f 7 's' SHE ASHnVILLE GAZLrTU ITOV. U ICG. 8 T 9 ' " ' tfpp. PostofficeV), has the; largest and best as-1 , - v; 'M '.;"-, ' ". ft-'- ?'l so'rtmeht tq ! select front, ot . fruits,; vcandiesstafconery , pejioqicals; , newspapers, . nner cigats;: tobacco, t pipes, etc.. It's opposite ;the -Ppstoffice.; - Sple agent W Cosmopolitan! ' Fashion: Company s --.paper 1 v - . -'fy paternsx - ' S" tf-:'4?-3 1 II THE WEATHER. i !Bostottr.r;wTrJv-.-t".v.-. 28 Cloudy cMago. . is Padr- - Cincinmati v , 30 .Fair ' Raleigh ....... 50 Cloudy , JkcksonTille,...- 5S Fair r ' v New York,... I 30 Cloudy "Wasliiiigtott .:..'... ... . 40. Cloudy - Dr. IfK Jl Chapman in cliarge of the gov ernment weather bureau at the Winyah, " reported at 9 o'clock last jnlght the-161- - lowing" weather '; condition prevailing in Ashevilleri . ! - - ' T , 0 Maximum tempetiaituire for the day.'; . ; 53 v- Minimum (teiriperaiture for rthe day'. . 28 ; f Average -itemperature or the day..; ; . 51 Average relative, humidity. . . .-. ; .. . 60 . Barometer at '9 p. m.'. :..:28. "Rjaing iA.11 copy for advertising . in to-mor- '.I i row's Gazette must be handed in before 2 o'clock : this alternoon in order to secure publication', as Che Gazette -will go to press at ain early 3iour to-night. " "IN ATLANTIC ITY" - r The, Attraction: This Evening ; at. it e Grand Opera House 'V. Grtat Interest is manifested in the'forth : coming productiooi' 1ri ' Atlantic City, a refined musical comedy: -which will be the ; next: attraction at the Grand opem house to-night. j-'Maaiager Plummer guaraptees this attraction one' of tha best -musical en-, itertainiments that he fwill. present to his patrons this season, j It Is & delightfui mu- r sical- comedy;; funny in the extreme; Roar after .roar of 'laughter greets its Jmterpre : tatioini-and ;at. the same time more -than sitisfl'es the eys vrith . the beautiful pictures ( , wf fair, women fneleganit costumes, and the . ear with thoroughly good music; sung" by artists with world-wide reputation. Over 125 new and original 'and elegant ' costumes , ; are : worn, i which are designed and T made i.-f: by one - of the most famous ebstumers in ;', this country. ' -' , , . ', ' Ji-The company is headed by -Mr. Frank.M. fWdlls, a delineator of German comedy, who nas no peer 4n, this line of -work He has made, the whole world laugh, and -in the .: - play above named (Written by himself ) ex - " eels, any of his previous efforts. . " ' 1 A,- -r.-j-jj : , TO1 CURE. A COLD IN ONE DAT ' ; r Take Laxative -Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to . . cure. 25ci: j The genuine has L. B. Q.' on . each .tablet. - ' ' ' : ' FREE OF CHARGE TO SUFFERERS, Cut this out 'and take It to your druggist . , and get "a sample : bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery, for. Consumption, - Coughs ' - and. Colds.'1 They -do not ask you to buy . before trying. 'This will ' show Tyou ' the great- merits of this truly wonderful rem ; . edy,' and show; you - what" can be' accom piished by ? the .regular size bottle, .This Is no experiment and 'would .be disastrous to the pTopTietors,; 4id they . not know it .would mvaria wy i cure. Many or the ? best pny s . iciat?s are .now using -it. In "their practice ;: with great; results; and are relying, on 1 in most severe cases.. It-is guaranteed. Trial - bottles free at T. C. Smith's drug etore and ,:. eiham' .FnaTmacy.. jv,- rare - ar ';. " APPLE CIDER :. . The best ; that ;I ':have 1 j ,f V handled since '1 I have t r i 1 - , . , fceen in business, I . , Bring your jug and get , " a gallon of itc : Only! 40c. a gallon. :;. ' ' , The : Spdt: Cash Store 21 N. 7.1am St. ,1 r Hon. D. Carter will acldresg Central Labor Union December 6. . ; . . Capt.' G. M." Roberta is quite ill at the home of ihis son-in-law, W, B.;Troyt at Balfour; " W . i V Joseph 'BrownV conductor:. bet weenr-Ashe Ville and- Columbia, stopped over in'Asjoe yllle yesterday - 1 ', 1 r 1 ' Gretna; May, the three-year-old daughter of PoUceman M. W. Lyerly, who has been so critically, ill, Is. gradually Improving. , Among' tlie recent 1 arrivals art. Mountain Cottage are; Miss, uene Meiuugni, uo ton; Mr.'R. S. 0cktall, Jacksonville, :, The Justices' of the peace had; a number of cases for trial yesterday, none of which, however, were of mucin Importance. : . There vwere small breaks at the ware houses yesterday. Several, loads . from Haywoodi 'were sold at good prices, t- - ' Hattie Penland, the wife of Nathan Pen- Sand, Adied' fa,t the, residence of tofayette Penland on -Honon'S crees, xancey wumty, last Thursday. , vVi .- - Mr. - James fWhitesidea entertained a 'se lect ! few of his friends -at his . home, 13 Seney street, Friday' evening;:. It was a very enjoyable occasion, . ' , , ' The interior of the book store of H. Tay--lor Rogers is undergoing repairs and im provements. The store is being handsome ly repainted ana repaperea. , Patrolman IBradley yesterday arrested ; a noted1 female character by the name - of Jul&i :Foster, charged with robbing a man of equalljr disreputable character of $3.00 on Sycamore, street. George T. Oliver,, of Pittsburg, has rent ed "Buncombe Ladge,' the handsome resi dence of Dr. S. Westray Battle The prop erty was rented through - the real .estate agency of H. iF Grant. There was an enjoyable time yesterday on' New Found. -the occasion being a corn shucking on the: farm of Wash Cain. There was a large attendance, ana aooui. jl,ow bushels of corn shucked. The police made several arrests last night for trivial offenses. Just at mid night a man by the name of Burwell was arrested on a charge of drunkenness and disorderly conduct" and taken to the lock up." : ' Ex -Policeman D.-L. 'Reynolds has re turned from "White (River, Tenn., where he has been for 'the past several days gath ering his crop. Mr. Reynolds says that hi corn -crop -will measure out not -less than- 1,500 bushels. V M , , . ' ..Mrs. Mary S. Sevier has rented the large and commodious house at No. 13 Starnes avenue and has opened the house for the re-ception of boarders. ttrk. Sevier's well- earned reputation as a model ; housekeeper will i doubtless ensure' her success, v Xocal Business Items of Interest. SPECIAL ' ; bargains in harness and saddles for this week at, J. M. Alexander's, No. 11 Court Square; , . . 246-25t Every v minister should visit our clothing department, examine our overcoats, suits, shirts, gloves, handkerchiefs, collars ; and cuffs. You will get a discount, that means someenmg. m., a. mwra et ouu. - . Caacafets -stimulate the-liter, kidneys and 1 bowels. Never'; sicken,' vweakeir.'; or gripe, 10c, st Pelham's Pharmacy- . . V i Look out for Ashevllle . Hardware com pany's advertisement tomorrow, giving re duced prices on buggies, carriages ' ana traps. . Z44-Z Overcoats, men's suits, boy's suits and knee pants at price . to sell on sight. Mears & Son. If you want well 'made clothing and the kind you buy.Mears '& Son.' Largest packages of smoking tobacco for cents at the Alcazar. . t , . - , Nine Inch twist, of tobacco for. 6. cents at the Alcazar. " ' 4 .x '- .. Fresh' roasted chestnuts at the Alcazar; EAT-WELLj : is the best,, purest and J t quickest made Gelatine i TAn friA TrmrlrAf ' ' Sweetened and Flavored with Fruit Juices 1 J A: D. Cooper, G; A. Greer, T T. . C Butler, W, T. Penni- man,' Cowan & Stradley. 1 ' itTHrt. tS97 Pretty Face and a dainty ap - pearance are desired by every womanl . Do you realize ,how , much toilet . preparation has Jto do with this ? Don't .expe? riment wih the unknown, but get. a beetle of-' White Smith's T Camphor Cream, which - has J been lised for the ,past seven r - years.with remarkable results: 1 See that you get the genuine White Sniits Camphor Cream. ' ' iV4oz. glass stopper bottle, 25c. r , ' I , FOR SALE ONLY AT ' The UMte 6. Smith Drag Co. ' Cor. Patton Ave.' and Haywood St. r y: " : Opposite PostoQce. -I f - y : 'No better and certainly no of furnishings can-1 be found anywhere" T Alexander; f Courtney, . J ' - ; Clothings SlioeiJIats and Furnishings. J Drhumor Block, , :-V ; 1 " r - 5 PatWn'Ave.: 1 c 1 i Absolute Perfection iii Fountain! Pen Construction r Is Found Only The SvF&iffill v It wttl! write' conuo ink, and is al ways rea io t 4b soon as, it touches the paper. . We have a large stock and can suit-any hand. 'Have them In nne, medium and coarse points. Call and try. them at .r' : y.fi -J m't? v..'-'. .rl5i. j, -s v ' - Remember l;:i . k' mg is tomorr6wE6h?tl get to . buy ; candy: from the "KISS-HE" CAIIDY STORE 8 North Court. S4uare, They hQfhnM cfandies ahffilBH'SIIl fix,ypu up iiifahc jdox of candy at small cost. For Rent::. 7i ": THDFP small store rooms in Para I 1 1 rl LrfL. son bnlldlnr. Jrontin' ot on ; CAI ID desirable - offices and Club rVU It room in Johnston . touUdinir over T. O S aith's drag store, Bouthwest cor- ner jfUDiic square. t , TIAA store rooms .on Lexington IWU street. . -; v. ' -.. APPLY 3fO ,: , . Ratledge.'Pattepii.WfiljB'&.C.o. 5 and Johnston Buildiog or Thomas Dy Jdhnstou.. ' "Reveries of a Bachelor ' k - Must have been .born' omder,the igenial influence of a,fire maoV from coal, sent from1. i f.ri Gnn0LA:59AbGO. 4 Thaitlgiv ,23 Patton Ave. ,'PhQiievlSO. T r : - of the Times alt over and throneh our stoclc L ' of Men's Furnishings.; Each T .1-.. :. J j- A article bears , the v impress ot ? T j j.i T ; UCWflCSB, ' (tilU U.1C-, J uuusucss- y -1 of Thanksgiving finds an echo x ' in Dom goqas ana prices. , " r : .' You will be llied with gla- 'r ness when you see the array of good things we have pro-. viaea. . a ventaDie ieasi ior -- the eye, but one which is last-' (' - ;ing and does fnot , strain' the more varied and beautiful linet 444 3 V TJ In r v There's Signs ROGERS9 BOOK STORE, ' - V No. 22 South Main Street. , No better ' FtOUH v -Made. v Try a Sack and see how much more bread it will make than or dinary Flour. " 6 A; : GREER. , Our store will be closed on Thursday (Thanksgiving Day. ) THANKSGIVING and OB,D FASHIONED I ROCKINGHAAV WARE '" -aT ' . 'Asheville China po ; 12 N.. Court Square." -T- SOMBTHINO TO KNOW. ' ". It may he worth something' "to know that the. very best medicine for Testoring the tired aout nervousr system to. a healthy vigor is Electric Bitters. This medicine is p'urely -vegetable acts by giving tone to the.-nerve centres . In the stomach,., gently stimulates the Liver and Kidneys, and aids these organs in- throwing 03 impurities in the,' Wood..,.. Electric Bitters Improves the appetite, aids .digestion, and is pronounced by those who have tried it as the very best blood purifier and nerve tone. - - - Try It. Sold "for 50c or $1.00 per bottle at T.; C. Smith's '3rug Store," and "Pelham's Phar macy. 1 . - t ,2 AT ESMERALDA .INN. . Esmeralda, Hickory Nut Gap, Nov: 22. The latest arrivals at the 'Esmeralda- Inn, Hickory Nut Gap, were: Mr. and -Mrs. E, D. Ingalls, New Orleans; TSLW, Henderson, Phoenixville, Pa.; O. W. Comstock, New York; Fred H. Beach, Rochester, N. Y. FT E E P your blood pure, your appe V tite. good, your "digestion perfect by taking Hood's : Sarsaparilla, which has power to keep you VVELL. Do you want a situation? Try' the Peo ple's column. . f DR. GEO: THRASH, V SURGERY AND iPDICINE. .Office atid Residence, : v 24 South Main Sti -5 1 Phone 211, BON-BONS ATT3D- j .i. -! Received twice' weekly V- at their selling agents. :vf e'initsh &" Eeagan CHOCOLATE Druggists,::; ' , - 7 , . - . . ? " ' . ' Church St and Patton Ave. 1 . x--'ryzL-F ratify : Practice-Hake Perfect ' ' ; ' and practice "dnd patron age hayehelped us to turn out as nearly perfect work as any laundry it capable-, of. t Attention td little things" and 'a- Idesire ; to please the customer Jn every little detail goes wonderfully towards obtaining per fection and J patronage att sone and tn same time. 3 -i i Ash leville, Steam Laundry, : Phone, 95. f 1 - 43 West CoHege street. We have them of aUi sorts. Call on us when in need. ASEIEITILLE CYCLE COMPANY, v Eugene C Sawyer Mgr.,;;; I Telephoiie "228'. 'V 1 47 Patton Avenue. Remember we are the only people in "town y - T . . ' ; - who keep free air on tap. ! :'t . - ' To v customers 7 WheiityougQ ,tovnurchase. a .stoye -you go to a 'stove store. -"V?henr In need ; of'a hat. you go to a hat store. When in .need' of; a cigar, tobacco- or-a pipe- be sure and ga to a cigar store: My ' stock consists of nothing but cigars, tooaccoj pipes and smokers' articles; I call yourj attention to one thing that I put in all my time, and see that all my customers are pleased. L BLObBERG, The Leading Cigar Store, 17 Patton Avenue. ' Free , Reading Room in rear of store, handsomely flexed for the public. . NORTH ASHEVIULE I Market J . AND VEQETABE8 , 33 East St. , .Phone 209,: ONLY MEAT UARKUT'IN t ; DOUBLEDATi f ; r Yr . FROZEN .'UNDER ICE.11 - - c , .. . , , ' . . 'The fattest, erweetest. juclest, best tast-r ing, Mghest"'flavoreL' . tenderest, quickest and - 'most easily 'cooked . roaststeaks and stews always on hand. . . . ( -1 IT PAYS , TO ADVERTISE IN THE , GAZETTE WANT COLUMK; , In connection 'with - a large '-variety of fresh, Groceries we are receiving from the eastern sandhillf country,: Fine Sweet P07 tatoes, Fresh .Eggs' and a.variety of frealx Country Produce. , - s ,. ( , Meat S .!,:; : , T :f.:- .... Eresn Arrivals Cooper. WW The House-Keeper's Pride is to liayeer turkeys roasted to a rich browii'as' the piece dei resist ance; for -her .Thanksgiving dinner. She is also -proud of the fact that the good Domestic Nut Coal which she cooks if with ' costs ' only $4. 00. penile Ice and Goal Company, -V 34 PATTON AVENUE. s 4 . KJTELLIGEfJT 1- t , ATTENTION Is "given all wheels and pasf left in our shop, for f repair, where we have all the facilities of ah up-to-date" shop. ; Our work is good. Our. prices are right. Bicycle Sundries. r 3 CONTINUED IFROM THIRD TXGEL ily-carriage:. ';Has; sold'fbr $225. -WE OFFER'FOR $175.00. , 1 .'Buckeye surry, " just ttnerated, r ahd ; is ; sl beautiful carriage, ' natl -wood,""' Has soIds for $225.00. . , WE OFFER FpR $175.00. r-Columbus trap,: perfectly new and is the finest job - they build, ,very stylish. Has sold for $250. W '.V We;, OFFER FOR $200.00. 1 ..White fMountainv buckboard, three-seats,, platform springs, gyp sey top.iHas.been run a few times, ;rn perfect . order. Has sold for v $160.60: ; i V WE OFFER FOR $100.00. A she ville ' Hardware Company. The Leading OYSTER PARLOR. DO YOU, EAT? : If so you will he interested In the fact that has reopened . his 'Lunch Room v and Dining Parlor at his old. stand, 5 and 1 East Court Square. --v . , - ' ' r v ? The Dining Room and Oyster Parlor has been refitted and refurnished in very at .traotiVe. style. - Ladies' Private Parlor in the rear. .Many other improvements have beenadded.. Thecuisine will be under the personal management of -.Mr, . Gross, which insures unsurpassed service; to the eating puhlie.- , .Every cwant of the epicure will b catered to in & manner that cannot fail to please.," ;Give us a trial visit and you will come -again." "Former ,-customers will find an invjting welcome at the old stand. liuncnes put up for traveling purposes. 1 Oyster loaf put up to order. 5 and 7 East f Court : Square.: Open until two o'clock a. Game and Oysters in Season. If you are not ID" Y To your oin interests, you will send your p- - - work to the Model Steam Laundry, Caurofc street. We haW tha' latest and best m chinery and do th best wwrk. I , w - -J'- , .5 f ' . ' - -- STEAHLAUNORY 1 . TcUDhcno 151 39 South Main St. ? CnUECn 8T1UE!S!, 4