THE ASHE& -..j.... . - l 'J' nnrfo OiifllASTER i GENERALB GABY ' G. RECEIVING LETTERS': ;V ' PROPO 8 ITION BEING ABLY COMMENTED UPON.1 iiiVfit:'-!:??-;; .V-J so-";!'; i'a' ' j-'H'.? ai ,!. ' .'" fiOTStATIOM 'ON'THfi'StJHJEOT , ; ; i:- .1 "V IS ' EXPECTED. v..-' " V ; ' THE DISCUSBIONAVILL RENDER v MATERIA.!. ASSIST ACEi; '': ii 1 -, : 'Bleved on. AU Sides Taav if-Pratstii Pv:fSatings.jstem ... .-V7,ouM be Most;Dcsiri ;: -' x : .J ..General 'Gary is recetving many letters ; W4 ; '3rea,rding- the.postal savings-bank Ifoi - ' csi.fion,:strohjffly- by htm in- his vv?MlMwtry; nave 'ttteihim'-meii t2 : S. I .:'lnr,.on ' this projected radical extension si - W;ire;pat 8miced mye;iuiuuui' ' ; . deome s-uggestlons calcidatedin thi :U ft'opMOT; toake th sohemeirore eas J 4l:tlndicate ; -rainer general comonehdation 4i SjMi s0: wkhowaecofioimtstis '-and - ' tiienera's-Men'diihdwhcjinave; :.' B Sr-'3t;l?hV,1UetterV jttstn : received, ,' -Aniater-G eneral Gary ! expects some leg-- ' : f?:i$iaUoj; by wngresisson this s$itojectiosc . : r - ishJy; at the pext sessiony -and believes ; 'isthfatt the extended, discussion tnat ? has vV-aw?;v5lt-t!h f country wa.lLfrendmaleriar ' i Sn&3nxxl- cct3urTS-er- o. curt. fxttxvJW "jv-ir-tfe ian, answer . to some -oc - the com- : : "'ineiits tajat. have,be made: sub ; . : ;; reflected ;by ttiecnewpisLpet, - of my ; M to-postal - v : t!Sngs;depos4torielse :: I find,- of course i I tne 'great majoriiy -or- the'Dapers y iisf lesB-ynfaaeuv win inpse wracn, nave - -;.JiCpthia v:: SgEeat; thatCithe project la beset by a. good ' I many jdifficuitiesand H- is jipnlyv fcydis. . : uion,: they eftn ;Jrsaash t ft iieriousily urged againat a postal savings V-itent.-.: !The first, ;whioh- never- fails to lifrivuipr is th oJceritIbntbat th ,:, goy eroriin ousrht ; not f: to go i' into the H" :,usineesi oi cc41ecnff and Ttaking care , cf .the sarvi . -i y objeotion, which may properly ' be ftooongressr to answ The other 1 oJection . Is. based i upon the- generally Admitted . difficulty of finding cafe and 'proper-methoda aT putting the money iac?cm'uIations to profitable use. .? : ,,'l'dellberjately. abstained from setting ' forth a definite plan fop the disposition ;--o 'the savings, for the .reason that it is Avrrojjjem-whi and highest wisdom, f I. contented rmyself jfopvthe time with outlining; a: fnumber .ofggestions repeatedly made by; my pEdecessbrairi fetfire4.1nvlM jicjttljaland elpf ui f ipubiic: which has: begton already. Per J: -hap? , none of those 'Suggestions, nor all Ofem put togfcthef,. will prove equal Biio ; the. task of absorbing iproifit ably the collections of ai postal? savings syfftemT rl am convinced 'that ; the national :as; It .exists ' today,- offers ' a'-teni- ; , vjipriary sohxtlora of thisdifllcuity. In the . 'imeantime, I have ho'doutot; a safe' and jssfatory : ''It.fs agreed on alt sides that;- tf ':pr&c IftjEoable postal' s&V , e;.most desirable: ; This means a great .; xeartowards the. success of the-project. -'XtiS; being demcsistrated, too; daily, that Bfce people want it, and it has-been my -r eiprtence .that : what thefpeoplfe want muc)h ls3uu l:$iafc is;"arsoveTyIlkelyipo r::'.f3ce' the. plteation :of- my Yepd " fronf ao jre rnore.. dis- Ion. 1&kLVj&e newspapers, x. avfj ; trewmmeridat1y -?j4i:keep that f ; people.willt tafce: H upi think: about it; arid, not forget to send me thcresulta Bf v'their thinktng.slf weaM-put-our - J stogeththeKilfibe ' -.ravUsed and that is ,wfeat th country : - r:ftictm. A CARELESS PRACTICE. Postoffio IJeirtmet'i to Re : mode by . tb5po ' reform the cajreless-practice in a. Wge : nimifbi pf). poofllcesiii r ilott;of;m!, matter, is ex,peoted to bring i'ultsome rmpttWmt'resits. Vf $moieTOffite f t-:bornb fruit : and , ip.(Axitpiy the officials of the ',-K ' i4:rsftliit' JbgjBingL.b:t ?he ad ' - "-tmtlDn trirty ' pw. r -cecit - -tif the ; 1 -: 9-nwmberjk)m ma$l' . i . s -bfeen';brovgM"-( ,;. r rm-ridiWlhieaTever.vf . : iribwt-tyre2e9HnTkiri ..; to.;thfe;1C2jiii(r&ent pt'"voiSo?for ' "v : ''r-';;rircnist ti?t;;SVg-" v . Llv-'ns pit! .;"odTOm?;fjno' ujitf?iss "i.'j-.and" In'diyid'uals B'tnrwsihoiitB the' Be ; -.t?y. C. d crtoj t-Ristra: tlon afbou forty tlitouisand iifxnd stampa hav tueen sent oust. to postmasters.' Tho cammittec appodnted ly the postmaster gttnerUl to cjcindiveu'esr designs or Im promemts in cLncelliflg stamps wiXlTe cHv' fosf inspcctlbci- up'-far-'insunuary J'l .slsi'; tX- take the: place 'fit be hand staanps jiojw in use ;at the nartoais post offices. ; This cwU'-flor-wew'-.'aesiffn. orim pixnc5ment pplies-6ny -itoban d etaihps areused fn itbe .heavy, work, of the isor Vke.JJwst improvement Is'- tn- tenoWl prtmarBy ;lo improve ' the cSass tf postmarklsigr steanps now supplied to th snvoJl post offices, as vr&i a w rnose used in an auxiliary way larger ones nnd ttoe ptncdpal' points considor d itdlli mpctty. ,--diiwy , ana coat.' i' J . i ' . "' , Despite lie eenwral .impression shown ti . the . corrporicfence ; it - Is not neces sary rhat tliej SERIOUS TROUBLE 3 etween California Jockey Ctb and r Horse Owners Protective Ass'n. y.v San'Tranciscor NovI.-Tbere is seri- is troubleSsbetween M the . California Jockev Club and tlie recently organized Horse I Ownei-s' Protective Association. The club, of.which II, fT. WUllams is president, . controls the Oakland . track. and rnembers cl. the association., navv expressed - dissatisfaction -at; the' size -of tfeexpoirses i jsSvenXresiaent vvynams oalled'h? owneus saround ;nim ; and; to ui tbemi that when - men ibegan! agitation inimical to tte. turf interests in,' Call fornix be would ask' such persons to v?ithdraw, from : the Oakland track. ' He demanded that Charles Boots, the lead er of the horse ;o wners': movement, re turn his badge and take his string from that track; : Iter.'the:,pwners appointed a committee to meet President Williams arid .erideavo'r. to have Jils . order. rescind ed. Should it be enforced complications which, icannot ; be ,tf oreseeri are expected tOi-aftect the winter racing, both at Oak Hahd ;and at; Ingleside -T" - TRUST. ORGANIZATION OF AMERICAN WOODWORKING CO.' S B w4;;jDon;frl' .tv,the o-. : se duced ixir United States. PhiIadelphla,'-Nov. 22:-A ; special from Williamsport, Pa., says:- The American Woodworking- Machinery Company has jus'tbeen ; organized - and yriU "con trol fourteen concerns manufacturing seven eighths of the woodworking machinery produced in the United States. The mcn at the head of the combine have been working for a long time to 'reach the polrit"': that : was attained.' " Saturday night "the; local companies of the com bine closed their plarits and no work will ;be done in, any of them until ' next week. .; This week.' willvbe , devoted to stock- on hand.' . The local -members t the combine " are ?. Rowley- &'. Hermanio; the -Williamsport . : Machine Company f the Xhman Machine Company, and Young Brothers. v IJevy ! Houstoh,:. of Montgomery, is . also - a member. The capital of the organization is $8,500,000. The - nine other : firms that; haye pooled their- issues are Gcdell & .Waltert;'f Philadelphia; ; Glencoe Machine Compaq ny,- of Brooklyn;.N.:T.;:Hoyt Brothers, AuroravfBl.iGlob0achlriefCon Chicago; -Pague & Ct.; CHncirinatir ?Ev B. ; Hayes Machinery H Company; ';'- Osh koshr-Wis. ; Prank ClementsvrRochesterV N. Y.; C. R. Rogers Co.,- Norwich, Milwaukee ; Sander '.Company, Green Bay. Wis. . . . . . . -J, CASH.CASBWFE;'.-.;:,: - f. .XaWy viewB Ky . Nov. 22)rCa6siJas Jtf Ciay," the B'Sage of WhiteHall,' sent a message to ' hisf cMldwtfeVs DorasSat urday efternoon, ; calling- her attention to the notoriety that her departure frc the mansion hud occasioned, - and re questing her to-return-to -him. ; She re plied to the message that she would go to the mansion after services at-the neighborhood church on- Sunday, and wouJd have dinner, with him., -, Her !mther, Clell P4cson,she said, would accompany her. She had not made ,up . herl mind whether to re main with him or not, but she "guessed she would go back with her brother to .Vallewview. vSTielovesthe society-of hood of : her brother's-cabin, on.ithe bunks of Tate's Creek.' When her broth er's wife attemipted; to persuade her to retu oetra ' - "Nwr ybur;know;if youswa to. see yourcmsixMK?ano: ijjjffliantedouvto stayat homeyo:i yowcd 'go seejalj the. Bryants you wanted to and. stay just as long as you please, . wouldn't t you ? Welt then,. I'm not going. back till;! get ready,:. so there is no nnse talking, any., more about it. ra i rametbe!ypoori and ;nave .my : , fun than and. have ito-. stay at home." ; BChteagoB No22;iiEas tibound' freight erapments f or the -weeJc onding- Novem ber d? amounted to 1 18,901 tons, against 46,47rth prev year, divided arnoiig the different roads as'; fotlowilisl? ixBif . a-Esandle,' 9,000 tons;' Kicftiigan . Cen tral, 3.713 ; Wubash, 3.939, iioke Shore. 14.669 B"F0rt Waynes S J29 ; aBltlmore B & Ohio, 3,455 ; Grand- Trwnk, 3.446 ; NiqJkel PlateB4,583VErie; 3;975j B1f? 11 2,400. The lake lkea carried 11,15S tons. t V TURKBY. yTTLfy X'OSTPONE. B' B Oonsttnople Nov. 22.4The Turklsli gbyernmistjl hminc ss f post powem eirt umltispring of ts naval reo platws. ' TThittlls ?uo.ediyBde.Hat3M represerjtatJoms of Russia to the effect ttaait arrs-arSr f BhV 'TarWi-Russ Ww TmdeTOnityic5rue TiireyTpers;-sp y&mfwotf; rworaslrructioiif her ment .of '. tthse. arrears. TVieref ore t3i e, J ?ernync?rnerft nHtmai trm orte' ?s eciUlva'Sartt ,?o'-re frrderMts- sfeivlT of fl"; Tirtifr 'Ow'lrtlh-er-ifciiNh' rwyr'd:, isv.dertsd -;5t back fpr;"the .poltey ; of ermahy.' the rattw oimitry iavf ng ibesn ex'tremv soHcflt lows' : o f faking part in rtou31dtojV-thc Turkish C-- . , -":: :; v. ViAV 5 .. - ANOTHER THE OUT.LSTS s.--:" ATiACKED;B)NStoto ! 1a" SHARpVENGiCbEMENT.'. v i 1 TTTT?.ITJf O EXCITEMENT SAID INSURGENTS DESTROYED GEN. PAN DO TO ' Has Already StMd; tel ItheFront Ac- comoaiuea :dv jtus . ' - ii-'rA 7-''-V' ' ' 4aNewBYooNov2 genits attacked' the pI:ui(09ts of jn.ava.mb ana arp4vengamOTft .. iw lowed - thie . aek .vBSaya. ,.the , - special ltaVuna-'ooa?resp The stoamdVof firinj menit iii , Havana, as ;itis Jcnown that iaiwTebfl forSes' near Jhe city.. ! ; ;:: Details; .of thfes mga.gemen;i are - not destroyed much rproperty befqire : sufil cienit r-Sparaish fofc, were. coniCJenitrated to drive thiem'iaw ''' The loss In killed ; atod - wounded is hbit; kinownltoffiM give put any" talteogngieuti staiCemenit wbww. jut outisdde of Oarabaha away. - -y-v.yrj" - ."; The rebels; 1 Kr is offlc'ially reported, -Huviantav-vJa yWfcst Pifi; Nov 22. .Pandtt as -already caiblea to tne "Aiseoclated -Pr,6t?arted ;vbyt$altt from tails-city on BaurdaiF ainbuncenienittP- take'clhirge? Hhe?cpaigVaa4nst WevirisurgritsUStB by hts ftfll staff-aaidv; escorjted-byAa cor panr -of jartHlerBttS tt very good auitlhority ithat . Gen; ianaoK has been i s opmml Bianco, the ciapYafin-geerali to enter in to commucio leadieiris wdth m0tl ewrof jarranging for "This statement: is ;baim? accurate Icriowjledg-e of i9x-,-jce Genl Pundfai 1 did- not leave this 'cfity. un. til he had leaksep'ed fur-, tir - thecectBwih hlis:View.BGenBPan SuKation with tne-imptoin'-g brought aboutlthe iWease: from conflne- iriettt of Damlatt ataeroB who' has been Imprtsoned 'on tihe.Isle of Panes for sonxe time pa?for:asati ais tt'spy? mgBaout a 'dlsdsHfer f ottie;- Spanish troops aft Oaoao," provinceof de Cubai'J Gen. PajidH - ..furnished ; Caibea- lero, who is the Go-f&t2ier.of BiaW and koed f upon the' insurgenrAjNet Santiago' -de -Ciiba;;lwitJi':a cocslderaible sum df ' mbneurid landedajtMianz.tprovince de Cba, ; where . gb horse wa -pliaced at "hfs" diBipos& pouaap'U' from Ikfiaaxsail.'l way seoretfly totthe iguana ihtllls,. where Gen. Ralbl hasvihAs rhe&d quartersv Gen. PaniclciByptHik offer Gen. PJabl t "high raink:;in: ihV:Spandsh dastributed 1 engtoJni f eadiera'of ; thafc dlitloina large amOimt;ofmo self," hi eventOf i of peace.: Besidest,iMs;,: structed to -'kxiijisi tihaithiej Spanl,utho to ftiicnestlyl estai rritett regime ifrMjeV geiBts - wouQd BaJocepfc itihewoitions frcSiaintlagpBbbp ballero h'as so' faribee is. vaixi8bc6$'f that be besiege bfth-war;fvV isaqp-proa he it"bC.,1hie 'tII'tBlig!a$ gain their ilnidtepnidi he prefers ;to ciriufisftH tarda :flott-cft9iyf. iWI'CabaK lerb also negaBlth Blyalc the Fiwch; ;;leai he result Bcf Wlthl GenVDuprtlct udgedfromtKq GenBRaW thBt arellkelyBtbBfa Cuba. . Gen; pkndb,- inthe , .meanwhile) acttaglatftere Blanco; has r.'he Irons, fire. gents to come .to. 'terms;. '.He 'has .been and Is still In3it3at ionwith three leaders of the Cuban evolu tionj and h&s'beeiier fercntmsOTgertjtlal thelrinfiuenceririab the- promise': fCl'--cftl' :a really autonomou;fornx of goyernment. Thethree riiien ey.'5 for' themselve. and;-6re:.t6o have been furnled.:wito large siiTris.'of mon- fey to be distributed aniipng thalr' friends. But it Is uridersto th have thitherto declined to;bejcow its pf "Gen.; Pan- theyv'ouldbeTtekl.rigthefr Jives if they ventured f Into.- he insurgent ' In sbn:uteTS:fit ihaV -l,!rfs:"reluctanc:t Of Gen;'ParidoViisro the insurgents ar some strong steps In their; favor, when. ; the United States congress mctsv Blts generally edritted that C zTztZii 'z cwhxt MUCHrPROPERTY U - ? J ,r i jl J i l i J i i ?rtfc Vi. i'.aSSM? 5 f .TtffteS 'A , COMMAND THE . Coiupahy 'blBAtlllerheRelease leaders" : of r the: preVen't' day - and" that niortlfied at the non-strccess of his plans up to the present, and has informed, tiU three exrlnsurgent leaders, referred to that be doubts their sincerity and te;.ind3tlygavethenx that he was of the opinion that tney? revere opposed ito the sqyereignty- .ofi Spain over Cuba and, had no qesire;io assist the Spanisih? thorities Ini their: errorts to Dnng aDoui yeatciu -oci- were? sincere;' ana;: xepeoxeu ;uk.wujw;j; : hadalradymade f or3thir rpl lance wrl ththe Quests of the Span ish general. The latter, although somev what disappointed, it isirnderstood, will continue his efforts to come to an un- dorstandlrig: wl th the insurgents, and the military authorities believe the best; way to do this is t6 inflict upon: the en emy a signal defeat, whiclk Gen."Pando hopes to . accomplish.-;.:--.; -v.:. yf rFROM GAUTEMALA Steps.Taten to Exclude I Chinese Who - Have Been Getting Over Frontier. ' San Francisco, - Nov: 22. A corre spondent writing fr under cate os? is ov. o, say b : . . . BThegdV(tmeritB?dfftnis taklngBstsendlng' oBtheexclusipa of Chinese who lately fhaye been; sret tirig over the'f rontier n laige numberfi. i? or., ic.ia pttrpyac; suuuicui,uaa. promulgated-;a "decree providing . that within two imohiths all :persons':of 1 Chi nese riatiohallty within the ltriiits of tne republic will have to present themselves to be enrolled" in a registry which will be opened for the purpose. " After the expiration of the term fixed every Chi naman, who, on being requested by the local authorities, does not presentja cer-r tificate will be explled f rom th nation. NATIONAL ALL WORK IS BEING RAPIDLY COMPLETEDl " .; All Lines of Battle Carefully and Cor rectly Marked The Work - Bonei. " Washlrisrtori:1 Nby.; 22. Gen. BoynWri, ' as cKa'irman ."of . the Chicka- mauga'ahd Chattanooga National 'Jfaf commission bas gubniitted to ij:he secre tary jpr ; War" the ' ahnual report . of ; the coirimision, showing that . Satisfactory progress has "been made in the estab llshrtient of the parkl - The battlefield of Lookout) Mountain has-been .c added to te' park during the jast year, at a cost of ;?22,065,; and it is hoped that .ten or twelve acres ori the top of., the mountain at its north'polhit may be acquired-during the coming ,y ear, . thus completing the purchase of land for the Chattanoo ga' section of '.the park, with the excep tion 'of. small ?y tracts ' on Missionary Ridge. Many of the states which haye erected, regimental and. b attery ,mon u ments throughout the park are now en gaged in putting up 'costly state- monu ments of ImiiridesIgniftBI -Gen.: Boynton says that the-care' tak en in ascertaining : lines of battle and the 'success attending the. same T appear frdriiBthe factlthattevery brigade ? line on each side has been, established upon seven distinct- fields, namely Chlcka mauga ; Wauhatchle, Lookout Mountain, Orchard Knob, ; Missionary . Ridge, Tim net Hill and Ringgold, and that no dif ference has arisen, in regard: to any, of these, with a single exception,' in the case, of a line .specifically and definitely located by Gen. Grant lupon his ofiicial map of .the battle of Chattanooga, i ' During the past , summer the Lookout Mountain field has been cleared of un derbrush, paths "constructed to reach ev. ery. portion of its rugged topography, tod; completeiilstOTleal tablets -cast for every , brigade ; and division V engaged The appropriation', for the present year was 75;000, out of r which ithere' reiriairis a balance ort5T,800, whicli'ls cohsldierM suffcient to carry pn the work until the end of the year.''v DEATH OF JORN RYANR, i Atlanta, GalB vN.ov. 22. Mr. John Ryan, sr., a pioneer citizen of Atlanta, and one ef the richest . arid - widely known men in the south, . died at his home in this city at an early hour this morning.' after a protracted H Illness caused by paralysis; , Mr. Ryan made a. great success as a busmess man in Atlanta and up to his ; retirement his name was as well known in the : great oommerclal centers' rnat on any man-in heionpirRy an . was Dorn m xU!iJiinr Ireland about seventy-one years ago and emigrated to to Atlanta In . 1852. . ANOTHER 0QTBRELAJC . IMMINENT. , Houghton.. Mlch.I wNovB' 22. An on. break seco7i Italians from' the Franklin mine on the ground ready to take the- places of the striking miners and' the lat ter annou nee that hloodShedi ?wili ensue at the first attempt to setr the i Italians h to ; wok. .Thef e are now nearly '200-Pins on: strike an of them being strong andi determined men'. ;' The Atiantic ' management will not ive the strikers'' places,4 again- on any terms and .win attempt , to put "the Italians' at, work B'B" SCHUYLKILL COLLIERY. -V': . "' . " -: . -i-.'. a Being Abandoned.' Mahanoy City; Pa. Nov.' 22. Sehn vll kill Colliery, a familiar land mark of th Mananoy valley, which has been in op eration since; 1863,? bas" been' abandoned and .a . large force of men Joday began ine aesiruction. oi; tne Breaker and other buildings' around,: the entrance to - the mineifeFofv the past twenty :y ears the Schuylkill ;-5oillery,-has been operated by the Philadelphia & Reading Coal and ironCom'payyahd; was bfte of; the best payingirivthei stated butowing'Ttofthe number oX;yeas itiwas;I cpme unsafe; -North Mahanov-nolHwv hasnowbeen sufilelentlyi eauinbed to prepare-the coal frbrri both operations aridLunderground chambers 'are; so ib cated "that there is little inebnveriier ce experienced inv transferring Tthe - coal f rom brie to the'other, while the pbst-Wf preparation is materially increased. The capacity of "Schuylkill colliery" was tons daily arid the average production was nearly equal to thecapacity ::m blow IllSsiiiiiEi k HOW -THE . WORK OFB COMMIS. 'SIONERS; WAS NULLIFIED.. AN AGREEME REACHED WITH BRITAIN. - - - .X 1 v ..,- : AMB ASADORBHAYS . OPPOSED ' , BIMETALLISM , B - V i-1 ' UNDOUBTEDLY r WORKING UN.; , B;V DERj INSTRU CTION& BB India .-.Suddenly Refused to Reopen BHerf Mints at the Request of the gArjcanj Representative. .' ..," JWashllri'gto' publicans' of t ousing taje' arilriistiiatloh. of an act. of treacihery:' :it Ihas Jnst i leaked "out that the failure of the Walcott Commission to - bring 'alboiUlt' e f'orthsiftri'tft nf ' ftWwt Brfitiari' : to'opehlng "tlhe ' India mints Is 'pi''&xtllf.ijiat1 irijterposiUoriBbf the ainisUoinaf 1' Wahtogton, : 'which staibbed its oww.comi Thtts:: statftting, an unoaspuicea source, and will one dav be capabtejof; Is the 'fabt iS'toifowlri totob manv rwonlP In WasMrigtonanid fe.ndo be sue cessf uliy cbrbyirted' or'wverd vtp., -B ; w nen tne snver commission, compos ed of Sen&itbr Watcott. : ex-Vice Presi dent- Stevenson arid General Paine, left for Europe JLast spirit, it had no written iristrttarisBbuit as its hjead, ' had several corif erebces with- tlie resident anki;Secre!tary, Gage on the generaa'- subject' of' atbT '' internatlonail agoiemewt' astb silver. x)iriage. 'if In F4amice ftej were thiat Frarice: and the Unittied' States fihouiSddpen 1)hr mints to the free and unnmaxea oounage pc .silver at tne .ratio if 15 to 1," crotlngent upon' the'ebneenit of Great v"Brita2a to 'again throw Open of Etag'iaind ;keep bne-flf lh of lits reserve tn-cffliyer; v - Paris. On arriving- in " London negotla- tlorispirpgi tacit agreement was reached 'that under' fay oraible condiiions tthe Bank of ! Etagflarid wpuud consent to mantato the required s4lver i reseryeCBRie proposition regard ing the'InVMari mints' was taken up next Suddenly "a daihper was thjrowri on the efforts of Senator WaJIcbtt and his asso cfeutes.' The lAmerlciaA amlbassador. Mr. Hayr for- the" first time communicated the" formal rposations ( of thfe silver commdsBlonr to the administration . at WavrngitkM"'''-aa the first Intimation which President McKlnIey and Secre tjary. Gage' had recfelved as to what the Walcott . commlssionB cbpsidered , an equitsJble agreement for s Interriatibnal ax. oe very next caoinet meeting (tnis was; early in October) the subject was discussed tnv detail. -' ; Secretary ' Gage opposed the proposition". , He pointed out that when' the Bank- of England main tained ' its; orrieflfto reserve In silver its obMgaitlonS were. :at " an ,end, and ; that even, were the riiintslof India: ' ahdB'bf Franoe ;thrbrwtn open tor United States, owing to the' situation of the r intema- tlonoJl; exohaifge and: the immense dis trust that. wouM be enaderecL' woiilil have-tb bear te;bruaiftBot'ihe burd!ein.-In for he'Uted. States tb maintain the parir ty between' its silver arid gold codn.-, ; .; ; It; v' stated posltl very by Secretary the . currency problem, which: was much wider than the question -aof 'coinage, and that , despite, our present heayy exports, would be equal to; if: not greater,' than'twp' years'; ago. The wjhicfle financial fabric would be dis turbed eiid 'aiibther pamicBsucbl as the Uridted States, experienced in 1893, would inevltaJbay':resuCtcB The president and tilie substantially' wtth Secretary Gage, but were in -a'qiaaidaryv Tlhey did not dare to UKrterly dascredrt. une Walcott commis- Sibnth4r"fb? was. resorted to. Arriibas cbnmTtnJteII; bise his good'oflic jlo Wve the Un.ted Staites 5 frbriB the xylf9kj to wiMdh t had ai-moist.'been comrhttted by the thrA&ericac mbynt(ielbaeB) 'IndlatBiMfv Haydarect ed his - efforts "ohaye Ind la bpen:It3(idr where ' 'the tacneirit - was originally re- luotantly given,? and twfth I dirajwaj :f rUhe-om ternatflonali-agreem 't feM:ftoBthe ground. " " " . Senaltcfci oiatelyv'b'u't "4t: was .not unW his' arrival here that he 'ascertained ,what caused this sudden fatire of the commission's WALDORF-ASTORIA Its Spieridore"3Tail tbiC B erant Tendencies of Its Guests. ;.;T,.s..-A.v..,:.- , : i T . ... . . t-.. -.-.i- C'U- : -..'V' : i5-, : nr:': i''--' X-: NewNov;; SZ-New; York 'is S?andailzedi at -thecj; BhapirigsatBth new Waldbrf -Astoria, the swellest hos telry in America Early Saturday morn. Ing Dr. George' S." Gagnpn smas'hed Mr, Frank ; Beard bn: the i-to of -the 'head With a water bottje. iri: tne. cafe of . the sweM hotel.' "lladiies andBfentlemen in the magniflcen t, palm rooicn saw the two' men roll in a '. rough and tumble fight, while the bipod from Mr. .Beard's ground stained the floor alid spattered the fur BSatoday. night at midn H. AV Sea: grist,. ;6f. Chicago, walked.into thepaini room", ' calling: for doctor B whlle blood f airly urBf rfbf 6i his neck. A" jeaming; wcarf;: hair ;libwj'him;B' andshe -said 'he. had accidentally cut 'hltriseif IiKhis rponV pt& 'afragSnet gla&jfteMmostjie the doctprs 'patched; hint lip. , . ' " The cause of neither occurrence is mctlyrpliiri; -althouBhe flsht :ber Royai tnakei the food pare, slEbljom and delicious .C" 4 --.VU-f r: ROVAt BAKING fOWSER CO.. MEW YORK. tweeA-Dr- Gairaoiii ;a.nd Mr. "Reard said,tbyejoriated in a discussion of contests i the horse' show, where both genUemei..;wiei-e , exhibitors. Zm-i vrr-ti': y--':r-:' ' 'v ' sy,H- i.s-j-,-.'--.-'. M.-E.1 CHURCH. ... -rw-.-j. The National 'Congress in Session al; BBttWBS$:i; - " i isihi 1 re vPfl' -NOV. .521 Th p naiMnnAl cpngfesBof'-b Vf Methodist , Episcopal cprierencptheethod" Episcopal chl.iuwtr.sbegai m unnst - M. ; k. church, yesterday, was continued today. cetween .aw au,; 4 prumiiitfui repre sentativPJC all' parts beccai'ei'itf attendance. The gathering SbieJlt of the kind ever held by the Sfethbdit Episcopal church aridsidribeUtte call as a confer ence of the yougermen of the church pnV.therelatibnxQ to cui-- rettt sbcfaiBarv ilectual' conditions. Bi?iiop' .. yincerit : of v; Chautauqua, pre sided ; Af te exercises, John Wrpi6mku!tot 'Allegheny Col lege, M"ead3'eiBVread'' a paper on The -Right .Relation of Emotion and Reason .in:ReligIpn;? : ; B B iiie speajter saia . uiai in me reugicn '. todar the tendency of the intellectual to icrowd'out ;the. emotional was to be deplored' The . flippant remarks and higher criticisms found in the maga zines of the present upon religion ; was declared to; be most harmful. V jAd aresses were , also made "On tns Revival; -Its Powers and Perils," by Rev- B P Raymond, of Middleton,1 CoriD.'.vHayesPh. D., of Evans-! ton, Ill.i ; and Rev; H. I. Jacobs, of Ty rhfH" Paj ' ' ' f . i f .5 GAPL LOVERINd ' "T T y f v". - -'"; B' : 'Si' ',' -V y ( - - ' ' 1"-B"' COURT "MARTIAL BEGAN s AT Bf BBBB FOR:T SHERIDAN. ,- . . -, .... ... , .iir.--j,.f!-.-..,:-i(vy,'--iw r , Court WUl Aspertala if Capt. L'overtng ? Did'Anythiirg ; "prejudloial to j , f Military Discipline. , ;ii: - fete: -'."-T , . , . :-f.'i;i"T.:' ' For t Sheridan 3 tddky. 'The court!' will di?5 : any t'Wng "prejudicial to good: irder and ;mility- discipUne" wh 5t"pJsone pharles : Hamiiond shpuldrbe dragged by the heels ; to a s?imriiiqp . B'B Bl(!fXf"-Hunter, whovis stationed -at Fpjrt SnelllngBnear St. Paul, Minn., will act as juge advocate of the court. The presideoiitbe court is Brig. -Gen. J. PiW?"adeif coriimanding the department tiplt''Ttiet .other members of the rpuf t In'order of rank are: Col. A. K. AnioldBF Lfieut:-Coi. J. L. HaeUjCSeventeenth infantry ; Maj. W. "RdOlphy: Third; artillery; Maj. W. BieSecocavalry; Maj. C. W. Mlxi'jS'&ti: trifajbtry ; Maj. Porse, Flj-;ayjafy ; MajBW. ' P. McCaskey, Tytiethlinfaii Capt. C. . S. Rob erts Seven teerithi infantry ; Capt. J. F. StretrTOTthinftry; Capt: T. T. KrwBiitca Capt. G. K. Turner,; Third jtyairy. - eliit oi Prisoner Hammond 'toj&miitpe in : charge of Jilm iatPpft Sheridan ion "Saturday, just as'darkiiess sras falling, has caused jnuich post. ft n ii-tt"iv.-i.i"iicini i till! ll f i-V.-?,:::. Has Been Paid. by'.'U. P.- R." ReorganW , ii?atiori'''jOpmmlttea - ; BB ""' ; Washington;-yNovi 22. The treasury ? today: deceived, from the, reorganization - - ie6He-.thjtTnion .Pacific Com pany; $lS,64550i,rr "csh and turned over . to thefommiUee that amount of bonds , , iehfiaee ' gpyemehatthe'. sinking--fund of : the rbedBOf.,' OvbondSi-- $4,500,000 1 were; in isii&VTy i at. New York,-and thesei wereturned , directly over to. the committee, ' The':, remaining $9,145,250 j wefe this morning turne,! over "to."'-M.aNr'Biwarid'1Adee,- representing rr thomttiii; message ' .fiAsf leasurer4 Mellne that , ; ther'"rribneyS had . been deposited in the' , bi"wa$C ' order :btkttte' gbyerhment. ' - " " -eitite amount Involved- in the tjrisaibllbe distributed among -s'uctiftb'Netyork banks, as: have security IriBproportlon to dented, - - , . the amount ' 't ;ARM OFFICERS ARRESTED. ;-'weworl6oVA a result of the attemptedBrevblutibnary movement In Mbnjtevifce:liguay,:; says' the v Her-: jMwiUtbret five , 'promlr rierit arnfy v bfllc'ers-three colonels and tp majors have: .been arrested. Many arrests ptLvlllaris and politicians have beri madX The .ijerald 'correspondent. IritRio'JarieirbB.Brazll, .telegraphs-that a cpmercial .crisis; is . imminent. t - The, ?H 'GUNBOAT WHEELING. ' " SIseiiilOTi .22.-rh United -States girri!bcat:W3eelIng' is expected to gcto'seaJtbdayBtpt of ; herttriajchieia her - coristTOCtibh.' X Sheilill be away several daysB She. behaved'; well ori her trial to j.0Ticdi2u,5but :thehew department re-:-re.2h-;c'i:i:f or-' a. further trtel. 'mm ; 'F'W i4 ft I 7 '.I (

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