DAILY EDITION. Furman, N'one A Cameron, Editors aiul Proprietors. CITIZEN JOB OFFICE, NO. 13 PATTON AVENUF. leldlle Cit Billheads, letter heads, POSTERS, BLANKS, &o And job wnktf all kinds done with nealnes-? and at t he lo-.vect : trices. SU13SCKIPTION : IAII.Y, One Year, . . . ifli.OO " Six Months, . . . ;!.00 WEEKLY, One Year, . . 1.50 ' Six Months, . . .75 Advertising Rates Low VOL IV -NO ii. ASHEVILLE, N. C, TUESDAY MORNING, APRIL 24 1888- RICE CENTS P El U . ROYAL KSKS J I 'jT T w Hp palm- Abstely "Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of puritT trengtii aul ivliolegomencss. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in :omr.ctition with the multitn.le or low test, short .ve'zht alum or ph.phatc powders. Sold only in n.i.-. Royal Bakiku Powder Co. 106 Wall St., New fork. ianlD-diwl2Li ''.(IMPOUND QXYGENl ;. ( lUtilt I!loel;,ri .;; M. ASHEVILLE. N. G i ixvpeo in halt'. i, in roimt'ction -.1 i!alum V ipor, curv. o!:suir.p , UroiM liiris, t'ntarrh. Sure Voire. )i;sosfs o! Mic l.ivt-r anI Mvr, .in. ix' diM,a,-t i:t iK'r.'iiiijr ou ; ..v ri-hr(l t.V.tvJ. mutism vvlu ii c verytNiiig t-Isr A.-i.v;u.E, N. ('., Jaii;iar 1S8. fvitu ir.r 1: Hoi., Al!r. Hi mm i i;i-rv ..i I; . m - In !;-:: Ril Himlariy aiilicUd w ith our f.vt w ;; to i?rs. Harlan v Hun heW, 1 1 t.il ; y i: ukt llif following Matt-iiU-nt : f volr.nt My vi;t- Mill, red ltr scvoiai vwirs with rU'vcTf luim trouile, rontitminir to grow worse until hi-t .NovcqiUt when tshc a unable to s:t up.lmt a part of taeli day. Soapp' t te. fnht h wears. rerc coupb and loss of lletli 'i in-best ph iWatis of foultney. Ver inoiit. aiv-sul an inim diate depart re South. We rt-.c'lit 'I Aslieville November 17th. and com nien t'ti taking tr-atment of 1-rs. llargan and dateht ll, inlia inir i'oinponnd Oxygen and Bal fraaa Vapor. My wifn has improved rapid iy lrom the fiist lljr uiptiu' is goo 1. sleeps well, coughs bui i;.t-e, rai!-s Itss. niglii sweats ceased, no pain any. here, tiikfi I n er wi.lk and climbs the njouutaius wiTh l::ile fatigue and has gained h U'S. in wc-ii: r. We fi-el ceriaiu another mouth's treatment w ill ai.Let a i ermant-nt cure. An for myself 1 am ik i ghied to state that 1 improved rapi ly lrom the tii t treatment and am nearly in ell. I ha-r snfiVrcd for : years clti.nst bcy d indurui.ee with the worst lorm o: I'iles. J bad al-aMioned all h"j e of relief. The Dr-. irejtun i.i .u heen gent e and almost painless : till lias ellerttd a cure for me. Yom U'spectJully, A. J. Smith. Mr. it nd Mr Smith :;re living in town tnd can verify and if id o tin ubove. HOME TREATMENT, Ac i.in!!lt'iurv the Compound Oxygen, and hp i: to rJl purl ot tl.e e,::iury, t-ven to the Pi ;' : ::: t. We m-ikI apparatus and chemicals tlx,', tv i::iii;l:s si r tl J. This is as valuable l tiif cilice .rt-atniciit. I i ut.:i.:t rili curative results oLtiiined with .1:- :.':.;ii-(.i:t i iistoiiisl.ing even to us. I . '..-ii ".' h 'ii a murt of thin treatment, andour (i- f'i rurr i.f t'twiitic Iioic, vi'Ue or call I,- f;c.'"t iJi'hiiiitHg treatment free. 1KS. HA'"? N V GATCHELL, .. . Kin .Street, Asheville, N. C One Price Store. A laru ami very attractive line ol Men's, Hoys' and Children's r-uits rang ing lrom low priced foci's to something very tine. Measures taken for A. Raymond & Co., iew' York Tailors, and a tit guaranteed. Samples now ready for inspection. All-Wool Dress ( iooils of the popular fabrics in great vatiety nl-o batines.I'er cales, Dress Gingham: , La vns, PrintsAe. Dro.-s Silks in the new Weaves, Rha iiaiiiis. Saline, Velvets and Plushes ( zr i ts, A.t Squares, Smyrna Rugs, Oil-CMhs, Mattings, Curtain Goods in great mii ty, Damasks, Towelf, Napkins CoveiletH, blankets, Ac. ZiegU r Rros.', Merriam A Tyler's, Morgan liros.' and Stokley's Shoes for ladies. ini-s s anii children. Banister's and Ziegiei's Fine Shccsfor men Packard A Grover'e celebrated "-52..50" and "2.' 9" Shoes for men, and a simi lar grade for boys. Derby Hats, f'ilk Hats, Soft Hats, and Steamer Hats. Wool and Gnuz-.' Underwear, Hosiery. Kid Fabric Gloves, Collars and Cutis, KiicLings, Scarf?, Ties. Ribbons Corsets. Buttons, Drains, and Kane; Good3 and Kmaliware3 generally. Parasols, Umbrellas, Fans, Shopping Bags, Club Satchels, Trunks, Ac. Mens' Furnishing Goods. Cas8imeree, Coatings, Tweeds, Ken tucky Jeans, Doinesticr, &c. H. Bedwood & Co., Nos. 7 A 9 Fatton Avenue. mar23dtf For Rent. For 3, 6 or 12 months one of the neat est and most attractive cottage homes in the city, 7 rooms, handsomely furnished throughout, stoves in every room, well of pore water under shelter, stable, car riage, coal and wood houses all complete, in one square of Battery Park, good neighborhood. Apply at the Citizen office. We are receiving daily our new goods Come and look ! No trouble to sh w them. Brevard ABlantox, New and very handsome Parlor Furni ture instin. Call and examine. Huft "" -I W- B. Williamson A Co. riisLi sm i5-t UR. HABGAS & GATCHBLL TIIE DAILY CITIZEX Will bo pnMinned evprv Morning (ex cept Monday) at the fo'lowinjr rates strictly cash .- One Year, . . JSri 00 Six Months. . . 3 00 Three "... 1 50 One " . . 50 One Week 15 Our Carriers will deliver the paper ev ery Morning in every part of the city to our subscribers, and parties wanting it w ill please call at the Citizen Office. I.KGKIt DAILY AND WEEKLY CIK ITLATION IX WK8TKKN NORTH CARO LINA AND KAST TENNESSEE THAN ANY OTH EK PAVER. CONSTANTLY IXCU.EA9 1N(J. Send your Job Work of nil kinds to the Citizen Office, if you u-anl it done neatly, cheaply aru! teitl Jittpalch. Arrival and Popart urp of Passenger Trains. HALisBrr.Y Arrive-s-08 p. ni.' leaves torMor ristown at S:18 d. ir Tennksski Arrives at i., and leaves at l::r. p 21. A.ri-.es-at p. and leaves tor Spartanburg at 9:49 p. m. spartanbcrg Arrives at S a. m.; leaves lor Morristown at 8:10 a. m. Freight accommodation leaves Aslieville at (S:10 a. ::i.t and arrives at 9:00 p. m. Waynf.svii.le Leaves Aslieville at f:00 a. in., and arrives at 4:50 o. m New Advertisements. Hams J. E. McKinney. Tiik Villa" Dr I. M. Kroyle. New Diug.x, Ac W. C. Carmichael. $5 Reward apnly at Batterv Park Hotel. The furniture tmtle is increasing. Very JVw arrivals m tin- hot Is yetei'ljiy. Mr. G. J. rJ lmiiiiis-oii. i 'Oid Furt, is in tin.; city. Judae Mnoi-f mukis an excellent prt-sid'iij; ofilor. Mr. V. A. Gash, ..f r.revurd, w;is in the city ytsttni. y. yevernl of our ci.izt-ns will ata i.d the Hot Spriops incear.j.'. Mr. T. M. Hudgisis, of Mar-h:ill, i was in toe city yesterday. Three cases were tried in the Mayor's court yesterday morning. Strawberries s-Id for fifty cents per quart on the market yesterday. Tnere were tobacco tia'es at all tin- ware houses in the city yester day. The ladies were out in numbers, riding and driving yesterday Htcr-in.on. ; will i ii. -.v.i io 1 It-1 Sjiriii-i t.--t two thousand people nit- i.ight, and another crowd il Lo Ab.ni ncssed tiie t antizmir at the river i Sunday afternoon T, r, 1. i1 . LUT ins, A. it S. Ii. R , and j F. M. Cushing. W. 'S.C. R. R. were ! at the Grand Central yesterday Capt. iSnti. Atkinson, who is nt t Tate Springs, with his family, is ex pected home the latter part of the week. Mes rs. Nichols -.t (indger adver tise seven choice building lo s on i College street for sab", on Tuesday May 1st. Large congregations attended di vine worship at the Episcopal and Presbyterian churches Sunday morning. It is probable that the Meyer Thome Company will return here in August rind piay a protracted en gagement. A large fleck of sheep and herd of cattle were brought into the city anil soltl yesterday, by a party from Haywood c unty. The Fanners' warehouse yester day sold about ten thousand pounds of tobacco at prices ranging from SoO per hundred dowi . Mrs. Trull, living oi. Hominy, and mother-in-law of Mr. Kufus Soi rels, of this city, died at her resi den e yesterday morning, of pneu monia. The Asheville baseball club is now in fine shape, and play every altemoon at their grounds on Bailey street, 'ihe game commences at four o'clock. The ladies of Trinity Church, this city, will present the beautiful can tata "Queen Esther," at Opera Hall three nights next week for the ben efit of the church. Maj. W. W. R'lllins has returned to the city from a business trip to Washington, Baltimore an 1 Lynch burg. He says that Aheville beats the world as a tobacco market. The Asheville Light Infantry is making rapid progress in the "school ot the soldier'' and will make a most creditadle display at the en campment at Wrightsviile, in July. Mr. M. S. Farioera sterling dem ocrat from Henderson, a d a prom inent candidate for the Senatorial nomination for the 41st district was in the city yesterday. Mr F. has a larpe number of liiends in this county who wou.d be pleased to see him chosen. A stock farm would be a paying institution in Buncombe, and we should be glad to know that such an enterprise would be established near Asheville. Every facility is offered for the successful breeding of fine stock, and the outlay neces sary to start this industry would be repaid many fold. Who will try it? We are now ready tor the Spring trade in all lines of Crockery and Glass, and are able to ofTer closer prices than ever before. Hotels and boarding houses should get our prices before placing orders. In Spoons, Forks and Knives we are headquaiters at wholesale and retail. J. H. Law, 57 & 59 S. Main street. An elegant line ot fine toilet requisites, embracing Perfumery, Hair, Tooth, Nail and Flesh Brushes, face powder atd powder puffs, just received, at (.'ARMirnASL's Drug Store. Street railway talk is dying ou Tho mandamus case will be heard at Webster to-day. T. C. McNeeley, Esq., of Salis bury, :r in the city. No new attractions at Optra Hall tor several weeks 'et. One or two real estate transfers were recorded yesterday. The markets were well supplied with garden truck yesterday. Y. H. Tunis, Esq., and wife of Cincinnati, are at the Swannanoa. Rev. Jos. E. Carter, of Hender sonviile, spent Sunday in the city. The Asheville &, Spartanburg train was two hours late yesterday morn ing. 'Squire L. A. Lanning, of Fairview township, was in the city yestei day. Quite a number of people from the country were in the city yester day. Smith it Buiid yesterday received a fresh supply of choice West India frui;s. One or two trivial cases were tried in the magistrate's court yes terday. This term of the inferior court rt ill be the largest ever held in the county The brick pavement on North Main street was bein-' nut dow n yesterday. Missts E. 0. Per- and E. M. Peck, of Morganton, ure registered at the Swannanoa. i here are. more goods and heiti r goods in Asheville at -ivs;-nt. than we have ever .seen before. Col Butler, of South Carolina, passed '.hrough yestcnh.y, en route to the Hot Springs convention. The removal of all signs txUnd ing across the sidewalks, is a good idea. Swinging signs are positively dangerous. Natt. Alkiii-osi Sons" hardware store was crowdi ii all day yesterday, still remains to be with customers A large rtuel; O'lile n;i"i.her i a o;r c-i1 iz-i -s ilown to-morrow moiuinz. ! Mr. Fred. A. Brown's handsome residence across the river, will soon be completed. Mr. J. A. Wagner, ol this city, is the c infractor. Tho UvtUrii 'jtliMililii ; livings Bank is ready to receive deposits, and we venture to say has the youngest cashier in the State. I.. Scer'ny, Esq.. representing the Calvert LiihographiiiL' Co., "of De troit. Mich., was in the city yester day in the in teres-1 of his bouse. President V. E Breese, ct the First National Bank, returned to the city vest', rday morning from a business trip to Charlt slots, S. V,. Cardinal Gibbons If ft Baltimore last evening, and ".ill ;.rrive at Hot C-l'l Mi). bisho in company Witn A; Rvan of Phihrlt-lnhid to- lilgiit. Mts.-is. J. P. Kill;:.:: and J. R. G.iilh'.-r. of Newton, arrived in the city last u ght, to appear as wit nesses in the Host trial nt this t-rm of court. The livery business in Asheville is on a boon-. A nllcman told us yesterday that he had tried all morn ing to secure a turnout, but without success. Messrs. Long & Goodman, of th? "Racket Grocery," are fixing v.j a saloon in rear of their store, in which they will serve fruit?, cream, etc., to customers. Messrs. Natt Atkinson tfc Sons yesterday shipped five hundred copies ol their magazine The Land of the Sky, to Hot Springs, for iii.-tii tuition at the convention. For the week ending this uiorti ing, ManagerStikeieather, ofthe up town ticket office, had sold 8,390.25 worth of railroad tickets over the R. & D. system Most of these tickets were local. For the months of April and May. 1887, he sold 811, 400 00 The new Catholic church at Hot Springs will be dedicated on Wednesday next at 10 a. m. Dedi cation service by Rt. Rev. H. P. Northrop D. D., Bishop of Charles ton, Vicar Apostolic of North Caro lina. Sermon either by His Emi nence the Cardinal James Gib bons, or Rt. Rev. Abbott Leo Haid O. S. B. 1). D., Bishop elect of North Carolina. J. B. White, Rector. Fire Dolla-a Bernard Wil'l be paid at the Battery Park Ho tel office, for the return of a black shawl which was lost between the hotel and church just beyond Dryman's mountain on Wednesday 18th inst. apl 24 dltAwlt If you wish to be well euiteel and stylish dressed go to Whitlock's. Pyrmonter is the name of a new im ported table water, better and che.aper than Apollinaris, 15c. for full pint bottles, at Cakmiohael's Drug Store. Sadden ( nausea. The changes in the season from Winter to Spring admonish us to be guarded in our personal treatment. If yon contract a cold dont wait until pneumonia dev elops. Prudence suggests a timely remedy. Pelharu's Pectoral Syrup for 25 cents a bottl is a certain specific for Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Bronchitis, Vhooping Coesn, Ac Beware of coun terfeits. W. K. Peliiam, dtf Pharinacibt. A $4,000 BLAZE. The Residence of Mr. John Hart Burned Down. Yesterday morning between three and four o'clock the watchman at Hart & Williamson's planing icills on Water street discovered a fire burning in the second story of the building occupied as a residence by Mr. John Hart and family, and owned by Messre. Hart and Gwyn. This building was a large two-story frame building, and adjoined the lumber yard of tin planirg mills. Mr. Hart had recently had the inte rior of 'he bouse painted, papered and repaired, and the expense of eo doing was considerable. Every thing in seven rooms of the build ing was entirely destroyed. Some furniture in the lower front rootis was saved though badly injured. The fire broke out in the room over the kitchen and burned very rap idly. The fire department was slow in responding to vhe alarm, owing to the tact that it was so early in the morning, and when it did arrive but little could be done to save the building or its contents. The loss to Mr. Hart is about four thousand dollars, with two thous sand dollars insurance in Mr. Thos. W. Branch's agency in this city. Mr. Hart, is an industrious, ener getic citizen and has the sincere sympathy of all in his loss It is supposed that the tire was started bv rats. The Raleigh Hank Iiobbers Kclcascd At twelve o'clock Saturday night Mi ssrs. Cross and Whi.c w ere re- lea -ed from jtii, bail having been tiiven by their friends, in the sum of $10000 each. Mrs. While was w i:h Mr. White at the jail and came out with him leaning o.t his arm, Mr. Cross following. Several frienels, including some of the bondsmen, were with them. The freed prisoners went straight to their home. Jailed in Default ot" lioiul. J.Jjii James, a colored youth, who v;;s arrested for stealing lumber be longing to .Mr. N. P. Chedister Sat uro;:y night, was up before Justice Ma .oj: yesterday to answer the cnarge id larceny, ir.t: testimony i aginisi James was ol such a nature ti a! the Justice bound him over to court in the sum of $200. Failing to give the required bora the pris oner was committed to the county jail lo await trial at this term of :k. m t .'"C;S1.. ?Ia--iJiLitj, kvnu .'-: rested James, says that there are other parlies imp'icated in the crime and intimated that he had tliem spotted. Willow Street. Tho Citizen has frequently here tofore; called the attention of the city fathers to the miserable, dilapi dated condition of Willow street, but all these calls have been ig nored, and nothing to a fiord com fort and convenience to pedestriaus has yet been done. Nearly two-tl.ird-i of the citizens who attend the d fit-rent churches on Church street use Willow street, either in going to or coming from their devotions, and it does seem to us that a passable footway might at least be afforded them. We haye no desire or in clination to censure anyone whose duty it may be to attend to these matters, but we do s.ty that the peo ple who pay taxes and use Willow stn et areentitled to some considera tion. Willow is the worst street in the entire city, and when a heavy rain talis becomes almost impassa ble. A sidewalk could easily be laid down at very little expense. Please, gentlemen of the city coun cil, hearken unto our cry, and give us a good footway, if nothing more. The Freedom of the City. At the meeting of the city coun cil Friday night, Mayor Harkins and Alderman F. M. Miller were appointed by the board to attend the immigration convention at Hot Springs, and extend to the delegates the freedom of the city of Asheville, and urge upon them the acceptance of an invitation to visit the city before they left this section. Messrs. Harkins and Miller will go to Hot Springs Wednesday morning and execute their commission. It is to be hoped that the delegates will come to Asheville ; we shall be glad to greet them and show them the innumerable beauties of our mountain metropolis. Wonders Never Cense. J. K. McKinney, No. 30 North Main street, Las the finest country ham.s, splendidly cured, at 12J cents per pound. Special prices to parties taking largo quantities. dlt Lanv has just received a nice assortment of Silk Umbrellas with gold and silver handles made py "Lyon" the celebrated umbrella manufacturer of New York, prices low, they will be engraved free of charge. d3t Mrs. Ayer's New Life, Paine's Celery Compound, and Scotch Oata Essence are among the new remedies just received by W. C. Carmichael, Apothecary. Thoroughbred Plymouth Kock Eggs for sale. H. A. Lindsky, mch25dlmo 54 S. Main Bt. Wright's Pond Lily Toilet Lotion is the best and cheapest floral preparation for the toilet and bath, also a splendid thing for cleansing purposes. 25c. a bott e, at Carmiohahl's. Lndreth's Fresh Garden Seeds and Onion Shis at Pelham's Drug Store. To mike room for onr large Spring! ewwA we niu sen guous exceeuingiji cneap tor the nest ten da vs. dtf ' W. A." Br. air A Co. Eastern mail on time fast night. Mr. J. B. Franklin, of Knoxvile, is at the Grand Central. Maj. W. H. Malone returned from Mitchell court last night. Miss A. C. Ayer, of Hickory, is visiting friends in tho city. Col. J. H. Kumbough, of Hot Springs, is at the Grand Central. Col. Frank Coxe took out a "tally- ho" party from Battey Park yester day afternoon. Geo. A. Shuford, Esq , has return ed from a professional trip to Charleston, S. C. Two cases of drunk and disorder ly were tried by the Mayor yester day afternoon. A. G. Hughes, Birmingham, Ala , and C. W. Winbray, St. Louis, Mo., are at the Swannanoa. Hon. W. L. Saunders, Secretary ot State, passed though yesterday en route to Hot SpriDgs. Mr. Arsemu3 Carter has returned to the city, after a visit of several weeks to relatives in Madison. Max Marcus proposes to give a watch with every uit of clothes purchased from the "Big 22' cloth ing store. Jackson superior court convened at Webster yesterday morning. Col. John D. Cameron, of the Citizen, is in attendance. Mr. Jas. II. Loughran leaves on to night's train for Hot Springs, where he goes to attend the immi gration convention. Married. i On the 18th iust, at the home of the bride's father at Marion, N. C, Rev. C. T. Bland officiating, Harry the only son of the late William Bat terham of this place, formerly of Wal- soken, Norfolk, England, and Miss Eleanor Ann (Nellie) daughter of Mr. A. loster, formerly of Lancas ter, England. Among the guests in attendance were Dr. and Mrs. Gilkey, Mrs. Col. Sinclair, Mrs. Carson, Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Tate. (We sincerely congratulate our young friend Harry upon having en tered upon so happy a life, and may both him and his wife live long and prosper.) Kev. Sam Jones. Mr. Jones' style and usefulness seem to be appreciated and needed in Charleston, S. C. The News and Courier says : , - uy is not, tiie ttev. tism Jones, the revivalist inrited to visit Charles ton again ? There is room for him here, and he will have appreciative congregations. Mr. Jones has faults of style and manner, no doubt ; but these matter little where a man is thoroughly un selfish, as Mr. Jones is, and is thor oughly in earnest besides." Mr. Jones certainly stirs things wherever he goes. Delegates to Hot Springs. President Graham of the Board of Trade, has appointed the fol lowing delegates to attend the Hot Springs convention on Wednesday : H. T. Collins, M. J. Fagg, T. W. Patton, W. E. Breese, C. M. Mc Loud, G. S. Powell, D. C. Wad dell, J. P. Sawyer, I. C. Baird, Natt Atkinson, J. AV. Cortland.W. WT. West, A. Ii. Cooley, Dr. S. W. Battle, Theo. Hobgood, A. H. Jones, B. M. Furman, V. S. Lusk, H. C. Hunt, W. W. Deming, J. B. Bostic, T. H. Cobb, Maj. J. G. Martin, Richmond Pearson, W. T. Penniman, S. R. Kepler, M. E. Carter, G. A. Shuford, H. A. Gudger, R. R. Rawls, Frank Coxe, E. G. Carrier, Col. Blaisdell, Capt. V. E. McBee, TJ. Double day, T. C. Brown, W. F. Ran dolph, Johnstone Jones, W. C. Carmichael, Dr. J. H. Williams, Frank Loughran, E. J. Aston. J. M. Campbell, J. S. Adams, W. W. Avery, A. J. Lyman, Ellis Levy, S. Hammershlag, Wr. T. Reynolds, H. N. Lockwood, A. Garrett, N. P. Chedister, N. G. Perry, WT. F. Tomlinson. - The Inferior Ceinrt. The regular April term of Buncombe Inferior Court e-onv?netl yesterday morning at ten o'clock, Hon. Chas. A. Moore on the bench. A jury of "twelve men good and true," wi-ro empanelled and the presiding justice charged them in a most able manner. Solicitor W. R. Whitson was also on hand and ready for the bie week's business befoie him. There are about fifty cages on the docket, most of them being for petit larceny. Srrnn of Fies. Is Nature's own true laxative. It is the most easily taken, and the most effective leniedy known to Cleanse th System when Bilious or Costive; to dispel Headaches, Colds, and Fevers; to Curt Habit uaH'onstipation, Indiges tion, Piles, etc. Manufactured only by the California Fig Syrup Company, San Francisco, 1 U. For sale by H. H. Lyons. To Ice Consumers. The Asheville Ice and Coal Company is ready to Berve any who may want ice. They desire that their customers should report any irregularity or dissatisfaction to their office, Barnard Building, Patton Avenue. apl '9 d2w Landreth's Garden Seeda at Pelham's. Whittemore's Gilt Edge Shoe Diessing is the best in the world, and the only polish that contains oil, softens and preserves the leather. Try it. and you will use tto other' For sale by W. C. CABMIOnAEL. Apothecary. Landreth's Garden Seeds at Pelham's. Art S mares. Rags, and fresh Mattings, dtf at W. B. Williamson A Co's Landreth's Garden Seeds at Pelham's. Tuesday, March 20th, is the day appointed for the opening of Carmi chael's Koda Water Fountain. None but pure fruit pikes used. Listen for the "tapping man," and eive me a call. JI MPKD HIS HOMI. Ron I Thought to Have Gone South Carolina. Yesterday morning about ten o'clock, R. H. Bost, the p.uiy charged with stealing goods lVoni C. E. Graham & Co., accompanied by a deputy sheriff, Mr. S. II. Jor dan, the prisoner's attorney, and Mr. Geo'ce Warlick. of eu-iim bondsman for Bost, appeared be fore Justice Summey to give bond. The Justice refused to accept the bond as tendered, and the party proceeded to Clerk of Inferior Court Patton's office, where the bond was taken a-nd the prisoner released. No sooner had this been done than Bost left the office of the Clerk,and went down South Main street out of town. Nothing of these proceed ings were known to Graham Co.. until an hour or two later, when detective Deaver and other officers started in pursuit of Bost. Bost is the main witness in the stealing case, and his flight places j Graham et Co., in a sad plight; i:s! nothing could be done in thevtavi of a prosecution without him. Mr- ' lorts will be made to reeapu:rr .u.d bring him back to Asheville t . siand trial. Other warrants wiii be sworn out against him. so v learned from a meiuLur of the firm. I.ATEIt. Detective Deaver returned to the I city last night, bringing i.t luUe news of the runaway. Hoi went as far as Old Fort ."..mi m-tde ii. .i ... .i ...... muioiiuii ai.ei complete si-aie. every coach, as well as f::i-::i;v and m-ii! cars. . was learne.- lati : o:. that he had not taken ;.;e train ! ;n bad forded the Swannar.o.i ab iui five tuiies from the cite and making hi wa v into Si nib Caivli.-i:. where he has relatives and i'ri. ;.(K Patties were sent out on bor.-e li-iek last night to overtake and capluie the fugitive and it is thought he will be captured and brought back to the city to-day. Christina Kraft, aged 32 vears, drowned herself yesterday at " New Haven. She had been betrayed and robbed h- her lover. Allison, Blaine. Cullom, Depew, Evarta, l oraker. Cresharn. Harrison and so the Presidential alphabet runs. Baltimore Aim:ricti,i. The cautious and cleanly A i;i-r,'i-ni draws the line at Ingalls. The people of Louisiana did not take the Republican sugar bountv bait. Thev ev.idpntlv ltrf or fiiir.lt n leouciion oi eiiity ou sugar as tue Mills bill propose to a bounty that that might be imposed to day and repealed to-morrow. Nellie Donalson a young Swedish woman who has a boy 3 years old in Court w ith her at New York, is suing the child's father, Tunis B. Burr, for $2Ctf)00 damages for breach of promise. She had been employed as waitress in the manly of her betrayer. It is stated that the financial condi tion of the Missouri, Kansas and Texas railway company has become so distressed under Jay GouM's man agement that an assessment of ?!" per share is likely to be maele to meet the necessary expenses. Mortgages are signed by two w it nesses the same as last vear, and fold ed so as to fit the side coat pocket. Ihe back taxes are combed forward ami parted on the side nearest the mortgagee. Mortgages generally ma ture after July. George Harris, alias '-Dutch Fred," a notorious thief who attempted stii cide by cutting his tin oat in the Court of General Session some weeks ago, was yesterday at New York sentenced to States' prison for eigh teen years by Recorder Syinth. Quito a sensation has been created by the agreement of twenty or more distinguished scholars from histori cal societies of Wisconsin and the Minnesota State Normal School, of Winona, and the University of Madi son that the missing fort on the chart of Ferrot, the French explorer, luul been discovered near the village of Trempelcau. John A. Delano, of La Harpe, la., was placed in jail at- Carthage on Thursday for alleged bigamy-. It is said Delano has been married eight times, and that several of his wives are yet living. He has been drawing a Mexican war pension, and one of his wives living in Creston, Iowa, who thought him elead, has been drawing the same pension. Delano was arrested by a pension officer. f Its Uellency of Flavor And the efficacy of its action have ren dered the famous California liquid fruit remedy, Syr of Figs, immensely popu lar. It clean1"-- and tones up the clogged and feverish -Votem. and dispels Head aches, Colds, and Fevers For sale bv H. a. Lyons. apU3ii&wlni Fresh, Fashiouable and Fine. Williamson & Co. having sold a good many of their carpets, have determined to replace the stock, not old, bat on hand since winter, and wilt next week bang up entirely n w patterns. 1 hey ordered a duplicate bill of all they have had on hand in quality and quantity and of the newest and leitest patterns, unlike anything they have had. In other furniture thev keep a full supply ofthe freshest goods, and of stirli quality as to satisfy. dtf Prescriptions compounded with care and accuracy at Pelham's Drugstore. Special attention given to the prescrip tion department. None but pure drugs and best chemicals employed. W. E. Pelujm, 43 S. Main street. Landreth's Garden Seeds at Pelham's. Prescriptions filled from a well kept scockofdrngs nd chemicals, and deliver ed free to any part of city. Night bell promptly answered. CJCV. C. Carmicharl, Apothecary, 20"S. Main street, Asheville, JN. C : 1- or the A.siiF.vn.i.L crn.'.i IBCTK OK TtKSiM 'T. Wiiuiik.m:, It iiaa been of an Ail-Wise God to -,: : r , : ii i .ii r r i . i.'iid aa-.! . I, v ,!..:,:!- IlllU.-i I'll ril lo: heilO liiiialt', J. ! :.( I'. therei ro be it f'i so'r- ' . Tha. t it LPerary Society hs and esu-ctiit'.l im every iiienibtr of :' bighvst c 'i,liiier.i ;-. love. J!-:vi'r.'l :. That 'l.i feelinc ti.is !- ss h.-.'ai ii fif a Mi-ivitii! Go,! mon that aT! tiuni;. work -..: II . iv i .,1 !- '!: ' 1 !: , k ii Wl. .! them that love God. .'. JnJ o 'i'i'at. we, lis a to the bcre:u - d f.ir.iilv on pat by in this, tht ir gil-ato loss, and cou'ir.iend ii.-.'i:i i ly i'iither , i.e. ii'-vci !. ;: 'I! -! -;' v;:: .roiiblfc a:..' Kit lleay. i: o ia time trouble). . Ilohrj fiut A . ;;..,!,;!,.. res t ions. !;' r::;ri-.'.'l -a l !,.' minute-i oi' society, i cpy ! sent t-. tb bereaved family ::ad a c .- sci:t vim K ''. . !:- :;i , ; i. . . fori ubiii'ati..-;;. 1: .-.--.neett' fi. 1 : V,t '-, 1". L. A: i'.Vo:;i ll. W. :.L Ci yton. the Asiil-:- ellb"iit:d I T!:e i'r:i!Mi!i -. nit -liars to !t . .. 'i'l: itM'lC v ill. i:i this ; 1, ii. a t: ,i . ore. I b :i I'r.wci- diil'.-rent c r.tia.ly :' ii!e:-.e ni j I.:. entire!.! i;;vi:o t! set vk-i s. The Philadelphia Err, ,:,,; T.l.'-y.-. that tiio fact can no i ng giiised. and certainly oisuht kepi from the pubiio that !-!'. y k getting- a serious i in ill it city, and tha.t its in- i '.a '-I'll '' er be di ! not to 1, tiie sii:: fool In '! ti'od'.let: the euii courses ml 1 iiilaiioiph-.a is (:!! to net muv-t:-! jU-d inter- i oi ti en and lii'ooklv::, v, I iyi , !: .-I;-e.l time to : , e.tieeially iias exi-'i-d til Neb;:i n Brook !' i' some This i- , ..,.-.,. ; eye i si ;;.;! tanier.-. i :;i liV . i.!.).' .- 1. a!! rot. '' "Yes. I v.-., bulldog steadily in trol ii. bin ii Why n. it." a tree befos the I" a-t loin in . .se-braska Stale " i'lie iti.ver of tin: human y ivnia.'kabie. Why. lion eoiitr.-.l the iionvi-.-t beasts "Aiie.t at them." That's !)' l you ever try it ':" :ut.irkc(l by O'isby's. .' i:l!n r day anil looked it il.e eV'j, resolved to e'.m- a-heme Wouldn't WolV." 1 neglected to e limb re at ':nnn:!ieing to I ! : :(Vr- ;tt- :: Iv: . r 'i'-n , .if - s. ' ) tin to be I e."n; ' b'':: o v. ! i o .:ii.b thai 1 .- .it -a: oi . ir tiir-1 and I'ei.ls 111 i- l:eai:se s ei.ni: 1- 'i-:ii.s.;."je..-se-i means i's Dis 1 ?!ain -.1 Syru: ;s. e t.ni, :n ernes a! fibe is inii by f.h.-.' Vt-r.-ai l. tn-tiin.r IV!':::'.!-.!': I : i ' : i ! : ' i bie : i ;!! l'-jlo.-.m'.- p '.I'M rents Von aei ;et tii-.str.ited papers, t ,e prin : -. ;:; la'.e.-: : !i plate ....,v..t ne.vs. a -J b-.-rr.i'd :, tie: .i: i. Ti':: s. Triblltl", of At'e.r.ni I'onslin-t'on and linn nr.-r. Nt v. styie i'en i and .-n'ed, new style paper i -:i't !ie nio-t hi-ii'iio::s '. !-::i es. Very large . :v: i o'iie'- -ciioo: supplies. ! ., (in:!..-, r i sks, "i'ops. bbev 1 tails, s .'.i.t and f. .ft', ll. i-g p:'.( t-i' to'" areinteets, -, ;!! roi r-. a. "' gold and .: St.fin. , : :o!e!ibie Ink. ges and Key ' heeks. Guides of 'u'. .-.r:i X,.r: ii t.'.-'.roln.a, : y ;! y.tr.r gel i:i i'ne store : v.-it'i f.t e.:v.i einuge, at Cakson's -. : : : ; . 1 s .-;.. by -b- post ( niire. C.;;a; i .:. a :! ;k.v in t!.- ! Ne-.v Y- Tai.ii"; " ande vi llase i! n Marbies. Vanili.i Ti i siiv-i: i in.i'v'n ai.ii an vi" b: I 1--.W t! J tLM iSiiM J-;X'i , ;.T! El n il 5 7 IiR. il - i.i:-K" :::r .' uiry r.Jtiii'-. A ;::-: !-h:i'!y treen y:;r i rr::? tlu- n-. : w.-.n.'- ::n tiu- ri:y First ho l .'e.i ttiivv.o -.1 1 . N.i. ::,:i!: ni-110 yards . n-.. i-'.-'Ut ii.: :.-e ; :;.r.-. ::--.ir "Slstterv IV.rfc." mi. is e: ;.i lit:' 'Vi.!.-, p, ,-M r. apl -21 dlmo NOT1,:t- S'roer.-titon: .' ;.! Iw r-. reive. I tv he C i'v clerk untu TiK.-ilnv Muy t!i" i--t. ism, for haiiiiiij the GarlMKe .1 l lie 'ie.- t-ir ill tu-xt year. It; ordiirof tbe 11. "i :d of Al iermer;. I'. M. MILLKK, e i'y Clerk. a;n 2i i:t 1st may 11 all ro:t ni:xr. I'-ur.cl! rni'iliajj. North Court -tiu.ire. Lilo'.y o. tpie t 1-. tiie .vlasnnio fraterniiv, i i.;r n ut. 1: is we l a-a'tte'l to e-lub -russooiti!':i mei'titsB'. or F:- a sruutt ti.rtoiy. Kents reaea.i'j)e. Ai p.v t t apt Vi dtf KKV. L'!!. BfllNETr. jeai. ESTATE AT AfCTIOX. O.i Fri.lay. Apsil 2Trh, to o'elook A, M , on Depot htreen I ivi.l Feli ct auction live Ic--irnliie business lot-, an i lour buililina huy su.t'iMt lor cottage. This i-t n rar.M-li.iut'.' lo i:i-y-t in tiie most ilesirao e jirop.riy on lioptit sirett. Terms oce-l.i'.irtli e.i.vi. aa-1 bdlanre in ix, tnelte anil i-glito 'i moattis. at S per e-eta. Free hacks i.mu !' I. lie npiaiv. J.. I. Htl.L.tSOX, apl f- AactlouceiH. FOR SALE. The C iUhtIic Clnirrh Pi-jcrly on Eagle tfid Valley streets, containing Sown Acres and a L.'.i;' more er I s with well built llrit'Ii i'fsnrch nil ISoelory is now for sale . Apply to tp! 52 dlmo ;t rcasoaabl.' terms. KEV. J. B. WHITE, on the premiere. CHANGING Our (:., 7.'x. i.-,..' . nit: .- l.'.i iitirlinil:i tn i rjiri i,n Untitle In I'i.j iiftt)' .''. '"', ''.V iltlii-r' I, Hi;. ,-,. who have t Ki ll made soui-.? timo I :;:it iirr- i m:r !!rr OurTmnt1 is Booiiiinir and Kjv, e- prices ma We M.a.-eei ,- thir.k t.: , e looked for. to n has vet bee: n iva':iiui ni ; me t'. "b' the SKLKcTj-:!) sTdi'K Inr.t we have ev.-r had in onr store. '.i'bese goods aiv bought f.r easli and 'i-'iigi.t r,t u tiitie when !iinin::::-;u:vis atnt ; :i kc r.: of canned goodn ere ex 1 r ,'!.v ' '' :' i!"x:"i'-; to sell furra-b. 'i'h.s iin-nr. that we have simply '.ugilt --oiue mmbmz bargains I rieni as sne Tl o-iil: -I ;" '4- A. te i an IjU"!.-.-'."-Ii' t ' . V.-i ;i -.v. We -'lbs fi r jl.00 I " J. IK) 7 " ' 1 .00 :rd CO 0 OFFEE For Good Coffee. A iv. uvhav.-aivize. s to 2-.' c. We . ...v'. , :ti::l c.ii sau tali ineisi. fa.-ml ions. Wf have in-i reetived ami are now of fering I.inby'.s 1 lb Ciiii.p ,1 Beef at i'4 i-'s. )er i .in. ! lb. Canned Def at 15 ets. 2ib. ' " 21 Doiiie-'ic Sirdiues iti oil S.' cts. S:iii-.g Beans M ets. jier car.. o,, .. .M:irro-... .'- t i- s at 1 " ets. pe r can. 1'iu" Mixed 'fable Xuts ) ets per lb. W.: have n::"ie arrangeinents with one -i"i'ny largest ftuit dealers in New-York to s. ippb.- us with OI'AN'UES AM) LEMONSg t'sis s '.i- o!. The fruit will be from VesS'.-is j-ect :ibv Ir- n arrival, and von mav ex ii fruit. We are n...-.y putting in a fail line oi P-a diets and Wooden ware which we prjpi v to scii a! grocers prices. ('o'gatcs New Soa;, at e j et' per dozen, Bhn-itig at t)0 cts per dozen, ("'.lacking fr-ni L'-jet--. to eb ets. per dozen, 1'otasii o i-s. p,.r ,.i)t I. ye cts. per box, ( 'an. Mes In ets. per pound are bargains i Uat close buyers are taking advantage of. We have b id an inn'en-e demand for Choice V. II. Tea, I cent per lb. g G. 1'. Tea, on cents per Ib.'sj t. 1J. Tea, tit) tents per lb. i -.-: ill. 'i'oniatocs at 61 .tto per tic--.:. t t..oi :; ib. Coin i .:'.." ii liar;'-- : ii-. l'eaeh.-s -o " can. '2 lb. ' ' ,-0 u 41 Pint I'. .it! -- Tickles 10 et--. tiart Itottii- -go t-t:- Hail Gaii'.n tt.iets. i.'llon Ko'.ile " 4i cts. A'':ie Sauce fjln cts Catsup, 'torts." And it is right that we shonid have, f r the- c good.-, ;.ro very cheap at these piii-KS. Onr energy has been taxodJto sup'eiy the dniuar.d for Magnolia Hams at ltl cents. Jowls i'earl (itist Oat Meai fa' Flakes Soda Crackers Waterloo Flour r,!nr ilinl " Obeiisk " L'.tt't Oar assertion that dbclisk Flour is tho best has been fallv coroboir.ted bvmanv of the best judges "in XV. X. C We will have a e.r lead of frcsdi flour intl.is week. gWe have on hand yet a few dozen brooms that we will close out at from to 20 c'.e., made from good stcck. We have a bargai?i in Cjigntcs Toilet Soaps. The pi ices quoted above are for small lots. Wc will make special pr:ce to pirliea who wish to buy in unbroken pae'-csges To onr many customers tbrotir'nm W. J. ('.. who favor in with orl-sr through Ihemailr, we will siy ti.a' vou orders receive the same c.:.ejar: at tenti-m as if given bv rpr.son. Respectfully POWELL & 8KIDER i