rji i CITIZEN JOB OFFICE, NO. 13 PATTON AVENTJF. DAILY EDITION. Fnrinan, Stone fc Cameron, Editors and Proprit tors. ! SUHSCRIPTION : DAILY, One Year, . . 0.00 ' Six Months, . . . 3 0 WEEKLY, One Year. . . 1.50 ' Six Months, . . .75 Advertising Rates Low. VOL IV -NO 9. ASHEVILLE, N. C. SATURDAY MORNING, APRIL 21 1888. 'RICE SCENTS BILL HEADS, LETTER HEADS, POSTERS, BLANKS, &e And job work of afl kinds done with neatness and at tiie lowest (nines. C ROYAL J r. Will l j."..' Cl'l t Jl.'nlisV .''t. t .i:..-1; .' On Ye;-.-, six .V-nthn Three " One ' '( !'.!' V(;f!;, hraicd "w;v Morning (. x ;:! tl v following rati!- . 3 ild i "' V.) 15 Our l 'r.rriei:- wil) deliver the paper ". I crv Morning in cerv part of the eitj to I our i.i:l-sciibcr:. .md pi'.rtus wantm j wid p'.e-.R'.- call iii the ClliZES ' f Vi -. ; it . 1 a . i .!! l iAII-V AND WKFKI.Y ( Ut I I'll. A". I'lN IN WItSTi.UN NOKTII CAPO I I.JNA AN.' i" 1' Ti NN1-SSKK THAN ANY ifwin; rvri.t:. ciostaxti.y inc!!KAs- 1 I ,V .ti Jir W: of aU khu:s to lit rant :.' ;oi.v 'f':-7. OiPa. if iv.r.l il'.- Absolutely Pure, lals powder lurcr varies A r-.arvt'l of piirilv trenrftu and vv!ioiis.i,''.ciie-s. Vote t'cotaunieal hat; theorditiarv kiwis ate! iititt it be "Id 1" mmietition with the mnlli-l l.n trt. sho-J le'hl alum or p' .-i! j'.!-' --n-. '' .u Royal Bakim. Pwir.:i-o. in v.l ft, ew fork. Ai'.-iv.tl end Departure ol' Vassonner I Train-. j usr.ri v-.:r.v. : i:s p in.- !. a tor !or ri-tot 11 ie .Vis p. r.i Tl SM-viS ArilV'l! 1 '.''II til., Mid .CllVCSftt l::t p in. A. rives ; end ii-aves. .or Spnrif.r.l.iiri; 't ::v f. m. .-r.icTiMirc-.irnU'j p.t sa. leave? lor Morrt.t'-!i ' N',!a i'i. l-;f't:iit ccro'r;iiiiii:"i.'n leav.-s A!viiV t n. . "! i-'-- ' p. 11'.. W 'AY--T- H 1 u.U- ; Vi.lf .1- !:. :i :!.! IM r:V, - I-."1' -J. i- ::;::1.-Ivr:ill 1 - SHVIPOUNO aKYGEi M I. m.h'-S ihanr. .r... : llBAI. 1-Vi-Afi:- V::i.--.-n l:r!!il..!r. Jp8'--'-"-:'.' ! r tit-v I' :; -i- V-;?- is in ! , i,,.,.:.: ; r.tt'iva. . , . ll'-rAi..' I title, li.-.i- MmikiC 'A&r Krai.k K f..:..;. Wav.u- ' yr-ei- !h:.t ,l?ff: V' 'vi:! ti,,- ei:v. ' :-.-jjtehg!,r ' i; W !'!t-. ai.a Mi-.' ' In'.''. " -1 : ... .. .. ... .. I quu:il:-i n ur.f'.vitian j :'1!;; V i: .-: I.I... ... i' ; i i. i Ct:ii llrs.IIAMNHMC!!Ii;:v- r; :;; i w,-ti- ' : v .-. t;.-!'u- .'..v. t s-i- Quarterly Meeting. The third quarterly meetins; for the First M. Church, South, will lipoin this morning at 11 o'clock. Preachin-,' liy Rev. Dr. C. Carroll. lu:'.i services to-morrow. - Ttie Ie,ver-Tlionie Opera Company will present Rip Van Winkle :.t Matinee jieribrmanoe this atVrpoon at :'. oVh.ek. Tickets arc "tor sale at Sawyer's at 25 anil 15 cents, ('ail eariy ai.l secure ViUif seats. :. tiie hottse oiijiht tohe ClO'.Vihil. Tlie "C'ili.en" Knows. The K.ersville (Tenn. i Review says: -It is hinted in Asheviiie, 2v. C. that another hotel will soon he.nuilt njioti one id' the rtibii'han sites. It is salt! that it wi:l excel any thisia in the iiefel lin--, heit'i; second only to the famous I'.mee de Lon in Florid i That U vh;; th Tiria:; sav. ::iel ii ktiow-c. AsheviUe U noted !nr its 1 ...r. lin;i houses, iitid i'nie eiiiualo and seeir ry. ' Will Meet in I'a.veileville. Wii are i.ifornn d by Dr. Julian j M. 1J iker. Secretaty, of Tar!-nf, X. i V , tli t the ::5'!i . ;nuV meeiui or i t'.e .Meue. a! Saeietv of Xoriii Caro lina -.vi'; l)-" lieh! in Faveitevil e oil Uerd-.v. M 'V li:e .St: . 1-SS.S. A .rue ; ;e! ei: t i; t'.si.i.-t i a 1 1 end tnce is hxcnur.-iun ratts on all A'.iv otie disil'uiL' to pre pt r netii'y Secretary of irii'.iii'; i t'.) red, A:e., iii a place in iv ii re.-trved ni'ic for it. lie New W r!-,l" ee.ial 'pie: t!;e o; in 'o:i i..i!iv wnl rejro- 'i :,e New iVorid: :ir, The ,.f tioh'.'' Thi- one of the piays i-i their reper'oirc, epi is in ip id-- sty'e. life in cl ras. Nut unlike ".NFliss," its t' a'tract'ou is the 1 j-.-e of a i i , .1,.... I-..,, t-.f- Vie ' - ' .I'.ld. t iii the i" v i'- ll- r pit- - Stat. C:.) :t.-.'. Afiiva! at lduht we:- .-v ;y.: A. D. W' i:oe. riiici'iei; S. J. Show avui 'HCKiH t'.nglr f.'r.-, li"J .fit-In J. ASHEV1LLE- N. C Uotu pound Ox(soa 'nlmtt-t. m .mfti: wita nie.li'-ati'd ltu!i:) Vapor. ei:r-.- . ;;-':i:i). tlon, Asttiii'.a. I'.r.iiii hit.-. Kc :::!:. Throat, i 'is-'f Voir-. Ids'-e-i-' ! 1!-- :t!! Kidneys, It. tddvr. itnl '- o- t -pvt... : . mpnre er ii-ipovcti Ii' 1 )', ,!. It ciros hlioiiri:ii;.-m : . ' 1 r. i ,m tails. AI1KV1I.I K, N. -.. .t.;iliir:. 1--h In Justice I. aU simiicriy t. it iilii:nr selves as well i.s to l'.-. Ilitr..!i .V (a.a-iic.i. 1 TOluntati.v n:aku tl'e following staii-nn-nt t My 'ifu li-tf Kutl'ered tor hivpihi ycais wi'ii severe lniiR troutile, ronllimiiit: l. trow wor-e until last November when flic was lmiiMc -a up. but a pari of tarn day. No appetite. n.Kht sw ears, severe '(,;ij?,'. ai.i. .n.-s of lie? ll Tliebe.-! l.hhiciMlis of 1'ouUliey, el moot. aJvii-td a:i miin-diate depart re s.imh. Wercaehed Aslicville Nnven.li. r lTili mid com menced tHklni; ir-atment of Drs Miiriinu mid Uatchcll, tnlia ine Componnd Hxyn'-n nn t Km am Vapor. Mvwife has improvnl rap:d,y irom the first Her appeliie is foid, ! -fps well. Mnha i,nt littl.. rMi.w l. ss. i.ilit swciit- cea-.'d; no pain anyw here, takes lone wul!-? and . iina.s , the niountains with little fatixuc and l as irained I iitt. inixii-t. We fet.1 certain another r.ion.h s , treatment will afeot i ermunc.it erne. A- f.r. ....:.,,. myself I am del ulited to Mate that 1 improved i t 1 1 '" -rapt ly from the first trea'ir.enl and am n.-t'.r.y j, .,.,,.,, t well , , . .. . , ' ' 1 ' . . i 1 have suflVied for : yrtirs -jliis.- t l.i y. i dUj::!t to ! e enduranee itti ihe worst lona t ei:. . : I bad abandoned ati lii d r. Ii. i 1 Vr. J; ; (; (reatmeiii has i.e.-n ent e .p,l a it' i" .u tss ; ,till hast-net-.il a rure lor me. Iliyid'.!' tit. Yours respect; njy. i A.. I. SMITM I,-,,..;-. Tie Mr. and Mr Smith are liv.in in e.-.t ti.nl cif. , . . . veJifv and uibl totlo al.t.ve. I a t- 1" .. HOME TREATMENT, j idhiT . ' We manufacture the Compound Oxyf.-ti. Mid i ihi' Chris:: ihtpi- to all parts i-l t!:e t-ountry, f. . :i to the Pacitt : Coa t. We n-ml apptitatu at: ' t-ient-no Avi-tjite. .-'.I! jla.i two mot. ih. ft r tl-.'. lhi is i. vali:.it-.t-, . V-th ortice .reatment. il ' J-'je woinlerml ctirativc rts.ilts o!.;a.: ed wi'.li . nl' rjntnient is astonish:;:!; evcti t.iis. , .i ; 1 1 1 1 ) C Ll t, jv. vili In Unrn limn nfllii- In (.'.(.' n'.r.i'i vr Mft In tht eimf riintuic 1'itmtf. i- 'if nf f.!: . -.e ei'-i i. It' ' iralf'l lMtKiJwaiHiiiilriiiiiiiiijfff. DUS. HA"?'N dc (i.Mt'HrLl , U Main Street, A3he7ille, N : lu'-?3-dawil I .-. ii lan.'-r. i-.dyen- e. inlii'pi" :;!id -eve tire woven ether in ti.i p!nt. an.! this . xce! t c.ii.tpativ a't' nnexcejui.inti'iy :' it-- !.' .-etlt iii il. We hope (-( Op ) ! ii ii lit ;1 lo-ni - ill . is i.- t'-ie ! ; t ; J . irance of the :.-. :,v i i i.n: ; ;- ml iet s ;ive ,e a . n-ii.-u' I.s I r We!!. The Astlicville liibrary. We arcgiad t: find that the ladies' the prime movers in th- orauiai tion of ti public lihraiy. and court afeou-5 workers for its perpetuity and ittcreasrt do e.t! ilespair oft'ie ultimate realization i: their ohjec's. Their familiarity with the history vf such institutions ha- iu;t Id them aware that .i li!rary is not the fi-owth of a day or a year. The great IVis library with its shelves n w orotii.i'ie; wirii the weight ot a niidii.ii tiiid ' half of vo'.a:no3 was once e;t:i)prts.-i i. wi'.hir. the ttarnnv coii.pass o! a c nv nr. cl:s.'l. He lil)ft.ry ;'t Wasiiinpleii City whose increase now dem ai ds the srection of a building ovi i in;i f iii i-itcrcs of ground, once found lodijniaiit in an obscure corner the Cipitoi luiih'" insr. livery thiug has it lKa".u.-tpi. more or lt-fs huntr. ino i-i.sae ii!H library began with tlie volunt -.ry on tributions of individual, of nooks, odd volumes, without order or clas sification. It has reached that sta je when it has become attractive, and, in that condition when incr-ase l to its attractions has become impera tive. The stranger lir.ds his or her way to the cof-.-y Library rooms, and the ladies of the city, or many ot tli tin continuous vi.-itois and patrons. Hut for siii this tl; n- is an sth.-ence of that v. ide :-.nd its.mst it.t rt.it upon which tl.e pr s-tperity o! a p'.l!.: C 1 i! It tlltiilt OepCMIiS. To many men. almost the very existi. t:C" 'l the h')i ..ry i- iii.l.no vii; tot much liimf lium'o. r. i- i a sui'jt ;:t o! a putic tic imi; fV-r-in e. 'i'his wi' rejifet t-' kuo'.-i; ;.r ;u a e immunity :ts ! ii'r:e .u.-. l U.tn'-eed as this is. t!t:d v te s- - ;:-:al eunei.t i- ei Mi 1 1 : i Ua . t .-ii. nile i':'.-'.; ny t e li;11--.V !' l;t;ei;ie;; or.-, ll; o:i whose life i:. a .-irati-;.- c )i::.uu::ty emn.i o:teii proper v.itli dis'ressin weight, relic! oi'lit to be given iy the o-rat-.-tul re-ources otk-.ed by a public library, amoie in its mi-liio-.i ,ti..:,s, tasteful ;it.d con venic;." in it.- arraimciiier.ts, ample tut 1 v.s ried iti its siere of b !-,ks aia! peri odicals At present, everything is wt ii prit.ioniourd. A small library is t-.i.-'e iiiity di-pos d m small ro.et:-'. 'iii'- 'j;r.Wdi ol the shelves Water Mtitors. AVe invite attention' to the ad vertisement of Messrs Cusliman and Liiulscy, agents for water motors and especially commend them to our country friends, who, navhig a good, stream on their premises can so easily establish a good and profitable power for milling, sawing and kindred pur poses. More Summer OftVriitss. Yesterday Long & Goodman tempt ed the eye with a rair display of fresh tomatoes, green peas and tender squashes, and had previously dis posed of a supply of snap hcaus. They looked summer like ; but the sky did not ; and the somewhat keen atmosphere admonished as that it would be a long time before T?tin- i combe rivaled Florida. T.ATK MAYS BK1KFS Carefully t't.iitJciisetl 1'rom Mail ami Wire. 'jlititieu Jlantl." The Meyer Thorne Comedy Co.. prcseuted Mrs. South wort's drama 'Hidden I laud," to a large and ap preciative audienc.-' last night. Miss liounie Meyer, in the duel role i f "Archie, the newsboy," and "Capi tola,'' brought down the house. "Wool," by Mr. Thorne wits im mensc.'aud "Maj. Worlield" by Mat shall, was the best we have secii. 'Josh Uhitcomb," the Yankee farmer, was exec Ileal, and the large audience was delighted. Earthquake in CV.iada yesterday. Snow two inc i. s d"cp tell in Michigan on the 1'h. The tisln ri. s treaty has been re ported against ami is notv before the Henr.te in seettt session. Ail indieations point to the deatii of Emperor Frederick within a few (bit: Ii:: lias borne u; agtinst fate m -1 bravely. The French Chamber of Deputies pa-sed resolutions ot confidence in the present government by a huge minority. But Reulargcr is ttill there. Jsdifi C. Freir.oj-.t, o:;c- the noted wester;: explorer, m!' a c-itididate for the presidency on the free soil ticket, and officer of '.lie .". -S. army !:;- been retired w:'.h the ran!; if Maj if Getiei:-'. 'ii.e fipt Died. At the residence of her parents, on Grove street, April 20th, Maude, daughter of "W. B. and Helen C. (iwyn. aged six years and ten days. Private burial this morning at 111 o'clock .-it River side Cemetery. "'ine' l.itiiors. Mr. Jas. H. Loughran yesterd;iy veceived a foreign import of fine liquors, com nising manufactur ers from Denmark, Italy, Russia, Spain, France, Austria and Eng land. Some bottles of these im ports were from the celebrated Benediction Monastery in France, and are the finest goods in the liquor line. Pierre's "Pleasant rurpative Pellets'' are ttei r- t tveveutives of constipation. In i.j .it ;!t3s , alw-r" ficsl;. Bv ail drugirisis. d2t CHANGING Our adt'fi'timiiit rif this i' rik yirc ux nn oiiportenity to rsprrss ok Jhi)ik to thr viitn;i good, I rr,:; smiivil liUll i t who have taken advantage of our offer made some time since. Our Trade is Booming and still lower prices may he looked for. We scarcely think the bottom has yet been reached on some goods. illt.ltl L of Ohio d; eiartd President, mil apse the Lead . 1" V. e field w. s : -:.i ;:i :i in I'-i'i M'.it t'.e-'i (J iilie; i. You Cmi ie ihe principal ilhi-trated papers, t'te prin- ;m ! ei!.r,l ina'jtt.ines, the latest fashion plates . !,ir i ain! naners. the newest nes's, as issued 1 For.ikcr m: vet 'r : . - ::: rat Woili!. Herald, nines inoniie, oi V .. .-..t-. ( . .n-., i . M , ir. tl Oil i Oar- j ( i....eul.i;i KiKinirer. New Btyie Pen in capacfy . Tablets, paiiu auti ruled, new rtylejKiper 'ser is .. it a iin.l eavelopes to suit the most fastidious i sin ia isiir.1' low orices. Very larae l.'.ii t i'ilet i and oilier school supplies. ae il.ill-i. liats, tnu-'es, .tiasKx, it'pt", ::'.; rt .- i ;i: to til ! ii" re. e. a. tie v ca do e,-., v .1- J It run man A. Keh..:.- a., at tl L lea iier itaCkel. I. f: Mr. (ie tig.- .ion ...re." istfilitilteS i.t ii; ieasiii. s.- e .;e: i led "ItickeL i-.ni Lis i lc:-e;:! - t II Conn., and ! Versailles, Kv noa ;.:r ;. ie . IVu't fail ; "f. A .t in to alls next to i-.i :ii i . ..it i ii l-tai V:: . w: it y I . r ; , i.l.il'o -Cie e. iepe-i' but il:- M i.i :n.-t. : 10 a. :. r .i -' csi ! i. ..:., ptttv 'i he s et- t t!;.' stock ir pnr.:!i:.s u.-e of .'!-porr,,;iy, of the "Re.-ka aieetht r r-'.mm )- cit .-; he :'ip jses l.v the removal hiCi-ti-m to the the .lohtiston building ei-.i'ter store. Tiiis is a cbiiiig--. f"!' o - it largt r .-i cured, and also a loca ,. iji;.te iha.n the present .!e..iOi::-il;.t. d the fact fine goods can be s-.-ld at v ie,i;i prices. lie b:iS ,: : "iMi liei -t ire" is not it hi' t s'ateishmen;, a m r.- .:!' otitis aud cues. -howy. alai wrth less. Tl.e Coti- fiet with Mr. -Jones' eh is cmie ss iii v. rie'.y, btit i:. in tjtii.i.y ;.- me is. s v, ill ghidly tt -iity. in the svsb m by w hioti liif.jU iiC'loliS d tae s.e.ta- 1 tfe (:1 1 il! icing i : IS . t ;e time m y t'.H.t t :::.. C'U'.e, yheii larger v greatly ;i'lvi d tte tsur s v lu:;t i:f which tbe citizen aipt .'.gilt to with" i rovi ie av take at tn sir leer iiiid S: tistac prith litin. Ltt tin- cilii'.cns realiz-: the vala of the library, lene to its aid a: -.ubseribvis. eiilarge the rod of con tributors, enkindie their inlcrest m it- piospasity, and niaict viil.t Libi-jry i' ti-.iti of tlie citv I tin" Asiie t iii.-i:tu- sa vs if..:!! tart he t ! Hi- : cat;' Oi ti.i-sioi th. Ii ill Admw 11 15e. 'Ki; . :.. iced. emus v:;t ! Mr One Price Store. A larfje and very attractive hue ei Men's, Uovs' and Cliiichen a Sans rnt.i. ing from low priced ;oous to . tmre very fine. Measures taken for A. Ihiv i.i.-iitj Co., New York Tailors, and a tit iiaianteed. ! Samples now ready for inspeeiien. All-Wool Dress (unlets "f the popular1 fabrics in (ireat vasiet nl o Saunt s.l'er cales, Dress Gintrhan. . V ". es, !'riiits.t'c. Dress Silks in the new Weaves, Kba tlames, Satins, Velvets and I'lasl . s Carpets, A t Smarts. Smyrna bitt-'s Oil-Cloths, Mattin;:?, Curiam Coot's in great variety. Damasks, Tow els, Napk.tis Coverlets, Blankets, tc. Ziegler Bros.', Merriam A; T!'"'s, Morgan Bros.' and Stoklev's .-licis fer ladies, mits 8 and children. Banister's and Ziegicfs Fine : In t s f. r men. ? Packartl & G rover's celebrated "c --"'U" and "2. U" Slices for men, an.l a f ind lar grade for hoys. Derby Hats, ."ilk Ua's, Soft Hats, and Steamer Mats. Wool and Giiuz Cndi-rwear, Ho-ierv Kid Fabric Gloves. Collar? nr.. I l ulls, Kuchings, St-arfr, Tit s. Kibb-tis (jn -. t: Buttons, Braids, ami 1'ani-. i"t .,s and Bmallwares generally. Parasols, Umbrellas, Fans. Shot. pint' Bap, Club Satchels, Trunks, &c. r Mens' Fumisbing Goods. Cassimeres, Coatings, Twetds, Ken tucky Jeans, Domesticr, &e. H. Resdwood & Co., Nos. 7 0 Tatton Avenue. mar23dtf i I'I.e. ii i .. o t . ..iti.!.- t i.ddi Van Wit. ,:."' wi.! b:- i Mi. end Mt.-. Cv-yr, i rlainly j have the th i p sympathy -i en, c u:.- i u unity in the K-s ' tl.-.-ir (ii'tigiib.r j who.-i- 1 alb enric.t i'.-t'. t iiay. No wordt- c.iii l'..- (i; li.e soir. w of our friends, tor oi-iy ti: love el God can ttive cemioit in sue'! ealamil ". A jinrt of Knoxviiic began to cave in. or t-.ink, on Tiiursday. As :l is a limestone ioMi.i.ti .n,this movement of the earth thereabouts created great alarm. Wlc-i the ct.d may be ot t -.Utse is unkt.i '. :i. Vi ( hope our fair and pr...-p ! 11 : 11. it!;". i i bis new are finished Heavy haihit --risi i:i ' ievelana county on Thursday. A lire hi Wadcsbor:) -n i bur. day destroyed tiie grei.i. pat I ol t::.-it town. Mr. Fh-dps. Minister t-. Kngli.u. .r ycsteidiiy, fair and pre.-perous lie: may not t:s::ppe.;r lreiu Hie . i.he'c--ill:, however. ("apt. ltice tame lit lbtr tee ol for Knit. For 3, 6 or 12 months one of the neat an.l'mnet. nttrai-tive coMage hollies in the cily. 7 rooms, handsomely fiirni-ht d throughout, stoes m every room, well of pure water under shelter, stable, car riage coal and wood houses all complete, in o'ne square of Battery Park, good neigh borliood. Apply at the Citizen office. T We are receiving daily our new goods Come and look! No trouble to show them. Brevard & Blantox Kew and very handsome Parlor Furni ture fast in. Call and examine. dtl W. B. Williamson & Co. !.c:n bwaii: county yi.-tiitiay. v.neie he lias luen suendie..: some wetk-. He says Swain Is attractii.g n.oie pi ep!e than any section, ev t rv day's train carries tivni two or three to teii or fifteen, and a veiy iara majoiily, after looking around invert iit.d settle. He says Swam is one of tie- lint st sections i:i the world, and is going to grow faster than any tous.ty i.i Nortii Car-, linn. Out fr.end Mr. Uob-rt ii-iide'tte wel. suggtsts; ''Ti.1' l '( -ttr w.iti1. 1 be a much liimc p-epular birtl if lif- coiihi only be induced to feel that is no reai, vital in les.- ity (or n s reporting h.s whereabouts between midnight and :j a. m. We know that he is at home, in the bosom of his family. So are v.e, hut we don't get up in the night to brag about it. We are now ready for tlie Spring tradu in all lines of Crockery and Glass, and are able to oiler closer prices than ever before Hotels and boarding houses should jret our prices before placing orders. In Spoons, Forks anJ Knives we are headciuaiteis at w lmlesak' and relaii .1. tl. law, ;7 & i'- S. Wain slrtet. teh'.Ullte.-s o oi.t-s wiii Hi- . -. s-i ,n its l i .V.'ed lis ;t j'i-t r-ceivt-d frotu li-m. J. i. Jeliiistoa, coi.iirmiitg a rrangeti.Ciits r the occttp -t'. ili o' '.::-' pieu.i.-es-. An l.leanl Te.stimosiitl. Mr. I. a iieimiji, '.tain dtspatchtr at tld- J' 'int fr tlie Western North Carolina ii ad, h avts to-day to take po-itioli at anotht r point, lie tas an exeeih tit i-f!iecr, enjoying the full confidence 'of the ci.mp-ny that h;:t! the lienefil f -his services. At the same time he seems to haveha.d the res-i.eet and "ood w i!i of his a.-sc- ciates aiat subordinates in unusual dcj;rc". This was iih.isirat-d ytster .:;:', in a most gratifying degree by the pi t ft titation ni belia If of the eupl yes of the :oitl t ) Mr llelnap of a sV.'t)si:.,iti.;l ebony cane, sur-m-aunted with an elaborately en "ra vi tl gohi head. On the head was an engraved sentence setting forth the fact that the cane was presented by the employes to Mr. Ii The work ot engraving was done by Mr. II. L. L-Mir, of this city and t! e elaborately chased and gracefully dt'.-igiied head is, his work also. Wc do not lena mber to have seen s line a cane, a piece o! aduriiahl ; work ih stint d to a better putpose. Tint co: t of the cine was 8 50. Mr. Walter Connahy a young "cnth man who has been an em ployte in the same office is Mr. Beb iuip's success; r: and enters upon his duties this morning. Mr. C. has been in the employ of the road since he was tpiite a boy and such honors could not be bestowed upon one more worthy. is said i-: a mi mgt.m to oe Ine COlliitit'.g lil.t'.t I'd' Citlei'.I U.-I'ec . lil; emiiiei.i fitiiv.-s 1 if t..e position i rt.f.toi,izv..i by al; t-arlies. 'i he Oxford ce.'s. eiMUoii tCi i nurs tla -, i;i honor of the comoleti m e! the llichmond and Ox for-1 11 id; oati Go.. St:::le;', Jild,e FoWie, Co;. All- dre ,vs, Att h ney Geneud Davidson a t:d others made able a;.t! etiti'USl iistic addresses. . - t - 'i ". j le;iroui disti ment. w hose eH'jc; llorls sneli an eiiinity wilh bioj.i of it.an, 'Una. swat as .niicksilver. il cjurae, oin.i!,uii Ine iiatnral uiut-s and ul.evsuf the Ooay," and civics itie skin t-i become ''barked ahoti!. moot lazar-like, with vtie and loiithsouie crust." Sut h are the c(iet!t ul iliseated and hum bid bile, Hie only aiitit'ole lbr wblcii is to cleanse stul .emulate the livei a.i t lliee atleiuaLdy peilormed by Dr. Pierce's "iioltlen Medical Discovery." dU has just received a nice assortment of si1k L'niljrellas with yoil and silver handles ma le .' "l.yon" tlie ceieliiattd umbrella maimfactui cr t.i !w York, pi ices low. they will t e engraved tree of eh :rge. d 't Tlie (ieit'iaii'. Profs. Jackson e ewkirk, w iilretn.tiu in Aslievide, just one week longer.' Persons detiiing their services, sluuid cab at once. Kciaeuiber examination free, dl't Supreme 'oiui. 'I'l.o .V,i.-s;-f;.j.-v '(, of tin- lf'th contains the following in relation ' to the ltitlt district : j Court niet yesterday morning I ;it 11 o'clock. Twelfth district appeals were j disposed of as follows : j Hemphill vs. Hemphill; argued j bv Jones A Nhuford for the plain- j till', snd Chas. A. Moore for the j aud M. E. Carter fcr the defend- .nit. I In the matter of A. C. Patter- A : son. itrgued by Chas. A. Moore says for the respondent. j ' A. - -- -- i The County INior. liuiicombe county is doing a j good pari by its paupers. the ,0st system known in the manage ment and care of those unfortu nates who have no means of tak in.v caiv of themselves, is in use by the authorities. The pour-; '; house itself is conveniently loci- ! ted. and is as clean and neat as j C: soap and water and scrubbing v can make it. The beds and cloth ing and furniture are in it most creditable eoiidnioii. At present ... .... iK,tirv-!iVf .llilldteS. iuaong- them an old woman aged one hundred years. She does not look as if a century had roll ed over her head, and her only ailmonts are those brought on by oxtreme. old age. Mo t of the in mates are women ; small number of old men, and one boy whose feet mid Iocs lmvc been fearfully tiitiisformetl by chronic rheunm-J tis-.n. Thev seem pretty well con- i tented with their lot, and Mrs. j Biekerslaii", the matron, has but j little trouble in managiiitr atl'airs. The best of food. lecf. me;tts, meal. Hour, potatoes, coffee, teas. sugiirs, sweet milk, etc. reived to them, and all ldoi.tv to eat and wear. are one or two sufferers among the number who are beyond phy sician's skill to cure, while the rest are about on an average with the classes found in the poor houses of the country. Dr. H. P. Weaver, county physician, visits the poor about three times a week, .,.t...;i;foviiiv medicines, and troii- ti.e ( ) ei repub- . ' is ii..- reuiti'i'ni : e ei otie r ;-! ...... if! V" tb.c-niM-iv, - bey v, di ! : tij.-y t ei tab by, . itn j tie.p tin ni. '..tuuot ; as was ilo,;c in ' Ibihber V.alls. salid and soft, Man;!'.; dre.via-: t'ii'.er for architects, i t-s -.e ;.:tier, ; 11 e. l irs, also gold and stlv. r: b'ubbf-r Stanis, Indelible Ink, so-iiei::-, i'.a ies and Key Clieckp, Guides tr. l Views of Western North Carolina, ae.i anything you cant get in the store dmit r d the S li t ; par i'eHe O Oil. V !i th '.1 e ..ti n. m . o i.i.. 1 o . . tu: s us Cinioi. Ci: A St. I. of e "!'ra t ' Sp( el;;i F. :.v..i i teicgra: iron; r Ol th; 10tl he ordered without extra charge, at Carson's Stationers- and News Store, by the Post Office. E'o Ihe l.iulic. ro- ; N ov is t.oetittie to have your sewing ! machines e'.-Mtied up. repaired and ail- ja-ted tor the spring and summer work. . an j Mr V. 11. I if'.-toii. a practical machin- ,t; '- ; i-; is in the ei v an.l is prepared to do ' ....... . .: :.. . . Ilo , ;t;,v.i'iK ;i;..ii s,eti;iii nittt.ii i uca, jj. ' iVe'iii.-':.. s :i. t'dies, shuttles, rublier j b mils, and parts to all S'".ving machines, i Oil'av tit Green's groceiy .-tore, near old ' depot, West Ashevilte. apSdlw it' i - ni I Ollr Ids a-tor ' i'!l'' rtiis. Miss., Co-- r. a calored v.-eaat!. re i.r.t .'it t t etiiy U.y. Sitltiev i . r. Knee pants for boys All sizes and ij.'.lilies at WniTi.octc's. i.n i i t: 10. i lethotii-t e rclmul, Slistied . ip :i . lie ;, t; liitii Slit- IteiHoii Why We iiave been receiving this week the largest and JiEST SELECTED STOCK that we have ever had in our store. These goods are bought for cash and bought at a time when manufacturers and packers of canned goodh were ex tremely anxious to sell for cash. This means that we have simply bought some Immense Bargains and propose to oiler them as such. The market for rules about same as in our last. We quote : Standard Granulated Sugar 12 lts forjl.00 Coffee C. " 14 " " 3.00 Yellow C. " 17 " ' I.' "I Odi 1 , : ii! tvlo ,v Or n- tiT.'i'.'U in abe;: b.i V ei :tv oVel ) i't l.ahuief me-1 s t : i ny ". HKJ ajority i-t t'. ..'.' i i I ' " i it i.itt'e " is in the lead, is because ens totas i.-, old ami youni'. small and laige, can ahayh b sailed in style, quality, j. ice anil lit, and every one who has i piirohus.-d Irani us oa:e, come agiuu ana j la tog their neighbors or friends with j id. em. The secret ot our success is we j -.! ti l Acn iii; our own clothing and ua. '.e'.seli every other clothing house in j Western Carolina. Come and see us. Oar st .ck is verv la we, and we can cer taitilv please you. A "beaut in:'' line of Hats and Gents' Furtdshi::; Goods always to be found at I.i ; i i.c in. Yours truly, S. iill.U'MAN, The beading Clothier, j "Ulk No. 10 I'atton Avonup. mnjerity. ; SAt . . t r m a n , lanager. i: -s .Ntc-i- s a-.". ,i r.'ViiUt'. Loutt-iatia ;. -ays : -i i:.rt'.t;s'.;iye e.tes tie's IV'. r v , S Willi iialoa Aw a' V 0. Trial. 11 V! X I : W A DVKRTISEMEXTS; are have There iip-ny New C i.bage. String Beans, Garden Peas. Sq.iasheS, Spiiiacti, Potatoes, and Clu-ice Butter for every body. S:raw bernes expected at the dlt Uackkt Gkoceiiv. The best stock of Hats, Straw, Stiff and Soft at Whitlock'. apr'21 2t New Goods arriving daily Litest nov eltins in Clothing and Underwear, at Wuitlock's, apr21 2t La. dreth's Garden Seeds: at Pelham's An elegant line of line toilet requisite', j embracing Pernimery, llair, loots, iail and Flet-h UruslRs, face powder ard powder pulls, just received, at Carmichael's Drug Store. IIh fifllpaoy r Fluvor And the efficacy of its action have ren dered the famous California liquid fruit remedv. Svr of Figs, itnnienssly popu lar. It clean-"- aud tones up the clogged nnd feverish -vstem. and dispels Head aches, Colds, and Fevers For sale bv il. ii. Lyons. apll3d&wlui Ifyou wish to be well suited and stylish dressed to Whitlock's. Sntltlrn hansres. The changes in the season from Winter to Spring admonish u to be guarded in our personal treatment. If yuu contract a cold dont wait unto pneumonia dev elops. Prudence suggests a timely reu.edv. Pelham's Pectoral Syrup for 25 cents a bottle is a certain specific for Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Bronchitis, Vhoopins Cough. &r. Beware of coun terfeits. W. E. Pelham, tf Pharmacist. Advice It) Thi"SiaiilM. Men without number are at this very hour straining their brain by close np plication to business, regardless of the most important member of the human body, the eye. Thousands of women are overworking aud strainins the eyes b. ie Iv and dtilv. not thinkin when the eves cive out, and eeat-e to guide the ttaiiilj their abiliiy for usefulness aud enjoyment ofli'e is done. Clerks, stu dents and laborers Irom close coiiliiic ment, ami long hours' strain upon the eves aie rapidly impairing the same. "There is no one alter passing the age of thirty, that cannot lind relief and prote -Lion for the eyes when at work, by using a properly adjusted lcnseraMd hold the eye for years to i.s youthful vigor. We cordially invite all to call upon us at our rooms, and examine our stock of goods and scientific instruments for ad justing lenses for every condition of the eyes, cross eyes, nearsighted, far sighted and all other defects. Koom No. 2, entrance 20, Grand Cen tral Hotel. Jackson tt Newkikk. era 11 v supervising affairs. Mr..). E. Eankin, chairman of the board of county commissioners, pur chases whatever is needed at the jioor-liou.se, and vouchers for the same are presented to the board at the reguar monthly meetings. It costs about SS per month per cajiita for the supjiort ot the pau jiers. I'm tier. L-s of s'lOea sustained from anxiety spent over the little one so slowly and liululiv wasting awav from the ellect o lee.himr, unlit you for business: why not try Or. Biggers' Huckleberry Cord al . 'armi-iiaoI' Iioiett l ulosuc Fragrant aud lasting, put up in quarts, pints and half-pints.' manufactured only bv W. C. Carmiciiaei-, "jtf 20 S. Main street. i .1! b ( 1 ,:! 1 . :I , I it!:! .- i.t ! 1! i avs i 'i.)-ir--s - ;. -i meiu'O' r . . i i.ii.! :nttt tl:" i fV; ' ??1:5.7". ve tiie ciot'm s nd wh-u a -et-iitb th-- Ciia- :!.e-.' ...vetl Ib-eVti'iil tlie fi the city, ate! ulr ! i i par.-u;', Ol.l F.-rt, tt-.ir! v- 'h As! levid vesterdav i he w.;, i.roUL-'ot b e-l. la rlie ft'.-r a preliininary exani- mort.i; g wa.s ee,o,-t await tn.'u b e; i Ii" was cotn U ('. ei is a. young ve irs of age, and has Graham company Thoroughbred Plymouth Rock Eggs for sale. II. A. f isdsey, mch 25 dlmo 54 S Main st. Ltndreth's Fresh Garden Seeds and Onion Sets at Pelham's Drug Store. Landreth's Garden Seeds at. Pelham's. Pure flavoring extracts in bottles or l.niu ethnic? and sround Spices, Cream of Tartar and English Bi Carb Soda, for domestic uses, at CaRmichaei. s. To make room for our large. Spring stock we will sell goods exceedingly cheap for thenest ten days. dtf W. A. Blair & t o. I'clliam'ss l.'CSorl Syrup. Cures Whooping Cough, Coughs, Cold, Bro. '.chilis, Catatrh; relieves and cures all those ailments ot the bronchial tubes bv w hatever name eanen. mis ta ""t-ver-ii! testimony. Prejudice can avail nothing as the peop'eennnot iie deceived. Pelham's Pectoral is no nostrum, it is recommended alter full trial by reputa ble people ami is prepared by a respon sible Druggist. 25 cents a nettle, at Pelham's Drugstore. Picseriptions compounded with care and aecuraev at Pelham's Drugstore. S -ecii'l attention given to the prescrip tion department. None but jitire drugs nr.d best chemicals employed. W. E. Pklhm, 48 S. Main street. Wnynctsville Courier. Official paper of Haywood county, N. C. A live Democratic Home Journal Devoted to the material interests of WeS tern North Carolina. Best adverti-ieg medium west of Asbuville. Frank M. Vancil, Editor. dtf Waync8ville, N. C. l m :o: pany f Ke,v me:, n -v ! you;ig oVel l-sk! iiitee i. yo-leg i iiV, i;i ii-.alioe. b.a.-i i to In dehoill ..1 milted to j-iii. man. alt.-nt I'd I been w.l'i th for some'itiic past. On trial tie res fused to oiler any expian-.tion of he reckless condtscr, ami had nothing whatever to say concerning in transaction. let that cold of vou.s run on. Von think it is a light thing- But it may run into catarrh." Or inn pneumonia. Or consumption. Catarrh is tlisgt: ring Pneumonia is dangerous. Consumption is death iUelf. The breathing apparatus must, be kept health v and clear of all obstructions and olK-mi've matter. Otherwise there, is trouble ale a 1. All the diseases of ther.e parts, head, nose, throat, bronchial tubes and lungs, can be de!i'-di' oallv and entirtly cured by the use of llosc'iee' Gorman Syrup. If you don't know this already, thousands and thousands ot people can b 11 you. Thev have been cured by it, and "know how" :t is, themselves." Bottle only 75 cents. Ask any druggists d&weowly .- lloiiiember the new clothing depart ment a. Whitlo k's. Dnnlap's Straw Hats juil received at Whitlock's. Fine clothing ma le to order and per fect I'ds guaranteed. at Whitlock's. To Ico CoimuiiiprM. 'lb-' Asheviile Ice and Coal Company is roadv to serve any who may want ice. They desire thaf their customers should report aav irregularity or dissatisfaction to their oii'n: , Buntrd Building, Patton Avenue. apl t d2w VDIIt'taiK SAI.K I NDF.it DEi.DOF'1'RL'ST tji.j- ir:tie of f tlee-t oi tnut executetl bv J. A. 1 iiritt r ati.l W. ttr.f.vii.sna t James G. Martin, 'ui:c lo st'cure a note f r Fifteen linridretl :.es .hi. l.y titeti. to .1. S. llrown-on, date.lthe 1 ah da v ,.;'t li-tolter, IssT, ami resieterpd in the ie- of 'lie ile-i-ter ol Cecils for Knnttouibe .-,ieev. .-ti -lie -Tot tiny of December, ixs.;, in 'toek "i J, i Mortu-aiTeis ati'l Deeds of Trust, pag-s ii , . :, ana c. . atel upon tvhieti ilefault has been r. t 1 v.cl xj, s..:'for sale at public auction on tli-- itiih ,:at ot .Vu.v, 1-ss, at 11 o'clock in the i.ireiioon o i tlie.: .lav. at ihe F'armers' Warehouse, ,t. tti-M-itv ot tlievi !..'. t:., the pioperty eon sisotisoi I. ciselioi'l and kitchen furniture, beins Hi - i::t-i.ie.ire. tixlures. Ac. f rmerly used at '! timer's it.'s'aa.niit. a Kill description of which av b had l.y examining the book before refer- ! .1 to in iheellice ei tin: . roister ol Deeus lor Ii ie: otaiie t-oiiii! l'er sol sale ea-li. Dated Aprl' .ith.'.s-s. ' .JAMES O. kAKTIS, apt -1 tie Is Trustee. HIM!. KSTATK i' li S i. e t fine .-p'.cii.!id t.to story, eight room bouse lot cjnltuuiii;; otic acre. Splendid location Pi'leo -'j 1 UK). Terms easy. One lot near CoarL House S.piaro. Price tjllO. Seine very line lets iu North Asheviile can le gotten very low ! (iood property near new and old Depot for sale. A'so s;n:e tine business property on Patton Avenue. FOR RENT- Several splendid houses to rent furnisled or unfurnished '. '. Call on us hi;j yon want any thing in the real cst ite lino ! t Watson & Farinholt, Ileal Estate Agents, ASIIEVILLE. N.C. apl 21 dtf COFFEE is considerably higher and holds very firm. We still holt' j.rices down on Green Rio, at i lbs. fortjd.nO For Good Coffee. Ariosa we have advanced to 22 cts. We make a specialty of fine brands of roasted coffee, and can "suit the most fastidious. We have just received and are now of fering Lihby's I lb. Chipped Beef at 2 1 cts per can. lib. C.'tm ,, vu ai, ui-Hit-. " ;,,.! 24 " Douiestio Sardines in oil 8 ct-. String Beans 10 cts. per can. Lima " 20 " " IMarrowfat Peas at 15 cts. per can. Fine Mixed Table Auts 2U cts. per id. We have made arrangements with one of the largest fruit dealers n New York to supjdy us w ith OI'ANGES AND LEMONS this season. The fruit will be SHIPPED DIRECT from vessels on arrival, and you may ex pect nice fresh fruit. Clothing a speciality, everybody can be fitted at Whitlock's. The Mother's Friend Shirt Waist for hovs. The nest and latest improvement. Call and see them at V hitlock's. Landreth's Garden Seeds at Pelham's. Art Squares, Rugs, and fresh Mattings, dtf at W. B. Williamson & Co's. ' Landreth's Garden Seeds at Pelham's. I nroe additions ol bovs'and childrens clothing in two and three piece dress Buits, a:d knockabouts, cheap at W hit- lock s. apri -i Landreth's Garden S:eas at Telham's Prescriptions filled fro.n a well kept stojk of drags 'lid chemicals, and deliver ed free to any part of city. Night bell promptly answered.; W. C. Cakmichael, Apothecary, 20 S. Main street, Asheviile, N. C. 4 SSIGNES'S SALE Laree stock cf eoods to be sold during the next ri-ti iluvs at h sacrifice Every thins iu store will i... coin r Now York cost. Whv not make your liui-ehases whil you .-an ouy gooas at a amaner tigure than tlie nierenams nave to pay uy nuuie si.t ? Evemhiiisr kept in a general store, on liantl. L lo ting out and tuis opportunity will soon tit-over, t an eariy, anu messis. r it. unoisiow and J. S. West who have charge will be pleased to wait OH yOU. An31bM.fi api 2ij tut A. II: Stockton Son. pOK SALE. A nice house and lot, on Coi lege street. AIs inv interest iu the Asheviile Meat Market. Applv at one; to riiiLi.irjiti.tiuin, apl 111 dtf -at the Asheviile Meat Market. WATER MOTORS. The Asheviile Waterworks now furnish nipcr- iar facilities for the use of these Motors. Tiie TlTKItlv aud Ihe BACKUS jtlOTOllS give cheap and efficient power formally mann .,.,,, .n.iimiiHtriM ThpvATeused for run nin oiie or more Sewing Machines, denta' lathes anil engines, enttee miup, ice cream ireezen, f-..t, r.rini.nt. prpwps. tol.aeeo machinerv. taws, ete.,'etc. rower li nn the least rei :ired to 20 horse. TU TVJCRK AXD TIIK 11ACKVS ARK THE LKADIXH WATER MftTORS A?D ARE USED THE WORLD OVER. Satisfaction Guaranteed. W.S. CrSIIMAN. A IV. LIVDSEY f Agenfs. Hjaduuaiters for the present at A. W. Lindst y'l shop, ii!, Kortu aiaiu si. i" t CORNER OF; Aeaeniy stree. ami Benftlen Avmn Pupils aituUtel a: an? tin Cor rtiular irresu'ar-Simraa. Kur terms, ic., apply to aldtf f- vs-lvl We are now putting in ajfull line oi Baskets and Wooden ware which we propose to sell at grocers prices. Colgate's New Soap, at 35 cts per dozen, Bluetnir at dO cts. per dozen. Blacking from 25 cts. to 50 cts.Jper dozen, Potash ) cts. per ball, I.ve 5 cts. per box. Candles at 10 cts. per pound are bargains that close buyers are taking advantage ot. We have had an inrnen.se demand lor Choice Y. H. Tea, 30 cents per lb. " G. P. Tea, 50 cents per H. " K. B. Tea, fiO cents per lb. Best 2 lb. Tomatoes at $1 35 per doz. Good 3 lit. (torn " 135 " Hart's 3 In. Peaches ,; 25 " can. 2 1b. " " 20 " " Pint Bottle Pickles 10 cts. (4.nart Bottle " 20 cts. Half Gallon " . 30 cts. Gallon Bottle " 40 cts. Acme Sauce in cts. " Catsup, 15 ct?. And it is right that wc should have, for these goods are very cheap at these prices. Our energy has been taxedito supply the demand for Magnolia Mams at i. cents. Jowls " S;t " Pearl Grist . ' Si " Oat Meal " 5 " Oat Flakes " 17 " Soda Crackers " 7 " Waterloo Flour " 2.25 per sack Blue Bird " " 2.00 " " Obelisk " " 3.00 Our assertion that Obelisk Flour is the best has been fullv coroborated byjinany of the best judges m W. A. C. H e will have a car load ot iresn nour in mis week. We have on hand yet a few dozen brooms that we w ill close out at from 8 to 20 cts., made from good stock. We have a bargain in CDlgatos Toilet Soap-. The pi ices quoted above are for small lots. We will make special prcei to parties who wish to buy in unbroken packages To our many customers throa'boi W. V. C, who favor us with orfer through thc miilf, we will say tha1. vou orders wid receive the same care and at tention as if given bv nfltson. pecUullyl POWELL & SNIDER A f - v..