DAILY EDITION. Fiirin:tii. Sione & Cameron, Editors and Proprietors. SUHSCKUTION : DAILY, One Year, . . . 0.00 " Six Months, . . . 3.0(1 WEEKLY, One Year, . . 1.50 ' Sis Months, . . .75 Advertising Rates Low. D. V. FURMAN, PROPRIETOR Citizen JOB Office, 13 PATTON AVE. Our facilities arc second to none. LEGAL BLANKS. LETTER HEADS, HILL HEADS, &e VOL IV NO 27. ASHEVILLE, N. C, SATURDAY MORNING, MAY 12 1888- PRICE CENTS Ashe vi ltizen. r f royal sssas jk mi Absolutely Pure, J uis pn.vilcr lH v-r vanes. A murvcl of purity Wi;th wh(ilosomoiii.'5s. Mine economical the ordinary kinds, and runnnt bo sold in sninpvtilioii wiih the multi'iiile of low tost, nhort VB'.'ht alum or phosphate puwJcrs. Sold only in A'll ,IL liAHLU I DLft I II.. 1ID Hail rl. -:w 1'ork. laai'j-d&wlttn -m?mm oxygen DblHABGAM & GATCHBLL f-UCJSi't I.axlr Itlotk, OS ,1'tn ?t. ASHEVILLE. N. C (.'iiiip"!in.l oxv-rn ltihnlcd, in connection wita ii'.i'.hiviicd r.i.l.-am Vapor, cures ( onsump tlon, Asthma, lironchitis, 'ti.-..l Catarrh, Sore Throat. Los i f Voice, Lisi KM-s oi the I.ivi r ami Kidneys. Hi i l.h r, i!id nil diseases ilcj.ciMiug on tnpiirvnr imii:viT:-'l,-ii i.m,l. It circa luicuii.tttism vl(.u tv, r mine f-Nc tails. b Amievili.k, N. C, Jum;ar l.s-s. cln justice lo a.l similarly milieu d with our--W.e rh well cs lo irs. Iluruan & (iti hell, I vlmitiiriiy main- the following nak i'ient : Ply - i.t: m.- ?numn H'l rtuiUI L'illb WIIH nc'Tcre li:ng tmuVe, routiiiulnc; to trow worse nntil last ;'ovtu!licr when the was unable to sit up. but u 1'iiri. of c:ii'h day. No ai. petite, input sweats, severe coiitih and loss of tlei-li. The l-esi j'liici:ins of roiiltney. Ver mont, a.lvhc'l an uiiin'. diute ileparture Soi;th. We rcni'heu Alitviile NovemlH-r iTili. and com menced taking trjutnicnt of Drs. Harlan and Gatchell, iiilnilinir (.'onipoand Oxyuen and Hal tam Vapor. Mvw ife has improved rapidly from the first, iler appetite is piod. sleeps well, coughs lmt htile. raisi'i U ss. nifjlit sweais ceased, no pain any heir, taki ; Ion- walk and climbs the niimnlaiiis with little fatigue and has gained b lts. in wciit'-t. V.'e feel certain aiaither month's treatment will affect a rernianem cure. As lor myse'.t 1 am deliithted to state that 1 improved rapilly Irom the l is', treatment and am nearly well. 1 have snnVrc.l for :s years almost beyo d cndunuice w ith ih worst form ol iiles. 1 bad iihaiiilniie'l all hope of relief. The Drs. treatment has heeii Kent e and almost painless ttill has eilffted a cure ior me. Yours l'cspec' fuliy. A. J. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Smith rj living in town and can Verify and add to tin auove. HOME TREATMENT, We mamifai Hire the fompound Oxvin n. and hip it to all part-ol the country, tv'cii to tlie Faclli : Co.i i. W e send apparatus and chemicals 'Olail two unit. ths lor ilti. Tins is as valuable ftsthe oilic: .ti-trm'.ut. The won iertul curative results obtained with histr'aUiii'iit is astonishim; even to lis. U l-u ii i lu it urn mure ol 'hi? retilinciit.aiul our pfXC in thr rurt C'lirtntic J'iyenif, write or call fyrlitwlrduu bunt: ixiUiiini(j tnntnuni free. DRS. HAJ" N GATCHELL, (5'2 Main Stnet, Ashe-ille, H. C. Juu33-daw il One Price Store. A larye and very attractive line ol Men s, Uovs find Clnidron o bints rani' ing Irom low priced poods to EOinething very line. Measures tai.i ii fur A. Raymond & Co., New York Tailors, and a lit gnuaiiteed. Samples row readv fur inspection, t CK ' AU-Wi ci Drees (iood.-i of the popular fabrics in ute.it v.incty. aic j hatincs.rer calee, lr s airyl.axm.. . wi:t, IVints.&c. BDrew Silks in tiie new Vv'oaves, Ilha- tl-inus, Satinp, civets and rluslies. irpt-iw, A t Kiuari'S, Smyrna Rul'S, ;iotLs, -wattiiitrs, curtain, tiooda in variety, Damasks, lowiA Ciapkins bi HlnnlcpfB A p.. -' 1 ZLegler Bros.', Merriam "Tyler's, Mojfpan Bros.' and Stckley'ij Shoes for ladies, mits 6 and cinidren. Banister's and Ziegier's Fine Shoes for men. 'Pa'Varil Ar CI rnvnr'o polol ra 1 nil ';0 riri' and "2.' 0" Khoes for men, and a Mini lar grade for boys. Derby Hats, f.'iik Hats, Soft Hats, and bteamer Jiats. Wool and Gauz Underwear, I losierv Kid Fabric Gloves, Collars and Cull's, Kucbintrs, hcarli-, 1 les, Kilfhmis Corsets. Buttons, Braids, and Fancy Goods and Bmnlhvarcs generally. Parasol", Umbrellas, Fans, Shopping Bag?, lub Satithels, Trunks, etc. Mens' Fuinieliing Goods. . Cassimercp. Coatinps, Tweeds, Ken tucky Jcan3, Domesticr, &c. H. Hcdwcod 8s Co., Nos. 7 A 9 Patton Avenue. mar23dtf For Rent. For 3, 6 or 12 months one of the neat est and most attractive cottage homes in the city, 7 rooms, handsomely furnished throughout, stoves in every room, well of pore water under shelter, stable, car riage, coal and wood houses all complete, In one square of Battery Park, good neighborhood. Apply at the Citizen office. Prescriptions filled from a well kept Stock of drugs and chemicals, and deliver ed ireo to any part of city. Night bell promptly answered. W. C. Carmichael, Apothecary, 20 8. Main street, Aeheville, N. C. 7tZ THE MAII.Y CITIZEN Will be publisned evprv Morning (ex cept Monday) at tbe following rates strictly cash.: One Year, $6 00 Six Months, . . . . 3 00 Three "... 1 50 One " .50 One Week 15 Our Carriers will deliver the paper ev ery luorning in every part oi the city to our subscribers, and parties wanting it win please call at tno Citizen Othce. IAKGER DAILY AND WEEKLY CIR CULATIOX IX WESTERN NORTH CARO LINA AND EAST TENNESSEE THAN ANY OTHER PAT," NTLY INCREAS ING. your Job Work of all hinds to ike Citizen OJice. if you want it done neatly. nrapiy ana vu. Utspatch. A i rival and Departure of Passenger Trains. Salisbi'ry Arrives 5;08 p. m.- leaves lor M or ristown at 5:18 v. m. Tennksskb Arrives at 1.25 p.m., and leaves at !:) p m. Ainves at 9:41 p. in., and leaves tor Sparlanbiirg at 9:4U p. m. SPARTASBfRG Arrives at 8 a. m.; leaves lor Morristown at S:10 a. m. Ireight accommodation leaves Ashcville at 8:10 a. m., and arrives at 9:00 p. in. Waynesville Leaves Ashcville at 8:00 a. m., and arrives at 4:50 D. m. Xow Advertisements. Insurance S. B. West. Cheap Goods Lubinsky & Herman. Fkanklin IIouie S. I. Hrittain, Proprietor. Rev. J. E. Carter, of Henderson ville, is iii the city. Three cases were; tried in the nriyui's court yesterday. Several auction suits took lace on the public square yesterday. Mr. V. G. B. Morris, of Jlendtr sonvilie, spent yesterday in the city. Jno. Finlayson, K-q., l'rtstons burg; Ky., is at the Grand Central. iso real estate transactions vveie recorded in the clerk's oflice yester day. Hon. Kope Elias, of Fianklin, is in the city, stopping at the Grand Central. Reynolds & Spears' new liyery stable on Patton Ayenue is nearly completed. Quite a number ot trivial cases were tried in the Federal court yesterday. .Miss Irene. McJloud, returned yesterday morning from college at Aiaeon da. AVe noticed several members of the Salvation Army present at the Tab ernacle last night. Mr. M, F. Plant, vice -president of the Brunswick & Western railroad, ot Georgia, is in the city. The grass in court square was trimmed up yesterday. TIih im provement is a great one. Gas pipes and fixtures were being put in the Swanuauoa, hotel and Asheville Club rooms yesterday. Messrs. Natt Atkinson & Son yes terday sold nearly three hundred dollars wc rth of hardware in the city; Mr. W. D. Hume, a prominent lawyer ot Nashville, Tenn., is in the city on important private busi neis. We are requested to state that an important meeting of the Asheville Light lniantry will be held at their armory to-night. The Sisters of our Lady of Mercy will take possession of their prop erty on French Broad Avenue about the middle of June. Miss Jessie Rogers, ot Wnynes vjlle, N. C, arrived in the city last night on her return home irom a visit to Dallas, Texas. Mr. E. H. Greenlee, of Marion, who has been attending court in this city for the past few days, re turned home yesterday. Johnson & Tiiomason began the auction sale of the stock cl goods lately owned by A. II. Stockton & Son yesterday afternoon. Chas. Petra, U. Petra, Minneapo lis, Minn.; II. II. Howard, Rich mond, and H, IJ. Applewhite, Bos 'on, are at the Swannanoa. Increased facilities for supplying the citizens of Asheville with elec tric light service will be added to the plant here in a short while. The Farmers' warehouse had a break yesttrday at the close of Mr. Pearson's meeting. The break was a small one, but prices obtained for the weed were good. Judging from a prospectus dis tributed on the streets yesterday, a prohibition organ, entitled Whiskey or no Whiskey, will be published du ring the campaign in this city. An alarm of fire was turned in yesterday morning about 9 o'clock, Irom Orange street. The alarm was caused by a delective flue in the residei cc of Mr. W. W. Jones catch ing fire. No damage was done, however. Mrs. E. F. Gash, wife ol Mr. B. S. Gash who lives on the Swannanoa five miles east of Asheville, died May 10th and will be buried at Newton Academy to-day at 11 o'ebek by Rey, J.'S. Burnett. The deceased was an excellent lady and had lived her four score years. Bargains in Cbtan, A lot of finely decorated Chamber Sets at $3 85 Set of 10 pieces; 56 piece Tea Sets at $5 50 to $7.00. Our new line of heavy White Granite (or Stone China) is having a big run. Our Semi-Porcelain are the prettiest on the market. We extend a cordial wel come to call and examine our large stock, at Law's, 57 & 59 S. Main St. All kinds of groceries cheap, fresh and fine, at Smith 3c Baird'a. dlt The police receipts in the city for the past two days have amountecFlo one hundred dollars. Messrs. S. F. Daugherty & Co., of Black Mountain, shipped oe hun dred and ten thousand feet of lum ber from their mills last week. Hon. R. IT. Benett delivered a very admirable oration on memori al day at Raleigh on the life and character ot Gen. Junius Daniel. A business room in the rear of Miss LaBarbe's millinery store can be had by application on the prem ises. It is an eligible one for many uses. dpt. Gee and Mr. W. E. Edmis ton, cf-tfce Tuckaseegee Lumber Co., which is located in the county of Swain, are in the city, stopping at the Swannanoa. Mr. N. B. Broughton, of Raleigh, is strongly spoken of for Congress for the 4th district. It will be an admirable selection. He is a good man and a true one. The Asheville baseball club, ac companied by many of their friends, will leave this morning for Weaver ville, where they go to play a return game with the latter club. Sheriff CcKinzy of Rowan county, arrived in the city last eyening. He will carry back with him on the noon train to-iday Harrison Jones (col.,) who is wanted in Rowan on a charge of arson. We learn that quite a number of the farmers between Asheville and Leicester have set out a great deal of tobacco during the past week. Plants seem to bo very plentiful and are growing finely. Mr. Julian C. Breese, of Charles- to.i, S. C has a position is book keeper in the First National Bank, as successor to Mr. W. E. Rollins who resigned. Mr. Breece as a brother of the President of this bank. Death or Mrs. Hall. Mrs. Chedester was called to Blountville, Tenn., a few days ago to attend her mother, Mrs. Hall, and news was received yesterday that the venerable ladv was dead. Mrs. II. spent some time in this city, null the many Irienas she made and the many friends of Mrs. Chedester, deeply regret to hear of her sad death. A Strange Varmint Is that on exhibition in the show window of Johnson & Thomason on north court square. The name of the quadruped is iguana, and it ia a native of South America. The iguana is a large herbiverous lizard, having a dew-lap, a crested beak and a long tail. The flesh is eaten by the natives of South America and is considered quite nutritious This specimen was shipped to a party in Spartanburg irom Libeitad, and has been in the former place about thirty days, during which time it has eaten nothing. Iguanas gen erally live about sixty days in our climate. After being here a short while they begin to gradually dry up until death ensues. The difficulty at the Depot Commented upon by the Citizen in yesterday's issue, is claimed, by officer Harkins to have been to tally unjust to him and based, on unfounded statements of fact. The ordinance under which (he officer acted is a follows : Sec. 520. That no person shall at any depot in this city boisterous ly call out or solicit pattonage of the kind mentioned in the forego ing section or get upon the platform of the cars, or enter the cars upon the arrival of trains for the purpose of soliciting patronage mentioned in the foregoing section, or crowd upon the train or upon the delivery platform during the exit of passen gers or delivery of baggage, or crowd, the ticket office of any railroad company having a dej ot in this city so as to annoy, inconvenience or otherwise interfere with the traveling public or business of the railroad. The fine for violation of the above is ten dollars. Mr. Harkins states on this occa sion complained of, the porter was pressing forward to the car and standing on the platform while pas sengers were getting off, which is directly in violation of the ordi nance above quoted. The ordi nance is very clear, and the officer says every effort is made to strictly enforce it; but that after passengers have left the car porters are allowed to assist passengers upon the train without objection. The ordinance was necessitated by the persistence with which the porters plied their vocation. In this occurrence com mented on, officer Harkins says he was simply doing his duty in accor dance with the city laws, and just what he will do under like circum stances. He therefore says the in formation upon which our com ments was based was untrue and the comments unjust. We give hiui the benefit of the statement. Fresh Jersey Butter at dlt Smith & Baird's. Fine Country Hams at dlt Smith & Baird's. Williamson 5t Co. have the sole agency for those beautiful Hat Racks, with cir cular plate glass mirrors. Nothing like them on this market. No one else can ?et them. Made by the same company who make the latest thing in Bed Room Suite to which -ehey correspond. dtf For best 5c. Cigar in the city call on dlt Smith & Baird. The "Wanantee" cigar contains no artificial flavor. dCt SEEKING IXFOKMATIOX. He Wanted to Know AVhat Would be the 'Audiences.' Late yesterday aiternoon Chief Waddell was approached by a long, lank, dilapidated looking specimen of humanity, who inspect ed him very closely before ven turing to make the chief's acquaint tance. The dialogue that ensued was as follows : Mountaineer "Be you the boss man of this town?" Chief Waddell "Yes ; what canJI do for you ?" M. "What is the 'audiences'?" C." What is what?" EI. 'The 'audiences' ; don:f you know what they be ?" C. "Well, you mustn't carry a pistol, mustn't shoot in the street, tie fire-crackers to a dog's tail, race horses, nor engage in any deyiltry that will tend to disturb the tran quility of the city." M. "And them's ences' ?" C "Yes ; them's the 'audi-'audi- the ences. The mountaineer then dronned his chin, and turned to leave the chief, haLf-sorrowlul like, as if what he really 'wished to say had not been said. He edged off on the curb stone and was buried in thought for about a minute, then -idling "up to the chief he said : "Mister, you have told me all I want to know except one thing, and that is the most imporlantest thing c: all." Chief -"Well what is it man ?" v M. "I want to know if'vou will one be mad with me i! I tako dram." Chief "No; you look like you drinks of can stand about three white corn whiskey ; and if I catch you tooling around drunk, and raising a row, I will lock you up and keep you in 'durance vile' un til the next term of the Federal Court." The mountaineer said that he would take just two more drinks while he remained in Asheville, and told the Chief that "the 'audi ences' needn't to be Jafraid of me; for before I would bo locked up in that 'durance vile' you were talking about, I would take all my corn in the silk instead of the spirit." The Chief told him to move on, and he moved to the nearest saloon across the street. French Broad ISaptist Church. Mr. Wolfe has just completed a very neat job of plastering, with soap-stone finish, in this very pretty building. It does him great credit. Sabbath-school and church services will be conducted there to-morrow (Sunday) morning at the usual hours and regularly hereafter. The Hoard of Aldermen. Were in session last night. Capt. Atkinson for himself and as sociates, asked an amendment to the charter granted Mr. Farrinhold for a street railway granting the privilege of extending their system down South Side Avenue. Postponed for further consideration at a special meeting Monday night. After considering much routine and such incidental work, the Board adjourned. A Liberal Act. Learning- that some fear had been expressed tliat the proposed appropriation would not be suffi cient to build a suitable federal court house and postoffice and pay for a proper location as well, and fearing this apprehension might militate against the bill pending in some way, our towns man Mr. William Johnston tele graphed Thursday to Senator Hansom that he would cheerfully donate the splendid lot corner of Patton Avenue and Haywood street for said purpose. This is a very graceful, we may say patri otic act on tho part of our vener able townsman. While directly a gift to the UnitedStates, it is in directly a greater gift toAsheville for it leaves at least fifteen, if not twenty thousand dollars which would otherwise have been re quired to buy a lot to be applied to the building, thus making a handsomer struct ure. AVe hope to learn to-day or Monday that the bill is a law; and then but little time need elapse before work can be com menced. By this act Mr. John ston has entitled himself to the lasting gratitude of our citizens, for it is really the most munifi cent gilt ever bestowed on this community. The I.nrgest Houses Don't .Sell tbe Cheapest Ooous. We do not blow largely through the papers or make as much noise as the Racket Store, but we sell tbe goods simply because we are the cheapest bouse in town on dry goods, notions and linpns. Besure that we are right by giving us a call at 64 South Main street. Respectfully, ml2dtf Lubinsky & Berman. Smith & Baird have a supply of fine fresh Jersey Butter. dlt The best 5c. cizar on the market is 'Sherman's Warrantee." d6t Finest 5 cents Cigar on the market at dlt Smith & Baird's. Admits the air, and keeps out the flies, bugs, and mosquitoes; the wire screen doors and adj us table wire window screens at Williamson & Co's. dtf Smith & Baird have just received a lot of nice countrv hams, call and see them, dlt Wright's Pond Lily Toilet Lotion is the best and cheapest floral preparation for the toilet and bath, also a splendid thing for cleansing purposes. 25c. a bottle, at Caekiohakl's. Report of thSelect Committee. Tbe following is the report of the select committee on the part of the Graded SchooJnnected with a pe tition for farther very necessary aid on the part of the city council. It relates to a very important matter the development of the school to its full capacity, and will be read with interest. The report presents mat ters at once surprising and gratify ing: To the Honorable, the City Council of Asheville: Gentlemen : We the school com -mittee ot the city ot Asheville peti tion your honorable body for an in crease in 'J. pA Aropriation from the city taes.cMEtaFfint to. 25c, and in support of this petition respectfully submit the following report, which is the approximate amount of in come and expenses of the school for the past year: INCOME. From State and county, $2,000.00 " City, 5,700.00 " Peabody fund, 400.00 On hand at commencement 1,300.00 Total, EXPENSES. Purchase of academy. Salaries of teachers and janitors. Advertising and printing, Attorneys S50; insurance $39.08, Desks and freisrhtcn same $9,500.00 S5.042.G3 2,831.00 111.17 89.0S 1,180.84 1,002.01 3S9.22 14.80 5. 50 10.00 Repairs and improvements Census S22.50 ; supplies S3GG 72, Chairs, Bell, Coal, Total, $10,67025 9,500.00 Income, Deficiency, SI 176.25 Of the above items of income $1,300 we had on hand from pre ceding appropriations, and $400 from the Peabody lund, which we cannot count on next year, but the last amount we hope to gat again. This deficiency has been met by a loan, on the personal responsibility ot the committee, ir. order that the short school term decided on could be completed. We are aware that it has been brought to your consideration that we have not been able to accommo date all the children who have ap plied during this term; and in order that every child should have the benefit of tb. shco;;. 11 they bo de sire, our school iv .a capacity must be increased, It will be impossible to effect this with the means now at our disposal. Having cousulted some of the best architects and con tractors in the city, we believe that with the amount asked for, we can erect a suitible building on the lot on Orange St., now in our possesion or make other improvement, and ac commodate all applicants for a term of say nine montns teaching through the 8th grade of our system. The number of children who have applied for admi-sion this term is 650, the number who have been re ceived is 450. The above applies to the white school. Of colored child ren, 290 have applied for admission, and have received 250. Our Super intendent, Prof. P. P. Claxton, esti mates from his past experience, that about 900 white and 325 color ed children will apply for admission to the schools in the next term. To provide for thai number of children, it will require 24 teachers and two assistants, with sufficient school room for both white and col ored. It is no doubt, apparent to you, that to carry out the mean ing of the law, we must receive all applicants entitled to the education al benefits for which the appropria tion was mdde; but a certain sum of money will go onlj so far, and not to receive all children who have the right, is not carrying out the spirit and intention of-tbe law. We feel quite sure, that if the council fully understand how much has been ac complished with the means at our disposal, and how much progress has been made by the pupils who have had this opportunity for only a few months; there would be no hesitation on their part to grant this petition. In conclusion, we respt ct fully request that you name an early day fo'vLiting the schools, which will enable you to exercise your own good judgment as to their being worthy of future maintaining. Very Respectfully. W. W. West, ) H. A.Gudger. J- Com. W. F. Randolph, j Asheville, May 11, 1888. The Board of Aldermen accepted the invitation to visit the schools, and appointed Tuesday next at 10 A. M. as the time. They also ap pointed next Friday night to hear argument in behalf of the subject matter of the statement. Ten Cents. The benefit of life insnrance in a good reliable company offered to all healthy persons between the ages of 5 and 70 years at the low premium of 10 cents per week. Call on Capt. S. B. West agt. court house square to-day. Doubling l"p. In mid season, Williamson & Co. have doubled their immense stock of goods. Think of this aDd know that you can get what you want there. dtf For a good 5c. cigar smoke "Sherman's Warrantee." d6t A few of those ever lasting wire screens left at Williamson & Co's. Call and get one before they are all gone. dtf An elegant line of fine toilet requisites, embracing Perfumery, Hair, Tooth, Kail and Flesh Brashes, face powder and powder pnfls, just received, at Carmichael's Drug Store. New carpets 1 cew carpets ! new pat terns, new colors; every grade from com mon to fire, at Williamson & Co's. dtf AT THE TACEItNACLE. Conclusion of the Week's Series ol' Meetings Last Night. The largest congregation that has yet assembled at the Tabernacle on North Main Street was gathered to gether last night to listen to Mr. Pearson's able, logical and conclu sive discourse from tho text, "And when I see the blood I will pass overyou." Exodus xii-xiii. Before the text was taken, Mr." Pearson announced that there would be no aervices at the Taber nacle to-day neither morning nor evening; the day was nee.ded for rest; absolute rest, mentally, bodily and spiritually. He also announced that the pastors in the t;ity would hold regular services at their re spective churches Sunday morning, with the exception of Rey. Dr. Ran kin, of the M. E. Church, South, who would hold Sunday school and services in the Taberna cle, owing to the fact that his church was undergoing repairs and could not be used. Sunday night the various pastors and congrega tions will again assemble at the Tabernacle, and the regular series of meetings will be continued until further notice. Mr. Pearson also re quested all converts during this week s meeting to unite themselves with some Christian church to-morrow morning. It made no differ ence to him, he said, what church they joined, whether Methodist, Bnptist, Presbyterian, Episcopalian or a.-iy other denomination; he wanted them to join a church of Christ. Then, alter reading a few verses cf scripture and offering a short prayer, the Evangelist selected his text as above stated, and preach ed a powerful sermon from the three propositions continued there in, viz: 1. The blood of tho Paschal Lamb. 2. The shed blood of the Pas chal Lamb. 3. The applied blood of the Pas chal Lamb. Mr. Pearson showed how the sins of mankind must bo washed away by the blood of the Lamb, and that through no other source could eter nal salvation and emancipation from sin be obtained. The sermon last night was the most able yet delivered by the evan gelist, and the good work accom plished by him in our midst is but a fore-runnev of the iV-nei.! a.vuk ening that is soon to follow from his earnest teachings and exhorta tions. The Franklin House. See the Advertisement of this house in this issue. Franklin in Macon county is one of the prettiest of our interior towns, and none is more beautifully situated. It is in the midst of a rolling plain into which high spurs of the sur rounding ranges jut with highly picturesque effect ; while at the dis tance of ten or twelve miles are the majestic range of the Nantaliala and Cowee, and the more distant Smokies, presenting a land soapc of combined beauty and grandeur. The whole forms a delightful summer resort. The Franklin House is prepared to entertain guests in good style at all times,, and is especially prepared for them in the tourist reason. Good rooms and a good table await the guests ; and in connection with the house is a livery stable, which is am ply provided with draft and saddle horses and vehicles of all kinds. Abraham S. Hewitt has told what he did for his section of country du ring the war. Wc quote from the Herald: Mayor Hewitt laughed outright yesterday when he heard that his op position to the Grand Army of the Republic .bill had censuretl by one of the posts of this organization. The Mayor said to a Herald re porter that in the annals of the Army Department would be found a record of thanks tendered "Cooper & Hew itt," of the Trenton Iron Works, for their services to the Government du ring the War of the Rebellion. "We gave our plant free to the Government and instead of making any money we lost $100,000. I went commissioned to Europe," says May or Hewitt, "to secure gun barrel iron for the Government and could Duy only 300 tons when 4,000 tons was needed. I entered an iron foundiy in disguise as an artisan, learned how iron for gun barrels was made, tele graphed the information to our Sec retary of War and in twelve days the United States Government was mak ing gun barrels. And yet I am de nounced by some of the Grand Arm' men. Comment is useless !" Fresh, Fasliionnble and Fine. Williamson & Co. having sold a gooil many of their carpets, have determined to replace the stock, not old, but on band since winter, and will next week hang up entirely new patterns. They ordered a duplicate bill of all they have had on hand in quality and quantity and ot the newest and latent patterns, unlike anything they have had. In other furniture they keep a full supply of the freshest goods, and of such quality as to satisfy. dtf. Advertisers, Notice. Advertisements or changes for Sunday' Citizen should be handed on Friday evening or early Saturday morning to nsure insertion. Cnrniichael's Choice Cologne, Fragrant and lasting, put up in quarts, pints and half-pints, manufactured only by W. C. Carmichael, . " dtf 20 S. Main street. Mrs. Ayer's New Life, Painc's Celery Compound, and Scotch Oats Essence are among tbe new remedies just received by vv. v. Carmichael, Apothecary IiATE NEWS BRIEFS Carefully Condensed from Mail and AVire. The tariff debate continues. The republicans of the 10th Vir ginia district have chosen Llaine delegates to the Chicago convention, regardless of Mahone. An explosion of natural ga3 in Buffalo, New York, on Thursday totally destroyed St. Paul's Cathe dral, the pride of Buffalo. The Maryland and Alabama democratic State convention enthu siastically endor-e Cleveland and demand tariff reform and tax reduc tion. Hon. Aif. Taylor, broths of Gov. Taylor, has been nominated by the republicans of the first Tennessee district for Congress by acclama tion. The Southern Baptist convention met in Richmond yesterday. The sessions will last four or five days. There are over one thousand dele gates present. The delegates include representatives from all the impor tant churches in all the old slave States and from a few churches of the District of Columbia. Among the fraternal delegates from the North are Rey. II. M. Bixby, D. D., of Providence, R. I.; Rev. Mr. John son, of Batavia, N. Y.; Dr. O. C. Pope. New York City, and the fol lowing from Philadelphia: B. Grif fith, D. D.; C. C. Betting, D. D.; Col. Charles H. Banes, of the famous "Philadelphia Brigade;"' W. O. Bucknell; John B. Kendrick and otheis. A large number of South erners will attend the Northern Baptist anniversary at Washington, D. C, which begins on the 16th inst., in Calvary Baptist church founded by Amos Kendall, Post master General under President Pierce. The Democratic State Convention of Tennessee met Wednesday, but only effected a permanent organi zation. On Thursday, delegates at large and electors were chosen, when balloting began for Governor. Governor Taylor, T. M. McConnell, W. M. Daniel, W. P. Caldwell, J. A. Trousdale, were placed in nomina tion. Seven ballots were taken up to a late hour Thursday night with out result, when the Convention ad journed till 9 o'clock Friday morn ing. It is the largest convention ever assembled in Tennessee. Tay-s lor received on 1st ballot 649. 2nd. 656; 3rd, 657; 4th, 659; i'th, 652; 6t: 046: 7th, 575. Theoth votes were divided between the ether cand' dates, McConnell and Daniel lead ing, '"nder the xuie it requires two thirds to nominate, 888 yotes. It is now considered certain that Gov. Taylor will not be renominated; but he has it in his power to name his successor. It looks as though it may be Daniel or Trousdale. Circulate the Citizen. It is a little over seven months to the iir.st of December, the end cf the camp aign year. A most important contest is to bo fought out this year, one upon which every voter ought to inform him self. In order to get the largest possible circulation of t!ie Citizen we will send it as follows, to clubs, money to accompany every order : The Dailv Citizen. In clubs of five or more, to the first of December, 40 cents each per month, cash. The Weekly Citizen-. In clubs of five or more, fifty cents each until December 1st, cash. Get up clubs. Wherever the Daily can reach circulate it. Wherever the Weekly can reach, circulate it. It will do the country good. Send in clubs, with tho cash. Ladies. Now is the time to have your Sewing Machines cleaned-ui, repaired, and adjusted for the spring and sur-.mer work. Mr. W. II. Littleton, a practical machinist is in the city and will do your work at your homes and save you tbe expense of sending your machines away to have them repaired. Mr. Littleton carries a line of needles, shuttles, rubbers, bands and all the wear ing parts to all machines. may 0 dlw Rubber Stamps, Stencils, Key Checks, badges, etc., of any 6tyle can be procured Rt C arson's Stationery and News Store, by the postoffice. The established agen cy for one of the largest houses in that line in the Sjuih. A specialty of cutting sack stencils for mills, barrel heads, and for shippers' use. Hotel key checks, any style or price. Stencil ink and brushes in stock. Parties wishing anything in this line should write to or call at the above place, where will also find the latest daily papers, magazines, novels, and a fine stock of staple brands of inks, blank books, writing paper, pencils, etc. Estimates cheerfully given. Mailorders receive prompt attention. Family linen marker with indelible ink postpaid 1 .50. Individual stamp and ink 40c. to COc. Keep this advertisement. Williamson & Co. have on hand yet, some of those wire mats, that no one has ever seen but savs they are the thing. "tf Whittemore's 6ilt Edge Shoe Diessing is the best in the world, and the only polish that contains oil, softens and preserves the leather. Try it. and you will use no other For sale by W. C CARMIOrtAEL. Apothecary. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS FR4XKLIK HOUSE, FRANKLIN, N. C. S. P. BBITTAIN, Proprietor. This house, long and favorably known umler the charge of 15. Cunningham, Is now open under the management of the cresent proprietor, which Is a guaranteed sati&faction.Thejtable is provided with the resources of a bountilul market, and the cuisine will do irsjlee to the supplies. The rooms are well furnished, and the comfort of guests Is assured. Franklin is situated 70 miles west o: Ashcville. and 20 mile from the W. N. C. K. K., from which it in reached b, daily lines of carriages. Aronnd Franklin are mnv points of interest to be retched oj me lacinuea anoraea oj a nrst class Livery Stable, run In connection with the house. Teams, ve hicles or saddle horses furnished, on order, at aU times. Address a. r. bkiti ain, mayl2d2m Franklin, N. C. GOVERNORS Lee, Gordon and Richardson, have come and gone, carrying with them pleasant recollections of our beautiful city. Asheville captured the conven tion and came out. with Hying colors. Asheville never fails to come up to the full measure of her duty'. We are now called upon to face a new problem. Large and wealthy houses in the eastern and western cities have been sending circulars throughout Western North Carolina. Each are claiming that they can sell staple and fancy gro ceries as cheap as our people can buy them anywher?. This puts us on our metal, and we accept the issue and will proceed at once to denicnistrate the fact that Aeheville never gets left in p mat ter of competition. Other cities may have a larger population, larger houses, and higher prices, but we baye higher mountains and lower prices which will more than equalize things WE SELL 12 lbs. Standard granulated sugar for 51.00. (We do not handle second grade of granulated sugar.) 14 lbs. C sugar for $1.00. 17 " Yellow suirar for S1.00.' (' " Choice Rio coffee for $1.00. This coffee is free from unsound grains. We do not handle a low grade of co fee, but only such as we can guarantee to be good. Arbuckle's coffee 20c. A steamer arrived in New York this week, with a cargo of West India fruits, from which we received a shipment of very fine Messina oranges and lemoup, also a choice lot of yellow banannas. We are selling tbe fineet Z lb. canned tomatoes at SI. 35 per dozen. Hart's 3 lb peaches 25c, Hart's 2 lb. peaches 20c. These peaches are put up in heavy syrup and are equal to the best California fruit. Several parties have bought 3 lbs. pie peaches recently, thinkiug they were cream peaches. The 3 lb. pie peaches that are usually sold at about 15 cts. are worth 121 cts. OUR BASKETS HAVE;60ME 5 quart fruit baskets Sc. 8 " market " 10c. ' covered 40c. Large clothes " $1.00. 10 ' peach " loc. 2 bushel elm " 40e. 1 lb. can chipped beef 24c. 1 " " corned " loc. 1 " " " " 24c. Domestic sardines S 3c. String beans 10c. Lima " 20c. Marrowfat peas 13. Fine mixed table nuts 20c. Blueing 30c per dozen. Blarking 2"c to 50c per dozen. Potash 5c per ball. Lye 5c per box. Candles 10c per lb. White House corn $1.33 per doz. Pint bottle pickles 10c. Quart " 20c. Gallon " " 40c. Acme sauce 10c. Magnolia hams 13s. " boneless breakfast 1 aeon 13. Jowles Sc. Fine Pearl grits "J. Fresh oatmeal 5c. Oatflakes 17c. Soda crackers 7c. Waterloo Flour ?2.25 per sack. Favorite " 2.75 ' "i Obelisk " . 3.00 " " Try Obelisk flour and you will be con vinced that it is THE FINEST FLOUR MADE. Brooms 15 to 20c. Wc have on hand the finebt selection of TEAS AND COFFEES SJEver offered to the people of Western North Carolina. Our teas are Eclected with special re gard to their drawing qualities and you cannot go ami?s to' try our fine Gunpow der, EnglishJ BreakfastVand Tormosa Oolong. jWe arc. l uy ing thej BEST GOODS To be had and guarantee the quality to be the best. These prices are for the retail trade. We will make special prices to parties wanting to buy in larga quantities. POWELL & SNIDER.

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