- . , . !- it J .V fin w fWNQMOSE Prospects Held Out by. West s' em CaroKna's Officials. Diminishing Cash Receipts Caused -;r'"' v Suspension. SPuil Statement of Bank's Affairs to Given to Depositors, Preferred Creditors in the Deed of Assignment. JtXittle Excitement Caused ori the Street Dy tne it aimre jn o jerceptaoie j&nect on Other Banks Mr- Maddux At .; tacked by a Physician. - j - As related in the special edition' bf the i - v Gazette yesterday morning, the Western j ' . " ' vOaroMna bank failed' to open its doors at ; , the. usual hour, and soon after, notice was ' posted on the outside, signed by President ; -liewis Maddux, stating the bank was closed jm account of liquidation. The notice nat 'irally attracted considerable atteniiony and ; Citizens who were on the square at that hour gathered.-in little groups .and . dis- cussed ' the" failure. There was vryT little ' t excflement, however, and when within ' the urse or an nour, people were reading me story all over the city, there was fooispo- iBition to withdraw depcsiSts frgm other Wnis,7 the , depositors seeming (to be con- Winced- that the failure only added strength o theisolTent hanks. ; rU- 1' During the day, the hank officials, filed a eed of assignment in 'the office of -the reg ister tof, deeds, naming Lewis Maddux and P. McLoud as trustees. The main point tliedeed are as follows: , y me provisions f the . deed a . large .titjrof real est. te,is also put in tne -of"tEfeiSsii " "' "'i.' " ' "STAT ; .The following statement has been given out by the bank officials: j "Whereas, the board f direators ofjthe ; eaid; Western Carolina bank at a regularly . ! called' meeting on the 12th day of October, "1897, adopted the following resolutions, to-v , - Wit: :- - . ..7 -.. -" "Whereas the deposits of the Western prolii hajik have fallen ofl. and are Jaetng wichdrawn eo rapidyr -mat it. is imDosaip fortiie"aid banK. to "re,ali2e'on 'fts afisets - fast enougn to;. pay its depositors j&d' cen . tlnue,us .-Dusincsa, ana .id fcank, js in v Calling; circumstances, and it ia evioieht that ' ihehank.'C&hJ:noiionjs;eir continue fetaiflbti&i : ness, tand being cennceot .cnat'-i( .i jr $ best interests , of the oeposi tors, .creditors and 'tockhdiders 6i saia bank that it 'be closed and jta assts collected and-distfib-uted, as hereinafter provided: - ri ,... 'Now: therefore be it resolved hjr thu board .of:.directors olusald Western Carolina hank, Urit it is for the best interests of the creditors, . depositors and stockholders that the bank" make . a general 'assignment for the benefit pf all its creditors; and such as ighme4tis hereby authorized, ahd direct ,ed to' be made' Immediately, o" ; ."And : the said president and secretary jf the bank are hereby empowered, author Szed 'and directed . to forthwith execute and deliver, a ' proper ' deed of assignment to Lewi Maddux: and Lr P. : Mclxjud, who are hereby selected as the assigneesf conveying to them all: the' property and rassets of the bahk,,I to' be held by said assignees in trust for the beenfit of the creditors of the bank, and lor the purpose- of ' collecting said assets and converting said property into cash as rapidly' as possible, and applying the pro ceedstQithe payment of depositors and other creditors of the bank. v. That said deed of assignment shall pro vide for 'preferences, after-making provision for the' expenses of the kssignment as fol lows,' to-witt-; i - ;-"' 'in the. first class, without preference to one over the other, shall be included. . Jkf0o w.tk. k.v V.the matter Judge Ewart granted the'appli- hXp'r whoever the v may be of ail th.it v&.WizZ.EtJJ?1 --lQft ing - fcO :a,vuv pi iiiuiyvn, miuhu its jseriee one of the debenture bonds of the Western BSAdebt to the Battery Park bank of Avlleounting to $7,287.36,.secured; by the- deposit ' of collateral , aggregating. the' city of' 'New: York, $26,500, collateral security aggregating, $42,000, t - . DA A debt ocR. ,P; .Walker: of Asheville,- $5,000 j -Coilatesal,Cjt,000. VJJv :AiSdebt i'?to:'i, the Asheville : Milling toijipany,-"$2,000; collateral, $3,000. - "In the: secomdl'ass' without preference tneovrhe'thr shall he? included each and. every of the'; depositors of : the ban'-s-5:"! ' V ' '-'-'' " ' ' 'In the third class,' all ;other debts owing V vsaidi'banktt .?. : H - ' 'AdA las'tly.tthe surplus, if any, shall 4e distributed prdr-'rata to each stockholder ot -STATE'ENfT. FORM MR (MABDTJfX. ; The following, statement was given "out yes-terday afternoMr;;.. ; v ;1-'.:: 'Wr .. 'Asheille, : N.-C.,! (October, 12, 1897; 'rothe-I)epositorsi tjand Creditors f the Western Carolina Bank;5 'Oi. y "The closing , of the bank : this- morning was 'rendered absolutely necessary; ,4jn ac count of -its vin'abi'lityAtotiuceiits .assets to cash rapidly:enoughxtjtmeet ithdraw als, which fncreased every day. . The of ficiaia of the hank were extremely loath to tae such action,- realizing that! it could not but be detrimental to" the business interests of the city, and cause Inconvenience to the depositors. ; As long as they felt thaf there as . possibility . to avoia tnis step,, tney upp ipverv endeavor to do so.V "ThB assets of the hanks nka are,' : In., the opinion of its officials, rmore than ample to pay all the depositors in full,- :They consist largely-of real estate and loans secured Dy real estate, and on this account time will' be. required to convert them into cash. ; -"The Dreferences in the deed of assign ment were made solely in Ihe interest of the depositors. In every case the preferred cred itor holds collateral securities worth more than the amount dwiixg by the bank; and to prevent the sacrifice of said securities, said preferences were made. !" . , At present it. is hnpossible to publish in : detail a statement of the condition " of the bank, hut one is being prepared and you will be furnished with the same at tb$ earliest, practicable moment.- When sucn statement is ready i a meeting of air depos itors 'and creditors will he called, and the same submitted for their examination. This meeting will be asked to appoint a commit tee to examine into the correctness of such statement, the" condition of the bank, and the nature of its assets : . J . ' . . "tiETWlS. MADDUX." ; : The last official, statement of the bank, made on July 23, is as follows: RESOURCES. .. " Loans and discounts, 191,605.60; over drafts; $1,624.18; real estate, $46,642.33; fur nitufre and fixtures: S4.600. 00: merchandise. $4T70.00; bonds, $16,140.00; expenses, $309:- Of; due from banks, $22,453.22; cash on hand, $11,010.29. Tofel, $299,154.63. LIABILITIES. Capital, $50,000.00; surplus, $15,000.00; undivided profits, $5,267.28; debenture bonds, $25,000.00; bills payable, $18,000.00; hills discounted, $22,'644.87; due to banks, $2,961.56; deposits, $160,280.92,- Total, $299,- 154.63. The officers of the bank were: Presi dent, Lewis Maddux ; secretary, M. J. Bear den; directors, H. T. Collins, A. M. 'PMeld, C. Bt Moore, B. Alexander, White Smith. Li. P. McLoud. It is commonly believed that the enforce ment by the bank of the clause requiring sixtv days' notice to be given beiore witn- drawals from the savings department could be made was the immediate cause of the bank's failure. The confidence, of the de positors was lost by this act, and they hastened to give notice of their intention to -withdraw denosits. Yesterday evening inquiry at the other banks of the city showed tbit the deposits had been as laree as usuj?' There were some withdrawals,; $1,400 h.-'ig the largest lump.sum, but there was r r ment-An unusually lar,? -ness was transacted, but " end of the,dv ' rush. or exci ter bium e of busir balance at the en s JjiTHREATSKED T.1DDUX. During5' the Sky' Dr. C. E. Fisher, one" of the depositors' -of the bank, became very violenttand threatened to kill Mr. Madduxj A warrant was issued for him and he was arraigned before Justice Summey. Dr. Fisher did not deny . the allegation, and made no resistence when told he would have to go to jaiL .'He mid at the time that he was unable to furnish bail, so he was puti under lock and. key. lie said" he did not care what' was done with him, and he had lost everything he had and had no money to pay his board. Later he was re teased n bond. PROCEEDINGS IN Many Writs in the Hands of the " Sheriff ' ' V: ' IS RESTRAINED T'uRr; BY iTHE . Tem.WrarperY Appointed" to be Had Before Judge Ewart Today. The closing of the doors of the Western Carolina bank this morning precipitated law suits innumerable.- The .first ahd most important one, was brought in the superior court by the Battery Park bank against the Western Carolina bank,, followed by many other suits in favor of different parties be fore justices of the peace. These attach ments were1 issued against .the bank by creditors who were not preferred, and who hoped - to vsecure precedence in .case the creditors preferred by the directors should be held toy thenjourt to be preferred. Some of those who procured attachments were: M. E. Henry, J. H. Stewart, S. Lipinski, Morris Lipinski, Rutledge, Patter-son; Wb & Co., H. F. Grant1 et al:, S: B. Erwin. In the Battery Park bank case a . motion was made on the parfofthe plaintiff for a receiver, to take .charge of the assets and effect of the defunct bank. After hearing catioii appointed Lewis Muddox and Lawrence McLoud temtforarv receivers im- til 'this morning at 10 o'clock: at which time some lively discussions, of law points involved may - reasonably be T expected. -r-. " ' . ,'fn"''uu6 . -w restraining all persons -from interfering with the assets and property of the bank Creditors other than the Battery Park bank in person and by attorney are prosecuting claims against the bank. It is claimed that the assignment made, by the bank is void and of no effect, and rely upon the follow ing seetion of the code: ' , "Any corporation may convey lands, and all .other property which is transferrable' by deed, by deed of bargain and sale, or other proper deed, sealed with the common seal and signed by the' presideni, or -presiding member or trustee, and attested by -the sec retary of the company. But any convey ance of its: property, whether absolutely or upon i condition, in trust,1 or by way - of mortgage , executed by any corporation, shall be void; and of no effect as to the creditors of said corporation, existing prior to, or at the;tlme of the execution 'of said deed, and as to torts commiMeed by such corporation,.. its agents- or. employes, prior to, or at. the. time of the execution of said deed:.' Provided said- creditors, or persons, injured, or their xepresentatrves shall eoni 4nence,v proceedings v or: actions ;-4o enforce their claims, against said corporation within sixty ; days after the registration of said deed, as required by law." : - :t . Among other .questions xhich 'will heceV arily1e discussed in connection with the case, i Judge1 (E wart's jurisdiction in -civil cases-i inooted question which Aas not yet been- decided by . the supreme courts- It is i evident --th-a t to-day will be a Held1 day for lawyers, some of whom : dud not obtain Judgments until late after dark yesterday;' The contest : between different creditors, of the Western' Carolina 'hank, -will necesaarW iy.''bring:'Out-r:ever7:aTailable::,point;'Jn--ihe' complicated affair, and aomething- of inter est may !be looked for.-' . "-"c - A report- was in:circulatian-last- evening that steps had been taken by the hank peo ple, to bring the receivership question be fore Judge Norwood,, who is in Clay county but 'tne foundation tor the; rumor could not be learned. . It caused some perturbation among the. lawyers interested in the : many suits that have been instituted, though it was clear- that Judge Norwood could not be reached before Judge Ewart will take Up the case? this morning. - ' CORRBOTION. " , " - The Gazette in the hurry of. preparing its extra edition yesterday morning - was Jed hto an error regarding a large deposit al leged td have been made by George W. Vanderbilt and which-it reported was re turned to him by the bank yesterday. The incident did not occur as reported no check having been received by the bank from Mr. Vanderbiit yesterday. : " ' " " " CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATION. R. B Roberts Made the Highest Grade Ever Knbwh. in This District. The civil service examination for the po sitions of deputy collectors, clerks 1 and storekeeper and ganger held in this city on the 20th of March "has at last been heard from. Last ' evening Secretary Walser re ceived the grades from the commission. Be low is the Ai&t of eiigibles: Name. Pet R. B. Koberts ...... 94.20 Miss Emm. Rollins y2.05 91.95 90.15 90.00 88.65 W. A. Os.rne John Kehy M. A. Whiitemore . E. S. Ray J. A. Sneison 88.35 E. F. Chuudley. . Calvin Gillis, Jr.. 87.95 . . 86.30 .. 85.5 .. 85.65 .. 84.75 .. 84.60 ..' 83.90 B. J. Luther W. H. Woodson .. R. B. Sams K 4 H. L. King G7 W. Cannon J. M. Bailey (cancelled).. .. 81.80 .. 81.45 .. 80.85 . . 80.70 .. 80.15 S. A. Chambers F. B. Lawson W. N, Sonow J. C. -Linney Charles EK-.JarviS' (cancelled) . . Mrs. Rosa,.B. Morgan John C. Deit ................. M. S. Manaey R. F. Fox vVi,....-.'. W. L. (McCoy ......... J. A. L. Shermer R. ft Sherrell. S. M. Hamrich.. J. W.. Davis John A. McCann A. S.. Speer ......... i.......... C. P. Carter A.. W. Freeman H. C, Shook P. J. i'Long. .... ... . . . ..- ? J. L. "Bost.J. ..... .. 79.80 .. 77.25 .. 77.10 .. 76.85 76.80 .. 76.65 ... 75.75 , .. 75.40 ...74.90 , . 74.85 . . . 74.00 . . . 73.75 ... 73.70 ... 73.45 . . 73.45 . 73.35 .v. 72.20 John Lewenyn (cancelled) . ... . 73.25 i w vwm ' ' t7 OK I Miu Florence Pritchard 72.75 W. M.West ... H. M Hudson J. W. Allen ... WT. Morgan W. J. Zachary S. M. Riddle ... McLain Rogers E. C. Heddeh . . J. F. Tilson 72.00 71.95 71.G0 71.35 71.35 71.25 71.15 71.05 4- . 70.45 Mr. Roberts grade is the highest ever made by an applicant in the Fifth collec tion district. r- ' N0T A NOTE SIGNER. Ui S. Meadows Declaies Notes Sigiied With His Name are Forgeries Mr:.u. S. Meadows, a carpenter; by trade, called at "the -3-azette office yesterday and exhibited1 -two notices he had received from a city bank jnforming him that two notes signed by himself and made payable ito Penland and 'Sluder, and that haa been re discounted from the First National bank, were, due." The amount of one of the notes was $561.27; and of the other $601.27. Mr. Meadows states that he never signed any such notes, or in fact any notes at all, or any paper of any description, and that the only paper to which he has attached his signature within the last -five 'years, is the roll-book of the Zeb Vance club. He has never been asked even, to sigh any notes. He states that Penland and Sluder is a firm at Leicester, with which he is acquainted. Mr." Meadows called at the bank yesterday and inspected the notes, and pronounced the signatures forgeries. Mr. Leonard is an acquaintance of his, he says, but never asked him to sign any notes. So far as is known, there is no other U. S Meadows in 'Asheville. . . - INDIAN DOCTOR ARRESTED. A Warrant . r Served : Charging Him With Slander. , Late last evening1 upon the sworn" com plaint of B. A. Roberts before Justice W. H. Deaver. a warrant was issued .for the ar rest of Walker Hill 'known" as the "Indian doctor," charging him With' the slander of the character of one Mattie Keith. The process was placed in the hands of -Deputy Sheriff Laney, who effected an arrest about 11 p. m. 'I last night, after an unpleasant but- -not;serkus' difficulty.5 - ' The ' prisoner was brought up town and. gave a justified bond with C: "R. Miller surety in the sum of $.200 for his appearance before Justice Deaver at 11 o'clock this morning. ANOTHER RECEIVER. This Time it is For the Carolina Wood- f . workingacompaay' On an order from Judge Norwood Mr AW. E. Bhuf ord was yesterday. appointed receiv er of the Carolina Woodworking company: This . was the outcome of a suit brought v . f against the company, in which Director E. Dickerson was interested; by V. 6. Lusk, receiver of the First National bank. - - - - , .... , ,, ' , X . FOR SALE BELOW, COST.. Ladiesr and , children's nderweaVr' no tions, stationery,, school supplies; every thing in stoefc.. I. v MRS. P. THOMAS; :J 206-J5v-' ; V- 28atton Ave.""' " Cascarets stimulate 'the liver, kidneys T e,Ier ,eien' weaken ffripe, 10c, at Pelham's Pharmacy. BRUTALITY-ON 7' i " j.- GREEN RIVER ,t'v; Shociife: Assault on an In- l I HQcent Little Girl; Y Seized and Beaten, on the Hed I With' a. Rock. . -.Ji. Becanse &lq Would Not Remain Silent. . ; Assailant Captured and Brought to Asheville. Descriptioi of the Prisoner Identified Fully by His Victim-A Former Resi- dent rkey Creek. 4' iienaersonvnie, uct. iz. a crime was . ' . ., - commi tted ; here yesterday 'that was so hor rible that it is difficult to belive that it could happen In a civilized community, and be committed by a whita man, The eleven-year-old daughter of James Case, who lives on screen Tiyer, near Hen- dersonville was assaulted by ta . white man and horribly beaten with a stone. The lit tie girl was sent . on: an errand to a neigh' bor's house, about three-quarters, of a mile distant. To reach her destination she had to pass an old. house in. which was stored fodder, andfas she "was7 aproaching it i she saw a man coilcealinghimself inside. She was very much frightened and hurried on to the neighbor's house, where 6he ac complished her errand. She aid that she was afraid to go back the way she came, so she started, home intending to make a cir cuit of the field in. which the old house was located. But the "Villain was watching, and at the proper um rusned afteviervrNok;and seized h fcne s- with all would kiii5ur it- sl ! did: not fe'uiet. She stilL .kept, up it 'agonizing screams, jyhereupon the man feized a rock and struck her over the hobd,- cutting awound nearly three inches long, clear to the skull. Then .he grasped' her by the throat and choked her until she was helpies, The . fiend then left hi. Ticm on, he ground, and as soon asse.icoyered eul ficiently she staggered home. iDr. Waldrttp Was : summoned, but'didt not arrive tin til 12 o'clock last night. He found the little girl in a very bad condition, but she was able to give a description of her assailant. 'Men gathered at once and hastened to find the man. Near the boundary line of Polk county they found a house where it stated a man had spent, the night, answer ing fo their description. He was found and captured, and brought, back here where he was guarded until this, morning. Assoon as ; the little girl had fecqyered from the ef fects . of the morphine ; administered, . the prisoner was brought into her presence. , . After the complete identification the prisoner-was put on the train .and carried to Asheville. - ' " : . Parm was brought to this city last even ing, by J. M. Waldrop,.T. C. Israel and A. B. Freeman and placed; in jaiL These gen tlemen were sen by a Gazette reporter who learned from them the following cir cumstances of 'the case;- -. Parm was arrested nine miles southeast of Hendersohville, on fcig Hungry creek, four miles from the scene of his crime. He was in bed at the house of a man named Shipman when arrested. ; -He had reached the house in the night.-' ".'An aged woman and a boy were in the house and he asked them for a place to lay down. It had rained during the evening and. Farm's clothing was soaked, but he lay down" without re moving, them.1 :. - ' V , - . . Jasper Blackwell and Tom Jackson dis-r covered the fellow's hiding place unexpect edly. They enquired at' Shipmah's house if they had seen Parm, ' having no .idea that he : was there. They were inforined -that ia man answering the description was 'asleep in 'the house. When ..they arrested Parm he made no resistence but denied that he was , the t.man t: they-. Ranted. Parm was taken to a house about a mile from Case's and a justice: of' the peace, was sent for to take the "girl's statement. - They ha'd also sent after the sheriff . and Deputies ,HilI and Staton. came. They kept " the . man ; at this, place until Mr.- Waldrop arrived at 9:30 o'clock. ... - ' ;v -v , ;f There was theh a good-deal of excite meht, neighbors were, gathering, from every where in the locality, all armed,. Mr.-Waldrop had a warrant for the fel low and he 'was 'taken'' by the depyties to the Case house, after her father had been prevailed . upon-: to ! leave.' the place. 2 The young girl was lyin in a bed near-, the door of the house and Parm -was led, into the room and ' placed at; the foot ' of .the bed facing her. ; The girl" was asked -if she had ever seen him before. She replied, ,"Yesf r saw him yesteday.', fShe declared. he was the man . who" . assaulted her. Parm being asked if he had any. questions to put to the girl said, ' 'HTes: I have onev.Mightn't you be mistaken jnmy being, theman?" The girl declared earnestly " she was not mistaken. . - "-;'S-ts- X' ' - The crowd that 'had.: gathered about the house would almost 'unquestionably i have lynched Parm; if it badnot been for the counsels and stenuous ; endeavors of J. F. Jones, Jasper -Blackwell ; and. Jonathan Case, whoi4 plead with the- crowd that they should not .have the , man's' . blood; on their hands.' . The man ..was,, a" prisoner in the hands- of ; the .lay"' and they? argued would surely he punished. - V 4 v - t , The girl had clearly escribed her assail antrbefore his capture. "Markar-thati es pecially identified him from her description was a. white string -sewn in the rim of his hat and patches on -hrr elbows.- J . - Parm was placed in the Hendersonville -Jjan; but owing to the' excitement and threats -'againsthisT life h was ? secretly n - .1: taken to the depot and brought to Ashe-1 ville. - ' , - Tho following is a description of the girl's assailant: 'His name is Leander Farm. He is forty-nine years ol(L and was Dora, ana, .. raisea on iomany, tie nas lived most of his time on Turkey creek, n , Leicester township, .but. came to this county about eighteen months ago" and rented a mill on the head of Mills river: He was detected in stealing toll corn, an$ had' a trial in the last criminal court. The Jury acquitted him, mainly because he had three little children .to support, and was Such a pitiful looking object. It was provr en also that his offense' had been a light one. . ;. : V Since his acquittal he has been prowling about, claiming to be looking for a mill. He says for himself now that he is not the man, who committed the. deed. In appear ance he is small,' stoop shouldered,' and has a dark moustache. He has the appearance of having led a hard life and his clothes are very nruch patched.? The Gazette represen tative vent to the jail and had a talk with him. He was found - lying on a mattress and said he was very tired. , He was Very reticent; but rose up and replied briefly to, inquiries. He. said his name was Farm, and that he was not- guilty. but had little else to say. . - " : ,:. INVITATION EXTENDED -. To the American Street Railway Asso ciation by the Aldermen. .' The special mating of, the board of .al dermen last night was attended by Alder men Jones, Burnett and Kennedy one less than a quorum. Mayor Rankin presided, and there were also present Messrs. H. t. Collins, Kittredge," F. Stikeleather and F R.. Darby. -. f , - It was voted to extend an invitation to the Amberican Street Railway associaHO'n to hold their next meeting in Asheville, tne liwiyor was authorised to appoint a committee of five representative citizens to go to Niagara Falls, where the association is in session, and present the invitation.' It" was stated that the committee will be furnished with free transportation as far as Washington, and that the rates from that point will probably be material!: re duced. The committe was not appointed last night, though it was suggested that Mr. Rankin should be one of . the number in view of his connection with street rail way affairs. : - . . ,r:,,v City Attorney Craig : was present, vhut action on the new. code was1 deferred until the nest regular meeting, because of the absence of a quorum. The advisability was discussed of having ah ordinance passed and incorporated in the new code ia regard to the emoke nuisance. Another matter 'brought up was that of the payment of $119, balance due on the ex penses of entertaining President McKinley and party while in the city. It was urged that the city could well afford to pay this in view of the benefit derived in the way of adveriising.etc, , by . reason of the presi dent' visit. Action was. deferred. JILT An Ins tbyWW. Ashe, ofl iMr. . W. "W. Ashe, in char f;4idreBt'' 4n-- vestigation on the Nortn -caxoirna geologi cal survey; and who is making a reputation; in that departments ha? just returntd froin the meeting of the American Forestry as sociation' at - Nashrille, . says the "Ralsigh crrespondent to ihi ; Ch Several weeks were spent by him i-Q-lhves- tlgating the hard, wood forests of Eastern Tennessee which are the most, anafcaifie-nt in tne eastern states, though. rpidly, being depleted. He also spent, a... week jpn&et Biitmore estate, examinin-g, under th qi-; rectioh of Dr. Schenck, fo-rester in "cnafge, the Biltmore forests and what is being done to improve "their condition." and; place them' on sound financial basis. The great Pisgah forest in Hendersonand. Transylvania f coun ties, ..was also examined. Here the.; plants advocated in Bulletin 6, of. the geological survey series, are being practically applied whenever financial considerations will per mit; that is, whenever, by adopting tnem the Investment can be made to return in terest. '- V ' v- - " The survey h,as begun the. issue of a se ries of short papers on economic subjects, intended for -local distribution. : The first number, now ready for distribution, con r aiders the maple sugarl industry . in .the mountain counties. Otheraare in course of preparation on "Shade Trees for. Roads and Parks," and "Reproduction and Growth of the White Oak for Railway Ties and Lum ber." iBulletin , 6, on the timber trees of North Carolina, a volume of 250 pages, is nearly ready, for distribution. 'cotton; : Outlook as SeenTjy Riordan and Com- - ..' -V""'. Pany- . ; New York, Oct..,! rCotton- went, still lower . to-day. . A. decline, of. two and on half sixty-fourths in- 'Liverpool this- morn ing was not regarded as discouraging here -and this market opened a little better. The prevailing sentiment "however, )was still bearish and in spite of moderate 1 receipts which every one continues to attribute ; to the quaran tines, the -market turned weak after., the-' opening. New ' Orleans ; was .- a good buyer here and there was some specu lative demand. .This buying -was more than offset, however, "by heavy liquidation which was 'attributed ; to prominent local: bulls. The governmencrop bulletin from New Orleans was bullish, but causing only mo mentary steadiness -and the close was' at the lowest of the day. , January opened at 6.37, advanced to 6.39 declined, to 6.30, ral lied - to 6.33 and closed at 6.30 to 6.31 with the. tone of ; the market easy. The market has few friends at preserit and unless the sentiment -changes it' may:go lower, a-: RIORDAN AND CO. JUDGMENT RENDERED. In the M .. S: Robinsoa and Dickerson v" ,' - - " Company Case'. ' ; - The case of M. S. 'Robinson surviving partner of Cart well, Watkins & Co vs. J. E, "Dickerson company) J.v E.: Dickerson, and 'J1 E. c Dickerson & Co., heardbefore Judge Simon ton at -Greensboro a : few days ago,; has been decided! The judgment of the court was received by Clerk Moore yes terday and grants the. application of; the plaintiffs', directing the " receiver, "r J. 1 E. Rankin :to, pay .to the ' plaintiffs, the' sum of $339 as rents due to October: 1,. ut of the proceeds of the sale ,o fthe 'Stock f except that- realized-, by- the. sale of. goods, under attachment.: - . -'.'t. i--- -,' -., Fresh arrival extra fancy isowms at fi S. '.CoopeT's, 33 Soatk Mats stksst. - TORNADO IN TS : NEW YORK Several Persons Killed .and Much Damage Done. " v ' Streets. In Reading, Pa,, Were 6a :-(y : 4 Flooded. - ' V A : ; vi ivf flnnntinr ' ,...f,4 wicsi iiuiii new i uriv niunicipai. aign; Protest Against the Legality-of SetJi . Low s Nomination Thei Mixes sbid r Snarls - of the Ticket VOan't hp. - Straightened nOut.' ".. ,.r' .. .'-' - . ''St - New York, Oct. 12. A tornado which swept this part of the country this after -noon caused a small flood and great dani- age, and killed several persons. - The flood' ... .... ... - extended over a large area of the' cpuntryi The!most serious damage tfa& at-Read ing,-Ea.; where the streets ' we-re)tnveTte4 f t s?T. Carr.wa ed by fng su4nfe.: houses were destroyed and the of the city hall school here, :135 hiohdred ; feet high, was blown dowa and iirjncl''- : some children. It caused a panic' Tjio yacht, White Dove, was blown on Jjiberty" Island. MUDDLE IN 1 mixes .and the snarls of all .M'p hot .be starightened out before electionTiday The latest is that the. Platt machmetOKj. s - .... - - - ' . 7 . .. r-. nay protested he legality of tte' Citizen's; , -4.-'" irf-r'W WlnlelfeE. Oct 12:- Mrs. A'tkfr5bn onfi i-i .'- .wsE C6 stan4 t-day:uefelaredthatshgi)a!'C ri ' : ! i -f into streams. Resaflents were resea by'T ! to -useh durog JU-.41K . bf the iighaftireV' which the saniiare's A were fesged. - "s? - - MISTRUSTED WEYLERfc ' ' J .:; ;" -i ;VW I Washington, Octn 12.ensatf dnal stories tf are afloat to the effect that Spain, mistrust-. - t ed General Weyler's intentioss, Some ay . i it was feared he was' contemplating a re- v,- ',-': ? s volt against the government' and this led - ' ' ' .V- ' ' ' to his recall, - . - -- , v ' , THE: JOURNAL "EXONERATED, -i , Washinglon, Oct. 12. At a cabinet meet- ing tb-day it 'was 'decided that the eiiter-: . ., prise of the New York Journal in resculhg ' ,' .. '-' - . ' i -.--, . Miss, Cfsneros was not a cause for inter- national complication." , . ! v.; '-.NINE THOUSAND" HEAR '"HIM"? ; Bowling Green, - Ky., Oct. 12.-ryaa.; '' ..- ' - . "f--. spoke here to- day to nine thousand people. .. ; He said his reception in Kentucky indicat- " ed that silver was gaining 'ground", which ... ' was very gratifying. ' ; : '-' , : SCRAP ABOUT ORAPS. -.. ' - . .- - . .... .. . , 1 St. Louis, Oct. 12. Twenty colored pris-f -oners created a riot in the county jail .at noon to-day over a game of craps. ' Severai'.;", were -'injured and - were confined5 ia dHii-' geons. i Si GOLD FROM THE KLONDIKE-., , -, Seattle, Oct, 12,-The steamer City: ot To peka - brought'', eighty-five .- miners front Cook's Inlet, who, brought with them $25Q,V. S 000 worth of old. SLIGHTLY EXAGERATEDm. A "scare", report- was ' published last the Montf ord avenue- school, had been "cut ? tr 1 . on the arm'hy a pupiL." and,, that Eroft'j Gwyn ."fainted .from the loss . of blood.? The sole foundation 'fox all, this was, that., a' pupil who had been sent to the principal . t? Gwyn's presence drew r a knife from his' - pocket and threatened to use it; "j , ; , .rf-; .:,v . - f TO CURE A HOLD IN ONP J)AY Taxe 'Laxative. Bromo Quinine Tablets. A.TJ fy'- a - 5 L M MM II 1.11- A -v druggists . refund 'the money, if it fails, to il'-"s 4 a. 17''- t .- if -f ' -i ft :-1 , ( 1 ,f -' L'

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