r THE. ASHEVILLE GAZETTE, NOV; 23; 1$97; i sxa i , . ( - Pala ce IV 1 -Hi ( Ify ja ia f !. i he stock is sellincf facf xrf .tira.; very large assprtment ;,both-useful,ahd orria ! mental to sell. ' "'. Sale , eacK: ;day . at "jo a. .nr. ; 3" and;;p:-m; Cr;V7P' Be in time and secure the great ikrgainsl :;TUENEE,;liucti)nw)i YELLOSV JACK KILLED. Casearets. Candv Carthartffi kills Vellnw Jack wherever they find him. No one who takes - Casearets regularly and systematically-is in -Sanger from the dreadful dis ease. Casearets kill yellow fever germs in - Doweis.- anu prevent new ones from breeding, 10c, 25? '-, 50c;, at Pelham's thsr macy. - - . . : ,;; " NOTICE, North. Carolina, W': I Buneombe Couity. Inxthe Superior Court. administrator of James Cannonr' deceased, 1 ROTTT R RV T?A T T W 4 V against Matilda Cannon, Hannah Cannon T T. 1ajJf V t Wiley Cannon and Annie Cannon, his wife, p. uurnsmes ana Julia Burnsides, liis wife,; Jackson Benson and Emmav Benson, his wife", by a decree or order of sale made in saidrcause on the 18th day of October, 1897 by J.' L. Cathey, clerk of the superior court of-Bunconfbe 'county, I will sell ,to the highest bidder, for cash, at public outcry at the court house door in 'the city of Asheville, N. C, on the 22nd day of No- Jn Effect June 20. 1897. : t Arrive Camden' Leave, KingviUe . .' . a s a - :o. is.: (Central Time.) NO. it 3:25 am L7..... Norfolk..... Ar 6:25pm 9:45 am Lv..' Pinners Point Ar. 5:05 nm 2;S0pm At......' Selma Lv 12:50 pm pm Lv::.;..' Selma " v. Ar 12:45 bm -Raleigh .Lv 11:45 am FRUIT IS GOOD. ' , A celebrated phiysici'aii diTides fruit-tnto ; five classes, each possessing a special cur ; alive mlue-th acid, the sweeV the a j trigeat, the oily, knd the mealy. ' ;s Cherries,: strawberries, raspberries! goose i. berries, peaches apples, t-lemons and, oran ; ges belong" to -the iacid fruits aiwLbave great anerit. Cherries, "however, are prohibited : to those -who have, uegralgla of the stom- ach; strawberries, and raspberries are rec- -omanended to .those ;oi?- bilious tempera Dieiits and denied to those in whom dia- ietes is suspected. ' - - ; Of the sweet " fruits the doctor -says ' plums prevent gout and articular rheu matism. The' grape is given the -very first place. He is an,, enthusiastio advocate. of what is known ' in. Europe as the grape cure, .which provides that for several days -the patient eats nathtng but grapes, consuming from one to two pound daily, with a gradual v increase to ten pounds. s weetmeais; "'you must ask on of yourtit- tie. mends to share your, candy."- r. "Well,'! replied the little lady, after a few Jmotments' . thought, "I I guess "I'll invite iFannie, 1 'cause .candy makes Iher tooth, ache an she can't eat touch." - -. , s - . V -TO CURE "CATARRH t , Do not: depend upon" snuffs,' inhalants' op- other local, applications. Catarrh is constitutional disease,' and can be success fully treated- only by means of a consti tutional remedy like Hood's Sarsaparilla. which thoroughly purifleshe blood and removes the scrofulous taints which cause catarrn.'-"..;The ... great number of testimo nials from those who have been, cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla prove the une qualled power of this medicine to conquer this disease., Jf; troubled with Catarrh give Hood s Sarsaparilla, a Taii trial at once. Henry B. Stevena, adminis- , ,1 trator de bonis non. cum - testamento annexo of N V - -David Murdock, deceased, ' . . m ' -.vs.' . -1 ; - r !y n5tice.' P. E. Lingle aad Lillie B. r , ' Lingle, his wife, and - David Murdock Andrew ' ' .Murdoch and . 'William, V '" , i Kerr and Eliza M. Kexrv - j (nee Murdock), his wife. Y Andrew Murdock and Wiliiam Kerr and Eliza M, . Kerr (nee Murdock,) i his ' wife, three -of the defendants above mentioned, will take notice, that an. acUon entitled as above-has been .commenced In the superior court of Buncombe mintr. North CarrAi- na, Vy ; the above . named plaintiff for the purposes of having Jtlja lastwill and testa strued by the courts ot 'kscerfcaining the du ties , of said plaintiff as administrator, de Boms non with the. will annexed " of said David 'Murddock,deceaped of ascertaining me ngniB or me aoove named defend ants "under said last will and testament and of obtaining the 'directions and ad vice of the court as to how said plaintiff $ihall administer the estate committed to his charge as such. administrator; and the saio Andrew-Murdock and "William Kerr and Eliza Keer (nee Murdock),, his. wife, wiu lurcher take notice that they are re quired to appear at the next term of the superior court of said "county of Buncombe : to he Held on the tggteenth Monday after the first Monday in . September, 1897, tbe same being the 6th day of December, 1897, at the court house "of said county in Ashe ville, North Carolina, and answer or de mur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply ta , the court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This the 9th day of October. 1897. J. L. CATHEY, Clerk of the Superior Court. ' vember, 1897,the following described, tract 38 pm Lv..;.. Durham .....Lt 10:52 am of land, situate, lying and 'being in the :4f Pm Ar.. .Greensboro . ..Lt :50 am :aa pm ijv... ureensDoro ...Ar 8:2a am 7:12 pmLv.'. .High Point ...Ar" 8:20am 8:15 pm Ar-Salisbury (Etime Lv 7:10 am 7:55pm Ly Salisbury (C time) Ar 6:00 am 8:18 pmLv.... Cleveland ..,.Lv 5: am 8:40 pmLv... .Statesville ....Lt 5:16am "What cah you' tell me about Esau?" asked the nedasoienre ' of hia mnst nrn-mis After a few; days or this "diet tne ppetite j.ing pupil in the beginnjers' class improves, and an increased capacity to en- dnire fatigue is noticed. The grape: cure is especially suited ito persons who are anae mic, rheumatic, dyspeptic or .consumptiTe. IT IS EAST TO TELL. , People wlu fail to look after their health are, like the carpenter." who neglects to harpen his tools a People are not apt to get anxious about their health soon enough. If you are "not quite' well": or half sack" bave you ever thought, that your kidneys may be the cause of your- sickness ? It Is easy to tell by setting aside your urine for twenty-four ; nours ; a sediment , or settling indicates an unhealthy condition . of the kidneys. When urine stains linen - it is evidence of. kidney trouble. ' Too fre quent desire to ,urtnate, scanty supply, pain or dul ache in the baclk is also convincing proof that the kidneys and bladder are out of order.'-- " - Z:-t;'yf'Sr There is' satisfaction in knowing that the great remedy Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root fulfills every wish in relieving weak or dis eased kidneys and, all forms of bladder and urinary troubles. ' Not only does Swamp Root give new life and activity to tie kid nevs the cause of the trouble, but by treating the kidneys it acts as a tonic for the t entire constitution." If you need a -medicine take Swamp-Root it cures. Sold by druggists, price fifty cents and one dol Esau,' replied the: young hopeful, with the glib alacrity of one who feels himself for' once on sfe ground, "Esau was the fellow what wrote a book of fables and sold the copyright for a bottle of potash, county of Buncombe, ; North Carolina, 'ad joining lands of 'J. R. Jones, T. J. Cand ler ' William- McKintaey, W. L. Henry, Jackson Benson and others,- being the tract of "land where James Cannon formerly liv ed," .containing , -more or less. -This the 19th day of October,. 1897. .. " . " - ' D. M. LUTHER, Commissioner. -HENRY B. STEVENS, . Attorney . for , Petitioner. s:iopmLT....:. Newton ..Lt 4:89am 9:30 pm Lt. . : Hickory .. Lt 4:23 am 8:46 pm Lt Connelly Sprinfei Lt 4:06 am 217-4w-wed 1Qi02 pm Lt... . Morganton ... .Lv- 8:49 am i:S5 pm Lt Marion;. ,v...Lt 3:15 am NOTICE. J- - io:53 pm Lt.. . Old Port ; . ..Lt 2:55 am . 11 ,--- . --i - J .12:04 am Lt Biltmore ...;.Lt 1:51am Byvirtue of, the power and authority of 12:12 am Ar.; . . AsheTille ;...Lt 1:44 am an execution in my hands in favor of A. R. 12:17 am Ar.... Asheville ...Ar 1:39am Ogburn vs.. W. D. Patton and S. W. David- f r "ot SPfgs. j-lt 12:23 am .1 . - i. "- 3:00 am Ar. . . Morritown . .Lt 10:5b pm sou x wui, an moiiuay, secern uer o, .xs3, 4:00 am Ar.... Knoxville ... :Lv 9:50 nm at the court house door in Asheville, sell the following described - piece of ' land : Be ginning on. Swannanoa river at the mouth of -a ditch on the north side of said river -and runs, west uwith said , river to , J. H. Davidson's "line ; thence, north with J. . H. corner of" . homestead allotted' to, S. W. Davidson ; then with -line ; of .the "said homestead to place of beginning,' contain--ing-fifty acres more or less. : : 1 - - ' v -. WiM. WORLEY, Sheriff. ' Per McDonald, Deputy Sheriff. : November 5, 1897. 4:00 am Ar.... Knoxville 4:05 anriiT...; Knoxville ....Ar 9:55pm 6:39 am Lt.... Clereland ....Lt 7:19 pm 7:40 am Ar... Chattanooga .. .Lv 6:20 pm 1:35 pmAr.... Nashville ....Lv 12:25 pm . . . 11:55 "a. m. r 6:00 a.-in , 8:15 a. m. South. Leave Camden" .....:."... 8:45 a. m." ArriTe'-Kingville ...;..'...::... -10:05 a. m. Leave Camden -2:25 p. m. Arrrye Kingsville r 4:35 p. m AIKEN ACCOMMODATION. vV; Daily Except: Sunday. t Leave Augusta Arrive Aiken . Leave -Aiken Arrive Augusta 6:40 pm. .....:v -7:30 p. m 4:20 p. m. 5:07 p. m. i - 'mm, Georgia division. riZ ,; Dairy Except Sunday. Lt. lAugusta.,..,. ...I-7:00 a. m, 5:07 p. m. Ar. :,Tenr4Ue. i . . 2:00 p. m.' 9 :37 p. m. Ar. Macon 3 : 45 p. m. , 3 : 5 5 a, m, Ar. Dublin.......'.... 4:20 p. m. . . - ' . -OntraVTime. v "r' Lt; Dublin.. J.. 10:00 a. m.' Lv. Macon (Cen. time.ll: 38 a. m 11:55 p. m, Lv. .Tenhile..- 4:00 a.m. ,3:00 p. m. Lt. Augusta f 1:00 a. m, 7:30 p. - 'mm, i ,. njii, ,ii, i I,,.,., I, K M ;J -" '. '; Sunday Only.' ' :v: 1 -k - ' EASTB0UND. No. "6. . No. 12. Lv Chattanooga .r. 4:05 am Lt Knoxville . .. : , . .'v..'.'. .. . . . - 8:25 am -Lv Morristown .". .... :. . ; . . - 9 : 50 am Lv.Hot Springs .- ll46am i Ar Asheville . i". . i... .'. ....... v. . 1 : 15 pm ' ' ' ' 1 No. 38." - ' ;-.?J--q - . - its - is V .-- :. Leave Augusta r. . . .'. , Arrive Tannille. Leave Tennllle 9:15 a. m. - m a:o p. m. : 3:00 p. tu ' 7;30 p. ja. - Through Sleeper to and From New n ,-f . .York. - - ' . i lay AsheYille Leaye Augusta .,.!.. J. r. 3:05 p. m. Arrive Aiken 3:44 p. m. 1 Arrive Richmond . .: .. . ... 3:40 ai' nu PLEASANT DREAMS. After using, the Fish and Oysters, Corn Beef and Spicey, Juicy, Pickled tongues at Goodlakes, 33 East street. .sl.'-V 1 ' . Disfigurement for life by burns or scalds may be avoided by : using -DeWitt'e Witch Hazel; Salve, the great . remedy for piles and for all kinds of sores and skin troub les. . White ,G. Smith Drug Company, y PRISONER.' REMOVED. EliaS . Pat terson has been transferred from the Ashe ville jail to Brevard to serve out his sen tence, says the Brevard Clipper. ""Moments are - useless if trifled away," auA tney are . dangerously .wastea u con sumed by delay in cases where a "want ad" inserted in the Gazette will bring you what you want immediately. J. iM. Thirswend of Grosbeck, Tex., says that whenhe has a spell of indigestion, and v feels bad and sluggish, he taes" two Of DeWitt's Little Early Risers at night, and he is all right the - next morning. Many thousands of others do the. same thing. ,' Do you? White G. .Smith Drug NORTH CAROLINA," I Superior Court, Buncombe County. " Dec, 1897. D., H. .Shook, : Plaintiff, Against Hester : Shook, Defendant, Notice. : The state of North Carolina to the de- i fendant above named, Hester Shook, greet ing; - V ', You are hereby notified that D. H. Shook, the plaintiff, has commenced the above en titled action against you in the superior court for Buncombe County for the purpose of obtaining a divorce from the bonds of matrimony now binding: him to you, you are therefore required toappear and an swer or demur the commaint whim will be niedfaccording to the law, at the next regu lar term of our superior court to be held for the county of Buncombe in the court house in Asheville on the 13th Monday after, the first Monday in , September," 1897. If you shall fail to answer the complaint within the time specified the plaintiff will apply to , the court for the relief demanded in said com Dlamt. This the 25th dav' of Serf- tember, 1897. ' THOMAS & WELLS. I J. L. CATHEY, Plaintiff's Atty. C. S. C. :- S 28-6w JLIl-0 I: - . , ... 1:25 cm 4t-every Sat. Lt Biltmore... '.... j........... 1:36pm Arrive Washington 7. 7:00 a.' m. Lt Round Knob. 2:35 pm Arrive New York i.,,.. 2:03 p. m Lv Marion t. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... 3.82pm N-ieave wew xork.-.;.......... 9:30 a. m. Lt Morganton .. .. .. .. .. .. 4.11pm j Leave Washington 3:30 p. m. Ar Hickory .. .. .. ...... .. 4.50pm Leave Richmond ., . 7:11 p. to. kf Tvtattt,v t aoimn I Arrive Alton . - 1 - T Q o ,: m Ar StatesTille .. i. ... .. .. .. 5.48pm l-arnre Augusta 8:10 a. m." Ar Sallaburv '.. .... . . . . . . . 6.40nm (Eastern Time.) i : Connections at Charleston with1 New--. tandard Lv Salisbury j Lv Greensboro Ar uanvuifl .. .. Ar Lynchburg .. : Ar Charlottesville Ar Washington 9.36pm 8.15pm ors. . ; steamers, also .with steamers; for .l0.44mn l.KSnm 1 Jacksonville, Fia., .-. on sailing dates: and ..12.00 m' iL25pnrl&t Augusta , with the .Georgia Road, to CUIU i XIUIU. till 1.58am 3.35am 6.42am Ar Baltimore .. 8.00am comDanv. -laf,? or by sending , your address and the f ENGRAVING , CLASS. The ' engraving name of this paper to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., you may nave a sample pottle of this great discovery sent to you free by mail. x - ' j In the early days of England brides were no Tiels.'but let' down their hair, which floated about their shoulders. The; Tcil "Is a survival of the canopy which was- neld over the couple on the way to the church indeed in ome eastern countries the cano py Is still tised. . J. C. Berry, one: of the best known cit-' Izens of Spencer, Mo-, testifies that he cured himself of the worst kind of piles by. using a few boxes of 'DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, v He bad a been troubled with pdles , for over. thirty years and has used many different -kinds of so-called cures j but 5 DeWitt's was the one that - did the work and. he will verify this statement if any one wishes to write nim. White G. Smith DTug company. - ' - , - ' ? 'Well, Tommy," said his Aunt (Mary, "shall I carry your bat and cricket stumps for you?" - - - "No, aunty, fanks," replied the' little fellow. ."Me tarry bat an', 'tumps. You tan tarry me!" , , ' ' ' A , -little. 3-year-old! miss wan dered over to the window , during family, prayers one snowy morning and nearly knocked the in spiration out of the supplicant by exclatm ' ing:; ;"Oh.j mamma,, tome an', look. . It's ' wainin' poptorn." ' ' Warning :-r-Persons wh suffer . from coughs and colds should heed the warn- ' ings of danger and save themselves suf fering and fatal results by Aising One Min- " u'te Cough Cure. It is an infalliable rem edy for cbughs, colds, croup "and all throat and lung troubles. WbiteG. Smith Drug company. - -. , . , ' ''J - :, - i - ' 1 "Johnnie," laskedf the; minister, "what is the chief branch of education .at your " school?" '.' - - "Willow-branc!h, sir," replied Johnnie. . 'r:-.f--rfig:l' ' v; ' -:': There is no need of little children being tortured by scald head, eczema . and skin eruptions. , DeWitt's Witch Ha7el ' Salve gives instant; relief and cures permanently. White G. Smith Drug company. : . "Now dear,"v-s'aid mama1 to little cCar rie who has , Just : received a box v of tlass of Trinity . Sunday school has recom menced ; its regular meetings. The next meeting will be held Friday night. v; You can't afford to risk your life by allowing a. Wld to develop into pneumo nia - or consumption; Instant relief and a certain cure are afforded by One Minute Cough Cure. White G. Smith Drug . com pany, v: . VV vM." : ' 1 ! - You can't cure consumption, but you can avoid it and ; cure every other form of throat or lung trouble by the use of One Minute Cough Cure. White G, Smith Drug company. v T V t Small pill, safe pill, best pill. De Witt's Little Early Risers cure biliousness. constipation, sick headache. ' White G. Smith Drug company. BiMoraDairy s, '! i - -. s ; i ' ' - ' " The herd, consisting of Mgh bred Jerr sevs is under the dafly insDection of a quaN i'fied veterinariaai, formerly inspector for the New Orleans board'-of Health. . All the cows bave: been tuberculin tested and are in- perfect health. ' ) y No expense ' or ' labor spared, to secure cleanliness, througn all operations connect ed with the milk. . - , , To do all -the above' costs money, and lota of it but1 we have the satisfaction of knowing that we are supplying-customers with pure milk. , - i ' 'v. J' Perhaps you Ccan' buy milk a cheaper, but-just think it over. ' . A little . NOTICE. State of North Carolina, Buncombe County. . . . By virtue of the power and authority conferred ; upon me as commissioner in a certain proceeding entitled D.tM. Lufhef," Ched fVlakes People Ar Philadelphia Ar; New York Ar Richmond . . Ar Durham Ar Raleigh i Ar Goldsboro . . . ..10.15am . .12.43pm ; 4 x uiu ui - yuuiio ntot auu u U'Ui aiso, 'at Biackville with the Carolina Mid land railroad to and from Barnwell. Connections with Southern Railway at Co lumbia to an ' points in upper South and north Carolina. c AA.m JOS., H. SANDS, , ' L. A. EMERSON. fi SOahi Gen. Manager. Traffic Manager. ' o jt iTTTn Tn , m i. i i. 7.10am oLHwua, vtwii. Agu, Augusia, ia. 1.10pm WESTBOUND" 11 Double Key board Typewriter is the "SMITH PREMIER. It will pay youTito examine it carefully before buying. L B, ALEXANDER, AgeDt. raiid Opera House Thanksgiving Day, , . NOV.' 25 MATINEE NIGHT orth i Ladies' IVool Vests 55 to 75 75 to $1.00. Men's Wool 40 to 65 wort h 50 to 1. Ladies' corsets 35 to 75, worth 50c to $100. s 1 Hamgll cts. Sugar 17s lbs to dollar. All other goods equally low.' Bowls and Pitchers 75, worth $1.00. N. P. CM E P EST E R 19 80UTH MAIN RT. A. & S. ROAD. Horace Mitchell In Mr. Gus Thomas' . ,"SucpessIul Comedy Drama, The Greatest ol American Plays! As produced at the Madison Square Theatre, New York, THE BURGLAR A Drama of intermingled Laughter and Tears. Presented with a Great Ar. Savannah c n i TDi I Ar. Jacksonville Lv Goldsboro .. .. ... ..,4.45pm Lv Raleigh .. .. .. .. .r 2.00am i Lt Durham . . 3.S0am Lt Richmond .. .. .. .. 2.00am Lt New-York .. ... ... Lt Philadelphia .. .. .. Lt, Baltimore . . , .. .. ' Lt Washingon ...... .. Lt CharlottesTill Lt Lynchburg .. .. .. Lt DanTille V. 6.05am Lt Greensboro .. :.v" ... 7.32am Ar Salisbury ... ...... 9.37am "' (Central Tlma) : Lt Salisbury .. .. .. ...t.55am Ar StatesTille .. ... .. 9.46am Ar Newton .. Lt Hickory ., Ar Morganton -. . I Ar Marion . . Ar Round Knob Ar Biltmore Ar Asheville Lt Asheville ASHEVILLE AND MURPHY. j M Effect November 7, 1897. . i ' . (Central Time.) , . i J 4.30pm 6.50pm 9.20pm 10.43pm 1.55am 8.45am ' 6.50am v 7.05am 2.17am ...10.26am ;. 10.47am ...11.28am V. 112.12pm ...12.50pm . ' . 2.15pm 2.25 pm ..' 2.30 nm Lt Hot Springs... ....... 3.52 pm Lt Morristown .......... .55 pm Ar Knoxville . . . ....... 7.40 pm Ar Chattanooga ...11.35 pm Ar Nashville 6.45 am Westbound Trains. Mixed.-1 t - Ex. Sun. , ,Lv. 17 67 ' pm a m A , , 3:50 8:00 3:55 3:07 401 8:12 4:10 8:23 4:f5 8:37 4:42 8:57 4:55 9:20 5:08 9:45 Eastbound Trains, ' - Mixed. ' . Ex. Sun Ar. . 18 . it i , . -. ... . p m Asheville...... 1:00 .Murphy Junction;. 12:52 10. 14. Lt Asheville ... 2.05 pm 7.20 am (Eastern Time.) Lt Asheville . . .. 3.05 pm 8.20 am Lt Biltmore . ... 3.15 pm , 8.28 am Lt Hen'aouTl . . 4.00 pm x9.18 am Lt Try on .. ..... 5.00 pm 10.20 am Lv Spartanburg.. 6.08 pm 11.28 am Ar Union 7.15 pm 12.45 pm 5:25 10:25 55011:20 6:10 6:35 11:45 6:48 11:59 12:15 7:03 12:35 7:08 12:45 7:27 1:05 7:40 &:00 pm Lv Union ....... 7.30 pm 1.05 pm Lt Alston ....... 8.53 pm 2.45 pm Ar Columbia .... 9.3Spm 3.35 pm (Central Time.) - ' . ..... 5:00 am. ' . 9:10 am. pm .....Emma..,.. 12:49 Sulphur Springs.'. . 12 :42 Hominy.....!. 12:32 . . . .Turnpik.. . . .'. 12:18 . ... . .Canton. ...... 12 :08 Clyde 11:55 ,. .Waynesville..... 11:43 Balsam.-,, . . . . .Balsam1. ;. . . . . ..Hall......... .....Addie Sylra; ; ...Sylvar."......' . ..Sylva.....;.i. .Dillsboro...... .vWilmot 1:20 ...... Whittier 1:45 .... .Bryson 'City. .. , z Bryson City.... 2:30 Bushnell...:.. 3:00 Almond 3:30 .......Hewitt...;....,, . 3:42 !Nantahala. 1 4 : 05 . Topton : . 4:20 . ..Rhodo - " 4:40. .... . .Andrews. .... ..- . 5:17 .Tomotla r 5:45 .Murphy... i... pm Ar. ; Lt. am 68 , p m 5:00 4:50 4:46 4:37 '4:25 4:00 3:45 11:20. 2:15 ' 10:48.l2t45. 10:36 12:30 t : 12:15 . 10:25 . - 11:35 10:20 11:20 10:03 10:40" 9:53 10:20 -9:35-9:50 , 9:30 8:55 8:32 8:05 7:55 7:30 7:17 7:00 6:25 6:00 am am 9. IS' NOTICE to creditors of Western Carolina (Bank to make"of of their claims in the cause entitled! Aow: . , ' Sltate of North Ci Mina, - In The - t ) Superior - . , Buncombe CUiAty. j Court. Battery Park' Bank and Others, Creditors," vs. ) NOTlUifi. Western- parolina- 'Bank. " In pursuance of an order -made In the above entitled cause, by his Honor w. u. Norwood, judge of the superior court, on the 3rd day of November, 1897, notice is hereby given to any and all creditors of the Western Carolina bank to make themselves parties plaintiff and make, proof of their claims. in - this : suit within the nexj, ; forty days. - ' , . - - - ' The petition and order , on which above notice is based are on file in the office of the clerk of the. superior -court of Bun combe county. North' Carolina. Depositors ofsaid Western Carolina oanK will please" present" their pass books, re ceipts or other evidences of indebtedness to the undersigned, receivers, at the office of said bank and have same compared witn the books of said bank Blanks for prov ing and filing said claims will be furnished to any depositor -or creditor on appucauou after Tuesday, , November 9, 1897, ; to ; the undersigned receivers. , V , s This November 3 18?7. ' " ' GEO. H. SMATHERS, ' 4 L. P. McDOUD, ' y ' , Receivers. ! a gg&m-''"':- -fey fin m 5'i i&L1 a Live 100 Years . Drink Pure Water aereated with sterilized air the only absolutely pure water and you may. The SMitaistlJl for family use vdistifls pure water. Made of copper, lined with block tin; easily cleaned; simple as a tea kettle;" fits any 'gas, oil, 'coal or " wood stove. Four " styles, $10.00 and upward. Write for booklet. ' The Cuprigraph Co7 .105 Ncitb Green St., CHICAGO, ILLS. Lt. JacksonTlll- . 7:00 pm. Lt. Savannah ..... 11:35 pm. v (Eastern Time.) LT Columbia ... 8.30 am 1L30 am ' . Lt Alston .... . 9.07 am 12.15 am Ar Union . .... . .10.20 am 1.42 pm Lt Uiiioa : . 2.02 pm Lt Spartanburg 11.45im . 3.33 pm Lt Tryon .12.42 pm j 5.00 pm . Lv Hend'sonTl .. 1.45 pm 6.05 pm Lt Biltmorei .... 2.35 pm 6.52 pm Ar AsheTiile .... 2.45pm 7.00pm . ' . (Ceatral Time.) i Ar AsheTiile i .. 1.45 pm 6.00 pm 8.4S am MIXED TRAINS. NO. 64 i NO. 66 (Central Time.) , - Lt. AsheTiile 9:15pm. Ar. AsheTiile 1:15am. . (Eastern Time.) I Ar. Sparfb'g 5:30 am Lt. Sparfb'g 7:20 pm. NOr62 Na 63 (Central Time.) . - Lt. Asheville 6:30am. Ar. AsheTiile 7:15pm. Ar. Salisbury.7:30pm. Lt. Salisbury 5:80am. 0. 66 NO. 65 To Obtatii3 tjbvernor Bob Taylor s ! Ar. Asheville 6:35pm Ar. Morrist'n 11:30pm Lt. Morrist'n 9:39am. Lv. Asheville 5:00am. South Carolina an(T Georgia ; Railroad Co. . v "The Charleston Line." )rrected to, June 23, 1897 Eastern Time. Book Free. J ::--ry: Camera Bargains. - Latest Model New ;PocketKodaks, reg ular price $5.00, reduced to S3. 50, do fine work though small In size. ' Baby Hawkeye, i with,, case, a $7.00, for $4.50,' , ' r " ' w Bulls ' Eye tegular price $8.00, . $6.50, used few. times. - ') 1 . nn . "C" Ordinary Kodak, cost $15.00, makes 4x5 picture; only $7.50. . $2.50 small camera, uses piaies, u 1.100. - ' : , V ' M - $2.00 New. Crescent camera, $i.&u. 1 . s The 'Ray'' (new), uses plates ,3x3, $4.50, regular price $5.00. "1 , - ' -i . The Northboro ; (new); ' regular;, price $5.00, $4.50, plates" 3x3. ' ' - ' Latest Model, new ? daylight L loaders, "Buckeye" cameras, J8.00, for $7.00. : , The New American . film is daylight rtridee film. , better than any made heretofore as it is free from joints : and the numbers are more ais tmct, Headquarters for au , tnings sraDhic. . RAY'S CUT. RATE BOOK STORE. 8 llorth Court Square. . On Dec. I the Daily, Gazette will withdraw its offer ' of Gov. Bobv Taylor's Tales; as a premium to subscribers.: All persons who' desire the book should make application; for it immediately. It is presented free'to all whd.pay a six , months or one year advance subsenption, whetner they.be old or new subscribers. - ' ' ' r ' The book is a iine illustrated editiQn of Gov. Bob Tay7 ' lar's Tales'The , Fiddle" and he Bow," "Tie Paradise of Fools"' and "Visions " and Dreams.'-, ; Itv is handsomely , ' ' - printed in heavy paper, has 204 pages, fifty illustrations,-and , contains 46 bf- Gov. Taylor's "characteristic stories. His most famous lectures . aregivbn." without ' the ,slightest. "7 1 abridgement - just as . delivered !,from' the platform through- out' the county." ;j V''-JV. , .' - The book will be sent postage rjaid to mail subscribers, r "iCi Vlt can be inspected at the .business -office' of - the'?Gazette, . where it is ready for immediate delivery. -. ' . . . . v, tjf i ' , . ' . . - . - . - , - . 1 "VEJast Daily. Leare Augusta ..... . ... ....'.ri 6 :20 a. m. Arrive Aiken ... . . 7:10 a. m. Arrive Kingyille. . 10:10 a. m. Arrive Columbia ... .....i;..: 10:55 ai m. Arrive Charleston .... . . .... ; . 11:00 a. m. West Daily. -Mm Leave Charleston '. .'. 1'. 7:10 a. m. Leave Columbia i.. 7:00 a. m. Leave; Kingville. . . . ; i . -... '7:40 a. m. Arrive Aiken i . .: 11 :09 a. m. Arrive Augusta . . ....... . . ' wv 11:61 a. zn. East Daily i-J- Leave Augusta Arrive" Aiken i -;: Arrive Kingville Arrive Columbia .' Arrive; Charleston A'. ; j?,;fi: 3 :20; jnC .-6 : - 4:07 p. m. ...... . . . Or X1U 10:10 p." m. ,8: 00 pi m. West Daily.- Arrive Aiken .... 9:57 p. m. Arrive iAugusta v.i... ii 10 :45 p m. Leave, Charleston ...V. 5:30 p. m. Leave Oolumbia ;i .. . v. .4 Leave Kingville . 1, .. ... .. 4:00 p. m. 4:44 p. m. fer:f3CAtoEN' BRANCH. 1-5 !AJ4 t IjyjPMI Ppept- Sunday. , . --North,- Arriyr ; Kingville 4:35 p. m. Tranls Noi. 11 and 12v and ; 37 and 28, -: Pullman Sleeping cars between Nashville, Chattanooga, Knoxville, Hot Springs, Asheville, Washington and Jersey City. - Trains Noa. 37, 11 and 12 Pullman Sleap- ? v ing car, between Augusta and Charlotte.; A . Trains Nos 11 and 12, 9 and 10 Pullman -Sleepers, between Cincinnati, 'Asheville . Columbia, Savannah and Jacksonville. TnUas IS and 16, Pullman Slaeping car between Norfolk, Raleigh, Orsa3&o?eb Salisbury,' Asheville, Knoxville, ? Chatta nooga and Nashville. J. M. CULP, Traffic Manager, Washing ton. ..-'. - j-'-- ' . Gen'l Pass. Agtl, Asst. Genl Pass. Agt. " Washington, D. C. - Atlanta; C. A, BENSCOTBJR, Assistant General Fait senger A ooga, Tenn. , ; ; t5 HENDERSOWVli Mb BREVARD RAILWAY . : T. I JdviCMAN, -Manager. 1 In Effect Inursday,, October. 7, 1897.; (Standard. Eastern Time.) j , . - NO. 2, Daily Stations. " - NO. 1, Daily. . '. 4.10 pm.Dv . .Henderson vllle : ..At, 9.00 am ; 4.40 pm liv Horse Shoe...: Ar 8.30 am? 4.45 pm Lv . .; . . .Cannon Ar 8.25 am ; 4.53 pm Lv ... . .Money. ... V. Ar 8.17 am ' , - 5.03 pm Lv .. .Fodderstack... Ar 8.07 am -5.13 pm' Lv .. . ...Penrose...... Ar. 7.57 am , 5.25 pm ILv ..'Davidson River. Ar 7.45 ,am 5.40 pm Ar ..... .Brevard. Lr 7.30 am .z ' ' - T.- S. BOSWELL, Supt. '. " : : in Old Tle'Iojt.IeliiMBBi, to NEW YORK axd .Northern and Eastern :; ;Summer Resorts; . 'IS VIA THE ,t Dominion: Line ' And Rail Connexions Always Cool on -the Ocean. eJ&-J-&-?r-3 j . ' . v r Fast handsome steamships r leave ' Nor-. .: folk, Va.', daily, including" Sunday, at 6.00 a p. m., for New York direct, affording op portunity for through passengers from the -south, southwest and ..west to visit Rich-, ihond, Old -i: Point ; Comfort and Virginia ; Beach en route.' h s .' - - - , , ' ; First class ticket; include ; meals s and ; state room accommodations. f . For : tickets andr eeneral information ap- f ply to railroad ticket' agents, or tp M. B. ; Crowell, agent, Norfolk, Va.; J F. Mayer, agent, 1212 Main street, Richmond, Va.' I Samples of Bob Taylors ; book, which Is . presented free to - paid; subscribers to1 the " . Gazette, as stated elsewhere in this number ; of the Gazette, can be seen at the Gazette's pusiness offlce.r The book i ready for im mediate delivery. , It is for sale at all book stores, price 50 cents. v - -