DAILY EDITION. FB , Furtuiiu, Ntone fc Cttiiieruu, Editors and Proprietor '. SUBSORIFTloft :. ; ff ' DAILY One Year,- . : V ' $6.0( ' Six Mentha. . . 3.00 D. W. FURMAN, ' - PROPRIETOR Citizen JOB Office, 13 PATTON AVE. Our facilities are second to none LEGAL BLANKS. LETTER HEADS,! "BILL HEADS, &cj n i 1 n f AV o WEEKLY, One Year, . '-'. Six Months, . . 1.50 .75 VOL IV.-NO 57. ASHEVIL. 1(TlaRg,AY, ? IORtfG, JUNE 16 1888 PRICE 5 GENTS Advertising: Rates Low. y . ( ROYAL RffljV. p 111 . . solutely Pfcre. fis nowder never vanes. A marvel or mirUt A .figth and wbolesoraeness. Mote economical jivli the ordinary kinds, and cannot be Bold in jomnetitloii with the multitude at low test, short reirht alum or phosphate powiicra. Sold only in KOT1I. BAKING I'OWUKB to. ivt nau HI. Sew fork. Ianl9-d&wl'2m CHMPOUND OXYGEN Ors. HAEGAN & GATCBELL MVJStn Hag-It Block, 63 .Hate 01. ASHEVILLE, N. C Compound Oxvpcu Inhaled, m connection rita niedicaUid Ualsjtm V;ip7, cures t onura tloii. Asthma. lironuhitU. Niul CatMrrh, 8ore Thnuu. L.nw if Voice, l)lse:u-js ol the Liver an! Kidneys, rti wl-iur, ctd al) diseases depending on mpure or iuitovi'ris:iel hlffi. 11 cirea Hueumatism when everything else fail a, Ashkvjli.B, N. C, January 1888. ' In Justice to all similarly afflicted with our elves as well as lu lire. lian;ii A Gatchell, I volnntariiy maito the following statement: My wire Ua' suffered for several years with severe lung troub continuing to crow worse uii J4iiiilie was unable to sit Lsevere cough and Ins deriurt re Sonth. 'oinlxT i?th. and com- or Dis. Harean and Gatchell, inha iuf menc' rouipound Oxygen and lJa.- gam Vapor. Ky w ii j bo iinjiroveu rapidly irom me nrsi net an Ale is l-oimI, sleeps well. cuugiiH out, mi ie less, night sweats ceased: do tuim anvwh' rtultes long walks and climb the niouutaiiis in tii tie ta'tiuue and has gained 8 Sh. in weig' t. 1 V e tee) certain another momh'fe treatment wili Gect a 'ermativiit cure. As for myself El'bt.l tir tate :hat i imnrnvuri rapi ly lrourthe tint treatment and am nearly well. I have Bunercd for njj yeiirs almost beyo d endurance wiih the worst lonu oi iiieB. I had aliaudoned all hope or relief. The Bra. creatmen! has heen gctt e and almost pitiulcst, still has eflt-c'i d a cure for me. Yours respectluily, A J. I-M1TB Mr. and Mrs. 8mith are living in (own ..ml can ferifv and aiid to tin atKivc. HOME TREATMENT, We manufacture the Compound oxygen, :' hip It to all parts of the country, irven to tin PaclJi : Coast. We sent1 apparatus, and cli; mu-al, 9la.-t i' t. uiwKto.- for This is as vaiuabu. Vthe oiiicc .reutmeia 'fhe woiidffrliii i:iir,:tive re- irt .buiinjd with hlstreatuieut h- atMiiKi'ing -v-it t us. Af , m tfuh Ujliat'n inure of Itii tiuUnteiU,aiul out ftccbto in the cm en Chronic luteoatt write or call ton '.'vMrattd book txvlaimg treatmevtret. DKS. HA'f GATCUELli, t Main Street, Asheville, H. C ImoH-dawtf - . - - One Price Store. A large and very attractive line ol Men's, Coys' and Children's Suits rant; inj? irom low priced goods to Bonietlunj! very fine. Measures taken for A. Raymond & Co., New York Tailors, and a. lit guaranteed. 6atnples now ready for inspection, All-W'iii'i Dress Goods of the .popular fabrics in u-reat variety, also Sacine,Per cales, Dress GinKliains. . i wns, Prints.&c. Drews Silks in the new Weayes, Rha 4ames, Satins, Velvets and Plushes. Orpetb, Art Squares, Smyrna Bugs, Oil-r;J",liM Matting, Curtain Goods in greAt vai itly. Damasks, Towels, Napkins Coverlets, Blankets, &c. iegler Bros.', Merriam & Tyler's, air nroe.' ana eu.aiey s euoes lor miss b and children. anistere and Zicgit-rs Fine Shoes for aaen. ' , QPaclard A Grover's celebrated "$20'' and "2.' 9" Shot-s for men, and a simi lar grade for boys. Derby Mats, f.'ilk Hats, Soft Hats, and Steamer Hats. Wool and Gauz Underwear, Hosiery, Kid Fabric Gloves, ' Collars and CuSb, BacbingR, Scarfe, Ties, Ribbons Corsets, Buttons, Braids, and Fancv Goods and BmallwareM generally. Parasols, 'Umbrellas', Fans; Chopping Bags, fclab tiatchels Trunks, &L, . Mens' FurniahinK Goods. imeres, Coatines, Tweetls, Ken tucky Jeans, DomeHticf, &c. H. Rsa-cod & Co., Nos. 7 4 9 Patton Avenue. mar23dtf , . for Bnt , For 3, 6 or 12 months one of tbe neat est and most attractive coHage home in the city, 7 rooms, handpomely furnished throughout, stoves in ever room, well of pure water under shelter, stable.- car riaKe, coal and wood houses all complete. ;in one square or uatlery rarK. gooa loelehborhood. Apply at the Citizkn (office. ' . Prescriptions filled from a well kept 'stock of drugs and chemicals, and deliver- free to any part of city. ' Wight bell bromptly answered. . .. W. C (Jii mc haul, Apotnecary, , ; 20 8. Main street, . , .'. ,: . Asheyille, N. 0 . moina . TIIJE 1AII,Y CITIZKai . Will lx pablislied evrv MnrnLujf 1iv rejjt Monday) at toe following rate- 'irtctiy casn .. - One Year. - . : , . . - . $ 00 SixMontha, , .. . . 3 00 Three " .. . . ; 1 50 One " - . . : &rt One Week. . . . . . 15 Our Darners will deliver the Daner ev ery Morninar In every part of the citf.to our Babscribera,. and parties wanting it will please call at the citizen Utnce., LARGER DAILY AND WEEKLY CIS CULATION IN , WEBTERN NORTH CARO LINA AND EAST TENNESSEE THAN ANY; JVTIIER PAPER. : CONSTANTLY INCREAS ING. .Vrf your Job Work of all kind to the Citizen Office, if you. want tl dime neatly. elteaply ana wtU ,tptUch. : -, Arrival and Departure of Passenger Trains. $ Halisbcrt Arrives 5:0H p. m.- leaves torfM or listoAvn at A:18 p,m TKNNK8SBS Arrives at 1.25 p. m., and leaves X 1:35 p )n. A rives at 9:41 p m., and leaves for Spartanburg it 9:19 p. in. Hpa KTAtiBiTRG Arrives at A a. .; leaves lor Moiristi'wii at 8:10 a. m. Freight accomniodatioc leaves Asheville at 8:1U a. m., and arrives at 9:00 p. m. Waynesvills Leaves Asheville at 8:00 a m., and arrives at 4:50 o. m New Advertisements. Reward James M. Ray. $200 Kbward By the Governor. Needlks, OiLa, Ac at 9 N.. Public Squart;. " ' Mr. J. B. Hensley. of Maivhitll, is in the city. Mr. Richmond Pwareon has ro turr.fd from Swain. Mr. R. B. Blake, of Fieicher'e, was in the citv ypsterday. Col. John K. II:yt and daughter. of Engiidine, are at tlm Swaiiiumoa. Twenty-fonr prisoners ureat prm- nt cmtinpd in liuncombt? county jail. Thii Aahoville Lia;lit Infantry had th-ir resjuliir squad drill last night. Dr. Geo. W. Purtfoy, who has been absent from the city for some time, is aain at home. Fruits of all kinds ar now plen- tiful in the Aslievilie market, and prict-H for the same me vt-rv re:t.-ion- alle. Ileal estate Sides and transfers were itoiiin dull Vfster.fav, onl- or.f or two iransucti i)H beii;r n-ported in the citv. Mr. Walter g. Cash ra -to. of this city Iihh been cominissi'iiiKd iy the Governor of North Carolina as a Notary Public. Dr. G. H. Berrv and family of TohuKon City, are'visitiny; Major' J, C. Brown, in this eitvt wlio is' the" father of Mrs. Berry. Mt ssra. J. S. Maddux, Cincinnati; G. A. Marsh, Monroe; J. D. Elliott, Hickory, and M V. Moore, Bsilti niore, were at tbe Grand Central last night. Several darkies have h-fi Bun combe durini; thp past week for Cal ifornia. The exodus to the golden state is increasing a!l over North Carolina. A special meeting of Pisgah Lodge No 32, K. P.. i)f this city, will he held at their hell to-night. Wor in (he second degree will be performed. Mrs. G. F. MHrkiilie of Oakland, Duval county, Fin., writes the Citi zen for a list of boarding houses in AKhevill4. All interested will pleasp correspond with Mrs. M. B. U. Reed, Richmond; B H. Rutton, jr., Charleston; G. S. John son and sou, Charlotte; Jno. Daniel, Wilmington, N. C.; O. M. Rutton, jr., Henderson; Thomas Kinkead. Boston, were the late arrivals at the Swannanoa last night. Three parties convicted of an af fray on South Main street, yesterday aftern ou, were fined $5.25 each by Mayor Harkins. One of the coni batatits had his forehead badly cut up by a glass which was thrown at him during the melee. Pennim'an & Jo., are. Belling any quantity of agricultural implements this season. Their sales of rakes. harrows,,hay pre? see tc., were quite large yeaterday J They have aii iin mens stock of such goods on hand, and the establishment is one of the oMesl in Western North Carolina. Mr. J. Wiley Shook, of Clyde, dropped in upon us last night. He is on his way o the Chicago conven tion, to which he is a district dele gate. - . - , Mr. I. N.Cooper, of lransylvania Mr. G. W. Crawford, of McDowell, Mr. G. H. Kmathere, of Haywood, also' delegates or alternates tu the same convention, were also here lastnight Tn some States one day in the year is set apart by the Governor which ia , designated arbor-day. This is for Jlhe purpose of plant ing out trees, both for IiealthT com-; fort and utility. Suppose our Mayor were to appoint a day for general lot cleaning, and every citizen ob serve tho day by haying his or her lot carefully scraped, cleared and limed. What -a change one day's w ork of this ' sort would : make in Asheville; and liow 'easily accom plished. Htla ana Boar4tnar-haa Supplied at wholesale rates, with all kinds of Crockery, Glassware, Table Cutlery and Silverware. -. Prices given in large cities are duplicated ; here, saving you freight and risk of breakage. We carry one of the most complete stocks in the South and can fill orders promptly. . -T i- ' ' . c - ri " " -rinrf.se. mak .inartmant taVnti ..ith. We consideration ftfjall' It? one latest novelties. Call at Law's, 57 & 69 1 b. JaiP lb . ' Deputy Marshal. Williams, of Greenville, returned home yester day. ' . j CoL J. D. Cameron, of the Citi zen, retur,md! from Bwain ccdriei terday. : I -v VI 1 J I ) t Siieriff T. C. Israel, :ol Heuder- soaviile, N. C., spent yesteaday in the city. :'s) , I . or riOT r :j MibS Jessie Rogers, of Waynes- Ville, is visiting friends and relatives in Asheville." - ' - V' Judson Collego- (mrheucemenl wiil take place at-Hundersonviiie next Wednesday. Tobacco) iBi&iici aLTrSthiqe warehouses yesterday. Prices ad vanced a little and the market 'wag C J il . 'T . firm and active. Let everycitizen ee tbsit bis -own preuiires areirefully scraped and cleaned, find lime oaUered.r Jiber ally. Now is tho time, to attend to ihi-5. .Attention - of contractors -and builders is called to the advertise ment of Rv. J. B. White, of the Catholic church, in this issue, of the Citizen. " ' 1 ' - i IT every lot in Asheville coul i he carefully scraped and cleaned, n,rid limed during next week, how de lightfully ple.isaiit A8hevillo would be lor the summer. ' " A immp iii M.iy-r ll-irkin court was given one hour in wliich "to leave the city yesterd.iy morning. He accepted ihe advice and "'hittlie grit" for Bowman's Bluff. ; The street cleaning lri-:ade were at work on the strt-cts of the city again yesterday. The 'force should be enlarged,- however, and evry street ami sidewalk iii the . city thoroughly cleaned and repaired. : The new Chedester building was refurnithed yesterday. The furniture u.-ed ic ot Kupt-rior quality, and the ca curtiin?, ftc. are very tine. . ew building will be used tor sleeping aparttnonts only. i Noon arrivals at the Swannahoa yesterd -.y were W. W Battle, Chat tanooga; 1j. M. Keizer. Kaltimore; isij P. Howeil. Woodbury, N. J., Miss Louise Veech, New H iv.-.n. Conn.; W. H Overmain. E. T. V7. ife G. li. R. Col. Harry P. King aal fnuily. of Augusta, nave come to their sum mer homo, and occupy 'the Edwards Mansion on Chestnut sireet. The manv iritinris of tna genial Uoionel wind his family are pleased to wel come thetn-bkett." ' Citizens in scraping and cleaning their yards and lots having trash and other offensive matter; thev cannot - well dispose of, should no tify tht authorities, who will have the safne hauled a'wayv Let qs thoroughly clean the city. Beeides engaging in the laudable enterprise of raising $1,0 10,000, for a; mammoth hotel, the public spirited people of Charleston, S. G, are alio raising a fund to erect an elegant hotel at Suuimeryilie, a short distance from the city.--. Wo wish our friends do-vn there all suc cess io their efforts. i Eight Sisters of Mercy, in charge of; Sister Mary Baptist, -will arrive iii Ashevilie on Wednesday "next; to take charge of their convent and wqhooi ou F;-encn Broad Avenue. The other Sisters at Hickory will not fid low until the first :of Aajjust, Asheville will a' so be the home ot Bishop HaicL.of North Carohna ? j . - . '.,.!! j Bishop Lyman is to sail on the 2Qth from New York on the White Star steamer Germanic ior Liver pool, wheuce he will go to London to attend the. Lambeth Conference, which is to convene in the taller city July 3 After the conference he wilt make his regular bi-snnial visitation to the European missions of the Episcopal church in America, of which missions he has pastoral charge. The Augusta News observes with some tinge of well pointed irony .'. i "Charleston, S. C, has weakened in the eulorcement of her Sunday blue laws, and now ice cream, soda, cigars, bratd, inilk--aHdueh thing: can be sold on the Sabbath.; 'Here tofore nothing 1ut whiskey could be dispensed that tibly; day. Thent is yet hope for the good peo" pie down by the sea.'); " :,:',',; - j And we have noticed that calarn itiep visit people who.-fail rto keep; hoiythe Sabbath; dav.j ft TAH The Manufacturers' .Record of Bal- :'-' i tinoiore.1 v U i : : Jil i .U . We had the pleasure ot a call yes- teraay. from Mr. H. L. Harwood, c jrreepondent and agent ot the aiove excellent journalj who visits Asheville1 iav its interest: ,Th.T R&oiil is! not only a faithful', but an able and influential agency in behalf of southern' -industrial 1 dew ipiuent. Its every issue is devoted exclus ively and very intelligently to the great attractions and opportunities' ' of the South, and has, no doubt, been largely influential in the im provement ot" jhq, pastj fivta .years. It deserves well of the . South. It gives more in return for "such pat. rnageas it may receive that it will ever directly get back. Mr Har wood will call on our ptopleTvhile h'ere to invite their aidin preaont, iftg specially :the attractions -of oar mountain city. - We commend hioi. nnA t, A 7 i 4.U . 4:....-. f the 'opportunities wmcfi 'eliuld be embraced. l . " . V.'Mri)', 'C.'":"':"' LARGE: A83EMlBIiY -!0'EMO-CRATS IN XCNCIIa. A Big Clnb Organized at the CJourt i tTffeiX4Mtutfiht Ready I for the Fight. !Tbe adjourned . meeting- ,-of; jthe tow vnslypdemocrayas he:d. at j 4urWhpyBi fast iifeht, CliptkCv the, Mj. McLoud was elected temporary chairman and Fred. E. Rolfe, of the Citizen, vaB'chdsen--tem prfrary -sec retaryA Thoommkteiiimember- s hiprepprted the" exteuij -andlreuTt of; their labors '; and the' committee on constitution and by-iawB handed. ini their dfJift'bf "the laWrf which snail ovrn tlm innWin'nt if th ahtW. " : -r,- ------ The latter report was amended ' and received. The co.nmittees were then discharged. : . .-'- , :j ' On motion, all democrats present who intended to support the nomi nees of the democratic partv, were invited to join the club."' Quite a number availed themselves ot this invitation and handed in- their names to the secretary for enroll ment. Interesting " remarks Were' made by!Mr. John S. Rice, Mr. W. W- Vandiver, Mr. M. L. Burnett, and Dr. T. J. Hargan, and others. These talks were full of encourage ment and sound advice to e.vry mom her of tbe club. 'On motion of H'-i. G. A Shuford, the club then proceeded with the election of offices, with the follow ing result: President H B. Oarte-' : First V. P. -Thus. A. Jones, Se ond V. P. J. B. Lindaey. Secretary Fred E. ltolfe. ; jCor. Secretary E. D. Carter, j Treasurer Jaa. P. Sawyer. (All iheseofficers were elected by itc cLuuation save the President, whose election, was. upon motion, made unanimous. An executive commit tee of ten are to be appointed bv the officers of the club at their next meeting. A committee on uniform, was appointed,, consisting of E. D. Carter, N. A. Reynolds, J. S Adams, W B. Clayton. R L. Graham. This committee is to report at next meet ing. A resolution of thanks was unanimousiv tendered Capt. Mc- Liud ior the" fair abd" 'impartial manner in which he presided over the meeting. The regular meetings of the club will be held everv Friday night at 8.20 o'ciock. A cooii in u tee consisting of Messrs Vandi ver. Jones and E. D. Carter W8S ap pointed to notify Mr. H. B. .Carter cf -bi.elecli;n-aa . president wtf Ihe club. Th-i ofneers of the club are elected for the space of two years. ;Dr. Hargan s speech w.-s an en thusiastic outburst of honest con viction. Tom Jones made a lively ta:k regarding the duties of da,. x crats in the coming election. Uncle Jt?hn Rice covered himself with glory, and won tumultuous applause at the conclusion of his remarks. A more enthusiastic and harmonious assem bly has seldom been gathered in the court house of Buncombe, than that of last night. A Lig turn out, a, big club, a grind meeting, and every body went home well satisfied with the work done by the Asheville Democracy last night. A full list of the members of the club will be piblirthed in to-morrow's isoue. j The. Teacher's Assembly -r j Met under'most favorable auspi ces on rhprsday. Over 800 teachers were present at the opening, and oyer 1600 will be there during the session. Five States have represent tatiye teachers, in attendance, who are admitted as honorary members. Everything promises a most success ful session. Ox-citing Race. I Yesterday, afternoon an ox be iottgiiig to Mclntyre Bros., the butchers, eBcapeof from Jfhei cattle pen, and -'prteeerded to take'in' the town. After running through a barb-wire fence on the Battery Park grounds once or twice the . animal w'as driven to the slaughter-pen west of the i.tbity," an t killed. A pair of bloodhounds, thirty or forty small boys, .and negroes, a, liberal srriokiiuof yoong men and aii iu--furiMA'bteeVaflordAid'all tQeiBzciie ment that Asheville bad yesterday. Th,8waitimnOtu The AsheniHe cbrrespondent ot e Charlesto'a ; Newt and. Courier writes: 1 at:';! ';Many ttrfl.tha.cJjgeuUAtubaye -i taken place in this city among . the lihjlls sinc 4ast' Season 'especially with a view of pleasantly entertain ingtWtWmeTi,hroTig,thit,fs jtisV oeginning to appear; Conspicuous amoDg ibeietfn.aigwBJori Maiaistfoet ia Swannanoa hotel, beaming with its toticfe.edbtigh ited; brick fforit,, relieveti- here: end, there with' fresh ; ly 1 painted ' balconies;,-' attractive swipjgdr-bMuds.1" pTesetin'the contrast of colors, u The wide - hails, nbf.W;e'w'piB8,bAe;lwaya bt-ea thing through . thorn .' cooling breezes, w h iier from the h und reds oi yards; , ,6f ; ' eleyated ' 'balconies;'; the Btimmer guests begin to admire the suDerb teotintain1 views there to be fseerii .The Whole place Jmpresses the beholder with the idea that - for snbstantial; cbmfort, coql repose and al atisfactory:: sojourn,"' in .i; the .city there Can be nothing to excel it." The bast Baive Id the woridfor cots, bruit sArfisV ulcert, theanr, "fever aores. - tetter, chapped hands, ehilhl&ina, corns, and all akin eruptions, and positively euro, piles, or no pay e aired. It is traar&meed Co give perfo attsfaetiou, or money reloaded. Prin'.ift o er box.. For sals oy d. il. Iivons, . da 11 i ' ' ' - . , -v- Liberal Premiums. ' -fTha Exposition to be held t An gusta, Ga., next fall primises to be a grand affair. - It is open to the en tire South. Among the large num ber of premiums offered are two of l,yuo and JSJO5 for the best and second best county exhibits made by any county in the Carolinaa or Georgia. Western .North Carolina Tjoht easily o get one or both of these premiums. Our section mustJ .9 ejljKprejKmted,' uon. ,, ..' Rev. Dr. W. W. Bays. la Teference to the above gentle man the editor of ' the Statesville Christian Advocate says : ' , v;(Rev. Dr. W, W. Bays; who' was totmve delivered the annual address at tl r "Trinity College. On last night, 8P8?kVnnday in SaliaK-r? and held irv:i : 1 me virauui:-wcvuv etliodiat people of that old town were charmed with his sermon and - want to hear Elm again. We were glad to meet the doctor and regret we failed to hear him preach." Of Dr. . Bays address at Trinity College the correspondent of the Charlotte Chronicle writes : "This ended this programme, and President Crowell introduced Rev. Dr. Bays, of Asheville, who delivered a le ture on education to the alumni, which was cheered throughout, and universally pronounced a great litera rv treat He spoke of greater svm pathy j being needed for education, the adrantages to be derived from it by ouij country, its benefits upon the home, the church and humanity. The address was deep, convincing, and intermingled with much good wit and humor no Trinity audience was ever better pleased with an address." . Crops in Swain. Observations of the cropg along the line of railroad, and informa tion obtained from the farmers enable us to speak with some show'of accuracy regarding1 the present status of the crops. Wheat is ripening, in some fields ready for the cradle, and it is not good. It was hurt by the winter, and is thin on the ground ; and the continued rains in May in flicted still greater injury. Oats and rye look better and give bet ter promise. Corn is small, and the stand is not good, owing to the ravages of the cut-worm. Fruit, by which we mean apples, is a general failure. Some or chards are bare of fruit, others in different localities have not been much hurt, which we learn is the case along the Nantahala, where dense f o'g- interposed as a- blan ket against the cold, which was ruinous in more exposed places. Tobacco has been set out, and all the fanners agree that it is now in unusually fine condition. The acreage is about the same as last year, and the farmers are careful not to excel the limit which would imperil their bread and meat crops. . Business is Business. "Five cents fare for that child, madam," said a street car conductor as he opened the door and put his head in the car. "Very well," she replyed, feeling in her pocket, "this is an orphan ckild and I am its guardian. I must have a receipt for all moneys paid out and as soon as you write oni I'll drop a nickle in the box." He shot the door and leaned over. : the break in deep thought. i Ehnporia Democrat. A News and Courier telegram of the 14th Bays: "A fire at Un on, this State, yesterday, destroyed the buildings occupied by Farr and Thompson, "groceries; J. W. Swink & Co., druggists; the building owoed by Robert W. Harris; Win. Gist's ice cream saloon and the postoffice building, owned by J. C. Hunter; Green Bros., groceries, building owued by B. F. Foster; John K. Young, confectionery, P. M. Cohen, building owned by. the estate of John Sarter. . Damages roughly es timated at 820 000.. The insurance cannot be procured. The fire origin ated in Swink & Co's drug store. Much excitement prevails ia Leicester township over, quite a number of mad. dogs that are running at large and doing great . damage to stock. Many hogs, sheep' and cattle have been bitten and it has become unsafe for citizen to go out unprotected.. We would " advise our friends who own dogs to either kill or enclose them and use every precaution of the rspread of hydrophobia in the community ,- The - Jives of children are as much endangered by these ferocious canines as the loss of stock j The Nhae Water Filters. : A large invoice just received, We will try to: supply the demand more promptly from now at Law's, 57 & 59 S. Main st. ;d3t ,-'.'-' : 1 - ? - - j Curmicliael's tholce Cologne, ' Fragrant and lasting, put up in quarts, pints and hall-piu td, manufactured oniy by ' : ; ' ' , W. C. Cakmichael, -idtf ' :'. "' ' 20S. Main street. ' , j Wavnesvllle Courier. ,; i Oflk-ial paper of Haywood . county, N. U. A live Democratic Home Journal. Devoted to the material interests Of Wes tern North Carolina. . Best advertising medium west of Asheville. - .1 Frank M. Vancil, Editor, r : dtf . :. . Wavnesville, N. C. ' 1 ii, ' Autiee to AuvertiMera. ' j .. Parties frequently have advertise ments inserted "till forbid,'' and allow them to remain, longer than they . sus pect, and then object to paying for such insertions. Oux space coat a us money, and we must and will charge for its use. Air parties may expect to pay full tran- stent rates for all "till forbid" advertise ments. We hope there will be no fur ther misunderstandings upon this point. It is much more satisfactory all . round,, to fix length of time aud agree to rate 01 charges ia the beginnings ' - Needle?, oils and parts for any machine othce at Sew Home Machine Co , 9 N. Public square. 1 - - . t , - dl w '.-;. . ': Congrens. .-..-.! '. In the Senate on Thursday thi joint resolution granting leave of absence (without deduction ot pay or of annual leave) to all persons now in the employment of the gov ernment, and who were present at the battle of Gettysburg, whether on the Union or Confederate aid?, to attend the reunion .. there on the third of July - next, 'was - adopted after being amended by striking out the words as to Union. and. Cjo ted erate sides, and letting it 6imply apply to all persons now in the gov eminent service who took part inthe battle. It covers the ex -Confederates nov in the govern ment service with out indicating them in plain tor ras, which Mr. Blair characterized; as a case of '"sticking in the hark." Mr, Hoar retorted t this remark by saying tiat , it was "barking-at the wrong stick.". ; ine coicurrent .reso ution : rf- pbrledT'yetiterday from tho commu tee on'ftireiga relations, as to inter national arbitration, was taken up and passed. It requires the Presi dent to invite irom inns to nine, as fit occasions may arii,e, negotiations with anv governiiient with which the Unitetf States ha, or may have diplomatic relations, to the end that any differences or dr-putes arising between tu two governments .vhich cannot be adjusted by ihe diplo matic agency may be ref'erre i io thf arbitration and be peaieabiv ad justed !y such means. In the H-Uric the .tariff tall was taken up. When the paragraph: re. sting to glue and gelatine wt-re reached Mr. Weber, of Now York, moved to strike them uut, thus forestalling the committee umeuduueut to the same purpose. The general debate which I'oilo ved the ?noli'ij, became largely on interchange of personal ities and political sharp shooting. Mr. Riynor, of M vryland, criticised Mr Reed's remark :uul m ule Several (lavs ago ti s iht- effect that it Was not worth while to ke-p ou lying on this subject fjiarifl) and protfsti-d against the indirect assertion-? :hat the members were liars. The gen tleman frotn Maine did not seem to realize i hat a man could try to be funny without hing insolent, and and that he could even succeed ia being a clown without being vu's'ar and' oft'unsi ve. The gontliinian Mr. Re'-d) might, b right wii- n he said thai the:e were no monop--lis in this country, but he (R-yno ) seri ously qiiHtiti iiei tbi iiit'grily oi his motives and proposed to prove that the reitubliuan ieiders went in league with the,-e gai .centralizing weaitn-getting combinations. Mr. Raynor tiien read a newspaper ar ticle embracing a circular from Mr. Foster, president of the Republican league, calling for aid to repii the attacks on the protective system, and the reply of a United iStates Senator declining to contribute, aud warning tiie manufacturer that when the Mills bill reached Senate action would be taken which would op n their eyes t the fact th.i: the re publican p:rty was 110 longer their humble strva;it and would no lon ger contribute to a tariff campaign while the manuf icturer.i gathered the profits. Mr. Raynor added that' the fac's set out which had not been challenged showed a criminal com bination betwetui the Repub ioa leaders' and the manufacturers. That wa- a serious question and it rt-quirtd more tbau the prancing oi a buli'oon to divert, the public alien lion from ii The man who. a rose on this floor to declare mat there were no monopolies in this Country, wiii ie be was bimseif a howling dervi-ih of the monopolies, was only fit to play the pari of a harlequin in the political mensgi-rie, aud ho fig ured in a very poor light bet'ori the nation as a del phi coracle of the republican party. Democracy would force the republicans to pain 1 upon their banner "there is no mo nopoly in this land," and would tight them in everv town and ham let until that banner drooped in tbe dust. The republican' greeted this speech with a burst of derieiye ap plause. !:.--!'": ! ; ; Mr. WeberV motion to strike'glue and gelatine from the free list pre vailed without division.' '" j A Choice Mock of California canned goiids, Kilter Preserved fruits, Momaja citfee, Salad dresoing, . Keystone Pickles. Grated Coeoanut, apple syrup, Ca'j-iips, fresh candies, tVilnon's Crackers, ilats, ViiHits and Shoes cheaper than anybody elte oilers them in town, at i ' i - bMim & Bairu's. Oram Salt ; At Whitlock't? Dry Goods fimporinrn. Fruit Loom .Muslin will be 9 eta a yard thin week. Colored Lawns 3 cts. Colored Sateens cts. : : . Warner's Co.olin Coraete 8i cts. Warner's Health Corset 99 cts. Splendid 6O0. Owwets for 39 cts Infant Lace Caps at.S cts. Oriental Lace Flouuce 45 inches deep at 40 cU., in white and ecru. j Narrow lace to match 5 to 7 cts. ! Black Spanish flounce $1 00, worth $3.50. j Biack.Chantilly Flounce, (all silkj f2.12. -, ., I Cream : Chan tily Flounce' (all silk) $2 50. - . i j Bookfold India and Victoria. La wn at 7i ct, worth I0 cta.;; ' i ' j Full line of nice white lawns' at very low prices.7 ; i :';.; j Checked and Plaid Muslin OJ, and 10 cts. - : -; ' A reduction 6f 20 percent on paiasols A $1.00 parasol for 80 cts., a $2. 00 parasol for $1,60, a $3.00 parasol for $2,40. In millinery there have been marked reductions, - : . Ladies and Misses Chip Modena Hats, splendid for picnics and mountain trips, only 15 cts. ' ' - - '.''-' :; ; I Large Shade Hats, white black and colors,only 25 cts. , . .. , rj , 1 -, j Quantity of remnants, White and col ored lawns and various other goods one half their value. Ask to see the rem nant bargains. . , , , , . ... , r J Everything in stock as advertised and Will be sold at prices. ' ' -' : ' Call early and secure bargains. j .t.i.i.", f 1. .7 -; , Respectfully, . , . : i " ' ' ' "i L. LTPiifsKv; '- Manager of Whitlock's Dry Goolw Em porium, r- . ,- c t-, r -7( . dlW. Take tiie AdhvtHe Citizen FaU. an i Fair UlncnMioaa of tbe Political '""' 7 Issues. ' . In order that all tbe people may keep themselves fully informed 'upon the political issues of the present campaign we will send the Abhs.vili.b Citizen until the 1st of next December as. follows 'Daily, Bintjle subscription. $ 2 00 ' Weekly, j 50 Daily, Clubs of 6, ,- - , $ 8 00 -: " . " 10, . 14 00 Weekly"' '5, : 2 00 ' ; - 10,- :.:: - 4 00 A.11 names to a club must be sent at the same time, and cash must invariably accompany the order. ' , ' J - Let all friends of the Citiikn . work. acd give it a very large circulation. - The campaign before ns is not only a very important one, but will be a very exciting one. .The people should keep thoroughly posted. The Citizen will do ita fall duty in the contest.-" Address, : .'; '.-:): fr';-. Asheville, N. C. t. .--,1 Want Money! aud T want u bad. This may be a blnut, hard, cold. Ttncom promising statement! bu' it 1 fearfully true, and the truth may an well be admitted. To be still more irank want your money, and I warn you 1 am fe-.king stepB to secure it without a moment's delay. To he candid about it I will say that at first I was greatly pnzz'ed to know how I could gain pos session, but a plan has been devised which will lead you to give it up cheerfully and freely becaus 1 you will greatly bene fit yourself by so doing. Xhe "motive and th plan are stated briefly as follows: I '.vwh to convert my present stock into trash within the next 30 days fur two reasons, first, I want to take a large amount of cash 10 market, wheii I go to ltm haaa my new full stock, as I can by t.'iis lu.-ans be sure of getting the lowest market prices. Second, I must dispose of a large amount of goods to make room for thi 1 new stock. This very reasonable but pressing motive has made me deem it wise to pursue a plan which will con vert my present stock into cash and do it at once. Therefore during the next 30 days, every article in my stock of Cloth Hats, Gents' .Furnishing Goods, Trunk;! and Valises, will he sold without ret:ard to profit or marked value, hut at prires certain to force them from my shelves, at a great tacsijweh is true, but at the sa ne time puttiug me in position to more taan make ;ood the 1 ss by increas (! facilities for hand ing fall goods- It in needless to remind thinking people that, this action on my part will put be !'ore the public royal bargains oi utiques tioned merit in a great variety of de.-ira-t;ie uoods. An opportunity like this is s-.-ldoni oflered and never missed, will iiii The Btore with shrewd buyers, who will had th.it any reasonable oiler takes Hie goods. Will we see v ou among the number ? if uot, why not? Yours cordially aud candidly, Mx Marcus, T he shorter and the cutter of the clothing trade for "0 days only the big Zi ration Avenue. ... dtt Gents' Goods at half price, at 9 N, Public Square. dlw An elegant liiif of lint; toilet requisite, embracing Permmery, Jiair, tooth, Natl and i'le.-,h Brushes, face powder, aud iiowd:.r pith's, jitst received, at Carmichakl's Drug Store. Thil ets bought, sold and exchanged, at 9 N Public Square. dlw To make room for our large Spring st"ek we will sell goods exceedingly cheap for the next ten days. dti W. A." Blair & Co. Miss Flora Whitlock respectfully an nounces that she is now prepared to give lesions in iN.-TuiiiiKNTAL and Vocal Music. Thorough instruction given. For tenns aoplv to Ho. 29 Woodtiu street. Vsheville, N. C. - - - may 2dtt NEW ADVERTISEMENTS EWAROl LOST! m a dny from Letral 8nli litur to Buncombe Warcih'.mse and returning by "Ranuer," a heavy Lap Uoc, ray with stripes red predominating. Flnicr will lie suitably rewarded by returning to ui.daLSiirued. JAMES M. KAY. jirae 16 d2t A PROCLAMATION Y T tWVKBJiOB. $200 it E WARD. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Executive Depabtheot, Whkrbas, official information has been receiv ed at this department tliat Tom Chickalcla, late ol tbe county of Oruhaui, standi charged witb toe mu uer 01 Jim reotai ; ahu WHKitEAH. it aDoeiira that tbe said Tom Chicka'ela baa fled tbe State, or so coiaccala him self that tbe ordinary process of law cannot be served upon him ; Now, THERKFORB I, Alfred M. Scales, Governor ot the state of North Carolina, by viitue of auth ority iu me vested by law, do issue this my proclamation, oner: ng a reward or Two Hundred Uoliars for tiie apprehension and delivery of tbe Baid Tom Chicltalela to the Sbefitt' of Graham coujty. at the Court Hoase in Koboinsville. and 1 00 enjoin an omoers or ine siaie ana an gooo citizens to assist In bruiKintf said criminal, to jdstice. .none at onr city at naieign, me cnineenm aav of June, iu the year of. our Lord one thousand eight biiudrei and eieh'.y-eighi, and in the one nuiiureu ana iweuth year 01 Ainencaa Indeocadeuce. A. M. SOALtS. ; 'By tbeGoverubr: ' I JU. 11. A KM FIELD. Private Secretary. I ; r t. : -. .:, bxaCBirrtoN J .1 .-, Tom (ibickalela in a Cherokee Indtn. about 22 rears old. scout 6 feet 10 Inches hiub aud weiitbs about 1 6 pounds, is heavy set, full and smoo'.h c . .. i . . .... r .... i . . . i . . . - rt 1 1. .. i. . . i , K auu is laic wr mi. xuumu, iukh uivtcn Knieliali. Suonosed to hav. left the country with bis father and to be making his way to the Indian Territory. - - - . i - . rjlOg KENT.! f Three houses to rent. Apply at No. ss Bailey street. ' uue!&d2w Patton Avenue Hotel. ; Having thoroughly cleaned and newly fumishr cd the above hotel, situateU half-way between the depot and emrt square, we now solicit bnardei s and transient guests. Good fare, terms reujnnble. : " MR. AND MRSi A. U; STOCKTONJ ; .juaa 15 dims - r. . ., t r , rr Cissar's Head - Hotel;" ' Located upon the summit of. '' ," ; tt'iessir's Head Slouutalu, ' an outlying spur of the Blue &i jge, . 4600 teet above tide water. , , , , . : ,, ... r., Average, temperature daring . the hot wouttie irom 60. iu 7V. ' : '- v . . : Climate 1 incomtarable, "an elixir of life." Scenery varied, grand and beauti ful. Mineral waters abundant. I Is now open for Ihe season. oflSSS. Bvery comfort provided that it is possible to obtain in this moon tain country. -. t j Guests coruiaily welcomed. - JJauy niaifs. Livery stable &c. i - ' 24 miles from Hendersonyflle, N. C : "., .. ,F, A. MILES. M. D.;' , i jnne l5dtf ,, . Proprietor', 84XKD PROPOSALS i'IH be received by th8 nnderaleriwl nmll M o' clock noon. Saturday Md Inst .- for the erection of a Rectory for the paeior of the Catholic church in the city of ABhe'UlR. Fnli plans and specific Uons to be had ou application to iJunelOtd i. 11. WHITE, Rector. " G OOD BOArD. TahlA t nr Auv rmn !hA tnwMiTWtfY at 4hA new I Raw Is honsa ou College stieet, one minute's walk from Court Square, 'terms reasonable, ijunewdu: .... .-....,.J.L. Wiua. ... Weather-Signals Indicate changes that occur in the weather. So'by' watctiing '.fifa columnr closely yon wilt be notified of changes thatoccninthc;nrices of j i j j. ! Staple and Fancy e'R-befiRiEs.' - ;Our stock is larger, fresher and cheaper' than ever before..- Some goods have ad-1 vanced while pthers havj declined. yTraueis very Jlod iudsaud all in dications point a" very la.e trade for Asheville this season. j Wo will have more visitors here thia summer than ever before, and we are prepared to feed them in firstclass style. The high quality and low prices of our goods have become known throughout Western N. C, and almost everv mail brings tis orders for goods in our line.; We have voluntary testimonials from close buyers saying that on comparing our prices with Kuoxvilleand Richmond they have found our prices lower, when ; QUALITY' of goods and freights were taken into consideration. j- We are giving special attention- to the RETAIL TRADE of Asheville and have a large s'ock of ioodB selected especially for this trade. I Since writing our last there has been . an advance in the- price of coflee, haras, lard and flour. We are still selling at old prices, except Ariosa Coffee, which we have advanced to 23 cts. We buy this coffee direct and can guarantee it to be fresh roasted. We are still selling SOOD RIO 5 Lbs. 12 pounds granulated sugar for $1, Mag nolia hams 13c'to 14c. These hams are taken from the smoke house and ship lied to us every week, and y m can de pend on getting nice, SWEET HAMS. We do not sell shoulders and call them hams. What is known as a California or picnic ham is nothing in the world but a shoulder cut and put up like a tiatu. They are dear at fc i We would like for anyone who doubts that , . , is the beet flour ever seen in this market to call and get a sample and try it. We are still selling it at $3 00 Favorite at - ; , 2 76 Waterloo at . 2 25 i Buyers are taking advantage of our rock bottom prices on Canned Goods, and we can't guarantee our present stock , and prices to hold out much longer. 3f We have a few cases : Hart's 3 lbs. peaches at 25cts per tan. , " 2 " . 20 3 tba Tomatoes at $1 35 per dozen. . ; Corn at $1 35 per dozen." ' " ' ' " ' "' 1 lb. Chipped Beef at 24cts per can : ' ' 1 lb. Corned M 15 " 2 " " ,, 24 : . " ! ' j Suing Beans lOcts per can.;, ., Lima . 20 "... ; Marrow Fat Peas 15cts per can. : Fine Mixed Table Nuts 20cts per lb. ; ' ; Blueing 30cts par dozen. '' ' : ' '' Blacking 25cts ? I ..-J , Potash 5cts per ball..; ;. -,i i-i ii ; :i Lye Sets per, box.., -:;,.t .- , i Caudles lOcts per It). , ., , lt. : Gallon Bottle Pickles 40 cents. ; Quarter "' 20 "' ''' . I Acme Sauce lO centa. ' '' '; ; "' --i j Fine Prl Grits 3J cents per lb; ' ! Fresh Oatmeal 5ct --, n" .: .; ; ..- i 12 lb Giauuiated Sugar $1 00. i 14 ; C. - . 100. . ' 17 Yellow :i ' '' ion.5 - JO We still have a few; of those cLeap' proouisat 15 to 20 cente. ' a i ,We have on hand the finest selection i j i- ..'A i. '.. A ;:.. -::1 I TEAS AND COFFEES - l '-' " - ! - i -i i Ever offered to the people of Western 1 North Carolina. '--' i-' "-' -t-v-:., . X)ur teas are selected . with special re- gard to their .driving -qualities and you . cauuot go amiss to try our fine Gunppw-. j der, English Breakfast and Formosa Oolong. : .; ? - "', 4' 1" ' "'! "tir "t..Y-' : tr.'- ! ' - ' 1 If e are buying the e .BI'ST: GOODS -Z-i .. : To be had and guarantee YVe7'!!''' if be the best. u ' 1 ' - -'. 'i j These prices are for the retail trade.-1 s :We will. make Rpec'al prices to'- pArtie: wanting to buy in large quantities, '.-.f:: ; , ' r'ff ji;- R3VELL GSSrMyuiJ.: r i )

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