v i J A y DAILY EDITIOiN. JNQ.D. CAUEBOxV. Editor and Proprietor. ' 8UBSO J. Citizen JOB Office 13 PATTON AVE. Our facilities are second to none LEGAL BLANKS. DAILY, One Ymi. , " Six Months, , WEEKLY, One Year, . Six Months, $6.00 3.00 1.50 .75 VOL IV.-NO 197. ASH EVI LLE NfvCv J MORN I NG, NO VE M B ER 27 i388. PRICE 5 CENTS (Advertising Rates Low. BILL HEADS, & , T - - " D.W. FURMAN 1 he i" . . , - ........ V DO YOU It ia human nature to do as the many do? 11 a lew men stop on the tide wait ana consult together, others soon gather amnnu until often a small crowd assembles. SO IT IS with ' a popular business house like GOOPER'S, oq th corner of MAIN AND COLLEGE STREETS, As he always keep on hand the best of GROC ERIE S at reasonable prices the close bajre -SooifPd It Out . - . 'And then many others followed: and now it is the popular thing tor the masses to do, consequently he enjoys a good trade. Every thing priced in plain figures, and the Figures Planed Down TO THE nov 17 dtf LOWEST NOTCn. C omponlk Ors. HARGAN & tJATCHELL Corner Church Street and Patton . Avenue. AcyLLg-?j.-e mi 1 1 Componnd Oxvgen Inhaled, in connection wlta medicated Balaam Vapor, cures Consump tion, Asthma, Bronchitis, Aal Catarrh, Sore Throat. Los of Voioe, Diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, Bladder, and all disease depending on mpnre or impovensneu diooo. It cures falls. Kneumatiam when everything else CERTIFICATE. Tor fifteen yeari I have "uttered with Itching tiles, s much so that I have hardly In that time aly In t I was pleawnt night and as I was growing woise aod my complaint was becoming nee irouDietome. I went to Asnevl'le, N. v., and placed mysnll under the treatment of Dr. Hargnn. Under bis treatmeat I have improved sjrapi J ly that In two weeks 1 feel that I am almost entirely reuevea REV. O. TAYLOR. Orland, Florida, nov 11 dtf Oct 29, 1188. FILES. In addition to our Oxygen treatment, we make specialty of treating Pnei. Rectal Ulcers, Fis tula, fissure, Pmiltus or itching Piles, Polypus, or Tumors of the Rectum, Prolapsus of the Rectum, and all other Rectal diseases, also all Urinary and Bladder diseases. HOME TREATMENT, We manufacture the Compound Oxygen, and sr.1? i 1 1 all parts of the country, even to the Pad A . Coast. We send apparatus and chemicals jlM two months for f la. This ia a valuable t the office .reatment. The wonderful curative results obtained with hlvtmatment la astonishing even to us. On application a pamphlet free, on .the treat ment and the climate. Call and try the treatment. No charge for trial. DR8. HARQAN QATCHXLL, AshevlUe, H. a Cornr Jtaln St. and Pattoa Avenue, nor 11 dasrtt 1 CARD. To Strangers and Citizens. . We now have prepared a complete list of all the Beal Instate we control in Asheville and Western North Carolina, It embraces every thing in the line from the smallest lot in the city to the largest timber tract. Call and' get price or address us as below. ' ' ' - Nati Atkinson &.SOKS. . oct2ldtf , ' heard frantic (the time -bird is killed the , platter, the meal of whic take amid' Th ing praises, too much, And such gl ut'.ons , all folks and f weather, and - get all the. Vi ' iktim . - , to gra e And st an h fol k anksi v Q lite ott which doth make . IJsick as blazes. Tsocouae "v , amiljjes this aeawnajla at our store, for feast galore s things together. Lav in your and spice, your cranberries, aad your citron peei currant. TheTgoods - are all quality we warrant. Provide the buar , fpr -the cakei and gingerbread, deliciocs. and gold en pumpkin pies that make spooks haunt the (su perstitious (when bed time comes) and also get your . store " of sweets - ready to gratify -the hnngry mawB of Mary, Jans and Freddy, and golden oranges lay by ior genral , ; delectation. and nuts and raisins if yon would fill the general expectation and do not lorget the coffee or .the fact that oo man living beat onr store on qual- -Ity or pri cea for hank , givin T - s -" I ! II Powell THE 1A1XY CITIZEN Will he Dnblisned evrv Mornisji fe cept Monday) at the -following rates nrtctiy eatn: - One Year, . . . . . f 6 00 Six Months, . : . . . . 3 00 Three " . . . .,160 One " . . . 60 One Week. ..... 15 Our Carriers will deliver the paper ev ery Morning in every part of the city to onr subscribers, and parties wanting it will please call at the Citizen umce. IAROER DAILY AND WEEKLY CIR CULATION IN WESTERN NORTH CARO LINA' AND EAST TENNESSEE THAN ANY OTHER PAPER. CONSTANTLY INCREAB-J TNG. " - Send your Job Work of all kind to the Citizen Office, if you icaiU it done neatly, nheaply and will Juspateh. Arrival and Departure of Passenger Trains. KiUSBmY Arrives 7:44 a. in. and 4:44 t m ; leaves 4:54 a. m. and 4:54 p. ra. for Morrixtown. Tennbssks Arrives at 9 46 p. nx. and 1:22 p. m .u&Teeat 9:56 o. m. and IMS p: n. - iiPAKTiNBUBo Arri-t 7 p. o.j lejjrei lor -!fbtirt.V: p- jn. ""- J ... Watnesville Leaves Aslievllle at ;:SS t. m., and arrives at S: v.rn t s -- - New Advertisements. CCo Stray d oir Stolen apply at 57 Cherry st. A bsoS utely Pure. tntagi,h ni wOiestriient1. Moie eoaouiiea: ban t?r- ' it ki--'l antl cannot be- atii in 4Htx- ttifiu wkii tiie'Tivjairti'le oi low test, sbort e .-hi ftiutu or pitoe-jitiaU; pi:-'Oi'j;, tSat orUj; tit . . itOxALii4itU& I'OW.'RBCu. iCci Wan One Price Store. A laryu.Hiid very attractive line ot Men's, Buys' an 3 ChilUren's ISuits rang uk ironi low priced gouds to something verv fine. fc3a3rr'45'''-fcn for A. Raymond & Co., YcflTTairor, rts.'ttnd a tit guaranteed. jaaaples now ready lor instruction. Ml-Wool Dress Go mIs of the popnla abrics in groat, vusiuty, aisu Sacinea.Fer sales, Dress Giuijliaaia, frints,&c. Ur!s Silks in the new v,eaye3, Kha iames, Satir.K, Velvets and Flushes. Carpets, A t S';'-r'iP Smyrna Rags' )il-Juth, Mattings. Ctirtain Goods in jreat variety, Damasks, Towels, Napkins Doverl.-tfl, Jilaukeu, &c. Zieyler Bros.', Merriam & ' Tyler's Viorpaa broa.' aad Stokiey.'s Shoes for .adies, misses and children. Banister's and Ziegier's Fine Shoes fo B'n. Packard A Grover's celebrated "52.60' lad "2W Shoas for m;n and a simi ,r jiracie i'or boys. Derby Hats, ttlk Hats, Soft Hats, and teamer Hats. Wool and Ganz s Und rwcar, Hosiery, 5id Faliric Gioves, Collars and Cuffs, iuchini'S, Scttrfp, Ties, Kibbnns Corsets, :Juttns, Braids, and Fsmcy Goods and jmaHwares generally. Parasols, Umbrellas. Fans. Khoppina P-igs, Club Satchels, Trunks, Ac. Mens' Furnishing Good?- Cassimerew, Coatings. iVfaisds, sucky Jeanr, Douiestiur, &c. Ken- ikw Noa 7 9 l'attju Avenue. mar23Jtf J. -V. SCHARTLE, 3J!ercliaiit 'X'ailori 42 N. Main St, ASHEVILLE N. C oct :dtt .-.(VtIU- - ber' bar ' when. loud .T,ie firke -S.j'a chatter: For 'tis-. -when that 'em select ana nice, ...-and can POWPIB & Snider, Asheville, N. C No cases were tried in the police court yesterday-morniDg. It was bright, but breezy yesters day a delightful day for put-door exercise. ... -.- - The regular weekly meeting of Mt. Fisgah iKKJge, Wo. 32v K. of was held at their hall last night. , Those superb cranberries at Hee tons' are t-easing, too t-eaains;; they suggest turkey and lhankegiving. The new rHernberof the Board of county commissioners for Bun combe, will be sworn in Monday next. . - - :' ":." - . ? The sales at the ' warehouses yeB- tirday were large, and prices re- cuived for tobacco were ou tb"e in crease. . The "dwelt" of the Tfiaukgiving turkey is now seen in the land. But went the "stuffing" be knocked out of him on fh ursda though o nir. hi. vv. Barhlioidw, the weIN known architect, has returned from Lynchburg, Va.T where he has been on a visit for the past two weeks. Dr. Arlington has been called to the eastern part of the State. He will be at home on the 3rd day of December to meet his engagements aere. Mr. V. V. Barnard and Mr. E. Siuder have returned lroua Charles ton, 8. C, where they have been en joying tiie lesuvities ot "gala.' week. - . " Messrs. Kobt. L. Graham and Jas. V. Siuder have returned from Danville, where they took in the tobacco exposition, and had a big time generally. A gentleman in this city, who purchased a small tract of land eighteen mouths g , fr $300, yes terday sold the same lor $1,000 cash. Asheville "'diit" improves with age. Special service w;il bj held at all the churches on Tuursua lnorn-i. iiiji, Thanksgiving ana coilecti-nis wiii be taken up ldr the beotiit of tiie Uxfurd Orphan Asylum. Help tim orphaur. - Sneak thieves urj numerous in Ashevfl.e? at pres'eut. Several petty thefts have been cuicmitted during the past three or four days. Some of the offenders have already been caught, and the police have obtained clues which will lead to the capture ol the others. We are pleased to learn that cur old and esteemed Iriend, Cl. Thad. Brys 'n, of .Swain, is now enjoying better health thau ior some years. We sincerely wish h could entirely recover, ior he was most useful citizen t his county up to the time ol his prostration. Mr. Cleveland wiU enjoy his eumpkin pie on Thursday. Not withstanding be is defeated he has the consolation jf noting t rapidly increasing demand anions leading republicans wbohave studied the import of thescetit election for tariff reform. So the country gets justice and prospers. Mr. Cleveland does not care who ia i resident. Messrs- J. N. Rogers and A. E. Fore, of Buncombe county, whose bright wrappers took the rirst pre mium, $150.00 in gold, at the Dan ville Tobacco Fair, hold uV that place the lot exhibited 45 pounds for $09 per hundred, which added to the premium received, makes $194.55 they have in hand for the lot. Well done, gentlemen. Mr. A: S. Staicup, f Whittier- Strain county, is in theeity. He has in Kay's warehouse the finest lot of tobacco, he -ays, he has ever raistd, and having had Bine year's experience in the culture ol tne weed, this speaks well for his pres ent crop. Old Swain, however, pro duces line tobacco when she has h chance, as well as many other good things.' . r Transylvania is coming to the front on the tobacco question.. The Brevard Voice say e: T, "A sample of very fine tobacco was shown us this week, brought in by Mrs. Fuller Norton, which proves that es good an article can be grown in Transylvania as else where, if properly managed. Mrs. Norton has tobacco for sale, and parties wishing to buy would - do well to call on her." : ' -'J... 1 v-- Lsng lime Ago. N.' P.. .Willis caught, up a negro so tig in one of his Southern trips. Negroes then had their melodies, j sweet music, but abominable poetry. Catching the sentiment, but ignor ing the coarseness,and'out of it oame the pret y song, "On the bank where drooped the willow. "Long time - ago" might have, led negro memory btck into deep recesses of a native freedom at all events, it touched a sentiment which was ratural, though not .native, for s1 a very was a normal condition of the negro ; but "Long time ago" has a sweet sound, v '; . ': New Good t Hew Goods 1 1 . - Arriving faster than we can open and mark them. Lota of Novelties. Lots ot chean coods. Lots of bargains in fine goods. Call eariy and see the bargains we oiler already, (a large lot or, bilk Plofeh MaU at 15 cents each,) - .. at Law's, : - 57 & 59 S. Main st lAdies'. Misses'.and Children's Wraps in oat varietv. . Amons? the shapes are Walking Jackets, Visites, Modjeska'i Newmarkets, Ulsters, Paletou and Kua- an Circulars. ' ,: 11 y .' dSt eod ' n. RbdwoodA Co. . , ; 3fr. Wade Harris. Wer regret lo, note that pfSr ;gcaial friSnd, Mr. Wade Harris, tor--years the able, and popular localizer of the ChorlVtte c' ChronicU; has. retfrei from ihat excellent - iourhal--.' W& trast that he will not Ions; be 'tJisconnecteJ with rJorthLarolma jouraansm. . Closed -a..Xbatikssiyi as: We suppose the bosines3kohses of pur cftywfll be closed on Thatsday font; Tkanksgivlngtlayas has been att xustpin, .neretoioe.. , e "umu tkerefore suggest t; houseftejMws to put. their houses inordef aocorcJingly by securing supplies peiore thas; day. "i. " ' ' - -:- 'Iho Baekeye.'.'. 'V , ' Miss Liaie Evans, -one of the most attractive little, actresses on the stage y appear on the. 'Asheville boards next Monday eveafDar, fri thr bril liant new comedy,i "Xber ButTW The ptay is quiflni pauTe" "5?Ihio life, iavfour acts, -and is pronounced 'a laughing 7 success." Eemember, next Monday night, at the Opera House. . . . , 4 ' ' t ' A Treat for"ThankKlvirir. ! If next Thui-sday be a fair dajr, a solar camera exhibition will be given in the large, study-hall of 'the' Orange street city school building, the pro ceeds of which to be given to the Mission Hospital, of this city. Ad mission, 25 cents Doors open at 12 m., entertainment begins at. 12.30 p m , and continues until 2 p. m. ' Here is an opportunity to spend a short while most pleasantly, and con tribute to a needy institution as well. Thanks GivinS- Let our readers ermernbsr the full import of the word Thanksgiviag. It means to give thanks,' and to show thanks by giving. Render -thaiiksH unto the Lord for .his manifold mer cies ; render gifts unto tbe.poor. and needy, "for asmuch as ye give unto the least of these the poor ye give nnto me," saith the Lord God of Je hovah Heai ken unto Thanks Giv ing. Remember Uie - Hospital, and the widow and the orphan, and tlit sick and the afflicted. ' The Street Kailway.' ; ,. The bands are busy at work bring- .j ing the line to the court house square. Weajjplaud the energy which has brought it so far. It is ia tk& -heart of the city. That is the great artery that propels life through the many streets, the arteries ol vitality through the city. Shall it stop there? We think not. As a tentative .movement it is right; As a reshlt, add .. kJfeoirYolthe3 and wait oi the boys. syBut i' .. l,i .-Th- L.siJ the day has corne when a new leaf elusion it is the reverse. The 'oiisi- nal ordinance brings, it'Up from the depot via Patton Avenue to the court house square, thence along : Main street to Pulliam thence to College street, thence along College street to Oak street, and if 'permission be ob tained t irough the. College grounds to Charlotte street through to Chest -nut street'.' down toMerrimon Avenue and back again to North Maio. str et. - We have entered into no cntro versy with parties connected wit ri the different interests. We do not pro pose to do so. We regard all these movements as of inceptive character. They are the tentative movements of capital. We largely sympathize with those who anticipate the full result which reward capital. t We largely sysopathize with those who anticipate the full results of immediate purpugg. We will not be satisfied with the in definite conclusion of work at the court house square. " Nobody will be As a beginning we have to take the will for the deed, .the deed to be- ess cuted in 'futuro; -We look for the whole line, and we must have it. ?. ': . This is a question that we camiot controvert is the spirit of animosity. We loog. upon the street railway sys tern with absolute friendliness ; We harmonize with those who look to the largest expansion, and we deprecate the narrow mindedness of - those who would restrict a limitation. . We ap plaud those who have given ualithat we ndw have, and we condemh the movements of those who oppose ; far ther progress. . - Progress is the watch word, and we hope it is to be observed until the last spike of the farthest ex tension of the street railway is driven. i . , . - , An inoffensive colored "dempcrat of Alexandria was assaulted with an ice-pick with deadly - mtenW few davs since because in the recent election he 'did not voter with his race." -r; i;-V";. "1 .The cJFat Nancy'? trestle oa the Virginia Midland raiiroad, which foil down in July of this year, iill ing passencers and employes on the road, has been ftlled in witn. eartu, and a granite culvert placed over 'the little stream which , passes tprougn it. . - .'-.' v The President, of a". New York 'journeymen's barber's anion", has iust resigned because ot thei so cialistic and anarcnisuc tenaencies developed by the membership - He did not relish the idea of labor hold ing its gleaming blade at the throat of capital. . 4 rv -K . - f . ;:'. , Bow Koetora Conquer Deth. - Doctor Walter K. Hammond says "After, a long experience 1 have come to the conclusion that two-thirds- of all deaths, from' coughs, pneutuonia and consumption,' might be avoided if Dr. Acker's English Kemedy for Consump tion were carefully used in time."-:Thi8 wonderful remedy is sold under a posi tlve guarantee by r: C. Smith & Co. - Bilk Hats. Derby Hats, Soit shapes in arge variety, Steamers, Polos, Skating Caps,fta iv V Men's Shoes 2, $2 50. f 2 99, $5 an f f6 75, made by the well known manu facturers.! ' i K.J d8teod ' ' " , II. EsmvooD & Co. 200 Overcoats for Men and Boys, trom low to high grades, at Wmtlock a. dj w - i- Ash eville's Wants. . A paper-box factory. It will pay. Another large furniture factory. It will pay. , A wagon, spoke and handle fac tory. It wilfpay. A large woolen factory for spin, nirtg and weaving. It will pa'. Several more large shoe factories to use up the hides. They will pay. A paper factory to utilize some ot the..wflod-pulp and ovrpld rags. It will pay. .. .... Several large tobacco ' factories. 4otu smoking and cheain.3. They will pay. ' ' ? The railroad: shops of c the Weft em North Carolina raitroad system. They will pay. : 'l" . " "-. : . An iminentje tannerv to use the bars ;of the millions ot ; oaba of thib section. - ut will pay. . . I ' ;; ATJargeJy increased proauc-Uon of ic inOur section to supplr our tannery with hidei- It will pay.,! A larger iron furnace to use the splendid Iron and manganese ores near this city. Several will pay. . A wood-pulp factory to convert into use toe hemlock and other soil woods of our section. It will pay. Several cotton and other iactories utilizing the unsurpassed water power just below the city. They will pay. . A railroad connecting this citv ! with the Norfolk & Western and the Southwest Virginia coal fields." It will pay. A largely increased production of wheat in this Bection, so r ur Ashe ville mills', and other mills to bf established, wiil be enabled to'turn iutfeeverat thousand barrels of tine flour per day instead of about or e nuudred as now. It will pay all round. -. Lat u havo them all, fellow citi- Z?ns. - Wiiiions ot capital are idle in -ntt North and at iiome. L t us en courage its being put where .it will do tiie most good for all parties. a Kdueate the Girls. . Tlirt Bitrvard Voice sends forth vh fdlo-.ving-'pleaintj no!.es: "ih f due itiiinal facilities of 'tVeytern, North Carolina is some- tldnr ot '?hich evt-ry citizen ou.ht t- feel- proud . We are glad to see uople turning their attention to the education of the youths of our land. The success of any coun try depends upon the education ot its inhabitants. Another favorable si'ga f the ! a is, that men have becotue ii .iCTV-'.to the fact Uiat their -grrls nmsl' be 'etfcrjfl.tcd is wen as their hoys, some men think it sufficient, that their girls kn&w how to cook, wash, mend inust be turned. The purity and happiness of our nation depends ok us women. Buc some men will sa li (M5ts too murii tOieaucatii iiirls Lt's see ahout that. You wani your daughter to do well; yod want oei to n ury to the be3t advantage. 11 this is your desire you had belt r ive her every possible advantage regardless of the cost. Look at the .ther side of the picture. V hat would yon take to have, your daugh ter join herself for life to som8 low down worthless fellow and settle down ir poverty and misery. -Then shut your mouth aoout the costand pend your girls to the Asheville Female. College, where all he adyantages of a Christian edu ?atin will be theirs. . Every citzn m Western D ortn uaronna ougui 10 f.;el proud of this iustitutiou. We o-l ler u second V) none in tue United States. . I s ible and efficient corp of teachers gives perfect satisfaction to ail its patrons. Its president, Rev. James Atkias, is the right maa in the right place, and in whom you may feel oeriectly safe in commit uun the education of your girls. Twaof our Transylvania girls-Mi.-se8 Annie Zichary and Sallie ; huford, are now in this school. ; - Miss Annie As Lou. The Durban Plant thus refers to our accomplished townswoman ! "Accord". 3 to our announcement Miss Annie A, a, State Superintendent of the You Oman's Christian Temper ance Union arrived is Durham yester day . and .i'tt a large number of the yo.ma ladies in the hall of the Y. M., C. . - i . , A. fit no ciock anaaam su-uay at ui. Miss AsUn (a daujihter of Judge Aston, ot Asheville) the editor of The Anchor, the State organ of .the W. C T. U is a very talented lady a fluent, pleasant and foicible talker and a skillful organiz er of departments of Christian work by vonni? women. She effected "the V establishment of a Durham blanch of the "Y's" as they are familiarly called.', " i . . -? Io Sot Ssflsr Any Longer. Knowing that a cough can be checked in a cav, and the nrst stages oi consutnp' tion broken fn a week, we hereby guar antee Dr. Acker's English Remedy for Consumption, and will refund the money to all who buytafee it as per directions, and do not nnd our statement correct, For sale by T. C Smith & Co. . . . ' ; ' rmn Bread and Cakes Parties wanting special work in the baking line will please place their orders from 1 to davs oeiore sucn oraers are to be filled with Koberts and Perry. - Send in-your orders aod let us send yon Fresh Bread, Cakes and Groceries every day. - Roberts A Perky. Carpe's, Rugn, Oil Cloths, Curtain materials. Sheeting, Towelp, Table Linen, &c- - . - dbteod ' - . r II. Redwood & Co. Black Pants at fo, something fine, dlw ' at Whitlock's, : Perfumeiv. SoaDS. Toilet articles in ereat variotv. Patent medicines, Drugs and Cnemicals, Frescriptious filled with promptness and care, day or nigbt. W. C Cakmjchakl. Apothecary, n W.-.-vt-".- i. Ko. J0 8. Main st " Webb's flolojne Spirits,' a deliubtf.i oerfume for th toilet and baths,., sold in bulk at 50cts. per pint, at - Casmichabl's Drug Store. STATU NEWS. Eubanks, who for a year or more has been Eector of the Episcopal church here, will leave December 4th, for Helena:' Montana, where i he goes as assistant Hector. The lenalh of the extension of the Cape Fear and Yadkin Val ley railway from Fayetteville to W ilmington is about eighty miles, and; already half this distance has- been graded twenty miles at each end. x Charlotte Chraniclc. Mrs. Stone Wall Jackson says that after re siding in Bichmond, Minneapo lis and San Diego, she has de cided that Charlotte is the best place in the world. She is a per ittatent residept. " v Hfie new J ustices of the. Su preme Court--A. C. Avery and J. . dj tonermerd-wili be sworn in J .vnuary 1st and will take their scats on the bench February 1st. Governor Fowle will hardly be inaugurated before January 15th. . The Raleigh correspondent of the Wilmington Messenger, writes: "It is said that the friends of T." It. Purnell, of Raleigh,- will press his claims for the position of United States District Attorney, and that T. P. Devereux will also be pressed for the same place. W. S. O'B. Robinson may also be heard from in this connection'' The disabled ex-Confederates are hopeful of good results from their plan of holding a conven tion and memorializing the Leg islature for an increase of the pension appropriation. By next year there will probably be 4,000 pensioners, nearly two thirds widows, and in such an event they will get only a small sum. The convention movement is be ing vigorously pushed. Carthage Blndf. We wonder if Eaves, the infamous, will have the Radical Register of W olf-pit Township, Richmond county, sent to .J. lbany penitentiary for Iniuilr JNut mucii lie wont, and yet the fmiow left his township with the Registration book and went across the line into South Carolina on the day before the election and registered 200 ne groes, who voted in his precinct. Of course, E ives will not molest him, but the democrats of Rich mond will make him smoke. All the farmers' alliances in the tobacco sections of the State are asked to send delegates to a naeetinsr to be held at Durham Dectember 5th. It will be an im- poiyiantjiieeting. Itsobjeptajje to tiiscuHss on dOT mutate l!feiOT I the relief of the tobacco growers, to look into the establishment of alliance leaf warehouses, to take steps to lesson the cost of handling and selling the farmers' tobacco, to discuss the advisability of es tablishing tobacco manufactories, and also to discuss all other mat ters in connection with the tobac co interests as far as it relates to the farmers of the tobacco-grow ing sections of North Carolina and Virginia. Each subordinate alliance will send five delegates to the meeting. A discontented Chicago wife is suing her husband for divorce, be cause, as sue alleged, he lived on pie while sue starved on bread and butter garnished with apple tauce. Tiie jud-i'3 was unfeeling enough to remark that he could not '"make menus, lor discontented couples. The divorce h consequently off, and the aggrieved wife will try and in duce her better half to invest in blood pudding. Benjamin Harrison is a man of firm mind, sav his friends. They say he will not be dictated - to as to the mattei ot Cabinet appointmeuts and rmtronajre. But it takes a big ger lv.- TT .rrison to have his on tv,iv. li,aiuis going ta have sometniiig to say, and so is Joha Sh'jnrjau. B aii.e hates faherman an! Sherman hates Blaine. Each thinks the other prevented his nomination at Chicago. And be tween these despeiate knifers the Administration's lot will not be a happy one. Terrible. Two-thirds of all deaths in New York City are trom consumpt ion or pneumonia. The same ornprrtion holds for most other cities. Delays are dangerous. Dr. Acker's Euglish-Remedy for Conaump tijn will ahvavs relieve, and may save your life. For sale by T. C. Smith & Co For clothing, welt fitting, well made and correct in design, call on -. H. Redwood & Co., . dSteod Ono Price Store. For ' Chamois Skins and Sponges of all BizeB and quanties, call ont W. C. Cabmiohael. A larce lot of Duke's Pekferrsd Stock Cigarettes, fresh from the factory Just received. The finest cigarette now on the market. Try a pack and be convinc ed. Also a complete lino of Cigars and Tobaccos, . at VV. C Uarmiohael, -.'"-' Apothecary. Just received 48 pair vants, all wool at $2. $3, $4 and up, worth the price.fat WhiUocks. . - ojw Ajresh.lot of Rovster's fine candies ustinat Robert & Perry's, -No. 29,3outh Miin Neckwear, Mufflers, Gloves, Hosiery for cold weather, the" best stock in Asheville, dlw . -at WniTLoct's. Dress Suits at $15, worth $20, " - : at WhitlockV. Zenhvrs, Germantown Wool, Saxony Vool, Knitting Silk, Embroidery Silk, Butcher s L,inen, xc dSteod ' H. RaowooD AC A ne.v lot of extra pants for business and drees wear, at- Wbitlock's. d w .French Broadcloths, Henriettas, Myrcotis,'' Casaiiners, . Basket Cloths, OahinaresVFUnneia, Trioota, &e., also a larxe stock of Trimming materials One price system. , : dSteod " H, Redwood & Co. LATE NEWS BRIEF'S Carefully Condensed From "Wire and Mail. The territory cf New Mexico re turns a democrat to Congress. The U. S. steamer Boston reached New York on Saturday night from nayti tun or yellow lever. Mr. Oliver Dockery wants a good position in the Agriculruritl Depart ment at Washington. Of course he oes. The delegation from California will stand four republicans and two democrats, the sime as in the pres ent Congress. It is thought Sec etary Bayard will resume the practice of law in Philadelphia alter next March. He was associated in the practice in that citv for a nura'cer ot years with Mr. V? m. Shippen. Oa Saturday a 'Professor" who went up in a balloon at Columbus, Ga , had his balloon to bur3t when about half a mile high, and though he came down nicely with his para chute was landed in the river and drowned. The Danville Tobacco Exposition closed Saturday. It was a great success. Exposition t 'bacco was sold at auction, the first premium, bright wrappers (Madison county tooacco) being bought by E. A. Bell, Louis ville. Ky., at nearly $ i.So per pound. The New York Ueratd of Sunday morning devotes ten columns to the views of prominent business men on the present state of commerce and prospects, and says: ,-It will be generally noticed that a leeling ol hopetulness lor the future prevails in the majority of instances. There are some lines of trade, however, in which things are fearfully dull, and others in which the outlook is ex ceedingly gloomy." All ihe leading republicans ' of Maiue unite in demanding the posi tion ot Secretary of State for Blaine His friends take the ground that Blaine's powerlul influence in secur ing Harrison's election, together with his- masterly leadings of the party and his pronounced American policy in our foreign relation, enti tle him to the place and that a large number of Republicans wish and expect him to have it. His friends assert that if it is not effered him, a storm will be evoiced among his hosts of admirers not only in Maine, but throughout the country. Wheth er or not he would accept, they do : pretend to know, but it is obvious that they believe he would. 'l om ometTlose their beauty because colds undermine their lite. JDi. Acker's Enir- lish Remedy for Consumption is an absolute cure for colds. Foi sale by T. C Smith & Co. The child couched. The mother ran No remedy was near. Before morning the poor little sufferer was dead Moral: Always keep Dr. Acker's Enirlish Rem edy at hand. For sale by T. C. Sinuh & Co. noy ICtf Underwear, new lot,-cheap, medium. fine, red, white, and natural wool, also Dr. V arner'B Health Underwear, dlw at Whitlock's. Merino and Wool Underwear. Hosiery Gloves, Scarfs, Umbrellas, Trunks Bas, &c. H. Redwood & Co. d8i.eod Cool weather is predicted; clothing that will keep you warm and healthy can be had cheap at Wbitlock's. dlw NEW ADVEBT1SES1E.N1 T&A YET) OK STOLEN, A red cow with the tirj of ner horns sawed olT. has 8tra e.l awar lrom my lot. A ny info" loatlon win oe rewaraea. Appir at ISO. M etierry st. OST. ui ua Water street, a two -foot Ivory Pocket Role. Liberal reward lor its retard to U07 31 dtf HAJtT & WILLIAMSON. F OK KGttT. Near PostofBce a small house famished or not with lar lot aad flaDie. Price low. Apply to Carsou's dti.iouery aad news tUnd. STKAYED. .. s.- A vellow alw Wr8 taken uo at the AahuTl'.:e Female (Jolipue Sunday moroins. Owner can net same by cailiug for aer and Paying lor this auvurusemeui. - txov XU du F IOUSD. A grip sack containing articles. The owner can hare by paying for advertisement and my trouble. J. P JOHNSTON, col.. no 2 dtf 60 Beaamont street. TTfiNTlO.N TAX-PAYERS. Ali persons who have not paid tnelr City Taxes for 1888, are request-id to come forward at once and do so. The Gitr Code reanirea that I shall anttla hv December 15tn, and I will be at my office In the Court House every day until that time to receive taxes. If you neglect this matter too aia Us hie for cos's. Come at once and pay what yon owe. - W. A. REYNOLDS. - noy SO dlw City Tax Collector. OPKRA HALL 07 One Nijrbt 07 41 lCESlAlf JKVE.;NOV. Ali - Engagement of the Youngest. Most ueautilui and Talented of S1AHS "Tba DashtarJef tlio South.'' Lavinia Shannon In her magnificent and peerless imper sonation Ol L.ADV A CD LEY in Zr( The Mpstery of Audley Court. BEAUTIFUL DRESSES CORRECT SCENERY. EXCELLENT CAST" !. ; AND PROPERTIES General Admission 73 Ctn. Reserved Seats " 100 Children . 50 els. TYLEH 00. ST.IOOIS, MS..I.S.A, Makmersae Mskn StrtossT SANK COTTFTEBS, OOTTRl bouss cuanmrss, 100 fIJltutitt4CtalotusIr PasUc 7ta, I COME AND GET THE CORRECT TIME BURT DENIS0N, t l& JPatton mMvetiue. DEAiEBIN Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry, Solid and Plated Silverware. Etc., GOLD PENS, GOLD AND SILVER-HEADED ;CANS3.:uaiBRELLA.3, &C. A Full Lino of Spectacles and Eye-das Telescopes and Opera Glasses, Finn Scissors, Bazors and Pea Knives. 2 PEPAIEIN0 and- ENGBAVING. Fine i Watch repairirKj and 'engraving A SPECIALTY, KEY WIND ' WATCHES changed to stem at short notice, ' JBriTrinyoTir RIGHT AND WARRANTED fOTJB MOTTO 13 ' Reliable Goods AND Reliable Prices. J8 PnttOH .ittnue. arjg.7.dlT TO SMOKERS ! Another lot of "Five-Elevens" are just in, and we are so well pleased with them we must men tion it, such- five cent cigars are not easily found, a dozen old smokers in Asheville will erlfy this statement ; experts pass by a whole block of cigar stands to get these goods ; price live dollars per hundred, or five for a quarter Come 'aid see T. C. SMITH & CO., Druggists.,- OUR PRESCRIPTION Department ig complete "with all requisites which go to make up a modern outfit. We employ a graduate of Philadelphia College ot Pharmacy to execute this work. Our prescription business shows a large inci ease, and we confident! predict a large patronage. The people .are giving us substantia evidence of their appreciation. T. C. SMITH & CO. , V. " . i Prescriptionists. . ubl cSquar, it