INSURANCE. LIFE INSURANCE. tot r rPH H TAXXY MUTUAL LIKK ASSOCIATION L OF VIRGINIA I wiea policies for from . JUOOO to i$3,00, ASI ioralnej the ."Mtraitiv: satuu: t "UU). LINK" Companies ' at .the msI oi ordinary co-operaLiYe ijioUj -. " aifce in Secret Orders. "FIRtr :' ..IHSUKaKLl. Insuraaow against lues by Fire in City "id County on all kin V; ot t . . .. ty, Real tiuti ia-rvnn . lii - ' is wetf as ir4. ' i' M issued at lair rat hi A. 1 Companies, lomo and Forcien. o t()9l. K. UK A 'ill, AKeai, Offiru North bide Court Square .ny JlVtl FlfiE INSURANCE FIRE, 1IFJEj ACCIDENT. PULIIAMiCO., ASHE.VILLE, N. C, Represent tbe following Companies, viz FIRE. CASH ASSETS IN V. B N vjlu Nevada of California, $2,497,833 t. undnental of Ne York, . . 4.875,623 . amours; Bremen ofGcrmany, 1,129.604 Lt ndon Ansarance of England, .K agaraof New York,............, Ouent of Hartford, Ptcnlx o: Brooklyn 1,543,995 2,237.492 1.6C7.692 5.054,179 St. Paul Fire ai d Marine of Minnesota. 1.641,061 Routr era of New Orleans, 439,f84 Western of Toronto J,rei9.23S 1 1 Mutual A i-.nent Association. .Etna Life Insurance Co. Bet. Third and Fourth, jjuiuu ixiuja A refnlartr edoaateil aatl lrirallj qualified phjaldan aod Lh0 aw.t tdoowfa), a ai pmeUo will prove. Cures all forma of PRIVATE, CHRONIC ana SEXUAX. DIS EASES. , w Sparmatorrnoa and Impotency, as Ibt rvnlt of wir-mbnM ta yoath, nxaal cranes la Baa Sanrjrean, er other eauses, aoa prodaciDg some of the tal lewtDf effetls: Nerrouioeu, Bcmlnal K.n,U.,ioQS, (night dels slaa, by dreams). UIbiucss of bight, Pefesilve Uunorr, Phr stcalOecsy, Pimples en Fs0, A version to Society of Femsies, CeaTosieB of Ideas, I .ess or 0exaal Power, 4c, rendering sssrrlsce treproper or qnhspr.r, are thoroughly and pcrma. aeatlj eared. SYPHXle IS pastureiy eared and en. JJJ lluii froiauw sjsm: Gonorrhea, GIsEEX, ' fttriotara, fjrchiUs, Ecrnis, (or ati-iiWre Piu-s sad other private diseases anlckly eured. It Is self.erldent that a pay ddflB srho pays rpedsl attention Is a eertaia elass of diseases, and treating thocssndt annu ally, sequins rrsatskilL Pbyslcisns kaowingtnis sctcrien leeoaiBaeDd persons ta my care. Whea it is inconvenient to Tislt the city for treataaent, medicines caa t0 Stat private! and safely by Bull or express anyvbere. Cnres Urtarasteed in tul Vasefl Couauitatiau irxmaiiT or br letter fret an InTitM. k PRIVATE COTJNSEXOK Of 100 pages, '.rat to any aJ.!re, ir-corely tenled, for thirty 0) ciaU. 8linold b read lr all. Address as aov. taws kwors riciu 5 A. M- to 9 P SbikUjs, t to 4 " THE NEW CITY. WEST ASIIEVIL.L.E JYOWIS THE jlIvTM to BUY af IIOJIE. Acre lots are now for sale. Broad streets, to be well watered by pipes Irom the mountains. Pure Spring Water. If you want a home out o be dust and bustle of the city come over the lver to West Asheville. New drives are being opened, v Five handrei acre), in beautiful lota well shaded. In quantity to suit, for aale. Apply to E. G. Carrier, Asheville Sulphur Springs Uol. l. Carrier and Gaston. , apl 7 d6iuoi BRIGHTER THAN EVER! I THE STAR 0? BUNCOMBE I I TUE STAR OF BUNCOMBE Grand Central Hotel. 837 ARBITALS JiHTJABT AND MBhVaBY 1887 2020 AHB1TAX8 JAN'BT ASD FIBSUAKT 1S8" TUE MOST POPULAR $2 00 IJOUS1 . IN THE STATE 13,000 arrivals during the paat vear -fiinr- thon vfrr niher hotel in tbe citv. WE BID FAIR TO REGISTER 25,000 --Tin&iZlMirt. Kill ' l for 15 years at 37 Court Place, now at JJ22 Market Street. T nm'trtrillo 7tr JHFIRST CLASS IN EVERY RESPECT Only hotel in tbe centra of the city. QlVK.TJSA OAIX. - S. . CHEDISTER & SON. fW NZV GOODS ARRIVING daxli Cheaper tban ever before. Don't listc to our enemies, but call and see onr gooat and prices before yon bav. "Old Chst"1 ia now at the ht-lrn to on yon. moil 1 dl2mos - Ajrden Park' Hotel WITH" CottQagres . VlSat MILES 60UTH OS ON TUB Asheville and Spartanbarc; Rail Road, H NOW OPEN. Address THOS. A. MORRIS, Prop.,' ma4dtf - Arden.N. C. S sorTyj5twlTa. ' i 4-t 1 i.hfini3wltll "? ri:-.. etc PUE--9. CTRF3 FOOT ROT, SHOTJIiDER-R.01, fiCIili W-WOEJI AND SCAB IN SHEEP , SPECIAL NOTICES. G OOD BOARS Can be had at Kn r eii errr.. nMiumu A FEWMOBBBAEDK. 8 Can be accommodated ot Mr. Weddin's, 53 July 11 dtf jJT. BT. JOSEPH'S ACADEMY. , The excrc'ses of (his Academy will open Hon day, Sept. Sd. For particulars, apply to the sept 1 dim MOTIIKk SUI'i-KIOKESS, F OR 641E OR RENT. A Lfcttt til ro in, nn p;-.i ......... W. VANDIVER, ... . Attorney t law jure 1'J dtf WcLoi dL. I-tllClng. JOit SALE, . . - . v 'ttiigo none, siirrr Rsi.l twoFftrsrt hanx-se. all In excellent conrtf- ii .. riitiRuiH iur miKiiy, Apply TO h; dtf W. C CA8JJICHAEL. lfOii KEXT. - " " Two ric flics rooms Ko 60 Sou'h Mala et, ii in ii icu u vii, muuiii ara Battle Aim' ;n . FRANK LOCGIIRAN K'j 1 Oil VJOS.1 1KIVATE BOARD. Pi.:', i .. csirlng good private board cart be - teusausiacioniy oy appiylnffto MRS. T, W. Nh.EL, 23S Haywood street, iiov 10 dtf near Battery Park, piIES i CLASS PRIVATE BOARD CAN BE HAD AT No. 24 Grove Street. House centrally located and perfectly new with large airy rooms. Bath rooms attached. Table supplied with the best the market affords. TERJIS SEASONABLE. july8d3m Announcement. We wish to announce to the citizens of Aihe Tille and surroundiDjeonntry that we-, are now maymiwaiiurhig tne Wilson Fruit and"Tegetable Preservative" in Asheville.' Call at Mrs. Ryan's Boarding House, opposite Swannanoa Hotel, and get a sample bottle free of charge. Watch this column for letters from citizens of Asheville wno have used the Preservative. rt lLSON PRESERVATIVE CO., aug 30 dtf Asheville, N. C. NNOCNCEMENT. me Bisters of Mercy beg to announce to the citizens of Asheville and its vicinity that they arc prepared to open an Academy in September lor boarders and day pupils. The course com prises English in all Its branches. Music, piano, organ and guitar, French, German and Italian, Drawing, Pniniing (oil and wattrcolors), Decora tive Art, Gold and Silver Embroidery, Silk and Chenille. Also, the most improved European method of imitating stained glass. The various departments of the school will be controled by experienced preceptors. The rasters will take a limited number of lady boarders, permanently or otherwise. Asheville, "Land of the Sky," requires no comments, telling as it docs of the pnre ozone forever descending the everlasting hills. Terms and prospectus on application- SISTERS' RESIDENCE, tltjul2l French Broad Avenue. rpSUSTEE'S SALE. iSV Virtue of a deed of t ust execntetl to rce bv J. B. S. Mcintosh and his wlta Mary E. Mcintosh and John E Sprague, to f ecure the payment of a bond for thirty-fivo hundred dollars, with inter est from the date of said bond at the rate of eight per centum per annum executed by the said J. B 8. Mcintosh and John F. Bpraerue to H. E. llrowcson. the said bond and deed of trust bearing tlats the 'Utli day of April, 1885, and the said deed or trust being registered in the office of the Reenter of Deeds tor Havwood countv. N. C. on the 17th day of April, 18S5, in Book A of Deeds of Trust, on pages 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, and up on wlich default has been made, I will expose for sale at public auction on the 19th day of September, 1888, at 12 o'clock noon, of that day at the Court House door in the town of Waynes villo, county of Haywood, the land and premises described in the said deed of trust, a more tul and particular description of which may be had by "iamining the deed of trust before referred to in 19 office of the Register of Deed for the county of Haywood. Tne rropertyabove referred to is a two story brick building, with three store rooms on the first floor and two basements underneath, and eleven good rooms on the second story. The uuuuing is situate on Main street almost opposite the court house square. Terms of sale cash. uuieu juiy itn, itrcs. JAMES G. MARTIN, Trustee. For information address Davidson & Martin. Asheville, N. C, or Moody & Norvell, Waynes- vuje. jn. tj. iu;y x wins Asheville Coai Market. COrtKECTED BT Tflt Asheville Ice & Coal Co., H. T. COLLINS A CO., PROPB 8. Per ton, Deliv'd. 500 4 74 9 50 9 60 9 6d Black Diamond Lump, for Orate, nut, lor stove. Hard, Chestnut, Move, ' Egg, 1867. Hampt on AND Featherston. The Oldest arid Most Relia ble Liquor Store in N. C. We carry the largest assortment of goods of any house in the State. We handle nothing but the vfr best goods Our Whiskies tno drandies ai . . pronounced l) physicians to be pure a. id un adulte) ttt(7. None bufpure Liquors are fl fo medicinal purposes. Our Stock is Complete in Every Particular. o: Old Corn Whiskey from ODe to four years old. Old Rye ol the highest standard brands. , All kinds of Wines, Beeis, Ales, roi ter, c sc. Cigars and Tobacco in great quantities and finest on tnemaiket. vv e are verv tnanictni tn nnr no. trons for their past favors, and we wisn to say in conclusion that our prices ana gooas are rignt down to he hard times. Be convinced bv cauing on us, west &ide Jfublic bquare, Asheville N, C. ian8d-m 1 am thoroughly prepared do all manner et Blocksmithing, Repairing): Carriages. Bugglea and Wagons, to work at the lowest prices, and to give sat isi action. Horse snoein g a specialty. Give mea triaL H. M. HOWARD, as 9 dl'An . on Barnard Hill, Eagle street. custal'g urnum CURES SW1NNET, SADDLE AND BAB. KES3 SOEE3 IN II0RS3 4 MULES I A Joint Canvass To Begin Sere at Once I , " . AND Continue for 30 days ! on tbegreatand importantqnestion of bow W. H. Lea: van sell goods cheaper than any house in the Uniuri ttsor any a t of Georgia. Just See ! I-aiiiss' Curse's at 25i; to $1 25, . Splendid Gin;bam3 at 7c tvlOt;, Gentu' UnlannJried Shirts at 45c to 90c, For a Shirt vvarran'ed not - to rip in 40 years! All-Wool filled Tennessee Jeans at 30cts, Graham's Horue-Made Shoes in all grades and a new style in them at $2 50, worth $11 40 per pair, Ladies' Dress Goods I am filling orders from nearly every county in the State which proves what I say. Don't get fooled by cost advertise ments, but if you want good new good at bargains, come and bee me, I have about eleven thousand Doz. Towels in linen goods from 75cts to 5 00 per dozen, Plenty of Bleached and Unbleached Sheeting in 8-4, 9-4 and 10-4, cheaper than ever, Ladies' Hose, Gents' Hose, Cravats, Collars, Cuffs, Shoes ! Shoes ! Shoes ! Shoes ! Shoes ! Btraw Hats from 1 cent up, Table Linen, Napkins, Bnttriclt's Patterns, and don't forgtt we give you a Fashion Sheet Free, at W. H. LEA'S Spot Cash Store. DAMON AND PYTHIAS Our enemies in Asheville Are going to be.lost. For we have determined To mark our goods at cost. "Within our gates" ate calling The buyers who procure All tliat they nted. at prices ' Which cost can e'er secure. Tbe history of Asheville Can show no grander theme Than Smith & Baird's rock-bottom house 'Twould make a glorious hymn. If any pious gentleman Shoald put it into rhyme, He'd see U ey have succeeded Because they don't give "time." Now go to S. & B.'s when you Want anything that's good, They are O. K , and ever have. Gilt-edged in Ashevilie's food. PRICE LIST. Good Coffee, from 5 to 7 lbs. f Granulated fr?uguar 10 lbs Brown " 14 " Full Cream Cheese, 15c. California Apricots, 25c. .fears, 25c. Cherries, 25c " GraDes. 25c Durkees Salid Dressing, 40c. ' " pint. w orcesterehire sauce 2oc Dess. Cocoanut, 15c Pine Annie Cheese $1.00 each Edam Cheese, 90c " Cox Gelatine, 15c. wacaroni, 124c. pei lb. Sublime Luca Oil, . 35c " pint La & Pernn s Sauce. 45c. " " Legget's Champion Corn, 15c " can. Best catsup, loc- " bottle Lemon, Vanilla, Rose and other Ex tracts from 10 to 30 cents. Plum Pudding, 25c per cau Oysters from 75c to $1.60 per doz. cans Sardines, 7c. to 15c per can; French and American Oyster Bay Asparagus, 4 cans for 35c; 3 lb. Tripes, 20c ; Hops, 5c; Spinach, 15c; G rested Pineapple, 25c; Columbia River Salmon, 15c; Jelly, 10c-; Tapioca, 10c.; Saga, 10c; Tea from 40c to $1.50; 3 IbTomatoes, 10c; Mackerel. 15c; Clams, 15c ; Oat Flake, 7c. i er lb ; Oat lueai, oc. per id. We have just received a car load of Daily Bread Flour, best on the market at 3.00 per sack. This flour we guaran tee, or your money refunded. " ine goods we oner are the best qual ity; bought from reliable houses in New York, and we offer housekeeper induce ments to buy out gooods and save your money. Kespectfully, etc, SMITH & BAIRD. AT COST. All Goods;inCStore No. 15 Pat ton2Avenne. Having determined to . make a change in my business I offer my entire stock of Dry Goods, Ladies and Misses Shoes, Hosiery, Gloves and Notions of all kinds at cost, for cash. I also offer Spring and Summer Clothing at cost. When these goods are closed out I will deal exclusively in Men's Youth'sand (MldrenVClothing, Gent's Fur nishing Goods, Men's Shoes and Hats. . "My, Carpet Department is now full and will be continued. It will ,be a special feature of my business, and will be kept full and complete with all grades of Carpeting,; Matting, Oil Clotis and Bugs.". ':. ' ".. )i;z-:. JAill2P.:SAWYERf " Nos. 15 and 17 Patton Avenue. ; : d&w2m r.!U8TAf:GLi.Iir.iEflT CURES HOLLO WHORN,' CAKED BAG9, j.U,U U s, IlUUJf An UATlXili I NOTES AND PARAGRAPHS. IMts of Good Reading Clipped from (he .-' Exchanges Stray Items. New York finds that an electric plant for the execution of dogs will cost but $900. - . ; A lily, jet black in color, is in bloom at Chico, CaL It emits a very disagree able odor. " Two pure white robins have been taken from the nest of an ordinary redbreast in Galena, Ills. Twenty-one years' faithful service en titles a public school teacher to a pension tn Wisconsin. The cyclorama of Niagara has had an enormous success in London. As the English say, it lias "fetched" the town. The president of the Imperial academy at Pekin has undertaken, iy command of the emperor, to translate" "Il.nulet" into Chinese. A mass of .copper weighing about twenty tons has been found at Copper Falls, Mich., and 13 being cut up into merchantable sized chunks. The latest meteor story is one that is alleged to have fallen near Kiew, Rus sia, and which, when broken open, is said to have been found full of small diamonds. . A western man is selling large quanti ties of an ink which he calls "lovers' ink." Its peculiarity is that the writ ing in which it is used entirely disap pears after twelve hours. Farmers down in Jersey aro about in stituting "bug days," wherein a con certed effort will be made to exterminate the insects that just now are playing havoc with fruit and vegetables. - An experiment in tobacco erowins ia now in progress In southern Florid, JfV ia said tho product h iU-WTcnarmoTlsTana , that three crops can be grown annually. It is a leading crop in some sections .of tne state. At a recent meeting r the French Physical society Sir William Thomson was present, and stated that, according o his determinations, the rate of . diffu sion of electricity was a hundred and ten &3S3 as rapid as that of heat in the best conductors. Reports received by the viticultural commission show that the wino crop of California this year will not bo less than 23,000,000 saltans ai against 17,000,000 last year. The outlook for raisins and tabla grapes is sAso good. Dr. Donald G Hood has collected many facts relating "to the use of salicylic acid for rheumatism. Of 728 patients treated with salicylates, 023 were relieved of tl'?ir pains within seven days; whereas, w" 612 patients treated by other methods. only 140 were relieved within the same time. riio Rev. Hudson Taylor, of tbe In esvnd China mission, savs: "After eighty years of contact with England, there an 82,000 Christians, for which we may be thankful, and 150,000,000 opium smokers, for which we may hang our heads in shame. The slave trade, thc liquor traffic, the licensing of immoralit' these were bad enough, but the opiun curse i3 the sum of all villain v. " W. A. Lyman, of Milford, -Conn., & oiakin.g the smallest possibie specimen :'i an engine. It will bo made from a silver half dollar. Tho bciler is to hold about eight drops of w.Sr-, but with foul drops the engine can fcc worked several minutes. hen finished it is to be placed und ;t s- glass caso three-quarter of an inch hi diameter and an inch and one-eighth jn height. Some of the parts will bei sc. hne and delicate that they cannot be made without the uso of a magnifying glass. , A specimen of a new campaign torch which promises to become quite popular is made from a combined composition of inflammable matter, and when lighted, burns dry; that is to say, it is free from grease, does not run, and gives off no bad odor. It may be stuck on the end of a handle or pole, can be carried in tho pocket and is always ready for use. It yields a large flame. It burns thirty minutes, and threo of them (with the stick) form an outfit suitable for any political procession. Julian Hawthorne Still continues to write on tho calamities of authors and literary people generally. In a paper on literary syndicates contributed to the current number of America, he says: "The magazines are all over stocked, and no author caa live on tin royalties ot, his books. A syndicate will, indeed, almost" always take a short story, if it be short enough; but 'short enough' means 1,500 or 2,000 words and what author, who values his reputa tion, will use up his plots at such a rapid rate as that?" A Wonderful Fire Beetle. A beautiful specimen of the celebrated West India cuculo, or fire beetle, was caught the other night in a door yard in Brooklyn by a littlo daughter of Mr. Stephen Avenll. It is about an inch and half long, ana upon the thorax are two eye like spots, resembling those of an ordinary water beetle. When the insect is placed in the dark these spots .shine with a greenish light, strong enough to produce a perceptible illumination around them. From the segments of tho body underneath the wing covers a similar illumination is produced. The intensity of tho light is apparently under the in sect's control. When undisturbed for a time the light gradually fades out, but if its antennas are touched, oris is otherwise Irritated, the oval spots on its back and its body underneath glow with surprising splendor. So bright is the light tliat tho insect flitting among tuo trees on the evening of its capture was at first mis taken for a toy fire balloon. It may havo been brought to Brooklyn in some fruit laden schooner. Now York Sun. Slave Trndo iu Africa. The condition Of the slave trade may be estimated when it is lerfrned tliat Car dinal Lnvigirie, archbishop of Algiers and Cartilage, has felt it to bo his duty to go to Europe to denounce its continuation.- He has lately delivered tnorft im passioned harangues from the pulpit of St. Sulpico, Paris. He says that the evi dence is that 400,000 slaves are annually sold on the African shores, and that, tak ing into account tiiose killed in capturing them and the deaths from barbarous treatment, the slave trade counts 2,000, 000 victims every year.- -New York Sun. This is the Top of the Genuine Pearl Top Lamp Chimney. All others, similar are imitation. This exact Label is on each Pearl Top Chimney. A dealer may say and think he has others as good, BUT HE HAS NOT. ; Insist upo-thdCxact Label snd Top. F03"S;J S-rtRWHERE. ' iflsM CHUT BT - . i vnO. As riETSi&Ca;, Pttrgil, Pa. 9 CM AMI V Cnmfor wgaWrwag, laaarTOCgHwB, lade m C II U I t of maxtiT nor, development, coo fiasiioe. etc EOOX FR?il L?-'' ed-C. tcHcJii K.Z ' mar20deod&wly ' ' : - : : ou8Tflia uv:sm Vi FOR MAN & BEAST PENETRATES MUSCLE & FIBRE TO THE VERY BON. if - tfc CONSTITUTION. Abticle 1. This organization shall be known aa the Xotrao Man's CutvsLAirD-ifowiJt Clot of Aet. 2. Its object shall be to regularly main tain the principles of and rapport of the candidates regularly nominated by tbe Dem ocratic party. Am. 8. The officer, of thia clnb s hall 00 nalat of a President, Vioe-Preaidenta, a Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer and an Executive Committee composed of a representative from each voting precinct in township, who shall be elect ed by ballot. Aet. 4. Any persol of T township tf voting or working age' who shall declare Lis intention and pnrposo to support the nominees of the Democratic) party in the corning election, shall be eligible to member ship in this club by signing thia Constitution. AET. 5. The President shall annoint fonr standing committees, of members eacn, cn finance, Begistration, Campaign Literature and Printing and Poblio Spnakin and Entertainment. Abt. 6. No member shall be subject to assess ment for any pnrposo. but all members may voluntarily conti Urate to the expenses of th club. . JUQj Art 7. The President shall "report once a .week to the Chairman of the State Democratic Executive Committee at Raleigh, N. C. the condition of the club, and as to the political condition of ... township. Abt. 8. Ten members of the club shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of any business. . BY-LAWS. 1-iThe club shall meet during political cam paigns on Wednesday night of each week. 3. The President shall have power to call a special meeting of the club whenever, in his judgment, it may be necessary, or shall call a special meeting at the written request of four members of the club; and he shall give due notice of such meeting by newspaper publica tion or otherwise. 8. The deliberative proceedings cf the club shall be governed by general parliamentary rules. 4. No member shall bs allowed to occupy the floor for a longer period than ten minutes at one time, nor mora than twiea nr. thn aamA v'jnbjsot,-wifflout the unsMmona consent of the clnb. 5. No person who is not a member of the club shall be permitted to address the club, unless invited to do so by the chairman of the meeting. d&wtf TAILORS. J, C. BROWN, sierchant tailor, 35 Patton Avenne, j. Grand OenlraZ Hotel Th ost stylish patterns in the city FIT AND WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED, inch 3 dtf D. R. McKINNON & CO., Bee to announce that thev have opened their Tailoring Estatlisliment with a fine selection of eoods at prices to suit all, classes and by Striot Attention to business will do their utmost to please a . who should favor them with Their Patronage. We also beg to intimate that we do Ladies' Tailoring in all the latest fashions, note the address, NO. 33 PAPTON AVENUE, over Brown, Gudger & Co.'s store, an 12 dtf Delightful Excursion! ASHEVILLE TO HOT SPRINGS. Round Trip Tickets ONLY $4.50! Including a full day's board at the Mountain Park HOTEL. "h Baths in Marble Pools and Porcelain Tubs are the finest and most luxurious inAmerica- Tho Hotel is New and First-Class In Every Particular. TTie Place is a Charming Spot, Nestkd among, and sheltered by fine-clad Mountains, -where there is no Fog, no dust; no malaria. Pure and abundant water, and. abeyrputo perfect drainage. Nichols and Williams, Real Estate Agents,- MeliOud Law Building. Parties desiring to purchase or rent will do well by seeing us before they conclude any arrangements m that hne, as we are offering some choice bargains, in both improved ana unimproved property in various parts of the city. We have also some good houses to rent with or without furnituie. Also a lot of good farming and mountain land for sale. Investors would do well to see us in regard to these mountain lands especially. . 1nnA 17 rlfimna ST, MARY'S 8GII0OL. (Established in 1842:) . " - Raleigh, N. C. Advent Term begins Sept. 13, 1888.' . For catalogue address the Rector, . Rev. Bennett Suedes, A. M. jnne 28 d3m Atkins and Carrington, BOLBbKAXRBSrjS The Famous TVooldridge 1 M Jellico Coal. - All varieties cf .Hard Coal. a Before securing your winter's supply, pi give ns a triaL We guarantee satisfaction. Jellico Coal Yard, North Publio Square. - anx 11 dfim r.:!i3Tm:a Li::i"2r3T HEALS rNFLAMMATION, OLD BORES, CAiiD BREASTS & INSECT BITES t A Splendid Farm ON HOMINY CHEEK FOESALEs I can sell where I live, from one acre to one hundred or three hundred acres of as good land as the rich Hominy section of Buncombe oonnty can afford.- It is ten miles west of Asheville, immediately upon the Murphy Division of the Western North Carolina Bail Boad. It is splendid gram, grass, fruit, and tobacco land; much of the farm is already set In grass and fine young orchard: good build ings. A promising little town already storied on these premises, with three stores, two flourishing merchant mills, three churches Methediat. BaDtist. EoiscODal. Verv snnerinr water-power -sufficient to turn a very large quantity cf mummery; a post office with moils twice daily; a fine country surroundinir and tributary to this point. This farm is splendid 1 jadapted to truck gardening. Or I will rent my .home to somo family for tiis summer. Parties desiring a good home, in a Bplendid and growing section of this Land of the Bky, would do Wdll to call and examine. Fo a party who will erect a good hotel I will give a beaitiful site. W. G. CANDLEB, Candler P. O., jnne 10 d 3ms Buncombe co., N. C. MEXICAN 60FFEE. I now have in store for sale a small lot of very fine Cordova Coffee at 23 cents per lb., when prime Rio Coffee was selling at 16 cents per lb. The price of CORDOVA was 25 cents per lb., now prime RIO is 25 cents per lb, and yon can get CORDOVA at same price, try it for a change. This coffee is no better nor cheaper tban can be gotten in New York, but what difference does this make to the people of Asheville, let's give New York a chance any how- Respsctfully, S. R- KEPLER 1 53 South Main street, june 27 dtf V. O. MULLER & CO., No. 7 South Main Street, Asheville, N. C. DEALKES IN All kinds of Whiskies, Brandies, Wines Ale, Portes, Cigars, Tobacco, Ac.; fine Kentucky Rye and Bourbon Whiskies a specialty. distillers' agents foe Pui forth Carolina Corn Whiskey and Apple Brandy. Purt Jarley Malt Whiskey for medical purposes always in stock. Sole agents and auth:rized bottlers ot "Anheuser-Btuch Brewing Auocuition' celebrated &l. Louis Laget Beer for Wettern Korih Carolina. The following Brewings constantly on hand, in kegs and in bottles . Anheuser Busch, Standard, Imperial Pale Lager and original Budweiser. Goods delivered to any part of the city free. Prompt attention paid to all or ders by mail. Telephone call No. 39. Billiard Hall on 3d floor. dt Sewing Without Labor. A BOON TO WOMAN V No More Nervous Prostra tion and Disease from . Hunniiig Seviiig KacMnes. Three Times the Amount of Sew ing Done that is Possible by. Foot Power. Sewing machineexxun by water :: tors are now on exhibition at the rooms oi tL t inger Wan 11 texturing Company, , Ko. 62 South Stain Street, two door Booth of Post Office. Ladles an. invit ed to call and make tests by their own tewine on machines run by these motois. S.titntction guaranteea. A. TV. LIND6EY, Agests. Inns 23 dim McAboy Houses In tbe Equable Climate Oi the Noted Thermal Belt, "This popular resort is situated at the foot o Tryon and Warrior range of mountains, in the celebrated thermal belt, one mile and a half from Tryon City, 40 miles South of Asheville, on tbe Asheville ct Spartanburg Bail Boad. This house is large, roomy and home-like, with broad piazza, situated in a sbaitd old oaovs of oak, mimosa, walnut and pine trees, with a beaultfnl lawn, flowers and shrubbery, The hotel a rm ' is an ample supply of fresh milk, mils erries. The stable suppU . saddle horses and car riages for the roma e drives, for which this merlon is noted. The house has lately been refurnished and put in first-class order, with addition of water works for Wash-rooms, bath-rooms, dr&inaire. 4c . Plenty of ficro mountain spring water; also, iron spring water, poewessmg wuiiaerm medicinal qualities. Open all the year, ddrcss ; Is. J. BELL, (formerly of Wilmington, Del.,) ... - MoAboyV, Polk o., N. O apt IB d6mo - - . Luotong Linimcnl WmCAN srosTAJtU UNnfENT should alwaTa S kei tn Uousa, Stasia and acroav. Save Iceea The White Mans Bar Down Stairs (JOKNER MAIN AND EAGLL M liKETf-', UNDER WHITLOCKS'STORf, PEOPEIETOE. Headquarters for fine LIQUORS. I keep no. uJt the PURK3T, r,r d chargge accordingly. My ARE ABSOLUTELY: "I PUI1K AB IfcADlTKBATaED, and aro recommended by the beet judges for rredicinal uee. Also Fine Billiard .and Fool Parlor.' doorls nliirrtorl tn oil nnirfo Mr, ),.,.. 4V- V. : r . r- w Asheville, N. C. The only strictly jttuiutanrxy W. A. BLAIR & CO." WHOLESALE AND ""RET A TT .And TTza - CHAMBER SUITS A SPECIALTY, Boarding Houses and Hotels Furnished in Pa?'t or Entire. WARDROBES, SIDEBOARDS, e Safes, Bedsteads, in fact everything required to furnish any part 01 a nousa, at prices to suit tne purses 01 buyers. The best line of BED SPRINGS in the city. Parlor Suits a Specialty. Nice line of Ladies' Rockers for Christmas. Call and sec our splen' did stock of Pai ' or and Window Curtains Respectfully, W." A. Blair & Co. Ko. 37 Patton Aveunc. , We have the best Upholsterer and Cabinet Workman in the State, and aie prepared to have the best work in this line done at short notice, and low DOUBLEDAY & SOOTT. 2426 WORTH PUBIaJC SQUAItE, Asheville, BT. ; . . KEEP THE LARGEST STOCK IN WESTERN NOilTH CAROLINA OF Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouling FAINTS, WINDOW CORD and WEIGHTS, ROOFING PAPER LIME, PLASTERING HAIR LATHS, SBLXlVCtUES; Etc. Kindling Wood and a great variety of Building and i encing Lumber. We offer very cheap some odd sizes of Blinds and also Lumber eaitable for shad and outbuildings I..,; BUYING IN LARGE QUANTITIES STRICTLY, FOR CASH WE ARE ENABLED TO OFFER GOODS AT: LOWEST PRICES. Estimates promptly furnished and special sizes procured at short notice, mch 11 dl2mos FRANZ E. HARWELL, THE LEADER IN LOW PRICES OF ALL KINDS OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS, Fine Plain Furniture, Fumllnre, Furniture, Bedroom Parlor Kitchen Furniture, Furniture. F,urnittrc. ALSO A FINE LINE OF CIC Baby Carriages, Water-Coolers, CARPETS,? MATTNGS, LAMPS, CLOCKS, MIRRORS' ETC., ETC. tSTOur terms are to suit onr customers in selling for cash or easy weekly payments. Don't forget to get our prices before purchasing elsev bere. JYO. 6 J OUT II aug 19 d&w 6mos fTV ,11 ( HI . t , P.O.B0X284 - a. LEWIS MADDOXJPrest C. M. McLOUDJ V-Prest. L. P. McLOUD, Cashia The Western Carolina Saving Bank, ASHEVILLE N. C : ; Capital"50,000. General Banking. Deposits Received. Excbante Kouglit antt -Sold, v CoUttUon made on all accessible pa inl 4 ' - Ths Savings feature mill icceive rpecial attention. On ail depoons in this department deposited for four months or lenger intercEt at the rate of fonr per cent per annum will be paid. -'"":...; -- " Deposit your Dimes, von "will, soon bavt ' : Dollars. :;V--.t:-v;:NV"-'' Open from 9 a. m. to 3 p. ni. On Saturdays the Savings LV ortment will be open from 6 p. ro. to 8 p. m. . Dirk toes : M. J. Bearden, M. J. Fagg, J. E. Ray,. J. E. Reed, R. B. Johnston. Edward H. Coleman, Geo.S. Powell, Lewis Maddox, C to. McLcud. DJOTAIfa Lini::H3T : CURES PILES, BURNS, CUTS, CORNS, BRUISES, CUUIsA'NS&FRokTBI'iri White Man's Bar iu the ritau. d - ertsuteers. , BED AND Wl LOUNGES Chea 1 1' il l IS COUIST SQVJMRti. CUSTA1IG UIOT CURES RttEU5(ATLJ"X LA5fI?. 'A'.Ca AND STIFF JOINTS. R'Ut V. L,.'iD ,