v..! ,0 . -V' J- -Ahivii l; citizen. J.i. U A.MKlvOV, K.liioraiik Proprietor. :.TUEY-''V:V'IVM.- SOV. 27 18SS. Mr. QuayJ the 'late chairman of the National repub'ieaa executive committer n.ihr knows Mr. Harri son or Mr. Cleyffand. It is proba ble that he will soon cultivateJlr. Harrison's acquaintance. He is opposed to civil service reform. - The Knights of Labor re-elected -t Mr. Powderly Grand Master Work man, which is a good sign for the future of tne order. After his re election to office Mr. Powderly took the floor and stated that although bis salary had been left at $5,000 he would accept only $3,000, and at the end of his tjrua the order could do what they pleased with the bal ance. THE NEXT HOUSE Is still in dispute. The demo crats hi-ve one more than was granted from California; and, ac cording to the way votes were cast in the 5th district of thia State, it may not be certain that Mr. John Morehead Brower will represent that dis.rict. A large number of votes were cast for J. N. Brower, and as the canvassing board cannot "go behvud the returns" if enough . were so cast to change the result the certifict'.e wuuld have to be given to Mr. Morehead. The oipjority will be clost , either way, lees than five, we are tare. . UNEASY MES THE HEAD THAT WEARS A CROWN. But which is the head, the sover eign President or the sovereign peo ple? ill;. Harrison is the President elect, and succeeds apparently to the unlimited splendor of power. To him is allotted the control of the largest power o;i earth apparently,. He is raised to the control of sixty millions of people, and here comes the division of honors, and also of the responsibilities. The people elect, and the people are the sover eigns; and the crown is not on the head of the President, but of the people, aud there the weight of the crown rests. Was there ever a posi tion that made that weight more oppresne?. Every head aches with the burden of some hope and ex pectation. It is a wide distribution of a universal pain. The sovereign wants office, the sovereign wants place; the sovereign wants influence. In the great and universal ache un easy lies the head that wears a crown. It is a great big head; a head much larger than the body; a head that reminds us of the carrica tures of he press that present pic tures of an individual by reverse jtioiiB.,ring, butal.yiead an d no Body, icta tire great sovereign head of sixty millions of people that aches and. pains under the weight of responsibility, but that responsibility measured only by the weight c f individual claim to recog nilion. Ours id a Hydra headed govern ment; but the people make the big gest part of the body. THANKSGIVING. In the woes of political defeat, some of us think there is no cause for thanksgiving; in the elation of political victory, some think there cannot be found too much exultation of thankful ness. In the terrors of the pes tilence there are many who think the occrsion is one of humiliation and pr.;yer; there are others who think in escaping these terrors there is jnost abundant cause for thankfulness and for the most open expression of it. There are ' those who in the loss of their year's L.borby flood and storm ' are so bowed down by calamity . that thankfulness under such circumstances is ironical; there are others who in the exuber ance of their crops are lifted up . to the highest degree of elation. CS ge8 one uplifted, the oth- -- ' er depressed, and in all is found a compensation of balances; all are not blessed, all are not cursed. In a dependence upon a Provi dence whose ways may not be questioned, whose distribution of "rewardtTancT punishments we do not understand, we must stand re buked .by our own ignorance, condemned by our own weakness, v It is enough to understand that we receive more than we deserve, escape more of evil than we have jlrawn ourselves. ' If we could properly understand our relation '' to the Being .who made us and provides for us, we might proper- . : s- ly be more humble than we arv, - and accept with- thankfulness what we receive, rather than re bel at what is denied us. In truth we get more than we merit, and-,we complain at the short comings ot Divine Providence.. . when w should Btand condemn ed in our own unworthiness. . Lei us join in the Thanksgiving , ' -with subdued and grateful hearts. HOW HE PEEIiS. , The Alexandria (Va.). Gazette . eays: ... ;' " ,r- . Less than two years ago Mr. Har rison said: '"I am one of those who feef that ahe colored .race in the South siace the war has been sub jee'ed t indignities,' crueltiesoiit- eagei, and a repression of rights rach aa,fiud no tiarjJlfil- in the his tory of civilization. I hav9 read with horror the authenticated stories' of the cruelties which have been visited upon this docile, kindly ai.d inoffensive rc." The Southern, people- will have the settling of thU negro business', the Harrisons, Iugalls. Blaines, fcc, to the contrary, notwithstanding The shortest way for them to settle this and high trust tariff as well is for them to" raiV their own meat and trend, which would soon bring those Northern and Western farmers, who unite so readily in supporting men and measures for the injury ami humiliation of the South, to thiir senses; and establish manufacturing plants throughout the South to use up our cotton, woo!, woods, iron, &c, which would have a sln.ilar ef fect upon the Northern and Eastern manufacturers as the production of meat and bread would upon the Noithweetura farmers. The South ern people have more advantages for -absolute economic, independ ence than any section ot the globe. It produces an l possesses the raw materials necessary for all the wants e-t man, certainly all this country c.; produce or. possess. Nor need our people-fear they will not have the aid of Yankee money to belt) ia these investments. Yan kee money .will go to Hadt3 if it can be made profitable, and they all know li.at such inveotments will not only be profitable in the South but saf, so long aa w hite men rule the South, and this will be the case so long as wite .men livy in the South and Northern men who come South to live Will help their white brethr"n to so rule the Southern States. So, fellow citizens of tho South, the very shortest road to ab solute economic independence, and freedom from aa alien political in terference is, liaise your own sup plies and manufacture your own raw materials at home. Let your attention, your energy and your money le turned, and at once., in this direction aud you wid be sur prised how soon you will accomplish your freedom from oppression and annoyance. M-rit W inn. We desire to bay to our citizen, that f )r years we h.tvw been (jeliiii l;r. Kins'a .New Discovery lor contu.iiption, Dr. King's jS'c w Liie FiUa. Buck Itm's Arnica Salve and Electric Bitters, ami hitvn never handied reinedits etiat sell as we' I, or that navu giveu such universal satis faction. We do not tiesitau- to guarantee theui every lioie, and we Btand ready to refund tbe nurctia.su prioe. if satialastorv results do U jt follow tbeir use. Tuess remedies liiive won t heir reat popularity purely on meir menis. Jor sale by li. 11. Lyons, Druggist. About a Pill. o pill-makinjj there is no end, but it is no eaay ruatter to get one that will do what ir, claims to do. Tcey all look alike, and tho only wy to know wiu. Vt Wr'i-M lo'i.'J tryS rSmrof. -J!5e . . welt known, of a-icd' refutation, such tor example, as Dr. Haifa Anti Billion .Fills. lh.; no ooubt, are good, prooably tte best in the inmke.t, and for the oruinaiy diseases we are oubject to rareiy rail ic jre reuei. Aiteutioa All. Another motion sale of beautiful lots in t.hft frill ; n nr. r'nf .nr..! ri.nfin'ii;l t,iuii, of Skyutiil. N. f!., 8 miles Soutli of Asueviiie, .-: lie Atj.ievwe aiartan buru ItAil itoad. Conveyances will lie on the puti;u square iu Ast eiile tit 8j o'clock lh'irjday uioiuin October Jam, 1888, to carry aud return i liose who v;i!i to attend tfiL- sale, Ire of cliarge, Jjon't forget the ':,iy and hour of leaving Ashe ville. O. A. Milt-eb, I'ropricior. J. J. II 1 1 i , Auiitioueer. oct 20 ii ids Ladies In ceHc:r.te health, and all who Buffer from habitual constipation, will tind the pleaaaiit California liq'iid fruit reinedy, 8yrup oi 1'igs, more e-ibi!y Uken uno more beuericiai in etiect tnan any other remedy, lt , -ia i r.mjt!y yet gently on the Bownls, Kiiincvs, Liver, aud .Stomach aud does not un-ktrii or debilitate. For kale by li. il. Lyons, druggist. Notice to Atlvet .'!' rs. ' Parties frequently have advertise ments insert d "tiil turbid," and allow theui to reniuin longer than tliey sus pect, and turn object to paying lor such insertions. Our sj.ace tosts us mon-y, and e must and will charge lor its use. Ail parti fiuay expect to pay full tran. sieni rates i'or ail "till forbid" advertise menu VYe hope there will be no fur ther misunders'.andinijs upon this poi'it' It is much more sathjiautury all round to rix length of tune aud agree toratp o charges in the beKiunim:.: Whet 4m I To l)o T The symptoms of BiliouE noe? are an happily huitooweil known. Thev diiier in different indivhiuals to;BOuie extent. A Bilious man is geldo: a breakfast eater. I'oo frequently, aiaa, he has an excellent appetite lor liquids but none iur suiiud ot t ujuruiug. Mia uiuuq win hardly boar inf-pectioa at Any time; if it is not white and iirred, it is rough, at all events. , - The disjeuve system is w.io.wuu.of order aud Diarrhea or Constipation may be a symptom or the two may alternate. There are olteu Heinorrhoi Ja or even loss of blood. There may be giddiness and often headache, and acidity or flatulence ana tenderness in the pit of the stomach. . To correct ail this if not effect a cure, try Green's August Flower, it costs but a trifle and thousands attest i!s efficacy. d&weowly , la Oar lin p (baiiglntiT We are inclined to ask this question by reason of our hearing so many ieports from the country, this summer, ofdis eases which have not heretofore prevail ed to such an extent as they ate doing. From all q-iarters we hear of Diarrhoea, Cholera Morbus and kindred blood com plaints. VVe therefore warn our readers that, if they wbnid avoid 'various oick nees, to shun ail unripe fruit, use no vegetables not'fuily matueiL find above all, to be provided with abottioof L tie's Elixir and a totUe of Tr. Hart's Relief, so that, if attacked with thisdii&ase, you can cure yourself at once, far in Mckness of this kind dlay is especially dangercrut . Ail v lee In ieaNon. . Exposure bsgetsaoold. : With the cold comes a coi'.L. A couh neiriected is consumption, which means. death. Be ware how yoa neglect the cough, as your lite may pay the forfeit, fur at iiret a sim ple remedy removes w"hat medical sci ence iB u liable to cure when neglected too lone. 3edical men think no medi cine has ytt bwn diKovc-red which will core a cough as quickly as 6ymphyx. A STAT KM liJXT TO All our cnpital iu money and method is devoted to the develop ment of the business of careful buying and selling of goods in our line. We give our customers exceptional advantages bottom prices, discriminating selections, tasteful and salable styles. We always carry an overflowing stock of Watches, Jewelry, Silverware. A diversified and comprehensive stock in Gold and Silver head Canes, Bronzes, Statuary, Bisque figures, Clock novelties, &c, &c. VVre note as an evidence ot thj substantial appreciation of our business methods, our ' superb stock, and proper prices that we have added a great many new customers in the last tew months. But we are not satisfied with such splendid testimony until you have been added to that list.' . " . . We earnestly solicit the favor of a trial from you confident that we can fully meet your highest expectations. All purchases efigrave'd free-f charge. LANG'S JEWELRY STORE. South Main St., Asheville, N. C. Mrc from Kuee to Ankle. mtirily grant, i'rn m mm mf Mttmmt JjtfT aiinin.tltid Mt-tMrH imHtu Conditio ' hapclctt. Cured by tht Vuticmra Mtmtditl. For thr.'? years I was almost cnpDled with an awlii' sore Itg irom my kuev down to my ankle; the f kin wtw i-ntircly gone, aud the tiesh wasone muss of di&'fte. !Oin physiciau pronounced it incuraulu. It bfid ciniiuisUv-d aboutonetbird the size 'it tne ot'ier. and I was in a nopelen condi tion. Afrrr trying atl kiniis of remedies and 8. eiiliug hundreds ot doilart. irom hicn I got uo reliel whatever. I was persuaded to try your Cuuoi ra Rcrr.olicB, aud the result was as follovs: Alter three jays I noticed a decided change I'or the bitter, and at the end ot two months 1 was coniuu teiy curod My llesb was purified, aud tli t bone (which I hu been exposed for over a year) got sound, lhe flesh begun to grow, and t d;ty, and for near.y two years past, my leg la as well as over it was, sound in every respect, and not a sign ot the disease to be seen. a. Q. AHKKN, Dubois, Dodge Co., Ga. Trrribt SutTtriHff front Skin Dtwtaatm. 1 hava been a terrible sufferer for yean from diseases of the stiu and blood, and have been ob ied to snun public places by reason of my dish urtiig humors. Have had the best of (hysicimis and spent hun iredsof dollars, but got uo relief until I used the Cuticora Remediea. whicn have cured me, and left my stun as clear and my blood as pure .a a child's. IDA MAY BASS, Olive Branch P. O., Miss.B From 145 Pomdt to 173 Aiaub. I have taken several bottles of Cutieura Keso ve.il with all the results I could wish for. About th;s time last year, when commencing its use I, weiirned 145 pounds, and to-day I weigh 172 pounds. f KO. CAMPBELL, Washington, D. C, Kotk The Cutieura Resolvent is beyond all doubt the greatest blood purifier ever com. pounded. Cnti-nra, the great skin cure, and Cutieura Soup preyare i from it, externally, and Cu'icura K.-ejiVeiu, tho new blood purifler, internally, are a positive cure for every for n of skin and blood disease, Hum pimples to scrofula. Sold everywhere. Price, Cutieura, 80c.; Soap, '5c.; Kesolveut, SI. Prepared by the Porxaa DiiUG axo 'HtMiCAL Co., Boston. Mass. -Scnd for -How to Cure Skin Diseases," 64 pases, iu UluMxutionB, an 100 testimonials. B i 9 V? nn(i preserved and beao'ined tiitu 1 oy t.micura Meaicaiea a p. & How My BacXAches ! Back Ache, KidneyPain And aeakness 5TTnjTress, -xatrrfcu- a. stratus ana rain rl.TrA in one minute by the Cnticmrm jinrt- rain namier. ine nrsi ana only pain auiiiifc natter, so enis. KIOK KENT, A neat comfortable dwelling; on Clayton street, well lurEisQed, witn ve froud rooms, and all neeaun convent nces. Apply to nav 6 dtf I. C. BATBD. TOR RENT. A ten loom honss on Chestnut street, entirely turnisued Water on premises, stable and out- uuuBt;. nniutinue ui lue Air. vvaruiaw juc tint. PoesuionEiven at oace. Apply to G. B. 'l'KNNKNT, nov 3 dim at Dr. Battle's office. S" TOCKHOLDEES' MEEIING. ABUSVILLE, N. C, Oct 35. 1$88. TLe regular annual meeting of the Stockhold ers nl tlit) Western North Carolina Railroad Com' pany will take place in Ashevilie, K C , on the fourth Wednesday in November, 1388, it being; tne n uay oi tue monin. US. J. P. EitVVIN, Sec. andTreaa. oct28dtd ATD, In AsHtvilie or the Immediate neighborhood. a Koruished House or lurnished apartments for the winter nvvntus containing not less than four tci louins and two si ling rooms, kitchen, te - Apply, stating terms to "Householder," office of4rus paper. novlSdit, CITY RESTAURANT, 3?attoii Avenue; Under Redwood's Store- Meals at all hours, all the delicacies and Bubstuntials of I he season, Served in all varieties aud in the best style, Oysters. Game. Steaks, The best of hot coffee, Fresh Norfolk Oysters received every aay. xne retail traae supplied, liave added a uew broiler, steaks, oysters. etc., etc., done to a turn. nov 14 dial -, - RISHLAND HOUSE, CORKER MAIN AND DKPOT STBKBTS, r WAYNESVILLE, N. C. Rooms newly furnished.' ' Fare the best the markets afford. Good sample room SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Terms $1 00 per day .J G.D. L. ALLEN & SON, Proprietors ; STKAUSS'S : ES3TAUHAITT -AND Oyster HpiisV' . The publin are hereby notified that I . . have opened a , FI ST CIi4b8 BEST A UR ANT. : I will serve ordgw -1 AT ALL 1IOUKS; ' also regular meals. Orders for to be sent out will receive . - SFJpClJiL, ATTEJVTIOJV. Particular attention is called to mv OYSTERS. I eet only the beet that can be had in Hie market. Come and try my Philadelphia JjRr. - E. STRAUSS, Palliam Building, nov 8 dtf 28 South Main fit. Richmond if U&nviltelt. II. C. . OoDdensed Scbedale, - ( In Effect October Slaty 18SS. xrain? buu d; fata nsnaiu iiDs. j : SOUTHBOVHSDAILY, ' KO.S0. ' Me. IO.BJ Ly. New York, . ia la AH " ptuiaaeipout, i v 7 " " Baltimore, 4 " - ; I 42 " - Waahiagtoo, 11 34 U 00 .". CbaxlotlMvliU, ItOPll tWlK ' Lynciourg, t 46 10 . Ar. Danville, . 80 " T S - Lv. Richmond, S19PK laik Burkviile,: . 6 11 . l . KeysvlUe, " '6 61 - t It "Danville,. s M ; 06 At. urvanaboro, 10 -' . . s M Lt. Go'dsboro, 40 - fg 10 p M RaleiRh, - - 4 65 M 1 46 A M " Durham. as 11 - AT. Oreeruboro, 86 - ' 7 40 " Lt 8aUun, t 16 go Greensboro, . 10 44 " - -t t0-" AT. balisoury, IS 01 AM Ills ' Ptatesville 1 1 1 - - 12 11 P M AtiHKVILLB, 7 44 " 4 44 Hot Sprmgs. . - ; S 1 10 ' Lv, Salisbury. 12 9 - ; 11 SS A H Ar. Charlotte, 1 65 " 11 44 P M Spartanburg, 4 40 t JT ' " GreenvUle, . - 6 80 " 4 48 " " Atlanta, 11 0 - 9 40 " Lv. Charlotte, 10 A M 1 00 FJf Ar. Columbia. 6 80 " 23 " Augusta, 10 80 ' IS ,.. HOKTUBOCHDw DAU.Y. . M.n. SO. St. : Lt. Angnsta, 6 P M so A II "Coluatbia, . 10 16" 'U86PM Ar. Charlotte, 4 00 " - 16 " . Lt. Atlanta, 0 PM ;7 10 A M Ar. GreenvUle, j 1 06 A H 1 M P M "8prauourg, S 11 ' ; a 6i " Charlotte. 4 SO - Salisbury. - " - - T 06 " - Lv. Hot Springs, 06 P M . II 10 P J " Asheville. 846 " atatesvtlle, - 1 M XltT i :oCT' Ar. Sailsbury, . 87 I tf " Lv.SaUsbury, JT . : 7 U Ar. Greensboro, 00 " 1 40 "Balem, 140 . tHHAM Lt. Greenabmo, . S 68 " 10 60 P M Ar. Darham, 12 86 P M , 4 30 A M "Kaleiga, - IB 66 ' " Goldsporo. . 4 16 " fll 46 " . Lv. Greeniboro, 8 06 AM IWfll Ar. Danville, 6 47 " J6 20 - " Keysville, 12 41 P M 1 44 A 11 "BurkvUle. 1 24 J Si-" ' "Richmond, 8 80 " 15 A t. Lynchburg,- 1 4 12 65 " Charlotleaville, " -S IB " " Waanington, 7 85 " I 00 "Baltimore, 8 . -8 " Philadelphia, 8 00 A M 10 47 "KewYork, 6 80 120PM Train lor Durham via Clarkrrille Itave JUek. mond daily, except Sanday, 8 10 p m; Kaysville, 6 00 p m, -arrives ClarksviUe, T 11 p sa; uxfora, lllpiii! Henderson, lpa; arrive , Durham, 10 80 pm. Keturnlng leaves Darham daily, except. 8nn day, 8 00 am; Henderson, 8 80a m; Oxford, 10 0 a m; Clarksvllle, 11 05 a m; Keysvllia 12 41; ai rlvea Richmond, 8 80 p m. ' Noa. 61 and 68 connect at Richmond daily except Sunday for West Point and Baltimore. os. 60 and 52 tram West Point has daily con. section at Richmond with No. 60 for the eonth. Nos. 60 and 61 connect at Golds boro with trains to and from Morehead City and WunUngtoa. Mo. il connects at Greensboro and Me Una for Payetteville. . No. 6 connect! at Selma for Wilson, S. C. Noa. 60 and 61 make does connection at TJniver alty station with trains to and from tihapet Hill, except Sundays. BLEEPUtt CAB SEKTICB. On Trains 60 and 61, Pullman Buffet Bletpor between Montgomery ana ew York. Greensboro and Augusta, and Greensboro, Ashsvilie, Hot Springe and Morrlatown, Teun. On 52 and 68, Pullman Buffet Heeper 'between Wasnington and New Orleans Tia Mentgooiorr, and between Washington aad Augusta, Rica uond and Greens boro. Maleiga and Greensboro, and Pullman Pailor Can between aalisbory and KnoxviUe. Through Ticket on sale at prineipal .BtatioM to all points. rot rates, local aad thro ash time tables apply to any agent of tie company, or so -im. uw W A.TPR1L. J A3. L. TAYLOR Traffic Manager. D P. Agent, jBen. Paaagan xuuciga,xi Vta r i i ii i i i i r'tnt-ra EllMETSMD G0HF6RTS Whitlock has just received . larsre stock of Bluakets afidreon forts. ' N Commenciag Monday ,Nov. 12, they will be sold at the following exceedingly low prices : iWhite blanket for 80c worth $1.50. " ' White blanket for $1.$5, worta 12.00. White blanket for $1.50, worth $3.00. White wool blankets for $2.00, worth $4.00. White wool blanket for $2.50, worth $4.50. Scarlet wool blanket for $3.00, worth $5.00. Scarlet wool blanket for $3.85, worth $6.00. Colored blankets from 65 cents up. . Comforts at 69c, 75c; 95c, $.25 worth $1.00, 1,25, 1.50 and 2.00. Also fine sateen comforts. Call early and secure the great est bargains ever offered in Blan kets and Comforts." - .? At WHITLOCK'S. T. C. BTARNE8. . ' . B. A. JiUWWSD T.G.STARNESIHEWL0D, Beal Estate - DEALERS AND AGENTS Office ; JTo, Ma ton JLvtmu e. t. & air - ASHEVILLE, N. C, .y Make, Buying, Selling, Renting, and Exchanging Property, : boti City and Country, a Specialty. - -- We have alao-a Urge aanoont- o mouuUin, timber and sainerai lands for ale. ; - jtfcEf rpsAvrsrs aiJL -v v Br virtue of a deed ef trust ezeeuted to me by Dr. J. G - Qneen, dated April let a ltM, aad duly registered iu Book , on pmft sOi, to seenre tne pay raeni oi eenatn nuws raenuonea laerem, T sball nracMd to sell at nubile auction lor easa at Uie Court House door in Asbevlll, Af. C, on Tnesaaytoe luo oay oi ueceaiDer leaatae property deserioed n said deed of trast, enid nnmtrtv bains! sitoatad la the eitv of Aahavius. on StarneV Alley, adjoining tbe lot ef C. O. Joaes ana K. a. NOtana, coniaiaiog oo-n i?atn or an aore, more or leas. Tnis on thfr lMa day of Nov emtxr A. D. 18feS. . QUO, fi. 8 TARN S3, noT.udUia xnuuee. ,ATt&CMKSTt. - lrch.it ect and Contraclt r Plans, specifications and estimates fnrntshed Uwrk in my line contracted for, and bo auras for drawings oa coau-acM awaiJci.me . Iit-ierences wnio deaiied. a Oiiiue No. 1. ben dry block, oat are Asbevii). tmrnxL cards. v : jQB. B. JTi: ABBISGT9H, -SrpCEaa DEJfTIST, rw L; Mnsday'sssore) Patton ATenn. MU012B . B H. DOUGLASS, D. D. B, store,, residence In aaoe building Aahaville, N. C . taba ww . .... B, H. KXKVS8, D. D. 8. J. T. BAMSAY, D. D. 8 REEVES and RAMSAY, , Dnm 'Owe tn Oonnally Building over Radwvi d'to e, fatton Avenue. , -8Mty 41f PROFESSIONAL CARDS. JJja-CLlKGMAirflTARNlta, " ' PHYSICIAN AND 8UBGS0M, ' Haki, PeerOMTOB, Y eat side of French Broad, JunMloAVwtf Tm miles isosa Asbeville. OCTpB JOHN BJSY WILLI A MB remored his retidertoe to No. B8 Havwood atreet, eoraer Walaat. Omo at same number UU further notice - OF FICI HOURS: 111 AM. to IP. H. StOtP.M. mch Udamoa . J A; WATSON, M. D. . osncB HOtras? t te 10 A. U. HO.tOPATrON AVBNUB, ' S to 8 P. M, Aikerllla, M. 8 aalO-dtr DWICKB Will practice in all the ooorta of tho State. Collections of clairrt a specialty, i Office with Sheriff in Court- House. tan4-dtf AbVb1 ALTXB W. VANDITKB, Um'msm mt t mm. BVILLS. . - . Kit ri Pfsuieea in the mnrta f WMbm, Vwti, r--w. Itna. Collection of claims. In any part of tho atata.speoialty. jnlxMtf H. SHRANK HARVEY, ' Tctcrtgiary Natrs;eoai. ' ' Offlee aad lnrmary 8. Main street, next door M Ray's Livery Stables. au9dly Tbco. DATIMOIt, . TBos. A.JoMKa Raleigh. Jit. d. Msbiih, AshejUle Asheville. JAVIDSON, HAETIN A JONES, Atte)rya juid CeswsteUe)n awjsw, ' ASKBTTLLB, N. O. 'Win practice tn the 11th and 12th Jadieul Dietnr, tad in -the Supreme Court of North Carolina, ano In the Federal Courts of te Vos tem Dlstriet Nokth Carolina. Refer to the Bank ot AsaayllloJ . aeptSdly T. H. COBB. J. G. 1MKRIM0N COBB 55 HEKBI1I0IT, -Ateracx,staiel CosusseUora stt Ejsw, Practice in all the Conrts. . ' Offloea Noa, 7 and 8. Johnston Boilding. sept4dly W. W. J3NB8. GEORGlt A. 8HUFORD JONES & SHU FORD, Attorney at Law, ASHEVILLE, - - - K. b Practice In the Srrperior Courts o Western North Carolina, the Supreme Court of tho State, and the Federal Conrts at Asheville. Office lit Johnston Building, whore one member Of tho firm oan always be found. noT 11 dlToar cHab. a. muobb. ucrrMsaaicK. JJOORE NtEKEXCKj - Attertuy and Cowutllor at ASHEVILLE, N. a Praetloe In the United States Cirenitand Mi trict Courts at Asheville, StatesrlUe, CbarlotU ana weensooro: in tne supreme voqnatKajeici andlntaeOourtaof the Twelvth Jndioial Sim trlot ottheBtaU of North Carolina. - ftieaial aiUntiou given to eol lectio of elalBt ' rannersbi? does not extend to practice In oauromw tsienor vonrs. act dtf AND ;jc Z JONES BROS.' VARIETY Ifo. 12 Conrt Square, .. NOKTH SIDK, In thin new and elegant establishment at all times are to be found the bast fresh meats the pas tares of Western North Carolina can provide; beef, mutton and pork; poultry, game in Ha season; f re h sausage, tripe and other delicacies for the table. ' Tender Ioln a Specialty. ; Orders prompt)' and faithfully attended to. : liberal patrf najie invited, jsept 16 oSmos . ATEB riQTORS. Ine Asheville Water Worki now famish super lor, faculties for tbe aw oT these Motors. The TUERK and the BACKUS MOTORS ctve cheap end eBcient power for many inanu, acmrea ana maastnes. l ny are used tor run ning one or more Be wine Haohtnes, dental lathes and engines, coffee nulls, ioe cream freezers fans. Drinilna Dresses, tobaooo machinerv. saws. etc, etc rower Irom she least req'tlzod to 20 horse. . . . THE TTJSRK AND THE BACKUS ASS THE WATER U0T0M9 AAD AMS VSSD rag world oves. Agents for the. rus;5t,Hrd iftnlic lT&ixsy goc f ssssrigepMwd Tylght.; These elevators are - Absolutely aie. ?v ' h kftai!aiiiiiAn CliiaMntajul. W. 8. CGnHMAN, 1 Amntm Tteadausrters at the office ef the 81naer llana cetarinOow M South ataia at .U. aplW dtf , B. TOZPAtitlCX, . T. W. yfTZPATHlCK nTZPATllICIl BBOtS Viractieal tuintert 26 N. Main at ". -' ' 4.8HEVIL1.E, - . N. C, - dkaubs to ; " . . Wail Fapirty JSeeortUitmg. Painty Oilgj ranttsmxe f?dy'Hized Paints a Srxicality. . . . Estimate Furnithe-J m -AppHealion. All orders by mail promptly -srttepded to.- - . . nov 18 dtf ECAITDIS3, Dipped almond, pignoli souarea. or alis: e bon-bens all characters, pineal pie fritters, smothered cocoanuts. . All k ids of caramels, cream pine-apple . M ves, dipped walnuts, tolled , lrait bon ! one, chocolate dipped cocoanut, cno-dilate dipped atmonds, chocalate Iruit caramels. All fruit canuies, ; :' : The best baked cakes and breads, in the city.. ' J- Canned goods and family grocerie.-; .'CQBSIITS" "& PiEEBYy .;. ': lot Eo-ath II n Asheville Coal Market 0OBBE0TED BT THIS Asheville Ice & Coal Co.. H. T. OOUUHS CO., PBOFB'S. Per ton, ' - Deliv'd. Black Diamond Lump, for Orate. iS 00 " hut, for Btove. i 15 Hard, Chestnut, : 9 26 . " Btove, , 9 60 ' " 1 Egg. 9 60 Baltimore DiM Oil Co, Havlmr eatabilshed a Tant- f trtii.i, at ArheviUr are prepared to supply the traCt ol Asheville and vicinity with all grades of Illuminating, Lubrica ting, Cylinder and Engine Oils. Also tae celebra ted - , Rojal ixlc Orrair. Orders by mail promptll attended to. Blgnesl prices paid for empty kerojeue barrels. . W. O ARSELL, Jfanayer, BOl2h6, Asheville, N. C" InlldSB J. N. IrlclNTIRE, 57 North Main Mr?et, Invites attention to bia elegant and well equipped MEAT MARKET, at tbe above stand where hi customers and the public generally will always -, -.. - find a supply of - - BttlESHE MEATSt of all kinds, selected with referenco to the best quality. Meats delivered in all parts of the city sept 13 d2w ASHEVILLE COAL YAED, SO Fatton Arenne. BEMEMBKK, I sell tbe very best Bla k I iamond, Jelllco and ALthracite Coal, and sell it at the very lowest prices pes ton : Black Diamond 1-n rap Coal, 5 OO. Jelltco, 50. Anthracite Ekk. 9 " Stove, 9ao. " Chestnut. t5. t lira nr 11 it jti: 3tla t -it. '0 1' Aven ii. ail t uy nl Sia or n iX tuntl octl7dtf N. V. OIRDrtOO A FAMOUS SOUTHERN HOTEL, IN THKlC "LAND OFTKE SKY" JFOH SAL.E AT AUCTION. UKDEB THB SHADOW OP BLACK MOUNTAIN, THg.HVIHEET MOUNTAIN EAST OF -' " THB EOCKIE3. The Noted Health Resort, (Winter and Summer) of the South. The splendid Mt. Mitchell Hotel property. Immediately on the Western North Carnllua Bailroad, Glteen miles east of Asheville, N. V , on. the plateau oi the Blue ai 'ge, 700 feet above ae level, will be sold at auctiou. on the premise, on THURSDAY, Dee. 13U. I8. The hotel huUding isent relr new, having been erected in 18X6 and has been successfully opened tn visitors for two sea-ons. ' It Is a Inure tiirce story frame building;, mansard roof, erected according to tbe latest sty lesul architecture, con tains sixty-six b.d rooms, now furnished, witn aa unfinished apartment in tae upper .-lory 31x72 feet, suitable tor bed rooms; dining ro m SOxSiJ feet, large double parlor on second fli or. large reception room and office on first floor, bull room 82xM feet, billiard hall HK-d-i ieet, two kitchens 18x81 and 20x40 feet respectively, connecting; large laundry. There are twenty rooms whicn can be used en suite. Thefrontofthebailr'ingisne feet, depth 110 feet, with a wing 32x74 feet. Over eight hundred feet of broad piazz b for exercise or promeusdes. The hotel stands on a beaatilul elevation, with magnificent views ofne surrounding mountains, is on tbe nor! a ticMfof and wun'u one hundred fee- of the railroad and two hundred ieet of the station. It is supplied with an amiudance oi the purest mountain water for all purposes. There are included ith tue property some fliteen acres ot vaiuai.le 1-ind, and it purcha-er desires can bay five bundled acres of .spiendid iruit ana pasta e lanus inuuu oi u airtaur ra set in fine fruits and grass imniediatsiv adjoining. Terms ol sale : One-half cash, remainder in one and two years, with interest at 8 per cent, per annum. F-ale without reserve aud title perfect. The notes for thn deterred payments will be discounted two (2) percent, ii paid nithln ten days after sale. For further particulars or description ofpro- Strty apply to J. M. Btepp on tbe premises, black ountain, N. C.orto C M McLOUD, or J. E. EANK1S. Trustee, nov IS dlawtdeclS Asheviiio, H. C. D. IV. CIIAKDUQit & CO., wholesale cokuussion merchants .-; ajto . gsmerchampiss bb0ker3. Offioe and Ware Rooms No. 6 Public Square, A3HEVILLE.N. U. ' XX.-PSCTPOl.LY SOLICIT CONSIGHSNTS OF Bacon, Flvur, Lard, Bausage. Corn. Oats, Hay, wneatf suiter, uneese, Arpies, r ratoes. Onions, Poultry, Era, and Fruits, Vegctibles, and all kinds of Produce. Quick Sales and Prompt Retnrma. Kkfebxncks bt Pkbmisbiok. Banx of Ashe vilie; J 11. StelUug. Express Agent; A. D. Coopeii Mel chant: Starnesi Uaveunort, Merciiantr, J. M. Thra-h & dons, Merchants; , Brevard & liianton. aiercnauta. novo aw E. V. JONES, (Successor to Jones & Portner.) We'are offeriniz the best and cheapest (roods in oar tine in town. We have the largest assortment of saddles in Western North Carolina. 1 Genuine McClellan trees, army reirulation size, English ahaf- toe, Texas Cowboy saddles, and all other styles; pices ranging from f 3 to $30.: The price of Jeatner naa advanced 4 per eent, within the past two months, and we are selling;;-: t'j ; HARNESS made Cot of best leather, cheaper than ever. - - fine 'doable bntrgy and cosch harness in brass, nickel or imitation rubber mounting, 40 to $45. former price $50 and $55, single setts from S15 to S30 In XC plate we are making a run in single Darnese, complete witn name ana collar, foT$10,Tery stitch band made.If goings for riding in enamel leather, and Cor duroy. fair leather, and lor hunting in heavy CAnva8Bducking,pncesfrom$2 to $4 We nave received tne largest lot of horse blankets and lap robes ever bought In Asheville, and: our prices are close enough to suit every body. .All styles of lap robes in ur, rmsn and wool. Er? ery one now who has a horse can buy a boroe blanket. Oar shaped blankets in plaid and kersey are juet the tlnnir for winter.; All wool square blankets 76 in. for large sice horses. Wo have in atook also imported bogl'Sh Riding Bridles weymouut ratternior ti. , , JOEN M,. CAMPBSLL,-' Real-s- Estate ler a nd Igent n.V"' ' "' " A K 7,..., It 3 L 1 - e-" 'K '-t- ' J ' - ' a - -to?' fei KESIDENCE Ok" J. U. CAMPBELL, WEST A8BLEVXLLE. THRUMS JtlMJLItlGJV JiCRES 1- OH S1LE ! From f l to f 2 per acre, and 40,000 acres given away. 1 " , Rea Eitate bought in Asheville through J. M. Campbell always prov es "a Bonanza ' Refers by Permiesion to , ... , Hon. Kugh Thompson, Aesistant Sec. U.S. Treasury,. - : -Hon. T. D. Joh-nston, M. C , Asheville N. G., " , , Key. Sam Small, Washington, D. C, 1 Chestnht st, Phil a. O. H. Sampeon & Co., 69 Chauncy St., Boston; 67 Leonard st, IJ. Yt Brown Bros , Providence, R. I. Col. Frank Coxe, Prop'r Battery Pt Hotel, Asheville, N. C. Geo. W. Palmer, Banker, Sa!tvtie. Ya. . 'V.. i. , Bank of Asheville, Ashevilly, K. C. '" . ,.: '. ' ' " - CkmfneicraBanirCol:)rf?3, S,--i .aw !V Cart UBa'atioBal Bank, UoYamb1a,'8. Cf a ' - Options on Property Bought : andSoldj t"Takes bnyinfr, selling, renting and exchanging property a specialty. WANTED All kinds of property, both city snd countryj also,- mineral and mountain lands and farms near Asheville. : ; . The following property, improved and nnimproved.'vnil be sold by me,Etraight, without commiesion or intervention of middlemen, at prices and terms to suit the purchasers. , . ,. - SO acres and a beantlf nl residence wi.n all mod ern improvements on Kill M, only 6 minute' walk to court house. A bargain. Or wi.l he s-ub-uivided and sold. 4 huuses and lots on Hill st, very desirable. 21otsnerNew Depot. BeTtrsionary irtcrest in Patten Are. Hotel ; 16 rooms, lot 8 it on Ave, 150 ft on Deic t st. 10 lo'.s on Ta'ton Ave and L'fi ot fit. S4 acres right at Sulphur htrinsf frrrtirp 1400 ft on rail oart ami same on main Haj vocd turn pike; beautiful grove. 553 acres at Turnpike; fir est grape land in W. 400U acres near W alballa, 8. C. 3 lots on Willow st. 24 acte. or SS lots of Dr. Hardy place; Cne tor a trucit farm. 4 acres and house, one mile ft om e urt houBe; chcarj. 18 lo'.s on Main si. 94 acres it H) lots nearcoinorale limits T nil. from conrt house ; the finest river and n'CuuiBin views, also fine buildiDg sites end good water power. Any parties wiEhirj: to porcl.aee anv oi the above j-roperlies will eave the U6nal 5 per cent, commissiou paid real tsfate apents by consulting me diiecU I have also much property, welt located, which is improved and unimproved. Also prop, ery on nearly every principal street in the city for ssle. This property has been placed in my hands by persons who want to sell it but who do-not wish it advertised. They have authorized me to sell it, and pay me for it. Call and see me and I will show vouany property yoa may wieb, and will buy forpersons wieh inc to buy at a bargain anil will eave them motwy. Persons w ho have property and desire it advertised can ltan it dare through me free of co6t- Persons who want to look afc property with the vinv-.f buying will be ehovn nraund the city Ira, ia a comfortable conveyance. For Rent 9-room house; furnished, in Doubledsy. Amp.e grounds. Cpmforta blehouee. Cheap. 3 new cottages on Hill street just finished will be rented to good tenants, cheap, furnished or unfurnished. Appiy to J. M. CAMPBLLL,. One furnished house, 9 rooms, in Doubledny; one furnished l onse, rooms oa Haywood street; one furnished hou) 7 roc.tna on Towr, Mi,Bntai'.i; one nnfurniah sd house 6 rooms on Haywood street: four unfurnished houses. 2 and 4 rnomn. Southfide avenue; two unfurnishsd houses uaK street. WJLNYAH HOUSE, Ii"oTv- O xe2i for -tli "Wixx-ter Particular Advantages lor IiiTalids and Health-Seekers. FIRST-CLASS APPOINTMENTS, Good and plentiful table ('northern coofci those who require it. Medical and surgical attendance, and trained nurses in tho house. Special facilities and methods of treatment in T) lliroat by means ot Pneunjatic Cabinets, Ozone and Oxygen Inhala tions, Etc. Treatment for Nervous Diseases, Ehuemati-m, Etc., by Electric, Hot Air, Vapor and Steam Baths, massage and other suitable means! Treatment optional. Terms moderate. Those deiirous of home comforts and pleasant surroundings, please call. K. VON BUCK, B. S. M. D., Proprietor. sep27dtf . EYE. B h 5 Location unsurpassed in beauty and diversity of scenery. Bmldinit uuusir no ted on tbe most approved modern sani tary principles. Rooms large and handsomely furnished. Every conveni ence is provided for -the comfort oi patients, and the successful treatment of all Eyk, Ear,. Throat and Nose disease". Cataract, cboss Eyes and Granulates Lids radically cured. Patients suffering from Oataxbh and Catarrhal aflections put under the most perfect conditions for successful treatment. Our winters are peculiarly adanted to the enre of all Catarrhal aflectious. Spectacles accub- AI KLY ADJUSTED. . For terms ard further particulars address the Sargeons to the Institute. . DBS. MASTERiS AXD REDD, -' Knoxrille, Ifenn. oct 17 d&w 12 mos " (DOPAILS Atkins and Carrington, . " SOLS DSAUEBS IK - The" Famous Wooldridg Jellico Coal. . . . - . - .. e An varieties ct Hard Coal. ' Before sectnins; your winter's supply, please give ns a trial. We guarantee satisfaction. : . Jellico Coal Yard, No .r&ljUe Square. aaglld6m . : . -- . . 1 'a. 4 lots near cemetery. 1 lot. ,.n Academy st. . 8 lorn on hajl-j st. - - 5 lots on V. aliucl; St. 6 lot on Town Mountain. " 8 Iclsou .biilipsst. - --' - - 8 lots rin Bnuev St. The ?"id..lett u plore of 19 acres with house. Thi will be subdivided and sold in lots, lt Is loc ated In tlte grow ing town of Victoria 4'.i0 seres ii tl,unii s ' ave firm one to two mi. from city, a hi be so.d as a wbol or subdivided to suit for small farms Soil is rich, timber heavy and black lend and mica mines on the property in large quantl-is 30 ni res near Bristol. Tenn. One hf-nse and let in BlofTCity, Tenn. $i 12,2,r0 ok c Columbia Bridee f. A toll hrult't; bringing large monthly dividends at price suki d. SOCOOstorkofShii'alirg. Co Cnlumbb), 8. C finest propeny for maiiulacturing p-' rposes in theSontli. leverepod bojw-iwer.lO.OOO.S,, nuutviuue uuu!.,v iuich iur aaic. 1. Philip street; two unfurnished houses on IS35. Established. 1835. FOLe oMLy by - C COWi 1ST. Ball COSBlr, R-e 27 - Patton' Avrnoe. 7687 . ' DEALER Vatches, Clo.ip'iclry.f:I'iver" and plated warv Optifftl Goods 'fld Pciis.dc,, Ao. targe and va led asforiuient of lariles' and Gentleman's Gold Watrfan at low nrivva. largest assortirent of Veddiiie l.ioss In the- ' city. All repairioir In vatches. clocks, srd jewelry ' neatly and promptly- done at reasonable figures. - SATIilFACriON. GCAKANTEED. The present proprtptnr sfiall nfftlert nc fot - D eriia lODtinnhticn ol Ifce patrr r.cge m lariip bvstowed during bjsuj jeare nrcn bl - cceasor ' iccbCdtl ASHEVILLK - meat;marketi , ; Proprietors. Cor. Kortheagt Court Square. On hand at all titpes the host Beef, Mutton, Pork, .Veal, Venist n, West Carolina and East Tenn. nan afford Wild Heats in season. FebUdlT - 1 px&xm-.i-!!- T. " r- 4 - J

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