" -A 4 . DAilil EDITION. D. Wi FURMAN, PROPRIETOR Citizen JOB Office, 13 PATTON AVE. Our facilities are second to none LEGAL BLANKS. LETTER HEADS, BILL HEADS, &c Irutau. stone & Cameron, Editors and Proprietors. sineMe ,'Oiti .SUBSCRIPTION : DAILY, One Year, . .. . $6 00 " ' ix Months, . . . 3.00 WEEKLY, One Year. . , ' J.50 " Six Months. . .75 Advertising Rates Low. CI VOL IV.-NO 50. ASHEVILLE, N. C, -WEDSDAY MORNING, JUNE 20 1888 PRICE 5 CENTS fie 1 1 - i ' ROYAL rows"! j) 3 Absolutely Pure. 1'hU powder never vanes. A marvel of parity trength and wuolesomeness. Moie economical iiart the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in join petition with tbe multitude ot low test, short e'jht alum or phosphate nowUcra. SmJufi nut. Royal Bakinq Powoxn Co. 108 Wall 8t.,' . c w lull. .luJlJhacVWLjBMk Urs. HARGM & GATCHELL 't-HCUlm JBaflt Block, 2 81. ASHEVILLE, N. C Compnund Ozvgen Inhaled, in connection wlta medicated Balaam Vapor, cures t'onsump tlon. Asthma, Bronchitis, Vol Catarrh, bore Throat, Loss of Voice, Diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, Bladder, and all diseases depending on mpnre or impoverished blond. It cires KUeumatism when everytlii:ig els; falla, Ashxvills, N. C, January 1SSS. '. In Juslico to all similarly afflicted with our. ieives as well as to lire. Hargan & Gate hell, I voluntarily make the following statement: My wife bos suffered for several years with severe lung trouble, continuing to grow worse until last November when she was unable to sit up, but a part of each day. No appetite, night sweats, severe cough and loss of flesh. The best physicians of Poultney, Ver mont, advised an immediate departc re Booth. We reached Aahevilla November 17th, and com menced taking treatment of Drs. Hargan and Gatchell, tubal ing Compound Oxygen and Bal sam vapor, jay wiie nas improved rapidly rrom the first. Her appetite is good, leepa ,wellr conRhs Vrat little, raltes less, night sweats ceaeed, no pain anywhere, takes long walks and climbs the mountains with little fatigue and has gained 8 lbs. in weight. We feel certain another month's treatment will affect a permanent cure. As for myself I am delighted to state that I improved rapllly from the first treatment and am nearly veil. I have suffered for 88 years almost beyo d endurance with the worst lotm ot I'iles. I had abandoned all hope of relief. The Drs. treatment has been gent e and almost painless Hill has effected a cure for me. Yours icspectfully, A. J. Emith. Mr. and Mrs. Smith are living in town and can vsrlfy and add o tilt above. HOME TREATMENT, Wo manufacture the Compound Oxygen, and ship it to all patts of the country, even to the Pacin i Coast. We sen d apparatus and chemicals last two months for f 14. This is as valuable utile office treatment. The wonderful curative results obtained with us'.roatment is astonishing even to us. U t vrith to learn more of this treatment, and our ptectM fn the cure of Chronic Diitetiifcs, write or call for. : ' mated book explaining treatment free. DRS. HA1"? N GATCHTLL, u If aln Street, Ashcville, N.C luvex-dawtf One Price Store. A large and very attractive line ol Men's, Boys' and Children's Suits rang ing from low priced goods to something very fine. . - Measures taken for A. Raymond & Co., New York Tailors, and a fit guaranteed. Samples now ready for inspection. - All-Wool Dre6S Goods of the popular fabrics in great vasiety, also Satines, Per cales, Dress Ginghame, . wns, Prints.&c. Dress Silks in the new Weaves, Eha danies, Satins, Velvets and Plushes. Carpets, Art Squares, Smyrna Bugs, Oil-Cloths, Mattings, Curtain Goods in great variety. Damasks, Towels, Napkins Coverlets, Blankets, &c Ziegler Bros.', Merriam & Tyler's, Morgan lrrjB.' and Btok lev's Shoes for ladies, miss s and children. Banister's and Zieglei's Fine Shoes for jnen. - . gPackard & Grover's celebrated "$2.50" And 2.CU" Shces for men, and a simi lar grade for boys. Derby Hats, filk Hats, Soft Hats, and Steamer Hats. Wool and Gauz Underwear, Hosierv Kid rabnc Oloves, Collars and Cutis, Kuchings, Scarfp, Ties, Ribbons Corsets, Battens, Braids, and Fancy Goods and fimallwares generally. Parasols, Umbrellas, Fans, Chopping Bags, Clnb Satchels, Trunks, &c Mens' Furnishing Goods- I Ken tucky Jeans, Douiesticr, &c E. Redwood Ss Co., Nos. 7 9 Tatton Avenue. mar23dtf " : Fr It cut. For 3, 6 or 12 months one of the neat est and most attractive co'tage homes in Ihe city, 7 rooms, handsomely furnished throughout, stoves m every room, well of pure water under shelter, stable, car riage, coal and wood bouses all complete. in one square of Battery Park, good neighborhood. Apply at the .Citizen ofiice, . Prescriptions filled from a well kept Btock of drugs and chemicals, and deliver ed Ires to any- part of city. Night bell tromrtly answered. . V.C. Cr MICHAEL, Apofhecary, 20 8. Main street, Asheville, N.C - "i - v.. 5 THE 1AIXY CITIZEN Will be tmblisned cept Monday) at the following rates HTtcuy cant : une Year, . '...... . $a 00 eix Months, , . , . . . 3 00 oST- : . : '8 One Week, . . . . . 15 Onr Carriers will deliver the paper ot- xnuriunjc iu every pan 01 trie city to our subscribers, and parties wanting it " in fjicatKj cau at me unim umce. LARGER DAILY AND WEEKLY CIR CULATION IN WESTERN NORTH CARO LINA AND EA8T TENNESSEE THAN ANY OTHER PAPER. CONSTANTLY INCREAS ING your Job Work of ail tindt to the CU'utii . Office, if vou intra it dan neallv. cheaply and vritl ditpatch. - ,. Arrival and Departure of Passenger Trains., HALISBTT&T Arrive S'fltt n m foftmnM ti lit ristown at M8 p. m TENNKSSSa Arrivmitln m . 1:35 p m. A.rives at 9:41, p. m.', and luaves lor Spartanburg at 8:49 p. m. fcPARTAKBURo Arrives at 8 a. leaves (or MOmStOWYI At m iKtlohtlPAnmmMlaliAn leaves Aaheville at &10 a. m., and arrives a 9:00 p. m. VYNEsvUtLE Leaves Aaaevill a.Jv - srr -:-., ' tt ifements. Mii.lineey Miss Nellie LaBarbe. rrc w - No trials in tbe justice's courts were reported yesterday. Mr. W. B. G. Morris, of Hender- 8onvillc, was in the city yesterday. Asheville buys more home-grown bay tiian any other town in North Carol ir u. Only one or two deeds were ad mitted to probate in the Clerk's office yesterday. Mr. J. C. Pritchard. who was in the city yesterday, left last nigbt for Hendersonviue. City tax. collector Reynolds will make bis ettlleiuent with city tu ass ure Rankin in a few days. The fc'ttn bulletin board was the Mecca to which mi'r.y re publican eyts were turnf-d in thi3 city jester day. Regular meeting of the Young Men's Christian Association will be held at the Presbyterian church too night. The sale of bite, which was to have tnken place on Senev Street yj-eterday morning, lins ben post poned. Tobacco brtaks at the Farjiers' and Banner warehouses were again small yesti rday, but prices still re mained unchanged. The civil issue docket was taken up in the superior court yesterday morning and quite a number of cases were disposed of. The 'patent churn-dacher agent expatiated upon the merits ot his milk curdling device to large crowds in front of the court house yester day. Read the inticle describing Bun nell, the 'argest mill in North Can lina, with the largest capital invested in any like enterprise in its bor ders. Whtn our boys, go to the military encjoipment at Wrightsville, they will go all the way through by rail. The road is finished. Large excur sion trains ran over it on Saturday. Mr. A. E. Bryan, of Madison, in forms us that wheat is not so good as it was hoped it would be; oats are good and tobacco only moderately so. The corn of his section is as fine as he ever saw. Tbe cleaning of the city is pro gressing finely, and it should be kept up until every last vestige of fifth and disease-producing matter is removed from its streets, side walks and alleys, and public and private premises. An affray between two colored citizens at the depot yesterday re sulted in a little blood-letting from one of tbe combatant's feet. No se rious damage was inflicted, how ever, and the parties will have a hearing before Mayor Harkin's this morning. Miss Nellie LaBarbe invites at tention, not only to her advertise ment in this isFue, but also to the stock of ladies goods to which it re fers. Jf we were a lady we should "make a break" for that emporium of all that is pretty, tasteful and useful, all of which tempt to visit No. 9, North Main street. ' In 1845 there Was a great . fire in New York, the loss being estimated at $17,000,000. It was the result cf an explosion in one : of the great warehouses in the lower part of the city. The question that vexed the scientific world for a long time was, "will saltpetre explode?' Now a fire is reported in Zanesville, Ohio, said to have been caused by the explosion of flax seed oil. Linseed oil is not classed among the explo sives. Cannot the scientist vindi cate its innocence? " Otherwise every painter who mixes a bucket of paint will be on the qui vive lett he unawares be blown sky high or tumbled by an unlooked for blast from tbe top of his scaffold. . Hoflf aad Botr41atkUM . Supplied at wholesale rates, with all kinds of Crockery, Glassware, . Table Cutlery and f ilverware. Prices given in large cities are duplicated . here, saving you freight and risk of breakage. We carrv one of tbe most complete stocks in tbe South and can fill orders promptly. Our fancy goods department Is full of the latest novelties, Call at Law's, 57 & 50 S. Main sb , A number of new things lately receiv ed, a..d many more expected the selec tions ol a former partner of our Mr. H. Uedwood, now in Nhw York. t . deodSt H. Ksnwoon A Co. ' 1 John. W. Wadsworth, Esq., ot Charlotte, arrived in the city last evening, v Mrs. V. S. Lusk and Miss Mamie Lv.sk left this morning for a trip to Jackson county. Col. J. H. Averill, one of the most prominent and solid citizens of Charleston, S. C, is in the city. Our old friend, Mr .'A- Mv JCrwin of McDowell, is in 'the city li at tendance on the Superior court. Gov. Scales and State" Treasurer D. W. Bain will be present ut the Alt. Airv railroad celebration 1 to day. Gov.-.Scale8 will address the people. : ,. .. ;' . :,;;:; x j: ;.' Mr. T. K. Brown of) B'ack Moun tain township, i in the chy. afir an absence of some months. He is engaged in railroad work in Ten nessee. ' ' ' ' Some of our republican friends vainly endeavored to read .betwa the balletvnr VnicbitTaJfistitutional Tr!?rtiowever, thai nothintr bu iitaine could be seen therein. - The officers of the Young Men's Democratic clnb will meet . at the office of President Carter, at 5 o'clock this afternoon for the pur pose of electing the executive com mittee, and will also consider other matters of importance to the club. The Forty-first Senatorial District. We are informed that the conven tion for this district to nominate a Senator was heU at Hendersonville on Saturday. We have received ho report. . Mr. M. C. Toms was nom inated without opposition, and amid harmonious feeling expressed in animated and eloquent speeches. Mr. J. Wiley Shook will ucques tionably be the republican candi date. Mayor's Court. Five cases were disposed his Honor's ccuri vesterdav of in morn- ing as follows: Two cases of carrying concealed deadly weapons and house rocking at the oid depot ; defendants fined $15 each. Two cases of drunk and di6orderderly; defendants fined 85 each. One sasft curbing and boisterous talking on the streets, defendant fined $2.50. The Weather Is hot for the mountains, but ex cept in the sun, would strike a stranger as pleasant enough. The highest range we have known this season was on yesterday in the shade a 2 p. m., when the mercury stood at 78. The differences, de pendent upon locality are very great. The change at night, every where, is great. Monday morning we noted our thermometer at 5 a. m ; it stood at 62. At the same place on Sunday at 2 p. in. it was at 82. The nights here are always pleasant, end iu the hottest weather at midnight the highest range is 70, and almost always at daybreak at 62 to .64 very rarely higher. This is the charm of the mountain climate, and marks the difference between it and that of the lowlands. Vanished Hopes. "Public Opinion" says : "According to Mr. Mookerjee, a Hindoo authority on pisiculture, the results of fish farming are re markable. Prof. Huxley has stated that an acre of land will produce in a year a ton of grain or two or three hundred-weight of meat. The same area of water, however, will yield a greater weight of fish in a week." Two or three years ago everybody was rushing into carp culture. Ev erybody was making ponds;. and ponds were made any and every where, on running water, or only where rainwater was caught; be tween hills, or on flats where basirs were dug out. Only water was needed, any kind of water, cold or warm, fresh or staguant; for the authorities said carp would live, thrive and multi ply anywhere. Every possessor of a carp pond was to have plenty of fish for his table, plenty to give away, plenty to sell. Some here in Ashe ville were . to supply .the market daily, w ith fresh, fat, fluttering fish; and there were as many calculations of rapid fortunes as made by the country maiden on her way - to market with the basket of eggs, on her head; tossing that head when she had made up her mind what the color the dre?s should be when her eggs were converted into money That toss cost her her eggs, and lost her dress; end one slight rois-cal-' culation cost the pisciculturists their fortunes. They somehow forgot that the fish had to eat; and supplying them nothing-, tbe stronger would prey on the weaker and smaller, and so there was no increase, no crowding of the ponds with big well grown fish, no dipping out at will each morning cart loads of fluttering beauties for the expectant market.- . ' ' . Ask those who tried the experi ment : .... ' . Carmlehaers ttaalee CoIoksmy Fragrant and lasting, put op in quarts, pints and half-pints, manufactured only by , W. C. Cabmichael, dtf 20 S. Main street. WveTllIe Charier. ' ' Official paper of Haywood county, N. C. A. live Democratic Home Journal. Devoted to the material interests of Wes tern North Carolina. Best advertising medium west of Asheville. ; Fbakk M. Vancil, Editor, dtf .. Waynesviile, N.C. Low figures on Fine Straw Hats. deodSt H. Redwood & Co. CHICAGO. lialet News Up to Yestei-day F'". , ' . 4. he Xlepnblican Clans. - urrairman Jones called tna - a- o-t iiiai cuiivciiiiuii to oiuer o'clock lioon yesterday. . " Thurston of Nebmska, wi chosen temporary presider. Este of California, by (he c vote of Chairman Jones in cor tee vas calltiid. to thochair. - I Knoxvijle. was temporary sccrt' D..S Itastings of.. Pennsylu will nximinale, and' , Gov. For. second, Sherman; R. E. Fr;u' Detroit will, present A'er; V,'" Hepburn of Iowa, will presenl v' Sop; A. (r. Torter of Indiar.j tore'aent - Hart-ikon!- ChiirTa- Vn Sqijth of Philadelphia .yvilJ pre.i Mayor Fitlerr Wjtcnisrinie; a.csn 5 it will be some smart rfcu' after mbejr of ballots ' have been wastJd on other candidates. '' Tv. Maine - delegations, arn ; far ine, but will not present him; The Knoxvillo Journal, whose editor was chosen temporary secre tary of tho Chicago convention, gives the situati'ir) yesterday morning in a double-leaded editorial : There is nothing vet coine fr-mi Chicago that does not point to Blaine. Perhaps the best politi jal work of the campaign in ''that of thrr Maine delegation. The;, situation is this; Sherman is strong and Greshani is strong so strong that they might easily become, dangerous. Alger has a devoted personal following of a comparatively low votes. Depcw will have something like a hundred. Allison is weak. Th Maine men see this. It takes but a short time to decide what to do. They declare for ATg-r. Every Simon pure Blaine man in that convention will take his cue from -the Maine dele gation. : The Blaino men can titt the convention in a k ipt whenever they like. They can boom a weak man and starve a strong one. Then the deadlock. After the deadlock Blaine. " "", " That is the w:iy it l oks at litis writing. Of course in converUon limes half an hour mav nuke won drous changes. . But now it looks Blaine. - ... Tbe Accident on the Virginia Mid land Railroad. From tho Charlotte Chronicle of last nisfht, we clip the following ac count of the accident oiv the -Virginia Midland railroad, which has been "briefly noticed in these col umns before . .'The Richmond & Djnville traic due here from Washing at 12:35 p. m. last fcunduy, did not arrive until 9 p. m. The delay was cuustd by the wreck of the Louis villo express. a train composed of VirginiaMid- laud and Chesapeake & Ohio cars, which run over the Virginia Midland line from vvashington th Charlottes ville. The train flew the track when rbun ling a curve near Fairfax court homc-and everything went down the embankment, save the rear sleeper. The engine fairly flew into tae air and was torn all to pieces ; the baggage car w.-.s shivered to at oms; the seoond class Car was crushed out of all shape, the trucks and floor ot the tint class car were broken up and the forward end of thn Bleeping car next to the first class coach was crushed in like an eggshell. The rear sleeper remained on the track and was uninjured. Four people were killed , outright, and twenty-seven passengers were injured, more or less. The man who were killed were the engineer, tire- man, baggageman, and a telegraph operator who was riding on the en gine. I heir names could not be learned, but all, except the opera tor, were Chesapeake & Ohioem p.oyes. . .: :" ' . Mr. K. A. Lee, ot this city, was on the first train that passed "by the wreck, and he says that it was a most terrible sight, and the wonder is that there was not a greater loss of life The train was crowded with people, there being sixty passengers in one coach - alone. The accident occurred SaturJay evening ut 7 o' clock. The cause is not known, but it is believed that an obstiucticn had been placed on the track. Secretary Whitney, with hi3 wife and daughter. Miss; Pauline Whit ney, were on the wrecked train. They.were in the. rear sleeper and were uninjured. After the wreck they went to Milborough, Va." " The Babies Cry for It, And the old folks laugh when they find that the pleasant California liquid fruit remedy. Syrup ol Figs, is more easily taken and more beneficial in its action than, bitter, nauseous medicines. . It strengthens the Liver, Kidneys, Stomach, and Bowels, while it arouses them to a healthy activity. ." For sale by 1a. II. Lyons! W . : ; - - 1 . Hotlee to Advertisers. : Parties ' frequently: have advertise ments inserted "till forbid," . and allow them to remain longer than they sus pect, and then object to paying for such insertions. ' Our space costs us money, and wa must and will charge for its ute. All parties may expect to pay full tran sient rates for all "till forbid'' advertise ments. Wo hope there will be no fur ther misunderstandings upon this point. It is much more satisfactory all round, to fix length of time and agree to rate of charges in the beginning. Call at ths Farmers' Warehouse .on North Main street and see some cheap Sewing Machines. - W. H. Littleton, a practical machinist is there to repair, sell or buy Sewing Machines call on him and get vmir needles, oil and parts. CZZ1 dlw J . v.v.' .;'.,:.' Bush n el J, ; :M the junction of the Tennessee and Tackaseegee rivers, in Swain county, is the largest lumber mill ling) establishment in the State. It 13 known as the Tuckaseegee Lunr-' ber and ', Manufacturing Company working under a regular charter of incorporation, The company in cl u d es eigh t corporators with equal interest. W. H. Young of Kenton, O., is president; J. E.' Heflelfinger,of :pritigfitl.l, O., treasurer; Wra. Ed- I !"ior.stnn,,do, secretary, and M. It 1 of Chattanooga, superin- ' --t. ' - ; - " : h2C0S?4)2.nY Was organize.! in : uarv 1SS3, with an a"u : tt of 00,000,bf which 100,0frtshrou2h the5r foreman, Mr. J.. P. ten paid in ana expended m id in! and exoended in 1 erection I h'ase ot and equipment of mills, Uaf. that they, had completed timbeJ etc. ItwWAVf, horsi :-: Njt a-E-Kbill hot! 2.s aiaTl thn owner I MOO(i t rPp-ZZTtl" for them to with vJ&ftte&m nt .' fi 513 also tne owner i tfreusand acres em- braced in the peninsnla lying be tween the two rivers- . "' The site was fixed upon as com manding the ." two- streams which reach , the tunber supplies lying along the banks far back into Jack son, and Macon counties one a go in position to use the timber lying among the Nantahala mountains, through which the river of that name rushes, but which is available during high water for passing down logs. The location derives its available value from the railroad which passes by the mill door, aud furnishes the transportation indis pensable for operations. Tbe country around in a wilder ness of mountain and forest, and the settlements are few and small. The mountains crowd down closely and precipitately to the water side, leav ing only a narrow run for the pas suge of the railroad; and on the Tennessee, near the junction, a belt from fifty to seventy five yards in widdi; and on this, tbe mill and its adjuncts find a narrow footing. The mill is tl e most complete of its kind we htve ever visited. When Capt Gc Invited us to wulk into the "uiiil room" we thought the name a somewhat ambitious one to apply to a saw mill floor, usually encum bered with strips of refdse, slabs, sawdust heaps, and confusion of planks and logs and s.tws. But when we stepped on the well planed floor, and looked up at the broad, clear, truss roof, and saw the admirably arranged carriage tracks, and the perfect machinery, bright and clean, disposed as if in an ex position building, we yielded very submissively to the .correctness of Capt. Gee's de8criptiye name of the "mill r(oom.VH is one hundred feet lontftind- fifty wide; the "roof is a metal one, upheld by trusses so that the eye encounters no obstruction through the the presence of upright supports. The machinery is run by steam, an engine of 175 horse power giving motion to the saws. A bat tery of three steel boilers each 28 feet long generates the steam. There are two saws, one band, the other circular, the former constituting a nine foot band mill, the saw, im ported French blade, being 58 feet long and 10 inches wide. Besides the saws, there is a gang edger for cutting out defective heart lumber, and a saw for equalizing the length of lumber, and in fact all the appa ratus neede 1 for a perfect mill, such as this is. Between the mill and the river is the basin, dug out with great labor, supplied with water by a canal 24 feet wide and 2.000 leet long, at the head of which U the boom, at which the logs from aoove are caught and floated down to the slip. Extending from the mill along, and parallel with, the railroad track is a platform for assorting lumber, with track for loading. This is to be extended farther up the river. Another canal is to be cut on the Tuckaseegee side to float the logs from that stream into the basin. In addition to tbe supply of tim ber by water, the railroad brings a large quantity; and all the lumber is taken away by rail, though com plaint is made t insufficiency of transportation. During the past season about one million feet were snipped; and at present there are about three quarters of a million feet in the yard, chiefly poplar and ash. The market for this is mostly in the New England States, vith Occasion ally large orders far car; building purposes . from Pennsylvania and Baltimore. An order for the car -wjorks of the North Carolina railroad, at Burlington, amounting to 250 thousand feet, was recently received, and also a large order for the Ashe ville Furniture Works. . At present," owing to the tetting away of the boom by a freshet, the mill is idle, hut the work of repair is goinj on rapidly. , J ; The working force in and around the mill is thirty, and the logout" ting force about the same. ; The mill men are mostly Ohio men, skilled workmen, and work with a system, a. judgment and a vim that is much at variance with the easy, indolent, and usually shiftless southern way, Capt M. A. Gee ia the yery em bodiment of every qualification needed in his position. Physically, he is strong, active and capable of incredible endurance; mentally, he is quick in his judgment, prompt in his decision, inflexible ia his con clusions, pleasant and courteous in manner, but firm and determined in purpose; a man to carry out bis will, and not be trifled with when he has made up his mind. He is also intelligent,; and exceedingly companionable. He is a native of New Hampshire, but long a resi dent ol' New;, York State, and has spent Lis life among mills and ma chinery, End is therefor sn expert. .. .. - t ' ''.. ' " - ' He now calls himself a Tenuessean, having : a residence on Lookout Mountain, near Chattanooga, where his family now live. Onr visit to Bushnell was a grati fying and instructive one. Upon the encouragement given to such enterprises largely depends the de velopment oi western XNortn Caro lina. We cannot say from" all we learned that the pathway of the company, at Bushnell has been strewed vith roses. But they have come to stay; and their surroundings are certainly now more pleasant than they have been. Grand J'nry Discharged. Yesterday morning, at 10 o'clock, the grand jury of the Superior court filed into' the court ; room, and Gaston, miormed ms iionor Judge pass 1 tu a t this term of couit. His Honor thereupon made a few remarks, in. which he ; dwelt upon the fact that it was a remarkable oc curence, to find a county so pppu-i lous as Buncombe Q free from vio lent crime of whatsoever descrip? tion, that its grand inquisitors should find; uothiug .to act upon He therefore discharged the grand jory until text Tuesday morning, at which time they are again to re port to the court and again bs dis charged, providing no breach of the law shall have been committed dur ing the interim. This is a remarkable record for Buncombe aud one that reflects great credit upon our people, regard ing their observance of tne morals and law4f our government. Off on a Pleasure Trip. Messrs. Joe Sluder, Bert John son and Wallace Kollins are off on a pleasure trip to Washington, New York, Niagara Falls, Wat kin's Glenn, N. Y., and other cities North. They will be absent about two weeks. Wedding Bells. To-day at Graham, N. C, Mr. J. W. Winifee, of Baltimore, Md., will lead to Hymen's altar the beautiful and accomplished Miss Emma Williamson, of Graham. Both of the high contracting par ties are well-known in this city, and have many friends here who wish them untold happiness and prosperity through life.' A Question of Pants. Teacher, in the backwoods of Kentucky (to boy) "Why don't your father put pantaloons on you, InBteacTTii alio wing you to come here with nothing on but that long shirt ?" Boy " 'Lows ter get me some britches when the weather gits cold." "But you need them now." "Pap 'lows I don't." "It is a disgrace." "Pap 'lows that he didn't w'ar nuthin' but a shirt till he wuz putty nigh grown." "What does your mother say ?" "She 'lows that ef I had britches I'd 'w'ar the knees out." "Well, if you don'tjeome with, pants on to-morrow, you shall not stay here." "Don't reckon I'll come back no mo' then, fur that's what a teacher said last year, and pap he would n't let me go back. Pap 'lowed that he had been livin' here too long fur new folks ter come along an' interfere with his affairs. 'Lows that ef folks hatter change ther clothes jest ter git er little eddycation that he did'nt want none. Wall, good bye. A CARD. It is our pleasure to announce to all persons seeking to buy homes or make investments in this city or Western North Carolina that we now have the most complete list of property of all kinds that we have ever offered. We have lots laree and small, improved and unimprovedin Asheville. Farms of ev ery kind and description, both in the immediate vicinity of tbe city and the whole surrounding country. Our list of mountain, grazing, mineral and timber lands will supply every demand in this respec', and at prices ranging frora-one to five dol.ars per acre, owing to quality and proximity to the rail road. . t Both citizen and stranger are invited to our office (in the Barnard new - build inz public square, firs: .floor) to canfer with jis (relative .t any.. matter0jo.uiingl real OHtnta van ran tnera see BDeciirjensT of the grain, grass, minerals and timbers of this section, and get "posted" about Asheville and Western North Carolina. We have a number of copies of tbe last number of the Lasd of thi Sky, (which givi s the most complete description of Westers North Carolina ever published), that will be given gratis to. persons look ing for information on this subject. Do ns the pleasure of calling when yon want to tain real estate. Itespectfully. ' .-' ; ' ' N att Atkinson & Sons i - P. S. . Severaf bouses and lots to lent on reasonable terms. , ; '' ", ' ' Fine Pasturage. -'.... ' ' : For cows, one raiie north of Court Square, on Beaverdam road. Apply to - C. S. Coopbr, V , dlw corner Haywood and Flint sta. Fine Shoes. deodSt ; H. Redwood & Co. An elegant line of fine toilet requisites, embracing Perfumery, Hair, Tooth, Nail and Flesh Brushes, face powder and powder pufi, just received, at , - Carmichasl's Drug Store. ; . Tickets bought, sold and .exchanged, at 9 N. Public Square. . . dlw New goods arriving almost daily, doodot 11. Redwood & Co. . Needles, oils and parts for any machine office at New Home Machine Co., 9 N. Public Square. ... . dlw Miss Flora Whitlock respectfully an nounces that she is now prepared to give leisous in Instrumental and Vccal Musxc. Thorough instruction given. For terms apply to No. 29 WQQdfin street, Asheville, N.C, may 2dtf IiATE NEWS BRIEFS Carefully Condensed from Mail and Wire. : . . ; Gen. and Madame Di Dbar were sentenced to imprisonment i for' 'six months.' .,( j , rvHii ,., i-i v.i,i; The dead Emp:r o Germany was laid peacefully toest with ' im posing ceremonies on Monday. . Jay Gould reported himself as very greatly pleased with " the enterprise and prospects of East Tennessee. The town of Dubois, Pa. was com pletely destroyed by fire orMonday, and 4,000 people rendered homeless. " The proclamation of the new Emperor of Germaiij sent cold shivers through France. : It does not loot so peaceful to that country: . ;; ; The juy 'in the Banks' case at Nashville, for the killing of Littleton, f ailedioati?e and were di3cbajgpr TFchuittai ana live for Convictioi anks was removed to jail. .' Seven cke works of McClure and Co., in theS Connellsville region, Pen nsylvania are closed on account of a strike of employes against the dis charge of a woman. About 2,000 men are idle.: - , A large quantity of wreckage, con sistiog of boxes, pine timbers, crates of cucumbers, &c. fec, was seen floaf ing on the Chesapeake Monday. This season is very fine for encumberers to get in their work even on a boat. .1 Congress is Just holding" ltoge'ther;1 and doing but little business ' most of the republicans being in attendance upon the republican convention at Chicago and that institution absorb ing the interest of the .others. . ; Lord Salisbury Monday introduced in the House of Lords a bill to re form the , constitution of that body. The measure proposes that not more than three life peers shall be appoint ed yearly, . these to be drawn from the judges of the superior courts, rear admirals,; major . generals,.' am bassadors and privy counsellors ; the Queen also having power to appoint two others yearly, not so qualified. Lords Roseberry, Argyll and others approved the motion. . ; . Attention A. Ij. I." ' There will be a meeting of the Asheville Light Infantry on Thurs day evening at S:30 o'clock sharp. A full Attendance is ordered. , By order of the commanding officer. . Duff Merrick, , IstSerg't, Bachlen's Araiea Salve. - - Tbe best Salve in tbe world for cats,- bruise sores, nlcers, - rhenm, ' fever sores, tetter, chapped bands.. chifulamB, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively caret piles, or no pay ennirad Ji.-.ia suaraji teed ta aive perfect atisfactjon, or money refunded. Price25 ctg 6r box., b'cr Kale or H. H. Lvons. daw Tilf. CAMPAIGN. Taketbo Aaheville Cltlsen Full and Fair itiaeussionsertne Polltleal Issues. In order that all the peoplo may keep themselves fully informed upon the political issues of the present campaign we will send the Asheville Citizen until the 1st of next December as follows : Daily, single subscription, $ 2 00 Weekly, " 50 Daily, Clubs of 5, $-8 00 " ' 10, 14 00 Week i y 5, 2 00 10, 4 00 All names to a club must be seqt at the same time, and cash must invariably accompany the order. Let all friends. of the CmzBN work and giye it a very large circulation. The campaign before ns is not only a very important one, but will be a very exciting one. The people should keep thoroughly posted. The Cttizejt will do its full duty in the contest- 'Address, Citizen, Asheville, N. C. Alple Peeling's on the Pavement ' disturbs many, and often upsets the peo ple, but how much of tener does the green apple disturb the stomach and upset the bowels, , This can be set right by Dr. Biggers' Huckleberry Cordial. , . Clothing, Dry Goods, Carpets, Hats, Shoes, and Fancy Goods, at fixed and reasonable prices. deodSt II. Redwood & Co. Gents' Goods at half price, at 9 N. Public Square. . .. dlw Clothing for hot weather at bottom figures. ' 1 . H. Bbdwood & Co.. vdeod5tVi ' ': ; To make room for our large Spring stock we will sell goods exceedingly cheap for the next ten days, . . ' dti' - W. A., Blaie & Co. Mrs.Vy ei's New Life, ' Paine's Celery Compound, and Scotch Oats Essence are vnrong trio ner remedies just received by V (V. C Carmicuakl, . . . Apothecary .NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Millinory! Mis Xellie. LaBarbe . " Has the most select stock bt millinery in tb el y, constantly replenished with new shape, nbbona, t-c, with the - - -.. : Xio-vest JPrices. - Tbe trimming department Is In charge of (be mo-t skl'.lul milliner iu tt- city. Our large ttiiong of customers are more than pleased with their Rnorts, and their experience. Call on on, you will be pleased a ith styles and prices. . - We nave a nice liae of Lace Capes, Silk and Lls'c Omvea, fans Bust'ea, Handkercbiefi. Corsetva:c. ; . .... . 7. UtS3 yBLLIE XaBARBF, June 20 dins; .SNMainst. tOE 8ALK, : ,! , .: 3 dozen pair Kuod second hand Roller Fkatts. Jime.iydtf . . , aaJress look Uax i'X. F OS SALS OR REST, A beat six room cottaire 09 Eaird street. ' ! WALTER W. VANDIVER,- , ' " ' Attorney at Law. . jane 18 dtf ' McLoud Law Building. J-JiaiGHTFT.X SUMMER BOAKDJNO. . t The cleg tut rooms of the Asheville Bemale College ari rvaily fur the reoept.ou of guests for the summer, f 'harxea reaionaDle. Addres?, ASliUVILLE FEMALE C ;LLE(iK.- Juoe 19 d2 v . - - - IKHLKO I-iiOPi'SALS . . . . - . '. Will bcr.;ui 3 by the rta lerslneil n n t ' clock av).i, Saturday !3d inst , tne the erection of a Kectoi - hit the pactor of the Catholic church in thecitv Ashetille. Full plans and specifioa tionsto ii.j liid on applicatior. to - juue lu t.t , s , i 4. 11. WHITE, Rectct. Within :0ur. Gates Dnring the next three months, wo estimate that there .will be fifteen ,hous- fid people. This is estimating. Our present population at ten thousand, to which we add five thousand visitors that we expect to? ba here and at itiearj byi hotels and boarding house?. The qnea tion ariBcs hoir are we to feed this multitude ' 1 ' " " That is a very easy question tp answer, provided yoi have the provisionepa band . - Bat suppose we should be visited this BliKTt with a blizzard, such as they ba t?ew Ybrkjast Sot bp.surpriBeel ij k last winter, "ronld we pnl. havesnowstotma here irej enough to stop the not cv.but yon need-.' 'e onr pris o a great deal lower than the low.-ii point ' registered by the thermometer during ; iBo bliszard last Mr.";'- '. 7s(ttat6icsil fats rush of visitors to Western North Carolina., this summer, we have prepared ourselves accordingly, and are now busy receiving tbe finest and largest stock ol Staple dind Fancy u' 1 EVER OrFERED IN N. C. , 1 GOFFEEi .The emancipation of twenty million slayes.fn South America has caused a ; Very, unsettled state of affairs among the Cfcffeo, Planters, and has the effect of j advancng the price of coffee wbicb seenis -' likely t reach still higher figures.' " Beforjtbe advance we were 8oortun,V ate as te), secure a large lot. of genuine . Mocha, O. G. Java, fancy Guatemala, " Maracaibaand fancy. Jiio Coffees, both fveen and; parched all of which we offer at NeW York prices. Choice Bid' Coffees are now held in -Kew York at 18 cents. ; WE SELL " GOOD RIO E' i Arbuckler at 4 cents per B. ;.:... SUGAR. ' Sugars are firm in prices ruling about sime as in oar lastv We quota best Standard Granulated at 81 centa per lb. ... . Brown Sugars at 6j to 71 cents per ft. - Best Cot Loaf Mould, 10 " Powdered, 10 " Confectioners, - 11 " " SYRUP. We haVtea large 'stock of Syrups and Molasses, and quote : White Drip, 60 cents per gallon. Porto Rico from 50 to 70cta per gallon . Common Syrup, 40 cents per gallon. We haye the largest and finest selec tion of Teas ever offered in Western North Carolina which hare been select ed with special regard 'to their drawing qualities; , ' Young Hyson, 40 to 60 cents per lb. Gunpowder, 50 cents to J 1.00 . " Oolong. 50 cents to 1.00 ; " English Breakfast, 50c to $1.00 " . We can offer low grade Teas at 25 to 30 cents per ft. SPICES. Try our Dure Snices. and von will nsn no others. GRO SERIES, Our Obelisk Flour at $3.00 is the best flour ever offered in this market Favorite at $2 75 is a bargain for 1 straight flour. '" : t Waterloo is a good Family Flonr for . $2.25. ' ' - Canned Goods, . We still have a few ca3es of Hart's ' 3 lbs. Peaches at 25 cents per can. : , 2 u 20 u " ' ' Best 3 Ibi Tomatoes at $1.33 per doz. ' ' Oatflakes at 9 cents per lb. ;: -. Cracked Wheat, 5 cents per tt. : Oatmeal, ' 5 . " String Beans, 10 cents per can. ; . . Corn, $1.35 per dozen. 2 lbs. Corned Beef, at 24 cents per can. ' ! ' I 1 '"' 15 i -Marrowfat Peas, 15 M " .. . :. -Fine Mixed Table Nuts, 20 cts. per ft. A Blueing, 30 cents per dozen. - ' Blacking. 25 ' . " . , . Potash, -'6 "per ball. -Lye, - 5 n box. Gallon Bottle Pickles, 40 centa. - . Qiiart r ' 20 " r 4 Pint "! " " 10 ' Acme Saace, 10 " .-. . ,.; Pearl Grits, 3 centa per tt. f i Brooms, 81 to 25 cents. ' ' ; Magnolia Hams, 12 to 14 cents per ft. - We have a full lino of imported and . -.; domestic Olives. Olive Oil, Sauces, Cats-' ? npslaple SugarCandy,Oranges,Lemons. . V, -''-""' '.-..' . 'i . .. vv . -V Canned Apples, Apricots, Cherries, Peaches. Pears, Pine Apples. Asparagus. Corn, Beans, Okra, Peas, Squash, Succo- tasn, Tomatoes, Devilled Crabs, Lobsters, Mackerel, -Codfish. Oysters, Salmon, Shrimps, Sardines, imported and domettie. Potted, and Devilled Meats. Condensed . ; Milk. . - " ' Also a lull line of Fariuaceou's Goods. ' a - Wheat Flakes,;, Oatflakes, Cracked , , Wheat, Sago, Tapioca, Oatmeal, Grist, Rice. Barley, Beans, Peas. '-' ' ... Yeast Cakes, Crackers. Macaroni, Ver o icelli, Mushrooms, Maeedones, Prunes, Baiains.'Currants, Citron, Soap, Starch, ' -Cheese, Lard, Bacon, Hams, Salt, Candles, Gtlatine, Flavoring Extracts, Soda,' Bak ing Powders," Cream Tartar, Chocolate, ' Cocoa. Ac, i"..v .--.'-.:. . v.. i ' BricU Bath, Stove Polish, Vinegar. jiuff. Tobacco, Cigars, Cigarettes, Paper and Paper Bags.- Butter Trays,' Twine, Oil Grain, Hay, Bran, Shorts, and in fact . everything that can be found in a first class Grocery House. ; All of which we offer at prices which defy competitors. The prices we name are retail. - ' we will -make special prices to whole sale buyers. err"?! I : A o'9"! i 4 -1 . '

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