IERFECT : ; wfflffl H The world admires tbe perfect Slant ; Sot SEXUAL VITALITY SSSUt SSM"JBM VTS i sexual power who can tie cured by our y , .,, Magical Treatment which raaye taken at home under oar directions who wish to come here. It we fall to care. We &a e u6 fVeTpwScrlptlona, f ree cure C.O J.1 Wee. W have $250,000 capital and guarantee to cure every ?M6 wetreat or refcnd every dollar you pay or fee may be deposited In any bank to be paldw when a cure Is effected. Write for full partWart STAXfi JLBMCAI CO. . Be. ANTI- By its use the liquor habit can "be stopped forever.- It la a little pill which if prpriy taken for a short tla e will entirely overcome ' that irresisUble craving for drink which has ruined so many ho tnea and made mady peeple ' miserable. V V Mathers Rave yew dear ones by using this simple and effective remedy. It can be given to the drinker without his knowledge, by piao coffee or other dauid food v and if directions are followed it v cannot fail to be a positive cure: VThis is proven by the fact that it is the standard remedy of .the Beilevue Hospital, New York, aud oth-rs trf the largest public , , and private Institotions fa the world. ' : -' The price is $1.00 and the med icine will be mailed, sealed in a pTauv package upon receipt of . price. vo- ? " . i -. n no .Is another remedy of the. same character which is an absolute J care for the morphine habit. Tte price is the same. . - SEYMOUR CHEMICAL CO. 31 and 32 Park Row, New York. OLD PAPERS FOB, SALE. x Parties wishing old papers can be supplied by calling at i he bu3ine?s office of The Ga zette at ?r IOC. PEK HUNDRED. MRS. C.B. INGRAM, "FRENCH BROAD AVENUE, CORNER HAYWOOD STREET. '-" ' , Jliniature painting. Portraits In cfayon, ' oil and water colors. . Menu cards decor - ated. Instructions given in drawing and paint ing. wed-4-w. IN otning is too goou - lor ihe family, to' eat. Economy,! too, dl reots you to us. Quality is the best of '-' cheapness. Our jmeats retain their nutri- mentr and being perfectly aged lose noth . Bhrinfcage in cooking. ' Game in' season. Peerless sausages at v num. co.. -Telephone 66. Market House. r ..... 1 1 West ; ' Comb A ' i Square and see the Lapidary at work on the finest native gems the state produces. Eyery stone is guaranteed to be as rep resented. f. . , ' ; Magnificent Beryls, and Amethysts on exhlVtion in my window. - X2Sn3y Late of" London, Paris and New York. . 4s ' A monthly magazine devoted to setting forth the true position and teachings of the Catholic church. . Offered to non-Cath olics at the nominal price of 10 cents per annum. Address REV. iTHOS. F. PJtlCE, itaieign. JN. u. . - nave you a nome mat will : accommo- aaie ooaraersT a.- Gazette "Want" or "boarding house" advertisement' at one cen- a word will bring them. The largest and most complete ; -assortment o TO SPREE sisters, iffl-Mrpji Vr a r no TTTnmur The WjljsTE We have a complete line of ' Calif Omia "WineG. They are , fine for' summer drinking . r v ; r1, and thev are cheai). vlfvou use Beer r try .' : : : and -iff telephone; i1 BULLETIN Cameron & Cusbmah; j ) Real Estate Aflents. . No; 17 Paragon Building, Corner Patto : -Avenue and "Haywood St., Opposite Postofflce. -. SPECIAL r ATTENTION ," GIVEN v TO RENTING. OP. CTTY PROPERTY, jTHB COLLECTION OF RENTS AND .TBI CARH OP ESTATES! t i ; WE DONT SPECULATE. Changes occur in this Buletla every - ' 'FOR. RENT. I - A FURNISHED HOUSE, of eight rooms. Rent moderate. ' . ,J. I AT ,TRYON, N. A nice furnished or unfurkished house of eight rooms, warmly built and Nheated by furnace. Supplied with water by hydraulic ram and tank-. Rent moderate. ' A DELIGHTFUL FURNISHED WIN. TR HOME, 14 miles from railroad 9ta tion; : pleasant neighbors. A verywarnt house built in logbouse style; 5 large rooms, besides kitchen; store room, bath, large broad piazza, four open fireplaces. Fully furnish edexcept linen and silver. Rent only $20.00 A HOUSE OF SIXTEEN ROOMS,, mod ern conveniences, furnace, heat, .good, lo cation. Rent moderate. A NICELY AND COMFORTABLY FURr NISHED house of eleven rooms with all modern, conveniences ' including -furnace heat, srood location near street car line. Suitable for first-class boarding house J Rent moderate. i - ' A NEW Ti-room house, modern con veniences, excellent location. . Houses furnished and unfurnished, from $17 to $125 per month, in city and suburbs.- ; ' , . FOR SALE. '' . IN BREVARD, N. C.A STOREHOUSE and lot. The best business property in town. . AN" ELEGANT new residence in. ce i of the best residence streets in the city; $ rooms besides reception hall; pantry, bath room, basement and , finished attic, hot air furnace, hot and cold water, electric lights and fixtures, electric bells, etc; oak man tel, tile hearths', club house grates; house is double floored and weatherboard ed ; southern exposure. Price moderate and terms easy. A NICE genteel, thoroughly built new house of ".7 rooms i.on a favorite residence street; bath, hot and cold water, electric lights, etc Price n.oderate and terms easy. v V - SEVERAL fine city residences. ON "SUNSET DRIVE A well-buffi house, 9 rooms,- acres of ground, a su perb view. Only $1,500. ONE of tne nneet resioences m abuwviuo, with 4 acres of highly improved grounds; large and small fruits; a grand view; one of the best in Asheyille ororicinJty. i Gilt Edge City Lots. VALUABLE PROPERTIES for dairy ing, trucking, poultry raising or general farming. -Within two miles or. tne cuy. Other properues, cit ana supurDan. farms, mountain lands. r Call for "Glimpses of a Land, of Beao- ty," illustrated pamphlet tree. WALTER 8. CU3HMAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Commisioner oi Deeds " for New York AND , NOTARY PUBtIC . No. 17 Parogon Building. i TO INVESTORS. x The undersigned needs new capital to enlarge a business that is uncommonly safe, and which pays handsome profits. A special partnership or other interest there in, will be given to the right party. Ad dress, stating amount of capital that can be supplied if owner comes in. - v Business, 32 Park Row, New York. Refer to Union "Associated Press, . Building and Loan News, , Investment Association, of -New York. S4.00 WONDER! (The New 'EUREKA Camera, a genuine company. Kodak, made by the Eastman It holds six glass plates, 3 by 8 inches in size. It has a fine lens, takes splendid picture and those sold are delighting , the purchasers. - . . . . B.(H. COSBY, i . -The Reliable Jeweler, ' 27, PATTON AVENUBv anteed. til to $80. l V 1 I i L. I : TN-T" I Jr.; KJ JZ JBLi V I I I MOTORS '&OTTJrT X3sT SOUTH they are cheap. If you use Beer try Deer TOnTtmes ni. p. a. marotjardt. Manner A CLEVER TRICK. ' , ' . ! Itceittiatrifly looks like, it, butf there la really no trick about i t" 'Any body dan. try it who has Lame (Back and Weak ICidineys, Mialairia or nervous troubles. We mean he can cure himself right awtay. by taking Electric Bf titers.' .This , medicine, tones up jthte .whole system, laots as &' dhimnliamt -to the Liver and Kidneys, is a blood purifier and nerve tonic. It cures V- Constipation, Headache Fainting , Spells,' SDeeplesanefta and Melancholy. It d purely vegetabre, . mUd V laxative, and restores the system fto its (natural vigor.. Try'' Electric, Bitters and be f convinced that : 'they" are- a miracle worker:.' Every : tattle guaranteed., Only 50c a bottle at. T. C. Smith' Drug Store and Pelham's Pharmacy. " ' Fine teeth' usually make broad: grins.- Have you a house to rentT Try the peo ple's column. ' ' .NOTICE. . -,- By virtue of an execution issued from the superior court of Buncombe coumty. on the Judgment (Cotrell ; Watkins" and Com pany assigned to Levi- Hamlin, . agent," plaintiffs against . B. Bostic, defendant, which execution is returnable to the next term of the superior court of said cqunty and which is addressed to the" undersigned sheriff of said countyi; the undersigned has levied the same upon the real . property hereinafter described; and will sell .the same ait" public auction - for r cash at 12 o'clock m., on Wednesday, 8th day. of De cember, 1897,' at the ; county court; house door in the xrtty of Asheville; said .rel es tate is situated m the said county of Buncombe ahd in . the city of Asheville, and is bounded and described as follows: k 'Beginning at Col. Long's northwest cor er, a stake 16 feet north . 2(5 west . from his spring, and runs thence with. Col. Long's line south 80 degrees west 128.5 feet tj' a stake; thence south 62 degrees 30,, "nfeg west 4 6.4 feet to a ; stake ; then e south 42 degrees 35 minutes west ; 129 feet,: crossing the railroad track to a white oak at the west pe d of an old dam,. Col. Long's cor ner: thence north 4 degrees east "188 feet to a stake on the south edge of Lookout Mountain road: thence with the margin of said road the following course, and "dis tances: North 66 degrees 10 'minutes east 60 feet: thence north 23 Segrrees 10 min utes east '220.3 feet ,to a stake: thence south 48 degrees 50 minutes east 57 feet to a stake: thence south 68 degrees 56mtri utes east 64.45 feet crossing a small branch to a stake In Col. -Long's north line; thence with his line . crossing the -branch north 58 degrees 12 minutes west 115 feet to the beginning. Also lots 25 and 2$ of the plat which Is registered In the register's office of Buncombe county in book 71 of deeds, page 495 to which, reference is hereby made for further particulars..: . This November 2. 1897. W. M. WORLET, Sheriff. By Chas. D. McDonald, D. S. 229-wed-4t NOTICE. By virtue of an execution Issued from the superior court of Buncombe, county on the judgment dn Vhich Silliger and New man and W. W. Jones are plaintiffs against jB. Bostic, defendant, which exe cution is returnable to the next term of the superior court for said county and which is addressed to the undersigned sher iff of said county, the undersigned has lev led the same upon the real property here inafter described and will sell the same at public auction for cash at 12 o'clock m., on Wednesday, 8th day of December, 1897, at the county, court house door in the city of Asheville; said real estate1 is situated in the. said county Of Buncombe and In the city of Asheville and is bounded and de scribed as follows: Beginning at a stake, at the corner of Bennett and North Main streets in the city of Asheville and runs south 14 degrees 35 minutes east 29.2 feet to ' a stake in the margin of Torth Main; thence north 38 degreees 04 . minutes" east 70 feet to a stake thence north 53 degrees 04 .minutes east 35 feet in the margin of Bennett street thence with the said margin south 59 degrees 45 minutes west 87.1 feet to the beginning. Also lots 2 and 3 of a plat which Is registered in the .-gister's office of Buncombe county in book 71 of deeds. page 495 to which reference is hereby made for further and fuller description. This November 2, 1897. , W. M. WORLEY, Sheriff. By Chas. McDonald, D. S. 229-wed-4t NOTICE. By virtue of 'the power conferred- in a deed of trust executed on the 4th day of March, 897, by John (By. Whiteside and Mary E. - Whiteside conveying to me as trustee the hereinafter described land to secure the payment of certain notes to the Hickory Manufacturing company, and the said John B Whiteside and Mary E. White side having failed to make payment of said notes as agreed upon, I will on ,the 6th day of December, 1897, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the court house door in the city of Ashe ville, sell at public auction for cash the following described land situate in the county of Buncombe, city of Asheville, adjoining- the lands-ofJ. J. Machey, J. W. Andrtnn flnd others riesMrriheri aa fnllnnra. I Beginning at a stake on the south side of Senev street at the northeast corner of J. J. Mackey's lot and running thence with the south side of "Seney-''street west 64 degrees east, 51 feet, to J. W. Anderson's .corner; thence j with said Anderson's line south 52 degrees feast, 161 feet, to a stake; thence south 68 degrees .west, 60 feet, to a. stake: thence souty 52 degrees west, and with J. J. (Mackey'S line 161 feet, to the begin nings said land being fully described In the above mentioned deed of trust 'registered In the office of the register of deeds of Buncombe county in book 34, page 592. This November 2, 1897. .V "' A. L. MELTON. . ' ':-'a "K"'.?:-. . . . Trustee. $12-3000 BICYCLES - must be closed out , at once. Standard. '97 Models , puar ! '96 Models GMTLto $20. 2nd hand wheels $5 to 15; Shipped to Any V - One on approval without advance deposit. Great factory clearing1 sale. EARN A BICYCLE by Helping: advertise us. We will give )ne agent in each town FJK-Kifi UHi of a sample wheel to m trod uce them. Write at once for our special offer. "," -w. S. Mead Cycle .Co;, Wabash Ave., Chicago, 211. Co V rV Imported and Domestic . . 3T m V iluaukeE'Fagous O'rA TXT MISS TRUDY'S VIEWS (Continued! From Fifth- ;tPage. ) ' J Don 't know whether I do or not. Never drove one. Fancy Hike a boat Ijest."' ) - , ' Yea, fc ' One - Harry Farnsworth.s too many in a family. " ; And then fchexi w another silence. - M' . . .i ' ' "Do you drinkf" said she, gazing stead ily vinto. the fire., " ';-,- ?; .." About as much as you dp, I suppose. I like brandy in my. mince pies, though-''. And then there' : came "a t laugh into hit eyesf and he leaned, forward and tilted up her chin. ). "Look at me, Trudyy'' said hev Do you mean to take me, after all?" ' v "I don't know but 1 do,. Geoff," said she. .: "Iuess I should do . as well as the others have done if I did. And, my good ness, there's the minister I I'd most forgot. He always comes for his chickens and tarts the night before Thanksgiving. " VThen take me now," said Geoff. "I've got nothing., I'm "nobody, but we might be happy yet." . ' "With a sort of afternoon happiness," said Miss Trudy, swallowing a sob. , , ",We can go down, hill together. Here's my purse. ' Quick 1 .You'll have to pay the minister. " , - And then there was a bustling noise 61 welcome as the minister and his wife came in for 'their, customary basketful, and an "NOWHERE." , outcry of surprise and question, and a few solemn moments of low spoken words, and another bustling noise of adieus, and Miss Trudy stepped outdoors after the minister, and his wife a moment to look at the stars in the clear wintry sky. "If you'd just as lief, call into Jane's or Loui sa's as you go by," exclaimed - Miss Trudy after the departing' pair, "and eay you guessed I'd done about as well as the oth ers, after all " And then Geoff drew her in and shut and bolted the door. "Do you know," remarked Miss Trudy, looking up from her. knitting as she sat by her husband's side a little later and after he had put fresh coal upon the fire "do you know I somehow feel as if I were 20 ,years old again, Geoff and you were 22. We've got a great deal to be thankful for, haven't we? Tomorrow's Thanksgiving day. Did you know it? Humph well yes I don't see that I've got a better reason for thanksgiving than that you've eome- home, Geoff, and I've married y ob I" " 1 - SPECIAL RATES Offered by the Southern-Through-Train Service Continued ' - ., - ' The Southern 'Railway company offers the following round trip 'rates fr&m Ashe ville: -' : ' "' ' ' Meeting Grand, Lodge of Masons,' Win ston, N. C.i tickets on sale Dec12-16, lim ited to Dec. 25; rate $13. v North Carolina conference ; A. M. E. Zion church, Newbern, tickets on sale Nov. 22-24, limited to Dec. 4; rate, $15.80. W. N. C. annual conference A. M. E. church, .colored, Raleigh, tickets on sale Nov. 23-25, limited to Dec 4; rate; $11. North Carolina annual conference Metho dist Protestant church, High Point, tickets on sale, Nov. 22-24, limited to Dec. 1; rate, $7.30, , ' Virginia and North Carolina Thanksgiv ing day football game, Richmond, tickets on sale Nov. 24-25, limited to Nov. 27; rate, $12.35. For fuller particulars apply to Frank R. Darby, C. P. & T. A. Mr. Darby has received notification of the resumption of tourist sleeping oar servi, which was : temporarily 'suspended on ac count of quarantine, between Washington and San Francisco, on Wednesday, the 24ln. Through train service is now .operatea between New York and New Orleans over the Southern Railway, through Atlanta and iMonteomerv. and rjasseneers going west of New Orleans to Texas, Mexico or Call fornia will have no trouble in passing through New. Orleans. A NOTED ATLANTA CASE. For four years I have been afflicted With a very troublesome nasai cacarrn. so ier rible (has its nature been that when I blew my nose small pieces of bon would fre quently come out of my mouth and nose The discharge was, copious and at times very offensive.' Mv blood became so im pure that my general health was greatly impaired, with poor appetite and worse di gestion. Numerous medicines were used without relief, until I began the use-of Bo tanic Blood EalmB. B. B.and three bot ties acted almost like magic. Since? its use, over a year, not a symptom -has re turned, and I feel in every way-quite re stored in health. 1 am an old citizen of At lanta and refer to almost any one. living on Bu tier street," and-more particularly to Dr. L.- M. Gillam, who " knows f my case MRS. ELIZABETH' KNOTT, -- , Atlanta, Ga. Don't by substitutes, said to be "just, as good," but buy tne old reliable and Stand ard Blood Purifier of the age. B. B. B $1.00 per large bottle. For sale by Pel ham's Pharmacy, -24 Patton avenue. BEAUTIFUL PICTURES GIVEN AWAY At Lindsay's Art Parlors until Nov.. 30 Every person having photographs made will receive a coupon for one-half -the cost of the photos.;; which wlirbe received at its face value in payment - for any of the beautiiui iramed pictures the studio Prices of any gallery duplicated with the coupon, ill addition. -These pictures are oeaunes. vjsee - the fine display at studio soutn (Jourt Square. : tf. iuu m t cure consumutlon.. but vou can avoid It and cure every other form of throaf or lung trouble by th use of One Minute Cough Cure. White 3. Smith Drug company. y i '.ine.f pawnbroker ;Is always avloansome man. ' . r - , , 5 - Disfigurement for life bj burns or scalds may be avoided by: Using DeWitt'e .Witch Hazel Salve, the- great remedy for piles ana ror. ail kinds of sores and skin troub jes. v fiite U. Smith - Drug Company Thai the" dude is a 'mistake ls evident on tne-taoejof ythe thing. f--- . - v - Just try a box of Cacarets,: the finest' iiver, and bowel regulator ever made, 5 A f einam's Pbarmacy. ;4W (pDSimg (ODD At The M'sMime D)f - (DlldDtlbtiiii 9 Ca W eipweair And riTs IFwgetf it. II 10 and 12 v Citizens of Kendrick, Tata county, Ida., have been obliged ta fight large numbers of bears which have invaded their orchards nightly, owing, it is said, to failure of the Wild berry crop in the mountains. It is said that August was the banner month in the history of Bar Harbor. A young Whale weighing about 2,000 pounds? wad captured the ether day off Biddeford Pool, Me. x A Waterville (Me. ) man is reported blind as the result of swallowing' a piece of to tmeco he was chewing: It will cost not less than $500 and not less than six months' imprisonment to ring a horse in North Carolina this sear Eon. . Did you ever "hear of pork as a diet? of an epicure of a chef'whoused lard in 77a u jl jri nnn is endorsed by physicians epicures and eookirig authorities ( lor its healtiiulness. delicarv-1and effirieTirv - i ' The genuine Cottolene is sold everywhere in one to ten pound yellow tins, -with our txade-marks--'Cb7Zw' .and steer's head in, 'cotton-Slant trwTh-Jnn wrv in ?Not guaranteed if sold in any other wayl' S Made only by vr.-';;v':i'Pini!1f.'ir: mrmiimr viwniv ? r' ' 1 vr.V Chicaeo. . t St. t - -7 I mam 9 Patton Avenue. BUCKLEN'S AiRNICA SALVE. The best calve in the world, forCuts, Burises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Soifes, Tetter, ;. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and, ail Skm 'Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles or. no payrequired. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or" money refunded. Price 25c. per box. For sale by ,T. C. Smith and Pelham's Pharmacy. T . ; : . J. : , . 1 - . NOTICE. -The public is warned -against the agents of S. R. ; Payne ' & Co., -who are traveling through the county obtaining notes by false representations.' vTlhey, profess to be sell ing county rights lor a patent 'bed4 brace: ,t' : - A. L. LOGAN. ' ::': :t . Do you -want a situation? : -Try the Peo ples coiumn. . . ; ' (3 A "fill a phjrsician recommeriding; fat who enjoyed' lard-soaked food ? his most dainty dishes? Lonis. New ft IlilLn ft . . 7 : r M3 I 1 7 I I r I I I I WLZ3LZ3 SVork.'f ; 3ontreal. Jj i (

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