A" -Z'Ji 1 r r ' ;c: '-w . "V--" v-r INSURANCE. Mutual Reserve Fund Life Association. S4,000,00O. ttcatfi Losses I'aid. intt "ar. I'rrcly .flutiuil. .t Xlorlilmltfira lo lbsorb S'rofUs. Absolute Security. ! ! ,m' !: j :i.v t'st I .lsrsx ttl- ir.lst fund liltiiiir to il in. in'i.'f-. . ith thereat "Ceiitial 'i'rusi i t:r jai y ' t; : .-n York, whore us cts urn. unt t , $S0.ti9(.00.- S lit i i-c(t!n-k r nf cv-, rt."-j'. "T M'U;! ;;i in.-: - .V - nf r mo nt. 1 umukm o j ; '.t ; KiihV J, IV rl.L'l ! fi' First-Class Lives Only ACCEPTED. " 'fn ;ti'i!:t J:t trie t'tiwl Lift, .?rtciatitn" j oft. -Vic II,iii'fiil J)nunrA rar.ud fa? v r nttnte of nnu finn'tt tleath vuxim trhtrh it li'iv f.til hi fall; t heart to tV (Ut- nnii nl ! an ttru hank mcsiiirnl in .Vw York Vity. f savu your rnomf ftr.il injure witn VV. W. WiSsT, Agojj ojiein Mi l i.td liuLain? j.m is dermis LIFE isHSUBAHGE. XOI ff! .-' vy MVi l'al i.ifk ..siwifl'i;; viuunriA- !-'.: i.dicits lor Iroin AN!) coiuiie- t: .:u:ira?iU cature oi "OLD U;f.;- Oir.ipani-3 at the! :n 5-rrrt Orders. INBURAMCt, ! Insurance against loss by Fire in i City and County on all kinds of Property, Real and Persona . i Shi ' 13 well as long term. Poli issued at (air r;'tp ' A. 1 Companies, !.'0!i'0 and Foreign. ixti a: 3". Apez:i. '. ' North INSURANCE. gSiSK, LIFE. C C T 13 1 : 1ST T. PULLIAM lCO..! ASHliVILLI-:, N. C Kf.r! sent lliH following Omipaiiies, viJ; FIKr. CAjK AS-ETS IN U. S An;i N '.' otT.ii f..rri(. S 497 S Coiitm i.r i! of 'e York t ...i;s,r.4:i llHiolnir; 1',-cn fi ot (.t-riiian-r, l.l'.'.'til l.on.lo'i -' - -'ir inc- o Enjriand 1 iJ." Miunr.i ..f N. w Y.irk L'.2'.T 111.' cni-.ii '( ! ! 1 1-: i .1 1 ..7 '.:e2 PhcMixo l;roi-!itwt 5.o4.i;y St. IVil r ire rt dA:avineof Minnesota. l.SH.ofii -;ntt t r;i of Ni-iv (irleans 4:M.' SI "i'!!cni of 1'oronto l,(l.W,2i'J i Mut'it:' A .dent Association, .f'.t' 1 1, fe his'ir.-ri 'e Co. For 13 years at 37 Court Place, now at 322 Market Street, ?'LoiMle,Ky Bet. Third and Fourth, A rwniariT MueatM and lticallv oualifled cnyaiciao And tbt urtaecmnial, a bU prcUf-e will prov. Cnrefl all forms of PRIVATE, CHRONIC and SEXUAL DIS EASES. , , Spormatorrnea and Xmpotency, Mtlierrsuil nf wlf-abuno In youth, sexual ext-tw Id mi. t;irer rean, or fthLT eaus, aud producing tmt cf the hi I wiog orient": i rojsD", bcniiual F.uii'sioDi, (tipl.t truis-i4"ti- by dreams). Diron of t-Vht. Defet tiyt Memory. Pbf i a I 1''tv. Pnutleoo Kai-e, rrsiPO toS'?ittv of train !et C'oufu-lon nf I dean, Lots of fcexual Power, sc.. rrnd( r;nj miriin.e ir ipropr or unhavTiT, are tborourhiv and p-ni.a D'-diTt cwr.-l. SYIHlij IS lilI,1-v 'cured audio- iTli1'1 fr,,in tL0 fcstfui; Gonorrhea, CtLEEX Stricture, Orchitis, Rercia. wr liuj.iuii;., I'll, s aiu oth'T private dii. quickly cured. It Is t'lf evi ieot ihnl a phy sidin whr- pay" ?r-fc1nl attentna tr a oeruio clas of disease!, and trcatiog; thousands aai. ; ally, arquires reat sit ill. PbTaiciaos koowinctiiis futotun rer-.rtimenil (ipiiods to my care. When U iuconTeuicat o Tisit the city for treatment, medicines cno b seat privau;: anJ nartly by mail or express anTwbare. Cures Guaranteed in all Cases undertaken. 1 iiiui(,ii!i'ii iM.Twniaj.lT or br letter fire an! InTlt"!. Ob' rcaunaLic and correspoudente tti icily cciti wLI. PMIVATE COUNSELOR uK '-"00 pane., .nl tn ny uterem. .pcurelj (walwl, f.-r tr.irtj riu. Should te read tv alt. Aulrp9 .4 1.1. . k3W buur. (rom A. U. to 9 P. U. Eundajt, 2 to " FccPdiw.y mchols & Criidger. ni Ksi ttt? Agents. Ticl.oml J av.- 2!)i!3insr. AhIsovIHc. X. i OFFEIt THE rOLI.OWiyO IR'PKF:1 Y FOR SVJLE; On Charlotte st. 1 vacant lo:s an-1 3 ho::scs.t lots- !-pruco ' 2 " 3 liill " 1 " l:i!cy "11 ' ' s N. Main " li ' " 1 Freeh Broid Avenue, 3 vacant lots. " East street l'ouhicday, :. - " 1 " " est - " ' " WillUv " 2 " 1 WoiSiiu ' V " " :! " " Co'.leKe ' S " :l Pearson Iirive. "2 acres R iverside Paik. ;:1 acres. " Hh wo'k! street. I ' ' Itroad street, ' 11 " Patton Avenue .1 vacant lets. 2 M Denol s.reet, 2 ' M Old Ilavwood. 1 " " Hill Bide street, 6 " 2 ' " Corner Locust and Woodfin, 1 vacant lot. " Clayton st'et, s " " 1 ' " Academy st 1 ' Orange street- 3 " " Mountain st . 2 " 1 " " Chureh strct. 1 Chestnut treet, 2 2 " Kay wood r ad, 4 " " 3 " Also several One fnhurbon residences just In toe outskirts of the city. We hve for re t a fine old property on South Main street, house with about 20 rooms and large shaded grounds a capital place for summer boarding. Also several o'her good places for rent. One body of lino n.ouiituin iand. S'in acres. " " " " ' 2.WH) acres. " " ' " 040 aces. Bes des a number of small ia-ms in both Madi son and Buncombe counties M e still hold about $ Of 0 of those 6 per rent semi annual M idlson o-uMy Bonds, one of the rery best luvestmeuts we know of. uustakg immim KEXIOAN arcSTANO LINIMENT cures Pnxa, 9on.-, c::nD Birnasr.v-all IxFUMiiinotr. 1 JEWELERS. 1S.13. Established. 1S55. C- COWi 1ST- B. H COSBY 27 Pattou Avenue. 37 DEALER IN Watches, Clock.. Jewelry, Silver aid plate 1 ware Optical Goods Oo!d Pens, i(c. &c. Larf?c a"d va led assortment of Ladle.' and Gentlemen's Gold Watches Mt low prices. Latexst assortment of Wedding Kings in the citv. All repairing in vaiehrs, clock, ml jewelry neatly ami promptly dunn t reasonable figures. S A TI S F A C I' I O N i t" Ml A S T EE D . Ti'- rreeot tiron'or sh-ll neglect u effo't ; t merit a nntii.tintion of Hie .nt! onuses large j ly heilowi d di:iiiK i:ii!!V yenr in-on bis irnleeei-i.r. ' " ine:i G dtf BURT DENISON, i Watches, - Clocks, : Solid and Plated Silver wars, Etc. Optical Goods, i Spectacles, Eyc-Glasscs, Opera Glasses, F (ili M-n, Telescopes, Kcading Glasses, Compasses, Ac. All goods marked in plaiu figures, at FA Priced. AH Gcocls Warranted. repairiug and Engraving. .Vo Ii i'atiuii .i f jurr. UNDERTAKERS. J V. BROWN & CO., (Over VaiilJilder (: Brown's AS11EVILLE.N. C, Keaiertfiill; airaniiiioc to '.he citizens of Asbe villeand snrroundiiiB ronntry that they ha -opened a first-claw l'tilTlaK in Ksia liNliitipnl. where will be kept a full line oi C'OFf.V.V, CASKETS. Vf 1:1 A I. 110 BES, At ClIEAl- COfJ-jy- ; ALL AV.VDS KmbalirciiiR f. l ('-. nit'ht pr dv All tl!i st! ndtd r'v vi-wi v JKSSK l STARNES, u N D TAKE R . ASIJEVILLE, N. C, ! METAL! I-' AXD V, .! N UTC. FKINS i AM) CASKiOr.S or evci7-4 iiii'i i::i;!ty, c iv.Mi v.X v vn ham! Kvcty" rvJfite of t'l 1'nsiness fiirnirtlipJ, aii.l all .vliA.fjv.r iti-iit ,-r,-jironiptiy answrroil. -Mt-arses furnilit ii i lu-n !. .:; ii. IIui!;iliiiit a fiulf.Y . Uodiis will be taken i-iuirgi' nl i!ciuit ly vln-n il.'sircd R.ilnr, 1 all sizes and qnalitka, lift it f.-r L-inrs kiv! (ientU-m-n always on I, ami. Olliee and ii-Hid'-nc.' Sc -10 X. Main Tfli'pliniie v (il JESSE R. STAEHES. At Spot Gusli Stoi-e, )8C I am going to Now Y.-rk in a few days to lmy a stock of Spring Goods, X cj y and to make room lor thorn, will give bargains for a hot: t lifttvn days, of every thing in my store. Come and jince tlie goods, and you will be convinced. I have received a lot of new Spring Goods 'which will have to go same as others, as there are lots more where these come from. Such goods as Cor sots in Dr. Warner's Health and Coralinc ; also Misses' Corsets, Ball's celebrated Circle- Hip, war ranted for thirty days or monev refunded. Dress Trimmings, Linings, &c, &C. Big lot ot La dies' Misses' and Children" Shoes, NOT IJICKKTV ltACKKTV SHOES, but good Shoes, warranted as re presented or money refunded. You ought to see our SI. 25 Boots for Men, $1.0(1 Fur Hats, Tennessee .leans, Cotton Plaids, Cotton Yarns, &c, &.v. I Come and see us. t j W. EL LiSA, j Successor to Howell & Leu, NO. 17 NO:: 1 ll MAIN ST 3 THREE OF THE IOST; M A ILL.'; KIS, WiiiT MAN'S. AMI .tOYSTEIi'S CX FKITI OX ARE K, A T M, EBSTOK'S. HENRY C1 EWS&CO., U.IVKERS, 13 A- 15 It HO. Hi ST., .V. ! MIMBEHS OF TIIE NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE. NEW YOKK PRODUCE EX IIANGE. NEW YORK COTTON EXCHANGE. EW YOKK COFFEH. EXi HANGE. CHICAGO HOARD OF TKADE. Transactions made at any of the above Ex rhsnges and cirried on margin for customers when desired. Iuteiest allowed on deposit accounts, apl 10 dim UUSTANfl LI.2irJE!iT JICXICAS MUSTAXO LINIIIEXT should at-' ways bo kept in IIocss, Stabui and Factory. -J- The Wilmington Review s.i s '" t'ns road that is to transport the State troops to their Encjiiip:ijetit on the Sound : '"On Mondav t'.itv laid 2,ooo feet, yesterday 2 ooo feet and to-day they will put down 2,000 leet. I his will carry them out in the neighborhood of the Mineral Springs. The second cargo of rails is now being loaded in Philadel phia rind will he on the way here in a few days. They are irom tile Pennsylvania Stee! Compinv and are said to ! e the l est 'Meet rail made. I i-i very pruia:!e now th. t the ro:id wi:! ht c in pleted by the lnt d" June." llncUIen'H rule Kitlve. The best Salve in the world fcr cut, bruises nores, ulcers, rheum, fovor sores, tetter. cii&pped bands, chilllaius, coils, and all skiu enipuciiH, and positively euro pilGc, or uo puj equircu. It is pusrantted to fi e psrfcot .r:rffn.0JK ;,, : -f ti u'. ii. i ric.f::';. cB si:,. -v a. ; :..!,. d: w A 1'Ui lee loeh of Caiih-rnia eatmed !, Kilter's rreserved I'm ils;. M .iiiHja ciH.' a!atl di'S!!iir, ivci.-tne I'lckies. (iraled C'oeoanut, apple Ki:i; , ait-ups, fresh candies, WilsunV Crmkers. Hats, Boots and .Shoes eheaper th it anybody else offers them in tv.v, at 8.M1TH & jJairiiV tliop l AlveriiserH. r.trtKS lrcquenlly have advertise :iu nt3 inserted "tiil li.rhid," and allow tlu tn to remain longer than they sus peet, and then object to pajin; for such insertions Our space cista i;s money, ind e must and will charge fir ita use. All parties may expect to pay full tran sient rates fur all "till forbid" advertise ments We hope there will be no, fur ther misunderstandings up"ii this pi int. It is much mwe satisf.ietorv ad round, to Ux Ic-nuth of time and ajjrec to rate of charges in he beginning. SPECIAL NOTICES. jpjR SALE. A nice home and lot. on Cillege street. Also mv ii.terest in the Aslieviile Ment Jt.irk.-t Apply at one: to FIlILl.lCMi IN TIRE, apl ill dtf at the As Leviile -Meal Market. SSIGNEE'S sale: ! A-tue stock of ifo.xls t; be so:-i during the next f-. w days a: at.eririco Eiery tiling in store will oe so!u at New York osr. Win not m.-ike vour pmctiasc9 whf you . an buy poods at a smaller tigu e than the nieiehan:s have to p-av by whoie sal. ? Eve-yihiin? kept in a general s ore, on Hand, clo-inx out and t is opp rtunity will o;n b over. Call early, and Mesi F N. arringtou anj J West wiio have charge will he pleased 10 v.uit on yeil. ASsdiiNKE F upi su IH A. II Stockton .v s.ti STATE OF NdUIH i:AtU)l.lNA, lluucomoe Conn v. Xoti"e is heieb;- eiveo. th.at il the beirs o. Da vid Allis.m, who ,le,i.iriel this liie in the vear IT'.'O or within a few year tliereifter, in'ti.e -int.- of l'i-u is lv.iiii.i. will in Ke ilien.se'ves kno-.i 11 to the t ditors oi tiie -Asli.' Hie Citizan." a newspaper pnnli-h id at Asheville. N v., t ey will receive information ol grtnt iinpnrumcc to them. 1'. is.'.e-i ei th il men p u)in if to be lound, make thi mselves ku wn within slx'y di ys in in the d ti of tuts publication, as a lon ger delay may be detrimental to their interest. April is. iss TOTICE OF SALE t'Nl'Eii HEED OF TRLVT By virtue of r. dee I ot tr,:-t executed hv J A. l urcer and C W. i;r:wi:.-.n t J;ime? G. Martin, 'linstce. to secure nolo fir Fifteen hundred lollars due ly tnj 1, to .1. llr ivn-oti, dnt.l the lith day of October, l'v7, mid reL'iptored in the cilice of the KiKisttr ot i ee i lor Huneoiu'ie coui.ty. 0:1 1 lie ilTtl day ot llivcml.er, InT, in tsook I2.t Mnrtjias! mid li,'i as ut Trust, pis 4 6 ', and C'. and up m whii 'i default has heen Uiade. 1 i i I for ?a!t at p-iliiie aiiction 011 th itlth da 01 -May, l-.vi. nt 11 niVci 1.1 the f.sreuoon ol thu: lu. . i;t the Fiiriners' Waie ouse, 111 tue city ot tslu-vi le, c , the prop. ;ty e.ui s,.siiiip of household and kitchen furuiMire.'l'tdp t;2 iiuuilure, fixtures. Ac f rn er!y uted st ,,i ... 1 ... ai .1,1. .,111. 11111 i,f.-.i lllJluil Ul WOICU i.y h- had by exaimniinr the book before refer red to in the cilice of the eniter oi Deeds for Hiii'couTi.f iv.vw.Ve.. Ttr sot rale ca h. Duted April viith, is ,i'A:Jj;. AHT1N. upi il duls Trustee. 1' JOR RENT. i Oneof the most elegant front rooms in Ashe- i vine; Miualea on t-outli Main stre-i. suitable lor tivo ,r three ladies. EleRaiiliy fmnished, splendid lattice ftiice, tountaiu in Iront, and a 1 conven iences Apply t-J I. C. EAIKD. apl n.U: t:i E STOCK FARMS FOR i-ALE. U'c have an excellent fjrm of '210 acres, 4 miles ; ' ft to-. n. i'.i :icr s i:i j;ras 40 acres first t clrtss h it-i::i.. I'in.i 1-iMriLtr iiuit trees. For sale I !i e.:s-- rtn.s. or :;' a Lrcut bargain iorc:ose pay. ' i ' 1 'i i.'tcs on Ui.iiiviM..1 ret.d :'. -4nii!tsout i '!: '.ri i" '. i.- .11 eju--! l-iitrate hani, A:e. ; t : i:i:t iv a-ljciini t i too' ;ot: uorsK .' ."-'i lot FOtt sal -: I itn i l;t oi -ii:ey street t r I'.;- ,-v f.a-vtiun-. l::in'i i-.; :ii t n l. ii.h J:i llf i to. :i. i eitr.s KlUJ'ii '.. lit ClTIZKN nti.:i d!f .til l-.i t l:ie . tttat i:i f.ir t;1 ft-, i-.'wt'o?, :. ii Mi '- ki.1 )" ;:!ni v. i i ! to "i ; til vtti . . a or i. puvv- A :c.v ' .i M-'tiwitniKti'd '.vtifiic to: ny " M KS. lAMt.S I.O:l K i!.K, A splendid sadd'e a .d cr.riiag 1 oise, surry j and two ft t's . 1 harn ss, all in eie-llent condi- : ;i-u. sni'iib!:-!i-r a tc.:ii;lv. Apple to ' m..hss.!tr vv. V c.-Ml :KAFL. 4 lO'.ili I'ltiVATE I50AI!. : I IVr.u: dositinj m. d private l.,.;ad ran be , :i c '. !-' .line i i:i'.i-fa P rilv hv aiiplviurta v liS T. W. N EL. 2;'"i Ilavmid street. ' v i" : i near li.-ittery Part. V. O. MULLER & CO., No. 7 h'n.fh Main Street, Asheville, A7. C. 1'EALliRB IN All kinds of Whiskies, Drandies, Wines Ale, Portes, C iiia rs, Tobacco, &c; fine Kentucky Rye and Bourbon Whiskies a specialty. DISTILLERS' AGK.NT8 FOB Pu Vorth Carolina Corn Whiskey and Apple Brandy. Tim Jariey Malt Whiskey for medical purposes always in stock. Sole agenls aiH authorized bottlers ot "Anheuwr-Iiuseh Brewing Association' crlehrule.d H Lmiif Lttga Beer for 'Vrslern JVort: CariJna. The following; Bre-A'in.s constantly on hard, in kegeand in bottles; Anheuser Busch, Standard, Imperial Pale Lager and oriirinal Budweiser. Goods delivered to any par' of the citv free. Prompt attention paid to ell or ders by mail. Telephone call No. 39. Billiard Hall, on 3d floor. dt L1USTAHG UrilUEIlT MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT, used vigor ously Is death to SwInney.Wind Galls,Soro Backs. M-t','.X'rA ' From PROFESSIONAL CARDS. W. W. JJ.NE3. GEO ROE A. SHUFORD JONES &, SHUFORD, Attorneys at Law, ASHEVILLE, - - - - N. C. Practice !n the Superior Courts o Western North 'Jaroliua. the Supreme Court of the State, and the Federal Co'irts at Asheville. Office in Johnston Building, where one member of the firm can always be found. nov 11 dlvear D OCTOR JOHN HEY WILLIAMS Has removed hU residence to No. 53 Haywood ttreet, corner Walnut. Office at same number till further notice OFFICE HOURS : lit A. M. to 1 P. M. 2 to5P. M. mch 15 dfiaios J A. WATSON, M. D. OFFICE IIOL'rlS- 9 to 10 A. M. NO. 20 PATTON AVENUE, 2 to 3 P. M. Asheville, N. C. se 10-d tf c il.V LKS CARTER. M- n.. OFFICE NO. 20 PATTON AVKXCE. Practice limited to Diseases of the Ear, Nose. Throat, Heart, Lungs and Stomach, oct 21 dim HENRY HARDWICKE Attorney at Law, Asheville, N. C. Will Dractice in all the courts of the State Collections of claims a specialty. Office with Sheriff in Court House. ianl dtl J ALTER W. VANDIVER, ASHEVILLE, - - - NO. 1 A. Practices in the courts of Western North i aro- lina. Collection of claims, in any part of the Siate, a specialty. juiiiudtf OGEU J. PAGE, Attorney ut f.itn. ASHEVILLE, S. C Practices in ail the Courts, State and Federal jau 14 dtf rjpEOS.A. JONt, Atiomcy sit 3mm ASiiKVILLE, K. C. oct 22-ly s w Ouiee with Day'doa l Ma rjl H. CORE, Attorney niul 4'oi3n,-tIr at I.itv , Office in Isitmett building, Nonh side Public rquare, AS H F VII. L1C, N. :. Practices in all Courts, State an ! Federal, jan 22dly OSEPi; S. ADAMS. 3 Attorricy (3 t'o:sfiMStor v.x I nw, Oinee in I.-iv lP.iil.linj.. adjoining First National Bank. ASHEVILLE, N. C. Practices in all courts, S. ite and Federal, sept 7 t year I T. MFRIWKTIIFK M TJ. Ofhce and residence : No. '29 Bailey street. Telephone No. 35. OQie hours : '.) A. M to 10 A. M. I P. M to 3 P. M. I P. M. to S P M. Calls may be lelo at Lyons', Grant's and r.n.i cock's diug stores. dec 1 dim c 11IAKLES A. MOORE. Attorney and Counsellor at l.ao ASHEVILLE ILLE, N. C. ted stntos Circuital. 1 Iila il!e statervinp charlott, '"ttpreSS?? Pralice iu the United States tnct (Courts at Asheville and Greensbon: iu the and in the four r of the TwelvtU J:uk-iii tnct of the tf-ie of North Carolina. 7A5ES A. HUUKiVVritS. ASHEV1UA.: I-:, i U iice i.ver I .-..; i A: :-".': J.cJ"" Kfi-i-tf r."-e ti!-r.'.- : i VVioii!'.n Htrent-. lii-l v I'm.. r DAViDwO BA'- 'iJSON .t MA RUN '. i AtiHi? V ILLS. ?t. , W1.; r.n-tiu n the Sri. nJ 9i Ju-vnw imkit -yii n: Suprenn; Cot:rt of S'rtrth Carolina. n the Feileral Gouris or West.t'i iHtu- Voith Carolina. Hefor to the RanH of ahf v:i;r- -AIM 'Bi'SSB NSW OITY- W EST ASIB F.r 8 1, 11 .VOlI'fft THE .MifME Tf? lit 'I' .1 MStf.liE. Acre lots are now for salt. Broad atrtets, to he well wfltred by pipes trom the mountains, Pure Spritijr Wat-r. It you want a home it, o the dust nnd hustle of the city come ovor the river to West Asheville. New drives are being opened. Five hundre ' acres, in t-eautifjl lets well shaded, in quantity to suit, for 8aie. Apply to E G. farrier. Asheville Sulphur Springs Hot I. Carrier and Gaston. ftp 7 ilOaios rjIHE ASHKYIIXE MUSIC HOUSE SELLS PIANOS, ORGANS, VIOLINS, PIANOS, 0KGAN, VIOLINS, GUITARS, BANJOS, GUITAKS, BANJOS, ACCORDEANS, ACfORDEANS, STRINGS FOR ALL INSTRUMENTS, STRINGS FOR ALL INSTRUMENTS. Pianos and Creans sold 0:1 installments and otherwise, aho piaced in the hands of bona tide purchasers on 30 days'trial, with ihe understand ing however, that no representatives of RIVAL PIANO HOUSES are calm to adjudge the instrument. C. FALK, cpll2d3mos P5 North Wain s-treet. $5,000 WO II F II Of .fJouiitetl ami Unmoitutml ' If. V. Carolina Furs to ! be Sold in Sixty M)ay,. To make room for a heavy stock of Fall and Winter Furs, I will sell, low, during tho next sixty days, my stock of Mounted and Unmounte-1 Western North Carolina Furs, such as Lear, Wolf, Catamount, P.ed Fox, Grey Fox, Deer, Coon, Four hundred tanned sheep and lamb -skins, Otter, Bearer, all of these are elegantly monnted. or unmounted. I have two Jive red foxes, ready for a chase. I also have alive, one elegant American tiger. All kinds of fancy fur work made for Iidies, and also fine taxiderney. M. ELLICK, 24 N. Main st. MUSTANG LINIMENT MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT rubbed in tuvr manyavalnable Uorsc and Mule's limbs. milU. FT 1 s 3i- rTj o BOOTS AND SHOES Ever seen in any Store in Western North Carolina. .9 6 four - years up to Fi3ur-Hundred Pounders. Home-Made IVL. LEVY, 19 Sotitli Main st TAILORS. J. C. BROWN 25 Pattou Avenue, next lo Grnnti Central l1- . The nohhiest and most sty'.is'n pat'erns In the city FIT AND WORKMANSHIP (.l'Al'.ANIiH). mch 3 dtf D. R. McKINNON &c5T, Bpg to itnnour.ee that tbey liavi- oiienod ailoriag Estatlislimeat with a fine selection of goot's nt prices to suit all, classes and by Strict Attention t business will do their utmost to ph ase who should favcr them with Their Patronage. vVe also beg to iut!'i:ue thnr we d Indies Tailoring 11 iill the latest fashioti.-i. r-.tt'i thta hlress NO. 33 PAITOX AVENUE, over Brown, Gud-zer oi Co.V store, in 12 dtf Nichols I (judger.:Kall Asf AT lri5I.B: StS.K In Tiie i ity ofAsIieviiSe I Tuesday, May ist, 1888. We will sell on that day c public flut l;:in on the premises. ss;vi;a ukauii i l iu imi; i LOTS. js'tnatedon 'Votdfin street, adioininp: the Ashe ville Fermle College property, lormeily a j art of j th name. ! Thee lots on Account of their coufral looa-inn, I e'ese I'toximity to one of the bos t fehalk i.i.t.;i: ! in the South, surrounded by a I'irst-t'lass X'oigliltorhood. and ea.T acccfsihi'ity to Pot Ofhce, ChuieheS : anil (Jraded bcnoni inn : thi-ni tne most deilr- : able lots now offered in the ei'. " i FIRST CLASS Pt'E' LE RESXDKN' F.S St.eet cir line located in-.rrcdiatelv in front I Of them. Ai;o at same tirae an1 place, will le sc! 1 "(l LARtiK AM JOMMODH.rS J ' house, lately used as tr.e Rnri!incr House f r-'il; ' Asheville Femate ' ores-, which with a v9J; ' ..:,t.:eex,,'mlitcc can he . o.iverted-ir, F1KSTCI.ASS il'fKL OU ROA?:II'; IV K with "0 hiTre inm ; -situ ite i iipon a li -n tnaiidiiig tUvaii'j' . v rh b.r: if iiiy iha-io-l groumN. Aio two larpe h-t f;or ti: m Cci'c pt.eet. and the I'olU jje Cum; uj-ou w U U an siiuaTed ihe ASHKVi! Li; i.-.'LiCN IK.'SES. which are now yi T ' nr-'lsome oivi lent?, with a -.t;iiy an! r i'id!y pu-iea-ing dcnunitl for the ;tpul r varit-ti;3 f j .hints anI ihwcix grown ny ttj s hnc. The ovv nv, nf this v-ilmbl.-' ir inr y ar. i i to; iniii .! ii f;i Mini i T-OTi. wi-hins lj i:i't or i oca to in 01 tity ynl lnoo - tli'c nop rtm-iry in nut ftTtoiu1!'! this s;ile. T-rms: i:"-'i.nnt casn, Lalnuo in rut a t) twit yt-itrs i'lvii" Titl.s p-r '. S.ilo hi'jrns :u 11 o'c" A- M Vor : irl'u i inf(rn::ttitii a.hiro?; r c -1! Mr'Kii. a i,r:.r!-n. llic"' Uttv. tiii A;!vill,- N". ' j. M. THRASH k SON WEST ASIiEVILLT:'. . C, New Ilitv.: :i fail !i!ip oi' f:oK especi.tlly stiitei! to the v:r.its of the public ;::ul v-idler SPECIAL BARGAIN'S Ve koi ji stiperi-ir tjtiaiity r:! CLOTHING, DRY GOODS, II AT?, SHOES, NOTIONS, HEAVY A N O FA M1LYGRO C E 1 I fiS. We pay the highest market prices for GRAIN, HAY, POTATOES. BUTTER. CHICKENS, EGGS tfcC. Wo tiuiite the public to cali anil see Our Spring Htck. Goods delivered it! the city. Telephone No. to. T. M. THRASH & SON, inch 6 Old Depot BTuGESr BARGA INS I ASHEVILLE REAL ESTATE, i 1 j THE I'.EAUTIFUL HOWELL PHorF.RTY, j THE MKRRIMQX PROPKK TV, I Tico Jyce iToHtrt On Italltu Strtrl. percft f'tfttaf Mttntmta om i'tarn-tti Avrnne, ' T..r t'atlmg-e Mouttm on Hilt H-ett, One Cuttafrt Haunt on Haywcroi titrrrt, t NEAR OLD DEPOT. Cii r'acaul Xot om WVodln Slrerl. I The Howell Property, only five minute.' walk from Court Square, on North Main, Oh r y, aud Mulberrv streets; is sub divide 1 by a we 1 graded ' 50 foot avei.ue with si ade trees planted thereon. I This property has been divided into j FORTY BEAUTIFUL LOTS. ; all of good elevation commanding hmdsome view of mountains and ot manv of the no t attractive portions of tbe city. These lots will l so d for from S300 to 81.500 pel lot. On the Merrimon Property we offer seven splendid lo's, fronting on Water street, suitnble for factory and warehouse purposes; aiso nine elegant ots suitable fir -esidRnces. We heieofler good bargains, nd will give good time on all of the above property For further particulars apply .0 or address Starnes Bros A Roberts. at G. A. Hears', 33 S. Main 1 1 mch 23 d3moa MUSTANG LINIMENT MEXICAMUSTANO LINISIENT.f. r IihcAma fi'JUt, Lumlipn.Scialic.l, fxiilic ilact. Stiff Jtiinta. Shoes A.lwrs,ys od JAMES V. SAWYB.t. SUtre So. 15, l'alton Atomic BE.Y GOODS, GROGSRIEB, Ladies' and Childic' Shoes, h. otions, fsiore Xo 17, Patfon Atoc! ' j ! MSN'S GOODS AND RP.ETS ONLY. ssoi-tment ()i Men's Boys' Clothing, Shoes Hats A Nil ijiiif fmisMi C ut, ,nlso the '.tracht assortment of ' A NI vet exhiliiied i;; Ah,vili'. Oal: I'll! eX:ltii!.-.. i;iv pioK hanos P, .Sawver. Ashetiih1, Ki li'v 'if-', l'fh )l it,v:'. l867. 1887. Hamptdii and-: Feat hers ton. The Oldest and Most Relia ble Liquor Store in N. C. III . :' :r. V.'e h.m.iie ti . fi'oi-.v. b"t thv v . , . . - I uiiotiiH". (! 1.1) i.tvKie:au l"-e i:!! iin .t:!i.iiie j.-i'. None bet pto e Liquors iff tit It me. lie inai ::rp'ist"-. ! Kr xSSe ls5 OKI Ccrn Whiskey from enc tr 'ip- ye;os ol t Old Rye ol .ilie hiphf-i brot. d. All kinds of Wines, Heei-. A!,-, Porter, .tc., Xc. Cigars and Tobacco in preat quantifies ; u! !hh-..! -.n the rn o k- We are verv thankful to our pa trons for their past favors, and -.vt wish to ay in coiiclr.si-.n that our prices anJ goods are riht down to he h-trd tir.ics. Be convinced hy calling on 11s, West Side Public Square. Asheville N, tj. nti'R l vri ?L" T "irivt liri; t r.iniii-o-s Pr.vviKa, Hand. rPjlL. Wbj, ' N h II V 11 i T Hcadquartfc It fir.t- i.IQUORS. I Icq. i:oi,: but die PUREST, arc char?"-- accordingly. Mv ! m W ' " '' ' ! ARE ABSOLUTELY EI7KK AXS a-SAIUJTEBATf ? :'! I f.re recommended by the best judges for medicinal use. Also Fine Billiard anfl Pool Parlor. (loods shirppd lo all points. No char for boxing. Lock Asheville, N. 0. The only strictly White" Man's Bar in the State. ;a(-dav."ly A A "1) ale Qf yj 1T A ASHEVILLE, N. C. SiVllTH & ROLLINS, Proprietors. Good Accommodations for Farmers and their Stock. Tlijrhi-si Ar-.r ket Prices obtained at this House. Salesrooms ami lights the largest and best in town. FIGURES "'lu re was sold on the Asheville ot Joisacco lor $-IjO,(it3.:31, an average of $10.1)0 per hundred. The r sinners Warehouse sold Afl - FOR - tffi & K T2 -.1 ft PS .Showing ot;r aveiane to beat the town and selling nearly one-ha of the Tobacco sold in Asheville. And w e are still here to serve oui customers. Come and sec us. We have with us this season Messrs. J. A. Nichols, J. A. Camp bell, S. II. Lyles and J.L. Ferguson, all and each of whom would be pleased to serve their friends. daw4m W. A. BLAIR & CO,, WHOLUSALE AND RETAIL W73 a1 sireiisiire Mjetfla8es CHAMBER SUITS A SPECIALTY, 37 Patton Avenue, Asheville, N. C We Keep THE BEST I 1 Boarding Houses and Hotels Fvrnishcd in Part or Entire. W&BDRQBES. e SIDEBOARDS, BED AND SINGLE - L0UH6ES, Safes, Bedsteads, in fact everything required to furnish any part of a houso, at prices to suit the purses of buyers. Tne best line of BED SPRINGS in the city. Parlor suit: a specialty. Nice line of Ladies' Koekers for Christmas. Call and see our splen did stock of Parlor and Window Curtains Respectfully, . A. Bluir & Co. VVc have the best Upho'sterer and Cabinet Workman in the State, and at prcpar, d to have the be-t wor!; in this line done at short notice, and low, Aiso CoJfins. Caskets & Burial Cases. All kinds ot cases, for younp or old. from plain to the finest, kept constantly on hand. Prompt attention ffiven to all orders, day or night. Orders from abroad will receive prompt attention, We have also employed a first class undertake of many years" experience, to take charge of this special feature of our business ::v.:u " :::: : i.i:u:aBST cures ail cO- menc.-i Iul.s j, :.:i-..;i:.:;d Cut:.:;. IV.i'i I.: ! . Boots aim j --in U . I.OC K S' TO I! ' . LIZ WAiRiaHST",, -- ' Box 1 ITTl DON'T LIE! market last year 4,317,3it5 pound 1AF TOBACGd vvki:a!:K of MUSTANG LINIMENT MEXICAN JIUSTANO LINIMENT, Penttratis ttutclti to tho Pcry Itnm-! Wondertnl ! Tavrrt A 2 1. -.1

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