THE ASHEyiLLB GAZETTE. NOV; 24; r 1897 The Bid Granite - '. . ... .- ' WM ''. 7 i, J uvJ ua Hi v. Pan o o o 8 o 3 S ; . , ' : WJXL surely come. :rlf well clad you &o not shiver because; of a drqj in temperature. There ; has already been a big drop in prices at the ' ; - .-1 AT THE 4-3 -v s Si"" mm M MM mi f - r- i ' i1-'" '-'C-f"S.- i1.-' r,J.j'.. - 1 J - AY 000 Clot ling took m A iff HE COPYRiHf 1607 -1 ELECTRIC CASS FAS9 J ; THE DCvj - .. JNJTETH rgPUMiC - .... ' St ' BERKELEY - , ; . . r , Location Central. 'The Berkeley is an up-to-date hotel. Has all the comforts of a modern home ; and is Equally Desirable for .Families and Transient Quests. FRANK ? L0U6HRAN; Proprietor. Be Select Board.Northern Cooking. Large : Airy Rooms, -" Newly Furnished. Mod-v ern Improvements. Steam Heat. , Shady Grounds Pine Location. , i Near. Oar Line. - , o - '21V HAYWOOD ST., , ASHEVILLE, N. a - ; 202-26 BOARD. ' 13 STATCNES AVENUE. ' ' t :' ' Fttrnfashing almost entirely new. Table Bnppiiedith, the best. ' , : Mrs. Mary S. Sevier. Wortherri Cbpkiiig, - ?e,7 Dd vel1 furnished house, , null, wen heated, and Uot nd ; , old water are what you nd at ,. I TTh ol Grovo Street. ,4 offf the entire stock of men's, boysjand' chadrh's r clthing,at prices neVer before named at this season of the t year for choice and 'desirable suits and overcoats. y:;We,are underselling- everybody ON THE SAME?7 V .??4D?5';P-. GOODS. WE, WILL. SAVE YOU ; . MONEY. Our 7.06 Suits will cost you $10.00, ELSE- .WTaERE. ,Our : $10.00 and $12.00. SuitsN will cost you j. $12.50 and $15:00 ELSEWHERE. "i. " ' - y - 9ur ?2-' f3-oo and $4.00 childrens Suits will cost you from $1.00 to $2.00 mpr.e ELSEWHERE. and. price our gopds before you buy and be con- ' vinced- " w ne tbusa?d suits to select from for business, for dress and for full dress. , Overcoatssand ulstier, several hundred . to, select from.; The best in the city for the price. - ! f: We are .selling a good many. You will do 'well 'to' call ' early and get first pick, j ' , - ..We make tKe best-fitting custom trousers and suits at -moderate prices: Call and see our piece goods and give us a trial order. No fit, no sale. .Thanksgiving; , JlIIiminieFlIPe(prtts ' t Should inilade slace fruits and choice . chocolates rich bon btmsi We will have '-. them frekh, delicious and tempting, and fit to grace the tahle of a king. If you are '. Invited out to dine fa box of our.exauisite :- 'chocolates will be an acceptable and pleas , " ing gift td your hostess and. the children. . Asheville Candy Kitchen, V.. M.-Theobold, Prop. PHONE 110. - " WW iTi. f aU '9 W . Cuisine and HOTEL -cm- Swarm an d.a The popularity of . ' , T7 77 , , "t ;" " : ":; The Swannanoa is due to its central location, its home- : cuisine And. its very, moderate price, Steam neat; gas ana eiectnc ngnts. Iiarge sample rooms. , : r. - 4 ' P. A. LINCOLN & CO.",, ; Asheville Jn. C. ' ' ; 1 Proprietors. ' Main Street-6n Car Line Hrs!. L.;E. FREEMAN; iProTirietor. f ;No. 64 South Main St.,, -. - Asheville, N.'C. , x Centrally located, 6n St. Car Line. :: i - Kates $1.00 Per Day. , : Special Rates by Weekor Month. v ; llrs, OllYe ;L. MeYille, : Corner of Patton and French Broad Avenues. Beautifully furnished aunny rooma, -with first class taWe board. Large lawn and Diazzas,' southern - exposure. Terms rea sonable. - - ; ; l as-2c BihrAHru-Two floairabl" rooms with board I a. 0 ' c 3 tt -YANKEE J SEAMEN. Rank Above All Other Nationali ' 1 ties Afloat,. Some Intereatlnsr information About Uncle Sam'a Jolly Jaelc Ta ine Amerlcam Wavy to Be Remanned. ' . Secretary Long Intends to reorgan ize the personnel of the American navy. Thi? -will meet with the approval of his countrymen in general and of ' naval officers in particular. ' These centle- .men, by profession and observation; are best qualified to speak.- They are unan imously of the opinion that the, Amer ican sailor is the best sailor iri the world. JThere is no "buncombe" iarthis. Their opportunities for comparison have been .unlimited. They state a judgment maturely formed. Not much sentiment emters into modern war, but the nation would like to see hone but Americans on guard if it can be broug-ht about. - The men gathered" upon .the upper deck of the Treniton in the gTeai Samoan storm, listening- to the band? play "Hail CJolumibia" and cheering the Stars and Stripes as it floated over them for the last time, did a'deed whose re cital stirs tolood like a trumpet's call, but somethiner of crlorv and beautv is taken from the picture when 'it, is learned . that one-third -of them' were foreigners. Thev were brave, whafpvpr j-their country, and they knew how to me, put wej would prefer to know that they were all American bora. The chief difficulty to be encountered by the secretary and his aids, lies in the. fact that it is hard to induce Americans to enlist. 'So -many avenues promising better things -are open, to active inen in. 'this country that they have turned to the sea as a last resort; 5, . - - -The; American navv. as at nree-ent constituted, numbers about 2K.onn m-n exclusive of the commissioned onicers A jsecruits "landsmen". hv- nn iitx r-atre pkid ; $9.50 a' month and rations. They enlist for three years and are at once ; placed .under f a rigid; discipline. There is no nonsense about it." After passing the strictest of ohvsicaT ex aminations examinations which show tJaat: tne.v cr&'fitted for hard work' and AMBV CURECQHST1PAT10H 10 ' it IRRnT.TTTI?T.1f RTTIPITm?T?T to enre anycaseofeongtipatloiu Casetreta are the Ideal Laxa-Z uiiuvuu.uui uwuiuiuiuuu nr. n-er For Sale by Felham's Phormacy 30 Patton Avenue, i: ' 1 Asheville, W. C hard iej .rive the Vlegin .lie tfculli, and"ix child's play.- The .sailor cooped , between ; decks is much more under the eye of his officer than a pri vate in the ranks, and is compelled therefore to walk; a much straighter line. : He lives plainly; is f orced to keep good hours, is not given "shore leave" any oftener than is good for him, and consequently improves in health 'and morals. - This life' makes more of a man of him, ' but he does not amass money . s Tf heenilists for a second term with a: "continuous service certificate" he is classed as an ordinary Tseanian, and his payis inqreased to $11.50 per month. ; The average age' of t the American navy man is. 27 years. ( He is enlisted mostly at New York. Boston. Philadpi- phia, Norfolk and Mare Island,1 or San a rancisco. it is a fact not generally known that bv far the best 'from the lake region. ' Physically they are ot superb type. Kavigation on the lakes is peculiar. There is 'litfl se room Squalls; are qiick and storms violent.. These conditions demand fast action on the part of men who brave the elements on the unsalted seas. Thp lake seaman is quick-witted. He is of ready decision. He' is never able to divest . himself of . his early training-, and, though in the middle Atlantic, if given an order will spring- instantly to irs execution , ' . ."Formerly the best of our seamen were obtained from the fishing fleet of the -New England coast. That school produced sailors whose equals the world has never seen. It no lonarer g-ives them to us, because the school itself has become' almost a thin? of the. past. The, present fleet is not one- twentieth of its former sdze. The men who manned it in the old days are dead or retired, and their sons have found other ways of making" a living, .but in its time it was a wonder. From this school .came the sailors who astonished the world in 1812, wno showed the bull dog retrain ... of '- their , ancestry? when, STxippea to the waist ana Diooobespat- i araA fhatr 4rt-o. 1 under the eye of Decatu'r. Even now boys of 15 onT the New England Voast will ma'ke voyage while asleep that would deter older : men with their senses about them. ' " The American, according to the testi mony of experts, is not a braver sea mam than the Englishman, but he is a better seaman. He will execute an or der while a man from the older coun try is thinkin? "about it. He will do a job of knotting or sDlicinc while the Britisher is rettine' his tools. He is more intelligent and will learn twice as fast. Because of the. climate that has blessed him and his progenitors and be cause of thft conditions nndpr : wlnoh they and he have lived, he is faster on his ieet. In a month's time he will have - at his finsers ends that which will : take the foreigner a year to learn partly. , - The reason for this is aiopar- ent In nine cases out of ten the Brit ish sailor has been atlwa.vs a isailor. That is . all he knows and all he cares to bnow The American recruit may have been a lawyer or a doctor, or a ftook agent, used to invading homes and selling people 1 things for which they nave no earthly use. In spite of this, he is amenable to discipline. Three months on shipboard takes the cocki ness out of him. The beauty of him is that he obeys because he. under stands that it is necessary to obey. It 'is estimated that the foreigners in our .navy can be weeded out in six years. We have ';.the finest cruisers in the world, and it is fitting, that they should be manned - by the brothers of those who built them. Speed the time! with. 350 trained ' Americans on the Brooklyn, the, nation that -makes her strike her colors will know that it has been somewhere in tlhe neighborhood of a fight.Chicago Times-Herald. ' . - (HOUSBHOLp GODS. -' l' The ancient 'Greeks believed that;ritaie Penates were the gods who attended to the -welfare and prosperity- of the. family. They were worshipped as household l gods . 'In every home. . The household; gdd of to-day is : Jr. King's 'New DicOvery. .1 For- eon sumption, coughs, coMa and for all affec tions of Throat, Chest and Lungs It is in valuable. It. has-been tried for a quarter of a century and is guaramteed to cure, or money returned! v No household should be without this good angel. 1 It; is ' pleasant to take and' a safe, and sure remedy for fold and young.; ' Free trial bottles' at" T C. Smith's rug Store,: and Pelham's Phar macy. . .Regular size,- 50c and $1,001 CATJIARtIG - .i!If -ILL -rip r cripe.bnt caase easy .atanilrpsD Its. 8juaf SI 7.4 id? 39 rjoRT and now is your opportunity to pte pare for the cold day,-by at bnce tak advantage, as many are doing, of the: bargains offered in Men's Underwear! and Sweaters, Men's and Boys' Suits and Overcoats, Hats, Caps, Gloves, &c. S, MORRISON 39 NQRTH MAIN STREET. PEOPLE'S MISCEJJLANEOUS. "WANTED Situation as lady's com n-anlmi or governess( not teacher) for one or two - . r5. cmiiaren, oy . ioreign laay, speaking Tencn : and. ifingiish; - best references. AOdress Faithful," Gazette Office.. t 247-6 WANTED A position by a. nice white eirl as house girl or chambermaid. Apply 149 Haywood street, Asheville, N; C. 3t DOST,., strayed or tolen from my premises uaxji. ieu ww, iLaa leauner inaiter. Ke ward for her return to Herbert C. Allen, 6 patton avenue, Ashovile Transfer Co 244-tf , . - - STtTLrlSH-.'GOWNS UNTILi DECEMBER 3, at. ?4.50. ; 4i 'Haywood screeti 229-26 r y ... EMPLOYERS IN SEARCH ' OF HOUSE servants, coOks, chambermaids7 nurses, etc., can secure srood. faithful .-(ranahle (help by. applying to A. B. Harrington at the barber shop, No. 4 North Court isquaire. A PLEASANT BOARDING PiLiACE CAN be had at 55 Victoria avenue, sunny rooms, ' among the pines; two minutes' walk from car line ; price moderate. 244-26 , - BOARD. A Jew select boarders can he accommodated in a private family in wmcn there are no children. Large lot, sunny rooms, good fare. Jas. R. Du Bose, 33 Pine street. - 237-tf JIOOM AND BOARD In. private fimily; beautiful location on Haywood street; large "sunny rooms; every comfort; terms reasonable OP. O. Box 223. " 246-6 ONE DESIRABLE office, in Temple Court, for rent Wm. Johnston, Jr., or Geo. W. Tilson, Temple Court. - MISS NORA WARE Pianist and teacher ; in stringed instruments. " 291 College Street. . , 1 211-4mo PURNISHED ON SHORT NOTICE. 'Help for all kinds of work. Satisfaction guar 1 anteed. Apply to. John Smith, 11 Pat ton avenue. , c NORTHERN VILLAGE (New York state) : property for sale or exchange for Ashe ville real estate. "North," care of Ga , zeettr' y HEPWANTEI. .WANTED.-rTriyrleht and.'.,' fn.1t.hfnl tremle. men or ladies to travel for responsible . established house in North Carolina. Monthly $65.00 . and expenses. Position! .. steady. References. - . Enclose self-ad- dressed stamped envelope. The Domin ion. Company, Dept. H., Chicago. WANTED Young or middle-aged man to ; travel In this and adjoining counties; - permanent position; salary $50 a month and expenses; good-chance for advance ment, a Address a Shepp h Company, 1020 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, Pa. WANTED Agents for "Queen Victoria, - Her Reign- and Diamond Jubilee." Over r flowing with latest and richest pictures. .' Contains the endorsed biography of Her Majesty, with .authentic history of her - remarkable reign, and full ; account of ' the Diamond Jubilee." Only $1.50. Blg book. . r Tremendous demand. -. . Bonanza for agents. - Cknninission- 50 " per cent. Credit given.. - Freight paid. Outfit C free. Write quick for outfit and terri- TT. i THBJ DOMINION . COMPANY, :: ept. 7, 356 Dearborn) street,;. Chicago. ; j i "i i 'f : ii 'i .i .:i i. f i i ii - WANTED Agents in the country to oan 3 vass 5 for the Weekly Gazette. Liberal : comunisslons. . ' Address The ; Gazette, Asheville. N. C. ' ; ' Ft3R mRENT A fine 'window space. .Party oan handle cigars ana coniectionery at I D. Gross, 5 E. Court Square. ' Light and ' heat furnished. - " , . r 2471w FOR RENT. Furnished houses from $35.00 :, up to: $200.00" pen month;? Unfurnished from. $17.00 to $50.Q0, also furnished 'V rooms. H. C. Hunt.' -"",' - 237-26 FOR RENT, At reasonable prices store mtrm art A nfflMt room.'m Pathm flvpntie. " -, Dwelling houses desirably located, ; fur-J nisnea or unrurnisnea, aiso rooms - ior light housekeeping Call on N. A. Rey nolds and Co., 17 Patton avenue. FOR RENT. Houses 'very desirably lo , cated, wit modern conveniences; from $15.00 to $100.00 per month. Apply at once. . - WEAVEIt AND ROGERS. ' '43 Patten Avcnui COLUMN am st., ROOM AND BOARD -in private- fjj" Beautiful location on Haywood street: ' irge, wrnny .rooms.. -Every comfort."' , Terms reasonable. r FOR- SALE 50x189 feet on Cumberland T : avemie, near Chestnut ?550. -- Apply to W. N. Roundy, 2 North Court square. - FOR SALE-or rent-One Bar Lock' type-' .writer in good order;-a bargain. ' Apply -A to A. Rankin. tf V l Asheville : ' '! -lX: ' l y - . -1 - Hardware Company: 1 We wish to call soecial aftentinti - to -.vehicles .bought of the J.'El':' ,' 'new ekcept?where we mentin c v. . ' ond ;hand onlyl" ,The special V; terms of pur purchase make such v I American Carriage . Compa-V-' ns stick seats,'1 canopy . top and " spring buggy. .Has been-selling " ior $00.00. , - , WE OFFER FOR 35.00- 1 American Carriage . ' Compa- ; v ' ny's top buggy, side bar Brewster . ' -J 'r spring, piano box body? a splendid- ,V ? ' medium job, perfectly hew. ' - 'r; - C ; Has been selling for $60.00. v - : ' : " We OFFER FOR $50.00," '?JJ ' 2 Cartright top - buggiesA Full'.,' lea top first class job. Have ' -': -' r been selling for $115.60..' , :-', - 'V,r ' WE OFFER FOR &SM.t'-- 1 Buckeye open b,ugg:y, perfect - . - ly new, , 'nicely painted, a'gbod . " durable buggy. Has been selling V ' for $85.00. . ; . ; '"T' 1 WE OFFER FOR $65.00. V: ' 1 Sechler .' 2 spring ' phaeton, good vehicle, nicely painted and C" s very durable. y . ' H s been selling for $80.00 ' ) . WE OFFER FOR $6ox." V ' 1 3 Sechler 3 spring phaetons These are in good order and are a . bargain at $65.00 each. 'MJ ':' ' Have been selling for $90.00. "rvl' - 2 Sechler 2 seat. spring wagons, 'y ' . trimmed in leather with shafts andfo ,'', patent oscillating fifth wheel. diir-v. I able ' and , well 'finished. Have ,C ' O been selling for .oo., - - - . , ; WE offer At $45.00; ; ; '! ' 2 Cartwright 2 seat spHng wag- '" ' )ns, good style, well built, nicely ; O painted; half " platform"' springs. ; xiave Deen selling tor $75.00. ? WE OFFR FOR $ioio" 1 Babcock '"Berkshire", buclt-V;-; pdsscngcis, canopy top, a- w gopd vehicle, . 1 nicely . .painted , , which we offer,for ; much Jess than :'v , . : -cost; Has. been selling for, $235! '' :: : ' WE OFFER FOR $i5ox)0.:V; ' 1 'I Columbus second 'hand carrt- ge. a Held. at $50.00.;, . i " I'. WE OFFER FOR $25.00 i ": " ' , ! 1 Columbus second hand sflrry. ' :' Held at $6ox).-' -r, ' ' - ' J " '. 1 , WE OFFEROR $25 ixx ' -! y , V il , Columbus extension 'top sur--r ' : r' -t tey, one o! the : be-t jobs. . : Has ' ; ; -. I ; been sellinfor $2oojhn ' .;, ." i .: 1 :- cWE OFEEfe FOR $150.00. . V I Columbus triao.'rticelv oainted - can;' be arranged -. for pao of four" passengers, aos-a-aoaf.vv I2is been selling for $160.00. ;r;, - lv -; WE,OFFER FOR$i25.oo: . -1 Columbus -extension topi car- - . riagea nice vehicle and good fam- (Continued oa Eighth Page.) ' 1 ' ; 4l '1