I v 1 V ASUEYUrMJ CITIZEN.!?.!':' ioRl'AN S'l't : K, j. ii. came:; ., I - vj.oo 2F-t - -.. ;.-; '.t SUNDAY M(V.:M Mi, A PHIL 52, P-S-S Mr. Sam 1 F. Patterson, cf (:!: well cunntv. I it rt-to!r- the it prUUJIlH IU .lilt.. lltL.UtlHi.it H";:i.i.i- can of 1 1 i 5-- section, and one of ti e most r specied ia the J-titc. sct-in : the iendeiiei .- -f l:4S psftv ti:. .-( V HVtl his CX,'.: ceti m Willi it. lie ust tl t t! it k iL' republican parly vas si;-, iv in i .- profession !' t: triotifui ; 1-:;', 5 n--,v; Ibid it tin power!':! :u.". r..--n p !:s?. jobl ':-. i ii;-: 1 . .':! i-v the ; ; U i 'in. i.i tl.- !- ..!.: :' ;' tii.' v. .;)!.. .'. u-.ti.-'t- 'si fblh.W Mr. Pali; is 'I.'i c.-tail.p'c. ovr.u Tiii: v. : t .? v-. 'I';.: ; OiM!;.:ii. .- ii . ' ' ve ry HhiiaWs I ' Ci'Ui-C,--Jo"i-nal. t"-.v l -:; tho r-'puhlicn ..::..-. ;. : ; v tion ami t'.o il;v.:y psit::. i(i ;.....il r.s 1 ':'" i " i 1 1: -' ' I ' She-man ..ml H::Viisou :.:v !i ali-vi ,.i'i,t t : .; . ' 't t metallic an-.i i-: :r..:!iy. too nil!. :i i ; '; on ti ' i)i-pev: m.- ' "' ," ' .i ur.il. Kvar' ;.- t.;- u-JUm ham i.: to.i t.ii: -tn'iiwvi! i I'iCi. ih:';; i- "; ' hoj -a - can i.-t u iiii !'.. f.iiiic hr. . h. :ani :!. i i.r, h.:p t!ic lisiii;. r. plunge tiiroujili tin- h;.!h'.i: "inarch down t r I- f t i i . i -. oil' two hiVs-piMolri, (ii. tton-of :i 2un." IliTii t.-i tht- v. ;. Critic, f.f Win 'iiiiijiton. pub .' . the Ni-w York 2'i-ilnntc .- '.. ii-ally: '.In!. a Shoriaaa i.-. t .-'.-.W.-i .: ( 'ui.i wants t.i toi-t Asfl.f Pri'si.tLMi:i:i! winn.T v: ,( r .;;te; Aii'.l John if iniyV;-' wiiiiii', I' '' that tort ' i' i'.r.; 11c wri'.il-l "rail i' a lii.irv. Ii" Don't Kur. . ; t i . iii y.of t" . i'i.i'.t s, ( !' Jov.;l iillJ l!..o.-:t riiiilli. l:at i i- l:t-:itatt'-: IK' is v.; "irnr ami '. - i. willing t :!'. : ai" t ,-ii". Eat in.".- -'r.h-Vi'i. a tr . r, r'.r. If Blaine I- :.'! r.un: There's Ey.irts . i 1 IhiTi-'d "uiii.r, ar. l ! : Each ' v.f a u :!'.i;i'- r-Atri- t :. iv T'.n.iiuh. Ami v .'.!. i-iicli ! i ll i'i' man h:;- .1 :i-. Put -r,'- I'.-M'.w i-hbvn--. If P.ii Tlicn- is S;.r.ii;ri'. anil tlu-iv's in .a.! ri-. h limn ;tr 1 tin ".r, Tliey ;'.. waitin; a the tl.rr.-; '. i .-iii- kh."Tkh.' ;it t!:c t :j. : : F.ai'li i'. ' is rci'.C'.-.iiii'.'ivh. J ; :'.' ; :. s ' ... voritM boji; Th'V r;i:i onlf l".- I "riina h-.l t i If t!'a;;K' ..r.'h.r-'- " Ti.'.r'tis not 'itth- t:' ntin.-. r the l.oor.iy sor! iii this tii lei :i well as tuncl'i:: Iirl a!.d if .i- IlKill lVdPl Mai hv -,30t !!'::i:ji.a;' m-niy liuntir' ).- of '!c.i.-..!'.'i ui' Ili'pnbliy;'.! s v.'iii as tliriugh iIh.-v don't (.:' 1. 1'.:; ' whither srh:oi k is erne,'.'. Tim Llaine iicssrs'-r- tin; l-.c;;'" ' ' ' parly is undei-iaM' He i . irt' a bri l.ai.t inc;:ri ;'.'..!) r f i;. i . v may-car, l;:ok i ; f-tahility ii' togrhy, its p-t'.- :.!!..?. vcrii3.-t- a1 i i'-:t1--ri I'vin;' v-triotis;:! i thvi!t jinpoisn; His r t i :i 1 A mi-rk-a will b- Ibr s-i.'nal i r : ii turn- v.i i..if not hen n .-n '.;. the an ival of .Jl.inbo. A.- ..i.! health, it will he Jound sulH- i-. robust t an?wer a'-i the r,; .ds . i ; presidential cami)airn A VKTO. The I'resitient. ii.-is si uttc the - . -ate a ir.p5-pac vt iir:g the bid i r the relief i;f Pnymaftcr D..:iii 1 " Bash, United States army, wh w -robbed at Antdojia Snrin-; in V.' -, ominr. ia March of la -t y-:ir. : Horni-thinp; ovtr ;"7,C0(i. 1 he s ' bery was perpe i atcd bv ;i cowb-.y naiiipd Parker, v.liih.; M.ijor l'.-i.-i: was at dinner in the st.'o st.itiu .. The money had 1 '.en left in Lis lise in the sta in the chiar, i f 1 : iKCort. eousisti; tif a ser;:''-:iit an! one private Th- escori, i.nvav.r. abandoned tlic-tr charge smd w- ' to dinner. When they r -tiirnn r the money was :.-nne an-l 'i - e Parkir. One of th point of th- ftnee stt r.,i lit h re the f.'o-ir'. of i ijuiry w.';? tliat Mcjor i!;'sh !i::d jmc been able to pr. cure a ?aic; v.-:-'; which he shouid have been p-.o i.; ed. The President qunn- the hY,-i ing of the Court of Inquiry :n? f i lows: ' Tha. Major Di.nicl N. JJ.ieh, p:y. nia-ter rif the United States iirmv. did ni.t give such direct and aetaii ed orders to the members of his es oo; t as to the. manner in which they should guard the public, money ir l is (Bash's) pes-eesion while en route to Fort McKinney, as tho im portanco ol the matter rcqairv.': and that h: did not take proper at. 1 i. ccssary pain.- to sc.- that any o.-d-is v i ic-h he had riven on this i-iibjcct were duly obeyed The I'.-., t 1. tit tltfn snvc- hi Tins t";ndirior dt fin's ii case of ncjrligi -nc wliicli : l". ipic-rs the payin-tfttr liiible l' r th.-. j loss in' these funds. Kut :-. naiuber j ufiirmy officers, including lm.-m-j hers of the Court of Inquiry, su i L'est. tint tiie rsvn. aster thus fonr.d at fault should be rdievod fr-ani re-j sponsibility. Thi-3 i-i much the fish- i ivm in these days. It i.i said that a ; ff-fe should have been provide!: thftt the oaym'ifU-r has a right t- ; rely upon the liilf litj.7 and efliciency I of the escort, and that the two men j furnished him as an escort were un- I intelligent and negligent; that they should have oeen armed with guns instead of pistol?, and that the in-. htructions giyen to the escort by the paymaster were suflicient to acqc.it him of culpable neglect. It seems to me that the omissions of care on the part of this officer are of auch a nature a3 to icr it.;. i .1 .!:;( ;s niiicd in ;.". Uv ii:t:l (Ii:;r;e if : V. 1 l v;:s M? ear ', 7i'd- htuci i.i:c w iilu; we c ;! v.-f-.-.:.:'vd; '' l-Trt. cion. If ... I; ;- r;-: .-:;;' ft. lift. ; s he. it. .hi.. .!' ii-" !!!! fUlll' L! Ill hitV- ir.g a. talc, ho mas! have Unnwn t!i: t in its a!-. t !:C- ; i f i -i i t i 1 1 i : 1 1 care ami watehf'ii:;;--.-- i n his- part iv.ts rt'cc-- ; i!arv.' v' Wii; p. ver his i .lit or bis - I am t,( .- " i '. . a Ine in-iv-i'i.d ; -b;ttf-r : v .-. ; hiiis W' iv tci ' 1 ' ' ---- i; tew. ; ; i . , and a..:,', ; :' i-'i' ( i 'ii ii th. :;:m . I.- ; !i i 1 1 i : : : -it.-.i ii : ; duv :; It: .-a ta Oh .riii ! to UP a I. o! :'.(', p: :."r. i ; I r;-.' . - vo i-iii-1; ' K-'-l ii i-l M-l. 1..I.-.1---I iri;. i I...- !,).!,!. t ' il i 111 n J i 2' I il T, : '. V. ii.lll htiitrn. :.:'':! ;i,?llli01V !-'iin..io. Priv-'C it Asia-wile fill: a l i !il il--: ,t "a ' tr ' Tl J'..tt..i!i p.-i... O; t t.. (i yi.l A!-ij Avcim'- Si . ;. di.i h-.il or u; r . ii-, .1 : ; l'' a v. ii l--.; . :!c r-i : ! t ? f. V v ' - 1.'. t .. iV: - jti lite Cf :V if ii ::v:l;,k. x. c I i f v." - U't. o.'M; ::(! (Anient, VXD CalL-iiU'd Plaster, just an-ivori at llEAKPir-X, ASI) CO. Land Fiaster for Grass, Corn and Vegetables. nidi 22ibicwlw ; .irKixsvnx::, Kv.. C-l, 1S:7. (I.M'.t'.t iv.i :i- .I'vrn !;:: s i' : i ;: : o cJevel c; i'li i;;v n.i.p frniii ii i.:; i ..-ratcll. I tri .1 .1 l.'v.' s.mpli' ro:.:ai''.s, but tlit sore 'wu.il.l n.-t y i'l.i. I pr.-w v.. rso every year for i'.-i yiii.s. Many lttor-t;: I li-id a ean ei r. O. 'T a '..-nr ;. ;ii I iM:..::r:nt I taking S . t.. tin 1 rv... iI.iZLti ln:lfc.-. tiil.i-iilyeiireil mi-. ".'i:cu 1 l n v.;;ii s-i;i'.s s c-iric 1 ..in . l "' li.-aitli. u:i'l eual.t li u-aly tii..-' iiltu;.:. Afar 1 tia'l In iii. i I'-.ecouro .f . s:. ;. I vas sir. ".m ana I-u.-yaitt, and 1. a i .!'. ' l ::; !: vc. 1 n' a:-t i: as a most ;ir;a ' u-ir..: ..'.-'He l'-r :..! I i v.v:.!;. ili ll e:;-i' i rat.il. 1: ii l-.' l 1 ' l.aii-'lue v lll;..,. Yollid r r ; i-l.tsly. liiti. i:. w. Wii-soii. r-'rATA'rRo. s. C. A; ri". l :s7. C i or li.r'.v vc-.'.i;; I liiiv.. had r.s V." ! . v lelt e!ce. It had craanaliy I. t 't ' iTre. n-.v 1 li sa iaim v.'"...:-i 1 I... i e. -ifilu i iv.-vo ta.a'i... t. .lo I. ii-i-nf I. I. ... a i- a,.. ll i'i:ail :a. ':i. ii. :l. Al i-l-l : ili'ii-.a tin .ie. i ii i- .!'.'" .'Ii'..' vll'i.i" I't . .'liVi-rtO : i ., i i H i t l fa'- a ill- st.'il ia. .; I. .v....:r i.,e !'. . ..a-. 1 per p "t. tl'i I' . i I ' i' S. hi. - ; I ; -.-(".! o;' two II. titei.'- e w:.s i-llt.r- V '. .1. Ti.lnlt I . : : i . i! v.m . . i;t i.i . ".- ii' i. ii. -it. I !. f: . V i. :f M.-i!:.l.'.-: li i' ;a Xi-.'ir.i'.T. :.:c..iiir...'t.ul m . a i-i. ;i. s , . .t;;i. 1 iiave n.i ;t: ni"ra . i., r l.t. di- 1;'. 'J;:am3. i-.i ;. a i :m . . ; v ti) l.e : p. . at r;.l j t . I I ; r I i 1 i. . . . n-r.-e i. ' : t . I It i.It.l . ::a la::. i a. r"1 tn t;:.- t:r-'. r I!p . .. i i ; ii.:- ii.rs at r. t. ' .-:.vt' Pie a i "cer- to m i .:.t it did :--.:V 1 1 iKvitnt i . . '.! I i : -: a i'MI la . . ... . a l.i.tt.en ::: I t .1 a i.mipifto r i- il I., .i.i! aul- : " e : -.- I' Vrora I.i.-itt iivailil. tiie ay i-i... a t Ui;h- it ui Ti -.'eeied my I it-- I li;.e a new I-.i' i ;t'!.-. y i'ar nicer rt I- lii: .1 a K t"l.:'l i. 1 .( ''. i.. j i i.'-'ic iV. -irn f . .1-1 i":i; (. 11" i: t '. i . f :-. . ";. " a ' 1. l..it --f all, iii : Yeair ly. i .1 '.Tan-son. , - .'Titaaed i'f. '.. . .;a'.a. Oa. five. '' in- li. : i-s-iit tii Indian aiiil i'i.'!:?inn nil, . ij iv ;;tii)ii bills Fiiiiii-,- "i : t b't'f. pprojjnates ..ii.-i-I C :;-;;s:::i-355s. . !Viv::-i.'. P.;;-!.!is. Ir.l. tf - ;: . : .'it it-; : hotlh r : Om- r, !.".-. : til' li'-.-Ahr.t;i"-atiii :ns : hav.. cv. pci ii'ii.' of i. tin ;. that ti.f trio l.i;. I.iv. ;: 'ti if Kvarv : t i v i..;-; i r"i :i i y..-ry .:-. a 1 v-i- ivirt'ii - .ta-i.litiir" i vilit'. Oh;', nr tiii-me I ytar.-' ox- :' Tiitiiisaiuls .1.1- ' if.-linitinv, B as tt.::t Klec-ii'a- : i.f the a imlf ' .ii n-jstcre "WTO irP: I.-- i!r Xeiv C'l-u!:;;;;- ru in i ; -. -;;-: i. piiimiit' v;!;'. '. . Me::, Et.ys :.:.-! . ., h , a new- ; '..t - t i ir-1. Co: ne." v. 1 v,v I r.:.i p" ' ; u ii iii runs ; ii -; ii for ia .' tipeneil Vi'hiti.iek's . 1 to (.Her a ..-t :tlish. i" Hulking ..i.i i market -.lae and ai; - ti.ii. t.i . ih.it i.o are : :!.: :-. I :t 1 i' i . ..I ; ; ctsi! an I ; . -;!. r- A " i- li. an i ct.i.tj,;, i: ' ' ti- thit: av.-V - i'i - -. The i-iif."- vi:: : r I tui ; b ti:i l '!' I an: t..e . .: t In I he bc.-l til can - ' .' ;... c: it i- of attner ol t:sici;l..-s . i.li.l 10 iil Stable. V.'ii'.L.tv ,-, ' . ! f;'. t-i:i 8tvano6Tio.t Hole cl 3it ti-. ai t aii'vii. Oaicc: li'2 Main s net 2 fuels I., le-.v e i'i'ae. Deter e plip ( -! t i 1; a i or i!i lie !..! st styles of tjbic'cs .a i a ui-.-.. let eT rr.-ltUt; titir.a s. 'J , ! 1 ie-ne No 51. '(.!'. t -. a hr.inl ler .salt- fit cli times. ;---:-;;fi s -- v ;;. - . - . s.- . .. - v -j . .. ;.--fi:ii3 -i ---;..- - -r y;;' $3 SHOE Tho r,y fin--1 i'f S ! So in ess fcho ia the worM mail - n iiCimit l:ui. or fsuil. As .-Mi h hip! diiruMo n tho"f fotin $. (r5, ami liaviiitf in tac'.ks i.r iit'tis 10 Wr'C: thi- ff' eking r hurl pit'lc, t. i:::ikcs : i iv in n i..:;.r'irtti'ile iid v. '.'l fitliir,' ;is a liaiifj 81 H ''I ii Jluy ihe best. Nuno ::'ji'i;iat ii 11 v jii:-: c i on I o ten! W. J. only lia'id s v.r.i v-!. 1 '.vhi:tl equals c-fto:n tiin 'e sho s e-p tint: fror:i ?0 to S3 W l E)i21 w !?S-.0 is uucxcelled f "r heavy v. e tr. W J i)iL'I: '5- S2i-o is worn by ail ES'u, ::.t is (li- i-'pt cJiol sao in the world. AM tii" ui. tve tzn r. e iv.ti'le i;i Congress, Itnitoii .vi' J.ir i. Mii-l if i:-,f f-fiil ?.y j-oiir dealer, write tr J,. S)ticE 5S. SSi'ofli .tI;N. HERE1NG &' WEAVER, AGENTS, AKSJKYil.LiE, S. C. jan 21co:tl r.NTAUI.ISIIK IS 1SB5. Tlieliiclimomt Lofjoniotivc AND Mnt-Iiiaic Works, RICHMOND, - - VIRGINIA. Sntfiwors to TIIE TANNER A DELAXEY ENGINE CO. Light Locomotives, r nsineij. Boilers, saw Hills and Heavy MHehlacf. Send for Catalogue and Estimates. iicv S d&wtapSbH X-jr's Texrelrr Store, MAIN STREET, ASHEVILLE. im it; ' -j a. r iii'iv :J) ' 1.1. i.rf ,4r:aj:rfl!!lij!J n-i i.iBf .'3 - 1 i j 1 1 1 1 iSkvlanti ison ti.i A. S. H. 1!., nv.'l I !,Muler.s rn il'e pike peven mil s .cont!i of Ashevillc. Tin; attractions aro line niiiu-ra! hpur.iis Chalybeate a,ttr, Sulphur. Iroc, t!j siv), Alum ami fit csii ae t til.t as iiv. Larue, level !ot in f list; whtH strttt '--0 feet jriund viows, pare ah. ! o dust nor mini liiM !o s already k i';d t v.ca'Piy ;;;..; .; ; r homes. Fine h .tc-1 nearly li-.tU anc'. filler improvements. .. Free nit-out and luck. Ftilfchc eui. ;,-s hv writinu- or hv leaving ordeis at rahnioK's. Xti.in.roii'.h ?;.-. .y papers iYliS a. Pill.l.KIS, Iropr., Spl 10 dSttl ..;, nt'nnMtpea Y "s. ABiieviile, N O . CHOICE" HOTEL PROPERTY On Patton Avenue for Sale. All hail Creation far and near Of the hotel lot you now shall hear. Let pealinir drums and cannons roar, Proclaim the news from shore to shore. Tiie lot immediately west of the Buncombe "Warehouse contains two acres 2G-1 feet each on P.ailey and Grove streets, fronting oC3 fee on Patton Av enue, just opposite the llatti-ry Park Hotel Frame Building, Metal Hoof, 1C rooms. Now oc cupied by Mrs. .1. C. Smith. This is the iskst properly in Asheville for another Coiiibiiiing lioth for buoincs and ,...,...- . l i.. .. u....!. t-eini.t , .-ccuiHi oni to naiit-1,1 mi. foot hills of Beaumont and the I-Vencn Broad river and Depot, and in the near future will he the cKSTin- of Iflin T'itv. 1 off'.'r this iiron.Tlv until the loth of May next, ss nil if not sold lw that time. I propose then t cut it into business :;nd building lots 'Pities perfect. For further information, p ices, and terms, address fob 1j dtf S M. THOMAS, Laurinbursr. X.C , . e t;. i-tviiZl?JH :-.x-T: ?t the mar CALEBS." Ot it i. se !.i.M. .a i rc, I'ti-.lo-.i Aveiitie. 1 K. DOUGLA--:- I D. f., io-i-r' -.rry's Ding - ' :,;v N : .st.-ir. . r'-vl 1 . - p. i.'i-nc; ';'.' -;'-"' V- v : :.'.iMv--. e1, :.i!'! .---i..ii.i V j I'ertaao ryiitsrii t-retm- i' - !iS'sl-4'ItiiS i i f . - :v.i I irihvood' ."I TO--: AVKNl lv. H. tor AsrteVit.t.;.. Pish, Cy:;ts-, Gar, a. Everyttiin:; this t.i anv liaal-tt a! r s ' In Its: siyle, ut ro-.i. a.- -i r.ia. JscsiN Kt-s -c5 at nii Etr-WE: A I-' r-t -ai;- C:oU is v.; . In !. liiVf 1 1 t. .1. r:.i P.. L. FITZI'ATJ::; T. Y . Fi i ::l ;k FITZPATRICK a P fi Q 2;i N. !aln f-t , a n ky ill;;, - - - x. c, DEAI.KH3 us IK'sriiishes. -j'. PeHt'y Mixi -A Paints a Specaiitj-. . . :)', cnlion. :;it!v a'ieniittd not- IS (it' Al! nr.! i.v t 1. TWO DOOKS BELOW Asheviilo Bank I Beardon, llankhi El Co. CLOVER, TJMOTIIY..rj BLUE GRASS HERDS GRASS, ORCHARD. I.SEED OATS. IK LARGE Q'CTAHTITIES ?MWi.&&Z& 1 h ml d. iv d H. ca-l a:,,. ::,,ke ! 4" -17 cor. Dep. & At! i.is I5si.?.' SirfS?r.-Ac ...jSs--.ifc&l.i;fcIf ; .-or. Den. and Pdanton Ooxio; J-St'-'i KI. !''! li)N OF 4';, 1-iant.in 75x 75 mmmmmmEi I Si Mmmm at v 11 nm.K' . I f ?- p r - "i t e " v !" I 1 3 (j !i! nr. 1 1 hilvcr watrl.ot evf-iy do-scriptiiiiiji-hrtnopraphsi f ilill'eient makes. Over 100 watches to choose from. Everthingus nally kept in a first class jewelry store. PUP. CHASES ENGJRAVED FEEE Kc, .. ii.ii vtalt hfS i-hantretl to stem vi,..! in r,.e 'aj n.itu;;. A 8pe- ntisfitclicri Gnsu-a.73. eed. iii;i I'.r lie i . ! tin icil ii,ick ra;:j li. rl. ii-itl v-aifhi'i-. II. I.. !.J, Ji wcier. pleasure, public yet retired, m gnilicien k:.. ..,..! i..... ...;.l.,-.,,. I,,,!.,-..,,., tl.n .iiiuaien awui tiiintt.ij ut-mtui business and population the Moun- OP TUP. i:: -v i NEW YX. iaS iht ai cL Poplar loirs cnouo-h to make r . 00U,000 tbet of lumber, put on ...c bank of tho Frcncl liroad river, between this and the first dav ot April, 1888. A few weeks ago i WO tOOK U contract lor 1,000,000 i feet in the upper pari jf Transyl vania county, and last week com pleted arramrcnients tor the whole territory from Asheville to the head of the river, throuoh Bun combe, Henderson and Transylva nia counties. Wc are ready to contract with all parties wanting to deliver logs 01. t lie iver nank : wherevei there ctn Ik . much as ! .000 feet in a p.aet Logs to ! be measured and paid in- once a i month. jZACIIAlir AND ? A CHARY. j Asheville, N. C. McAboy Houses In the Satiable f !iiu;:Jo iUXUv JiolecS Thermal Zlvlt, Thin popular resort is situated at the foot of Tiyon and Warrior range of mountains, in the celebrated thermal belt, one mile and a half from Tr;. on City, 40 miles South of Aeheville, on the AsLeville & Spartanburg Eail lioad. This I'.ou-o ia large, roonr- and homo-like, nith broad piazza, situated ia a grand old gi'.ove of oak, mimosa, walnut and pine trees, with a beauitful lawn, llowori and s'-.rubbery. Tho hotel farm affords an ample sunply of fresh milk, fruits and berries. Tho stable hupplics saddle horses aud car riages for tho romantic drives, for which this region is noted. The bouso has lately been refurnished and put in first-clasi order, witli addition of water works for wash-rooms, bath-rooms, drainage, &c. ricnty of pure mountain spring water; also, iron rpiiug water, possessing wonderful medicinal qualities Optn all the year. Address I,. J. BELL, (formerly of Wilmington, Del.,) McAboyV, Tolli co., N. O. e pi 15 dGuics E. V. JONES. R. P. PORTNER- figure & 7 No. 10 N. 'oiirt Square, AS H EVIL LE,'N. C, Matiufacturers of aud Deel-rs la' HARNESS, Saddles, Bridles. &c, And dealers in COLLARS, IIorne-Brusbes, Whips, Currycombs, Spurs, tc. md English Saddles a specialty. Fly Nets, new lot oi Brlstie Goods jutt arrived Lap robes, axle grease, lubricating oil. A complete assortment ot everything usu ally found in a FLTtt-Glass Estalshent dealing in our line ot crado. Our H nees shaii be as low as tiie lowest lie u or e.sownere. Give us a csll, JONES St PORTNER, Jnn4d No 16 N. Court Square 3 -if inch an dtf REAL ESTATE Di:ALEU3. JiZtraoraiaaiy 1! IX Vacant i-ois IN ASHEVILLE. Offered for a 81iort Tir.ie, UY Boslic, Blanton 1 60., Oeas Estate Dealers. Vo, S Ji'orth Public Sinn tire ' tu 1...1 a.....-:i.a I, ., , ... . I beautifully ana conveniently situated. I.INi OLX AM) bUhLB I'ARKs are in the southern part of the citv between j the Court House anc! the tiepnl ami mi- way between Uattcry Par'u r.nt! (larixt. j new hotel, and ave vapidly Imildin up J111.11.AKV i-.kiv is m .lie '"to western part of the city, t-n ! hc.-tm-.t ilttt ; and Pearson Avenue, about midway he- i tween the Court House and French Itrttad i river, on the street lead.' to IVart-on's ' bridire and Richmond Hill. Ai! I.avc-luir.u- . e , e . ,. tiful views of mountains, vaiieys n-.i ciiy. Lincoln i'ui'k. : No. STREKT. sli'.l- PKICB. i ,q (.or- ih;fer and Uailev 6a-; 75 700 i i; ; 00 i i) cor. Phifer and Blantoc ; 20 ' '" 70 ) 1 j " j 2 lilanton : z " i 25 ! z( 700 -oti Sox;.! 1 tlltO i o. xi I Jtlll IOOU I vo 120x164 15 00 29 Adams 3- XI 1: -xi iS 3" -tin -no -00 I Out . -''u tit!-' 71x1 71,0 -,. l. Il 6-1) ! a 3 " 75"'-" ! 49 cur. Dtpcl it Llantun 144X 113 j 50 ' 1-5x150 !51 "' iV-XiiO 700 Cs 700 75" 75" moo .Vji . 7 5". 75 i 75" 75" : S,-) ' 57 ' .i5x it.o y) " 6-XI50 (u cor. lia-ilctt: JUautoa 115x150 i 3- '. xl2-? .,1. 7CX!?:i 65 ' ;.i.tiyj 6 ljlaaier. (.9x1511 O7 " I'lijiliii -1 " 6)xi5ci ' - " 6-xt;n 5. . -53 Depot 125x1115 51 " Tixi ;o 56 -' 05x150 5S " 65x15.1 60 ' 6.-X1511 64 Ilailey 69x151) 66 " 6 x 1 50 65 " ''1x150 72 - 0.-X15.1 74 " fliJXKO hholb" i'ark. 3 p.ailey 75x150 5 " ;5vi5ti i. 7 5x i5t 7 " 7rxi5:. ') " 75x,5" 10" 7 5X 1 50 26 cor. Silvci & lilanton .75x150 25 lilanton 75x10 21 ' 75-vi5 20 ' 75x150 19 ' 75x15 35 " 75x110 36 ' 75x110 37 " 75x110 40 Bailey VSX--!00 jlilitarv Fai k. 14 Pearson Avenue 500x300 13 " " 100x200 7 ' ' 135x200 Scoif'' " 155x200 9 " 155x200 10 ' ' 135x200 11 cor" " 135x300 12 Chestnut 150x150 30 " 1 Sox: 00 31 " TIOOX2CO 33 100x200 6tn 75 7110 6., 7'-" t 00 600 6ot ;r' ! 4' " I 500 1 7.0 I 500 ' I 400 IOOO IOtlO 1250! 1250 i 1250 1 1000 I 1000 j 1000 j 1000 I I Large lots on this street; north-side Bat tery Park, for sale on good terms. We also have other well located vacant lots for cottages, u ice from $100 to $300 also some very nice cottages and residen ces for sale or rent. Call and examine our plats and see property. We would especially call attention to the following property for rent : An elegant five room cottage, with kitch en adjoining and other out-houses, desira hly located on Haywood street, about four minutes' walk of Court Square; having also good garden and choice selection of fiuit trees and vines, cistern on the place, and premises also supplied with city water and sewerage. The house and kitchen are both lighted with gas, altogether making one of the most desirable homes in the city. Also one three-room cottage located in Doubleday, for rent at reasonable terms. For any other kind of city property that may be desired call on Ti305TlC, BLANTON ifc C No. S North Court Square, Burnett Budding. I 11. CAMPBELL IRcal i;r.sinKN( K ov .). m. vii'iaa.i., wi.sr I 11-.-.-.1 Estate bought in A:-;heville ti.n.!;-1! j Refers by 5 ; ii n. Ifnt'ti Tin nu'i-iin; Asfistant Sec I. S ! iit.n. T. ,!ij!i!.s;i.:i, M I : , Ashevi'.le ' Utv . .y.iu Small, Va:.l:inut.n. I i '). il. Sai.it'i-on ttC'o . C.'.i ( 1 in iliii.tn !!r( s . i'myidence, R. !. ; Co!. Fii'.nk ('iin.'. Priip'r Hatti-Ty Paik Itcli-!, Aiiheville, X. C. lit-ti. V Palmer, !.u.!.i.-r, S.vl .iil V:-. Bank et A--heille, Afiu-vi i,-, N. ' . 'iiuai ei t-ial I'.i'.nk. I'uliaiiii. S. C. r C'ai-i Iiii'. iy i-.:al .'-:i!!tib;;-- Options on Property ! ri- .tlaki.it I. ii. inir. f.'!iii..-. rt-iit-ii- WANTED Ail kinds ' i t-roverlv mt-nntain lands and farms tw.tr Ash.-vii:... . lln' f'-.i!ifl-ii!j: i " n iiv, improve.; :.! i v. iii.ont. "!.' iliiMi-.i i r mil -rvt u I. I tircha.-ei.s. "t its Hiuia bc-aiilifnl rtsiUcnce v. i 11 ali n ... -I i i u im j'l.jV. liiei.ts mi Hi 1 M, tally -vr. u ; v. a'.k tn cmirl im sp A hf.reaiu. Or v. I I i c .-:!-i i tyiile-l , nd ;. .la , , ivi.io.l .mis !. I hid:.-ami in! - o i iiii rt, v.ry ii-'-.; i't..'. 1! aits iii- r New I "t ct. !'e rst.it avy inti an in T'airi.a A e lint ; i'. .: n- lit'1 Kill l e;--ii i i. HI Ii: -. t II I'll !rn li-i II' ! "I : j St a.-:. iii-t .d .uli.lnr str-i;f f.-i.ii: ir Km H (.11 rati I il. him :u:;t' lill P iilll iittvn. .1 i'. J- ', niiie; !. nmifti'. lrrov.-. i Hi :es 1 1 'i unii'ii.t : ia tt;t uriiT c a.ie.t a: ; ! ..'i ere.-iiiar lili-a;'..;, -. t'. Inti- i.ii V. i l:.-.y s; vl acre.-, t.r loi.-i.if ir. Iin:i;' :-la'.-,': :i: ts tir n . I link film. ' ; at re-a.i.i li -a ' . one ti.i'- I' . ; i c v.r. t y.i- (in a;i is in :-e M .in s" . M arics 1 mi it-lit ;ir or; 01 ne liinii' I '-. : I'aiiii ii.utt t,i::i:-e : till-1 i'..;tsi r cf i'!t I : a ie 1 vii.y.s al-o tiae tiuii'ii.ii aid : -i v r-iiy. t r Air. t.arlici-; wiiiiinu te. t.: i'-ii ! ''r ci T-t 0 1 ;i is -1 1 ,n j-aa! r .ucti fi.-iii. r.-v, v.:. ii.cn?, -.t. 1 i,.i 1 i-rt on l.t-a-i c every jirir.ci ,.5-; i t'i ;:: Inti tiliii-i d h: ,r.y iuuids i v is m .vi . aih i'i i -e.i t'hev !:'. e -iiitlaa i .t i ;in' ; i 1 . i v. Pi sl.t.it !! iitiv 1 .-..pe y 1:1:: tu !e.y :i t i : cmi v. 1 1 t-f v ;.; .11 iiiii! i-i-i-i;-..! ir ;it!v,'!ii- ai i-a.-; ;.-:vc f1 ; .-. v.aii t 1 lnoti .:' j r iic.ty v.:t i.;h" vi--- ; m -i: a c :e:'. rlah'ie ciin ," : :i.-e. K.-i: Ui-.nt ii-nmii I;.'.-.-, iii-' - r . . 1 l"..ii :i;n.-, i.ct :-.ir lt.i: S.w.:;. 'jla-Mliti ,- 1 liiita-e 1.- xc-I'l.inly i-einroi- :i! .1-, U i i.:.- i lata 1 liiciica I oi:.e. 1)1:: 1 iai..r..-.' lai.ty ; i I t.i hi- i.e.- than vhtin r-tr- t. ii is fi, 1 1 . r. 1 1. (.o'er :; ia ::ar. Tiicie laiti . : - . up :. "OiC tl ittlil: oi.v i.lia.-:- i.i-i!i-e ;i il. tin inert cxtc-a-ivc swl liie ;.-:tniiii l.v t e' ! :.cc A nii-i , a Trol.ua.,- v:i .e : i :.i i'ii:i :t;-i reeiate l!.e Uutim 1 i Nat 1.1c. ;- i 11-,! iy. ; Pol: Ki:nt. - In A. Welti's pr...irty l:-av.e . . f-i-atlctl hchoi.l and Hi j tist chi.rcii. A!.-.i. t". y " B: - 5 S . ' ; i-- f.-l . :-.ri4.rr.V..---v.-' :-'' 'vr"4 1 t&.8iii -It i I---. . I '3-i.. 2 h- 5 r 1- '.-'-;?;:' i .. -v '- . ; -J ;VS..!f:--- f-? - - . 1 i'l ife. ;. --ij!:- - - ; 11-.,.'V' Vi- - iSrtiji-;;,. --?-e;.i 1 . i- Z .- -t . t ".4.' r, t'r--;-u'-';. - .y- - -'. i ' K- 'v! iv-;-j.i: ; 't t . V .. ... .: fcts..Ty ii. c-. L c0 r . i r-. . i. .-? -i W2F teg .i-.Ji-W-i. ptL 2 5, M a; t. 'To Whom it Siny Vmiecrn. Bo it k'.i-iv.n that s iea' tti-vk a -.. we tiat'ad t i! 1..- Mr. Tiremas C -t ili. s a valuable tract of Imid, and in cxciniiiee therefor e liecan.e tin n wi'.e i.i n.'tiie hii'e stock t.f i Iai-titvarc 1 a the ft-r ::n a ' occupied ), Mr. Stakes, ?-:. : ii '.'.'art ! $piare. The troo.is lira! )'., y, jy i- eenf.!y lnai;:lit for j!: ":;s25, a'al i-.i-n- s'.iit ie us in tiie rMi n-nns wna tne tii-etnint oil'. Tht sf.iak f-M.ie-i i!i...:ir!v tfStlOtl in the original i.ureh.t-e. :,' .! ait c ; thee, we have ln.ee.ii'. sev-i..: 5i!! i ri'ftsonahb.' tls .-.i m '- iiaye a e en-: p!e line. Lltit IVe Are JVt SJt'U'ESfi-iJw. v-, ! - hat t-iiii ! v !ia!i" -t, ( i-al-f'ei: t in :'. r. ; : . t'e aient8, and we m fil t'-i" t.-.i.t y ' w e have h'tkeil up in the; p -.i!s. and ..- j ... w.'-iii i i t'evote our lie.e exe'eivdv t 1 1 " ' the Heat Psta'e bu.-ii.es.-. !: .Itvi ail the! '.lork .ai ntisi!i!v d... t'i' re And in ! -T .irdci- '.itt' t tii,- in :;ey tv w i ; l r.e'l r-Spstde.-.. r-ie .v. ls. a-vs. Spirit S'ltivea. j Ga dca Kakes, Pilc'ili ik-. rit.tbes, I.) W'rin;.-.-!.-, .-'c.i.!i'. I-anterns-. Pate; '. Itnes, ; Bits, Aiiyu?. Tin wart. 1 mi-', P. -pc , Avis S.'i-'f. Cnns, Tr.v? '.'hain- P.-aat Braslie", Dinner BelV, A .etc WV.i?, Traim, Poekr, Ve., ve. Kuiv Ktieli si I'iii Jks $5 ?:.. ; and hear in miiid that we will ril ; ISsixscll's II. 'Zitiili Oii j for 3.50 pi-rrttt, former pi ice f'iOO; j guaranteed best quality. MhCIIANICS, ATl'EN'TIOS : ,'.e will fif'.l j first class Belts of Carpenter ,' t i ds fur i just one half of usual rates. L-inn s :;o and ii cants, iomierlv it) and S-I. Painted and Brass Bird Caaer frmn 7o 1 1 ' loruierly ?1 ol) to 4 on. i Also aspleiit'iti lot nl le Collars, way j down. Will throw in a few dogs il' necesearly. Now we mean just what we say. We ' cannot enumerate one-tenth part of our j stock. We are offering goods in this ; line cheaper thn the same class of goods j u-..t, f.ror 1 .flr..r."t..l tiara r,r-,r.i A K ,-ua ! I we- forgot I'i Bay we have Cotlee and Spice Mills from 25 cents to 28. Uourding-honse and Hotel aoods in larpre quantities. Come, P'xamine, Be. Convinced, Pur chase and tell your neighbor go and do Pkewise. Natt Atkinson & Sons. apl 20 dtf V- : i,'i'-.:.Jv s-::r-i -mrrA .. M. ( .i-uii.'.i r:; . i; t : . ; i t . - 'J'i-. a -.ry, N (', J . i i v tt.. i'.t...- t-.vays proves a Bonanza. ( 'l:i?. tint st. Phiia. l.-.. ;i.iul; t, Y.; 'h'j Bought and Sold. it syi'ciaity. t,l,: , miiit-r iii : ...! i-iii.i!i and t.nii..; ic y .;.! hy n:e r t ; :t it; lit, ;i;l t": ins to snir the .-a:- y .-.i 1-rv. A i t en f.'a ai .: - i T-i-.y.i M' ti is mi lii.lit s t- n-i 1'. -i i-i tl .'. I;- r. v-i- ;-.i i . i.s iih t.t'i'se. i. iii:l s.jl-i ia 'els. it is ; iim ii r.l Vici'iria ' .v.: i'.-olll -iiitt tt lit . lui. ii a .1 whol 'if leibiliviileil -( . i i i-i tii 'i. liaiticr lie.tvy ' i n: : I i-ip -rty 1 . i. r'1 ; ill,:!' l-l'ii -ei' ! il ia.-, k i id an 1 1 tii- ia p,.":!i!li i 1 leu .- near I!-istr.l. Ti-mt. i," : ti-e nii.i if a: i! ..ii'l ay. Teim ' li'"". 1 -!!.-:: ..: n.i' ia iT.ilrfi- Co- A tui ,;. , 1 i ... ..,...i.t,i,v .iiv lids Ht l'if fa (l.i.iiTiiiii ' I .. el.' ai ..-iiiri' - I ' rpes :n : : ; -.tter. i-i.cii'. -.-.'.i .-.itii' ti.ti lisiial i. r ct. 1 have !.. '- '' pr"p- i : - - pic; '-i-.y has 1 - .1 . .vish i" ! ; . 1 a:; "-if ; .- ; .' i 1 ::s v. i-i " : i "!"-'-' P. ..- c a - .. a ;.i .a tt i 1. 'i'uu tii- I 1 v;-.i" - C'.iicti 7!. i; ; . '.-.. . :.-.!r, d tti- .- : -t - ay t'o- a '.- . i :. .. Ii. -1 tu tae . :v. . ; '' a.ui: :.iim. ..tii i.i 111 aa r. si- N. . l.a tiiei-e v.i.o ;. ;ii- j. ..::! t i : h-; Sky iMi.- -. :-' r c. 'a;r. d .a a . icr .- i;e ..r lent. i- ;!:. a: s.-ii . .. -;,i,.- - ; !, r: .. ;'. , t , :.-c ,, -,- ,:e t t; X -i - v 1 " -. . :.y lr ai.lit. ii il f . ri i .1 -i m iia. : e tie 1 PU - ' - .inter, .'. a. r.. m. S. Wail 'i u.', v.i, ' ' -.1-- lv- v i - 1 1 O 3- I 5 55 01 0 I 0 I'D - o c tt k 2 -1 im jaa, Motel ' 1 -1 ;iid 1 . -1,: aaaared t-et i'liilrtiat1. Jiepot, .ecriisfetiiU-ntuna "'. N.c. ii. It. ' .- O r s A t 1 , "J. T iii- R M S . Ci.ASS BAR -..iii t c ioi.r.t a; aii liiuestlat i.-v !.i-.'nl-i of e i-' 1 HI !t li ' ;-.vi;u! ;" wv'M or.rnt.: i '.' lU'NCOM I K 'I 7 a ' 11 " 1 lip ii "'' 1 r'"''r" :" - .- i.t i' i;v a K 11 uai'. v 1SS. t I.t ,T '-.iY AM) F-BI.'TI.UtY JSSfi. ).-P i'i Pi i.AR ?2 0t) HOUSK -- in t.u: SPATE. i .e's c.-trira: ti e past year , . ve; V her i.ote'. in the city. l'.U.'t i l ' PECilSTER 25,000 - ii!I- 'i';.Ut. ;.as- 1;. s-jv:-:ry respect; iott - i : Iiii- centre of the city, s a ca: i.. s. K. CtlEHISTER & SON. W II ,,.ri. , ( ''-'' Only 1 t.ill I I V GOO'IS ARRIVING daily ert'iitii eveir before. D-.n'r listen ie:nies, but call and see onr eoods r8 before voti bnv. "Old Ched" Cheat to our ei and pric B n- w a t the helm to wt it on you. mch 7 d I'Jmos i s i, - v