1 - 5" C 1 1 V i - Yot 2: Ko. 218. . ? ASHEVILLE, N. C.,; THDfiSDAY:MOEljlt;G,OVEMBEE 'M.4?Sifvl: :' -""t' :'AJce'6'Ceiite?; ' 'i i " r -ft wolen -J , i . f - 4 , -lanneis r : aretpcctxpym -a t t4 IllftUKSGWING IN: ASHEVILLE OQ luch: spafcet :iri;vour . -.;f f -r eiV iv'i . t Special Services m Nearly AH the uUic x acv vv xjkj w THE NATIONAL FESTIVAL i! rf -T. ,'- 4 "L- - - '. r! Its Erplutton ITrom an Austere ..Occaf- . siontoaMerry.One - t" , tCopyrlffht,1897,by the AutJior.1 ; 1 ! "i The JAlnealcato. Thanksglvtag festlvaJ(,' which has became such a national institu tion, has its root in ancient traditions and . 1l3.. Vn xt-t-., , Tha Maw HOW the Day Will B8 Ob- England - Puritans, who felt their most RPrVPff 1TI ThlS f!if,V. r. I ment, naturally sought in Hebraic sug beiVeUlU llii.vltjr' li' a twt,.nthoffotheri)eonle the special forms which they were inclined to follow;- So ltiB.thatwe find in the Hebrew Feast of the Tabernacles, which embodied the , thank offering for the au tumnal ingathering of the fruits of the year, the most natural source of, the Puritan feast, which was alike religious and social in conception.: Indeed Dr Cotton Mather in one of the mcfikfamous f ; his sermons hen ; tKe ; market; ,was v : Churches. l i t ltS "iOWeSti' -intlCl-1 UU - - wftwaiuanwvu, expressly .draws, the close" parallel with tnCVaaVanCe We V. Hebrews kent u the .autumn' feast for the family iis tl special and narrow sense. there can be no question. This -is the so ciaVgist- of , it This, too, makes the day to the majority of xr Americans, who break up ana ftusintcsrate in their , family co hesion more than any people in the, world, peculiarly tonch lug and sacred. ; It tends ta renew tne aeiignts - oi family ties and kniV afresh rlf parted', strands pt kin ship." 'This has been the evolution 4& Thanksgiving day,' and it makea it par ex cellence -an occasion to be cherished, while certainly for-this- year in special, if we choose to return to the primitive "thought of; its lnstltutioni we have mag nificent .reason - for returning thanks. Bounty fofv cropsj high "prices, reviving business and the boom of hope should give the finest possible-hsmack to turkey and pumpkin pie. . M k Gt. T. fekeis. WADSVVORtH-McliONALD ating irdered extremely- lib; :ral: ;BUtc.the'y;;.ihjl"st : ro. : ; N oticen now ; the ife is cutWf caprices; lot merely, on paper ' ' J 2; i jut; on ,me iguwu jfcent up seven days, " ending with .. an eighth ..in -' 1 wMch tnev cave way ro unoouuueu-jut. A German at the Battery Park Hotel and frisked -with an extraYag.wWch season. We can hardly fancy this sensuous exuberance in connection with, .the Puri tan feasfc i The iron handed; hara neaaett,, a..' '.v . . ' thriftv souls whd colonized" New England. found one day fully; sufficient to spare' from the productive use of their time even at a season when the need of work was r.this Evening." ri;fHi0tT6jNmBritl i Biordan' CoeJKef)ort pf Yesterdays Transactions. .... ... I 1170 THOUSflMD 5, V-L Til A New York, 'Nov; 24. lit was a typical an-1 pool -wtas Eligibly Mgher liia morrring aid j-i yi; UTJUtH Wclx9 BLiaQ IL LllL!Lit3 IKLUir IU. HAH9 I s 1 - . opentag. Darmg the morning- modeHajte i PollCft Callftd 10 Protect NeW V )ur.l5c Plain, White .Flannel;. )ur 20c PlalnWhlteanneli.'t i.',. 15o; ' )iir22c Plaitt fWhkte Flannel; ; . l4c Xur 274c Plain -Wiiite Flanner.; ; . - 21c ui 331-3c PJah' White FJannel 25c . Jui.48c Plain vWhite" Flannel. .",;" . "39c ' jur' 5c Plain .."White Flannel , ".'1 . Oc" Diir 75d Plain Wlte;FLannel..;.'"j:.; 63c f 3ur 25c 30-inch' White' Twilled an-r. Business -Houses .That-,, Will f. Close for ; the Day-TContributions ibr Charity J'; ' r :r. - ,.-."i( SP.'si' . '- 1 " 1 -j' . j .' : ..-( ... .. TBxanllcsgSvlng dsay4!'will:i,!be celehrlaited In bafrevUfe in generous style. A Jlarge mum-1 idea lay at the base of it all, andsrmons her, ofJ$adinsthu6dne&s house have1 agreed two or mree jwuns.iuus f x y must have given the feast a delicious to chaser fonhe day, nd there -will he mjwv'ftridirustowiththe sauce of hunger.. spedtei 'Tlaan'kBgivttng Wyice3 in mot of Then . how the young folks must haw hour's grace still held them on the tenter hooks, as they snuffed the rich odors which lifted like inc. use from the unaccus tomed delicacies. T ? spiritual exercita- -iCBrtlliat StxrtallSvent Last Night at - -iJf irsc JrTesDyxenan v.nurou. ' Ae'earty te 7:00 6'olock last eventog jtUte presen-5f,;expec3ai,t gp&-vf- JlalcLieis tand jgcesDyterra. icaurcji pecoKenea- "one tht.a.?Mai everat joif more,, thlan ordiLraary i m portilce; wias about"ita'pliaice, ' ;v Th eccaBiou iwa fh -aiSairilageof :MiBQ Iyurltoe" ,Wiadswrth,,ot, AeUe;, anicll Mr. Frank '-MciDonBild;ibf 'Mooitgoniiery, -Ala. Eight-thirty o'clock ma he hour 'mest- moied ia the toviiotnisr hut'isuclh; was Itlbe An rwsusinn " of this j rv.'fiiui innn 1krietv to wttne6,sthe event fthat tomg ibe- receipits land efiKHit ooverjmg beld the ket steady -but Jn the af fceraJotm there was contsiderahle liquidation, and prices yield1-, edn ':, Jknuary optened at. 5,72, tadvianeed to 5.75, declined to 5.67 (and closed tat 5.68 to 5.69, with the tome of the jnJarkdt quiet ad -steady. There does not seem to 'be. much In the market dther way at presents The talk, however, is etlll bearish. ; To-mforrow being a legal holiday the Exchange Will be RIORDlA.N'& COJ '1 THE, GREATEST, DISCOVERY YEtJ ' ;iW. iM. Repine, edattor kTiskawa (111) XJhief, eays: "'We won't "keep !house with- f m f . 1 . . - r. .-. '- ' -. " .V ."it sumption, Ooughs i and .Colds. Experi- mented with many : dtlhers, hut never got the true remedy until we used Dr. King's New Descovery. : . Jso other , rem'euy can take Its place in our fcome;ias 4a it we have a." certain land ure cure,"or Ckughsr Colds, Whooping .Cough,.Tetc" t It is'iidje to expe rtment with' othier remedies, even if they are urged on yon ias just as good as Dr. King's New (Discovery. They are cot as eood. because thls remedy fSoSaa a record of cures, ansd heaidea ie CTaraarbeeia.7 It nevter fail to satisfy. Trial: bototSle' free at T. C. Smith's Drus Store and Pelhaan's- PhaT' York Trolley Property. 1 4 s A "it T - Steam Heater in a Crowded Railway f!nr FvnlnHpc. 1 ' .r.w-vw. ftyfXfta ;f 4 Affcernooii Prdceediiigs in the Thorn ... nel v". . ; .v..t. , j. . -w j .- r' dur,.50o 64-incn White Twiller4 . . ' , . . ! ' i . ,. . ... . . nel ; jta-.' , k : : Ourloc Red 'Twill-Flannel. :r. llc Qur20 :-RedTwillanoel.T; v5.: Our'ase-Red Twll , Flannel'... 30c ' Anpther Jimitedlot of baraiuf pil-d . loWlbaVes,T,Teffulze5':cts each, f 'the churches-i Thanksjdvlng' servioes v-'Il! be conduoted at- theFirat- ;--Presbytea:1..a chmrch, ".ithls naoming by . pjv .F; CuuipbeliU, JjSerYlwaiW cojiducted-at 4hie .First BaptSsiL'Churta j,this intorning by J.'S. Felix.. poniajUhtorVthe'Thomiasville orphanage will he recezreo. - . ..'There will -e ' no Thjanksgiviiinig eervlce atfhe Central' M. E. church, or at Bethel macy. "IN ATLANTIC CITY." ''In Atlanitic Clity'V dtrew a fair-sized1' ku HB'ence las't evening at ..the-uxand.. opera house. The play is a farce comedy and t abounkia. t'hrouighout .with pleasing special - ties. The costumes were pre'tity m& Uhe saitisfa'otory sTh)anksglvIng. services, at Trinity .church today will he as follows: . Holy, comanun- ton, 8:00 ja." m. t .mornto'g: prayermG hoay communion. 41:00 a. mv ;The offerings In money will '.go ito tne Thompson rpnanage, j Charlotte' and: the offerines im Mnd to the Mission hospital. r, f OFST'RBIGHER 28 iSbutltMaiacStreet. 'At thelaywood street iM. E. church 'Rev.' M. A; Smith wall preach at llvo 'clock, r t'S 1.' , cjl j Av. i Servtcewai -he'lreld at iGrace chweb ifflils tlon, fairly over, wa an even now see the Httornfais' .t'eloG3tJ!ReT F.C iB&&- trrim f eatures of Ithe eWers. rehtxiato win - Tla'ianitKovlUamF'Klee win officiate. gjpiies as they -Bealoslypay tnauerrt' The 'Atlantic1 Xty-:comip!affly.fttreat the Asheville.-' - ' Th (Burglar' at ithe 6ratfdithi aTter- noon and evening. t-J ' ' r,-" - ' rS. Lipdnsky is toewToflSputihaelnlg ,oodev ftw the Bon Marcbe. i ..v. i -5 r "' Arrjvala of, vlslrtois Jhave'- been "exceed ingly, light for. 4he past few dayev v-.-vrs tPodiceman Jordan Daist night jrecovered :a ctoM watch wMch belonged, to tt.wan in South CaroWnaw - , Ti , . 6ne vof Jntidecoy:ed on the My is- tmit 'of Alexarader- fc court ney adveitisiitte- Hanto.'fehoesr' ' . Impnovementa are rapiiday progressing at (Battery (Park, and Mrr-McKfssiok; 1 enter- tainling a large number of winter gueste.. A epecftal icarwaa operated dostjoiighit on the Aehevilie & 'Blltmore road, for the con venienoe Jof ttoow who attended? Hie. play, at It-Tito. ivri.rfa .iinn : 4 1 1 : f . , .. .-. . - iGalToway TMffliamisdn' larrived yesterday aftJernooa-from''-4hel eastern ' part- of i rthe state for few days, stay IM., Wiaiaimson expects to retwn SatuT)dayJ!l,,l ffilany ihuntensi wlM enjoy neld! port-Sto-day and" birds .wjll no doubtbe' Ragged in .- quantities. A numher of , parrae ,are ; fformed, and will; moyej(j4etifleld early . enra mornmg. j , ,.,.'t IManiaeer Theobold of the Candy; Kitchen, : (and Ms assistanits .-were : engaged iuaxtftl an ; early hour thie - morning Jniing'-the large owMnber of Thanksgiving OTder7wtocfr . were received ,yesterdlay. : ; it ; :' Prof. JRosselLwHIvglve a ledture .Sumday evening at the. T. M- AV on l'e and poems. , .The last of Mr. viRossell's. .lectures will be jriven November 30,' and.the suh- v Jeot; will he ' "lAnlEvenangwith , Edgar "Al? uen w. - - JUr. J. M. Rodgem, of -Haywood counlty, trepresenting " large" timber . interesta. . of ; Westtern iNorth Oarol'huarHs in the cHity. Mr. ; 'Rogers informs" us-.thait .the" denxand br Western; North Oarollna43mber-4s5on the ftncrease,T and thait "he' has i just naade : large shipment of nearly and figured1, .woodis ; to the northern and eastern ;naTket8u IHendersonville Times: It 3s- quite a d!Is aoDointmemlt to the imemhens of the M. E. ; church lit Hendersonvaie, that Rev. W. .H Willis ds not returned to (them. . He has heen appolnlfced to Calvary churc h,. ' Char- . lotte,' which we'nresunie &a n. modh better 1 appototnienit. -iHls frSenda here wish- him Bmccess in; his new home,' whiffle regrettting he has heen transfeTTed to a new field., -v . ' ' " " . 'i. . iPrtces received yesterday on the floors of the Abbeville warehouses are sufficient evi- deuce that our home aaarket li as ood If xft better than those ahToad.- .The, con : tttraued drv weafber 5iaa .nletained nlanteirs : in! the hlanldillittg of tobacco', which faot ac- . wumts. for, the email offerings. Prices, ( however, are good and 'ther lis 'everyrrea ; "W for our farmers' ffkf patronaze. Ithe. home aarkeL' , The offerings "of fru8t'ad7 vegetables will be given to -the 'MTsstan hospdtial, , - t-- -a-) "t; : ? ; ( . v There will belhariksgvtag'Service alt NorthAsheirtllefhurch.ih4s. -miornjng at 11 o'clock', conducted by. Rev.. B, M Bain. A ' cordial '''lnTSt&tioni-:''ls-.extBndea-- tocne public,. n t .v Thantogiving services will', he held, at tS!." Q7' : Vi:.U -1 performance .was , ..very, . v t - ksmrnrrrrfrym : w .. ,4 j throughout. . ,! Thanksgiving Day at the National f 4 f! :. Capital c 1 Large Dry Goods Firm . AssigosBarnuin't ' Circus Arrives; in UndonTA-Standard i0B' !;v, Scoop. 'r " - '." , . New York, Nov 24. Two thousand man, 7 employed tin laying the tracks for the m. derground fa"oliey llneto Second avenue, i s-truck this afternoon because they had) not , been pad for- two weeks, Tlie ? superiai tendent tnfornied the men they would not 51 be paid until Monday. Many -mea' made :-t threaits of violence. Reseryee fxoms two r..; -police stations; were called to protect -the company's property; and alttiacking (the Buperintendentr jT The 'men say they wall , - not retum. rto wotk uuitii paaa' caeir' vmsK.x.n: pay. vS; fl. JH ' c ' - - . . EXPLOSION IN A CAR, v - Paducah,1 Ky.,-'Novi ZlP-As a passenger train on' the Evansvllle division of the n- , linols Central -.-wastfe&v this afternoon.'f.withouft warnimg the stelajn j.''; heater. In a crowded eoach- exploded, .seat- teriae pieces of,burstett.pir.dn;.a,fla!!ree,:;, tions, and fll'ling, the car . with scalding .va- r r poT. Railroaders say 'the dlisaster was. al- flft unprecedented. Nearly .every occu:' paint of 'ithe car' was' more orlesis 'injuredV r several ser1)cmslyr ; t r r1'' 1 7,i 'l ' '.' red debt owing to the inner man. The founders of the American Thanks giving med to have had a spite' against Christmas. It smacked rankly of. popery, and,' what was even more monstrous to the settlers of Massachusetts bay; of that Jfing lish prelacy "the persecutions of .which had been tne motive or tneir own aeparture to k -new worldi - So down to the devolution- kM-mla -church!:1 Billmore todaar ait 11 i ary war: indeed; the Christinas ; festival, o'clock.7- TlwJ 1 Torlowing musioal - program witn all- its glorious- tratutrons, naa out wlM .be rendered:- - -r ' . .... .:: !"'..' , ... .3 - . Processional Hymn 383 Nicaea" .. tSantclVlneteadof VenJte, chantSavage Proner- Psalm1.-19,- 24. Te Deum Haudamus ftn f A'; . . .' . .J. Coss JubUa-rteF Deo da A.:. i.i . : r,.'. .. . r. . J Hvrmm 192 "Dtx" f -' f ......... C. Kocher Hynm 477 r" Alms-giving' ;ii :; J. B. Dykes Thanksgiving mounted the hippogrifl ,nd Anthem "In Sweet ConsentV B.. H.Thorne gcurried to every section of the land where Recefonai JHynm 401 "&t Iphege' . . - J vellow tMimnkins shone in, the , cornfields ......f J.uaunuexi fat turkeys gobbled: in the woods and Toniehrtr--bemg Thanksgiving there will fi nKont f nwUmofinn f be no meeting of Pisgah' lodge, K,of P."' - 1 77: toentral .Market will he -closed all tday- to- White-House itself, the separate states had fallen into the habit ; of. celebrating the TJm of the -Western Carolina- hank come the peculiar national festival before will not he operi for the transactioti; of any I the great war president recommended to business. - - ' , the country at large to than& lioa for the fruits of that terrible harvest which had (No? mail twill Tbe takenouit. by .the oar" t been 3 won i not .with, olow and hoe and Tiershtilt the (Jarrter's- and1 deliverr;wln?j gicklei but with cannon and rifle and saber ,i frieuds of thte bride and groom had Beajted toemselveB. in the audStoriuan. .," T : r The-ohnrch was itJastily, out not pTDfuee iy 'deowttfced,- with Ixalans. to, pots. During the half hour 'preceditag the bt rfvalof the rtxridat party, a number of appropriate- and1- classic eotion-werer4n-dered oni ithe -organ by tMrs; O- B. Tan Horn, 'among them being "The Song to ithe Evening .Star,". ---from rtTannhauser, . and Suhert'd.t ",rhe( Betrothal." Mtea Btog sang as a 'solo, with beautiful effect, "O, PromiBe.Me!.! this feature" of' 4he.5occaBion The 'rridal partyl nteredf (the ; church little foothold: in New England, while Thanksgiving was scarcely recognized out of its limits. With the formation of the new republic and the closer intimacy of the peoples of the states thus federated, theirvtastes and customs, once narrow and exclusive, began to blend, f Christmas be came as much an institution among the descendants of the Puritan settlers at last as in New York or New Orleans, ' and prompitily on time; First came the ushers, jEuigene-L Beardenyt Dr. flames. Sawyer, Eu gene Sawyer, Alex. Webb,- Erwln - Sluder aindi Dr. Charles R. Pearson; then the maid of honor, Miss :.Nina . Wadsworth, . and the bridesmaids,: 'Misses- Daisy Sawyer, Genie Smftth, Jennie jWadsworth', Nan' Cartmelli Grace Ran&In, and finally . he ibride,- lean ing ort the arm of her guardian, Mr. J. B. RanMn. sThe' party -?was 'rnet at ithe altar by Dr. R. JF.' Campbell Mr. McDonald, and Mr. Maulliisby, best man, the three enter- ing at the pulpit -door. The lridal. couple .stood! fin front f "the. pulpit: facing, the minliater; and ithe atten dants ranged, themselves about In' a seml- clrele. jt 'iK.JrwP!n ih 1, 1 a -rne ceremony was Tue eimpie rresoy V" " . - ' . w B'tSW r Tir , the teeming earth. rA - K ithe wh!ile,a very . soft, and- low organi ao- The fact that ThanJtegiving day even in compliment' was played. . , , At the "conclusion of the ceremony the . TO CURB A COLD IN ONE DAT ' 4 Take laxative Bromo- Quinine Tablets. All ; aruggi8tg Tetnij the . money if it fans to JThe -cflty school. -chilldren will- have holi The following business firms have agreed and Jess, of to dose their doors today: 'Alexander AT Courtney ; B. Wll'Mam- son A Co.; J. H. Law, IH. Redwood & Co., B-.i H.rCosby. the Men'e Oultfititer, G.. A. Greer,, Aehevilie China Co., J.rA.'Howat, manager?" F.' : CP".' alnbridge - ( half day) , Oestreleher'& Co.,N.;- Fisher & Co., Racket tbre, : M. Stoner, manager; J. D. Blanton & Co.. WMtlock Clothing House, W. A. Blair. AT M. Field; "Brown, Nortthup & Co.; J. Spahgenherg, W.- C. StradTey, Oowan & Stradlev. Bori Marcho, M. Swartz berg, Sumner & Co., -i W- WIBarnard, trustee; Powell & Snlder,; I. tWi GlasBer. r The event, of Thanksgiving1 day in - ath lttiic circles wilt be the foot ball game tthis afTerhoou afAHamdajle.at.SiSO jo'olock.,. The line-up-of She two, teams" wall he as follower j:"'v;, - Asihievfllel-'. ' -Pos'StfoTiu - - V. Bingham. Breese 1 ,72. r . , ,FJB. ...' . . Richardson tfui.mVki ,Ca'nL'..:.,R.H.B. Carr Webster JhMSB, Gers'tile Cooke ...:.'.i.Q.fB::;',; J HOuBton Ooomes . ... . . . . to W expressed in religious , rife and SflS"'-''' - t a'lt'1:"'"' V'gSS church service, is significant. Clergymen Wolfe ....... . . . i . v commonly speak to sparsely peopled, pews Slra;;:::;V.:m.ri::Lrr.ir.:; Tnl on thatday and the giving -of thanks takes! rrm w t , . f nanf-' 'Harris a form ' best expressea in mo nameiy saw, 'UUU .;, . .......... . . w tr JJI1.. 11 Brown i. ..... ... . liiR.'E,. ...'. v. . ; . Duncan j Tne prooi 01 une puuuujg uiu uweawujs bdtt!tu'tesAsheviilie: McBlrath. C of it." Religion once taught that austeri- vnoldjs. Nichols. Colyer.. Turner, Whatte, tv and self sacrifice, even in the way of in T ,vnich. , 5 Reed,; ; Jones.... , BtoghamCurtto, tiocent oleasure, unlocked the gates of par- Cutnntogham, Coleman'" ,J V . adise. It permits us now to believe that ; - - , . ' -' Jove and kindness- and hearty enjoyment . ; The TJh-ank'SBlving -dance'. this evening at Qf the goods bestowed by the Almighty the Batterv Park promises to he largely at- jnefactor jn moderation are fully as close tended nd the occasTon whi oe one or tu r . coiden keys. The essential flavor principal society events oitne season. i modern" Thanksgiving goes far be rfprtunt su-mjer will be served at mfdnlght. 01 TT.., TZ, Ltnl!a tw' Xeion tW 'wl honse may be ajquestipn ttere as toresor frtJflv wilL Tx "The Burgl-arwittt -maxi- oysrera or 0iuu vuvou " T" nee and eventog perroTimainw. hlowt" hurg'Sr ? lianean .irnan,' thafc, has made -a Mving by cracking other people's slafes, by housebreaking arid 'robbery naa "done time" in various prisons and who' is under police - survelllanca.' every- where he " goes ? The inan .with the , cast iron countenance,' the shifty eyes and the huini ted look? Nqt the 'Splke'ttennessys and "Kid'-. McCoys, of Jthe metodrama. but the more hardened- and -slti.il unregenerated rufflan of the - streets -of .-New York? (Not -tlhe man behind - the.: prisoner's dock,5 -but: the crim3nal who ha recently, been turned loose upon society, iand who 4s, that unseen watch apart, as free to -come and go aa you are? . - ' ' 1 Of course not." ;Tou would shrink from tmoh soGiety.rryet Htherer''iisiat certain nov- eRy- in the "sensatdon. Such men- pass you on, . the street and leaye. no jmore Jdistinot im'pressi'on ixxan ine nouoa oa a d&dik presi dent who has absorbed; the- money of his depositors and 1? yet, at; Jarge; unexposed. It is onlv- when vou. are, brought face to Jace'-wiith ithe' burglar, in a dark room with his ThlmMng -bull's-eye (Shining in ! your face and the-cold muzzle of - his pistol pressed against your temples, tliat the sen sation 4s experienced fifen aB Its blood-curd ling intensity;- AndI 'feel -sure you would rather be excused from such anueeting. To have an old friend, on the. force , say to you suddenly some day, Would youi like to meet a burglar? Here he is now," and rahsing a significanit finger draw a pladtuly dressed shambling figure from the passing Broadway -th.rong-int- a" hack room- and say r 'This man is a lank sneak and burg lar.".i.That conveys a dirrerent and per haps r more agreeable ensation.-' In?iThe BurgJar" Gus Thomats' .famoui play, t one reti9 a" very falr- ttdea of the modus, ope andi of i the famous .Knights of .the : Jim rmy.-tNew(.Tork(. Sun. t fi GATHERED ROUND THE FESTIVE 'BOARD.. hridiaa party- left She church to the reverse 'order of the enteringrthe bride and groom iraecded!heotaiers. -,i- r , At ;tb -church door the -. party entered ifhisnif . aTTfBis!eft anl were driven to ; the ride's1 residence, - 'Baailey vBtreett wnere rArtp-nHfloa was held. ' ". Mr: - and 'Mrs. 'McDonald left early., this Tmorntng for Montgomery, : where rthey , will reside in future. being the day picked - of all others for the fflfiHtn.1 of the family group in the larger nurJ John H. Davis, of .Kansas City, wasl genj just as Christmas .is lie. festival of "T? TO'S'THOR'I TRIALy, " - ' "?- KzlZSig 'Ietend City, Nov;. 24. Mrs. Nack wasmbaken to tne; court" room In the Thorn - - trial tMs- afternoon nd wa"''itosi,Urely v. - identified by aeveraltnesses who sawjhe go to (the Wootiside r cot'tage withThorn. - who glared at her withntense- hlate, . (Qapt, k ' 0'BientbisJaftefnoonl jtes-tifled, as to" the-,' arres't of Thorn;' and -the' soa'tement made by the prisoner. - The trial, then, adjournea until 9:30 Fridays morning:. ' " 1 " LITERARY -:- NOTES- FROM THIS CEN - 1 ""TORY COMPANY: "The . Adventures of Francois," the (new novel i-by Dr. -S. Weir' MltchelL; author of "Hugh Wynne; Free Quaker," " wSIl begin In the January 'Century. It is a story of ithe French 'revolution. - fts hero a found 1-ing : and adventurer. - The tale 'te one , of adventure throughout. -'hut all of It is por trayed' with" Dr; Mitchell's . keen charaoter- lzation and wit. v " x, - ; : CHMSTMAS WITH 'AN EMPEROR. jlX-UV lll JJUUKW . uvjaw -.: tells h'owr the :Cerman emperor,, wfthr the empress and the royal family spend Christ-, n day - with, their chtldren.' .The article tts written by 'Mr Nagel vonBrawe, an atr, tache -"of the oourt, who was permftted to be present at Hhe celebration last Christ-r mas In order to write tMa'aftMe. . The oitftures were miade ?1onr the spot," and aPr proved by the emperor. - - GIRAFFE'S TECK"BRjOKBN.i; (Londkm. Nov. 24. 'The . AtJanttc, ;Trana- . port lilie' steamsliap ; Massachiuset'ts, i with " iBa-rnum & Batley' circus aboard,: arrived., at TMbury-On-Thames this afternoon, -it -had a sough' trip. ; The gliraff e was : ihrowa and his. neck broken.- Four horses died' on ithe voyage i The other animals are In good : V. THANKSGIVING; IN WASHINGTON!. Washington, Nov. 24. Thanksgiving day. v in Washington began "at noon to-day. All depaitments are closed and the clerks have ,. I a hold-day until Friday mornlng.,..It will be a quiet day at the- White Hoiwaqiken will be various cabinet dtamers. - ' . t-. -- .-x ' . . fj5-: . r ''' t ' 'i -v'T V :--V--i- -' "'ABSORBED BjTANDARD OII . IndianapolSs, Nov. 24. The Standard Oil comirmny ito.-day - absorbed r ther;(Buckeye V Pipe Line company;, of c this state. The price paid, 4t Ss said, is 1250,000.r, -f - BIG DRY GOODS' FAILURES , iMsneldT'"0.,Ndv T24.The 'Thompson Dry Goods company, operating the -Boston store here, capaitalized at. 60,000r waa oTosed' to-day by.tne. snennv . " p 1 "' 1 "" ' ' ". ; - A, Narrow?E?capei i ,5 "A phone message" Reached, the.",';;. Gazette office'at' an early hour, this , . morning' ' that Messrs. A'lT. and r . and T. B. Lyman" had a narrow . escajpe about midnight from ; be- , ' ink rutf Over by an engine near the" ? ' paisenger.rdepot!-'" While .'crossing A . - . the track m a carriage c an- engine ran into 'their .vehicle,, completely, "demolishing it; ".the occupants Tes-. ; . cad byjumping.;-'f9T3 ' ' . 15 -. . tTf an ; ; -i. crrrjRic" at court house.: -, i Ttev. W.' C.! "Bowman " gave an interesting leeturalast'eealngv-at- the court house, subject,1"" Are tbe princtples of socBaJisnn in.' harmony : with ;the true sciences of -civil government." v There was a -fair-sized; au dlencepresentir amoffgrwhlchf. .was---number- of ladSes. - . ;t --'r' 1 - '-f 5.-., ; 'ti ; , Cranberries at Sc per- quart. Fresh lot of -bananas and crackers v Just -in at , S. H, Chedester's, 22 Patten, avenue. ' 7 Attempt to Wreck a Train. , 'Npws rparhed this -ofl&ce- at early hout this morning that a bold attempt was i ma3e -near. Alexander to wreck; passenger tram jn o. 15, which left Ashevilleat V:40. am." Spikes had been drawn 7J.rbta the track .ndstones placed :.nnder " the rails'1.1. "The 'train narrowly escaped capsizing.-f -7-7- "Dr. W. C. Brownson will open an pmee on - November - IS, I at N0.7 60Patton av nue," -Second floor above "ticket officer, ef Southern railway. ; Office - hours, 2 to 4 p. m. Telephone, office, 34, residence, 114 v Fire at Alexander i lAflexanderNov; 24, The . residence- .-.of ? Berry Watsonv at this place, was burned to f ' -' the groundTuesday night about lZ-o'dock. . ;' The house Is on ; the. jQaittM. carnv jar. . Watson Tost everything he rhad and. nam -? f .fiajroMy ; was left desUtu)te.;x,Tbe barn.' was ; burned also,-destroying; crop.Capt. -John W. Ijee kindly supplied clothing for the, family ,r " ' XbUTGBRT'S SECOND TRlAItar" - " V Chicago 'Nov.. a4r-JuaBGary. :0-eay ; named next) Monday as:-t4ie :&ij..tar tfya ,. opeaW cf the second trial of Leurtgert lor . the murder joS. his wife. 4 trJ -jv Miles -& eair, sculptors, ofthJaicity. have Just completed and p!aced, s 4a tha Jewish cemetery at (Riverside, a monument tolther fflemory W-Uhe late 'Afi. Wexler r M dtv. whkii reflects a great Ceal cf t L credit-orx.their; sklir an SasSeand' Is'aa encouragement to all desiring wotjc or us character to-liave -It ;don by. tthia Xrnu: 1 Ifl you want to enjoy-your -ma-nErivics WnmAf1 " vou can not have "enythtng-, mora wholesome ha some of D. G. Nolan' team-baked bread. , It needs no tz.1rcZz.3- tion. 4- ? - ecrj tablet 1 T-' - ,;,-,v'.-v.v.. amor yesterday's arrivals. : ' ' x :? ' Z- '