old depot yesterday afternoon. They were lined 825.40 by the Mayor. His Honor had a big court Sun day morning, in consequence where of the city treasury is replenished to the amount ot fifty-five dollars. An effort will be made to have his Eminence Cardinal Gibbons preach in this city during his stay here, at tending the conference of bishope . Haywood . .court Cj0j3vejad . at Waynesville yesterday mofhing Judge McRae presiding. Several members of the Asheville bar are in attendance. Rev. W. S. Plumer Bryan, of the Presbyterian church of this city, left yesterday evening to attend Meck lenburg Presbytery, to be held near Charlotte this week. Mr. Tom Vance, of Lenoir, who was in the cityj yesterday, reports Democratic organization as almost perfect in Caldwell, and that they would hold their convention at Le noir on Mav 1st. Jno. Metz, Esq., and wife nee Miss Coy Youmans, of South Carolina, is in the city visiting friends. Mr. Metz i- a prominent voung gentle man of Raleigh, and is first lieuten ant of the Governor's Guard. Pattoa Avenue was r ceiving its finishing touch yesterday, in the way ot street repairing. It is now in excellent condition., and it is a misfortune that the same cannot be said of other principal streets in the city. Matinee performance by the Till Family at Opera Hall at 3 o'clock this evening for the benefit of stu- dents of the Asheville Female Col lege and school-children, who can not attend at night.. Admission children, 25c. ; adults, 50c. Tickets for sale at Sawyer's, Come o (lie Auction To-day of choice ' lots Hill and Buttrick streets, dlt on Haywood, 3 p. m sharp. Solid Silver and best quadruple plated goods in large variety and all new designs, aiso newest styles of Silver Jeweleiy, at Law's, opposite post omce. ; aoi Only Eleven Choice lots will be sold at auction tc-day at 3 p. m. on Haywood, Hill and Buttrick streets. dlt Prescriptions compounded with care and accuracy at Pelham's Drug store. Special attention given to the prescrip tion department. None but pure drugs and best chemicals employed. W. E. Pelham, 48 8. Main street. Waynesville Courier. Official paper of Haywood county, N. C. A live Democratic Home Journal. Devoted to the material interests of Wes tern North Carolina. Best advertising medium west of Asheville. Frank M. Vanoil, Editor. dtf Waynesville, N. C. A very attractive Spring Stock, bought low, and marked at a reasenable profit. IteSunATues H. Redwood & Co. Investors, looking for homes, and a place for homes, will be disappointed if they fail to be present at tbe sale on Tuesday. It is one chance in many. d2t Landreth's Garden Seeds at Pelham's. Landreth's Fresh Garden Seeds and Onion Sets at Pelham's Drug Store. ' - Silk Hats, also the ' same shape in Cassimere Hat", Derby Hats in great variety, Stajjle, Soft Hats and Hammock Bats H. Redwood & Co. ' IteSunATues A Short Stay. U. S. Senator Z. B. Vance arrived in the city Sunday afternooB, ac companied by his sod, Mr. Thos, M. Vance, of LenrJir. They stopped at tbe Swannanoa, and were here on important private business. The Senator left on the noon train yes terday for Washingion. - v Returned Home. Prof. H. O. Hiraes, - of this city, who has been absent on business-in Mississippi, and Alabama for the jjift eight" weeks,; returned thome Sunday evening. Mr. W. W. Avery, of the Ashe ville Furniture Factory, returned home Sunday afternoon from a business trip North. - s A Handsome Office. .'Natt Atkinsdn & Sons' real estate oJeerooNorth Min street, was prj4anUy - fitted. np sfcll; The woodwork was gotten up by en up b the Asheville Lumber Company, and is exceedingly ornate. Elega nt carpets, and office furniture will be put m to-day, and when completed this will be one of the handsomest offices in the city. . Crawford Taken. Back. United States deputy marshal W. L. Swanson, of Tayloraville, arrived in the city yesterday for. the pur pose of takinsr back to Alexander county, Partee Crawford, the negro arrested in this city a te-v weeks ago by deputy marshal Hampton, upon a telegram sent by Marshal Settle of Greensboro. Crawford is an old offender against tho revenue laws, and in this instance he had jumped a bail boud. The officer with his prisoner left on the noon train yesterday for the east. The Largest Yet. Our friend J. N. Hood, Esq., of Macon county, was in the cfty Sat- uraay witn several very une bp which averaged over 1200 each. One, a cow beef, w 1320 pounds, the largest ofliia kind, we dare say, ever brought to this market. Mr. Hood is one of the successful young farmers of the State, and Le works upon tbe prin ciple that anything worth doing at all is worth doing well, hence, he not only deserves but achieves, suc ceSE. Kindly Words. A prominent citizen of Graham county, in a private note to us, is kind enough to 3ay the following : "I feel grateful to the editors of the Citizen for what they have dene for Western North Carolina. Go on in your good work; your labors Are bound to be rewarded in he future." " ' The good people of our section recognize the efforts and ustlal net8 of the Citizen in behalf of Western North Carolina, -and it is their recognition'which encourages us to "go on in the good work." An Elegant Mansion. Mr. Wolsey, the English gentleman who sometime ago purchased a lot in North Asheville from Capt. Natt Atkinson, has begun the erection of a magnificent dwelling. All th latest and most approved conveniences in modern architecture have been in corporated irr this dwelling. A mas sive burglar and fire-proof vault has been placed in the basement and marble mantels, shipped Icom laly, will adorn tb , fire-places. The duty on' these mantels alone amounts to $200; each. A large children's play-house has also been erected in the yard at a cost of $1, 000, and the grounds surrounding the dwelling has been tastefully laid out in walks, drives, flower-beds, etc. The location is very beautiful, and when finally completed this mansion will be one of the finest in the city costinff about $20,000. Mr. J. A. Wairner is the architect and builder. Choice Property ! For sale to-day at 3 p. m., at' auction on Haywood. Hill and Buttrick streetr. dlt Carmicbael's Cbolce Cologne, Fragrant and lasting, put up in quarts. pints and half-pints, manufactured onlv by W. C. Cabmichaei., dtf 1'Ob. Main street. Pelham's Pectoral Syrup. Cures Whooping Cough, Coughs. Cold. Broachilie, Catarrh; relieves and cures all those ailments of the bronchial tubes by whatever name called. This is -universal testimony. Prejudice can avail nothing as the people cannot be deceived. Pelham's Pectoral is no nostrum. It is recommended after full trial by reputa ble people and is prepared by a respon sible Druggist. 25 cents a Lottie,, at Pel haaa's Drugstore. La. dieth's Garden Seeds at Pelham's Omnibuses will be on this Square at half-past two to-day to convey parties free to the auction sale of lots on Hay wood, Hill and Buttrick streets. If you want a good borne, anena promptly, dlt Art S juares, Rugs, and fresh Mattings, dtf at W. B. Williamson & Co's. New and very handsome Parlor Furni ture just in. Call and examine, dtf W. B. Willi AMNorf & Co. Our styles in Art Squares, Carpets, Mattings, Oil Cloths, Rugs, &c, will be found unusually good. IteSun&Tues H. Redwp id & Co. Visitors should note the fact that Alexander Hotel, 10 mile? North ot Asheville, on the Western Jrth Caro lina Railroad and French Broad River, is une of the most desirable places in this vicinity. J. M. Johnson, Propria tor, Alexanders, Kid Gloves, Lisle and Silk Gloves, Pilk Mitts, Fans, Parasols and Umbrellas, Bustles. Shopping Bass. Hosiery. Under wear, Handkerchiefs, Cashmere Shawls and Embroidered Fichus, Walking Jackets, Corsets, ' Ribbons, Ruchings, Collars and Cuffs, dec. One price system, IteSun&ri'ues H. redwood a? Uq. ANOTHER IX JAIL. Julius Wilson, Jr., Committed Jail Yesterday. to When the hour arrived yesterday for the preliminary examination of Julius Wilson, Jr., JusticeSummey's court was filled with people inter ested in the case. Wilson was promptly brought into court by deputy sheriff Worley, and Mr. T. A. Jones, the prisoner's attorney, entered a few minutes later accom panied by Mr. H. B. Carter, coun sel for the plaintiff. Boat was also in court as a witness for the State. After a little legal sp-rring between the counsel on both sides regarding the separate examination of wit nesses. Attorney Jones carried bis point, and all the witnesses save Mr. C-J. Harkine, the .special de tective, were removed from the room. . . Mr. Harkins was then sworn and testified as follows: I found goods in Wilsou's house in Salisbury, on Saturday last. I read warrant to him and told him I bad a eeafch warrant for his house ; he volunta rily sent for the articles in question and his wife brought them in the room; he denied the charge on which he was arrested and said he bought the goods from Bosf; paid him $14.50 for same; thegoods were cheaper than could be bought at a wholesale store, so witness said; the prisoner said that he had bought goods from Bost in Asheville, on August 8th ot last year, about 7 o'clock in the morning; he shipped goods same morning to his wife in Newton; he denied sleeping with Bost. Cross eximinated by Mr. Jones, the witness said prisoner told him he bought the goods from Bost, but knew that they came from Graham's. Wilson said he shipped the trunk containing goods to his wife at Newton, care of Rev L. C. Killian, who was his brother-in law; Bost owed him $5 borrowed money, didn t owe Bost a cent; prisoner came up town one night; I arrested him for carrying a pistol: he said that he intended to pay Graham or Bost for thegoods, but didn t have the money alter he had paid his fine; prisoner told hi.m he had no receipt at all from Bost; said Bost had sent statement of account but wife trad burnt it up; said Frank Crump was present when Bost dunned him; I arrested Boat in December. Mr. Ed Weddin, express agent was next sworn, and exhibited a memoranda of one trunk shipped to Mrs. J. M. Wilson, Newton, N. C, by J. M. Wilson, Jr., cf Ashe- R. H. Bost was sworn: I staid at store last summer; Wilson slept with me sometimes; I let him have $9.75 worth of goods, ginghams, flannels, hosiery, etc ; the goods were really worth more; let him have a trunk; he picked out goods the night before he bought them; he was to pay me for them; I told him not to say any thing about it; he knew all about how be was getting them; he paid me $7-25 since that time ; I never owed him a cent; ho only got goods when he staid all night: he exercis ed a complete control over me, I could notreluse him anything: he was living in Asheville at the time; I did not sign the receipt, nor I never gave him one ; he paid me $2 25 four weeks ago. Mr. R. L Graham then testified that the signature on the receipt was not Bost's. Mr. Harkins recalled testified that prisoner told him Saturday that if Bost would tell the truth he would come ut all ngnt; out he had never had any receipt from Bost at all; told me this morning that he had found a receipt The prisoner was then sworn, and testified that he. thought everything was all right; that Bost was author ized to sell goods. He went first to see Graham but he wasn't in. Never got any goods but once. I had no idea goods were stole i; Bost owed me fiye dollars. I have paid Bost a.l I owed him. These goods are the same' that I purched from Bost. I shipped goods to my wife. I did not stsal the goods. This closed tbe testimony and the prisoner was remanded to jail in default of bon I in the sum of $200. He will make bond this week, and the case will be investi gated by the grand jury of the In terior court. Other parties are being shadowed and it will not be long before an other arrest is made in connection with this matter. Sadden Changes. The changes in the season from Winter to Spring admonish U3 to be guarded in our personal treatment If you contract a cold dont wait until pneumonia dev elops. Prudence suggests a timely remedy. Pelham's Pectoral Syrup for 25 cents a bottle ia a certain specific for Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, &c. Beware of coun terfeits. . W. E. Pbxham, dtf Pharmacist. Fresh new line of Carpets Just receiv ed at W. B. Williamson & Co's. dtf In Dress Silks we ai'e showing some pleasing effects among the new colors. First rate value in Black Silks. IteSunATues H. Redwood &. Co. Landreth's Garden Seeds at Pelham's. Landreth's Garden Seeds at Pelham's, Handsome effects in Keglige Shirts, Scarfs, Percale Shirts, Hall-Hose, Hand kerchiefs, &c - 1. Redwood & Co. IteSun&Tues Prescriptions filled from a well kept stock of drags and chemicals, and deliver ed tree to any part of city. . Night bell promptly answered. - W. C Carmichael, Apothecary, ,20, a Main street, Asheville, N. C. Advertising in the Citizen Pays. A leading firm who lias been ad vertising in the Citizen a week. says his last week's trade was more man aouDie any ween ot their ex perience, which they attribute to the Citizen. Advertising in the Citizen pays. The Graham Robbers. We learn from detective Deaver, tnai anotner party implicated in the Graham robbery has been cap turea in uatawua county, lie was engaged in peddling the stolen goods, and now says that he will "blow" on4 everybody connected with the theft. We also heard that Bost would give bond, but the de tective laughed at the idea and said that if Bost did give bond he would be re arrested on another charge. It seems that there is no end-to the number of parties implicated in the Fteai; but the stolen box of china cannot be found. V - - Circulate the "Citizen." X.: A gentleman in Wautauga writes to Subscribe for the Citizen and hope3 to get a number of subscri bers in that county, adding "So useful a paper to the State ought to be very largely circulated, both for material as well as political rea sons. We are adding names to our list almost daily, from every section of Western Carolina, and irequently from other sections of the Slate. Let all friends of the best interests of our section and btate spare a few words to their neighbors in behalf of the Citizen, and we will run up our lists this year away into the thousands. The Citizen labors only for the best in terests of the people, and for such measures as the be3t judgment of the editors can approve to reach sjch results. Let the paper be largely circulated among the peo ple, and carefully read, and we be lieve all interests will be benefitted. The Bunk Busters. The loss of the State Agricultural and Mechanical College by the rob-bery-of State National back will be about 83..200. Tnis will be made good, however. The Board of Agri culture and Trustees of the College meet Thursday, when contracts for the builldings will be given out, and work commenced at once. A Toronto dispatch of Saturday evening says Cross and White had left that day at noon for Ralegh. It adds: "In court io day Cross and White looked as if they had been sick for sojtne time. Both look., older byL many years: wnite cried all the time and Cross did most of the time. The' are completely broken up, and would have gone home at once but for their counsel. Cros3 asked after his wife, and said if he had heard she was dead he intend ed to kill himself. White says he started to go back after lie had gotten to the depot atRaleigh. They both say the bank wa3 gone a long time, and that they had made a sacrifice of tiiemselv33 to save oth er?.' Messrs. Cross and White started from Canad.i :turdav. brinffiner w:th them Messrs. Busbee and Heart of Ral-iyrh. Thev reached Raleigh last evening. If intimations made by White and Cross haye any foundation, there are some people in Raleigh who will wish they had not come home. Wedding Bells. Two marriages will take place in the city to-morrow : Mr. Chas. A. Moseley and Miss S :e Smnruey will be united in marriase at the Presbyterian church. and Mr. J. R. Graves, late of C. E. Gra ham & Co., will lead Miss Rosa, eldest daughter of Mr. J. J. Hill, to the hy meneal altar, at tbe residence of tne bride's father, on Hillside street, to-mor row night at 3:30 oclock, Rev. C. Rankin oflicating. Mrs. F. M. Miller who has been spend ing a month with friends in Richmond, Va" , returned to Asheville last evening. Being: More Pleasant To the taste, more acceptable to the stomach, and more truly beneficial in its action, the famous California liquid fruit remedy, Sjrup of Figs, is rapidly super seding all others. Try it. One bottle will prove its merits. For sale by H. II. Lyons. d&wlmo Do You Want a Home? If so, attend the auction sale of splendid lots to-day at 3 p. ui. on Haywood, Hill and Buttrick streets. dlt To tne Ladles. - Now is the time to have your b-ewing machines cleaned up, repaired and ad justed for the spring and summer work. Mr. W. H. LitUeton, a practical machin est .isinthe ci'y and is prepared to do all work on all sewing machines. He furnishes needles, shuttles, rubber bands, and parts to all sewing machines. Office at Green's groceiy store, near old depot, West Asheville. apSdlw Boys' and Children's Clothing. Hats, Shoes, Gloves, etc. IteSun&Tues H. Redwood & Co. 7:.egler Brothers', Banister's, Swain's, and Morgan's Fine Shoes. IteSun&Tues H. Redwood & Co. 14 Jtegant line of fine toilet requisites, .racing Perfumery, Hair, Tooth, Nail and Flesh Brushes, face powder ard powder puffs, just received, at - Carmicbael's (truj Store-. Almost eyery shape in Fine Straw Hats for men, boys, and children, at prices well below prevailing figures for the same grades. H. Redwood & Co., IteSun&Tftes One Price Store. Landreth's Garden Seeds at Pelham's, Fine French Dress Goods in great variety with ' Trimmings to correspond. Many of. these. are .but a trifle more expensive than the American cotton warp goods, ot which we-have a good stock also. - H. Redwood & Co, ' .IteSnnoVTueg ' to - Pullman cars run regularly between Salisbury and Washington, with which the trains from Asheville connect Accommodations on these cars can be secured bv anplvine to Mr. W. A. Win burn, A. D. P. A., at the depot in this city. ITEMS' FOR THE PEOPLE READ. TO New Goods are coming in daily, and our stock is now almost complete in every line of goods we handle. We opened to-day a line of Men's Patent Leather Shoes in Congress and Bals, at $2.98 per pair, worth $4, stylish and well made. Our stock of Chil dren's School Shoes is probably lar ger than that of any other store in the city not confined exclusively to Shoes, all grades and prices. Our $1 School Shoe is splendid value. Bar red Muslin at 6Jc. worth 9, a piece of cream and one of pint at 12 Jc. cheap at 18c. : a beautiful line of Satines in short lengths, 2 to 10 yards in a piece at the astonishingly low price of 10c. per yard, worth 18c. We have our third supply of Standard Novels at 12c. per volume, regular 25c. books. The handsomest lamp for $1.08 we ever saw under $2.50; a glass fruit stand, very large for $1, only 4 left, but more ordereel, extremely cheap. Beautiful Glass Pitchers for 72c. The same has been sold in Asheville for $2. A large line of Glassware atless than auction prices. Our curtain goods, Table Damask, Napkins and Doylies cannot be beaten in price or quality. To Housekeepers we say, tlo not fix up your homes for the Spring and Summer until you learn our prices on all kinds of using things, for dining room, kitchen, bed room and parlor. We guarantee prices lo be lower than anywhere else in the city. Our goods arc bought in immense quantities by a concern able to put 40,000 dollars in Straw Hats alone at one purchase. These are sent out to the different, "Racket Stores" con nected with No. 4G6 Broadway, and to no others. We put taem into the hands of the consumer in nianv cases (as we shall a part of these Straw Hats as soon as they come) at prices lower than other merchants pay for them. There is no mystery about it: it is perfectly simple the power of ample capital to buy from the auc tions in large lots, and the Agencies established in large towns to distrib u(XijrooJ3 amoag the people at a close prorrV Nothina . told at cost. no credit, spot cash, no bad accv,w Jts, goods bought for dollars down and sold the same way. Any other mer chant in Asheville will tell you that this is the only correct way to buy and sell goods if he will lay aside his prejudice. Come and see the goods and learn the prices. Do you good and save you money. Very respectfully, &c, GEO. T. JONES & CO. N. Y. office, 4G6 Broadway. Just Received, A line of Fine Black Corkscrew Ccats and Waistcoats, 4 button cutaway, which we are selling ieveral dollars below com petitors' prices. Verbum sap. lte.Sun&Tues H. Redwood & Co. A Cbolce Stock of California canned goods, Ritter's Preserved fruits, Momaja coffee, Salad dressing. Keystone Pickles- Grated Cocoanut, apple syrup, Catsups, fresh candies, Wilson's Crackers, Hats, Boots and Shoes cheaper than anybody else offers them in town, at Smith & Baird's. What Bo Yon Want T One may want more than his share of comfort and happiness. That would be selfish, and therefore wrong. But to want a good return for seed sown is legitimate. To obtain a good result, if you plant garden seeds buy Landreth's Pedigree seeds. W. E. Pelham, Drug gist, is the only dealer in Landreth's Seeds, and supplies only fresh seeds. 12 papers seeds lot 50 cents. Beans, and teas, 10, 15, and 25 cents per pint cheaper in larger quantities. No old commission seeds at Pelham's. Stylish, well made Clothing in great variety. The line embraces a number of high class things ot foreign manufacture in both Sack and Walking-coat cuts, and, most important of all, the fit will be found excellent H. Redwood & Co. IteSun&Tues Fresh Fruits of all kinds at Wilkie's outh Main st dtf XEAV ADVERTISEMENTS pOR RENT. Nice front rooms in Eagle bnlldinr 2nd floor, apl 10 dlw Apply to B. B. JOHNSTON. HENRY CLEWS & CO., BJATKBM8, 13 15 MMJB ST., .V. 1". . MEMBERS Or THE NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE. NEW YORK PRODUCE EXCHANGE. NEW YORK COTTON EXCHANGE. NEW YORK COFFEE EXCHANGE. CHICAGO BOARD Or TRADE. Transactions made at any of the above Ex changes and carried on margin for customers when desired. Interest allowed on deposit accounts, apl 10 dim THE ASHEVILLE Is open for guests. First-class In every particular. Satisfaction guaranteed. . TERMS Per week .41000 Per day 2.00 JAMES D. CARRIER, aprtdlm Manager. . AsMe miliar? Acatey CORNER OF; Academy tree- aud Beard Ava Pupils admitted at any Una for rrnUr For terms, Ac, apply to JauHldU . v IXSSl . Pullman Cars from Salisbury Washiqgton. TbePAST.PRESENT f IT TXT XT HE. Ahoilt UVAn nrtn w . vmm j vw.u I. VJ imUB Asheville and engaged in the Grocery TrfldA ltl A Bmnll Wov tulian'nr. V. n K . . j , unviuig tun, stri3t attention to business, BUYING the BEST GOODS for CASH and selling at a and by honorable and upright dealing, that W6 Could RllCTAprl in oataHlifi.iinr a business here. It is very gratifying to us at thu date to be able to sta e that our expectations have been moie than realized, and it is with no mariner of boasting, but with thankful gratification tuiib ww tu-oay ciaim to nave tne Largest Grocery Trade in Western JYorth Car olina, and, one of the largest in the State. One result of the increased huai .ipsa ia that we have been able each yr-ar, to buv Our foods at closer fianrpn in til in. day we find ourselves buying a large proportion of our goods delive-ad in Asheville at Rama nrinpn natri hv i ,1-iKora in the large cities. OnrtrnrlA fnr 1SS7 vaa ohnnt ".1 na- cent larger than any preceeding yea and in mapping out a campaign FOR 1888, weJtave decided to give you the benefit of the difference we save in our purchases, and this means a saving to you of from 15 to 25 per cent. In doing this, we are not cutting Drives to hurt any body, but sell vou these t?oods at tne same per cent, we tormerly did.ST 2 he difference being the amount tee save in buying. To show how this works, We will call your attention to the following prices and let figures talk chile : Standard Graar1 dSugar 12fts.for$1.00 Cotlee vi "14 " Yellow C. u 17 " Choice Rio Coffee, 6 " Best Carolina Rice, 12 " Choice Carolina Rice, 15 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Colgate's New Soap, 12 cakes for 35 cts. JBartlett's Blueing, 12 boxes, " 30 cts. .Blacking, large size, 5c. per box. " ' . small size, 2ic 44 box. Good Brooms for 20 cents each, One Box Princess Cigars for 75 cts. Adamantine Candles 10 cts. per lb. Ball Potash 5 cents per ball. Concentrated Lye 5 cents per box. Choice Y. H. Tea, 30 cents per lb. G. P. Tea, 50 cents per lb. Choice California Raisins 15 cents per lb. l dozen cans 6 ns. t omatoes for $1 o 1 " " Corn, for 1 5 Hart's 3 lbs. Peaches, 25 cts. per can. " 2 lbs. " 20 cts. " Arbuckle's Coffee, 20 cents per lb. Waterloo Family Flour $2.25 per 100 fts. Blue Bird " " 82.65 " tts. Pint Bottle Pickles, 10 cents per bottle. Quart " " - 20 cents " Ltsll (Jallon Bot Pickles 30 cts. Gallon Bottle Pickles, 40 cents. Half pint bottle Acme Sauce, 10 cts. " Catsup, 15 cts. 3 Wine Glass Jellies for 25 cent.--. 3 Cakes Ivory Soap for 25 cents. Sugar Cured Hams 13 cts. per lb4 Hog Jowles 8 cents per lh. Soda Crackers 7 cents per lb. Pearl Grits 3 cents per lb. Oatmeal 5 cents per lb. Oatflakes 17 cents per package. Obelisk Flour, the best in America, $3.00 per 100 Ibj. We cannot get every thing priced on this list, but will change it as occasion requires, and if you will call and examine our ttoct. we will learn you something about good good at low prues. We mean what we say. Respectfully POWELL & SNIDER

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