D. W. TURMANr PROPRIETOR , Citizen JOB Office-: ' - ;- 13 PATTON AVE. . . Our facilities are second to none LEG All BLANKS. " " . LETTERHEADS, ;- " V , : ', " . . BILL HEADS,- &c. Furmnu. .Stone fc Cameron, ' Editors and Proprietors. : . 1 1 i I J. SUBSCRIPTION : DAILY, One Year, . . ,; $6.00 '",.. Sir Months, . ,' ' . . v 3.00 WEEKLY, Oue Year, J.50 Six Months,. '. ' '. '.' .75 Advertising Rates Low. VOL I V.-NO 67. ASHEVILLE, N. , THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 28 1888 PRICE 5 CENTS DAILY EDITION. JKlL JO . Absolutely Pure.- j ' rntriWrrioT never Tn. A'sV-.Tfef 6'f DuritV uviuin Mid wUtfkeaouxmeia. Moie economical .nan the ordinary kind, and cannot be aold in ;.. mnpetition with the multitude ef low test, ah."". are ju aiumor pnospnaie powuers. botaomy vn Alb. KOY.IL BAKINU f OWDIB VO. IU6 Wall Bt, Sr fork. ianlM&wlsm .miPOJflOv OXYGEN i 1 ofsjaIanhatchell HCKl Km git Block, Mmi St. ASHEVILLE, N. C . . Ioni,xmnd Oxvgeu inhaled, la connection arlla medicated llalftam Vapor, curea (onaump Mon. A.'iliuia. Hrxnchitis, N 1 Catarrh, Sore Throat. L i "f Voice, Diseases o! the Liver and Kidneys, Hiitder, ind all diseases depending on mpure or i.u-ioerished blood. It cirea fctheuruatiaxa when everything else tails. Ashevillb, N. C, January 1888. In justice to all similarly afflicted with oar le'.ves as well as 10 Drs. Hargan A Gatehell, I ' volnntari'.y make the following statement: . My wife hit suffered for several yeats with severe lung tronhle, continuing to grow, worse nntll last November when she was unable to ait up. but a part of each day. - No appetite, night sweats, severe cough and loss of flesh The best physicians of Poultney, Ver-S mout. advised an unmrdiate dopartoTw Pooth. We reached Asheviile November 17th, and com menced taking treatment of Dre. Hargan and tiatchell. inhn'lng Compound Oxygen and Bal sam Vapor. My wife has improved rapidly from the first. Hor appetite is good, sleeps well, coughs lint little, raises Jss. night sweat ceased;' no pain aDy where, takes long walks and olimbs the mountains with little fatigue, and has gained 8 lbs. in weight. We feci certain another month's treatment w ill affect a permanent core. As for myself I am delighted to state that I Improved raplaly from the first treatment and am nearly veil. I have suffered for 3S years almost beyo d endurance with the worst lorm ot lllea. 1 had abandoned ail hope of relief. The Drs. creatmeul he been gent e and almost painless urn nas eueciii a cure tor me. Yours respectfully, A. J. Smith. Mr. and V)r Smith are living in town and can foriiv and ad.l to lh above. HOME TREATMENT, We manufacture the Compound Oxygen, nnd hl; i; to ail parts of the country, even to the i'aclf : ;cuLst. We send apparatus and chemicals l.i two months for 814. This is as valuable utile ottlce .reatmeut. ij wonilertul curative results obtained with at- r.'Himerit Is astonishing even to us. U i. m ycUh to learn more of tto treatment, and our wt it " il' cure of Uirome Viseasa, write or call "i- f uruua oook explaining treatment jree DRS. HA9 K it GATCHTLL, u am Street, Asheviile, 1. C In' iH-dawtt - One Price Store. A largo and very attractive line ol Men's, linvs' and Children's Suits rang ing from low priced goods to something very nne. Measures taken or A. Raymond & Co., Sew York Tailors, and a fit guaranteed, Samples now ready for inspection. IAll-VVool Dress Goods of the popular rabnes in great vasiety, also saunes.rer calep, Dress Giiighamc. . wns, Prints.&c. Dress Silks in the new Weayes, Rha lames, Satins, Velvets and Flushes. I Carpets, A. -t Squares, Smyrna Hues, '.l-fllr.l l.o M i ti rra fitrtaln flvull in II VIUIIID, A. tH. t ' . 1,'J, vua.M.u .vwunr mm treat variety, Damasks, Towels, Napkins Coverlets, blankets, &c. Ziegler Bros.', Merriam A Tyler's, Morgan lsros.' and Btckley's Shoes for iauies, mies s anrt children. Banister's am'. Ziegirr'a Fine Shoes for nen. ' Packard G rover's celebrated "$2.50 lid "2-1 9" Shoes for men, and a simi lar grade for boys. Derby lints, f'ilk Hats, Soft Hats, and j;eatuer 'Jats Wool and Gam j Underwear, Hoeierv, Kid Fabric .Gloves. Collars ana Cutis, Unchinps, Scarf?, Ties, Ribbons Corsets, Buttons, tfrauis, ana t ancy uoooa ana Bmallwares geneniily. Parasols, Umbrellas, Fans, Shopping Bags, Club Satchels, Trunks, sc. Mens' Fntnishine Goods. . Caasimeree, Coatings, Tweeds, Ken- tacky Jeans, Dotueaticr, &c. H. Redwood. Ss Co., Ci Hos. 7 ration Avenue. niar23dtf L m if H' aJiJW- June 27 dim f :-) 4 THE DAILY CITIZEX Will be publisned evrr Mornisa (x cept Monday) at tb following rate itncUy eeuk: One Tear. . . , . $6 00 Six Months, - - . ... S 00 Three " . . : . 1 60 One " . . .. . 60 One Week, . . . v . . .16 Our Carriers will deliver the naoer ev ery Morning in every part of the city to our subscribers, nd parties wanting it wm please call at tne umm umce. LiRGKR DAILY AND WEEKLY CIR COLATION IN WESTERN NORTH CARO LINA AND EAST TINNE8SEE THAN ANY OTHER PAPER. CONSTANTLY INCREASE TNG. - ' - ': ' Seud four Job Wort of aO kind to the Vuixtn Office, y you want u don neatly. cheaply ana wtU Jtipatai. ' . Arrival and Departure of Passenger V Tratna. HiLrnnrar Arnvea S.-tlK . at . leaves lor M or risto it at f:18 n. m. . T- Arrives at 1 2fip. ra end leaves at Sn; "-AirWf at 8:41 aoS'il kaves tor i-ArUuitmrg at :. p. n - ...' . bfi&TAHHiias Arrives it 8 ft. m - InavM for Mornatown- at 8:10 a. in. freight aeoommodation leaves Asheviile at 8:10 a. n, and arrive at 9M p. m. w AYwasviLLK Lavea A sue vine ai sw a m., and arrives at o. . New Advertisements. Proposal W. W. West. Et. Mary's School Bev. Bennett Smede. A. 1C. Sale ot Valuable Farm J. C. L. Oodger, C m'r. It rains ! it rains I, at last it rains I The Pulliam street nuisance must go. The weather was a little cyclonic yesterday. Mr. J. D: Elliott, of Hickory, ras here yesterday. Work on the new W. N. C. depot is progressing; finely. The market was well supplied with fruit yesterday. Mr. John A. Nichols, of the Far mers' warehouse, has returned from a business trip West. The nuisance now existing at the corner of Pulliam and Water streets must go the quicker the better. We regret to learu the serious ilN ness of our townsman J. H. Carter, Esq. It is hoped he may soon be restored. Clerk of the superior court C. M. Pace, of Henderson, and Mr. J. C. Pntcbard of Marshall, were in ihe city yesterday. " Visitors, to the city for the sum mer season are pourin-; in from all sections; and the' summer travel to this po'ut lfaa fully feet in. Mr..Wm. McBain, manager of the Baltimore United Oil Company', is in the city on business connected with his company '8 interests at this place. ' ... 1 .- Mr. L. M Bryan, one of our most valuad friends, called on us yester day. He is a true blue democrat in a county largely, though not hopelessly republican. At Kraoxville work has been be gun in transforming the old Atkin House into a convenient an com modious passenger depot, and in stitution much needed in that citv. The testimony in the suit of E. Clayton vs. the W. N. C. Railroad was completed in the Superior court yesterday afternoon Argument bv counsel will be made this morning. A little six year old daughter of Mr. Dick Robertson, of Leicester township, fell from a swing last Sunday and got her right leg broken above the knte. we much re gret to learn. Don't fail to be on hand at the Young Men's Democratic Club meeting to-night at 8.30 o'clock, at the court house. It is of the ut most importance that every mem ber of the club shall be present Remember the hour 8.30 sharp. The funeral services over the re mains of the late Allan T. David son, Jr., were held yesterday morn ing in the Church Street Methodist church, Dr. Rankin officiating, as sisted by Revs. Drs. Burnett, Bays and Atkins. The tervicea were very sad and impressive. The remains, were followed to their last resting place at Riverside Cemetery, by a large crowd of friepds ot the de ceased and of the family, who unite their Borrows with the sorely stricken family. May Uod eomioroana sus tain them. ' ' . v -V T We had the pleasure yesterday of a visit irom Mr. A. Cannon, chair man of the board of county com missioners of Henderson county, and here in attendance upon the meeting of the railroad - assessors. Mr. Cannon, besides being a thor ough business man, is a -good and thorough farmer. He says, that cabbage is the coming money crop of the mountain section, the profits, witn due attention and a good sea son, not being less than 4100 per acre. This year he has seven acres of cabbage in cultivation. Hit views on this subject accord with thoBe expressed by the Citizen some time ago. Hatela aasl Barllaabiae Supplied at wholesale rates, with all kinds of Crockery, Glassware, Table Cutlery and Silverware. Friers given in large cities are duplicated here, saving you freight and risk of breakage. We carry one of the most complete etocks in the South and can fill orders promptly. Our fancy good department is foil of the latest novelties. Call at Law's, 57 & 69 S. Main at. .,, Whittemore's Gilt Edge Shoe Di easing is the best in tpe world, and the only polish that contains oil, softens and preserves the leather. Try - it, and yon will use no other For sale by . W. C Cabmiohaxl ; - Apothecary. ":Rey. J. F, Austin, of Weaverville, is in the city. ' ; -: Baron E. d'Alinge, of Arden, was here yesterday. : Maj. Jno. K. Ho3t, oi Engadme, is at tne Bwannanoa ; Hon. John Gray Bynum, of Mor ganton is here on in. portat private business. The regular weekly meeting o: the Y. M. C. A., was held at tho Presby rian church last evening. Mr. T. N. Cooper, of Brevard, was in the city last night on his return home from the Chicago convention. Mr. J. F.' Morphew wt in the city yesterday, on his way from Marion, where be delivered v masonic lec ture Tuesday night. - ' -;. A party charged with, larceny was discharged in Justice ' Malohe's court ' vesterday afterrTfoqif fola"f:k- oi evidence to; convict. . .., ; Mr. Charles -McNamee,'T of New York, agent of W. K ' Vanderbilt,. ErqM for the' purchase of certain lands near Asheviile, will return to hia home this morning after a stay of about two months in our midst. The funeral of the late corporal W. A. Patton, was largely attended yesterday aiternoon, the Ashevile Light Infantry acting as escort. Dr. Rankin conducted the services. The sad and sudden death of this young man was not only a severe shock to his aged mother and family, but a large circle of friends. The family may be assured of the sincere sym pathy of the.community. Winston, Raleigh, Fayetteville, Reidsville and several other towns in the State are preparing for a 4th of July celebration. The sugges tion falls as flat here as if a propo sition were made to celebrate the birthday of Benedict Arnold. And yet we believe our people are as loyal, as patriotic, as mindful of the results of Independence day a3 any other; only they will not take the time to think of the enniversary. Speaking of the Chicago platform, Hon. Thomas D. Johnston, in an interview with a reporter of the Washington Critic, says: ''The platform is a fraud, an outrageous fraud, because they pretend to iavor the repeal of this tax. They will repeal the internal tax, they say, if the surplus continues. Now, the policy of the republicans is to use up the surplus bv extravagant ap propriations and by trvina to force the passage of such bills -as the Ar rears of Pensions bill, which would prevent any reduction of taxation or the repeal ot the internal revenue taxes, which they pretend to favor. Iheir platform will not deceive North Carolina, when it is ex plained to the people." Visiting Friends. Mr. M. H. Gammon and family, of Coal Creek, Tenn., are in the city, visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Wiley at the Grand Central. Mr. Gam mon is warden of the Tennessee penitentiary, and is also a cousin of Gov. Bob Taylor, of Tennessee. He win remain .nere lor several dnys. Tobacco Sales. The break at the Farmers' ware house yesterday was a small one, but prices were higher than they have been in quite a while. Some of the "weed" Bold as high as $35 per hundred, while 1203 pounds sold, lor $2 10. The Banner also had a good break and prices were quite as good as those obtained at the Farmers'. Madison Heard from Again. -It has been only a few days since the Citizen announced the birth of a baby with a bustle in Madison county, and now, following close upon the heels of that remarkable event, we are called upon to chroni cle another phenomenal occurrence in the same county. Sunday morn ing last, the wife of Mr. Hardy' Mer- rell gave birth to three babies, all girls, eacb weighing three and a naif pounds. . The bustle attachment was left off, it seems in this instance. but if they live we are free to' as' sert that they will "get there just the tame." " t The Beginning of the End. - A telegram to the Knox ville 2Vt6 une dated Greenville, S. C.,' June 26th ives the important and gratis fying information that a train has actually been run on the C. K. & W. road, begun at Greenville. The start for Knoxville has thus fairly been begun. We in Asheviile, have only indirect interest in the result; nevertheless we are heartily io sym pathy with the project and wish it full and speedy success. The telegram referred to says; . Locomotive "J. B. Humbert," number one, Carolina, Knoxville & Western Railroad left the Bide track at Greenville this morning at nine o'clock, and pulled on to the line of the new road. The engine pushed a flat car loaded with new rails. A number of citizens made a mile trip on the tender. The - appear ance of the.engine on the new line created considerable enthusiasm. tiie Patatstraaje. . For cows, one mi.e north of Court Square, on Beaverdam road. Apply to C. S. Cooebr, 41 w ' corner Haywood and Flint sta Caraaieaaera Cbelee Colaarnev. Fragrant and lasting, pot up in quarts, pints and half-pints, manufactured only by , W.C Cabmichakl, dtf . 20 S. Main street. THE BOARD OF APPRAISERS, And their Action Yesterday Assess- ' ..- .. ments. Etc. .' -' -VThe Board of Appraisers of the Western North Carolina Railroad wa3 in session in this city yester day. ; r:'t'';"- -' This Board is composed of oho county commissioner --from (. each county in ; which -. the : road is located, and is Ifor. the purpose of assessing the taxable -.-'property owned by the said road in ' those counties. . -: '- ,' - T ' The ' members constituting 'this body yesterday were as follows : . J, E.'. Rankin, chairman, ; Biu.fcombe; T, J. Sumner, Rowan; G. -f JShe. herd, Iredell; L. R.. Whitier, iawba; WvE.tPoweBurkyAr i;' Dula, McDowell; H. P. Hayha, Haywood; R. L. Leather wood, pr ixy Swain; J. C. Pritchard, proxy, Mad ison; S. H. Bryson. Ja ;kson. . Mr. J. R. Patterson, was chosttn as secretary and the meeting ws formally opened for the transaction of business, at 10:30 o'clock. It wns ordered that the entire railroad property including road-be.l, be as sessed in same manner as whs done last year. Mr. V. E. McBee, superintendent of the W. N. C. R. R., submitted the following report, to-wit.-Mr. J. E. Ranjcin, Cliairman State Board of Equalization, A$heville, N. C: ; Dear Sir: In compliance with the Machinery Act, Sections 44 and 45, 1 herewith hand y.iu a statement of the taxable property owned bv the W. N. C. R. R. Co., in the differ ent counties of said State, including mainline and side tracks, machinery rolling stock, etc., etc., to wit: . Rowan county, Iiedell county, Catawba county. McDowell county 16.18 20.0? 25.01 33.69 27.80 49 50 30.56 24.08 2059 37.86 285.29 12.54 297.63 Burke county, Buncombe county, Madison countv, Jacks j n county, Havwood county. Swain county, Side tracks, Miles, ROLLING STOCK. 16 engines, $49,400 1,000 2 800 7,700 1400 2.400 . 3 032 1 observation car, 1 passenger car, 0 com. bag. & pas. cars, 1 com.'mail & bag. car, 7 box cars, 7 stock car?, 25 flat cars, 81 gondola cars, S v.cT J . 5,01S mv. :ST 9 caboose dc abanty cars, 3,257 45 lever and poll cars, 745 CAPITAL STOCK. 40,000 shares issued (preferred) 40,000 shares issued (common) $4 000,000 4,000,000 $8,000,000 Divided into 80.000 shares of which 16,634 shares are held in North Carolina and 63,866 shares are held by non-residents. Respectfully submitted, Peyton Randolph, General Manager. S.vorn to and subscribed before me this 27th day of June, 18SS 11. S. Gaus, Notary Public. On motion of Mr. Sumner, of Rowan, the. report of the Superin tendent as to the value of the rolling siockot' said road and side tracks was adoptel. On motion it was ordered that no value be placed upon the stock of said railroaJ. It was further ordered that the said Western North Carolina Rail road be assessed at the rate of seven' thousand five hundred dollars per mile for taxation, and that the side tracks of said road be included in the estimate of the number of miles. Total No. miles of road and side tracks, ' ' . . 297.63 Assessed value $7,500 per mile $2,232,225 rolling stock. 81,053 . $2,313,283 Assessed value per mile includ ing rolling stock, : . . $7,772 34 Apportioned as follows: Rowan county, . 16.18 mile?. Iredell county, . " : 20.02 -Catawba county.: -V 25.01 ' Burke county, ' f- 27.80 McDowell county, -: :.' 33 69 Buncombe county, '- ' 49 50 " Madisun county, 30.56 -v . Hay wood county, "t 20.59 Jackson county, ' . 24.08 " .. Swain county, 37 87 ' Before the adoption .Mr Powe's motion, assessing; the road upon a basis of $7,500 per mile, Mr. J C. Pritchard offered Ta motion that the asstssment be increased t $10,000 per mile instead of $7,500. Mr. Sumner, from Rowan, moved thai, the assessment remain as it was last year, viz: $5,000 valu ation per mile. Both of these motions were voted down. Mr. Sumner moved that fifty copies of . the proceedings of this meeting be printed and distributed among the boards of commissioners of the various count es represented. The motion was carried, and the Board, at 12:30 o'clock adjourned. J. E. Randin, Chm'n. J: R. Patterson, Sec'y. r He In tyre's Fine 8-Gallo Coi Will bo sold at auction on Saturday, 12 m, at the watering-trough on court square to the highest bidder. Mr, Davis auctioneer. . . jn26-dlw Call at the Farmers' Warehouse on North Main street and see some cheap Sewing Machines. W. H. Littleton, a practical machinist is there to repair, sell or buy Sewing Machines call qq him - and get your needles, oil and parts. ,: - diw ... . v";..r: Mrs. Ayer's New Life, Paine's Celery Compound, and Scotch Oats Essenr-o are among the new remedies just receiv 1 by -. ; W. CCARMicnA! ,f, -.-; "... " : ' AHt!iei;ry To Close at 7:80 P.M.- . : YYeotnuiend the action of our merchants and business men, in agreeing to close their places of business daily at 7:30 p. to., except Saturdays; during the hot months. This will be a merited relief to the employee, and the employers - os well ad the public t;an easily ad just themselves to it "vithoot incon venience." : :r .;" . . -' '- - . Sale ol' tiots. -. At the auction sale of lots on Pal ton Avenue yesterday rooming; by Messr3. Gwyn & West, lot N. ' 1 was sold to; Mayor H. S. JIarkin? for the sum of $4,050, and lot "No, 2 was purchased by Mr. N. P.Cbedea ter for $3,800. Messrs. Davis & Carter were the auctioneers. Wo learn that large stores will be,, erect ed oq these lots ly: their . ..respeciiye owners, during the coiuicg fail. "; , Died. .- '. . v At tho home of her husband, near Luther's, a.few evenings ago. Re?, hecca. the beloved "wife of Enoch Morgan, Esq. For some years Mrs. Morgan had been an invalid, but hore her sufferings with a fortitude and Christian resignation which only the grace of God could give She was born in Mumford's Cove. McDowell county, and- came t Buncombe about 52 years ago, when about 17 years of age. She shortly thereafter joined the Baptist church, and lived a consistent life through out. She leaves a husband, and a large circle of relatives and friends who deeply mourn her loss. The good woman has gone to her re ward, which "remains for the pe.o- ple of God." . (McDowell papers and Bxbltcal Recordtr please copy.) At the Hotels. The following visitors were regis tered at the leading hotels in the city last night: SWANXANOA. Morris Sherman, St. Louis ; Law rence Rolfe, Union, S. C. ; W. S. Tor rence, Cincinnati ; Thos. R. Price, wife and child, Knoxville: Ernest Roberts, V. S. Lusk, city; W. Mc Bain, Richmond ; Jno. T. Brinkley," Scotland Neck, N. C. : A. K. Wilson, Atlanta; D. M. Blu men thai, wife and child, Pine Bluff, Ark, ; M. L. Miner, Louisvme ; u. S. bimpson.New York ; H. P.. Norcross, Tenn.; F. C. Dezendorf, Knoxville ; Jno. Gray Bynum, Morganton ; C. P. Sanders, fepartanburg. grand central. E.C.Clayton, TL. ClavtonJEV tC. PritchardrDlarshall; J. AV. Hug gins, J. A. Nichols, Burasville ; J. T. Holland, Lemon's Gap, Tenn.; R. F. Wells, Knoxville ; H. G. Ewart, Hen dersonville ; T. N. Cooper, Brevard ; M. II. Gammon and family. Cool" Creek, Tenn.; Geo. H. Smathers, Waynesville ; W. C. Harris, N. C. ; P. F. Patton, Fletcher's, N. C. : A. J. Dula, Old Fort: J. Gammon, Greenville, S. C. ; Mrs. J. P. Deaver, N. C. ; Mrs. Ama Reeder, Mineapc lis ; C. O. nayden, Charleston. BATTERY HARK. No report sent in last night. Mayor's Court. With two cases of drunk, two cases of affray, one case of fast driving, another of disorderly conduct, and four cases of hi-lo-jacic," his Honor had a lively time of it vesterday morning. Some were lound guilty, some were discharged, and some were carried over until this morn ing. One convicted defendant wanted to borrow enough money from hisIIoiKr with which to pay h.s line. His Honor declined tt advance the cash, stating that he thought it would come cheaper to him to remit the fine than to loan the money; but, he didn't remit and the c. d. will have to crick granite on the public streets for the space of three days. An other defendaht wanted Dr. Burroughs summoned as an exrt, to decide whether he had an attack of I vdropho biaor not- Chief W add ell diagnosed the cose, told his Honor that the defend ant was suffering from an overdose of mean whiskey and was also threatened with a pluro-pneumonic attack of dis integrate I jim-jams, und prescribed pyroselerite-hydrargillite and hard work in equal doees constantly for ten days. His Honor accepted the advice, turned the prisoner oyer to the street inspector, adjourned the court, and went out and bought a block, of Asheviile real estate i'or$4.050. . ...- ,.' 1 : . ci. . A Good Move among the Merchants -Will Close at 7:SO P.M. Dally. - We the merchants and business men of Asheviile, duly appreciating the ser vices rendered by our employees during the hot summer days and assured that it will be beneficial both to them and as, do agree to close our places of business at 7:30 o'clock p. in. during the months of July, August, September and October, Saturdays excepted. - . ' ... F. E Harwell, A. C. Day is, Herring A Weaver, Natt Atkinson & Sons, H L Lang, Nellie LaBarbe, Bearden,. Rankin & Co.. H T Estabrook, J H Law, M Levy, S R Kepler, H Redwood A, Co., Smith & Baird, G L McDonald, .J P Sawyer, Ballard, Rich & Boyce, R L Owenbey, Powell & Sni !er, Doubleday 4 Scott, 5 Bra'aian, W B Williamson & Co., Burt Denisoh, D Good. Max Marcus, Graham Shoe Co., W H Westall &Co . W.A Blair 6 C , J E Dickerson & Co., B H Cosby, G A Mears, W H Lee, W R Bearden & Co , R B Noland & Son, W C McConnell, Shepard, Mason & Johnson, C Falk, S Hammersbla?, J E McKinney, J J Mac key & Co., Starnes & Davenport, J N Ramsey, W P Penlev & Son, Jps Frank. Fitzpatrick Bros., li Ellick, D V Smith & Co., Trull & Sorrels, M C Noland. J M Alexander. It is understood by parties signing this agreement that if there be any engaged in a business corresponding with their' own who shaH fail or refuse to comply: with this agreement then they reserve to themselves the Tight tq keen their own places of business open. Buckle' Arai lea Salve. The best Salve in the world for eats, braises sores, ulcers, rheum, fever sores, tetter. chapped 1 a nanus. , chilblains, corns, and all skin eruption, and nosinvely curec mles, or no par equired. It la guaranteed to give perfect atiafaotiou, or money refunded. Prion 15 eta, et box. . Fur sale oi VL. H. Lvqqs. - lj " A PROSPEROUS HOTEL). Over Forty-Five Thousand Arrivals in Five Years. . One of the leading hr.'telg in ; this city is the Graivd Central, tin Pat ton Avenue, kept by S.;R. Chedester fcSon. This house was ot t in si to the traveling p'ublicabout livi: yoars-ajo, and since its openiog.bus "Wrn the favorilrt $200 per day boust; wi'b the commercial . and othtr tourirts who travel in Western' iCaroliua. Mr-Chfidester has found out fhui it pays to ktep a good hoM, and tq that end . ha. spared neither pains or" expense. in efforts to plo ise his gu est. ; I Every - room in thq ; ol d building ; te'xcellently furnished land carpeted., with.. g-,:in. pnjch, and J water-pipes ruii through i the entire bu't'ding. The ta'.lo is kept up to the standard, :and 'verytLing that the market affords in season, is set before the guests prepnml in the best manner. During the lime f.'iat this hotel bas-bnen ; runniog !.iitre have been forty five thousand and three guests rfgisteml; -it- nverage of twentyrfive aiid a-half -er t -' This year the average numbt r-of guests 'registered hs amounted to thi'ty per day. The Grand Ce.ntral. is run at a comparatively small ex pense, and its proprietors arc mak ing money. Ihe new urand Cen tral annex opposite the old building has been completed and elig;intly furnished thr jughout. This addi tion will be used as sleeping apart ments only, and will comfortably accommodate one hundr d. and seventy-five guests. The n?w building, including the land upon which .it stands, cost twenty thousand dol lars. The Grand Central is pros pering, and we do not know of a superior $2 00 house in North Caro lina. Mr. Chedester contemplates future additions and improvemants to his hostelry, which will be duly recorded in these columns. j HERE WE ARE ! The Republican Prodigal Sons Re tarn Home.' Messrs. Geo. H. Smathers, of Waynesville, HG. Ewarf.. of Hen dersonville, and J. Vi!e Shook, of Clyde, arrive 1 in the citv yesterday on" their way home from the recent republican love feast he'd in Chi cago. J. Wiley was decorated with a Harrison badge, that Ewart de scribed as being gorgeous to . a de- -- rpl A fi.i nt.es. '. uuth sv ? ar ; n 1 V fBUited'tHattiie JoresaidJuiWaT about two fret long, eighteen inches wide, and resembled the filse bosom of a dude barber' shir". A tsemi circu:ar daguerro:ype likeness of the Hon. Ben. was pasted in the center of the bmlge and the etrfsimfrs thereto wer frightful to conte :i ph te. He also intimated to a Citi zen repr-enta'ive that J. Wi'ey was atraid to stop oyir-light in Asheviile, owing to the fact that the citizens migh imagine l iin to be the avant courier of a 'monster ten -cent railroad circus, with three ring' un der one canvass, an-1 a performance goin;; on in each ring at Ihe same time Mr. Ewart said that he w u'd like to write a sketch o' the times and scenes of the Chicago conclave, and when the Citizen' very gener ously tendered the columns for the admission of the. dissertation, the gentleman declined the kind invita tion. We would like to hear from Mr. Ewart on the subj pt proposed, particularly in the vein, which his manner indicated at the time. He, it must he remembered, was a looker on in Chicago, and his ex perience was no doubt highly amus ing. Mr. SniKihers looked first rate for a defrated B'aine delegate, and bears up un.ler his disappointment manfully. But, J. Wiley Shook hastened on his homeward way, and ere th's has been read by many people, has pulled down the nam of Blaine from the foretop gallant sail of the Register, and nailed up lint if the Hon. Ben. who now really is what he might not have Bm a deleated candidate for the Presid nt. Vale Shook, J. Wiley. ; Hvraj ot FIrs. Is Nature's own true laxative. It is the rumt easily taken, and the most effective letmxly known to Cleanse tht System when Bilious! or Costive; to dispel Headaches, Colds, and Fevers; to Curt Habitual Constipation, Indigos tion, Piles, etc Manufactured only by tho California Fig Syrup Company, San Francisco, ? For sals by H. H. Lyon For Bern. For 3, ti or 12 minths-one of the neat cbt and most attractive co'tage homes in the city. 7 rooms, handsomely furnished throughout, stoves in ever room, well of pore water under shelter, stable, car ria;;e, coal anil wood nouses all complete. in one square nf Battery Park, good neighborhood, office. Ail- at the Citizen Hnrralt for Ahevllle. Mr. II Langsdorf of the Atlanta Rub ber Stamp Manufacturing - Company, Richmond, Va., the largest of ite kind in the United States is in our city, tt king orders tor their superior Rubber Stamps. Mr. Lanksdrf came here direct from Charlot'e, N.C., whero ha has boon Bince April 1st, placing over 2000 Stamps ic that city. Their Indelible Self-Inking Linen Murker, expressly made for mark ing Linen, is said to be the best ever patented. - Mr. Langsdorf is stoppinz' at the Cowan residepue on Haywood st Any communttalion where to call will he promptlj attended o. dtf j r ' ' a . ' - Prescriptions filled from a well kept Stock of drugs Arid choiniisls.an'l deliver ed free to, any part of city.; Night bell orotnptlv answered. - V. V. i'j r m(chabi' Ap.T hecary, .. 2i S Main utreft, ' -'' ; Anbevijle. N.C Committees Appointed. : At a called meeting 'of the of ficers of the Young Men's Demo cratic club, of this city1 yesterday evening, the following committees were appointed : C-l Executive Committee. Jna. Q; Aston, chairmanN. A. Reynolds, Geo. A. Shuford, V. E. McBee, T. Starnes, Thos. W. Fitzpat rick,Tos. S. Adams, E. H. Fulen wider Frank O'Donnell H. C. Fagg.' '--- 'v---. : Finance Committee. C. jMt McLoud, chairmanj W. T. Penni man, E, HFulenwider. . : Campaign Literattire and Print ing 'Committee. W-.- B.- 'Gwyn, chaipian; J.' P. Kerr, T. C. Wes tall.', - x '-'' "::'';" Public Speaking and Entertain ment Cfe"mittee.--rJas. ' G. . Mar-tin.'t-hftifman: Win. E. Broeso C. ." TLite cpmniittee on Kegwtration will not be appointed until later 011. ' :-r . The Teachers' Assembly.., From the "AVirx-OiScrtw's Moiehead City telegram of i1ie.2rih. we learn that "the Teacbertt' . 'Awenibly ia wijoying a session more prih-perons than ever before and up. toidate fyer fifteen ; hundred perdonB ''aTO attended this session The prizt gold watch 'on examination in North Carolina history, was won by Mr. Z. D. McWhorter, of Greenville. Uflicers were 'elected to day as follow-",, for tho enBirtng term : President G. T. Wintton; vice-presulsnt, W.' A Blair, secretary, E. G. Harrell. Pftif. Alex Fry, of Harvard College, the great authority on teaching geography, arrived to-night. A large crowd came with him. There have been organized within the Assem bly an art and musical association and departments of classical teaching, super intendents and literature. Everybody is having a splendid time and the hotel is packed. The Assembly will leave for a trip to New York and Niagara Falls on Friday." Discharge of the Grand Jury. Yesterday the foreman of this impor tant body, came to our office to announce its discharge for the term. 'Last week judge McRae gave the Jury a week's ' in termission with the view, possibly, of stirring them to action. " They had clone nothins: thev went home; and niet again. and still t.-iey did nothing; and now they are discUarged - is it as unprofitable ser vants ? Or is it, as the foreman, nays, that; after deligent search, they. could find nothing to do.? This, in a pot nla tion of more than 40,000,- for the coun ty a population to some' extent hetero geneous, and to which there is a constant influx of miscellaneous addition, i3 very remaikalilc indued. It is true that offences within the'exclusive jurisdic tion of the Inferior Court, and the Grand Jury of that body finds ample employ ment. But- that, too orand Inquest of the county in its search after weightet crime should have found nothing is 1P- dssd' nistter Worthy" of tiote. Tb j ngs a ' AVcll-Bred lad y Avoids. 'ngrerTi'fajui ' 'sir tiillie fmi djjt , in miblic places. ' She never turns ar..und to look after any one when walking on the stree'. She never accepts a seat from a gentleman in a street car without thanking him. She . never accepts a valuable present from a gentleman acquain tance unless engaged to him. She never wears clothing so sin gular or striking as to attract par ticular attention in public. She does not wear her monogram about her person or stick it over her letters and envelopes. She never snubs other young ladies even if they happen to be less popular or well lavoted than her self. She docs not allow gentleman to join her on the street unless they are vcrv intimate acquaintances. She never forgets her ballroom engagements or reluses to dance with one gentleman and immediate Iy dances with another She never speaks light of her mother, and says she ''don't cire whether her behavior meets with maternal appropbation or not." She never takes supper or re freshments at a restraunt with a gentleman after attending a theater unless accompanied by a lady much older than herself. Advertisers, Notice. - Advertisements or charities for Sunday' Citizkm should he handed on Friday evening or ertrly Saturday morning to nsuro iusertion. . ' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS PKOPOSAI.S For New School Building-. On and alter Saturday, June 30, plans and specl flcatious of the proposed new school building can be B.n at tbe office of Mr.- K W. Barkbolder, Ho. 73 Bailey street. Scaled bids for constructing SOTie will be received by the School committee up to and until Saturday. July 7, Ism. The com mittee reserves me right to rej ect any and all bids WM. W. WEST, Chairman. Juu23dawl!V ST, filARY'S SCHOOL. ; ( Established in 1842.) Raleioii, N. C Ad vent Term begins Sept. 13, 1888. l-'or catalogue address the Rector, Rav. Bbnnett Smbdks, A. M. i'liie 28 d3m ; . " ALK Of VALUABLE FARM. 'he Fulbrlsht firm, containing 11914 acres, on Rich ami Creek, in llnvwood eonntv. tm lutes IromCly'e Station, will bo sold at the Court House la Viiiynesvinc, ou Monday !l July for partition amaug the helm of X. J.Cowiools, decenstd Terms on-Mhlrd csh, one-third six mr nths, one-third twelve mouths, luterest from date. . Kate 1 1 F. M. - J O. L. GUOOKM, Jane Si Ail - - Commissloaer. HIIRVILLK MILITARY AOADE 'Y. J '1 lie lilt a te-ra ot ibis i-ch.ol will open en Werine!', 'cpt. i, it&3, aud continue J) veess. Kor terms a lid I ait eQln.n address jan-.'Td'.d 8. F. VENaBLE. Principal. ' OST.. A w:.ite ect er "oj of medium a-. naiuc "I3Si." ltcwarj li rclurid to E. w lfz"l, Wood fl a Ktrect. . j-n ;dSt UMWERSOUOOU Lurm the two ma iths ol vsl liin. from M.m day, July , a limited uumU-r of pu 11 tll be taken for Instruction at wi midrucc. No IS Bcardco Avuue near Aca-t nij tlreet. Pupils coached for i-ollcgiate aaJ other t-xanilualipns er entrance into classes or grades in sc ojIs. - F Va!jA LK 2Tdlw ' V Brio. Ashi'ville MU. Academy. VYTAk"rElx want a small bouse, rent 119 per month, or would like to meet a suitable p-irtv willing to join me in n oting a larger house. Address juue ift t!w , . . tOXaa,01TY, Within Our Gates Durini the next tliiMu months, we t-8tSuiate that there will hrf riftftrn thous and s people. This is estimating. Our . present population at ten thousand, to which we add five thousand visitord that we expect to be here and at near by hotels and boarding houses. The -question arises how are we to feed this multitude? - That is a very easy cjnestion to answer, , provided you have the provisions on hand. But suppose we Bhou'.d be visi vd this flunimer ' with a blizzard, such as they bad in New York. lat winter, could we -pull through? ; Well wsj" hardly ever have snow storms here atihia season sure rooiili to stop ' the wheels of c immene, but you need not be surprised to seo our priits go a great deal. J9wer . than the. lowit point ti'-:- tr-red btt.thjtrinfiiniHer-during' tB UHiuard Yaai'wjntef."'"'' : "T"" : Xavig foreseen the.rnii of visitors to Weaiern North Carolfh V th'is ''summer, we have prepared onrselves-pwordingly; and are now busy receiving the finest and : largest stock ot . " . ' . " '- '''- ..'' ' - Staple and Taney - GROCERIES, EVER OrFERED IN N. C COFFEE. " . The emancipation ' of twenty million slaves Id South 'America has caused a very unsettled state of affairs among the Coffee Planters, and has the effect of advancing the price of coffee which seems likely to reach still higher figures. Before the advance we were so fortun ate, as to secure a large lot of gemiin Mocha, O. G. Java, fancy Guatemala Maracaibo and fancy Kio Coffees, both green and parched all of which wc offe" at New York prices. Choice Rio Coffees are now held New York at 18 cents. WE SELL Di GOOD RIO sssc Arbuckleft at cents per lb. SUGAR Sugars are firm in prices ruling about same as in our last. -. We quote best Standard Granulated at Si cents per lb. ... '. Brown Sugars at Oj to 7i cents per lb." Best Cut Loaf Mould, 10 " - " ' ' v Powdered, . ' ; - r 10 " . Confectioners, ; 11 ' ' We have a Irge stock of Syrups and Molasses, and quote : White Drip, (.0 cents per gallon. Porto Rico from 50 to 'Octs. per gallon. Common Svrup, 40 cents per gallon. TEAS. We have the largest and finest selec tion of Teas ever offered in Western. North Carolina which have been select ed with special regard "to their drawing qualities : . Young Hyson, 40 to-GO cents per lb. Gunpowder, 50 cents to $1.00 " Oolong. - 50 cents to $1.00 ", English Breakfast, 50c to $1.00 " We can offer low grade Teas at 25 to 30 csnts per lb. ' ' SPICES. Try our pure Spices, and yon no others. will nse obel: Our Obelisk Flour at $3.00 is the best flour ever offered in this market. Favorite at $2.75 is a bargain for straight flour. Waterloo is a good Family Flour for $2 25. Canned Good? We still have a few cases of H 3 lbs. Peaches at 25 cents per ea. 2 " 20 u Best 3 lbs. Tomatoes at $ 1 .25 per dc Oatflakes at 9 cents per lb. Cracked Wheat, 5 cents per tb. . Oatmeal, 5 " " String Beans, 10 cents per can,. Corn, $1.35 per dozen. 2 lbs. Corned Beef, at 24 cents per can. I .-. 15 Marrowfat Peap, 15 ' " ' Fine Mixed Table Nuts, 20 cts. per lb. Blueing, 30 cents per dozen. Blacking. 25 ' M Potash,- 5 " per ball. Lye, - 5 box. Gallon Bcttle Pickles, 40 cents. Q,aart ' " 20 Pint " " 10 " Acme Sauce, 10 " Pearl Grits, 3 cents per lb. Brooms, 8 to 25 cents. Magnolia llama, 12 to' 14 cents per fb. We have a full line of imported and domestic Olives, Olive Oil, Sauces, Cats ups.Maple -ar.i.'andy.Orangcs, Lemons. Ci:iied .t pplen. Apricots, Cherries, Peaches. Pears, Pine Apples, Asparagus, Corn, Beans, Okra, Peas, Squash. Succo tash, Tomatoes, Devilled Crabs, Lobsters, Mackerel. : Codfish, Oysters, Salmon, Shrimps, Sardines, imported and dometlic. Potted and Devilled Meats, Condensed Milk. . ; Also a hill line of Farinaceou's Goous. Wheat Flakes, Oatflakes," Cracked Wheat, Sago, Tapioca, Oatmeal, Grist, Rice. Barley, Beans, Peas. Yeast Cakes, Crackers. Macaror-i, "er uiiceili, Mnshrojuis, Macedones, Pninea v UaisinF, Currants, t Itran, Soap. Stareh Cheese, Lard, Bacon, Hams, Salt, Candles, Gelatine, Flavoring Extracts, Soda, Bak ing Powders, Crt-am Tartar, Chocolate, Cocoa, Ac. - Tirick Bath, Si ove Polish Virtt'gar Snuff. Tobaeeo, Cigars, Cigarettes. Paper and Papr Bags Butter Trays, I'n ine, Oil Grain, Hay, Bran.Shorte, and in fact everythingtbatcanbe found in a first class Grocery Honee. . All of which we offer at prices which defy competitors. -': The prices we name are retail. we will trake speeial prices to whole sale buyers. r- -'-.1 ' -::.-- 1 ' " k i r