c i I'OK orn FAliMF.nS. White clover is tho best pasture gras that can bp prown for yheep. -As white clover is a short praes it is more desirable than red cl ver for grazing, as sheep de test long pras?, prefening to crop close to the .round. On a mixture of grasses in a pasture cattle and sheep may be grazed together, as me grasses tnat may oe oo jectionable to the cattle will be appropri ated by the sheep. It requires several years to secure a pasture.. For that reason it is better to well manure old pastures, and keep the stock oil, so as to renew them, than to plow the sod under and attempt to begin a new pasture where it can be done, and the ground reseeded, but the manure is the most inn urtant adir.net. SoMe weeds provide pasturage when they are yu'iii;: and tender, hence allock of s'u'ep turned on a held infested with weeds will d. good srrviee in not only eradicating th" weeds but in converting them into mutton. l?y preventing weeds from scediii-.: tliey will soon became ex tinct unl".-s they ire of varieties that propagate '.'loin roots. . 111 as tlit cabbages are well under iiv th, y will be visited by hundreds of white hiitte: Hies (the parents of the cab- bag" ' rms'i. Kvery farmer and garden er slmtilii i ii.loavor t kill the white but-ti'rtlii'--. cith.-r bv employing some one to kill tiiem i's they p.ligbt or bv trapping them in inanner. They are easily caught. l' .'i- ur wi:ic: stock clover, is better than g'ain. Clover contains more lime for the prc laetion f bone, and more nitrogen for the 1't'uli.i li.-u of liesh, than corn. A lihw ..I a'in'Aaacp of bulky lood is always be-; i r yci.ng growing stock. Grain sli;. u!.! only be given once a day, an 1 sparingly. a!s being preferred. Tlierc is vet rjom lor souie one to dis- e.-.ver a sure remedy for the cabbage worr.;. The remedy must be non-poisonous, cheap, easily af iiliej and frca from oih-r as m vh as possible. Kerosene oil is an cxce'.'ent remedy, but it imparts its i.d- i t' t'.u- lalibage. which is objectionable-. Vinlr.g onions are easily destroyed by weeds or grass, and to have a full crop, the patch should be examined often, especially after a rain, as rains induce growtti o; grass. 1 landpicking is often required, and the cultivation should not cease until the crop is nearly matured. An animal is never at a standstill. It is either ineieasing or decreasing. The rule should be to never aiiow an animal to j fall I'll". A pound gained and then lost is fcimplv cobbling the work and food to repnidiu .- it, which not only increases the enjt but lessens the profit. hound hone is more lasting in etTect than mper hosphate, but the latter gives more im;u-liate results. An excellent conihina'ion is one-fourth superphosph ate and three-fourths ground bone, about L'on pounds being a medium application for an acre of land. I i.e bet kind of i-tock will fail to give sat.sf.icth'n unless given the care demand i .!. It not th.- breed that thrives with little can-, but the one that receives care thru.ih necessity, that pays. A good breed permits the farmer to convert l:;b'-T into profit. 1 rv.-h manure should not be used if it can be avoided, but eho'tld be composted and allowed to decompose. If placed on the land it must sti'l undergo a change in the f'il before it becomes plant food, which eaures too much heat in dry weather. Good clover hay. or a variety ot grass in the pas'iire, will give better results than an exclusively grain diet to any kind of Btojk. It is the variety of food rather than the quality and quantity that promotes digestion and health. Kale is a hardy plant and easily grown. As the seeds germinate quickly they may be broadcasted over a plot that has been m ule into p. tine condition. It is a rapid grc-wf r and gtts ahead of the grass and weed?. !'ext iiionlh the millet and Hungarian grass seed should bu sown for a summer grass crop. Millet can be grown on all coib-, from mini to clay, but thrives best w'oere the land is well prepared and made rich. There is always more or less du6t, dan dr.nl' or iilth on the udder of a cow, and ik cow should be milked until the udder and U-zU have been carefully washed v, itii wurm water and wiped with a clean towel. (I- '. ?. piece of land ready and grow a in i of ron.fuddei. Plant the seed tl.it-kU- ir. the rows. ue plenty of manure, cultivate often and harvest it when the i ..is nre in the milky scage. i h g' egg may now become cheaper, t; rie n il' be a larger production oftheai s :id at t" lower cc-st, as grass and forage v. Hi 1..- lroiv pleat. ail V. i ,is will spring up as eailv as vi's. tables, anil a wateb must be kept for tt tn. The best time to destroy them is wlien tiiev hist appear. : th? brush is to be used it is of more ii: ; .rtan on the cow than on the horse, vet the f .rmer is almost entirely neglec-tt-d in that respect. The io ier should be used to press in the fiiia". seeds ami smooth the land, esp eially it mowers are to be used later in the he.ion. A Blast in Iho Protection Quarry. The owners of the Massachusetts marble quairy who undertook to supply the places of their striking employes with workmen from Italy evidently did not believe that the law .i gainst imported labor was "loaded." On Sunday morning eighteen marble-cutters from Italy landed at Castle Garden on their way to work for Bovvker, Tcrrcy & Co., the quarry-owners in question. But upon a notification from the headquarters of the Knights of La bor in Massachusetts the Italians were detained and will be sent back in the next steamer. Not only have the labor-improving quarry-owners failed to secure the foieign laborers, but they have made themsevcS liable to a fine of $i,ooo for every imported man. These quany-owners of Massa chusetts show very plainly what they mean by "Protection to Ameri can Industry. Intrenched behind tiie tanfifthey are enabled to change consumers of marble 50 per cent above the heavy cost ot importing foreign marble; but when Ameri can workingmen endeavor to ol tain a little snaieot ms protection in an advance of wages as a set otT to the tariff-enhanced cost of living the quarry-owners send to Italy for cheap labor 1 hough their same has been balked in this instance other Italian stone-cutters will very likely find their way to the quarne of Bowker, Terrey &-Co. Nevertheless, it ought to be held up to the people that this is one of the two or three hundred manutac turinz firms of New England that sent up a remonstrance against the Mills Tann" bill a few weeks ago The bill proposes to put marble 011 the free list, and such a reform would give more employment to marble cutters, though the profits of the quarry owners mignt not be so large as at present. Circulate the Citizen. It is a littie over seven months to the first of December, tho end if the camp aign year. A most important contest is to be fought out this year, one upon which every voter ought to inform him self. In order to ge: the largest possible circulation of the Citizen we v. ill send it as follows, to clubs, money to accompany every order: The Daily Citizkx. In clubs of live or more, to the first of December, -to cents each per month, cash. The Weekly Citizen. In clubs of five or more, fifty cents each until December 1st, cash. Get up clubs. Wherever the Daily can reach circulate it. Wherever the Weekly can reach, circulate it. It will do the country good. Send in clubs, with the cash. A Woman's lMscovcry. "Another wonderful discovery has been made and that too by a lady in this county. Disease fastened its clutches upon her and for seven years she with stood its severest tests, but her vital organs were undermined and death seemed imminent. For three months she coughed incessantly and could not sleep. She bought of us a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption and was so much relieved on taking first dose that she slept all night and with one bottle has been miraculously cured. Her name in .Mrs. Luther I.utz." Thua write W O. Hamsiek & Co., of Shelby, N. C Get a free trial bottle at II. II. Lvons' drug stare. Don't disgust e-. en boilv bv hawking, blowing and spitting, but use Dr. Sage's Catarrh Kmiieii v and be cured. apl 22 d2t "A KACKKT lUOMlXDKlt." "We are now ready to serve the peo ple, having on Friday received the last installment of our stock of goods purchased on our recent visit to New York. Ve have Curtain Poles in black and cherry, complete with iings and fixtures at 1 1c, and a handsome pole in red cherry at !((., worth 81. 23. See our Kiiss in Sniynias and Velvets, from ;Sc. to C, worth 80c. to $8. All over Lace for fronts at 42c. per yard, worth "."i. Torchons and 11am- buvgs at all prices from 2c. to "0, worth double tin; money; our prices for I .aces always astonish because of their cheapness, such :;oods being usu ally sold :tt very long profits. Our Dongola Kid Shoes lor ladies at$2.-14 like our Woven C'or-eL at 80c. has been a seller, and we only regret we shall not bo able to duplicate t ithcr at the price. The line is broken, but if wo can lit yon it is money in your pocket. Tor ir.cn and boys we have Hats without end 0 do., of those beau tif ill Crushes of v. hie h we sold so It appears that (he Bessemer mo nopolists have fixed upon $31 a ton as the minimum pries for steel rails during the ensuing year. This will allow of a handsome margin for profit, although the monopoly will ofcour.se take as much more as the tariff may permit. Under the Mills bill which proposes to reduce the duly on steel rails lroai S17 to $11 a ton the BrS3enier combination eouiti ptill charge American con sumers as high as -S;31 or S32 a ton ; but U.ey could int then screw the price any higher without invit:ng the impo! titi .n ' foreign rails. This is therea.-on . Bessemer mo nopoly opposes a reduction of the dim- ot. st. el r :iis. While the duty of Silt! ion .u.nld a fiord ample pro- t-cion, itwutild not serve the pur p'-s-1 1 extortion and robbery. Prosperity. The country has not tor a long time been in is prosperous a condition as the presort. Kvery one feels that good times have come at last, and come to stay, un less driven away by their own foolish i.es This may be done, of conrs ', by extravagance, debt contracting, &c , but if we will lie. careful, live within our monies, and not al'nw ourselves to believe t ! ;t auv t ;!:: , relit-f is as good as Dr. Man's Gr. at Holier, ail will be we'n; but there is just now an effort being made to sell other Helief instead of the old reliable Dr. iiart'c. U'e warn our friends to be on '.heir guard. Mrs. ( ieorjre Miller was arrested at Woodbuni, Ky., yesterday, charged with having whipped to death her son by a former marriage. Her hus band has fled. There no is important changein trade conditions during the last week, ex cept that the action of Congress and the announcement of the Treasury policy w ith regard to bond purchases, gave assurance of a continued easy market for mon y, and quickened speculation in stocks and commodities. The distribution f manufactured goods was liberal in volume, but there was no decided activity in any depart ment. Traders generally are pushing a conservative policy, and the ten dency to close trimming in some branches ha increased by the con tinned uncertainty as to what action Congress may take on the tariff mestion. The failures during the last wojk throughut the United States and Canada aggregated 193, a. de crease of twenty seven from the figures of the preceding week. What Am I To Do? The symptoms of Biliousness are un happily but too well known. They differ in different individuals to some "extent. A Dilious man is seldom a breakfast eater. Too frequently, alas, he has an excellent appetite for liquids but none for fi ilitl.i of a morning. His tongue will hardly bear inspection at any time; if it is not" white and furred, it is rough, at all events. The digestive system is wholly out of order and Diarrhea or Constipation may be a symptom or the two may alternate. There" ere often Hemorrhoids or even loss of blood. There may be giddiness and often headache and acidity or flatulence and tenderness in the pit of the stomach. To correct all this if not tlit'ct a cure, try, Green's August Flower, it costs but a trille and thousands attest its c-flhacy. d&weowly What Do Yon Want ? One may want more than his share of comfort and nappiness. mat wouia De relSsb, and therefore wrong. But to want a good return for seed sown is legitimate. To obtain a good result, if you plant garden seeds buy Dandreth s tedigree seeds. W. E. Pelham, Drug gist, is tho only dealer in Landreth's Seeds, and supplies only fresh seeds. 12 papers seeds for 50 cents. Beans, and Peas, 10, 15, and 25 cents per pint nbepper in larger quantities. No old commission seeds at 1 elfiaru's. Advertisers, Notice. Advertisements or changes for Sunday' Citizeu rhould be handed on Friday evening or early Saturday morning to insure insertion. main- last summer at only G2c. cannot be matched in Abbeville under 81 We oiler a fur Derby at '.hSc. which is worth We have a, small job in open-belt. 1.'. pleat-; d-hosom Shirts, old-fashioned, isome with collars on for 70c. c:;;;:i'! be bought of manu facturers for ti'.c money. A small line of Men's Nig I Mm'ts, Wainsutta Muslin, from '-- to -sl.iX, worth double the nvr.'.ey, nothing cheaper in our liott-e. Southern Belle Toilet Soap, iiiatnmot:! c.ttvos at .c. each, sells in t'.:i Lo'.vii 'i-.'Y 2 k-; we give o for 2-jc. titi'l th 'i't !" V money ; (V-n't make much, hut keep things moving. f cakes of Toilet . -oap in black imita tion ebony jewel box for 2."c. Box is worth a quarter, soap ditto, both for 2oc. l'araf-l- IVom "2c. up, cheap est line in V -vi crs. Tips. Bibb Ornaments. A c in prices in t Sett, Dislt and one 01 tlie saw, well worth h-. Our Hemp Car petings ami Mattings have moved off so rapidly wo have had to dtiplic .te purchases rot yd in the store 10 days. Nurses white Aprons at 2."e., worth -10c. Baby- Caps all prices. Feather Dusters 2 ic , peddlers sell them for 50c , and people think them cheap. tow to Mitke 9Xoney, The tfii'j to mtl:c mimeit and save. motu'V is to buy t the b si u lmut ige what you are compelled to hnvc 01 he best poisiute Urms. Always buy the best gnmh and make your money ao as far is possible. A dollar saredbi bity'my ten dollars u-ortli o' oooas is a dolir meed Joe a rainy day This beina the case the tiuestion arises where to bay the largest amount of goods to the beat advuntane. You )'. deride this jnrstioo by pra tl al We isuarantie to iee you as much f the same class of qoods for tin- same amount of money, if not more, ilian any house in toien AH tee '.' is a lair lu ll We sincrel'i thnul; t!w citizens of .she- rille and surroondiud conntrn foe the libera pntrnn-vje britwe;l upon u. lieretofitre by I ur and hoie.: ontii'Uaut e of Hi,' dealing trust to . ..(iHi-- d ier-1 a . Iff alienys keep a lull line ofjancyau lieaey ijroi-i n dan produce, ojrriidl in t'our, hau, mill fed, ijrai L. MUM. Y. Our stock of Flow I -at l'ins, Hair . will not be matched .vis. A glass Berry 12 Napkins for $1.28. prettiest things we ever Tie. etl at lit! lie a I v. i' i.f Carpets just reei-iv i. . li.i.iAMSox e-i Co s, THE A3HEV1LLE SUpMr - M - Hotel Lj optn fur guests. rir.t-cla.-.s in every ja: t it-u'.a; Sdllitaetiou fcuanuiteeo. Ti-.RMS Per week Sin 00 Per day - O) JAMES D. CARUItK ai.rSdlm Manager. HUMPHREYS' E0HE0PAT2I5 VEIEEIUASY SPECIFICS For Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Hogs, Poultry. 500 PAGE BOOK on Treat ment of Aniinnla and Chart &ent Free. rriiEa Fevers. C'oitKestlona, Inflammation. A.A. fipinnf Meningitis, Milk Fever. M. ?raintlf Jjanieuei hdi-hkhiiisiu, '. ('.-Distemper. Nasnl 1 DisebarKes. Hots or Grabs, Worms. K. E. Cougbs. Heaves, I'm-nm 011 id. K. F. Colic or Gripes. Reltynt be. G. G. Miscarriage, Hemorrhages. II. II. I'rinarv and Kidney llisrases. 1. I. Krupiiv'e Iliseases, Mange. J. K. Diseases of Digestiou. Stable Case, with Specifics, Mannnl. witch Hazel Oil and JleUlcator, S7.C0 l'ricc, Single Bottle (over 50 dosesX - .0 Sold by Druggists; or Sent Prepaid on Receipt of Price. Humphreys' Med. Co., 109 Fulton St.. N. Y. HUMPHREYS' r pi!,--i'l'iun in aket. ,.rts Shoes f a- Men :ti.d Boys at r 111 1 ... .(. a nu'-e 1.00 to .?;uo. Biurets, Tubs, f House Keeping I Prices,'' which means lower i'ltui others. We sell lots of :itls t 1 ne:'.'.- by Towns, and samples a'.v good-: bv mail, 'i.ad anar- antcc i!i.f.ic!''tn. promptly. Temii '.'Sc.. reii line of Tut miller tlie Brooiii.s, :i' utensils ui Letters .tnswereil orv :vs; (';r.o. t i-tfullv. ecc. T. .10 NFS o. paine's, (glety mpuunu Nervous Prostration, Neuralgia, Stomach and Liver Diseases, Rheu matism, Dyspepsia, and ail aftec tions of the Kidneys. p B . , f It combine the active principles of Hfc" CAUSE 1 Celery and Coca, thaa etiongthcning ( tho nervouB ej-sten;. QPAjllIMn t It cleanses the blood, coring all dis AUd eases caused by impure or impover ( iahed blood. DPI ftle.p 5 ft regulates the bowels and kidneys jLwALJwb ( coring their diseases. np... C Ithasthis wonderful four-fold action, KrCaliSE I carina all diseases of tho Nerves, BLVnUf" ) Blool Bowels, and Kidneys. Price S I .OO. Sold liy druggists. WELLS.RICH ARDSON & CO., Proprietors BURLINGTON. VT. URES 33 Colors. lAIionD flYEj Will Color One to Four Pounds FOR IO Of Dress Goods, Garments, Varns. Ratrs ptc. ' 0 ' J CENTS. A Child can use them! The PUREST, STRONGEST and FASTEST of all Dyes. Warranted to Dye the most goods, anc give the best colors. Unequalled for feathers, Ribbons, and all fancy Dyeing. , For Gilding or Bronzing Fancy Articles, USE DIAMOND PAINTS. Gold, Silver, Bronze, Copper. Only IO Cent 3, DIAMOND PAINT LIQUID Is the best thing to use in mixing Diamond Paints. A bottle, with camel's hair brush, costs but io cents. DIAMOND LAUNDRY BLUING Only io cts. for a package to make one quart of the best Hluing. Will not spot or streak the finest fabric. Ask druggist for Dye book and Card, or write WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., Burlington, Vt ! Asheville Ice and Coal Company, II. T. COLLINS & CO. Pure Ice Made From Distilled Water. Superior : Hard : and : Soft : Coal. Orders Promptly Filled. Telephone XVI os 53 aaid BB, HFI'Mi Bittnt'Harti SSitif(?iiiir PuSftn-. .Svc-nue. Tk3RI$Oftt. Eititoi. ,1 21 & i SHr2'8S UI5S,IC SQILA5SS-;. Ahevills- S, . KEKI' TIIK I.AIUiKST STUCK IN WKSTKKN NOUTil CAROLINA rF Basil. Blinds, Boors, Moaldhigs PAIXTS. Vi.DOW:5CORD and WEKiHTS. ROOFING I'A ' i ! LI MK, PLASTER J XG HAIR LATH, SHINGLES Kindling Word and a v'v:u varit-ty of HuiMii:;: Kt-iii-i rr I mnhor soiih odl sixes of IMinds and alio l.mni-t-r Ki'a!. for f IiPisc We oiler verv cl. and oi!tb!iildin.'i. 'iil'YINC; IN LARGK lU ANTITI KS STRICTLY I-OR ENABLK! TO OFKKR GOODS AT X. O WES T J Tl I : V ! Ktimatrs promjiflj fiirnisliod and special frizes jr;.fHivd at 1 w.v'a 1 1 (il'Jmes !! Wi: Al.K Trouble ExKcideiid. Tlie iionts! tdil-i;s of tlie "'Cilizen" have at la?t atrn-fd '' :."ib T- o tr .nb'.e at first was thev could not believe that wo were in intr i.'""ds so (h' an. but when we assured tliein that we. I, -id ! , 'heartiflw at rrices nanicil ever since we went hit bii.-iii;'. heavv recline in eod'e.-: bad enab'ed us to u t r our m i. e.s verv article, tl'.ev tli'-n eliee't'uliv a jret d to imblisii nr.r iricc:. S., , the j-:itvs ! a i'f.v ir-ailinj; article: (jr.; id Rio eo.!t-e (i ibw. for a dollar, the serves in j us-"" -. best . the tisarkct f-T the nri-. , DurkceV ::;ih'. i xlu-f ir rrn-s! si A Ar!:ickle':i f:.;lL-e LMc- ffe have ree.i .lavas breakfast .lav iitil' !.' '((. We set! s:a;i.;ar.i i;' i :s t the dt!ia fr.-.m Stc t and roasted : "!)c; Siicse are ' i.v.ifi low. all wilier u CANMCIl (iOOUS AND FANCY iit -El'.l I s lb peacdies t5cer, :s. iU'iv st;c!. :! lb. aj.U-8 1" cents, 2 fur 25. Columbia river .-.alinoa 20.", Cri'ps A I'.:ackwel!'s j:ims and .re- fr . ie. i ; i .:';- ; 2 lb. corn 2 i' r 2-"-i-'au'e M-:i-!e:'s: ! : Sail s a'r.b .-s pjii'i ( '('Site's s-ap Dake ciwr tt.' "i v. i:. i i. is s'-iiii ? I i.ii' .'c Axe -t.'ativii s,- ar. I : Oill ll) li) ii! (;:,-:: Li!' I -r V the b.'st Our snow Ki'"jind D.dsy tiotir at arc j si t i e: in this market and atesold under a nuaranteo. Swevf stake:; aiid Martinsville tlonr in SAi-ks and barrels at s- -j ; Those yoodsiiie known all oyer the couritrv. Our consstani. aim and zeal is; to re;ain the contiileiiet! ef our pati: public, and everv arti:ie will be sold as stated until this ;idvi CTC.D FACTOR 217 HAYWOOD STR- .i'C-JJ Ash ev i lle; n;c. P.O.B0X284- L!!d t! nicnt withdrawn. Respectfully, A. D. CODi'KR WATER MOTORS. The Ashcvillo Waterworks now fniu:sa si.pj ior farililirs for the use of th .se Motorr. ! TneTl KKIi. and K5 330TOK.S give ehcai a:i -:'..-.- ri t p i-r fur many iiia-m. f.vcturt s -tu.i iii'i i 're y a c tweit i' ' ran ninsmie or nior.- Sl-ivi: Vitelline;, lienla laiie.-s ana enjiim-s, e-'.; iiui.J. lea ere mi tnr.'zons fins, priii: im; (.re-;tls. T-,,:i'.-ea ii.ae'airi.-i y. av., eie , itf. l'.vr (r .1:1 t-e lertt ro :irf.l to -0 horse. the tceiuc -1.v.0 the iiacki's aj!e the i.eadisu water motokx ad a he ( ed the wq::i.i oyev.. S:iti-(iUMiii CunratitccI. W.S. CTVICIAX. ) A ft-. 1.1 :DSIY l Asen's. II 'aa.iiartcrs for thu : res cut a: A. W J.inasey's slio;-, Xi'i orth Mam apt 1'J lt CO. N. Y, . ji:ii'. lac 3 HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFIC No. Id usa 20 venrs. Tho onlv cucceful remedy for Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness, End Prostration, from ow-work or other causes. (1 per Vial, or fi vinl-and large vial powder, lor $5. Sold UY IRr;ois i or sent postpaid on receipt oX plies. Iiuaphrr ja Jlvdiciae Co., J U'J t uitoo buf A. x. p3deo0tvy 'VeU I.-:,." .s v.-it! I Ilo!i.-:e o. .-. ii. ::;.- lO0 l!.t .:. ': ,-. !--ii"'-i keep ; hi- ! v.. tu- I jiuil'of '.vir-r ; --ii---' !.i--! coin-.:-, 1 I.;,- 1: v ' on the :r- !esir.;oie in -;i ' ! ' One of " 'aiv s! j ju--t throivt, uj- .n ill.- : i in hi-:iseh.!: : '.I.' in t h O.l a-ld : ! some itf v. Mr!: :!.. A -be-; on s.i!e v in win k I:.';'.::.- ':::. t;iey tna t.,ei!- s-ii- s .- :v ) i.i-: i:ce,l (iii'.r on : pi . ssion Km i!iti:re N0T10B ! i To the People of Buncombe and Ad joining Counties. t '! r To the Jen- anil the -. t . Tit Cl Delightful Excursion I ASHEVILLE i ,i:r i iich t-e-,-Tin- l:, wiJih (.i r e( ptic.'. he.ivie.st :i inches tcicu, :t eireule.r in V'lafs ami tii. : t-.eaii ;.ie'-e ; liui.ir.:',:et.iry v.-i i are. Wiiith. '1'Lje Milt i.s i t talar.-ii p :;':.-.et. -. lias ;k t a K'-veitv highly linish V.";(lii:K Snits. lie M.-.ttse have , e.':;i jilete in trnlv be pron .-!: i r.ii-.r 'lseil rn ; 1 the i-.i-.it o: the :e.jiiils I hwiirioas, I..- ir, ..i.e wijud. (le:iti'e : u I To the rrumnt-rayius Siillt--v- rv ' rl i;-s j And the i : aL-Do .vn S.nner: . iti-.il ! To Democrats aau Kepn' lieanrf ; v- '"' o N'atives of tho Sunny Sonth ; Likewi.-ic the Stranger within our gates from the r.lizzard-htriisl-ca North, TO HOT SPRINGS. Round Trip Tickets ONLY $4.50! Including a fnll day's board at the Mountain Park HOTEL. Ih Baths in Marble Pools and Porcelain Tuba are the finest and most luxurious in America- The Hotel U New and First-Class In Every Particular. 3",c".ii u Vis Cuavc.e- The Place is a Charming Spat, Nestled among, and sheltered by fine-clad Alonntains, where there is no Fog. no dust, no malaria. Pore and abundant water, and (absolaieiy perfect drainage. J A. TENNEatT, Architect and, Contractor. rians.speciftcations and estimates furnished. All w -rk in my line contracted for, ami no charges for drawings on contracts awarded me. Heferences when ilesii ed. Office No. 13, Uendry,iSlocK. north of Court House AsheTille. ledMIioo ( '!.: i'ni,. ! , is ol ir.iustial :t;;;ns evorv t rawer ami 1 -.1 -v. The liiirrur .f th;i re-" i ivni'h plate alas?, .ieiie.i t!ailia$!d. !3 ::!: ': A. at across. This n-ii'.i" vt-ieerinp on the i. -ii liedstead, eost the !!U!: an ordinary suits in;;rh!e r.sed on these ne nrs: fjuaiiiv lennessee, : almos. ' (jiif.! to a mirror. Another rnve.ltv this hor.se has on pale i is the "'he Screen do.'.rs, in sizes to suit j all doors ;cii cm he attached on tlie in ; eide wit 1 1 -n i-.wrferin with the outer. I The wind-.iw s-riviti. ma e by a curious but simple eorit : :.v?.nc",e:v iiy adjustable. They a-e ii"!it, er.n r.-adiiy am' easily be liandltd by av "in- wiio can raise a window a '.id will lit r-nuaiy urn window. One ma n n-.- t i.j- y the siiti'ir.er breezes without the aiiuoyance d" i'ies, mosqui toes or other insects'. Want c I p;'.ie furbids specify inn fur ther, but c vi- ;t to this lto twe will both llease and instc-nish. dtf yiy ANTED. A lady who is an experienced Music Teacher, desires a situation In a school on dr about the 1st of September next. Address MRS. "SOUTH," aprl8d4taw2t Marlon, McDowell Co , N. C. CORKER OF; Academy Btree. and Bemden Avenotf " Pupils admitted at any timo for regular irregular cnune at or terms, &c.,appiy 10 . v r. Janl dtf fKNAlI. WHITLOOK'S Xcw C'lotiiiHg lieparlment. Ia order to mipi y our nuin?roti8 patrons witii a uew class of Clothing for Men, Boys and children, I have opened a new place two doors below "Whitlock's Corner" when? I au prepared to offer a complete wic ! ck t.f the most stylish, best lilting, and t--.fl made fine clothing that have yet be.- n put on this market The prices will be reasonable and uniform to nil. I will devote r.iy personal attention to this branch, and can eafely assert that there are ;V -ivn in any State who are better equipped with experience and facilities to i'iriiir.h the best class of Cloth ins at lov. cr-t possible prices than I am. I can nave yo;i the trouble of order ing fiom abro.iu. I cimrantee satisfac tion in all classes aiul Jit you bttttr than you can get anywhere else. CUSTOM DLl'AETMENT. I will make Clothing to order of the best grades of Imported and Domestic goods only. I can safely promise you as pood fitting, and stylish garments as the best merchant tailors in the largest cities can produce at lets than city prices foi same class of work. A'o misfits will be passed to any customer. One trial will convince tho best critic of customclothingthat Iexaggerate nothiDg. Respectfully, A. AVniTLOCK, Agent. Cut THIS OUT. For 25 cents we wtTl mb4 you 1 It nece.1 or Aew music, luu biegmu New Designs for Embroidery sod Stamping. 1 OO of be best songe em Bung with a lot 400 Cute. Curioua nd Cetehj Pictures, Great Geme FortdM Tellltic. etc. All for onlr '2-1 eti. Ail Itam Crlnne eatFrat, O! tmpfl W0iaKTgC0.12I.UlSLll.l GRFiKTIXG. ALL IIAIT AN'D WELCOME! SMITH & BA1RD, He. li Pattja Ave., are about iuing their Pie.i-lentiiil Prospect us, but before doing hu fiey fesl constrained to inform the nil)!ie of a few things Tro 13ouo Publico, Firntly, Until further notice we will ecll a bag of iiist-clam X. 1 Flour for H per hun dred pounds. Secondly, That they have en route for this place a carload of bettor flour than has ever been sold on this market ; and they say fur ther, that if noon trying it you don't find this to be true, tho purchase ruouey will be ref und edand they will make public retraction through the city prens. We will sell this brand of Flour for $3.25 Per Hundred. The reason why we make thU titraordiuary offer is simply this : We buy it on exactly that kind of guarantee. We will sell as announced last week : 7 pounds coffee for 1 00 12 " granulated sugar for 1 00 16 " yellow C sugar for 1 00 14 to 1U pounds rice for 1 00 Good broomB, 15c. each; sugar cured hams, 13c. ; breakfast strips, 12c. ; unsmoked sides 8c. to 10c.; tea, 25c. up; Peter J. Hitter's canned goods the best in the market in almost end less profusion ; canned beef, fish, lobster, fruits of all kinds, canned vegetables, berries, dried chipped oeef, smoked beef tongue. We are also agents for one of the Finest Grange Groves in Florida, and constantly receiving fresh or anges, lemons, bananas, cocoanuts. etc., etc. Large lot of Ready-uiade Clothing which w6 are selling at and bf low cost. We are going out of this branch of business, and want the room for other goods. Boots and shoes clear down; ladies' and gents' furnishing goods cheap enough; cotton, woolen and silk goods, notions, etc. in great variety. Come and Look at our Goods. Large, invoice of sillr, wool, grass and stra hats to arrive this week. Will sell low. The best cakes, cookies, crackers, white beans, po tatoes, pickles, preserve, James A-Co.'s con serves. Goods delivered free in any part Of the city. 4- SilTH k:iO AsheviNa Coal Market COl.KECTEl) BY THE Ashcvillo I( & Coal Co., II. T. COM.INK & CO., PHOI-lt s. Black Diamond Lump, for (irate, " ?-nt, for Move. Hard. Chestnut, stove, . - f- J. W. Cortland, !l 75 I HK.4I, i-Xl'4'iK IJIIOKF.lt AND ffXVKHTMKXT :-: AEST, Oflers for salt IMPROVED AND UN I M TROVE D PKOPER'l I KS rx THE CITY OF ASHEVILLE, N. C. AND SI' RROUN I) 1 XG COU N TRY NO. 43 SOUTH MAIN STREE' 3d Door above Bank of Ashevil! -A I.:ir; :itnl Complete- Assortnu'Ml of- 1 1 1 i I f3S EH! FINK IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC 3 a a ssax raw tip tM4 ffaas 3 -jH'ci:illy lveoinmeiiiloil ly lciiliiij jiliy.-ii-i-ins lor nil Pul- -V E t. .i. A' c:..,.i , w w ai xil liiu firuw inj; n. oi-Luuii- Iots arc otk'ivtl varying m izc 1 from a third to foi u ackes, and Try Frank LoiiLtltianV OU Coin Whiskey in price from $300 to $10,000. Imonary Complaints. ES'iSffi",. All Orders bv Mail PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. hipped to all parts of the I. nitcd Mates ami Canada. in one year will be given Satisfactory Terms on the remainder. L YV. Cokti.and. iCEiCREAM!!! AM) H A ' Kit ICE ! ((lood i iglt.7 & IBB'BllSMflBs? fa lict iii tlie City ! 1 am nosv prepared to fill all orders for the above nt reasonable prices. Best creaips Hud purist ext nets used. Call on or address J. ii. U RRINUTON. at XV. B. Anderson & Co'., apl 17 diw South Main street. Hats, Caps, Trunks and Valises. Everybody wears Levy's $3.00 Home-Madu Mioes M. LEYY, 19 South Main street, WHEN TIMES ARE HARD. AND MONEY IS SCAUCE, YOU CER TAINLY OI GHT TO SAVE ALL YOU CAN. TODD THIS, rEI-ORE YOU BUY YOUR CLOTHING 1'OR YOURSELF AND CHILDREN, YOU MUST TRY TP XT LP PATTON AVENUE. The Mem? WwV& (FMhim r MAE Proprietor. J: -" wmi,-mmm-Mtm l,mi.. - - - '- - - ! mm0Z"TZZ