V JK. TH( ASfiRVicL'ft GAZETTE; NOV; 25 1897; - - . v lnanKso jiving onouia include glace . iruits and. choice - cuwoiares tricu Don Dons. , We will have f them fresh, delicious and tempting, and tit , to grace the table of .a king. If you are invited out to dine a box 'of our exquisite - - -chocolates will be an acceptable and pleai- , , ing gift to your " hostess and the children!. ,ftshevile Candy. Kitchen, V. r M. Theoboli, Prop. ' ? , 'PHONE 110. iTlie Smith i Premier 3E5!EE The Big-Granite i Stew Pin JOOCSOSOCCCtCCCCCCCOCOOCOCG? LI, V: - ti 8 ; ) AT THE 1 EIJECTRIC CABS PASS . the r.WJn HOTEL . 1 BERKELEY ' : Location Central. N Caisfne and ' Appointments f Cnanrpasa The Berkeley is an up-to-date hotel. Has all the comforts of a modern home : and is E q-ually Desirable for Families and. Transient Guests. FRANK LOVGHRAN, Proprietor. ' Tpy ewr iter Is endorsed by the XJ. S. i government. Wtftinore do you --want, the earth? If you kaow anything at all I about it; you know it's the best. S&lDcStor L B. ALEXANDER; Agt , 50 Patton Ave. ; '., NOTICE. North Carolina. I - . ) In the Superior oouru I r Buncombe County, j Henry B. Stevens, adminis- ' tnator deboni8 non. cum testamento amiexo of David Murdock, deceased. vs. NOTICE. wannanoa Mi T:T... ... s.-,- The popularity of The Swannanoa is due to its central location, its home like atmosphere, the excellence of in cuisine and: its very moderate price, Steam heat, gas and electric lights ; Large sample Toouis. 3 r R A. LINCOLN & CO., ' Ashevllle, N. C. Proprietors. - Main Street On Car Line1 mm Select Board. Northern Cooking.-r-Lar?e . Airy Rooms, Newly Furnished. Mod ern Improvements. Steam Heat. -Shady Grounds Fine IiOcation.' -. Near Car Line. 217,HATWOOID ST., ASHEVILLE. N. C. 202-26 BOARD. 13 STAKNES AVENUE. FumishinWs almost entirely new. Table supplied with the best. ' Mrs. Mary S. Sevier. P E. iLingle aadIillie B. Linele. - his ; wife, and . David Murdock, Andrew x Murdock and " "William . Kerr and Eliza M. Kerr (nee Murdock), his wife. V Andrew Murdock and William Kerr and Eliza 'M. Kerr (nee Murdock,) his wife three of the defendants above mentioned, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the superior court of Buncombe, county, North Carolina,-by the above .named-plaintiff, .for., the purposes of having'the last will and testa ment of David Murdock, deceased, con strued by the court, of ascertaining the du ties of said plaintiff as administrator de bonis non with the will annexed - of .said David Murddock; deceased, of ascertaining the rights of the above named defend ants under said last will and testament itnd' of obtaining the directions and. ad Vice of the court as to how said plaintiff shall administer the estate committed -to his charge as such administrator; and the 3aid Andrew Murdock and William Kerr and Eliza, Keer (nee Murdock), his wife, will further take notice that they are re quired to appear at the next term of the superior court of said county , of Buncombe to be held on the thirteenth Monday arter the first Monday in September, 1897, tne iame beine the 6th day of -December, 1897, at 'the court house of said county in Ashe- 30 Patton Avenue, - Asheville, N. C. - IT IS EASY TO TELL. ; ; People who fail to look after their health I are like the earpenter who neglects to sharpen his tools. People are not- ap to get anxious about their health soon enough. If you are "not quite well' or "half sick' have ' you , ever thought that your kidneys may be the cause of your sickness?-; - . it is easy to tell fry setting aside your urine for twenty-four Hours ; a sediment or settling indicates an unhealthy condition j of the kidneys. When urine stains' linen it is evidence of kidney trouble. Too fre quent desire to urinate, scanty 'supply, pain or dul ache in the baclk is also convincing , proof that the kidneys and, bladder are out of order. ' .- There is satisfaction in knowing that the great remedy Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, fulfills every wish in relieving weak or dis eased kidneys and all forms of bladder and urinary troubles. Not. only does Swamp- Root give new life and activity to the kid neys the cause of the trouble, but "by ! treating the kidneys it aotsas a tonic for the entire constitution. If you need's medicine take Swamp-Root it cures. Sold by druggists, price fifty cents and one dol lar, or by sending your address and the name of this paper to Dr.' Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., you may have arsample ! bottle ,of this great discovery sent to you free by mail. 1 - Will surely come. If rwell , ; : . clad you do not shiver because of a drop ; v - in . temperature. There has already " . been a big drop, in prices at the ' CLOSES & WJT ; SAjL " 39 JORTII .Ifllll ST., r and now is your opportunity to pre pare for the cold day, by at once takV Advantage, as many are doing, of the . - r bargains offered in Men's Underwear ; and Sweaters, Men's atfd, BoysV Suits and Overcoats, Hats, Caps, Gloves, &c. MORRISON t . - - - " .. . 39 NORTH MAIN STREET. PEOPLE'S .ROOM AND BOARD in private fam'ily. . Beautiful location an Haywood street. . ; ' Large, sunny ooms. Every comfort ! Terms 'reasonable. 245-6 Mrs. L .Hi. FREEMAN. rPOnnetOP. I vilie. North Carolina, and answer or de mur to tne commamx in saia actiwu, w ius Dlaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This the 9th day of October, 1897. J. L. CATHEY, Clerk of the Superior Court, ' No. 64 South Main St., . Asheville, N. C. - Centrally located, on St. Car Line. Kates, $1.00 Per Dayi Special Rates by Week or Month. Northern Cooking, New Rnd well furnished bouse, halls well heated, ana Liotand cold water are what you find at 31 Grove Street. rOARD-Two desirable rooms with board ri mh had at Mrs. A. U. Kay's, itamota . TO CURE CATARRH Do not depend upon snuns, innalants or j other local applications. Catarrh is a constitutional disease, and can be success fully treated only by means of a consti tutional remedy like Hood's Sarsaparilla. which thoroughly purifies the blood and removes the scrofulous taints which cause catarrh. The great number of testimo nials from those who have been cured j by Hood's Sarsaparilla prove the une qualled power of this medicine to conquer this disease. If troubled with Catarrh give Hood's Sarsaparilla a lair trial at once. COLUMN MISCELLANEOUS . GOOD, Btabllihed, paying "business sale. 'Pot particulars address Box Ktfty. , ' for 705, tf FOB SALE. FOR SALE 50x189 feet on . Cumberland avenue, near Chestnut; $550. Apply to. ,W. N. Roundy, 2 North Court square. - FOR SALE or rent One Bar. Lock type writer in good order; a bargain. Apply to A. Rankin. ;. ' O 5qooooooodooxxo3oooooo:; To Obtain Governor Bob Taylors -i : Book Free. ' On Dec. I the Daily Gazette will withdraw its offer !ibf Gov. Bob Taylor's Tales as a premium to subscribers. Air persons who desire the book should, niake application for it immediately. It is presented free to all who pay a six months or one year advance subscription, whether they be old or new subscribers. .... , :-The book is a'fine illustrated edition of Gov. Bob Tay . . lar's' Tales The Fiddle, and the Bow," "The Paradise of Fools" -and "Visions and Dreams."' 1 It. is. handsomely printed in heavy paper, has 204 pages, fifty illustrations, and contains, 46 ol Gov., Taylor's j characteristic stories. His most famous lectures '.are given without the slightest abridgement, just as delivered from the platform through out the county.. . e -. The book will be sent postage paid to mail subscribers. Tt can be inspected at the-Business ofiice of the Gazette, where it is ready for immediate delivery. ' MORTH CAROLINA, I Superior Court, Buncombe County. I Dec, 1837. D. H. Shook, Plaintiff, Against wesier Shook, Defendant, Notice. The state of North Carolina to the de fendant above named, Hester Shook, greet ing: You are hereby notined tnat u. a. &nooK, the plaintiff, has commenced the above en titled action ajrainst you in me superior court for Buncombe County for the purpose of obtaining a divorce from tne nonas 01 matrimony now hinding mm to you, you are therefore required to appear and an swer or demur the complaint wnicn win e filed according to the law, at the next regu lar term of our superior court to he held for the county of Buncombe in the court nouse iiK Asheville on-the 13th Monday after the first Monday in September, .1837. u you shairfail to answer the complaint within the time specified the plaintiff will apply to the courtf for the Teller uemanuea an said complaint This the 25th day of Sep tember. 1897. THOMAS & WJUUULiS, J. L. CATHEY, fiamtins Ay. C. S. C. v S28-SW NOTICE. -- . State of Norfh Carolina, Buncomibe County. . By virtue of the power and authority conferred upon me as commissioner in a certain proceeding entitled D. M. Luther, administrator of James uannon, aeceasea, against Matilda Cannon, Hannan. uannon, Wiley Cannon and Annie .Cannon, his wife, n V -Hum rifles anfl JUlia uurnsmes, ma wife, Jackson Benson and Emma Benson, his wife, by a decree or order of sale made in said cause on the istn uay oi uciooer. 1897, by J. L, Cathey, clerk of the superior court of Buncomoe county, i wm en ,w the highest hidder, for cash, at puhlic outcry at the court house door in the city Of Asheville, N. C, on the 22nd day of No vemher, 1897, the following described tract of land, situate, lying ana oemg m tne county of Buncomibe, North Carolina, ad Joining lands of J. R. Jones, T- J. Cand ler, William JM.CJK.xnney, w. u. xaeuijr. TAVann Ttensnn and others, being the tract of land where James Cannon formerly liv ed, containing. , more or ieas. iu the 19th day of October, 1897. D. M. LUTHER, Commissioner. HENRY B. STEVENS, -Attorney for Petitioner. 217-4w-wea The craze for the bicycle has pervaded Japan and evett them press and her ladies spend a large portion of the day spinning about the roads in the 'royal .gardens. The roads were made by 'the mikado's orders exclusively for the women. This pastime will doubtless lead to a reformation of the Japanese idia of personal beauty, as tiny and tightly swathed feet can. not exist where cycling abounds. In t. Petersburg the devotees of cycling carry on their sport on the frozen rivers. J. t5. Berry, one of the best known cit izens of -Spencer,- Mo., testifies that he cured himself of the worst kind of piles by using a few boxes of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. He had been troubled with piles for over thirty years and has Used many xlifferent kinds of so-called cures; but DeWitt's was the one that did the work and . he will verify this statement if any one wishes to write him. White Q. Smith Drug company. ' "." v If some newspaper jokes were printted on thin paper the reader might see through them. . J. M. Thirswend of Grosbeck, Tex., says' that when he has a spell or inuigesuon, and feels had and sluggish, he takes two of DeWitt's Little Early Risers at night, and he Is all right 8 the next morning. Many thousands of others do' the same thing. Do you? White G. Smith Drug company. If all the devils were cast out of some people there would 'be mighty little left. Warning: Persons who suffer from coughs and colds should heed the warn ings of danger and save; themselves suf fering and fatal results, by using One Min Cmieh Cure. It is an infalHahle rem edy for coughs, colds, croup and all throat and luns: troubles. White G. Smith Drug company. A mouse 'is afraid of a man, a man is afralfl of a woman and awoman is afraid of a mouse. , . - - - WANTED Situation, as lady's companion or governess ( not teacher) for one or two children, by foreign lady, speaking T?Tvnc.h and Enelish: best references. . Address-"Faithful." Gazette Office.. 247-6 WANTED A position by a nice white girl as nouse girl or chambermaid. Apply 149 Haywood street; Asheville, N. C ' " : NOTICE to creditors of Western Carolina, Bank to make proof of their claims in the cause entitled below: r v State of North Carolina, , - ' - ) Buncombe County. i In The Superior Court. NOTICE 2t Battery Park Bank and Others, 1 Creditors, vs. ) Western Carolina Bank. , ; - . In pursuance Of an order made In the v above entitled cause, by his Honor W. 14. " .LOST, strayed or stolen from my premises ,tn. " noUce a aarK area ww, w icawa hAr-hv B-wn in anv and kli creditors otm ward for her return to Herbert C. Allen, LWestern Carolina bank to make themselves i' 34 Patton avenue, Aslievile lTansier w n.rM .n1a5n.ifr and make oroof of "theirk 2441f claims in this suit within the next forty . days.- '-. ',;- 1 - The petition and order on .which, aoove notice is based are on "file ii the office "of the clerk of. the superior court or nun-, comhe county, North Carolina. Depositors of said Western Carolina oanK will nlease Dresent their pass books, ret ..: STYLISH GOWNS UNTIL DECEMBER -.3, at $4.50. -241 Haywood street. 229-26 EMPLOYERS IN SEARCH OP HOUSE servants, cooks, chambermaids, nurses, "tp' ' cin secure eood. faithful capable ihP'in' bv anthlvinsr to A. B. Harrrngton cehrts or other evidences of indebtedness to at the barber shop, No. 4 iNortn tjoun the undersignea, receivers, at tne oiuco vl Sfluaire. said bank, and have same comparea witn tile DOOKS OI B411U uau&.. oiauao, ivi w PLEASANT BOARDING PLACE CAN ing and filing said claims. will be furnished - X be had at,55 Victoria avenue, sunny rooms, among the pines: two minutes'! walk from car line; price moderate. 244-26 . BOARD. A few select boarders can be accommodated in a private family in which there are no children. Large lot, sun'nv 'rooms', good fare. Jas. R. Du- fRnsfi 32 Pine street. 237-tf ROOM AND BOARD In private family; beautiful location! on Haywopd street; 1'aree sunny rooms; every comfort; terms reasonable. P. O. Box 223. 245-6 ONE DESIRABLE office, in Temple Court, fm- rent. Wml Jonnston. jr.. or ueo. w. Tilson, Temple Court. ' MISS NORA WARE Pianist and teacher - in stringed instruments. 291 College Street. - zu.-no to any depositor or creditor ons application . after Tuesday, November 9, issy, to tne ;.. undersigned receivers. .- This November 3, 1S?7. . 1 , GEO. H. 0MATHERS, ' L. P. MoLOUD.O 1 Receivers, K. ,V S VS ---.ewdi".--- y it : -jf- 6W : 4- WW' -1 '' , . .'.f-H" V S--r .V.-J T. ftf.'.-'-.-Jl.iJ . l". ( Live 100 Years ; Drink Pure Water aereated with sterilized air Jfche only absolutely pure water and you may. .. 'M Sanitary Still for family "use distills pure water, Made of copper; lined; with block, tin; easily cleaned; simple as a tea kettle; fits any gas, oil, coal or 'wood stove. Four styles,- $10.00 and upward, Write for booklet. l- v'ViTe.Ouprigraph Co. 105 North Green St., , - CHICAGO ILLS. NOTICE. .. j By virtue of the power and authority .of an execution In my hands in favor of AJT&. Osburn vs. W. D. Patton and S. W. uavia- to e 100T Nson I will, on "Monaay, tKsvtruioci w, at the court house door in Asnevuie, sen thi following described piece of land: Be ginning on Swannanoa river at the mouth of a ditch on the north side; of said river and runs west with said river to J. H. Davidson's line J 'thence north with J, H. Davidson's line to public road; thence east with the public "road sto ) W. D- Patton's lihe; then southeast with public road , to immaii rtf t homestead allotted to S. nr nviflftnr then with line of the said homestead- to place of beginning, contain ing fifty acres more or less. W. M. WORLEY, Sheriff. Per; McDonald, Deputy, Sheriff. November 5, 1897. - 4t-every Sat. YELLOW JACK KILLED. , Cascarets" Candy, Carthartic kills Yellow in pr wherever they find him. No one who mves . Cascarets regularly - ana systemat inaiw i in danger from" the. dreadful dis- 1 .n. ivaHYvia In ease. 5 viascarets kiu yeuow icrw 6ii bnwei and nrevent new ones irom breeding, 10c, 25? , 50c, atPelham's Thar macy. . '. - ' You can't afford to risk your life by allowing a. cold to develop into pneumo nia orconsump'tion. 1 Instant relief and a certain cure are afforded by One Minute Cough Cure. White G. Smith Drug cpm pany. . ', -. .' -. The amateur photographter is responsible for a 'great --many-of life's misrepresenta tions, v There is no Heed of little children heing tortured bv scald head, eezema and smn eruptions. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve gives instant relief and cures permanently. White G. Smith Drug company. Small 'Pill, safe- pill, best -pill. De Witt's Little Early Risers cure biliousness. constipation, sick headache, wmite y Smith Drug company. A .-. When you are in trouble most people who call to sympathize are only after, the particulars. s . "Moments are useless it trifled away,' and thev are dangerously wasted if con sumed by delays in cases where a "want ad" inserted 4n the Gazette will bring you what you want immediately. - - - It" shows wonderful self-control when a n,an -njxrrw mi Ttlr fhls rfKlfl luck f 0T ahll ity. - - .: iHJff mm- CATHABUG the &sasBitto -j CURC0H5TlPATI0li IQi 25 50 ALL - DRUGGISTS I mr,w aA f mnrftnaHnn. Gasearets are the Ideal Laxa-i me. nerer rnp or cnpe.Dni cause eggyniwruresiuw. wu RKXEDl VO.4 Viwczzo. noatreai. van. wnw ior. For Sale by P elhkm s Ph rmacy 'URNISHED ON SHORT NOTICE. -HelU for all kinds of work.. Satisfaction guar anteed. Apply to John Smith,: 11 Pat ton avenue. HELP WANTED. wanted.-Uorieht and faithful gentle men or ladies to travel lor responsicie eatuihHsJied house in North , Carolina. iHTontblv $65.00 and expenses. Position steady. References. Enclose self -addressed stamped envelope. The Domin on Company, Dept, JJ., Chlcaga WANTEri Youne or "middle-aged man to travel in this and adjoining counties; permanent position; salary $50 a month and expenses; good chance for advance ment. Address Shepp Company, 1020 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, Pa. Camera Bargains. Latest Model New Pocket Kodaks, reg-, ular price S5.00, reduced to $3.&u, ao nne work though small in size. Baby Hawkeye, with case, ti.w, tor S4.50. . , Bulls Eye, regular price , $8.00, $6.50, used few times. - V, "C Ordinary Kodak, cost $15.00, nakes 4x5 picture, only, $7.50. v $2.50 small Camera, -uses plates, for ;i $.100., $2.00 Nw Crescent camera, $1.50. , ti rop-i1r orice $5.00. yx.uu, , . , The Northboro inewj, regular $5.00. $4.50. Plates 3x3. Latest Model, new aayugnt . loaaere,- 'Buckeye" cameras, $8.00, for $7.00. The'New American fflm Is daylight loading cartridge film, better tnan any made heretofore as it Is free from joints jl and the numbers are more distinct. Headquarters for all things photo- graphic. RAY'S CUT RATE BOOK STORE.; 8 North Court Square. ' ; price WANTED Agents for .."Queen Victoria, xier xteign ana liaiuuuu uuuto v. v.. fiowjing.with latest and richest pictures. Contains the endorsed biography of Her Majesty, with authentic history ; of her remarkable reign and full account of the Diamond Jubilee." Only $1.50. Big book. Tremendous demand. Bonanza for agents. Commission 50 per cent. Credit given. Freight paid. Outfit free. Write quick "for outfit t and terri tory. THE DvMINION COMPANY, pt. 7, 356 Dearborn street, Chicago. WANTED -Agents in the country to can. vasS for the Weekly uazette. u commissions.- Address The Gazette. Asheville. N. -C . - , . 'FOB BENT. rT? .TiTiTNT A -fine window space.- Party can handle cigars and confectionery at n hrnss 5 E. Court Sauare. Light and - fnmiqbpd.'' f 2471w . UVUrV . Chedf.lakes People Smile - Ladies' Wool ests .55 to 75 worth ; 75 to $1.00. - , - Men's Wool 40 .to JB5 worth 50 to $1 Ladies' corsets 35 to 75 worth 50c to 5 $100. ' ' ' ' T Hams 11 cts. Sugar 17 lbs to dollar; r All other goods equally low. 1 -Bowls and Pitchers 75 worth f 1.00. N. P.CMEDESTER 1 - 19 SOUTH MAIK ST. . '' A$l lor 50c FOR RENT. Furnished houses from $35.00 J , up to $200.00- per months .Unfurnished j " from $17.00 to $50.00,' ,.also ; furnished j " fobms;-iH. C. Hunt. - : - " ' 237-26 FOR RENT At reasonable prices, store room and office rooms on Patton avenue. Dwelling houses desirably, located, .fur nished or unfurnished, also: rooms' .for Hght housekeeping. Call on N. A. Rey nolds and Co., 17 Patton avenue., ''.v. FOR 1 RENT, Houses very desirably lo cated. wit 'modern .conveniences, frpm $15.00 to $100.00 per monta-; Apply at once. -WEAVER AND, ROGERS. . ; i . Patton Avenufc Raisin Seeder We are tired of sell- ; ing to dealers and ; waiting 96 days for our mojiey, so we i will sell to house-! keepers at jobbers', . .. Send 50 CENTS and we will mai ; j ybu postpaid one of our best ' -T .'Bay.State Raisin: Seeders V guaranteeditp 'seed one; pound f ; raisins ia iveiriutes. , .Simple to easton.spWlty - 4 federal ;Strecl, Bcstcn

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